#tom kaulitz smut
tomscumdump · 2 days
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wishing I was some sexy hot chick in the 2000’s so I could experience the best rough, wet, hard, hot sex with them ever .
I would be bent over on the bed while tom is shoving his long veiny dick into my tight princess pussy , literally rearranging my entire stomach , his hand gripping the shit out of my hair holding me up just high enough for bill to ram his dick in and out of my sweet little mouth until he cums inside my mouth filling up my throat with his sweet warm cum :3
then once they r worn out to pound me anymore I would make them both sit down and I would stroke their dicks at the same time until they both cum all over my face and take pictures , calling me their little cum dumpster, slut, whore, bitch anything they please as long as it gets them off !! :333
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httpkaulitz · 2 days
girls your age
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PAIRINGS: 2024 Tom x Female reader
CONTENT: Smut, angst, Fluff
SYNOPSIS: You meet Tom and you can't help but be enchanted by him, even though he's almost twice your age.
WARNINGS: age gap (don't read if you don't like it), unprotected sex, p in v, kissing, fingering and oral (f receiving)
Tom knew you were trouble as soon as he met you, he could feel it in his gut. He must have seen trouble coming just from the way you two met.
He had just arrived at a roadside bar and decided to smoke a cigarette before going in. After a few drags he heard a small argument.
''Hey beautiful.'' The guy said approaching you. ''I'm Mike.''
''I don't want to know.'' You replied, moving away and hugging your body because of the strong wind.
The man laughed and turned his body towards yours, resting one arm against the wall. ''Wow, you're a confident girl, aren't you?''
''Can you please leave me alone?'' You looked at him as seriously as possible. ''I'm with someone, okay?''
''Well darling, you know it's not about how you arrived, it's about who you go home with'' He said licking his lips and looking at your body. ''Come on girl, let me take you home.''
You realized he wouldn't take no for an answer, which is not only absolutely horrible, but completely disgusting as well. Guys like him are the scum of the earth.
''No, thank you.'' You said, walking away with the intention of going back into the bar, but the man grabbed your arm stopping you from walking away.
''Come on beautiful, don't be afraid.'' He said smiling.
''Let go of me.'' You said trying to push him away, but his hand only tightened his grip. ''I said let go.'' You shouted hitting him who just laughed at the situation.
Tom was never the type to get into fights, especially fights that didn't involve him, but he couldn't just let it go and pretend he didn't see it.
''Hey.'' Tom threw the cigarette he was smoking on the floor, stepped on it and ran towards the two of you. He grabbed you and pulled you back, stopping right in front of the man. ''I think you'd better stay away.”
''Or what?'' The man threatened, pushing Tom and making him almost fall on you. ''Are we going to fight? And the winner will stay and fuck your whore?''
Tom bit his lip and then punched the man in the face, hitting his jaw squarely. Everything happened so fast that when you realized he was already on top of the man, knocking him to the ground and punching his face repeatedly.
''Hey stop! You're going to kill him!'' You screamed, grabbing his shoulders, Tom pushed your hand away and continued punching the man in the face. He just wouldn't stop.
You started to panic not knowing what to do. You were grateful to be saved by the stranger, but he seemed to have gone into some automatic mode, he was hitting the other man as if he didn't care what was going to happen.
This time you grabbed Tom's shoulders with all the strength you had and pulled him off the man. ''Stop it, please.'' You shook nervously.
Tom turned around and for the first time looked at you. He really looked. And despite the bold clothes and dark makeup you looked very young. Younger than would be legal to be in a bar.
“You crazy son of a bitch.” The man who was on the ground got up, grumbling, and staggered away.
"Are you okay?" You asked softly as you approached him.
Tom looked at you with slitted eyes, curious and confused by you. Nothing made sense in this situation. He doesn't even know why he got so angry and lost control.
He waved at you before asking. "Are you?"
“Thanks to you, yes.” You said happily with a huge smile as you looked at him through your eyelashes. It didn't even seem like just a few minutes ago you were panicking.
Somehow Tom let himself be convinced to go into the bar with you. You wanted to thank him for helping you, you said, and even though he wanted to refuse, you were very insistent and he was already going to the bar anyway.
That was the first mistake he made.
The place was crowded, he intended to go straight to the counter bar to have the excuse to drink something simple and make a quick exit. But all the chairs were occupied, so he had to grab one of the tables.
The chairs were so close together that he could feel your legs brushing against his as you sat in front of him.
He waved at the waiter for beer and some fries. Tom continued watching you as you talked nonstop. Having just met you, he didn't know if you naturally talks a lot or were just acting like that because you were nervous about what happened.
After a few minutes the waiter brought two bottles of beer and placed them on the table. You reached out to grab one, but he pulled it away from you.
“You don’t look old enough for that, girl.” He says simply as he opens the bottle. You watch him take a generous sip calmly, probably used to drinking stronger drinks.
“I’m actually forty-five.” You say in an attempt at a joke that fails because he just looks at you with one of his eyebrows raised as if asking 'what the fuck are you talking about?' "Okay they let me drink here because I pay more."
As he imagined, you are under twenty-one. Well, it wasn't hard to tell since you looked like you had just finished school. “Is this supposed to make things better?”
“I’ll be twenty in a few months.” You rolled your eyes and tried to get the other bottle, but he held it, stopping you.
He finished pulling the bottle out of your hand and said. “And then there will be another year before you can drink.”
“Why are you acting like my dad?” You laughed when you realized he really wouldn't let you drink because of your age. You were already used to not being told no about this. Especially here.
“If your dad acted like your dad, you wouldn’t be here.” Tom didn't want to sound rude and he shouldn't care about you, but he better than anyone knows very well what it's like to be young and want to try a lot of things at a very young age.
He can tell by the way you look at him that the comment irritated you. Maybe it's the fact that your father doesn't have much time to spend with you, as you told him. Or maybe it's the fact that you believe you are a very smart adult.
“I’m not as helpless as I seem.” Even though you were still angry, your voice is calm and your eyes watch him with curiosity. As if you want to know what he's going to answer next.
Tom felt like laughing because you look really cute saying that, with all the certainty that only someone just got out of adolescence would have.
“You’re also not as smart and cool as you think you are.” He says before picking up the bottle of beer and taking a generous swig. “We’ve only known each other for less than an hour and I already know that you always come here, that you live nearby and that your father is almost never home.”
You listen to him attentively without interrupting him. The feeling of being scolded makes you angry and you feel even more angry knowing he's right. You always talk too much when you get nervous. And he makes you nervous.
“That’s not the kind of shit you tell strangers, girl.”
You clear your throat in embarrassment when the waiter finally brings you the portion of fries. All the employees already know you and seem to keep an eye on you.
“Okay, I talked a lot about myself, tell me something about yourself.” You stretch your hands across the table and hold his hand in yours. “What does your tattoo mean?”
He was surprised by you suddenly holding his hand. It took him a few seconds to reason and understand what you had just asked.
“It’s the time I was born.” He explained as he watched your hands still holding his, his knuckles were starting to turn purple from the fight earlier. The difference in size of his hand versus yours was visible. “I have a twin brother, we both have the time we were born tattooed on our hands.”
“A twin brother? This is so cool.” You exclaimed excitedly. And Tom realizes that he won't be able to get away from you as quickly as he thought he could.
