#this isnt me comparing them i just think that these two are just as insane about each otheras grian and mumbo are
stiffyck · 4 months
iskall and stress are to each other what grian and mumbo are to each other but yall are not ready for that conversation
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urostakako · 6 months
its so odd thinking back to my life a few years ago compared to now
#like. my life really sucked. its so weird to think about that. every second before i thought 'its not so bad' even when it was bad#and now i see shit it really was that bad. i really did have a reason to want to kill myself all the time#maybe i dont have to blame myself for the person i was before while i had was dealing with all that stuff. who could act normally in that#kind of situation. of course i did bad shit and feel bad about it but i was a kid. and now im treating her the way that i was always treate#back then. i was in survival mode the entire time and just never realized it#and its so strange to think about how my life sucked and i was scared and alone all the time from the perspective of myself now#im not without support anymore. im not walking on eggshells anymore. im not afraid of violence all the time anymore#i dont believe my family hates me anymore. im not ready to pack up and leave because i think theyd be better off without me anymore#before i got good at anything my hobby was thinking of all the ways i could die and who would care. i spent all my time doing this#my daydreams were only about how people would react if i died. i dont do this that often anymore. close to never. and its so odd to remembe#since i was 6 i used to think this way. and up until a year or two ago i hated every version of myself and blamed them for me#but how was that fair. my life doesnt suck anymore. people i was without came back to me and love me#i see my cousins all the time. when i text them they text back. they ask me if im okay. they know when im not eating even when theyre not#around. i dont walk on eggshells around my mom as much as i used to. her attention isnt as divided as it used to be.#my brother is more of a brother than a stranger or an enemy. the image of him now and our relationship compared to what it used to be is#crazy. i had so much reason to be sad back then. i dont know why im still sad now when i got out of that life.#even now the reasons i have to be sad have dissolved. i used to feel like i was going insane without anyone to say the things i want to to#but i can say them to my cousin now. i have places i belong. its so strange to think about. idk#aricouldyounot
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pastadoughie · 6 months
i am literally begging people to stop putting sexism and transphobia on my dashboard please fucking think critically abt ur internal biases for 5 secconds and please accept even an ounce of critisism without assuming that someone is attacking you unfairly
alot of you have extremely sexist beliefs that you dont recognize because within social media as a whole these are incredibly normalized, covering blatent homophobia and misandry in tumblr buzzwords doesnt make you not sexist it just lets you be sexist and homophobic and transphobic in a way that is socially acceptable and incouraged within a queer centric space
i keep seeing posts talking abt how people actively like artwork (writing, photography, drawings) more when they find out its of a butch lesbian and not just a dude, and like, if your opinion on a peice of media can change solely based on the gender of the person being depicted by it, with zero change to the character, then that implies an inharent bias against men like, just because its men doesnt mean it isnt sexism
same thing where people think that media depicting gay men is better when it explicitly isnt written by a gay man, like that implies a fundimental disrespect of the work based on the sexuality and gender of the author. if you like an artwork but then you find out its written by a trans women, and all of a sudden you think its garbage, you are transphobic, but when people try to point this same bias out for the works of queer men this is largely written off.
i know ppl will argue abt punching up and whatnot, and while i do in some ways agree with that overall sentiment, i think that we should be striving to uh, not be sexist at all, rather then just being misandrists instead of mysogenists, like, if you only care about sexism when it hurts women/women ajacent people then you dont actually hate sexism you just want it to harm a different group of people, you dont hate the system you just want to be ontop of it and benifit from it
misandry and mysogeny present in different ways, they arent a directly comparable thing, different people have things worse in different ways so its rlly hard to take a group and say "this group has it worse", like yes generalizations like that can help in an extremely broad sense, but the world is not black and white and this kind of shit is mindnumbingly complex, trying to act like there is some kind of objective scoreing system for who is more oppressed then who is just unproductive and harmful
and moreover, someone having it worse then you doesnt make you less deserving of trying to make your situation better, i dont experience racism and in many many many ways i have it easier then poc people, that does not make me undeserving of support and that doesnt make me complaining or trying to better my situation unreasonable
we can care abt the lives and want to better the situation of different groups simoltaniously, we dont have to stop caring about racism because we want to better transphobia
i get that transwomen have it rlly bad and i do not experience the exact same struggles as them, and therefore cant comment on alot of them, but so often i see erasure of queer men in order to give more focus to transwomen, and just because trans girls go through alot of shit doesnt make that ok
one thing that people have to recognize about misandry and specifically transmisandry that you dont really have to see as much with its mysogeny counterparts is that they have far more attention and people care far more about activism for queer women/women in general, queer mens experience and specifically the transmasc experience is very very very often erased and written off even by supposedly trans friendly and queer sorces, people care more about butch lesbians then they do trans men dispite the insane ammount of overlap between the two groups, when researching about historical butch lesbians alot of them are just, trans guys that people are misgendering and mislabeling as butch lesbians because ooooo woemennnnn
being transmasc myself i can say that like, the erasure of trans men is an extremely large issue, for large swaths of history the experiences of trans people arent paid attention to at all, and even looking at media coverage today, if people are going to talk abt transgenderism they are talking about it specifically under the lens of trans women
this is largely because misandry (specifically, people thinking that having cock and ball makese u somehow predatory) makes trans women an easier punching bag, trans women get more attention because they are easier for radfems (misandrists) to be bigoted against in a more violent way, if you assume all men and amab people are violent and predatory by nature then this makes justifying violence against trans women easier
and yea being a punching bag for the media is fucking hard but it does mean that activism for that group is much much much louder, more people are complaining about trans women so more people know abt the specific issues they face
but dispite trans men yaknow, also existing and recieving a shit ton of transphobia and erasure over history they dont get talked about as much, people hate us and are violent twards us but we dont nessasarily get the same outrage for our treatment
trans men are just as often get the dismissal for being women, and the outrage for being men as trans women do we just dont get as much support and thats really difficult! often people seek to treat transmasculinism as some kind of new thing like, i get the comment often that "usually its boys that wanna be girls" and its like, no. its not. its simply that people care less about us
i think that its really easy to misenterpret me here so im gonna just get this out of the way, i dont think that women have it easier then men in a broad socital sense, but also, i dont nessasarily believe that means that my complaints are invalid, being a queer woman is not a walk in the park, and neither is being a queer man, and both groups experience homophobia transphobia and sexism in different ways, so acting as if saying one is objectively worse then the other is unfair and reductive
i think that if we want to get anywhere in regards to making it easier to be trans then we need to talk about all queer experiences, you cant just, only care about trans women you have to care about all trans people, and moreover queer people in general, this means you HAVE to be vigilant about people wrapping up sexism in a tumblr buzzword packadge, you need to consume things critically and you are not immune to pipelines, people dont just wake up and become radfems you get continually fed more and more extreme idologies, being fed things that you 90% agree with untill you eventually become completely removed from the groups you were supposed to stand with
you can care about the oppression of multiple groups at once, and if you think activism in any way involves the erasure of a certain group then you have fundimentally misunderstood what youre supposed to be doing, queer men exist and they deserve support and respect and you need to be able to support and respect them without being like "ohh she is soooooo trransfemme coded" like. men can be queer and still be men, they can be queer and still deserve your love and support, i am begging.
