#this was during the miles chase scene with all the other spiders
lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Have we talked about the Miguel Burger yet?
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I just wanna know if it was his idea, if he authorized it, or do the other spiders just think it’s rlly fucking funny and do it to annoy the guy?
I need to know WHY
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killlerfang1 · 1 year
So apparently Across the Spider-Verse has MULTIPLE different versions of the movie out in theaters right now???
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This reddit thread by Hohoho-you goes into the details but so far all the differences between the versions include
During the opening of the film one version has a "cough" text before the Sony logo appears and added comic frames during Gwen's monologue
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Lyla either takes a bunny selfie of Miguel or offers a fist bump after he calls for backup
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When Gwen asks who Miguel is he either says "that’s classified” or “isn’t it obvious”
Miguel either says "that's funny" or "No" when Gwen calls him the blue panther
The build up from when Miguel was going to bite the Vulture is cut
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When Jefferson fell through one of Spot's spots he either groans and looks around, or has a quick frame reaction of his face
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When the Spot is going to put his finger in the mini collider he either says "-which would... not be good" or "oh what the heck."
In the chai tea scene Miles either says "no! no." Or "sorry! im sorry" after getting called out by Pavitr
When Hobie first comes on screen and Miles says "Hobie" a little text saying "Hobie" popping up above Miles’ head may or may not appear
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One version has Gwen's lines when she's looking for Miles in the rubble removed
At the spider society, when Jessica asks if "anybody else got jokes" the text boxes that show up can either be yellow or blue in color
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During the canon event scene Hobie has different coloring and lighting depending on the version
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When Ben Reilly grabs Miles during the chase scene he either says “I’ve got you trapped in my well defined musculature so don't even-“ or “This one’s called the sleeper hold, I’m using my bicep to constrict your-"
During the chase scene Miles rides Web-Slingers horse through the villain prison and receives cheers from said villains all while the other spiders get boo’d. This scene is cut in an alternate version
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In the same chase scene when the spiders cross the tightrope they either fall or get launched in the air, with the falling scene being a slightly extended version
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When Miles venom strikes Miguel the line where he says "sorry man I'm goin' home" is cut
When Peter B. Parker returns home MJ either says "Hi" or "How was work" upon his return
during the Prowler!Miles reveal one version has him with more lines and details on his face (thank you @cannibalgal for pointing this one out to me)
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I've only seen the film once so far but based on other people's comments online the changes seem to be mixed and matched depending on when and where you go to see the movie
(edit: added more changes)
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I just had the Idea, like Imagine, the S/o from Muzan, Koku, Douma and Akaza (seperate) finds a spider and is REALLY Scared of it. How would they react?
The mental image of the S/O shrieking in terror and one of these men just absolutely pegging it all the way from one side of the house to the other just to find out its a spider that scared the S/O amuses me greatly (≧▽≦)
Also I have arachnophobia and honestly spiders get my skin crawling in terror... they just give me the ick
Honestly thanks for sliding this into my askbox! It was fun to imagine and write what these men would think and do during such a scenario!
Muzan Kibutsuji, Kokushibo, Douma/Doma + Akaza reacting to their S/O being scared of a spider - Headcanons:
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Muzan Kibutsuji:
He was just doing an experiment, just messing around with chemicals to get a reaction
When he hear's you scream
Fucking speed demon o'hoy as he speeds across the house to find you, nails hardening and lengthen and tentacles wanting to burst out from his skin to get rid of what's harmed you
And when he reaches where you are, hands cracking the foundations of the door with a snarl on his lips until his eyes land on you
Muzan stands there - his fear quells and is instead replaced with a thankful neutrality - breathing slowly reverting back to normal as he takes in your shaken form standing on one of the tables in the home's library
With a quirk of his brow his gaze drifts to where your shaking finger points and lands on the calm + poised form of a spider
Muzan stares at it
The spider stares back
Before it's promptly squished under a book
Your carried out of the room like a bride
"For scaring me you get to sit in my lab" Muzan says, going back to mixing chemicals "And if your good, it'll be me that makes you scream in ecstasy later"
Muzan knows spider's scare you so usually just kills them before you see one - although the odd few go get to live
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Kokushibo was meditating - his usual activity after a long day
It's silent, the house in a state of stillness and the world outside holding it's breathe as Kokushibo breathes in...then out..
And its shattered by your scream of fear
His body moves quicker than his mind
Hand on his katana as he rushes to where you are and as see's you cowering in the hallway, eyes flicking to and fro to see where your fear is placed to see the 8-legged fiend
"It's a spider...." He states plainly, eyes blinking as his stance relaxes "......again?"
"Can you please make it go away!" You whisper-shout, eyes peaking through your fingers at him "It's really scary"
Kokushibo simply sighs
Moving silently to catch the spider with a drinking cup and a piece of parchment from the ceiling and releasing it outside
He picks you up and dusts you off with a small smile
"Next time just shout my name, I'll handle the spiders"
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Douma/Doma had just finished a sermon
Narrowly escaping his followers clutches from having to give more false kindness and advice that he probably didn't mean
Until he hears you scream
Fear flushes his insides cold and worry makes his chest ache as he runs to your shared quarters
First, he blinks - taking in the scene of your shaking form and the rather harmless spider on the wall
Then his brain starts working at a mile a minute before everything clicks into place
You (S/O) + Spider + Scream from you = Fear = New form of entertainment
Douma/Doma smirks - something filled with malice and a polite mock sympathy - before making his way across the room to soothe you
Before promptly catching the spider and chasing you with it...
Yes, this is funny for him and no, he won't stop until he's tired
After having his fun - for what felt like a millennia - Douma/Doma releases the spider outside
And with a chuckle, kisses your forehead and leaves you
Douma/Doma just doesn't understand why you're scared of spiders until you sit down with him before bed and tell him off for earlier
After that he orders his followers to either kill spiders on sight or move them into the garden
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He was training in the garden when he heard you scream out in terror
Making record time to get to you by simply leaping from the garden through the bedroom's open window
Eyes moving wildly trying to find the source of your terror - his heart aching when seeing your eyes shimmering with tears and a scared wobble to your lip
Until landing on the black mass on the floor scuttling about... "a....a spider?" He says inquisitively, his head tilting in confusion
When he realizes that it was the spider that made you scream, Akaza kinda just stares at it for a little while before joining you on the bed to get away from it and soothe you
Then 5 minutes roll into 10 minutes and your both sat there, chilling on the bed in a hug and waiting for the spider to leave
"It's gone now...."
Accidentally stands on the spider
Yes, he screams
No, the spider doesn't make it
But you do get to laugh
Akaza now doesn't go near spiders....
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artfulacrostic · 1 year
had my second high definition viewing of atsv in the theater today and here are my favorite details that i missed due to being overwhelmed on my first viewing:
-gwen is literally wearing a rainbow shaped trans pride pin on her jacket with her prom outfit. she's soooo so canon trans <3
-captain stacy HAS A TRANS FLAG PATCH ON HIS POLICE UNIFORM JACKET?????? when i'm telling u my eyes popped out of my head 😳 SHES SO CANON TRANS!!!
-poster outside miles's guidance counselor's office reads: "visions sciences: telling you your story".