Then he told some loose things about his life. You were very interested in the fact that he had a twin brother, and it was always easy for him to talk about Bill, since sometimes he felt like he was talking about a part of him in a certain way.
Tom was prepared to say some excuse and leave. He himself didn't even understand why he wanted to get out of there so quickly, he just felt like he needed to leave. He was already getting up from his chair when you asked.
"Do you know how to play?" He looked at you, but you weren't looking at him. His eyes followed the direction you were looking and he noticed the large pool table in the middle of the room.
"Yes." Tom responded, going against every instinct that told him he should get out of there and stop paying attention to you.
You turned your attention to him again with a huge smile and big eyes watching him through your lashes. “Would you teach me, please?”
And before Tom could even respond you were grabbing his hand and pulling him closer to the pool table. “I always want to play when I come here, but I never learned.”
“Okay, but let’s just do this once.” He responded quickly as he released his hand from yours.
You watched as he gathered the colored balls together making them form a triangle in the center of the table.
“You know the rules, right?” You waved at him, paying attention to everything he was doing. “I’ll start, pay attention.”
You watched as he picked up one of the pool cue, chalked the end of it, and leaned over the table.
Tom had a look of concentration on his face and you couldn't help but smile as you looked at him. He hit the white ball, which collided with the others, undoing the triangle and scattering them across the table.
"Your turn." He said as he handed you the pool cue.
You looked at the table studying what would be the best angle to try to get it right. You always watched people playing and always saw that depending on the angle it was much easier to hit.
You leaned forward and prepared to hit the white ball but somehow, instead of it rolling on the table, it lifted and almost bounced towards the floor.
Tom laughed as he watched the scene. You looked completely confused and disappointed.
“You hit too low, you have to aim for the middle.” He explained but you looked even more confused. "Like this."
He walked over and stood behind you, positioning your arms just right and holding your hand. You held your breath for a moment, completely unprepared to deal with how good his skin felt against yours.
Tom pushed his body against yours making you lean over the table. “Now you position the tip of the pool cue in the middle of the ball and push.” He whispered against your ear before pulling away.
He recognizes the expression in your eyes. He's seen it before, in dozens of women. Interest. And intention. He's always okay with this look before. It's just been a while since he got that look from someone with less than two decades of experience. Seeing you look at him like that, he suddenly feels the weight of all his years.
After a few miserable attempts you were finally getting the hang of it, of course Tom won the game even though he tried the least.
You had no idea you would want to talk to him so much. You would always strike up a conversation with strangers at the bar and most of the time you would be ignored or they just didn't have much in common. It wasn't exactly a place where people close to your age frequented.
But Tom was different, even though he seemed suspicious he didn't ignore or mock your questions.
And the way he looked at you and gave you his cheeky smile, something that somehow made him look ten years younger… you felt your heart flutter at the sight. And it was obvious, you knew it. You were scared to admit it, surely a man his age would never pursue you, even if you were technically an adult. He certainly had no interest, especially with the way he called you 'girl'. You were a hassle, but you wanted more time with him. You knew he could probably see you were pining for him, obviously, but consciously you were sure it was a secret.
When you said goodbye, for some reason he didn't even know, Tom gave you his cell phone number, telling you to call him if you got into trouble and needed help. He knew he shouldn't have done it, but you somehow made him reckless.
Three days after that you called. It was early in the morning and he couldn't understand half of what you were saying.
“Why are you calling me, girl?” He asked, a little annoyed at having his sleep interrupted.
“I can’t get home.” You mumbled on the other end of the line, your voice slurred.
“Are you drunk? It doesn’t matter, text me the address, I’m coming.”
In less than twenty minutes Tom was parking in front of the bar. You were sitting on the floor and when you saw him you got up staggering. He tried to get to you in time, but you fell to your knees before he could catch you.
“Shit, are you okay?” He asked worriedly as he helped you up. “Why did you drink so much?”
"Cause I wanted to." You grumbled irritably, running your hand over your scraped knees. “Haven’t you ever gotten drunk?”
Tom decided not to answer, there was no point trying to reason with you drunk and angry mood. He just helped you into the car and took you home. As expected, the house was empty.
“Do you have any first aid kit?” He asked after sitting you down on the couch. You pointed to the bathroom and he left, leaving you alone.
You took off your shoes and socks and kicked them into the middle of the room. Every movement you made made you feel sick, the room was spinning your head hurt like hell. You had forgotten how bad it felt to get really drunk.
Tom returned with the small suitcase in his hands and knelt in front of you. “I know you don't want to hear this, but you shouldn't drink that much. It's not safe."
“If you know I don’t want to listen, why are you saying?” You said automatically. You weren't in the mood to listen to a lecture. He, who was checking what was inside the suitcase, stopped and looked at you with one of his eyebrows raised. "Sorry."
He put some antiseptic on a cotton ball and held your leg ready to clean the scratches on your knees. “What happened to make you drink like that?”
“My mom wants me to move in with her.” You explained as you watched him tend to your injuries. It burned from time to time but you didn't complain. “She says living with my dad made me irresponsible and immature.”
Tom chuckled and said. “Smart way to show she’s right.”
He knew very well how mothers can be a pain in the ass even when they are right.
"Sorry." He said looking away from what he was doing to look at you. “But you have to think before you act or you’ll end up in trouble.”
“I know, I was just angry.” You wanted to argue with him, but you knew he was right.
“It's normal to be angry, you just have to learn to deal with it.” He said softly. You liked him precisely because he didn't judge you. He could be a little harsh and direct at times, but he didn't mean anything wrong.
"I finished." He smiles at you, looking you with those kind eyes. He's so beautiful, you think as you lean forward and gently cup his face in your hands, forgetting everything and planting your lips on his.
Tom automatically pushes you away from him as if your touch had burned him. "Don't do that." He said seriously, standing up and moving further away from you. "This will not happen."
"Why not?" You had acted on impulse, of course, but you didn't imagine he would react like this. He pulled away from you so quickly it felt like you had some kind of contagious disease. “Do you think I’m that ugly?”
“No, I think you’re beautiful. I want to hug you and kiss you and... and I can't do that. I don't want to do that." Tom didn't know if you would understand, you certainly saw this whole situation very differently. “That wouldn’t be nice to you because I don’t love you.”
Of course you knew that, you weren't stupid. But you didn't really care about that, or at least you didn't want to care.
You didn't mean to be interested in him like that. Of course, you might have always liked the idea of ​​a hot man who was maybe a little older and at least a head taller than you. You can't deny how appealing the idea of ​​someone having enough experience to know how to take care of you is. Someone who would treat you the way you always wanted and deep down wanted, without being condescending or dismissive.
And maybe Tom, with his looks and muscles twice your size, cocky attitude, and sense of adventure, fits what you've been looking for in a man long before you two met.
You didn't realize he had moved closer to you again until you felt his hand gently cup your chin and make you look at him. “And don’t do that to anyone while you’re drunk, understand?”
You just nodded embarrassedly. You felt so stupid and yet he made sure not to make you feel worse. Tom continued taking care of you as if nothing had happened. He gave you water and took you to your room saying you would feel better tomorrow.
“Can you stay with me until I sleep?” You whispered, looking at him through your eyelashes. Tom nods at you and lies down next to you. You can’t help but move closer to him, snuggling into his chest as his hand strokes your hair.
