#this is how today's entry went right?
amphibimations · 17 days
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mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
Playing 3DS games after having seen the overall fandom response to release and long-term impact and the way it's looked back on and such is... bizarre, honestly? Like, maybe it's just because we got our introduction to gaming in the 3DS era, but it's incredibly strange to know that games we knew and loved and would have considered relatively mainstream just... didn't stick in people's minds.
Like, take the Gen 6 Pokemon games. Those were great games! One of the single things about X/Y/OR/AS that we don't see people talking about but that stuck in our mind was how the developers made an effort to make it so that every single Pokemon in the games prior was spread between just those four games! We remember that just the sheer variety of potential Pokemon available was enough to get us a start into challenge runs simply by virtue of how much variety could be added to a playthrough by the sheer amount of potential on offer!
We remember spending hours just... hunting around the region to figure out where those last Pokemon we needed to fill the 'dex were, wandering around to try and find Hidden Ability pokemon from Horde battles, getting to actually interact with our Pokemon in Pokemon Amie.
Yeah, there were more obscure games out there, and yeah, they impacted us as well - Pocket Card Jockey stands out in this regard, as an extremely fun game that we're pretty sure was played by maybe three people, maximum, but it's not quite the same. These were games that we played ourself! These were games we saw other people playing, that we played with people over the internet, that felt like they were well-known! We were under the impression that these were mainstream interests, not Niche! it feels... singularly bizarre to realize that, for the majority of people out there, this game was a forgettable disappointment.
#we speak#nintendo 3ds#obviously theres the nostalgia factor and such since the 3ds was the first gaming console we ever owned#as well as our ONLY gaming console for like. right up until ~2 years ago we think?#but like. youre telling us that x/y is less popular than sun/moon?#you mean there are real actual people who think that hgss's following mechanic was more notable than xy's entire bottom screen?#you don't like petting pokemon? pat pat?#we went into hacking our spare ds today and getting some games off of hshop#and like. gods. do you know how fucking bizarre it is to go into the games that shaped our...#well. maybe not childhood but certainly a substantial part of our teen life#and discover that all of the games that we remember loving the most are like. seen as Forgotten Entries or Black Sheep?#this doesn't just extend to x/y btw#we see a lot of people dunking on like. gates to infinity? and like yeah gti wasnt the most POLISHED entry out of em#but it was still an incredibly enjoyable game that had massive impact on later entries in the series#gates to infinity's core themes carried forward into super mystery dungeon to the point that psmd can read as a direct continuation of it!#its like. augh! youre telling me that when we say we loved gti we're expressing an opinion only shared by like three people?#what are we? the Random Black Sheep Unloved By The Fandom As A Whole Guy?#...well. we mean. we kind of are that guy judging by our taste in characters but STILL#you cant tell us that the games that made up most of our communication outside of our family for over a year are Forgotten#and just expect us to like. be okay with it#when we said we were going to get more weird we didn't mean learning people think the 3ds games are The Worst In The Series#what do u MEAN u genuinely think that xy is the worst in the series and have proof we are playing it right now and its very fun#how about our proof huh. we are using a mothim for our nuzlocke run and having a great time. if u think its too easy turn off the exp share#we are in your house and home#we are also mad that swsh doesnt let you turn off the exp share from when we played it in a totally legal and not piracy related way
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ansel-rae562 · 2 months
The new Doorman
[Doppleganger!Milkman x Reader]
{Author's note: So I accidentally made a promise to a bunch of people in tiktok so here I deliver you a smut, please note this is my first writing one since I'm more into Angst and I also made this gender neutral as I can so yeah.. Enjoy!}
First day of Job being a doorman! finally you found a job, looking for one is a bit hard. And this is quite a high pay so why not but this one involves dealing with doppleganger's which is kinda dangerous but the D.D.D assured you that you'll be safe as long as you stay in your office.
After you watched the introductory film explaining about how the job works, you opened the metal window and saw the D.D.D personel
"Welcome and congratulations on your new Job! Remember you have to watch out carefully for the doppleganger's. There are times that the neighbors are not on the list, check their ID's closely and their appearance's as well, or else you and the others may end up dead.. That's all you may continue"
The personnel left and you decided to check the today's list
"Okayy.... So here will be the expected people..."
Izaack Gauss
Mia Stone
Albertsky Peachman
Elenois Sverchtz
Francis Mosses
Anastasia Mikaelys
"Wow... Uhuh that's quite alot....but nothing I can handle"
A few minutes later a person came "Good morning, I see you're a new doorman" The woman said as she handed in her ID "Good morning and Yes I am ma'am" You greeted then looked at her ID 'Gloria Schmicht'.... "Uh ma'am? May I ask why are you not in today's list?" You asked "Oh It's cause my mother had an emergency and I had to be there" After checking all the files and seeing almost no anomalies you called the apartment just in case and found out that the wife is actually home "Sorry nope, bye" you said immediately pressing the danger button and calling the D.D.D.
Hours passed by dealing with a few doppleganger's which some of them being visually creepy and threatening you till a man came, he was wearing a white button up shirt and a white hat that has 'Milkman' written on them. He looks tired, bags under his eyes showing then he spoke "Good afternoon, here's my ID and entry request" you stared momentarily before deciding to check all information, he also has an attractive voice which made you blush a little.
Learning that his name is Francis and he's the local milkman around town you couldn't help but have a little crush I mean he's attractive, his voice is also attractive, tired guys may or may not also be your type and he does have a pretty decent Job so he does perfectly fit your dream guy. Not long after it's finally night time and also the end of your shift, you packed your items that you brought with you then the one who'll exchange with you arrived "Hey..." She greeted "Hold on a sec, have to make sure you're the real one" you said checking all the workers files "Wow darling... Taking your job very seriously huh?.. impressive" she said with a subtle smile, she has green eyes and bags are shown under her eyes, she looks like she has been doing this for years.
"Well yeah... Don't want to lose a high paying job ya know" you replied and confirming that she's the real one "hmm, Understandable" you opened the metal door and she bid you goodbye "Careful darling, some doppleganger's are hostile and might attack you, here take this it's a 200v taser.... don't worry i have plenty" you thanked her and left to fo home. Walking home is kinda creepy especially at night, you wouldn't know when a creature of some sort is gonna pounce on you right now that's when you heard a rustle on a nearby bush then something jumped out.
It was cat... Quite a big one but it was injured on its side, you went closer and tried to reassure the cat "Hey... Hey there kitty, don't worry I'm a friend.." as you said those words the cat looked at you with a mix of hatred and confusion "I can help... I promise, I won't hurt you like whoever did that to you" The cat slightly calmed down and let you pick them up, you arrived home and put your bag down as well as settling the cat on your table and immediately finding the first aid.
You tended to the cat's wounds and surprisingly it just let you do your work, you winced to yourself finding that the wound is a bit deep "Gosh who would hurt a cat... They're sweet" finishing it up you wrapped the cat up with gauze "there you're all fixed up kitty... Hm.. i guess I could also feed you since you're at my house" you then went to your fridge to look for something to feed the cat and for yourself.
"You settling alright kitty?.." you asked, after feeding the cat you set up a box with a few soft rugs in them for the cat to sleep on and the cat looked at you with content eyes, chuckling lightly to yourself "you know it's amazing how your eyes can actually communicate, it's cute" you turned around to turn off the lights of you room "Night kitty..." You said finally falling asleep. The next morning you woke up and saw that the cat was nowhere to be seen and the window has few paw prints "Dang it I was planning on adopting him" you said sadly then started getting ready for the day.
Arriving at your workplace the girl from last night greeted you "Good morning darling!, did you have a good rest last night?" She asked "good morning, Yeah I did thanks for asking" you replied then she opened the metal door and went out "uh... You're not gonna check if I'm the real one?..." the girl turned around and said "Would you be asking that if you were a fake one?... And besides you're new it'll take a few days before they decide to copy you" she turned around again and left. Starting your shift like what you did Yesterday, letting a few people out giving them an entry request for when they come back, dealing with a few doppleganger's, letting people in once confirming that they're the real one till finally the guy from yesterday came; Francis "Hi mr. Milkman" you greeted, he looks a bit surprised when he saw you "Oh uh... Hello... " he said smiling slightly, you blushed then he handed you his ID only but you looked closely you saw he has a small mole on his left cheek which the real Francis didn't have. You kinda have memorized what he look and a few of his information from the files.... Kinda creepy of you but you couldn't help it, he was now your crush "Oh... I'm sorry, my good sir but I actually have this guy memorized and you're not him..." You said and before you could close the metal window you humped as he banged on the somehow sturdy window "What?!... How could!-... I see you like little mr. Milkman.. " the faker said his eyes were really angry and creepy "Yeah nope bye." you said then pressed the danger button and called for the D.D.D. Minutes later the metal window opened "There was no one in sight but I suppose the doppleganger already left before we arrive, you may now continue your work"
The day ended and you switched shifts with Loira, the name of the girl that you work with she bid you goodbye and you went home. Weeks later the things just go by on a repeat with some of them you going on a late night grocery, what's really interesting is that the doppleganger who always pretends to be Francis, he'd show up you find a small detail that the real Francis doesn't have, he'd get angry telling you things like "I'll get you next time" "I'll fool you one day" "Why are you so observative of the guy" then once you call for the D.D.D service he'd disappear before they could arrive like what's the deal with him?... Earlier he said something that actually sent shivers to your spine "Wait till I devour your fleshy body, Human" that was an actual pretty creepy threat, didn't realize that your already at your doorstep from a long day, you set down the groceries on the kitchen counter and went to take a quick shower and change.
After that you arranged all the groceries, it's pretty quiet around your house since you live alone, your parents on another country and your house is pretty far away from other residents so you'll be aable to hear anything out of the ordinary. Going up the stairs to sleep you decided to stretch around a little while you do so, you felt a weird sensation going up your leg, you looked down and a black substance of sorts but before you could scream another one covered your mouth as other one's quickly wrapped around your legs and arms separately, along your torso as well completely immobilizing you.
You looked around saw... Francis?... but his eyes are dark with white glowing dots on the middle "Hello... Doorman, I did say I will get you... Didn't I?" He spoke. You were confused, scared how did he know where you live? "Hey... Hey there... Little human, no need to get scared after all I'm a friend.... Aren't I?" That's when realization hit you. The cat that you helped was a doppleganger "you know human, you hurt me when you set your eyes on someone else... I thought you liked me?... Didn't you say so yourself?" He said which earned a muffled confused rambling from you "No... You must pay for making me believe you... " Before you could make another confused noise the tentacle like substance was removed around your mouth "What now-" you were cut off by something shoving into your mouth deeply making you gag, it was one of his tentacle.
[NSFW part]
He relentlessly attacked your mouth making you gag, you tried to squirm away but it was futile he has you wrapped around his other tentacle's. By then your eyes then started forming tears, you looked at the doppleganger of Francis which amused him "Look at you... Such an expression... I want more.. " he said. He set you down on your bed having your arms up above your head as he crawled between your legs "I did say I would devour your fleshy body... Don't worry it's not in a way I would eat you to the bone" he then slowly tore your garment earning a gaged up moan from you. He looked at you directly seeing that lewd expression from you also looking at him, he then slowly dipped his down between your legs which made you moan once again. You couldn't help but moan while he completely eats you out while also making you suck on one of his tentacle's, you were completely helpless making you take all of the pleasure like obedient slave.
That's when you felt something go in futher inside you, it felt like a very long tongue reaching up to the parts that you never could reach and hitting you perfectly on your spot making your body jolt and moan loudly than before "hmm?... is this your spot...?" He said while his tongue was still deep into you, he fastened up the pace than before almost a bit too fast than normal making your body more hotter and eager for a release. Not long after you came he adjusted himself, he humed in satisfaction "this will do..." He said then he removed the tentacle from your mouth as you looked at him with tired eyes "aww.... Already tired? Unlucky for you I'm not done yet" he adjusted his position, you didn't even notice that he entered you once again but this with his cock which made you yelp in surprise. He mercilessly pounded at a fast not giving you a preparation while his other tentacle's explore your exposed especially around your chest, waist and neck and his hands holding your thighs firmly to keep your shaking legs in place.
Release after release, you couldn't keep up anymore till you passed out from complete exhaustion and pleasure. He finally unsheathed his cock from you and loads mixed both of his and yours spilled out, staining the bed beneath the both of you. He then looked at your passed out form, your heaving chest, your belly slightly bulging and your beautiful sleeping face... "Such a perfect human.... I just wanna keep you" he fixed your sleeping form in a much comfortable position and pulled a blanket over before making his way to the telephone and dialed a number "Hello... Loira hey! I called a bit early so I could inform you that I'm sick..... Yeah please do.... Thank you I will bye!" He turned back to you and layed beside you "Rest now, my human...."
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occamstfs · 3 months
Diet Diaries
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Hi all! Thank you so much for 500 followers! Here's a little style switch up to celebrate, got a lotta refs in this one and I quite leaned into the diary entries so I hope it's not too much! Hope y'all enjoy this stereotype reversal and as always, best! -Occam
Monday March 21st-
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I am beyond sick of Steve. Moving in together was a mistake, I don’t care how cheap the rent is, he is a narcissistic slob and I am eager to never see him again. Well no, I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Our R.A. had this idea to try and walk in each other's shoes, which I don’t know? It might not be the worst thing? My big idea was switching diets actually- honestly I’m just hoping if he ate more like me he’ll stop stinking up the dorm. I can dream at least. Literally though he just can’t go to the gym as often if he eats like me. If I'm lucky at the very least his deodorant will last longer, I cannot take another day of his b.o. seeping through the walls, ugh! Anyway, wish me luck! I’m sure this will be a breeze for me, he usually just eats junk anyway, hope he enjoys my salads~
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Andy that little fucker. He was being such a little bitch to James and now I’ve gotta eat his rabbit food for a week or lose this bet or whatever. Steve don’t lose tho. Lil twink’s gotta eat whatever I make him too and you can bet your ass I’m gonna make him match my macros if I’ve gotta starve myself like he wants. Fuck! This shit is going to absolutely tank my routine! I’ve gotta make Andy give up. I’m gonna go so hard on him he’ll have to hit weights if he doesn't want to blow up like a pig. Maybe then he’ll stop bitching any time I don’t fucking shower every time I get back home. 
Tuesday March 22nd-
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My Lord! He is trying to kill me! I don’t know how anyone could consistently eat as much as he’s telling me to. I’m so bloated from all this food.. He looks so smug every time he tells me to keep eating, I’m sure he doesn’t eat like this. He’s just trying to break me but I’m not going to let him win this easy.
Ugh, I feel so bloated my pants are so tight on my waist. I didn’t think meat sweats were a thing but man I am needing to put on deodorant like twice a day now and I’m not even exercising. I will say that now that I’m eating so much, I don’t hate the idea of going to the gym. It’s been a while since I went but I should probably at least hit up the treadmill lest I get even more of a gut- maybe I’ll see if he wants to go tomorrow. This is all just an exercise to understand each other more after all, no need to make it a stupid competition like he wants eh~
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Fuck! I am so tired of Andy’s pussy-ass diet. I had absolutely no energy at the gym today, I told all my bros that I was just gonna take it easy but fuck! I really was working my ass off and I struggled to even meet a PR I set last week. It was supposed to be a push day and I didn’t even get a chest pump! Why the fuck am I still going. I’m abso-fucking-lutely not getting gains on his fuckin’ bitch-ass salads and oats.
Eatin’ like a fucking twink and the fucker has the nerve to ask to go to the gym with me tomorrow. I’ll make sure he regrets that >:) Gonna work him like a horse so he’ll throw in the towel! After feeling how sore actually working on yourself makes ya, he might actually learn something. I’ll turn in early so I can go all out and show him what a real man looks like.
Wednesday March 23rd-
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Man! I totally get why Steven eats so much now~ I am absolutely raring to go and get this; He said I could go to the gym with him today! He even seemed like he wanted me to go with him! I feel like I have more energy than I’ve ever had before, I might even try some weights!! I don’t know but I’m so excited! It’s like I can feel my chest and biceps begging me to go and hit some iron haha! Or whatever those “bros” say~ I hope he’s got something good planned for lunch because I fuck Sorry! I just want to show him that I can do all this dude stuff too! I’m a man right? I guess all this protein is making me feel more like a man than usual idk. Either way though I’m ready to go! Hope we have some fun!
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That bitch’s fuckin’ fru fru salads are ruining my PR’s for sure! I bet he knew that when he begged me to take him to the gym today, knew it was the only time he could show off to me was when I’m so out of it. And he didn't! Just to be clear I could still wipe the floor with  him even if I’m not at my A-game. Ugh, I do gotta hand it to the little fucker though. I KNOW he hasn’t even really set foot in a gym before but man. Beginners luck my ass, as soon as I showed him a technique he lifted like he’s been doing it his whole life! It’s like I could see his pecs and tris swelling up with each lift. Not that I was staring at the bitch or anything but he’s just I just need this fuckin’ diet thing to end so I can get back to my grind, I guess I wouldn’t hate taking him to the gym more often, would be hot to make a bitch into a bro Fuck! What am I writing, I just need to lift again.
Thursday March 24th-
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Bro! Weird? Whatever, I am absolutely on fire! Steven’s diet is absolutely killer! I don’t know how it’s working so well but man I couldn’t care less, I felt like a pro in there! My coaches in school would always shit on me for not trying but man! I was barely trying yesterday but I could tell from the look on Steven’s face that I was acing it! I guess I’ll have to admit to him that he is definitely onto something with his macros but man, not until he gives up haha! Man, I need to chill haha, it’s not like I’m any stronger than I was Monday but man, looking at myself in the mirror it just seems like my clothes are just fitting better. Catching on my chest rather than my stomach y’know? I’ve never noticed that there is muscle on my arms before but man the way my sleeves are kinda hugging my biceps mm. I need to chill haha! Can’t use all my energy before hitting the gym again today!
OH! Also totally weird, I’ve had to shave twice this week! Once last night and then again this morning which is so weird! I’m not complaining though, it’s not like I wouldnt look hot with a beard right? Although my face is a little itchy already, my chest too? Whatever though haha! Time to head back to the grind lol!
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God!! Andy Andrew is being such an asshole! He’s clogging the sink shaving which I know he would so be on my ass if I had done that. Wait, he did get on my ass for shaving! But it hasn’t been a problem this week, it’s like I’m not even growing stubble for some reason? Probably from not working so hard at the gym, is that how that works? Whatever it’ll be over as soon as this stupid diet thing is. We’re halfway through now. Thank God! Because that fucking twink is starting to stink up the dorm which again!! He was such a little bitch all the time to me about that! It’s like he’s literally stopped using deodorant as soon as he started needing it! He’s never exerted himself in his life and now that his pits are sweating at all he’s suddenly allergic to hygiene, ugh! I saw last night too the fucker fell asleep with his head in his pit too so it’s not like he doesn’t know it. 
It was a little surprising actually, cause I would’ve sworn he was hairless like one of those freak cats but man his pit was as thick as my pubes! Thicker maybe, uh? Man I wish I could get that image out of my head, it’s like the tuft was pushing out further each time he inhaled, man that’s kinda hot? Fuck! I swear this twink-ass diet is making me think like him too. I need to sneak to the gym later, without him. I cannot have him getting ahead even while I’m still on his chickenshit diet.
Friday March 25th-
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Ah!! That Little bitch! He was already at the gym when I got there! Ugh! It makes me want to punch a wall, or fight him. Or something I dont know! It’s just, he was lifting my body weight on the bench when he saw me, it was so ho ugh! It doesn’t matter what it was, I can’t stop thinking of that smug look on his face- what I would give to wipe it off… That absolute prick knew what he was doing. Ugh, speaking of pricks! He may as well have not been wearing shorts at all by how much his cock was showing through them.
I knew my meal prepping was fucking tight but man, I can’t believe hot its made him. It just really fucking turns me on, or no its such a turn on for chicks. Yeah. Whatever. I need this bet to end already. Clearly he’s totally obsessed with my lifestyle so he should just admit it already! Also, hate to say it, but to Andrew’s credit his diet ain't too bad either. I’d never tell him this, and it is all a little emasculating but my skin has never looked this good. I’m not even doing skincare or anything but it’s like I’ve been on a routine for years, it’s crazy! It’s still ruining my upper gains but man, my ass looks so good it's crazy..
Oh also re: facial hair, I woke up this morning and could’ve sworn I used to have chest hair but now it looks like I’ve got just a little left around my nipples and leading up from my pubes? I might go ahead and shave those too, might as well be totally smooth like a chick right haha, I wonder what Andrew would think? I need to chill haha, maybe I’ll go see if he’s still at the gym~
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Fuuuuck dude lol. I should’ve started hitting up the gym ages ago. Don’t know what I was even wasting time on before I started doing twice-a-days? Studying I guess but I can figure that shit stuff out hm. Fuck it is so much better to be strong than a dweeb. Every set it feels like I’m just busting out new PR’s! Gonna need to buy new clothes though cause I am absolutely tearing up my crop tops, my twinky little wardrobe just isn’t cutting it anymore. Maybe Steven’d be down for a clothes swap, I’ve seen him eying up my fits all week, god knows he’ll fit them better lol. Oh haha, and speaking of him eying things up >:) You should’ve seen his little face blush when he walked into the gym this morning! He looked so pissed at me lol, but I’m not gonna grab him to come along every time I need to get some sets in right? It was pretty embarrassing for him yesterday anyway, the way I showed him up lol. I’m not just gonna sit around and watch him not lift weights when I can figure this shit out myself, thought it was supposed to be his thing though lol.
Mm, saying that though, I def didn’t hate having a little audience from his treadmill. God, his blushing face as he stared directly at my work-out chub. Fuck, it really got me going. It really helped my sets too haha. Maybe I should hit him up lol, I can tell how bad he wants me >:)
Saturday March 26th-
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Ugh! That douche is walking around the dorm completely shirtless! Do you know what it��s like to have an oaf flexing away across the room from you 24/7! He knows what he’s doing, and thank god my dick isn’t showing through my shorts like I thought it usually does because he might literally pounce on me then-
Ugh! I didn’t even mention this morning. I literally woke up to him jacking off his morning wood! Do you know what a bitch-fit he would have thrown if I did that! He would’ve filed a police report, probably the dweeb, or. I guess I could too?? But it was just so fucking hot. I tried to pretend I was asleep, but he totally caught me. He literally smirked and made eye contact as he finished too- thank god he didn’t see my boner as he asked if I wanted to clean up his mess. He’s such an ass! 
I still have a boner now actually, it’s his B.O. driving me actually crazy! It’s like I can’t think near him if he’s going to stink this bad god.. Oh, he’s doing pullups on the door frame fuck. He’s supposed to be hairless but I see sweat dripping from his pits god I can't. God with each pull up his chest looks even more powerful. His cock is bobbing up and down in his pants and I can not look away. Fuck it’s getting even bigger. I’m supposed to be the strong one right? It’s not, fuck. This isn’t right. He just so fucking, god that body, I need him-
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And Drew:
Heh. I knew that fucking twink couldn’t resist me. Every little thing I do wraps him even tighter around my finger. Every flex and smirk turns him on even more I bet he can’t even think straight the way his little dick is losing it in his briefs- I took all his jocks since I’m sure he would need them anymore. Bet the little bitch didn’t even remember they were his.  
Might as well have been drooling when he saw me jacking my cock this morning lol, surprised he didn’t take me up on the offer to lick up the mess. I know he wanted to lol. He’ll get the chance soon enough though >:) God it’s a two-way street though. That fucking twink is so fuckable now, thank god he doesn’t need to shave anymore, don’t want his peachfuzz scratching my cock cause god that mouth is so fuckable now.. To say nothing of his fucking juicy ass, god! I’ve been working out in the room all morning waiting for him to give in and ask me to fuck him, idk if I can hold it in much longer. I might need to jack it again, my balls are bluer than I ever thought they could be, fuck. It’s like they're sore. Ugh I feel them getting heavier, heh, that little fucker cant resist though. God I feel precum starting to pool in my jock. If I put my pit within a foot of his face I give him five before he can’t help but shove his face in. I need to fuck him, but as if I’m going to let him see how desperate I am. Stevie that little fucker. He’ll be riding my cock any second now.
Sunday March 27th-
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Fuck <3 !! He finally fucked me!! God, it was like nothing I’ve experienced before~ His cock was like a beer can and goddd the scratch of his beard as we were making out.. Hehe if I keep thinking about him I might just cum again right now! He can fully toss my body like a ragdoll and I’d thank him ugh! He’s just so hot, and to think he wants to fuck me!! Ah~ I’ll need to keep myself pretty so he won’t get tired of me hehe! Not that it’ll be a problem, I just need to keep on his diet, God who knew it would be this good! I don’t even remember whatever problems we had before all this and I can’t imagine anything better than getting fucked by him <3 Ah! He he~ He’s staring at my ass right now so I guess it’s time for another round! Can’t thank our R.A. enough for this idea, well he he I’ve got an idea for how to thank him, oh! Drew’s ripped off his jock! Wish me luck he he~
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My little bitch is so tight, fuck. I’m surprised he can even take my cock but god can he ride it. Gonna have a hard time taking a break from fucking him to even hit the gym. Need to make sure the twink keeps up the diet tho or we’ll have an issue. Be sure to make him come to the gym whenever I do, if not to tighten up then to watch me heh. Won’t hate fucking him in the locker room too. Mm, God his fucking tiny body makes me feel so powerful. And I fucking am. God my bis are the size of his thick thighs, fuck his ass. My cock is straining my jock just thinking about it. His tiny waist ugh, I need my sweaty body over him now. Not like he’ll mind, the horny fucker. Mmm hope he’s ready to take my cock, bet his mouth is already watering heh. Pop my pecs at him and he’ll struggle not to cum on the spot, he better keep it together until I let him though. Can’t be having my bitch blow his load that fast. Thank fuck he’s chilled out finally, though I guess my cock’ll work wonders on anyone >:) speaking of it’s about that time again. Hope he’s ready for some more action, hate to have to find another hole.
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write-tama · 2 months
"to live with the milkman."
╰┈➤ francis mosses (the milkman) x doorman!reader
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sypnosis ; reader is worried because francis hasnt been seen in a week. they decide to pay francis' apartment a little visit..
containing! ; lois stilinksy, working as doorman, gender neutral pronouns, use of y/n, francis being a little sick and out of uniform, francis and reader eat mac n cheese tg :3
authors note ; this is lowkey a slowburn-- i didnt mean to write so much D: i started writing yesterday morning and just finished this morning LOL but ya its very just wholesome and soft ^^
4.12.24 | 2.7k words
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
As a doorman, you realize a pattern of people would often come and go through the apartment. You know who goes to work in the morning and who comes home in the afternoon, and you know what days they typically go out and days where they don’t.
So, I'm not totally creepy when I say I've noticed a shift in Francis’ schedule, right? He’s not one to typically go out unless he has work in the morning— which is usually Tuesday through Friday, but lately, I haven’t seen him all week.
Nothing but the worst truly went through my mind. He could’ve been eaten by a doppel, or worse, was mistaken for a doppel and was exterminated on sight! These anxious feelings went through my head as I nervously clicked my pen. I glanced at today’s list again, as if magically waiting for his name and picture to show up on the piece of paper.
click, click, click.
Through the office window, I heard the subtle steps of heels clicking against the worn tiles. Sighing, I sat up straight and folded my hands in front of desk, forcing my anxious thoughts to the back of my head in order to continue doing my job. I looked up to meet the gaze of thick magenta bangs with eyes barely visible I sort of wonder how she even navigates through her surroundings.
“Good afternoon.” She greeted, her thick lips curling into a polite smile. I nod as I took her ID and entry request through the letter box, scanning through the documents for any misspellings or misinformation. As I carefully examined the print, I notice Lois’ lips pursing into a curious point.
“You looked troubled, sweetheart.” She noted. “Is everything alright? Besides work-stress that is.”
I sighed a little, placing her card down before looking through today’s list. I checked off Lois’ picture before turning to my request checklist. “Yeah, I just.. I don’t know. Have you heard from Francis recently?” I asked, not even masking the worried tone in my voice. Lois hummed a little, as if thinking about the last time she has even seen the man.
“The last time I saw him, he looked extremely tired. Like more tired than usual. I think he was just coming home from work? He was coughing and sniffling a lot.” She recalled. “Poor boy.. He must’ve been sick for a while.” Lois shook her head. With her words I felt like a pressure had been released from my chest. Oh, good, so there is a chance he’s alive, I thought to myself. I slid back her ID and smiled.
“Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry, I just get worried knowing that a neighbor could’ve been killed by a doppel or any force of nature of that matter.” I lightly chuckled. Lois smiled, taking her ID before looking at me.
“You should talk to him. I’m sure he could use the company right now.” Lois suggested, but through that grin I could see that teasing smile.
I sighed a little, a little grin starting to form on my face. “C’mon, Lois, that would be way too embarrassing!” I exclaimed, crossing my arms in my chair. Lois lightly giggled, raising a white glove to stiffle her laughs.
“Oh, it won’t hurt, honestly! You never know what could happen~” she said, all singy-songy. I rolled my eyes before pressing the unlock button.
“Yeah, yeah. The door’s right there.” I sarcastically replied, a big grin on my face.
“Just think about it!” She called out as she walked through the door. I shook my head in amusement, listening to the door click behind her. I locked the door and returned to my previous slouched position.
Maybe I should pay him a visit.
My shift ended around late evening. I packed my bag and slid on my cardigan before locking the door behind me and hiding the key in a place only the next doorman would be able to find it. As I walked towards the exit of the building, I thought about what Lois had said earlier about paying him a visit. I never even really attempted to go past the lobby area of the apartment building. I had no purpose to anyway. And plus, it would’ve been a lengthy process to even request a visitor’s pass due to the security. I looked over to the doorman’s office, realizing that as of now, no one is on duty. Would it be morally wrong to go against the rules of the literal job I worked in?
But maybe my curiosity and anxiety could take over just for this one moment.
I walked back to the doorman’s office and unlocked the door. I placed the key back in its original hiding place before entering. I made sure to lock the door behind me before taking a look around the room again. Behind the doorman’s seat, there’s a door that leads to the stairway of the apartment complex. Its main purpose was to serve as a fire escape just in case of an emergency. Eagerly and swiftly, I gently pushed the door open, making sure to not make much noise. Once I walked out, I was met with the smell of old concrete and a spiral of stairs. I sighed to myself, remembering that Francis does in fact live on the third floor.
The stairs felt endless as my shoes clicked on the hard concrete. Fortunately, I only had to take a break only two times. I was finally at the end of the stairs, my legs tired from the endless climbly. I pushed the door open and was greeted with a typical carpeted hallway with blinding yellow-white lights that nearly burned my eyes. I sighed before trailing through the doors, looking at each number plate in order to locate the right room.
“Room 02, room 02..” I hummed to myself, just like how I would while scanning through files. After turning a corner, I was finally able to locate Francis’ room. I raised my fist to knock at the door, but the soft, soothing sounds of piano muffled through the wood. I stopped in my tracks, feeling as if my knock would disturb the perfect flow of the keys as I’m sure its song filled the apartment with grace. I waited for the keys’ song to slow to an end, the melody slowly fading out of the air and a sigh following its silence. I couldn’t help but smile, and sure this gave me enough proof that Francis was in fact still alive, but.. Something about his skills on the piano made me even more intrigued by the man.
I gently knocked with my knuckles, but making sure I was firm enough for the knocks to even be heard. From inside, I heard a chair scrape against wooden floorboard before footsteps steadily approaching me. A couple locks were undone before the squeak of the door filled my ears. I looked up and there Francis was— his eyebags were relatively darker and he was still in sleep attire with a baggy set of pajama pants and a fitting white tee.
“Oh— uh, (y/n)—” he said a little shocked to see me. I smiled a little, tilting my head at him.
“You shouldn’t have opened your door so fast. I could’ve been a doppel, y’know?” I advised. I heard him suck air through his teeth as he realized his rookie mistake.
“Mmm.. I’m sorry..” He mumbled, making me raise an eyebrow.
“You don’t have to apologize to me.” I said, leaning against the doorframe. “I’ve been worried about you since I haven’t seen you in a while. I just.. Wanted to check if you were okay.”
Francis raised his eyebrows in surprise. It made me wonder if anyone else but me paid him a visit due to his absence. We lingered in silence for a minute. he stared down at me as I stared up at him.
“..May I be invited in?” I requested, breaking the silence. Francis blinked his eyes a little, as if he had been lost in thought previously.
“Mmm.. ID and entry request, please?” Francis teased, smiling a little. I scoffed, immediately catching on to his wittiness.
“Ha ha, very funny, Mr. Mosses.” I sarcastically replied, rolling my eyes. His grin grew wider, clearly amused by reaction. He stepped aside from the door, allowing me to enter. I walked in, bag still clutched to my side as I took a look around the apartment.
It was humble but quaint space. The ceiling lights were off and frankly looked like they were never used, however, his lamps illuminated a soft warm orange on his furniture. He had a small box TV and dull red couch with a small round coffee table planted in the middle. Huddled in a corner was his old piano he must've been playing earlier. Francis closed the door behind me, making sure to lock it as well. “Sorry, it’s a bit of a mess.” He apologized, quickly rushing to his couch where clothes scattered over the armrests. He went down a small hallway I assumed to be where his bathroom and bedroom was. I took off my shoes and placed my bag on the table that sat next to the door before sitting myself on the couch.
I sighed a little, almost drowning into the soft pillows. It almost made me question why he would be struggling with sleep if he has a couch as comfortable as this. I could see a bit of his kitchen from sitting on his couch. It was a decent size with counters on one side and the appliances on the other. It seemed like he had something on the stove cooking as well.
Francis walked in shortly after and took his seat on other end of the couch, keeping a distance between the two of us. I brought my knees to my chest while hugging his couch pillows. I looked at him for a bit, trying to figure out myself as to why he hasn’t been out recently. Not only was his dark circles were more apparent, his hair was a little longer and messier. He looked paler than usual as well. Francis turned to me, a curious look on his face.
“Is it apparent..?” Francis asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, a little confused on what he meant.
“Hm?” I hummed in response.
“That I’m coming down with something.” He chuckled slightly. I shrugged a little, leaning back on the couch cushions.
“I mean.. Your hair is messier.” I smiled, admiring the frizz on the top of his head. Francis quickly glanced up before running his fingers through his hair.
“It’s not that messy..” He sighed.
“Well, I wouldn’t know. You always got that milkman hat on the top of your head.” I laughed. I glanced over to the kitchen again, realizing that steam was coming through the glass lid. “I think you might want to get that.” I suggested, nodding my head towards the stove. He hummed a little before getting off of the couch and heading towards the kitchen. I watched as he reached the top of the cabinets, stretching up with ease. I couldn’t help but stare at his broad shoulders to his slim waist defined by his white shirt.
“Hey, I made mac n’ cheese if you’d like a bowl.” He offered, his voice immediately cutting through my daze.
“Oh— uh, yeah of course. I was about to get dinner after I got off my shift but here I am.” I chuckled. He nodded before grabbing another platter to make my own plate. I sat patiently on the couch before noticing the remote on the coffee table. “Hey, can I turn on the TV?” I asked.
“Hm?” Francis hummed from the kitchen. “Mmm.. Sure. I don’t mind.” He shrugged before turning back to his task.
Something about this felt so.. Safe.. And homely. I felt comfortable, despite me never even being in Francis’ apartment before. It felt familiar, and I couldn’t lie to myself and say that this is the most peace I’ve felt since the news of doppelgangers came out. I picked up the TV remote and flicked it on, browsing through the channels before find a movie we could idly have in the background.
Francis came out of the kitchen, holding two bowls with forks in each. This time, he took his seat much closer to me before placing my bowl on the coffee table. “Thank you.” I politely nodded. I took the bowl and started to eat. Honestly, to my surprise, the food was actually pretty good for a man who worked day and night. I was enjoying the comfortable silence between the two of us as we enjoyed our dinner together— something I barely saw myself seeing tonight.
“Hey.. (y/n)?” Francis mumbled quietly.
“Yeah, what’s up?” I replied, taking another scoop of the creamy mac n’ cheese to shove in my mouth.
“Why did you.. Come here?”
Something about that question made my heart skip a little. Why did I come here? I mean— I came here to make sure he was okay. That’s my job as doorman. To make sure all of the neighbors are safe and alive. But even when I heard him through the door, clearly shown to me that he is still breathing, I stuck around anyway.
Why did I come here?
“Well— I uh..” I trailed off a little, sort of lost to where I should even begin. “I was just worried about you. That is my job, no?” I said, clearing my throat. I kept my eyes on the screen, a little embarrassed to even face him.
“Mmm.. I don’t entirely believe that.” He hummed. “You could’ve called.”
Oh, fuck, yeah no— he’s right.
Ugh, Lois!
You set me up!
“That’s true..” I chuckled. “I guess you caught me.”
“Mmm..” He mumbled. He placed his now empty dinner on the table before folding his hands in his lap. “So..?”
I took a deep breath, feeling my heart beat fast inside my chest and a warmth creeping up my whole body. I placed my bowl onto the coffee table as well, and finally mustered the courage to look at him in his eyes.
“Francis..” I mumbled. He leaned in a little closer, as if he wanted to lean into my words and trusted them to embrace him.
