#top gun 2
chiabeanz · 11 months
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not to be crude or anything but i need him in my bed, like, right now.
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awaywith-thefaeries · 2 years
HANGMAN’S A WHAT NOW!? | j.seresin
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pairing: jake "hangman" seresin x wife!reader
summary: after the uranium mission, the dagger squad is assigned more permanently to the San Diego base, so Jake and his wife make plans to move their little family out to SoCal. The rest of the dagger squad is quite surprised to find out that Hangman even has a wife, when she joins them for a beach day, with some little surprises in tow.
warnings: pure, tooth-rotting fluff, Jake being a girl dad
a/n: this is just a little piece I came up with a 4 a.m. last night. reblogs are greatly appreciated. feel free to send in requests for any of the characters on my page, my requests are open!
word count: 2k
main masterlist | series masterlist
“Mama, are we almost there yet?”
You smiled softly at your daughter, cuddling as close to her sister as the seatbelt in the back of the car will allow her.
“Almost, Liv,” you say gently.
“Okay then, Mama,” your daughter sighs, her head falling onto her sister's, where she is snoozing on Olive’s shoulder.
You smile at your twin girls, who had been so good for you while you drove from your old home in rural Texas, to join their father in San Diego, where he has been more permanently stationed after the success of the last mission he had been called back to Top Gun for. The girls adored their father and it has been a hard couple of months without him, for all three of you. You know it has been hard on Jake too. He acted happy for the girls on their frequent FaceTime sessions, but you’ve known Jake too long to not catch the sadness in his eyes as he read them a bedtime story and watched them fall asleep without being able to tuck them into their blankets, smooth their hair back from their faces and kiss them goodnight.
Which is why you had packed up the girls, and all your essentials three days before schedule, so you could finally reunite with your beloved husband. You have been in contact with the only one of your husband's fellow pilots you’ve met, his friend Javy (or Coyote to his team), who let you know that the whole squad was having a beach day today, which is where you are headed now.
You look around at the houses on either side of the street as you follow the GPS to the location Coyote sent you, somewhere called The Hard Deck. He had texted you that you could park your van in the lot, and then go through the bar (which isn’t open this early in the afternoon, he assured you) to get to the beach on the other side.
Passing under a row of palm trees, you pull into the parking lot of the small beachside bar you have heard so much about from your husband and turn into the open spot in between Jake’s truck and a shiny Bronco.
Putting your keys in your bag, you open your door and climb out, brushing your long skirt out as you make your way around the front of the car to open the door your girls are sleeping next too.
Opening it gently, you brush you fingers through Charlotte’s dark blonde hair, so similar to her daddy’s.
“Lottie, baby, it’s time to wake up, we’re here,” you whisper to her. She stirs a little, blinking bleary green eyes up at you as a tiny hand comes up to rub her face. The arm movement jostles Olive, who picks her head up and yawns.
“Come on, my loves, can you undo your seatbelts and stand next to Mama, so I can make sure you look so pretty to see Daddy again?”
With that question, the identical faces of the best gifts Jake has ever given you light up, as if remembering where they are and why they had been driving in the car for two days.
Within seconds, your twins are standing side by side, bobbing up and down on their toes in excitement as you check that their adorable little matching outfits have not been wrinkled too much by the car ride. Once you re-tie Charlotte’s hair bow, which had come undone in the car, you take each of your daughters hands in each of yours and lead them into the empty bar.
Passing through the doors that lead onto the sand, your girls gape at the sight of the ocean sparkling in the late afternoon sun.
“Mama,” Olive says, mouth hanging open, “it’s so big.”
“Yeah, baby, it goes on for miles and miles.”
“Mama, mama, mama, look!” Charlotte bounces in place next to you and squeezes the hand she’s holding onto. “I can see Daddy!”
You turn to look where she’s pointing and sure enough, a tiny ways down the beach, you spot your husband, throwing around a ball with another man in board shorts. The man throws his head back and laughs at something Jake says.
“Mama, can we go! Can we do the surprise now, please?” Olive asks, so sweetly that your heart melts a little bit as you nod at your daughter.
“Go knock him over with the biggest hug ever, girls!” You say as you start walking again, releasing their hands so that they can run ahead.
“Nice try, Bradshaw,” Jake yells to his friend as Rooster throws a particularly hard ball, causing Jake to have to side step to catch it.
“One day man,” Rooster grins, “one day, I’ll get you.”
Jake is just about to come up with a witty retort when he hears something he thought he wasn’t going to hear for another couple of days.
Two little voices he knows better than anything. Jake whips around in disbelief, forgetting Rooster and the game of catch in an instant as he spots his little girls running towards him, dressed adorably in little matching outfits.
Jake takes a few steps towards his girls and then drops into the sand just in time for them to come crashing into him, arms going round his neck and bodies thumping into him with such force, he goes sprawling back in the sand with his babies on top of him. He holds them there for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of them in his arms again, their puffs of laughter tickling his neck.
After a few moments, he sits up effortlessly, still holding onto the two five year olds and sets them onto their feet. Pulling out of the hug just far enough to look at their faces, Jake’s right hand comes up to stroke Olive’s hair out of her eyes while his left stays firmly around Charlotte’s waist.
“What are you doing here, you two?”
“We come early, Daddy!” Olive says, her little hand coming up to touch Jake’s cheek.
“Mama said we should surprise you!” Charlotte says, her voice muffled from where she’s pressed her face into her father’s neck.
“Did she now?” Jake asks playfully, looking up just as a pair of legs he knows very well stop in front of him. He lets his eyes trail upwards until they meet yours and he swears, he doesn’t think there will ever be a time where he isn’t affected by that beautiful smile.
“Hi Darlin,” he grins, letting go of his babies for only a moment to get to his feet before putting his hands on their heads as they wrap themselves around a leg each.
“Hey Handsome,” you smirk back, and Jake can’t help but close the tiny distance between you to press a kiss to your lips.
He feels so content in this moment, all three of his girls are finally with him after too long (in his opinion) apart, that it’s a bit jarring when Rooster’s voice breaks through his little bubble of happiness.
“I’m sorry, what the fu….rick is going on here?”
Jake laughs against your lips before pressing one last final kiss to them before pulling away and turning to see the rest of his team, save Coyote, gaping at him.
“What does it look like, Bradshaw,” Jake smirks, as Rooster rubs his ribs where Phoenix evidently elbowed him to keep him from cursing in front of the two little girls still hanging onto their father.
“It looks,” Phoenix jumps in, trying to sound mad, but failing because of the shit eating grin on her face, “like you’ve been keeping secrets, Bagman.”
You’re intoxicating laugh has Jake turing back to you, a betrayed look in his eyes, an over exaggerated pout on his lips.
“Baby?” He whines, purposefully making his bottom lip jut out and quiver slightly. You laugh again, leaning forward to kiss away his frown.