Even after what happened, Tom didn't ignore you or push you away. The two of you continued texting and meeting up every now and then. He seemed genuinely concerned about you and always gave you advices. Sometimes you would go to the bar together to play pool together, he still wouldn't let you drink. Saying you could wait for that.
The fact that he was so nice and attentive to you only made you more and more interested in him. And deep down you knew he also felt something for you. That was precisely why one day while you were talking in the living room of your house you decided that you would change your relationship.
A better man would have said no, would have stopped, would have reasoned with you and told you to wait, to save it for the better man. But Tom wasn't a better man, he was selfish and human and he heard your pleas. He listened when you said. "I want you to be my first." And he listened even more to your insistence and reasoning. "You've always tried to take care of me since we met, Tom. You don't need to be here anymore, but you are, just take care of me now."
For a fleeting second, he tried to think of something that would make him stop, but every time he tried to argue you argued back. "I want to learn. It'll be like when you taught me how to play." Fuck, it wasn't the same.
He kept telling himself that he shouldn't let that happen even after he laid you down on the couch and took off your panties. And his mind went blank when you moaned his name, all soft and trembling as his fingers slid inside you. You were so tight he wasn’t sure if it would fit.
Looking up was a mistake, but so was all of this. You were looking at him with your eyebrows furrowed and your mouth open in a silent moan. Suddenly, you weren't the only one groaning. Your eyes closed as he continued working, your clit throbbing and swelling on his tongue as he dragged it nice and slow. It was painfully obvious that you had never been through anything like this before, your reactions were so intense and raw.
Your soft fingers reached down and grabbed his hair. You pulled him closer, your thighs trembling and coming together around his head. His fingers moved faster, rubbing your slick walls and wanting so much to feel them wrapped around his cock. Each stroke of his tongue and fingers produced a small gasping sound as you moaned his name. There was no way he could resist, not with you moaning his name so sweetly. Without warning, you squeezed his fingers and he thought he might die right there, because if you did that to his dick, he would be ruined.
Tom was pretty sure the neighbors could hear it from the way you held your breath until you let it out in a long moan.
Going up your body was really where he should have stopped, should have backed away and walked away. But instead he nibbled and kissed your belly, sucked your nipples and rubbed sweet circles on your hips with his thumbs.
His mouth was on your left nipple, sucking and pulling with his teeth when you asked. "Can I ride you?"
Fuck yes, that was all Tom could think, any reasons why he shouldn't be there with you long forgotten. He sat down and watched you undo the button on his pants with shaking hands and he lifted his hips for you to pull them down.
“Are you sure you still want to do it?” Tom asked when he saw you looking at his cock with wide eyes.
You waved as you climbed into his lap. Your soft little hands on his shoulders. It was just sex, at least that's what he told himself when he kissed you. You jaw was cradled perfectly in his palm, your soft skin contrasting with his. He leaned back against the couch, his legs dangling over the edge. Then the only thing in his field of vision was your eyes shining with lust. This time you kissed him, one hand reaching down to rub his cock. There was no intention or experience behind it, just curious fingers rubbing and palming the head, tracing the veins and squeezing until he moaned.
Your kiss ended, lips still touching as he smiled at you. "Teaser."
You laughed and he refused to admit that it was anything more than a laugh for his own ears, for his heart. You were nervous, he could tell. He took your face in his hands and kissed you slowly, little bits of tension disappearing from you as you lined him up and slid in slowly. One of his arms slid to wrap around your waist as his lips moved to your ear, sucking the earlobe and kissing around the shell. A soft moan left your mouth as he bottomed out. It was a struggle not to move and talk. "Are you okay, girl?"
You took a deep breath, resting an arm on his shoulders and grabbing the bicep of the arm wrapped around you. After a moment, you leaned in and kissed him again and he knew you wouldn't get tired of it either. The hand on your jaw slid down and tangled in your hair, rubbing your scalp tenderly. When you started to move, he broke the kiss, cursing and gripping your hair a little tighter between his fingers. Your eyelids fluttered, your kiss-swollen lips remained slightly open as you panted and moaned. Every in and out of your tight little body made him want to go against his words at once, because you were ruining him, just like he knew you would. And somewhere between the fourth and seventh roll of your hips, he must have said it out loud, because you whimpered and nodded. "It's okay Tom, me too."
Your languid, oppressive assaults on him tore away every bit of restraint he had, every part of him that could have turned away from it. You dug your nails into his skin like claws and sped up, your eyes locked in a look that was too intimate for the first time. His hands went to your hips and yours went to his chest, both of you holding on as your bodies took control as your minds were slipping away. Something buried deep within him ignited as you clenched, so close to orgasm that your body was begging for it. The movement of your hips gyrating and circling was hypnotic and he could watch you do this forever.
You were giving it your all, just like everything you do. He knew that if he said something, if he let it be known that he wanted more, you would give him everything. Could he be so selfish?
“Fuck, Tom, I’m going to…” You pushed yourself against him, opening your mouth and digging your nails hard into his muscles. Your body tightened around him, squeezing so hard it almost hurt before giving way to the rhythmic vibration and your breathless moans. Your beautiful face was relaxed with pleasure, the rest of your body falling into him.
As he pushed you to get on top, he realized that, yes, he could be that selfish. You smiled so wide as he began to thrust, your legs positioned just above his hips. The sounds you made were more sated, small noises.
Even after cumming twice, you still moved with him, rubbing his skin and feeling his muscles. The power he had over you was so evident here, when you were stripped of all pretense and clothing. He kissed you, another slow kiss that got hotter when you sucked his tongue. The heat that had begun to build up at the base of his spine was spreading quickly. He broke the kiss to breathe, not expecting to hear your voice slipping through the air. "Tom, come for me."
Fuck if that didn't make him lose his mind, slamming into you and doing exactly what you asked, spilling inside of you. Tom wrapped his arm around your waist and turned you around, making you rest on his chest. He could feel you smiling against his chest as he stroked your hair.
Tom knew this wouldn't last, at some point the age difference between you two would be a problem, but he was willing to try for as long as it took.
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dude sometimes i imagine me riding tom and i imagine the sounds that he makes. they aren't groans no no, they are either really soft moans and whimpers. i don't think he's the one to groan. also i imagine this face
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20doozers · 3 days
hi!! so I want to request Tom and m!reader getting cock blocked by Bill bc he entered the room 😽 so basically smug turned to fluff ?? idk this sounded a LOT better in my head 😭
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★Movie night★
TW: teasing, cockblocking, cuddling, smut to fluff, bill being oblivious, denial (kinda), kissing
A/N: this is rushed as hell I’m so sorry guys😭
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Tom sighed as he curled into your side, one of your arms gently wrapping around him as you turned your head to look at him. It was a movie night with you, Tom, and bill, all three of you spending quality time together every Friday night to have a break from everything and everyone else. Bill was getting snacks from the kitchen which left you and Tom alone in the living room since it was Bill’s turn to pick the movie as well.
“Excited Schatz?” You questioned softly, leaning in a bit for a kiss. Tom hummed a small ‘mhm’ and brought a hand up to the back of your neck, pulling you into a soft kiss as his eyes fluttered shut. The kiss was sweet and gentle, each break for breath being just a little more heated. You pulled back and stared at Tom, his dreads were held back in a bun like they usually were for movie nights since he hated having them down. He was in his pajamas, simple plaid pants and a loose t-shirt.
