#this suuuucks
noname-404s-blog · 9 months
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gobblemonster300000 · 3 months
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I'm sick buhhh
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fuhlensworld · 5 months
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🎀Riding Scott bartletts thigh🎀
Au: YALL I lowkey love this idea so imma bring it to life for y’all I hope you enjoyyyy read the tw pls!!
Tw:thigh riding,afab!reader,use of y/n,cursing,smut,fluff at the end.
You had been dating your boyfriend scott Bartlett for about a month and the two of you haven’t had sex yet not even a blowjob,the most you two would do would make out,you weren’t bothered by that you just wanted-no you craved a little more.You had always been a “good girl” so this was a little out of character of you but you didn’t care.So you waited till after school and you payed your boyfriend a little visit, you knocked twice on his front door,and then the door swung open.
“oh hey y/n you look pretty today” Scott says as he leans against the frame of his door,blushing from just the sight of you.
“Hey Scotty,can I come in? I wanna talk to you” you said,ignoring his sweet comment with a slight smirk on your face
“Yeah cmon in”he said he’s tiring for you to come in the house,you both stride up his steps towards his bedroom and when you get in you lock the door without him noticing.Scott turn son his heels to face you and he hugs you and plants a soft kiss on your lips then to your dismay pulls away, “i missed you” he said quietly as he looked into your eyes. “I missed you too Scotty”you said while smiling “so uhm I wanted to talk to you…about something” you said getting slightly embarrassed as your confidence depletes, “well I’m listening” Scott says as he walks over to his bed and sits down,motioning for you to come sit next to him, you sit down and take a deep breath before you start, “so I know we’ve only been dating for a month and we don’t ever talk about…sex or anything …” Scott gets tense as he listens, he always got nervous at the topic of sex, he was a virgin and so were you so it was a forbidden topic between you two,until now.
“So I was thinking…instead of going straight into you know…doing it I thought maybe we could start with something uh easier I suppose” you say slowly meeting his gaze, your cheeks flushed from the conversation.
“W…well what we’re you uh thinking?” Scott says obviously embarrassed, you noticed his aching boner growing throughout your conversation, seeing that made the ache between your legs more unbearable by the second so you decided to get straight to the point.
“Could i uh, ride your thigh…?” You said turning your face away to hide your utter embarrassment,feeling regret pool along with arousal deep in your stomach.
“You…want to ride my thigh?” Scott says shyly but with a bit more confidence.
“Yeah here lemme just show you I guess” you say as you climb into your flustered boyfriends lap, straddling one of his thighs, you reach down under your skirt and shift your pink panties to the side and lower yourself into Scott’s thigh, a whimper of pleasure seeps through your lips.
“F-fuck Scott kiss me please” you begged him as he watched,eyes wide as you pleasures himself on his thigh
“Of course baby” he says as he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a kiss,you moan into his mouth and you freeze feeling his tongue glide into your mouth tasting your mouth,
“Is this okay?” Scott asks as he pulls away and looks into your eyes
“It’s more than oka-fuck oh my god” you gasp when you feel Scott’s hands on your hips,moving you back and forth on his thigh,sending sweet shocks against your clit, causing you to throw your head back moaning out Scott’s name,
“Fuck you look so pretty rubbing your pussy on my thigh, does it feel good baby?” He asks you as he brushing a piece of your hair behind your ear.”f-fuck y-yeah m’feels s’good Scotty” after a few more seconds of praise from Scott you felt your climax nearing, you grip onto Scott’s shoulder and let out a whimper, “fuck I’m gonna c-cu-fuck!” You let out a cry as you reached your peak and came all over Scott’s thigh.he slowly brung your grinding to a stop to ride you through your orgasm,”you did so good baby” Scott says as he layed you down on his bed, planting a kiss to your forhead. “I’ll come lay down with you in a minute let me just go to the bathroom to take care of my uh problem” he says eyes trailing down to the bulge in his jeans, you chuckle as he exits the room.He comes back a while later and squeezes into the bed next to you, “you did so good today baby” he says as he holds you close to his chest watching as you asleep in his arms.