“Oh hush…..now, is your Daddy going to introduce us to the squad, or are we gonna have to report back to Grandma Seresin about his manners,” you say cheekily, leaning down to address the last part of your question to the twins. They both giggle and pull on Jake’s hands, while he stares down at his little family.
“Alright, no need to involve my mama,” he says, grinning, “who wants a ride over?”
Both of his daughters look up at him with matching grins, before Olive reaches up and starts shouting, “Sandwich, sandwich!”
“Oh alright!” Jake sighs dramatically, before taking her hands in both of his and swinging her up onto his back. Once he’s sure her little legs are locked around his waist tight enough that she won’t fall, he reaches down for Charlotte, and lifts her up to carry her on his chest.
With his daughters hanging off him like Koalas, and your hand in one of his, he leads you over to the little congregation of towels the gang had set up earlier that day.
Bob, Phoenix, Rooster, and Fanboy all rise to their feet from where they had been lounging, as Jake approaches with his family. Only Coyote remains on his towel, a fact which makes Jake smirk.
“Everyone, these are my girls,” Jake says, angling his body so that Olive is slightly visible, and Charlotte can see from where her head is back in his neck.
There’s a chorus of heys from the group and Jake feels one of Olive’s hands leave his neck, reaching up to wave at the pilots.
“This is my wife, Y/N Seresin, and these two beauties…..Can you say hi, and introduce yourself, sugar?” Jake asks Olive, bouncing a little so that she holds onto his neck again. She giggles lightly and Jake feels her nod against his shoulder.
“I’m Liv,” she says, “it’s very nice to meet you!”
She mispronounces her v’s slightly, but her greeting is so endearing that Jake witnesses all the pilots melt in front of him.
“And what about you, baby?” Jake asks Charlotte, angling his head so that he can see her face. She shakes her head slightly, her eyes so wide and innocent in her face.
“Are you sure, darlin?” Jake asks. His shy daughter just shakes her head, and turns her face, so that her face is hidden completely in her father’s neck.
“Okay….,” Jake murmurs to her, running his hand up and down her back in circles and turns to his group of pilots.
“This little one is Lottie,” he says.
“Coyote,” you say, taking the focus of the group off of your shy daughter as you call your friend, “are you gonna stay over there, or are you actually going to get up and and come say hello?”
“Ya know, I think I’m good where I am,” Coyote laughs from his seat, grinning.
“Uncle Javy!?” Olive asks, wriggling around in excitement.
“Yeah Livie!” Coyote grins, finally getting up from the ground and making his way over.
“Daddy, down please!” Olive chirps and Jake obligingly bends until his daughter can hop off his back.
The minute Olive is on the ground, she takes off running towards Coyote, and he leans down as she gets to him, and lifts her up, swinging her around in the air as her laughter explodes from her. After she's been swung around a few times, Coyote p uts her back in the sand and pulls you into a side hug.
As the family reunites with each other, and some of the pilots go and begin chatting with Jake and his wife, Phoenix sidles up to Rooster and elbows him again.
"You good, Roos?"
The pilot turns his head to look at her, and she bursts out laughing.
"Oh come on, Bradley, is it really that shocking that Jake has a life outside of the navy?"
"Kind of!"
Phoenix goes to elbow her friend again, but he's ready this time, dodging out of the way as she goes for his ribs, the two pilots laughing as they join the rest of the group getting to know their newest members.
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a/n: thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think!
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hang-a-roo · 1 year
Phoenix: Look I get it, most your guys’ fathers are gone or they suck-
- everyone offended -
Rooster: Not mine. I fucking love my dads.
- Mav and Ice doing cute husband things and Ice having Icepops sense -
Ice: ….I think baby goose called us his dads to the squad again.
Maverick tearing up: that’s my boy
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pairing: jake seresin x wife!reader
summary: after jake is called back to top gun for a mission, him and the dagger squad go out to the hard deck one night where javy gets absolutely hammered and lets it slip that jake has a wife. (request by @bookaholics-stuff )
warnings: talks of alcohol and being/getting drunk
wc: 1.5k
a/n: i feel like this was super rushed and might rewrite it but i hope you guys like it!!
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Javy “Coyote” Machado is Jake’s best friend and someone that you have grown to know and love over the time of knowing both him and Jake. You met them both in a Navy bar years ago in Texas while out with your sister and friends. 
You met them when your group left you for a couple of guys on the dance floor and you walked up to the bar, ordering straight whiskey. After hearing your order, Jake knew he was going to marry you one day and that is exactly what he did. 
After much reassurance and a confidence boost from Javy, Jake was finally able to approach you and start a conversation. He introduced you to Javy and the three of you hit it off well, you had talked so long that you completely lost track of time and ended up losing your party. They offered you a ride home and after you ruled them out as serial killers, you let them take you home. You left Jake with your number and quick goodbye. 
You were a doctor for the military, you would move from base to base to assist with incidents and accidents. And you just so happened to be moved to the same base where Jake and Javy were currently working. You became closer and closer with Jake and just after a couple months, the two of you started dating. 
Through a year of dating, neither of you had been moved or deployed, until about the year and a half milestone of your relationship. Jake was moving bases in a couple months and you were supposed to stay. When the news broke, you were both devastated, and Jake thought of only one solution to keep you together. 
A week after his transfer announcement he took you out to a scenic place and proposed to you. A little over two months later, you two were getting married. It was a small gathering on the Seresin Estate, consisting of both of your families and a couple of friends. 
Javy was Jake’s Best Man and part of your wedding party, your sister was your Maid of Honor; though the wedding was small, the two of them put in so much of their time and effort to make it the best wedding you could have ever imagined. It was like a dream. 
Now that you were married, you got to move simultaneously with Jake whenever he would be transferred to a different base. His most recent transfer was being called back to Top Gun Academy, so you packed up your little lives and headed out to Fightertown, USA. 
You found a cute place that was a good distance from the academy, but was still on the beach. Quickly purchasing the house, the day you moved in was so exciting. A new start, freshly married, buying your first house together, and being able to work close to one another. 
Jake was sent on this mission he was called back for, but then was requested to stay for a longer amount of time, possibly a long-term situation. You also learned that Javy was called back as well for the mission and that the two of them created many close bonds while training for and on the mission. 
Tonight they were going out to a well-known bar, The Hard Deck. 
“Baby, you sure you don’t want to come with us?” 
“Jake, its a team thing, I don't want to intrude,” 
“You could never,” you smile at him from the couch. Man, you are so in love with him. 
“It’s alright, babe, maybe next time,”
“Whatever you say,” he grabbed his coat and made a hat tipping motion at you even though he wasn’t wearing one. 
“Don't drink too much! I don’t want to have to carry your drunk ass into bed!” You yelled as he walked out the front door, receiving a thumbs up as a response. 