Tom groaned as one of your hands snuck to his thigh, gently rubbing his pajama clad thighs.
“Y/n-“ he huffed in protest.
“Oh come on tom, pleaseee?” You whined playfully, only for Tom to shake his head and push your hand off of his thigh when it inched closer to his crotch.
“No, not when bill’s here..” tom murmured, making you sigh in faux disappointment as you pouted. Tom rolled his eyes and pulled you into another kiss, making you want to smile as his fingers gently tangled into your hair. The kiss was more gentle this time, sweet and full of affection the lustful heat completely gone. You loved when Tom was like this, all gentle and loving, he was amazing like this.
“Oh come on.. we can sneak off to the bathroom or something..” you suggested trying to convince tom into a quickie.
“Pleaseee…?” You whined, the forming hardon in your pants making you desperate for your dear boyfriend. You just wanted-
You were pulled out of your desperation by bill coming into the room with the snacks, plopping down happily next to you and Tom, completely unaware of your ‘problem.’ You sighed in defeat as Tom pulled away and rested against your side, leaving you miserable with a throbbing and painful erection for the rest of the night.
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I hate this one too wtf. But yay, I got a fic out, like I said in my little announcement, fics will be a bit late and probably shorter. Also, this was my first request and I’m super happy about it so please send more! I’m sorry if it’s short or not what whoever requested wanted but it’s the best I can do for now. I love you guys!
Tags: @tomssexdoll @itsmealaiah @billskeis @cosmicck @goreishgorinthgoreofshits @madzandmore @cherry-rawr (let me know if I missed any or you’d like to be added!)
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billgetsmewet · 3 days
Fem reader and 2009 orrr 2007 Tom try be quiet on tour bus 😜 you can include any type of smut 🥰🥰
Tysm ily 😘
a/n: this was my oldest ask that i left rotting in the submissions box so im doing it since u guys r starving or somehting idk (i havent been posting bc im lazy and all i do is think ab getting drunk or high every weekend🤔🤔🤔ALSO FINALS)
warnings: nsfw, p in v, dom!tom, public s€x, petnames
You had a stupid drunk idea and made a bet with Gustav and Tom that you would come to their next tour with them on the tour bus. Worst idea ever! Youve never been so bored for hours on end, theres nothing to do, the bus stinks and youre super hungry.. also horn-
Youve been driving around for the past 4 hours , trying to get to the next place, however its taking long. Its getting hot in the bus, and theres no airconditioner…
You and Tom are sitting next to eachother on one of the bunk beds, Tom is trying to lighten up the mood by joking around but its obviously not working. He gives up, laying down on his back.
Hes wearing striped pyjama pants. Doesnt sound too hot, but is the hottest thing hes ever worn.. atleast to you, since youre ovulating.. obviously.
He groans as he moves around, making you drool with excitement..
He takes one look at you and already notices the situation, he pulls you down with him.
Luckily its as if all the band members are programmed to get the fuck out whenever something dirty happens, they start to go out of the bedroom into the kitchen of the bus.
Tom smirks at you and glances down at your pussy.
Whats wrong baby? he asks sarcastically as if he doesnt know what your problem actually is.
You grind yourself against him for the smallest spark, just to feel something. Please.. i need it so bad, Tom..
Need what? he replies, teasing the actual fuck out of you. But he doesnt get to enjoy that much, since you start palming him, giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Oh come on now.. he groans, trying to keep his cool, but you can already see sweatbeads forming on his forhead. Hes obviously already close.
You knew he doesnt last long. It was a good part about him though, cause with him.. neither did you.
He eventually gives up and tucks his pyjama pants down, his cock springing up.
His precum already leaking from his tip, he slides your shorts down, aswell as your panties and quickly grabs a blanket ontop of you two.
He guides his cock into you, making you moan like crazy.
He was massive, not just lenght wise, but he was wide..
His veiny cock bouncing in and out of you made you feel even more wet, just the thought of this situation could make you cum.
He rubbed your waist, trying to get you more comfortable as he put one hand on your stomach , so he could feel when he hit your walls.
The joy couldnt last long tho, as Georg barged in, making him slip out of you.
Whys there a blanket on you guys? its like 30 degrees out.. boiling hot
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jaded-jadee · 20 hours
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slvt4tom · 3 days
Y'all I js want a gf 😥🤙💔
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i love this photoshoot, his hair looks so greasy
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tvmkavlitzbby · 7 hours
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"All for me"
TW: nsfw, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, switch reader, switch Bill p in v, unprotected sex, blowjob, rough sex, breeding kink, dirty talk, hickeys, alcohol, aftercare, reader is in the band
Word count: 1.4k
synopsis: You and Bill had always been best friends, the fear of ruining your relationship always making you deny your feelings for each other, but seeing him dance with a girl at a party made you want to get him jealous.
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You and Bill had been best friends since forever, you two meet at kindergarten and since then you've been inseparable.
You were there every time he argued with his brother, You were there when he participated in the music show and comforted him when he didn't win, you were there when he asked you to join "Black Question Mark", which then became "Devilish" to finally become "Tokio Hotel", he was firm on his decision, telling you how important you were in the band and how it wasn’t complete without your singing.
You two had always been a crucial part of each other's life, and you couldn't imagine being apart.
And maybe that's what caused you two to completely shut down every little romantic feeling you had for the other, afraid it would put at risk your relationship.
Tonight you had a big party after the concert, it was the last date of your tour and a lot of people were invited, mostly friends and some lucky fans, the place was surely overcrowded with drunk people who danced all over each other, and it wasn't any different for you, you didn't even remember how many drinks you had, and you were just happily dancing with Georg until your eyes laid on Bill, who was now dancing with a girl who was throwing herself all over him.
As much as you wanted to shake away the feeling, you couldn't help but feel a wave of anger and jealousy wash all over you as you saw his hands on her hips.
"Georg, come here!" you shouted over the music, pulling the boy close to you, putting your hands on his chest and continuing dancing, ignoring his confused look that then became a playful one as he noticed who you were looking at.
"Trying to get him jealous y/n?" he asked, pointing to Bill.
"No! Why would I?" you asked with a bit of uncertainty, not resisting the urge to look at Bill, who was now looking at you two.
"Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever you say" Georg responded while he kept dancing with you.
Just some seconds had passed until you felt someone grab you by your shoulder and pulling you away, recognizing Bill.
"Y/n we have to go, someone wants to… uhm... talk to us… yeah" 
I ignored the way Georg lifted his eyebrow, nodding at Bill.
"Guess you have to go then, have fun and use protection" Georg screamed, to which I responded with a middle finger while being dragged away by my wrist by Bill.
"Bill, where are we going? Who wants to talk to-"
You stopped talking as you felt lips on yours as soon as you two got out from the building, widening your eyes as you realized that Bill was kissing you.
You couldn't really process what was happening, but you felt the need to kiss him too, so after the initial shock, you started to kiss him, convincing yourself to blame it on the alcohol.
The kiss soon became heated, Bill placed his hands on your waist, and you put yours between his spiky hair, while your tongues danced together.
When Bill detached from the kiss, he started to kiss your neck slowly, pressing his body against yours.