also yes i am aware that outside of my specific experience of tumblr people fuckin hate trans girls and women in general and they dont feel the need to do this shit. but that doesnt mean what im talking about is not an issue and is not something that people need to change and address. if you find urself doing this shit you have got to reflect on yourself, you arent immune to transphobia or homophobia or sexism ESPECIALLY if you think that you somehow are magically immune. nobody is. no identity is. everybody is suseptible to this shit and it takes active critical thinking in order to combat it
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dyketubbo · 1 year
tbh for me the thing about cbeeduo is that its so like. how am i supposed to look at this dynamic and not feel insane for the rest of my life. like going along w the crushing during nlm hc ranboo fell in love w tubbo at his WORST. they saw some child president who was probably on illegal substances like half of the time with a tired face and forced grin as he got through politics he didnt understand and got insults hurled at him, comparing him to an abusive dictator as he tried to solve a trolley problem (his best friend was on one line and his country was on the other and of course he chooses majority rule but the trolley loops back around anyways and all he did was delay the inevitable) and ranboo saw some 16yr old on his last leg going on about how he felt like he was going to die soon (and hes too too close to the cliffs edge but hes grinning and its like hes really hoping death is a happy ending) and everyone was leaving him and he didnt want all this and ranboo goes follow my voice i wont leave im sorry and they fall in love with whatever virtues there are left in tubbo and decide that they would keep trying to do right by him
and then, inevitably, ranboo messes up and betrays tubbo and tubbos voice shudders and ranboo never wants to see that broken expression of disbelief again so he fights for a country even though hes been disenchanted with it for a while and hes never liked picking sides anyways (but this is tubbo, and if hes choosing tubbo its okay because he cant hurt tubbo again) and of course it falls anyways and tubbo makes a new home and tubbo makes nukes and tubbo makes a plan and then tubbo is on his knees and an axe is held to his neck and ranboo barely gets a glimpse before things are moving forward and tubbo is pressed to her side calling them minutes man again
the marriage starts out as a joke, tubbos never been rich and ranboo only gets richer and tubbo pretends its for tax benefits, hes just a golddigger, because right now its a joke and thats all hes letting it be. but then hes laughing like normal but it feels different and hes looking at the family portrait of the two and michael and hes thinking about bunk beds and he gets a mansion because hes in love at this point because ranboo was there during his worst moments and even as tubbos getting (relatively) better ranboos still there and of course tubbo forgives him because when he met ranboo they reminded him painfully of himself and tubbo cant let ranboo be like him so he falls in love with them instead and if ranboos going to stick by him tubbos going to try and be someone good to stick by
but of course ranboo finds bad influences anyways and tommy is back but different and everythings different and ranboo wont move in so every few days its just him and michael (and god, he shouldnt be a parent at 17, what is he doing with his life? he should have been dead by now) and he tries so so hard to be good for michael and good for ranboo and better for tommy and he isnt really good to himself but thats fine and ranboo is so much better than he'll ever be and michael adores him and tubbo adores him and its fine that the mansion is collecting dust and its fine that ranboo lives by tubbos executioner and the people who helped destroy his country and its fine that he doesnt really know who ranboo is at all outside of his kind husband that was there for him at his worse and its fine that ranboo doesnt really know who tubbo is outside of someone who has been through a lot and needs a good break and its fine that theyre keeping secrets its fine that they never really talk about their problems (its fine that its been months and ranboo still hasnt moved in)
and then they have their first disagreement and tubbo tries to make up for it and it works until they have their first argument and ranboo tries to make up for it but he has to make a point too and they hardly get to talk about it before suddenly time has passed and
and ranboos dead and tubbos a widow and single father at 18 and his (their) son got kidnapped and hes making friends with murderers and hes not sure how to feel about his husbands ghost (and ranboo is so so happy to be dead and ranboo is in limbo alone and tubbo doesnt know how any of this works) so he moves on and his anger gets the best of him and he pushes someone off a bridge and he moves on and he isnt getting better and he moves on and nothings getting better and he moves on and because the dream smp is at its core not that great pretty often theres no closure to any of this ever tubbo dies and loses all his memories ranboos forever a ghost and takes his son elsewhere and thats it the end youre just meant to be normal about all this now. they never learned how to truly trust each other and they were so so in love and wanted to be good for each other but never talked about their problems and now they just Dont Get To. The End !
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corviiids · 10 days
back in your asks unfortunately you can’t get rid of me. i’m going to keep enablign you.
you bringing up the kr version of hurricane and the martyr complex light has in it is great bc what fascinates me about hurricane as a song is how radically different it is in different languages? as we all know in the manga light has this horrible visceral reaction to what he’s done. he looks like he’s gonna be sick when he has that guy hit by a truck. when ryuk turns up he admits that he’s been losing weight and barely sleeping. but the musicals differ so massively in how light is portrayed? because in english light seems to have this very strong sense of justice from the start - in where is the justice he denounces the corporations corrupting the legal system and asks “how can we turn away and say that’s just the way things are?” and then in hurricane he hardly seems upset at all by what he’s done. he seems vaguely surprised at how easy it was and then turns around and sings about how he’s got this insanely strong, perfect, untraceable power that he’s going to use to deliver righteous retribution. BUT then the jp versions of witj and hurricane are much less certain and light seems more horrified and then hopeful. the focus is on creating a perfect world, not necessarily punishment. he’s more a glass half full kinda guy. and then it changes AGAIN in the kr. it’s so fascinating he is a completely different version of himself in all three versions and i just need to ask. what are your opinions on this. am i making this up. do you understand how my brain is firing
you are NOT making this up and i DO understand how your brain is firing. listen. listen. in that same post about light/achilles (intertextual comparison not ship) (although?) and prompted by a response from someone else cool i reposted these tweets (which you have literally just seen because i shoved them at you but ill post them again so everyone can see)
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to me it is like, very key that every iteration of light yagami SEEMS really different. in their behaviour, their values, what it takes to push them to acting and how they react, etc - obv you've brought up light as he appears in the three most well known languages the musical exists in, but i also am a huge fan of comparing his animanga self (already two different iterations to an extent) with the tv drama, which has maybe the most distinctive version of light out of all of them and which i BELIEVE? drew criticism? but i am not 100% because i was not here for this because i watched death note for the first time in fucking february. because i am hip with the kids. #rad
anyway this is part of a much larger ramble of mine that i am not really doing justice here but i actually really like that that version of light is so incredibly different - and yet he really isnt, somehow, because he ends up not only at the same ending but recognisable as the same person. that's what i think is so interesting! these differences are undeniably there and they're BIG - as you said, between musicals he ranges from being a vengeful guy on a power trip to being an idealist with a martyr complex, and you'd think those are two totally different sets of core values. between animanga vs tv drama he goes from being this cool and collected hyper prepared cynical idealist to being a depressed nihilist who's working extremely hard to shed his own ability so he doesn't have to deal with the pain of caring. again, these seem, and factually are, completely different sets of values.
