indeeperwater · 1 month
closed starter for  ➣ @thornstocutyouwith location  ➣ Appalachian Mountains thread  ➣ Elowen + UTP
After the argument she had with her uncle, Elowen needed to destress. So, once she cared for Apollo, she gave him a bone to keep him busy and left. Maybe she should call Kyrell to see if he's up for a late-night hangout. At least when he was around, she could forget who she was and what deal she had made with her uncle over ten years ago. But what kind of person would she be if she willingly kept him in her life and he ended up in the crossfire. That thought of being the reason why he lived a short life was the main reason why she tucked her phone back into her back pocket and kept her head down as she got on her repaired bike and rode to the Appalachian Mountains. 
It was getting too late, and most would warn people to stay out of the woods of the Appalachian Mountains, but that's where Elowen felt most at home. She hiked up further to see the view lit up by the moonlight. The more she climbed, the less likely she was to run into someone, particularly this late. Or at least, she thought. Elowen kept her hand on her favorite blade on her hip. She always had her gun, but she didn't want to draw it unless she knew she was in immediate danger. 
An intense feeling washed over her, and she snapped around, scanning the trees to see if she could see anyone. Nothing so far, but it didn't take much longer to land on someone not too far away from her. The more she looked at them, the more she recognized the other, but it wasn't enough to relax her. 
"What are you doing here?"
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ourblued · 1 year
@thornstocutyouwith, cont. from here!
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astrid feels bad. they don't know what for, but they do know that they don't want this feeling looming around them anymore. heart thumping against their chest, hearing out his words -- sounding like they've broken his heart in return. gaze barely looking at him, astrid sighs, nearly upset at themselves for even saying anything that was related to their previous comment. " it's not fine, journey. " they're refusing any relation to those words, wanting to extend their hand, to reach out & actually touch him. but god, they feel like an idiot. " please don't say it's fine, because it isn't, " astrid feels like a fool for keeping it away from him --, they weren't supposed to, however . . . they didn't want to worry him any more. " i'm sorry. i wish i told you. "
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
Akhilleus stifled his laughter as he ran, hitching up his skirt so he wouldn’t trip. He’d taken out the many pins that held his long hair in the style common for the princesses of Scyros. After all, he had no reason to disguise himself when it was just he and his friends. At the moment, he was busy trying to hide from Patroklos, who was going to come searching for him after a little while. The eighteen-year-old prince of Phthia came across a creek and huddled down behind a boulder that was thankfully large enough to hide him. Then, he waited.
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ofwondersandhares · 9 months
Continued from Here.
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Well, they were off to a great start weren't they? A heavy sigh left Alexander's lips as he crossed his arms and looked away from Travis with a disgruntled expression clearly written on his face.
"You are the one that showed up at MY door clutching your arm in shock, what is with the defensive attitude? If you keep on acting like this, you can find someone else to help you. Now, take a seat on the couch in front of fireplace so I can check your arm and make sure it was only a graze so I can send you on your way."
Another wanderer ending up in Wonderland, on his doorstep. Did Alexander actually see who shot at him? No, he didn't, and seeing that guns were very scarce in Wonderland he had wondered if Travis had been shot before he even found his way into Wonderland.
Though, there was something that Travis had said that had Alexander arching his brow as he stepped aside to let him into his cabin, heading to the closet to gather the supplies needed if it turned out to be more than a graze. "You don't realize where you are, do you? You aren't in your city, you know, you aren't even in your realm, you are in Wonderland."
With the supplies in his hand, Alexander had taken a seat beside Travis on the couch, putting the bowl of warm water and badges on the ground as he motioned with his hand toward his arm. "Take off your shirt, so I can get a better look."
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fliphimthebird · 6 months
Snacks & Toy Models || Sasha
continued x @thornstocutyouwith
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"The back door was unlocked and you weren't responding to my calls on the landline. So, yeah. I stopped by, made sure you weren't dead or some shit. You need better snacks." Eddie explains while he was casually snacking on a bag of croutons despite the fact that he didn't like them.
"Whatcha makin' over there?" Asking with a curious hum.
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marvelslegacies · 7 months
💀 - for your muse to take my muse to a haunted house/place. (Sage to Biron)
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"Okay. Listen. This is important," Biron said to Sage very seriously, almost too seriously to be taken seriously, "I don't scream, I throw fists. So as long as I don't punch some poor soul in a mask, I'll consider this mission a success." They were striding up to the entrance of a haunted house being held by some church Biron didn't attend. "I'm excited. Aren't you?" Screams echoed, the sound of a chain saw revving reverberated from the tented entrance. As they stepped up to the door way, Biron said, "We're next."
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lilxmcrtes · 11 months
Aeron has a soft spot on the back of his neck that if you massage it gently, he'll just fall apart. Melt into a puddle
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mxrvelouscreations · 1 year
If they had a kid meme - Harper~
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Caelan Quinn
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Dark hair, blue eyes, a little taller than Leigh in height
Personality: Reserved like his mother, caring, thoughtful, determined.
Special Talents: N/A
Who they like better: Harper
Who they take after more: Equal mix of both of his parents
Personal Head canon: Caelan tries to be like his dad in everything. He truly looks up to him and hopes that one day he'll be able to find a love like his parents have.
Face Claim: George Finn
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19. TRANSIT : for one muse to sit next to the other on a public transport. (Finnian)
"I can't remember the last time I went on the bus to anywhere," Wanda replied, peering out of the window as the world passed by them. Finnian had said that he wanted to take her somewhere for the day, a form of distraction to get her out of the house and away from her thoughts for now. She was grateful to him for that, though a part of her had been a little nervous to go out, still afraid that people might still judge her. Turning to look at him, she then added, "so is it still a surprise? Where we're going, I mean."
