#thoma headcanons
fallingdownhell · 1 year
Genshin men when you bring them home to meet the parents and they find out that your sister is the favored child of the family and she now has her eyes set on them.
Uhhh, I really like that idea.. It has so much angst potential... but am I gonna do it...?
Characters Included: Heizou; Thoma; Alhaitham
Content: gender neutral reader; reader has a sister; slight cursing; some jealousy themes; nothing else besides that
Word count: 2k words
Have fun reading!<3
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He is so fucking nervous!
He is good at hiding it, but you know him by now, you know how he gets and how he acts when he doesn't want others to know his true feelings, so you know and are aware of it
Heizou knows about your strained relationship with your family. Your parents having favoured your sister over you, no matter the circumstances
you did have contact with your family, but it was on a very low, unregular basis. Not that he minded that, though. It was your life, your decision. He's sure you wouldn't do that without having a good reason for it.
You had agreed on a nice, easy dinner at your parents house where they would get the chance to meet your boyfriend for the first time
upon arriving at the house where you spent your childhood, Heizou got more and more nervous. Somewhere along the way, he grabbed one of your hands, holding it tightly in his own.
you tried reassuring him, giving him a small smile as you held his hand, and it did help him a bit
soon, your mother answered the front door, followed by your father and introductions were made
Heizou held your hand throughout the entire thing, not daring to let go of you, but he seemed to relax more and more as the seconds went by
your parents noticed this as well, looking briefly at your joined hands, but chose not to say anything about it
you sat down on the table and a few minutes later, your sister arrived
she was acting entirely over the top with you, throwing herself at you and acting far too friendly. It made you somewhat uncomfortable, but you didn't say anything, not wanting to ruin the good mood that everyone has
for the first few minutes of dinner, everything seemed fine. Conversations were held, your parents asked Heizou some questions, nothing too bad
but then, your mom made some comment about you again, and it all went downhill from there for you
"You know, you're exactly the type of man we always wanted for our daughter. Are you sure you want to settle with (name)?"
then, your mother proceeded on to tell him every little thing about your sister. How she was working a much better job than you with better hours and more pay. How she was more beautiful than you. How she was just in general the better choice between the two of you
Heizou was dumbfounded by this behaviour and he now understood entirely why you had almost no contact with your family. This has been your entire life? Archons, he wanted to rip them a new one, for your own sake..
your mother was still rambling on, your sister just sitting there, smiling at Heizou, thinking that he was considering his options
everyone, including you, was surprised when he suddenly slammed his hands on the table, making all eyes fall on him
"With all due respect, Ma'am. I would rather die than do something so horrible to (Name). They are a wonderful partner, the best I could ever wish for. So, pardon us, but we are going to take our leave now."
with that, he grabbed your hand and you both walked out of the house, ignoring the calls of your family for you to come back and that they didn't mean it like that
secretly though, you were so glad and relieved. When your mother started saying stuff like that again, you just mentally accepted that this was it, yet again.
But Heizou surprised you and stood up for you against your own family. It made you feel so incredibly loved and cared for
that night, he hugged you closer to him than ever before, now reassuring you that you were his number one, that he loved you only and would do everything in this world, just to see you smile again...
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He's such a sweet partner, always caring about you and making sure that you're comfortable with him
Thoma likes to be a provider in a relationship. In the sense that he likes to cook for you, help you clean up, doing little things for you around the house. It's his way of saying "I love you"
Thoma will never push you into doing anything you don't want to, or making you open up to him
he's more than happy to take things slowly, earning your trust
and when you finally open up to him about whatever things you want to talk about, he's there for you, listening to everything you have to say without interrupting you
he also knows about the strained relationship with your family. He might not know all the details, but he knows enough to trust you in your decisions regarding the matter
he would never comment on it or make you do anything since it's not his place to judge or intrude on
with that being said, it just so happened that one day, while out shopping for ingredients, he ran into a certain someone
well, more like, a certain someone that ran into him. She profusely apologized for running into him and somehow got him tangled up into conversation
Thoma, being the nice person that he is, tried finding a way out of the conversation without coming across as rude. But, honestly, he just wanted to get home to you as soon as possible
Somehow, the conversation shifted and the topic of partners came up. Thoma said that he was happily taken right now, but she just kept pressing with her questions until your name slipped out his mouth
Thoma could clearly see how her eyes lit up at the mention of your name and he had a feeling that she would just bombard him with thousands more questions
so, he quickly made up an excuse and got out of there, walking home at a fast pace
once he arrived, he told you about the encounter he just had, which made you think. It all sounded strangely familiar to you, even his description of the person rang a bell somewhere in your mind
however, you didn't have much more time to dwell on those thoughts as a knock could be heard from the front door
exchainging glances, you went to answer the door, only to find your sister standing in front of you
eyes wide, you wondered how she found you here, but that question was quickly answered
"Oh, so you ARE his lover! God, now I'm so glad I followed him all the way back here!"
She threw herself in your arms, then quickly abandoned you and went inside your home. You were still so shocked and didn't realize this but when you came back to your senses, you quickly went inside again to the kitchen were you heard her voice from
Thoma was looking at you confused as well, but she just continued talking to him like nothing had happened and they were still out in the city where she ran into him
"...I mean, I'm so glad it was you! You're so handsome, and strong apparently for carrying all those bags back here! Say, why are you with (Name) anyway? Like, they have no redeeming qualities. You should look for more suitable partners, like me! I could give you so much more!"
She smiled at him like her little speech would be all it takes for Thoma to change his mind. The sad part was, you were expecting it to work as well, having dealt with exactly that your entire life, she always got what she wanted
"...Out.", Thoma said. It was the only thing he said, but his tone was so unusal from his normal self. It was cold and demanding, making your sister shiver in her place.
She quickly grabbed her stuff and left your home again, not saying another word
You looked after her for a second, but then in the next you felt two strong arms wrap around you from behind, his face burrying itself in the crock of your neck
for a long time, he remained silent, before he spoke again. "Sorry. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that for so long."
you were perplexed at his words, but quickly hugged him back, silently thanking him for staying by your side
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To most people, Alhaitham comes off as a cold and calculated person without any emotions
most people will be surprised when they find out that he was indeed in a committed relationship
and they were even more surprised when they find out how sweet, loving and expressive you are
most would think that he would want a partner similar to him, closed off and not all that social. But you are the exact opposite to that
Not that Alhaitham was paying any mind to the opinions of others about him and his love life in the first place
To you, Alhaitham was the most ideal partner you could have hoped for
he was caring, attentive towards you, listened to you even if he didn't give that impression
his attention was always on you, you were in his thoughts when not with him. Just completely head over heels for you
However, he would not know about the strained relationship with your parents. He knew you weren't in much contact with them, and that's all he really needed or wanted to know. He never bothered you about it
But then, one day, you asked him if he wanted to meet your parents. You seemed unsure about the proposal, but in the end, he agreed to it nevertheless
the days before the event, you became a nervous mess. Alhaitham had no idea what was going on, but he tried to be there for you and support you
he did ask if you wanted to talk to him about anything, but you declined and he didn't push you anymore after that
then, the evening finally arrived where you were meeting up with your family at a local restaurant
when you arrived, your partents and sister were already there, waiting on the two of you. your mother spotted you first, waving to grab your attention
you then went over to sit with them
Introductions were a bit awkward at first, but after a few minutes, things seemed to settle down a bit as your parents engaged in conversation with you, trying to catch up on things
However, it quickly became clear to Alhaitham that your sister was always trying to upstage you with absolutely anything. You got a good job? Well, she got an even better one. You got paid so and so much? Well, wouldn't you look at that, her numbers were even higher than yours
at first, you tried to ignore it, but as always, your parents quickly began ignoring you again, instead congratulating your sister on how good she was doing for herself. It dampened your mood quite a bit, but you still wanted to give this a chance
that was, until your sister said something very specific. "Yeah. The only thing missing to top it all of would be an amazing boyfriend now. Say, Alhaitham. Why don't you dump my sibling and get with me instead?" She even winked at him after saying this
Immediately, your parents agreed to her proposal, looking expectantly at Alhaitham
said man only took a quick glance at everyone at the table, before throwing some money on the table, grabbing your hand and standing up, heading for the exit
"I listened to you disrespecting my partner for long enough. And you wonder why they hold no contact with you anymore. Really, I'm glad they got out of your grasp."
With that, you both left the restaurant. None of you spoke a word until you got to Alhaitham's house again, where he immediately pulled you into his arms as soon as you were inside
so for a while, you just stood there in his embrace while he silently reassured you that you had nothing to worry about
you were the only one to him and he would spend his entire life proving this to you if necessary..
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bedoballoons · 4 months
Hear me out, aftercare with wrio, zhongli and thoma 🤭🤭
I got you fairy anon, I got you hehe
─⊰💕𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤💕⊰─
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{༻~Will you still love me after~༺}
Genre: Suggestive fluff
CW: GN! afab Reader, mentions of having s*x, some flirtyness but mostly just sweet stuff
(Includes: Thoma, Zhongli, and Wriothesley!)
