#this also leads to the new arrivals getting fixated on them
atlantic-grave · 14 days
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I did it 🦵😍🦵
Hollow lives in Greenpath with The Hunter mainly, but is forced to be normal sometimes which they hate.
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itskattkm · 5 months
The air in my lungs
Chapter 1
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Cairo Sweet x Fem Reader
Summary: A stroke of fate changes you and leads you into the arms of Cairo Sweet. Will she be your downfall or save you?
Warnings: 18+, Grief, Injuries, Smoking, Trauma, anxiety, sexual content, student x teacher mentioned, harm, blackmailing, bad grammar
A/N: Based and inspired by Millers Girl. Mr. Miller himself isn’t really present but will be mentioned. Hope you guys enjoy. Also I’m not sure if I should make it a fem g!p reader. Let me now if so :)
Master list | Next chapter
It was almost the end of the current school year. Soon would be a long and warm summer in Texas maybe the last summer for Cairo here, before she would leave it for Stanford in California. As always she was one of the students that were pretty early, since this was a private school, she had pretty many ways to get in here and just do her thing. That’s why Cairo was working on a new idea for her book, holding a cigarette in her other hand. Not caring at all that she was smoking in the empty classroom. Well almost empty classroom. She had noticed you were sitting near her and gave you a frown. Why did you even sit so near. Like the class wasn’t already empty enough, couldn’t you sit somewhere else? Cairo was a bit pissed, she didn’t liked it when other students could see her work or maybe even interrupt her while working.
“I’m writing. I’d appreciate if you respected that” Cairo mutters, without even looking your way. She takes another drag of her cigarette afterwards. Her gaze fixed on the screen of her laptop.
You turned around “So what? I’m not allowed to sit near you?” You asked with a cold tone but a dirty smile on your lips making Cairo look up and straight into your eyes, with pretty zeros emotions.
“No.” Cairo replied, trying to go back to her writing without laughing. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, since Cairo was now laughing at your reaction. She put down her pencil, which had the cigarette dangling in her mouth still. Cairo turned and smirked at you. “You do realize you’re just asking to get teased, don’t you?”
You fully turned around now and walked towards her. In the way you walked Cairo could tell you were somehow… pissed? Angry? There was something frightening and exciting in the way you walked over her and suddenly stole her cigarette from her mouth, while taking a deep hint on it. Cairo was totally overwhelmed and watched you with fixated eyes. The cigarette left your lips and in the next moment you destroyed the cigarette by pressing it down on her desk.
The next move really caught her off guard. She felt like a frozen statue. Her brain wasn’t able to see that coming but still… it happened and she couldn’t do anything. You reached for her jaw with your hand and held it tight while pulling in and kissing her hard before releasing the smoke of the cigarette in her mouth.
Slowly your grip loosened and you took a step back while looking at her with the coldest eyes she’s ever seen. “Next time don’t smoke around me. I prefer fresh air” that’s what you said with your quiet but low voice before turning around and leaving the class room, making a departure like the newest villain in town.
Cairo was stunned. “D-Did that just happen?” She muttered, still reeling from the shock and adrenaline. She put her hand on her lips and bit them, trying to resist smiling. She turned to her desk once more, pretending to work, but couldn’t help glancing at the door every so often. She wanted to see if you would comeback, but she didn’t want her to get her hopes up. She took the pack of cigarettes from her purse and took another one. “Hmm.. fresh air?” She mumbled to her self.
The next morning was quite the opposite. Cairo was the first of all students like always. Sitting in class and working on her drafts till the teacher would arrive and do their thing. You weren’t there and Cairo could help but wondered why. Wondered why she never noticed you before. It was like you were some sort of a ghost. She knew her classmates. She knew you but still… she never really saw you. Then Y/N entered the classroom as the last one while everyone was already there. She sat down on her table in the last row and began to unpack her laptop, also waiting for the teacher to arrive now.
When Y/N raiser her gaze to look to the front of the class she saw Cairo sitting in the middle of the first row like always. She was holding a book in her hands that looked a bit older and seemed like she was Reading.
Like if Cairo had felt some sort of bigger power or more of a shiver down her shoulders she turned her head and glanced over to you, only to look away immediately, slightly blushing. She didn’t like the fact that you were making her blush already… but something deep down inside of her couldn’t help it. She still could feel your lips on hers. How surprisingly soft they felt and the way you stole her air while letting the smoke of the cigarette in her mouth. Like you were sucking out her soul or something. She could feel your eyes on her, and she didn’t wanted to think any longer about yesterday. So Cairo focused on the book she had been reading and turned to a chapter, ignoring your glances at her.
You couldn’t help but liked the fact that Cairo was turning around just to check if you were there. I small smile creeped up on your lips and you found yourself blushing. Feeling somehow proud and confident. But still, it was something you didn’t wanted others to see so you tried to get that fucking smile out of your face.
There was that invisible power, the urge to look back at you it was like fighting against the need, no the urge to look back at you and get lost in the moment. So Cairo looked over her shoulder with a blush on her face. She put the book down and cleared her throat. “Whatcha looking at?” She tried to say monotone to not show how excited she was. After that she put on her headphones and resumed reading as if nothing had ever happened. You continued to stare, so she shifted in her seat, getting irritated at the lack of privacy during a quiet time. Why couldn’t you just leave her alone?
You didn’t respond to her question. Instead you stayed quiet and kept watching at the back of her long and dark hair. It was quite interesting for you how her hair looked almost black but on days where the sunshine fell on them you could see they were quite the opposite. A hidden chocolate brown making your mouth somehow watering at the thought of chocolate itself, how stupid you thought.
When finally the teacher attended the class Cairo tried to focus once more on something else than you, but kept glancing at you every so often, only to catch you staring at her. Even if you didn’t say anything, it definitely made Cairo feel uneasy.
“Don’t break your neck while keep turning around to look at me” I texted her and the message popped up on her laptop, you could see from your view.
Cairo’s eyes widened at the message. It was from you. She read it again, making sure it wasn’t a mistake. She turned around towards you and typed, “Well, you keep looking at me, so…”
“Because the teacher is in front of you. If I were you I wouldn’t have choose the seat in the first row and in the middle of the class” the text popped up on Cairos screen.
“And so? I can sit wherever I want.” Cairo rolled her eyes but couldn’t contain her racing heart when she send the message.
“Then stop wondering or thinking that I look at you. I’m trying to pay attention to our teacher” you texted back fast. Cairo wanted to believe her, but wasn’t sure if her words were true. Cairo looked at you again, who was focused on the teacher now “You really don’t look at me? Not even by accident?” She texted back curious.
Another message popped up from you saying “Your in the middle of my sight it’s hard to ignore”. Cairo looked to the side and muttered, “Oh..” She looked at you for a couple of more seconds, only to give up and focus on the class again. The class was a bit boring since the teacher went on for quite a while about a topic that seemed uninteresting to Cairo. She continued looking at you, and finally decided to text her again. “So.. Can I ask you something?”
As soon as Cairo send the message she heard her own heart pounding so hard that it made her feel like dying, dying to know what you would say and how you would react.
“Wow is our A+ student getting bored of class? oh my god it’s a miracle!” You answered and hoped she would get the sarcastic hint. Cairo turned to you, rolling her eyes. She wrote, “Shut up, please. And yeah, I’m bored.” She added an eye roll emoji.
You held back a chuckle and tried to focus on the class again. Cairo turned back to the class, then a few words of the teacher’s caught her attention. It was the first time during the class Cairo was actually listening again. The topic of discussion was writing, and she was listening to the lesson. Writing about the perspective of someone who was fighting with being good or bad. There was a moment of silence after the teacher had finished the lesson, which caused Cairo to look at you with a mischievous smile. It lasted only a second, though. She looked down at her notebook, which had a couple of doodles on the margins.
“So? What was your question?” Popped the curious question by you at Cairos laptop up. She wanted to ask you something before you just ignored it and started discussing about who was starring at who and where.
Cairo wrote, “Do you actually like me or are you just flirting with me to be funny?” She pressed the send button without looking at you.
You held back a grin and answered “you think I like you?”.
Cairo’s jaw dropped slightly. She read the message and looked at you directly, now confused. She turned back around and huffed, “So you don’t?”.
“Depends” you send and hoped to tease her. Cairo looked at you as if expecting her to elaborate on that. When you didn’t, she texted again, “Depends on what?”. You couldn’t help but chuckled quite by yourself feeling how you were getting on the nerves of Cairo.
“It’s so funny when you turn around. Your reactions are really amusing me” you texted her and smiled wide in a cute but cheeky way to annoy her even more while waiting for her to turn around again. Cairo rolled her eyes but couldn’t help looking at you. She could’ve sworn she saw your dirty smirk, but she might’ve seen wrong. Cairo rolled her eyes again and looked back at the notebook she was now doodling in. The bell finally rang out, signaling that the class was over. Cairo put away her notebook and turned in her seat again, finding you already staring at her. “Do you… need something?” She asked slightly annoyed since you didn’t moved and kept staring at her.
“Oh yeah” you said calm and your eyes softened while looking at her expensive green leather backpack
“Do you have a cigarette for me?”.
A smirk appeared on Cairo’s face. She looked away, but her smile never went away. “Do you think I like sharing my cigarettes with every person I’m flirting with? I could be flirting with every person on this campus if that was the case.” She had a smug look on her face as she said that, knowing that your response would be interesting. Her smirk stayed on while she waited for you to react. Dreamy. That was the first word that came into Cairos mind when she saw you smiled and looking at her with tilted head “So your flirting with me?” You asked, your voice giving Cairo and weird feeling down her spine… a good feeling.
“Mhm..” Cairo said, still looking away, but smirking at you. She took a cigarette from her pocket, pretending to put it in her mouth. She glanced over at you. “You might wanna get closer for it..” she said in a teasing tone of voice. “I will… trust me” you whispered with a low voice and got up from your desk, walking closer towards her. Cairo turned, and smirked at your approach. “I wouldn’t trust anyone that easily, love.” She said, a smirk still on her face. She took the cigarette out of her mouth, and put it in Y/N for her to take if you desired.
“That’s good” you said in such a calm way it made Cairo feel goosebumps. The way you took it slowly between your fingers made it look like she was watching some sexual commercial or a thirst trap but then you destroyed it right beside her on the desk while smiling cheeky. “What did that cigarette ever do to you, huh?” Cairo asked in a joking tone. She smirked, but was now slightly startled. She looked over to you with a raised brow.
“Stop smoking my dear. It’s not good for you “ you whispered and left the classroom. Cairo watched you leave, a smirk still on her face. “I think I’m getting somewhere…” she muttered, and followed you.
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onskepa · 4 months
Can we get a part 2 for fyolup? She came to visit Neteyam at the metkayina and wears bikini for swimming. Aonung seems to eye her and neteyam turns into a protective jealous bf
Oooooooooooh gotta love a jelly na'vi bf! Hope you like this one!
Fyolup pt1
Fyolup: Eyes on me
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When neteyam was told that his cute fyolup was coming with Norm to the metkayina village, he was over the moon. How he missed her so much! There was so much neteyam to tell her. What he learned, how his new life settled, but most of all, how much he has grown. And of course show off what he is capable of. Not to mention his new tattoos on his arm. 
Already neteyam has things planned out for when she arrives. A full day of great activities, some including his siblings and some just for them two. Just thinking about it gets him riled up. 
But also, Neteyam wonders what cute clothing fyolup would wear? Something suitable but also stylish to fit her taste. Of course, knowing her, fyolup would wear something for his eyes only and no one else.
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The sweet sound of the voice he longed to hear again called out to him. On the sandy beach, not too far from him stood was fyulop. She has grown a lot in the past few months. Wearing his favorite teal summer dress, and a bright smile on her cute face. 
Unable to hold it in, neteyam makes a run for it, and so does fyulop. Meeting each other in the middle, the girl jumps into his arms as he holds her tightly as he spun her around. Loud laughter escaped their lips, wide smiles and great happiness. For fyulop, it felt so good to be back in her lover’s arms. The feel of his skin touching hers, hearing his voice again. She missed it so much. 
Not putting her down, rather carrying her on his shoulder, they stare at each other's eyes and foreheads touching. “I missed you ma’sevin” neteyam whispers to her ear. Humming in agreement, she nods. “And I have missed you ma’yawne” she replies. Having not rush to go back home, neteyam takes his time to show her firstly the grand beach. Holding her tightly so that she doesn't fall, not like she will. Neteyam starts to talk, letting his mind wander on recent memories. 
And fyulop is all more eager to listen. 
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“Neteyam, while I appreciate you looking at me for a long time, I am having self doubts now. Does it look good or not…?” Fyulop asks nervously. When she revealed her swimsuit, neteyam was in deep awestruck. He couldn't help but stare at her. 
Her swimming outfit was a two piece. Strapless top with a matching bottom that was light blue with thin waving white lines. Giving the illusion of underwater lighting. To add to her personal touch, fyulop collected small shells from the beach and added it to her swimsuit. It is the little things that make things stand out more. 
“I'm sorry love, it's just…oh eywa you look breathtaking” neteyam praises. Red hue colored fyulop’s cheeks. She certainly missed his praises. 
Offering his hand, fyulop accepts. “Come on, there is so much I want to show you” neteyam tells her excitedly. Taking her from his family pod, he carefully leads her through the rather bouncy paths. Fyulop couldn't help but giggle as she bounces her way. It was like jumping on a trampoline!
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“Here, this is an ilu, like the dire horses at home. The people here use like in similar ways” neteyam explains while gently holding his ilu. Fyulop strokes its head gently, liking the pleasing sounds. And the ilu makes a sound of happiness, nudging his head against hers. 
“He likes you” neteyam comments. 
“I'm glad, cause I like him too. Such an adorable cutie you are” fyulop says in her baby voice. 