“I.. I just.. I think I like you..” I trailed out. My head felt cloudy as a tingling sensation danced all over my skin, feeling like a little kid during recess confessing to her elementary school crush. “I've liked you.. Ever since we met. I never really said anything because I felt like you weren't necessarily interested in a relationship.. But Lois and Rafttellyn would always point out how you would look at me and I just—!”
A strong hand placed firmly on my cheek— so cold against my blushing face— pulled me in to meet those soft lips of his. I was completely silenced and wide eyed, but I knew what he was telling me. Everything in those pink lips told me that everything was going to be okay, and he liked me just as much..
I fluttered my eyes closed, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer to his chest. The TV buzzed in front of us, sputtering incoherent actors cracking jokes and delivering their lines. Our finished bowls of dinner were scattered on the table, but it was easy to tell the food was delicious for no piece of macaroni was left unnoticed. I pressed harder against his lips, letting the thought of breathing slip my mind.
If this is what it's like to live with him—
To spend our evenings chatting
Eating dinner on his couch
Watching TV while enjoying each other's presence
Then maybe I could get used to this.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
tagging ; @crybabies-heart @shypizzaperson @your-local-oc-maker @spearsillustration @mochi46106 @seraphlin @glxyaaandromeda (some ppl i tagged either bc they followed me on my old acc and just some ppl who interacted with my past content and just thought they would be interested in this fic :3
thank you so much for reading and reposts and likes are always so, so appreciated <3
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lullalbee · 2 months
✰ Shared Thoughts ✰
A Francis Mosses x GN!reader, chapter 1
Warnings: Gets steamy but no smut, no pronouns for reader but afab anatomy is used, francis calls reader ‘darling’, he also pleads for like one sentence ik you guys like that, not proofread <3 this is so bad and so self-indulgent i'm so sorry
Word Count: 1.7k
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The tenant grumbled, barely keeping open your tired eyes, latching onto your ID and entry request as you waited for your turn to be interrogated just so you could be let into your own home. For a while, you thought the precaution was stupid until you experienced a “code red” for yourself. Typically, you were amongst the last to arrive at the apartment building, considering you worked late nights, almost every night. You didn’t mind it, really, as you had lots of free time living alone, so that meant you were home during the early hours of the day when most tenants had left and wouldn’t return home for a few more hours, and by that time, you’d be gone yourself.
You knew today would be especially tough entering the building, as you were called in to work suddenly, so you couldn’t put in a request in time to be put onto the list for today. Once it was your turn, your trudged along to the window, passing in your papers through the metal slit.
“Why aren’t you on the list?” The doorman asked, brows furrowed, clearing searching for any signs the tenant was a doppelgänger. “Got called into work suddenly, wasn’t able to put my name on the list.” You explained, voice as monotone as ever. The doorman nodded, checking over a few things and making a phone call, before finally letting the tenant in.  You gave a small thanks, grabbed your papers back, and walked through the door. Sighing, you stepped into the elevator, ready to press the “four” button.  As you stepped back against the elevator, all your thoughts and anxieties began surfacing, most of them being of doppelgängers. What if the doorman let in one, killing us all? You didn’t doubt their abilities, but the thought always crossed your mind, with how often the alarm went off.  The elevator stopped with a ding! on the second floor, letting in another tenant of the building, Francis Mosses. 
You thought of yourself as fairly close with Francis. A lot closer than the typical tenants are with the others. You two enjoyed each other's company, giving small hello’s as you passed by, small talk exchanged whenever he’d deliver the milk you’d ordered. There were a few times, as well, where you hung out at the other’s place, your shared exhaustion over your careers being a driving factor in the start of your friendship.  Now and then, in the pits of night, you found your mind drifting to the thoughts of Francis. How his bicep flexed as he lifted up the milk carrier, his button-up shirt tightening ever so slightly around his arms and elbow, leaving little to the imagination. Or how his sensual, monotone voice sent shivers down your spine.  But your relationship was purely platonic of course. These feelings would never be acted upon nor would they be reciprocated… “Hello…? Earth to Y/N?” You were snapped out of your thoughts as the familiar voice filled your ears.   “Huh? Oh, sorry…” You mumbled, chuckling awkwardly. “Just.. tired from work.” I was totally not thinking about you… You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, both out of embarrassment and just from him looking at you.
“Mmm… Okay…” Francis nodded, albeit suspiciously. You prayed he didn’t notice the blush, and if he did, won’t say anything about it. Hopefully, he was up for as much conversation as you were at the moment… God knows what you would do to just lay down and take a nap right here. You both stood in awkward silence, avoiding eye contact before Francis got off on the next floor. You breathed a sigh of relief, mentally berating yourself for allowing that to happen. Once the elevator stopped on your floor, you bolted out and headed immediately to your apartment. There was always something so eerie about the hallways that made you want to be in them as little as possible. You struggled a bit with inserting your keys into the keyhole, but eventually, they implied and allowed you in. Closing, and locking, the door behind you, you breathed out, not even aware you were holding your breath.  You looked around your apartment, everything in the same place as it was before. Good. No doppelgängers have been in your home. The apartment was rather small, but that’s alright since you were the only person here. It was cozy that way. Trudging through the tiny hallway, you made it to your room, changing out of your work clothes and into some more comfortable ones. Immediately, you plopped down onto the bed and began drifting off to a dreamless sleep.  …Was that the sound of the phone? Well, it’ll be alright…
After what felt like only a few minutes, you heard someone knocking at your door, rather quickly. Begrudgingly, you sat up and got out of your bed, combing through your hair with your fingers to try to smooth down any bed head that developed in the small frame of time you were sleeping. You stood up, attempting to make yourself slightly presentable. Making your way to the door, you glanced at your rotary phone which sat on a small table next to the couch. You paused for a moment, wondering if the ringing you heard was real, but shrugged, assuming it was nothing.  You looked through the peephole of your door, spying the one and only Francis Mosses, at your door. He wasn’t in his usual milkman garb, but rather some common, everyday clothes. Quickly, you unlocked your door, opening it to greet Francis. “Oh, hello.” You gave him a soft smile, cocking your head slightly. “Are you off the clock?” “Yeah, my uh- my shift ended not too long ago.” He swallowed, nodding. “Wanted to check on you, you seemed real exhausted earlier.” “Well, you did just wake me from a life-saving nap, but that's alright.” You quip, giving him a smirk as you move out of the doorway, allowing him in.
“Oh, I’m- I’m sorry, I can go–” “No, no.” You shake your head, furrowing your brows. “Stay, please.”  He smiled at you, seemingly relieved you didn’t let him go. Internally, you were screaming, he never showed up to your apartment unless you had a pre-planned hang-out session, or he was doing his rounds, delivering the milk.  “Do you want anything? A snack, or…” You ask him, walking towards your tiny kitchen.  “Oh, no, that won’t be necessary.” He said in that monotone voice that made your knees turn to jelly. Francis went and sat on the couch, you following close behind. “I, uhm.” He began, looking away. “I wanted to talk to you… I’ve been, thinking a lot. Since we talked in the elevator.”  Oh fuck, he’s so creeped out by me, isn’t he, you panic internally, but barely manage to scrape together your composure. “Oh- I’m sorry, about that I–” You started before he interrupted you.  “I’ve been thinking about… you specifically.” He gulped, causing your heart to race. “Now, you can slap me if you think I’m creepy or anything, but I’ve thought about just us in general for a while, long before the elevator. Y/N, I–” He grabbed your hand, looking you in the eyes, his own clouded with infatuation and something else you couldn’t quite make out. Before he could finish his sentence, you cupped his cheek with your free hand and kissed him with so much desperation your teeth clinked together. He was taken aback by this, not reciprocating, causing you to panic and think you misread the situation so you pulled back, breathing heavily. “Fuck, did I- Did I fuck that up? Oh my god, I’m so–” He cut you off with a kiss of his own, holding the back of your head with his hand, keeping his grasp on you as he kissed you with a lot more passion and less desperation than the first. Immediately, you kissed back, snaking your arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.  He broke the kiss first, to catch his breath. You smiled at him, letting out a small laugh. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for that.”  “Oh, but, I think I do,” Francis smirked, eyes darkening. “I’m a lot more perceptive than I think you realize. I’ve seen the glances you’ve stolen.” This caused you to blush and cover your face, burrowing into the crook of his neck. He maneuvered his head to give you a small kiss on your own, still smiling. “It’s cute, ‘loved knowing at least one person was paying attention to me.” He chuckled as you raised your head, still blushing fervently. He leaned in for another kiss, but this time it was much more needy, resting one hand on the nape of your neck and the other on your hip. Your hands entangled themselves in his hair, pulling your bodies as close together as possible. 
“I’ve thought of you, so many nights.” You whispered between kisses. “Trust me, me too, darling.” Francis groaned, biting down on your lip. You decided to tease him and keep your mouth closed. In turn, Francis snaked the hand on your hip up under your shirt, causing shivers to be sent up your spine, as you moaned into the kiss, which Francis took as an opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring every crevice he could, mapping and memorized the sensation.  You tugged on his hair, causing a moan from him to vibrate through you as he explored the inside of your mouth, your arousal growing further in your core. He cupped your breast through your bra, causing you to break from the kiss for a moment and moan his name, him looking at you, pleadingly, for consent to go further. You gave him an over-enthusiastic “yes” just before you kissed him again, but before either of you could continue further on, a loud ring ran through your house, coming from the doorbell. Whimpering a little, disappointed you had to pause your wonderful makeout session with Francis Mosses, you stood up, smoothing out any wrinkles on your clothes. Heading towards the door, you ponder over who it could be. You knew you shouldn’t have any visitors today, and you certainly weren’t close enough with your other neighbors for a surprise one. As you leaned up to peek through the peephole, all you were met with were eyes just like your own, a face sculpted just like yours, with the most sinister smile plastered on. It was your doppelgänger.
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soobnny · 11 months
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ten things yang jeongin says when he thinks you’re asleep — fluff, established relationship, a bit of angst
chan | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | JEONGIN
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one. i was thinking about you earlier. nothing in particular, just—who you are. and it made me wish i’d known you sooner. everything about my life right now is infinitely better now that you’re in it.
two. i’d give anything to stop time every moment that i’m with you.
three. i found my old diary when i went home today. i know, yes, i was an angsty teenage boy with a diary. i quickly went through it just to see what i wrote. ah, if you saw it, you’d definitely laugh. but… one entry caught my eye. it was from a few years ago and it was at a point of my life when i thought nobody could ever love me. not even in a romantic sense, just generally and i was praying to anyone who would listen that i’d find someone who’d understand. i’m glad i held on and didn’t break because a year later, i met you. funny how things turn out, right? i don’t even know why i’m telling you this. i just, i guess i just wanted to thank you for coming into my life. you’re the kind of person i always hoped i’d find.
four. i know i’m not the best at understanding emotions, but i feel them very deeply with you. please give me time. i promise i’ll get to know my feelings better.
five. seungmin told me earlier how i don’t say ‘i love you’ a lot. he’s right, but it’s only because i don’t want my expressions of love to be light. that’s why i don’t say it often because i don’t want it to be thrown around like that. i want to say it in important moments. but i find that i want to tell you that every day. i think it’s because every moment with you is important to me. so, please don’t think my words are empty when i say them too much. i promise it’s never light when i tell you i love you. i mean it. i mean it so much that sometimes it scares me.
six. do you know the exact moment i knew i was in love with you? i can still remember it clearly. it wasn’t anything crazy, in fact it was just an ordinary day. you were over at my dorm and we had been laughing at this romcom that just came out, and then i felt it. i felt it when i had looked at you, how i wouldn't mind doing this forever. i hope i can love you for the rest of my life.
seven. i always think back fondly of college because of you. it would've been hell if it wasn't with you.
eight. i was thinking earlier, about how fleeting life really is. i don't—i don't even know what triggered me to think about it. how someone could be alive one minute and then gone the next. i don't like that... i don't like how abrupt endings always are. i don't want any moment with you to be the last, god, i can't even bear the thought of losing you. ah, fuck, i'm crying. fuck, sorry. i just, please don't leave me. please don't let it happen to you. i know you have no control over it, but please, please, please. please.
nine. cheer up, darling. i know things don't look too good right now, but what if things just get better from now on? i promise that your efforts at healing are adding up, so just hold onto me for now. you will always have me to hold on to.
ten. you are the best thing that's ever been mine.
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redocity · 2 months
Buck as the eternal playboy but folding the second the reader hits on him back? Maybe corner him against a wall for funsies >:)
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flirting between friends was always fun, but sometimes it borders something that is definitely not platonic, and once that line is crossed, buck’s not sure he wants to go back to what you had before.
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WARNINGS: 16+ for suggestiveness, alcohol, lots of flirting, chimney being a cockblock rip, buck is so sexually frustrated rip
evan buckley x gn!reader || ???? || 3.1k || requests open!
a/n: not me giggling over my own writing, how sad is that-
₊ ⊹ masterlist!!
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Arguably the best part about your job was being able to celebrate a job well done.
That feeling of accomplishment after getting through a really tough call with nothing but a positive outcome.
The team never went half-assed on the celebrations, and you’re sure that the bar you all frequent post-shift knows you all by name by now from how often you all abandon your nights to spend an extra few hours in each other’s company.
That was another thing you loved about your job. The team. Your family.
You could spend 24 straight hours with them and they’d still make an excuse to spend a few more with everyone.
Today was no different. You rolled up to the bar in a tight-circle, eerily resembling the professional attitude you had to display during your work hours, one not yet shed considering it’d only been three-quarters of an hour since your shift ended.
You knew it wouldn’t last long, you’d all be too drunk to care about professionalism soon enough. Well except Bobby anyway.
You barely had time to walk through the front doors before Buck was running up to the bar to order everyone a round of drinks, a confident smirk etched on his face that only grew as the local news recounted the story of one of they day’s earlier calls with civilian footage.
“I wonder who that is,” He nudges your side as you walk over, cockiness washing all over his face as he nods up towards the TV hanging up by the ceiling. “They look pretty badass,”
You give him an almost dismissive hum as you pick up one of the glasses from the cluster to take a sip of the craft beer filling it. “I wonder,”
“Oh come on, you’re all over the news,” He gives you another small nudge. “You’re practically famous right now,”
He leans in towards you to talk over the music, reaching over to grab a pint glass of his own and clinking it animatedly against yours before taking a swig from it.
“He’s right you know,” Hen gives you nudge herself, joined by an enthusiastic thumbs up from Chimney behind her. “Own it,”
“Right? you pulled a whole superhero move,” Buck motions up towards the news broadcast again, where they are still replaying a clip of you kicking through a pane of reinforced glass on a high-rise from on top of the roof as an alternative method of entry to the collapsed stairwell on the inside.
“Sounds like you’re projecting Buckley, jealous?” You raise your eyebrow with an air of amusement as you take another swig from your glass.
“Absolutely not, in fact, I’m the opposite of jealous right now,” He leans in towards you again so that your shoulders brush together. “It was hot,”
“Okay horndog,” You roll your eyes at his comment, pushing away his face with the palm of your hand pressed to his forehead. “Keep it in your pants will you?”
He does nothing but laugh at the way you scold him, allowing you your personal space as he sits up straight once more.
Buck’s ability to flirt his way through any situation was honestly mildly impressive, how he managed to twist any situation into having a sensual undertone no matter what it was.
Last week it was Eddie carrying a sandbag into the station gym. The week before that it was the fact that Hen had cut a slice of lasagna for him instead of him doing it himself.
And apparently this week’s target was you. For jumping off a roof and shattering a glass window with your feet.
You’d question his taste if you didn’t know he was joking.
Although as the night went on and the table became increasingly cluttered with empty glasses, you started to question whether it was actually a joke.
Whether it was some quirk of his personality, or something more serious.
They say that drunk words are sober thoughts right? And Buck was definitely drunk and definitely spouting some choice words right now.
He whistles as you pot one of the striped balls on the pool table, his competitiveness all but disappeared underneath the haze that his alcohol consumption had laid over his brain. “Skilled with your feet and your hands? You’re just about every guy’s dream,”
He leans across the pool table to aim his shot, pool cue horribly aimed to the point where the cue ball barely skims the solid red ball he was aiming for. “Probably every girl’s dream too actually,”
“Instead of trying to kiss my ass, maybe you should focus on actually playing the game,” You genuinely can’t tell by this point whether his poor skills were an effect of the alcohol running through his system or if he was doing it on purpose just to get under your skin.
If there was one thing you did, it was play fair, and that included not letting your opponent give you an easy win.
“Oh how I would love to kiss that ass,” He makes an exaggerated show of leaning backwards to get a clear view, giving you another short whistle as you lean over the table to line up your next shot.
“Win the game and maybe i’ll let you,”
You swear you can see the moment his mind fractures, enunciated by another striped ball falling into one of the pockets and you lining up another shot.
He’s like a robot doing a hard reset, his eyes staring blankly at you like he physically cannot comprehend that you’d actually say something like that.
You don’t make your next shot, though whether by distraction from Buck’s eyes on the side of your face or your own drunken mistake you’re not entirely sure. Either way, when you straighten up to stand again, Buck hasn’t moved an inch.
“Go on, your turn,” You tap the side of his arm with your pool cue, amusement washing over your features as you watch him physically jolt from the contact and shake his head as if to physically shake off what you’d said to him.
Who knew such a casanova would get so flustered when someone played along with his little flirting game.
He ended up losing of course, you were far too much ahead for him to have a chance of catching up before you potted the eight ball and took the game, and you could swear there was a trace of disappointment in his eyes, and not because of the four solid colour balls still left on the table.
He didn’t even glance at them.
No, instead he kept his eyes firmly locked on you as you gloated your win.
“Now that is something to celebrate,” You lay your cue on the table with a victorious smirk. “Better luck next time I suppose,”
Your cockiness continues to flourish as you pot the remaining balls into the pockets and take Buck’s pool cue from him to lay it next to yours. “So what’s my reward then?”
”I- What?” He blinks at you a few times, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as his mind tries to catch up to the conversation.
“Well we laid out what would happen if you won, so what do I get for actually winning?” You tilt your head to the side as you take a step towards him, arms crossed over your chest with your eyebrow raised. “Surely I deserve to be rewarded, no?”
“I can uh…I can buy you a drink…” Buck pursed his lips together, dry swallowing as he leant backwards against the pool table upon your approach. He honestly didn’t know what was coming over him. Why was he so ruffled under the collar about this?
This was his prime domain, so why was it the second that you mirrored his interest he shut down and started backtracking on himself like a highschooler?
“I think we’ve had enough drinks don’t you?” You take another step forward as he sits on the edge of the table, essentially boxing him in despite there being very easy escape points at both his right and his left. “Besides, I want to be sober enough to remember this tomorrow,”
What on earth did you mean by that?
God he felt pathetic right now, a 6’2, 220lbs man being boxed in against a pool table of all things by one of his extremely attractive coworkers because you’d had a sudden streak of confidence and decided to flip his advances back on himself.
“Uh…” He gives a small, half awkward chuckle as his eyes flicker to consciously remain focused on your own eyes and not fall downwards. He knew the uniforms were tight but god did he not notice how tight they were until he was having to physically restrain himself from looking further down. “Right well- uh- what do you want then..?”
Buck watched as your eyes left his to flicker downwards, not so far down that you were staring at his chest, but just far down enough that he could tell you had your attention on a part of his face that was not his eyes.
He’d blame the bright red of his cheeks on the drinks if you asked about it, but you seem far too enamoured by the way he nervously purses and bites his lips under your gaze to even so much as glance at anything else.
“You know what I want..?” You break your staring to meet his eyes again, although you still make the time to turn your eyes down to his mouth again during the breaks between words.
He swears you’re leaning in with every word, and he’d be damned if he wasn’t leaning in himself, a sharp, stuttered breath escaping his lips as you get close enough so your breath fans across his cheeks. “I think so…”
You give a small hum at his answer, lips quirking into a smile as you narrow your gaze and tilt your head slightly to the left so that your noses don’t bump together as you bring your faces within an inch of each other.
His lips part on instinct, breathing a whisper of air into your mouth as he anticipates the contact with closed eyes.
“I want you to stop drinking my orange juice,”
The tension in his shoulders seems to drop at your statement, and his eyes shoot back open as you pull yourself back to stand fully upright, absolute delight drenching your features as you read the waves of shock and dissatisfaction that roll over him at the sudden change in atmosphere. “What?-”
He was so close. So close to having your lips on his. And you ripped it away from him with that stupidly hot smirk on your face like you knew exactly what you were doing.
You definitely knew what you were doing.
“In the station, I know it’s you,” You explain yourself like it’s no big deal, like you weren’t centimetres from giving Buck what he’d been pining for for so goddamn long a few seconds ago. “Buy your own juice,”
“I- Seriously?” Exasperation practically drowns his voice as he speaks, and he narrows his gaze with an air of desperation that makes you want to give him exactly what he wants. “You pretend you’re going to kiss me and then tell me not to drink your goddamn orange juice? Not cool man,”
“Maybe you shoulda won the game, I don’t know what to tell you,” You shrug your shoulders with an air of nonchalance that only you would be able to muster in a situation like this, and it frustrates Buck beyond all belief.
“That’s not fair,” Buck shakes his head as he stands. “I didn’t know you were being serious,”
“Well that’s just too bad isn’t it?” You clasp your hands together with a tilt of your head.
“No, we’re not just gonna move on okay?” It’s Buck’s turn to approach you now, his hands emphasising his words as he waves them in front of himself. “I have waited so long for you to suggest you were interested in me you cannot just back out like nothing happened,”
You swerve his approach with a laugh to walk around the side of the pool table, like his frustration is the funniest thing in the world to you and not literally tearing him apart with every moment you try to brush off the lingering tension between you. “You are way too pent up about this,”
“I am the exact right amount of pent up about this,” He follows you around the table to box you in as you did him, except this time there’s really no escape as he plants his hands firmly against the edge of the table on either side of you. “You can’t just lean in like you’re going to kiss me and bail right at the last second,”
“I thought you liked the long game,” You cross your arms over your chest as a deflection from the way your heart rate quickens, trying to cover the increase in how fast your chest rises and falls under the gaze he’s trapped you in.
“I’ve played long enough,” He leans his weight on his arms, bringing his face towards yours slowly. “I need to know if I’ve won,”
“I’d say so,” Your eyes are much less confident now the roles have been reversed, struggling to maintain contact with his as his face continues its steady path towards your own.
“Prove it.” You’re close enough now that you can feel the breath from every word he speaks on your skin, and his intentions are laid out very clearly as his gaze falls from your eyes to your lips.
He is going to kiss you if you don’t do anything to stop him.
He wants to taste the mix of alcohol on salt on your lips, explore the inside of your mouth with his tongue. He wants to feel the heat of your palms against his cheeks as you cup his face to stop him from pulling away and make you kiss him until neither of you can breathe.
He’s waited long enough to have you like this, and after your previous stunt, he’s not sure he can physically last much longer before he explodes from the frustration.
The way his hands slide from resting on the table either side of you to holding your hips solidifies that point tenfold.
He gives your waist a soft tug until your torso collides with his, and you have to brace your hands against his shoulders to stop yourself from losing your balance and stumbling right into him.
And then he’s leaning in again, his eyes flickering over your expression to look for any trace of hesitance or uncertainty in your features before he makes the final move.
And then there’s a shot glass between your faces.
Chimney, ever horrible at reading the room —probably because he’s so drunk he can barely stand upright anymore— holds up two shots towards the two of you, one in each hand. “They’re on me~” He adds that extra part at the end as the true selling point, and it takes all of Buck’s self-restraint to not knock the glasses out out Chimney’s hand to make him leave the two of you alone.
You don’t seem so agitated.
“Why thank you,” You break from Buck’s grasp to take one of the shots from Chimney’s hand, raising it in Buck’s direction. “Here’s to playing the long game,”
You down the shot quickly, leaving the empty glass on the edge of the pool table to rejoin the group at the bar, leaving Buck alone and so goddamn sexually frustrated he genuinely thinks he might pass out from the strain.
You know exactly what you’re doing by dragging this out, and he has half the mind to prove your idea of ‘safety’ from his advances in the group wrong by sending his conscience to hell and giving in to his inhibitions in front of everyone.
But he’s not quite drunk enough to push it that far. Even if most of the team wouldn’t remember it if he did.
“So that’s a no on the shot?” Chimney raises the remaining shot glass in Buck’s direction, seemingly completely oblivious to the colossal cockblock he’d just imposed.
“If you weren’t so drunk right now I would punch you I swear-” Buck huffs as he all but snatches the glass from Chimney’s hand and downs the shot in exasperation, the sharp burn in his throat doing nothing to distract him from the ache in his chest from having a possible moment from you ripped from underneath his nose again in the span of less than ten minutes.
“Woah, what did I do?” Chimney furrows his eyebrows in offence at Buck’s statement. “We’re supposed to be family man, last time I buy you anything,” He scoffs in indignation as he leaves Buck to join the rest of the group once more, clearly unhappy with Buck’s reception to his ‘gift’ of a free shot.
A free shot and a missed shot at finally making a move on you.
He knew that come your next shift you’d ignore everything that had happened tonight, and he wasn’t sure he was ready to go back to the silent glances and subtle gestures. He wanted all of you, not just some aimless flirting that never went anywhere.
At least he had confirmation that you were in fact interested in him, that was a step forward in the right direction he supposes.
But god was the long game starting to get on his nerves.
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ayanominitrash · 6 months
Act Cool, Senpai! (Geto Suguru x reader)
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Geto-san takes a liking to his cute kouhai.
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First Entry. 2nd Entry here. Masterlist. AO3
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Geto Suguru never thought of love.
Unlike his classmate, Gojo Satoru, who thinks of it 24/7. Despite this, he isn’t oblivious to the fact that he’s ironically Jujutsu High’s campus crush over the Gojo. Who knows why, but he guesses it was something about his ‘nihilistic smile’ as his senior Mei-san once mentioned, not missing the way she eyed him from head to toe with a flirtatious look.
He didn’t know how to feel about that.
Regardless, he’d rather focus on his studies and on working hard as a Jujutsu Sorcerer. That’s all he knew after all. It’s what got him out of his rural village and scouted into the busy streets of Tokyo.
Except, he can’t help but notice his cute little kouhai. 
During Midterms months in the First Semester, you’d politely knock on the door to their classroom and shyly poke your head in, asking for Shoko. Geto would always look forward to that time of the day, the third period in the morning. He finds his heart suddenly racing as his eyes land on you, only to look back down to pretend reading the notes he took for their last class when really he was thinking how you look so cute today, just like any other day. Or how that cute new sweater you were wearing over your dark Jujustu uniform looks so good on you. How cute your hair looks when you clip a few of your front hairs back. 
Needless to say, Geto Suguru, for once, was a mess.
And it was all because of you.
“Who’s that girl who always comes here?” Geto innocently asks Shoko one day after their first class in the morning. 
They were all sprawled in their seats: Gojo on his right-hand side, lazily doodling some god-awful looking Digimon characters over his empty ‘notes’; Shoko on his left side, messing with her phone, texting who knows what. 
“Who? Oh, you mean our kouhai? She’s a year below us with Haibara and Nanami. Why do you ask?” She answers, not bothering to look up from the small screen.
“She’s like, always here.” Gojo pipes up, still scribbling in his notebook. 
“You guys close?”
“Obviously. Why else would we go to our next class together?” 
“Ah, you two share a class together? You don’t mean that. . she can also do external Reverse Cursed Technique?” Geto asks in awe. 
The brunette only nods with a bored look on her face. Gojo stops his ministrations on his notebook for a moment to whistle. “Another rare one. It’s good to know our new batch of sorcerers are coming in with talent.”
“I’m just glad I’m not alone in class anymore. You couldn’t even imagine just how - ” 
She was probably reminiscing about her first year when she had to take RCT-specialized classes all on her own, often complaining to them about how boring it was to be the only student there at the end of the day. Of course, the rest of the conversation went over Geto’s head as he was still processing the fact that you’re so rare, talented, and powerful to be one of the only few RCT users in all of Jujutsu Society.  On top of all of that, you’re gorgeous. You probably have a few boys fawning over you, sorcerers or none-sorcerers.
Geto, for a moment, forgets that he’s one of the 2 strongest sorcerers in this generation, and suddenly feels inferior to you, like he’s out of your league. After all, both he and Gojo couldn’t use RCT on themselves, let alone do it to others.
You’re, in no doubt, a gem.
“Anyway, why did you even ask? Are you annoyed she keeps coming over or something?” 
He blinks, realizing that his friend is looking at him now with the same lazy eyes she has, expecting an answer.
“Oh - what? Of course not. I was just curious since she just started popping up a few months ago.” 
Gojo hums in agreement, insinuating that he too was curious about you.
The raven-haired teen goes back to his reading, making a mental note to not ask too much about you, or else they��d get suspicious. Geto has never really felt these feelings before so he might be wearing his heart on his sleeve. 
Also, he mentally begs his heart to stop racing with the mere mention of you. 
₊˚ ♡
One afternoon after classes, Geto volunteered to clean up and erase the writing on the chalkboard, while Gojo and Shoko were packing their stuff to up and leave.
He wasn’t expecting it, but there was that same tiny knock on their class door. 
It was you, awkwardly standing in the doorway, hands gripping the straps of your bag.
“Ieiri-san. . .” You say in a shy voice, only flicking your eyes momentarily to both him and Gojo, before subtly hiding behind the doorframe.
Too cute, Geto thought.
“Your girlfriend is hereeeee.” Gojo sings, to which Geto whips his head in panic, only to realize that the tease was addressed to Shoko. That little act was thankfully, not noticed by any of those present.
“Shut up, Gojo.” The brunette tsked before shooting you an apologetic look. “Ignore him. Do you see what I have to deal with? Hold for a minute, still fixing my stuff.” 
“You guys heading somewhere?”
Geto doesn’t know where he finds the courage, but he decides to set down the chalkboard eraser and approach you. Maybe because he’s been itching to talk to you these past few months. You immediately stand upright when he starts to get close, no longer hiding behind the doorframe. 
“Ah- Geto- san! H-hello!” You quickly bow, “I-it’s an honor! E-er, Ieiri-san, and I w-will be going somewhere - eh, yes! Getting Ice cream…cones.” You lift your head up but still stare at your shoes, inwardly cringing at yourself.
Geto and Gojo share a look, the latter wierded out, and the former does a breathy chuckle. 
Too cute! Geto thought once again.
“Ah, is that so? She must be fed up enough with us to leave us out of it. Anyway, It's an honor that our kouhai knows my name. It makes me a little guilty of not knowing yours. So, name?”
You shyly tell him your name.
“Ah, that's a pretty name. It's imprinted in my brain now.”
“Oi, you!” Shoko elbows Geto’s stomach out of the way, pushing past the doorway and hooking your arm onto hers, dragging you away. “Stop harassing my kouhai, will you? We’re off.”
“E-eh! It was nice talking to you, Geto-san, a-and Gojo-san!” 
Geto tries to wave the both of them off but can’t help slide his back down against the wall, rubbing the spot Shoko elbowed him on. She did not hold back.
But that wasn’t why he was weak in the knees.
He finally got the chance to talk to you, and he didn’t stutter at all. Geto does find some relief that you were just as flustered with talking to him as he was feeling with you, all red in the face with those wide eyes like that. It’s making his heart do 360’s. 
“Weird little fella, ain’t she?” Gojo asks as he passes by Geto on the floor, his backpack in hand. “Let’s go before the little runts fill up the arcade. I wanna make sure to get all these school stress out of my veins.”
Geto huffs as he stands up, “You barely even study.”
“Take that back.”
₊˚ ♡ - - - -
Meanwhile . . .
“Ieiri-san, Geto-senpai looks so great today, as always.” You swoon with your eyes closed and your hands to your face as the both of you exit the school campus, the orange sunset bathing the skies.
“Huh? Really? You know, sometimes I feel like you're just using me to see him. I don’t know why you like him, but I guess he’s better than that other idiot, Gojo.”
You loop an arm back around hers, "Of course, I’d never use you like that, senpai! I'd literally die of boredom without you!"
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(❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡ reblogs and comments are appreciated//do not repost my work anywhere
THE FACT THAT I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANYTHING FOR DADDY SUGURU SINCE OCTOBER IS A SIN I NEED TO REPENT FOR ASAP ✞✞✞ would anyone even want a part two of this? any maybe turn it into my first series here //
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hoshigray · 11 months
My Professor's Final Spring Praise ༄ K. Nanami
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"Before my summer break officially started, I had to finish my last in-person exam with Professor Nanami. It was so tough, but I made it through! I was the last to leave, so I thanked the professor and shared some final words before heading to my dorm to finish packing up. However, how do a few gratitude and praise exchanges end up with me on his desk and him between my legs?"
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A/n: Yessirrrrrr!! First work of my very first series!! I'm very nervous about this as this is the first time committing to writing consecutively for a specific theme, but I got faith in myself!! Also, it's Nanami and my birthday!!!ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰ So as soon as this is posted, I'm signing off and enjoying my day with my hubby Kento~ (sike I'm not, just gonna hang with friends, lol). But anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this piece, and thank you so very much for 1k followers~~~!!! Not my best work, but it's a decent start for the series! >:D (will proofread l8r tmrw)
Series m. list!! This entry has been updated along w/ its contents.
Cw: professor! Nanami x fem! reader - explicit content so minors DNI - taboo (consensual sex b/w a professor & undergrad) - age difference (the reader is at least in their 20s; Nanami approaching early 30s) - fingering (fem! receiving) - cunnilingus - semi-missionary position (reader lies on their back on a table while Nanami stands) - public sex/sex in a university classroom - unprotected sex (PSA: wrap it up, or get the fuck up) - pining if you squint - praise - pet names (baby, darling, love, sweet pea) - clitoral play (licking and sucking) - kissing/makeout sessions.
Wc: 3.4k
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Dear Diary...it's been a long while since I had to come to you as an outlet for my thoughts. But something happened today that caused my mind to go rampant, and I need to rely on you again...
Today is supposed to be the best day of the year. You just finished taking your last in-person exam, you were able to finish packing up all your stuff, and you're now ready to kiss this campus goodbye until the upcoming fall season.
You could not wait to start your summer plans. Not only will you work in the internship you've been hoping to get into since last semester, but you'll finally have ample time to hang with your best friends ever — Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara!
The summer break has been the end goal for the four of you, and now that your finals are finally over, there's no stopping you from enjoying the season to the best you can!
However, as much as you say you're excited, it doesn't correlate to your actual feelings at this point in time. Something happened that altered your entire perception of what the future was supposed to be.
Something so out of the ordinary that you don't know how to properly feel or think about the situation.
Something so out of the ordinary that you turn to a diary to let your thoughts out, alone in your shared dorm room when all the other roommates have left earlier in the week.
Something so completely out of the ordinary that it sends chills down your spine just reminiscing the moment before sitting at this exact desk writing about what transpired earlier.
It all started when I went to my last in-person exam with Yuuji, where everyone else was waiting for the professor...
You and Yuuji had the same Biology class to take care of one of your science credits, and the exam was to take place on the last day of finals week. Although you've been told it's not supposed to be a difficult test — it's a bunch of multiple questions, short answers, and one essay — the exam period starts from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Three hours of endless testing was enough to put you, Yuuji, and all the other classmates in shambles, embracing guaranteed failures and having no idea how to study.
Luckily, a true saint descended from above to bless you and your peers with a professor who knows what he's doing and is patient enough to lead you to the right path. Your professor, Kento Nanami, was relatively young enough to connect with his fellow students but held a well-mannered and stern cadence that gained the respect and admiration of those around him. He was able to steer you guys into a secure approach to your studying: taking in questions, making study guides for quizzes and midterms, and highlighting significant areas from the textbook throughout the semester that will be shown on today's exam.
So through all the diligent preparation and practical labs you've attended, you feel way more confident with the material than at the start of the semester. Can't say the same for Yuuji, who's more nervous than you (with his three unexcused absences and constantly coming to you for help). But as long as y'all are suffering together, that's all that matters.
The only problem is that the exam is sectioned into three parts — sixty multiple-choice questions that are one point each, ten short answer questions that are also one point each, one mix-and-match portion, and the essay is ten whole points by itself (twenty if you can answer five bonus questions afterward). So, off the bat, everyone understands why three hours are given to complete the exam. But Professor Nanami said, "You all should be fine because it doesn't necessarily have to take you all three hours to complete. So if you finish early, you can get outta here." Say less.
So once you entered the usual classroom with Yuuji, you followed through and sat distant from each other at the same table. The professor came on time as always, instructing the class on where to get the exam on the class website, giving the password to unlock it, and wishing you luck.
The only sounds in the space were people clicking their keyboards, sighs, and groans, and people packing up to leave after submitting their exams before thanking their professor for a great semester. Soon the number of students would thin out, leaving just you and Yuuji still completing your exam.
Yuuji finished at the two-hour mark, releasing an extended sigh of relief before hurriedly stuffing his laptop in his backpack. He goes down to thank and bear hug the professor. And you giggle at the expression of Nanami's dismay because he would've sufficed with a simple handshake like the other students. But that's what makes Yuuji an anomaly to the mass, being exceptionally himself no matter where or who he's with. The salmon-haired boy walks up and wishes you luck, going to his dorm to pack the last of his things and promising to pick you up when you're done.
And then it was just you and him: the professor standing at the podium in front of the classroom, reading a book while you finish the last bonus questions before submitting it on the class site. You sigh heavily, and a massive wave of relief washes over you. You did it. You handled all your exams. You're finally free!