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Thoma pulled you in closer and placed a kiss on your forehead, his thumb softly rubbing circles into your back. You felt so warm, your body freshly bathed and nice clean sheets and covers surrounding you, his loving gaze never ceasing. "Thomaaa, what are you staring at? I'm just getting sleepy, it's not that entertaining"
"Sorry, I don't mean to stare to much...I just love you alot and you look especially beautiful right now. You're glowing and after what we just did I can't help but wanna cherish every second of it." He kissed your lips gently and smiled at you, he couldn't really pick a favourite part of the night..
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Zhongli poured warm water down your back slowly, his hands massaging your sore muscles and...slight bruises he'd left on you during the act. He'd casually place kisses on your shoulders and neck whenever you started to fall asleep, his aftercare doing wonders for your body. "Mmm Zhongli can we take baths like this together all the time, even if we haven't done anything? It's so calming and nice being this close to you"
He smiled softly and took your hand in his, his voice loving and gentle, "Of course my dear. I will happily oblige to nights like this often, consider it a means of releasing the stress of the day and a way of taking a moment to enjoy eachothers presence. You're truly what I long for more often then anything else now and I love you dearly."
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You smiled happily, drawing invisible doodles into Wriothesleys chest as you laid on top of him, your body nice and toasty in his coat and his arms loosely holding you in place. Of course you enjoyed...doing things with him, but aftercare also had a high place on you heart. He'd always clean you up and kiss you lovingly, compliment how hot you are, how beautiful, then the two of you would cuddle up together like this and calm down, be close. "I love you Wrio"
He looked at you sleepily and chuckled, "I love you too, but you should get some sleep. In the morning during breakfast we can say it over and over again, how does that sound?"
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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heizours · 1 year
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summary. he overhears a conversation about who was your first favourite character in the game, and they grow jealous about it
tags. gn! reader, grammatical mistakes may occur
cw. none as far as i have check
feat. scaramouche, thoma, childe, xiao, dottore
< back to event m.list
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"Who was my first favourite character during the early days I was playing it?" You repeated the same question that your friend was asking you.
"Precisely! C'mon, I'm sure there is someone who had really caught your attention the moment they entered a quest you were playing or something like that."
They responded back, as they waited eagerly yet patiently for you to tell them, while you were busy thinking and reflecting back on who it was.
Little do you know, that they are not only one who's itching to know your big revelation.
If the doors have eyes, then the walls or perhaps the screens have ears as well.
"Well, I'd say that the first character who caught my attention and became my favourite in a short span of time is-"
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Scaramouche acts like he is not deeply affected by it and acts like it wasn't a big deal to him, but the expressions that were painted on his face betrayed the best of him.
Why are you smiling when Childe's the topic?
What did he do to make you joyous like this?
But... if he is the first character you like, is it now a liked?
There is this some sort of uneasy feeling that continues to brew and swirl inside of him the very moment your face had brighten up at the mention of the harbinger's name, and he has no idea how to stop it and why was he feeling it in the first place.
Is this another emotion that a heart can experience and learn, from time to time? What was it called again?
Ah yes, jealousy.
Scaramouche suddenly scoffs at the realization, finding it hard to believe that he would feel the bitterness of what enviousness is like sooner than he had anticipated, and the primary cause that triggered it was none other than that side character.
Childe? Cool and Captivating? Please, you haven't even seen how he could be a million times better than him.
"You mean to tell me that I'm simply getting worked up all for this? Why should I be bothered over it, when I could be a whole lot better than him? Heh"
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Thoma rarely taste the medicine of jealousy but seeing that look on your face when you rambled on about the oni, somehow snapped him into his senses. He felt the need to grab your attention from the screen to tell you that he is here too, and maybe - just maybe you could switch your favours around. 
I'm not jealous...being one is simply irrational
Maybe — I am a little bit jealous
Alright, I am jealous...
While he would be in denial at first with the jealousy he is dealing with, he would still come to the generalization that he is indeed jealous, and if he will have to cope up with it, he would put back on his smiley facade, only this time something about his smile is a little unpleasing, that even Itto himself will not dare to breathe around him.
But, instead of continuing to bottle up his jealousy and act petty like the others, he would understand why you favour the oni and would put that first before his feelings.
Don't be fooled though, compliment him too while you're at it!
“Oh...I didn’t know they like him. It sounds very surprising coming from them, but who am I to judge? Well then, has anyone seen Itto? I bet he will be delighted to hear the news!”
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Childe laughs it off - Yes, it’s the laugh that you are thinking right now where he is this close from committing another arson. He is definitely not a second away from taking a trip to Inazuma and is on the go to plan a competition with the housekeeper, because he’s too cool to even to something like that.
I see, another challenger perhaps?
Hmph, what’s the point of challenging him if I know that I am the strongest?
Clear skies Ajax, clear skies
At this point, it is quite clear that he is turning into the embodiment of jealousy due to the amount of assurance that he is telling to himself, not because he is threatened by Thoma but because he is threatened that your favouritism about him will be the reason for his downfall.
He is threatened by the fact that you could easily evict him from your main team and replace him with someone else from another region who is just newly released and is almost a carbon copy as him, if not for the differences of their physical appearances.
It is indeed true that jealousy is a disease, that not even Ajax himself could flee from it.
“Thoma? I have heard of that name, but I also heard that I can excel ten times better at the things he could do. No- I’m not showing off, I am simply describing that I am a way better option than him, that’s it.”
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Xiao stays the same as he is, or -  that’s what he thinks. Truth to be told, he doesn’t even realize that he is jealous, but as they say - actions speaks louder than words, and the way he is acting right now shows how he is envied by this favouritism topic.
Did I expect too much?
I don’t like this feeling...
Is this what those mortals call as jealousy?
It takes a while for him to accept that he is jealous, but after that whole feeling finally sinks in, well let’s say he is displeased by this realization because by every second, that feeling continues to sink deeper and deeper as if it’s attempting to land in the deepest depth of the ocean. 
But, like Thoma, he is another who tries to get over with it and respects why you favour that character the most. Maybe it’s because you see them in a different light that others can’t, and he understands that.
Everyone has favourites, and he can’t blame you for that because even him has one which is you but he would rather not say it.
"Hm, while I do not fawn over him, I suppose I understand why you like him in the first place. Whatever makes you happy, is simply enough for me to know why."
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- Alhaitam!
Dottore remains indifferent or so what he assures to himself, because if anyone where to see right through him, displeased is not even used enough to describe how disturb he is by that revelation.  
The Akademiya scribe is what they fawn over the most, hm?
How interesting....
Though, irritating would be the right word for it
His pride is wounded, and what makes it even more worse for him is he is a man of intelligence. So naturally, he is intimidated and threatened that the scribe who is also intelligent but not as him, could be the reason why he can’t turn the favour of you to him.
To get rid of the jealousy that he is feeling, he will dedicate most of his time (like he isn’t in the first place) inside his lab, doing things where only he knows what it is. He is one of the upper rank harbingers and dictated as the doctor for a reason, and the only way he could could get off the steam he is feeling, is to be busy.
While he is ordering around his clones and agents at the same time, any step or news that he gets from them and will be deemed as a failure, will have to face some serious issues from him, especially that Dottore is not in the mood to be in a dilly dally manner.
“Anything I need? Perhaps you can give me a little information about the scribe - take it or leave it. Either way, leaving it is not even an option in the first place.”
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whoistartaglia · 1 year
you’re my best friend
and other ways genshin men tell you they love without directly saying it
“you’re always on my mind.”
bold words spoken from the scholar who seemingly has more books than friends and people close to him. he’ll tell you this in a rather exasperated tone—as if you being in his subconscious 24/7 is somehow your fault—but don’t disregard the message. there’s no one else in the world but you who can distract his brain from his books and studies.
“you’re my best friend.”
it’s said so casually, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. the realization was equally similar; it was a simple realization, made one night when the moon caught you just right. kaveh has many friends, a byproduct of his overly, well, friendly, nature. but you’re the the one he wants to spend time with the most, be with the most. his best friend.
“i want to spend time with you.”
wanderer said this begrudgingly, as if you’ve forced him to spill a secret he wore to keep. for someone who both revels and abhors being alone, it came as a slight shock when he realized he actually likes and wants to spend time with you. you should consider yourself truly dear to him—there’s not many else, if anyone else, that falls into this category.
“you look beautiful. you are beautiful.”
thoma has told you that you look lovely several times over again, even when you feel you’re looking your worst. but it’s the second sentence, almost said like an afterthought, like thoma didn’t realize it was being said, gave you pause. thoma doesn’t just find your outside exterior beautiful, but your very person and soul.
“i would run away with you.”
thank the archons ayato said this to you in private. it would be a scandal if anyone else but you heard such a confession. ayato has more responsibilities than stars in the sky, and they all very dear to him, too. but he meant what he said: ayato would drop them in a heartbeat if that meant running and sneaking around the world with you.
“i would settle down with you.”
in contrast to ayato, the free spirit kazuha would do the opposite for you. if you asked him, kazuha would put a pause, maybe indefinitely, on his adventures around the world to be with you. why should he continue to explore the world when you have become his world? the seven nations and beyond may offer beauty in forms of nature and landscape, but it all pales in comparison to you.
“stay safe.”
this is said with xiao’s arms folded over his chest, a slight scowl on his face. nothing about xiao’s outwards exterior screams gushing love, but you knew from those two very little words. the adeptus cares for you, maybe even more than for himself, and never wants to see you get hurt. should you reassure him you will be safe and careful, his eyes will soften—but not much, not totally until you come back home in one piece.