-parallel of miles's and gwen's dad kicking things out of general exasperation towards the beginning and end of the movie respectively
-when miles as spidey is talking to his dad and giving him advice (for himself) there's a reference to miles possibly reading vonnegut? (maybe in class??) "if this isn't nice what is" is a collection of kurt vonnegut's commencement speeches. (literally subtitled "advice to the young". the writers were extremely clever for this reference. if not reading it in class, miles has been searching up life advice on his own)
-i barely caught this but i'm PRETTY sure that in miles' room near his door there's a MICHELLE OBAMA presidential race sticker??? was president obama in the earth-1610 dimension michelle obama?? iconic if so
-fedex on earth-1610 is REDEX
-gayatri seems like they took elements of both gwen (police dad) and mj (young model) for her background as i believe i caught her visible on a "zomato" ad billboard (which appears to be the earth-50101 version of ubereats)
-i spent all of hobie's scenes trying to pick up the details of his many pins; but the only one that i could really make out with the quick shot changes besides the union jack pin was the one right above it, which is a three-leaf clover. i wondered if maybe it had some kind of significance to maybe irish independence or smth but i couldn't find anything online that backed that up so not sure what it means. if u know pls drop it in the replies.
-hobie's boots are definitely NOT ladder laced. i KNOW there is concept art and poster art of him with ladder laces but in the actual movie they are 100% crossed. also unlike the poster art, both boots have blue laces, not one blue, one yellow/orange. i wanted to be all on board the ladder lace code train but i'm pretty sure they just made his laces blue so that they could contrast against the red boots and be spidey colors. they probably abandoned the ladder lace part of the visual when someone realized what blue ladder laces meant in lace code. "HAS hobie killed a cop," you ask? given his comic backstory i'd say the odds are HIGH. but i would bet they didn't want people to think that since he's gone through canon event asm-90 ("a police captain close to spider-man is killed by falling rubble during a battle with a nemesis") that there's any possibility THAT was the cop he killed and he's proud of it (since it's supposed to be all abt character development from the ✨trauma✨ of the event)
-during the whole "intervention" scene, while all the other spider-people are facing directly in towards miles and miguel from wherever they are standing in the circle, hobie is the only one whose back is turned. he watches most of the scene over his shoulder. also, during a couple shots facing miles before the entire society of spiders show up, hobie is separated in the shot from all the other main spiders (Peter B, Gwen, Jess, etc) BY MILES. he is visible over one shoulder and everybody else is visible over the other. these two details are great signals of hobie having already MORALLY turned his back on miguel's authoritarianism, as well as giving a nice inverted "devil/angel on the shoulders" nod.
-peter b asks miguel to take a picture of him and mayday since it's her first chase; miguel brushes him off but mayday understands and uses her webshooter to click the camera button on peter b's phone and take a selfie without him noticing 😂😂😂 shes everything to me
-when miguel is pinning miles to the train, after gwen and peter b have caught up, there is a very fast moment when miles calls for help ("PETER!!") and peter doesn't reply to him, but calls out to miguel to calm down (smth like that) instead 🥲 peter for the love of god step up your mentor game and look out for this kid i can't handle it anymore
-when gwen takes the watch hobie made her out of the box, the screen is briefly visible and reads "project botleg". bootleg -> bot -> "botleg"; I SEE YOU HOBIE. people think he's so cool (and he is!!) but he's also just as much of a dork as all the other spiders. what a goofball
-in miles-42's room, a speed bag/speed ball/maize ball is attached to his wall near the door. there are other substantial differences to their rooms, but i think this is clearly a reference to uncle aaron-42's large presence in miles-42's life, given the association from both movies of aaron with the punching bag and miles getting guidance from him/looking to him for support.
-in addition to all the miles-1610 vs miles-42 prowler vs spidey reflection imagery in the end credits, guess who else has several moments of flashing from spider-man colors (red and black at least) to prowler colors (purple and green)?? miguel, that's who. miguel and miles-42/uncle aaron-42 team-up in beyond the spiderverse? or just an extra parallel for the antagonists sharing goals/possibly methods?
OKAY ANYWAY if ppl want i can try and dig up images of some of these but i figured that would make this post long af so that's all for now folks!! go see across the spider verse again and marvel at how much more fine detail you find like me 🕸🕸🕸
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kojikanokangaetano · 1 year
Across the Spiderverse, Perpetual victimhood and the possibility of youth as shown by Miles and Miguel (+ Hobie)
Tldr because this might be long: Movie good; Miguel is stuck in a state of being the perpetual victim and has dragged down other spideys with him, while Miles is fighting against being ever put in this position, which is why they compliment each other perfectly as foils
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So, rambling incoming- I have a lot of thoughts regarding Miguel and have only seen the movie once so far so please forgive me if I got something wrong- only based on the movie(s)
I believe that Miguel O´hara, as well as Miles, are supposed to showcase the approaches of being victimized and how they deal with their experiences, respectively.
Point one: Parent -teacher talk:
In the first scene predominantly featuring Miles, the teacher and his parents are supposed to talk about his academic future, in which the teacher specifically points out Miles supposed "struggles"- however, his parents, as well as Miles himself, are quick to point out that they had a lot of opportunities and are living a good life in Brooklyn, which is shown by the community + family participating in a rooftop party for Jeffersons promotion (+ the "we have a car statement"). However, the teacher reiterates her point of how "They always struggle" somehow and urges to make that point about himself the anchor of his, still blank, "universe".
Point two: Miles´ future aspirations
During the talk, it is shown how Miles sees his parting with the spider-gang from itsv as a mere temporary hindrance, something that can be overcome if he just tries himself at overcoming the wall that is the existence of multiple universes. Even though in the first film it was clearly established that he enjoys his art primarily, he is willing to put that on the backburner and reevaluate his priorities to reach certain goals (seeing Gwen, Peter B., Peni, Noir and Ham) BEFORE pursuing his other passions.- Miles is shown to articulate this actually pretty well to his parents- sure, his dream of meeting them again might be spurred on by a childlike will to belong, but he is clearly able to reason with his parents who are objecting to princeton university at first.
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Point three: Dealing with his uncles death
During the whole runtime, it is shown again and again how, instead of letting the death of his uncle drag him down, he is uplifted by his memory and his last words. They are defining for him and what he has achieved since then. It is even shown during the flashback-scene in Miguels lab (?) that even peter B. is not able to keep his eyes on his respective uncles´´ death, but Miles is shown to aknowledge not only his OWN pain, but moreso try to empathize with other spideys in attendance.(will touch upon this later)
How does Miguel play into all of this?
Contrary to Miles, Miguel is shown to be standoffish and unempathizing unless pressed into being soft (taking Gwen reluctantly while she is held at gunpoint with her identity exposed btw). He is shown in his first unmasked scene to be reminisicing about his family, replaying the few happy memories he had with them most likely over and over. Unlike Miles, he reminds himself not only of the positive aspects of what his family stands for, but the MISTAKE they represent to him specifically. This ties into the straight up spiteful way he deals with Miles.
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Point one: Miguel uses Miles as a scapegoat
He hates Miles because he blames him. While he talks about the fact that he messed up, it becomes clear during the following talk -and chase- that he, in actuality, blames Miles for everything that happened. Miles is the "orginal Anomaly" and as such the reason why Miguel was compelled to build the universe-hopping-watches. This, subsequently, made him (want to?) find a family. Without Miles getting bitten, he would have never committed the mistake in the first place- As such, Miguel is pushing all the blame on Miles- Miles forced him to act, so the family he had and lost were all because of Miles becoming a spiderman when he wasnt supposed to- easy, right? This is an integral way of thought that also is reflected in the plot.
