#this is exactly what I meant in that one ramble I posted about 2009 being hard to condense ughhhhhh
skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 Bahrain Grand Prix - Jenson Button
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imperiuswrecked · 4 years
Differet anon - I love character analysis, and want all your opinions about Namor, in as much detail as you're willing to provide.
Hello Anon! I have so many opinions about Namor and if you really want then here’s a long meta that covers various things (warning long post ahead):
Now we all know that while Marvel Comics Universe officially begins with the Fantastic Four in the Silver Age, most of the Golden Age isn’t considered “true” MU canon BUT Marvel plays fast and loose with the GA characters and backstories, they pick and choose whatever they like and leave the rest, for instance many GA characters never made it out of the GA however some have in some capacity and the main three who used to be Marvel’s Holy Trinity due to their popularity in the GA were Original Human Torch, Captain America, and the Sub-Mariner. However Marvel took different approaches to bringing them into the SA. For Jim Hammond he was shelved and his superhero name and powers were given to Johnny Storm, the current Human Torch takes his name from his favorite super hero Jim because Johnny used to read comics about the GA heroes and it’s in MU canon that Jim, Steve, and Namor had comics made of their time during WWll. Captain America was put on ice (though this was not revealed until his reemergence in the comics within the pages of the Avengers after Namor’s SA debut) however for Namor, now Namor was special because Stan Lee loved Namor so much that rather than reinvent him like he and Kirby did with the Human Torch, he just brought him into the comics as he was, he gave him amnesia, and Kirby reworked the Atlanteans and Atlantis’s designs and they seamlessly integrated him into the pages of the Fantastic Four.
The reason why I find this so exciting is because Namor has always been a link for connections within the comics, he and Jim Hammond had the very first comic superhero cross over in comic history, this meant that before their crossover, Batman and Superman never hung out, and everyone was in their own universe. Namor then becomes the connection between the Old comics and the New comics when he comes into the SA. Namor connects the X-Men to the wider universe when he appears in their books, he connects Daredevil when he guest stars, and Namor is the reason Steve was found by the Avengers. His actions cause a ripple across comics. Not to mention that Namor as a creation is himself also a connection, he was the first Anti-Hero in a time where such a thing never existed, there was “bad guys vs good guys” only black and white views, there was no grey human mortality involved. His creator, Bill “Blake” Everett was a descendant from William Blake, a Romantic Age Poet and Artist. So the Romanticism and Bryonic elements to Namor cannot be dismissed especially since Everett connects Namor back to more old romantic age stuff when he named him The Sub-Mariner taking inspiration from “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Another connection Namor has is that he is the prototype Mutant, his ankle wing origin story and how he gained his ability to fly in his teens was covered years before the X-Men were invented in 1963. (Sub-Mariner Comics #38, Published Feb 1955).
In the Golden Age Namor’s childhood is quickly glossed over, but what we do know is that Thakorr, angry at his daughter Princess Fen, for daring to love and marry a human man, locks her away in a cell and within that cell is where Namor was born. Thakorr now realizing he has a male heir but still upset with his daughter releases her and grants her, her life but he also banishes her and the newborn prince as punishment for her actions. He only allows them to return to Atlantis when Namor becomes ten years of age in order to begin his training to become ruler one day. The reason I mentioned earlier that Marvel takes whatever it feels like taking from the GA is because this fact is usually forgotten or glossed over in the comics. However when Namor was a young boy he was beloved by his mother and his only friend, Dorma, and later after she was retconned into being Namor’s cousin, Namora. Other than that Namor was often ostracized for being born different. He endured racism, taunts and his Grandfather abuse as he was growing up. However Thakorr wasn’t stupid and when he and Fen saw what Namor could do, how strong he grew and how he could survive on land, then Namor began to be molded into the “Avenging Son” a weapon of Atlantis and to be used in against the surface world to make them pay for their crimes.
Namor feeling like an outsider and trying to find his place in the world is a core element to the backbone of his character, his morally grey nature allows him more freedom than other characters.
Namor is a very flawed character and I feel he is very relatable because he makes mistakes and rather than ignoring them he faces the consequences for that.
Namor is perhaps the most honest character in Marvel, and I don’t mean as in he himself doesn’t tell a lie now and then but honest as in what you see is what you get and he will cut through the b.s. and tell you exactly what he is thinking whenever he feels like it. Namor will call you out and he makes no apologies for being abrasive or in your face.