“i would give up immortality for you.”
zhongli has lived a long, long time. the seasons change but only in cycles; the stars wink out and appear in routine. but you crashed into his life and you were something new, someone zhongli had never quite met before. zhongli knew very soon that he would give up watching the world on repeat for you, for life with you had become infinitely more interesting.
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sonder-paradise · 2 years
heyy i see your requests open, and i would like to request something. can i have hcs of diluc, thoma and childe with an s/o who bites them? like you know how i just like to nom nom? it’s not exactly biting harshly, just a nom as a form of affection
𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐏! — 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭
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◊ ft. diluc, thoma, childe, gn!reader
◊ genre. fluff
◊ a/n. i’m a proud sponsor of love bites
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— 𝐃𝐢𝐥𝐮𝐜 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫
the first time it happened he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. i mean, what would you make of a comfortable evening in with your lover, cuddled up nicely on the couch together. only to be startled by a loving bite directly on the neck.
he blinks, then raises a hand to access where you bit. there’s an indentation where your teeth met skin but other than that it wasn’t particularly painful. you smile fondly at him before going back to whatever you were doing.
diluc just sits there stunned before demanding some sort of explanation?? if there even is a valid reason to bite him??
“darling, may i ask about… whatever this is?” he makes an vague gesture to the bite mark on his neck.
“it’s a love bite,” you say simply.
diluc has no choice but to accept the explanation. i mean, that is technically what it is and he can’t say anything more.
once he gets used to your random nibbles and bites, he finds them rather amusing. he no longer questions them but does have a bit of trouble explaining when someone notices a mark on his neck or forearm.
“oh? is the great diluc ragnvindr finally getting some action?” kaeya teases, motioning to the odd mark on diluc’s collarbone.
the man reddens, adjusting the collar on his shirt before mumbling a small, “shut up..”
— 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚
was absolutely flabbergasted the first time you did it. stun-locked and frozen to the ground. how could he even react properly when he feels your mouth gently chomp onto his skin whilst cuddling with you?
he rubs the spot, staring at you wide-eyed and red in the face. he stutters out some fragments of questions but truly he’s unsure what to even ask. eventually he just sighs and quickly realizes it’s something he must get used to.
with time he grows used to them. i like to think he’s a bit more ticklish than the other two so when you do bite his neck or collarbone he sort of retracts into himself.
thoma smiles, laughing softly when you take a nice nom of his hand or his neck. then he promptly shoos you away so he can work or focus on his needlework.
“s-sto.. pfft, haha! stop that! i need to w-work on this!” he says through sweet laughs.
“and i need to bite your arm, hold still!”
if anyone were to ask about it, he sort of blushes and covers the mark up with a smile, saying some form of an excuse that sounds decently believable. they don’t believe him of course. not when you’re standing around the corner grinning like a cat.
— 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞
he bites you back obviously. and he got it almost instantly after you did it the first time too. when you popped in for a moment and took a nice bite outta his shoulder he looked at you for half a second before taking a chomp outta your cheek.
it was your turn to squint at him now. the two of you obviously daring the other to try and bite them again. eventually it simmers down but now it’s just turned into a competition.
it’s not particularly a romantic or even sexual gesture either. it’s just the two of you trying to bite the other lovingly.
childe doesn’t particularly hide the fact the two of you bite each other either. all the other harbingers just have no choice but to listen to your silly antics with one another.
“tartaglia, what in the world is that mark on your neck?”
“oh, y/n did it. i gotta get them back this afternoon or they win for today.”
who even knows what childe’s on about anymore. but you certainly seem to cause the second he gets home you got a whole plan devised to nom on that man’s poor arm.
but childe finds it fun. it’s a lighthearted competition the two of you have some how put together and he enjoys the mess of laughs and giggles it puts you two in afterwards.
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Taglist: @xo-cuteplosion-xo @planetxiao @nonsense-corner @ireallylikehamsters @eccedentesiast-sapphic @rebeccka @the-lost-anime-dad @lettucecabbage-kun @irethepotato @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @niverine @hoshikechi @plinkuro @shizunxie @kiraisastay
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tokkishouse · 1 year
hii i say ur " The first time you call him a term of endearment" post and can i request one where the roles get reversed with kaeya, thoma & heizou. fem!reader gets really really flustered hearing the term of endearment (perhaps one related to snow in kaeya's), tysm <33
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(Sfw) Calling Each Other Terms of Endearment for the First Time
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Characters: Diluc, Heizou, Kaeya, Thoma, Tighnari
Warnings: Slightly suggestive in Heizou and Tighnari's part, mentions of injuries in Tighnari's part
WC: 1.8k words total
Pt. 1, Pt. 2
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He calls you a term of endearment first
The steady tick-tock of the clock reverbs around the study. Paper shuffling and ink scratching fill in the gaps, and the occasional chatter shared between you and Diluc adds life to the quiet environment. Days like this were normal-- enjoying each other's company even with minimal interaction.
The peace is broken by the sound of liquid splashing against the mahogany desk and Diluc's sudden groan in frustration. You look up from the book you were reading to see that ink had splattered on the parchment and his hands. He clicks his tongue and looks up at you, offering a small smile.
"Dearest, could you get a towel? Or just something to clean myself up with."
Your grip tightens on your book in surprise and you freeze in your spot. The redhead watches you strangely as you stumble over your words for a response.
"D-Dearest?" you finally spit out, incredulous. It's his turn to be embarrassed, his face turning as red as his hair.
"Y-yes, that's what I said. Do you not like it?" he's become shy, scared that he has overstepped his boundaries. You quickly shake your head, standing up abruptly and sending your book tumbling to the ground.
"I'll go get you a towel now!" you announce, quickly rushing out of the study. Diluc watches on, still embarrassed but slowly calming down.
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He calls you a term of endearment first
"Two dango milks please!" Heizou orders for you two. You decided to have a stroll around Inazuma City-- Heizou had been busy with the recent Test of Courage situation and hadn't been able to spend some quality time with you. He promised that as soon as the situation was resolved he'd take you out.
And that's what brings you to today-- sipping on dango milk while you both sit on a nearby bench. You cringe at the initial taste, but stomach it as you chug the rest of it.
"Do you want to check out the Yae Publishing House next?" Heizou suggests, looking over. He stifles a laugh when he sees the milk staining your upper lip, unbeknownst to you. Seeing him struggle to conceal his laughter, you quirk an eyebrow up.
"Something on my face?" his smirk widens and he reaches over with a napkin to wipe up the milk.
"I didn't know you were trying to grow facial hair, doll. The white suits you," he teases, carefully dabbing away at the milk.
Your face warms up in embarrassment and you hiss at him, trying to bat him away from your face.
"Heizou please!"
"What? Would you rather I tell you what it reminds me of? After all, a delightful image appears in my head and I'd like to recreate it-"
"Shut up!"
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He calls you a term of endearment first
"Race you to the beach!" you challenge, breaking into a sprint toward the beaches at Falcon Coast. Kaeya's jumps in surprise but is quick to recover as he breaks into a sprint himself. Despite your headstart, his agile body is quick to catch up and he soon overtakes you.
You both approach the glistening coast fast, and Kaeya's slides to a stop right at the shore, cementing his victory.
"Always just a little too slow it seems~" he teases, watching you jog up to meet him. You sigh, shaking your head.
"I could never beat the calvary captain could I?" he laughs, turning away.
You notice two buckets and a shovel resting against a giant rock and walk over to them. They look like children's pails-- one is blue and the other is your favorite color. You look up at him, and instead of his confident smirk, it's melted into a sheepish smile.
"I wanted to go seashell hunting with you. I used to do it all the time when I was younger," he begins and slowly trails off. A distant look twinkles in his eyes and the air turns somber. You clear your throat, pulling him out of it and you reach down to grab the bucket.
"Well let's get started then! Who knows, maybe we'll find treasure too!"
Kaeya's watches you carefully, and his smirk reappears.
"Oh? But I'd consider you the finest treasure around."
He's quick to dodge the projectile bucket, laughing at your flustered expression.
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You call him a term of endearment first
"Thoma, where should I put this stuff?" you ask, looking over at your boyfriend.
You and Thoma were both housekeepers for the Kamisato Clan, although he had far more responsibilities than you did. Eager to help and already done with your chores for the day, you offered your assistance to him, and he was happy to have the help.
"Put it in the closet down the hall! It's extra stationery for Lady Ayaka and Lord Ayato," he answers, watching you carry the crate off.
He enjoys working with you as much as possible-- he has no problem taking care of his tasks on his own, but being able to have help, especially from his partner is always a bonus. You come back a few moments later, dusting off your hands.
"Sweetie, do you mind if I go and sit down? My back is killing me," you complain, placing your hands on your back to stretch. He waves you off, letting you take a breather as he presses on. Your words don't quite hit him until he's carrying another crate down the hall. Upon realization, he freezes and drops the crate on the ground, sending a thunderous noise down the halls. Nearby maids look over in surprise as the blonde stands there, dumbfounded and rosy-cheeked.
He calls you a term of endearment first
Having finished all of his tasks for the day, Thoma invited you to join him in feeding some of the nearby stray dogs. Happy to indulge in any spare time he had, you agreed to accompany him. It was one of your favorite past times to do with him. Watching the dogs slowly grow used to both of you was rewarding and it always left you feeling fulfilled and accomplished.