Not far from where they are, ao’nung, rotxo, and lo’ak were nearing the shore with their ilu’s. Ao’nung noticed the human girl, his eyes fixated on her. 
“Hey lo’ak, who is that?” he asks while pointing at fyulop. Lo’ak sees where he pointing at, “oh, that is fyulop. She came with our uncle norm to visit. Don't worry, she is harmless' ' lo'ak answers. But Ao'nung still couldn't stop staring at her or her pretty smile. 
“Is she single?”
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“Hey fyulop, long time no see” Lo’ak welcomes the human girl with glee. Giving each other a warm hug, lo’ak joins in on whatever she and neteyam were doing. “So you are just going to ignore us lo’ak?” Rotxo teases behind the forest boy. Chuckling a bit, lo’ak shakes his head. “Right, sorry”. 
Gently pushing ao’nung and rotxo in front of him, he points at who is who, “fyulop, this is ao’nung and rotxo. Guys, this is fyulop, she was born and raised here in pandora like spider” lo’ak introduces. 
Fyulop giggled lightly, something that made ao’nung blush a tiny bit. Her giggles sounded so cute. He looks over and sees neteyam staring down at her with love and adoration. Crap, are they together? Hopefully not. 
“Nice to meet you both. I hope you treated neteyam and his family well?” Fyulop asks. This made the boys chuckle nervously. “What? What happened? Did you guys fight each other?” Fyulop asks curiously. 
“Well…you see..”
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“Skxawngs. All of you. Especially you neteyam. It is much for lo’ak to start but for you to continue it?” Fyulop gently scolds the boys as they tell her about their rough start of getting along. She gently tugs neteyam’s ear while making a playful yet serious face. Neteyam couldn't help but chuckle, her fingers were to ticklish! 
Ao’nung saw their interaction, feeling his tail thump against the sand rather harshly. 
“Speaking of, how much has neteyam showed you of our home?” he asks, switching the subject. Fyulop took a moment to think, “so far the pods, the beach and the cute ilu’s” she replies. Ao’nung make a clicking sound, shaking his head. “Clearly he is skipping the more exciting stuff. Why not let me show you the better parts of our home?” he offers. 
Fyulop gasps happily, “really?” she asks. 
“Of course, what better guide than me?” 
Fyulop looks up to neteyam, her eyes already asking the question. He sighs, “he is right, but still”. 
Taking the chance, ao’nung gets up and gently grabs fyulop’s hand already leading her the way. As he and fyulop began to chat, neteyam, lo’ak and rotxo looked at ao’nung with a surprised expression on their faces. 
“Oh no he didn't” 
“Oh yes he did”
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“And here is where we mostly trade things. Fish for beads, seaweed for grains, just about anything. There is something for everyone” Ao’nung shows fyulop the common areas that the na’vi spend their time. He showed her all the best places, ao’nung was pretty proud and a bit smug too. Getting cute reactions from fyulop was a treat. Even better to see neteyam fuming behind them. 
Fyulop was enjoying sightseeing. The metkayina was so vastly different from the omatikaya! From how they look, to their ways, culture and style of clothing. Already fyulop had ideas of creating ocean inspired clothing. Maybe style it similar to how the metkayina do. 
Neteyam on the other hand did not enjoy it. Nope. Not one bit. 
If looks could kill, ao’nung would be deep in the belly of an akula. 
Ao’nung had the sheer balls to not only touch fyulop but also hug her! Fyulop’s hugs are exclusive to neteyam only! Ok maybe his siblings too but mostly him! And too see that puny fishy skxawng touching his beloved made his anger rise deep within. 
And poor fyulop, took caught up in the new experiences didn't notice what fishlips was clearing trying to do. 
Well, as her boyfriend and protector, neteyam knows what slimy things that fishy na’vi prince can do.
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If ao’nung knew just how easy it was to sway fyulop to trust him, he would have done it on the spot! Fyulop is just so cute and her clothing suits her figure. Actually, speaking of her clothing. 
Ao’nung haven't really seen much of how humans dress. So to see this human girl dress in a certain way excites him. There is a lot to learn and see something new within fyulop and hopefully be closer to her.
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However, as days pass, almost as if on purpose, ao’nung takes fyulop’s time most of the day. Taking her wherever he wants, personally teaches her many things neteyam wanted to show her, among other things. And would shove the poor forest boy to the side. Giving no room for neteyam to intervene. 
And it was pissing neteyam off. 
Having enough of it, he did the only thing he knew best.
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“You know fyulop, you interest me a lot. It would be nice if you stayed longer. Spending time with you has been a lot of fun” Ao’nung tells fyulop. Together they walk across the sandy shores, the small waves of the sea barely touching their feet. 
“It certainly has been a lot of fun. And while living here seems like a good idea, I worry for neteyam. He already has enough stuff to worry about” 
Ao’nung makes an annoyed sigh. “I doubt that. But either way, at least think it over. We could have a lot more fun. Together”. He holds fyulop’s hands into his larger ones. Making eye contact and hopefully what he is trying to do works. 
Only it didn't. 
Fyulop was gently yanked back by an angry neteyam. 
“I think you had enough time with her,” Neteyam says. Trying his best not to hiss at ao’nung. But the reef prince scoffs a bit smugly. “And who are you to choose for her? She can do what she wants”. 
“You’re absolutely right ao’nung” Fyulop agrees. 
The boy smirks at neteyam who only glares harder. 
“That means I can do this” 
With a gentle yet quick yank from his necklace, neteyam was yanked down and was given the most passionate kiss ever. 
Fyulop was kissing him as if to prove something. And boy did neteyam enjoyed it. With zero hesitation, neteyam kisses back, laughing on the inside. If he were to have a fourth finger right now, he would be flipping it in ao’nungs face. 
“And, what I want to do is spend my time with my sweet neteyam. Thank you ao’nung for showing me, but I think neteyam can take it from here” fyulop says with a not so innocent smile. 
Ao’nung was shocked, flabbergasted, speechless, and everything else. Damn it. 
“You heard her skxawng” Neteyam says with a victorious smirk on his face. Clicking his tongue, ao’nung leaves in defeat. 
With a happy cheer, neteyam picks up his love and spins her around. 
“You were so jealous~” the girl teases as she boops his nose. But neteyam caught her finger, gently nibbling it. “And you watched me. Didn't do anything to ease my heart” neteyam accuses. This made fyulop stroke his ears as she leans closer and asks in a cooing manner, “Than what can I do to ease your jealous heart?” 
He grins and replies “you know what” 
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Aaaaaaaand that is it for this one! Was cute to write. Until next time! See ya!
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psiroller · 1 month
cheesecake date (◡‿◡✿) (18+)
slight cw for disordered eating irt chilchuck's weight management possibly being an extension of his self loathing (im being a little dramatic sorry its really not that serious here they are just boys sharing a gay meal)
another piece of a larger fic ive been working on, a more freeform, relationship-oriented sequel to break the lock
The idea had been to linger around the tavern long enough for the rest of the party to wander out on their own, but Laios’ entrée arrived and Falin had made herself quite comfortable across the table from Chilchuck. Laios munched away cluelessly at his croquette as Chilchuck slumped further and further behind the protective shield of his beer stein.
“Falin,” Marcille whined. “Are you really going to chaperone them all night?”
Chilchuck’s eye twitched and he considered, not for the first time over the course of this eventful night out, just bailing and walking home on his own. If he tapped out now, Falin would probably back off, he wouldn’t have to try to make conversation with Laios, and everyone could move on with their lives, but he also wouldn’t maybe get his dick wet, so.
“I just want to know Laios is going to be okay,” Falin said, slow and deliberate. Chilchuck could feel his movement speed and defense dropping. Could a cleric debuff somebody without chanting or touching them? Falin was an exceptional mage, of course, but that wasn’t exactly reassuring.
“I’ll be fine,” Laios said, giving her an affectionate punch to the shoulder. “Really. Chilchuck and I were just going to—discuss the hunt, hash things out. Go over strategies to keep this kind of thing from happening again.” Chilchuck’s eyebrows raised. Even if nobody was buying it, it was a more graceful attempt to skirt the obvious implication than he would have given Laios credit for. “You’ve been wanting to catch up on The Daltian Clan with Marcille, right?”
Falin’s judicious gaze shifted to Laios; Chilchuck sucked in a breath of air, suddenly aware of how badly his lungs hurt. Marcille, meanwhile, shook Falin’s shoulder.
“Y-yeah! I have a new relationship chart drawn up and everything. We haven’t had a girl’s night in forever, Falin, please?”
Falin softened, closing her eyes gently. “Very well.”
The mood had gone icy, but Laios was undaunted. He cut out a long slice of his croquette and plopped it on Chilchuck’s plate, which had accumulated a few peanut shells over the course of the evening and little else.
“Ah.” Chilchuck waved the helping away. “I’m watching my—” “It’s a special occasion,” Laios said. “Go on.”
Chilchuck leered at Laios, took a rebellious sip of his ale before indulging him. He stabbed a hitherto unused fork into the cutlet and took a big bite out of it. His sour expression softened up as he chewed.
“Not bad,” Chilchuck ceded, and Laios seemed suspiciously happy about that. Falin stood up from the table, and Marcille hiked up her skirt to jump from the bench. She was trying to play it cool, but there was a certain giddiness in Marcille’s restrained smile that Chilchuck recognized.
“We’re meeting up next week at the usual time, right?” “That’s the plan,” Laios nodded. “I’ll keep an eye on job postings over the weekend, so I should have a lead by then.”
Marcille and Laios grinned at each other in an unspoken agreement as Marcille looped an arm around Falin’s elbow. “See you then!” she giggled, tugging Falin along. Chilchuck decided to fixate on the delicate crust of the pork cutlet instead of whatever that meant; there were a few spices he recognized from home, some rosemary rubbed into the pork.
 “See you around, Chilchuck.” A heavy hand clapped on Chilchuck’s shoulder and shoved him playfully, nearly making him choke.  “Don’t be too rough on the guy, alright? He’s learned his lesson.” Namari let out a raunchy laugh when Chilchuck whipped around, scandalized. Laios didn’t flinch; he dropped another slice of his croquette onto Chilchuck’s plate.
“It’s good, isn’t it?” Red pulsed at the edges of Chilchuck’s vision as he was redirected off of Namari’s back to Laios’ face, flushed from drink and sporting an easy smile. Chilchuck’s blood pressure was beginning to become a problem here. “They make the breadcrumbs in house.”
“Melini pork is something else,” Chilchuck muttered around his mouthful. “It’s fattier here than it is back home. Pigs are living free and easy in this climate, I guess.”
“It’s really interesting how the environment an animal is raised in affects the meat,” Laios said, staring off into the blurry space just beyond their table. Chilchuck grimaced as he realized what he’d just done to the conversation. “Up north, the pork’s tough. We have long-haired, hardy pigs. They get lean and mean and muscular once the winter comes.”
Chilchuck chuckled, despite himself. “You were raised on a pig farm? That explains a lot.”
“We had a variety of livestock,” Laios shrugged. “I guess it still counts as being raised in a barn, though. I slept in the hayloft quite a few times.”
Chilchuck snorted into his ale. “I don’t get you,” Chilchuck leaned forward onto the table, not having to go very far, and folded his arms on the damp, yeasty wood. Laios, for whatever reason, leaned in with him.
“You’re not the first person to tell me that,” Laios laughed, a painful edge to his smile.
Chilchuck’s throat went dry, and he washed it down with more ale. Laios reeled in the plate of cheesecake he’d been saving for dessert. The frozen raspberries on top had melted a bit, pink juice staining the immaculate eggshell white of the cake itself and pooling in the center of the plate. He thought about it for a second, then pushed it over to Chilchuck.
“You want the first bite? You paid for it.”
Chilchuck swallowed hard and coughed up some panko. “Why are you feeding me like some kind of—never mind. I have to stay light on my feet. Keeps me from triggering pressure plates inadvertently. You eat it.”
Laios cocked his head quizzically, his flushed high cheekbones pressed into his knuckles. He held out a clean fork, handle side out. Safety first. “A bite’s not going to kill you, Chilchuck. You gotta put weight back on before we head back in anyway.”
Chilchuck opened his mouth to yell, but something stopped him. Laios waggled the silverware expectantly, and Chilchuck snatched it out of his hands. He stabbed straight down the middle of the slice, through a soggy raspberry and the wedge of cake, and carved out a piece, getting the most out of his begrudged portion. Laios watched unblinkingly as Chilchuck wrapped his chapped lips around the tines of the fork. Chilchuck’s eyes glittered.
“It’s alright,” Chilchuck shrugged, quickly stealing another bite before handing the fork back to Laios. There was a smug look on his face that Chilchuck wanted to wipe off. Laios finally had a piece and melted when it touched his tongue.
“Tastes more than alright to me,” Laios hummed. “You’re funny.” “Funny how?” “It’s just cake, Chilchuck.” Laios passed the fork. “You bought it, you like it, but you can’t say so.” “Are you calling me a coward?” “I’m saying that we can share. It’s not such a big deal.”
Chilchuck grumbled something in his mother tongue. He scooped up another piece and focused on the sour tang of the cream cheese instead, the delicate crumbled crust soaked through with fruit juice.
“It’s probably the best cheesecake I’ve ever had,” Chilchuck admitted. Laios clapped his hands and cheered.
“There you go! Wasn’t that nice?” “It’d be nicer if you could shut your cakehole so I can enjoy this in peace.”
Laios grinned. “Why’s it so hard to admit what you want?” Chilchuck’s eyes rolled, but he wasn’t getting up from the table. He chewed on an extra-large piece and passed the fork back to Laios to finish it off. Laios took his time to savor the last, eyes closed and mind distant from the overwhelming chatter around them, drunken jeering and bubbling laughter.
“Most people don’t ask,” Chilchuck said. Laios’ eyes opened. “So I’m asking. What do you want?”
