#top ten reasons to go to the gym:
nouearth · 2 months
hear me out.
dick grayson x male reader.
summary: dick pushes you to your limits in the gym, and your animosity towards him slowly transforms into unexpected admiration (and unlocks months of concealed pining).
wc: 7.2k. genre: smut. warnings: top!dick, dom!dick, bottom!reader, bottom!reader, sub!reader, one sided rivalry (reader's end), enemies to lovers(?), brief fighting, reader and dick are working out, physical fighting (with boxing gloves), envious!reader, insecure!reader, hotheaded!reader, uncut!reader, public!sex, gym!sex, dirty talk, praising, guidance, handjob, fingering, kissing, spitting, lots of sweat, body worshipping, reader will be walking funny for the next week.
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Your shoes squeaked after every thump from landing on your feet. One foot chased after the other in a pursuit, and your knees raised past your navel as the cable rope cut through the air with a turn before hitting the ground. You huffed after every snap of the rope, a burn scalding the muscles in your thighs and wrists with every rotation, tensing as if you’d been hit, as if your coarse throat would feel the remnants of the whip afterward. 
Sweat dripped off your forehead, off the locks of your bouncing hair, in anticipation of a merited water break. The water bottle sat on the seated stationary bench, pooled by its own condensation. You could taste it with your eyes, a ravishing sight that pushed you harder. You sped up, raised your knees higher, and endured the pain for ten seconds more. Your gut was sucked in, engaging with your core, and your breathed out in methodical puffs, your chest rising along with it. Everything was burning, muscles tightening into flaming knots that would render you frail by tomorrow morning. If the floor was lava, your body was the volcano erupting it. 
Holy bells rang once you finally counted down to zero, and you immediately came to a halt, the weight of your gratification breaking your movement with an echoing thud as you instantly marched forward to quench your thirst. 
Your nostrils stung more than usual. Flared with every inhale as you were catching up to your breath, and more so when you cooled down with several sips of water. Breathing had never felt so good, an absolute fiend you turned out to be after every workout.
You’re getting weaker. Breathing harder. Quicker. You’re losing control on your breath. How are you going to keep up with the team? If you feel this fatigued after a warm up? You let them down last time. Got knocked out and Dick—
He was getting to your head. Again.
The name rolled off your tongue bitterly. A foul taste of metal and battery acid lingered in your parched mouth before it was drowned out by another gulp of water. Another. 
And another. 
And another, as the aforementioned man across from you halted his ropes, stopping in his tracks. 
He’d been doing this since you’d arrived. Mirroring you like a reflection, copying your every move as if you were an instructor. If you were doing strength training, he stopped his cardio to take the machine next to you. Pushed when you pushed, groaned—louder—when you did. 
Needed to stretch your hips? He made some lame excuse about how his legs were too tight, and felt the need to join you on the floor, stretching himself beyond the limits of what you could achieve. It colored you impressed, but you would never say that out loud. Though, you did silently admire the view of his ass, and that especially, would be kept a secret between you and the floor.
Now, it was with jump-roping. The two ropes swung from either corners of the gym like the gears working silently in your head. There was a need to compete with you for some reason.
A satisfied smirk rolled a drop of sweat off his face, and seized his naked torso with glitter as he took a step under a light that lit his body like a podium, or—and you hated to admit it—like one of the sculptures you remembered fawning over in Art History. From his broad build, you could tell that Dick was sturdy, toned, and undoubtedly beautiful. 
His fringe clung onto his forehead, but you could see the gratification he got from outlasting you, smiling while he squeezed a stream of water into his mouth. You noticed how much more capable he was with the calmness of his breath, and felt his adrenaline pumping through the room. In turn, it possessed you—his energy–maneuvering you to the center of the room where a foam mat was placed, and to which Dick expectedly trailed after you.
“Wanna have a go, partner?” Dick said while rolling his shoulders back before picking up a pair of boxing gloves, then another without your confirmation. 
“Seriously—“ He tossed the other pair towards you, an accurate shot that landed into your arms. “Are you going to be doing this all day? Copying me?” You silently thanked him because you began kneading one glove like a stress ball, the rubber foam absolutely gratifying with every scrunch of your hand, as well as consoling as it kept you sane for a little longer.
“I don’t see the problem—“ You began approaching him with the gloves fitted snug over your fists. “Well, actually. I do see the problem. You’re not training hard enough.” Marching with heavy stomps, your nose flaring with every breath that he casually spat out. 
“You give up as soon as you feel tired. I mean, no amount of water breaks are going to help you. You think we have the time to sip water when we’re rescuing a town? A city? The world?” 
His voice, soft and smooth yet it was grating to your ears. The constant talking. Rambling. It gave you a headache. It made you see red. Hearing him berate you. Mock you.
“You’re breathing too hard too, which is taking up all of your energy. And your emotions? You need to control them better. Not only does it affect your combat, but your relationship with your team. You shut yourself off when you don’t do well on a mission.” 
“What are you, my therapist now?”
“Listen, it does no one any good if you’re—“
And it stopped with a strong swing towards his left cheek. His head snapped to the side when the rubber foam smacked him like a whip. 
If red hadn’t blurred your vision, you would’ve noticed the tiniest smile he mustered up from the corner of his lips. A crooked, slanted one that was followed up with a chuckle.
“Not exactly fair play, but…” He raised a hand to rub at his cheek before adjusting the gloves onto his wrists, cracking his neck and stretching the muscles in his back with one more shoulder roll before positioning himself like you were: knees bent and fists raised with the gloves fencing off your face. 
“I’ll give it to you. You can throw a good punch. Beginner’s luck?”
The comment made you swing at his left, and he snapped his head to the right. You missed. There was a precision to his move, something that you lacked in as he snuck a punch to your right cheek. A grunt was stifled, and then let loose in a cough when you felt another beat to the left of your abdomen. Sputtering breath, when Dick scored another hit to your jaw. 
“Fuck—“ Your eyes locked on him while he held your gaze. Your perception seemingly widened, heightened as you’d noticed the smallest movements from Dick, twitching upon instinct as if he was about to strike, but there was nothing. Just the taunt of his arms, and Dick’s teasing smile to garnish, to taunt.
He was circling you. You were circling him. It was the same movement, following each other like two predators unwilling to share the last morsel of food. You felt as much as a leader as Dick was, but from the outsider’s perspective, it was telling who was following the other’s lead. 
Who was the experienced leader of the two sparring men.
Dick feigned a punch with a raise of his arm, and you immediately buckled, jerking back to nothing but a bluff of a hit. You were then greeted by an obnoxious chuckle before he landed a successful sneak to your head, a hit impactful enough to rattle your knees and knock a scoff out of you.
“Be observant. I punch better with my—”
Another swing to his left cheek. Successful, and harder this time, as it managed to stumble him from his stance. You could feel the impact of your fist on Dick, even if it was cushioned by foam. 
It was exhilarating.
“Fight better with your mouth closed too.” You spat, raising your arm to strike the same cheek again. Dick detected it before you could attack, and ducked lower to the right, where he met a sudden fist to his jaw, a calculative undercut that sent him falling onto his back.
Something unleashed in you. The red in your vision had scorched, burned blue as it reached its highest temperature. You immediately seized the opportunity to straddle him, to face the source of your belittlement, to look at the leader that everyone on your team had silently wish you were, that everyone had admired, to somehow stare and pierce him long enough with your eyes that you were able to tear into his body and take his incredible abilities and mold them into your own, becoming that someone that you had undoubtedly admired as well. 
You threw another blow to his face, enough to knock a groan out of him. It was pleasing to your ears, the low trembles of his voice because of your touch, they twitched with gratitude. But you needed more, a beg from Dick, a plea for you to stop. You threw another punch, and then another as you became blinded by rage. It was out of your control, your arms had a mind of their own as they continued wailing on Dick, even if he had shielded himself with his arms for the last minute now.
You breathed hard, tossing your gloves off as you held him down for a stronger grip and prying his arms from his face. A need to touch him, to feel the impact that your gloves had been restraining you from. You pinned him by his bare and sweaty shoulders that made the grasp all the more slippery, but you nonetheless held him anywhere you could, by his biceps now, and stared into him. You peered into those brown eyes that mysteriously settled your fury until you’d succumb to the beautiful tranquility of his orbs, quietly pacific compared to his mouth.
Dick’s chest was rising. Up and down like your own, recovering from the pummeling you had given him. His eyes were widened as he watched you—studied you. No marks on his face, thankfully due to the cushions you were begging to be replaced with stone a tantrum prior. 
It was humiliating to prove him right, about your emotions, and you sat still, on his lap, breathing. Your fists had stripped you of the little energy you had left, and turned it into mush, but you found support in the warmth of Dick’s body, still breathing. Your grasp had loosened, but remained on his biceps. Warm skin, and ever slightly kneading because of your own envy of Dick’s strength.
You felt your eyes closed, shutting yourself off of the supply of Dick’s silent consolation as the adrenaline pumping through your veins had slowed. “I can never be you, can I?”
“Who says you have to?” Finally, Dick’s voice hadn’t grated your ears like it had in the past. It was gentle as ever, but this time, there was a warmth to it that you wished you could be bundled up in if it had a physical body. A spirit that could temper you with just its warmth, rather than the toxic heat that had just boiled your rage.
“Because—they’ve seen you, Grayson. They know how you operate with the Titans. I can see it, you know? The way they look at you, then the way they look at me. It’s just…”
“You know, my team looked at me like that when they saw how Bats ran the Justice League.” 
“With disgust? Contempt? Disdain? All of the above?”
“No,” He laughed, gathering himself half-way up with the support his elbows. “with... relief?”
“That’s… not helping?” You rolled your eyes, and then felt yourself flush upon coming to realization upon your current position on his lap when he sat halfway up. “Sorry—“ Without making eye contact, you brought yourself off Dick’s hips, but found yourself suddenly pulled back by the waist.
“No, no. What I meant was…” He cleared his throat, sitting up as he positioned you back on his lap again. His hands interlocked against the small of your back, a devise to keep you from abandoning him on the lone mat, but to also pull you closer, hip to hip. 