Due to his upbringing and also due to Namor having to constantly fight and endure his cousins trying to take his throne by whispering in Thakorr’s ears, the court was not a kind place for the half breed prince, he had to command respect at every opportunity which is why when people disrespect him on the surface world he is quick to assert himself and remind all that he is the king of seas.
Legend of the Blue Marvel (2009) #4
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So Namor deals with A LOT which is why he has this salty grumpy outer shell to his personality and not many people get to see the softer side of the Sub-Mariner. He wears this mask of arrogance and confidence but he also backs up everything he says with his actions. Namor is very aware of how others see him and decided long ago that he gives zeros fucks and will do whatever he wants to do, but something that not a lot of writers in the modern age comics get about Namor is that Namor is very honorable just because Namor uses a different moral compass than other heroes doesn’t mean he isn’t a good person in his own way.
Namor hates bullies, being bullied as a child he despises bullies in all forms and often steps in to stop them and takes the side of the underdog. He especially hates child abusers.
Namor respects women, omfg if I have to read another “hot take” from some writer who calls Namor a home wrecking Casanova I will fling myself into the sun. Toxic Masculinity is a thing that people keep trying to attach to Namor but it’s WRONG. This especially happens in the comics where there is Reed/Sue/Namor drama because writers want people to side with Reed and having Namor be a douche and Sue declaring that she would never be with a man like him no matter how hot he is because his personality sucks and Reed is the good choice for Sue. (can you tell I dislike the namorsue ship? lmao)
Namor treats women with respect and would actually fight others who disrespect women, he is a king and a gentleman, however this does not mean that he treats them as inferior. He has had his ass saved by women so many times, he will fight a female villain the same as a male villain, he will listen to women and trust their judgement in situations. Namor is much less likely to trust men and especially men in power due to him growing up under Thakorr’s tyrannic rule.
Namor’s an old school romantic and he loves being in love even if he doesn’t quite know how to make a relationship last (usually because Marvel kills off his love interests).
Namor gives people second chances even if they have betrayed him in the past.
Namor and his mother have a strained relationship, even though they both love each other there’s a wall between them. Fen was crafty, she would do what could to prepare Namor to be king, including keeping secrets from him.
Namor is a loyal person and friend, and once you have his seal of approval he will fight for you.
Namor likes animals far more than he likes people, and I love him for it. He treats scary undersea creatures like pets.
Namor is a very lonely creature who cares far more than he will ever let on and who, no matter what happens, will always stand up to fight for what he thinks is right even if the entire world is against him.
Namor has this thing about touch, he dislikes people touching him without his express permission and when I first starting reading his comics I chalked it up to a part of his arrogant demeanor, then I thought that it might be because he is royalty and there are certain things you just don’t do with royalty and personal touches like a hand on the should might seem to be too familiar and it was a sign of disrespect, however when I read more about Thakorr’s cruelty/abuse I have come to think that its a mix of “Don’t touch me bitch, I’m royalty” and “I won’t let anyone who I don’t like touch me ever again because of the abuse I suffered”.
His soft heart has been hardened by mankind’s cruelty so he protects it. He’s seen more sorrow and pain than others have in their lifetime and he is just a tired old man who wants everyone to leave him alone.
Thanks for letting me ramble on, lmao.
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bloggmylyf · 7 years
for your grandma the biggest internet mystery is how to get the gosh-darned superhighway kajigger to work when she’s sure she’s pressed all the right buttons on the microwave, but for the rest of us there are several very real and very frightening mysteries about the internet which people have yet to solve who has been hacking the world’s governments for the past 10 years who created the Bitcoin and why is the website of a long-dead suicide cult still answering emails let’s take a look in our list of 7 intriguing internet mysteries:
How deep is the Deep Web?
  2 decades ago there were around three thousand websites at most and today it is estimated there are more than 1 billion websites on the visible web, but Deep Web websites hide their IP addresses and this makes them harder to search for, harder to track, and virtually impossible to count and with good reason – the Deep Web refers to any pages that search engines cannot find and much of it comprises of the pages index sites required to work but don’t need to show you. however some of the Deep Web is also made up of the dark web which requires the Tor browser to access you’ve probably heard all sorts of stories about the kind of sites available here – pages offering drugs for sale, stolen credit card numbers, and the worst kinds of pornography available. But just how many of these sites there are in the dark web is tough to figure out and it’s even harder to calculate how many are in the wider Deep Web. In 2014 it was speculated that the Deep Web was 500x bigger than the visible web and if that’s true it could be humongous today, especially if our next entry exists.