Point two: Victim-mentality and being "a vicitim of the narrative"
Not only is it most likely used to ctritique the state of the current spidey-comics, of which there has been a huge stir recently(that I dont know that much about, sadly), but it also ties into the mindset of Miguel. He has become jaded (by age and lived experience) and is lost in his perspective of being a victim. Because of this, it has become a necessity to blame anything and anyone to push away his own guilt- in the end, Miles never actively pressured him to find a family and mess up a whole universe while doing so. But even if this shouldnt apply, Miguel has a backdoor for his poor rationalization: It was always unavoidable- the game was never meant to be won, especially as a spider-person. Its freeing and gives him the possibility to atone and distract himself from his wrongdoings, while channeling his anger towards his "true" enemy- Miles.
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This is even moreso shown to the audience as to how he has made every other spidey think the same way he does (exceptions made for Hobie and others later on). It is freeing for these peters, too,to know that they werent at fault- if everyone but them is at fault, how are they supposed to feel any guilt? Miguel essentially made the majority of spideys vicitms in their own stories. They have become mere pawns in their narratives and, in turn, entered a "victim mentality". In essence a self-fulfilling prophecy.Only characters like Miles and Hobie see through such a narrow way of thinking.
Spiderpunk - and why he is the most important new player for Miles (and across the spiderverse)
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Hobie, my man, number one instigator- spiderpunk, right from his entrance, is shown to be just different from most other spideys. he, right after meeting Miles for the first time (and knowing about his special status as an "anomaly" already), is seen helping him out. He straight up even tries to prevent him from going to HQ, sensing something is up. While on their way to Miguel, he questions Gwen regarding what she must have NOT told Miles and starts stealing parts for a makeshift watch later on.
He even tries to talk sense into Miles and the fact that he is living a good life (even with the likely knowledge of Uncle Aarons death). Which Miles, like everything else, pushes aside because of his need for "true" companionship in form of the spidey-society. Also, the line "knowing about which war you enlist in"- wow, like damn
Uncle Ben
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When shown the flashbacks of everyones Uncle Ben, Miles sees Peter B.s and others Uncles in their last moments as a "canon event",playing out before him. At one point, he turns to Hobie and asks specifically if he also went trough this, him having been the outlier up until now. Hobie only turns away, seemingly uncomfortable with the comment "What about it"- Hobie rejects Miguels notion of one laid out event pushing his identity into a specific direction. He detests the idea of being a victim and actively tries to show this mutliple times in his demeanor. He may have suffered loss, but who doesnt? How is this an indicator of being spiderman? He is himself because he wants to be himself, loss be damned. Aknowledging the fact that there might be things that make him a mere player in a narrative, to be written into scenarios already thought out, makes him obviously unhappy- and maybe even feel like he is being instrumentalized-.
Hobie and Miles
Hobie sees the way Miles, akin to Pavtir/Spider-Man India, says "I can do both", a.k.a- "doing whats right" being put BEFORE what the rules would tell you. In conjunction with his mere existence as a sign of "rebellion" and "anomaly" it becomes only natural for him to be the one to stick up for him (telling spiderwoman "good" when told he isnt helping her.) and being the one that effectively breaks out Miles from his electric cage. Hobie sees the spark of freedom and possbility in Miles, something that he must have missed while being at HQ. When things escalate and he sees that Miguel will stick to his guns and toxic mindset, he just, dips. He even leaves his watch, refusing to profit from anything given to him by an organization that doesnt align with his moral code.
Spiderverse never fails to impress. Like, wow- Miles mere existence, that "anybody could wear the mask", even someone that was supposed to become the damn Prowler, is merely dismissed by Miguel and others, them entirely caught in their own sorrow and perpetual state of self-assigned victimhood. Spiderverse shows that actively struggling and trying to break molds and systems that you dont agree with (Miles just trying his best and being uplifted by positive influences, putting his all into his aspirations, even with the outcome being unclear, Spiderpunks whole existence) is the only real way out of being a victim of your own story. He is doing his own thing, and just trusting the leap of faith he has commited himself to again and again, something that Miguel has rejected entirely by now. He in turn finds comfort in the role of a self-appointed martyr and self-sacrifizing head of the spidey-society („I have been the one holding it all together“, etc.). Him realizing that maybe, just maybe, Miles wasnt the one who made the choice for him and that Miguel decided to live his life, with all of his consequences, is so horrifiying, so earth-shattering, that he has made Miles, a teenager, public threat number one in not just his, but everyones eyes. If miles isn’t a victim like him, he has to be the perpetrator.
The presented message does not only apply to fiction, but also real-life- you are the only one to make choices -and specifically adjustments- to your own life (and story), because hey, "there is no playbook" at the end of the day. :)
I know I could have touched upon Gwen and other characters but it would have been even longer and its late so
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hobiebrownismygod · 8 months
i have not yet seen a single discussion that between the start of the chase for Miles and the time Gwen returned to her dimension, no more than an hour passed and during THIS time Hobie managed to assemble a fully functioning analogue of the watch and deliver it to Gwen’s dimension, although I don’t think that the device for moving through the universe is simple technology. has he been working on this project for a long time? HOW LONG ago? do you have any thoughts on this?
(and sorry for my bad English! /g )
Like I said in my previous post on Hobie’s canon event and the way the watch works into it (here) I think he’d been working on that watch and his plan for a long time prior to ATSV for the following reasons.
He only stole a few parts in the movie
We only see Hobie stealing parts for the watch in the movie, twice. Once when he’s talking to Miles, which most of us noticed, and one more obscure time in the scene where Jess is first talking to Ben Reilly. If you watch Hobie closely you can see him grabbing a part from a passing Spider-person during Jess’s line, “we actually need you here right now for some reason”.
There’s no way he built that entire watch in an hour with just a few parts. There needs to be more than two or three parts to it, and he definitely didn’t decide to steal immediately after meeting Miles. He had a plan.
Nobody called him in.
We never see Jess or Lyla tell Gwen that Hobie’s arriving to help in Mumbattan. And Hobie probably wasn’t already in Mumbattan, because Pavitr looked surprised to see him as well.
Miguel also seemed angry with Hobie when he saw him, saying “I can’t with you right now”, but Hobie never gave him a reason to be mad. All Hobie did was arrive in Mumbattan, help them fight Spot and come with Gwen and Miles to the Spider Society. He didn’t mess with any canons, so why was Miguel mad at him?
He wasn’t supposed to be there.
I think that Hobie was off the grid prior to the events of ATSV but somehow, found out Gwen was in trouble and portaled to Mumbattan to help her. I think the reason Miguel was mad at him was because he hadn’t been showing up, he’d turned off his location (which I also talked about in my other post) and because he randomly appeared in Mumbattan when he wasn’t supposed to be there.
Project Bootleg
Hobie had a name for this plan. On the watch he gave to Gwen, he wrote the name Project Bootleg on it. I think he had made this plan before he went to Mumbattan and that laying the groundwork for Miles to escape, stealing extra parts for the watch, and formally leaving the Society was all part of this plan.
So to answer your questions:
Yes I believe he's been working on this project for a while.