"Finished?" You look for where the voice comes from. The professor looks up from his book at your figure.
You place your laptop in your bag and stand up from your seat. It took you twenty more minutes just to finish compared to Yuuji. "Yup! It wasn't so bad like you said, but I had more trouble with the bonus questions than everything else." You stretch your arms and legs.
Nanami chuckles at your feedback. "I see. I did say the bonus questions would be more lab-based. Good thing those who couldn't make it to some of the labs got to see me so I could help them or assign them with the other students who missed."
"You mean like Yuuji?" You walk up to the podium to be in front of your professor. "Because the poor guy couldn't make it to some of the labs because of club activities."
"Yes, Itadori is one of those students." Nanami smiles at the mention of the salmon-haired other. "He's undoubtedly a hard-working student, asking questions and enjoying the lectures. But that's for when he is in the class."
You chuckle as the subtle shade at your friend. "He does try, though! All the times we've studied together since this exam shows that he wanted to put his whole heart into this class. Not to mention that you're secretly his favorite teacher~." You mention the last part hoping it sparks something in the professor, and you're glad to see that the older man releases a wee chortle at the tiny piece of information.
"Hmm, well, I appreciate his enthusiasm and that he was deeply interested in the class. However," your professor closes his book and walks to the side of the podium, erasing an imaginary barrier between the two of you. "You also play a huge part in his engagement. He's lucky to have a friend like you."
Your brows trench, but a smile creeps past your conscious. "What makes you say that?"
"You've been a particular student in my class. Not only are you an easy grader, but you capture the material so well that Itadori trusts you enough to help him when I'm not available to do so. Anytime you ask me a question, it's always outside the textbook or linked to something you looked into outside the lectures."
The smile on your face grows large, and you look away to shield it from his vision. "Thank you, Professor Nanami."
"I won't be surprised if I check the grades later and see that you got an excellent grade." He removes his glasses and places them on the podium with his book. "I'd also suggest you consider minoring in this field if you'd like. And did you sign up for that scholarship I mentioned to you around two weeks ago?"
"Yes, I filled it out last week."
"Good." He moves a hand to place on your shoulder, and the action takes you aback because it's the first time he's ever touched you. "I expect great things from you, Y/n. I'm sure whatever you want to do in this life, you'll do just fine."
You bashfully nod at his kind words. And you extend your hand up to him to signify a ready handshake. "Thank you, professor. And thank you so much for all your help this semester."
The hand that was on your shoulder grabs hold of your hand. But what happens next was far from what you expected.
Nanami lifts your hand with his and faintly sets his lips on the back of your knuckles.
And this is the provenance of what sets everything in motion.
What he did to your hand didn't just surprise you, but also surprised him. Nanami froze with your hand still in his, not daring to move as you have yet moved an inch.
Why did I do that? It's the biggest question that runs through his mind at this time. One moment he was praising you for being one of his best students, then he busses his lips onto your hand the next. But why?
Nanami knew he was done for. Unable to look into your eyes, he can only tighten his hold on your hand. This was so not part of his routine. Today was supposed to be like any other exam day. He only came here to see his students for one last time before the start of summer break. He only came here to see his final class and have them take the exam before heading home. So why?
Perhaps it was the feelings of spring blinding him like a child. Or maybe his emotions got the better of him. But today was the last day of the semester he'd see his favorite pupil — you. Until now, the professor has done a phenomenal job maintaining an appropriate relationship between teacher and student, keeping a respectable distance while tending to his scholars.
And yet, he still would catch himself sneaking a selfish glance at you following through with his lectures, his heart swooning when you use your lovely voice to ask a question, or going blind when you flash a smile that rivals the sun's beam.
It's never right to have favorites; however, you clearly were the one that caught his attention the most.
Yet, also, this type of relationship is not the best for Nanami or you. You are a student, and he is your teacher. This could damage the reputation of both of you. It's the least favorable outcome between the two of you...
...So why haven't you snatched your hand away from mine yet?
Your hands tighten back with his, and the man finally chooses to look at you.
You're eyes bore into him, looking at him as if he's the only thing meant to have your concentration. Your breathing descends to a slower pace, but the rhythm of your heart beats the more you look at the man before you. "Professor Nanami..." you said his name in a whisper, and God, did it feel so wrong to do such a thing. As if your mouth would be thrown into a pit of flames for even calling to him with an indescribable connotation. Your mind is now fueled with a deep emotion rooted within, rooted with a scary longing.
"Y/n..." It felt even more wrong to have your name hushed in his voice, so hot to the ears that they could melt any second. Even so, a part of you wishes he would repeat it in the same tone again. Expressing the exact feeling of wanting something, wanting you.
Observant brown eyes lock in with your eyes. Faces move forward with hesitance. Eyes close. Noses begin to brush their skins against each other. And pairs of lips seal an unfortunate yet desirable event that cannot be revoked.
It takes a few minutes for you two to melt into each other from the makeout session. It takes a few minutes to block the glass windows with portable whiteboards to block the view from the outside. And it takes a few minutes for you to be a disheveled mess with your back on a table with Nanami between your legs, fingering your throbbing vulva and licking your slick and sensitive clitoris.
"Hoooh...Mmmm, Professor Nanami, your tongue. I-It feels too good—Nnnmph!!"
Nanami flicks his tongue on your sensitive, the cause for you to cry out. "Y/n, I told you. It's just the two of us, so call me by my name."
No, you mustn't. That's taking things too far. But, "K-Kentooo," that name is too tempting to not have seeped through your moans. "Your tongue and fingersss, they're too much!"
His middle and forefinger pull and push inside your gushy walls, prompting more of your sweet cries to fill the blonde man's eardrums. "Is that so? Too much for you? Think you're gonna cum?"
You nod desperately with each question, your cunt clenching around his digits as if you were to snatch them off. But that would be impossible when he's playing with your pussy like a toy. Sweat starts to form on your forehead, your orgasm inching in closer and closer by the second.
And Nanami notices, resulting in him coming to your aid for release. His tongue goes back to lapping around clit, kissing and sucking on the bud while the tempo of his fingers increases.
Your climax hits you hard, having your body twitch and quiver as the inner walls of your slit contract around the digits scraping your velvety texture. You grab tufts of his blond hair, messing up its neat shape. But neither of you cares, too engulfed with each other to worry about the details. Tears form at the end of your eyes as you experience your high, and you try to steady your breathing when your professor withdrawals himself from you.
"Good job, sweet pea. Made a mess on my fingers." He praises you while undoing his tie and unbuttoning his dress shirt, revealing his well-defined torso for your eyes to see. But the real prize is when he unzips his pants and pulls down his briefs, his erect cock out in the open for you to marvel at.
But before you could look at it with all its glory, the tip of his dick presses up against your cunt, sliding it up and down to warm you up before entry. The feeling of his shaft grinding on your folds and clit is enough to have chills travel down your spine.
"Alright, love, I'm gonna go slow for you, okay?" His chocolate brown eyes examine your face to give him a response. You nibble on your lip and brace yourself after confirming your cooperation. "If you want me to stop, let me know. So, take some breaths for me."
And with that, the blonde pushes his cock into you with every exhale you take, the twinge of pain making it difficult to focus. Yet you still pull through because you want this so fucking much. There's no turning back now. And when the tip of his cock finally nestles inside your vagina, a choked shriek departs from your lips.
Slowly, Nanami pushes himself into you, every inch of his cock venturing further into your welcoming, throbbing chasm. He brushes up against your sweet spots causing you to jerk up. Nanami coaxes you through it. "It's okay, darling. You're taking me so well."
Tears come streaming down when the base of his cock kisses your folds, your union now solidified. The blonde gives you a moment to get acclimated with his girth inside before he gradually instructs a patient pace of the hips.
"Mmmm, Kento. 'S so good..." You mewl into the air, your face feeling hot and sweaty. The slow rhythm of his ruts is tantalizing, but it feels so good having his length scrape your insides. "Pleaseee, go fasteeer—"
"Want it faster? Nnmmm, damn, I'll go faster, baby." When the moment is right, his thrusts quicken the cadence, provoking more blissful whimpers to fill the silent room.
Your hands find purchase on his back, your legs wrapping around his waist to cage him close to you. And Nanami takes the notion as a signal for him to dial up the speed, thrusting so deep into your pussy with an erratic tempo. Pelvis smacking hard on your slit and tender clit that it has you seeing stars.
"Hmmm, Ahh—Ahhhh! Ohhhh, fucking shit!" The harsh ruts to your lower half keep your ground to the table beneath you, sweat sticking your clothes to your back. The sounds of skin slapping each other are on par with your pornographic noises, having you feel indecent and shameful. But it's too late now.
"Hmmph! Oh, fuck," husky groans exit from Nanami, the man putting his forehead on yours. "You feel so good and tight around me, love. So close to—Ahhhh!! Shit, so close to cumming.."
You swallow the spit that secretes your mouth. "Haaaah, Kentoooo—" your eyes are shut to wholly focus on the commotion beneath you. Your sexes smacking each other, forcing you to clench around him with every thrust of the hips. "I'm about to—Nnnaaahh!! Oh, Jesus, I'm gonna cummm!"
He kisses your forehead. "You want to cum, sweet pea?"
"Yesssss, please, please, pleaseee!!" Begging for your release is all you can do as your mind turns into mush, the familiar sensation crawling back to haunt you.
He hushes your cries with his lips on yours, the final kiss filled with scorching passion while Nanami pistons a few thrusts plunging to your vulva.
Your orgasm washes over you again, and you moan blissfully into the blonde's mouth. Your gushy walls flutter around his member for the last time, coating it with your essence. And Nanami had to be quick not to sink too deep into the feeling, or else he'd spill his release into you. He removed himself from your lips and body, ejaculating his load onto your bare stomach, and you gasped at the contact of his fluids spilling on your exposed skin.
You look up to survey the man before you, and you're met with an image you never thought you'd see. Blonde hair that was once slicked neatly now had messy strands that framed his face beautifully. Sweat covered his sculpted physique, and hooded brown eyes examined your body under him.
Letting the silence calm the both of you down from your aftershocks, Nanami glances at your face and smiles. He brings a hand to cup your cheek, brushing off tears that painted your face.
"Glad to have you this semester. Have a good summer, darling."
An abrupt sound has you stop writing on the entry, bringing you back to the present time.
It sounded like it came from the front door, so you stuff your diary into your bag and exit the room to find out who's causing all the ruckus. When you open the door, the first thing that enters your line of vision is pink hair.
Your friend, Yuuji Itadori.
"Yo!" He greets you. "Ready to go? I called up your phone like four times."
"Oh, you did? Sorry, I must've forgotten to put it back on vibrate after the exam." You move out of the way for Yuuji to enter your dorm, closing the door behind him. "My stuff is in my room. I got two suitcases, a duffel bag, and my backpack."
"Alright then, let's hurry and get out of here! Think we can take the freeway since it's late at night, and traffic should be gone by now."
Yuuji grabs your two suitcases and heads outside to put them inside the trunk of his car. You walk around to check and see if anything is missing or misplaced before heading to your room and grabbing the other bags.
Yet before you leave the space entirely, you grab your diary again and write your final thoughts.
...I don't know what possessed me to let what happened happen. But, at the same time, I don't hate it for happening? I don't know...it was probably the feelings of spring taking over me or the relief that I finished all my exams.
But one thing is for sure; if I wasn't the last person to leave that classroom, none of that would've happened. I wouldn't have experienced that new side of Professor Nanami.
And as long as this keeps between me and him, then I'm kinda glad that it happened.
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harlowsbby · 6 months
Nonsense 💘
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Requested, What about the reader pranking Jack by making him think she doesn’t want him kissing her.
“You two must want me to be single for the holidays or what?”
Urban and Annie laughed at your answer to their questions. “Come on it’ll be fun and you know it.” Annie argued.
“I agree, you know how worked up Jack gets it’ll be so funny he’d be so confused and irritated at the same time.” You rolled your eyes and huffed.
Urban and Annie came up with this bright idea well more like a prank. The saw a few videos going around of girls either dodging or acting like they don’t want a kiss from their boyfriends.
You weren’t going to lie you were actually down to do it but at the same time the two of you have been arguing lately like cats dogs and the last thing you wanted to do was start up another argument.
“What’s in it for me?” You asked them. “We’ll do anything you want for 24 hours?” Urban said.
“That’s all? I need something more.” Annie rolled her eyes. “I’ll buy you coffee for an entire week straight.” You smirked. “Sounds like a deal.”
After they explained everything again you hung up the phone and waited on the couch till Jack got back home from the studio.
It was about twenty minutes later when Jack came walking through the door, a smile and all was displayed on his face upon seeing you.
“Hey baby.” He said and placed his keys down into the bowl near the entry way.
When you didn’t say anything his head immediately shot up towards you, his eyebrows scrunched together.
“Babe? Can you not hear me or what.” He said and started to approach you. It was honestly really hard trying not to acknowledge him because all you wanted to do was kiss him and let him hold you.
“Hellooo? Earth to Y/N I know you can hear me I’m standing right in front of you.”
He huffed when you didn’t even flinch or anything, you just kept scrolling through your phone.
“What? I’m sorry Jack I was so into this game.” You decided to talk to him but whenever he tried to lean in for a kiss you’d dodge it.
“I was going to say I know you weren’t about to give me the silent treatment again. I missed you today.” He leaned down and went to give you a kiss and moved back slightly.
“How was the studio? Anything interesting happen today?”
You asked him and stood up and made your way into the kitchen. He stood there for a minute more trying to process that you just completely dodged his kiss.
When he made it into the kitchen you were grabbing a box of red velvet cake mix.
“I was thinking about making some cupcakes what do you think?” You asked him and tried your best to stiff a laugh at how confused he looked.
“What’s up with you?” He asked questionably. “What do you mean? Nothing is wrong all I asked was do you wanna help me bake some cupcakes or not.”
“I mean yeah I’ll help you I guess.” You smiled. “Sounds good just get me my mixing bowl and a spoon.” He nodded and went and grabbed what you needed.
When he came back he placed everything down in front of you and leaned forward to try and place another kiss on your lips but you pulled back once again.
Jack was in disbelief he wasn’t sure what your issue or problem was but he didn’t understand why you weren’t allowing him to kiss you.
“Alright Y/N what’s your problem dude?” You laughed. “Dude? I’m not your dude I’m babe, baby or boo.” He rolled his eyes.
“No you’re not because my baby allows me to kiss her. When I came back home you were ignoring me and now you keep dodging my kisses, what the hell did I do now?” He raised his hands in frustration.
“You didn’t do anything I’m just trying to bake us some cupcakes.” You innocently stated and opened up the box of cake mix.
“Am I being pranked or some shit? Give me a kiss.” He went back in to place a quick peck to your lips but you pulled back and laughed.
“Seriously!” You grinned. “What?” You asked innocently. He smacked his lips.
“Fuck this ima get my kiss.” He quickly grabbed the back of your neck gently and forced your head up and placed a long and gentle kiss to your lips before pulling back.
“Was that so hard? That’s all I wanted.” He stated and grabbed the bowl from you and started pouring all the ingredients into the bowl.
You couldn’t help but to laugh if there was one thing Jack was good at it was getting his way.
“So who made you do this little prank?” He asked while you sat across from him.
“Urban and Annie they though it would be funny.” You knew they’d both give you shit for ratting them out but you didn’t care.
“The next time I see Urban I’m beating his ass as for Annie well I guess she gets a pass this time.” You laughed and leaned up a bit over the counter and went to place a kiss to Jack’s lips but he pulled back making you gasp.
“Two can play that game baby.” You groaned and whined. “Seriously?!? It was a little prank. You’re so petty and childish.”
He shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “But you love me though.”
“That I do, that I do.” The rest of the night was spent cuddled up by the fire just enjoying your cupcakes in peace.
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charlesslut16 · 3 months
hiii if you like the idea could you make a cute and a (bit smutty but mostly cute) Yuki imagine? I was thinking on the reader joining the paddock for the first time, as Yuki’s girlfriend and if Gasly can be featured being a tease to them both would be so cute! I’ll leave the rest to you thank you in advance! 💙
-joining the fun-
summary : you joing the paddock for the first time...
PAIRING : yuki tsunoda x fem!reader
note : i hope that you liked the first season of the year, loves!
december masterlist ; masterlist   
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If someone asked you how you felt right this second, you could not answer it. You were excited and happy, yet you were also a bit unsure and insecure about yourself and how you would show this relationship to do in public. 
Today was the day, the day you went on your first F1 race. And it was the first time that you and Yuki would show your relationship in public, in front of thousands of fans.
You and Yuki have been together for so many years and everyone knew that he had a romantic partner in his life, but you never showed it in public. It was long overdue.
 Partly it had been because Yuki wanted to experience being in a relationship without any fans interfering in his love life, and on the other part it was because you were not in the public or any famous person.
You had never told Yuki the reason why you didn't want to go public with him when he asked, you had always said it was because you did not want to share your relationship with thousands of people.
But after weeks and months of begging and pleading, you gave in to Yuki and told him that you would go to the next race with him. You could swear you never saw him smile bigger.
So the day came when you and Yuki went to the Bahrain GP.  Yuki drove you there, and you exited the car and took a deep breath. You needed a moment to check your surroundings. But the moment did not take long.
As Yuki went to your side of the car and took your hand in his, he kissed your hand and led you to the entry of the Grand Prix. Yuki was a ray of sunshine, as always, but you were a wreck, you were nervous.
But the time to be a wreck was over, now was the time to be the best version of yourself, so you composed yourself and gave yuki a light smile that indicated that you were ready.
You walked up and scanned your tickets and off you went. In mid-walking through the paddock, with lots of fans screaming and admiring you and your relationship, pierre came up.
"How are you doing, love birds? Is it like you expected y/n?" Pierre nudged Yuki and laid an arm around you to tease you a bit but also taking you off the stress with his little jokes.
"Yuki, you can't keep your hands off of her, can you??"
You looked over to yuki to his annoyed but cute face, that you loved so much. Yuki hated it to be teased, but as you were with him there was nothing to kill his mood, not even pierre.
"As if you could keep your hands off of your girlfriend, p"
With that statement, Pierre backed off of the two of you and went to his girlfriend, who was talking to some staff members. And you and yuki walked away to talk to fans or to sign some things.
And as you walked to the fans, you were nervous. What if they didn't like you? But as you came to the fans, they were very welcoming of you. They asked questions and complimented you. 
It was as if you were on an all-time high. It was nothing like you expected and imagined days and weeks before. Likewise, it was like a dream came true, even though you did not even dream this.
And after all the talking, you and yuki separated, he walked with pierre while you walked with Kika and some other wags that were in the paddock that wonderful day.
But before you walked away, yuki pulled you into his arms and gave you a big warm hug, a kiss to say goodbye to each other and a hand kiss for the appreciation that he felt.
"Thank you so much for coming with me today, love. I know that you did not want to make it that public, but I still think that it was a good idea, don't you think so?"
"Yes, handsome, the idea was very good. But enough off that you need to drive a race and to make it memorable because it is the first race that I see live. I do not want to be disappointed. Maybe there will be a reward later. I love you."
And with that you finally walked away, leaving the men standing there and you girls walking away. They were really like to have all of their girlfriends and wives.
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tsimvkas · 8 months
summertime friends — mason mount.
A/N: hiya 🫶🏻 look who’s back!! so the chainsmokers released a song when they came to my country and it’s about andrew’s bazilian gf and y’all are brazilians in this one 🤭 i really hope you besties enjoy a bit of my culture.
word count: 14.4k | masterlist
content: brazilian!reader, sex, fluff, simp!mase
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You knew it wouldn’t be easy when you accepted your boss' offer.
In twenty-two years, you never left Brasil. Born and raised there, you were comfortable with your culture and living with your family and you love your country’s weather, food and people. Is a nice place to live, most of the time. Culturally, it is a partying country with loving, caring, happy and passionate people.
And when you say passionate, you mean it. It doesn’t matter the subject — football, formula one, concerts, festivals. If your people love something, they love something. And this is what you miss the most.
And your family, the happiest people you know, makes you love Brazil even more.
With them, there’s a different confraternization every month. Carnival, Easter, Independence Day. Every holiday is a reason to have a big family lunch with barbecue and cake.
But you couldn’t lie. Moving to another country has been your dream for a long time now. Not only to another country — but to England. When your boss told you a job position was open in Manchester, it only took you two days to think about it and say yes.
Telling your mom hadn’t been easy, and your entire family was insecure about you diving into something so risky, but the decision had been made and deep down you know it was the right one.
And now that you’re living across the world, five months with no pão de queijo, brigadeiro or feijoada, you’re not that sure anymore. You were never the kind of girl to feel homesick, but apparently that was about to change.
“I think I need a drink tonight” you murmured to your computer, attracting Sid’s attention.
“Tough week?” she asked you with a smirk. You’ve been friends with her since day one, when you landed in Manny with nothing more than your suitcase and a dream and headed straight to the office, where they handled everything.
She works in the same place as you, and you love to spend time with her. It was relieving that you were able to make a friend so far away from home, that you’re not actually alone, even though it feels like it sometimes.
“A bit” you sighed. “Let’s go out tonight. I beg”
“Alright babe, we can have a few drinks. What is that that you're used to saying every Friday?”
“Sextou” you smiled. A few weeks ago you explained to her the meaning of sextar, a kind of verb created in Brazil to express happiness with the arrival of Friday.
“Sextou then” Sid chuckled. “Choose the club and let me know”
You did the rest of your work a bit happier, excited to go out with your friend.
“I texted you the address, see you at 9pm?” you smirked at her when you closed your laptop, ready to leave.
“Yes boss” she nodded before giggling. “But you’ll have to bring me one of those later, you know it takes a lot for me to go to clubs”
“I told you you were going to be addicted” you rolled your eyes playfully, wanting some brigadeiros as well. “With Brazilian ingredients they taste even better”
“Now you’ll have to order them in some Brazilian market and make me some. You’re just making your life more difficult” Sid smiled, getting up and kissing your cheek. “See you later”
“I promise we can have a cosy Friday another time” you smiled back at her and Sid made a silly little victory dance.
You were very lucky to have her.
You haven't had the chance to know a lot of clubs in Manchester yet, but from the ones you went to, this one is one of your favourites. You found Sid at the entry, giving her a kiss on each cheek. By now, she’s used to it.
“Nice outfit” she said, and you love how she’s always boosting your self-esteem.
You were feeling a bit patriotic today, so your black cropped with the Brazilian flag and cargos was the obvious choice. Combined to your white Nike’s, you were comfortable and feeling beautiful.
You loved going out with Sid, because she is from the comfortable, but pretty, team as well, and you never felt badly dressed around her.
“I loved yours too” you smiled at her. She was also wearing cargos, a bodysuit and a pair of Nike’s, and in your opinion she seemed even more badass with simple outfits.
You made your way inside the club, you and Sid taking the first drink of the night. It was hot inside and soon you were drinking your second glass.
After a few drinks and some songs, a guy approached you and started a conversation. He seemed nice and the topics of his talks entertained you and Sid, so you kept it going. Between dances and drinks you felt happy enough to forget how much you missed home, distracted by your fried and the man talking with you.
“Wanna leave with me tonight?” he whispered in your ear about an hour after he started talking with you. “Don’t need to be right now though…”
You did your best not to roll your eyes and smiled ironically, realising he said the last part when a girl passed by both of you.
“I’ll check with my bestie and let you know” you lied, knowing damn well you wouldn’t leave with him.
“Fine” the man smiled confidently, and you didn’t like the coky tone of his voice. “I’ll be right back then, just need to use the restroom”
When excused himself, you and Sid went to the back of the bar to ask for another round of drinks. You were chatting with her after taking your tequila shot, talking about how that guy obviously went after the girl who passed by you despite him just asking you to leave with him, when someone rested their hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, can I buy you a drink?” the male voice in your ear gave you goosebumps. You couldn’t see his face perfectly due to the flashing lights, but you nodded anyway.
You wouldn’t deny a drink on a night like this. He quickly asked something to the barman, and you had no idea what drink he would chose to give you.
“So” the man started, giving you the glass you just saw the barman delivering to him. “Nice cropped. You’re from Brazil?”
“Yes. And you’re from here, I’ll assume by your accent” you smiled, taking a sip of your drink and widening your eyes in surprise. It was really, really good.
“Yes” he chuckled, proud of the satisfaction expression in your face. “How’d you get here?”
“I’ve accepted a job offer. The company I worked in Brazil had a position here and my boss thought I was good enough to make it”
“I agree with your boss, and I’m glad you accepted the offer, hm…” he paused, not knowing your name yet.
“Y/N” you introduced yourself. “And thank you…”
“In my country, this is the name of old men” you smirked, finishing your drink. It was a really hot night.
“I’m not an old man, I promise” you could hear him giggling.
“I couldn’t tell with all these lights, honestly. My myopia isn’t helping me either” you giggled. “Oh, this is my friend, Sid” you introduced your bestie, who was dancing beside you.
Sid finally looked at who you were talking with and sucked in a breath before greeting him. “This is Tony, Sid.”
Tony laughed, and the sound of his laugh made your heart skip a beat.
“Hi Sid, nice to meet you. Can I buy you a drink as well?” he asked nicely, and your friend nodded, seeming a bit shocked. You were almost asking her what was wrong when Tony called your attention again. “So you just accepted a man’s offer without seeing his face?”
“I mean… It's a hot night. I couldn’t say no to you, could I?” you smiled shyly. Tony’s phrase reminded you of how you mom would always say ‘don’t accept anything from strangers’ and there you were, accepting things from strangers in another country.
He laughed, and for some reason you felt proud to be the one making him laugh. “No, you couldn’t. I’m more than happy to give you another one, then”
“So, why are you offering drinks to me?” you asked, suddenly suspicious.
“I liked you” Tony shrugged. “You’re pretty, and I liked the way you were dancing. I kinda hoped I could ask you out, but I’m pretty sure someone was faster than me. I saw him talking to you”
“Oh, this is sad” you joked, suddenly remembering the man that went to the restroom and never came back. At this point, Sid’s grip on your forearm was beginning to hurt you. “You should’ve talked to me earlier”
“I was nervous about it”
“I know, I know. I deserve to see you leaving with him” he had a pout on his lips, which made you laugh. Hasn't he noticed that the man who ‘asked you out’ disappeared?
“Don’t be so tough on yourself” you smiled.
“Another one?” he asked you, pointing to your empty glass. At this moment, the club’s light dimmed a bit and your breath hitched in your throat. The eyes, the nose. The hair. You would’ve recognised this man anywhere.
Well, anywhere without such strong lights.
“Oh yes” you chuckled. Or choked? You don’t really know. “Uhm, I just need to talk to my friend for a minute”
Mason nodded sheepishly, and you almost screamed. Turning your back to him, you faced Sid with utter panic in your eyes.
“Oh my God” you whispered, trying your best to not make a scene. It’s just a famous footballer, who happens to be one of your biggest crushes, buying you drinks. It happens everyday, right?
“I know” Sid whispered back, reading your mind. “He’s right there”
“Why didn't you tell me?” you continued to whisper, taking deep breaths to calm your mind. You and your friend gave Mason a quick side eye, that he obviously saw. “What should I do?”
“Keep accepting his drinks? Talk with him for the rest of the night? Press him on the counter and kiss him senseless?” Sid practically started daydreaming.
“Those kinds of things only happen once, Y/N” she interrupted you. “Just go back and play his game”
“Ugh” you groaned at her. “I don’t want to make you a third wheel or something”
“As long as he’s buying me drinks too, that’s ok” she whispered one last time before turning you to face Mason Mount.
You swallowed the gulp in your throat before smiling at him.
“Hello, you’re back” he giggled, making your legs turn into jelly. You took a deep breath and put your phone on the counter, accepting the glass he gave you.
Smirking at you, he pulled his phone in front of yours over the counter, grateful for the new iOS function. You raised an eyebrow at him, not sure if he could see it, but saved his number.
“I think it was love at first sight” Mason finally spoke again. “When I saw you dancing”
“Love doesn't exist, silly” you rolled your eyes at him, momentarily forgetting who he was.
“You really think like this or you’re just dumping me?” he sounded a bit insecure and you felt giddy inside. How could this man think anyone on earth would dump him?
Your eyes went down his body, and you took a sip of your drink before responding. “What do you want, Mason Mount?”
“Oh, so you know me” Mason chuckled. “To be honest, I want you to leave with me, but since someone asked you first, then I’ll enjoy my time whilst he don’t come back”
“He won’t come back. I’m pretty sure he ghosted me”
“I bet he will. With a terrible excuse, by the way. Men, you know…” he shrugged.
“Do you think we could dance until then?” you asked him, suddenly not feeling nervous anymore. He was Mason Mount, yes, but he made you so comfortable that all you could do was see him as a normal person, like you.
And besides him being him, Mason Mount wanted you to leave with him tonight. You’re not stupid, you deserve at least a dance.
Mason smiled at you, holding you by your waist. “She’ll be right back” he whispered to Sid, taking you to the floor dance.
The song had a happy beat and most of the people were screaming the lyrics, but he kept your back pressed against his chest, mirroring your movements. When a Brazilian funk started, you teached him how to dance it, and Mason never laughed so much before, his hands on his knees whilst he was trying to copy your movements, moving his hips.
After three or four songs, you came back to the balcony in the back of the bar and his hands were still in your waist as you didn’t push him back.
“Can’t believe you made him twerk” Sid had a shocked face, and you smiled at her.
“Things like this only happen once, right?” you murmured.
Mason asked for a bottle of water for you, and you rested your body against his. “So” he breathed in your neck, brushing his lips in your skin. “I need to know if you really think love doesn’t exist”
You were taken aback by his question, not expecting it at all. He just met you, and you didn’t think your statement about love would be important to him.
“I think that it might exist, yes” you shrugged, trying to think of a coherent answer while dealing with his lips on your shoulders. “I used to believe it did, but then… I mean, if it does exist, then it doesn’t last long”
“Somebody hurt you?” he rested his face on your shoulder, and you sighed.
“Don’t you think this is too much information to share on a first day?” you try not to sound rude, so you intertwined your fingers with his to show you weren’t mad about the question.
“Sorry” he smiled shyly. “I just feel like I know you for years”
Indeed, it felt like the pair of you knew each other for more than just one night. You had to keep reminding yourself you only know him for an hour, even though you know the public version of him.
“Yeah, somebody hurt me” you admitted.
“Their loss” Mason smiled, pecking your cheek. He made you feel like the pair of you were already into something, acting all touchy and gentle. You have no idea how he’s not scared or worried about reaching out to you when he’s a public person and you could be just someone interested in his money and fame.
You’re not, but he has no way of knowing this.
The guy, who you couldn’t even remember the name, chose this moment to indeed come back and Mason pouted at you. “I know you’re leaving with him” he murmured. “But can we dance to the last one?”
“I’ll dance with my friend” you said to the guy with a smile, not really liking the look he gave. What he expected you to say after he spent an hour ‘in the restroom’? “With my friend Tony and with my friend Sid” you changed your tone so Sid would understand you wanted her to come with you.
The guy — you think his name is Luke, rolled his eyes and sat close to the balcony, like he would wait for you, so when the three of you were in the middle of the dance floor, you brushed your lips against Mason’s ear. “Get us out of here, please”
Mason smirked, taking you by hand as you took Sid’s hand in yours, and walking to the exit whilst messaging Rashford with his free hand. Outside the club, he walked to the biggest car you’ve ever seen and opened the door for you both, helping you and Sid to get in.
“Do you feel okay enough to drive?” you asked him when he settled himself behind the wheel.
“Yes ma’am. We’ll just wait for Rashy so we can decide what to do now” he blinked at you.
Once Marcus finally appeared, the four of you decided where to go.
“I think we need an after party” he smiled. “Like, go really crazy and that stuff. You know you just interrupted me right now”
“Gross” Mason rolled his eyes before shrugging. “Well, we’re on our vacation… it will take us an entire season to be allowed to drink like this again”
“Alright then, let’s drink”
Mason adjusted his seatbelt and Marcus searched for somewhere to go, contacting friends.
“Are you drunk enough to crash a party?” Marcus grinned, raising an eyebrow to Mason. The way he started the engine had your tummy fluttering, and you felt a bit ashamed of the things you thought.
“Whose party?” he cocked an eyebrow back at Rashford.
“A Man City one” was the answer, and you looked at Sid to confirm you heard right.
The car stayed in silence for two seconds before Mason cackled.
“Let’s do it” he said with a cocky tone, speeding up the car and following Marcus’ instructions.
You know Mason shouldn’t be driving after drinking and you shouldn’t be drunk in a stranger’s car but you couldn’t deny that you were excited to do whatever the four of you were about to do.
“I have something to ask you” you held Mason’s seat, getting closer to his face.
“We’ll take an Uber to come back from the party. You drink a lot already and it’ll be worse by the end of the night”
“Really?” he smirked. “You saw me drinking?”
You took a moment to think. “No, but Rashford asked-”
“I have a drunk spirit” he whispered, smiling. “I’m always drunk enough, cause I don’t need to be drunk. You’ll know I had a few drinks when you see my ‘few drinks version’, I promise. And I would never drive if I want to get drunk” he looked at you through the car’s mirror and you nodded.
“It’s there” Marcus screamed, excitedly pointing to a club’s entry and making the three of you laugh.
Mason parked in front of it, and an employee quickly came to manoeuvre his car. Giving him the keys, Mason helped you and Sid to get out of the huge car, and the four of you stared at the club.
“So, what do we do now?”
“We enter” Sid shrugged. “We just need to act like we’re supposed to be here. And you two, don’t look him directly in the eyes. He’ll recognise you and know you’re little tiny Red Devils trying to make a mess”
“You sounded like a Brazilian right now” you giggled, and Mason frowned at you.
“She just called us little and tiny?”
Without even hearing Mason, she grabbed Marcus’ arm and walked to the security guard. “Sorry sir.” the man stopped Marcus. “We are closed to a private party tonight”
“I know that” Marcus smiled.
“Your name is on the list?” the guard asked, holding a tablet with, probably, the list on it.
“I don’t need a name on the list” Mason snorted, and you tried not to laugh.
“I can’t let you enter if your name isn’t on the list” the man looked at Mason. “I’m sorry”
“Do you know who are they?” you entered the conversation, taking Mason by hand and walking to look into the security guard's eyes. He seemed pretty young for his job and you thought you could put some pressure on him. “They own City Football Club”
“I don’t think so” he played it cool but you could see his eyes widening.
“Look… Carl” you read the name on his badge. “They’re like a father to City”
“There are controversies” Sid giggled, and Marcus left an indignant sight.
“But you all look so young” Carl frowned.
“Thank you” you smiled. “Now, if you don’t let us in to celebrate Ederson’s birthday, he’ll be really pissed” you bit your lower lip with a false concern.
“How do you know that-” Mason tried to say, but you elbowed him.
“Sorry, ma’am” Carl gulped, taking a step aside and smiling shyly. “Now your top makes sense”
“It does?” Rashford seemed confusingly drunk.
“She’s wearing the Brazilian flag because Ederson is Brazilian”
“That’s correct, Carl! Have a good night” you smiled at him, pulling Mason inside and hoping Sid would do the same with Marcus before they both could talk anything else.
“What was that?” Mason gasped when you both were out of the guard’s view.
“They call it ‘Brazilian way’, a talent most of us were born with” you proudly smirked. “In essence, is about how we make all relationships personal ones, breaking with the social rules that should apply to everyone”
“Nice” Mason laughed, shaking his head in the rhythm of the music. Marcus and Sid joined the pair of you, and Rashford started to awkwardly dance.
“One thing about City that we can’t deny — they know how to party” he kept dancing and Mason rolled his eyes.
“Well, after so many years partying it’s practically an obligation for them to know” Sid shrugged and you nodded.
Mason giggled when Rodri passed by the four of you without noticing anything weird. “Should we stay unnoticed?”
Before you could say anything, Marcus made his decision.
“Good night guys, sleep well” he started to scream whilst walking to the exit pretending to leave, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “It was a great night, I loved it”
“Drinks were incredible as always” Mason followed his friend's steps. “You guys really know how to party”
“What the hell?” Grealish was the first one to get up and walk in their direction. “I’m not that drunk, right? I’m not seeing ghosts yet”
“Yet?” Mason burst into laughter. “Do you see ghosts often?”
“What the fuck are you two doing here” Phil giggled, approaching the four of you and clapping his mates’ hands.
“And the bastards even brought company” Dias got closer. “Why are you at a City party? Thought about joining us?”
“We were bored, and where Jack is, there’s also alcohol” Mason rolled his eyes playfully. “This is Y/N and Sid”
“Nice to meet you, girls” Ruben smiled, shaking hands with both of you. When he held yours for more than a moment, Mason slapped his arm. “Ouch?”
“Take your hands off of her” he tried to say it playfully, but the tone of his voice went a bit huskier than he intended to.
“Oh, I see. Your girl?” Rubens chuckled, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Not yet” he smirked, making you choke in silence.
“She’s too much for you” Jack teased, receiving a slap as well. “Stop doing this”
They started a fake fight, and you held back the desire to record it.
“Hey!” Stones suddenly screamed. “Bring your drunk asses back here”
“I’m not drunk” Mason screamed back.