Jake walked into the Hard Deck to see everyone already into a couple of drinks. “There he is!!” Javy slurred, Jake smiled. “Was the missus holding you up?”
Jake froze, the rest of the team doesn’t know that he’s married and hadn’t found the right time to introduce you to them yet. I guess tonight wouldn't have been the best night for you to come with him to the bar. 
Jake smiled sheepishly, “No, I just wanted to eat first.” The others didn’t seem to register the information that Javy had just spilled, which Jake was grateful for. It’s not like he was trying to hide you, he just thought that explaining his marriage to a bunch of drunk people probably wouldn’t go too well. 
As the night went on, the rest of the Dagger Squad drank more and more, but Jake limited himself, he knew you would not want to drive all the way down there at 11 at night to pick him up because he drank too much. 
“Man, Jake, you’re not drinking as much as you usually do,” Bradley slurred. 
“Right,” Javy agreed, “I remember when he drank so much at his weddin’ that he almost fell over.” After he let that slip from his mouth, he slapped his hand over it. 
The team turned and all looked at him, “You’re married?”
“Jake is married??”
The small chatter surrounded the table, until Jake finally spoke up, “Yes, I am married,” he rolled his eyes at the shocked faces of the aviators. 
“I want to meet her!” Phoenix slurred, a chorus of ‘me too’s’ began throughout the table. 
He rolled his eyes again, “I’ll bring her tomorrow, is that cool?”
Jake looked down at his wristwatch, “Speaking of the missus, I’ve got to get home. Promised her I’d take the dog out before we went to bed,”
“Aw, look at Jake being all domestic and house-wifey,”
Jake turned back to the table one more time, “Phoenix, I will personally shoot your plane down the next time it's in the air.” The group burst into laughter and Jake left with an eye roll and without another word.
When he left the other aviators turned to each other to make bets on what they thought you were like, though they couldn’t get anymore out of Javy. They all bet on you being just a female version of Jake, which seemed scary, but if that's what it was, then there was nothing they could do to change that.  
“Bitchy and cocky?”
“Oh for sure,”
The night rolled around and the two of you were riding in Jake’s truck to the bar. The anticipation from the group only grew as time went on. 
Finally you walked into the bar, holding on tightly to Jake’s hand. Javy was the first to notice 
you, “There they are.” The team turned and looked in your direction, you looked so sweet? Maybe they were looking in the wrong place, but you were with Jake. There’s no way.
You walked over to the table and sat in an end chair, only Jake beside you, “This is my wife,” he introduced you to the group and you gave them a smile and a shy wave. Phoenix and Bob looked back and forth between you and Jake a couple of times before settling their eyes on you. Phoenix was the first to speak, “Blink twice if you’re being held against your will.” 
You giggled softly and blinked twice, Phoenix stood up and walked over to you, she grabbed your hand, you stood up next to her, “Sorry, Lieutenant, but she’s going to have to come with me for an official investigation,” she spoke to Jake.
She led you over to the bar where you sat and met Penny. Phoenix ordered you both drinks and sighed, “Man, I hope you come around more often, I’m getting tired of all the testosterone.”
Letting out a sharp laugh, you turned back to Jake and the rest of the team who were pretending not to be looking at you, Penny and Phoenix. “I plan on it, you all seem like a fun bunch, I would love to spend more time with everyone,”
Penny spoke up, “I’m glad, now I’ll finally have someone to call the next time Jake gets absolutely hammered,” she winked at you. Jake watched from afar, how you interacted with the other two women, he wondered why he didn’t introduce you to them sooner. 
As the night came to an end, you had become acquainted with everyone from the Dagger Squad and had even exchanged phone numbers with Penny and Phoenix. When everyone was finally worn out, you grabbed Jake’s hand and walked out with everyone to the parking lot. After saying your last goodbye, you got into the car and laid your head back.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,”
“Is that right?” You turned to look at him and smiled.
“Yes, I actually did,” as he started down the road that led back home, you spoke again, “So, when’s the next outing?”
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
The Tipping Point
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Summary: When Jake learns that no one has ever satisfied you, he makes it his mission to change that. Inspired by my favorite Seresin Slut @thedroneranger and my favorite Rooster fic I've written Just The Tip
Warnings: Language, Smut, 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Hangman x Reader
Your eyes are as wide as the dinner plates the two of you were eating off of. You couldn't believe what your boyfriend had just suggested.
"You can't be serious." You said, looking at him in disbelief. "Jake, please tell me you're kidding."
"I'm as serious as a heart attack, darlin." Jake smiled back at you. "Jake, I—" He cut you off before you could finish.
"You told me that when we first started dating, you wanted to take things slow. And I'm totally okay with that. But you've also told me that no one has ever been able to get you off. I want to change that." He stated.
"I understand that, Jake, but I—" you protested.
"But nothing, honey. I'm a visual learner. Show me what you like. I want to take care of you. I want to show you that I'm better than the guys you dated before me. Prove that I am the best of the best." He smirked.
It really shouldn't come as a surprise to you. The fact that Jake 'Hangman' Seresin, Naval aviator extraordinaire, would want to prove to you that he is the best. The two of you had been together for just over five months, and in that time, he'd already prove himself to be the best boyfriend you'd ever had.
When you first started dating, you told him you wanted to take things slow. After a while, you told him the real reason was because no boyfriend or hook up in the past had ever made you cum. He had been trying to rectify that situation for a while now.
Though, him asking you to touch yourself so he could watch was not something you expected. You met his eyes. At first, you thought he was kidding. But with just one look, you knew he was serious.
You sighed. "Okay" you said in a voice just above a whisper.
"Yeah?" He asked. "Yeah." You confirmed.
A huge smile broke out across his face. Before you could change your mind, Jake was scooping you out of your chair and hauling you to your bedroom.
He gently deposited your feet on the floor. "Where do you want me to sit? You're in charge here." Jake said, kissing your head.
"Um, you can pull my desk chair to the foot of the bed. You said shyly. Jake quickly grabbed it and positioned it. With your back turned to him, you stripped off your shirt and pants. In a moment of confidence, you turned to face him. You were wearing a baby blue set. You could see he pupils go wide at the site of you.
Without saying a word, you reached behind your back and unhooked your bra. You slipped it off your shoulders and tossed it to the ground.
Silently, you let your panties slide down your legs. They were already damp, just from the intensity of how he was watching you.
Feeling cocky, you balled them up and tossed them to him. He caught them and immediately inhaled your scent.
"All of this just for me?" He asked. You giggled.
"Do you mind if I use my vibrator?" You asked him.
"Whatever you want, sweetheart. This is about you." He said. There wasn't a hint of jealousy in his voice. You'd been with a few gues who would have scoffed at the idea, but not Jake. He wanted to learn what made you tick. He was invested in you.