“Batman… is impressive. You’ve seen him, right? How he has this presence that automatically appoints him as leader. Commander, really. I don’t know anyone that can plan better than him, but that’s not to say that he doesn’t have his faults. He’s all business, little relations. So are the others. You’ve seen them too. Supes, the Lanterns. I respect it. They respect him because of that, and vice versa. But… that’s not how my team works. Not the Titans.”
“I see…” You shifted, nodding every now and then as you listened.
“It’s just… My members are more than co-workers, you know? This isn’t some nine-to-five job that you’ll probably quit after five years. It’s… our lives now. And with them, they’re with me every step of the way. So, they’re more than co-workers. You don’t protect co-workers. Not saying the Justice League don’t care about each other… But what you do protect are friends, families. Yeah, they’re my family, so I treat them as such. And maybe… that’s why they seemed relieved they were part of my team. And…”
“I just have to find what works with my team?”
“Yeah. I mean, you guys are just starting out. Everyone’s still adapting, still getting to know each other, still figuring out each other’s powers, right? Things are bound to be a little more destructive in terms of chemistry.”
“I don’t know… I just… I don’t know if I can lead them like you guys can. I’m not like you guys. In terms of skills, in terms of leadership, in terms of—“
“Then work on that with your team. That’s what a good leader does, they seek out help from their teammates and let them know that their opinions and help are valued.”
It sounded absolutely simple. Something that shouldn’t have taken you this long to figure out, but Dick was right. Rather than seeking for your team’s help, you thought you had to endure whatever situation had arisen on your own. It weighted heavily on your shoulders, until you couldn’t muster up the strength to push your own weight. And in turn, that affected your team. You needed them, just as much as they needed you. 
“And here you are…” Dick continued, suddenly bursting with a smile. “Instead of spending time with your team, you’re with me. I know I’m quite charming, but geez, (M/N), can a guy get some alone time?”
You scoffed and lightly punched at his chest. “Did we forget that you were the one joining me in the gym when you have your own in the tower? Copying my every move? What’s up with that?”
He shrugged, kneading nonchalantly at your sides. “Knew you’d be alone. Knew you were probably blaming yourself, moping around. Thought I would give you a little push.”
You shifted again, your hands keeping close to yourself as you couldn’t muster up the strength to complain about his wandering hands.
Or rather, find anything about his hands to complain about.
“Push as in to annoy me?”
“Well, I was supposed to be teaching you some things, but, uh… you were playing whack-a-mole with my head earlier.” 
“That’s because—“ You sighed, dropping your head low in embarrassment. “Sorry. I don’t know. Everything started happening so fast and—“
“No, it’s fine. It gives me the perfect opportunity to introduce you my first lesson of the week.” He was sincere, smiling up at you, almost as if he had mistaken your brief fit of rage as a game of tag.
“What’s that?” You asked, meeting his eyes once again.
He pondered for a moment,, pursing his lips as he was lost within his thoughts before speaking again. “How To Communicate To Your Team 101.”
“How is that even going to—“
You felt a sudden press to your lips. A softness that awakened your five senses by tenfold, and a desire that you had kept vaulted in the back of your mind; now beginning to unlock to its freedom the longer Dick had his lips on you. It wasn’t right. No, it wasn’t like it was morally wrong, it was just…
You hesitated, conjuring up all the reasons in your head on why kissing Dick wasn’t a good idea. But it was futile. Everything had been resolved within this moment; the way he let you use him like a punching bag, the way he didn’t spare a single second to share his empathy for your concerns, the way he tended to your wounds days prior despite your brazen disregard to his kindness. 
You were being selfish again, guarding yourself off with ice like you had done with the others. When in reality, you wanted him. 
No, you desperately needed him.
You felt him open up his mouth, assuming he was about to speak, but you seized his breath with a slot of your lips, and kissed him. One hand came up to rest on his cheek, to finally feel the slight scruffs you had delivered on his skin, and you caressed tenderly across textured skin, to the slow rhythm of your lips, whispering, “Sorry… again.”
“Don’t be. Without it, you wouldn’t have been on my lap. And… I wouldn’t be kissing you right now.” Dick muttered, a satisfaction to his voice like he had gotten his wish fulfilled. He ran a lone hand up your back, then back down your spine, bone tingling once he repeated again under your hoodie, and gazed across your bare skin.
“What are you doing to me…” It was a genuine question, something you wished could be answered because you didn’t know yourself. And yet, you were scared of the answer if Dick was to ever give you one. It’d been a while since you felt like this, with someone else.
For the past few months, you hated him. Couldn’t stand the sight of him. And now, you feel like you couldn’t tear yourself apart from him. From the softness of his lips and to the warmth of his body; the longer you endured him, the more you realized you had been captivated by Dick all along.
“I don’t know, but… I like figuring you out.” Dick’s speech was slurred from dragging his lips down to your jaw, nipping at your sweaty skin. “Like how you push me away, but you can’t help but tolerate me whenever I’m in the room.” He breathed you in, sucking at the corner of the sharp bone. You pressed your head into his neck, silently letting him take you. “How you’d sneak glances at me and roll your eyes, only to keep on staring… and staring… until you hadn’t realized that I was looking back at you. Because you were too busy looking at me.”
Nothing but the truth came out Dick’s mouth. Remarkably candid, because you thought you were more covert about your conflicting feelings for him. It brought a bloom of heat to your cheeks, and you hid your face inside his neck, groaning because Dick began licking at your neck, and because you felt stripped, absolutely vulnerable.
“Dick…” Something was rising in your shorts, tightened around the center. Warm and pulsing, even when Dick had unzipped your hoodie and thrown them to the side. A chill was felt across your bare back, most likely a draft from the vent, and Dick held you closer, sandwiching the heat, and suddenly your erection, between his body and yours.
“I knew you never hated me.” There was something about your chest that he loved. How smooth it felt. A few hairs had grown at the center, raised from the feelings Dick was supplying to your body. They tickled his cheek whenever he rubbed himself against it until they were then flattened with a long, fluttering lick as he maintained eye contact with you. “Always right.”
The taste of your sweat was salty yet delicate on his tongue.
“Hate is a strong word...” Your fingers threaded through Dick’s locks, scrunching them into your fist when he started toying one nipple at a time with his tongue. The wet muscle flicked deftly, then he suckled, and then tugged, like he had known your body, like he had explored your body before. It was strange, how he knew the right thing to say, and the right thing to do.
Maybe he was ‘always right.’
“Whatever it is, it’s not stopping you right now.” His hands dropped to the waistband of your shorts and he pulled away from your swollen nubs. It was unwilling. You could see it in his eyes, the thirst to ruin, and it compelled him to bring another suck to your nipples, a few seconds more that almost pulled a dangerous whimper out of you before he ultimately paused. “Nor is it stopping me.” 
With a gentle push on your chest, he leaned you back onto the mat while lifting your hips up, smoothly sliding your shorts off. They joined the pile containing your hoodie soon after, and then your briefs to top.
“R-right here? Aren’t there cameras or something…?” Your hands instinctively came down to cover yourself, cupping that embarrassing erection that Dick was thirsting for. The head of your cock peeked out from your clumsy gasp, and his hands instantly came up to pry your hands off.
Dick had that same look in his eyes when he was circling around you earlier. A rapacity blaring the pupil of his eyes. His piercing gaze alone kept your hands from coming up to cover yourself again. You knew you wouldn’t stand a chance against his strength.
“I doubt anyone is watching the gym… Private for a reason.” Your legs were then wrapped around his waist after pulling you by the ankles. His presence was commanding. You knew to keep your arms to your side, hands forbidden from obstructing the view of your hard, throbbing cock.
“No wonder you’re so stressed. Look how hard you are.” Dick muttered, seemingly speaking his inner thoughts because he was too distracted by the veins of your erection. Thick and pulsing as he wrapped a hand around you, and stroked, fascinated by the stretch of foreskin unfolding from the head of your cock when he pulled back, then rolling back up when he pulled forward. “This okay?”
“Fuck—Yeah… Feels good.” One arm was raised to wipe the cold sweat off your forehead,  but it then rested against your forehead, shielding yourself from Dick’s gaze as he slowly pumped you back into breaking another round of sweat.
“No,” He paused, suddenly squeezing your foreskin over the tip of your swollen glans. You whimpered. Not only did he squeeze you tight, stripping you of a friction that you desperately had been needing more of. But Dick was teasing, threatening with the dull movement of his thumb as he pressed and rubbed into the fold of skin, polishing the head of your cock  in a thick sheen of pre-cum as his grip would draw out a generous amount from beneath. “I want to see you properly. Look at me.”
You reluctantly met his demands, only after you felt the tip of his thumb prying into your slit. Was this supposed to be a punishment? Because you could’ve allowed it to go on for longer, knowing how much Dick marveled at how much pre-cum you were leaking out.
Your body felt hot, and your hands—they needed something to hold, something to grip. When Dick began resorting to quicker strokes to your cock, you were clawing at the mat at first, etching your presence with indentations of your nails as your warning came in vain. “I’m going to cum if you keep doing that, Dick—“ 
“Use your words I’m telling you.” He spat in his palm after a millisecond of a break before lubing your cock in his own spit and churning you into the tight, yet slippery friction of his fist. Dick’s gaze had been fixated on you, never once had it torn away to look at something else. Not even a peek at your cock deliciously fucking into his fist. Because in case you forgot, he liked figuring you out. “Gotta communicate with me.”
The stoicism you had worn with pride, only ever fragmenting from anger upon defeat; Dick had discovered another facet to its escalating submission, and it was delightful watching you unravel in real-time. The slick of his hands; one beating off your cock while the other massaging your balls; your expressions had given yourself away on how to break you down. Maybe it was because you had given up keeping up the facade. Or maybe it was because it was Dick, who has done more than enough to earn your trust, that you found yourself nearly crumbling.
He had studied you, his hands continuing to wander, explore every part of you while silently cataloging the right spots to make you crack. You were close, hanging off the edge with one hand, nails dulling over a cliff as you desperately prevented gravity from pulling you down under. When his hand had left your balls in favor of suddenly pushing a finger inside of your tight hole, Dick knew you had completely submitted.