"Oh drat, we're out of some fowl," you complain, realizing your rummaging through your bag has turned unfruitful. Thoma looks over, frowning.
"I can run to the local market and get some?" he offers, but you shake your head, standing up.
"I'll go. I'll be fast," you promise, and you quickly take off to purchase the fowl. Thoma watches after you longingly before turning back to the dogs, showering them in affection.
"You all don't know how good Y/N really is," he begins, carefully ruffling one of the shiba's fur. "They're hard-working and kind, and they always offer to lend me a hand. On days that I don't see them, time seems to drag on forever."
Thoma sighs and sits back a bit, closing his eyes to take a break. The dogs all scramble to crawl in his lap and ask for his attention again, but he's starting to get lost in his thoughts.
"My sweetheart...my Y/N...I wonder if Lord Ayato has any ideas on how to propose," he ponders to himself, unaware of you hiding behind a tree. You had come back a while ago, but quickly hid when you heard Thoma talking about you. His nickname already had you fidgeting in embarrassment, but the idea of a proposal? You almost let out a squeal in excitement.
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You call him a term of endearment first
It was a rare lazy day for both of you-- Tighnari had no patrolling duties and he was caught up on his research, meaning he could divert all his focus and energy on you.
Currently, you two were snuggled up on the couch enjoying the delicate notes playing from the record player ("It's this new technology from Fontaine!" you explained when you brought it home). His face was buried in your chest, ears pressed flat on his head while his tail resided in your hands, being carefully groomed by your fingers. The more you tangled his fur between your fingers, the louder his purring got.
"Tighnari, you're purring like a tiger," you tease, carefully slipping your hands down to cup his face and tilt it up so he can look at you. You squish his face, forcing it into a pout. He scowls at you, pulling his face away.
"What, am I not allowed to enjoy my partner's embrace? Should I be as stiff as a board?" he mumbles, burying his face in your chest.
"No no, it's cute I promise, love," you laugh, reaching back for his tail. You're unable to catch it as it starts wagging animatedly. You glance down at Tighnari, who willingly matches your gaze. There's a light of amusement shining in his eyes.
" 'Love?' " he inquires, and you smile down at him.
"Yes, is that a- wah!" you're cut off mid-sentence as Tighnari pushes himself up and straddles you, his clawed hands sliding up the side of your body.
"I want to hear it again, Y/N."
He calls you a term of endearment first
"Hey! Not so tight!" you whine, shooting a half-hearted glare at the forest ranger. He ignores your complaints, continuing the wrapping of your injuries.
"It needs to be tight to prevent unnecessary blood loss and make it harder for bacteria to enter the wound," he explains, carefully tying the bandage up. "I wouldn't be doing this though if some lummox didn't go into the withering zone without their weapon."
You cross your arms and look away from him in defiance, jutting your bottom lip out in a pout. You forgot to check your bag before you both went out, meaning when you arrived to clear the area out, you were weaponless. And those fungi did not go easy on you. Near the end of it, you were carried back to Tighnari's house with bruises and scrapes all over you.
"I thought it was in my bag."
"You were sorely mistaken," he chides, then turns to pack up his medical supplies. He leaves you alone for a bit and when he returns, you're hugging your legs to your chest. Anyone with eyes can tell there's a gloomy air around you.
"I'm not mad at you," he carefully reminds you, stepping closer. "I was just worried. You can't go rushing into danger unprepared."
You don't reply, still refusing to look at him. Tighnari sighs and plops down in the seat next to you, wrapping his tail around your body. You instinctively scoot closer, leaning onto him.
"I care about you a lot, and if something drastic were to happen to you-" he doesn't finish his sentence, biting his lip. Silence falls over you two, the clock on the wall ticking away.
"You're very special to me flower," he whispers. You jolt at his words, glancing up at him with wide eyes. You try to stammer out a response, words getting twisted on your tongue. He takes your hand and squeezes it, silencing your attempts to talk.
"Promise me you'll be more careful."
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Now is "lummox" or "flower" the true pet name? 🤭
@seirenspinel Per your request I added Diluc cause he's my bbgorl and I wanted it to be 5
I personally don't think Kaeya's would call you a snow-related nickname? Even though Cryo is his vision does this make me hypocritical? maybe.
Lmao at this point this is becoming a series. Oh well! Requests (sfw and nsfw) are open~!
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frieschan · 1 year
𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭. pt 2 // genshin men
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➳ character/s featured: thoma, kazuha, albedo, xiao x f! reader
➳ unrequested | scenario // fluff
➳ TW: not proof-read
➳ summary: you and said character have started growing close, finally they open up to you about their personal life.
➳ AN: part 1 with ayato, diluc, childe, and zhongli here.. part 3 with cyno, alhaitham, tighnari, and kaveh is coming soon :)
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—THOMA ; protector from afar !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"y/n? she's quite a helpful hand here in the Kamisato estate! Though she isn't an official worker, she does as much work as me around here when she gets some free time from being a shrine maiden!"
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"ahh heheh.. you've heard about my lover? F-From Yae Miko?! Godd... That's just embarrassing.. y/n is my girlfriend, I love her till the end of time but I tend to avoid visiting her since she'd be at the shrine and a certain Fox lady would be there.. If you get the chance to pass by the shrine, could you tell y/n that I want to eat hotpot with her?"
YAE MIKO ; about Thoma's lover
"oh? y/n? she's quite an adorable lady.. she works so hard at the shrine! I sometimes wish she would have worked my publishing house instead, pity. She could always lend a hand at the publishing house but, all her spare time is spent on her boyfriend, Thoma. Such a cute couple, don't you think?"
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—KAEDEHARA KAZUHA ; scarlet leaves pursue wild waves !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"y/n is a very reliable pirate aboard Beidou's ship, a true comrade of the ship. At the time I was wanted, I was being followed by groups of patrol soldiers.. That's when I witnessed the strength of the right hand woman. She truly is never afraid to pull out her sword in the face of injustice."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"Hm? my lover? Ah, y/n is my lover. You look quite surprised traveler.. I thought it was quite obvious... You had your suspicions? Ehe.. I can't help but admire beauty. y/n is very dear to my heart, everyday I ask myself just what I would be doing at this moment if y/n wasn't here.."
BEIDOU ; about Kazuha's lover
"y/n.. that little devil is quite a handful when we're at sea! Even when she's such a rascal, I'm grateful that she is here on this boat.. Always tending to the crew, especially Kazuha. Young love, ey? Best you keep this between us though, lest you want the crew to have swords at Kazuha's throat for 'stealing y/n' hahahaha"
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—ALBEDO ; kreideprinz !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"The second daughter of the Gunnhildr clan.. She holds the title 'blade of snow' with how much of her time is spent here.. With that, me and her hold a close relationship.. Another part of that is Klee always looking for her...."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"You've heard rumors of me and y/n being engaged? That is something I cannot deny, you have already seen the ring on our finger. She holds a place in my heart, she is just as special as Klee actually. Sucrose and Klee adore her very much.. they always seem disappointed when she is busy and cannot visit. I can't help but be disappointed too.."
KLEE ; about Albedo's lover
"y/n is the best! She always plays with me! I don't get why Albedo always pulls her away, I wanna play with her too!"
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—XIAO ; vigilant yaksha !
TRUST LVL. 4 ; about y/n
"y/n? her presence is far more comforting compared to other mortals, though there is something very odd about the aura she exerts."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about y/n, truth
"It seems as though y/n isn't mortal afterall, she is adepti. How could I have missed this..."
TRUST LVL. 6 ; about lover
"What is it that you want with y/n, traveler? y/n as my lover..? just who has told you this information... tsk, mortal lives can't help but meddle in the business of others so it should be expected. So what if she is my lover? Though, I sometimes worry if I really will be able to protect her from the horrors and years of pain I have endured. No matter, I know that you will protect her also."
GANYU ; about Xiao's lover
"lady y/n? I have heard the fellow adeptis mentioning her every once and a while.. but from what I have experienced with her, she is a very gentle and soft-spoken lady.... I have just learned recently that she is the lover of Xiao! I wonder what it's like to be with her.. I can't help but be a bit envious of Xiao, lady y/n seems to be such a goddess!"