and yet they're actually perfectly reconcilable. every iteration of light no matter how distinct and no matter how much their core values seem to oppose or contradict each other ends up reconciling into the same guy partway through the story, where all of these different directions he's been going in all converge. his priorities even out - regardless of if it was the power trip that came first or the desire for the perfect world, they balance ultimately and coexist. regardless of whether his idealism led him to bitter radicalisation or nihilism, they also balance ultimately and coexist. is light affected by his first murder? yes - how does it show it? that differs, but none of the lights are actually deluded enough to think that murder is good. they all think it's bad but defensible and justifiable and then visibly cope with that fact in different ways. light looks like a VERY different man depending on which of his values are being pushed to the fore in a given interpretation, but all that really does is serve to spell out exactly how complex he is internally once you watch them all converge at around similar points in the story, even when at the barest and most uncharitable interpretation he just looks like a maniacal serial killer with a delusional god complex. this is why i like him so much unfortunately
also none of this applies to netflix light who is irreconcilable and irredeemable. and white
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silantryoo · 2 months
as much as im annoyed by the potential implications of the mhj/hybe drama i do feel like theres way too much speculation rn ... rlly doesn't sit so well with me that everyone is bashing on mhj alone (im not supporting her either though) and not bang sihyuk too. some hybe stans rlly js worship the guy and idk why . its not like he's innocent too. like those texts from him are so annoying too. abt if she's satisfied that nwjns is so popular and also abt trying to rival aespa / bp alone ...
hybe has sm power and r known for their mediaplay so i rlly do wish people would keep that in mind instead of doing their own speculation to bash on mhj . we don't know fs if she's the reason behind seunghan, youngseo, etc .... it seems so forced that everyone just collectively is making stuff up on their own theories and pissing on her. like im all for it when everything's done with but it's giving misogyny to me ughhh idk how to explain it eitherr without sounding like a mhj stan I PROMISE IM NOT TAKING HER SIDE T_T i just cant help but feel like poeple find it easier to hate and bash on women sometimes. even me scrolling x nowadays feels so annoying. literally feel so bad for illit and nwjns rn.
personally i was a teeny annoyed that illit had a similar image to nwjns w their nostalgia/coquettecore (also though just seems like cute/youthful concept is making a cb in general in kpop) but only because their songs on super real me were the exact type of songs i liked most from nwjns (super shy, hurt etc. the softer less peppy songs compared to hybe boy) so it bothered me that there was an implication that nwjns might be forced to distance itself to a more differing concept to keep some contrast btwn the two ... but ik that's not illit's fault at all (literally love the girls sm im a runext fan ^^) i feel like i can understand the upset that illit was getting a similar concept when every other grp before illit in hybe had more defined concepts seperating each other. but once again that's all hybe's doing ...... seeing the choreographers supporting mhj too makes it seem like not even the nwjns team or even all the staff were on board with the references in the choreo either...
anyways i do hope this controversy doesnt impede on either grps promos :( and i rlly hope everything gets sorted out... im srsly hoping this doesnt turn into a 5050 situtation again but with nwjns i was so upset when that happened . was curious on what your thoughts were or if u were keeping up with everything?
the way im coming back to reply to this first thing after my exams is insane, but this nwjns thing makes me so angry for all the idols under hybe. both parties j cares sm ab money that they're blindsided by the potential of ruining their idols careers, mental health and images. mhj is being stupid and hybe does seem to be doing anything to protect nwjns (as far as we know. i could be wrong).
(yawl, jsyk i obv dont have ALL the information. from what ive seen online and the articles ive read, this is what I THINK. ME. youre free to think smthn else, whether i agree or not.)
i def thing that bang hyung sik (bhs) isn't innocent either. although min heejin (mhj), in my opinion, is more in the wrong j based on the treatment of other idols, bhs seemed to provoke her, and on top of that, the company seems to blindly support ppl and give them a platform so long as they make profit for the company. ive been seeing a lot of ppl saying hes j human but youd think theres a reason why mhj got kicked from sm, yk? and you j took her back in w open arms.
hybe is v good at media play fs. its their forte, and ppl seemed to stray from the from the main problem. mhj is using nwjns as a weapon. hybe probably is doing the same thing w their other groups too, dont get me wrong. ppl seem to forget that this entire issue isnt "drama", its a legal battle ensuing between a huge corporation and its subsidiary. hybe has infinite power compared to ador. its horrible on both ends.
the thing is tho, mhj has consistently been showing the public red flags. the lyrics of 'cookie (ik she didnt write the lyrics but shes the ceo. she got them approved)', the portraits gifted to her of naked underaged girls, her obsession w olivia hussey (who happens to look like minji), her treatment of sm employees, her past work w shinee (sexualization of underaged taemin), etc. not to mention her extremely (at least in my eyes) inappropriate relationship w nwjns. the gifts shes gotten them and how she uses their emotions as a weapon. if bhs did that, everyone would be up in arms.
i dont think (for the most part) this is misogyny. i think ppl alw had a weird feeling about her. at least i did.
idt its good to speculate on ppls departure tho. youre def right ab that. the lsfm hate train (esp the coachella one) most likely has nothing to do w mhj. and i do agree that hybe copied or was at least inspired by nwjns, but idt illit copied them. illit and nwjns have a very 'pinkpantheress' sound, the uk early 00's bedroom pop genre. however, nwjns is more y2k and illit is more dream-like, ykwim? hybe was def inspired by nwjns tho. i think a more fitting one would be tws tbh. their sound is v similar to me (emphasis on to me) than illit.
dont get me wrong, it's incredibly shady and the way that a lot of staff are on her side makes me think that hybe was leeching off of the success of nwjns. it referenced all girl groups under hybe tho, lsfm and fromis, but there was def more nwjns references.
what im worried ab the most are the groups, esp nwjns. lsfm has been going thru their own struggles and rn this isnt the best for them, but theyre not extremely involved in the situation, not like nwjns and illit. illit, from what ive seen, has majority of the success and recognition from overseas. however, their success in korea'll take a huge hit. itll def take a toll on the girls mental, considering they j debuted and this happened.
nwjns is the worst off. theres a chance they might leave w mhj if ador does pull away from hybe, which isnt in the groups best interest. mhj's press conference and overall attitude is gonna affect their upcoming release fs, and their proximity to mhj herself is worrisome.
hybe doesnt seem to be doing shit to protect their artists, they're j protecting their name. theres no statement on or for illit, no statement on malicious comments for any of the groups (that i know of).
tldr: min heejin and hybe are both at fault. dont take sides of either, take the side of the idols.
sorry, im j so passionate ab this. the shit ive been seeing online has been making me mad. after getting back from the lsfm hate train too... as mad as i am at mhj, hybe GAVE her that platform. if the things they claim is true, and if the speculation is true, they alr knew from her past employment that she was shady. its their fault for allowing that.