Your body was writhing, hips desperately thrusting in the air despite Dick pinning them down to properly stretch your hole and fill you up with another finger, and another. Your expressions were ravishing, conflicted with pleasure and tension, and your mouth opened to politely tell Dick to stop, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to utter the demand. Instead, all that came out of your mouth was a whimper of his name, a stutter that rang delectably in Dick’s ears when he interrupted you with a deep push of his fingers, curling and then pumping in and out of you, and another whimper would secure the deft removal of the rest of his shorts and briefs. All because he couldn’t contain himself anymore. 
He had absolutely no right to teach you about control, for the reason that he was on the brink of losing it himself. You looked absolutely wrecked, all from the stubborn grip around your cock, the tight fit of his fingers, and Dick couldn’t imagine what you’d look like if he was in you, his thick cock fucking you, making love to you.
“Seriously, Dick—I’m about to—“
You couldn’t help it. Dick’s demand to control yourself was absolutely absurd with his reign on your body. The wet, sticky sound his spit made as Dick’s fist was being screwed by your pulsing cock drove you nuts. And then came the view of Dick’s thick cock, throbbing, pre-cum dripping heavily off of his swollen head as he watched you untouched, begging to be touched. You swore you almost surrendered had it not been for his wrist slowing down, a delicacy you begged prior, but now desperately wanted to vanish.
“God, you know I always loved it whenever you accidentally let a smile slip. But this? You’re so beautiful like this, (M/N).” He paused despite your silent pleas for him to otherwise. Though, all was forgiven when he leaned forward to kiss you on the lips. Sweet and bountiful like his words had made you feel, and you kissed him right back, an eagerness compared to his own movements, but then gratefully countered with an impatient swipe at your crack. His cock, plump and heavy, then wet and sticky as he smeared his pre-cum over your hole. Your legs remained wrapped around his hips, but Dick pushed his body weight forward until they folded with your knees touching your chest, his cock dangerously pressing at your entrance.
Dick spat in his palm again, reaching down to coat himself in the sticky layer of spit, and you felt him press. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, anticipating with an accelerating drum of your heart as he teased, slicking your pucker with the gentle, smooth circling of his tip.
“Please… I need it.” You had a gentle grasp around his nape, pulling him down until his forehead rested against yours. You’ve never seen him like this, so up-close and intimate. A mole, a freckle on his face that you’d never noticed, and you instantly yearned for what could’ve been all this time, had it not been for your stubbornness.
“What do you need? You need me inside of you?” Dick clarified against your lips, a whisper into your mouth as you parted them open to welcome his tongue. Hot and heavy, you let your tongue wrap around his for a tingling moment before pulling away, a string of spit webbing a path between your lips and his. “Use your words.”
“Need your cock, need you… Need everything. As long as it’s you.” You marveled at Dick, drunk off of the mutual endearment you have for each other. He regarded you with a warm smile, followed by a dazzling glint within his gaze, then relayed the turn of his mouth to yours with another kiss, a gentle warning, before Dick pushed his hips forward and slipped his cock inside of you.
“Good boy.”
“O-oh, fuck.” 
Your body tensed as soon as you took the first inhale of breath since he’d breached you, sharp and abrupt, just like the pain that had jolted the muscles in your body to squeeze around him. You were playing defense, impeding the foreign introduction inside of your body with a clamp, yet Dick resisted. Rather, he thrived on your strain, adoring the suctioning feeling of his cock as if you were conflicted about inviting him in or pushing him out. It didn’t take much to figure out that it was the former. During the meantime you were adjusting to his cock, Dick was thrusting the few inches that had slid inside of you. Small and short movements to aid in your stretch, and then eventual pleasure as he gradually pushed himself deeper until you’d blossom completely open for him, like a bud in the Spring.
“Fuck, you’re so tight… So good, your ass is so good.” He was satisfied with half of his cock inside of you, rocking into you slowly until you felt comfortable enough to have him harder, faster. Till then, it was perfect like this. Breathing in your whimpers, holding your face like it was the last vestige of your sanity, before kissing you again, sweet on the mouth, tender with your tongue, to hold a fragment of your sanity within him and sealing it where no one could ever take it from him.
“T-too big, Dick—Fuck…” You whimpered again, closing your eyes from the uncomfortable detection of already feeling completely full, yet you and Dick both knew it wasn’t a complaint. Rather, it was a simple observation that had rendered you speechless, an inkling you’d disappoint Dick for not being able to take him properly, to not let him in like you had done for all these months.
“You’re doing great, baby. Doing so good… You can take it, I know you can.” His words were so warm, so kind, so gentle in your ear, low and sinking in your neck as he marked you as his with constant licks and kisses, and immediately, he dialed up your confidence by tenfold. You felt yourself relaxing, the tension in your body melting the longer he rocked half of his cock into you.
Just breathe. Breathe. You found it helpful following Dick’s breathing pattern, exhaling when he pulled out, inhaling when he pushed in, and gradually, you felt yourself opening up for him, taking him in longer strides, with little breaks, faster, harder, until you felt thoroughly plugged when he pushed once more to cork his cock inside of you, balls-deep.
“S-shit, Dick—Fuck—So good—“
Dick trembled with a moan sinking into the underside of your jaw. His cock had never felt so wanted, so warm in another’s body. You took him in without a single complaint, and it was a spectacle, an absolute wonder when Dick leaned back to watch himself completely unsheathe out of you like a dagger out of its scabbard. 
“Look at that… Fucking beautiful.” Your hole was gaped open with the diameter matching the girth of Dick’s cock. Blinking, puckering desperately as it painfully endured the loss of heat, the loss of his desire. You’d never felt so exposed, completely powerless as Dick had you bending your legs further back with one hand, and the other spreading your cheeks apart to further see how much more you could stretch. 
The color of your flesh was enthralling, and if the marks on your neck had not been telling that you were Dick’s; he pressed a kiss to your pucker, gentle nibbling and licking at the puffy rim before abruptly spitting inside of you, and another for good measure, the glorious designation would remind you now.
“Dick—No more, I need you, please—“ You reached down to spread your pucker with the spit dribbling out of you using two fingers, then pulled back to taste him, sucking on them before your craving for Dick would return with a vengeance, body-writhing and mind-numbingly so.
“Tell me. What do you need, hm?” Dick tapped his cock against your hole. The plump head slid smooth over the spit-covered flesh, mixing with his pre-cum, while he watched you with a grin, each swipe of his cock taunting to pull completely away unless you spoke.
“Need you. Inside of me. Fucking me. Holding me. Kissing me. Touching. I don’t know—Please, please. Just need you.” Your wishes were long-winded, but sincere. The gaze you had given him, an imploring look that Dick would take a moment to hold for a little longer despite your begging.  Cherishing it, not knowing if this would be a fluke you’d later regret down the line, but in the end, all that mattered was that  you let your guards down at the mercy of Dick’s guidance. Then utterly defenseless, when he gave into your wishes, a chaste kiss to your lips while doing so, and pushed himself deep inside of you with one smooth thrust.
You stiffened in Dick’s arms when they slipped around you, digging your nails into his skin. Squeezing his waist with your legs, you held onto him when he pushed the rest of his body weight over you, bending you further while keeping his lips connected to yours. He was stabilized on the tip of his toes, thrusting into, past, and against your inner muscles all at once. You clenched around his cockhead, the pleasure unbearable to resist as each dip of his hip successfully knocked a gasp from your mouth. 
“So good, so tight like this…” Dick’s cock was in heaven, burying you deep until his heavy balls pressed flushed to your taint. He would stay motionless whenever he did; to catch up on his breath, to draw out his nearing high for a little longer, and to feel you, luxuriate in the warmth of your walls squeezing him tight, pulsing with dilemma, and ultimately refusing to let go. “Think I can come just like this, you squeezing my cock…”
He looked down at your face, a brief check-up. Your lips moved as if you were about to say something, but no sound came out. Only a stutter of a gasp, little sounds that Dick found incredibly magnetic, to which he found increasingly difficult to keep his lips off of you. He failed with little effort on his end, in hopes to steal those tiny sounds and keep it for himself. 
Your pupils were blown when they weren’t rolling back from the smallest movement of Dick’s hips. In addition, with your lips swollen and lids heavy, you gazed up at Dick like he had saved your life, as if he had guided you towards a better place. Your life seemingly were in his hands as he held your cheeks and kissed you once more. Sweet again, rocking into you steadily, sweat sticking his skin to yours. 
And maybe he did.
“Say something. I want to hear you.” A merciful demand upon your lips. You were trembling, barely swallowing down moans while Dick continuously impaled you with his cock—up into you now, when Dick leaned back until he was sitting up, and brought you back onto his lap like before, pushing your hips towards the rate of his thrusts.
Mesmerized by Dick, your mouth parted open and your throat immediately began emptying itself of all the harbored moans and groans that you had been holding hostage. “F-fuck me, keep fucking me. L-like that. No—Harder, harder—“ They rattled in volume, bouncing in sync with the way your ass had been doing against Dick’s cock, and then louder, because your marvelous sounds emerged an addiction out of Dick.
Sweet Jesus. He couldn’t stop. Watching the desire in your beautiful features, hearing your pleas reflect your want, stroking your cock awaiting for its release, marking every flesh of your skin his mouth had come in contact with. At the level of intimacy; from the pull of Dick’s hair, the sloppy, open-mouthed kisses you two shared, and the mutual passion you had for each other; you no longer felt like his disciple, but rather, an equal to Dick’s being—a derivative blessing, that would course correct each other’s life.
Your hands could barely hold onto his shoulders, but you worked with your strength, the slip of his skin, and locked your hands around his nape. Forehead to forehead, you and Dick breathed moans into each other, heavy and thick with yearning as you two pressed close, stuck to each other like glue. He cataloged the tiniest details on how your face contorted with pleasure; the scrunch of your nose, the roll of your eyes, the part of your lips. Your fist tightened around your cock, pumping it rapidly to the pace of Dick’s thrusts, churning it until your biceps had distractingly flared with veins. 
You did the same. You watched Dick’s mouth agape with rapture. The scrunch of his brows when he fucked into you faster and to the root. The clench of his jaw when you squeezed tight around him, suctioning his cock until he sounded delirious with pleasure. It was beautiful. He was beautiful, and you knew he found you beautiful as well, the beautiful loss of reality from the mutual pleasure, and that was all it took to make you spill your load without a single warning. 