You opened your nightstand and pulled out your favorite purple bullet. You grabbed a pillow and laid down on the bed. Once you were comfortable, you put the pillow under your hips and spread your legs.
"Such a pretty pussy." Jake mumbled out. You raised your head just enough to look at him. His eyes were trained on your core.
You grabbed your vibrator and turned it to your favorite setting.
You let it slide through your slick and gathered it up before setting it directly on your clit.
You circled the toy around your aching bundle of nerves and sighed. Your left hand came up to squeezed your breasts, bringing your nipples to hard, pebbled peaks.
"Oh, Jake," you sighed. His names fell easily from your lips as you dipped your toy into your wet cunt before dragging it back to your clit.
"Fuck," you heard Jake grunt out. You looked up to see his shirt had been stripped off and that his pants and boxers were pushed down to his ankles and he was stroking his cock.
"Learning anything?" You asked him.
"Lots, keep going, baby. I want to see you cum for me." He moaned out.
Emboldened by his words, you turned the vibrator up a setting. The strong vibrations made your body jolt.
You kept circling the toy on your clit, applying pressure. You could feel your release approaching. Your toes curled, and you felt yourself clenching around nothing.
Your head thrashed wildly, and you couldn't contain your cries of pleasure.
"Oh fuck Jakey. Feels so good. Mmm, yes, Jake, yes!" You cried out.
"Keep going, baby girl. You have no idea how hot this is. My cock is so fucking hard from watching you. Better than any fucking porn." He moans out. You can hear him panting. It makes you even wetter knowing that he is enjoying this just as much as you are.
"I'm s'close Jake. I'm gonna cum." You cry. You can feel the tightness in your belly.
"Cum for me baby. I wanna see you cum for me. Please." Jake almost begs.
You flick your wrist and circle your bud a few more times before you are cumming hard.
"JAKE!" You cry his name as you work yourself through your high.
Once you've come down. You turn the toy off and set it to the side. You sit up enough to look at him.
Jake is panting, and you see the white ropes of cum covering his abdomen.
"Christ baby, you don't know how hot that was." He tells you.
You lay back on the pillows and sigh. You're trying to think of a smart ass reply, but your brain isn't working.
"Has anyone ever gone down on you?" Jake asks.
"No." You breathe out, still staring at the ceiling.
"Can I?' He asked. "Now?" You lean up and see that he's moved from the chair and is kneeling at the foot of the bed.
"There's no better time than the present." He states.
"You're sure?" You ask him. This is definitely not how you thought this evening would go.
He nods his head furiously.
"Well, why not?" You say before flopping back.
You'd no sooner gotten settled before Jake was pulling you to the edge of the bed. He made sure the pillow was still under your hips before he threw both of your legs over his shoulders.
"Tell me what you like and what you don't like, okay?" He asks.
"Yes, sir." You mock. But anything else dies on your lips as he broad, flat tongue slides across your slit.
Your hips jump at the pleasant but unfamiliar sensation. You hear him chuckle as his forearm comes to lay across your pelvis to keep you in place. He does it a few more times before tracing your clit with the just the tip of his tongue.
"Mmm.. that feels good." You sigh. He keeps doing it, speeding up and applying more pressure each time he does it.
It feels good, but you need more. You thread your fingers through his hair and push his face towards your core.
Taking the hint, Jake wraps his lips around the bundle and sucks it—hard.
"Shit! That feels so good, baby." You cry out. Jake hums against you and does it again.
He let's go of it would a soft pop before dipping his tongue into your greedy, wet hole.
He fucks it into you repeatedly. Your cries of pleasure, spurring him on. He laps at your core, tasting your sweet nectar. His nose bumps against your clit with every lick.
"Jake, I—I need—" you pant.
"What do you need, baby. Use your words. Tell Daddy what you need princess.
"Your fingers. Please, Daddy... need them to fill me up." You cry out.
He sinks his middle and ring fingers into you. You're so wet for him, the glide in easily. You're vaugly aware of the cool metal of his Naval Academy ring against your heat.
He curls them into you. Easily finding the textured spot that is guaranteed to have you cumming in minutes.
"Oh, Daddy, fuck, Jake, just like that!" You moan out.
Your hand grips his hair tighter. Your thighs close in on his head, trapping him there. The heel of your foot digs into his back. He'll probably have a bruise there in the morning, but neither of you seem to care.
Everything feels so fucking good. This is what you had been missing out on. Watching you get off had Jake hard as a rock again. He ground his hip into your mattress to relieve some pressure.
"You look so pretty like this baby." Jake praises you.
You look down and meet his eyes. The green of them is just a thin halo around his lust blown pupils. Never breaking eye contact, he sucks your clit back into his mouth and speeds up the motions of his fingers, curling them and scissoring your walls.
"Just like that! Oh, just like that! Please don't stop!" You beg him.
"Don't plan on it, sweets. Daddy isn't going to stop until you cum all over his face. Come on baby, give it to me. Make a mess all over my face!" He encouraged you.
You can feel your high building deep inside you. It's different, though. It's more intense than any orgasm that you've ever given yourself.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck." You chant.
"Jake, I'm gonna, shit daddy, gonna—" You try to warn him, but it's all too much, and before you can say anything else, you're cumming hard against his face. It's harder than you ever have cum in your life.
He works you through it, lapping and curling his fingers. He doesn't stop until you're cumming again. Screaming his name so loud, you know your neighbors can hear you.
He continues to drink up every last drop of your release. Your thighs are shaking as you push his head away. He unwrap himself and leans back on his haunches.
His spend coats his boxers because getting you off twice, with just his mouth and his fingers, God it was hot. But making you squirt for him? He feels like God himself because of that.
He crawls up beside you in the bed. Your eyes are glassy and your whole body is flushed.
"That was amazing." You gasp. You turn and look at him. He has a genuine smile on his face.
"So I'm definitely the best then?" He asks with a grin.
"Definitely. The others can't compete where they don't compare." You affirm.
He leans down to kiss you.
"We need to get cleaned up and change the sheets. We made a mess." He tells you.
"This goes without saying, but you're definitely the first person to make me squirt too." You tell him as you sit up.
"And I plan to be the last." He affirms as the two of you head to the shower.
"Is that so?" You cock an eyebrow and look at him.
Hope yall enjoyed this! As always, likes are great, but comments and reblogs are golden
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waklman · 1 year
Headache #2
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summary: whipped bf bradley. thats all.
pairing: bradley bradshaw x reader
warnings: 18+ blog in general.
a/n: domestic blurb, fluff, and slight suggestive themes.
word count: 1.9k
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Bradley jolts at the first shrilling ring of his alarm.
Before his brain could even start to function, he instinctively cradles your head closer against his naked chest, making sure to cup a hand over your ear, attempting to muffle the sound. 
You begin to stir, feeling Bradley stretch over you to shut off the blaring alarm. 