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indeeperwater · 9 months
closed starter for  ➣ @thornstocutyouwith location  ➣ Salem Alleyway thread  ➣ Ada x Your Choice
The night air wasn’t cold, but the wind that brushed past Ada’s cheeks and tangled in her hair had a sharp chillness to its whips. Ada was on a mission she didn’t understand, and after what she discovered, she didn’t know if she wanted to know. There was a quickened step in her pace, afraid she was spotted and wanted to create as much distance between herself and that creepy abandoned warehouse she never wanted to think about, let alone step foot in again. She looked over her shoulder as she neared the only safe space she could think of that was heavily populated most of the time, Salem Alleyway. It is a hole-in-the-wall, laid-back bar/nightclub kind of place where she worked as a bartender when she first came from Russia. 
Once she threw open the door to the bar door and tucked herself in the crowd, she began to transform, taking down her brown beach wavy high ponytail and shrugging off her black leather jacket she tied securely around her waist. Ruffling her hair through her fingers, she shook it out to make it look a little wilder. Ada was more sure than not that she wasn’t followed, but once she slightly changed her appearance through the crowd, she felt better about not getting detected. Settling at the back bar, Ada relaxed into one of the seats, and the bartender flashed her a smile as she prepared Ada’s usual - straight whiskey. Smiling her thanks, Ada breathed a breath she didn’t realize she was holding till she looked over to her side, and the breath was stolen. 
“Святые Святые!” She gasped in Russian. “You scared the shit out of me! How long were you standing there?”
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ourblued · 1 year
"I thought I'd find you here." / @thornstocutyouwith.
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astrid's tuned out, barely even listening to the outside noises. though, it comes to a comfort as they're hearing his voice, clear as ever. a short grin forms, chuckle slipping out as they're deeply concentrated, biting down on their lower lip. contemplating very fair things -- wondering what to say. " hm? " they're going, a quick glance his way before eyes shift onto the wall, staring. astrid's aware that it's blank, but still. it helps them concentrate. with a deep breath, they're humming light, fingers fiddling. " . . how'd you find me? " question comes out, another gaze, shifting slightly.
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ghost-hosts · 1 year
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It was the ninth anniversary of that damned day. Corbin was quiet, vaping silently in the sitting room staring into the fireplace, stomach coiled with dread and agony. The hallucinations only getting worse in his peripherials, swallowing as he closed his eyes trying to block them out. They'd been getting worse though closing his eyes to them was worse.
There he was again, holding onto him desperately trying to pull him out, only to see all life and substance drain from him. He choked eyes shooting open clutching his chest with tears in his eyes. He went cold turkey after that night. He rarely even drank anymore and leaving the manor hardly happened except when he had to for meds and therapy, even then it was questionable.
The raven haired pastel goth sighed, chest still burning, as his dog stood lowering its head and stalked towards the door with a low growl, "Church... it's fine. Nothing's out there-"
A knock? So late into the evening...
Corbin stood and walked forward, ignoring the growls from Church, "Hush... it'll be fine." he assured the black dog gently, looking up as he opened the door, almost collapsing and wobbled, stumbling back.
He stared silently for a moment, "No. No... no no no-" he chanted, "Did i miss my dose?" he left the door open charging towards the kitchen where he kept his meds, the day was empty- he took them. Was it getting worse? He turned still seeing him in the doorway, "...I'm sorry. I tried... I tried...."
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ofwondersandhares · 9 months
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wandofwillow · 10 months
~What Does Your Blood Taste Like?~
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strawberry milkshake
your blood tastes like a strawberry milkshake, the sweet blend of ice cream, milk, and strawberries. prominent flavors: sugar, fruit, and a pleasant cold.
Tagging: @dukeoftheblackstar, @storminmywake, @thornstocutyouwith, @patwrites, @oddinarymaxident, & @rosenundraben
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marvelslegacies · 7 months
“I don’t think it’s wise to be messing with spirits.” (Mason to Noah)
Noah was still hunched over the Ouija board, his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth, his eyes screwed shut. "Sshh. You're gonna spook the ghosts." Noah hissed. He began a low hum in the pit of his esophagus and began shaking violently, though his fingertips remained on the board. "I'm getting a message," Noah said between gasps and eye rolls, "The ghosts are saying," he wheezed and rolled his eyes into the back of his head, leaving only their whites, "You suck at Mario Kart." Noah's eyes popped back into place as a wide smile exploded onto his face.
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lilxmcrtes · 1 year
⚡ (Oliver and Lief)
Break-up/divorce meme | @thornstocutyouwith | Oliver
who files for divorce: Oliver
the reason for their break-up/divorce: Oliver reverted to his old self and does NOT like Lief ;n;
who gets the better lawyer: Oliver. He's bound to have an old connection he can make good with
if their conversations only end in fights: Not necessarily. Oliver is mostly confused and offput by Lief
who gets custody over the kid(s): Oliver would remain in custody of Percy. I think Oliver would have majority custody if not all due to how Lief appears incapable and wild?
who gets to keep the pets: Oliver would keep Clover and Lief would keep any additional animals
who moves out of their home and who stays: Oliver would kick Lief out. ;n;
who gets the house/apartment in the end: Oliver would keep his place
who gets more money from the other: I want to say Lief but given that Oliver has the better lawyer and getting majority custody of the kids... It's not looking good
who gets the kid(s) for which holidays: Lief would get visitation I think
if they stay friends: Oliver wouldn't be interested
who wants to give their relationship another try: Lief. He can get his Ollie back, right?!
who finds a new love: Oliver
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