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floralcavern · 1 month
Oh fuck, tomorrow’s Monday.
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anormalkidingotham · 9 months
my cousin from central city is supposed to be visiting me right now but she just texted that her train got delayed because the flash used the train tracks as a running track and melted the metal so now she has to find another way here
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ky-uwu · 1 year
defense {kyle broflowski x reader} {oneshot}
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amidst the skankhunt42 events, you inadvertently get your crush kyle and close friend heidi together in an effort to separate her and cartman.
things get a little messy.
cw. harsh language, offensive insults
also cw: this kinda sucks LOL
everyone here is aged up to highschool, 15-16. i was gonna keep them in fourth but when i reread it it felt off idk. constructive criticism is welcome i will cry if ur mean to me tho
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it was no secret that heidi's relationship with cartman was a toxic one.
you felt bad for her; you really did. you knew that her relationship with cartman was produced by her feelings of loneliness. you wanted to help her, but didn't really know how; the girls just ripped on her for dating the biggest dickhead in school, and offered no comfort.
you really knew it wasn't your place, but nothing you said to heidi got through to her. you figured the last thing you could do was talk to cartman's friends about the situation. of the group, you and kyle were the closest, and knew the rest in passing. you had developed a small crush on kyle as you spent time together studying before things got crazy. unfortunately you hadn't spoken to him recently. in spite of everything, you hoped at the very least kyle would hear you out.
at lunch, you decided to walk to their table, a pit of nerves in your stomach. as you got closer, you could hear cartman shit talking heidi.
stan had been the first to see you coming over, as he nudged kyle and nodded his head in your direction. he looked up, confused. you could feel yourself turn red.
"um, hey... guys," you waved, internally cringing at yourself. everyone at the table now had their eyes trained on you. you had never felt so out of place before.
cartman stopped complaining mid sentence and visibly eyed you up and down. "fuck no, leave." your frown deepened.
"um, yeah (y/n), no offense but why are you over here?" stan asked.
you had started to answer, when you heard another voice call out cartman's name. you glanced over to see heidi walking over with a smile.
"hi cartman! and, (y/n)? what are you doing over here?"
"oh, um, you know. the girls were being a little annoying so..." you bit the inside of your lip anxiously. it wasn't necessarily abnormal for you to sit with the guys sometimes when the girls were being a little too much - but with the tension between the boys and the girls recently you hadn't in a while. which, in a word, sucked, since that meant less time with kyle.
heidi gave a shrug and smiled at cartman, who looked like he wanted nothing more than for her to leave. your brow furrowed as she invited him to sit together for lunch and he begrudgingly followed along. you took his empty seat and started explaining,
"look, i'm worried about heidi. cartman is a fucking ass, and she's hurting. the girls just make fun of her and it's not helping. can you guys like, i dunno, do something? make them split?"
"i've been trying!" kyle interjects, and you look over to him with a puzzled look. "i've been saying we need to do something, but they won't listen!" he gestures to the guys around him angrily.
stan shakes his head. "it's not our business dude. she'll leave when she realizes how horrible he is." butters nodded in agreement. "yeah fellas, we really have no right to get involved."
"you're fucking joking, right? how can you just let him treat her like that?" you knew coming over here wasn't the best idea - this was just making you frustrated. "you know, forget it!" you slammed your hands on the table and pushed yourself up. you glanced up at kyle who gave you a concerned look, and left the cafeteria with a huff.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
you made your way back to your locker to hang out there for the rest of lunch. you were just gonna have to deal with this yourself, you thought bitterly. you heard the door from the cafeteria open and was surprised to see kyle coming over to you.
he started talking before you could say anything. "i want to help you break them up." you turned towards him. "really?"
he nodded, and explained how he had been trying for a while to get the guys to understand that cartman was being pretty cruel to heidi.
"okay, then. i think you should talk to her. whenever i try, it doesn't get to her. i think she needs someone else's perspective." you said, and looked to kyle to see what he thought.
"i can talk to her after school today, then." you smiled at him.