Hearing you suck in a long breath, he retracts his body from yours—giving you room to stretch your stiff muscles.
But before he could fully give you space, Bradley feels you reach for his hand—with a demanding noise emanating from your throat. 
He smiles at your cranky state, and wordlessly grabs the small of your back and hip, helping you twist your middle until a loud crack of your back is heard from under the sheets. 
Bradley snorts, hearing a shameless moan leave your lips, satisfied by the relief he brought you. 
“Mm, that feel good honey? 
In reaction, your mouth starts to salivate at the sound of his morning voice, which always fell an octave lower than his usual tone. You swallow back the drool that begins to pool.
Suddenly feeling more awake, you turn to fully face him–eagerly wiping at your eyes to see his face. 
Bradley has a lovesick look in his eyes as he closely watches your eyes flutter open to look up at him.
You two take a moment to bask in the silence—smiling as you assess eachother’s bedheads, still recovering from just waking up so early. 
You notice that Bradley's soft curls are currently resting on his forehead, which makes him look even more boyishly handsome this morning.
Feeling shy under his gaze, you throw yourself into his arms and Bradley gladly catches you–though you cause his back to crash against the headboard with a thud.
Knowing how bad your guilty conscience can get, Bradley press a gentle kiss to the side of your head to let you know he was unharmed, before you could start feeling guilty for hurting him. He places another lingering kiss on your hair line, just for good measure.
Recently, you had been waking up hours earlier than you normally would, simply because Bradley mentioned once that he would love to have you implanted in his 6am morning routine.
“You ready?” he asks, feeling you move to tuck your face into the crook of his neck.
He smiles softly as you readily wrap your legs around his waist, causing your tank top to ride up your back as you adjust yourself in his lap. 
Bradley takes that as a yes, deciding to swiftly move you both off the bed, holding you up with one arm as the other reaches down to pull the sheets back—a failed attempt at making your bed look neater. 
He feels so warm against your exposed skin, that you feel yourself being lulled back into a state of drowsiness again.
Bradley begins to take soft steps towards the bathroom until the lovesick feeling from earlier returns—smacking him right in his chest when he feels you breathe softly against his neck. His mind briefly wanders off to his parents—Nick and Carole Bradshaw, hoping that they see how happy he is to wake up in the morning now. 
Bradley now stands still, looking between the bathroom light switch and a vanilla candle—ultimately deciding on lighting the candle so you’re not hit with the harsh white light above you. 
He softly pats your butt, alerting you that you’re now in the bathroom, but you don’t answer him. 
Bradley curiously dips you—allowing the back of your thighs to hit the cold surface of the bathroom vanity. You squirm in his arms, awoken by the goosebumps that scatter across your skin. In a rush of panic, you climb higher up his torso to avoid being placed onto the countertop again.
“Baby, I can’t brush my teeth with you clung to my chest,” he gently rubs your back, hand reaching under your cotton tank top. 
He frowns hearing you let out a disappointed sigh. Bradley watches in guilt as you untangle from him—legs loosely falling from his waist, allowing your feet drop to the cold floor. 
You hide your pout from view, leaning your forehead softly against his stomach—so he could only see the top of your head.  
Bradley casts his gaze down on you as he brings his hands down to pinch your hips—while his mind quickly searches for a solution.
“You wanna get on my back instead, sweet girl?” Bradley is laying it on thick with the pet names this morning, making your stomach swirl with butterflies.
You’re too swayed by how sweet Bradley’s being with you to pretend to hold out on his offer. 
Not wasting a second, you scatter to stand behind him–stretching your arms to reach his neck as he lowers himself so you can latch onto his back. 
“There you go,” he reaches his arm under one of your thighs, securing you in place.
You decide to distract him in various ways as he begins to brush his teeth, because why not?
Bradley’s face is completely flushed as you go from biting his ear to whispering all the dirty things you want to do to him with the most innocent smile on your face, all while making eye contact with him through the mirror as he urgently brushes his teeth.
After a full minute and a half of brushing is up—a rule enforced by you, Bradley rushes to rinse his mouth, leaning down to reach the sink—and you don’t lessen his arousal because you begin to place deliberate kisses behind his ear and across his jawline. 
He quickly swipes the water leaking from his chin with the back of his hand, almost tripping over his own feet as he turns around so you could hop off his back to sit onto the bathroom countertop.
“Hi. Ready for skincare?” you casually ask, as if you weren’t dedicating the last few minutes towards riling him up. 
He blinks, facing you with the most emotionless face you've ever seen him pull. You blink back, mirroring his blank expression. 
You break first, sputtering a laugh—weakly grabbing for him to move closer as tears of laughter prick your eyes. Bradley moves to stand between your thighs, tongue poking his cheek, trying not to break from your infectious laughter. 
“You’re so not funny,” he scoffs. 
“Aww c’mon Stinkybutt,” you poke at his ribs with a moisturizer bottle in hand, wiping away your tears with your other hand.
“Can you ever be nice to me? Does that even count as a nice pet name?” He whines, scrunching his face.
“Would you rather me call you Hangman?” You raise a brow at him, squeezing out a dime sized drop of moisturizer onto his forehead.
“I’ll take Stinkybutt,” he sighs, closing his eyes as you rub the product into his skin. 
“That’s what I thought,” you nod.
“Now stay still Stinkybutt, you need sunscreen next.”
“Yes, Ma'am.”
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“Stinky…butt?” Bob stutters.
“What?” Bradley asks bewildered, unsure if he heard the fellow pilot correctly.
“That’s what your tag says, Stinkybutt.” Phoenix speaks up for Bob, with an amused grin sitting on her face. 
Bradley quickly opens his locker to access the mirror inside. 
And there it was. A pink sticky note labeled “Stinkybutt<3” which you sneakily slapped onto his chest—while you were giving him a goodbye kiss, sitting proudly on his flight suit.
Bradley swipes his hand over his face, reaching for his phone next.
“Really?” he texts you—eye twitching as your text bubble appears immediately after. 
Headache #2: 
Hey. I gave you options, Hangman or Stinkybutt. 🤷‍♀️
text u later, headache #1 just got here.
Headache #2:
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note: yes, jake is headache #1 in bradley's phone.
thank you for reading, and as always-reblogs are greatly appreciated!
join my taglist here or follow me on @waklman-library & turn on notifs there to be notified when i post!
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cherrycruise · 2 months
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he's so peanut 🥜
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Top Gun Tuesday: Behind the Scenes 💕💞
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luvcmoon · 2 years
rent free in my mind 24/7
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peachesandcreames · 5 months
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I Swear to God that if Lewis James Pullman as Robert " Bob " Floyd is not a part of the Top Gun 3 cast I will riot 🔥🥵
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ughthisisntright · 11 months
Sky Full of Stars | Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
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Summary: You surprise Bradley at the Hard Deck.