Timeframe is probably no more than a few weeks, considering the fact that Miguel and Jess didn't seem too surprised to see him and Gwen hadn't mentioned anything about his absence.
He probably built the watch in a week, taking a little bit longer to actually steal the parts, considering that he's canonically an intellectual genius. It being a fairly complicated design wouldn't stray him.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Another interesting thing about the chase scene with Miles and all the other spiders is he never puts his mask back on until he’s about to go home.
The entire time he is running away as Miles cause he was rejected by the society on the basis of being Miles, the anomaly, not the Spider-man. Not cause he didn’t wear the mask correctly but on the arbitrary basis that he wasn’t supposed to be the one wearing it. The exact opposite of what being Spider-man is supposed to represent.
All the Spidermen that are eventually on his side have their masks off the entire time denoting a sense of personalness to the chase and their relation to Miles; coming to him as friends rather than Spiderpeople doing their duty. How they see him for he is, face to face and who he can be with that mask even if they aren’t quite at that point during the chase. It’s a notable contrast to all the Spidermen with covered faces who are just following orders and acting as Spidermen, even Miguel. It’s only at the end when Miguel makes it clear that this is more personal with Miles, when they are face to face, when his mask truly starts coming off and he is acting in the interest of Miguel rather than that of a Spider-man.
I think it’s a really clever way to show how it’s not important whose under the mask but at the same time noting how whose under the mask makes the Spider-Man and how they choose to uphold that mantle. Miles made up how he was going to do that at the end. Rejecting the society as Miles and returning as his own Spider-Man.
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scaryspears · 5 months
My rant on ITSV and ATSV
So I've just finished watching the ITSV and ATSV because I'm a late watcher, and when the movies came out I wasn't myself. I'm glad I took the time to watch them, although I had to buy ATSV online because it's no longer in the cinema. This means I got to watch my favourite scenes without issue. With that being said, I have a lot of things to get off my chest regarding both films, mostly with the characters. 
Warning: Long post and slight bashing of characters and terrible screenshots.
I don't want to be one of those people who hate Gwen just to hate on her, and I don't hate or dislike her character, but right from the jump her vibe was just off. She felt like one of those characters that disliked the main character for no reason despite barely interacting with her/him (them). I know that isn't the case but I didn't like the way she was blankly talking to him. I'm using the word 'blankly' because I can't think of another word other than 'coldly'.
During the chase scene where Miles and Peter steal the computer, she comes out of nowhere and helps save the day. I was glad but at the same time what the hell. Anyways, Miles compliments her haircut and she snaps with "You don't get to like my haircut.", referring to when he accidentally got his hand stuck to her hair and she had to get half her hair shaved off, I understand getting angry about that. It was an accident, and Miles could've apologised (I don't remember him saying sorry), but she's acting like he did it on purpose.
To top it all off she knew he was like her, which meant she knew what he was going through as he was transitioning. Getting taller, hearing multiple voices, hands sticky, and all that stuff. So that means she's aware that it was an accident, and there's also the fact that she pretended to be a student at his school and hovered around him. She bumped into him on purpose knowing he was a fellow spider.
When you think about it, why didn't she try to get to know him and investigate with him about what's going on? She just left him to discover his spider side chaotically. She should know how scary and confusing that is, but not once does she attempt helping him out. 
I'm gonna sweep it under the rug because they are teenagers, and even if they were adults they shouldn't be expected to be more sympathetic to each other. But you'd think she'd be a little bit more understanding. (Don't get me started on her going into his artwork and opening his collectable in ATSV)
Now, Uncle Aaron. I love his dynamic with Miles, the true cool uncle. His love for his generation of hip hop and us seeing Miles' taste of music. The graffiti art bonding, loved it. There were small hints that he was the Prowler. The 1610 Peter getting killed near where Miles and Aaron did the graffiti, Miles calling him while he's being chased by the Prowler, and the Prowler appearing in Aaron's home. I'm thinking "Where's Aaron in all this?" dun dun dun, he's the Prowler. I loved every bit of it. This also makes Miles different from other spider men, being the fact that his loved one ended up being an antagonist, and one scarier than Kingpin. There's no "With great power comes great responsibility." instead it's "In a bad person you can find good in them." Also, the inner torment that he was about to harm his own nephew is chef's kiss. Uncle Ben who?
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Moving on to ATSV. It opens up with Gwen and her meeting Miguel and Jess. She looked at Jess and said "Will you adopt me?" Like??? Where yo mum at? I know she passed away, but still. You've only had one look at this woman and that's one of the things that comes out of your mouth? You don't know this woman! Jess sounds like one of those women that only talk with attitude no matter what so I had a hard time rocking with her, like what is her problem??? And she's fighting while pregnant... smdh.
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Spot. Funny villain, I liked his banter with Miles, but he's a pu**y punk bi**h. He's blaming Miles for what he became, when he's the one that decided to become a mad scientist and work with other mad scientists under Kingpin. I'm pretty sure there's more to it than a bagel. Lesson is: once you become a mad scientist something happens to you. Norman Osborn became Green Goblin, 65 Peter (Gwen's home) became a monster and died, Shang Tsung got Rick Rolled by himself, you get the idea. Spot made himself like that not Miles.
So Gwen didn't talk to Miles for a really long time because of the whole Spider society thing. When you think about it, none of the other spiders he met did, and I get that they couldn't with the exclusion of Peni. But not one visit? Not one letter? Something??? Now Miles has a little short conversation with Hobie and admits that he only wants to get into the Spider society to talk to his friends and help out with defeating Spot. He just wants to hang with his friends, but Peni and Gwen decided not to do that.
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Moving on, I'd like to talk about Miles' walk through within the spider society. They acknowledge Gwen and only Gwen, they don't bother saying hi or even looking at Miles. It was like Miles wasn't even there. Never thought I'd say it, but these Spider men are arse holes. I also got annoyed at the way Jess was talking to him, I get that he's not supposed to be there but she needed to chill.
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This anger went when Miles bumped into Margo, and she looked like she was about to lose her cool but she lightened up once she saw who it was, a complete stranger. I'm not a MargoMiles shipper, but I don't mind it (granted so long as they are the same age).
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So the scene that goes 0 to 100 quick: I watched a bunch of memes and edits that painted Miguel as racist and I didn't understand why, and thought it was like a Millie Bobby Brown situation. Re-watching the scene where Miles meets Miguel I can see why.
All the other spidermen showed up to gang up on Miles.
"You can't ask me not to save my father."
"I'm not asking."
And hit him with this.
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While Miles is freaking out at the sudden imprisonment we can hear Miguel say "We just need to hold him a few days." They were treating Miles like a criminal and/or a confused wild animal. And then Miguel had the nerve to say "All he had to do was listen." when Miles escaped them. I don't think Miguel is racist, but the memes I will support.
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Hobie was looking out for Miles as soon as he met him, and I love that so much. He knew Miles wasn't like the ones in the spider society, and made sure to tell Miles to be better. Gwen didn't do that. She did, but she didn't if you know what I mean. She followed along with the crap Miguel was spitting.
And then there was the chase scene. Bro had a bunch of spider men chase Miles and not one of them could catch him. That is the biggest L I've ever seen. One 15 year old boy, and he didn't use his other 2 powers until after Miguel slammed him onto his back. Miles was not playing. Also, Miguel was endangering the lives of people who were driving. And yes, Miguel's at fault and not Miles.