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copyright © 2022 | frieschan
reblog or like if you enjoyed!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
your shield, a sword
summary: how various genshin men deal with conflict or confrontation when you’re involved. ft. wanderer, thoma, tighnari, zhongli, alhaitham, cyno and albedo, in that order.
word count: ~2k
-> warnings: major spoilers for sumeru archon quest (specifically 2nd part w the wanderer) and liyue archon quest, minor spoilers for tighnari + albedo + alhaitham + kaveh lore
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me
< masterlist >
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wanderer rarely lets any remark slip by him. after his memories were restored, he’s not identical to who he was before, but being who he was carries a heavy temper with it. he’s getting better at it, but he can still often be found locked in a heated discussion with one scholar or another. it’s rare he gives them his time, but when they so blindly get a detail of history wrong, something easily researched had they bothered to open the book, he’s not going to let that slide. misinformation is a problem in the akademiya already, no need to perpetuate it.
you don’t have the heart to tell him that most scholars aren’t like him, and don’t research every facet of their argument before making a point with it. not everyone is that rigorous in their study, which is why his papers stand out so much.
physical encounters are the same from the outside, but starkly different if you looked closer. he’s still antagonistic, still drawing their attention to him, standing in front of you and fighting the urge to look back. the fatui were a cruel organization, and while he was used to people picking on him, were you? he was a lot, would you be okay with it? his attitude was a shield that covered his fear, and fights—as rare as they were—only exacerbated these anxieties. would you leave him? you didn’t call him out on his behavior as often, was that because he was getting better or because you were getting tired? he doesn’t know, and is honestly afraid to ask. it’s easier to pretend to be confident than actually try to be; this outlook got him this far, and it’ll get him further. he’s certain it will…
thoma, as a mondstat native first and inazuman ‘fixer’ second, has had more than his fair share of conflicts. people that disrespect him or another, those that believe he doesn’t belong or that he’s being unfair, the staff of the other commissions that believed ayato was unfair for employing him as his retainer… the list could stretch from ritou to liyue and back with slack to spare. as such, he’s learned a lot about how to deescalate while still holding firm, and is more than willing to extend this to you. whether because you’re not one for confrontation or because it’s a matter of politics and he doesn’t want your words to get twisted by whoever’s listening, he’s not afraid to step in.
he’s also well trained with his polearm. not many dare to attack one so close to the yashiro commissioner, but the few treasure hoarders that do are met with the point of his blade and a sharp warning. he doesn’t like fighting, not only because of the incident report that always needs to be submitted afterward and the anxiety that someone might take the opportunity to paint him in a bad light, but because he runs the risk of injury. nobody he cares about likes to see him hurt, and he hates to worry them. sometimes it’s necessary, and he won’t apologize for getting involved, but he will say sorry for worrying you. trust him, he’s a capable man, and if it really bothers you then he’ll take you to feed the strays around the city. that’s always a nice way for him to destress, and he’s certain you’ll enjoy it too.
tighnari is a man who stands for his morals and integrity. hell, he got his vision by correcting someone during an academic debate, and denies his master at the academiya on a regular basis in favor of reforming the entirety of the forest rangers. he’s taunted fatui into a fight and his tongue is sharper than his arrows. karkata is proof of his entire character, and he’s very obviously willing to put word and bow to use in defending his principles and what he loves.
would he rather know you’re safe in gandharva ville? obviously, but another scholar bothering him for help he won’t be thanked for isn’t something he can nor should protect you for. you’re your own person, and if you don’t want to see him dismantle their argument point by point, that’s your prerogative. you know the way home and so does he, and if a half hour or so of his time is the price for a handful of months of quiet, well, who’s he to deny it?
he’s stopped investing emotionally into these arguments a long time ago, and it’s only when they dare to bring you into it that he does get a bit heated. still, within the hour he’s successfully compartmentalized that person’s opinion away, and doesn’t let it affect him. he won’t hold it against you if you’re upset, never—emotions are healthy and if anything he’s happy you trust him enough to tell him—but he will list out every single reason why actually, their opinion doesn’t matter, and your time is better spent elsewhere; like with him, for example.
zhongli is well versed in battle, more than capable of defending both you and himself with nothing but his spear. his power has lessened since he’d given up his gnosis, but celestia could not help the mitachurls on the wrong end of planet befall. his shield is nothing to scoff at, and the abundance of geo in liyue makes it impossible for him to ever feel threatened.
but just because he can doesn’t mean he wants to. he could take down a platoon of fatui on his own, but if you’re with him then he wouldn’t even consider it. a single stele rises from the earth, a jade shield forming around you as he pulls you into his arms, letting the resonance from the stele disorient the fatui. he may not be a marathon runner, but he’s still a god that knows liyue like the back of his hand. he knows you’re not hurt physically, and when he finds a good tree to sit under with you the first thing he does is make sure you’re not scared anymore. he’s here, he promises, you’re going to be okay. the wind is cool and his arms are secure, and when it’s over he’ll give you a silk flower for your bravery.
alhaitham doesn’t have time for racket like this. no, seriously, he has a date to go on and this is more of a minor inconvenience than anything. he puts an arm around your waist and keeps you tight to him, but that’s the only sign he’s feeling anything other than annoyance. it doesn’t matter how upset he may be internally, how much of his mind is allocated to how quickly he could get you back to his house, his face is a mask that his opponents can’t break.
you can, though. as he rushes you away down the twisting alleys of sumeru city, you can feel the urgency with which he walks, the slightest of frowns on his face. when he returns to his home, he sequesters you away in his room, somewhere he knows is safe. he keeps you close, frets, part of him upset over the ruined outing but mostly concerned for you.
he knows he’s got a thicker skin than most, so he tends to overreact slightly with you, unknowing of how much one thing affects you. people are different, yes, but he’s used to kaveh, so it’ll take him a good ten to twenty minutes to believe that you’re actually fine and not just saying so so he’d stop fussing.
he’s still going to make you the dinner you missed out on, but it’s just because he’s hungry too, okay? yeah it’s your favorite but that doesn’t mean anything, it’s just growing on him. sit down before kaveh hears you and starts to tease him.
cyno has plenty of experience in dealing with people that dislike him. criminals attacking him after he’d taken their leader in for custody, family of others that believed he’d unjustly arrested them. for the most part, it’s an easy enough problem to deal with once the revenge has been launched. it’s just another mission for him to take care of, a routine side effect of his job. he arrests someone, people get mad, they attack, he arrests a few more. he’s more than used to fighting his way out of situations, and is skilled at doing so.
but with you?
he refuses to involve you with his work. doesn’t matter if you’ve trained for years, you could be a matra yourself and he’d still be adamant that you stay away from his work. he makes dangerous people mad, and the last thing he wants is for you to get tied into his business.
if, archons forbid, you’re with him when one of these groups retaliates, he reaches for you before his weapon. he’s not going to fight, not when you could get hurt. maybe you could stand your own, maybe he’d be able to take on some of these eremites too, but that’s the last thing on his mind. he takes your hand in his and flees, stopping only once he runs into another matra to report the attack before continuing to either your home or his office, whichever is closer.
you’re more important to him than any capture, and even the smallest of nicks on you still makes him feel guilty. lie with him for a while, move his headpiece to a side table and let him put his ear to your heart. he’s afraid for you, you know, and surely you can’t hold such a thing against him?
albedo isn’t one for confrontation. any talk that escalates into shouting is one that he dislikes, both because of the spectacle and principle of it. a discussion should be civil, with all parties level headed and self aware enough to both concede when another is right and accept when they are wrong. he understands the latter can be difficult, and sometimes struggles with admitting fault himself, but to shout? to yell? to win not with logic or speech but with force and intimidation? that is a battle not worth fighting.
physical altercations aren’t his forte either. he’s an alchemist for archons’ sake, not a swordsman. his blade is more of a necessity, something to get him out of tough spots and little more. he’s an artist, a scientist, and the day you see him willingly start in a fight, verbal or physical, is the day you know you have the wrong albedo.
he’s not the most talented with emotions, but he has the best memory in mondstat. he knows what you like, when to talk or stay silent, when you need touch and want to be alone, not based off some intuition but off a careful deduction from your behavior. it gets to him, sometimes, that he needs a formula to fix your distress, but he’s easily soothed. he trusts you, so when you give him a kiss on his temple with a murmured thanks, he believes that you don’t mind.
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
I saw your praise nsfw post so may i request it with thoma and zhongli next :p
NS!FW. 18+ ONLY!
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Come and feed, children. The food is ✨spicy✨
Sorry this took so long!! I’m feeling a lot better now so my creative brain juices are flowin’ again uwu.
Summary: Genshin boy’s with a reader who likes to be praised (just incase ya’ll didn’t see the previous request)
Warnings: Ns!fw, soft smut, public spice (Zhongli), Zhongli also gets a ego™️, swearing, established relationship, Gn!reader, not proof-read, I don’t know what else to put hdjfhdj.
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma.
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I headcanon that this man is one of the most innocent about sex.
Like he knows about it and he knows what it’s for but he’s never had the need to look into it before you.
He’s a little confused at first but he got the spirit.
It doesn’t last long though because his godlike ego inFLATES.
When you moan out his name just a little louder after he praises you, my man couldn’t stop.
Instant turn on.
He enjoys being worshiped after all wink wink
Your relationship with zhongli was extremely honest.
There wasn’t a thing about you that the other didn’t know.
At least so he thought.
Little did he know you’d been hiding the fact that whenever he praised you for doing something, Your heartbeat went just a little bit faster.
One night after coming back from a special anniversary date, your conversation changed to a more intimate topic.
You and Zhongli had done the do once or twice before but you were just too busy with your commissions to have much time or energy to get all steamy, which Zhongli; being the gentleman he is, understood!
So when the conversation started about being a little more intimate, you shyly happened to mention that you really, really liked it when he praised you. A switch in him flipped.
He already enjoyed giving his people praise when it was due.
He was used to them almost begging to be acknowledged by the great geo archon!
But now he’s retired. The only person he wants to show that praise and appreciation for, is you.
So now, you were a little surprised to say the least when you found yourself pressed up against his statue while his fingers worked their magic on your sex, while his pretty lips left equally pretty marks on your neck and shoulder.