"i appreciate you helping me, i'm so worried about heidi..." you frowned slightly and looked off dejectedly.
you hoped this worked.
you startled when a sudden warmth grabbed your hand, and looked over with wide eyes to kyle smiling sweetly at you.
"i'm glad to help you, (y/n). and heidi. it's been a while since we've talked anyways."
you felt your face flush and lip slightly quiver at his words. "y-yeah," you stammered. "i want things to go back to normal." he let go of your hand and nodded. "yeah, me too. though, can't say i'm not glad the fatass is gonna get his heartbroken, though..."
you let out a laugh at his insult. "well, i'm gonna go back to the guys. i'll talk to you later!" he waved goodbye as you watched him disappear behind the double doors.
maybe when this was all over, you'd invite him over to study again.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
the next day, while you were at your locker before class, heidi ran up to you.
she looked happier than ever.
"(y/n)!(y/n)!" she called out. she stopped running when she got to you, a little out of breath. "i did it! we broke up!" you offered her a smile, knowing your efforts with kyle worked.
"i'm glad. he sucked,"
but why the change of heart?" you watched as she pulled out a pretty envelope from her bag. "kyle actually talked me into it. he said such nice things to me..." she trailed off, and her face flushed. "i think i actually really like kyle - i made this to give to him," she held up what she made.
your smile fell as she continued. "i'm gonna give him this later. i kinda think we're dating now - is that shallow? am i a bad person?"
you fiddled with your backpack straps, not really knowing what to say. "um, of course not heidi. you deserve to be happy. cartman can suck it." she giggled excitedly. "you could say that again. do you wanna see what i wrote to kyle?"
"um, i'd love to, but i just remembered i told ms. nelson i'd meet her before class. so, i should go." you turned and left before she could say anything else. you hoped she didn't notice you were definitely going in the opposite direction of ms.nelson's room.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
kyle had waved at you in class, but you turned away. you knew you had really no reason to be upset with him, but it definitely did suck.
you hoped you could get over it soon.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
the next morning, you could hear yelling as you entered school, and saw a crowd in the middle of the hall.
"what's going on?" you asked a kid who was passing by, probably to go watch. "there's a fight! kyle and cartman, over heidi!" you felt your brow twitch.
fuck that, you thought, and turned away.
but what if kyle got hurt? cartman could so much as trip and if he landed on kyle just right he'd break a leg or something.
but kyle was more than capable of beating cartman's ass...
you shook your head and just went to class.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
by the time lunch came around, everyone was talking about what happened earlier.
especially the girls.
"heidi, i'd give anything to have 2 guys fight over me like that." bebe laughed with the other girls as heidi looked away bashfully.
comments like "isn't it so romantic" were being thrown around and you could tell heidi was eating it up.
"good god guys, can we talk about something else?" you asked bitterly, looking up from the table.
"what the fuck is your problem, (y/n)?" bebe snapped, and all their heads turned to you. you sighed, "i'm just tired of hearing about it. not even a week ago you were making fun of her, and now you're gushing. give me a fucking break, guys."
"christ, you're just jealous you're not the one kyle's pining after. no one's forcing you to sit with us, you can leave you know." bebe quipped back harshly. you opened your mouth to snap back, but decided against it. you stood up and stormed out.
on your way to the lockers, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.
from: bebe
we don't think you should come to heidi's dinner tonight
you clicked your tongue in annoyance and put it back. go figure.
well, this fucking blows, you thought. you felt tears welling up in your eyes as you put your back against the lockers and slowly slumped the floor.
how did it end up like this? you had just wanted to see heidi happy again - just not happy with the boy you had a sappy crush on. you stared at the set of lockers ahead of you, thinking about how if you just never went to that damned table, you wouldn't be crying in the hallway like a baby. that maybe -
"(y/n)?" you barely heard someone say your name as you looked up to see a bright orange jacket worn by arguably the last person you wanted to see.
"kyle?" you quickly brought your sleeves up and wiped your eyes.
"you looked pretty upset, what happened?" he kneeled down next to you, and you scooted away slightly.