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They gave Miles crap just because he didn't want his dad to die, unlike Miguel who actively replaced the life of his other self. Gwen was really going to let her dad die, and Peter B tried to justify it by saying their uncle's death made them who they are. Pavitr was just supposed to get over his love interest's dad dying? They knowingly let that happen.
Miguel calling Miles an anomaly is mega projecting. Miles becoming Spiderman wasn't on purpose it just happened, and that's always how the story goes. No one is simply meant to be Spiderman, they just become him/her. It's also funny coming from a man who crawled on all fours chasing down a teenager.
42 Miles. Prowler Miles. Gonzales. Kilo Immorales. I love him already, can't wait to see the next film where we'll see him in full action. I love how we as a fandom collectively agreed that these two would have a sibling dynamic even though we've only seen 42 Miles for like a minute. I love the Boondocks comparisons as well. I need 42 Miles to hate everyone. I need Miles to be full of rage in the 3rd film Adult Gon style. Prepare for double and make it double.
In conclusion, I should've watched these films when they first came out, they are so great. The art, the incorporation of hip hop and correctness of Afro related backgrounds and the storyline. I honestly felt like Miles was a great representation of the new generation. I saw myself in him, and not just being black but the graffiti and finding out that a family member of yours isn't really a good person. I don't do graffiti or art but I do find them beautiful whenever I see them. Also, the Air Forces. Step aside Peter Parker, we have a Spider man with more drip.
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mochalottie · 1 year
I wanted to make a larger post about ATSV because I've been listening to the soundtrack on loop for the past week, I'm going to see it again tomorrow, and I just made a very astute observation about the film and its music (and no, this is not a chance to show off my music film degree shut up--)
So, in the previous Spiderverse-film there was a lot of focus placed on the Original Soundtrack. I mean the songs used in the film (diegetically) and which were inspired by Miles' story. It included stuff like Sunflower and What's up Danger.
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It meant that there was less emphasis on the film score, written by Daniel Pemberton. Apart from only Miles' theme throughout his journey, and his fight theme in the collidor 'Miles Morales Returns' there isn't much of a focus on the score itself. It falls to the wayside unless people actively go to listen to it. I mean, the cover art for it was actually really simple until recently. The big 'Spider-man' graphic wasn't there a few weeks ago.
Now, there's nothing bad about this at all, and in fact I haven't come here to criticise this, only to observe and possibly gush about how it's changed. Because it has changed; this time in ATSV there's less of a focus on the OST and more on the score. It's far more prevailent, to the point where each Spider person is getting their own theme.
That includes Gwen, Miguel, Miles, Pav, and Hobie. And each actually sounds really well characterised.
Gwen's, which is heard really prevalently during the battle with Vulture at the beginning is very drum heavy (obviously), but the main melody rises in quick succession in what could be a slide, but nearly couldn't because you hear each individual note. We know for a fact that Gwen is the only Spider person in her Earth, so it could almost be a nod to her rising to the challenge. Learning to defend her city whilst also always getting back up. Someone also pointed out that the drum solo heard at the beginning is used at the end, and is part of her theme. It also makes sense why she would form the Spider band, because the drums form the foundation so that the other instruments can build upon it.
Miguel's is first heard when he steps through the portal, and obviously it sounds ominous and menacing. But, I don't believe he's a bad guy. Someone said here that there's a difference between an antagonist and a villain. Miguel is the antagonist, which is reflected in his theme, because he is far different to the other Spiders. He's a vampire, for one, his world is set in 2099, and he was the first to figure out the canon events. The setting is why, I think, his theme is so techno in style. It also has the same rise and fall motif that is similar to Gwen's, a bit of word painting in a sense.
We then come to the main character Miles, who's theme we did experience before in the first film, but it's far more developed in this one. For one thing, it's longer in time, second, it's set during the chase scene with the Spot. We know from the last film that Pemberton is a master at meshing the diegetic music into his score (for example adding in some of Miles' theme into What's up Danger) and it's no different here. At one point, he changes the record scratches (which are literally him scratching the vinyl recording of the score) to the screeches the goose makes whilst Spot and Miles are duking it out in Foam Party. And obviously more rising scales, and epic orchestration but meshed with the record scratches and errant cowbells.
I think Pav and Hobie are my favourite new characters. Like Pav 'Just coconut oil, prayer, good genetics' 'chai tea? chai is tea! Do you want some coffee coffee with a side of cream cream?'. He makes me laugh every time and he's such a sunshine boy I wanna squish--
ahem. anyway.
Obviously, Pav's theme is very culturally accurate, but he hasn't been able to get away from the traditional record scratches and hints of techno like the other Spiders. It doesn't have the rise and fall motif (yet) but that could be because he hasn't been Spider-Man all that long (six months and he still got a badge) and he hasn't experienced any of the major sacrifices Spider-Man usually does. And we hope that he doesn't anyway, cause they need a bright and smiley Spidey that's not weighed down by the weight of his fecking responsibility.
What can I say about Hobie's theme. What can't I say about Hobie's theme. It is downright headbanging screaming at authority fuck the monarchy english punk!! I love it to bits, the way it reminds me of so many other great bands whilst also being really bloody original. Good drum runs like holy shit, good guitar riffs (you can bet their fingers might be bleeding by the end of it) and it just gives the vibes of late 70s. It just fits so so well.
All of it does, the whole score is amazing and I would absolutely adore to pick Daniel Pembertons' brain in finding out how he decided each Spider would sound. Like, the tiny details every creator put into this film is insane.
Each Spider even has their own unique thwipping sound how specific can you get!!!
Anyway, I'm done. For those of you who read through this, know I did it during half of my lunchbreak because this film is giving me brainrot.
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2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year
HII!! it's the same anon that did the t!hovie ask and OMD YOUR RESPONSE HAD ME SO GIDDY AHH
i never even thought about t!hobie and mayday but now you've planted the image in my head and i can't get it out! he definitely doesn't mind being picked up and hugged by her! the first time peter catches them during their secret bonding he immediately rushes over and starts mauling the hell out of him as he checks him over to see if he's hurt while hobie is trying to squirm away 😭
AND MIGUEL!! he'd definitely be desperate to make hobie someone else's problem but I can just imagine the times where he's alone with a tiny swing maniac ahsgsj at some point he just snatches him out of the air, drops him into a jar and continues with his business, while hobie is fuming and yelling about the oppression of voices or smth ahsgasjhssh not to mention miguel probably had to spent a ton of time with hobie getting his measurements for his own mini watch 😭😭 he definitely went to go visit spider-therpist after he was done
i absaloutely love the chase scene with pav and hobie! they're running and swinging for their lives, holding on to each other and the book it down the halls while screaming their asses off until they find miles and crawl all over him (if he's in his normal clothes they totally either jump into his pockets or hoods)
also when hobie visits gwens house to give the watch to her dad? traumatic for the police chief for realll 😭 I can imagine he's just home from work, so still in his uniform, and then a tiny dude just struts up onto his coffee table holding a giant watch and giving him the most judgemental glare ever. "a real piece of work" frr!
howdy! Sorry I took so long to respond, I was camping :)
anywho, YESS Peter just grabs hobie and starts moving him all around, looking him over all while hobie is debating whether to keep his chill or squirm. He chose bite. Hence why, after that incident I fully believe that miles heard that he bit Peter, so when hobie is all over him constantly miles is trying to remain still so he doesn’t get bitten as well. He would also teach mayday to bite.