Chilchuck flushed from his ears to his throat and slammed the last of his ale.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Wildest Dreams: Part 4
It seemed like weeks since they had found you in the library and tried to trap you, the two massive alphas who had practically been dry-humping in the aisle that you were needing to get into, but in reality it was a little over a week.
You had exited one of your physiology classes only to be flagged down by one of the junior receptionists that worked directly for the dean. She had caught you before you could head to your second class, and had in not so many words, informed you that the dean needed to talk to you.
You’d thought that maybe there was a problem with your admittance papers, or there could have been a few issues with your classes since you’d been told they were reaching peak registration numbers. What you had been thinking was on an entirely different level and scope than what was waiting for you when you arrived at the dean’s office.
The first indication that the older alpha and dean were not alone, was the wavering and wandering scents of the two alphas who had cornered you in the library. The first integral notes that had infiltrated your nose were confusing at best, given that you had no reason to be here with them unless the head librarian had made a complaint about you from the week before. Still, it hadn’t eased you.
Still, as you had entered the office and had taken the seat to the far right of Bucky you were not unbound.
You were confused, you were anxious and you had been stuck between wanting to throw your book at Barnes’ big head and fleeing the room as the scent of alpha became overwhelming.
“Hey bean-“
“Don’t talk to me.” You cut Bucky off with a tense snap, your entire body and hindbrain firing off neurons that only added to your feeling of unsettled composure.
There were too many alphas in the office that wasn’t nearly big enough to give you ease or peace of mind. It was much too concentrated to focus on anything but the way Steve and Bucky’s scent had reacted in time with your own, and the dean was looking between you expectantly.
There was a moment of awkward silence that fell between the four of you, as you waited for the news of why you were here to come to light. You had no possible idea why you were called to the office or why the two meatheads were here with you, the junior secretary had revealed nothing, and with no given clue as to why you were called, you were becoming more agitated and put off the flurry of scents.
It was only after the dean of the university had leaned forward and rested his elbows upon the desk, tucking his hands under his chin, that he had addressed you with a clearing of his throat.
“Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes are in need of a tutor in order to continue playing with the football team, they need to maintain a GPA of 4.2 and they’re sitting at 3.9. You were recommended by a few professors here and because of your connection-“
You felt the heat, bubbling and boiling anger poignant under your flesh as you grit your teeth and sucked air in through your flaring nostrils. You had bounced your heels against the floor as you fidgeted while listening to the dean yammer on about the pride the university had in their football team, and the great importance that having two players like Barnes and Rogers on the team.
He had continued, applying pressure to you to give in without formally asking you, all while the sound of his voice and his grading scent was fuelling your internal engine that would eventually lead to an outburst. You were biding your time, you were positively stewing from the weight of this news.
And you couldn’t cognitively explain why.
“We need the help, omega bean.” Bucky had fixated his gaze upon you, watching you with widening eyes and a droop of his bottom lip into a pout that had simultaneously made you more irritated than before and empathetic to their cause.
“We can’t play if we don’t raise our GPA.” Steve had also allocated a pout, and his blue-green eyes had become wide and doll-like.
You knew they loved the game, you knew they were talented and incredible at the sport. You knew they had to be extremely talented to have made the team in the first place, but to then have the admiration of so many people in and out of the school? That kind of talent and skill was impressive and had stirred support that was as powerful as it was poignant. They loved it, and they needed you.
Still, you were annoyed.
Was it because of the insistence that you and the two alpha form a bond again? Was it the feeling that this was all contrived by your parents and the past you shared? Or were you so annoyed and triggered by their presence because you recognized the familiarity you shared when you were younger? Was it your stubbornness that wouldn’t let you get past this re-admittance into your life?
“-you’ll receive extra credit toward your degree for your hours put into tutoring Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes-“ The dean continued to speak even as you had shoved your chair back and stood with your bag resting on your hip, and Steve and Bucky looking your way.
“It would’ve been nice to be asked instead of coerced into it.” You slammed your hand upon the flap of your bag, feeling the weight of your physiology and biology textbook that you’d used no less than ten minutes ago while wondering if you could get away with bashing them over the head with it.
“Omega Bean-“
“I’ll help you, not because I like you.” You smacked Bucky’s hand away when he tried reaching for you, warmth and piercing irritation stirring your ire like hot coals. “You miss one study session and it’s over, I won’t let you waste my time.”
You were overwhelmed by the scents of alphas, you needed out and you needed to breathe in a more even mix. You had stepped outside and slammed the door behind you hard enough to rattle the doorknob and the windows in the office. You had stumbled forward while your legs shook, desperate to get rid of their heady mix and get outside into the fresh air, your feet carried you until you hit an invisible wall and found yourself unable to move any further.
“We didn’t do this on purpose.” Steve jogged after you, coming to a stop just as you had a few feet away, his scent coming unhinged and still as potent yet it made you feel less stifled and more invigorated.
You had slowly exhaled and pivoted partially toward him, your hands clenching and leaning in a slow rhythm, his eyes fixated on you while your eyes had bounced around his face and shoulders, unable to focus on one thing for too long.
“Bucky and I, we’re not….trying to manipulate you. I know what you’re thinking, both of us know-“ you turned and darted away from him again, taking the nearest exit with a fire under your ass.
You pushed open the fire door and let it slam behind you, the metal clicking into place only to be opened again a few moments later. The sound of the door opening for the second time had echoed in your head just as the sound of their footsteps on the concrete had called out to your hindbrain like some kind of siren song to take control of your body.
“Y/N, stop!” Bucky had spoke up, Bucky had given the alpha command that slid too easily into your hindbrain and was accepted far too easily by those primordial and basest urges.
“Can you just talk to us? We’ve barely been able to keep up a conversation with you.”
They encroached, they drew closer and you were enveloped by their scents like you had been in the office only there wasn’t such a tarnished concentration as before. This was easier than before, even if you hadn’t wanted to be in their presence at all, at least their scents weren’t aggravating.
“I don’t want to talk to you, have you ever thought of that? Have you taken a moment to think that maybe I don’t want anything to do with you?” You turned on your heel, quickly coming to face them head on while also leaning into the stubborn nature that was inflicting you with such strong resistance.
The truth was, that having them pursuing you, it made you feel weak. Having them actively trying to worm their way back into your good graces and into your life, in general, was more than you could handle right now. Steve and Bucky wanting to pick up whatever you had in daycare when you were five, it had felt like you were standing on the edge of a high board, ready to dive into the water but being too afraid to look over the edge.
You knew that eventually you would have to go over, eventually you would have to take the plunge but it was your fear and your anxieties that kept you from completely giving in.
“Come on, you know that’s not true-“ You screamed in frustration and slipped your bag off your shoulder, whacking Steve in the side with your physiology and biology textbook as you countered his claim.
“It is true! I don’t want to be around you! You and your annoying little posse of cheerleaders and constant fuck cycle!” you huffed and whacked him once more before you turned sharply and started stalking away, only to stop again and turn back to look at both of them.
“That’s what you’re so mad about? You think we slept around with the cheer squad? JellyBean, those girls are our friends-“ Bucky had begun laughing, a sweeping chortle making his shoulders shake while Steve had winced and waved at Bucky to shut up.
“And the other omegas? The other girls who like to comment on your stupid instagram page-“
“Steve and I only fuck each other. Occasionally we have a third but-“ Bucky groaned when Steve had smacked his chest with enough power to knock the wind out of him, but the damage was done.
You had groaned and huffed again, stomping your feet dramatically like you had when you were younger. They let you leave, they let you walk away while they watched you and the steam billow out from your ears as you huffed and puffed about the two alphas who were caught under your skin.
They waited a few minutes before they had begun trailing on after you, walking the same path you had until you turned a corner and headed straight into one of the coffee shops on campus. Bucky and Steve had watched and waited as you took a table near the back and dumped your bag onto the seat, sitting with another, silent to them, huff and a purse of your lips.
None of this was going like they wanted, none of this had played out like what was in their heads and given how excited they were for you to be back it had felt like a harsh blow. There had been a long stint between daycare years and university, with most of the time passing as you were across the country from Steve and Bucky while they had each other.
It was, in part, a necessary evil to save you three from being socially isolated in a formed pack, but while Steve and Bucky had each other you had no one.
“We have to talk about it eventually.” Steve had grabbed Bucky’s hand to yank him into the coffee shop, the bell above the door announcing their presence but you had sparsely lifted your head.
You had only glanced at them when they approached the table as a pair and remained quiet and solemn. You had leaned back against your chair and crossed your arms over your chest, giving the two of them a deeply seeded glare that was akin to something cute and sweet trying to look deadly.
“We’re sorry,” Steve had cleared his throat and attempted an apology, settling one hand upon the back of the chair, “for…being stupid.”
“That’s a lifelong disease, Rogers. Being stupid.” You snipped and bared your teeth, your ire and anger as an omega was almost as deadly as theirs as alphas and you hadn’t needed to get physically violent. Again.
“Can we talk, please? explain ourselves?” Bucky started to slide the chair out from under the table, only to cease his actions when you whipped your head in his direction and let out a soft little growl of your own that had sparked little noughts of desire.
“We’ll buy you hot chocolate, and something to eat.” Steve attempted to smooth you over, with a bashful smile and a wave of his hand toward the counter. “You still like crushed candy cane and whipped cream, right?”
“My next class got cancelled.” You huffed and grit your teeth. “You have two and a half hours, and if I don’t want to listen-“
“You can leave anytime.” Bucky had quipped, adding the little bit as he took his seat across from you and then craned his neck back, grabbing Steve’s wrist to stop him from moving. “Grabbing me something, Stevie?”
“Are you going to pout if I don’t?” Steve grumbled, yanking his hand from Bucky’s wrist and rolling his eyes when he fell silent. “Why do I even bother asking?”
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The cacophonous scents that had irritated you earlier had now dissipated and was replaced with the aroma of brewed coffee and slightly burnt sugar, the blend of teas and additives to the tops of their seasonal drinks that you had focused on.
And then Steve and Bucky’s scents crept back up and overpowered it all, leaving you feeling as if you could have purred and revelled in its comfort since your heart, brain and hindbrain all seemed to be discordance with each other.
“We didn’t sleep around, I should clarified-“ Bucky’s voice was akin to honey, laced with the kind of sweetness that was natural for an alpha trying to connect with an omega.
“Your friend…Rhys-“
“Rhys! Yes!” Steve spoke with overexcitement, knocking his knee against the underside of the table, a sharp whine falling from his lips.
“Rhys, the cheerleader, she found me after you left. But then I saw all these other comments-“ you sighed, your eyebrows furrowed. “We’re not friends, we haven’t been friends-“
“Steve and I have only been with each other, and occasionally we’ll sleep with an omega when our ruts are really bad.”
Bucky reached out and rest his hand upon yours, only connected for a moment before you yanked your hand back. “Sorry. Sorry…”
“She said you’re like their brothers, and that most of them are in relationships.” You steeled your gaze toward Bucky, yanking yourself and your coffee back to create more distance. “But you still have all those girls hanging off of you, your little fan club-“
“Omega Bean, we waited for you. We would never-“
“Yeah? Did you?” You snapped again, bearing your teeth with bite and ire. “You had each other. I had no one. You at least got to grow up together while I was ripped away and moved across the country.”
“You know what our parents said-“ Steve had reached for you again, his fingers grazing your forearm. “I’m sorry we had to leave, but you’re here and we can start off-“
“No,” you cut him off, confused by your feelings and the screeching of your hindbrain to just give in, “no we are not diving back in. Not where we left off. Absolutely not.”
“Friends then?” Bucky stole your attention, smiling charmingly and beautifully. “No courting, no dates. Just…friends? And a tutor..?”
“I’m so pissed at you, I could throttle both of you.” You growled, still as intimidating as a little bunny, but if it made you feel better they would’ve heard it all day.
“You got Steve already.” Bucky grinned, boyishly chortling under his breath. “I don’t remember you being so strong.”
“Yeah? You’re next Barnes.” You grabbed your bag and lifted it over your shoulder, letting it fall against your hip. You stood and grabbed your coffee and your untouched pastry, clinging to both as you stood but hadn’t left.
“Friends?” Bucky batted his eyelashes at you, pouting and pleading in a very un-alpha like manner.
“You really waited? You had no one else?” You questioned, your guard slipping for a moment.
“Of course we did.” Steve’s voice had grown softer, his eyes just as tender and sweet. “I can count on one hand-“
“We missed you.” Bucky grabbed your wrist, his thumb brushing against your veins as he scented you. “We missed you every day, omega bean.”
It brought you comfort and warmth, and you had to mentally berate yourself not to close your eyes and revel in it.
“Friends. Barely friends.” You jabbed your finger into Bucky’s chest, your eyes narrowing into a glare that was neither intimidating nor deadly. “And we start studying Thursday.”
“We have practice Thursday.” Steve spoke, sliding the calendar over to you. “Friday and Saturday’s are saved for games-“
“Fine. Wednesday then,” you spoke again, with a little more fierce, “I can only do Monday and Wednesday.”
“Since we’re friends…” Bucky slowly stood, trapping you between the next table and his chest. “Would you consider coming to our practices and games?”
“Our first game is this week. Start of the season-“
“-fine.” You stepped around Bucky and began walking toward the door, stopped once more by the sound of his voice.
“Would you consider friends with-“ you turned and looked over your shoulder, a laugh bubbling on your tongue as Steve slapped his hand over Bucky’s mouth to shut him up.
“Silence,” you laughed under your breath, “it’s a real good look on you, Barnes.”
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beomgyw · 2 months
you chose to take a walk.
if you're new here, go back to the beginning !!