"um, it doesn't matter," you picked at your nails. "uh, bebe made fun of me about a test i failed. you know how mean bebe can be..."
kyle definitely didn't look convinced. you asked about this morning before he had a chance to pry further.
he snorted and laughed bitterly. "cartman's so fucking stupid. he came over and slammed me into the lockers, saying how i took everything from him. i hit him once and it was done." he looked kinda proud of himself. confidence wasn't something that exactly oozed off kyle, which you never understood. in your eyes, he deserved all the confidence in the world.
"wouldn't expect any different."
a weird silence washed over you as you rested your back against the lockers again.
"um, congrats on you and heidi. i'm glad you're making her happy again." you glanced at him from the corner of your eye and saw him smile softly.
"yeah, she's great." you looked back at the lockers. you didn't wanna keep talking to him like this.
"the girls are going out later to celebrate."
"yeah, heidi told me. we're going out after too."
you hummed in response.
"hm. well, i should go back. don't let whatever bebe said get to you." you nodded as he patted your shoulder and got up to return to the cafeteria.
yeah, this definitely fucking blows.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
when your alarm rang the next morning, you had no desire to get up and go to school. pressing snooze for the third time, you flopped onto your back and started at the ceiling.
you had your eyes closed for about 20 seconds before your mom came into your room, and forced you out of bed.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
as you walked into school, you could tell something was up.
well, something was always up in south park. but the air felt thicker. as you approached your locker, you saw heidi leaning against it, looking at her nails.
here we go
"um, hey heidi." you greeted shakily. she looked up with a cold gaze.
"i wanted to talk about what bebe said yesterday. is that ok?"
you shrugged in response, a little confused. what was going on?
"did she mean it? are you jealous of me?" she stepped closer to you, and you stepped back.
"no, of course not, heidi. i don't really know what that was all about. or what the fuck you're on about right now either," you stepped back again.
"oh, okay," she sang, voice getting louder. "so you don't have feelings for kyle? she was lying about that?" her lips quirked up as your face fell. a couple people started to crowd around you as they started murmuring to one another.
you stared at her in bewilderment. "what the fuck is your deal?"
"god, eric was right about the both of you. is that why you like him? because you're both sneaky manipulative pussies?""
you felt anger boil in your chest as you realized cartman was involved.
"of fucking course you're back with him. heidi, just move the fuck out of my way. we're not doing this." you glared at the girl in front of you. she started laughing as she walked forward again.
"eric's not the issue. it's you. you were too busy trying to manipulate me into breaking things off, you couldn't see how no one fucking likes you!"
you gripped your backpack straps tight and you could feel a burning sensation in your eyes. you turned to go but she grabbed your shoulder. "look at yourself. can you really blame kyle for choosing me over you?"
before you even knew what you were doing, you felt your fist connect with heidi's face.
and then you suddenly found yourself on top of her, punching her even more with tears streaming down your face.
if there wasn't a crowd before, there certainly was now.
you suddenly felt someone grab you from under your arms and drag you up. you were heaving at this point, face covered in tears.
"you need to calm down," a familar voice came from right behind you.
a voice you recognized all too well.
"kyle..." you whispered. you felt more tears well up in your eyes as you stopped squirming and he let go of you.
this was all too much. you didn't even want to look at what you did to heidi, and you didn't know if you could handle kyle's disappointed gaze that you felt you deserved.
"heidi, i-i'm sorry-" you stepped forward, but cartman had pushed his way through to her side. "oh my god, what the fuck did you do to her you fucking skank?!" he started walking towards you, and you were certain he was gonna have you on the floor in another second.
before that could happen, you were shoved back as kyle put himself in between the two of you.
"cartman, i swear to god if you take another step i'll beat the shit out of you again!" kyle spat. you couldn't see what eric was doing from where you were, but you assume he backed off. you saw eric and heidi weave through the crowd of people. they eventually dispersed.
kyle had turned around, but you stared at the floor. at this point, the adrenaline was wearing off and your knuckles started to ache.
you don't know how long you both stood there, but it felt like eternity.
kyle was the first to break the silence. "i can take you to the nurse," he quietly offered. you bit your lip. of everyone, you definitely did not deserve his kindness.