Warnings: None! Just fluff.
Word Count: 808
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“But I really wanted to hear you sing,” 
Bradley wasn’t sure which part of that phrase he loved the most: the words themselves or the sweet, melodic way in which you had spoken those words. He saw the world around the two of you blur and his gaze focused on you - gorgeous. You were the center of his world, lit by the warm lighting of the Hard Deck. His jaw went slack and in the same moment, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.
You; little, amazing, perfect you. Ever the introvert, you usually kept to yourself or confined your focus to Bradley when the two of you went out. Of course, when a friend or two comes over to chat, you’re always happy to follow his lead and respond in kind. And the nights when you could cozy up at the end of the bar? Perfection in your eyes.
Either way, your attention is usually driven inward. Not outward. But you had just suggested the impossible: attention driven outward. Away from the happy bubble you preferred to stay in, away from the sweet whispers and soft touches.
And here you were, perfection in his eyes and asking him to sing for you. 
The music that had been playing finally reached his ears, the world came back into focus, and Bradley was able to concentrate a little better. You had always begged him not to play whenever you went out for that very same introverted reason. So he’d never pushed, never gave in, and always kept your feelings in mind. Besides, there was a piano at the house if he was really itching for a fix.
“I thought I always embarrassed you when I played the piano?” He asked, brows raised and eyes searching for any hint of falsehood on your face. It was when you smiled brighter that he began to realize what was happening.
“I wanted to hear you singing,” you piped up again. “I’ve been thinking of that song…”
“What song?” He questioned before really thinking about it.
The song in question: Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay. Somehow, some way, you had caught him toying with the song and its key - altering it slightly for his deeper, raspier voice. You stumbled upon him in his house one night after your shower.
Thinking you were still in the bathroom, he’d started fiddling with the piano keys and singing to himself. You had come up behind him, dropped your towel, and slung your arms around his neck from behind. His movements never stilled, but he felt a little silly now since he was still just practicing.
You’d told him you like the song. You liked the way he was changing it. But he knew you liked it - he heard you listening to it frequently. And when he heard the words describing such a sweeping romance and with just the perfect melody, he was hooked. He knew he wanted to make it more special for you.
This same song the two of you had danced to in your kitchen together. The same song you sang off-key after you’d had a few drinks. The song he would hear as his ringtone when he’d call your phone to find it somewhere in the house. The same song he imagined dancing to with you at your wedding someday.
Ah, yes. That song.
Your eyes glimmered with hope. Hope that he’d break and give in to your request. Truthfully? You didn’t have to try as hard as you were. He would have done it already if he’d known.
With a smile, he leaned down to kiss your lips softly. Returning his kiss in kind, you giggled excitedly against his lips.
“Is that a yes?” You questioned with glittering eyes.
“Yeah,” he said softly. “You’ll get your song, baby.”
With that, he sauntered over to the piano and sat down at the bench. He ran his fingers over the keys carefully. He wanted to get this just right. Make the night even more perfect for his perfect girl. He closed his eyes and visualized the keystrokes in his head.
It was then that he felt your hands on his shoulders, grounding him. You moved to look at him with a smile on your face. He was surprised to see you at the bench with him. You usually hung back at the bar. The less attention, the better, he assumed. Tonight, though, you sat down next to him on the bench.
Bradley kissed your cheek before his hands started playing. And as he played, he could feel your warmth and hear your joyful laughter. The crowd of bar goers around you grew, but neither of you paid them any mind as he played. He sang for you, to you. And in that moment Bradley knew:
He was going to propose soon.
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
Babys Breath, i
pairing: bob floyd x seresin!florist!reader
summary: Bob stumbles into the nearest florist to the funeral he’s attending and, unknowingly, charms Jake Seresin’s sweet younger sister with all the anxious charm he possesses.
warnings: everyone calls reader “sunshine”, just straight fluff that is all, warnings will differ depending on chapter, no use of y/n or description of reader, not proofread 
word count: 897 words
authors note: this is just the first part of a sweet series i’m planning for bobby! eventually i’ll make a masterlist and everything but for now enjoy this (short) but sweet first chapter! I tried to encompass the personality i envision sunshine having, obviously different from jake, in this chapter but i can’t wait to expand upon it all :)
tag list: @kloofspeaks
find the masterlist here! read the next part here!
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Your head lifted from the flowers in your hand when the bell above the door rang out, bringing in a highly decorated aviator. He looked nervous and was fiddling around with the wallet in his hand, looking around for the attendant and looking relieved when his eyes fell on you. You carefully placed the flowers down on the counter behind you and walked around the counter in front of you to go help him.
“Welcome! I’m sunshine, how can I help you?” Your voice was soft and warm, easing all the anxiety Bob had about walking into this place he knew nothing about and trying to buy flowers he also didn’t know jack shit about.
“Hey, uhm I’m Bob?” He scratched the back of his neck, you assumed it was because the flowers were overwhelming. It was entirely because he had prepared for an older woman not a beautiful younger woman his own age, his palms became sweaty the second his eyes saw you and his breaths became shallow.
“I didn’t know your name could be a question.” You teased, scrunching your nose to prevent the giggle you were holding inside from coming out. “What can I help you with, Bob?”
“Uh, I need funeral flowers.” He gave an awkward smile, wiping his palms against the pants of his dress blues one at a time. Trading the wallet between hands. “I could use some suggestions?”
Funeral flowers. How odd. You wondered if he knew your brother or if it was just some strange coincidence, you’d text him the description of the man in front of you later. He seemed sweet enough for an aviator, Jake shouldn’t have any qualms if you wanted to take a crack at it.
“Well, I’d suggest-”
Bob had tuned out whatever you had said, watching your lips move as you talked and how passionate you seemed about the subject of flowers. He’d never been one to think flowers were of any interest but suddenly they seemed like the most important subject he’d ever learned. You listed off all the colors and different flowers along with their different meanings, he’d shook his head like he’d been listening. Then you asked what he’d like to put in a bouquet and he looked like a deer in headlights, you giggled and snapped him out of the trance he was in. You were used to this, especially from men in the navy. You weren’t used to the shy nature Bob had.
“I’ll put together something for you, what’s your price range?” Once he’d responded you gathered some flowers, trimmed the stems and wrapped them in brown paper. Adding some twine around the stems to top it all off. You rang up the flowers and told him the price.
“What do they mean?” He asked, picking up the flowers from the counter as he handed you his card. 
“Somebody should’ve listened.” You teased, running his card and placing it down on the counter so you could explain the flowers. “These here are apple blossoms, which means better things to come. And these are lilies of the valley, god I love these, they mean the return of happiness.”
This time he listened as you spoke, asking some follow up questions about some of the flowers to prove he was listening this time. He caught a glimpse of the time on his watch and audibly cussed.