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the sun dips low, painting the suburban street in a warm, golden glow as you step out for a laid-back stroll. grabbing your headphones, you decide to head to the beach, the one you always loved, sunbeam beach. it´s a bit of a hike from your place, but that was the charm—it gives you time to saunter. plus, it holds a special spot in your heart, with its towering waves, silky sand, and a treasure trove of memories. it was the spot where you, kai, and yunjin used to hang out after school, back in the day.
as you meander down the sidewalk, taking in the familiar sights of unchanged houses and new spots replacing the old, a sudden whoosh pierces the air, followed by the unmistakable thud of a football hitting the ground just inches away from you. you nearly jump out of your skin.
and that's when you see a boy approach, looking like he drew the shorter stick and was tasked with recovering the ball. "hey, sorry about that. passionate shot... did we hit you?"
"no harm done," you assure him, taking in his messy, sweat-tousled dark brown hair and his undeniably handsome features. but it´s his eyes you fixate on. thise big round eyes that are just so familiar. you realise that he's also staring at you with a strange look, like he, too, sees something familiar in you.
"it's kinda late for you to be out," he suddenly remarks, and you bristle slightly at the presumption. this town is known for its safety, but he's not your dad to be doling out curfews. but before you can retort, he continues, his tone cryptic. "there's a party tonight. It's not exactly the safest time to be wandering alone if there´s a party. some people get wild."
his words send a shiver down your spine, but you manage a polite response. "sure, i'll be careful. thanks…" you trail off as he abruptly takes his leave.
shrugging it off, you resume your trek toward the beach. the sun is still casting its golden glow as you arrive, the shoreline nearly deserted save for the lone silhouette of a surfer against the horizon.
you spot a pretty shell nestled in the sand, and figure it could be a nice gift to your grandma to collect some and bring them to her, like the old times. as you amble along the shoreline, the gentle rhythm of the waves lulls you into a peaceful state of mind.
engrossed in your task, you lose track of time. before you know it, the sun has dipped below the horizon, enveloping the beach in darkness. the only illumination comes from distant streetlights, casting a faint orange glow over the surroundings. it's then that you realize how far you've wandered from the comforting lights of the beachfront, feeling small and insignificant under the vast evening sky.
as the lights in the distance offer a vague sense of direction, you find yourself uncertain which path leads back home. you remember the small forest that separates the beach from town—by day, a lively spot for picnics and play, but now, in the darkness, it's the last place you want to venture into. especially after the unsettling warnings from that boy with the big eyes. you curse him silently; he's made you far more jittery than you'd typically be.
you start walking on, only praying that luck will quickly get you on the right path home. but the crunch of sand underfoot sends a shiver down your spine. you're not alone. shit.
"hey!" a male voice calls out, prompting you to quicken your pace, eager to put some more distance between the two of you. but before you can evade him, a hand gently settles on your shoulder. "hi," he says. "you looked a bit lost, and i wanted to help. let me walk you out of here."
but you hesitate, feeling a bit wary. you're completely alone and some guy is offering to walk you somewhere in the dark… it sets off alarm bells. "no. i'm good, thanks. i can find my way just fine," you reply.
"please, don't be scared," he reassures you. "it's cool, i promise. i don't mean anything murky. i was out surfing earlier and noticed you veering off from the trail. you really need to head back that way or you'll end up lost in the wood. i just wanna lend a hand. it's kind of my job, actually, i'm a lifeguard here during the day. i'm yeonjun, by the way."
and that's when real panic hits you like a ton of bricks. you would have chosen to run into a serial killer. he's yeonjun. your yeonjun. choi yeonjun. that girl he likely remembers with pity. that stupid little girl who confessed to him with naive hope. what were you even thinking at the time? that he'd suddenly want to date you? that he'd fall head over heels for you? you remember his face, the discomfort evident as he gently turned you down—the only time you ever saw him act awkwardly around a girl.
but then, he's reaching for your hand, all gentle-like, as someone who's trying to feed an untrusting kitten. and ou don't even dare to say a word.
"is this okay?" he asks, his voice soft. "i'll walk you to the track path, then head the other way. i swear. please don't be scared of me."
"y-yeah," you manage to mumble.
after what feels like both an eternity and a blink of an eye because the choi ueonjun is holding your hand, the streetlights start to loom closer, and you can finally make out his features. he hasn't changed a bit. well, maybe his shoulders are broader, and his jawline is more defined, but it's not like that's a downgrade. choi yeonjun; your hildhood crush and certified heartthrob.
"we're already here," he says with a grin, but then his expression changes when he looks at you, like something's shifted in his gaze. and it's not because he's suddenly recognized you.
"hey… i know i said i would head the opposite way, and i don't wanna come off as a creep, but… you're really pretty."
"you," he confirms with a chuckle. he's aware of how hot he is, his charm. he knows there's no way he could ever seem creepy to anyone with functioning eyeballs. you keep silent, he keeps talking. "i promise i've got game. it's just the context isn't doing me any favors right now."
"sorry, i'm just… caught off guard. i— i know you're not a creep." you mumble out.
"good," he grins. "because i really am not. if we'd met under normal circumstances instead of you getting lost and me being some guy insisting you to come with me in the night you would've fallen for me, like instantly.
you chuckle, but your smile fades when some ethical force whispers to you that you should tell him who you are. "well, actually, i..."
but then something, or rather someone, cuts you middle sentence. the kind of people who get wild when there's a party.
"CHOI FREAKIN' YEONJUN!" a voice booms out. "told you to stay the hell outta here, but you never listen." you glimpse one figure, followed by three more looming shadows. three big guys escorting the leading one. but it's not his size that sends a shiver down your spine, nor the threat; it's the familiarity. it's park jintaek, your middle school bully.
you instinctively avert your gaze, staring down at your feet, hoping to disappear. yeonjun steps forward, placing himself in front of you, slow and cautious, like he's facing down a raging bear.
"you did mention that," yeonjun says, his voice as calm as a still pond. "but i tend to tune out people who can't spell past ABC."
"dude thinks he's a comedian," chimes in one of jintaek´s buddies.
"he's just showing off beause he's got a chick here. gotta act all cool and manly, like i'm not gonna bust his legs," slurs jintaek, his words sluggish from booze. "lucky you brought a date, 'cause now we can send her to dial for help. you're gonna need an ambulance, choi."
they start inching closer, and you're scrambling for a plan, but there's no way other than running away to solve this. "come on, jintaek, don't let the booze write checks your ass can't cash. if you could take me alone, you wouldn't have brought these three idiots."
"you're so damn cocky, i can't freaking stand you."
you feel yeonjun's hand close around yours, his grip firm and reassuring. "run," he whispers urgently, his voice barely audible above the din of the argument.
you bolt towards the safety of your house, your heart pounding in your chest as you run. running away was the smarter option, jintaek and his bodyguards being drunk enough to never be able to catch up.
as the distance between you and the beach grows, you steal a glance at yeonjun running beside you, his expression determined yet strangely serene. "i'm not a coward, you know?" he says between breaths, "i'm just street smart. a mathematician of the street fight, if you will."
"be a mathematician of saving air and stop talking," you retort.
finally, you reach the safety of your house, the glow of the porch light casting a warm welcome.
gasping for breath, you collapse onto the stairs leading to the front door. you're so focused on getting your lungs to function properly that, you don't notice yeonjun staring at the at the house with an eyebrow raised.
"please don't hate me." you blurt out, nerves gnawing at you.
"no… i'm just… i didn't expect—" he trails off, clearly thrown off guard.
great. you've managed to crack choi yeonjun's cool facade not once, but twice in your lifetime.
"i'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner. i was just so embarrassed at first, and when i wanted to tell you jintaek showed up. please, forget you ever saw me today," you plead, feeling the weight of your mistake.
"yeah, you should have said something earlier," he admits, and you wish the ground would swallow you whole. until, unexpectedly, he continues, "now i've gotta rethink my whole strategy."
"w-what?" you manage to stammer out.
his warm grin returns, eyebrows relaxing. "when i come up with something i´ll hit you up, alright?"
"s-sure, i… wait, so you're not mad at me for not being upfront?"
"what do you mean, not being upfront?" he replies casually as he starts to walk away. "it´s the first time i'm seeing you in seven years."
and just like that, he leaves you there, cheeks flushed, absolutely melting.
so, that just happened.
you're gonna have to meditate, or hypnotise yourself to stop thinking about yeonjun and be able to sleep, but you better knock yourself out because tomorrow's your first day of work.
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pendragonsclotpole · 6 months
Merlin Season 5 AU! See end for inspo!
They arrive in Camelot to the news of Mordred’s death. For the first three days of their return, Merlin fixates on the demise of Arthur’s bane more than he does on the significance of Mordred’s death. Mordred’s absence lifts the heavy burden of destiny off of Merlin’s shoulders for the first time in years. He can rest easy, breathe better, live contentedly in the realization that while Morgana remains, Arthur is now free from the curse of his bane.
It takes him weeks to wonder what this might mean for the decision made by Arthur. He is rightfully taken by surprise when one morning, Arthur awakes long before him and presents him with an even longer scroll over breakfast. It is an act to repeal the ban on magic. It legalizes certain forms of magic automatically, presents a drafted proposal for a hierarchical system to police wayward sorcerers, and provides a place on the Council for a Court Sorcerer. The details are so meticulously outlined that Merlin knows deep in his heart Gaius helped Arthur write them. Merlin’s hardly realized he’s crying when Arthur’s arms wrap around and he’s blowing snot into the King’s doublet. He mouths his apologies even as Arthur rubs a comforting hand on his back and whispers back reassuring I knows, and it’s alrights.
In the end, they fulfill the prophecy. Camelot’s golden age lasts for decades. Arthur’s territories grow, and his people thrive, and Merlin stands by his side throughout it all. Magic flourishes. Camelot thrives. Arthur lives and ages. Merlin lives and ages. Arthur dies.
It takes decades. Their bodies grow weak their knees get knobby, (Merlin grows a beard of respectable length much to Arthur’s dismay and annoyance) but eventually Merlin finds Arthur’s body the morning after Arthur’s 96th birthday. It is early enough that none of the servants have arrived to tend to their fire. Merlin, with hands now nearly as wrinkled and gnarled as Arthur’s face, uncorks the vial he’s carried around his waist since the day of Arthur’s first collapse, and swallows whole the concoction within it. The poison takes a few minutes to activate, but by the time he hears footsteps down the hall, Merlin can feel the poison painlessly traveling up his veins and clouding his vision. He smiles, content and sure in the thought that when he awoke next it would be to Arthur’s smiling visage.
He wakes up hours later to Arthur’s cold, sightless blue eyes in the crypts of Camelot. They are alone, about to be placed in stone. For a moment, Merlin thinks he’s merely in the in-between or perhaps brought back as a ghost. He closes his eyes and wills his soul to venture elsewhere. He wills it so much he says nothing as he’s lifted into the walls and entombed beside Arthur. There is something insidiously macabre in seeing your soulmate rot beside you as you desperately attempt to force death to take you. Throughout the process, Merlin absentmindedly thinks if Arthur’s eyes were not cursed to be sightless forevermore the former King would be staring at him with disappointment. I’m sorry, Merlin tells Arthur repeatedly. The apologies peter out when Merlin attempts to die by gouging out his own eyes. He hypothesizes for a few days that the more pain he can elicit, the closer he gets to Arthur. He stops increasing the pain after escalating his to disembowelment and then ceases his attempts to bring about his own death completely after blowing up his body only succeeds in speeding up the decomposition of Arthur’s body. The explosion is both a blessing and a curse. The instant incineration is painless and removes the horrible byproducts and odors of a rotting corpse, but it also leads to Merlin’s eventual resignation. Try as he might, he cannot join Arthur—not even in the presence of their shared crypt.
When he finally pulls himself away from the skeletal remains of Arthur’s frozen and once gnarled hands and musters the force to blast out from the crypt, two months have passed. The body he leaves behind sealed in the crypts is no longer Arthur Pendragon. Arthur Pendragon has left this world. Merlin should have left it with him and now he must find out why he remains, perniciously. There is only one person he can turn that will have this knowledge. Merlin runs to the nearest field and screams out for Kilgharrah. The dragon’s arrival shakes the entire earth around them, but even Merlin can see the weakness in the creature’s movements as he lands.
“So even you are not immune to old age, old friend.” Merlin says. Kilgharrah’s golden eyes look muted in the daylight, and pieces of his scales flake off into the ground.
“You will find only one of us is immune to death by old age, Emrys. And it is not I.”
“What do you mean?” Merlin’s anger gets the best of him. He is confused and hurt and humiliated and alone and deprived of his last wish. He has no room for ambiguities or cruelties. “Have I not fulfilled my destiny? Have I not earned my place of rest?”
“You cannot rest. You are Magic itself. For as long as there is magic in this realm, you will exist in this realm.”
Merlin lets the words rest on the wind for a few seconds before letting them stew and fuel his anger.
“So that’s it then? Years of toiling under the weight of prophecy, decades of laboring to maintain the Golden Age I sacrificed my very being for, and this is how it ends?” Merlin takes a shuddering breath. “You said we were meant to be two sides of the same coin, that are destinies are intertwined. Why is he gone and why am I still here?”
“Arthur is the Once and Future King, Merlin. When the need of Albion is at its greatest, he will return. You are the very essence of Magic. For as long as this realm needs magic, you must remain as magic’s stalwart defender and guardian.” Perhaps realizing the cruelty of his words, Kilgharrah issues one last prophecy. “Do not despair, Merlin. In truth, you achieved the best of all possible outcomes. In another life, Mordred might have lived for longer and Arthur’s death fulfilled decades earlier in place of your true destiny. You received a temporary peace instead. When Arthur returns, he will bring about the end of magic and your death with it.” Then, with a weariness Merlin recognized only in himself, Kilgharrah pulled back his wings and departed.
Merlin never sees him again. It is for the better. It takes Merlin three centuries to forgive the dragon for never pointing out what Merlin himself should have seen. It takes another five before he stops trying to die.
