#tommy screaming from the rooftops:  THIS DAY JUST GOT SO MUCH LESS BORING
itsaliving-blog · 6 years
*. @ioniclantern 
  OKAY,  MAYBE HE’S GOING CRAZY.   but tommy’s been  half - dozing,  half - smoking on a park bench in the more central gotham,   and behind his shades he’s  been  watching this  GUY  who’s  been sitting on some steps  drawing in his sketchbook.    the hitman’s theory was that he was either  going crazy,  or that was  green lantern in civvies  having a peaceful afternoon doodling some  BIRDS  or something in a park.     tommy checked his watch  --   he still had a couple hours to go before  maggie out of her  SHOW  or whatever she was doing,   so he decided to raise hell.    as always. 
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“didn’t take you for an artist,”  he decides to approach  boldly,  hands slipping into his pockets.   the closer he got to the other,  the more he was  SURE  that it was kyle.  after all,  tommy  HAD  used his  x - ray vision to see through the mask before,  and all.   that was definitely him.   his voice wasn’t  HOSTILE  or anything  ;  just a little smug with himself.   “catchin’ up on an assignment or somethin’,  green?” 
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