“Oh sorry, you probably need to get going!” You scribbled something on his receipt and pushed it, along with his card, into his hand and sent him on his way with a smile. The second you heard the door close you pulled your phone out, hit the contact for your brother and texted him.
had an aviator come in, asked for funeral flowers…
What’d he look like? You are aware that you can just ask them if they know me, right?
not as fun! 
Description please
aviators, the glasses not the sunglasses,  uhhh dress blues
Sunny every naval officer within a hundred miles is in dress blues, please be more specific.
blondish hair, he said his name was bob, kinda shy but it was sweet!
Bob Floyd.
He didn’t respond to any other text messages after that, you had asked for more details on Bob and he was not willing to give any. You assumed they knew each other pretty well, he only acted so closed lipped about people he actively knew and worked with. 
You tried to get the image of the sweet aviator out of your mind but to no avail. He clouded your thoughts for the rest of the day, for the first time since you’d become a florist you made easy mistakes that should’ve been avoided. All because of some man named Bob. Every time the bell went off, you hoped and prayed that it would be the sandy blonde walking his way back in. Every time your phone went off, you hoped it was him. But it never was, you had hoped he hadn’t thrown away the receipt you gave him.
Bob pulled out the receipt to throw it out, stopping when he caught a glimpse of the handwriting scrawled at the top. You had given him your number, he thanked the gods above and immediately typed your number into his phone under the name Pretty Florist Sunshine.
The flowers were a hit, thanks Sunshine!
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cruisecel · 10 months
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tom cruise and miles teller on the set of top gun: maverick
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hang-a-roo · 1 year
All the married flyboys probably picked Mav up by his armpits to show their wives the " stray kitten Viper let them keep".
Merlin, holding Mav: Look honey! This is the stray kitten!:D
Merlins wife: …Dear, that’s an adult man.
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inursoulkitchen · 2 years
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pls add any more to notes
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
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Summary: You are the younger sister of Natasha Trace. You've just moved to San Diego to teach 4th Grade. You never expected to fall for an older man in a Hawaiian shirt who happens to be her best friend.
Warnings: Language, Drinking. Smut, Age Gap, Daddy Kink. Minors DNI 18+
Next Part
You'd noticed him the moment you and your friends had walked into the club. He was with a group of guys leaning up near the bar. He looked entirely out of place with his Hawiian shirt and aviators. He had a thick mustache that accentuated his almost familiar face.
He was still there when you walked up later to get a drink.
"Can I get a Titos and cran with Sprite?" You asked the bar tender. "Titos?" He commented. "Classy." He smirked before taking another sip of his beer.
You laughed before turning to him. "I'm trying not to hate myself in the morning. I spent enough time in college drinking bottom shelf shit out of a trash can in a frat house. I've done my share of hangovers. Thank you very much." You tell him.
He turns his body to face you fully. You catch the quick slip of his eyes as he scans your body.
"College? When was that? Last year?" You can't tell if he's joking or not.
"I graduated six years ago. I'm twenty-eight, not a child." You tell him. "What about you. When did you graduate Old Man? 1950?" You laugh.
"Old Man? Really? What makes you say that?" He asks you. "The 'stache and the Hawaiian shirt." You say nonchalantly.
He laughs. "Well, it's been about thirteen years since I graduated college. Didn't realize thirty-five was old." He shakes his head before finishing his drink at the same time the bartender comes back with yours. You go to hand him your card, but your new friend stops you.
"This one's on the Old Man." He winks at you.
"Thank you. You smile at him. "I'm Bradley, by the way, but everyone calls me Rooster." He puts his hand out for you to shake. You tell him your name, and then it clicks. He's one of your sisters coworkers.
She would kill you if she knew you were flirting with him, but what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
"What do you do for work, Rooster?" You asked him. You knew the answer. "I'm a Naval aviator, I fly jets and stuff." He says it so casually. "Oh, that's cool. I've got a few family members in the Navy." You tell him. That's not a lie. Your sister and your soon to be brother in law were both in the Navy. You didn't want to tell him who they were, though.
"Cool. What about you? What do you do for work?" He asks you.
"I teach. Actually, I just got hired to teach fourth grade at the elementary school near the Navy base here in San Diego." You tell him.
"No shit? I know if my teachers had been as pretty as you are, I might have paid better attention. But on a side note, I've got a couple of friends I work with whose kids are going to be in fourth grade there." He tells you.
Little does he know that those kids are your niece and nephew.
"Well, maybe I'll get to see you around then." You finish off your drink and set it on the bar, just as one of your favorite songs comes on. 'Unholy,' you thought—how fitting.
You grab him by the hand. Come dance with me, Bradley.
He happily follows you to the dance floor and pulls you flush against him as your body moves against him.
His hands have a tight grip on your hips. You turn to face him and start singing along with the music. You don't miss how his fingers did into your flesh a little harder each time the word 'Daddy' leaves your mouth.
As the song finishes, you decide to push your luck. You lean up on your tip toes and whisper in his ear. "How about be get out of here, Daddy?"
You smirk as he grabs your hand to lead you to the exit.
"Did you drive?" He asks the moment you're out of the club.
"Ubered." You tell him. "I drove, fuck, follow me." He says.
Moments later, the two of you are standing by a classic blue Bronco. You don't even have time to admire it before he pushes you up against it and kisses you roughly.
It takes all of the willpower he has not to fuck you in the parking lot.
It takes him ten minutes to get back to his bungalow. He's undressing you the minute you get through the door.
Your clothes are strung haphazardly throughout his home. It's a miracle the two of you make it to the bed. But you do. Soon, he's got you laid out before him, and his face is buried between your legs.
He eats your pussy like it's his day job, all the while his hips rut into the mattress. He makes you cum twice on his tongue and fingers.
"Condom?" He asks as he prepares to fuck you.
"Clean. On the pill." You tell him.
"I'm clean too, fuck, you want me to hit it raw?" He growls.
"Yes, please, Daddy." You tell him with hooded eyes.
As he slides into you, you know exactly why they call him Rooster. He's huge in length and girth. He's splitting you open in the most delicious way.
He fucks into you hard, fast, and deep. He takes one of his large hands and presses it on your stomach. You can feel him in there.
"Fuck, you feel how deep I am?" He ask you. You nod your head. "You like feeling Daddy so deep in this tight, perfect little pussy?" He groans.
You whine out a response as he toys with your clit.
"You gonna cum again for me baby?" He asks you. "Yes, Daddy, close!" You moan out.
"Fuck, I can tell. Can feel you clenching so hard on me. That's it darlin, be a good girl and take Daddy's cock." He tells you. Soon, you're falling over the edge, screaming for him.
"Good girl, such a good girl." He praises you.
"Baby, I'm close, where do you want me to—" He asks but you cut him off before he can finish
"Cum in me! Fill me up, Daddy!" You moan out. You don't have to tell him twice. Rooster cums and fills you up with his spend.