They had achieved everything. Two sides of the same coin, and yet when the story ended, it amounted to nothing.
Arthur died because Arthur was mortal.
Merlin is Magic. Merlin is immortal. Merlin cannot die.
@sneakyboymerlin I blame you for this. Inspired by this amazing post:
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jjungkookislife · 8 months
Quarterly Fic Recs 2023 #3
Hello! I can't believe how quickly we've reached the third list of the year! I wasn't able to read as much as I wanted, but I hope you all enjoy these wonderful fics <3
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baby fever @95rkives
summary: what was supposedly a peaceful morning stroll in the park, an unexpected encounter triggers namjoon’s intense desire for a baby, turning him into an adorable, baby fever-filled mess.
drunk in love @joon4eva
summary: you and whiskey are never a good combination. or: you’ve been in love with your best friend for years and you might tell him about it while drunk.
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menace @eoieopda
summary: Your shithead brother, Seokjin, is throwing his annual Valentine’s Day party. You didn’t want to go in the first place - and now his shithead friend, Jimin, is responsible for getting you there.
all mine @souryoong
summary: your new boyfriend can’t make you finish, but your ex boyfriend sure can.
thank you for your service @jiminniethemarshmallow
summary: As a servant of your kingdom, all Jimin wants to do is please you and service you in any way that he can.
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high tide @kookslastbutton
summary: Due to Taehyung’s job as a cruise ship Captain, you are constantly miles away from each other. Weekly phonecalls help and this one gets a little nasty and a lot sweet.
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something borrowed @alphabetboyluvr
mafia au
chained to you @hisunshiine
idol au
into the wild @bonny-kookoo
summary: The wolf pretending to be the grandmother, just to later swallow the poor red riding hood whole- is he attempting to gain your trust as well just to feast on your flesh later, once he gets hungry for a meal?
seven days @kithtaehyung
summary: you dump yet another guy that wasn’t up to your “ten day standards,” which leaves your cocky ass, very off-limits roommate to tease your single status yet again. but the teasing is always expected. what’s not expected, is the bet that you make without thinking. the bet that even though you give ten days, he wouldn’t even last seven.
and my man, thank you to my man @darklingjeon
dealer au
because, i love you ch. 12 @readyplayerhobi
summary: According to society, Jeon Jungkook should not be with you. He should   be with a younger, hotter and thinner girl instead of wasting his time   on you. It’s a good thing Jungkook doesn’t care what society thinks   then.
things you don't know @btsgotjams27
summary: it’s been seven years since you last saw the boy that broke your heart. after moving back home, you try everything you can to avoid seeing him around town, but destiny has a wicked way of doing the opposite.
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heartache @sailoryooons
summary: Unresolved feelings lead to nothing but heartache when you run into Yoongi at a wedding five years after breaking up. Especially when you realize that despite Yoongi have feelings for you, there is still another woman on his arm. 
right here ^
summary: You’re tired of the revolving door of boys in your life. Yoongi is tired of watching you nurse feelings in the quiet of your apartment. 
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backstage @jeonqkooks
summary: what’s the best way to release energy for someone with an oral fixation?
champagne problems @still-with-koo
summary: you turn down taehyung’s very public marriage proposal. inspired by champagne problems by taylor swift.
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6:42 a.m. @bangtanintotheroom
summary: Jungkook is ready to kick off a new day of loving you.
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OT7/Multiple Members
cosmic collision @gimmethatagustd
summary: A responsible weedman, Yoongi always tests out new marijuana strains before selling them to his customers. When his supplier offers him a new strain, Cosmic Collision, Yoongi is eager to try it. What he doesn’t expect is the alien that comes with it.
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the one with seokjin and without complaints @eoieopda
summary: you don’t want to arrive dateless to a wedding your ex is also attending. enter friend and local hero, kim seokjin.
musical chairs @ugh-yoongi
rival teachers au
lucky ^
things you said when you were drunk
view @noteguk
summary: in which seokjin likes to show people what is his.
sugar sweet @ditttiii
summary: Jin loves sweet things. Jin loves you. add it all together, stir the mixture up, and ta-da! There he has his dessert! Enjoy ♡ Or alternatively where Jin basically uses you as his damn plate and loves every second of it!
wash 'n dry @seokoloqy
summary: The one where Seokjin is the cute RA who catches you doing laundry at 1 AM and you both have time to kill.
thunder @/ppersonna
summary: you allow your best friend Jin to take you backpacking once per year. apparently, this year’s outing would be the wettest yet.
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angel @/sailoryooons
summary: Yoongi never meant to keep coming back. You never meant to become Yoongi’s favorite. Being Min Yoongi’s favorite has dire consequences.
carnival of terror @theharrowing
summary: The carnival is in town, and it is unlike anything you have ever experienced. Will you make it out alive?
crescendo @/ugh-yoongi
established relationship
loose lips ^
friends to lovers
baby maker @shadowkoo
summary: You and Yoongi have been relishing the comfort of your newly married life, savoring each moment together. However, there’s an additional want tugging at your heartstrings – the thought of becoming a mother. That’s right, you want a baby. Yoongi isn’t sure if he’s ready for the journey of bringing a baby into your lives. But he’ll agree to anything that makes you happy, and if it’s a baby you want, it’s a baby you’ll get.
on your period @7ndipity
summary: Yoongi looks after you on your period
don't come yet @jl-micasea-fics
established relationship
night short #25 @euphoricfilter
make up sex
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sensuous @delugguk
hot emo hobi @minisugakoobies
i'm yours @yoongiphoria
If you're making a mistake, it's bound to be your favorite one.
bad things come in three @hyungieyoongi
established relationship
hoseok drabble @here4kpopfics
brother's best friend
intoxicated @peachypinkygloss
summary: Drugs make everything better. Even sex.
bones @floralseokjin
summary: you were broken from a past relationship, and Hoseok wanted to fix you, but what price was he willing to pay? Would he end up worse off, or would you realise in time, that your best friend was the one��?
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signed, sealed, delivered @fresh-outta-jams
summary: You’re in college when your soulmate tattoo finally shows up: an address. Sending a letter couldn’t hurt, right?
the rich man's crochet club @kpopfanfictrash
summary: When they were freshmen in college, Namjoon began a club with his six closest friends. The one thing they all had in common? V i r g i n s as fuck. Obviously, they couldn’t call the club the Virgins Club and so, the Rich Man’s Crochet Club was born. Until time passes and Namjoon is the only one left. Now, the Club has one, final mission: to get Namjoon laid.
not so dinner date @bangtaninborderland
idol au
breakfast @hamsterclaw
summary: Turns out your big dumb goon can make eggs.
everything slow @hobidreams
summary: your boyfriend catches you missing him with your hand between your legs, his name a moan on your tongue. it looks like you need a little help…
tonight ^
how will you spend the night with your man?
love language @rmnamjoons
summary: Exactly one year before one meets their soulmate, their love’s first words spoken to them appear as a tattoo on their wrist. When Namjoon’s tattoo appears, however, it’s not of words, but of the most beautiful set of eyes he’s ever seen.
there was a bug @/kimnjss
summary: you and joon have been best friends for years, unexpectedly his feelings start to grow more than platonic. deciding to keep this to him, joon stays as your best friend and roommate. things are going fine, until one night you’re forced to sleep in his room.
out of my league @ppersonna
summary: Kim Namjoon was never supposed to find out about your years-long hopeless crush on him. And he most definitely was not supposed to find out about it in front of all your coworkers in a company-wide meeting.
will you let me? @bratkook
summary: Namjoon wants nothing more than to see you stuffed full of his cum, and as his mind starts to wander with thoughts of the future, he has to know if you’d let him.
the package thief @/blog-name-idk
summary: You have a new neighbor who is incredibly attractive. Unfortunately, he seems to hate you for no discernable reason at all. Does he think that just because he’s hot, he can get away with being an asshole?
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spiderrrling · 2 years
Scrunchies and Tuesday Shows - Eddie Munson x F!Reader
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Pairing - Eddie Munson x F!reader
Word count - 1k
Warnings - None!
A/N - Just a little drabble about loaning Eddie your scrunchie and then never getting it back, enjoy!
She spotted Eddie the moment that she walked through the doors to the bar. His messy curls hanging around his shoulders as he tried to fine tune his guitar for the upcoming show.
“We have got to do something with this hair of yours.” She joked and pushed back a piece so she could actually see his face. “There you are.” She smiled and looked into his deep brown eyes.
“Here I am!” Eddie explained and did a little spin to really drive his point home. “And there you are.” He grinned from ear to ear as he looked at her. “You came.” He lowered his voice and spoke softly so only she could hear.
He didn’t want her to know, but his heart was doing saltos in his chest and he suddenly found himself very nervous. Truth be told, there was nothing he wanted more than having her there at her very first Corroded Coffin gig. But it also terrified him to his very core.
Even though she had heard him play guitar a million times, this felt different.
“You say it like you thought I wouldn’t come.”
“I knew you’d come, I’m just happy you did.” Eddie actually could not stop smiling. “I’m just happy you did because now we have a crowd I can actually stand to look at.” 
Behind them she heard the call from Jeff for final sound checks.
“If you can even see anything from underneath there.” She said and gestured towards the mop of curly hair in front of his eyes. “Come here.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her, leaning in to gather the mess of his hair into a ponytail and securing it with the brightly colored scrunchie that had been sitting around her wrist. “There, now you might actually be able to see.”
She couldn’t tell if it was because of the dark lighting, but she could have sworn he was blushing. Even though the band had been used to tie back his curly hair she could still see the mess of his bangs sticking lightly to his forehead. His guitar was slung around his shoulder with the hand painted strap.
“Thank you sweetheart.” He gave her a cheeky sly grin and winked at her. He had seemed to regain his confidence and before she knew it he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
The bar wasn’t very well lit, and it was stuffy. But she didn’t care. In one corner stood a half abandoned game of pool, and the bar was pushed against one of the walls, with a tacky neon sign hanging on the wall behind it.
But her eyes were fixated on the stage. She wasn’t even sure if you could call it a stage, it was a platform raised only a couple of inches off the ground, but it felt more official and special.
The Hideout was mostly empty and the energy was pretty dead given it was a Tuesday night. The band was standing on stage doing their final sound checks and adjusting their instruments getting ready for their set.
“Hey everyone!” Jeff stepped up to the mic, which immediately resulted in a loud feedback echoing through the room. “Thank you for coming out tonight, we’re Corroded Coffin hope you enjoy the show!”
Wednesday morning arrived a little too early as it always did. Tuesday nights at the hideout always lead to one too many drinks and staying up a little too late to be able to handle Ms. O'Donnell's class this early in the morning.
However, she knew she wouldn’t be the only one feeling the activities of last night. Jeff was sitting a couple of rows ahead of her, his eyes struggling to keep open as he was intensely staring at the chalkboard.
Walking through the door like he had no care in the world, despite being fifteen minutes late, was Eddie. She could swear he was wearing the same clothes as the night before. But today there was a new addition to his classical outfit.
Sitting around his wrist was a scrunchie. Her scrunchie to be exact.
Eddie took his usual seat, towards the back wall next to the windows. As he walked through the rows of desks and chairs he made eye contact with her and grinned wide. 
Class passed painfully slow, each second feeling like an eternity as she was sitting there staring at the clock on the wall. Ms. O’Donnel with her distressingly boring and slow exploration of the themes in The Great Gatsby felt like torture.
When the first period bell finally rang signalling the students release she was already ready to get out. Throwing her notebook and textbook into her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Eddie’s hand slid into hers and locked their fingers together. He leaned into her and whispered so no one else could hear. He led her out of the classroom and into the hallway. “New accessory?” She laughed lightly and lifted his wrist to signal. 
“Yes, in fact it is my new favourite accessory.”
“So I’m guessing I shouldn’t be hoping to get that back?”
Eddie snapped the band against his wrist. “Oh this? No I’m keeping this, you’re not getting it back.” He grinned that grin where she could tell he was too proud of himself. “Besides, it looks better on me anyway.” 
He bent down and pressed a kiss to her lips before she could protest his claim.
“I need to go to class.” Was all she said, knowing she was not going to win this debate. Eddie simply cupped her cheek and kissed her again. “Have fun in class.” He mumbled against her lips and she smiled as she pulled away.
But before she could leave she felt him grab onto her wrist and pull her back, feeling his lips against hers once more. “Last kiss, see you at lunch?” He whispered and let her go, watching her walk down the hallway and to her class.
tag list - @pastel-abyss-x @fayetheenthusiast @obi-wanakenobi  @starbemo @chloebeansack @a-villain-vying-for-attention @meaganjm @xbreezymeadowsx @prettytoxix
mutuals - @uglypastels @catastrofhe​ @naturallytom​ @anaaaispunk​ @anaaaispunk​
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bewitchingivy · 2 years
Pick A Card: Urgent Messages You Need To Hear
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Hello, everybodyyyy! Glad to be posting a new PAC again after a long hiatus. So today's reading will be be the messages that you need to know at the time you are reading this. And these are somehow urgent. Yeah. These messages are channeled from the Universe, your guides, God, whoever or whatever you believe in.
methods used in this reading: intuition.
Tarot or any forms of divination is not set in stone. It’s not your only future, but a probable one with the current energy you have right now. If a reading doesn’t resonate, simply let it fly away and shift your energy. Because you can change your reality, and you have the undeniable power to do so.
Please keep in mind that my readings are for entertainment, positive, or inspirational purposes only. Please don’t take them as a professional or medical advice. Any actions or decisions taken are your responsibility.
The images I use in my blog are not mine unless I say so. The pictures belong to their respectful owners.
Now intuitively choose one (or more if you feel called to) from the albums that I keep on listening to these days. 