It was nice to see him around his friends, so comfortable and… normal. Nothing like a famous footballer. It reminded you about you and your own friends, teasing each other, getting drunk together, being loud and silly.
“Nobody asked you” Foden slapped his head and you chuckled.
“Saw something funny?” Mason smiled at you, walking towards you to tickle your waist.
You started to laugh before he even touched you. “Oh no, don’t do this” you tried to dodge. “I’ll probably laugh so loud and it’ll be embarrassing”
“Are you encouraging me?” he grinned, reaching out to you and tickling your body.
You tried to choose between breathing or speaking while laughing, slapping his shoulders in an attempt to make him stop.
“Alright let them love each other, you two come with me” Jack talked to Sid and Rashy. “We have the best alcohol in the world”
“You could say, since you already had alcohol in every corner of the planet” Ruben teased him.
He laughed, finishing his beer. “You can’t blame me, I’m a taster”
When Mason finally stopped, he guided you to where Stone was, holding you against his chest once you got there and Sid came to your side with a drink, offering to you. “Jack was right, it’s the best alcohol in the world” she giggled. “And it’s pink!”
The four of you had a lot of fun, dancing and drinking till late. Mason really stayed the whole night without drinking alcohol, so you kept bringing different juices flavours to him, and he would drink them all and rate from the ones he liked to the ones he hated.
Every time you would come back to him with a new glass, Mason felt his heart warm at the fact you kept remembering he wasn’t drinking alcohol, and he couldn’t help but smile when you asked him how good each flavour was.
He doesn't know how to explain the instant connection he felt with you, but you seemed so pure hearted, gentle, caring and bright, and since the moment he saw you dancing he started to think that this is exactly the type of people he wants around. The type of woman he wants to wake up next to.
After two hours drinking more than he could take, Marcus gave up. “I’m starving man, I need to sleep” he mumbled at his friend when you were giving mango juice in Mason’s mouth, his hands in your waist. “Wow, this is disgustingly adorable. I wanna throw up”
You and Sid laughed at the way he was speaking, seeming like he was about to fall asleep any moment.
“I think we’re good to go, Mase” you smiled at him, staring at his tired eyes. He seemed happy, but exhausted. You smiled when he licked his lips clean. “Good one?”
“Yeah” he murmured. “Do you wanna eat something?” he asked gently, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“McDonald’s” Marcus quickly interrupted, desperate to eat, and Sid nodded when Mason looked at her.
“I bet you wanna go to Maccies” you teased as he looked at you, waiting for your answer.
“But he won’t go if you say no so please, say yes” Rashford gave you his best pout, and you smiled.
“McDonald’s seems pretty good” you laughed, waiting for the boys to say their goodbyes and following them to Mase’s car.
You and Sid went to the backseat and both of you spent the ride gushing and gossiping, whilst Mason and Rashford talked about something. If you stayed quiet for a second, you would’ve known he was talking about you.
On the line for the Drive Thru, Mason turned to ask what you and Sid wanted and, and after ordering and paying he parked in the empty parking lot.
The four of you ate between laughs and jokes, and it felt nice. You wished you could have moments like this all the time.
“I need to use the restroom before we go” Sid told you, asking Mason to unlock the car.
“I’ll go with you so you don’t walk through the parking lot alone” Marcus offered, leaving only you and Mason in the car.
“So…” you started, a bit nervous about being alone with him.
“The only male pout that can make you accept something it’s mine” he turned to look at you. “Got it?”
You cocked an eyebrow at him, finding it funny. “Alright, sir. Anything else?”
“For now, we’re good” he blew you a kiss.
You could still feel the alcohol in your system whilst you stared at him for a few seconds, not even realising when your body leaned in his direction. Mason turned his face even more in your direction and you held on to his seat, your right hand went to cup his face. You brushed his lower lip with the pad of your thumb, and Mason smiled.
“They need to come back before I do something dumb” you murmured, so close to his face that your nose was almost touching his.
“Something dumb? What do you want to do?” he smiled cockily, so close that his breath hit your face.
You kissed his nose, and Mason closed his eyes.
Squeezing your body between the space of the two front seats, you held his face with both hands and kissed his forehead. Then his eyebrows, his eyelids, his cheeks and his chin.
“Why are you teasing me?” he murmured, not wanting to break the atmosphere.
“It’s funny. Right now you don’t look like the man flirting with me in the bar” you continued to tease.
Mason opened his eyes, staring at you for a few seconds before pecking your lips. “Are you sure of it?”
You grinned, brushing your nose against his and leaning closer to him in the exact moment Marcus opened the car’s door to Sid with more strength than it was necessary, scaring you both.
She tilted her head to the side, raising an eyebrow at you whilst Rashford helped her get into the car. He closed the door for her, and the three of you silently waited for him to get in.
“Ugh, I need my pillow” he groaned, oblivious to the tension. “And a lot of sleep”
“Seatbelt” Mason asked him, and his voice sounded low key grumpy.
You gave Mason your address, and soon he was in your front porch line.
“Thank you guys, have a good night” Sid waved at them, unlocking the door and jumping out. You could tell she was ready for a good gossiping session.
“Good night Sid” Mason smiled at her, and Marcus rolled down the car window to mess up her hair.
“Good night” you smiled, tucking your face between the front seats and kissing Mason’s cheek. “Thank you for tonight”
“I’m the thankful one, Y/N” he smiled sheepishly, apparently forgetting how angry he was at Marcus and Sid for interrupting both of you.
“And where’s my kiss?” Marcus said playfully, making you laugh.
You were about to join in his joke when Mason held your wrist. “Don’t even think about it” he said.
“Sorry, Marcus” you cackled.
“What a jealousy prick” Rashford shook his head. “Good night, Y/N. Hope we see you soon”
You jumped out of the car, closing the door and waving at them through Marcus’ window.
Mason waited for the pair of you to enter the house before leaving, and as soon as you locked the door you and Sid started to scream.
“He’s so adorable” you whined.
“So, you were about to kiss him when we got back?”
“I think so?” you pouted, heading with her to your bedroom. “He’s so cute. And sometimes he’s a bit cocky but he’s always so sweet”
Both of you changed into comfy pyjamas and Sid jumped in your bed.
“I was going to tease you about meeting him today and already falling but he’s Mason Mount, you’ve probably fallen for him a long ago” she smirked, tickling you when you laid by her side.
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “Shut up Sid”
“Dec, I think I love her” Mason sighed for the hundredth time on the call.
He dropped Marcus at his before calling Declan to tell him every detail of what happened tonight.
“Bro” Declan laughed at his desperate friend. “You just met”
“In person, yes. But our souls were connected way before tonight” Mason whined, remembering your smile, the way you chose different juices for him, how you ate your fries drowning them on ice cream.
“Oh my Jesus” Declan screamed through the phone, waking up Kai and laughing even harder. “What the hell is this?”
“You’ll see… we’ll get married in some beach in Brazil, I’ll drink coconut water for the rest of my life and my daughter will call me ‘papai’, buddy”
“And you’ll learn Spanish” Kai murmured, only hearing the last part. He could be irritated because he was woken up, but he missed Mason’s voice. And he would never tell anyone that.
“Are you dumb? They speak Portuguese, like Portugal” Mason smiled proudly, even though they couldn’t see. “I searched while we waited for the hundredth shot of the night. Hi Kai”
“Hi big Mase. So you’re almost dating, huh?”
“Shut up, you’ll make his delusional ass go crazier. You’re already searching for things about Brazil?” Declan teased him.
“I want her to know I care” Mason replied, finally getting home. He quickly parked and got inside, ready for sleep as much as he could.
“Mason… you haven’t even kissed her, mate” Declan tried not to laugh.
“But I’ll” he said, confident.
“For God's sake” Kai blurted out with a muffled voice against the pillow and Mason giggled at his friend's reaction, but his faith was unshakable.
He felt so confident about you. He saw in your eyes, the way you shivered at his touch and how you looked at him.
Things he would never tell Declan or Kai, of course. First, he doesn't want to hear the tease, and second, they wouldn’t understand.
“Right. Now go to bed” Dec instructed. “You need to rest”
“Why is Kai with you?” he tried not to sound jealous. And he failed.
“Coincidentally, we came to sign the contract on the same day and they put us into the same hotel room” he cackled. “We’re besties now”
“Don’t be jealous, Mase” Kai teased.
“Why would I? I have Y/N now” Mason hummed.
“You see? He already forgot us” Declan accused him. “Fine, now go to bed. You have to take your United pictures tomorrow”
“How do you know that?” Kai asked Rice, and Mason tried not to laugh.
“Don’t need to be jealous, Kai” Mason teased him back, obeying them and taking off his clothes before tucking himself in his bed.
“Shut up” Havertz snorted, making both Dec and him laugh.
“Ugh” Mason complained. “So boring sleeping with you two on the phone after meeting the love of my life”
“C’mon Mason, shut up” his Arsenal boys laughed. “I hope you’re already tucked in bed”
“I am, sir. Rice. Just looking for her number so I can say hello” he bit a smile, even though no one could see him.
“Are you going to text her now?” Declan sighed in disbelief.
“I’m just saying good night. You’re so boring, Dec. I’ll remember this when you ask me to be my little girls’ godparent”
“Which team does she support?” Kai suddenly asked. “The love of your life, I mean” and Mason knew he was rolling his eyes.
“We didn’t mention football”
It seems egocentric to mention his job on the first night, especially because he’s used to everyone knowing who he is, so there’s no reason to talk about football.
“It’ll be funny if she turns out to be a City or Liverpool fan” Kai mocked. “I hope she’s a City girl”
“She’s Brazilian. I don’t think she loves an England team with her soul, so we’re out of trouble” Mount said, trying to sound indifferent.
“You’d be surprised, the Prem is pretty famous there”
“How do you know that?” Mason frowned.
“If I was you, I’d hope she’s not a big fan of the team we destroyed at the Club World Cup” Kai giggled, ignoring the question. “Or the one that beat up Chelsea a decade ago”
“Did you know that their goalkeeper is still a current player?” Declan commented. “How is that possible, they don’t get old?”
These two will drive him crazy.
“You’ve been doing your research as well, uh?” Mason teased.
“I'm the Sebastian Vettel of football, I know everything” Rice said with a cocky tone.
Forgetting his friends on the phone for a moment, he texted you.
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Mason thought it was cute how you misspelt the word ‘too’, probably because too and two can have the same sound to a non native speaker.
He wouldn’t correct you though. If the pair of you were speaking, it was only because you learned his language. And if he got what you meant, then it was all that matters.
“Alright” Mason yawned. “Sleep well you two”
“You texted her?” the most gossiping man in the world asked.
“Yes, Declan. She’s probably sleeping, won’t reply now” he lied. He loves his friends, but he wanted to keep your silly little conversation only to him. “Talk to you tomorrow”
“Good night Mase” Kai groaned, turning around ready to sleep again.
“And good luck with your girl” Dec teased.
He wouldn’t be nothing without his boys.
Living in Manchester for about six months now, you made some friends. Most of them are from work, some of them from the clubs you and Sid like to go.
Your life has been really good. You like the tiny house the company got for you, the coffee shop you visit every morning, the chance to speak a language you like a lot.
And the guy you met a month ago.
You and Mason text almost everyday. He’s a sweet guy, and you always feel a bit giddy when talking with him.
His season started and he was really excited about it, so you felt awful to know he got injured only in his second game. He seems so full of life, and picturing him without his bright spirit for being unable to play made you so fucking sad.
In one of your conversations he said to you that the worst part about injuries, besides being away from the pitch, was that he felt lonely. His friends were training, playing games, travelling for the away ones… and he only had physio. Physio, physio and physio.
Since then, you tried to talk with him every time you could, about the most nonsense stuff. You’d ask about the physio, always, but so about what he ate that day, his favourite places around the world, the favourite games he played. And he’d ask about you, and your country, something you love to talk about.
Sid blurted out about it in the office one day, and your new friends didn't like the news that much. Maybe because they were all City fans? But one of them seemed really upset about it.
“He’s not a good guy” Nick said. “He looks like a good guy but I’m sure he’s rude, ignorant, selfish and violent”
“I mean, he can be violent with me if he wants to-” you said automatically, and Sid bursted into laughter.
“Gross, Y/N” Nick complained, rolling his eyes. “Be careful with him”
“Sure, Nick. Don’t worry” you smiled politely before saying goodbye and leaving with Sid.
“Well, he’s definitely into you” she chuckled.
“What? Nick?” you frowned. “This is a weird way to demonstrate”
“Or he’s just a massive hater of Mason” she shrugged.
The thought made your stomach churn. How could anyone hate Mason? He’s such a good person, all smiley and friendly.
“Speaking of him…” you smirked when your phone buzzed.
You smiled shyly, showing Sid his texts.
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“Go home and get ready” you said to her. “I’ll pick you up and we can have McDonald’s on our way to Old Trafford”
Sid didn’t even questioned, nodding at you before you both went into separate ways.
You hurried home and took a quick shower, wearing a basic all black outfit and heading to Sid’s home, and soon the pair of you were eating Maccies, giggling and gushing about the game whilst you drove there.
He did win the game.
Mason didn’t play the entire match, but his first half was incredible and he even assisted Casemiro.
“Casemiro is Brazilian so Mason def did this to you” Sid said jokingly. “Being delulu is the solulu, you know”
You rolled your eyes at her, texting Mase to let him know that you were leaving. He wouldn’t be able to see you now, anyways.
When you were leaving the stadium, your phone started ringing with an upcoming call from him. “Um, hello?” you said apprehensively.
“Why are you leaving so soon?”
“I’ll wake up really early tomorrow” you giggled. “But I heard you’re playing again this Saturday, uh? Am I invited to this one?”
“You’re invited to every single ga-ame” he hummed, making your heart skip a beat. “I’ll send you the tickets for Saturday”
“You were amazing tonight. I swear, you were everywhere on that pitch” you took the opportunity to praise him. He was indeed an incredible player and you felt like telling him that.
“Oh he’s blushing” you heard Rashy in the background and for some reason you blushed too.
What the hell are you doing with your life, honestly?
“Shut up” Mason murmured to him. “Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate it. See you soon, uh? Drive sa-afe” he hummed again before disconnecting the call, and you felt your heart melting. What a cutie kiddo he can be sometimes.
You happily drove back home, and before dropping Sid at hers you gushed your worries at your friend.
“Do you think I should go? On Saturday?” you bit your lower lip, insecure.
“Why wouldn’t you? He obviously has some kind of crush on you, might become something later… don’t overthink, Y/N, just go for it” she squeezed your thigh.
What would you be without Sid? Absolutely nothing.
“Bit late for that, I’m overthinking since the first night” you rolled your eyes, but smiled thankfully at her.
“Well, stop it then” she shrugged. “I already told you, things like this don't happen everyday. If you want, take it. If you don’t, say goodbye cause it will def be taken from you if you let”
“Ouch” you frowned, and she chuckled.
“See you tomorrow” she kissed your cheek and got out of the car, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You spent the rest of the week thinking about her words. Despite talking to Mason everyday you didn’t tell him you were coming, so when you actually showed up Saturday he was surprised to see you at the end of the game.
He played great, again, and you were over the moon for him, happy that you were able to watch him playing and be his friend. Mason texted you where to meet him and after giving you a hug, he took his time to appreciate you. “Nice dress” he smirked.
You chose a dark red flowy dress with sleeves that ends up to your knees, to match your red Nike’s and you were feeling really pretty, so Mason’s compliment made you smile.
“Thank you. I don’t usually wear dresses but it’s been so hot lately” you shrugged. “Nice game today, you were amazing again. Being everywhere and having an excellent vision of the game”
Mason smiled, enjoying your praises and the way you talked about football. “I’m glad you liked the game, Y/N” he tucked your hair behind your ear and looked around you. ”Where’s Sid?”
“She had plans for tonight” you smiled, raising your hand to fix his messy hair but stopping in the middle of the way.
He tilted his head to the side, smiling back at you and holding your waist, guiding your hand to his hair. “Interesting. So you’re free tonight?”
“What are you thinking about?” you stood on your tiptoes for a better vision of his hair.
“Um, I wished we could have a proper night together, like dinner night or something but I need another shower first… would you like to- it’s okay if you don’t want to, but we could have dinner at my place?”
“It doesn’t seem like an actual date” you joked, looking in his eyes and finally happy with his hair.
“You can wait for me to get ready and I can take you to some fancy restaurant” Mason pouted, making you pout too.
“Dinner at yours sounds nice, Mase. I’m just teasing you”
“Uh there’s only a problem” he scratched the back of his head. “I’ll take my car and pick you here, but if you don’t want papz pics you’ll need to lay down on the backseat” he pouted again. “I’m sorry”
“Go grab your mini truck” you rolled your eyes teasingly.
“You just call it a truck cause you can’t get in by yourself”
This man is learning how to piss you off. Honestly.
“Whatever” you shrugged, and Mason laughed before running to where his car was parked.
You actually laid down on the back seat. It’s too soon to be photographed in his car, as you don’t even know Mason’s intentions. Yes, he’s still talking to you but you can’t rule out the possibility of this being only a distraction to him.
“It’s safe now” he told you, and you sat properly, bursting into laughter. “What’s so funny?”
“I’ve never done this before” you shrugged. “Like, hiding from paparazzi. But to be fair, I never entered a footballer’s car before either”
“Ugh, I’m sorry for this. They can be pretty annoying” Mason sighed, and you imagined how tired he probably is of hiding stuff.
“It’s funny tho” you tried to lighten the mood, and it seemed to work because he gave you a big smile.
“We’re ho-ome” he hummed like a child before parking and turning the engine off, and the way he spoke like you lived together made your stomach churn.
Get your shit together, Y/N. You just met him.
Mason got out of the car and quickly opened the door for you, extending his hand.
Realising he was trying to hold his laugh and refusing to give in, you decided to get out without help.
“Oh so we’re doing this?” Mason chuckled when you ignored his hand. “Fine”
In a second, you were hanging on his shoulder.
“Mason!” you squirmed, feeling the blood running to your head, but his arms only held you stronger. It felt good, though. He has big arms.
“Alright” he stood you up. “Welcome to my safe space”
“It’s beautiful. And huge” you looked around, impressed.
“I like to own huge things, if you haven’t noticed. A huge car, huge house, you know” he smirked and held your hand, taking you with him. “This is my living room, and there” he pointed with his finger. “Is my kitchen”
“You’ll cook here tonight?” you raised an eyebrow at him.
“It depends — do you like pasta? It’s the only dish I know how to cook good enough” he guided you upstairs.
“I love pasta”
“So I’ll cook tonight. Here’s one of the bathrooms” he opened a door, and you thought that his bathroom could be bigger than your entire room back in Brazil. “The guest room” he opened another door. “And my room. Ugh, I love this place” he sighed, happy to be home after a tiring day.
“Your room suits you” you smiled, breathing his smell all over the place. The white sheets and neutral decor is comfortable to your eyes. “Feels cosy”
“So I feel cosy?”
“Kinda off” you blushed.
Mason took a minute to look at you, and you felt shy wondering what he was thinking.
“It’s crazy, isn’t it?” he broke the silence. “Like, you’re in my house right now. I don’t even know why I brought you here — like, please don’t get it wrong, I just-“
“I got it” you chuckled. “I don’t even know why I came either”
He brushed your jaw and smiled at you before sighing.
“You can sit in my bed while I shower. Or you can look around the house. Just don’t try to open the front door cause I always lock it and the security system is really loud” he joked.
“Don’t worry sir., I’m not running. Yet” you smirked.
“Good” he tucked your hair behind your ear. “I’ll be right back”
You nodded, instantly feeling awkward when he entered his bathroom. Without knowing what to do, you sat on his bed and waited, texting Sid in the meantime.
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You blushed, rolling your eyes even though Sid couldn’t see you.
Mason didn’t take long, coming back with only a towel wrapped around his waist. “Sorry, I forgot to bring my shorts with me” he smiled shyly, but your mind wasn’t there anymore to hear it.
The sight of his bare torso and the water drops falling from his hair, stopping only when they’d reach the towel, took your breath. You tried to take Sid’s words out of your mind, but it was impossible.
He’s too hot for you to handle it.
“Y/N? Everything’s alright?” he hooked his fingers under your chin, lifting your head, and you haven’t even realised he was that close. He had a cocky smile when you locked your eyes with his and you knew he saw your gaze all over his body.
“Yes?” you tried to breathe, thankful you didn’t stutter.
“C’mere” he smiled, offering his hand for you to hold. When did he wear his shorts? You have no idea.
Blinking to settle your mind, you held his hand, intertwining your fingers together.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Mason asked you one more time whilst he was leading you to the hall. He turned to face you when you didn’t respond, his expression a bit concerned. “We don’t need to eat if you’re not feeling well”
“I’m fine Mase” you smiled at him, feeling bad for liking the way he was worried about you. “It’s just…”
“What? What is wrong?” he stopped in the middle of his hall, brushing your jaw.
“You’re so hot, it’s making me dizzy” you blurted out, looking everywhere but his eyes.
Mason chuckled, the concern in his eyes turning into surprise and then into lust. “So that’s what’s wrong?”
“I just fed your ego, right?” you whimpered, and he laughed loudly.
“A bit, baby. Can you stop looking away?”
“No? I’m ashamed” you admitted, feeling the blood rushing to your cheeks.
“For thinking I’m hot?” he hooked his fingers under your chin, lifting your head.
“For not being able to hold my shit together just because you appeared shirtless” You finally looked at his face, his smirk sending shivers to your body. You wouldn’t like to admit it, but you stared at his lips for long seconds before your gaze met his.
“It was intentional though, I’m sorry” he chuckled, brushing your lower lip with his thumb.
“Whatever” you mumbled, grabbing his neck and kissing his lips.
Mason were definitely surprised by your actions, but it only took him a couple of seconds to hold your waist and press you against the hallway wall, groaning into your mouth.
The pair of you spent a few minutes lost in the kiss, getting to know each other’s intentions and intensity.
He pressed you against the wall, grabbing your tights to hold you in his lap. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
“What do you want from me?” you murmured against his lips.
It was an internal question but Mason heard it and you had to hold onto his shoulders emotional support when he answered with his voice a bit huskier. “Everything”
You were actually kissing this man? Like, for real?
When Mason tightened his grip on your waist you rocked your hips against his, involuntarily.
He groaned in your mouth, trailing kisses down your neck and tucking his face in your shoulders. Yes, the friction was too good but he didn’t want to scare you. Despite that he wants you for a long time now, it’s the first time he has an actual chance.
Taking a deep breath, Mason pulled his face to look in your eyes, his hand reaching for your chin.
“But kissing you is enough for me now, baby. I’m more than happy with that” he said softly, reassuring you.
You thought it was really cute how caring and lovely he can be, but you had other plans.
It’s true, you were holding back until now. He’s fucking Mason Mount, and you’re just… Y/N. And the way he seemed obsessed with you since the first day made you so scared.
Scared of being the one who falls later, but deeper.
Now that you really kissed him, after shy pecks in the back of bars, you feel like you can’t stop.
“Is not enough for me, though” you whispered, and Mason stayed quiet, waiting for you to keep talking. Before you could let your insecurities speak louder and make you give up, you reached for his hand on your face, sliding two of his fingers into your opened mouth and surprising him.
Mason tried not to moan — he tried so hard.
But your warm tongue between his fingers and the way you’re sucking him made him think how it would be to feel your mouth in other places of his body.
“Fuck” he breathed, all the innocent image he had of you going away. “Y/N…”
You left his fingers with a pop, kissing him with another level of urgency. “I want you”
“I need to know what and how you like it first” Mason looked at you with concerned eyes, which made you smile. You could count on your fingers how many guys you’ve met were concerned about what you liked, instead of pleasing themselves first.
“Dirty talk” you chuckled, rocking against him one more time, his sweat shorts making it possible for you to feel his bulge completely. “It depends on the situation, but a bit of degradation as well”
“So you’re a little slut, aren’t you?” he smirked, and you felt your cheeks blushing again. Feels different when someone asks you what you’re into instead of assuming.
“Surprised? I’m not the princess you thought I were?” you cocked an eyebrow at him.
“No” Mason shook his head. “You’re still my princess, just hornier than I thought. I like it”
“What about you?” you kissed the tip of his nose. “Do you have any kinks?”
“Uh no” he blushed, and you thought he couldn’t get prettier than he was at this moment.
“I don’t believe you” you grinned. “Be a good boy and tell me, please?” but by the way his eyes sparkled, you already knew.
“Maybe I like to be praised” he murmured, tucking his head in the crook of your neck.
“So obedient… and pretty. I want to ride you so bad” you whispered in his ear, and Mason choked, pulling his head away so he could look at you with widened eyes. In a second, you were back at his room.
“I didn’t expect you to act like this at all- but this is so much better than what I expected anyways” he sighed, laying you in his bed and kissing your neck again. “Do you like rush sex or?”
The way he wanted to be sure of how you wanted him to fuck you made your heart melt. “Take your time, Mase”
“Good. I don’t want to rush with you” he kissed your neck, whispering with a hoarse voice. “I want to fuck you slowly. Taste you on my tongue first”
“What else?” you closed your eyes, grabbing his hair.
“Stretch you out with my fingers” he murmured against your lips. “And only then, have you clenching around my dick”
His words made you clench around nothing and you whined, that desperate feeling already taking over you. “Mm-hmm, please. I want this so bad” you whispered. “So bad, Mason”
“Not more than me” he slid his hands under your dress, leaving open mouthed kisses on your throat whilst your hand ran through his hair.
The top of your dress was tight and you didn’t need a bra, which helped Mason to brush your already hard nipples with the pad of his thumb.
“Such a beautiful dress” he murmured, rocking his hips against yours, and you could feel his hardening cock on your thigh. “Let’s not ruin it, right?”
You nodded, giving him permission to take your dress off, and Mason did it, his hands exploring your body, grabbing your thigh and squeezing your bum in the process.
You let out a soft moan when he played with the strap of your panties, sliding them down your legs and quickly finding his way in the middle of your thighs.
He took his time to admire your naked body before he used two fingers to part your folds, admiring how wet you were for him.
The pair of you stayed in silence for a moment, feeling the tension between you. His fingers played at your entrance and without you noticing he pushed two in, eliciting from you the filthiest moan he ever heard.
“Gonna call out my name like a little slut?” he finally spoke again, one of his hands stroking your waist.
“Mase-“ you spread your legs further, your hands grabbing the sheets.
“Just like that” he smiled, watching his finger disappearing inside you as you dripped for him.
You moaned his name again when he made a scissoring motion with his fingers, leaning his body over you so his mouth could find the way to your breasts, and your hands went straight to his hair.
Mason gave attention to your sensitive nipples, licking and sucking them whilst fingering your cunt, enjoying the way you were all soft moans and breathy underneath him.
When the willingness to taste you was too overwhelming, he trailed his kisses to your neck and jaw, murmuring dirty things against your ear. “Can I have a taste of you?”
“There’s nothing you can’t have tonight” you murmured, rolling your eyes at the feeling of his curled fingers inside of you.
Mason chuckled, kissing your lips before lowering his body without taking his fingers off of you, his lips finding the way to your thighs. He kissed them, brushing his nose against your clit and shivering at your filthy noises.
You curled your fingers on his hair, unconsciously trying to bring him closer, which made him giggle. “Patience, baby. I’ll get there” he murmured, getting his fingers out and teasing your core with a kiss.
When you thought he was about to tease for a few moments more, he pushed his tongue inside of you, making you clench around it.
Mason ate you out, his tongue sliding through your wet folds whilst he brushed your clit with his nose.
He groaned at the taste of you, the vibration making you moan. You were so warm, velvet and tasty that he thought he wanted this moment to last forever, his tongue exploring you like this.
When you felt you were about to reach your climax, you pushed him away, making him lay on his back, and Mason obliged, looking up at you like you were a goddess.
You quickly slid his shorts down his legs, tossing it onto the floor and admiring his hard and long dick pressed against his belly. “No boxers?” you cocked an eyebrow at him.
“He likes to be a free spirit” he chuckled, and a wave of excitement coursed through Mason’s body as your hands squeezed his thighs.
You sat on his thigh and took him in your hand, stroking him a few times and spreading his precum through his length.
Mason groaned when you lowered yourself onto him, feeling your eyes watering a bit at the burning sensation.
“Fuck, you’re so big” you whined, trying to get comfortable.
“Thank you?” Mason chuckled, tightening his grip on your waist and resisting the urge to lift his hips.
After a moment to adjust around his cock, you took his hand to your stomach. “So fucking big, I can feel you here”
Mason grinned, biting his lower lip. “You’re pressing me so tight baby, it feels so good”
You rocked your hips against his. “No, Mase. You are filling me so well” you slowly started to bounce on top of him, resting your hands on his chest for support and murmuring. “So good it makes me wanna scream your name”
“You should do it” Mason squeezed your ass self-indulgently, eliciting a loud moan from your lips. “Just like that, pretty girl. You’re gripping around me so desperately hard, Y/N. Such a dirty thing to do. And it feels like heaven every time”
You rolled your eyes, moving harder. After the way he’s been touching you for the last thirty minutes, your body is begging for you to reach your orgasm. “Shit, you’re so good with your words”
Mason felt his own climax coming embarrassingly fast, so he started to guide you with his words, to be sure you would come first.
“You’re enjoying fucking yourself on my dick?” he murmured, and you were sure his grip on your waist would leave a mark.
“Mason-” you gasped, your nails scratching his chest, your body bouncing even faster on top of him.
“Um? You’re such a whore, bouncing on top of me and begging for me. You wanna cum around my cock? You want me to make you cum?”
You nodded, incapable of thinking straight with your tights burning and his dick hitting the perfect spot. “I’m so close” you cried out.
Mason smirked when your legs threatened to fail, quickly changing your position and laying you on your back.
“Close your eyes and relax, babe. Mase will take care of you now” he whispered to you with the most cocky of tones, kissing your jaw and starting to thrust his hips.
You cupped his face so you could kiss him, but the way he kept hitting your soft spot with the same rhythm and pressure got you paralysed by pleasure, your mouth open and your eyes shut.
“Look at me” Mason groaned, feeling his own orgasm growing inside him. “I want to look in your eyes whilst I guide you through the best orgasm you’ve ever had”
Trying to keep your eyes open, you placed your forehead against him, whispering his name when his dick twitched inside of you.
Mason quickly attached his thumb to your swallow clit and started to rub gentle circles to help you, and it was too much for you.
“Mase- oh my God“ you whimpered, feeling everything spin. “You’re so good. Fuck, you’re so good”
“Mm-hmm, let it go for me babe. Be a good girl for Mase, uh?” he whispered in your ear, your praise feeding his ego.
His words triggered your orgasm, and the way you clenched so tight around his dick had him coming with you, incapable of holding it any more.
You dropped your head back onto the pillow, too tired to speak anything else. But fuck, this man just ruined sex to you and you have no idea how to feel about it.
Mason rested on top of you for a few minutes and you could feel him going soft inside of you.
When the pair of you rested a bit after you activities, Mason got up and cleaned you, grabbing one of his shirts for you. He cooked pasta — a really good one, you need to admit, and you had a little silly dinner, filled with jokes and gossips from Manchester United.
You spent the night at his, cuddling in your sleep, and felt cosy, warm and right.
And even though you know his world is different from yours, and you kept yourself reminded of the danger in catching feelings for someone with a life like his, you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling when he woke you up next morning, with kisses that felt like rays of sunshine on your skin.
Once Mason dropped you home Sunday morning, you knew you were fucked up. And not in the way you were last night.
You were feeling a bit insecure.
Since you and Mason had sex, both of you weren’t able to see each other again, and even though he replies to your messages your overthinker ass couldn’t help but think he had what he wanted and you were stupid for catching feelings, even if it was the tiniest of them.
So December 25th, you and Sid went out again, so you could dance and forget your feelings a little bit. You used to love Christmas, but the tradition was a bit different where you came from.
The whole family reunites on December 24th, to wait for midnight and eat dinner together. The Brazilian celebration also has a lot of music, alcohol and some families stay awake until 3am.
Christmas is a bit different here, and there’s no family for you to reunite with in England, so your morning was quiet and lonely, and thankfully Sid accepted to go out after spending the day with her family.
But this time, Nick was also coming.
Not that one of you invited him. He just… invited himself. And you weren’t really happy with it. Since he caught you and Sid talking about how Mason was kinda distant, he thought that would be a good idea to try to shoot his shot.
Apparently, Nick didn’t understand that you’re not into him.
After a few drinks, he started to annoy you, staring at your body in a disrespectful way and trying to get your attention at all cost whilst you kept putting some distance between you both.
You were about to ask Sid if both of you could leave when your phone buzzed with a text, and you instantly smiled, forgetting Nick.
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You went out to forget your feelings but your feelings were texting you. And now you’ll be waiting for him to come to you. Fuck.
When you blocked your phone screen, you weren’t able to hide your smile. Mason said you belong to him, and he’s right. You know you do.
It seems pretty intense to feel that way after seeing him only a couple of times, but you can’t even deny it anymore. You want him, and him only.
In a few minutes, Mason was there. You, Sid and Nick were next to the bar, trying to avoid the dance floor, and he easily found you.
With a gentle smile, he shook hands with Nick and kissed Sid’s cheek before hugging you, tucking his face in your neck and brushing his nose against your skin.
Your hand went straight to his hair and Mason relaxed his tense shoulders, melting against your body. “Hi Mase”
“I’ve missed you” he whispered, tightening his grip on you.
“I’ve missed you too” you smiled at him when he pulled back. Nick cleaned his throat, trying to get your attention.
“You want a drink, Y/N?” your coworker asked you, and Mason rolled his eyes before himself behind you.
“I’m fine Nick, but thank you” you smiled. Mason frowned, sitting on the bars bench and pulling you closer so he could rest his chin on your shoulder.
“I insist, your glass is empty for a while now” he kept talking and you tried not to laugh at Mason’s snort.
“Don’t worry, Nick” you tried to be polite. He stared at you and Mason with a flustered expression, and Mase tightened his grip on your waist.
You felt bad for liking the way his huge body was tense behind you, bringing you even closer.
A part of you wanted him to be jealous of Nick. Not really healthy of you, you know, but after months feeling like he hadn’t felt the same way about your night together, it was nice to feel wanted. To feel like he’s on the same page as you, even though you didn’t talk about it yet.
You don’t know what’s wrong with you, but you’ll blame your period.
“No one has ever stared at me that long” Mason murmured in your ear, which made you giggle.
“He can be inconvenient sometimes… it wasn’t at first, but now his comments always make me uncomfortable, especially when he talks about you” you kept murmuring, enjoying the way he was pressing his lips on your ear.
“Really? And what does he says about me?”
“That you’re selfish. And violent, rude and ignorant”
“Wow” Mason laughed without emotion. “He has a lot to say about someone he doesn’t know. Do you agree with him?” he tickled your waist, just to show you he was messing around, and you shook your head. “I can be violent sometimes, tho. I think you should know that” he pressed a gentle kiss on your jaw.
“Violent like you lost a game and needed to break your entire house?” you cocked an eyebrow at him, asking for another drink.
Mason watched you take a sip before he kept talking. “Violent like I lost a game and I need support”
“I can be supportive” your already drunk ass told him.
“I don’t know if you got me, baby” Mason chuckled.
“Oh, I did” you smiled at him, turning your face to look in his eyes, the pair of you momentarily lost in your own world.
Nick got closer to the counter, ordering another drink before turning to you and Mason.
“So you’re both dating?” he asked.
“We’re not” you smiled falsify, and Mason scratched your waist.
“Yet” Mount smiled, tilting his head to the side when you stared at him.
“So… what’s happening between you two?” Sid asked shameless, with a playfully smile.
“We are… friends?” you said, not knowing what Mason wanted you to answer. He didn’t like it, by the way he squeezed your waist.
“Friends?” Nick said with an ironic tone. “Wow, I got scare for a bit”
Mason tightened his grip on you, trying to pull you even closer. “Well, she’s marrying me one day, but she doesn’t know that yet”
“Mason!” you whispered, almost choking with your own saliva.
“What?” he looked at you innocently, kissing your jaw before whispering against your cheek. “You’ll be my wife. I swear”
“Fine. I want ‘a friend’ too” Sid rolled her eyes, drinking her Hanky Panky in one go.
“So, Nick” Mason called, and you started a conversation with Sid, letting him deal with this for you. “I’ve heard of you”
“Really? What Y/N told you about me?” he tried to smile, pretending Mason and his muscles wasn’t scary at all.
“That you think I’m rude” Mason giggled. “But you’re right. I am rude. And ignorant”
“No, he’s not” you rolled your eyes, incapable of letting him talk about himself like this.
“I can be tho, if he keeps looking at you like that. Where’s your manners, Nick?” Mason confronted him. Both Nick and yours cheeks blushed, but for different reasons.
“Sorry. I had no clue you fancied her and that he was almost dating-”
“I do, but you shouldn’t be sorry because she has a man. You should be sorry for making women uncomfortable” your pretty boy lectured him, and somehow this made Mason looks even hotter to you. “But yeah, don’t look at her like that ever again”
“I’m sorry, Y/N” Nick seemed embarrassed with Mason’s words and you nodded at him. “I think I should leave”
“I totally agree” Mount smiled innocently, his thumb brushing the exposed skin of your waist.
“Mason!” you whispered again, afraid of what Nick could say about him on the internet.
He only smiled and shrugged at you, kissing your cheek whilst Nick left without any more words.