"i'll go myself." you mumbled, and turned to walk away. you heard footsteps behind you, and soon kyle was trailing by your side.
you didn't say a word to each other.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
kyle waited outside the office as the nurse gave you an ice pack.
she hadn't really spoken to you, but you didn't miss the judgmental looks she passed your way.
"go straight to the principal." was all she said, then she dismissed you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
kyle wordlessly followed you to the office, and sat beside you as you held the ice on your hands. you could hear heidi and cartman from the other side of the door. you kept your gaze down.
"why are you here, kyle?" you muttered, voice soft and trembling.
"i wanted to make sure you're okay."
"why?" you looked over to him and felt the burning in your eyes for the nth time that day. kyle averted his gaze and he was playing with the tips of his gloves. "i feel like this is my fault."
you blinked at him a couple times, not really understanding. his fault? was it not you who just beat the shit out of a girl?
"i'd argue this is definitely not your fault," you sighed. "listen, i don't know how much of what she said you heard. but i don't want to talk about it. i still don't understand how you're not angry with me."
there was a pause before he spoke. "heidi broke it off last night, before our date. she didn't outright say it, but she basically said i manipulated her. that, 'it's in my heritage' to be conniving."
you wanted to say that you're sorry, that he didn't deserve that. but you couldn't find the words.
"then, she mentioned you. how you were the one who... manipulated me? to be manipulative? however the fuck that works." he gave a short dry laugh. "the whole thing confused me. until i saw her walk away with cartman, then i understood what was happening."
"i'm still confused," you said. "how is this your fault?"
kyle turned to face you fully, and you turned your head to look at him. "listen. don't... don't listen to what heidi said. i... was selfish. i did really think cartman was treating her terribly - i wanted them to split for heidi's sake. but a part of me wanted to piss cartman off. and i realized getting with heidi was one of the best ways to do that."
you stared at the boy in front of you, at a loss for words. you know you should feel disgusted; technically he used heidi as a weird revenge pawn. really, heidi breaking things off was a weird way of karma doing its thing.
but it didn't feel like that.
you really didn't know how to feel about any of this.
"it's... still not your fault. cartman's a fucking dick. and i'm the one who lost my temper." you looked up and met his eyes.
"yeah, because of me." he said grimly. you sighed and looked down again. why was he being so stubborn about this?
"i know you said you don't want to talk about it, but please (y/n), be honest with me. you were jealous?" he sounded almost pained to ask the question.
you nodded slightly. "i know it's pathetic," you mumbled. you jumped when he grabbed your hand, careful to avoid the ice packs.
"no, it's me who's pathetic. god," he let out a heavy sigh. "i, um, have feelings for you."
your head snapped over to him immediately. "kyle," you said sternly. "please don't do this out of pity." a look of hurt showed on his face.
"no, no, you're not understanding." you could tell he was getting frustrated as his free hand power gripped his knee. "when we stopped hanging out, and you stopped coming by during lunch, i thought i did something wrong. but i didn't want to pester you, and i kind of just, gave up. i was so glad when you came by again, though the circumstances sucked." he took his hand off of yours and sighed. "i know i fucked up here. i'm sorry doesn't even cut it."
you tapped your fingers on the armrest as you thought about what to say. "i don't have it in me to, not forgive you. a apart of me thinks you're a selfish asshole," you glanced at him and saw his face fall. "but, i clearly fucked up here too. we all fucked up. you're not a bad person, kyle."
you put your hand on his weakly. "i think we both need time to figure things out. but, i want to figure things out together." you smiled at him.
"yeah," he said, gripping your hand. "we'll figure things out together."
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beautyandthebetes · 2 months
Magic pill update
In my last post I talked about a drug that’s in the trial phases that aims to allow the beta cells of type one to start producing their own insulin again. At that time I had just signed up for it after speaking with a friend who works at the clinical research center near me.
I went in two weeks ago for the preliminary screening. It was mostly just a bunch of questions to review my medical history, and they also did an ekg and took more blood than I’ve ever given outside of donating blood (22 vials!)