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ONE; Wiped Out! by The Neighborhood
Hello there! I hope you're having a good/day evening. Now that you've chosen the first pile, read on to find out what messages await you. The first messages that I got for you is hold on to that hope you have inside that things are gonna get better eventually. You've probably been overthinking a lot lately, which could lead to anxiety and all that. I don't know why, but you may have been dwelling in the past a lot lately. There's something you can't let go of, or to state it correctly; something or someone you can't forgive. But Universe is saying that forgiveness is crucial here. I'm mostly getting that for a lot of you who had chose this pile, there's something that you did that you can't forgive yourself. But it could be another person too. Whoever it is, you got to learn to forgive. It doesn't necessarily mean that you're okay with whatever they did, but you have to let it go in peace. You can't let it define you. Better things await you in the future, and you're better off preparing yourself for these wonderful things than fixating too much in the past. Oh, and an advice that I got from the Universe for you to deal with that overthinking mind of yours; just breathe. Practice breathing excercises, meditation, and just silence your mind and focus in the now. Freeing yourself from your mind is very important now.  And don't be stubborn about this, the Universe just pointed out that sometimes (if not, most of the time lol) you can be too stubborn to help yourself. So please, take care of yourself. You're not doing this for anyone, you're doing this for yourself. Also keep in mind that you are not your thoughts, your thoughts don't define you. You're okay. Everything will work out. Another thing that I got is that you shouldn't give yourself away to people who you don't trust wholeheartedly, or people whose intentions are not very clear, you know what I'm saying? Some of you might have done this in the past and you ended up being hurt, so take the lessons that you learned and don't do it again. You may trust people too fast, and the Universe is helping you working out on that. 
Any thoughts on this reading? Feel free to leave a feedback.
Thanks for taking the time to read my PAC reading, and I'll see you next time! <3
— Ivy
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TWO; AM by Arctic Monkeys
Hey, lovely people! Welcome to your reading. So just sit back and enjoy. There's a lot of messages coming here that you're about to meet a new person, or people. For some others this will be a romantic interest, a friendship, etc. But I do feel that this person/people are going to be important in your life, there's also a possibility that their arrival will bring you new opportunities. I feel like for some of you might meet these people online, and there's a possibility that it will be in a platform that you haven't tried yet. If you've been manifesting something or someone, this is a big confirmation that you're going to receive it soon. You may have been stressing out about this, and thus this might have slowed down your manifestation. Don't worry, luvs, we've all been there. But remind yourself that you absolutely have no need to worry about your manifestation, because it's already yours. There's no reason for all that doubt and worries. Oh, and if you're doubting, you just gotta trick your mind to believe that you can manifest anything you want even if you have doubts. Doubts are normal, therefore we just gotta acknowledge them. Remember, don't stress out, okay? Don't forget to enjoy yourself. Now, I don't like to put a time frame for readings like this, whenever it comes to manifestations. But I got another message before starting this reading, that whatever you're asking for is going to happen in December or during the winter season for some of you. I strongly felt that. Lastly, you may have been too busy with other matters in your life right now like school, career, etc., and you barely got time for yourself. So I got the messages that you should start enjoying yourself again. It's like you don't even allow yourself to. Stop that. You deserve to have fun. Life is not all about work. There should be a balance between work and fun, but that's just my opinion anyway lol. But what do I mean by fun? Do the things that you love doing. It could be a hobby, whatever. Something that makes you happy no matter how big or small it is. Healing your inner child could be very important at this time.
Any thoughts on this reading? Feel free to leave a feedback.
Thanks for taking the time to read my PAC reading, and I'll see you next time! <3
— Ivy
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THREE; reputation by Taylor Swift
Hey there, humans. Hope you're sure in choosing the third pile. Anyways, let's get on with it. Clearly there's something in your life that's just so exhaustingly repetitive. It's not just exhausting, but it's toxic too. It harms your energy and well-being and you know that. This may be a career or relationship, whatever. Just take however this resonates. You may have been thinking or planning for quite a while now of leaving this situation, but you may be unsure or afraid if you do that. The Universe is saying that if you've been waiting for the "perfect time" to end it, you better do it now. But make sure to do it in peace. I kinda feel that some of you are just finding to pluck up the courage to do this, and yet you still chicken out when you do LOL but don't worry, here's a reminder that the Universe, your guides, God, whoever you believe in have your back. Okay? You better get that inside your head. (Okay, exile by Taylor Swift have been playing twice now. Told ya. And there goes champagne problems...)  Alright, look. You know that this situation is not good for you. So you better leave now, you can't waste anymore time for it or else you're just going to keep going in circles. You're not going anywhere with this, unless you take the courage to end this. Only you can do this, and I know you know that. I know some of you are scared to do this, what happens after this, but you're going to be just fine. Just as you trust the Universe, trust in yourself too. Another important message that I got is that the Universe has promised you great opportunities once you've taken this leap of faith. I do see you're going to get some sort of offer or something from someone, and you're also going to be doing a lot of new things that you're going to love. So isn't that exciting to look forward? Take the leap first, luvs.
Any thoughts on this reading? Feel free to leave a feedback.
Thanks for taking the time to read my PAC reading, and I'll see you next time! <3
— Ivy
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
Hi T 🤗 I hope you're doing exceptionally well today. I'd like to participate in your Milestone 5.0 KNY drabble event pls. 🥺 👉🏽��🏽 I think you already know which character I'm choosing 😏
Let's make it sfw, and can it be number 7 on your prompts list pls? Tysm and have a fantastic rest of your day. 😁😇✨️🫶🏽
Hii !! ☺️ I'm doing alright — lazy Sunday after outdoor rock climbing for most of Saturday. 🧗🏻‍♀️☀️
... sooo your drabble turned into a one shot. 😅 I actually used my unfinished + unpublished draft of "wildflower" (from my OG MILESTONE 5.0 event) for its beginning, and it evolved from there. 🤪
ANYWHO- Ty for participating !! I hope your weekend was restful, and that your upcoming week goes smoothly. 💙
I said meet me downtown at the dive bar, you’re the only one that makes me feel alive. — Kill My Time
CW: mild sexual content
Giyuu stands, eyes darting—the entrance to your favorite bar a few long strides away—tying and untying his hair. Literally why? strands sticking damply to his neck Could you just, I don’t know, cooperate?! checking his watch 10:28pm Two more minutes to get this shit right retying his hair I guess sixth time’s the charm? as it finally settles gracefully down his back. Well. He hopes it’s graceful, willing himself to not look at his reflection as he passes the bar’s floor to ceiling windows, his pristine, white sneakers contrasting starkly with the grey muddle of pavement. I don’t have time to try again. 
Rolling up and down the sleeves of his aegean hoodie, cotton feeling tighter than usual.
Smoothing the pockets of his slim heather joggers, wishing he’d worn nicer pants.
He knows to pull, not push, the heavy wooden door—he’s made that mistake one too many times—pausing awkwardly at the hostess booth. A cursory glance at the sea of dimly lit tables tells him you haven’t arrived yet, your typical spot unclaimed and unassuming, which means you’re probably-
“On time as always,” an amused voice climbs onto his shoulder, light and assured, goosebumps raising on his forearms.
He grunts. Turns. Does his best to swallow the abrupt coughing fit threatening to overcome him; to stop his eyes from widening in pleasant surprise; to restrain himself from wrapping his arms around you in a too comfortable embrace.
You look, “You hate when I’m late,” beautiful.
Your lips curve gently—Hi—familiar gesture loosening the anxious knot coiling in his gut.
“Because it’s rude,” you snort, “Time is money.”
Time is priceless he inwardly corrects you, mesmerized by how coolly your stare grazes his lungs: by how you look so different, yet still so you. The shade and tangle of your hair, the depth of your eyes, how your skin crinkles and glows. You seem like the you he remembers. You also seem like an entirely new you. Older, wiser, tired; haunting, brilliant, stern. His hands shove self consciously into his pockets, fixated on how effortless and well dressed you are, anxious knot recoiling. If there’s anyone who knows how costly time can be—It’s me—Giyuu realizes.
“You know we can just seat ourselves,” you remark, already walking toward an empty high table—your empty high table—nestled beneath a sepia toned wall scone.
He wonders if you call ahead to make sure it’s available before you arrive; wonders if you know he’d call ahead for you; if you know about the fragments of his heart ingrained in the wooden finish; if you ever admire them, let alone notice them, glinting under the shadow of your oblivion.
Following your lead, he sits tentative and tense, unable to meet the curiosity in your gaze, warm and guarded across from him.
“So what happened?” you tease slowly, fingertips drumming faintly, tabletop sticky with the residue of earlier encounters, “You missed me?”
Some things never change his eyelashes flicker heavily Straightforward entranced by the delicate rhythm of your knuckles Painfully so.
“You’re lucky I felt like going out tonight,” you muse, sharpening, “I was about to brush my teeth,” holding his breath as you drawl, “But how could I ignore you sliding into my DMs?”
“I didn’t know how else to reach you,” he offers weakly.
“I didn’t want to be reached,” by you.
He blinks, treading carefully, “Then why did you reply?”
“Because I felt like going out, but all my friends,” my partner, “Were busy.”
All my friends. Your retort stings, the feeling that you’re hiding something vital not escaping his notice either. Another reminder of time: of time he’d squandered before he could fully comprehend the degree to which you’d etched yourself into his lungs — every breath a placeholder for the lingering heat of your mouth upon his.
“I fucked up.”
You scowl, “You’re pathetic.”
“And you’re here,” he snaps, lips thin with regret.
You flinch, wispy sliver of brightness fading from your stare. He knows you, from the touch of your palm to the twitch in your jaw; the weight of your hatred as you flit in, out, and in. His life. Your revolving door. Constant. As see through as it is unbearable.
“I’ll go,” you hiss, barstool scraping angrily as you move suddenly, “This was a waste of my time.”
He isn’t clueless. He can read between your lines—You are a waste of my time—ringing clear and bitter, inhibition surrendered when it dawns on him: If I let them slip away, then not even fate itself will be able to tie us together anymore.
“You’re the only one that makes me feel alive.”
The velvet drag of your tongue behind his ear, how you’d hold him after loving him, kisses dappled feathery soft from his closed eyelids to the tendons of his wrists. Sometimes, the sheets tangled twice. Occasionally, thrice. And rarely, he got to watch the sun rise upon the angles of your face, sleep claiming the remaining threads of your attention.
“And how about me?” you scoff, “Who makes me feel alive?”
Once upon a time, Giyuu would’ve said I do, so certain of the way you’d cup his cheeks, his nose scrunched while your laughter caressed his flushed expression. Once upon a time, he would’ve said You? Why, you’re everything to me. And that would’ve been enough. Once upon a time, too much time ago, he didn’t just know you — he’d known how to nurture you. How to love you.
“Somebody else,” he guesses quietly.
“Somebody else,” you repeat firmly, tossing him a pitying glance before walking toward the exit, words uttered too low for him to hear, “But I wish it had been you.”
It barely registers as Giyuu looks away, the cold press of finality, engraved into his soul by your conquest — the snipping of red thread.
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indeedcaptain · 8 months
Spirktober 2023, day 1: Uniform
I will catch up after missing the first two days if it kills me. I told myself that I would write my own personal novel but I am fixated on these guys right now. Behold! More fan fiction!
Also posted on AO3 here.
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Kirk had been in San Francisco for six months. His time on the U.S.S. Farragut had ended, and his new ship had more time in spacedock before they would set out on their five-year mission, to explore new space and push the boundaries of Federation knowledge. And he would be there, leading the charge, as the youngest captain in Starfleet history. His father had been so proud, and his mother so worried. Sam had been… well. He had been himself, which was all he would ever be.
Kirk was worried too, if he were being honest with himself, but he was trying to remind himself of the similarities between his old and new postings instead of focusing on the differences. The U.S.S. Enterprise was the same class of ship as the Farragut. The officers’ mess would have the same ten replicators. His quarters would be different, larger, and in a different location, but the mattress and sheets and smell would be the same. The uniforms would be the same. Almost everything would be the same, except for the people and his role among them. He even had gotten to know the ship and some of the crew ahead of time, thanks to his sojourns with Captain Pike through his various misadventures. He reasoned that he could take on his new level of responsibility without too much fuss.
Four days before the U.S.S. Enterprise was scheduled to take off on her journey, his new crewmates began to arrive in San Francisco and either come say hi or introduce themselves to him. Newly promoted Lieutenant Uhura threw herself into his arms with congratulations when she returned from visiting her grandparents in Kenya. Bones arrived from Georgia a few hours afterwards, bearing moonshine and tales of Joanna’s exploits. Slowly they trickled into the city and HQ grounds, with new faces mingling with the old. Uhura positioned herself at Kirk’s side and introduced the ones she knew to him, whispering details that might be helpful to him into his ear as they departed. She knew who was secretly dating, who couldn’t work alongside each other, and who was most likely to break anything fragile. With every detail she was able to slide him, he felt a little less overwhelmed by the prospect of guiding three hundred people successfully through the black and a little more excited to get started. 
Three days before departure, a package landed on the doormat of the apartment Starfleet had furnished him with. He picked it up as he arrived back from a dinner out with Uhura and several of her Xenolinguistics friends, hefting it up into his arms as he wrangled a padd out to tap against the lock. 
Inside, he dropped it on the kitchen table, located a pair of scissors, and sliced into it. It was printed with official Starfleet logos, so it must have been something related to the mission. Inside were four sets of a new uniform, with a note on top. 
Captain Kirk, 
Congratulations on your promotion and taking command of the U.S.S. Enterprise. As your unique mission will take you beyond where finding adequate replacement uniforms will be convenient or possible, the Fabrications team has taken this opportunity to outfit the Enterprise crew with new, more durable, and more functional uniforms. 
Please let us know if you discover any issues with their construction at your earliest convenience. 
Best wishes on your journey. 
Starfleet Fabrications and Material Construction
Kirk pulled the top uniform out. The material was certainly thicker than he was used to, but it stretched in the same way, and the gold of command was a warm, cheery hue. He pulled out the matching pants and, grinning, made his way to his room to see how captaincy fit him. 