After this, you had an incredible time with Sid and Mason, but none of you had energy to keep going anymore, and since Mason had a game the next day you decided that you had enough of fun.
Despite it being Boxing Day, he came in his own car so he hadn’t any drink and he asked to take the pair of you home, so you accepted, preferring to go with him than to take an Uber.
It was a quick ride and Mason dropped Sid at her home before heading to yours.
“You didn’t have to do that, but thank you” you smiled.
He squeezed your thigh and smiled at you. “My mom taught me to always help silly girls”
“You’re the best friend a girl could have” you pouted at him, Mason gave you a look. You know he didn’t like to be called friend again. But he is your friend.
You mean, he hasn't asked you to be anything else.
You gave his cheek a kiss, ready to leave the car, but Mason grabbed your arm. He pecked your lips, smiling when you blushed.
“A goodnight kiss, you know” he grinned, his eyes shining in the most beautiful way.
“Right” you opened the door, pecking his lips again before jumping out of the car and looking back at him. “A good luck kiss, then”
Mason smirked and you wished you had the courage to get back in the car and kiss him probably. You closed the car’s door and ran to your front door, chuckling when you realised he waited for you to get inside.
You know you’re slowly falling for him, but there’s no way you can stop yourself now. To be honest, you don’t want to stop it.
When you’re talking with him, you can’t even remember you’ve been hurt once. He always goes out of his way, searching things about your nationality and what you say you like. He’s always trying to make you happy and aware that he cares about you.
You just wished you could see him more often, but at the same time you don’t want to be the one asking for it… everything is just… so confusing. Sometimes the pair of you act like a couple already, even though you haven’t talked about it. He treats you so gently and right now you feel like telling him all of this.
But you can’t. Because he’s Mason Mount.
The fear of rejection is too overwhelming, even bigger since he has been more distant those last months.
From his side, Mason felt awful for not giving you enough attention recently, but just like a child he wanted to prove something: that you would miss him. That you want him. That was really more than just sex.
And now that he knows you’ve in fact missed him, Mason also knows that you feel something for him, like he feels for you. And he’s about to fight for it.
Mason got home at midnight and quickly changed into comfortable clothes. He was supposed to be sleeping, but yet he couldn’t resist staying awake and thinking about you.
He missed you already, to be honest. And he wanted to make some things clear to you. Mason knows it’s always difficult for him to have a relationship, but after months talking with you, he’s sure he wants at least to try.
He’s been afraid he’d scare you by trying to ask you out. Afraid to push you away with his fame and money.
Mount is a bit dumb and insecure. Please, don’t blame him.
But something about tonight… he knows you don’t want Nick, but the mere thought of you with another guy almost killed him.
Your eyes when he told you will be his wife one day gave him enough courage to talk with you about it, but he couldn’t talk in front of Sid — even though you’re going to tell her everything later.
Tossing in his bed without being able to sleep, Mason decided to text you.
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At first, you thought he was angry at you and the possibility made your stomach burn. But actually, what Mason had to say was a bit scarier.
You know the pair of you are something. You can’t deny it anymore. But something what? You don’t know.
He wants to be like, your boyfriend? It looks like. He was waiting for you to give him a green light? Could you accept being his girlfriend with everything that would come with it?
You sighed before accepting his phone call.
“Call me that again” was the first thing he said. “I wanna know how it’s pronounced”
“It’s pronounced amor”
“No, don’t say like a teacher” he said with a grumpy tone, and you smiled at your phone. “Say it to me”
“Why are you still awake, amor?”
“Jesus, you’ll be the death of me” Mason groaned. “Start talking”
“What am I supposed to talk about?”
“You know pretty well”
“You never asked. For me to be yours”
“I didn’t want to scare you. I was waiting for like, signals, I don’t know. But you kept calling me your friend. It pisses me off”
“Sorry” you giggled. It’s weird to talk about your feelings with someone without feeling ashamed or afraid that he’ll use it against you since he’s the one wanting to have this conversation. “I guess I’m just scared”
“Of what?”
“Do you have any idea of who you are?” you sighed.
“Yes, now I’m yours amor. And my parents’ kid. You don’t have to see me as Mason Mount”
“But you are Mason Mount, baby”
“That’s why we haven't had a real date yet? Because I’m Mason Mount?”
You cackled. “Funny question. We never had a real date because you never asked me out”
“Uhm, you’re right” Mason giggled on the other side and you felt like a teenager, shivering with his voice. “I know we don’t see each other very often…”
“We only see each other once a month” you interrupted him, still laughing. “And there’s like two months that not even that”
“I have a proper explanation” he sighed and you know he’s pouting. “I was afraid to let myself fall for you. I got so obsessed with you since day one and knowing you could not feel the same made me insecure. But now we already act like something when we see each other. And it would be nice if we could go out… like, for dinner…”
You felt like you were about to die. Or to melt. To burst. Maybe all three at the same time.
“You’re officially inviting me for a date?” you whispered, feeling scared and excited. “Mason…”
“Alright, tell me everything you want to tell me about this. Just let go, pour your heart out for me”
“I told you, it’s a bit scary to get into something with the Mason Mount” you whimpered. “Our first date will be posted on twitter within minutes”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about this” his voice was lower and you felt your heart ache.
“No Mase, if I’m being honest with myself this doesn’t bother me at all. If it’s the price to be with you then I would pay, but…” you took a deep breath and tried to order your thoughts. “Once it’s over, they won’t let me forget. Your face will be everywhere and I know it will hurt like hell. They’ll send me stuff, tag me or comment on my posts. They’ll tweet saying that they miss us together or that they’re happy I’m no longer around you, cause they hated me. And I’ll never left the restaurant”
Mason waited a few seconds to answer. “What restaurant?” he sounded really confused, which made you laugh.
“It’s just a metaphor”
“Forget your metaphor then, there’s no “once it’s over”. I could make you believe again. In love. And that they last long” his voice was muffled and you let yourself picture his face crumpled against his pillow. “We can take things slow as we were taking until now. But we would kiss, and I would bring you flowers and we could have dinner and you could spend a night at mine and I would never have to hear you call me friend again and…”
“Mase…” you interrupted him, taken aback by the fact he remembered your first conversation.
“I have wanted you since the first time I got my eyes on you, Y/N” Mason blurted out, trying to make you understand.
After a moment of silence letting his words sink, you chuckled. “You can bring me flowers next time”
“And call you my girl?” you could feel his cocky tone waiting to come to the surface.
“Good night Mase. Sleep well” you whispered, feeling giddy inside.
“Y/N” he whined, but you could hear his giggles. “Good night princess”
You know it won’t be easy. No matter how much he wants you, he’s still Mason Mount. But, you thought, he can be yours Mason Mount.
And he wants to be yours. At the end of the day, that’s the only thing that matters.
You were actually truly happy.
Despite the fear of being in love with someone, you couldn’t help but feel giddy every time Mason talked to you.
After the talk about your feelings, both of you found a routine between your work and his, so you could talk more. You felt the most special woman seeing him striving to talk to you more.
The pair of you also went on a couple of date nights, most of them at his house since you didn’t want for the internet to discover about you before Mason was one hundredth percent sure about it.
You also went to his birthday party, and he showed you to his entire family. Yes, he introduced you as his girl, but even now, a month after “the talk”, he still hasn’t asked you to be more than his friend, but you’re okay being friends with benefits.
You know that despite being obsessed with you from the first time he saw you, a real relationship needs to be built with time, confidence, talks and experiences together.
You already like him so much that all you want is to build this kind of confidence with him. You know he’s worth the wait, and thankfully you’re a patient girl.
But today, all you can do is cry. For multiple reasons, and obviously, because you don’t know if you’re enough for him. For his world full of money, parties, girls and tabloids.
He only had one public relationship until now and you know he’s probably looking for the perfect girl to introduce the world to. What if you’re not that girl?
What if you don’t dress well enough, what if you’re not cool enough, smart enough or pretty enough to be part of his intimate circle of friends?
The insecurity grew inside you and you spent the whole day trying not to scream in the middle of the office.
Happy that was finally Friday, you bid your goodbyes to Sid and went home in a rush. She knows how sad and moody you get during your period and that’s another reason for you to love her so much — she never judges you. She just let you be.
When you got home, you curled in your sofa without even taking the day clothes off, your bag being thrown beside the door.
You don’t even know if you could get upstairs, and your cramps were getting the best of you.
But no matter how much in pain you were, you instantly smiled when your phone buzzed with Mason’s text.
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You smiled at his text feeling all giddy inside, and obliged him, going straight for a hot shower. Despite loving the idea of being taken care of by Mason, you know how busy and tiring his schedule is.
When you finished your shower half an hour later and changed into comfy pyjamas, you decided to watch something curled up on your sofa, but as soon as you stepped into your living room you were surprised by the doorbell.
“Good evening, can I help?” you asked the man in front of your door.
“Evening lady, mr. Mount ordered this to you. He already paid”
You felt all the butterflies living in your tummy fighting with each other.
“Oh, okay. Thank you” you picked up what looked like a basket, smiling at the delivery man before closing the door. You didn’t want to cry in front of a stranger.
Running to your sofa, you opened it to figure out Mason bought you chocolate, painkillers, a lot of Brazilian snacks and guaraná.
There was even a teddy bear inside the basket and your eyes never watered so fast.
You reached for your phone, wanting nothing more than to text him.
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You ran to open the door, still trying to process that he drove to your house just because you’re not feeling well. When you opened the door, Mason smiled at you, and he looked like the most soft man on earth wearing a big hoodie and sweat shorts.
“I already showered” you pouted at him, and Mason let out the most beautiful laugh you’ve ever heard.
“Oh what a shame” he kissed your forehead. “C’mon, I want to cuddle” he entered your house, and you loved the way he was feeling at home.
It’s bizarre how he instantly changes your mood, making you giddy and smiley.
You grabbed Tony on the sofa and guided Mason to your bedroom. The pair of you laid in your bed and he made himself comfortable on top of you, tucking his face in your neck and finding his way underneath your shirt.
After a few minutes in silence, he squeezed your waist. “I have something to tell you” he seemed a bit nervous and you were instantly concerned.
“What’s wrong baby? You’re feeling good?” you stroked his scalp, feeling your heart ache with love something when he melted against you.
“I want you to be my girlfriend” Mason blurted out, his fingers nervously playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Mason?!” you gasped, instantly feeling his smile against the crook of your neck.
“I just want you so bad” he murmured, his voice muffled by your skin. “It doesn’t matter where you are, I’m always seeking for you”
For a second, your insecurities appeared on the surface and you thought about everything that could go wrong. He could hurt you. You could hurt him. You could succumb to the media and his fame and fans.
But then Mason pulled his face away so he could look at you, and his melted chocolate eyes were so soft and filled with his own insecurities that you knew… you just knew the pair of you could face everything as long as you were together.
“I want you bad too baby” you stroked his jaw, letting out a content sigh.
“So you’ll be mine?” he pouted, and you felt the urge to kiss his perfect lips.
“I’ve been yours for a while now, Mason Mount.”
“Good” he pulled up to kiss your jaw. “Hopefully this means we can fuck all the time ‘cause I really miss being inside of you and-“
“Mason!” you slapped the back of his head. “Don’t say things like this in the presence of our son”
“Sorry Tony” he mumbled. “It’s not my fault you have a hot mom”
“He has a hot mom and an irresponsible dad, apparently” you chuckled, stroking his jaw. Mason adjusted himself on top of you, kissing your collarbone and sighing in content.
Before you fell asleep, the last thing you thought was that you can easily get used to it.
i might have a part two for this one so please let me know if you would like to see their the development of their relationship xx
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beomgyucoded · 3 months
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Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, teeny bit of angst
Word Count: 19.8 k
Summary: a collection of diary entries turned love letters that tell the story of how you fell in love with Choi Beomgyu
*previously released as a series
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*regular text is present day
*bold text are the diary entries/letters
*italic text are flashbacks
Note: I live in the U.S. so I based the school years on how mine went. Parts are going to vary in length, some will be super short and others will be long with multiple diary entries. They become more complex as the reader gets older. Also, all the members are the same age in this story!
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Right now, a smile tugged at the corner of his rosy lips, and his eyes turned to look down at the ground. His fingers twitched as he twirled the wispy ends of his shoulder-length hair and pulled them through his fingers like he was soothing himself. The shy, sweet smile on his face brought one to yours. He was so beautiful, and you know you weren’t the only one to think so. You were positive everyone either wanted him in any way they could have him or wanted to be him. It was a bet you could easily win, because for as long as you could remember, people would come up to you and ask if you knew the pretty boy with the shy smile.
To this, you always answered, “I do, but not well.”
Which was mostly true. You’ve been acquainted with the boy since you were six years old, and started elementary school. You could never forget the day you met and he gave you a small wave, his face mostly hidden because he was hiding behind his parents. That was the day you started to adore him. Being a simple minded six year old, when you went home that day, you wrote in your little notebook about him. 
Years have gone by since then, and you're now in your late teens. You've watched him grow into an even more beautiful person, his features sharper and more defined, his hair still just as long and wispy as it was when he was a child. It seemed like everyone in your small town knew him, but he remained just as shy as ever, preferring to keep to himself or stick close to his group of friends.
You've continued writing since that first meeting, mentioning him in your notebook more times than you can count. All of it was words of admiration at first, before you became friends. The only interaction between the two of you was polite and brief. You were even shyer than him, so you stuck to just admiring him from afar, a simple smile or gesture of acknowledgement from him enough to make you blush a warm pink. As you got older, your friendship began to bud and now in high school, you were part of the same circle of friends.
You continued to watch him twirl his hair between his fingers, and you couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have those soft locks teasing your own fingertips. But you quickly brushed the thought aside, feeling your face heat up with embarrassment. You couldn't believe you even thought of doing something like that, let alone actually being able to do it. You looked away, casting your eyes downwards towards the open notebook in front of you on the lunch table.
Glancing back up at him from under your lashes, you saw that he was still lost in his own thoughts, his smile fading away slowly as he continued to twirl his hair absentmindedly. You wondered what he was thinking about. Perhaps he was contemplating something important, or maybe he was just lost in his own world as usual. Another thing, he was always writing. You often found him deep in thought and writing in a little black notebook. One that matched yours, except yours was filled with pretty words and poems and love letters you won't send.
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September 4th, 2007 
Today was my first day of school. I made a new friend that’s a boy. He was shy just like me. He hid behind his mommy and daddy but he waved at me. He looked kind of like a circle. 
It was your first day of school and you were beyond excited. You woke up bright and early that morning, putting on the outfit you picked out the night before just for the first day.
Your parents dropped you off and you walked into class with a smile on your face, feeling nervous and shy but ready to start going to school. As you settled into your seat, you looked around the room and saw the other kids with their parents, either crying or holding onto them for dear life, not wanting to be left alone in a new environment without them.
But then you saw him.
He was standing behind his parents, hiding behind them. You tried to catch his eye and give him a friendly smile, hoping to make him feel welcome, despite feeling just as shy as him. Eventually, he saw you and waved back with a small smile. You felt happy that you had made a new friend and curious about him at the same time. The boy and you sat side by side during the morning assembly. Even though you were too shy to make conversation, just sitting next to each other felt comforting. You made slight attempts at communication. Glancing furtively at each other whenever your teacher wasn’t watching, and smiled ever so slightly when your eyes met for a brief moment before looking away again with blushing cheeks.
You learned his name was Beomgyu.
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September 5th, 2007
I thought Beomgyu was my friend. When I got to school today, all the boys stayed with each other and all the girls stayed with each other while we were on the playground. He said the other boys said he couldn’t have friends that were girls because girls were icky. That hurt my feelings, if I’m icky, then he’s icky. 
Beomgyu's interaction with the rest of his peers on that day started off well enough. He talked more today and tried to joke around with the other boys, trying to get over his shyness. But when the boys started grouping up together in one spot while the girls stayed by themselves in another, he suddenly stopped talking to you entirely and acted like you weren't friends at all anymore.
No matter how hard you tried to approach him or get his attention again he clearly sent out a message that felt like "you're not one of us" so it got harder for you to try again - especially after hearing those distressing words about how icky girls were. That was the last time you were talking to him, you decided. 
As the school day went on, and being the pouty six year old you were, you found yourself avoiding Beomgyu at all costs. You didn't want to be associated with someone who would abandon their friend so easily. When school was over that day and you were waiting for your mom to pick you up, you felt a small tap on your shoulder. It was Beomgyu.
"I'm sorry," he whispered into your ear as he held onto your hand tightly. 
"I didn't mean what I said earlier. You're not icky."
You looked up at him, a frown on your face.
"Why did you say that then?"
"I was just trying to be friends with the other boys," he admitted. 
"it's okay," you forgave him easily. 
He smiled. 
"Can we still be friends?" he asked sheepishly, extending his pinkie towards you.
It was then that some of the other boys in your class saw the two of you and started teasing, calling Beomgyu a sissy for being so close to a girl or mocking him for even attempting to make up with you after what had transpired earlier today. He lowered both his head and his pinkie, feeling hurt by their comments. You wanted to do something, but you knew if you said anything that they would just tease him more. So, you walked off, deciding to leave him alone and wait for your mom somewhere else. That was the last time the two of you spoke.
You didn’t try to be his friend after that. 
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May 28th, 2011
I went to my first boy/girl party today. It started so late too. I showed up at 6 pm but the invitation said 5. My friends said it's better to be “fashionably late”, whatever that means. Beomgyu was there too, he smiled at me and I smiled back. My friends saw when this happened and they started squealing and making “ooh” sounds. That was annoying. Beomgyu and I aren’t even friends. The rest of the party was spent with everyone practically checking each other out, girls on one side of the room and boys on the other. We’re all ten now, I guess double digits means girls aren’t icky to boys anymore and the other way around. After all the craziness that happened at this first party, I've decided that I don't like parties. Even if boys will be there. (Even if Beomgyu will be there). Oh, and I had my first kiss tonight. (Almost had my second one too).
Today was an exciting day. A classmate was celebrating his tenth birthday and everyone was invited to the party. He promised it would be just like the ones we saw in movies. His parents would stay in their room, leaving us to have fun and play games until it was time to cut the cake. There would be pizza, video games, and lots of sweets for us to enjoy. He made sure to invite both boys and girls, and there were even rumors about kissing at the party. When you and your friends received your invitations, they suggested that you all go shopping together at the mall to find new outfits for the occasion.
After your dad picked you up from school that Friday, he dropped you off at the mall. A few of your friend's moms would be chaperoning your group as you all went shopping together. You spent most of the day wandering around the mall, trying on different clothes and listening to your friends giggle about boys. You didn't really care too much about boys or kissing, so you just listened to them, softly giggling and sometimes blushing at their words. 
On the day of the party, you put on your new dress and met up with your friends in front of the birthday boy's house. As soon as you walked in, the sound of laughter and music filled your ears. The boys were playing video games on one side of the room while the girls huddled together in the opposite corner. You spotted Beomgyu across the room and he looked different somehow.
He wasn't wearing his usual clothes, and his hair was parted showing his forehead. You didn't know that boys could do that too. He was wearing a blue shirt with black jeans, and his hair was styled neatly to the side. You felt a strange stirring in your chest as your eyes met his, and you quickly looked away. When you met his gaze again, you greeted him with a smile, and he smiled back warmly. Your friends were quick to start making teasing comments, but you ignored them. 
The two of you smiling at each other wasn't anything new. It was always a smile and wave when you two would see each other in school, as a form of acknowledgment. You always wondered if the two of you would be best friends if you decided to just ignore the stupid comments from your classmates when you were younger. There was no animosity between you, but it's not like the two of you talked aside from a simple hi or "you dropped this".
At some point during the night, a game of Truth or Dare began, and you found yourself sitting next to Beomgyu. The other players were daring each other to do ridiculous things like climb trees and sing at the top of their lungs. 
"Beomgyu, truth or dare?" one of the boys asked, snapping you out of your thoughts and looking at him. 
"Truth," he responded with a smile.
"Do you like anyone?"
All eyes turned to Beomgyu as he blushed and looked away.
"Maybe," he said shyly.
You felt your heart skip a beat as the other kids started teasing him. You didn't know why you were feeling like this, maybe it was because you were sitting so close to him and he looked so cute. The game quickly ended after that, and people started to break off into groups around the room, groups of boys and girls this time. You stayed with your friends and a few other boys, but your eyes kept wandering. You noticed how Beomgyu stood close to a girl and she would giggle and smile up at him. When this happened, the others standing with them started making “ooh” sounds and it made you feel uneasy in your stomach. 
The cake was cut eventually, and the birthday boy decided he wanted to play another game. Everyone huddled around the middle of the room for a game of spin-the-bottle. You took your place in the circle awkwardly, not really wanting to participate but feeling like you had no choice at this point. The bottle spun around and landed on a girl who giggled loudly as she leaned in to kiss one of the boys in the circle. You watched as everyone took their turns, feeling more and more uncomfortable by the second. When it was Beomgyu's turn, he spun the bottle nervously, and it landed on you. You felt your heart race as he leaned in, his lips brushing against yours softly before pulling away. It was a quick peck, but it was enough to make your head spin.
After the game ended, you sat down on the couch, feeling flushed. Beomgyu sat down next to you, looking at you with concern.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly.
You nodded slowly, trying to process what just happened.
"I don't like parties," you blurted out suddenly.
Beomgyu looked at you quizzically. "Why not?"
"I don't know," you said honestly. "It's just...there's so much pressure to be someone else. To fit in or do things I'm not comfortable with."
You felt oddly comfortable with him right now though. 
Beomgyu nodded slowly, fidgeting with the ends of his shirt.
"I feel the same way sometimes," he admitted.
You looked at him in surprise, wondering why he would feel that way when he seemed so popular.
"Why?" you questioned quietly.
"Because sometimes it feels like I have to be someone I'm not for them to like me," he said carefully. 
"Sometimes I just want to be real and not care what anyone else thinks."
"And who is that?" you asked him, turning to fully face him now.
He looked at you confused and you just laughed.
“Who’s the real Beomgyu then?” you clarified. 
Beomgyu just smiled at you, his eyes sparkling just like they always did. 
“He’s someone a lot quieter and to himself. I’m not sure anyone would like the real Beomgyu,” he said softly and dropped his head. 
“I would.”
The words slipped out of your mouth before you even realized what you were saying. Beomgyu looked up at you, surprise etched on his face. For a moment, neither of you spoke, just looking at each other in silence.
"Really?" Beomgyu finally asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, feeling your heart race with adrenaline. 
"Really," you repeated, a little more confident this time.
A small smile spread across Beomgyu's face, and before you knew it, he was leaning in to kiss you again. However, before your lips could touch, one of his friends called out for him. He gave you an apologetic look and you gave him a small smile in return, telling him to go. You were still flustered over the first kiss and there was about to be a second one. 
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September 6th, 2012
Today was the first day of middle school. I wasn’t nervous for the first day, even though it was a new school with new people. A lot of my friends from elementary school applied to the same school as me, so I knew some people. I was surprised to see Beomgyu and some of his friends though. I didn’t know he applied here too. I only found out because his locker is right next to mine and will be for the next three years. He was still a little shy and it was still cute. I met a lot of new people today and my friends said the boys in middle school were much cuter. They talked about who would look good with who in our little group and even I got curious. I heard things about eighth graders dating, but did sixth graders do that too? I won’t tell my friends, but Taehyun in my math class is cute, and really smart too. I saw Beomgyu with a girl today, they looked like they were flirting and I felt weird. Middle school is like a whole new world. 
Today was the first day of middle school, your friends and you were now in the 6th grade and things were changing. You weren’t one to be nervous for the first day of school ever, but your friends were. You spent last night on a video call with them trying to help them decide on what to wear today. You didn’t understand why it mattered so much and they would reply with, “it's middle school (y/n).” 
As you walked into school, you could hear the chatter of students and the sound of lockers slamming. But something caught your eye, someone you didn't expect to see here, Beomgyu. Your heart raced as you realized you would be seeing him every day for the next three years and at the fact that your locker was right next to his. Beomgyu caught your gaze and gave you that same small smile, the one he always did. 
Returning his smile, you gave a small wave and pretended to fiddle with your locker, unsure of how to act in this situation.
"Hey, (y/n), do you remember me?" Beomgyu asked shyly. 
"Of course I do Beomgyu, I didn't know you applied to this school," you replied softly, finding it adorable that he thought you’d forget about him so easily. 
“It’s a good school and was the closest to home,” Beomgyu said, as he started to open his locker and put his books in. 
You couldn’t help but steal glances at him, noticing how he changed since the last time you saw him at graduation. His hair was a little longer and he got taller. He was still pretty scrawny though. The bell rang shortly after and you both walked to your first class. Seeing that you two were walking in the same direction, Beomgyu started softly talking about his summer vacation and how he spent most of it playing video games. You nodded along, but your mind was elsewhere. He was still shy, you mentally noted, and it was even more endearing to you now. He waved to you when he got to his class and you smiled, not really sure of how else to respond, and kept walking. 
When you finally arrived at your first class, you were relieved to see that some of your other friends from elementary school were in the same class as you. You greeted them with hugs and excitement, trying to push the awkwardness with Beomgyu aside. Throughout the day, you kept encountering him in the hallways and found out that you shared a few classes. Every time you'd see each other, you'd smile and wave, like the routine you developed in elementary school. It was familiar, in a comforting way, and the awkwardness you were feeling towards him started to dissipate as the day continued. 
At lunch you saw him sitting with two new boys that didn't go to elementary school with you guys. You recognized them, since they were in a few of your classes too. Their names were Kang Taehyun and Huening Kai. Taehyun sat next to you in math, he had big, round, pretty eyes. Kai sat at your table in social studies and he was really friendly. His laugh was really loud but it made you want to laugh with him. Kai was animatedly talking about something with Taehyun, and Beomgyu had a hand resting on his cheek, a pen in the other hand writing something in a little book. You couldn’t help but wonder what it was that he was writing. When he noticed you, he gave you a small wave and went back to whatever he was writing, the small encounter causing you to blush for some reason. You shook your head slightly and looked around the cafeteria trying to spot any of your friends, going over to their table when you did. You pulled out your own little book and started to doodle, while listening to your friends gossip and talk about boys they thought were cute.  
The rest of your day went by in a blur, nothing exciting happening since all your teachers basically did the same thing today. You walked to your locker when the last bell rang, stopping in your tracks when you saw Beomgyu at his. He wasn’t alone though, there was a girl next to him and she was leaning against your locker, twirling her hair a little too forcefully as they talked to each other. You recognized her, she went to elementary school with you and was fairly popular. You remembered all the boys in your class having a crush on her. You felt strange as you watched Beomgyu laugh with the girl, his hand resting on her arm. You decided to gather your things and just go home, not wanting to see whatever was happening between them. 
“Excuse me,” you muttered softly, and she looked at you annoyed. 
You pointed to your locker and she moved, quickly going back to giggling at Beomgyu, which caused you to roll your eyes. Beomgyu looked at you when he heard your voice and gave you a small smile, like he usually did, but it felt different this time. You managed to give him a tight smile before walking away and going home.
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November 2nd, 2012
Today was my first school dance, it was a halloween dance. Halloween was on a wednesday this year, but they didn't think it was convenient to have the dance on a wednesday, so it was pushed to today. It was weird to dress up in a costume in November, but I suppose costume parties aren’t just for halloween. I dressed up as an angel. My friends seem to make a big deal about a lot of our first experiences, like today, they decided we should all get ready together and then show up to the dance together. When they first heard about the dance, they immediately thought we should try to get dates. Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with them because our interests and the things we prioritize are so different. They kept their word and managed to get dates, I didn’t, because I didn’t even want to go in the first place. Even though I didn’t have a date to my first dance, someone did ask me to dance and their costume paired well with mine.  It was sweet of them to ask. Beomgyu was there and he had a date. It was the same girl I saw him with that one day by our lockers, and almost everyday since then. Are they dating now? If they are, good for them. I don't care…
Today felt like it was dragging along. You felt like it was always like that on Friday’s, but today was especially slow and not just to you, but to everyone. Tonight was the Halloween Dance, and everyone’s anticipation and constant staring at the clock only seemed to make time move slower.
 As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, your classroom erupted with a chorus of relieved voices. Students rushed to their lockers, grabbing their bags and shoving any and all books into them with eager anticipation of the evening ahead. But as you made your way through the crowded hallway, a sinking feeling settled in your stomach. The excitement buzzing around you only served as a stark reminder of your own lack of enthusiasm for the dance. Parties and gatherings were not your thing, anyone that knew you, knew this. Yet, for some reason you had a costume picked out and waiting for you at home. Your friends made plans to meet up after school to get ready together, however you were left out of these plans and weren’t told until today. Your friends knew you had to tell your parents at least a day ahead before asking to go out. It felt like they didn’t want you to join them. After saying bye to your friends, you took the bus home. Your parents weren’t able to pick you up today, and luckily they taught you how to get home using public transportation in case this happened. 
You got home shortly after, trudging up the stairs to your room. Slipping into your angel costume, you couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the festivities. Glittering wings adorned your back, and a halo perched lightly on your head, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't recognize the person staring back at you. You felt like you were wearing a disguise, hiding behind the façade of an angel, when you felt anything but angelic. The heaviness in your chest and the weight of loneliness settled upon you, casting a deeper shadow over your already lack of excitement. You wondered if this was really worth it, the discomfort of pretending to enjoy a party you had no interest in attending. You were going because your friends were, and they said you had to be there. With a sigh, you decided to make the best of the situation. Maybe tonight would surprise you, and you'd find some hidden enjoyment somewhere in the midst of your stagnant melancholy.
The evening air was cool as you stepped out of your house and made your way towards the house your friends agreed to meet up at. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow on the deserted streets. Halloween decorations still adorned houses, their flickering lights and grinning jack-o'-lanterns showing more of an expression than you were. It was a stark contrast to the emptiness of the night, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. 
You arrived at your friends' house, the designated meeting spot for the evening. As you walked up to the front door, you could hear the faint sound of laughter and music echoing through the walls. Taking a deep breath, you knocked once and pushed open the door. The living room was transformed into a makeshift dressing room, with clothes and makeup strewn about all over the room. Your friends were gathered around a full-length mirror, each one meticulously perfecting their costumes. They didn't seem to notice your arrival at first, too engrossed in their own reflections. You stood there awkwardly, feeling like an outsider in your own group. It was moments like these when you questioned your friendship with them. Their shared enthusiasm and excitement for the dance seemed foreign to you, and you couldn't help but wonder if it was your fault for not fully embracing their interests or if they were to blame for excluding you from their plans. None of them made the effort to acknowledge your presence. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut; they didn't really care if you were there or not. You were just an afterthought, someone they had to invite out of obligation. 
“(y/n)! You’re here! When did you come in?” One of them asked, still not looking directly at you, snapping you out of your thoughts and shooting them a forced smile. 
“I just got here,” you said quietly and looked down. 
That wasn't true, you had to have been standing there for at least five minutes. But you didn't want to make a big deal out of it. You didn't want to draw attention to your own insecurities and feelings of exclusion. So, you brushed it off and joined them in front of the mirror. As you joined your friends in front of the mirror, they finally turned their attention towards you, their eyes widening in surprise as they took in your angelic appearance. A mixture of awe and excitement filled their faces, momentarily putting your doubts at bay. They complimented your costume and eagerly asked how you managed to look so ethereal. It felt good to be noticed, even if it was just for your outfit. Part of you felt like they were only being half-hearted in their words, but a compliment was a compliment and it made you feel good nonetheless.
As the group finished getting ready, you all made your way to the school. You walked slightly behind the group and just listened to their chatter like you always did. They talked about how they couldn’t wait to slow dance with their dates and potentially kiss them. Your group arrived at the school after a short walk and the moment you stepped through the doors, the atmosphere consumed you. The gymnasium had been transformed into a haunted castle and it looked better than you thought it would. The dim lighting and haunting decorations created an eerie but magical ambiance. The chattering of students and the thumping bass of the music reverberated through the air. You scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces amidst the sea of costumes.
Your friends quickly dispersed, finding their dates or joining other groups. Left standing alone, you hesitated, unsure of where to go or what to do. So you took a seat on the bleachers, just sitting and observing the scene in front of you. You sat there for a majority of the evening, only getting up occasionally to get something to drink or accompany one of your friends to the bathroom. Since it was a school dance, there were sixth, seventh and eighth graders there. It was easy to tell who was who. The eighth graders tried to carry an air of maturity and do things they thought would make them look cool in front of the underclassmen. The seventh graders mostly kept to themselves, trying not to be awkward, yet they still looked more comfortable than you did here. And then there were the sixth graders. They were all buzzing with excitement, making a dramatic spectacle of every song that played, every “couple” that came together. They were still divided, with girls in one corner and boys in another, despite most of them having dates. Right then, the melodic tunes of a slow romantic song washed over the gymnasium, beckoning couples to take each other's hands and attempt to sway in harmony. It was then that you noticed Beomgyu standing across the room, his eyes locked on his date. She was absolutely stunning in her costume, and you watched as he took her hands awkwardly and they started to slow dance. You felt a pang of envy wash over you, but you weren’t sure what you wanted. Did you want someone to dance with you like that? Did you wish you were as pretty as she was? Did you want to just go home? Did you want Beomgyu to- You tore your gaze away from them, a feeling of loneliness settled deep within you once more. But just as you were about to descend further into your isolation and self-doubt, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Surprised, you turned your head to find Taehyun, one of Beomgyu’s friends, and one of the cutest boys in the sixth grade, standing in front of you with a shy smile on his face.
"Hey," he said softly. "Would you like to dance?"
You looked up at him, and saw that he was wearing a pair of devil horns on his head, his big warm eyes looking at you with genuine kindness. 
“M-me?” You stammered, taken aback by his unexpected invitation. 
Taehyun nodded, his smile widening as he held out his hand for you to take. A mix of surprise and anticipation swelled within you, and you hesitated for a moment before placing your trembling hand in his.
"Yeah," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I'd like to dance."
As Taehyun led you towards the dance floor, a rush of nervous excitement coursed through your veins. You could feel the eyes of the other students on you, curious and intrigued by the two of you together. One of your friends drew your attention and she shot you a “you go girl” look, which caused you to blush and turn your attention back to Taehyun. 
"I'm surprised you came here alone," Taehyun said and gently placed his hands at your waist.
He was a natural.
"What do you mean?" you asked shyly and put your hands on his shoulders, keeping your gaze glued to the floor. 
"Well, I've been watching you sit here all night, and it just didn't seem right for someone as pretty as you to be alone," he replied confidently and started to sway the two of you to the music. 
His words caught you off guard and you blushed at the compliment. His words were simple, but they seemed to hold a sincerity that made you feel seen and appreciated. 
“Did you come here alone?” you asked him, finally looking up to meet his eyes.
“I did,” he said and laughed, his hands were holding you as gently as he could. 
You were visibly surprised at his response, Taehyun was popular, smart and extremely cute. You thought he’d get asked a number of times, or at least ask someone, who would no doubt say yes. 
You heard him laugh again, “Is that really that surprising?” 
You nodded. 
“I should've asked you.” 
“Well if you did, I would have said yes.” 
“Our costumes even go together, it was meant to be,” he jokes and you giggled as he attempted to twirl you. 
The song came to an end and you thanked him for the dance, quickly being pulled away by your friends for the first time that evening. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Taehyun retreat back to his friends and one of them kept their eyes on you.
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January 3rd, 2015
You were late today. I heard Kai and Taehyun talking about whether or not you’d show up. I kept looking at your locker, as if you’d just magically appear. This was a small thing that I looked forward to each day. Our little interactions at our lockers. It’s usually a small smile or a soft “good morning” but I really looked forward to it. It hasn’t really been happening since you’ve been hanging out with her more though. 
January 3rd, 2015
I heard them. They were talking about you. The girl you like I mean, she and her friends were talking about you. Usually, one would be happy by this. Even outsiders would be thrilled witnessing love. However, this wasn’t very thrilling. She was making fun of you and your feelings. She knew you’d fall at her feet and wanted to play with you for fun. She has been playing with you for fun since we started middle school. For some reason that tugged at my heart.
January 3rd, 2015
You did end up coming today, but you didn't look anyone in the eye. Not even your friends. I saw you though, at your locker. Your eyes were red and they looked empty, like someone pulled the rug from right under you and there was no sparkle. 
You couldn't help but feel a pang of worry as you watched him from across the hallway. Curiosity drew you closer, your footsteps light and cautious. You didn't want to intrude on his solitude, but you also couldn't bear to see him suffer in silence either. With hesitant steps, you approached his locker, unsure of what to say or do.
“Beomgyu?” you called out to him softly. 
He turned to face you, but still didn’t meet your gaze, though you knew he was listening. 
“Here,” you said and gently placed something in his hands.
It was a bag of gummy bears.
You watched the way his eyes widened slightly and he looked up for what was probably the first time today. 
“I didn’t realize that I bought two, and I know these have been your favorite since we were kids, so I’d like you to have them.”
His fingers gently gripped the bag in his hands and his eyes squeezed shut. When he opened them and looked at you again, you saw the sparkle. It wasn’t as bright as it usually was, but it was there, slowly flickering back to life. 
“You remember that?” he asked, the surprise clear in his voice.
“I do,” you confirmed.
“Why are you nervous right now?” he questioned, his voice as soft as ever.