Something about the way you squirmed and whimpered out his name whenever he did praise you, sent sparks shooting up his body.
“You’re being so good, darling”
“How does it feel to have your archon praise you like this?”
“Such sweet sounds you make, dear. Why don’t you moan a little louder for your god~”
Needless to say that walking home is definitely going to be a challenge.
Good thing your boyfriend is more than happy to carry you back, all while whispering more praises and all the things he has in store for you when you get home~
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Ok ok, hear me out.
I think Thoma has a slightly kinky side to him.
He’s such a sweet, precious boy that he has to have some way he lets out any frustrations that he’s been too kind to bring up to others!
Not to mention, he’s so incredibly in love with you that he’ll do his best to make sure you feel good no matter what!
He also is very much into praising, so if you start doing the same to him while he’s praising you then things will get very spicy, very fast!
You and Thoma were slowly being recognised and Inazuma’s cutest couple.
You worked together as a team almost all the time. Helping people with any problems they had and just generally helping to keep the place as issue free as possible!
That doesn’t mean that I’d was always easy though. Sometimes things would just go wrong for no reason and it left the both of you feeling… frustrated.
And today was one of those days. You had both accidentally over slept leaving not time for your usual morning hugs or kisses before Thoma had to rush off to the Kamisato estate and you had to hurry over to the adventures guild to pick up your daily commissions!
After that things just seemed to go down hill. Not for any particular reason other than you were both just really pent up for some reason and it just kept getting worse.
So you couldn’t really say you were surprised when later that night, Thoma had you sitting on the table, legs around his waste while thrusting his pretty hips into you~
Nothing but both of your moans and curses could be heard throughout your house, along with the soft creaking of the wooden table underneath you while Thoma lovingly nuzzles his face into the crook of you neck.
“Archons, y/n. You feel so good!”
“I needed this so badly, please don’t stop!”
“You look so pretty while I’m inside you, sweetheart!”
After a little while you could help but start giving him praises as well, causing him to rut even more into you while letting out the prettiest of whimpers.
Definitely Inazuma’s cutest couple~
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Bruh I’m taking care of a injured baby bird and it’s so loud, like I’m happy it’s recovering but my dude please chill I’m autistic T-T
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cyxnidx · 2 years
characters: cyno, tighnari, baizhu
genre: suggestive
warnings: tighnari is a little shit, and baizhu is..something
a/n: i had this idea while thinking about reading bj alex
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you heard the door close, and cyno’s voice call out for you. you paid no mind to it, continuing to press the next button on the website you were reading a manwha on, assuming everything would be fine, considering the last few pages have been sweet and romantic.
though, you were surprised to find that the next page was anything but sweet and romantic. one of the characters kissed the other, and the more you scrolled, the worse it got.
and with the worst timing ever, cyno barged into your room. “hey, didn’t you hear me call you?” he asked, confused.
quickly, you put your phone down and stood in front of it. “no..i was listening to music a while ago.”
a dumb lie, really. where were the headphones if you were listening to music?
he froze, confused. he could tell you were flustered, but about what? he hadn’t even done anything yet. not that he planned to.
“what’s up with you..?” he asked, confused, and somewhat hurt you lied to obviously.
“nothing! why would something be wrong?” you asked casually. though, you got tense as he got closer to you.
“y/n, is there something you’re hiding from me?” he asked. you shook your head.
sighing, he quickly slid his hand behind you and took your phone, your screen facing you.
the scene was still there.
the two of you fought for the phone until he eventually took it from you, admiring whatever was there, though, his face quickly went into shock.
meanwhile, you were standing and gathering your balance. you looked at him as he looked at your phone.
sighing, you spoke. “that’s why you mind your business.”
he looked at you, blinking confused. “if you were horny, you could’ve just said that.” he said blatantly.
surprised, you snatched your phone and sighed. “shut up.”
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“tighnari?” you asked, looking at your boyfriend on your computer. “what’re you doing?”
you were just now coming home, and as expected, he was back before you. however, what you didn’t expect, was him to be on your computer.
as you got closer, you realized he was reading the smut you’d left open earlier. you could’ve sworn you existed the tab though? “why’re you—“
“is this what you fantasize about?” he asked bluntly, turning in the swivel chair.
you stood there silently. your goal was to not give an answer, though, it was already clear.
standing, he took your hand, pulling you closer to him. “tell me, is it?”
you nodded, somewhat curious to see what’d happen. smirking, his hands began wondering your body as he kissed you.
moving the both of you from standing, to getting you to sit in the chair he was once. his fingers pulled at the waist band of your pants, pulling it down painfully slowly.
and all of a sudden, it was gone.
sighing, he stood above you as you fixed yourself in the chair. “you’re so needy, baby..”
you rolled your eyes, clearly flustered all because of that one moment.
“it’s adorable, really. how easily you can get riled up.” he teased, grabbing your cheeks. “so pretty, hm.”
you said a muffled ‘fuck you’, getting a laugh out of him. “i thought you wanted me to fuck you? reading such lewd things.”
sighing, you gave up on responding. not that you could, he wouldn’t take you seriously with how you looked, cheeks smushed together.
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you were on your ipad, sitting on a couch across from where baizhu sat in his reading chair whilst qiqi was off somewhere in her room.
originally, your idea was to draw something simple. though, eventually, you got bored and decided to find inspiration from somewhere of what to draw.
and what better place to find inspiration from than your favorite smut? you gotta admit, sometimes, the positions are amazing, smut or not.
then you had to choose your canvas. who was going to be your victim? baizhu, of course. he was sitting in the most perfect position, similar to the one you chose. it was too good to be true. too good of an opportunity to miss.
quietly, you began consistently looking up from your ipad, admiring baizhu’s figure, then back down to look for a similar color or to base something off what he’s wearing.
eventually, you did get caught and it ended up with him looking up from his book to see you admiring his figure longer, or rather harsher, than you usually would.
“what’re you looking at?” baizhu asked, putting a bookmark in his book to match your gaze.
startled, you looked back down at your ipad as to make him think you were zoning out, or was just checking up to make sure he was still there.
the simple things you’d do out of habit.
however, it did nothing to help you, only making him more curious.
thinking he just simply gave up and continued to read his book, you looked up only to find that he was no longer there. feeling a breath against your ear, you turned frantically to catch eyes with baizhu. standing right behind you
“whatcha doin’?” he asked, as if he didn’t just see the drawing you were making.
“drawing..” you answered truthfully, but not fully in truth. how long he was there? there was no clue. for all you know, he could’ve only gotten a glimpse of the lewd picture you’d made.
“drawing what, hun?” he then asked once again. knowing he knew what you were drawing, and his eyes were not, in fact, deceiving him, you gave up on speaking.
silently, he sighed and came to sit beside you. “there somethin’ you been meaning to tell me, or am i gonna have to see it for myself? again?”
you didnt know whether or not to take that as a compliment or rather an insult. “whats that supposed to mean?”
“either tell me, or i’ll have to force it out of you.” he spoke in a straightforward manner, tone and gaze much different than his usual soft and loving expression.
sighing, you began to explain what you were doing, watching as he listened intently. everything from the smut, to describing it and why exactly its your favorite and your intentions through it all.
by the end of it, he was quite quiet. though, the silence broke not long after. “if you wanted to try something new, you could’ve said that.”
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doumadono · 3 months
emergency request
im not sure if you write for genshin, so if you dont, you can ignore this
kaveh, thoma, and cyno (separately) with a reader who has severe social anxiety? they’re an extrovert, but their anxiety makes it really difficult to make new friends or talk to people they’re not super close to
thank you <3
Genshin men & gn!Reader with social anxiety - headcanons
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Kaveh notices your unease in social situations and decides to take a calm and patient approach.
He often invites you to quieter gatherings or one-on-one activities to make you feel more comfortable. "I've noticed that crowded places make you uncomfortable. How about we grab a coffee and find a quiet spot to chat?"
Kaveh doesn't push you into crowded events but rather provides a reassuring presence by your side.
He learns about your interests and engages in conversations about topics you're passionate about to ease the tension.
Kaveh encourages you to take small steps outside your comfort zone, praising your efforts along the way.
Kaveh is patient and a good listener, offering a comforting presence that makes you feel understood.
His calm demeanor and encouraging words make you feel safe and supported.
When you express your difficulty in making new friends, Kaveh takes it upon himself to gently encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. "I know it can be tough, but you're doing great. Just take your time."
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Thoma, being a kind and empathetic soul, notices your social anxiety early on. He doesn't push you into uncomfortable situations but rather finds ways to ease you into social interactions.
He introduces you to new people slowly, creating a safe and supportive environment. "Don't worry too much. We're all here to have a good time. If you ever need a break, just let me know, okay?"
Thoma enjoys spending time with you in nature, providing a serene backdrop for meaningful conversations.
He becomes your confidant, someone you can share your thoughts and fears with without judgment.
Thoma values quality over quantity when it comes to friendships, emphasizing the importance of genuine connections.
Thoma's easygoing nature helps to ease your anxiety, making social situations more enjoyable.
Thoma suggests creative ways to navigate social situations, like engaging in group activities that align with your interests.
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Cyno's cold exterior doesn't mean he's oblivious to your issues. In fact, he's highly observant, silently noting your discomfort and adjusting his approach accordingly.