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It’s not that there was anything wrong with the uniforms, per se. They were comfortable, durable, and flexible. The colors were right. They fit him well. He could feel the clever measurements within them as he bent his knees and elbows experimentally, moving through his range of motion and found no areas of discomfort. 
It was just, he thought as he frowned at himself in the mirror, that they weren’t particularly flattering. He had thought, despite his best efforts to quash any public displays of vanity, that the old uniforms had helped him cut quite the striking figure. But the new uniforms had softer, less visible seams, and fewer panels. The outcome was that they were undoubtedly more useful for extended action, more difficult to rip, and likely easier to repair. 
But they also made him feel like a child again, round like only a farm boy could be, weaning play clothes that he could get dirty without upsetting his parents. 
It’s fine, he told himself. It’s not like there was a common Earth saying about “the clothes make the man.” He was not a self-conscious teenager and it didn’t matter if his clothing made him feel like a child again. They were useful for his mission. 
But that didn’t mean that he had to like them.  
☆ ☆ ☆
The uniform had not grown on him, but he was wearing it as Montgomery Scott, new chief engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, beamed him aboard for final review. The enthusiastic Scotsman pumped his hand and led him down into engineering. Kirk found himself buoyed from department to department by the momentum of his crew, everyone wanting a moment of his time to tell him about their experiments, or ideas, or questions for their trek. Their excitement was infectious, and (despite all of them looking like babies to him in their soft uniforms) Kirk was thrilled to see each and every one of them. 
Finally he ended up on the bridge, surrounded by his hand-picked command crew: Lieutenant Uhura on communications, the Russian baby genius Chekov for navigation, the ace pilot Sulu, Bones, who was supposed to be in Medbay but was following Kirk around with a hypo just for the hell of it, and ---
“Where is Mr. Spock, Uhura?” Kirk finally asked, when there was a moment of silence. 
Uhura looked down at her padd. “He should be here any moment, he was on his way back from---” 
The turbolift door slid open, and Spock stepped out. Kirk hadn’t seen him in over a year: not since his last time on the Enterprise when she was still Pike’s ship, when Spock had saved his ass in a firefight and Kirk had promised Pike afterwards that he would convince Spock to be his first officer if it was the last thing he did. He looked just as Kirk remembered him. Spock was tall and dark and broad, steady and familiar and comforting. There was a happy jolt in Kirk’s stomach as Spock turned to him. 
“My apologies, captain,” Spock said. His dark eyes were warm as he looked over Kirk. “I just returned from a visit on Vulcan. My mother was less than enthusiastic about my departure.” 
“It’s good to see you, Spock,” Kirk said. He could feel his affection radiating out of his face, but he was powerless to stop it. Spock inclined his head, and walked from the turbolift to the science station, which whirred to life at his approach. He placed his hand over the power panel almost fondly, with his back to the rest of the bridge crew. 
Kirk felt his mouth dry out. Had Spock’s legs always been so long? Had his ass looked like that before, or had he gotten stronger in the intervening year? Had his shoulders always tapered to his waist at that angle; had his fingers always been so agile; had the blue of the science shirt always set off the soft green undertone of his eyelids like that? He realized that he was staring and pulled his eyes away, and if Uhura smirked at him then he would pretend he didn’t know what she had seen. 
As he settled into the captain’s chair, his captain’s chair for the first time, Kirk thought that he might be convinced of the merits of the new uniforms. 
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augment-techs · 9 months
From the Cliché, fetish, kink and trope headcanon asks:
Casey/Jarrod(Jungle Fury)👀
O, K, T, S, V, C, J
Oral Fixation/Fetish: While he takes up much of his time in being a Master teaching children, Casey also spends most weekends working at Jungle Karma, because, frankly, living on the top of a mountain with nothing but schedules and ritual is boring as shit. Which means that when he comes back, his mouth invariably tastes of whatever he managed to sneak on his way out the door: onions and red pepper, five cheese and uncured bacon, even that one purely vegan dish that had roasted rose petals. When Jarrod and Casey started dating, Jarrod took to kissing him on his arrival back and making a game out of guessing what he had. As long as Casey doesn't eat pineapple in any capacity, because NO. Kissing: Neither one of them like kissing with tongue. It's lewd and garish, but Casey does delight in giving Jarrod an open mouthed kiss every morning that always ends in nipping his bottom lip and then letting his tongue flick out to graze the corners of his mouth. Jarrod just...loves little pecking kisses. Pressing his lips to Casey's forehead and shoulders and chin and fingers. Swooping in out of nowhere like some cartoon character. (Camille once jokingly gave the poor lion a tube of lipstick and bet he couldn't mark Casey five times before he noticed. He took that bet instantly and, lo and behold, Jarrod managed ten before Theo freaked out and Casey chased his boyfriend around the temple for an hour.) Touching: Casey is a naturally tactile individual, all hand holding and shoulder brushing and leaning against others like a house cat. Jarrod...it took a little bit of doing. Partially because of his trauma, but also because he was very nervous about other people for the longest time. Camille was okay, because he thought he was in love with her, but then the both of them realized they were better as friends and she basically DRAGGED Casey into being more forward. Camille even abducted Casey out of bed like a ninja master and put him in Jarrod's cot a good five times before they got the message. Sexual/Sleep Preferences: Their preferences in the sack are very, very boring. They get enough excitement out of being Power Rangers, out of being teachers and students, out of working with RJ despite no longer having to. Missionary is their go-to move, but if they feel obliged, usually after being close together sleeping in bed all night, they can spend a good couple hours in the midst of intercrural like teenagers that haven't discovered lube yet. Virginity: Casey was never one to buy into the whole "loss" of virginity thing that is so ingrained in culture that it becomes a block more than a help. He believes in being sexually active or inactive, he believes in learning under each hand he's been under, and screw anyone who tries to give him shit about it. Jarrod's first sexual anything was with Camille because he was so uninformed it lead to anxiety every time he thought about it. And Camille was more than happy to help since gender never really meant anything to her, and while she and Jarrod did realize they weren't quite in love, they did care about each other. It was a good learning experience, and they both enjoyed it. Crying: Casey could cry in happiness for hours and hours given the right conditions. He once went with Lily and Theo to an outdoor showing of The Emperor's New Groove, and cried so much with laughing, he alarmed the both of them into thinking he was having a panic attack or the like. Jarrod, unfortunately, is very prone sneaking off and being as quiet as possible to cry out from his trauma of being possessed for over a year by Dai Shi and regaining the good parts of himself in the process. He doesn't like it, but when Casey found out, he made him promise to come find him or Camille or the other Rangers so he didn't have to be alone in silence anymore. Jacking/Jilling Off:
Casey prefers to either get a quick one out in the morning shower, or to take his time in the evening where he can take a nap in the direct aftermath. His need to have an orgasm is mostly just so he can relax or get things roaming through his body.
In the morning, on lunch break, during the shower, before bed, sometimes after a really long training battle with any one of the masters... Jarrod isn't ashamed of something that makes him content, he'd just really like to do it with Casey watching him. He's just too shy to ask.
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cactosaurio · 8 months
This is a certified mucho texto, but I had ideas about the Luofu plot (there is selfship again) (and spoilers)
ok, so Mao Qian and Jing Yuan exchanged fates when she gave JY her trainee uniform and he showed MQ a library to hide from bullies; coming into contact with each other's life experiences makes them invert their philosophies on words and conflic. She's a bit unhealthy, the idea that Jing Yuan is hers to protect starts fermenting in her mind and so does the fear that anything might happen if he's too far from her reach.
Jing Yuan didn't consider himself a gifted cloudknight and he truly wasn't, but seeing Mao Qian amazed by his swordmanship despite its flaws makes him realize that purely hard work can bear fruits in the shape of other people's safety, dismissing her inability to access such effort due to a poor physical condition. Mao Qian reaches the opposite conclussion when Jing Yuan compliments her memory and starts to believe in her inherent talent and efficiency, despite him taking much effort and succeeding in teaching her calligraphy.
The age of the High Cloud Quintet starts and both friends hang out less, Jing Yuan goes with the legendary group, eventually close-knit friends while Mao Qian becomes the main scribe for the previous general Teng Xiao. The death of Baiheng, Dan Feng's successful attempts at granting her a new life, preserving Ying Xing's and Jingliu's fall into mara breaks the group apart; dealing with the aftermath eventually leads to Jing Yuan being ascended to general, giving him a chance to lessen the blow of punishment for all of his old friends.
It indirectly rekindles his relationship with Mao Qian as well; the Quintet's consecutive losses left him with a gaping solitude that will never close, but when she's around at least one of the five pieces of his heart won't be alone and he feels so sure that she won't open a new wound. On her end, what has happened to both her previous general and the legendary group makes her willing to do anything (withing the confines of the law for now) to keep Jing Yuan safe, including thwarting assasination attempts whenever his guard is lowered.
Both take radically different perspectives after witnessing YX/Blade's immortality; the general is set on the disaster it caused and finds it more trouble than it's worth, the scribe fixates on the fact that it's not impossible in the first place without realizing why she would want to keep it in mind.
Among the old stories and texts the woman recites to distract him there's the existence of a very old, destructive nuisance hiding among the roots of the Luofu.
The main conflicting forces are Phantylia/Tingyun and the Stellaron Hunters, since one wishes to destroy the Luofu and the other wants it in one piece for an ulterior motive; Sanctus Medicus and the Astral Express are means to an end for each. The neutral ground they fight on is the ship itself, lead by Jing Yuan.
Tingyun is either related to Yukong or has some deep affection for her, is aware of how much time the older woman has left and is unwilling to accept it. Phantylia, a being that has pestered the ship for centuries and spent a long time hidden has made her believe she has the power to extend someone's lifespan if both strike a deal and revive the Ambrosial Tree; the foxian's body now partially possesed both take turns using it and lead a double life. This collaboration revived Sanctus Medicus with monetary support and illegal trafficking, something in which Luocha is involved.
When the Astral Express arrives Jing Yuan finds himself with a new chance to get rid of that very ancient nuisance, but it also reveals a weak link within the Seat of Divine Foresight to Tingyun.
Just as when the mine fills with gas canaries panick inside their cages first, Mao Qian is the first to notice something's amiss with their arrival, although she chalks it up to them being paperwork nuisances.
She won't believe Phantylia/Tingyun's words or promises for a second, but there is merit to their goal and the scribe is more skilled at working than uncovering secret plots, following them might give more results. Betrayal stings regardless, so she must put her anxieties aside or else her new bosses will try to exploit them; she proves to be a little hard to manipulate, a self-proclaimed simpleton that turned out to be the opposite of hot-blooded.
Part of the plan is using Jing Yuan's scribe to obtain intel, erase inconvenient registers and eventually lure out the general himself where Phantylia can catch him; it's good that Tingyun and Mao Qian have the same exploitable weakness, if a bit inconvenient that both want a potentially limited resource.
The true issue is when, instead of confronting his scribe and retaining her personally as the antagonists expected, Jing Yuan lets Mao Qian do as she pleases and tracks down Phantylia's whereabouts by checking what is written, what's missing, where she says she's going and her most recent strange aquaintaces.
At first it looked like an arrogant move that only benefits their plan, but a lot of Sanctus Medicus followers have been imprisoned by the cloudknights recently.
Knowing the Stellaron Hunters were the ones to bring the Astral Express to him after the stellaron outbreak and those two who broke apart centuries ago, Jing Yuan releases Blade as bait for Dan Heng to reveal his true powers and eventually open a way to the tree. This way there's the cloudknights as a handle that will open the way while tracking down Mao Qian's road, and now there's also the spearhead as the Astral Express for when everyone reaches destination.
Dan Heng's power opens way to friends, foes and traitors alike, anyone that's relevant to the main fight arrives and the tree starts to grow its first fruits after a long time.
Knowing this exacerbates the scribe's growing anxiety, Yanqing got the ass whooping of the century and soon Jing Yuan will be involved in the frontlines of this tangled issue. Her deal with that double-faced foxian doesn't matter compared to them, she was getting played anyways, and so the single ripe fruit that grew fell in her hands.
Phantylia's true goal was the destruction of the Luofu and Tingyun realizes such an entity won't care enough about Yukong to keep even the ground she stands on, so she decides to deviate from Phantylia's plans, getting her to twist her neck and reveal her position early.
After Mao Qian's death/imprisonment (undecided) while attempting to give Jing Yuan the fruit of immortality she managed to snatch, the fight proceeds as normal.
The current loose threads in this business are the silent enablers.
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turtlethon · 11 months
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Season 9, Episode 6  First US Airdate: October 21, 1995  
The Turtles battle a clock-obsessed villain. 
We head into the later episodes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season nine with “Split-Second”. As with most adventures from this period, David Wise is credited as the writer of this adventure. 
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The Turtles are training in the Lair with Carter, who laments that he joined the team to train in the ways of the ninja under Splinter but has instead spent much of his time battling Dregg. Between dealing with this new enemy and their unstable mutations, the Turtles have found themselves being pulled in all directions, and so Leonardo pushes for them to adopt a strict new schedule, much to Michaelangelo’s chagrin. During the conversation, our heroes notice that all the clocks in the Lair seem to be showing an incorrect time. A conversation with April via Turtlecom confirms this is happening everywhere and so, suspecting this to be Dregg’s doing, the team set off to investigate. 
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The source of the signal is traced to a billboard atop a roof advertising “Officially licensed Dregg watches”. (Plenty of ads like this have appeared dotted around the urban landscape of TMNT over the years, but none of them have had as much thought put into them as this one, which with its bright colours and off-kilter design looks like an actual watch advertisement you might see in a magazine aimed at kids or teens in 1995.) Behind the billboard is a small device which Leonardo destroys, immediately restoring the normal flow of time; seconds later a pair of drones attack Michaelangelo and Carter, sending them flying off the side of the roof. Mikey uses his grappling hook to land safely, while Carter is protected by adopting his mutant form. 