You smashed a guttural groan to his lips and unraveled your fingers, leaning your body back to let your cock release where it pleased to afterward. “Oh, fuck—“ 
“Holy shit.”
Thick shots rained on Dick’s sweaty body. Three spurts to the center of his chiseled chest, and then another four splashing high in the air when Dick powered up on the sight of your cum alone, and drilled you harder, your cock dribbling in cum as he did so. His nails dug into your ass cheeks, spreading them apart, then cushioning them back around his cock to somehow press your walls against every vein pulsing through the thick of his erection.
Dick fucked you like you’d begged him to. Long, strong thrusts, to the brim on each stroke, undoubtedly hitting your prostate at every turn from the way you would jolt forward with widened, rattling, yet blissful eyes. A sight Dick would have forever ingrained into his memory, because you were officially, utterly, and completely wrecked.
It was heaven. The crown of Dick’s cock sliding over the spot, the depth of his cock rendering you immobile and dazed. Again, he’d repeat. A new addiction, surging powerfully through his veins. You let out a sob. 
Again. You squeezed your eyes shut. 
Again. You dug your nails into his shoulders. 
And again. Dick smacked your ass at the delirious state he was in. He had completely breached inside of you, explored every inch of your hole with the circle of his hips. A thrust. A slam. A rut. He had traversed through every option to dismantle you, and like clockwork, your snug hole all but sucked on his cock, begging for him to come inside.
He couldn’t hold it anymore.
“Baby, baby…” Dick’s large hand smothered his warmth around your throat. You could feel the callous in his palm, a gentle abrasion to your smooth skin, and he rubbed your seed all over your body, then his. He fucked harder to the sight of the sticky sheen layering your body. The smell of musk. The stick to his hands. Filthy. Your body and his were filthy together. Filthier, when pleasure burst from the base of his shaft, and in turn, flooded your insides with a large load. He moaned, and you arched into him, into the stick of his body, anticipating for the rupture of your doing. 
Your cock throbbed once, straining forward with its swollen head aiming towards the ceiling, and you spat thick shots of white seed into the air, eventually course-correcting to land on your body and Dick’s.
It was wonderful. You could feel Dick’s cock pulse as his seed rushed up the shaft and buried you deep into your guts with thick and heavy shots. Upon impulse, you squeezed as well, clamping around the peak of DIck’s orgasm until it must have crested with the stillness of his breath. “Don’t pull out.”
“Wasn’t planning on it…”
If he hadn’t thought it enough, you were beautiful, he was keen on calling it a mantra because it meant that he was still here, on this very earth, breathing and witnessing your very existence. Your body was weakened, barely mustering the strength to hold your chest up without the aid of Dick’s arms around you. Limp, after your second orgasm. All of you, you were so beautiful. From your rim hugging the base of your cock, your softening cock dripping, your swollen nipples, the smooth planes of your cum-stained chest, and parted lips. You were a banquet to Dick’s eyes, a feast that could muster up another around to have at you, to have you completely devoured if he had really wanted to.
But no, this was perfect. Watching you in silence, surveying up at you while you peered down at him, panting, breathing slow, in a case of wonder of how one could have such an effect on him without a morsel of effort. 
“So… lessons? You always do this to new recruits?”
“Only if they absolutely suck at their role.” An exhaustion in his smile, you wanted to capture it in between your lips, and replenish him with gratitude.
“Hey— Asshole…” You muttered, a gentle knock to his chest, to which he laughed off, and then held on, to pull you in for a blissful kiss.
With the way you fit into his arms as if you’d always been meant to be there, warm where he was cold, and cold where you were warm, he knew he didn’t need his question answered.
“Kidding. Let’s just say… it was curated for a special someone. And hopefully, they liked it as much as I liked teaching it.”
“I have a good feeling that they did.” 
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. andif you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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wonryllis · 1 month
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. . ──𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒, 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖾𝗒𝖾𝗌 𝗉𝗈𝗉 𝗈𝗎𝗍.
﹙ 𝒘𝐞𝐛 ⭑ 𝒅𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝓁𝓈. ﹚ enhypen hooked on the way you move. fem!r. fluff, tad bit suggestive. wordcount` 1427. requested. アーカイブ ARCHIVE?
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heeseung's on his phone, scrolling through tik tok trends when you walk out of the room all dressed like you're about to go out to the gym. high waist yoga pants and a crop top to match. heeseung so loves it when you wear them, they hug your curves just right and he can caress your tummy when he goes in for a hug.
"are you going to the—" his words die down in an instant as you set up your phone camera and ring light. she's filming something!, he thinks all excited to see which trend you decided to do. and it's all innocent with a little bit of sus moves here and there until there's a switch in the song and you get down to the floor for it. heeseung contemplates whether he should record it or he should just focus on taking the view all in.
though ultimately it's over before he even realizes it, so focused he didn't notice you're already done. immediately rushing to backhug you, unaware the camera's still recordeding and it's captured the sweet little moment where he nuzzles his head into your neck and mumbles out a soft,"why are you so hot?" in butterfly kisses that the viewers can't get enough of once you upload the video.
it's just a normal day for jay. looking through the files on your computer to find your vacation videos from last year, the reason.. it's a secret. a little surprise he's preparing for your birthday. however this certain file with the familiar song name and you on the thumbnail in a rather compromising position gives him the surprise of his day.
can he see it? was he supposed to see it? is he allowed to? is he prepared to? oh man jay has no idea but what he knows for sure is, he is seeing it. and oh boy is he seeing it. the amount of times he replays it, he has lost count of it. each time finding a new move he thinks is way too hot. and wondering of where and how you learnt it and why the hell hasn't he been told about it already?
"jay babe, i'm back!" the moment he hears you walk through the door he's bombarding you with questions, the thought of his own surprise slipping out somewhere in the gutter. "do it again for me, please?" he begs, so wanting to see it real time and find out just much hotter you can be.
if he's actually seeing it right or he's dreaming, jake doesn't know it but for sure he knows he's drooling. mouth slack open with occasional lip bites when you move your hips just the way he likes it. and he didn't know how much he liked it until he saw it today, and to be more precise until ten minutes ago.
he's in awe, like oh my god that is my girl? and then a few seconds later, only my girl can do it so well! and then a few seconds later, oh god how can my girl be so perfect? like he's literally so geniune and so in love, anything you do he's lovestruck. he's babbling in his mind the entire time he's watching you practice.
"shit princess, you looked so amazing," jake walks over to you in quick steps the moment he notices you taking a break. telling you about how you rocked certain moves and how he loved the way you moved your body to the music and how he was mesmerized to the point of being tongue-tied. so many over the top compliments but the way his eyes sparkled gave away just how sincere he was, he was fascinated both at how good and how hot you were.
for sunghoon putting things away around the kitchen and pantry was the second best part about grocery shopping with you. so obviously he was crest fallen when you left him alone in the middle of it. wondering about what was so important for you to do that to him.
however you return in a few minutes and he forgets all about his sadness the moment you drag him to the couch to show him a little something you specially prepared for him. oh! for me? hehe, the grin on his face is wider than anything and everything watching you dance, eyes zeroing in on the way you move for him. for him, the most important part.
it's all well until you get down on your knees for a certain part and sunghoon feels all his senses kicking in as he immediately shoots up to pick you like a doll and get you into the bedroom,"my god baby! you can't just do that with the curtains open?!" so panicked over the fact that someone would see what's only for him to see. and wondering where you learnt all that from.
you better believe he finds it first and then begs you to learn it, even going as far as learning it first and then teaching it to you himself. holding and caressing and taking advantage of the situation to feel you up. he's elated that you agreed to learn it and over the moon that you decided to learn it from him.
"mhm yes love go! that's right! love the way you move there!" he records it for you without even you having to ask him. and he's posting it the next day because like there's no way you do it so well and people don't know about it. sunoo is so happy to have you dance to it just how it makes it look fantastic and perfect.
"babe, everyone's loving it! too bad you're only mine," and he's so happy to share with everyone just how amazing you are. there are certain comments that make him regret it a tad bit though, thinking of gatekeeping all future videos like these.
"baby baby baby, help me film this!" your cute little pouts melt jungwon and he folds without even asking of what you want him to help film. helping you is jungwon's favorite thing in the world, and no matter how many times he scolds you for pranking him with the said excuse, he just gives in when you give him the puppy eyes.
with your outfit and your makeup, just how pretty you're dolled up, jungwon knows it's not gonna be a prank and for that he heaves a sigh of relief. but it's not long before his stress comes back, hands immediately throwing away the phone to the couch when you get on the floor and start with that certain hip move that tingle his heart rates.
"babyy! w- what, you can't do that, no! i ain't letting you post that!" he scolds, all flustered when you whine at him for stopping. it takes a great deal of convincing to persuade him to continue recording and the condition is that you'll keep it in your drafts forever. him being the only one who knows of it.
he has no idea how much he needed you to ask him to correct your moves until you do it. if there's a phrase that could describe how he feels right now, it would be in the clouds. the moment you come up to him and tell him to watch you and correct you if you do it wrong, it's the start of an episode riki will remember for forever.
"no baby, you do it this way," he touches your arms, legs, hands, thighs, neck, shoulder, and everywhere to put you in the correct form. having you go over it again and again, and you don't question it because he's experienced and he knows best, right?
"do it again," intentionally telling you to repeat any move he liked too much just to see you doing it repeatedly to fulfill his own desire. it's not like you'll know anyway and it's only gonna help you get better. that's what he keeps saying to himself. knowing it's not entirely true with how his eyes look at you. and how his hands stay on you a little longer than necessary.
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taglist ( open. ) @kangseulgithegreat @s00buwu @lilyuwon @pockyyasii @nctislifue @ashtxrie @miniature-tragedy @jayujus @brachives @thoughtsmeander2tumblingblindly @eeunoia @nxzz-skz @shawnyle @potato0579 @enhastolemyheart @belowbun @ro-diaries @aaa-sia @okwonyo @snoopypupp @kissestoenha
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loveharlow · 3 months
I neeeed a friends to lovers with rafe. like you’ve been friends for ages and always been a bit flirty but he’s get a girlfriend so you back off and he gets annoyed. so he invites you to the gym bc you always went together and he’s touchy and ends with a love confession.
i'm only doing blurbs rn so I had to shorten this a bit but i still feel like it encompasses your idea which is just chef's kiss btw😚 (also, this idea reminds me of that new Lay Bankz song thats been going viral:)
cheating, sexual innuendoes, heavy touching, allusions to sex
"Your ass is getting tighter." Rafe breathed out, setting the barbell down, letting the metal clank against the padded gym floors.