"Fuck… y/n..." he whispered
"Bill, we're in public..." you whispered, head thrown to the side to let him kiss you.
You heard him sigh and grab your wrist again, dragging you to his car.
Once you two were in he reclined the passenger seat, positioning himself in it and patted his thigh gently.
As soon as you climbed on top of him, you felt his lips on your neck, kissing it and biting it, leaving marks behind.
It was a strange sensation being on his lap like this, you've always been best friends, and you never thought something like this would happen, but now the desire was too strong to stop.
"You were trying to make me jealous with Georg, uh?" he whispered in your ear.
What a nerve you thought.
"Me? You had that girl all over you" you then a hand through his hair, tugging them a bit to make him look at you.
You kissed him passionately, your intentions to keep your relationship as friends long forgotten, because deep down you knew that that's what you always wanted, to know what his lips felt like, to have him all for yourself.
You felt his hand travel to your back, unzipping your dress, that he impatiently slipped down and removed completely, leaving you in only your underwear.
"Look at you... not even wearing a bra" he whispered, lips pressing on your left breast while he cupped the right one with his hand, massaging it slightly.
You soon grew tired of the teasing, needing more from him, so you slipped from his grasp, crawling in the space in front of the seat, between his legs, and started to undo his belt.
Once the pants and the boxer were off, you grabbed his cock with your hand to then give kitten lips to the tip, watching how Bill closed his eyes to savor the moment.
"Look at me, bill" you said firmly, waiting for him to open his eyes to continue.
Once he did, you took his length in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head on it, helping yourself with your hand to the part you couldn't reach and tracing the veins with your tongue, never breaking eye contact.
"Fuck..." he moaned slightly, his whispers making you fasten your pace.
"I want to fuck you, y/n, right now... please..." he whispered, almost as a plea, how could you not give it to him when he sounded so damn desperate?
He took off his shirt, and you positioned yourself back on his lap, after taking off your panties, you then positioned his cock to your entrance and slowly lowered yourself on it, both of you moaning loudly.
"Fuck Billy, you're so big..." you leaned closer to his ear, biting it slightly while you started to move on top of him.
You began to ride him slowly to tease him, ignoring his pleas to go faster, to give him more.
The last thing you expected was for Bill to grab your hips firmly, and starting to pound in you fiercely, making you grip his shoulders for support.
"I'm tired of your teasing" he said with his teeth closed, listening to you moaning his name.
"Bill, fuck... right there!" you almost screamed as he hit your cervix, your nails scratching his back.
You didn't know if someone could see you, but you didn't care, too lost in the feeling, too lost in his touch.
You felt your orgasm close, clenching around him, which made him moan and place a finger on your clit, massaging it.
"Are you going to cum for me, baby? Cum on your best friends' dick?" he continued to push in you, without slowing the pace, you nodded and managed to talk between your moans.
"Yes, yes I'm going to cum on your-oh fuck" but you couldn't finish the phrase because a wave of pleasure washed all over your body, making you cum and tremble.
It wasn’t long before Bill also came in you with a long moan, while you tried to come back from your orgasm.
"Y/n, are you ok?" you heard, his hand brushing your hair out of your face softly, as you nodded tiredly.
"Yes... fuck Billy..." you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him close to you and placing your head on his shoulder.
"That was... amazing" he replied, leaving a sweet kiss on your head.
"Let's go home, shall we?"
You just nodded at his question and let him help you to clean up and dress back up, just enough to get home.
Once you were home, he brought you inside and you two decided to take a bath together.
"Wait here, I'll get everything ready" after that he disappeared in the bathroom, returning a while later, taking your hand and leading you to the bathroom in which you stripped and got in the bathtub with him, placing yourself between his legs, chest to back.
A comfortable silence fell between you two as you enjoyed the warm water and each other touch.
It was interrupted a while later, when Bill whispered in your ear.
"Be mine y/n, please" you couldn't help but smile, turning to face him and placing your hands on his cheeks.
"I'm already yours Bill, I've always had"
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thema-nr-2 · 1 day
so I can’t stop rereading can’t do it alone, and I might need another part to it, like right when he gets off the tour, and he meets reader at her house, and is literally so excited to just feel her around him, and to taste her again, he just can’t help himself. you don’t have to do this request I just want it but if you don’t want to it’s your choice anyway
cant do it alone (pt 2) - b.k
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✮ synopsis - a part two to this fic, Bill is finally off tour and gets to see his precious girlfriend again. But he can’t help himself but be all over her!!! 🎀
✮ genre - fluff to smut i guess?
✮ word count - 1.3k (kinda slow burn imo i’m a major in yapology)
✮ content warning - kissing, pet names, praise, fem!reader, sub!bill, dom!reader, oral (f receiving) very slight degrading, face sitting, bill gets hard 😞, begging
✮ a/n - man i need to start being normal
God, it was finally over. This long, gruelling, overwhelming tour was finally over. It was only a few months, but being away from Y/N felt like a genuine eternity. It was so hard to go even a single night without missing her, needing her arms around me and her soft voice whispering sweet nothings in my ear. But now I can finally see her again after all that time spent “bringing the mood down” as Tom would say. It’s not my fault he can’t hold a relationship for more than one night.
I wasted absolutely no time in driving straight to Y/N’s house. I didn’t even bother to unpack at my own home. I had my priorities set, and she was at the top of my list right now. I stepped up to her door and knocked loudly. I glance nervously at my phone; 2:40 am. “I hope I’m not waking her up…” I think to myself. I had left her a text letting her know I was home and on my way, but it looks like she didn’t see it. To be fair, it was at 1 am.
As he patiently waited for your response, your head slowly rose up as you heard knocking. You sit confused for a moment, who would be here at such an hour… then it hit you. Could it be? Your boyfriend is finally home??? You immediately jump out of bed, not bothering to even get dressed, and raced down to the front door to greet the love you had oh so missed.
The door swings open so fast you were scared you’d break its hinges. Both of your faces light up as your eyes lock.
“Oh, schatz, I’ve missed you so much!” Bill sighs. His arms wrap around your waist as he pulls you into a deep kiss. Your hands snake around the back of his neck as you stand up on your tip toes to reach the tall boy. The kiss feels like it lasts forever, you’re both lost in your own fantasies having not seen each other for months.
You finally pull away for air, panting ever so quietly. Not just out of shortness of breath, but excitement and anticipation. “Are you gonna stay the night, Bill?” You ask.
“Well I may as well.” He replies, gesturing to a clock on your wall.
“Well, I’m gonna go back to bed, so feel free to join me whenever you’re ready.” You give him a warm smile, and a final kiss on the cheek before returning upstairs to your room. Bill, eager to join you, dumped his luggage and quickly retrieved a comfy t-shirt and some shorts to sleep in.
As he opened the door to you room, he noticed you were already lying in bed, but you were still very much awake. “What’s wrong, baby?” He asked.
“Nothing, I’m just… so happy to see you again, my heart is buzzing!”
Bill climbed into bed and lied next to you, his eyes never leaving yours. “Trust me I’m just as excited as you, it feels like it’s been forever, no?”
“I know right…”
As you turn over to your side, you feel that familiar warm sense of safety wrap around you. As bill held you, you felt truly happy again.