He collapses on the bed next to you. After a few minutes, he gets a cloth to help you clean up. You try to get up to find your clothes, but he pulls you closer to him.
"Stay, I'll make pancakes in the morning." He tells you.
You know you shouldn't, but you stay anyway.
The next morning, he does make you pancakes. The two of you get to know each other all morning, and he asks to take you out on a proper date that night.
"I can't tonight. I have to babysit my niece and nephew, but I'm free tomorrow." You tell him.
He agrees. A few hours and several orgasms later, he's dropping you off at your apartment. You have just enough time to make it look like you haven't spent the day getting fuckeswithin an inch of your life before your sister shows up with her fiancée and kids.
The doorbell rings, and Catia and Cristiano run in to greet you. "Aunty Thena!" The cry as they both hug you. You laugh at the nickname. Your sister and her fiancée and almost all of their friends were aviators with callsigns. You didn't have one but were given the honorary callsign "Thena" after the goddess Athena by your future brother in law. He claimed it was because you were both wise and scary. Even though you were barely nineteen when her sneaky link turned into her baby daddy, you were still a force to be reckoned with and wise beyond your years.
But Coyote stepped up when Nat found out she was pregnant. Their casual hook ups turned into something serious. Your parents had wanted them to get married before the twins were born, but they didn't want to get married just because Natasha was pregnant.
You supported her through her pregnancy and their relationship. You had even helped him pick out the ring.
The both of you still laugh when he tells she story about why he and the kids call you Thena.
"Cat, Cris, please don't kill your aunt before she has a chance to watch you!" Coyote scolds them as he walks into your home.
"Javy, they are just excited to see her. It's been months since she last visited. Natasha tells him as she comes in.
"Hey, little sis!" She smiles as she comes to hug you. "I'm so glad you moved out here!"
"You just like that you have a free baby sitter now." You joke with her.
Coyote laughs and shrugs his shoulders.
"Now listen up terror twins." He addresses his children. You laugh at the nickname for them. It's funny because it's true. You and the twins have gotten into a few messes together. Catia, the oldest, was definitely the mastermind, while Cristiano was, more often than not, the unwilling accomplice.
"Your mom and I will be back in a few hours to pick you up. We have to finish a few wedding things. Be good for your Aunt Thena and listen to her. It will be good practice for when you start back to school and she is your teacher." Javy tells the kids.
Both of them promised to be on their best behavior. You wave goodbye to Nat and Javy. As soon as they are gone, you and the kids are ordering pizza and finding a movie to watch.
You're careful to make sure they don't see your phone and who you are texting.
You hadn't meant for it to go this far. After your first date with Rooster, you swore you were going to tell him who you were, but you liked the idea of keeping your relationship to yourself. You didn't want to hear what Nat had to say, but honestly, it wasn't any of her business. You were an adult.
The sex with Rooster was amazing, but he was a great boyfriend, too. These had been the best six weeks of your life.
You were currently lying in bed with him after a bit of afternoon delight.
"You really are the best partner that I've had Bradley. Most guys my age last like five minutes and don't even care if I cum. But not you. To be an old man, you sure can keep up." You tease him as you prop yourself up on his chest.
"I'm a Top Gun graduate, babe. The top 1% of Naval aviators in the entire fucking nation. Longevity and stamina are hard wired into me. Don't you know the reason why everyone wants a classic car now?" He asks you. You shake your head.
"Because they can keep their motor running for much longer." He smirks before rolling you onto your back for another round.
You were still in a post sex haze when you're phone went off.
"Shit!" You shouted and jumped up. "What?" Rooster asked you.
"I'm late! I'm supposed to meet my sister for some wedding stuff. I've got to go! I'll text you later!" You shout over your shoulder as you head out the door.
You and Natasha spent the evening working on some last-minute wedding plans. Once you were done, she suggested that you, her, and Coyote go out for drinks. His parents were keeping the twins for the weekend, so they wanted to take the chance to hang out without worrying about Cat and Cris.
You thought everything would be fine. You were wrong.
Everything was fine until you pulled into the Hard Deck and noticed a familiar blue Bronco. Shit. This wasn't good.
You tried your best to stay cool. You were attempting to fire off a text to Rooster, but Nat was pulling you towards the door.
She looped her arm in yours as she walked over to the group of pilots. You spotted Rooster and his Hawiian print shirt with them. His back was to you.
"Guys! This is my sister that I told you about!" Natasha announced proudly as she introduced you to the group. Everyone smiled and greeted you.
"Bradshaw! Say hi to my little sister!" Nat said, punching him in the shoulder. You didn't miss the color draining from his face when his eyes met yours.
You smirked at him as you introduced yourself.
The evening was awkward, to say the least. You didn't miss the glances Rooster kept sending you. You did your best to avoid him, but ultimately, both of you were sent on a drink run.
You walked up to the bar to order them, with him hot on your heels.
As soon as you'd ordered them, he grabbed your arm and spun you around.
"You're Nat's sister! How could you not tell me you were her sister?" Rooster whisper shouted at you, as the two of you waited for the drinks.
"It never came up and you never asked." You replied nonchalantly.
"She's going to kill me." He groaned.
"Don't worry, Daddy, I'll make sure she doesn't." You smirked at him.
"You can't call me that!" Rooster shushed you as he looked around to make sure no one was watching the two of you.
"Why not? You weren't complaining about it earlier today when I was face down and ass up and you were pulling my hair while fucking me into you mattress." You teased him. "In fact, I'm pretty sure you said 'oh baby, your tight pussy feels so good wrapped around Daddy's cock. Come on darlin cum for Daddy. Make a mess all over him.'"
Rooster turned as red as a beet. "Why didn't you tell me? We've been dating for six weeks!" Rooster stated.
"I was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore. I liked keeping you to myself. Once people know, they give their opinions, and they put their nose where it doesn't belong. Also, do you think Nat is going to be cool with this?" You tell him.
"She's going to kill me. She's going to cut my fuel lines, or she's going to use real guns during training. I'm so dead." Rooster shook his head.
Just then, Penny appeared with the tray of drinks for everyone. Rooster picked it up and turned towards you and sighed.
"Don't worry, baby, I promise we will figure this out. Just smile and nod until it's time to go home." You tell him. "Okay." He sighs.
"Now, let's go get these drinks to them before someone comes looking for us. Don't freak out, I promise I'll take extra good care of you tonight, Daddy, when I come over." You smirk at him.
Rooster shakes his head and follows you back to the group.
You were both too caught up in your conversation to notice a certain Weapons Systems Officer who had come to get more peanuts, and who had unfortunately overheard the end of your conversation.
"Well, well, well." Bob sighed. "This isn't going to be good."
Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter!
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @withahappyrefrain @sebsxphia @afterglowsb-tch13 @emorychase @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock
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