You scoffed, taking one last swig from your water bottle and shifting your weight, letting the now closed cup fall gently to the floor. Your hands were on your hips as you spoke through heavy breaths. "You can't say things like that to me anymore, y'know?".
The boy simply shrugged, standing from the bench and leaning against the metal that supported the equipment. "You never had an issue before."
"You didn't have a girlfriend before." You added, cocking an eyebrow and turning away from him to where the dumbbells were lined up against the wall and adjusting your sports bra. "Or are you just gonna pretend Sophia doesn't exist?"
The wall where the weights were had a large mirror behind it, allowing you to see Rafe creeping up behind you, swiping a hand down his face to reveal a smirk. "Is that why you been dodgin' me? What, she say somethin' to you?" He inquired, sliding a gentle hand around your waist to which you brushed off immediately, sighing and turning on your heels to face him.
"No, Rafe, she didn't. But I wouldn't blame her if she did." You informed, crossing your arms and paying no mind to the little distance between you two. "The flirting, the touching — you can't keep doing this. I'm not a home-wrecker or a side-piece."
"You wouldn't have to be if you had said somethin' first." He said so nonchalantly, reaching around to tap your ass as your jaw dropped.
You struggled to find words, stuttering over your sentences before he cut in once more. "Next time you want advice? Don't ask Top. A little vodka and he's an open book." He basically laughed out.
"...Well, whatever he told you, it's over now." You gained your composure, feigning confidence and carelessness as you pulled your workout shorts higher up on your waist and attempted to turn away once more.
"So, you don't wanna fuck me anymore?"
You couldn't help but laugh, partly out of shock and amusement, throwing your head back as your eyes zoned in on Rafe. "That's what he told you?" You asked incredulously, scoffing. "I've wanted to fuck a lot of people, rich boy. You're not special."
The sweaty male simply jutted out his bottom lip, ruffling his hair. "I didn't think you'd want me to bring up the part where he said you were in love with me." He retorted. "Y'know, since I have a girlfriend 'n all..." He mocked your previous statement, throwing his hands out and turning away from you now.
"That's..." You started, tucking stray strands of hair behind your ear, feeling your face heat up. "...completely untrue." You muttered under your breath. The somewhat playful banter had turned into dangerous territory for any conversation to take place.
You'd been trying to keep your distance from Rafe ever since he popped out with Sophia for this exact reason.
You bent down to pick up two ten-pound weights in hopes of ending the conversation there when an all too familiar hand fully grabbed your ass in one hand, squeezing so tightly that you let the weights fall to the floor, whipping around in shock.
"Rafe! Dude, what-"
"I wanna hear it." He whispered, a hand grasping your jaw and directing your gaze up to him.
"Hear what?" You forced out, your speech slightly slurred from the way he was pressing your cheeks together.
"You're too pretty to play dumb." He spoke lowly, eyeing you up and down. "We both know you still want me. So, just admit it and I'll give you what you want."
Your mind fiddled with the idea for a moment. You never considered yourself a homewrecker or anything of the sort but something about Rafe was so tempting at this moment, making your knees shake as you stood.
You knew what you said next would forever make you the villain in most people's stories but self-control was always something you struggled with.
"...I'm still in love with you."
"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"He spoke against your lips, your faces just centimeters apart.
His free hand hooked into the waistband of your shorts, dragging them down as your eyes fleeted around the empty gym room. He dropped to his knees in front of you, dragging your bottoms the rest of the way down as he licked his lips.
"Next time, let's not make this so hard on ourselves, yeah?"
heads up: i added emoji anons to my blog, so feel free to send an ask to take one if you frequently send in asks!
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chimielie · 11 months
my lover, my life, my shawty, my wife
summary: Ushijima x f!Reader. snapshots of eternal youth.
word count: 1.3k
cw: lighthearted manhandling, longterm established relationship ups (and one down), marriage talk and mention of toshi’s parents’ divorce. it’s basically all fluffy and silly tho
a/n: nobody @ me i wrote literally 99% of this a couple weeks ago and just remembered it was in the drafts today i’m working on the promised fics!!! it will just be A While i’m slow okayyy 💘 anyway enjoy some pure ushijima fluff
“Ushiwaka!!!” You shriek, voice breaking with laughter as you slam your hands against his backside. “Put me down, you—you barbarian! Kidnapper! Plunderer!”
He doesn’t say anything, just jostles you gently so your top half (currently upside-down over his broad shoulder) sways while your legs stay firmly in the grip of his arms. You know it’s as close as he’s going to get to a verbal admonishment, your current position already more than enough of an indication that he is fed up with you acting up in a public setting.
“Fine,” you scrunch up your face, sure that he can envision it just the same as you can see in your mind’s eye the near-invisible traces of amusement on his face. “Ugh, you’re going to make me sick. You are so bossy. I can’t believe you think that you can just pick me up and carry me around and tell me what to do. You don’t even say please, you know that?”
He probably gets the idea that he can just pick you up and carry you around and tell you what to do from the ten years that he's been doing all those things, since high school.
You've never gotten sick from being carried like this, either.
“You are bossy,” he says simply in rebuttal. "You say please but you know I'll do whatever it is you want. Even unreasonable things."
"I'm always reasonable," you say. He pats your butt in a way that isn't supposed to be condescending but is. You smack his in return and enjoy the way his back muscles tense up. "Ooh, you've been training your glutes."
He's been doing it in your home gym. You've always been loud about obvious things like this; he doesn't understand it, especially, but he likes it. At first, that had been much of your relationship. You were loud and obvious about your feelings for the up-and-coming teenage ace, and he didn't understand you, but he liked you.
He considers, and then revises his previous thought. He understands you better now. You talk through even things you and he know well because it helps you to process your thoughts, and you are determined to be shocked and delighted by all small things in the world.
"Hello, Bo-kun!" you wave to his teammate. Bokuto, bless him, attempts to bend over upside down to mimic you.
"Hey, Ushijima-san!" Ushijima is lucky that everyone in the facility knows you and you don't have to clarify to any security guards that you aren't in danger, for real. You take offense to the idea that you couldn't win in a fight against him, anyway.
You had been asserting this particular belief, actually, to the rest of the Japanese men’s volleyball team while they stretched post-practice and friends and family were allowed on court to distract them. Atsumu had been egging you on, urging you to try fighting another of the players since he didn’t trust Wakatoshi not to let you win currently. You had rolled up your shirtsleeves when the ace scooped you up and you had, already protesting, waved goodbye to the blond, a huge grin on your face. He had saluted you as you went.
“We’re not married yet,” you say, bonking your forehead into Wakatoshi as he stops short. “You all don't have to keep saying that. Please, call me—”
"Oh, Waka-kun said," Bokuto starts before being cut off.
“We may as well be," Wakatoshi says, turning to face Bokuto (At least turn sideways so I can see, you complain). "It'll happen eventually, so we can start practicing by calling her my wife now."
"What?!" You say. "Don't say things like that. You sound like you like me. Do you like me? Do you want to be more than friends?"
People have always talked about your relationship in begrudging terms. "Oh, opposites attract, I guess..." spoken in a disbelieving and reluctant tone. He understands. Most high school relationships didn't work out. Most people would get frustrated with him and his communication style. Then most long-distance relationships didn't work out. Most young professional athletes wanted to try new things, new people.
Wakatoshi doesn't understand why he would want to try something new when he had something perfectly fine with you. He had said that to you, once, when you were in Sapporo and he in Koganei. You had gotten very quiet for the rest of the call and then remained quiet for two weeks, sending all of his messages to read and calls to voicemail. It had taken a short flight and a shy, quiet apology to right his wrongs. He had known that he would spend the rest of his life with you, he said, forgetting to blink even as you furiously swiped away tears, a month in when you were fifteen. Barely longer than this terrible time you had stopped even fighting with him, just giving up on him. Why would he try anything else when he had never deviated from this path?
But what if you're just not seeing that there might be something better out there for you, you had said, voice angry but face already forgiving. Worse, what if you do see that someday? You’ll get tired of settling.
He had shaken his head. There isn't something better. Please, continue to be patient with me. Your breath had burst out of you in a single sob, and then you were yanking him toward you, ordering him to kiss you so you'd stop crying in front of all the neighbors.
Considering his parents' marriage, one might have thought that he would have more qualms about the concept than he did. You didn't seem interested in pressuring him there, though, and when asked just reminded him that living together long enough would result in common-law marriage anyway, so he just had to tell you if he ever wanted to stop living together. After several years separated and more reunited, he hadn't yet found any desire to do so. He definitely had strong negative feelings about being away from you for extended periods.
He was very lucky that you had chosen a career path which would allow you to travel essentially anywhere with him, find lucrative work anywhere with him. The home gym had actually been your gift to him, from the bank account you didn't share. It was the most thoughtful and horrifyingly expensive gift he had ever received. He had retaliated by hiring your most favored interior designer to rework your apartment into something both sentimentally familiar and not decorated entirely on the whim of two mid-twenty-year-olds. While they worked, he took you on vacation.
"We have to go," Wakatoshi adjusts you in his hold, nodding to his teammate. You’re quiet for a bit, so he puts you down, steadying you by your waist until your head stops swimming.
“You know we have to talk about these things,” you say, looking steadily at him.
“Yes,” he rumbles, considering his words for a moment. “I’ve been thinking about it more often recently. I still don’t feel strongly about the idea of a wedding, but I want you to be my wife. If you want to be.”
Insecurity sparks in him. You enjoyed your friend’s weddings, but perhaps you didn’t want one of your own, or one to him. Perhaps he had crossed a boundary.
“I don’t know,” you tap your lips with a finger, and a weight lifts off his chest when you smile at him. “I’ll see when you ask me. But I want it to be sometime in the future, somewhere more scenic than your athletic facility, okay? With a ring and a sappy speech.”