But bill couldn’t help himself but be all over you. Your natural scent, the feeling of your warm skin against his, the smell of your freshly washed hair, so many overwhelming thoughts of all the things he wished you could do to him while he was away, it was all too much for the poor baby… as he and you lay together in silence, you were interrupted from your almost sleep with the feeling of something poking you.
“Bill, that better be your hand.” You say bluntly, rolling your eyes.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, liebe, I didn’t mean to… I just missed you so much and-“
You cut him off by turning around to face him, your expression dangerous. “And…?” You wait for him to finish.
“And I need you… badly…”
“Hmm, what do good boys say to get what they want?”
“Please… Y/N please it’s been months, I haven’t been able to get off properly since that call and it’s driving me insane…” God, his begging was like music to your ears. You could listen to him whine and plea for you all night, and still not give him what he wants.
“I don’t know if you deserve it yet, baby.” You sigh a sigh of fake disapproval as you threaten to turn your back to him, to which he immediately turns you back around.
“Yes, baby I do.. I’ll prove it to you..”
“And how would you do that, sweet boy?”
He hesitated for a moment. A little bit of stunned silence, because he thought you would just give in, so now he had to think of something quickly. “Sit on my face.” He finally said.
You cocked your head to the side and raised an eyebrow. “Oh? That’s what my baby wants?”
“Only if you want, I want to please YOU.”
You consider his offer momentarily before getting up to straddle his waist. You were already just in a shirt and panties, so you slowly slide them off, never taking your eyes off the desperate mess underneath you.
“Better be good for me, Billy, or you won’t be getting shit tonight, you understand?” You ask strictly. He nods rapidly in a desperate attempt to hurry things up so he could just taste you finally. Satisfied with his response, you hover yourself over him until you finally lower down onto his mouth.
His lips immediately wrap around your clit as he begins to kitten lick it. His hands find their way into the sides of your waist as he firmly holds you still, nearly digging his nails into your soft flesh in the process. A soft moan escapes your lips as you grind your hips onto his tongue. “Fuck… Bill…”
“I missed your taste so much…” Bill’s muffled voice groans from underneath you as he drags his tongue down from your clit to your entrance. Without hesitation he pushes his tongue as deeply as he can inside you, savouring every second your taste as much as possible.
Your moans only get louder as you feel his tongue brush against your g-spot. You hastily grab a fistful of your boyfriends spiky (though now quite flat) hair and tug on it, causing him to whimper in pain. You hear a soft “fuck!” from under you and you chuckle. “Did somebody like that? You.. little slut..” You say. After hearing nothing but cute little whines from Bill, you loosen your grip on his hair and clench your bed sheets instead.
Bills tongue was now delving in and out of you at quickly, he wasted no time and wanted to make you cum as quickly and as hard as he could. “You’re… doing so well for me, Billy… ah fuck!” Your mouth hung open, moans escaping it at every sensation. Bill moved one hand from your waist and started to tease your clit again with his thumb, slowly circling it and a teasingly slow pace. You almost found yourself begging him to speed up, but you restrained yourself. You felt your stomach begin to ache as your muscles tensed up, your release imminent. You stuttered out moans and broken sentences, letting Bill know how close you were. And under his muffled breath you could make out his accent whispering “Cmon, cum for me, baby.” You throw back your head in pure ecstasy as your orgasm came crashing over you. Bill held you as still as he could, licking up everything he could. With a final few moans, you slowly lift off your boyfriend’s face to see the mess you made of him, and for him to see the mess he made of you.
“That good?” His innocent smile beamed, full of pride.
“You tell me, seems like you enjoyed just as as much as I did.”
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RAHHHHHHH IDK IF I LIKE OR HATE THIS BUT WHATEVER, I GOT SOMETHING OUT AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS. thank you so much the request, AND all the support i got for my first fic, it means so much to me as a burnt out writer that people actually still like my writing :)) ILY GUYSSSS
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itzmaztercom · 3 days
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tomscumdump · 2 days
Can you write a really rough smut with bill being really mean and dominant n stuff? Like calling reader REALLY degrading names (I like "cumdump" way to much for my own good)
Anyway it's totally fine if you don't want to write this ik a lot of ppl aren't into stuff like this<3
yes ofc !! lwk excited to write this lollll :33 anywaysss here it is , enjoy you freaksss 💋
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-18 +
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“BILL!! fuck- please I can’t!!” I cried out, grasping at the white bedsheets. that didn’t stop him, my boobs moved up and down as he rammed his dick into me.
“no, you’ll cum as much times as I tell you to.” he said sternly, a few groans and grunts coming from him, skin slapping and moans filling the room. small strands of his black highlighted hair stuck to his forehead from sweat.
he pulled out, rubbing his tip rapidly on my clit, causing me to gasp unable to exhale. “oooh my ~nghh~ billy p-please!!” I was so shocked he had been able to go on for this long, this had to have been the longest we had lasted.
“shiiitttt you feel—“ he said getting cut off by his orgasm hitting him like a bus, his warm cum spurting into me the sudden action making me cum as well. “fuck!” we both moan out, my back arched and his head tossed back. “so good..” he said breathlessly
my eyes were glued shut, every breath in and out my stomach shaking slightly. I knew it wasn’t done, I felt his intoxicating eyes on me. he lifted my legs up with one hand giving him a pretty view of my pussy.
he moaned just at the sight. “your pussy is so fuckin pretty schatz..” I gave a small moan in return, my words being jumbled. “.. b-bill I don’t think I can d—“ the new position he had put me in had made it easy access for his dick to hit my g-spot.
“oh my ~mhh~ fuckk!!” I cry out. my arms flinging to his arms for some kind of support. he lets out a groan as he catches his breath, he pulls out slowly until only about half the tip is in. then he crashes back into me. “this pussy, is mine. you hear me you slut?” he grunts as he rams in and out of me, I felt lightheaded and dizzy. his words ringing in my head as it was the only thing on my mind.
“look at you. my little fucking cum dumpster hm?” he said with a smirk on his face. he pulled me closer and his dick managed to dig even deeper into me. I couldn’t even speak. small tears trickled down my face from the amount of pleasure and overstimulation I was feeling.
“my good little girl. my princess takes my cock so good hm?” he slaps my pussy and gets a whimper in response. he chuckles and runs his free hand up and down my leg, giving me shivers. “you like that? you like it when I slap that pussy?” I give a weak smile and nod my head. “y-yess..” I say breathlessly. the feeling was so euphoric I almost couldn’t take it.
I noticed bill getting a bit slower with his pace, he pressed his hand down on my lower abdomen and he picks up his pace. he chuckles and moans out, both of our orgasms coming close. “oh shiitt…”
“pleaseeee— billy cum in me please..!!” I couldn’t help but moan with my mouth agape. he shoved his fingers into my mouth. almost immediately I started to suck and lick his long skinny fingers.
he rammed into me just as hard, I felt my orgasm coming. “I-I’m gonna cum!” he grabbed my hands and held them above my head. “no, no no. you only cum when I cum.” I whine and squirm around begging to cum. “billy i-i ~gah!!~ I can’t!” I thrust my hips up to try and feel more and more.
I wanted it all.
he slapped me and grasped my face to face him. “if you fuckin cum your not getting shit, slut.” I whined and nodded yes, the way he spat these harsh words at me only turned me on more. “yes.. yes I’ll listen billy!!” he shoved in and out of me a few more times until he finally came.