The Marianas Web
named after the deepest ocean trench on earth the marianas web is a purported fourth level of the internet which contains some of humanity’s most treasured secrets and disgraceful material, sounds neat. If the top level includes facebook, google, and Russianbrides.com, the second-level is made up of the innocent and functional Deep Web we mentioned earlier, Then you have the dark web at the third-level but some believe beneath this isn’t even murkier part of the web one which is virtually impossible to access, because there’s no way of verifying its existence the marianas web has attracted some crazy speculation regarding its origins and content, if the dark web contains horrible abuse and illegal narcotics, what terrible acts must marianas web facilitate? — terrorism? an archive of rule 34 material? some claim its content isn’t grotesque but merely so world-changing it has to be kept secret. The real location of Atlantis, The Vatican Secret Archives, and even active Artificially intelligent presence, which is controlling the internet from the depths of the virtual world. These are just some of the insane claims about the Marianas web, but with no concrete proof that this level even exists, and most of its lower the ramblings of paranoid conspiracy theorists, many have taken to renaming it as the Dirt web. I like that name.
Who is Cicada 3301
      cicada 3301, which of this date remains a mystery as to who exactly this anonymous puzzle posting organization is. beginning with their first set of puzzles in 2012, further cryptic conundrums were posted in January 2013, 2014, and 2016 with the stated purpose being to recruit intelligent individuals. As ever with the absence of information, the public speculation has ranged from the believable to the downright retarded. Anonymous, The Freemasons, The Illuminati, The CIA, The NSA, and mi6, have all been put forward to suspects. As, has the idea that it is just one big alternate reality game, but each year once the winners are chosen they seem to disappear out of sight and have reported being asked to solve more puzzles in secret, so where they go from here, and who is behind these puzzles, remains shrouded in mystery.
who is behind ghost net
In 2009, Researchers at the information warfare monitor discovered an online cyber spying operation which threatened and continues to threaten the security of every single online person on earth. The investigation found a network of 1295 infected hosts, which doesn’t sound a lot but nearly a third of these were extremely high value targets including computers at Foreign Embassies, International organizations, Media outlets, and NGOs, Spread across 103 different countries. Since ghost nets discovery, it has continued to infiltrate other major organizations, but government’s frequently hide these incidents for fear of inciting further attacks. To this day we have no proof of who is behind ghost net but with the organization being consistently controlled by IP addresses located in China, we have a few good guesses.
The Dead Colts Living Site
On March 26th, 1997, 39 members of Heaven’s Gate cult committed suicide on the orders of their leader Marshall Applewhite. He told his followers that “upon death their souls would be transported to a spaceship which was traveling the hale-bopp comet and that this was necessary if humanity were to survive a forthcoming alien cleansing of our planet” members of his group were told to leave their jobs, and relationships, give up their money, and some male followers even castrated themselves. you’ve got to be pretty damn charming to get someone to cut their nuts off, but it seems Marshall Applewhite certainly was that persuasive because, not only was he responsible for the worst mass suicide on American soil, but his influence continues to this day. The Heaven’s Gate website remains functional 19 years after the suicide event and if you email it you may still receive a response, several reddit users have tried this and this was one of the replies begin in quote “we were in the group for 12 years and they asked us to maintain the website, emails and the physical and intellectual property of the group” end quote, so is Heaven’s Gate still recruiting members? and if so, are we soon to witness yet another devastating mass suicide?!
  Internet Black Holes
Have you ever sent an email that was never delivered? ever placed an order for something that mysteriously never went through?. perhaps you forgot to click check out because you were drunk? or maybe your data was swallowed up by one of the Internet’s mysterious black holes. Since 2008, engineers have been at a loss to explain why huge amounts of information keeps disappearing at random from online communications. And whereas some blame firewalls and dead IP addresses, others have speculated a more sinister cause for this phenomenon. In 2013 an Internet Black Hole was discovered operating in ways nobody had seen before. Someone was diverting traffic meant for government agencies around the world, rerouting it through their own systems and then sending it on as if nothing had happened. So if these internet black holes aren’t actually losing information, who is operating them and what are they doing with our data?