He smiles, then, his teeth showing. An explosive and momentous display of emotion.
“I’ll be sure to say please.”
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thisismeracing · 11 months
Could you please make a quick blurb with this smut prompt (thought it was so mick-coded): ❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜
I think the prompt was supposed to be about jealous!dom!mick, but I went with something a bit different (mick caught yn touching herself) that still fit into it. Hopefully, it's good!
Here you go! I hope you guys like it! Don't forget to reblog and leave me an ask/comment. *mwah*
word count: 0.8k
pairing: mick schumacher x reader (she/her pronouns)
warnings: +18; mentions of sex; graphic description of masturbation and oral sex (fem receiving); not proofread; Minors DNI!
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The buzz of the vibrator and your low whines were the only sound between the four walls of the room. The curtains were drawn shut halfway, casting just the perfect lighting inside. Yn pressed the little bullet harder on her clit, frustrated with how it did not seem enough for her body. She missed Mick. 
She needed Mick. 
But Yn wouldn’t come between him and racing. She knew he needed to train and do rounds and rounds of stuff though it was not race week. And if she asked, he would part himself in ten pieces so she could have one, but Yn did not want to burden him. She would never purposefully make him feel guilty for following his dreams, especially because Schumacher wasn’t anything but supportive of hers as well.
“Fuck,” she whispered, furiously adding two fingers into her slick hole in an attempt to feed her desires. 
Just when Yn was about to curse again the bedroom door opened, and Mick arched his brows watching his girlfriend scramble with the sheets to cover herself. 
“What are you doing, Liebe?” 
She stared at his gym clothes, he was probably about to leave. It was a bit earlier than usual, and that caught her off guard too. 
“I- uhm… nothing.” Yn faked a smile.
“That does not look like nothing to be,” he shot back. “You were touching yourself,” Mick pointed, smirking, “and you sound frustrated.”
Yn huffed, puffing her cheeks “Well, I am frustrated!! Neither this freaking toy nor my fingers seem to work.”
“Why didn't you just tell me so I could help you?”
Mick marches inside, throwing his shirt on the ground and lying on his stomach in front of Yn.
“Micky, you have training now. I don't wanna bug you.”
And then it draws to him. Mick realizes that maybe their schedule crashes weren’t working as he thought they did. Maybe Yn was feeling neglected. And though he too missed her and missed sex, he was so used to the rushing and hurrying pace of his life that he didn't stop to think too much about it.
“Look at me,” he got on top of her. 
Yn sighed and turned her face to his.
“You would never ever burden or bug me, you know it, Schatzi. What is it I always tell you?”
“If you need anything, and I mean anything, you tell me” Yn mocks, trying to sound like him and Mick chuckles at her sassyness.
“Now, drop these sheets, open your legs, and let me do my job” She starts to protest but Mick puts a finger on her lips. “You’re mine, and I take care of what belongs to me. Let me do my job,” he mumbles against the skin of her neck.
Yn whines before lacing her hands on Mick’s neck and bringing his lips to hers. His fingers wander to the inside of the shirt she’s wearing, his shirt, and he pushes it up enough to expose her naked chest. Mick gives Yn one last peck on the lips before trailing his kisses down her body. He plays with her boobs for a second, squeezing, biting, and licking them, before finally reaching her pussy.
She’s slick with wetness from her previous attempts to cum, and Mick hums in appreciation. He grabs the little bullet toy, turns it on, and brings it to her clit before kissing the inside of her thighs. That was just what she was doing before: rubbing the damn thing on her perky nub, but for some reason, when Mick does it it causes a whole different reaction. It’s like her body knows exactly what's coming, or rather who’s coming. 
Mick dips his head to her pussy and licks a stripe. He smirks at Yn’s body response and dives in adding two fingers inside her. They pass between her walls easily and he keeps his ministrations, kissing wherever his mouth reaches, fucking Yn with his fingers and rubbing her vibrator to her clit. 
“I’m so sorry I neglected you, babe,” he’s whispering and it only draws to Yn that he’s talking to her pussy when he states it looking into her eyes and says so. “I’m apologizing to her, I can’t believe we let her go so long without an orgasm.”
Yn closes her eyes and moves her hips up, torn between chuckling at Mick’s antics and cumming on the spot because holy fuck that was hot. 
“Such a pretty pussy, I’m gonna give what it deserves,” he states before adding another finger and raising the vibrations. It doesn’t take long for Yn to cum, and of course, Mick wasn’t satisfied with only one. He wanted to make up for the lost time, that meant she would cum at least three more times. 
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― ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: I had to refrain myself from making it bigger than what it was supposed to be lol but I hope you guys like it anyway!! Reblogs and asks are my fav form of support, make sure to leave them, every time you do a love fairy is born somewhere hihih
taglist: @sachaa-ff @kenanlotus0 @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @mishaandthebrits @formulakay3 @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @carojasmin2204 @fdl305 @chaoticevilbakugo @wondergirl101ks @saintslewis @shhhchriss @f1kota @lunnnix @leclercsluv
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chaussetteblanche · 10 months
Luv ur writing 🫶 I was wondering if u could do a Kit Conner imagine or headcanon where Kit takes reader to the gym for the first time, teaching & encouraging the reader how to use the equipment and it's rlly fluffy 🤭
hi !! thank you so much for requesting !! hope you like it :)
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pairing : kit connor x gn!reader summary : kit shows you around his gym word count : 1.1k warnings : none
It had to be clear : you did not go to the gym. You had never gone to the gym, nor would you ever go. You had other ways of keeping your body moving and healthy. The gym was not one of them. You didn't hate the gym, per say, it just wasn't for you. But when Kit came over one evening, ran a hand through his hair and offered for you to come with him to his gym and try it out, you couldn't refuse. It had been out of the question for two reasons : you would be spending time with Kit and you would get to see his muscles. In that order specifically.
So you'd packed your things the week after that and you guys had driven down to his gym. You felt slightly nervous, of course, because Kit was ripped and you were- well, you were just you. And you hadn't been to the gym in so long. You gripped his hand before getting out the car. "You'll show me how everything works, right ? What to do and what not to do ? I don't wanna embarrass myself," you bit your lip. Kit chuckled, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing the back of it. "Yes, I'll explain everything and, even though you couldn't embarrass yourself if you tried, I'll make sure you don't." He pressed a short kiss against your lips, soothing your worries for a while. "Don't worry, luv, everything will be fine!"
After changing in the locker rooms and grabbing your towel, you phone, your water-bottle and your headphones, you met Kit in the actual gym. You didn't know much about gyms, but this one certainly looked expensive. It had large windows, smelled clean and had so many different machines. Kit beamed at you, happy so see his favourite person in one of his favourite places. His eyes roamed over you and your tight-fitting sport's attire. God, you looked good. He bent down and gave you a small kiss when you reached him. "I, uh, I thought I'd just show you around," he spoke uncertainly. Now that you were here, he felt kind of stupid for asking you to come with him. You brushed those thoughts away with a smile. "Show me around, darling."
You started with the lat pull-down machine, which you quite liked. It was easy to use and Kit explained it well. "Do you want to try heavier ?" he asked after you did three reps of ten with a weight you were comfortable with. "Yeah, I can give it a try," you smiled. He smiled proudly down at you and reached over you to change the weight. "Good girl," he hummed. You inhaled shakily, licking your lips before sucking your teeth. You blame your bad performance on the first pull-down on that praise. Kit knew this, of course, cheeky bastard, he just loved watching you get flustered.
You struggled through the next reps, but managed with Kit's encouragement. "C'mon, my love, you can do it." "I believe in you, you can take it." "Just one more, dove, then it's over !" Then Kit asked you if you wanted to go heavier. You said yes, of course. You could never say no to him. This time, though, when you went to pull the bar down, it stayed at the top. Your body, on the other hand, lifted up from the seat. Kit muffled his laughter in his fist while you giggled. "Stick your legs beneath the cylinders, luv,"
Now, as much as you loved having Kit explain everything to you and look incredibly good while doing it, what you loved even more was watching him work out. You couldn't think too long and hard about it, not in a place like the gym, but he looked nothing short of godly. His hair, slightly darker because of the sweat would fall into his eyes a bit, and sometimes he'd blow it away. His muscles would swell and go down. And you lived for those times when he'd let out a small huff of effort. It made you think of other times when he let out similar sounds. If you ever joined a gym, it would be this one, and you would know exactly why (spoiler : it wouldn't be to work out).
The next thing was RDLs. Kit had really gifted himself that one. Bottom lip stuck between his teeth, he watched you closely from behind as you bent down slowly before standing back up, keeping your back nice and straight. "Am I doing this right ?" you asked after a rep, "Kit ?" You turned around to find Kit almost entranced, staring at where your ass had been a second ago. His face reddened as you stared expectantly at him. "I, uh, no, that- that looked real good to me, y'know ?" He scratched the back of his neck. You nodded, running your tongue over your teeth as you laughed. "I'm sure it did look real good." Kit rolled his eyes and bumped your shoulder, going to get heavier weights.
You spotted a couple at the other side of the gym doing sit-ups facing each other, only they kissed each time they reached the top. You giggled, discreetly pointing them out to Kit, who bit back a laugh. "That's a bit much, innit ?" he asked quietly, preparing the station for your next and last exercise : hip thrusts. "Nooo," you shook your head, whispering, "you think ?" Kit laughed before slapping the ground next to a small bench. "Sit here," he instructed. He proceeded to explain in detail how to do a hip thrust, how to not hurt yourself while doing one and what its benefits were. He had you at "bigger ass", or "really works the gluteus maximus" as he has said.
You found that exercise pretty easy so Kit was adding weight on pretty soon. Turns out you were really good at hip thrusts. Even Kit was surprised at how much weight you could thrust. You liked doing them, too, they were fun. Kit had his turn after you and, your eyes trained on the section where the bar rested against his body, you were reminded of other situations where he got a similar workout. You fanned yourself, suddenly very warm. Kit finished his set and stood up, coming over to you.
"Y'alright, love ?" he asked, brows slightly furrowed as he stared down at you. He was close and nearly towered over you. "Y-yeah, just a bit hot," you grinned. Kit chuckled and pressed a kiss to your sweaty temple. "Let's go, I want you out of these clothes."