Cyno introduces you to social situations gradually but strategically. He picks controlled environments, like quiet gatherings or exclusive events, where you can navigate social interactions with less pressure.
He respects your need for space and subtly adjusts his approach to accommodate your comfort level.
"I get it, socializing isn't everyone's cup of tea. I'd rather be honest about it. We can be alone together, if you want."
He encourages you to express yourself through various activities, finding shared interests to bond over.
He values your extroverted qualities but respects your need for space when anxiety kicks in as well.
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bedoballoons · 5 months
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This is just a delicous request hehe, thank you for it~
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️
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{༻~Good job baby~༺}
CW: NSFW! MDNI!! Fem, reader! Lactation kink, dry humping, mentions of a messy eater 🤭, hair pulling, praise kink, teasing and hand jobs!
Petnames used: Baby, Love, honey
(Includes: Thoma, Alhaitham, Childe, Kaeya and Wriothesley!)
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Thoma moaned around your sensitive nipples, his mouth gripped onto it as he sucked your milk in and swirled it around his tongue, savoring ever sweet drop, dreaming that your perfect taste would never end. He could feel your fingers tugging at his roots and hear your sounds, your seductive words of encouragement. You were mesmerising and he'd been doing so good, "Mnhh, Thoma baby, you want a reward for your hard work hmm~"
Your bud left his mouth with a satisfying pop, his eyes dazed and his breathing uneven, "P-please" You chuckled at his eagerness and ran your hand slowly down his bare chest, your fingertips grazing his hard cock, "I'll use my hands baby, but you got to keep that perfect mouth on me alright, gotta drink it all up~"
He gasped and quickly went back to your tit, sucking and pulling at it even more then he had been. "So good~" Your hand moved up and down his length in time with his swallows and your moans, the room growing hotter with every second. "T-thoma mm, I'm getting close~" You moved your hips, grinding your wet cunt on his knee while grunts escaped him, he could only make satisfied noises in return, but archons he was close too.
"Thoma! Mmh!"
Alhaitham looked up at you with glazed over eyes, gulping down your warm milk as you moaned like a beautiful hot mess in between his legs. To think he could survive on this alone was more tempting then opening a brand new book, he just loved it so much, tasting you and hearing you praise him for his work, he couldn't stop his hands from keeping your tits in his face, his hold on them tight.
"A-alhaitham, you've drank so much honey, mmmngh, getting full yet?~"
He shook his head, never letting your nipple slip away from him, never stopping his groans and grunts from escaping between licking and sucking, he was entranced, he couldn't care less if he never got off as long as he got to keep this. Of course, you wouldn't let that be the case, "You've done such hardwork, let me return the favour~"
You kissed his forehead and palmed at his hard on, gasping as he bucked into your hand, to think he'd been this hard the whole time and never asked for attention, how cute~
You moaned out loudly, both of your nipples being pleasured at once as Childe sucked at them, your milk pouring out in loads and dribbling down his chin, his neck, spilling onto you even. He was so messy, but he couldn't let the challenge of keeping both your buds satisfied pass him by, "Nhgh! Childe, mnh! C-childe! You don't have to d-do both"
His arms wrapped around you, pulling your sweet body impossibly closer to his while his mouth only sucking at your tits harder, he wouldn't back down, especially not when it came to you. "mmHg! O-oh my- ah! You're doing s-so well!" You gasped in between words, your breathing growing patchy and your cunt soaked almost as much as his chest was with your milk.
You shakingly slipped down his pants zipper, letting his cock spring free as hummed in delight around you, "Mn-mn, I'm gonna give y-you a gift~" Your free hand went to his ginger strands, grabbing a handful and yanking it roughly as your other moved up and down his dick quickly. Any thoughts melting away as the two of you got close to finishing, both of you eager to make the other cum.
"mmHg! Childe, cumming!~"
Kaeya smirked as you pleaded with him to stop teasing, to be good and lap up what you offered him instead of merely licking your nipple, or squeezing your soft mounds in his hands. Suddenly a idea popped in your head and you leaned in close, your mouth barely grazing his neck and your chest pushed up against his, "If you don't work and drink up I won't give you your reward~"
He gasped quietly and you knew you'd won, "Well~" You looked at him expectantly waiting for the answer you already knew he was going to say.
"As you wish~" His mouth captured your nip and he started sucking harshly, your warm milk going down his throat like creamy heaven, it was what you wanted and yet it was so much better then you thought. "M-mnm! That's more like it~" You chuckled deviously and moved so your thighs were on either side of his leg, his front bump completely out in the open.
You prodded it with your fingers, smirking back at him as he moaned and almost chocked on your milk, "Don't worry, I'll use more then just my fingers baby~"
Wriothesleys large rough hands pulled you down into his lap, his mouth clamped onto your nipple, suckling at it like he'd been starved. You simply couldn't get enough, "Nhg, oh Wrio, hungry today are we mmmm~" Your head fell back as he groaned his hold on you tight enough to leave marks and his sounds sending vibrations throughout your body, making you feel almost high with pleasure.
He rolled and pinched your naked bud, playing with it harshly while you moved your hips against his, trying to get friction, to feel his hard cock rub your heat. You whined when your tit left his mouth, his tongue sliding across it agonizingly slow, "W-why stop?" Your heart raced as you watched your milk drip down his chin...his lips slightly puffy as he smirked, "I'll keep going, I'll do my best job...if you use your hands~"
You leaned in and messily kissed him, your hands hurrying to undo his pants and pull out his length, "Consider it a reward baby~" You whispered against his lips and his eyes shone with excitement, his attention instantly drawn back to your perfect chest. You moved your hands, using his pre-cum as lube to go faster, to turn him on as he drank you dry, just like you loved~
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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fictoculus · 1 year
౨ৎ their voicelines for you; part 2...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
part I┊part III┊part IIII┊part IIIII
FEAT... xiao, kokomi, yoimiya, diluc, thoma
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✧ xiao.
"can you have some? *he scoffs* no, no you can't. [name] made this specially for me, therefore i will be the one eating it. yes, [name] made it for me, is that a problem? no-one in all of teyvat makes almond tofu better than them- what?! *he chokes, further emphasising his shock* b-blushing?! no! no no, an adeptus would never blush at such a... such a pathetic thing as this... how could you even think that for a second"
✧ kokomi.
"ah yes, [name]... such a coincidence you brought up their name. *she smiles gently at the mention of your name* they fought valiantly for watatsumi island, and we all will forever be in their debt. hm? why of course, i am quite fond of the traveller- i mean... not- not in that way i just- we are merely... *she stutters, searching for a suitable answer* we are close friends. yes, that is all. now, if you'll excuse me, there are some important documents i must read. nice save..."
✧ yoimiya.
"[name]! [name]~ where are you? *she sighs to herself, spinning on the spot before running in a random direction* you're gonna miss the fireworks if you don't hurry up! i- oh, traveller! *she pants, holding her knees and trying to catch her breath* hey, you haven't seen [name] around, have you? i can't find them anywhere! w- why i'm looking for them? well... i uhm- we were meant to watch the fireworks at my favourite spot b- but if they don't show up, there's no way we'll get there in time!!! *she sighs to herself* i really wanted to watch the fireworks with them... i watch them with those who are special to me, and they... they are really special to me... what? n- no! it's nothing- i- well... uh- i- i'd better keep looking, see you around, traveller!"
✧ diluc.
"charles, don't serve him. *he pinches his nose bridge and sighs* dear archons... venti, this is your third bottle of dandelion wine. no, no venti, you're drunk- venti- *he sighs once more* how i wish [name] was here... oh, t- traveller! i didn't hear you come in- w- what do you mean? *he chuckles nervously* no, i wasn't talking about [name], i was just trying to get a certain someone out my tavern. i- no- fine. in all seriousness, i was talking about [name]... i just wish they were here to- no, no no not like that- travelller... traveller, where are you going? traveller! don't you dare! i swear to- and i wondered why they wanted to keep our relationship a secret..."
✧ thoma.
"oh, traveller! what a nice surprise, i didn't expect to see you at the kamisato estate any time soon, what brings you here? *his eyes widen ever so slightly* [name]? *he stutters over your name* y- yes, what about them? you seem awefully serious... w- what?! they're hurt?! shit shit shit i- whe- do you know where they are? i- no, no i'm fine, i'm fine... well, yes, of course i care about them, we're- you know what- here, would you mind holding these for me? thanks-i'll-be-right-back! *he shouts over his shoulder as he practically sprints away to find you* that was close... now where in teyvat are they?!"