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jemmo · 8 months
so i finally watched the utsukushii kare eternal movie properly. yes, i had technically already watched it bc i watched a random version that was uploaded somewhere with the most confusing subtitles, but i wanted to reserve my thoughts until i'd watched it properly with better subs so i was sure i had the gist of what they wanted to say for this final entry to the series. and fair warning, there is nothing unbiased about this; i adored it. i had big, fat tears running down my face by the end and had to curl up into a ball and cry for a while just to grieve the fact that we'll never be back in hira and kiyoi's world again, but i'm ok with that. i think of all the bls ive watched that have gone beyond a single season run, this is the one im the most ok parting from, bc its the show that has put in the best, most thoughtful work to leave these characters in a place where they have grown tremendously and gone through a lot, yet still have so much more ahead, and we are left with the overwhelming feeling of security by the end, that whatever comes, they are now equipped to face it. its a show that had me in the first season, and left me with that lingering feeling that this happy ending cant be it bc we still have so much unaddressed, and of all the bls that have picked up a second season after leaving me with that feeling, this one, above all else, actually had the bravery to confront those deeper, finer points of the dynamic they built, and show that there's still so much work that has to be put in after two people get together. you have to learn what you are as a partnership, how to communicate and how to be heard, and what that looks like, how you match and find balance and understand each other. the second season did that, and the movie managed to run with that vibe whilst giving us a much more thorough idea of what hira and kiyoi are outside of their relationship with each other, and how as a partnership they fit in to the people that surround them. they manage to create such a wonderful supporting cast, and i'd be saying the same if the only new person they introduced was noguchi, bc he is exactly what hira needed in this story and its such a pleasure to see him have this interesting dynamic with someone other that kiyoi, and whats more someone that sees him for all that he is. he gives both support and challenge in equal measure and its incredible. and while this show has always tended to center around hira, what i absolutely love is that at the end, when theyre in the school flashing between the past and the present, i just kept thinking of kiyoi, that cool kid that walked in day one, and we had no idea what was going through his head, we didnt know the profound loneliness and isolation he felt whilst be surrounded and adored constantly, and how finally, in that moment where hira said he liked him, after seeing and knowing every facet of him, that kid got everything he wanted. bc all that he has wanted all along is for the person he likes to like him back. its the most simple, school boy thing to want, and finally he has it.
and what i have always found the most beautiful about this show, and ive found it with other jbls but this one is the one to beat them all, is that its committed to showing love in an un-beautiful way. its kind of ironic, seen as the show is called my beautiful man and is all about beauty, but compared to other bls where the idea of love is smoothed over and made to look nice and pretty and simple, that normal idea of what love is, this show has two people who are madly in love and committed to each other, and never once has the show ever felt the need to make that love look pretty. one guy is insanely obsessive and the other is brash and rude and yet their love is beautiful bc the show takes all the time it can to make you understand that just bc the love is not expressed or communicated in the normal way you expect it to be, it doesnt mean it isnt love. bc love is about understanding and knowing that person more than anyone else and loving that person you find, and this whole film is hira going on a journey to realise that he does in fact love kiyoi bc he wants to know him more than anyone else. and i think its kind of incredible to show that kind of selfish behaviour as something beautiful when its what both people want, bc while hira has always believed his want is selfish, in owning his selfishness, he's showing kiyoi that he has not just that much love for him, but that much self-confidence to own it and commit to it and take it. is just like what hira says to shitara, that you cross the line when impose your wants and opinions and expectations onto someone else. but all that hira wants, he's not imposing that on kiyoi, bc its what he wants too, and thats why such seemingly unhealthy behaviour is actually so healthy and beautiful, bc is the pinacle of understanding mixed with the absolute joy and magic of finding that one person that matches you exactly. hira and kiyoi really are just that dream idea of a relationship that is being made for each other bc theyve worked to make it so, they commit to being fated, and its all wrapped up in the most chaotic dynamic. tldr; this show means more to me than i can say and i had to write a love letter to it one final time.
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whole-circus · 10 months
could I request any of the creepypastas with a ftm reader who’s basically like urumi akamaki from alice in borderland please? this can be seen as platonic or romantic btw :)
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Nina the Killer and Eyeless Jack with ftm Urumi Akamari like reader!
➥ Hi hello!! Im actually pretty fine, comparing to other days lolol. Hope you are fine too!! Ohh i remeber my huge AiB phase lol. Anyways here you go dove!!! If you wanna someone specific too then feel free to inform me, I will always gladly update!! :) Ah im so so so sorry that you waited so long :((
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Nina the Killer
You and Nina are definitely pretty similar in some aspects - even if its hard to believe! Nina tend to be pretty..well pretty crazy and insane, so its not like you will be freaked out by her..! From the killing part to some stupid ideas (for real, every adult who would see what she wanna do would  clutched one's head in disbelief). Sooo, I guess she would need someone like you! With your tendency to be total control freak, you can easly make most of decision for her and Nina would even thank you! Also she isnt scared to take any risk, as i said earlier - Nina is a bit of adrenaline junkie!! Your a bit distant and mysterious mask would be the perfect balance to Nina, who is really out-going and a huge chatterbox!! And your fake persona will perfectly match hers!
When it comes to you being trans, she is such a huge sweetheart i swear!! Well, by accepting and not treating you any diffrent she isnt doing anything super special - its just the bare minimum! But Nina is always ready to soothe you if you feelin dysphoric - she tries talk to you and she never ignore your feeling, all you say and do is valid! Be ready for lots of complements - she means every single one of them! You are the coolest boy she had ever met, how could she not like you??