“~nghh~ fuckk I’m cumming!!” he cried out, the feeling of his warmth spurting into me felt so good I couldn’t get enough. I thrusted my hip up once more and came as well. “b-bill!!!” I felt my legs shake, this orgasm having to be the one that hit me hardest. bill let go of my arms and legs, picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom.
“bill p-please I can’t go again…” he kissed me and brushed my hair to the side “yes, yes you can schatz.” he bent me over the bathroom sink. I could see his face in the mirror. his black highlighted hair being stuck to his forehead from sweat, small beads of sweat forming on his nose.
”your so gorgeous liebe. your mine, all mine..” i smiled at his words, knowing they were true. no man or dildo had ever been able to fuck me just as good as bill. his tip teased my entrance, I whimpered as he slowly shoved himself in.
his hands snaked around my body down to my clit, he rubbed rapidly as he rammed into me. the feeling felt so good, but I couldn’t take it. “one more. cum for me one more time.” he grabbed my hair and lifted my hair up to see in the mirror. “look at you, you whore.” he grunted in my ear, I was getting closer and closer just watching him kiss and suck on my neck in the mirror, and feeling his dick inside me.
he sighed out and leaned back slightly, I could tell by the look on his face he was close. but he had no more energy to keep going. I scoffed my ass back and did the work for him he looked down and watched me fuck myself.
“yeah baby, use my cock cmon.” I kept going until I was getting close to cumming again. he smirked and praised me more. “keep goin, shiittt I’m gonna cum baby…”
I kept going, picking up my pace as I felt that familiar knot form in my stomach again. the look on his face told me he wanted to degrade me and tease, but he couldn’t take it. and neither could I.
”~fuckk~ yes baby cum on it.” he grunts, throwing his head back as he lets out a laugh with a shaky breath. I push myself back against him, fully standing up using his body as support. I cried out as he let out a long groan, both of us reaching our climax . I repeatedly moaned out his name and he dug his face into the crook of my neck, biting down hard.
he thrusted into me gently once more, milking every ounce of that sweet high we both desired. he kissed my cheek and whispered with his raspy, croaky voice.
“im gonna need this more often.”
omg this took so much longer than I expected. anyways woohoooo first little one shot for u freakksss :33 hope this was good!! sorry abt it being short lmao.. :/
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tomsdingalingtickler · 18 hours
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CHARACTERS: 2010 Tom & f!reader
WARNINGS: p in v (doggy style), stalking?, rough sex
A/N: i watched easy a making this and i think it shows
You weren't a nerd but you also weren't popular you were just there, you know? You had a decent amount of friends and guys noticed you here and there. But there was this one guy, in your 5th period class who always sat in the back and never talked to anyone and watched you. Not anyone else, not your best friend, you. You didn't mind much of it honestly. You just thought he was weird.
At lunch, a guy came up to you and your friends lunch table inviting to party. You debated on going but you thought, "eh, fuck it."
Soon enough it came time for the party. You decided to wear a dress from your moms closet. It was a spaghetti strap, thigh high, cheetah print dress with a black lace around the bottom, black heels that were bearable enough to walk in, a pink lip gloss, and a gold glitter eyeshadow. You looked good.
Your friend came and picked you up in her pink convertible, Natasha Bedingfield's Pocketful of Sunshine blaring, you walked out with your handbag and smile on your face. You hopped in and you guys were on the way.
You guys walked into the house and there was people everywhere, the music was ear piercing. You guys instantly got lost and split up immediately. You realised you lost your friends and you called out their names. You kept calling and calling until you ran into a wall. At least you thought it was wall instead it was him. The kid who always looks at you in class. You never knew how good he looked up close.
"Woah there, darling." He said, his voice soothing for some reason. He put his hands around your waist to stop you from falling. He dark brown eyes gazing into yours.
"I-I'm sorry.." You said, flustered and embarrassed.
"I'm just trying to look for my friends." You said looking up at him. Before you could say anything else, he hoisted you up on his shoulders, placing his hand on your thighs. You quickly caught on he was helping you find your friends. You looked all throughout the crowd and them you spotted them. You tapped on his shoulder and pointed him on where he needed to go. You finally got to your friends and he set you down gently. He was oddly gentle for such a big dude.
"Thank you..." You mentally cursed yourself for not knowing his name.
"Tom." He said, his eyes never leaving your face.
"Thank you, Tom." You said, smiling softly. His eyes were gorgeous.
He then turned around and walked off into the crowd. He definitely did not blend in you could spot him a mile away. Something about him made you not able to take your eyes off him. You were snapped out of your trance by your friend.
"Y/N, who was that snack?" She said in a playful tone.
"Oh, it was no one." You said, brushing her off.
"Yeah, right. Did you see how he was looking at you? He was smitten!" She said. You just ignored her. He wasn't in love with you, right?
You guys were on the dance floor, already drunk outta your mind. You were grinding on your friends as you guys danced. You then stumbled off the dancefloor to get another drink.
Once you got there, you ran into another wall. A 6'1, muscular, good-looking, wall. It was Tom. Was he following you?
"We gotta stop meeting like this, hun." He said, looking down at you. You mumbled something drunkly and he chuckled. He looked around and saw someone looking at you in a way he didn't like. He smile slowly faded and he out his hands on your waist and not even 5 seconds later, his lips are on yours.
You slowly melted into his embrace, kissing him back. You cupped his face as his hands went to the back of your neck. Your hands ran over his body memorizing every single thing about his body. You the palmed his dick, that was straining against his zipper, and he groaned in your mouth. His hands went down to your ass and he lifted you up. Your lips never left his as you guys went to find a room, one that wasn't already taken by a couple fucking. Once you guys finally found one, he pinned you against the door, taking off you and his clothes almost immediately.
Once both of you guys were naked, he gently pushed you on the bed on your stomach. You got a glimpse of his dick, before your face a forced into a pillow, and my god was he huge. You heard the sound of a condom being put on and then he entered you slowly. You whimpered at his size, and he moaned softly at your tightness.
Once you got adjusted to him, he found good rhythm. Sure you fucked a few guys before, but none of them were like him. He was so fucking rough, but yet so gentle at the same time.
"Fuck.. I've been obsessed since the day I saw you.. You're perfect.." He muttered. Did his words scare you? Yeah, a little. Did you care? No the fuck you did not. He was so hot, him being a little stalker-ish made him even hotter.
His pace increased, your moans got louder, his gentle words never stopped. God, this man was perfect. You could feel his eyes travel over your body, drinking in the sight. His rough hands drifting over your soft skin sent a shiver down your spine. It wasn't long until your orgasm hit, you moaned out his name, the sound echoing throughout the room. His orgasm followed shortly after. He pulled gently, not wanting to hurt you. He discared the condom in a nearby trashcan and cleaned himself up before cleaning you up. After a few minutes, you guys went back downstairs as if he didn't just rock your world.
You found your friends and they bombarded you with questions, you just shrugged them off, the thought of what just happened still fresh in your mind.
Your friends just dropped you off at your house. You stumbled up to door step and rumbled through your handbag for your keys, pulling them out and unlocking your door. You walked upstairs to your room and plopped down on your bed, too tired to take anything off.
As you were about to fall asleep, your phone beeped with message from an unknown number. You were confused and opened it. The message read, "Miss u already, beautiful."