oh, hobie would definitely yell about oppression of voices… and in the case that he’s put in pocket jail you’d just have a spider person talking to Miguel or Peter then suddenly they’d hear disembodied screaming about power trying to suppress the voice of the people… the spider person would be so confused while the one they’re talking to just ignores it and slowly just puts a hand over their pocket slowly. Also, spider people at some point try to actively avoid crossing the door to Miguel’s office because every once in a while the door will swing open, Miguel will flag down the nearest person and put them in charge of tiny anarchist watching duty.
pav and hobie would be BOOKING IT down the hall, there would be screaming, there would be so much drama, especially from pav. There would be a moment when pav gets stuck somewhere as they’re being chased and pulls a ‘I can’t go on!’ Scene as hobie goes back and carries him to safety. Also, hobie would be laughing so hard mid chase while pav is lowkey horror movie victim running, they could both just have the spider people chasing them lose them at anytime but that’s not as fun. At some point they see miles and run for him, miles would be so confused as he just felt two tiny spiders climbing his legs and clinging to his neck while sitting on his shoulders. Pav would be screaming incoherently about miles running while clinging to him and miles would be so confused until hobie, relaxing on miles hair, just goes ‘you probably want to run’ pointing to the mob… miles: ‘NOT AGAIN!’
Gwen’s poor dad would be so confused, this tiny punk just shows up on his coffee table pulling around a watch twice his size. I feel like Gwen’s dad would try to ask about his size and hobies just like ‘what of it?’. He’d definitely be a price of work and it would be even more impressive if he made Gwen’s watch while tiny, it would be a lot harder to pocket materials and miles would make it more difficult by moving the things away from him on a different table while he’s trying to steal.
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littlefirefly42 · 1 year
I'm a little upsetti spaghetti I'm ngl
Spoilers for ATSV under the cut
It is so wild to me that people are getting legitimately mad at Gwen for lying Miles when she literally had no choice. She was homeless, and as far as she knew if she went back to her dimension she would get arrested and charged with murder. The only way to prevent that from happening was for her to listen to Miguel and do whatever he said. So yeah, she lied to Miles, but she had no choice.
In fact, it was pretty damn cool of her to visit Miles in the first place, because she didn't have to do that. She was putting herself at risk for that. Same with when she defends him in front of Miguel, catches him during the chase scene and then lets him go, yells at Miguel in defense of him, and gathers all the spider people to find him. Y'all want to talk about how badly she treats Miles when she literally risks everything for him multiple times during the movie.
Also, super random detail you may have missed, SHE'S SIXTEEN. Of course she's going to make stupid mistakes! Of course she's going to accidentally hurt people! She's a teenager who's scared and alone and the one person who was supposed to love her unconditionally and always be there for her turned on her. And you just expect her to just be perfect???
AND ANOTHER THING- It is the same people who are slandering the fuck out of Gwen that are defending Miguel even though he beat the shit out of Miles for wanting to save his dad and continuously shifted the blame for his actions and failures onto other people and let his trauma turn him into an emotionless asshole. Miguel is a grown ass adult. You guys are going to be pissed at a homeless teen doing what she has to do but not a grown ass adult refusing to healthily process his trauma and choosing to use it against others for no reason? That's fucked up.
You know what else is fucked up? Y'all wouldn't care if Hobie was in Gwen's position. You'd be falling over yourselves defending him. The thing about morally grey characters is that everyone fucking loves them until they're a women. Then suddenly they're a bitch and they're evil and they're backstabbing and it's so fucking annoying to me if you're a misogynist just say that.
And if I get a single reply about her opening Mile's action figure I'm gonna lose it.
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sir-adamus · 1 year
My absolute favorite thing about ATSV is the narrative repetition of not only literal religion but wanting to do both things / two things and the callbacks to walker scenes. Miles trying to catch Gwen after he startles her and the Spot kicks her vs her trying to save him from falling during the chase and he snaps the line on purpose
Miles and his two cakes and Pavitr saying “I can do both!” as we see he cannot hold the bus and save captain singh and the girl (but with help they do indeed save everyone)
Miles literally has DNA from two different dimensions he’s literally always been both since he got bitten!! That’s the point it’s so good!!
Spider-Man doesn’t always win. They don’t always save the day. But with this unique technology they have a chance to learn and make friends and new connections. If the issue was just universe hopping then the whole spider base thing would be a bad idea. I can’t wait for the power of friendship and trying even tho it seems hopeless to kick ass in Beyond it’s gonna be so good.
Gwen also has an "i can do both" thing - trying to keep the canon event happening and save Miles (and thinking she failed when he gets buried under the rubble, which is why she was so panicked in that scene, because she was right back at the night of the dance and seeing Peter crushed under the rubble)
and yeah the thing is it's like
this movie is hanging a lampshade on the idea that Spider-Man needs to have these personal tragedies happen to be a better hero - that these events aren't just unfortunate happenstance but Fated Incidents that have to happen in order for them to be correct in the role (and uh, just a note... doesn't apply to Miguel - literally none of his story lines up with the Peter archetype)
like - the Uncle Ben death is a tragedy because it could have been prevented, it was something Peter could've stopped and didn't because of his pride, and the resulting guilt of that forms his 'with great power must also come great responsibility' thing (which also a note, not originally an Uncle Ben line, it was just a narration bit, only got applied to Ben later) - but the point is it's a code he forms in the wake of tragedy, not a predestined event meant to teach him a lesson
and more importantly Miles in these movies never needed to learn that - because he outright quotes the line to Peter B during the first movie, and of course he did! he's about 13/14 in Into the Spider-Verse, Blond Peter had been Spider-Man for a decade and he marketed the hell out of it; every kid in New York grew up knowing the line (which is actually a factor i don't see people discussing when it comes to the 'Earth 42 Miles and Earth 1610B Miles swapped fates' thing, we don't know what kind of Spider-Man that the Earth 42 Miles would've become, or how our Miles would've ended up if he hadn't been bitten)
Uncle Aaron's death is rather erroneously framed like Ben's by Miguel, but a) it wasn't something Miles could've prevented but didn't, he very nearly died himself, and b) it's reinforced later as 'sometimes you can't always save everyone'
so in terms of 'canon events', Aaron's death fits the George Stacy death more than it does the Uncle Ben death, where it happens in a moment it is impossible for Spider-Man to prevent it as a result of the main villain of the story (Aaron is even trying to save Miles in that moment, who was wearing the red store-bought Spider-Man costume, and pointedly the kids George and Inspector Singh try to save in those moments are also wearing red) - however ultimately it's trying to fit all these personal, different tragedies into a specific box that's the problem, because that's not how life works (nor is it how the multiverse works, but Miguel thinks it does and he's convinced others of the same and refuses to accept any alternatives). Aaron's death isn't a variation on Uncle Ben's death, George Stacy's death or anyone else's death. it's the death of Aaron Davis
also, introducing other Spiders completely changes the surrounding context and the stakes - if Inspector Singh had died there, would Pavitr have come to the conclusion that he couldn't always save everyone? or would he have been angry and resentful that the people he thought were his friends sat there and did nothing when they could have helped? because he wasn't alone in that situation, which completely changes the ballpark even if no one else interferes, it would affect how he responds to it
so it's all questioning why these events need to happen - if we're looking at it in-universe, these things are just unfortunate tragedies. looking at everything bad that happens to you as predetermined fate meant to teach you a lesson is both incredibly unhealthy and fucking dehumanising to your loved ones - a community of Spider-People can help each other and mentor the younger ones to convey the lessons and codes the elders pieced together so they don't have to go through the same shit, be forced through the same pain under the bullshit logic that the suffering will make them 'better'
and from a meta-narrative perspective, the 'canon' is the stakes of the story; Earth-65B continues to run even with George quitting, because dramatically speaking, learning Gwen is Spider-Woman and nearly losing her forever, while Gwen avoids going home because she's terrified that her father hates her and - compounding that - is scared that if she does go home, he'll already have died. that drama is 'good for the story' and can resolve without anyone dying
Peter B literally only has Mayday because of Miles, the 'original anomaly', and yet Earth-616B is perfectly fine with a child who - according to Miguel's logic - should not exist. why? because Peter B has started putting in the effort to make his life work, 'making adjustments at half-time', and earning his happy ending
whereas Miguel deciding to skip all the hard work of trying to make his life better by just inserting himself into a happy life that belongs to someone else, and that reality crumbles apart because he didn't earn it - so the stakes had to be raised, and the resulting guilt is what turns Miguel into the uncompromising anti-hero we have in this film
Spider-people are capable of incredible things, and are capable of even more incredible things when they have each others' backs - they've just gotten too caught up in their guilt complexes to realise that
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whispering-imp · 10 months
I don't think Miguel O'Hara is a Spider-Man.