 Who Created Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a digital asset and payment system introduced in 2009 and has been referred to as the world’s first decentralized digital currency. Bitcoin has grown from its humble beginnings into a legitimate online payment method and whilst it has dropped from a 2014 value of nearly 1,200 per Bitcoin, today’s 639 dollar value shows a gradual recovery from its dip over the past two years. This dip was blamed on several things but not least its secretive origins and its association with illegal activities. Bitcoin was purported to have been created by a 30-something Japanese man called Satoshi Nakamoto, but this is almost certainly a pseudonym, so who is this mysterious creator? computer scientist and cryptographer Nick Szabo, came under suspicion first and the now deceased Bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney, was also rumored to be its founder. But in December 2015, Australian academic Craig Stephen Wright was outed by Wired magazine as a potential candidate and within hours his house was raided by Australian police for a supposedly different matter, right later admitted being bitcoins creator but the proof he has given for this has subsequently been discredited. Other purported creators have included an Irish student, a Finnish economist, a Japanese mathematician, and that Satoshi Nakamoto is actually a pseudonym for a whole team of people. will we ever find out who really created Bitcoin, why have they hoarded a fortune of bitcoins worth 450 million dollars, and is there a very good reason why this person or people wish to remain in the shadows?
Related: Unexpected ways Hackers can Destroy You..! (2017) 🖥️
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7 Creepy Internet Mysteries, We Still Don’t Understand.. for your grandma the biggest internet mystery is how to get the gosh-darned superhighway kajigger to work when she's sure she's pressed all the right buttons on the microwave, but for the rest of us there are several very real and very frightening mysteries about the internet which people have yet to solve who has been hacking the world's governments for the past 10 years who created the Bitcoin and why is the website of a long-dead suicide cult still answering emails let's take a look in our list of 7 intriguing internet mysteries:
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Finally got myself to start 2009 :D
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Warning: long-winded ramble about gifing under the cut
Preface: this is one of those rambles that I have to myself in my head when I'm trying to fall asleep and I just keep repeating it to myself over and over and going over it like it's a monologue and then fall asleep unexpectedly
God I can already tell that gifing anything 2009 and beyond is gonna be an absolute nightmare for me 😭 I mean *positive* nightmare, but nightmare none the less. Basically this is because the more recent the race is, the better the production and camerawork is. Which is good for watching but bad when you're trying to condense all of the post-race into one gifset. Speaking of that, does anyone know exactly when the production improved btwn 2005 and 2009? I watched one 2008 race, I really can't remember how good the production/camerawork was. Also I hope you guys get what I mean by that LOL and it's not just me being overly specific
If you've seen any of my 2023 posts so far, you'll notice I'm able to make a pretty fulfilling set focusing on just one driver, and that driver isn't even the winner of the race. Trying to make a gifset of anyone but the winner in 2005 would be borderline impossible because the camera mainly only focuses on the winner, only really showing the p2 and p3 drivers when they accept their trophies. I mean from a viewers perspective, I obviously enjoy the enhanced production because it's really nice to see more of the drivers other than the winner. But how am I supposed to condense it into only 10 gifs AAAAHHHHHH!!! And like to worsen this, even if 2005 had the same production quality as 2023, I think it'd still be easier for me because there's fewer drivers I really like from that era.
But 2009-2013 is the era in which all of my favs are there and in the forefront, so it's impossible for me to take a 2023 approach to it in which I focus on one driver. Like bruh how am I meant to condense it when it's a Seb, Jenson & Mark podium, my folder for the race is gonna have like...30+ gifs. I have enough issues condensing 2023, one driver focused, to ten, and I had issues with 2005 sometimes, so AHHHHHHHH. It's like that meme of the woman getting fed too many cakes. I gifed a tiny bit of China 2009 if you remember, and even though I was only focusing on a relatively tiny section...I swear to god I made like 10 or some other inane amount.
Speaking of 2023 I gotta say, I'm so fucked when inevitably Fernando doesn't end up being on the podium. How am I supposed to make a gifpost when my number one boy isn't there :(( I'm not sure who else I'd end up focusing on? There's not as many drivers I absolutely love in 2023 compared to, for example, the V8 era. It's not like atp I'm predicting Oscar to get a podium so :,) I guess I'll probably end up just making a more general kind of post, focusing on everyone instead of just one driver?
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