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Back on the roof, the drones continue to pester the other Turtles. They attack Raphael, who’s also sent flying, transforming into his new, beastly self along the way. The drones knock Leo and Donnie through the building and out the other side, only for them to be caught by Raph and Carter. The two bots cut down the billboard, with our heroes only narrowly avoiding being flattened. 
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One of the most lamentable aspects of this season has been watching April get pushed into near-total irrelevance, relegated to sitting in front of a computer and passing on details of what’s happening in the world to the team via Turtlecom. That’s exactly what she does here, as she informs them of a robbery of antique timepieces from a museum. The Turtles are initially dismissive until they learn that laser weapons and stun rays were used in the crime. According to Michaelangelo, “only Dregg packs that kind of gear” - which isn’t true, for years now we’ve seen cops, the military and even the pettiest of criminals in the show use laser guns, presumably due to the moral panic about violence in cartoons and fantasy weapons being considered okay – but in any event, the Turtles opt to pay the museum a visit. 
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To my surprise, April is at the museum when the Turtles and Carter show up. Observing a group of clocks on the wall, Donnie and Carter measure the longitude and latitude, the tallied-up figures leading to the map co-ordinates for a steel mill. (The show is perhaps falling back into its old habits today, as Raphael breaks the fourth wall to point out TMNT’s educational value.) Though they suspect it may be a trap, the group dutifully head off. 
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Upon arriving at the mill, the Turtles spot a shadowy, spiky-haired figure looking down upon them, his high-pitched voice confirming it’s someone other than Lord Dregg. Though the group don’t recognise the mystery man he makes it clear that he knows them well, announcing himself as Chronos and launching a clock-shaped bomb in their direction as the first act ends. 
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Evidently Chronos is a cyberpunk-esque bad guy with a clock fixation, multiple watches strapped to his arms and numbers adorning his outfit (because, y’know... time involves numbers, though the multi-coloured aesthetic makes him look like he’s about to demand the Turtles tell him how to get to Sesame Street). He continues to use his array of time-themed weapons to fight the green teens around the steel mill, forcing them to avoid the various pitfalls located around the building while engaging in combat. Following a scuffle with Raphael the villain escapes, threatening that he knows everything about the Turtles. The team head outside after hearing a large explosion but find their enemy has vanished. 
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Speaking amongst themselves, the Turtles remark that there was something oddly familiar about Chronos. As they drive off in the Turtle Van, Carter discovers an alarm clock left in the vehicle. The team assume this must be a bomb, but instead it relays an audio message from Chronos: he intends to perform two crimes simultaneously, breaking into the city’s Central Bank. While doing so, he also plans to reset the midtown subway’s switch clocks, causing a collision between the north and southbound trains. 
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The clock continues to tick down, leading the team to again assume an explosion must be imminent; instead, a big... Chronos head on a spring pops out of it? We’re clearly dealing with a real goofball here. April splits off from the team to research the history behind this new villain. Leonardo and Donatello leave for the bank while Mikey, Raph and Carter attempt to stop the impending train crash. 
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Splinter is meditating in the Lair when an intruder alarm sounds. Heading into the exterior sewers, he finds himself face to face with Chronos, who taunts him by revealing he knows all about the mutant rat’s history and his connection to the Turtles. The two go at it, and though Chronos is no match for Splinter’s ninja skills, the villain gains the upper hand by using one of his watch weapons to pin him to the wall.  
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This must be the first time in years that the show has granted us a decent view of April’s apartment, both the exterior and interior, and it’s not entirely clear if it’s intended to be the same locale seen in the pre-Red Sky years; it’s certainly a lot more run-down than anything seen in years prior, especially from the outside. She performs a search on her desktop PC for any information pertaining to Chronos, bemoaning what a drawn-out task it’ll probably turn out to be. 
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Raphael leads the charge to clear the subway, using the public’s newfound fear of the Turtles (thanks to Dregg’s propaganda) to their advantage. In a revealing moment, we get a sense of just how effective the campaign has been as an old man driving the train cowers in fear upon seeing the Turtles, begging them not to hurt him. Raph, Mikey and Carter narrowly manage to make the switch between the trains in time but are informed by the voice of Chronos that he never altered their path at all, our heroes having now been tricked into causing the impending collision themselves. 
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Leonardo and Donatello make their way into the bank to thwart the robbery, but this, too, turns out to be a ruse: on a screen, Chronos reveals that he was never interested in stealing the contents of the vault. Instead, he’s placed a thermal device inside which will detonate after thirty seconds. Leo and Donnie race to escape, but the vault door closes, locking them inside as the second act concludes. 
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The final portion of the show opens with Donatello and Leonardo pushing against the vault door, deliberately activating their mutations and using their newfound strength to shove their way out at the last second. In the subway, the other members of the team apply much the same approach, adopting their new forms and pushing against the two approaching trains until they come to a stop. 
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April continues to peruse old newspaper scans on her computer. One includes the headline “MAN ARRESTED IN CLOCKTOWER”, followed by the line “Man arrested in clocktower, who called Chris Ross” [sic]. A photograph of a bespectacled man accompanies the headline; curiously, the rest of the text that appears on the page appears to be a blurb about the Bejing Review, alongside a second headline which simply reads “GEORGE YONPIN”. Naturally I tried to Google the name, but nothing came up. Huh. 
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The Turtles and Carter reunite, griping that their respective missions both turned out to be traps. Departing in the van, they again wonder just who Chronos is until they notice the nearby City Hall clock tower. This prompts another fourth wall break from Raphael, who announces an impending flashback sequence. 
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Leonardo recalls events from “a couple of years ago” - confirmation, if you still need it this late into the run, that the Turtles are considered to have been fighting crime for multiple years at this point. The Turtles were scouting the rooftops when they encountered a man named Winston Fripp, who had just robbed the city’s treasury. The team tied up the crook, leaving him for the police, and went on their way. The Turtles remark that none of this explains Chrono’s claim to know everything about them including where they live, or his bizarre transformation. (I would add that it also doesn’t explain the involvement of Chris Ross or George Yonpin, whoever they are.) It dawns on the team that this puts Splinter in danger, and so they rush back to the Lair. 
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The Turtles return home ready to throw down, and instead encounter a grandfather clock equipped with... a chibi representation of Chronos, what the fuuuuck? The little model version of the villain relays a message, informing the team that the clock is a “gift in exchange for your beloved sensei”. He threatens to dispose of Splinter unless they meet him at the south bank drawbridge and surrender. 
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April relays information to the Turtles that adds further weight to the idea Winston Fripp is the likely alter-ego of Chronos. The newspaper clipping which she’s now printed off reveals he “was fired from the city scheduling department because of an attitude problem,” his subsequent robbery that was thwarted by the Turtles intended as an act of revenge. In the time between the team tying him up and the cops finding him, Fripp (no relation to that other obnoxious Fripp) was driven mad by the ringing bells of the clock tower, planting the seeds for his current supervillain persona. 
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With Carter stationed nearby, the Turtles arrive to confront Chronos and his flying drones, which he dubs his “clockwork warriors”. The team take a pounding from the bots and are forced to relinquish their weapons in exchange for Splinter’s life. Chronos reveals their sensei is being kept at Claybourne Tower – the same building where a sphere drops on New Year’s Eve. Overhearing this via Turtlecom, Carter leaves on his motorbike to rescue Splinter, unaware that the sphere has been activated and is beginning to drop. Not only is Splinter about to be flattened, but the Turtles face the same fate, now tied to the mechanisms of the drawbridge which threatens to crush them as the two sides rise. As if all of that wasn’t enough, Chronos intends to use a set of concussion generators to “shake the city apart”, taking any valuables for himself in the aftermath. All of this, the Turtles learn, was made possible thanks to Lord Dregg. 
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Following the departure of Chronos, Donatello breaks free of the ropes restraining him and quickly works to untie the others. The Turtles take their van to the clock tower where they first encountered Fripp, figuring he’d want his victory to take place there as a symbolic gesture. Meanwhile Carter makes a last-second intervention to save Splinter, transforming into his mutant form and smashing the globe. 
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Buildings are seen crumbling as the Turtles arrive at the clock tower, spotting that the master control for the concussion generators is wired into the clock’s machinery. The ensuing battle with Chronos’s drones sets off the team’s mutations, the villain shocked and horrified as he discovers he didn’t know everything about the green teens after all. After destroying the generator system, the Turtles tie up Fripp, leaving him to suffer the sound of the bells once more. 
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An unspecified amount of time and one dissolve later brings the arrival of Lord Dregg to the clock tower. Chronos is admonished for his failure in dealing with the Turtles and destroying the city, but the warlord declares he still has a use for the defeated villain: later, a TV news report frames Dregg himself as “our protector from the stars” who stopped the clock tower plot. The Turtles and Carter are disgusted as they watch this in the Lair, firing off a rapid-fire series of time/clock/watch-based puns to close the episode. 
After writing the entry for “The Showdown” I remarked on Mastodon about how deflating the experience of watching and writing about season nine of TMNT has been, with Lord Dregg the only good thing to come out of this whole misguided re-reinvention of the series. “Split-Second” continues in much the same manner as the handful of episodes that preceded it, with Dregg again bringing in a new Villain of the Week to do his bidding, alongside more of the usual unsuccessful attempts to convince us that Carter and the new mutations of the Turtles are impressive. Despite that, I enjoyed this one a lot more than most of season nine’s output. David Wise utilises many of his favourite storytelling tools here, having multiple disasters going on at any given time that the team need to resolve, while also sneaking in some of the self-referential humour that’s largely been absent since the beginning of season eight. Throw in an increasingly rare appearance by Splinter and April getting marginally more screen time here than she has throughout the rest of 1995’s outings, and this adventure almost has a throwback feel to it. 
Chronos is an unashamed mish-mash of two different DC villains, the Riddler and the Clock King, but he succeeds by way of having an intriguing history and connection to the Turtles, by immediately being set up as a villain who poses them an actual threat, and by being so inexplicably goofy. We’d have to go back to Creepy Eddie to recall a time when the team went up against a foe this off-kilter. This kind of zany enemy can easily just turn out to be irritating (see Mister Ogg, another member of the TMNT rogues’ gallery created by Wise), a concern circumvented here by keeping the Turtles and their friends in serious peril throughout. The character isn’t just clowning around for the sake of it, he has an established reason for acting this way and for seeking revenge against the team, and as a result everything clicks. Okay, his outfit is still dreadful, but at this point I can live with that. Little victories during this troubled era of the show are perhaps as much as we can hope for, and that’s exactly what we get here. 
Just when I thought perhaps season nine was beginning to turn around, the next episode is ominously titled “Carter, the Enforcer”. Spare me. 
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foxdailypost · 1 year
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There is an outdated thought that once a lady arrives at a particular age, that she ought to discreetly and smoothly move back from the spotlight, hang up her own power and become OK with unavoidably being undetectable.
This thought is additionally enhanced by the style business' fixation on cultural energy and the absence of portrayal of midlife ladies in limited time materials, joyfully concealed with language utilized, for example, 'hostile to maturing' or 'imperishable ladies' (as though we had a decision!).
It is no big surprise then that the undying dream of energy is boldly compared with excellence and that ladies accept they become less appealing with age, constraining themselves to remain young for longer.
Beside feeling disregarded by the media and society, ladies are likewise ignorant that the confidence in ageism really does truth be told become assimilated, with most of ladies more than 50 inclination concealed, neglected, and disparaged as they age. Furthermore, as it's been said, anything that you think and feel about yourself, is valid! Well this couldn't possibly be more off-base.
Enter the Creatrix! A term instituted by Stephanie Raffelock as another model of midlife ladies being birthed inside the 21st Hundred years. Creatrix ladies are venturing out from behind the imperceptible shroud of ageism and have gone from having a calm solidarity to a reverberating voice, separating hindrances and generalizations of what maturing truly is. Think the arrival of Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and The City (with the person now in her 50s), Michelle Yeoh, an entertainer from the film Everything Wherever At the same time, who at 61, become the main Asian to get a Foundation Grant for best entertainer in a lead job, and Melbourne style bloggers Ginger and Carmen, who are building up some decent momentum for their stylish interpretation of Melbourne's design scene. We should likewise not disregard the ongoing far and wide fixation on Emily in Paris' Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, the 58-year-old entertainer who ruled Paris Design and who plainly is the ideal illustration of an unashamed and enabled Creatrix lady!
Sitting close by these astonishing well known faces are additionally genuine stars who have accomplished amazing accomplishments, including Melbourne lady, Jane Kanizay who arrived at the highest point of Mount Everest with her girl at the staggering age of 62. Presently there's a lady who knows how to noticeably daringly embrace life and live it!
Obviously this monstrous influx of instructed and autonomous expert Creatrix ladies are here to kill the last stronghold of ageism and are on the cusp, not of resigning, but instead of being released into the world. I most definitely am giving a shout out to them, since they are investigating the superb, groundbreaking sentiments that midlife brings, which prompts freeing achievement!
So how has everything turned out from undetectable to turning into the headliner of their lives?
As somebody who is currently embracing midlife, I have an enthusiastic outlook on assuming a part in motivating others to do likewise. I needed to challenge generalizations about midlife ladies, and on second thought of being a contributor to the issue, I decided to turn into a piece of the arrangement by fostering an individual styling business that would enable midlife ladies to turn out to be profoundly noticeable. Through my administrations I have upheld endless ladies, practically every one of whom have felt undetectable eventually in time, as of not long ago! Indeed, even my most compelling clients have let me know that they also have stowed away themselves away from the world as they entered midlife, and subsequent to finishing my multi month mental self portrait drenching program, have happened to doing a portion of their best work in their 60s!
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