“H-how do you know that I’m nervous?” you stammered, tugging slightly at a strand of your hair.
“You’re doing that thing with your hair. You’ve done that since we were kids.” 
It was now your turn to be surprised.
You giggled softly, slightly embarrassed with a mix of relief and amusement bubbling up inside you. 
"I guess some things never change, huh?" you replied, tucking the strand of hair behind your ear.
 It was true, whenever you felt nervous or uncertain, you had a habit of fiddling with your hair. Beomgyu's lips twitched into a small smile, faint but genuine. The tension that had been shrouding him seemed to dissipate ever so slightly.
"Yeah," he murmured, his voice still tinged with sadness. 
"Some things stay the same," he said and looked down again, this time fiddling with the bag of gummy bears.
He tore it open and held it out to you. A smile spread across your face, warmed by the small gesture. You reached out and took a gummy bear from the bag, popping it into your mouth. The two of you stood there in silence, chewing on the gummies and just looking at each other with shining eyes.
It was a simple moment, but it held a weight that words couldn't capture for both of you. At this time, Taehyun rounded the corner, a very familiar little black book in his hands and a small smirk adorned on his face. But when he saw the two of you, his smirk turned into a wide smile and he let you be.
He’ll give Beomgyu his book back some other time. 
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September 8th, 2015
Today is the last day of summer vacation. I’d be starting high school tomorrow, and I was really looking forward to how the changes over the summer would transfer into the school year. A lot changed. Like a lot. Mostly good changes. I think I have real, genuine, friends now. But I’m afraid that my old group of “friends” will try to torment me throughout our high school years. I realized a lot of things about myself over the summer too. I can feel my face getting hot recalling them as I’m writing this. 
A lot had happened over the summer. A lot had changed. Your supposed friends had decided you would only bring them down, and despite them wanting a dramatic parting of your years of friendship, it ended quietly and expectedly. You weren’t hurt, and that seemed to bother them. You hung out with Taehyun a lot over the summer, Kai joining you two often. You found that you shared a lot in common with them, it was easy to get along with them and you never had to force yourself to go along with their plans. You learned that’s what friendship should feel like. 
Beomgyu would sometimes join you, his presence a comforting and familiar one. He seemed to carry a weight on his shoulders and you couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy towards him, especially after knowing that he had fallen for someone who didn't appreciate him. It was also strange how the two of you always seemed to show up around each other at just the right time, as if drawn together by some unseen force.
There was an instance where some random guy had been following you around on one of your evening walks and Beomgyu showed up then, catching on to the situation, pretending as if he’d been waiting for you. There was another time when you felt like having ice cream and when you went out to get some, you found Beomgyu walking out of the convenience store holding one of those ice creams with two sticks that you could split in half. He gave you the other half and joined you on your evening walk that night. You tried to brush them off as mere coincidences, but deep down, you knew there was something more at play.
After the “gummy bear incident”, as you like to refer to it as, there has been a subtle shift in your dynamic. Your interactions were never lacking in chemistry or politeness before, even with both of you being naturally shy individuals. But now, whenever the two of you found yourselves alone, neither of you could barely get a word out without stumbling over your words. Eye contact was practically non-existent between the two of you now, the air thick with unspoken tension and unfulfilled desires. The summer had brought you closer, yet somehow he still felt far away. And although you were hesitant to admit it out loud, your feelings for him had grown stronger with each passing day.
You liked him.
You’ve always liked Choi Beomgyu. 
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September 9th, 2015
Today was the first day of high school. You and I are attending the same school again. You look really different now. Even though I saw it gradually happen over the summer, I’m pretty sure I spent most of today just looking at you. How tall you got, how deep your voice is now. Taehyun said you had a crush on someone, and it's good that you feel okay enough to feel like that about somone again I guess. I also met two new boys today, and we got along well. I'm looking forward to getting to know them.
As you entered the bustling hallways, sleek and gleaming under the bright fluorescent lights, you couldn't help but get lost in the sea of faces. There were whispers of excitement and trepidation that filled the air. Today was the first day of high school, a milestone that held both promise and uncertainty. You could feel the nervous energy radiating off the other freshmen as they hurried to find their lockers and compare schedules with friends that joined them from middle school. Taking a deep breath, you tried to steady your own racing heart, reminding yourself that everyone else most likely felt the same way you were feeling. 
As you navigated through the maze of lockers, you caught snippets of conversations. Excited chatter about summer adventures, worries about making new friends, and anxious whispers about the infamous teachers they were told to look out for. You saw a few familiar faces, including your former friends. Before any sort of interaction could happen between you, someone's frantic waving caught your attention. You sighed in relief seeing that it was Taehyun, and he was frantically waving at you to call you over. 
Grateful for the familiar, friendly face, you quickened your pace and made your way towards Taehyun. He was leaning against a row of lockers, his hair falling into his eyes as he scanned the crowd. As soon as he saw you approach, a wide grin spread across his face.
"Hey, you're finally here!" Taehyun exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine relief.
"Yeah," you replied with a nervous laugh. 
"Just trying to figure out where everything is."
Taehyun chuckled, brushing his hair back with a casual flick of his hand. 
"Don't worry, I've got it all figured out," he boasted playfully.
"I'm sure you do," you laughed and looked around. 
"Where's Kai?"
"He's at his locker, did you find where yours is yet?" Taehyun asked, leaning closer to look at the schedule in your hands. 
"No, I haven't. Want to help me find it since you got it "all figured out"?" 
Taehyun grinned and nodded, tucking his hands into his pockets as he fell into stride beside you. Together, you weaved through the bustling crowd of students, scanning the numbers on lockers until you finally found the one that matched the number on your schedule. With a sigh of relief, you spun the combination lock and swung open the metal door.
As you began to organize your books and supplies, Taehyun leaned against the locker next to yours, observing you with a twinkle in his eyes. 
"So," he began, "nervous about any particular classes?"
"Not really."
"Are you going to join any clubs or teams here?" he asked, though you could tell his attention was now somewhere else.
You were going to look up and jokingly ask why he wasn’t paying you any attention, but instead your heart started to beat really fast. Across the hall was Beomgyu, standing at his locker and you're only now noticing that Taehyun left your side to approach him. You watched as Taehyun sauntered over to Beomgyu with a mischievous glint in his eye. The two of them exchanged a few words, their conversation drowned out by the surrounding chatter. Beomgyu looked surprised at first but then broke into a shy smile, nodding in agreement to whatever Taehyun had asked him. The sight of both of them approaching you snapped you out of your daze and you quickly went back to organizing your things. 
“Hey,” Beomgyu greeted you softly.
 “Hi,” you slightly blushed, voice just as soft.
Watching this, Taehyun couldn't help but snicker because of what he knew. Taehyun stepped closer, now joining you and Beomgyu, his chuckles escaping his lips. You glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, curiosity tugging at your thoughts. 
"What's so funny?" you questioned, tilting your head to the side.
"Oh, nothing," Taehyun replied coyly, a mischievous glimmer still lingering in his eyes. 
"Just enjoying the sight in front of me."
Your cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink as you exchanged a look with Beomgyu. 
"What are you going on about?" you asked cautiously, trying to hide your flustered state.
Taehyun chuckled again, nudging Beomgyu playfully. 
"Well, it just so happens that Beomgyu here has a little crush on someone," he teased, winking at Beomgyu.
Beomgyu's face turned several shades of red, and he shot Taehyun a playful glare. Your eyes widened slightly at Taehyun's words and you casted your eyes down to the floor, the only thing on your mind now was a simple question:
With a shy smile, Beomgyu glanced at you before turning his attention back to Taehyun. 
"Hey, don't go spreading rumors," he mumbled, trying to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks.
Taehyun chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"Who said anything about rumors? I'm just stating the truth." He grinned mischievously, clearly enjoying the reaction he was getting from both of you.
Taehyun looked at you and smirked. 
"You see, he's got this little black notebook and-" he was cut off by Beomgyu practically pouncing on him and covering his mouth shut. 
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Beomgyu trying to silence Taehyun. It was clear that there was more to this story than Taehyun was able to say. You glanced between the two of them, biting your lip to supress your laugh.
"What's in the black notebook, Beomgyu?" you finally asked, a genuine glimmer of curiosity in your eyes.
Beomgyu's face turned an even deeper shade of red as he released his hold on Taehyun, who immediately took the opportunity to tease him further.
"Oh, just a little collection of poems and doodles," Taehyun said with a smirk.
"They aren't poems," Beomgyu mumbled, looking down now.
"They're just silly scribbles," Beomgyu continued, his voice barely above a whisper.
His embarrassment was palpable, and there was a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. With a gentle smile, and a small burst of confidence, you took a step closer to him and reached out to touch his arm.
"I have a little black notebook too," you said, hoping to lessen any embarrassment he was feeling. 
Beomgyu's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at you, his blush fading slightly. 
"Really?" he asked, his voice filled with both excitement and curiosity.
You nodded, your own embarrassment now surfacing.
"Yeah," you replied softly. 
"Yeah, and it's my diary that's practically filled with love letters I can't send to you," you thought to yourself.
Before any more words could be exchanged, Kai approached you guys with a loud "hey" and the four of you started to compare schedules. You looked to Beomgyu one more time, finding that he was already looking at you, and you both looked away blushing yet again. Taehyun only shook his head in amusement and continued to point out the classes you all shared together. 
The rest of the day went by quickly, and as the final bell signaling the end of the school day rang, you found yourself walking alongside Beomgyu towards the exit. The air was filled with a comfortable silence, a warmth settling between you two.
"I can't believe Taehyun spilled the beans like that," Beomgyu muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.
You giggled softly, feeling a surge of contentment wash over you. 
"Well, at least now I know I'm not the only one with secrets."
You two found Taehyun and Kai outside by the school's entrance, along with two other boys you've never seen before. As you approached the group, you squinted your eyes, trying to get a better look as if that would help you recognize them. One of them, with his tall stature and warm smile, extended a hand towards you in greeting.
"Hi there," he said, his voice friendly and inviting. 
"I'm Soobin. It's nice to meet you."
You shook his hand, returning his smile with one of your own. 
"Nice to meet you too, Soobin. I'm (Y/N)."
The other boy, on the other hand, had an air of confidence about him. His dark hair was styled effortlessly and his gaze, though piercing, was still inviting and held a hint of mischief. 
"Hey, (Y/N). I'm Yeonjun, nice to meet you." he introduced, giving you a charming smile. 
You nodded in acknowledgement, feeling the spark of curiosity ignite within you. There was something magnetic about these two new faces, something that made you want to know them better. After the small introduction, you waved your friends goodbye and made your way home, looking forward to the next day and the rest of your years at this school. 
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February 14th, 2017
Today was Valentine’s Day. I wanted to mark this as a milestone. Although it’s not the first Valentine’s Day after I acknowledged my feelings for you, it’s the first one where I acknowledged them and have money of my own to buy you a present. Did I do that? Of course not. But something else happened, something better. I think you’d agree. I also think we were set up, which reminds me that I have to thank Taehyun and Yeonjun tomorrow. 
February 14th, Valentine’s Day. You never really understood the point of the holiday. Never understanding why a day needed to be dedicated to love. You thought love should be expressed everyday, through big or small gestures. In elementary school, it seemed like another excuse to be able to eat candy and chocolate, which you didn’t mind at all. In middle school, people started to use the day as an opportunity to confess, that way if rejected they could play it off as an obligatory present. In high school, it seemed more serious. People planned to confess with the intentions of a relationship, not like in middle school where you would confess just to get it over with. As you walked down the halls of your high school, you took notice of the flurry of red and pink decorations adorning lockers, walls, and even the ceiling. Couples exchanged heartfelt gifts and whispered sweet nothings to each other, while others eagerly awaited their own moment to confess their feelings. Shaking your head, you made your way to your locker, finding Beomgyu at his.
"Beomgyu, good morning," you called out to him, your voice small and cheeks getting warm from the sight of him.
He turned slightly and gave you a sweet smile in acknowledgement. 
"Good morning," Beomgyu replied, his eyes sparkling with warmth. He closed his locker and leaned against it as he looked at you. 
"Happy Valentine's Day."
You couldn't help but blush deeper at his words, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling inside you. 
"Happy Valentine's Day to you too," you replied, mustering up all the courage you had.
Beomgyu chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners in a way that made your heart flutter. 
"Do you have any plans for today?" he asked, tilting his head slightly.
The tilt of his head caused his hair to fall into his eyes, and without thinking, you reached out and brushed his hair out of his face. Beomgyu's eyes widened slightly at your touch, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. He seemed momentarily taken aback before a smile slowly graced his lips.
"Thanks," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
The way he looked at you, with such gentle adoration, made your heart skip a beat.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that. I wasn't thinking," you stammered, your face burning with embarrassment.
Beomgyu shook his head, still smiling softly.
"Don't apologize," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring. 
"I liked it."
Your face flushed even deeper at his words, but a shy smile tugged at the corners of your lips. As the two of you stood there, caught in a moment of unspoken connection, the sound of laughter and chatter echoed down the hallway. You both turned to see Taehyun and Yeonjun approaching, their faces bright. Taehyun had a mischievous grin playing on his lips, while Yeonjun had a glint of excitement in his eyes.
"Hey, lovebirds!" Taehyun called out with a teasing grin.
"Did we interrupt something?"
You felt your face grow even hotter, embarrassed by the attention, but Beomgyu's presence beside you gave you a sense of comfort.
Yeonjun nudged Taehyun playfully. 
"Leave them alone, Tae. Can't you see they're having a moment?"
Beomgyu chuckled softly, shaking his head. 
"It's fine, guys. We were just talking." 
You immediately nodded in agreement. 
“Right, can’t two friends just talk?”
You can tell that neither of them were convinced, but they decided to drop the teasing and turn their attention to their own plans for the day. Apparently all six of us were going to hang out after school, since none of us have a Valentine. Soobin, being as boyfriend coded as he is, thought it would be hilarious to plan something sickeningly sweet for us all to do after school. Taehyun, Yeonjun, and Kai were all on board with the idea, finding it both humorous and enjoyable. They offered to handle the arrangements. 
After that, the rest of the day seemed to stretch on endlessly. You witnessed numerous confessions, with some leading to a positive outcome and others resulting in unnecessarily harsh rejection. By your lunch period, you saw your friends walk into the cafeteria holding multiple boxes of chocolates. You weren't surprised in the slightest, they were all incredibly charming and attractive. 
As you and Kai walked to your next class after lunch, he explained that both he and Taehyun couldn't make it to the group's afternoon plans. When you asked for a reason, all he said was "something came up". You didn't press any further, even though you were confused, but you figured that Kai had his own reasons for keeping things vague. 
When the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you found yourself walking alongside Beomgyu towards the designated meeting spot. The meeting spot was a quaint little café tucked away in a quiet corner of town. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and soft jazz music played in the background, creating a cozy ambiance. You looked around for any sight of Yeonjun or Soobin, and saw Beomgyu doing the same. But to your surprise, neither Yeonjun nor Soobin were there. You exchanged a confused glance with Beomgyu, wondering where they could be.
"I thought they would be here already," Beomgyu said, furrowing his brows. 
"Maybe they got caught up with something."
"They'll probably show up soon. Let's just grab a table and wait for them."
Beomgyu smiled at you gratefully, the corners of his lips lifting up. Your heart started to race at the sight, and you couldn't help but return the smile, feeling a warm sense of comfort settle in your chest. You found a small table near the window, and Beomgyu pulled out a chair for you, his gestures filled with a gentle tenderness. As you settled into your seats, the anticipation of the afternoon plans mixed with a hint of uncertainty lingered in the air. You glanced at Beomgyu, who was lost in his own thoughts, a faint furrow still etched on his forehead. He pulled out his little black notebook and started to scribble. A soft smile played on your lips as you watched him, and you recalled that he was writing in the book earlier today too. 
Curiosity getting the best of you, you leaned in a bit closer, trying to catch a glimpse of what Beomgyu was writing. However, as if sensing your prying eyes, he quickly closed the notebook and looked up at you with a grin.
"Oh, so you're interested in my little secrets now?" he teased, playfully raising an eyebrow.
You blushed and shook your head, feeling a mix of embarrassment and intrigue. 
"I was just curious. You wrote in that book a lot today."
Beomgyu's smile softened, and he slid the notebook back into his backpack. Before he could respond, the sound of an incoming text notification went off and you picked up your phone. 
"it's from Yeonjun," you announced, reading the message quietly to yourself. 
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You frowned slightly, disappointed that Yeonjun wouldn't be joining you. But the text message left you with more questions than answers. What could be so urgent that he couldn't even explain? And why did he add that playful winking emoji at the end?
Beomgyu, who had been waiting for your response, leaned in to catch a glimpse of the message. His brows furrowed, mirroring your own confusion. 
"That's strange," he murmured. 
"Yeonjun usually doesn't leave things so vague."
Then, another notification came in, Beomgyu picking up his phone this time. 
"It's Soobin," Beomgyu read, his eyes narrowing as he read the message. He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head.
"What is it?" you asked, leaning closer to see the message on his phone.
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You exchanged a bewildered look with Beomgyu, the pieces of the puzzle not quite fitting together. It was too much of a coincidence that at this point, you didn't believe that any of this was a coincidence. You were starting to feel like you and Beomgyu were being set up. The sound of another text coming in on Beomgyu's phone brought you back to the present. Beomgyu glanced at his phone and his eyes widened in surprise, a faint pink now dusting his cheeks. Sitting up a little straighter, he cleared his throat and looked at you. 
"Should we just go home...?"
His voice trailed off as if he didn't want to ask the question. 
“I-I mean, we’re already here. But they never exactly said what we’d be doing so..” you stammered over your words, not expecting him to ask that.
Did he want to leave?
Beomgyu sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as if he was trying to make himself smaller out of nervousness.
"Are you okay with it being just the two of us?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of nervousness and hope.
"I think we can still have a great time together," he added, mustering a small smile. 
Your heart started beating faster at his words, the warmth in his eyes reflecting the genuine desire for your company. You found yourself nodding, unable to form words as you simply smiled at him. Beomgyu's face brightened at your response, a genuine grin spreading across his features. He stood up from his seat and you followed, both of you walking out of the cafe. 
“Is there anywhere specific you want to go?”
He asked as he checked his phone. 
“I’m okay with anything really. Just walking around like this is nice too.”
He gave a slight nod and put his phone in his pocket, “how about an arcade? There’s one nearby.”
Your eyes lit up and you nodded, “I love arcades. I haven’t been to one in a long time.”
Beomgyu smiled, looking at you, “was the last time when we went to one in fifth grade? For that school trip?”
“Yeah, it was then. I think I spent all the money I got on the claw machines,” you said with a small laugh as you recalled the trip.  
“The claw machines are probably my favorite.” 
“You know…” Beomgyu started, “I’m known as the king of claws,” he said with as playful smirk. 
“Is that so? I’ll have to see it to believe it,” you replied giggling. 
You arrived at the arcade shortly after and he did prove it. His first try, he won a small teddy bear. You watched as he kneeled down to retrieve his prize, then stood up and handed it to you. 
“Believe me now?” He asked with a grin, running a hand through his hair. 
You gently took the teddy bear and hugged it to your chest. 
“I think you got lucky,” you teased, even though you did believe him. 
He raised an eyebrow as if to say “oh yeah?” and tried a different one. This time he won a prize in two tries, retrieving it and turning around with his arms crossed. You bit back a laugh and clutched the teddy bear in your hands a little tighter. 
“Okay, I digress. You’re the king of claws,” you admitted to fuel his already growing ego, and just to see him feel good about himself. 
He grinned, satisfied with your words and then brushed the imaginary dust off his shoulders. 
“I was only teasing you know, I believed you from the start,” you said softly, adjusting your backpack on your back. 
“I know, I was playing along and trying to impress you,” he mumbled, suddenly feeling shy. 
You blushed at his confession, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest. Beomgyu's vulnerability and effort to impress you made your heart flutter. You reached out and gently nudged his arm with your elbow.
"Well, you succeeded," you said, your voice filled with sincerity.
Beomgyu's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and he couldn't hide the bashful smile that tugged at his lips.
You kept wandering through the arcade, trying out different games and amassing more tickets. Rather than exchanging them for prizes, you opted to give them to a group of young children also enjoying the arcade. You didn't want to carry all your winnings and your backpacks, it would have been too exhausting. It was also nice to see the way their eyes lit up when you gave them the tickets. You made sure to hold onto the teddy bear Beomgyu won for you when you first got there though.
As the afternoon turned into evening, you and Beomgyu decided to leave the arcade. The two of you walked side by side on the bustling streets, occasionally bumping into each other playfully. There was a comfortable silence between you, no need for constant conversation. It was enough just to be in each other's presence. Beomgyu checked his phone and suggested finding someplace to have dinner. You nodded in agreement, your stomach rumbling in anticipation. Together, you searched for a nearby restaurant, eager to continue the enjoyable day you were having. 
As luck would have it, you stumbled upon a cozy little diner with the inviting aroma of comfort food wafting through the air. You entered the diner and were immediately greeted by the friendly chatter of other diners and the clinking of cutlery against plates. Beomgyu led the way to a booth near the window, and you slid in across from him. After scanning the menu, you glanced at the teddy bear that you put to sit neatly on the table.
"Has anyone ever told you that you look like a teddy bear?" you asked him suddenly. 
He chuckled softly, reaching across the table to playfully poke the teddy bear's nose.
"Well no, no one has ever compared me to a teddy bear before," he replied, his voice tinged with amusement.
"But I guess I can see why you'd say that. Is it because of my fluffy hair?"
"Your hair is part of it," you started to say, but stopped and wondered if you should continue. 
You thought for a moment, considering whether to share your feelings with Beomgyu. Not confess to him, you weren't ready for that. You looked into Beomgyu's eyes and found comfort and reassurance staring back at you. Encouraged by his presence, you decided to open up.
"Actually, it's not just your hair," you confessed, your voice filled with a mix of nervousness and sincerity. 
"It's more about how being around you makes me feel. You have this warmth and kindness that reminds me of a teddy bear. Whenever I'm with you, it's like being wrapped in a comforting embrace."
Beomgyu leaned back against the booth and looked at you, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. A soft smile graced his lips as he took in your words, and you could see the genuine joy sparkling in his eyes.
"Thank you," he said, his voice soft.
"That's honestly one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me."
"You know," he continued, his smile growing wider, "I feel the same way about you. Whenever I'm with you, it feels like all the worries and troubles disappear, and I'm just surrounded by this incredible sense of happiness and comfort." 
"I wonder if it would've been like this still, if we decided to ignore those stupid boys when we were six," he mused aloud, a sense of nostalgia now surrounding your booth. 
You chuckled softly, reminiscing on the memory of the day you first met and the day after.
"I'm surprised you remember that. I only left you alone so they would stop calling you those mean names," you said, fondness in your voice.
"I didn't like seeing you so disheartened and I thought that was the best thing to do," you explained, a hint of sheepishness coloring your cheeks.
"You were really considerate for being six years old," he replied, a wistful smile playing on his lips. 
The waitress approached your table, interrupting your conversation as she took your orders. As you waited for your food to arrive, you found yourselves lost in each other's company, talking about everything and nothing at all. When your food arrived and you dug into your meals, savoring the taste and coninuing to enjoy each other's presence. The diner was filled with a comforting ambiance, the soft buzz of conversation and the clinking of cutlery providing a soothing soundtrack to your moment together. 
You excused yourself to the restroom and came back to find that Beomgyu already paid for both of you. He stood up upon your return and you left the diner.
The night air was cool against your skin as you continued your stroll down the streets. The city lights illuminated the path ahead, casting a warm glow over everything. You looked up at Beomgyu and found him checking his phone again. 
"Is everything okay?" you asked, noticing the slight furrow of his brows as he scrolled through his phone.
"Yeah, it's nothing," Beomgyu replied, slipping his phone back into his pocket. 
"Do you still go on those evening walks?" he asked in a clear attempt to change the subject. 
You smiled at the question, recalling the habit you had developed long ago.
"Yes, I do," you replied. 
"I find them quite calming, especially after a busy day. It's a chance to clear my mind and appreciate the beauty of the world around me."
"Then, would you like to take a walk now? Before we go home?" he asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes.
You nodded, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through you. You didn't want whatever this was to end just yet, and his question allowed you to believe that he didn't either. You walked side by side, not really following a specific path. As you strolled through the city streets, the sound of your footsteps harmonized with the rhythm of your conversation, a sense of serenity enveloping you both. The bustling chaos of the city seemed to fade into the background as you wandered aimlessly, and soon the two of you found yourselves in a small park.
 The park was mostly empty, save for a few older couples scattered on benches. You noticed a beautiful gazebo standing gracefully in the distance. You immediately walked towards the gazebo, Beomgyu following closely behind. The moonlight filtered through the intricate ironwork of the structure, casting delicate shadows on the ground below and you stood there for a while, Beomgyu right by your side, taking in the scene before you and looking up at the moon. The night was getting darker, and both of you had to wake up early for school the following day.
"Should we get going now?" you asked, glancing at Beomgyu. 
"Yeah, we probably should," he replied softly.
As you started to leave the park, Beomgyu kindly offered to walk you home. You accepted with a grateful nod and a gentle smile, walking in the direction of your house together. 
You watched as he checked his phone once again, his eyes widening and he shook his head slightly, as if in disbelief of what he read.
"Are you sure everything is okay?" you asked, concern lacing your voice.
"Y-yeah, everything is good," he said, his voice tinged with nervousness. He slipped his phone back into his pocket and took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.
"If you say so, it's just- you've been checking your phone since we left the cafe," you pointed out.
"I promise, it's nothing to worry about. I was just checking something," he assured, and you believed him for now.
Little did you know, he'd been checking a list Soobin had sent him of all the things they were supposed to do after school, though he thinks they altered it. He knows for sure they altered it. Still, he made sure to do all of them (he didn’t feed you though, he’d blush too much trying to).
Except for the fourth thing, it wasn't time yet. 
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March 13th, 2017
Today’s your birthday, your 16th birthday to be more specific. I was the first of our friends to turn 16, then Taehyun, and I think Yeonjun made turning 16 a bigger deal than it is. Though, it was nice to see you excited for your birthday. I hope your excitement is still as big today.  I debated a lot on what to get you, or if I should even get you something at all. In the end I did, the beaded bracelet on my wrist that you got me for my birthday, gave me an idea. I really hope you like it. If I had the courage, this is how I would give it to you: I  imagine going on a walk with you. Planned this time. Either under the moonlight or early in the morning. Taking in the fresh, crisp air and getting a chance to breathe. I’d listen attentively and answer all your questions wholeheartedly, and ask you some of my own. You’d surprise me by bringing up something I thought was too minuscule to remember and then you’d probably let out that precious giggle, followed by that pretty smile. It would quickly be replaced by your own surprise because I would bring something up about you too, and let out a small giggle of my own. It would feel like we were away from the real world for a while, surrounded by warmth and magic- cause that’s what you’re made of in my eyes. Then we’d stop somewhere, maybe by the Han River or the park we went to on Valentine’s Day and that’s where I’d give you my present. However, I wouldn’t be able to do this, so I’ll have to settle for lamely giving it to you when I see you in school. 
Today was the warmest day of the week, and your nervousness was making you feel even warmer. The bracelets on your arm jingled and clinked as you nervously fiddled with them, the sound catching the attention of your friends. Yeonjun and Kai noticed your anxiousness and playfully teased you for it as you walked through the school hallway. Their laughter only fueled your nerves, and you blushed, desperately trying to hide your embarrassment.
"Come on, it's just a birthday present," Kai said with a grin.
"Yeah, don't be so nervous," Yeonjun added, nudging you playfully.
"I'm sure he'll love it."
You managed a weak smile, grateful for their support. Deep down though, you couldn't help but doubt yourself. What if he didn't like the present? What if it wasn't good enough? Your mind swirled with insecurities as you made your way to your first class, not even bothering to stop at your locker. Beomgyu would probably be there, across the hall at his, and you wouldn't be able to give him the present, let alone see or talk to him right now.
March 13th, 2017
It’s already lunch time and I still haven’t been able to give it to you. I also think you’ve caught onto the fact that I’m avoiding you. The guys were teasing me earlier but Taehyun realized just how nervous I actually am and has been staying by my side. After Valentine’s Day, it felt like we were both holding something back. I knew I was, but what could you be keeping from me? Do you like me too? That’s probably impossible. Did you pick up on the fact that I like you, and you don’t know how to tell me that you just want to be friends? I’m overthinking again… 
Taehyun nudged you gently to get your attention. You looked up from fervently writing and saw his eyes filled with concern. 
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly.
You sighed, closing the little black notebook. 
"I don't know, Taehyun. I've been avoiding Beomgyu all day, and I can tell he's noticed. But I just... I can't bring myself to give him the present."
Taehyun tilted his head, his expression thoughtful.
"Why not?"
You looked at Taehyun, uncertainty clouding your eyes. 
"I guess I'm just scared," you admitted reluctantly.
"What if he doesn't like it? What if it's not good enough?"
Taehyun's gaze softened, understanding flickering in his eyes. He placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
"Listen, I get it. It's natural to be nervous about this kind of thing. But Beomgyu is not the kind of person who would judge what kind of present he gets. And take it from me, he'd be over the moon to get anything as long as it's from you."
You took a deep breath, trying to absorb Taehyun's words of encouragement. He was right, you knew Beomgyu well enough by now to know that he wouldn't judge your gift. Still, the anxiety gnawed at you like a persistent itch.
"Thank you, Taehyun," you whispered, appreciating his unwavering support.
"I needed to hear that."
He squeezed your shoulder gently before releasing it and giving you an encouraging smile.
"Anytime. Now go find him and give him that present. I'm sure he's waiting for it."
March 13th, 2017
Despite what Taehyun said, I still didn’t do it. It's eighth period, and the bell signaling the end of the school day will ring in a few minutes. I know I’ll see you before going home, cause I have to go to my locker. I don’t need all these books. Maybe I can prolong going to my locker for as long as possible. Just until you, along with everyone else in the school leaves.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, you found yourself lingering in the classroom, pretending to organize your books. Each passing minute felt like an eternity, and you couldn't shake off the knot of nervousness that had settled in your stomach. The classroom slowly emptied out, leaving you alone with your racing thoughts.
Ten minutes passed, and you peeked out of the classroom to find the halls nearly empty. This was your chance to pack up your books and head home, without the worry of bumping into anyone, especially Beomgyu. As you turned the corner, you spotted Beomgyu leaning against the lockers, his eyes casted down to the floor. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, and you couldn't help but feel a mix of anxiousness and fear.
And a little bit of guilt.
What was he still doing here?
Beomgyu looked up as the sound of footsteps echoed through the empty hallway. His eyes met yours, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. You watched as a flicker of surprise and disappointment passed over his face before he quickly masked it with a small smile.
"Hey," he said, his voice filled with warmth but tinged with a hint of uncertainty.
"Hi," you replied, your voice almost a whisper as nerves danced in your stomach.
Beomgyu seemed to sense your unease, taking a step closer to you, his expression filled with concern.
"Is everything alright?" he asked softly, his gaze locked with yours.
"You've been avoiding me all day."
"oh, you noticed," you mumbled, your voice barely audible.
Your eyes darted away from his gaze, unable to meet his penetrating stare. Beomgyu reached out, gently placing a hand on your arm.
"Yeah, I noticed," he said gently.
"Did I do something wrong?"
His touch caused you to jump, and he quickly retract his hand. You could see the hurt flash in his eyes, and guilt washed over you. 
"No, no, it's not you," you stammered, finally mustering the courage to meet his gaze.
"It's just... I've been feeling overwhelmed today."
Beomgyu nodded, his expression softening with understanding.
"I'm sorry if I added to that. I didn't mean to make you feel overwhelmed."
You shook your head quickly, wanting to reassure him.
"No, it's not your fault, really. It's just... I didn't know how to give you something."
Beomgyu's brow furrowed slightly, confusion evident in his eyes.
"Give me something?" he repeated, his voice laced with curiosity. 
"Happy Birthday," you whispered, your eyes squeezed shut as you held out the present you made for him.
Beomgyu's eyes widened as he took the gift from your trembling hands. For a moment, he simply stared at it, as if unable to comprehend what was happening. Then, a warm smile spread across his face, and he pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.
"You have no idea how much this means to me."
Relief flooded through you as you melted into his embrace, feeling safe and secure in his arms.
"It's a bracelet. Like the one you gave me for my birthday. I added a teddy bear charm, cause well... you remember what I said," you whispered, your voice trailing off.
A tenderness settled over Beomgyu's expression, and he nodded in understanding.
"I remember," he replied softly, his fingers tracing the delicate charm on the bracelet.
"It means the world to me."
"I'm sorry for avoiding you," you murmured, your voice barely audible.
"I was just scared, clearly for no reason."
Beomgyu put the bracelet on, holding out his wrist for you to see. You gazed at his wrist, the bracelet snugly hugging his skin. The sight brought a smile to your face, and seeing you smile caused Beomgyu to smile too. 
"Can I walk you home?" he softly asked, his voice filled with a newfound warmth. 
You nodded, your heart fluttering with relief and excitement. As you walked side by side down the deserted school halls, you found yourself sticking closer than usual to him. The two of you strolled down the familiar streets, sharing lighthearted banter and laughter. Beomgyu's hand brushed against yours occasionally, sending feelings of electricity through your veins. As you reached your front gate, silence fell between the two of you.
"Thank you for walking me home," you said softly.
Beomgyu smiled, his eyes looking you over with pure adoration.
"It was my pleasure," he replied gently. 
"I'm sorry again for avoiding you on your birthday," you said quickly, not wanting him to leave just yet.
"Don't apologize," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.
"Thank you again for the bracelet, I'll treasure it."
"I'm glad you like it," you whispered, your voice filled with genuine happiness.
A sudden burst of courage overtook you, "there's another thing I forgot to give you," you said almost confidently and made sure to meet his eyes.
Beomgyu's eyebrows raised in surprise, curiosity taking over his features. 
"Oh? What is it?" he asked, a playful smile now tugging at the corners of his lips.
You took a deep breath, your heart hammering against your chest. All that nervousness was resurfacing but you weren't going to back out now. You slowly stood on your tippy toes and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
Beomgyu's eyes widened at the unexpected gesture, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. He stood frozen for a moment, processing the gentle touch of your lips on his skin.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible. His hand instinctively reached up to touch the spot where your lips had touched his cheek.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow," you whispered, a shy smile playing on your lips.
Beomgyu nodded, still slightly stunned by the unexpected kiss.
"Yeah, definitely," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and anticipation.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
You waved goodbye, feeling a newfound sense of confidence as you walked towards your front door. As you closed the door behind you, the confidence turned to slight embarrassment and you felt your face get hot.
You can't believe you just did that.
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May 18th, 2018
It’s hard to believe that junior year is almost over. Then we’ll be seniors. For some reason, today felt like one of those “hey let’s reflect on my life” days and I decided that I’ve been really happy lately. No I haven’t confessed to you, but we’ve definitely gotten closer. To the point where we hang out after school or even on the weekends, just the two of us. Sometimes (a lot of times), you’ll even ask to join me on my walks and it’s nice to have company on them. Or should I say your company. Aside from that, something a little strange happened this morning. Someone from the basketball team asked me out. I told him I’d think about it. 
Even as you grow older, there’s something about Fridays that never loses its appeal. This particular Friday greeted you with a sense of optimism and well-being. The sun was shining and the sky was clear, almost like it was a sign of good things to come. You got to school earlier than usual, none of your friends are there yet, except for Kai because he's on the basketball team and they had practice before school began. 
"Hey," Kai said with a smile as he approached you. 
"You're here early today."
"Yeah, I woke up earlier than usual," you replied, returning his smile.
Kai leaned against the lockers beside you, his gaze fixated on the empty hallway.
"Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something."
Curiosity piqued, you turned to face him fully.
"Sure, what's up?" 
Kai took a deep breath and his eyes darted around the hallway, almost as if he was hesitant to say anything. 
"You know, Taeyang right? Our point guard?"
"Yeah, I know him," you replied, wondering where this conversation was headed.
Kai continued, his voice slightly hesitant.
"Well, he asked me to talk to you on his behalf. Since you and I are good friends and all. He... um... well, he wanted to ask you out."
You blinked, taken aback by the unexpected proposition. Taeyang was popular and well-liked, but you never considered dating him. You let out a nervous laugh, trying to process the sudden turn of events. 
"Wait, seriously? Taeyang wants to ask me out?"
Kai nodded, a sympathetic smile on his face.
"Yeah, he's been talking about you lately."
"Wow, that's... unexpected," you spoke honestly, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. 
"Well, what did you tell him?" you asked Kai, your heart pounding with a mix of nerves and what felt like excitement.
Kai sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I told him I'd talk to you about it. And honestly, I think you should consider it."
Kai wasn't exactly sure why he was telling you to consider it. He knew about Beomgyu's feelings towards you and even helped orchestrate the setup on Valentine's Day. 
As you listened to Kai's words, a swirl of emotions filled your chest. On one hand, the idea of going out with Taeyang intrigued you. He was popular, charismatic, and undeniably attractive. Anyone would agree to go out with him in a heartbeat. But, your mind also couldn't help but drift to Beomgyu. You thought about how gentle, kind-hearted and attentive Beomgyu was. You liked Beomgyu, really liked him, but Kai didn't know that. You only told Taehyun, and Yeonjun somehow picked up on your feelings too. Taeyang may be popular and attractive, but he didn't evoke the same warmth and comfort and thrill as Beomgyu did.