Eyeless Jack
Okay, Jack just loves smart people!! Is all into brain > body thing, so you are perfect! He is an intelectual person (demon, im sick), and appreciates these things in people. With you, being all two-sided and often using manipulation in order to get what you want - man, you are just his type of person i swear!! He enjoyes psychological games, and will gladly team with you against someone..you guys will be partner in crimes 100%! Enjoys that you are such a mysterious person, and no one can see through your sweet and cute persona, you have so much power! Would like to see what you are really like, he can guess that there is so much more in you. Yet, i think that Jacks personality makes him easy to get along with, and you kinda seem similar in some aspects. Jack also isnt scared to take a risk, becasue well..its not like he has anything to lose. But he got the right spirit!
Jack absolutey wouldnt mind if you are trans or not - you are still this handsome boy he liked and nothing will change that! He literally would eat kidneys from people that were trasnphobic (thats all what they good at i guess). He is the first one to be always by your side and reassure you how many times you need it if you feel dysphoric. Would also try to help you the best he can, trying to find you some healthy ways in order to make you feel at least slightly better. Jack is also patient, and wont be mad if you yell at him or be mean during your bad days - he gets how hard it can be for you, and wants to be your safe place!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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c3lsthe · 8 months
Is MK the Connected Arms Gibbon?
spoiler warning for season 4 and the season 4 special ig
So I watched a few videos on JTTW, and it mentioned the four celestial primates. Y’know, there’s Wukong and Macaque of course, but then it mentioned two others I wasn’t aware of. The Red-Buttocked Horse Monkey and the Connected Arms Gibbon.
From JTTW, it says the Red Horse Monkey ‘Has knowledge of yin and yang, Understands human affairs, Is adept in its daily life And able to avoid death and lengthen its life.’ It was interesting to see another primate compared to Wukong and Macaque, but the next one caught my attention.
The Connected Arms Gibbon ‘Seize the sun and the moon, Shorten a thousand mountains, Distinguish the auspicious from the inauspicious, And manipulate planets and stars.’
I kind of saw a correlation between the Connected Arms Gibbon and MK, which spurred me to half assed reasoning and this post.
First off, in the Chinese version of LMK, MK is often referred to as Qi Xiaotian, loosely translated into little Heaven, or little sky (I might be wrong, idk) but this could be reference to him manipulating the sky as he’s supposed to. As of now, we still don’t know MK’s origin, like who his birth mother or father is, but we can speculate who might in the very least be related to MK’s past.
I don’t disagree that Wukong isnt related, though I think it’s because of that correlation they have due to both of them being celestial primates.
in JTTW itself, both of the other primates were actually Wukong’s advisors, but lmk isn’t a direct translation of JTTW. It’s an adaptation, and things change. I’ve just been ranting? So I’m gonna at least kinda make rough similarities. For starters, the recognizing inauspicious and auspicious is probably not viewing success, but rather of who’s good for MK’s journey and who isn’t. Lmk is a show about MK’s growth as a character, and I see the whole thing as him seeing who he can trust and learn from, and who he can’t be around. Also if we are considering him actually being the Connected Arms Gibbon, then he isn’t in touch with the celestial part of himself, so therefore isn’t good at seeing the auspicious and inauspicious from one another.
third, it says that the Connected Arms Gibbon can seize the sun and the moon, which in lmk’s context be talking about Wukong and Macaque? Many times in the show, they are referenced as the hero and the warrior. The sun and the moon, blah blah blah. If it does talk about MK and the relation with his mentors, what could this mean? Maybe he defeats them and goes out of control? He seizes them in battle? Maybe it’s the opposite, and he makes them a better version of themselves? Seize the sun and moon into a happy life, each one around MK’s thumb.
lastly the shortening of mountains. We already saw the insane power MK had while fighting Azure Lion. Though in lmk (it’s theorized!!) that it’s a matter of whether or not MK is able to control/harness it. Maybe this is the determining factor of the previous claim, it’ll be the journey of seeing MK seizing the sun and the moon.
so in conclusion (lmao) MK could possibly be the Connected Arms Gibbon. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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vinstinx · 15 hours
Où sont passées les sirènes? Regarde autour de moi tous ces gens remplis de haine Après l'ivresse vient la migraine Au final je crois que je me suis fait bouffer par le système
I fuckin' tell you fuckin' failure—you ain't no leader! I never liked you, forever despise you—I don't need ya! The world don't need ya, don't let them deceive ya Numbers lie too, fuck your pride too, that's for dedication Thought money would change you, made you more complacent Fuckin' hate you, I hope you embrace it
Je sais pas où je veux en venir mais voilà quoi
(aussi "J'ai pas téléphoné pour l'anniversaire de ma sœur, alors que j'appelle mon manager toutes les trois heures" vs. "I'll start with your little sister bakin'/ A baby inside, just a teenager, where your patience / Where was your antennas? / Where was the influence you speak of / You preached in front of one-hunnid-thousand but never reached her" mais je me sens mal de comparer ces deux choses)
« Je sais pas ou je veux en venir mais … » shut up you knew exactly what you wanted You know you wanted me to rant about my two favorite rappers and making parallels making me more insane anyways…. (/lh /nm /nsrs) I love a good rant about mah baby boys, mah baby boys best writers in the own mother tongues each.
You searched for that, here’s la dissertation:
Okay first merci pour l’éclairci parce que j’avais jamais vraiment vu le chant des sirènes tant négatif et même j’ai toujours vu le chant des sirènes comme un « Putain j’ai trop réussi regardez mon succès je suis le maître du monde c’est moi le meilleur… » type shit. J’crois j’écoutais juste le refrain « j’entends le chant des sirènes. / regarde autour de moi qui m’aime… » et aussi le premier couplet (que perso ça tjrs été mon préf dans la chanson donc le seul que j’écoutais vrm) et ctait suffisant pour moi à me dire que Raelsan est en égo trip trough thé roof mais vénère assez positif.
Mais en réécoutant avec le parallèle que t’as fait, j’me suis vrm rendu compte que c’est une whole story qui evolute en descente au enfer (normal, why would orel make a song that ISNT a complete storytelling??? This bitch loves his storytelling)
Bon mtn au début (vu que j’avais perso mal compris le chant des sirènes) jvoyais pas trop le rapport avec U j’t’avoue. Mais C TROP VRAI PTN T’ES UN VRAI GÉNIE. RAELSAN CEST TROP LA MÊME QUE KENDRICK DANS U. Ptn le « après l’ivresse vient la migraine » il hit tellement différent mtn. C’est vraiment leur égo trip de leur récente célébrité et qui vient se crasher avec leur vie d’alcooliques/suicidaire. J’avoue qu’il a vraiment quelque chose à considérer dans leur passage à la célébrité qui est similaire en mode ils ont délaissé beaucoup de leur proches avec ce que les fans leur donne.
