#tim wakes up every morning to hot coffee and a lovely breakfast and pastery
Braindead au where they are both adults and married.
Danny deals with the burdens of being a house husband and the only Capable Adult (tm) in the family after Alfred passed away. May he rest in peace.
Since they never hired another butler no one can replace Alfred Danny decided to fill the roll. At first it was hard, feeling a bit silly not working a normal job, but he soon realized this was a lot harder than any job he's had before. Ancients, he loves cooking and baking and especially loves caring for Tim, bit this...was a lot.
Not to mention the harpies that flirt with Tim and the others trying to get access to the Wayne fortune. Usually someone flirting with his significant other didn't bother him, he wasn't the jealous type. He trusted Tim but he always looks so uncomfortable when they refused to take a hint. And what sort of husband would he be if he didn't rescue his beloved?
There were also a bunch of supernatural creatures in Gotham just casually going about thier lives in peace. Danny liked chatting with them sometimes. They knew he was some sort of supernatural being, but not what. He planned to keep it that way.
Sometimes his own former rogues gallery would pop in to hang out with him and catch up while he's meal prepping or cleaning. They usually did something nice for him- Ember would recommend musical instruments for Nightwing and Starfires daughter, Technus would ghost proof or upgrade tech (which Tim loved) Princess Dora liked to help him clean and meal prep while they chatted, ect- but they would always cause just a tiny amount of chaos before leaving.
His former ghostly enemies were nothing compared to his new living ones. Erica, the stay at home mom and wife of some high up person in Gothams elites had it out for him personally for some reason. Appearently she had been trying to set each of her kids up with one of the Waynes for years. Her bratty daughter Vexi had had a crush on Tim for a long long time but it was never reciprocated.
Long story short? Dannys life had turned into a supernatural semi-soap opera.
At least he managed to accidentally reform the riddler. Nigma was great company and he loved the riddles and jokes he would tell. Plus the puns.
Tim wasn't comfortable with it at first, but as life went on he befriended more and more of Gothams baddies and reformed them (mostly by accident mind you) to the point it became noticeable to the public.
And the Joker.
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