And out of your clothes he got you.
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octuscle · 6 months
Yet another Christmas wanting to fit in with my marine family. Me, the shaggy haired skinny twig nerd, surrounded for a week by people I can’t relate to. I wish I’d joined the Corps instead of running away to college. Please, support, can you transform me for good?
You need some rest and fresh air right now. You're especially sick and tired of your hollow-headed brothers. So you put your cap over your shaggy hair, put on the old army parker with the climate and peace movement patches and go outside. Your eldest brother follows you and asks if he can go with you. You smile painedly. And off you go. Of course he's wearing his running gear. And challenges you to a race down to the river. You, completely untrained and in normal street clothes against your super sporty brother in running shoes. Very fair. But suddenly ambition breaks out in you. You start to catch up with him. You overtake him. He gives it his all. But you win.
He is both leaning against the railing on the riverbank, breathing heavily. You take off your cap and wipe the sweat from your forehead. The long, sweaty hair of your fashionable undercut falls into your forehead. You take off your parker. Underneath is an Under Armour running jacket. Your brother gives you a fist bump, says he's proud of you and challenges you again. Not a sprint this time, but the big run. The ten miles to the war memorial and back again. Sure thing, Sergeant, you say with a grin, lace up your running shoes again and then you trot off. You are not men of big words. But you are brothers. You run in step. It's fucking cold. You have hoarfrost in your eyebrows and in your hair. The few hairs you have. Both of you have shaved sides and necks. You wear your top hair just a little bit longer. You don't talk much between you. But you start singing Christmas carols as marching songs.
When you come back, your other brothers and your father are already sitting by the fireplace in their blue dress uniforms. Your mother is in the kitchen and tells you to hurry up, they're about to toast the holidays with eggnog. Bloody sweet stuff. But it's a family tradition. And every form of tradition is sacred. Nevertheless, Christmas is no reason to forget your sense of duty. After dinner is ready, you make your way back to the gym. You don't want to go to bed with any calories converted into muscle mass.
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You could have bet that your brothers have noticed that you've left the house. No one is unobserved in your house. The military drill has shaped you all. And when one person goes to work out, everyone works out. Everything for the family and everything for the country!
I found the picture of you when you noticed your brothers entering the gym @militarymenrbomb
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
(reader and bkg are 18+)
stepson!bakugo would kiss stepmom!reader’s pussy each morning to wake her up 🥺👉👈
my first bakugou thirst!! ahhhhh so exciting, everything is under the cut <3
cw: stepcest, infidelity // 18+ mdni, fem!reader
it starts when his dad leaves for one of his many excruciatingly long business trips.
the house is big and fancy, but it also feels eerily empty because of it. the days are long, the nights even longer. inside it is just you and your hot-tempered stepson, who you have no clue how to handle, because you're only a couple of years older than him anyway; it's obvious that he isn't going to see you as an authoritative figure when you could easily be mistaken for his girlfriend instead of his mother more often than not.
that fact just causes tension and makes him act awkward around you, which he hates. makes him avoid you like the plague because of it, too. and it's tiring: living like this. constantly walking on eggshells and hoping for the best, while there's nobody in your corner to pat you on the back.
so you try to build a sturdier relationship with him as you have nothing better to do anyway. you cook dinner - even though he comments it always lacks certain spices - and you clean and make sure his clothes are always fresh out of the laundry, even though he insists that he can do it himself. you try to play video games with him and ask him what book he's reading, at which he blushes and mutters something about you not liking it anyway. you tell him to have a good day whenever he goes out to go to the gym, and you always make sure he has plenty to drink and eat after he comes home red in the face from his workout and every inch of him is covered in sweat.
you even watch movies with him every other evening. he's quiet during most of them, sitting a reasonable distance away from you on the couch; his eyes barely open by the time it strikes ten o'clock. it's almost silly: the way you feel the need to drape a blanket over him later and place a quick peck onto the top of his head. you doubt he'd appreciate it, he sleeps through it all anyway, but you swear that you see his eyelids twitch from time to time and his lips curl.
and all of that works. with every dinner, he speaks more and starts giving little, grumpy compliments to your cooking. with every movie, you get more comfortable around each other. you sit closer together. chat a bit. he even smiles now sometimes, especially when you rest your head against his shoulder as you both pass out before most of the movies you're watching even hint at rolling the credits.
and when you wake up one night, you realize you've somehow ended up entwining together. limbs tangled, bodies pressed close. your spine to his chest, his arm is heavy as it drapes over your middle; his breath calm and even whilst tickling the back of your neck.
you can feel the ridge of his cock. it's snug between your thighs.
your instant reaction is to pull away, but then you realize how warm he is. how sweet he smells. how good it feels to be touched and not feel as alone. the house is still big, but now he's here with you.
so you stay put. do the same thing a couple of more times. you never talk about it, but it becomes a routine of sorts. a one strong enough that it feels like something is lacking if he's not there; sleeping with you. so you invite him to watch movies in your bed instead. pretend it's because your back hurts because of the couch, even though you know your acting sucks - you can see the upwards twitch of his lips as he acknowledges your fidgeting and badly sold lies.
and yet, katsuki still ends up complying. he warms your bed and keeps you company. pulls you real close and strokes you all over the places he thinks need to be stroked by a man's hand to make a woman like you not feel as alone. he gets more daring each time, treading that thin line of moral reasoning he shouldn't be crossing because you let him do it, of course you do.
he doesn't know why he does it. he's a smart boy - too smart for his own good - but it's just that seeing you so out of focus and distraught makes him pity you and turns him sad. he's become fond of you and wants you to feel good, and yet you're always so lost in your thoughts; every sentence starting with a "hm?" and a "huh?" while your eyes are practically glued to your phone, making sure his dad is doing all right. he can't help it, the little pout on your face makes him feel almost obligated to make sure you never feel as lonely again.
so it's not even a surprise when his head ends up between your legs one morning. it's just so easy, after all. so simple to crawl under your skin when you're vulnerable and longing to be touched. a rather quick fix that will surely cheer you up.
and it does. he makes you feel so much better when the flat of his tongue traces your sticky slit. when the tip of his nose nudges your clit and he makes you tug on his hair in response and squirm. before you know it, your soft moans are bouncing off the walls of the very room you share more with your stepson than your husband now; making you sound like the little bimbo wifey you fit the part of so well.
he makes you twitch in your still half-asleep state; stirring you awake by the time his thick fingers start pushing into you, pumping and coating his knuckles with your milky slick. his cheeks tinted a soft pink, he lazily begins to flick your clit with the tip of his tongue, all expert and languid before sucking it into his warm mouth.
and you know that you shouldn't be doing this, that it's so, so wrong, but everything is so slow, and delicate, and eventful. he's here for you and you're still soft and pliant from sleep - warm. you feel good for a change and taken care of. especially when he moves lower to spoil your tiny hole even more by using his mouth and not just his fingers. and instead of telling him no, to stop and leave; your hips raise, back arching so that you can make the job easier for him.
because that's what good mommies do, right?
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engeorged · 1 year
Dear Alex
Dear Alex,
I can’t really remember how many times I’ve started writing this letter and how many times I’ve thrown it in the bin. It’s a really shitty way of doing this but I just don’t think I can tell you any of this to your face. I’m too embarrassed. It all started as a prank, a way to level the tables with the both of us. I meant to tell you sooner but I guess it got out of hand and here we are. I’m gonna have to start at the beginning I think. You’ll know all of this, just not my side of it I guess.
After university when we moved in together I wasn’t sure we’d last as room mates for more than a few months but it was so easy hanging out with you and we were both the same level of untidy so we didn’t piss each other off. We did have those tricky few weeks a few years back when we dated the same guy without realising but he turned into the biggest ballsack on the planet so it wasn’t hard to get over that!
I’m only mentioning that because that’s not the reason I got you fat. It wasn’t revenge for anything. I don’t fully remember the original reason to be completely honest, it wasn’t really a thought through thing, it just sort of happened. And yeah I know I just threw that it there. I got you fat. I mean you definitely played your part in it but I really messed with you man and I’m sorry.
It was innocent at first, I noticed when you started your new job and you were tired all the time, you started going to the gym less. I think it was when we were decorating the kitchen one weekend and you were painting the ceiling, I saw your rounded little pot belly when you were reaching up. All those late night take aways and evenings sat in front of the tv watching the football were taking their toll. Your flat muscled six pack was disappearing. It instantly filled me with hope. You had a flaw I could exploit!
It pains me to say this but of the two of us, you’d always been the hot one. Don’t get me wrong, on my own, I’m not bad looking. In fact if someone asked me I’d probably say I was a nine, it’s just that next to you, I’m a seven at best. Your blonde hair and permanently tanned skin made you the hottest guy in most rooms. All 6’5 of you was built like a cartoon of a rugby player which made it even worse! You’re a solid ten man and you always have been. I don’t think I realised how jealous I was until I saw you had a flaw. That solid curved furry belly I glimpsed gave me the seed of an idea. If you were fatter, it might even the playing field. I’m not proud of this, I just think you’d reserve the truth.
It started gently at first, I’d make twice the amount of food I’d normally make when it was my turn to cook. I’d pack the fridge with snacks and unhealthy things for you to pick at. I’d hand you beers when we were watching the game. You were so zoned into the match you never noticed me topping up your snacks or replacing the bud lights with full fat beers. Over a few months I watched as your little curve turned into a more substantial beer belly. And fuck you if it wasn’t the most perfect beer belly I’d ever seen. I was hoping it would make you less hot but turned out it made you hotter. Instead of a flabby pimply gut covered in stretch marks, you developed a firm round belly with perfect skin and even kept your Adonis belt. That’s when it got serious.
The first thing was gainer shakes. I started sprinkling gainer powder in everything, adding it to every meal or sauce I could dissolve it into. Everything I cooked for you was loaded with butter and ghee to double the calorie count. I found larger versions of our plates so that I could increase your portion sizes without you realising. I even started buying your clothes a size up and replacing the labels so you wouldn't realise. I was literally feeding you up like a fattened calf. And boy did you balloon. The first phase was months long and you gained 20/30lbs but this second phase was like you were being filled with an air pump. I can’t really believe I could do this to someone, especially someone who I would call my best friend.