Our biggest hint: During the chase scene on the train, Miles questioned Miguel's use of claws. To which Miguel didn't answer, instead, he retorted with: "Are you?"
Now, I'm not familiar with Spider-Man media, but I think while most Spideys use web-shooters (and a few actually shoots webs), the most telling superpower they have is the sticky fingers.
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Backtracking to Miguel's story, assuming everything he said was the truth, just not the whole truth. We know that a canon even in all Spider-Man stories was they lost someone important. Miguel never mentioned or showed who he lost in his own dimension. All we know was he found a world where a different version of him was happy. The guy died so Miguel crossed into that world and replaced him.
We assumed that the simple act of being a replacement was a canon-breaking event. What if it wasn't?
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What if Miguel did something else to break the real Spider-Man's canon?
From the replay of Miguel's story we see that other him had a role much like Uncle Ben. He died and someone else would be come Spider-Man. Except, he was replaced. The other Miguel When he replaced other him, who died so someone else would become Spidey (The daughter?), that was what broke canon.
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My theory? Miguel turned into a vampire and killer his own family, one of whom was likely the Spider-Man of his world whose blood he drank. That was how he found out about Spidey powers.
This brings us to the big unanswered mystery: What was the serum Miguel was shooting up in front of the computer? What do we know about it?
Well, it had a spider symbol on it. It even acted like a spider biting his shoulder.
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We know the effect was to change Miguel's blood in some way (but not change the DNA completely). It's a bit like a radioactive spider bite, right?
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Meanwhile, Miguel's origin story went like this: "I'm this dimension's one and only Spider-Man. At least, I was. But I'm not like the others."
What was missing from his story? Here's another hint: every other Spider-Person intro monologue included the line, "I was bitten by a radioactive spider."
But not Miguel. He wasn't like the others. HE WAS NEVER BITTEN BY A SPIDER.
My theory: the serum was a emulation of the spider bite that gave Miguel Spider-Man like powers, but it wasn't perfect and he didn't get sticky fingers from it. Miguel believed that having those powers (even if he needed to periodically re-inject the serum) made him another Spider-Man.
Miles scratched the surface of the truth up on that train!
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marypsue · 1 year
Good fucking movie though. A lot to chew on. I have Theories.
So! It's been said before, and not by me (although it was the illustrious and lovely @daddygrandpaandthebeaver who first brought it to my attention), that if Miles is an anomaly and was never meant to be Spider-Man, then it doesn't make sense that he should have to follow all the 'canon events' of a Spider-Man story. Unless, of course, following 'canon events' is what makes you a Spider-Person. Or, at least, somebody thinks it is.
Miguel introduces himself by saying that he's Spider-Man (of course), but then follows it up with, "But I'm not like the others." This is while we are watching him inject himself with something that's visually indicated to be mutant-spider-venom, something that heals a wound in his shoulder and a tear in his suit. The obvious conclusion, of course, is that he's 'not like the others' because he's some kind of energy-shooting vampire government experiment, which we get to hear about a couple times in dialogue. Or possibly because he's got that whole High And Lonely Destiny bit deeply, deeply internalised. One of the two.
But! Not a single line of dialogue in this movie was not on purpose. And Miles comes right out and says it himself, during the big climactic chase scene. "Claws? Is that guy even a Spider-Man?"
Excellent observation, Miles! I don't think he is.
There are the claws. There is the vampire thing. @daddygrandpaandthebeaver also pointed out that Miguel didn't have the Spidey-Sense. And he has to give himself, from the looks of things, regular infusions of spider venom to keep his shit stable. Oh, and there's the little fact that Miguel's whole backstory and motivation is that he tried to take his own place in another dimension once already. This guy has 'imposter' written all over him in 72-point neon font.
So why would he be pretending to be Spider-Man, and why would he be playing enforcer to make sure that the worst moment in any Spider-Man's life always plays out, over and over and over and over and over again? Well, it veers into wild speculation, but like I said, I have theories.
I don't think, in his original universe, that Miguel was its Spider-Person. But I think he was close to them. And, unfortunately, I don't think he knew that until it was too late. Because I think, in his original universe, he was originally a villain. The claw thing makes me think, especially if we're playing off ITSV (and Miguel's motivation is Fisk's inverted, which is super cool, so we're definitely playing off ITSV), probably a Prowler, but the 'government experiment' thing and the imposter situation now has me wondering if this might be how they're going to sneak Venom in there. And I think, much like Uncle Aaron, he was unexpectedly thrown up against a superpowered brat in a lame costume mask.
Only, unlike Uncle Aaron, he didn't stop.
The video we see of Miguel and his daughter makes her look very young. But in the flashback - which, I'll admit, we don't know how much of that may have been fabricated - she looks a lot older. Like an older adolescent or a young teenager. Maybe...about the age Gwen and Miles were, in ITSV?
I think - and, again, wild speculation, but it'd be so thematically coherent! - that Miguel's original daughter was his original universe's Spider-Person. And I think he only found that out after he'd already killed her.
If that's the case, then everything he's doing, the whole 'canon event' situation, makes perfect sense. He has to try to fit Miles into the mold of a Spider-Man story, even as an anomaly. Because Miguel is an anomaly. Because if it's necessary for some kind of tragedy, some kind of unthinkable loss, to happen, in order to create a Spider-Person, in order to create a hero, then what Miguel went through (what he did) was necessary, for him to become the Spider-Man he is now. If the 'canon events' have to happen in order for the whole dimension to continue to exist, then it wasn't only necessary, it was inevitable.
And Miguel really, really, really needs that awful, unspeakable thing that he can never undo to have been necessary and inevitable. Because if it wasn't? If it was just a choice he made, one he has to live with the consequences of? If he could have made a different choice?
Well. That'd be the one thing he really couldn't bear.