You smiled knowing the message was clearly from Tom. You sent back quick message and he responded. You fell asleep with a smile after reading it. The message read,
"I love you too."
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Angelic girl
T. Kaulitz x f! Reader
Synopsis: Tom sees a girl and she like looks like a complete angel he tries to do his little flirty things with her but she just ignores it and it makes him like her even more.
Tags: Name is attractive, clingy Tom, couple goals Frl, toms whipped, the band finds it funny, touchy Tom, make out seshs after concerts
“Even if my heart stops beatin, you’re the only thing I need… with me.”
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- the first time he saw you his eyes were GLUED
- it was post concert and he was just out goofing around buying random stuff with the band when he saw you
- You were just on the phone talking with a friend and getting snacks at a small corner shop
- But bro he was whipped
- wide eyed and all, might’ve walked into a shelf of accident
- his eyes would not leave you the whole time you were browsing around the store
- let’s say you caught him staring and he just looked like a deer in the headlights bc he didn’t expect to be caught
- you laughed and said something to your friend on the phone abt him before walking past him to pay
- once he snapped out of it and saw you were leaving he chased after you
- leaving the rest of the group staring at him like 😐 “tf just happened”
- when he DID catch up to you and got your attention he would try and play it off and would be like-
- “hey, I’m Tom-“ would probably try and lean up against a wall but would slip and almost fall bc he wasn’t close enough to it
- you legit stared at him like 🤨 not impressed
- “Uhh…I’ll call you back”
- you looked him up and down and asked if he needed anything
- he tries use pick up lines on you but you just laugh a little and walk away and leave him following you like a kicked puppy while you continued to talk with your friend
- Bill and Gustav are def staring at him from the convenience store window like🧍while Georg is hyping him up
- is a persistent mf and eventually sets up a hangout with you the following day (he begged on his knees and clung onto your leg until you accepted)
- pictures show up all over the media speculating on you two’s relationship
- photos are mostly of Tom getting walked like a dog by you
- he’s always walking behind you while you lead him to god knows where
- tags along everywhere you go even for minuscule things
- many comment on how different his attitude is when he’s with you
- once y’all are closer, dating or not he is alllll over you 24/7
- can never stay away from you
- head on the shoulder hugging you from behind while you talk with someone
- playing with the belt loops on your pants while you play with his hair while talking with the band
- Hand on your lower back while walking the carpet or through crowds of paparazzi
- makes out w/ you after concerts bc of that adrenaline rush and you both love it sm
- against the wall backstage n everything
- grabs at anything he can but most you’re waist
- loves pushing his hips flush against yours
- whiny if you tell him he has something scheduled and can’t spend time with you
- always touching your ass and doesn’t care who sees wants ppl to see
- literally had to kick him out so you could shower alone one time bc he wouldn’t leave
- eventually you just accepted you’ll have to shower with someone all the time
- You def pulled him he didn’t pull you
- he’s not ashamed to admit that
- Lowkey moody when you’re not around and with him and it drives the band crazy
- head over heels type of love with him
- always staring at you with puppy dog eyes
-watches you do your hair and makeup
- sneak peeks what you’re wearing so he can subtly match in his own style
- when fans try to flirt he’s like 🏃”Name where’s Name”
- One time a fan tried to get his attention by showing off the shirt she was wearing and showing her chest and he was like…
- “How would Name look in that”🤔
- “Name would NOT wear something like that”
- said it out loud one time and almost made a fan cry but apologized bc Bill said so
- but Tom is Tom and if you notice him checking someone out or flirting without knowing you’d set him straight
- you know your worth and tell him off if needed
- but the chance he would is like one in a million because who is better than you?
- ‘no one’ is the answer
- interviewee’s would try and bring up how much he changed relationship wise and he’s like
- “well yeah I’m literally dating her why would I want anyone else?”
- def teased by Bill and Georg on how whipped he is
- doesn’t deny it at all and just nods his head like “yeah Ik bro isnt she great”
- Carves your name on the side of one of his guitar with a knife and it’s all wobbly and messy but you loved it and he was so giddy abt it
- if you have piercings he’ll get matching ones
- comments on your appearance 24/7
- “You’re so hot”
- “did you get prettier?”
- “is that skirt new?”
- you always put him in his place without even saying anything
- like he say smth and you just staring and him and he’s like
- “ I was just kidding babe of course just jokes😁”
- sweats bullets when when you guys fight abt things bc you are scary
- Begs for forgiveness
- Buys you so much stuff and doesn’t stop even if you want him to
- I feel like gift giving is his love language and there is no stopping it (just accept them it makes him cheese so hard he’s all happy and will kickin his feet n shit when you aren’t looking)
- named “teen couple of the year” in lots of magazines
- he keeps those magazines inside of his nightstand
- gets so many questions abt you in interviews
- gets a little to personal with the answers
- embarrasses you sometimes but find it amusing and so does he
- even fans can’t get mad because you guys r just so cute together
- literally some fans named yall #goals
- The band loves you guys together because it brings out the good in Tom
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rette-mich · 4 months
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Bill and Tom in the Maldives
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kaulitzcumdoll · 2 months
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🩷Getting high and fucking the twins?? >////< (this was so fun to write!)
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"Mhhh..." I muttered something I don't even remember, Tom chuckled and Bill just gave me another drag of the blunt me and him were sharing.
"What was it, doll?" Tom asked with a grin, I looked at him with a faint blush and blown out pupils, Bill cuddled me close as we kept sharing the blunt, feeling it burn our throats from the long drags.
"I think she's not with us anymore" Bill chuckled softly, kissing my forehead and holding me tightly
"I have an idea to get her out of it" Tom said with that sly grin, I looked at Bill confused and hazy, he blushed and kissed my cheek gently
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10 Minutes later...
"Ugh fuck...such a slut..." Tom groaned as he held my hips, fucking me roughly from behind, tears rolled down my cute and chubby cheeks as I whimpered
"You're so pretty, my love...keep going-" Bill panted as he gently held my head, caressing my hair as he whimpered while I sucked his pretty cock, I sobbed and looked up at him with blown out pupils from the highness, they were so different, Bill was so gentle and sweet while Tom was the complete opposite, rough and cocky
"You keep spoiling her with all those praises" Tom said with a grunt to Bill, as if I wasn't there, not that I understood much of what they were saying anyway...
"She's so good though, how could I not praise our princess?" Bill asked Tom between small whines and pants while caressing my head, I felt so dizzy from the pleasure and the mixed paces
"Oh fuck...here it comes doll" Tom moaned roughly as he held harshly my hips, making me cry and see stars as I felt so good, Bill pulled out of my mouth, I sobbed as he held up my face and quickly jerked off "ah j-ja princess~" Bill cried out as he came on my face, while I sobbed and clenched around Tom as I reached my sweet release.
"Just a little more, baby-" Tom groaned and panted, closing his eyes tightly and throwing his head back, Bill gently praised me while Tom pulled out and came all over my back and ass with a satisfied moan
"We should do this more often, princess" Bill said softly as we cuddled up "yeah, that was great" Tom chimed in with a grin as he added himself to the cuddled duo "uff..." (😵‍💫) I mumbled completely fucked out "I think she's actually gone now" Tom and Bill (😈/😇) laughed as they held me close.
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