Taking a deep breath, you looked at Kai, determination flickering in your eyes.
"Thank you for telling me, Kai. I appreciate it."
Kai's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Wait, you decided already?"
You nodded, your voice filled with certainty.
"Yeah, I have. I don't see myself going out with Taeyang. He's probably a great guy, but there's someone else I've been thinking about."
Kai's eyes widened in surprise and he couldn't help but ask to confirm his suspicions.
"Do you mean... Beomgyu?" 
A blush crept up your cheeks, confirming Kai's suspicion.
"Yeah, Beomgyu. I really like him. I have for a long time, but only came to terms with it when we got to high school."
A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Kai's lips as he leaned closer to you.
"I had a feeling," he whispered, his voice barely audible. 
You looked at Kai, relief and nervousness flooding your heart.
"You knew?"
Kai chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Let's just say I'm good at reading people. And it became more obvious with the way you were acting on his birthday last year."
You couldn't help but blush at Kai's observation, remembering how nervous you had felt that day. It seemed that everyone had picked up on your feelings for Beomgyu except for Beomgyu himself. And maybe Soobin.
"Yeah, I tried my best to hide it," you admitted with a sheepish smile.
"But I guess I haven't been doing a very good job."
Kai shrugged and nudged you playfully.
"To be fair, it's hard to hide with the way your eyes light up whenever he's around."
You laughed softly, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders as you openly discussed your feelings for Beomgyu with Kai.
"So what are you going to do now?" Kai asked, his eyes filled with genuine curiosity.
"I think I'll wait and see if Taeyang talks to me himself. Cause I find it a little hard to believe that a guy like that would have someone else ask someone out for him," you said, your voice laced with a hint of skepticism. 
"If he's interested, he can approach me directly. But as for Beomgyu, I don't know if I'll ever be able to tell him." 
Kai nodded understandingly, his gaze sympathetic. He knew Beomgyu liked you, but he swore not to say anything. 
Kai let out a soft sigh and reached out to give your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"I understand your hesitation. It's not easy to confess our feelings, especially when we fear the possibility of rejection. But sometimes, taking a chance is worth it."
You looked at Kai, his words resonating deep within your heart.
Taking a chance... Was it really worth it?
The fear of rejection loomed over you like a dark cloud, casting doubt upon your every thought. You shook your head, pushing all the negative thoughts away, and the sight of more students entering the hallway caught your attention.
Among the students making their way through the bustling hallway, you caught a glimpse of Beomgyu. He was talking and laughing with Soobin and Yeonjun. Your heart felt warm, and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. Kai followed your gaze and noticed Beomgyu too. His eyes twinkled mischievously as he leaned in closer to you. 
"You know," he said, his voice low and conspiratorial, "there's no harm in taking matters into your own hands."
You looked at Kai, intrigued by his suggestion.
"What do you mean?"
Kai grinned, a playful glint in his eyes.
"Well, if you're hesitant about confessing directly, why not drop some subtle hints? See if Beomgyu picks up on them."
The idea both excited and terrified you.
"I-I'll consider that," you murmured. 
The day progressed as usual, but you made the choice to sit outside during your lunch period. You found a quiet spot under a tree, the gentle rustling of leaves providing a soothing backdrop as you mulled over Kai's suggestion. The sun bathed you in its warm rays, and you took a deep breath, pulling out your little black notebook. Flipping through the pages, you came across several doodles and snippets of poetry and letters that you had written over the years. Lost in your thoughts, you absentmindedly traced the words you had written about Beomgyu.
Unaware of the passing time, a shadow fell over your notebook. Startled, you looked up to find Taeyang standing before you. He had a small smile on his face, his eyes reflecting curiosity and something else you couldn't quite place.
"Mind if I join you?" he asked, gesturing to the empty space next to you.
You blinked, momentarily taken aback by Taeyang's unexpected presence. 
"Uh, sure," you stammered, quickly moving your backpack aside to make room for him.
Taeyang settled down beside you, his gaze lingering on your notebook for a brief moment before focusing on you. You quickly closed the notebook and put it back into your bag. Nervously, you fidgeted with the strap, unsure of what to say. You were the first to break the awkward (at least for you) silence when you mentioned that you and Kai had talked this morning. He leaned back against the tree and let out a small laugh. 
"I didn't think he'd talk to you for me," Taeyang admitted.
"I also wanted to talk to you myself."
You looked at him, surprised by his straightforward honesty.
Taeyang nodded, his eyes searching yours.
"Yeah. I wanted to see if you'd be interested in going out on a date with me."
Your heart started beating faster, caught off guard by Taeyang's straightforwardness. 
"Is it okay if I think about it?" you asked, trying to steady your racing thoughts.
Taeyang's smile faltered for a moment, his eyes filled with a hint of disappointment, but he quickly regained his composure.
"Of course, take your time," he replied, his voice gentle and understanding.
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm interested in getting to know you better."
You nodded, grateful for his patience.
"Thank you, Taeyang. I appreciate your honesty."
Afterwards, you collected your belongings and went in search of your friends, joining them for the remainder of lunch. You found them sitting at a table that was not too distant from the tree where you had just been sitting.
"So, what did Taeyang want?" Soobin asked, nudging your shoulder playfully as you sat down in the open space next to him.
You blushed, feeling a rush of nerves as all eyes turned toward you.
"Um, well... he asked me out on a date," you admitted shyly. 
You noticed the way they all looked to Boemgyu before erupting into a chorus of excited exclamations, their enthusiasm coming off a little forced. Soobin clapped you on the back, causing you to nearly spill your water.
"That's amazing!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with delight.
"Finally, someone recognizes how incredible you are!"
Blushing even more, you laughed at Soobin's exaggerated reaction.
"Thanks, Soobin. You guys are too much."
Yeonjun smirked and leaned in closer, his voice dripping with playful teasing.
"Well, I guess now we have to give you some dating advice. Remember, confidence is key."
Rolling your eyes, you playfully nudged Yeonjun back.
"Oh please, like you're an expert in dating."
Yeonjun feigned offense, clutching his heart dramatically. 
"Hey, I'll have you know that I'm a smooth operator when it comes to matters of the heart."
"Before any dating advice, you guys should know that I didn't say yes. I told Taeyang I'd think about it," you explained, trying to temper their excitement.
"But why would you need to think about it?" Kai chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eyes as if he didn't remember anything you told him just this morning. 
"Taeyang's a great guy and he likes you. What's there to think about?"
You sighed, realizing that your friends weren't going to let you off the hook easily.
"It's just... complicated," you murmured, avoiding their intense gazes.
You looked up from your fidgeting hands to see Beomgyu looking at you. His expression was unreadable, a mix of concern and something deeper that you couldn't quite place. It made your heart ache a little, the way he had been uncharacteristically quiet throughout the conversation. 
"I think you should go for it," Beomgyu spoke softly.
The chatter from everyone else suddenly stopped and they all turned to him looking either confused, shocked or both. You looked at Beomgyu surprised, your heart sinking at his words. You felt a pang of disappointment at Beomgyu's response. His words weighed heavily on your heart, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions that you struggled to make sense of. It felt like a knife twisting in your chest as you realized that Beomgyu, the person you had secretly (not so secretly) harbored feelings for, was encouraging you to pursue someone else.
With a forced smile, you tried to brush off the sudden heaviness in the air. 
"Thanks, Beomgyu. I appreciate your input," you said, your voice wavering ever so slightly.
The rest of your friends exchanged glances, sensing the tension that had seeped into the atmosphere. Soobin, always the peacemaker, cleared his throat and tried to lighten the mood. 
"So, who's up for some ice cream after school?" Soobin suggested with a grin, hoping to distract everyone from the brewing awkwardness.
The suggestion seemed to work, as the tension in the air eased and your friends nodded eagerly, already planning which flavors they would get. You silently thanked Soobin for his quick thinking, grateful for his ability to diffuse any situation. Despite the lighthearted conversation that followed, the weight of Beomgyu's words still lingered in your mind. The bell rang shortly after, and even though you had your next class with Kai, you walked quickly to the classroom by yourself, needing some time alone to process what just happened.
May 18th, 2018
It’s the end of the school day and even though you didn’t say much, your words were all I could think about. You wanted me to date someone else… That has to mean that you don’t like me any more than a friend. I guess I’ll have to just deal with that-
Beomgyu closed the little black notebook.
He should've done so when he realized the notebook belonged to you, which was when he read the very first entry. He shouldn't have read any of your personal thoughts and feelings, but he couldn't help himself. He found it on a desk while looking for you after the final bell had rung. Thinking it was his own notebook, since he had the class earlier in the day and hasn’t been able to find his, he picked it up and sought out a blank page to write on, needing an outlet for the complicated feelings that surfaced at lunch today. 
Beomgyu hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether he should confess his accidental discovery or simply leave the notebook on the desk without mentioning it. He was certain though that he had to be completely truthful with you about his feelings now. He didn't want you to go out with Taeyang, but he knew you might not believe him after the way he had encouraged you before.
He was in a state of panic, desperately trying to figure out how to make you understand his feelings without actually saying it, because he can't seem to say the right words around you. Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out his identical little black notebook, finding it at the very bottom, and put it on the desk where he found yours. He looked back at the book and let out a deep sigh before leaving the classroom. 
Now he just had to wait.
When the last bell rang, you tried to get yourself out of the school building as quickly as you could, not bothering to stop by your locker. You were lost in your own thoughts, still replaying the conversation from earlier. The hallway was bustling with students, but everything around you seemed to blur into background noise. You continued walking, as if you were on autopilot, until your legs began to ache and you stopped. As you survey your surroundings, you realize that you somehow ended up at the park where you and Beomgyu spent Valentine's Day. The memories flood back and tears begin to well up in your eyes.
Why were you crying?
You didn't tell him how you felt, yet it still felt like you got rejected. 
You take a seat on the nearest bench, resting your bag on your lap and frantically search for your little black notebook. It holds all of your thoughts about Beomgyu, but also serves as your diary, which you desperately need at the moment. Panic began to take hold as you hurriedly emptied your bag.
It wasn't there.
Your little black notebook was missing from your bag.
How could you have lost it?
The notebook held not only your innermost thoughts about Beomgyu but also all of your secrets and fears. Your mind races with possibilities. Did you drop it somewhere? Did someone take it? The thought of someone reading your most intimate thoughts and feelings made you feel sick to your stomach.
You feel a lump forming in your throat as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. The weight of the situation, combined with the emotional turmoil of the day, became overwhelming. Taking a deep breath, you put everything back into your bag and went back to school. The first place you checked was the lost and found in the main office, asking the teacher behind the desk if anyone turned it in. You heard the teacher rummage through a box of forgotten belongings, emerging with a solemn expression, "I'm sorry, no one turned in a notebook." 
Your shoulders dropped slightly and you thanked her before quickly making your way to the classroom where your eighth period class was located. Walking into the classroom, your eyes anxiously scanned around the room, and you almost cried again upon seeing the little black notebook sitting on your desk. Relief washed over you as you hurriedly snatched up the notebook, clutching it to your chest.
It was still here, safe and sound.
But then, a flicker of doubt crept into your mind - had someone read it? Or did they just pick it up and put it on your desk for you? You shake your head in disbelief as you put the notebook back into your bag and begin your walk home. Your phone had been going off since the last bell rang, but you didn't bother to check it, already knowing that they were messages from your friends who had made plans to get ice cream after school. You'd talk to them tomorrow, you needed time to yourself. 
Walking home, you couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions. The sun had begun to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sidewalk. The familiar sights and sounds of your neighborhood seemed distant as your mind continued to replay everything that happened today. The events of the day had left you feeling vulnerable and exposed, and you once again thought about someone potentially reading your innermost thoughts. You arrived at your front door, feeling a mix of exhaustion and anxiety. Taking a deep breath, you inserted the key and opened the door, stepping into the comforting familiarity of your home. The silence enveloped you like a soft blanket, soothing the inner chaos that had plagued you most of the day. 
You made your way to your room and immediately collapsed onto your bed, grateful for the privacy it offered. The weight of the day's events pressed down on you, making it hard to breathe. Retrieving your small black notebook and favorite pen from your bag, you sit up to record today's entry in your diary. As you flipped through the notebook, searching for a blank page, you came across handwriting that was both unfamiliar yet strangely familiar at the same time, causing your heart to stop.
This wasn't your book. 
You furrowed your brow, confusion and curiosity intertwining in your mind.
How did this notebook end up on your desk?
You cautiously flipped through the pages, your eyes scanning the words before you. It was filled with beautiful prose and heartfelt musings, but they were not your own. Each word felt like a glimpse into someone else's soul. As you continued to read, your own name caught your attention. It was written delicately, in most of the entries, as if it was a whisper on the page. Your heart pounded in your chest as you read the words that followed. The way this person described you, your quirks, your smile, and the way your eyes sparkled when you laughed. It was an ode to your existence, penned by an unknown admirer. You couldn't believe what you were reading.
This notebook was one that matched the contents in yours, except it was about you.
Overwhelmed by the emotions flooding through you, you sat in stunned silence. The realization that someone had been writing about you with such depth and appreciation, the way you wrote about Beomgyu, left you feeling a mix of emotions.
You continued reading, even though you knew you shouldn't, a sense of longing and familiarity washed over you. The way this person described your interactions, the shared moments and inside jokes, it all resonated deeply within your soul. Oddly enough, reading this notebook felt like flipping through the pages of your own diary.  The realization caused goosebumps to form, trailing down your arms.
This was Beomgyu's notebook. 
With trembling hands, you slowly closed the notebook and carefully reached over to retrieve your bag.
As you were trying to put it away, a photograph slipped out from between the pages. You immediately recognized the photo as one taken last week. Beomgyu had joined you for an evening walk and brought his polaroid camera along.
As you strolled along the Han River, a kind stranger offered to take a picture of the two of you together. The stranger had taken a few, but this one in particular was beautiful. It captured the essence of that moment perfectly, the way Beomgyu's laughter lit up his face and the way your eyes sparkled with genuine happiness. Neither of you were purposely posing for the picture, but that's what made it feel authentic.
You held the photo delicately in your hands, studying the smiles on both your faces. It was evident how happy you were together, and yet, you couldn't help but wonder why Beomgyu had kept this notebook a secret from you. Probably for the exact same reason you kept yours a secret from him. Closing your eyes, you tried to process the new whirlwind of emotions that engulfed you. The discovery of Beomgyu's hidden admiration for you felt like stumbling upon a forbidden treasure. A myriad of questions swirled around in your mind and it felt overwhelming.
Amidst all the questions and overwhelming emotions, one thing was undeniable: you liked Beomgyu and he liked you too.
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Sitting on the edge of your bed, you've been staring at the closed notebook in your lap for what feels like hours. The buzzing of your phone drew your attention away from the emotional whirlwind that started during lunch. With a heavy sigh, you grabbed your phone and saw that it was flooded with notifications from your friends. They ranged from asking you what ice cream flavor you wanted to the everlasting debate on mint-chocolate. The most recent message was from Taehyun, expressing his concern for you and letting you know where they were in case you decided to join them. As you scrolled through the notifications, you noticed that none of them were from Beomgyu. 
Your heart sank a little at the realization that Beomgyu hadn't reached out to you. It had been hours since you had discovered his notebook, and the weight of the unanswered questions was becoming unbearable. Why hadn't he said anything? Was he waiting for you to say something? Taking a deep breath, you decided that enough was enough. You couldn't keep dwelling on these uncertainties and waiting for Beomgyu to make the first move. If you wanted answers, you had to be brave enough to seek them out yourself. 
When you glanced at the clock, you saw that it was the time you typically go for your evening stroll. You grabbed his notebook and slipped it into a canvas bag, carefully stepping outside. The evening air was crisp, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers and a sense of anticipation. The streets were bathed in the warm glow of streetlights, casting long shadows on the pavement as you walked. You arrived at the location Taehyun had sent you, and through the window of the ice cream parlor, you saw them sitting at a table in the far corner.
Your friends looked up in surprise as you entered the ice cream parlor, a mix of concern and curiosity evident on their faces. Taehyun, ever perceptive, noticed the canvas bag slung over your shoulder and the determined look in your eyes.
"You made it!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with relief. 
"We were worried about you."
Taking a seat, you responded with a small smile, though your mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of Beomgyu. Your eyes searched the crowded parlor, hoping to catch a glimpse of him somewhere amidst the sea of faces. But he was nowhere to be found. 
Lost in your thoughts, you barely noticed when Yeonjun nudged your arm gently. 
"Hey, are you alright?" he asked, concern etched into his features.
You blinked, pulling yourself back to the present moment.
 "I'm... I'm fine," you replied, your voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.
"Um, where's Beomgyu?" you asked, mentally facepalming at your voice faltering slightly.
Yeonjun exchanged a glance with Taehyun before answering, his voice laced with sympathy.
 "He... he left a little while ago."
Trying to hide your disappointment, you mustered a smile and nodded, pretending that it didn't bother you as much as it did. 
"Oh, I see," you replied softly. 
"Did he say where he was going?"
Taehyun cleared his throat, exchanging another glance with Yeonjun before answering. 
"No, he didn't mention anything. He just said he had something important to take care of and left in a hurry."
Something important?
Your mind raced with possibilities, then your eyes widened in realization.
"Wait, what time did he leave?" you asked, a sense of urgency creeping into your voice.
 Soobin checked his watch and furrowed his brows. 
"I think it was around thirty minutes ago," he replied, his eyes filled with concern. 
"Is everything okay?"
You stood up abruptly, the canvas bag slipping off your shoulder and hitting the table with a soft thud.
"I need to go," you announced. 
Without waiting for a response, you hastily picked up the canvas bag and rushed out of the ice cream parlor. This morning, Beomgyu had asked to accompany you on your evening walk, and you had agreed to meet at the park.
That park. 
Heart pounding, you picked up your pace as you made your way towards the park. It was a familiar route, one that you had walked countless times together with him. The anticipation in your chest was overwhelming, and all you could hope was that he was there. 
As you entered the park, you scanned the area, searching for any sign of him. Your eyes fell upon a figure sitting on a bench near the pond and relief washed over you as you recognized the familiar silhouette. Beomgyu was there, his head bowed down, engrossed in deep thoughts. You approached him cautiously, not wanting to startle him.
"Beomgyu," you called out softly, your voice carrying both unease and longing.
Beomgyu looked up, surprise flickering in his eyes as he met your gaze. His expression quickly transformed into one of relief, and he stood up, a mix of emotions crossing his face.
"I didn't think you'd come," he said, his voice soft. 
"I had to," you replied, your own voice trembling slightly. 
You pulled his little black notebook out of your bag and clutched it tightly. 
"I found this," you started, holding out the notebook towards him, "when I went back to school to look for mine."
Beomgyu reached out and took the notebook from your hands, his fingers brushing against yours for a brief moment. His fingers traced the worn edges, the pages filled with his words and thoughts. He looked up at you, his eyes shimmering with unspoken emotions.
"I was hoping you would. I left it there on purpose," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
"I wanted you to find it, to know how I felt." 
"Then... then that means-" before you could continue, he pulled your notebook out of his bag and nodded.
Yeah," Beomgyu interrupted, a small smile gracing his lips.
"I found yours." 
As you reached out to take your notebook from Beomgyu's hands, your fingers brushed against each other again, and a tingling sensation coursed through your veins.
"Did you-" you started to ask, but then stopped yourself.
The answer was already clear. If he didn't read your book, he wouldn't have left his for you to find. The unspoken understanding between you and Beomgyu hung in the air, as if time had frozen in that moment. Without a word, Beomgyu stood up and took a step closer to you. The air crackled with anticipation as he reached out, his hand gently reaching out to hold yours. His touch was tender, a tenderness that spoke volumes. 
"I've been wanting to tell you for so long," he whispered, his voice barely audible. 
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you found yourself unable to form a coherent response. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart.
"I've wanted to tell you too," you finally managed to say. 
Beomgyu's eyes searched yours, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand as he leaned closer. 
"Do you remember that party? The one we kissed at?" he asked softly, his voice filled with nostalgia and vulnerability. 
"How could I forget?" you replied softly, your gaze locked with his.
"That was my very first kiss."
"When you told me you'd like the real me, that's when I knew. Since then, it's always been you " he confessed, his voice barely a whisper. 
"You've liked me for that long? But then-" you cut yourself off, realizing it wasn't the appropriate moment to bring it up.
Beomgyu smiled as if he knew what you were going to ask, "all the other boys liked her, so I followed the crowd. Stupid, I know." 
"I've felt the same way," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. 
"I've always seen you, Beomgyu. I've always loved you. It just took me a long time to realize and then accept it." 
Beomgyu's eyes softened, relief and adoration shining in them. 
"I'm sorry it took me so long," you murmured.
"Don't apologize," Beomgyu whispered, his voice filled with delicacy. 
A gentle breeze rustled the leaves around you, as if nature itself was acknowledging the significance of this moment.
Beomgyu leaned in closer, his lips just inches away from yours. 
"Can I ask something else?" he whispered, his breath warm against your skin. 
You nodded, anticipation coursing through your veins.
"I didn't get to kiss you that second time, can I make up for it now?" 
The question hung in the air as you looked into Beomgyu's eyes and felt your heart race. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and you nodded, giving him permission to make up for that missed opportunity.
Beomgyu's eyes lit up with delight and nervousness as he closed the remaining distance between you. His lips met yours in a gentle, sweet kiss. Time seemed to stand still as you melted into each other, the world around you fading away. It was a moment of pure bliss, a culmination of emotions and desires that had been building up for far too long. The kiss was everything, full of promises and possibilities. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him, while yours found their way around his neck, tangling in his soft hair. 
And then, as if the universe had conspired with your group of friends, the sound of clapping and cheers caused you to pull away. You glanced over Beomgyu's shoulder and saw your friends standing there, huge smiles on their faces, applauding the two of you.
Taehyun and Yeonjun were grinning like they had just won the lottery, and Soobin and Kai pretending they had tears welling up in their eyes, wiping them away. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight. Beomgyu turned to look at your friends, his cheeks flushed from the kiss. 
"Guess we've been caught," he mumbled and pulled you closer.
Your friends approached, still clapping and cheering, their laughter echoing through the park.
Taehyun gave you a playful wink while Yeonjun threw an arm around Soobin's shoulders, teasing him about his "emotional" display.
Kai, always the romantic, applauded the loudest and shouted, "Finally! Took you both long enough!"
You blushed looking everywhere but your friends , feeling a mixture of embarrassment and joy. Beomgyu squeezed your hand reassuringly, a silent reminder that this was real, that it was happening.
As the laughter subsided, Yeonjun cleared his throat and glanced at the others mischievously. 
"Well, I think it's time for us to give these two some privacy," he said with a sly grin, playfully nudging Beomgyu. 
Beomgyu chuckled, a hint of pink dusting his cheeks.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," he replied, his gaze never leaving yours. 
Your friends exchanged knowing glances before making their way towards the park's exit, leaving the two of you alone. The park was now quiet, the only sounds being the soft rustling of leaves. The tranquility of the moment wrapped around you like a comforting embrace, allowing you to fully soak in the reality of what had just transpired.
Beomgyu took a step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. The intensity of his gaze made your heart skip a beat, and you felt a wave of vulnerability wash over you. This was uncharted territory, a new beginning for both of you. 
"What now?" you asked.
Beomgyu reached out, his hand trembling slightly, and gently brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. His touch sends shivers down your spine, igniting a spark deep within your soul. It was a gesture so simple yet so intimate, conveying a depth of emotion that words could never capture.
"Well first," Beomgyu whispered softly, "I think I should ask you properly."
"Ask me what?" you replied, your voice barely a whisper, afraid to break the delicate spell that had woven itself around the two of you. 
Beomgyu took a deep breath and looked into your eyes, his gaze unwavering.
His voice quivered slightly, “Can I be your boyfriend? Will you let me love you and cherish you, like you deserve?" 
The vulnerability and sincerity in his voice made your heart swell with love for him.
You reached out to cup his face gently, your fingertips grazing his cheek.
"Yes," you whispered, "as long as you'll let me love you the same."
He pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you as if he never wanted to let go. The weight of his feelings enveloped you, filling every corner of your being with warmth and contentment. You pressed your cheek against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. 
"Just so you know," you murmured, "I still plan on writing you love letters like in the book."
"Will you send them to me this time?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.
"Of course," you replied, a giggle escaping your lips. 
"I'll send them straight to your heart."
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a/n: thank you for reading, I really hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did while writing it! I've been working on this story since October of last year and it's crazy how the idea stemmed from a little joke I made. As always, reblogs and comments are appreciated and thank you again for reading!
Beomgyu Masterlist
Main Masterlist
238 notes · View notes
02chois · 1 year
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pairing: ex-boyfriend! soobin x fem! reader
summary: bumping into your ex was the last thing you had expected today. but you never would have thought that encounter will bring you back together stronger than ever.
word count: 3.2k words
content warnings: porn with (little) plot, profanity, big dick soobin, light size kink, soft dom! soobin, sub! reader, usage of pet names like sweetheart and princess, inaccurate way of knitting (I tried making it realistic ok)
author's note: my entry into the smut section of moaland in this site. I tried my best I hope you like it &lt;3
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Snow danced in the light, a choreographed ballet conducted by the gentle wind. As you watched your eyes grew a tiny bit wider, as open as when you were but a child who saw snow for the first time.
You shoved your mittened hands into the pockets of your coat and continued walking, bright eyes wandered around the street. You watched as snow slowly fell upon the park bench as if it were a feather cushion, soft and warm. It covers the rich, deep wood in perfect white.
The market turned out to be filled with people shopping for gifts and trinkets to decorate their homes with. You hadn't expected it to be this crowded early in the morning—well, early in the afternoon. You made a beeline to the store between familiar fruit stands. The crunching of snow underneath your feet filled your ears as you walked, hurriedly opening the mahogany door and soon greeted by a wind chime hanging on top as you stepped inside.
Your shoulders relaxed, the warmth enveloping your trembling body. It was such a relief that the quaint shop has a fireplace near the registrar and it was enough to warm up the entire place.
You brushed the excess snow caught on your coat right before you made your way to one of the aisles. You searched the label for the basket with yarn written across it, then your gaze darted from one to the next. But to no avail you couldn't find it no matter how much you looked around.
You went to another aisle and at that moment you froze. Your eyes landed upon a familiar blond haired man, his tall frame towering over a small basket filled with colorful yarn.
You were about to turn on your heel when the wooden floorboard squeaked beneath your feet, you looked up only to be met by those eyes of his. His lips slightly ajar from shock.
You locked eyes for a moment and stood there in silence. The faint sound of the crackling fire from the fireplace filled the room.
Soobin's gaze lingered on your face as if he were trying to memorize every single detail. You could feel the heat rising up to your cheeks right under his scrutiny. Why does he have to stare so intensely?
"Um… do you—do you need any help?" You spoke up, your voice soft and could be mistaken as a whisper. "What are you looking for?"
You were sure that your stutter had vanished long ago, yet you found yourself stuttering in front of your ex-boyfriend. He changed. A lot actually. You share the same friend group and because of that you often see each other whenever they gather in one place after your break up, but oftentimes, you'd only greet each other with a polite bow, or on rare occasions give each other a polite smile. Aside from those greetings they've barely spoken to each other as the two of you try and avoid the awkward situations between exes.
He gave you a small smile then turned his head to the basket, his right hand holding a small ball of yarn. "I can't find a specific yarn."
You stepped forward and kneeled on the wooden floor right in front of the basket. You looked up and gestured to him, he responded by lowering himself alongside you. He was so close he could smell the scent of your hair products. Peaches. He used to really love this scent.
"The one you have seemed to be used already." You held up a larger red ball of yarn like an offering. "This will be better to use rather than what you have right now. It will allow you to create longer scarves or…"
You cleared your throat and Soobin watched as you handed him the yarn. You caught his eyes and averted your gaze. "I'm sorry. I'm talking too much."
Soobin placed the smaller yarn with the others and shook his head. "Don't be! I'd like to learn more."
He was being a little too polite. You're not used to the way he spoke so formally towards you, mostly compared to those times when he teased you. You couldn't help but smile at the thought. You missed him a lot.
From your kneeling position, you gently rose to your feet and turned to face the other shelf that had knitting needles. They vary in sizes, types of wood, and some are separated to a different group of knitting pins. Personally, you prefer the wooden pins.
"You'll need a pair of knitting pins for you to start. What size would you like to have?" You turned to him with a pair in hand, showing him the same pins you had at home.
"What do you recommend?"
His question was short and sweet. You purse your lips into a pout, your eyes trailed down to the pair of pins you had in hand. If you don't know what he's planning to knit, you wouldn't know what size would be a good fit for him.
"Ah, Soobin, what will you be knitting? The size of the needles affects the length of the stitches and thus your finished product. It's important to think hard about the needles you'll be getting."
Soobin remained silent for a short while before turning his gaze away to think. You watched him with great curiosity. What will my beloved make? You wondered. Wait… beloved?
"A scarf sounds like it would be the easiest." He said, maintaining eye contact with you the entire time to observe how you react. He determined that his suggestion was a suitable garment to make when he noticed how your eyes softened.
Before turning your attention back to the shelf in front, you nodded and gave him a small smile. "Scarves are the perfect first knitting projects for a beginner. They're easy to make and do not require any difficult stitching techniques."
"I'm still a beginner. What do you suggest we do?" Soobin finally asked, implying something from his choice of words.
You mulled over his words. "Well… I can offer you my assistance in knitting. It's difficult to start without any guidance."
"That'll be lovely."
You smiled and followed him to the counter.
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You opened the door and stood aside to let him in, the kitchen welcomed him immediately as soon as he stepped inside. A small potted plant sat on the island countertop along with several herbs and spices, some condiments stored with them, and a bowl of fresh fruit at the side. Other plants were tucked in different places. On your hanging pot holder, you hung only about two utensils, the rest were ropes of garlic and bean sprouts in small plastic bags. Your refrigerator contained three small magnets; a sunflower, basket, and rice cakes. Soobin felt at home and he was glad to be back.
He stood there while you closed the door, then removed your winter boots and set them aside in the shoe rack. As you led him inside a large window that sat across the small living room greeted him, and there a single sunflower faced the sun. A small round table was right next to the window accompanied by cushioned chairs that sat across from each other. The scattered knitting supplies on the table drew his attention, there an unfinished red scarf laid there. The stitches were clean, professional, and clearly the work of skilled hands.
He slid beneath the thick cover of the table, exhaling a sigh of relief as the heater stopped the chill from trying to run up his spine.
"I'll prepare some warm drinks."
"Thank you." Soobin murmured.
Your lips quirked at his words. You went to one of the cupboards to pull out a jar of hot chocolate powder, it was half empty. You took a mental note to restock soon. You fill the mugs with hot water and the powder before setting it in front of Soobin and your other end of the table. You placed your unfinished scarf and the knitting materials on top of the table and motioned for Soobin to do the same.
Soobin watched you. He fixed his gaze on your hands, trying to mimic the way she handled the knitting needles. His left hand was tense as he moved, his brows furrowed, and his lips formed a deep frown. His fingers carefully applied enough pressure to the needles to allow him to hold it with ease. Curious to see how you would react, he looked up from his hands.
You were watching his every move. You gave him a small nod in approval as you felt his gaze on you.
"Good. That's a nice start."
He smiled at your words and, using the only knitting procedure he was familiar with, tied a knot with the yarn around the end of his needle.
You followed suit by enclosing your fingers around the yarn and wrapping it around your thumb. You looked at his work to decide whether or not to continue, slipped the tip of the needle into the loop you had created, and drew the yarn back to firmly fasten it. Although his left hand had some difficulty with the delicate yet complex movements, he was a fast learner. He's stubborn enough to overlook his left hand acting up, which is a relief to you. Though had you ever questioned him about his decision to take up knitting?
"Repeat these steps until the scarf is your desired width, and then we'll start casting on so you can start adding length to it."
You turned your attention to his face; his pretty lips formed into a pout and his brows were furrowed. He looked so adorable. Soobin continued, his eyes serious and focused, his fingers moving slowly but meticulously.
No one ventured to strike up a conversation as the room was filled with the subtle humming of the heater and the sound of fabric shuffling as their arms moved. You didn't feel the need to initiate any conversations with him, which is something Soobin appreciated because he preferred to keep to himself over awkward exchanges.
You put the example aside to continue knitting the red scarf you had put away for so long. Lately, you hadn't felt like continuing the scarf. While you neglected the scarf, the same thought plagued her mind, but Yeonjun's advice this morning gave you a little motivation to carry on. You just so happened to meet Soobin at the store, but it was only now that you realized you had forgotten to purchase a second ball of yarn because of your sudden encounter with your ex-boyfriend. You'll try to visit again tomorrow.
Your mind began to drift. You have doubts that he'd return your feelings. The last time Soobin spoke to you was a year ago and the fact that he was back definitely surprised you. If you knew what he would say, why did you make this scarf in the first place? It was only a bridge you will use to start a conversation and hope that Soobin will entertain the idea of getting back together. But the chances of him wanting to be with her again is low.
He might see you as a friend now, yet you still hold onto that small hope that he might see you the way he used to a year ago. Your break up was abrupt, after all.
Why does love have to be so difficult?
You sighed and tightened your grip around the needles. Soobin across from you briefly took a glance at you, pausing what he was doing.
Soobin took the initiative to push your mug after noticing that you were preoccupied with your thoughts. He brought the needles down, the sound of wood hitting wood shook you out of your reverie. You lowered your gaze, your gaze followed the movement of his hand. He carefully pushed the mug in front of her again.
"You should drink."
Soobin appeared to have finished the first section of his work, the width wasn't too wide nor too small. It was the perfect amount of thickness for a scarf. He was waiting for your next instructions.
"Thank you," you murmured.
"I missed you," Soobin suddenly spoke up. "I missed you so much that I still keep our photos even after we parted. I can't forget you and I don't allow myself to do so."
You lowered the mug that you were about to drink into, and so you slowly put it down on the table. You're careful as the drink was still hot and you don't want to get everything onto the blanket. The confusion was visible across your face as you were not sure how to react to his words. It was the thing you were getting worried about a while ago.
"I'm so glad that we ran into that store earlier. I knew that you like knitting and I hoped that I could see you again if I came there, and I did see you. I want us to talk about our relationship and just… just ask if you want us to be—"
"—In a relationship again?" You cut him off.
And this time Soobin remained quiet. He gave you a small nod, and there you saw a glint of hope in his eyes.
"I missed you too."
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You're not sure how you ended up on his lap. The conversation was quickly thrown out of the window and you were immediately on him as soon as the both of you had given permission to touch each other. He had his hands all over your body, his voice low as he repeatedly whispered missed you so, so much with his lips latched onto your hot skin.
Soobin pulled away from your neck to look at you, his lips curled into a smile as he let out a breathless laugh. "A year. It's been a year and I want you so bad."
"Can I kiss you?" Soobin asked and you gave him a low yes with the voice you have left. That was all he needed before he leaned forward to kiss you.
He wanted to devour you. A moan threatened to leave his lips at the feeling of those plush lips of yours, trying to press himself more against you that left you whimpering. He wants to feel you more against him, to feel your skin on his and your hands on his body. His free hand gripped your thighs, his nails digging into your jeans clad thighs in desperation. He was trying to get a taste of you as much as he could, enough to make up for the year you've been separated. He could feel your thighs shaking underneath his palms.
When the two of you broke away from the kiss, a string of spit was connecting your lips. You quickly made a quick work of your pants and unzipped them, the soft shade of your panties greeting him. He helped you with your pants as you stood in front of him and pulled them away from you, tossing your pants somewhere around the room. You didn't have the patience to move to your bedroom and the curtains were not opened that wide anyway. No one will see.
He unzipped his own pants and pulled them down to his mid thighs and quickly you sat on his lap and straddled him with your legs on either side of his hips. You had your hands on his shoulders for support and pressed yourself further to his growing bulge. A sight left your lips from the contact, but then his hands got a hold of your hips and began to move you against him, earning a surprised moan from you. He was breathing heavily and he needed more than this right now. But he wants to satisfy you, and so he entertains what you want.
His gaze was focused on the way your hips moved, his bottom lip between his teeth. He moved his hips upwards, amused when you moaned from the friction against your clit. He could feel the wet patch from your panties on his underwear. You're so wet and you haven't even noticed the mess you've made.
He timed his pace with yours, feeling a bit generous for you tonight. "Did you miss me that much, hm?" You leaned down and hid your face in the crook of his neck, shying away from his question. "You're so cute. I miss the way you look whenever you're so desperate for me, and I love the way you make me feel so wanted. Fuck, I love you so much."
He turned his head, his lips close to your ears. "What do you want me to do to you?" His voice was hushed, breathy and lower than usual, and it sent a pleasurable tingle throughout your body. It's been a year since you've taken him, the mere thought of having him inside you had you clenching around nothing. God, he's so big and you're not even sure if he could still fit inside you. And yet you still want to feel his cum inside you, to feel it slide between your thighs, you want him to fuck you and ruin you 'till sundown.
His arms were now around your waist, roughly grinding his hips against yours to get a reaction out of you."I asked you a question, sweetheart." He knew that you loved his lower register so much and he had to take advantage of that weakness.