Mais je crois aussi que Orel dans CdS a quand même une vision « positive » de la célébrité que Kendrick n’a pas dans U. Encore un peu de difficulté à les associer en partie parce que bah Raelsan ça reste un perso fictif, même CdS j’crois c’est la période la plus sombre qu’il a écrit un album, Orel il est trop fictional pour que je veuille l’associer à celle que Kendrick me fait ressentir dans u. (Skill issue pour orel srry. Mm si il est tres fort il lui manque de quoi pour accoter kdot dans la profondeur de l’écriture) Genre comme tu le dit j’me sens mal de comparer u a CdS parce que bah first pour moi j’ai toujours vu CdS assez positif et puis aussi bah ça a beau être des souffrances liée à leur éloignement du à leur célébrité, ce que Kendrick avoue dans U ça a aucun rapport avec le d’histoire d’orel qui reste très bof… j’ai envie de dire une éraflure comparer à la fracture ouverte dans U . Genre j’crois que ce qui ressort le plus du texte d’orel comme confession horrible c’est son alcoolisme et en parallèle je crois que Kendrick lui sa confession la MOINS pire c’est l’alcoolisme. Genre il est toute une marche plus en haut d’orel en tant que peine. D’autant plus que je crois qu’ orel il est pas vraiment en dépression (ah wait NEVERMIIND got hit with the « ouais bah j’crois j’ai déprimé han » d’orel dans le docu prime mdrrrr) yeah they’re both depressed cats and depressed alcoholics cats, just one I think is more important than the other.
Y’a vraiment que leur rapport a l’alcool et leur dépression que je veux comparer ici j’crois. J’ai envie de leur donne le plus gros des câlins pour les réconforter (et je déteste les câlins)
Conclusion et ouverture time?? Donc, enft first merci pour la vision complete de Chant des sirènes mdrrr, c’est vrai aussi que les deux traversent les meme épreuves amené par la nouvelle célébrité mais à différente échelle, ce qui fait que c’est plus un meaning global. Bon ça m’emmène à mon ouverture: Je te relance la balle, avec le parallèle qu’amin et Hugo m’ont fait découvrir: The art of peer pressure et Manifeste, bon c’est vraiment pas concret comme u et CdS, c’est plus symbolique la preuve y’a pas vrm de lyrics que je peux tiré pt juste apart les deux bridge/refrain c’est « me and the homies » et « jsuis dans la manif » Trop envie d’en parler mais j’ai déjà trop parler j’crois…. Bref, c’est leur prise de conscience dans leur groupe d’amis que j’aime bien associer un autre parallèle….
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mx-misty-eyed · 1 year
i saw spiderverse yesterday and oh my god. (movie review/spoilers below)
First of all, trans gwen stacy, im literally going insane, gwen stacy is trans. Anyway it was the best spiderman movie I've ever seen, easily, best animated movie too. Across the spiderverse was so good I'm genuinely considering if it was the best movie I've ever seen. The cameos were so fucking awesome i was shaking my friend next to me and pointing at the scream like every two minutes, donald glover, spectacular spiderman, insomniac spiderman, scenes from andrew and tobey's movies. Gwen's back story and home life, her struggle with her dad and the way its so easily comparable to coming out to your parents, for both her and Miles. She told her dad she was spiderwoman and he couldnt accept that, their relationship from that point is incredibly difficult in which they cant really even look at each other, him getting upset because to him, she isnt his daughter anymore, eventually all of this ending in the heartbreaking talk at the end where they finally try to see each others points of views and get to say what they want and finally hugging as the world around them is painted in trans colors (little tangent here but oh my god the way gwens entire universe looks like paint or a painting is so fucking beautiful and the way it started running and she was yelling and crying at her dad, so fucking amazing)
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And Miles hiding his identity from his parents, scared that they'll hate him or be mad at him lying about it for so long, and when he finally gets up the guts to tell his family (albeit the wrong family) the dialouge is so similar to trans people coming out. Him saying he has something to tell them and he doesnt want it to change the way they see him or anything and how he doesnt want them to be mad or love him any less. Me and my friend related way too much to that scene.
Miguel my husband and his backstory were heartbreaking too, not having a family, finding a universe where he does have one and trying to live there. Hobie Brown just being the coolest fucking guy ever from his accent to his genuinely accurate portrayal of punks and how they use it to be serious and have him realize the spider team aren't the good guys or play it up for jokes. THE INSANE FUCKING PLOT TWISTS OF, THE SPOT BEING THE GUY MILES HIT WITH A FUCKING BAGEL IN THE FIRST MOVIE, MILES BEING IN THE WRONG UNIVERSE WHEN HE GOES HOME BECAUSE HE WAS BIT BY THE SPIDER FROM THAT UNIVERSE AND SHOULDNT ACTUALLY EXIST AS SPIDERMAN, AND OTHER UNIVERSE HIM BEING THE FUCKING PROWLER. The entire theater was freaking out it was awesome. I dont think i even need to talk about the animation. The blend of different styles was awesome as usual, but they actually experimented more with this one and it paid off so well. The vulture in the beginning was so beautiful, me and my friend were freaking out every time he was on screen, and Hobie fucking brown. Hobie Brown was the most beautiful animation I've ever seen, the way he moved, the way he changed colors, they way he interacted with objects and people and the world around him, they experimented with him and it paid off so well and I hope in they next one they'll continue to do things like that. I literally never review movies but everything about this one was so awesome that i needed to talk about it
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fae-morrigan · 5 days
The Superman & Lois comic is the only comic with a version kid Jon I like. I wish I had appreciated it more when I first read it.
Superman (2016) always gave me such conservative vibes, I guess? I don't know how else to describe it. The road trip storyline (which made me physically cringe the first time I read it) , the way he writes Clark (macho and angry is a perfect way to describe it), the way he writes Jon as just a shallow and mini version of Clark (reminds me of the original Silver Age Super Sons where he was literally Clark Kent Jr. and Lois was a housewife), the way Jon and Damian are treated at the "real" sons because their Superman and Batman's bio sons (I hate how DC treats bio kids as default legacy kids, especially in terms of the Trinity).
I can't put into words how much I hate how he writes Lois. I try to give Kathy a pass because I know she was supposed to be a plant to get close to Jon for Manchester Black (the Black Dawn arc was definitely the only good thing to come from this book and greatly improved Kathy's character for me), but I hated the way he wrote her and Jon. I know kids get crushes at that age, and obviously, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just the way he wrote it that bothered me so much. It felt forced. The way Clark and Lois kept pushing their ten-year-old son towards her. It was a very straight Boy Meets Girl attempt at romance (and I don’t even think the fandom took to it like they did a certain other ship because I haven't come across any hordes JonKathy shippers harassing others for not liking it).
It does make me laugh now that we have canonically bi Jon with a boyfriend. Obviously Clark and Lois aren't homophobic, but when Clark asked his dad why Jon would be scared to come out to him, I remembered all those conservative vibes I got from Superman (2016) and thought "Jeez Clark, I can think of a few reasons".