(Side note, but if this theory is even slightly correct, then I am also very very very worried about Peter B's daughter.)
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showtoonzfan · 11 months
I have an unpopular Spiderverse opinion, this one is nitpicky tho and just my opinion. Out of all the things I loved about ATSV, there was one small thing I didn’t like so much, and that was Peter. Don’t get me wrong, I love how he goes from a miserable hobo who didn’t want kids in the first film to a happy himbo dad, him constantly being obsessed with his daughter and showing her off was the best thing ever, but at the same time, he does kinda lack in the development department for me. Spoilers/kinda long post under the cut.
So I certainly understand why he didn’t get much focus, having him appear mid film is completely fine since he already had his arc and time to shine in the first movie, and this film clearly needed to cut back on some characters since it needed to make room for more as well as further focus on Miles and Gwen, ……however at the same time, I do wish they would have explored more regarding him, mainly on the relationship between Miguel and Peter, since Peter was literally revealed to be there when Miguel’s alternate universe collapsed.
We do know that despite it hurting, Peter does agree with Miguel’s opinion on how their trauma is making them who they are, but when Peter wasn’t playing with Mayday, he was either being silent or making a joke, and it just…didn’t work for me. Like the scene where Miles literally looks so broken at Gwen, leaves and says goodbye to her, Peter has….no reaction to that and just makes a joke about being a good mentor, during the chase he also felt WAY too calm for all these spider people to be chasing after Miles, making another joke where he pulls out his phone and asks Miguel to take a picture, and as much as I loved the scene of him telling Miles why he had Mayday in the first place, him shoving her in Miles’s face beforehand just…takes away from the seriousness of it all for me. These scenes to me felt like they were adding comedy in places that… really didn’t need it. It felt distracting of the emotional core.
During the scene where Gwen is arguing with Miguel, Peter says nothing. He does look conflicted and/or hurt but I would expect him to have a stronger reaction for someone who has such a close relationship with Miles in general. This is very nitpicky but for someone who LOVED how we saw how hurt Gwen was on how she affected Miles, I wish we got the same for Peter. He hurt Miles too and yet throughout the film/what we see, he felt too calm. In general, Peter for me in this film felt very unfocused, if that makes sense. He kinda just…didn’t feel like the same strongly written character in the last film, not that I’m saying the character itself is bad or the writing for him in general is bad, but I wish we had gotten more with him, though I’m not really ganna fault the writers entirely since they had a lot to deal with and Peter is clearly just a side character in this movie (which again, is completely fine.)
And to be honest, this is another huge unpopular opinion but I don’t really like how Peter decides to take Mayday along with him for the ride on saving Miles. I love Mayday so much but I will admit, she kinda is the reason why I felt like Peter’s character in this film was distracted and unfocused. Since he’s constantly worrying about her and most of his scenes revolve around her, we don’t get to see much stuff where it’s just about him and the relationship between the other characters. Mayday had her spotlight here and I felt like the third movie should have went back to having Peter at the center, not that Mayday takes away from that completely, I am in no way saying the film should have cut her out, but I am saying that when she’s around, we didn’t get much scenes where Peter’s feelings were upfront and I worry that having her in the third film will distract from the seriousness that is Beyond The Spiderverse.
Overall, what they did with Peter in ATSV wasn’t bad at all, it just felt extremely underwhelming to me, he could have just gotten a little more than what we got. Keep in mind these are just my opinions! Don’t know if any else felt the same way I did but feel free to leave comments!
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 months
Top 5 Stargate eps, comfort movies, and Canadian foods
stargate eps
Episode 200- ha bet you thought I'd say the time loop episode first but no, even this episode won out ahead. the in jokes, the jokes at other sci fis, the whole set up, the love of it all, when I have really bad days it is my comfort episode out of all comfort episodes honestly, I can't even begin to count how many times I've watched it and every time I cry when quote Issac Asimov at the end, I am a weak person lexi you know this
Window of Opportunity - okay yeah time loop was next, let's be real I am completely predictable but this was the time loop episode that really showed me how fun they could be. like I already loved the concept cause of TNGs one but this one? it's so funny, I've had people who don't even watch stargate watch that one with no context of the characters and still find it funny. and the ending is heart wrenching, what more do you want from a time loop (pst, lexi watch it with me again, now I miss it)
Abyss - I admit I loved Ba'al as a bad guy, he was so much fun for me and the episode introducing him was so weird with Jack haunted by memories not his (what do you mean I'm obsessed with that because of star trek and ezri-) and eternally whenever I chuck a shoe too far accidentally while taking them off I just think of "I just threw my shoe through you" when Jack is talking to Daniel, like c'mon that was so funny
The Fifth Race - I loooooove the introduction of the Asgard so much, not to mention Jack getting the language in his head. once again sometimes my brain just goes "there is nothing cruvus with me!" for no reason because of that episode.
Fragile Balance - I'm just a sucker for a good cloning episode okay, and Jack and the Asgard just don't miss for me! I'm a weak person lexi!!!!!
comfort movies
Star Trek: The Voyage Home - yes it's the one with the whales and time travel, two things I love specifically because of this movie probably. no lie this movie did have me really into whale conservation as a kid though, something that's stuck with me well into later years. but like it's got everything, Spock being sassy to McCoy, McCoy and Scotty off on their own adventure, chase scenes in a hospital with Chekov on the cart like it's fucking looney tunes, time travel, whales, the crew being the crew together! mcfucking love this movie
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - be honest, you knew I'd have this here because we've talked so many times and I've said it's my fave but like...I watched this movie every day for a year as a kid. I made my dad buy back up tapes because I wore it out on VHS. to this day I still have five copies. I want you to know I don't just love this one because Wedge appears the most here. Though that doesn't hurt. It's just about the conclusion of it for me, it does something for me where it gives me hope.
Canadian Bacon - this movie isn't gonna be known to like...anyone. but me and my best friend as a kid watched this movie like every week while we were up at my cottage and it's another movie I can quote by heart. the premise is the americans decide to fake a war on canada to boost the economy though canada doesn't know and this group infiltrate canada and I'm in tears laughing every time at the line "Aboot? it's about! about! we have ways of making you pronounce the letter 'o'" also Alan Alda is there.
Robin Hood Men in Tights - this was a movie I used to watch constantly with my siblings, we loved Mel Brooks movies but this one was the top tier for us for comedy sake and occasionally in the sibling chat we'll still send in jokes about it
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: I know you didn't love it and me having a spider related thing on here is weird but I just shut my eyes during those points and watch the rest in peace. like this movie was just magical to me, the way it handled the multi-verse and Miles' story and the art and music, it's so good and I have no words to really describe how good it is for me, I just love it.
canadian foods lmao that's so specific but is this because I'm sending you stuff soon?
All Dressed Chips, I cannot believe americans don't have this, you guys love your weird flavours on everything else and you don't have this??? it's like the everything bagel of chips, what is wrong with you guys
Ketchup Chips, I know I know that sounds like it tastes bad but no it doesn't and if you think that get taste
Beaver Tails - tragically the place that used to make them near my place closed down ages ago but I got to have a good one when I was visiting @trillscienceofficer in Alberta this year and that pastry is so good
Smarties - once again not your kind of smarties but chocolate which is NOT like m&ms we use better chocolate
Caramilk bars - while looking things up when I messaged you I found out you guys don't have those and hey??? what the fuck???
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