"Fuck me. Please Soobin." You whined, shifting your hips and felt him thrust his hips against you. The outline of his cock sent you into overdrive, desperate to put it inside you, you brought your hand between your bodies and under his boxers' waistband. He cursed as he felt your cold fingertips wrap around the tip of his cock, slowly spreading the bead of pre-cum around his tip. "Need you so, so much." You coo, muffling your voice on his hoodie.
Soobin pressed his lips on your neck, pulling your hips upwards to move your panties aside. His other hand pushing his boxers down to his thighs, pumping his cock before pushing you down against him. You sink down on him all the way, he was impossibly deep in this position, stuffed full and slick from your juices. You didn't expect yourself to take him in that easily despite his size. Your pizza was that eager to have him again, but the sting was still there as you stayed still to breathe.
"Shit… you're so tight for me." He groaned, barely hanging on. You wrapped your arms around his neck, clenching around his length as your legs failed you. A shaky breath escaped your lips when he began to grind his hips against yours, taking you to another level of deep, releasing a choked moan from your throat.
You tried to move, your ass bouncing on his thighs as you brought yourself up and pushed yourself down until he was buried deeply inside. "I want you to fuck me until you can't anymore, want you to cum in me. Please."
Soobin let out a breathy laugh, his chest heaving from breathing heavily. You felt heavenly around him.
"Anything for you, princess."
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allysunny · 5 months
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Bale!Batman Scenarios and Fluff Alphabet
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Words: 8k words
Warnings: Mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of death, mentions of suggestive and adult themes, mentions of panic attacks, hopefully not OOC Bruce (literally the second thing I've written for him). I wrote this with female pronouns in mind, but aside for the word "girlfriend" which appears twice, and the word "mother" which appears once, I think it can be gender neutral as well - I'm sorry, I don't know how to write for gender neutral yet!
A/N: Hey everyone! I've had this in my drafts for like two days, and I thought today was a nice day to post it hehehe! This is another one of my Bruce requests, I'm so happy about it! I didn't know what "alphabet thing" you wanted, so I went with the Fluff alphabet, which was what I thought you meant. I used both the coldest goodbye's and snk warriors templates because I loved them so much, so credit to them! I took a few entries from each because I couldn't simply stick to one.
This was supposed to be short and small and sweet but I think I'm unable to write short stuff, and that's how I ended up with a 8k "short drabble"... I actually forgot people usually pick A FEW letters from the alphabet and write for them... So I ended up writing for all of them... Oops... Sorry... But on the other hand, there's not nearly as much Bale!Bruce content out there, and I want to change that! So! 0 Regrets!!!
(You can also notice as the alphabet entries get shorter and shorter because it was getting super late and I refused to go to sleep... Oops!)
Anyway, I had a fun time writing this! I love this man so much oh my god... I hope you guys enjoy it!
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It’s not rare when people tell you “You hit the jackpot” when it comes to Bruce. Whenever he’s nearby, he’ll quickly swoop in and correct whoever was talking to you. “Actually, I’m the lucky one,” he says in that ever so charismatic voice of his, making you blush.
Both statements are true. Yes, you landed Bruce Wayne. The Bruce Wayne. Billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist, and lover of fine things in life Bruce Wayne. Bruce “I have a car for each day of the week” Wayne. Bruce “You fly coach? That’s funny, I have my own private jet” Wayne. Bruce “My vacations are on the West Wing of my manor because it’s so god damn big” Wayne.
But he’d landed you. Selfless, caring, funny, you. “I don’t need anyone’s protection” You. “I don’t care if you’re filthy rich, we’re staying at my place and eating noodles for dinner” you. “My feet are so sore, please carry me back to the mansion please?” you. “No – you’re going to stand up right now and learn how to do the dishes properly Bruce Wayne, this is unacceptable, how old even are you?” you. He was the lucky one. He managed to find someone who loved him for him. Not for the money, not for the fame, but him.
You preferred catching the train and walking over getting lifts in his fancy cars. “It attracts too much attention – I don’t need the whole entire world knowing I’m out with you.” You’d mumble, and that was the end of it. You enjoyed lazing around in his Manor, but in a “holy fuck this place is so comfortable I’m going to take a nap, I’ll see you in two hours” rather than a “I need to let everyone know I’m currently staying inside Wayne Manor, they will not believe it!” You treated it like home, splaying yourself on couches when tired, cleaning up after yourself and decorating bit by bit – Bruce loved that you were leaving your touch in his home. It meant that, somehow, it was also yours.
You’d change simple things really. Wayne Manor was beautiful as it was, and you had no need to replace it or turn it into something new – no. You got yourself some fluffy towels, replaced a bathroom rug that had seen better days, bought a shelf for the living room. It was his home, yes, and the home of his family before him, but he loved you and wanted you to feel comfortable and wanted you to leave your traces all around his home.
That’s not to say he won’t spoil the hell out of you. He loves your casual dates. Picnics in your living room or his, lazy Sundays spent looking at the clouds in his vast gardens, night spent in each other’s arms, the air cackling with silent promises and love confessions. But he’s Bruce Wayne. He has the means, and Gotham be damned if he wasn’t going to spend them on you.
You still weren’t very comfortable with going to charity galas with him, but Bruce still loved seeing you wear whatever dresses he got for you. So, he’d make reservations at fancy hotels, get a private table, and enjoy a quiet dinner with the love of his life. Away from prying eyes, you could finally be your usual self, cracking jokes and flirting with him.
“Anything interesting happen today at that dreadfully boring job of yours?” You asked him one night, toying with the fork on your hand. He finished drinking from his wine and gave you a comical look. “Not really. Just more of the same. Boring papers, boring meetings, boring people trying to steal my job and my company. The usual.” He said it so matter-of-factly, it almost seemed like nothing you should worry about. But you knew better. “I wonder when they’re going to stop trying. Should we be worried, Bruce?” “Not at all,” he drank again. “My father worked hard to build this company and get it where it is today. It’ll take more than a few angry petty businessmen to take it away from me.” You still eyed him curiously. “My love, I promise all is okay. Everything’s under control.”
You weren’t worried he was going to lose all his money and stop spoiling you. You’d be happy to live in a one apartment studio with no furniture and no money if it meant you could have him with you. But you knew how greedy people could be. You’d watched as some very sketchy men tried to take Bruce’s company away from him, over and over again, trying to destroy what Thomas Wayne had worked so hard to get, and it hurt.
“Fine. But if something ever happens, you just let me at them. I’d have a thing or two to say!” Bruce smiled at you, leaned over the table to caress your cheek, and continued eating.
On date nights in which you end up snuggled up in the couch watching a movie, you two already have assigned positions. Either he’s sitting with his legs spread on the couch, and you’re lying on top of his chest, or you’re sitting normally while he lays with his head on your lap. No one can tell, but Bruce is completely whipped by you. Sometimes, all he wants is to fall asleep on your lap as you gently massage his scalp. You two take so long picking movies, it’s insane. Sometimes, Alfred makes popcorn and you’ve both finished it before you’ve picked a movie, because you’re both stubborn as hell.
You know he is Batman. He told you, but you were able to figure it out a few weeks into your relationship. Not like it was that hard – he was often “busy” with work, although everyone had left the company and he was the only one there at around 4am, the bruises all over his chest and back (Bruce hated polo. He’d never pick it up), the tiredness he displayed in some of your dates and his fucked up sleeping schedule. One time he cancelled dinner on you, and a few hours later, the TV was covering a Batman chase.
You weren’t that dumb.
You were going to confront him, when found the Batcave by accident. You’d found this random ass room you could’ve sworn you’d never seen in your entire life with a piano. And just like every kid when they see a piano, you sat in front of it. If you do know how to play the piano, it wasn’t deliberate, but at the same time, it kind of was. You were playing some scales, warming up your fingers, and doing silly little exercises you’d been taught as a kid when you struck those three notes.  
If you don’t play the piano, well, you were just hitting keys at random. You played a few high notes, a few low notes, and then, in true child fashion, just hit some random notes in the middle, pretending you were the next Mozart or Beethoven.
When the bookshelf in front of you opened, you nearly jumped. Why was a bookshelf opening. How was that possible? What sort of thing was Bruce hiding that was so, so secret, he had to keep it behind a secret passageway?
Instead of leaving the room, calling for Alfred or even Bruce, you decided to do what any great adventurer does, you stepped inside the passage and into the elevator. When you reached the bottom, all you could do was stare. Holy shit. Was this some sort of cave? You walked around a bit, curious but also far too scared to actually touch anything. You weren’t getting yourself killed today, nuh-uh.
What even was this place? Was it some kind of weird sex dungeon? Heat rushed to your cheeks at the thought – Bruce had never told you anything about it. Was this a torture room? Did he take all his victims here to kill them? And then eat them? Oh God. Were you his next victim?
“Honey?” you heard behind you, and your first instinct was to place a protective hand in front of you.
“Stay back!” you shouted, “I took three karate classes, I can knock you down unconscious!”
Bruce’s expression was one of confusion.
“I’m not going to hurt you, just –“
“Your charm doesn’t work on me Bruce; I will take you down! You can’t kill me and eat me!”
“I don’t care if this is your torture room, I will kick your ass!”
 Bruce then proceeded to laugh. How dare he?!
“It’s not funny! Do you always laugh before murdering your victims?!”
“I don’t murder anyone. This isn’t a torture room.” He approached you slowly, hands coming up. “I’m not going to hurt you. Can you please leave that stance? You’re going to hurt yourself if you try to punch me like that. Your legs aren’t balanced, you’re going to trip and fall face first.”
You stuck your tongue out and returned to a normal standing position before he ran a hand through his head and sighed.
“So. You found it.” he mumbled.
“Found what, exactly?”
“My cave.”
“Oh my god. Is this the Batcave?!” You were so excited; you didn’t even realise the words that had left your mouth before it was too late.
Bruce’s eyes widened and he looked at you intently.
“What did you say?”
Your next sentence started with,
“So. I know you’re the Batman –“
He had a lot of explaining to do.
He was surprised you figured it out so quickly, but of course, in true Bruce Wayne fashion, he did try to drive you away to keep you safe. He tried everything. Telling you he wanted to break up, ignoring your phone calls and messages, refusing to leave his Manor whenever you wanted to talk. Except, it never worked. You loved him far too much, suit and all. One time you’d visited him, and it started raining. Always worried about your health, Bruce rushed downstairs and opened the door, inviting you in. You told him you weren’t giving up on him. He said you should – he had to keep you safe. You said you wouldn’t. You’re in this together. He said you weren’t. You denied it.
It was a bit of a back and forth between Bruce realised what he had to do. Just before he could finish saying “I don’t love you,” you cut him off with a kiss. Instinctively, his hands snaked around your waist, and he brought you closer. “Never say that. Please. Don’t shut me out.” You whispered against his lips, hands cupping his jaw with such delicacy, Bruce was sure you believed to be holding the entire world in your hands – which to you, you were.
All he could do was nod against your lips and bring you inside. He didn’t push you away ever again.
Things were hard sometimes. There were times when Bruce had to postpone your plans. You’d spent a few nights on your own, blanket comfortably wrapped around your body as you watched a movie by yourself and lamented the absence of your boyfriend. Alfred had found you many times laying on your shared bed, clutching his pillow tightly, hoping his scent would bring you comfort. He quickly shared this news with his master, who, although heartbroken, couldn’t find a permanent solution. You needed him, but Gotham did too.
That’s not to say he didn’t try.
He really did.
Some patrol nights he’d end early, just to be able to get a few hours curled up against you in bed. He’d take days off from his job at Wayne Enterprises to take you on dates and just hang out with you and remind you of just how important you are.
But he’s not entirely perfect – we’re talking about Bruce Wayne in here. Bruce “I grew up with staff and butlers and maids around me, do you actually think I can cook an omelette or clean up after myself?” You had to teach this man how to clean (in general), had to give him some cooking lessons and make sure he didn’t get himself killed whenever you or Alfred weren’t home.
“No, Bruce, you need to stir the rice, otherwise it’s going to –“ You flipped the pot upside down and the burnt rice refused to fall, bending gravity to its will. “Burn. It’s going to burn.” Bruce looked at you with the eyes of a wounded puppy, and as much as you wanted to get mad at him, you just couldn’t. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’ll do better next time.” With a sigh, you started scraping the burnt mess into the trash. “You better. Otherwise, you’re eating it.”
He has a terrible habit of throwing some of his clothes on the ground. He’s so used to having people pick up after him, he can’t help it. Sometimes, when he’s in a rush, he’ll throw his clothes somewhere and rush to the batcave. You hate it that Alfred has to pick up his clothes as if he were a reckless teenager, so you’ve started making Bruce be more careful, place them on the dirty clothes hamper or do his own laundry.
“It’s what I pay Alfred to do –“ “It doesn’t mean you can’t help around just a bit. You wouldn’t be that cruel, would you?” He sighed. Bruce would never be able to say no to you.
You hate it when he leaves in the middle of chores to go put on a suit. Can’t villains and criminals wait until your movie is done? Until you’ve finished dinner? Until dinner is over? Sometimes he can’t be helped – hostage situations, fires, explosions – all normal things in Gotham. And you get it, you really do. But you hate it when he must leave because of other, more avoidable reasons. Like when he has to go to the office to go check some sort of new suit technology that Fox is working on. It sucks.
To make up for that, he always lets you tag along whenever he has to leave on business trips. It’s bad enough the two of you have to be apart because of Batman – he’s not about to have you two be apart because of Bruce Wayne. You love flying in the jet – often you joke that that is the only reason you’re dating him, because you get to fly in his private jet. (He’ll always refute you, but sometimes, you can see it in his eyes he is afraid you mean it. When that happens, you place a kiss on his lips and promise him you’re joking. His mood instantly changes.)
You especially like the privacy of the luxury. No, you weren’t with him for the money, but Bruce liked spoiling you and sometimes you liked to be spoiled. But being spoiled in public attracted too much attention, too many people peering and trying to get a glimpse of your personal life and his wealth. The jet made it easy for you to allow yourself to be spoiled, and for Bruce to dote on you all he wanted.
In these trips, Bruce always books the fanciest rooms at the best hotels, and you have a blast exploring them and just overall enjoying the experience. Bruce thinks it’s endearing. You’re used to his wealth by now, but it’s sweet to see how genuinely dazzled you still are by all of the luxury and extravagance. He especially likes how you make it your mission to try on and christen every single bathtub in the suites he books – and as established before, when has Bruce been able to refuse you?
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Fluff Alphabet
A = Affection
How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Bruce wasn’t a very affectionate person at first. He wasn’t used to the gentleness of affection; all he knew was the roughness of combat and hate and revenge – but you came along and changed everything. At first, he was a bit wary. You’d touch him and he’d flinch, quick to get on a more alert stance. It was only after he saw who it was that he’d relax. It took a while, but he eventually got more into it. And he became very affectionate. I mean, look at him. This is one hell of a touch starved man.
He started out slowly, by gentle touches here and there. Maybe a caress in your arm, or a hand on your thigh while you two watched a movie. Perhaps he’d link his hand with yours while you walked, or he’d bring you close whenever you kissed him. Gesture after gesture, he became more comfortable around you. He likes always having his arms around you. Not only he gets to touch you and know you’re there, but he can also protect you. It’s an affectionate gesture as much as it is a way to keep you safe.
He likes to have you close to him when you’re in bed. Sleeps with an arm firmly around your waist, be it when you’re spooning, or when you’re facing his chest. That’s his way of saying “I’m going to protect you, I promise you”. He feels like it is his job to keep you safe and conveys that through touch and affection.
B = Beauty
What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks you’re the most beautiful person to have ever graced this earth. He loves you. He laid his eyes on you and was starstruck.
He likes the way your eyes sparkle whenever you’re talking about something you like. He feels like every inch of your body just radiates warmth and excitement once you start ranting about your hobbies and loves how passionate you are. Loves staring into your eyes. His favourite colour has become the shade of your eyes, and he loves waking up to them. It’s his favourite part about you, probably. Mostly because they never regard him with hate or disgust. Even if you’re mad at him, he knows your eyes will never betray you or your heart. They’re the windows to the soul, and to his heart.
He loves whatever birth marks and freckles you might have on your body. If you feel insecure about them, he’ll just remind you of how special you are, and how unique they make you. “If you had one less freckle, it wouldn’t be you. And I love you. See this one right here? If it was gone, the person standing in front of me wouldn’t be you.” Needless to say, he makes you melt every time.
C = Comfort
How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s had to deal with quite a few of those as a child after his parents’ murder, so he knows to give you space whenever you have panic attacks. He’ll stay close by and give you all the time you need, as well as space to breathe. If you need him and call for him, he’ll be there next to you, helping you through it, speaking in a soothing voice and just making sure you know you’re not alone. If you need his touch to calm down, he’ll wrap his arms around you and slowly rock you in his lap, talking you through everything.
One thing about Bruce is, he is always there for you and gives you either the space or the attention you need. He is also very vocal, should you need some grounding. Talks to you about his day, lists the furniture around you, names countries the two of you have visited or he’d like to take you to. Just overall very considerate.
As for cheering you up, it takes a while before he knows what to do – he’s not the best with emotions after all. He tries not to say much and just show that he’s there for you through simple gestures. Asking Alfred to cook you your favourite dish, bringing you your favourite ice cream, bringing you to the living room to watch a movie you like. At first, he’s not good with his words, but he’s learning, and you appreciate that the most.
D = Dreams
How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He’d like to live out a long life by your side. That’s it. As lame as it sounds, that’s all he wants. For Gotham to become a safe place for you to grow old with him and be together forever.
There’s something inside of him that doesn’t want to let the cowl and the cape go. Batman is who he truly is, Bruce is merely a vessel. But there’s another one that wishes he can finally give it up. Giving it up would mean Gotham is safe, that the people are doing fine and there are no real danger and threats looming around the corner, just waiting to hurt him.
Whatever happens, cowl and cape hung up or not, he does see a future with you. He’s never been a big fan of dreaming about what’s to come; Bruce didn’t think he had a chance at that, to see what is to come. But ever since you came into his life, his views have changed. He sees the both of you strolling around the Manor hand in hand.
If you want children, he’ll be a bit apprehensive at first. He doesn’t want to drag any more people into his life, too afraid to hurt them, or have others hurt them. But if you do mention that you would like to have children (or adopt!), he would eventually come around to the idea. If you want to have children, he’d definitely like the idea of continuing his blood line, of seeing you carry his child and becoming the mother of his children. And would be absolutely whipped for you (more than he already is!).  If you want to adopt, he would come to love the idea of providing guidance, love, and a safe home for a child – being an orphan, he knows how dark and gloomy things can get, and how hopeless everything might seem at first. He’d want to give back.
E = Equal
Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
This is a very hard question, because I can definitely see him being both.
I can see him being the big bad scary wolf who takes care of his partner, gets down on his knees to tie your high heels and kiss your ankle softly, who will carry you in his arms when you’re far too tired to walk, who will make you weak at the knees, who will tell the waiter you ordered your burger with no pickles and make you feel safe, protected and cared for.
But at the same time, he doesn’t mind being a bit passive. He likes seeing you make decisions for him. There’s so much on his mind already, with Wayne Enterprises and Batman, sometimes he just needs to sit back and relax, and let you take the wheel. Which you do wonderfully, taking a huge weight off his shoulders. So, it’s a bit 50/50 and honestly depends on the day and his mood.
F = Fight
Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He loves you far too much to stay angry at you for long. In fact, he’s usually the one in the wrong. But fuck it if he won’t fight for your forgiveness. He’ll go the whole nine yards and be as sappy as possible. Send you bouquets of flowers while you’re at work, showing up unannounced and giving you chocolates, whatever. When the fights are silly and over dumb matters, he’ll do those overly romantic things, knowing you’ll most likely find them funny and accept his apology. If he’s willing to embarrass himself like that for you, it means he loves you. Truly.
But if the fight is something more serious, he’ll stop with the jokes. He’ll nearly beg for your forgiveness. Most fights happen because of the elephant in the room: The Dark Knight. Batman. Gotham’s Vigilante. Sometimes you accuse him of loving the symbol of justice more than you and are afraid he’s succumbing to it. You storm out of the Manor, far too angry to look at his face. In those cases, he’ll have to win you over slowly. He’ll give you some time to cool off and then invite you over to talk – there’s no way he’s discussing something like this over the phone. He’s not dumb. You’re far too important to be a mere phone call or a few messages.
Overall, I think he would fight extremely hard for you, be it in general (in life) or after arguments, and that he’s somewhat forgiving. Unless you really really really screwed up – then he’ll be a bit harsher. But that is only if you truly fucked up. Took advantage of him for his health, hurt Alfred, exposed Batman, whatever.
G = Gratitude
How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s so grateful. He knows all you do for him and appreciates it very much. He knows you’re doing your best to take care of him, patch him up, make sure he’s fed and healthy and sane, and he loves you so much for it (and many other reasons).
He’s sure to let you know just how much he loves you, be it through words or actions. Maybe he tried to cook for you and prepare you a nice breakfast in bed. Maybe he bought that new perfume you’d been in love with for quite a few weeks. Maybe he took the day off and whispered sweet words into the crook of your neck in the mornings, sheets and limbs all tangled up.
He knows he struck gold, and he will always be grateful for it.
H = Honesty
Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He is Batman.
Enough said.
No, seriously now, this man has more secrets than the White House.
And he doesn’t share them all.
You know he is Batman, and you know what he does, but there’s things he just can’t bring himself to tell you. The things he sees, people, women, children dying and being tortured, the things he sometimes has to do. It can get pretty overwhelming, and he finds these topics far too dreadful. He doesn’t want to worry you with matters like these, so he doesn’t. Of course, you get worried. You beg him to confide in you, to tell you what’s wrong, to trust you.
And he does – trust you. It’s just hard for him to share with you the roughest parts of his nights. When this happens, he’ll lay his head on your lap, as you run his fingers through his hair.
Rough night, he silently says.
I’m here, you silently reply.
I = Inspiration
Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
It’s no lie you’ve helped him become a better person.
He adores your goodness, your kindness and selflessness. He’s become a more genuine person himself thanks to you. He’s become more open, more caring. He’s become more trustful of those that truly care about him, and you’re to blame for it. You’re the reason he gets up in the morning and goes out dressed in black at night. You make him want to keep this godforsaken city safe and make you proud.
He’s changed you too, of course. Taught you there’s nothing bad with enjoying life and the finer things in it. Taught you that you do deserve to treat yourself occasionally. He’s taught you that being brave is not only putting on a suit and fighting crime, and that sometimes, but the smallest of steps can also be enough.
Safe to say, you’ve both changed each other, and for the best.
J = Jealousy
Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Oh, boy.
This is what everyone’s been waiting for, isn’t this?
Bruce Wayne is the son of wealthy philanthropist Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha Wayne. He is worth billions of dollars. He’s grown up with a massive silver spoon (or rather, gold) in his mouth. Long story short, Bruce Wayne does not know how to share.
Neither does he like to do it.
Especially when it comes to you. He can be extremely petty.
He’ll see someone flirting with you and immediately get possessive. Once, at a party, he saw a man trying to make you laugh, and succeeding. He was next to you within seconds, hand possessively wrapped around your waist and lips covertly touching the column of your neck.
“Who are you speaking to, my love?” asked Bruce, fingers softly tapping against your waist.
“Oh, this is Mr. Norton. He’s –“
“Mr. Norton, what a pleasure to meet you. And may I ask what your intentions with my girlfriend are?” Bruce took your hand in his, making it a point to showcase the silver band in your finger, a promise ring he’d given to you as a gift.
“Oh – Mr. Wayne, I wasn’t – I was simply – “ Poor Mr. Norton tried scrambling for words, but was clearly dumbfounded.
“Which is it? Were you, or weren’t you?” Bruce lifted his head from your neck and gave you a soft peck in the lips, before turning to the other man. “Mr. Norton, I am a very busy man, and you should imagine I don’t like repeating myself – “
“Yes, of course, Mr. Wayne, of course –“
“Stay away from my girlfriend. Are we clear?” He gave Mr. Norton one of his most charming Bruce Wayne smiles (full of “look at her again and I’ll break your legs” undertones) and led you away. Later, you would tease him about it, and how jealous he got.
But he can’t help it.
You’re his. You’re the love of his life, and he can’t just stand by and watch as other men and women throw themselves at your feet, begging them for an ounce of attention. He’s not afraid of causing scandals, of making scenes, if it means other people will leave you alone.
In fact, I can recall a very important party of his that ended up with you pressed against the door of a broom closet, and him all over you. Later, you’d return to said party and be confused as to why nearly ever women in the room looked at you in horror. A woman on good terms with you handed you her pocket mirror, and you watched in disbelief as the column of your neck was covered in reddish-purple bruises. You shot Bruce a look, and he only winked at you, mouthing “Sorry” with his mouth.
No other men approached you that night, far too scared of your boyfriend to approach you. They got the memo. You were his.
K = Kiss
Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Bruce has just enough experience with kissing that he’s not completely lost. I think he would be the type not to actually bed the women he went out with for show (before he met you, of course), but has sometimes kissed them, and ended up getting a bit of experience.
Your first kiss was a soft, shy thing. You’d revealed your feelings for him and were afraid he was going to reject you. He lifted your chin with his thumb and kissed you most delicately. It was a kiss full of hope and promises of what was to come, and you were dazzled ever since.
Now, you can’t get enough of his kisses, and when you’re feeling particularly needy, you spend hours kissing them, while watching a movie or just lazing about.
L = Love Confession
How would they confess to their s/o?
He told you he liked you back when you did it, right after kissing you.
But his love confession?
Oh, that’s a story for the ages.
He’d returned from a particularly bad patrol at night, was bruised battered and blue, and thought something in his body had broken. In the middle of the fight, he got scared. What if he couldn’t make it home to you? What if you were waiting up for him and he never made it? What if something happened to him and all you heard next were the news of his death?
He rushed up the elevator and to your shared bedroom, where you were still in bed, reading a book. You often did that; wait up for him. On one hand, he didn’t want you to give up your sleep for him. On the other, he was glad to have someone waiting for him when he got home.
Seeing you there was enough to break him. He limped next to you and fell on the bed, his whole body burning with unbearable pain. You took him in, suit, cowl, cape, all of him.
“Bruce?” Your breath hitched and you touched his head softly.
“I love you.” It had been the only thing in his mind during the ride home. He loved you. Loved everything about you. The way you clung to him after waking up, the way you washed his hair in the shower, the way you sang along to the radio while cooking. He needed you to know just how much he loved you.
You widened your eyes, starstruck. Here he was, Bruce Wayne, your boyfriend, bloodied and bruised, holding onto you for dear life, saying he loved you.
“I love you too, Bruce,” you whispered softly. You had known it for a while. You loved this mess of a man far too much to keep it hidden. You’d always dreamt of a big confession. Flowers and a sunny day with clear skies. Maybe some birds. But this? This was perfect.
Bruce smiled into your lap. He loved you. He was going to show it to you every day.
M = Marriage
Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
At first, he wasn’t very into the idea.
He’d tried so hard to keep his playboy persona, it was hard to accept the idea of marriage.
If you want to, he’ll do it. Absolutely, he will. Would plan the perfect evening, take you out to your favourite place (no matter what that might be), then would take you for a stroll around your favourite places in Gotham. He wanted it to be perfect, and while it might be a little bit cliché, Bruce is classy. He will make this the most wonderful and magical evening of your life, dropping down to one knee in the Gardens of the Manor, surrounded by all the greenery and the pretty flowers.
The wedding would be small and intimate. It was expected that Bruce Wayne invited hundreds, millions of people to watch him tie the knot, but for once in his life, he forewent all of that stupid rich boy persona shit he’d had to create. No one other than the people closest to him were allowed to participate in what would be one of the happiest days of his life.
And yes, he would shed a tear watching you walk down the aisle. Alfred would too, happy to see the child he raised as his own finally settle down.
If you don’t want to get married, then that’s okay. He won’t pressure you and is content to simply being with you for the rest of your lives, no papers included. After all, you’re all that matters.
N = Nicknames
What do they call their s/o?
He’s classy.
Let’s not forget this is Bruce “I was raised by proper gentleman Alfred Pennyworth” Wayne. He keeps it simple and classy.
“Sweetheart, could you come here for a second?”
“Darling, you’re looking rather beautiful tonight. All of this for me?”
“My dear, I don’t think Alfred will die from just a cold. There’s no need to take him to the hospital.”
“Honey, where is my super suit have you seen my brown jacket?”
“You know I’m always here for you. Don’t you, my love?”
There’s something timeless about these, and Bruce loves using them with you. (Also, just imagine Christian Bale saying these I…. I’m deceased….)
Aside from that, he also calls you Bunny quite often. After all, you were dating famous womaniser and playboy Bruce Wayne. And, well, this playboy needed a Bunny, didn’t he?
Although the origin of the name might not be the most… elegant, you still find it sweet whenever he calls you by this nickname.
“I told you, Bunny, I’m working late today, but I took tomorrow off. That alright with you?”
“Which one of those did you like, Bunny? I’ll buy it for you. No – no arguing. Think of it as an early Christmas gift.”
Makes you swoon every time.
O = On Cloud Nine
What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Everyone knows Bruce is in love just by the way he looks at you. If his nearly heart shaped eyes aren’t enough, then maybe the way he holds you and talks to you will do the trick. It’s obvious you’ve got him wrapped around your finger (and he has you around his, of course).
He’s more himself when he’s around you. More playful, more cheerful. There’s no need to pretend he is someone he isn’t, so he can be his true self. He can laugh (although a rare sight, it does happen) and crack a few jokes and tickle you until you’re crying from laughing and begging him to stop.
As said before, although he might not be very good with words, he shows his love through actions. But that’s not to say he doesn’t outright tell you he loves you. He’s very eloquent and often makes you swoon with his words alone. The thing is, this man has a billion-dollar education, he’s studied at the best academies, learned with the best professors, and yet he can’t find the proper words to convey how he feels about you. Unbelievable, isn’t it?
Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Bruce is a private man, and he likes to keep his life and romance the same.
But that’s not to say he won’t show you off and brag about you in public. Most of the times he’ll keep to himself, content with having a hand or an arm around you somehow. You’re next to him, you’re his, everyone knows it. Other times, he likes to show you off, buy you the prettiest of dresses and brag about the wonderful girlfriend he has. You’re so beautiful, how can he not show you off?
That’s not to say you’re some accessory to be worn on his arm though – no. Never. He’s just so proud of you, that he wants the world to know that he’s taken, and by the loveliest of people: you.
He also likes the quick rush of sneaking in kisses here and there. At parties, galas, events, whatever. He likes kissing you when no one’s watching, making you blush when no one is paying attention – it’s like your little secret, and he loves it.
Q = Quirk
Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
This man is Batman.
He has the stamina of a god.
Let’s just say it can be very, very beneficial in your relationship. Especially when he’s been gone for long and you’ve both missed each other like crazy. You are far too familiar with the phrase “Just one more for me darling, will you? I know you can do it. You’re doing so well.” And many others of the sort.
If, however, you’re not into that sort of thing (if you are ace, don’t experience sexual attraction, or simply aren’t that much into sex), then that’s where his status comes in handy. Come on, this is Bruce Wayne! Do you know how many times you were able to get your free fries for free, simply because of who he was? How many times people have told you your favourite ice cream was “out of stock” but were quick to reconsider this once he walked up to you.
“Oh, I’m sorry miss, seems like we don’t have your number anymore.”
“Darling, did you find what you were looking for?”
“O – oh! I meant – we don’t have it here – my colleague will pick it up from the storage as soon as possible.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we can find a table for you.”
“That’s alright, we’ll go somewhere else. Won’t we, beautiful?”
“Mr. Wayne! Oh! What a surprise! I’m sure I can squeeze you in, yes, yes, please do come in!”
R = Romance
How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He can be creative when he tries to, yeah. And very romantic. Alfred has taught him a lot, of course, and he also knows you like the back of his hand, so he often just knows what to do. If you like flowers, he’ll have a new bouquet delivered every Monday, ensuring you start the week on a good note. If you’re more into sweets, he’ll bring macaroons every so often, to make sure your days are sweet.
He does little gestures here and there that remind you why you fell for this man. He’s very attentive, and if needed, will go all out. Fancy restaurant, dressed to impress, the whole nine yards. Not afraid to pull all the corny movie stuff, like dancing with you under the stars, or having a romantic picnic. For you, he’ll do just about anything.
S = Security
How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
He’s very protective of you and will always make sure you’re safe. Doesn’t want you to get all tangled up with any of his Batman shenanigans, so will leave you in the dark when it comes to the nitty gritty details. He’s given you a little bottle of pepper spray and a small taser (a special taser of his own concoction) to keep yourself protected in the streets of Gotham, as well as taught you a few self-defence moves. If he’s not with you, he wants you to be able to take care of yourself.
But when he’s with you, you can absolutely bet he will be doing whatever he can to keep you safe and sound. He’s willing to fight off people, and has, in the past. Once, a petty thief threatened to stab you. Bruce beat him until he was unconscious. You didn’t like the sight of it and told him never to do something like that in front of you ever again. He complied, but was quick to tell you, “I won’t hold back if someone ever tries to hurt you”.
T = Try
How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks? 
He tries. He tries so hard. We’ve already discussed how he often has to miss dates, dinners, important days because of either his job or Batman, so whenever he can, he will make up for it. Long days at the office? He’ll bring you flowers. Missed date? How about a weekend together, hidden away in some cozy cottage?
And he’ll always try his best to remind you just how much he loves you, just how important you are to him. He doesn’t want you thinking you’re not pretty enough, not classy enough, not whatever enough, because to him, you are, and every day he tries his hardest to remind you of that.
He is trying. Please cut this man some slack.
U = Understanding
How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows you like the back of his hand, and although he might not be empathetic to anyone else, he is towards you. He’s learned to sense when something is wrong and is quick to try and make you feel better if that is the case.
He’s very understanding as well – never belittles you for your choices or decisions, will always let you explain yourself and take you and your reasonings seriously. He loves you and wants you to feel safe. Even if you’re asking him what would be considered a stupid question, or if you make a mistake, he will never blame you for it. Hell, he knows he makes far too many mistakes, so he would never give you a hard time.
V - Value
How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He values your relationship very much.
He knows he’s become a better man thanks to you and holds that in a high regard. Bruce hasn’t got much. Sure, he’s got his family’s fortune, a huge company, he dresses up as a bat and fights criminals, but still, he doesn’t have much. He doesn’t consider his true self to be Bruce Wayne, and no one knows him under his mask. It can get nerve-wracking sometimes, but he has you to keep him grounded.
There’s a reason he likes to keep you safe, after all. He won’t lose you.
You’re everything to him.
W = Whole
Would they feel incomplete without you?
As mentioned before, he would. He absolutely would. When you refuse to stay at the Manor because you two have had an argument, he is in shambles. He’ll mope around and play dead for a few seconds when Alfred tells him dinner is ready. He’s a big baby.
When you’re not at the Manor (maybe you’re at work, or went out with his friends), Bruce acts like he’s lost all purpose in life. He’ll ask Alfred if you called every five minutes, send you pictures that he found funny (Bruce Wayne does not understand memes), all to get you to talk to him.
 He cannot function without you. Once again, you’re everything to him, and he just functions better when you’re around him, because you bring out the best in him.
X = Xtra
A random headcanon for them.
He often jokes about wanting to run you and Alfred over with the Tumbler (the first time he said this was because you’d called it “the Batmobile”. He hated that name.), but secretly loves the duo you’ve become. His witty humour and your quick quips make for a very funny combination, and he often finds himself thinking if other people are usually this funny, or if it’s just the two of you.
And let’s not forget, Alfred is his family. He is the closest thing Bruce has to a father and loves and cares for him deeply. So, to know the love of his life gets along so well with his father figure makes him smile. You two are quite literally the most important people to him. So he can joke all he wants about how “he’s going to throw you two in Arkham just so he won’t listen to your dreadful jokes anymore”, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Y = Yearning
How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He will try to keep a clear head, but ultimately can’t deny that he misses you like crazy. Will want to hear your voice, just to make sure everything is alright. He’ll call and check in on you and ask you how your day went. He doesn’t need to talk – all he wants is for you to keep talking. He loves the sound of your voice.
He has, well…. Relieved himself a few times in your absence. What can he say? He misses you. Misses the feel of your skin against him, of your laughter ringing in his ears, of your presence. He’s only human, after all.
Alfred makes fun of him all the time, which is an hilarious thing to witness.
Z = Zeal
Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s willing to go the distance.
He will do just about anything for you.
Except for killing.
I am a firm believer in the fact that he couldn’t be able to kill someone because of you. If you’d been hurt, he would find prison and a lifetime of solitude a much more fitting destiny.
If someone dared to hurt you, however tempted he might be, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Simply because he knows you wouldn’t want him to be that kind of person. He knows you wouldn’t want him to become like the people he fights against.
But he would do anything else if it meant putting a smile on your face. He will buy every hotel, every yacht, every store, every book, etc. He would fight anyone, endure every storm, climb every mountain, swim across every ocean if it meant you’d be safe and sound. Nothing is too expensive, nothing is too hard, nothing is too dangerous.
Because, as we have stated before,
Bruce Wayne loves you.
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A/N: That's it! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I wish everyone amazing holidays! Please stay safe, drink water, and have an amazing day ahead! <3
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