Sorry for dumping all my Tomasi complaints in your inbox. I just have a lot of thoughts over this. These are just off the top of my head. His work is so bad, and it has one of the worst parts of the DC fandom. People can not be normal over these fictional children. It's insane.
Anon. Never ever apologize for being a Tomasi hater in my inbox. You have literally no clue how much I hate on that dude in private. I am the biggest hater. I hate the way that he walks the way that he talks I hate the way that he dresses
I fully agree with literally everything you say here. Going point by point:
I think I would be more amenable to the bio kid thing if these two were AT ALL tied to their parents cultures, you know? The way their birth parents impact how they experience the world. Damian is arab, he's Talia's son- Oh but Tomasi demonizes her and Damian's heritage at every turn. Jon and the Kents in general SHOULD be jewish- But no, Tomasi has them be vaguely smarmy-atheist-protestant. Its MADDENING. I literally can't stand it. At least Teen Jon stuff makes it clear his blood relation to Clark is the thing holding him back, not lifting him up.
And Lois. He reduces her to being a mother, Jon's mother, and never really lets her DO anything that isnt in some way either putting her in danger for Clark's manpain or being vaguely protective of Jon. Compare that to Lois in PKJ's Action Comics- She's DIRECTLY involved in the plot. Hell, BENDIS writes Lois better than Tomasi, which is a fucking FEAT. Seriously, I think that how you write Clois is a sign of how good the rest of your run is, and Tomasi just....
I have a good friend who's really into Kathy and making her into an Actual Character, and even they agree- Tomasi was NOT interested in making her a character outside of Jon. All the interesting potential she has with her character- my god, she's a SPACE REFUGEE whos life force protects the town- is only seen in the context of how it adds to Jon. Tomasi does this a lot throughout his books, its the worst in Supersons, but female characters only exist in relation to how they serve the male characters. Women are plot devices- not people.
Also you're SO right about Bi Jon and how fucking funny that is. Like. Gee, Clark. Could it be the weird american patriotism during his childhood? And on the patriotism field trip- The only good thing that arc gave us was the absolute HILARITY of contrasting that arc to Jon now. All that indoctrinate him and it didn't stop Jon from becoming a cop-hating bisexual with an anarcho-communist boyfriend.
Supersons deserves its own rant, really. Those three books are some of the worst comics I've ever read and I could not BELIEVE how popular they were on here. I've recently done re-reads of all three with a few friends and in case you were wondering how it went:
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abrisaber · 8 months
My Thoughts (and suggestions) on the critiqes on Hazbin Hotels's Character Designs
One of the many complaints about Hazbin Hotel (mostly its character designs) Is that the charaters often use the same color (red) in their pallets. And to be honest I agree with these complaints on some level.
But I don't think completely removing red from the pallets is the best choice. I think using alot of red is sort of a given when creating charaters in such a hellish setting, and it's not like this world is limited to one color.
Helluva Boss explores the other rings of Vivzipops "hellverse." All of which are dominated by a single color.
The Pride Ring is red. The Wrath Ring is orange. The Lust Ring is blue.
Asmodeus, for example, is the embodiemnt of Lust and ruler of the lust ring, and his design empasises that.
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Not just the charateristics of his design but the pallet as well. His fur (feathers?) is a similar color to the lust rings sky. His suit and his face have a neon glow to them that a lot of the buildings in the lust ring have. His design isnt just a reflection of his flamboyant yet fluffy nature, it's also literally made of the same building blocks that the ring he rules is.
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And yet even in this setting he doesn't bleed into the background. In OZZIE'S when he reveals himself his entire club becomes OVERRUN with his pallet yet he manages to stand out against it.
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I think the reason why it's easy to notice Asmodeus in this setting is because, well for one, he's big and the scene is focoused on him, but also because this setting feels built around him rather than him being built for the setting (like the sinners are). It might just be my obsession for this character creating a bias but when I watch this episode I feel like Asmodeus came first and the Lust Ring centers around him, whereas in Hazbin Hotel, the characters sometimes feel hard to miss.
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In this frame in particular I genuinley didn't notice Nifty or Alastor in this shot. I mean I rendered in my mind that they were there but It took a couple watches for me to actually notice that they were here. But I will give this credit because my attention was more focoused on Angel Dust than anything else and it was a very short couple of seconds compared to Ozzie's minutes of screen time, but I still think theres a point to be made.
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I tried my best to pull from places of equal lighting. The two colors in the top right are the most basic forms, the two on the bottom left are the lighest, and the ones in the center are from the darkest.
While the three examples do varry slightly, the most important ones (being the flatest examples I could find on these images) still look insanely similar to each other. This is MY main complaint about these characters. It's not that they're "too red." I think using red for their pallets is great, but I think using different kinds of red would benefit these designs greatly and help thems stick out against the red backgrounds and other characters.
I think that giving Husker a more deep, dark red, almost like red wine, would empasise his character more. He likes alcohol, wine. He's cynical, depressing, always has a frown, dark. It doen't take away from his character or already estanlished design in any way but does something to help him be more unique.
As for Alastor, I think giving him more muted reds rather than vibrant ones would make him seem more like an oldtimer talkshow host. These reds don't have to be outright pale or grey, but give the red in his suit and hair more fade like they're being seen on a shitty color TV from the 50s. (I don't know what era Alator is from cause I see a lot of different theories but my main guess is from the 1920s-40s since thats when radio became popular) This would, again, empasise his character without outright changing his pallet.
Lastly I want to talk about Charlie
I don't think there's much to change about Charlie's design. I think it works well with her setting. Her suit being a similar red to hell Is a good way to represent her heritege as hells princess, and her blonde hair and pale skin are inherited from her father, who's a fallen angel. One thing I will suggest about her design would be to add something in ger pallet to represent how she likes angels and heaven or at the very least her desire for goodness. Perhaps adding some gold to her design in the form of trimming or a pin or even a simple headband would do wonders for her character and bring some variety that is noticable but not distracting.
I don't have much else to say about the other characters. One thing I will mention is how Sir Pentious sticks out like a sore thumb against all of these main characters who have reds within a similar hue as one of their dominant colors, while he's over here with his piss yellow stripes. Granted he still has red in his design but its more secondary compared to the primary focous of most other characters.
In conclusion, this is just my personal rant about suggestions and ideas and observations. I'm in no way saying that Vivzipop SHOULD do these things. I just think that changing up the pallets and using more variety in the shades and tints of reds she uses for her characters would benefit the show and its characters. This ended up being longe than I thought it would be but I really wanted to get my point across. Please do not point out any spelling mistakes I have made or I will cry and scream and shit everywhere.