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part I┊part III┊part IIII┊part IIIII
thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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whoistartaglia · 2 years
how they act in a haunted house
including: childe, zhongli, scaramouche, al haitham, thoma, xiao, and kaeya.
warnings: gender neutral reader, mentions of some scary stuff, fluff.
notes: happy almost halloween!
oh, childe is just so confident he won’t get scared. 
he strolled through the entrance without so much as a frown while you trailed behind him, still wondering if this experience would be worth it, given you both had to sign a waver. but that didn’t seem to bother childe; in fact, he looked completely at ease as you walked down a shadowed hallway, the only light source a flickering light bulb. 
yes, childe was the poster child of “unbothered”—until the first actor came running down the hallway, chainsaw in hand and a slightly too realistic mask on his face. 
that was the end of childe’s bravado, and you, as you correctly predicted, ended up having the be the one to get you two out of there. childe clutched your arm the entire way
zhongli is bored. 
he’s seen a lot of unpleasantness in his lifetime. and this? twenty dollar entry haunted house, filled with underpaid actors in poorly made costumes? it didn’t even come close to scaring him. 
and that would have been fine, really. you were the one who wanted to go and have a scare; zhongli was just tagging along. but the moment you arrived at the attraction, he just kept going on and on about this thing’s obviously fake, this actor’s mask isn’t on right, this jumpscare’s strings are above. 
when an actor in what you thought to be a pretty horrifying clown costume jumped out at you, zhongli only pointed out how unrealistic it was.
you didn’t make it throughout the entire house. not because of fear, but mostly because you couldn’t stand another lecture on how fake everything looked. 
the haunted house you picked out was scary, but scaramouche was… scarier. 
when an actor covered in fake-blood came running at you two, they just kind of stopped when they saw scaramouche’s glower. and then they were turning around and running away; scaramouche had scared them. with just his bad temper and annoyance with nearly everyone except for you, scaramouche was more terrifying than literal killer clowns and chainsaw-wielding murders. 
so there you two were: simply walking through the admittedly-scarily decorated attraction. no actors dared try and jumpscare you and scaramouche, lest they wanted to face his wrath. 
when you got out, you asked if he would consider working at a haunted house. he turned his menacing stare on you, and you understood why the actors didn’t bother you throughout the experience. 
he truly was the most terrifying thing in that house. 
al haitham. 
he, like zhongli, is very undisturbed by the whole ordeal. but unlike the former, al haitham doesn’t say this out loud. 
no, he played his cards right. you were there, shaking after being chased by yet another clown while he looked completely unbothered. but oh, he lent you his arm, promised you get you of there unscathed, nothing would hurt you while he was there. 
al haitham was the picture perfect hero, leading you out of the house while internally scoffing at the cheap costumes and even cheaper jumpscares and tricks. he almost laughed out loud when you reached a banquet table with someone’s head in the middle, but stopped himself when he saw how wide your eyes were. 
when you were both out, you swore you would never go back. but al haitham thought to convince you to try again; he liked being the shining hero, at least for one night. 
thoma is actually lowkey terrified. 
he tries to play it cool, he really does, but you didn’t miss his shaking hand when you had to sign that waver.
you asked him if he was sure he wanted to do this, and he was, so you went inside and…
you didn’t make it all the way through. not you, not thoma. you were both shaking and clutching each other equally tight after an actor chased you down a dark hallway, into the path of a particular gory jumpscare. you could have sworn thoma almost fainted. 
and that was that. you turned and, admittedly, ran back through the entrance, to the car, and away from that abomination of an attraction. 
xiao does not want to go in. 
not because he’s scared. at least, that’s what he told you. xiao would wait for you while you went in and had a fright, and you with some reluctance, agreed. 
but after thirty minutes of you going in and not coming out, he starts to get restless. worried, even, as the group that went in after you came out before you.
xiao tried to convince himself it was fine, you were just taking your time, or whatever. but then another ten minutes went by and, now actually worried, decided it was time to go and find you. 
he told himself this was all fake, the actors weren’t real, this was—
something tackled him from behind and he quite literally screamed. he turned and saw—
you. grinning. ear to ear. 
no, the haunted house didn’t scare him (at least, not really), but you certainly had. 
please. please. 
kaeya is what childe tried to be. he’s actually confident as he marches into the house, laughing at the poor actor’s sweaty makeup, the obviously fake chainsaws and knifes. 
basically walks right and in and out with you dragged behind him. he doesn’t even pause for you two to look at the more gruesome displays or creepy portraits on display. kaeya literally speedruns the haunted house. 
the only time when kaeya’s bravado falters is at the end, when he realizes that you both paid twenty dollars for that. 
you were out in ten minutes. he realizes you two just spent four dollars a minute on that, and maybe regrets going through it that fast. 
bonus: scaramouche wasn’t even purposely glaring at anyone. he just has an intense resting bitch face.
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foranpo · 9 months
ੈ˚☆ when they love you the most.
fandom: genshin impact.
characters: childe, thoma, kaveh.
reader: gn!
genre: headcanons.
content: fluff.
word count: ~250 each // 700 total
ੈ♡˳────── enjoy the reading ♡ ──────
˚ʚ childe.
in the waves of moonlight, feeling your body next to his, after an exhausting day, not knowing how to react to the world —Childe loved you the most when everything that existed ceased to be and nothing but luminous darkness covered the entire vast horizon.
alone with you, comforted in small walls, wrapped in soft sheets, Childe loved you more when he stopped pretending. without any weight of the world on his shoulders, completely devoid of imaginary people that formed his being, Childe loved you when he was himself and only him.
truly Childe.
with the delicacy trapped in his touch and the neediness clinging to his gaze, Childe loved you with the grace of the end of the day, the tiredness of being so many without any rest holding his slurred, but always felt and vibrant, words.
an i love you. an i missed you. a just five more minutes.
small pleas escaped Childe's lips like prayers from the most devout of believers, all the anguish and uncertainty that commanded his body to dissipate when at home, comforted in small walls, wrapped in soft sheets, clinging to you.
˚ʚ thoma.
in the insecurities of the future and the uncertainties of the present, bathed in the clarity of the sun and declaimed by the beauty of the flowers —Thoma loved you the most when everyone got tired of you and threw you to the ground, over and over again, without any warning.
entire afternoons seemed short when you felt Thoma's embrace. small poems were quoted between murmurs, songs from the most famous poets finding a melody between Thoma's soft lips.
whenever and every time the whole world fell on you, whenever and every time the whole world decided to test your strength, Thoma was there for you, reminding you why he didn't let go, etching it into your memory with colors of love and affection that him, and always him, would be a word away from you.
tranquility and peace. among all the chaos, Thoma existed.
it didn't exist just for you, but for your relationship; patience and understanding fled from Thoma's fingertips, outlining drawings of strength and encouragement, writing memories of love on your soft skin.
always calm, always smiling, Thoma loved you.
he just loved you. there was no other way to say it, as there was no other way to feel it: pure passion burned Thoma's heart, using the lava that flowed inside him to build permanent fortifications of love and tenderness in your hands every time he caressed you between poems of tomorrow and sonnets of your conquests;
extreme devotion squeezed Thoma's heart, letting the line that hung from him escape through his lips in all the light, graceful, affectionate kisses that he gave you in all the memories of who you are and who you once were.
when everyone gave up on you, Thoma was by your side. always and forever with you.
˚ʚ kaveh.
between dusty pages and lit candles, sweet with the certainty of a future —Kaveh loved you the most when a new shine appeared in your eyes.
your curiosity lit up your face every time happiness clench to your heart, leading you to question what else you could love, what else you could do.
and Kaveh clung to all your smiles.
admiring you from afar, always fearing to share your happiness, totally nervous about destroying your passion, Kaveh allowed your entire existence to strongly paint his heart with warmer, more passionate tones.
all because you discovered a new passion, a new goal.
how beautiful it was to see you grow, become the wonderful person who inspires each of Kaveh's creations; between smiles and looks, words and memories, your entire essence rained down stardust that stuck to Kaveh's notebooks, forcing him to draw, to create, for you.
for your courage to start something new when no one expected anything from you; for your resilience in continuing when the world knocked you down —Kaveh admired you, but, above all, he loved you. yesterday and today. in a tomorrow awaited by you, in a future carved by both of you, Kaveh loved you, for all eternity.
ੈ♡˳───── feedback is appreciated ♡ ─────
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written-with-blue-ink · 9 months
Love the Most - Part Three
What is their favorite thing about you/what comes to mind first when they think of you?
Feat: Thoma, Venti, Lyney, and Xiao
Your hands. There is something about watching your hands at work to Thoma that I don’t think even he fully understands. Maybe it’s how soft they are, comfortable in the palm of his hand and filled with warmth. Maybe it’s how they can create things, like kneading a dough for desserts. ‘Maybe it’s how delicate they are’, he questions as he watches you pour a pot of tea for the two of you. As you hold his face in your hands, he ponders, ‘Maybe because they are just an extension of you and all of your actions’…
Your voice. Honestly, who’s shocked that the bard’s favorite part about you is your voice? He loves it when you perform alongside him at the bars, your voice echoing through the large chambers is his siren song. The conversations the two of you could have for hours make the time fly by and neither of you two would notice or care...
Your lips. There is something about them he can’t take his eyes off of. The way they move as you craftily phrase your words to get the two of you out of trouble. The grin that appears on your face as you complete the impossible. The kisses that you place on his after a spectacular show. It means everything to him to see that smile every morning and he thanks all the archons he managed to be blessed with you…
Your sense of tradition. Liyue is a nation that honors tradition and its history more than any other, but even then the change is too fast for our Guardian Yaksha. That’s why he was shocked observing your mannerisms one night at Wangshu Inn as you came to the roof to pay respects. The way when you two finally start dating and he gets to hear you speak so properly and without any sense of worry or ill intent speaking to him. The way he gets to watch you on Lantern Rite as you dance a traditional dance to celebrate and honor all those who have been lost with no step out of place. There is something that grounds him to the present time he doesn't fully know, even if you won't be around forever…
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