Last week I got a call that my c peptide was “too high” with a result of >0.02 (???) so they needed to bring me in for a test where I’d be fasting, they’d give me food without insulin, and track my response in real time via cgm and blood samples. That was supposed to happen this morning.
Unfortunately I got the call yesterday that I am disqualified from the study because I have Gilbert’s Syndrome - my liver doesn’t properly process bilirubin, so it’s always too high. It doesn’t affect my health, just makes me a touch jaundiced sometimes, but there’s not treatment to bring it down. Because this trial drug may affect liver function, they decided to take me out of the running.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed - I really wanted to be part of what seems to be an amazing research opportunity, regardless of it I got the placebo or if it worked. That being said, if you want to keep track of it, you can find updates at this website as they come out:
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siobhans-world · 7 months
Why hasn't it been renewed yet? Come on Amazon!!! 😭
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Y'all ever think of a really cool animatic idea(or is it animation? animation meme? Amv?)
But then remember you can't animate or even draw
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eggedbellies · 4 months
Got scanned at the hospital today, hopefully should have results for that soon. Need to book another blood test to chase something on my previous one. Bwegh.
Might manage to be about a bit tonight.
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insuke69 · 9 months
This is more personal but honestly Idek anymore and I’m the definition of overthinking
|What’s a ‘crush’?|
Okay so. SO: I grew up with the idea that crushes are obliged, like- everyone I knew liked a dude or girl. I never understood that, as a kid I’d look around my class and just think “oh, that boy is semi-cute and seems smart so why not?” (I’m a girl and I saw that girls likes boys so that added to my choosing).
But I never got butterflies, ‘Oh! He makes me so nervous when he’s near!’ Bro what? I never understood that.
As I got older, around 11-12 I had a horrible phase of trying to be sexually attractive (deadass wish I didn’t honestly) because some dude was giving me attention that I liked, I liked the feeling of being cared for yet not the actual guy.
He didn’t give me butterflies
I didn’t smile at the thought of him in my arms?
I just thought that the attention starvation being helped was what ‘love’ was.
And again, around 13: I learned what aromantic was, “experiencing little or no romantic attraction to anyone; not having romantic feelings.” Yeah! I had sexual attraction but nothing romantic.
But then character ai, simping for characters, I like the idea of a relationship.
His hand in mine
Her arm around me
His laugh at my dumb jokes
Her playful eye rolls of annoyance
But I didn’t actually want a relationship? Sure it’s cute but It seems dumb to have an actual bf/gf.
Cupidromantic: a person who desires a romantic relationship but doesn't experience romantic attraction to others.
Now there’s this dude who I am semi attracted to now.
His laugh.
I have no idea if I actually am crushing or have the want to be close with him. To be best friends. Or be his? I have no idea tbh.
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nanixo · 1 year
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I can feel it happening :/
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luckystar190mk2 · 2 months
Surprise update to 2DS Modding Tomfoolery log 1, the patcher I used, UniPatcher, didn't patch PMD - EOS correctly, and every time I complete the boss fight against Drowzee, the game, infuriatingly, crashes when I think it tries to load the Giratina or Darkrai sprites or the background when the cutscene where Darkrai comes to bargain with Giratina, no matter if I load it on real hardware or MelonDS Android. All I have for the ROM patching side is a Samsung Galaxy S10, and I don't think there's any good ROM patching software on Android. I really NEED help here!
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cosmic-kaden · 20 days
Oh good. /s I can't sleep..
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kushami-hime · 1 year
AAANNNHHHHH I triiiiied 
please rip this to pieces, I had an idea of what to go for, but general consensus leaned towards an ‘oo’ sound at the end so...I did my best x-x
If you wanna add anything or suggest things, please lemme know and give like, a time stamp to reference to? idk...I wanna do K/iri centered wavs but so far I can’t get a headcanon snz down for him @-@
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kondoram · 8 months
so does anyone have that extension that puts back icons?
i can't see icons OR usernames so i have to guess everyone on vibes alone and this can't stand lmao
i thought i had saved the link to it but i can't find it so i guess not.
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