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santhropomorphy · 2 years
Hi!! Love your fics!! I hope this isnt an odd question, but I wanted to ask, since you've shipped hobmurphy/dreamling since before the tv series came out and the ship definitely has more attention now than it did before--have you noticed any differences in how the morpheus/hob dynamic was written/viewed by the fandom before the netflix show vs afterwards? anything about the ship that newer fans might overlook? im deathly curious about that evolution and thought it might be worth asking about :)
Aww, thank you for reaching out! I'm so glad you like my fics☺️
👀You wanna know the pre-show dreamling story? Oh boy, am I happy to talk about that! (no seriously, I vent about those dark ages to anybody willing or unwilling to listen)
So I'm not your oldest sandman fan, I read the comics about 2 years ago and started shipping dreamling/hobmurphy at the same time. I read Men of Good Fortune (dreamling's first issue) and left off shipping them like a maniac. Two guys meeting each other every hundred years, the slowly developing affection, the fucking break-up, the reconciliation at the end, I was HOOKED. So I looked on ao3 for fics...
In a 30 year old fandom, there were FOUR (4) dreamling fics. One of them an introspective drabble, and another one barely shippy, just a lead up to desire/dream... And all those fics were dated 2003, 2006 and 2010. On Tumblr? There were about 30 posts under the tag Hob Gadling, 3-4 of them shippy. There was ONE (1) fanart of dream and hob together. One!
As for the dreamling fandom? Nonexistent. I can count on one hand the number of people I could talk to who shipped them, and I raided the fucking internet... I was literally going around 5 different socials like an idiot, begging people to ship them with me! I nagged my beta (bless you, Roonie) to read the comics, so that I could have somebody to yell at about dreamling!
I wish I could tell you the difference between the shippy content now and back then but it would be a chore cause I was literally the only person actively creating said content (plus ThePlatypussPrincess whom I managed to rope into my agenda and nagged into writing a Glorious fic😘). Those few interactions about them I managed to have were all very similar to the dreamling conversations I have these days.
I think a lot of this was a product of the differences in the source material. I picked up on the dreamling ship fast because it was right up my alley with friends to lovers and slow build of trust and affection. But a lot of other people seemed to have missed that potential i guess which still baffles me. Then the bloody show came around and Hob and dream spent 8 whole minutes staring into each other's eyes, saving each other from Constantine and a million other things so glaringly obvious that there was no way for anybody to miss it. And I was left standing there in the corner like... PEOPLE, THE QUEER WAS ALWAYS THERE, IT JUST DIDN'T WHACK YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH A BAGUETTE!!
Okay I can try comparing differences I guess but those are just the result of the show's additions: there was no Hob jealous of Shakespeare and no Teacher!Hob. And dreamling all in all was perceived in 90% as platonic...
Fuck I'm getting depressed, anyway, the way this ship blew up after the show was fucking insane, I'm still recovering from it.
Hope this was coherent enough!
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semi-imaginary-place · 2 months
ffxvi, xv, kh discord rambling
Wow ffxiv's ffxvi event has major spoilers. It's the big reveal of the first arc? 2nd arc? I mean ffxvi isnt very good and not worth playing idk how much people care. Just comparing it to the ffxv event.
16's main problem is that it frontloads the game but doesn't set up the narrative for the rest. So the prologue feels amazing and the first half feels good but because it doesn't invest in the story and build up eventually the hype runs out and the story crumbles in the later half. A story doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to be convincing and with 16 the writing flaws eventually become so glaring that the game can't out run them with flashy distractions.
I like 15 better. 16 is very flashy and a hype beast but it has very little substance. All the surface level details are there like cool boss fights and good voice acting and music but the writing falls flat. The character arcs go no where or backtrack. The game cant decide if jill is important or not and the writers forget about her at multiple points.
15 is a hot mess between the different visions of the two directors but it manages to have heart. Like do you want world ending plot or fun road trip because a better road trip plot would be one where the goal is exploring or collecting the plot items scattered across the land. 15 also desperately needed royal's expanded last arc. With royal it's actually pretty good.
Do you remember that insane dev cycle for ff15? It was like 7? 10?? Years and started out as versus 13. I dont remember the actual timeline. But yeah versus xiii started out this urban fantasy with like battles between skyscrapers.
And then it just kept not coming out and dragging on and ob and i think there was something going on internally with the company because the game swapped titles and then directors.
Yeah they kept changing their minds about what they wanted the game to be and so the end result doesnt quite have that unified vision. I really respect the second director for taking this absolute disaster and making something pretty good out of it.
And nomura (first director) is SOOO SALTY about all this. I dont know if you're familiar with kingdom hearts but nomura poured all his versus xiii ideas into it. I mean noctis lucis caelum is night light sky and the kh3 character is yozora which means night sky. The cutscenes match one to one with the old versis 13 trailers. Urban fantasy with boss battles in the city. Sooooo salty.
he definitely wanted to use these ideas. And then he got booted off the ff15 project. Hmm let me find that comparison video.
Its not a perfect 1 to 1 match sync but this is VERY deliberate. Like the fictional game (just roll with it) yozora is from is called verum rex because nomura loves fake latin. And in the fictional trailer there ignis and luna 2.0 and yozora is the same pose as nostis was in advertisements.
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sungsuho · 3 months
like joondok isnt even bad like when you look at their dynmaic in the story its incredibly compelling the problem is that it feels like everyone has morphed them into this yaoism that theyre not. like theyre each others companions in life and death and they saved each other and theyve definitely fucked. but a lot of their dynamic rests on aspects that i feel like people straight up ignore for the sake of making it yaoiful. and it bothers me so much. joondok is crazy insane just by the nature of Who They Are as reader and protagonist in a way that it feels like theres a. imbalance is not the corrext word im looking for but whatever in a way that theres like an inbalance in their relationship. and imo that barrier between them is taken down with the addition of han sooyoung. which makes sense ! becquse she is the Creator Of The Story. ive said it so many times but its impossible to for the reader to know the protagonist without the writer which i think is why i find joondok so boring compared to any combination of yoohankim that has han sooyoung in it. because ar rhe end of the day the three of them are Characters In A Story that fill the narrative roles of writer reader and protagonist and while the reader can know the writer in absense of a protagonist and a protagonist can know a writer woth the absense kf a reader. they cannot know eachother without the absense of a writer. to say that i hate joondok woukdnt be accurate of me but its just the most boring take imo. yoo joonhyuk woukd not have called kim dokja his companion in life and death if kim dokja did not act the way he did due to reading twsa. like even if miraculously dokja survived and met joonhyuk without any omniscient knowledge he would not have interacted with him the same way. han sooyoung is so integral to the dynamic between the two the concept of people preferring to ship joondok over yoohankim just pisses me off so much its lead me to kind kf hate jd lmao
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