It all came to a head yesterday when I crossed the line big time. That’s why I’m writing this letter now and actually sending it. I can hear you now snoring from your bedroom. Sleeping off the mammoth meal I stuffed into you across the evening. I’ve been awake all night and I keep going in to check on you to make sure you’re still breathing. I can’t believe you ate as much as you did and I can’t believe I pushed you into doing it.
I was only planning on slipping you a few of the tablets I found online. They were definitely safe and I want you to know I checked them and double checked them to make sure they were ok for human consumption. I guess that gives away the fact that they were actually for animals. I think they are used by wagyu beef farmers to get cows fattened up before they are butchered. They are supposed to increase appetite and metabolism. I popped two in your beer before the game and started my usual sneaky increase in your snacks. It wasn’t hard as you always put a lot away when our team is winning and they were three goals up by half time. I think at that point you’d eaten two bowls of Doritos and dip, a plate of sliders and a whole pan of chilli which I think would have served 8 comfortably. That was on top of the best of a crate of twelve beers. Your belly was swollen up to it’s usual bulging mass and you were already rubbing the sides to alleviate some pressure. I should have stopped there but I couldn’t help myself. I slipped you another few of the tablets. I guess in hindsight, the first two hadn’t properly kicked in at that point which meant that by the time the second half had started they were in full force. I couldn’t keep up with the snacks and you’d pretty much polished off the lot by the time the match had ended.
For the record it was your idea to order pizza. Your belly at that point was totally rounded out and your T-shirt was stretched over it’s taut surface. I guess you were pretty buzzed because you ordered four xl meat feasts. I didn’t really have any choice but to let it happen. And you might not remember any of this but you basically inhaled the first two. By that point you were fully maxed out. Your belly was tight and even the xxxl T-shirt you were wearing (that you thought was an xl) was beginning to show a few inches of your swollen belly. You could hardly move and I felt awful. Well that’s not totally true. I was actually pretty pleased at the state of you. My plan after all was to make you gain a few pounds so I’d be hotter than you and you’d basically blimped.
Anyway, what happened next I am truly ashamed about. You were laying there on the sofa clutching at your belly. The tablets clearly convincing your brain you were still starving, even thought your belly was basically an exercise ball now. And you were just moaning with the two pizzas next to you. And that’s when I snapped. I jumped up and shoved a whole slice into your mouth. You gaged but then after a few chews swallowed it right down. Slice by slice I pushed the remaining two huge pizzas down your throat. I could literally see your belly blowing up in front of me. When eventually I reached into the box for the next piece and found nothing, I realised what I’d done. I stepped back and looked at you. Spread eagle on the sofa, your belly sticking way up and round. Covered in sweat and grease. It’s as if I stepped out of my own body and realised what I had done to you. You were fucking huge man.
I left the room and went to my own to consider what to do next. I was half appalled and half in awe at the size of you man. When I came in half an hour later you were fast asleep and snoring like a pig, your gut still very much occupying its space. Guiltily, I managed to get you into your bed and laid you on your back so your belly could reach its full swell. I pulled your belt off so your stomach wasn’t under any pressure. I didn’t want you to pop or anything.
As I said I know our friendship is probably over but I want you to know I’m truly sorry. I took this way too far and I regret it. I’m happy for you to do what you need to do, and if that’s punch me in the face then so be it. I hope that in a few weeks you’ll be able to forgive me but if not then I understand and I will move out if that’s what you want.
In the spirit of fully disclosure, I want you to know that even though you’re maybe 100lbs fatter than you were, I still think you’re a ten. In fact if I’m really honest, I think you might even be hotter than that. Your belly last night was horrifying but also strangely attractive. The firm roundness of it and knowing how much food I’d crammed in there was actually quite erotic. Sorry if that’s tmi but I think I wanted you to have the whole truth. I have a small suspicion that you’ve actually enjoyed getting bigger and if that’s wrong then I’m sorry for presuming. But I actually wonder how big we could get that thing.
Let me know what I can do to make it up to you, or if I’m right and you wanna continue.
Yours apologetically (and hopefully)
Continued at Dear Nate
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love-hatred-stuff · 1 year
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》 hey, hi~ here's a draft that I wrote instead of continuing other fics that I wanted to write, lmao I hate myself :')
》 Eddie Brock(Venom) x (f)Reader
⚠ a little warning; age gap (10y), daddy issues here we goooo, just a tiny bit spice and some sprinkle de dinkle ★angst★
Eddie hadn't had sex in what felt like centuries. Actually just one or two years but who's counting when all he can do is use his hand and Venom mostly doesn't even let him finish. That monster doesn't give shit about it, he claims that Eddie wouldn't need it. He needs food and water but not a jerk off.
Well if he knew why he'd been going on it so much lately, maybe Venom would let him, but he's not ready to give that up yet. It's probably the only thing about Eddie, Venom hasn't completely figured out yet.
It was you. You were the reason he was slowly but surely losing the mind he shared with the compatible slimy alien inside of him.
"Eddie thanks for checking, but I can manage." You told him on the other line of the phone.
Eddie just wanted to help you pack and carry your things since you were moving to another apartment. You've been able to get promoted again and now you were at the very top of the not even so small company you've been working at for about five years now. You could say you were pretty good at your job.
"I habe plenty of strong people here, helping me out. I don't even have to carry anything, I just decide were the furniture and boxes are getting placed. You don't need to worry, darling."
Eddie had a smirk dancing on his lips. You knew he could do everything they were doing, at least twice as fast.
"I should come over later then. I'll bring dinner." He suggested.
"Great idea. But don't let Venom choose take out again, please Eddie." Ugh the way you were saying his name made his brain go blank and suddenly Venom was hyperaware of what was going on.
"Promise. See ya." He immediately ended the call, leaving you a little confused. Ed could sense what Venom felt, just beneath the surface.
"Holy Shit!!!" Venom growled.
"You kidding me? She's the reason you've been going to the gym and eating healthy now? Why you've been completely desperate to stroke your dumbass dick?" Then he laughed. Finding it hilarious that Eddie was in love again. After his last woman, Anne, he'd been taking a while to open up again. Actually he didn't talk to any other woman besides you.
The thing was just, that you were ten years younger than him and he'd practically seen you grow up. Of course he never saw you the way he does now, back then. But it was quite bad how hard he had fallen for you in the last few months.
"I KNOW! She's too young for me. I'll keep my distance, okay? It wasn’t my intention to develop feelings." He tried defending himself.
"As if I cared, you nasty human. Get you dick wet if that's what you need." The symbiot snarled.
Eddie was surprised, to say the least.
"You're not gonna disturb us?" He asked in suspicion.
"Thought you wanted to keep your distance? Not anymore? Kidding. Do what you gotta do. Since you're my host I gotta let you have at least one thing."
"That'd be great." He smiled to himself.
"Now get your ass up at get her something nice, if you wanna get inside her pants."
"I don't wanna get inside her pants! Well- maybe a little, but I care about her more than that."
Eddie sensed, by Venom's silence, that he doesn't wanna get involved in his love life any further. Although he couldn't blame Eddie, you were gorgeous little human. A young one at that.
So he showered and grabbed his keys, so he could get dinner and some flowers. He was a little nervous buying these, because he knew that would be the first romantic move he's ever made on you. You probably only saw him as like an uncle or something, nothing more. Knowing his luck, he didn't even expect you to like him back.
He would know soon.
Well, but who knew, he's gonna find himself underneath you instead?
Eddie was sitting on the couch, the only thing that wasn't completely packed with stuff and boxes. You were straddling him, taking his breath away with the way you moved your skilled tounge against his. He was a little hesitant though, barely touching your hips with his hands because he didn't know were to put them. He wanted so badly to grip your sides tight and push you closer against his crotch.
But he was unsure. Even though you clearly gave him all the signs that you wanted this, he felt like he was using you. Venom's earlier words spiralling in his mind; '-if you wanna get inside her pants.' No! He didn't! He wanted so much more than that. So it felt wrong to just jump you the moment you said you liked him back- well you didn't really say anything, you just smiled to yourself as you accepted his flowers and began to stalk towards him, until this moment, where you plastered him with marks and kisses.
Despite all those doubts, he felt heavenly, holding most of his sounds back, almost impossible. You were a woman with so many strengths, kissing and grinding being apparently one of them. Glad, he found out.
He only realised seconds later that you'd stopped and were looking straight at him.
"What's wrong?" Your worried look scratched at his heart instantly.
"Nothing." He lied.
He was a good liar. But you weren't buying it, you knew him well enough.
"You don't want this? You should've said so, Brock."
Ugh, another pang shooting through him stronger than he'd expected. The usage of his last name? Nah. You only did that when you were seconds away from switching your emotions. You were gonna tell him to piss off and stay away from you, until you forgave him, unless he would tell you the truth right f*cking now. He knew because he'd disappointed you once before. That was a complete different scenario, and now you felt personally attacked. He could feel it, even Venom could.
"No! I really really want this! Or else I wouldn't have told you what I did earlier. It's just, that it feels wrong touching you, with my hands."
Oh. No.
He just made it worse, didn't he? Judging by the way your face went blank, his speech definitely went sideways.
"Get lost." You were pointing to your door with your finger, giving him a stern look.
He felt like a little scared kid again, being scolded by his mom. Only ten times worse.
"What? No! I'm saying this because I'm so much older than you, y/n! I swear on my mother and the symbiot living inside of me that I've been craving you for the longest time now. I love you, god damn it! But I shouldn't and I know that, alright? But I can't help it. I'm sorry if I send you the wrong signals. I'm just worried that people will take you away from me, because of that." Eddie stood up and slowly walked towards you, trying to not make you even more uncomfortable than he already had.
You looked a little more relaxed now though.
"So you denied me because you feel a little perverted? God, Eddie you're not a grandpa and I'm a grown woman with a good life ahead of her. Do you think I would throw that away for a forbidden romance? You and I are perfectly okay to be with each other. Nothing's gonna happen, it's only ten years, Brock." Eddie flinched again at the end. Seemed like he had to soothe you a little more.
"Could you please stop addressing me with my last name, it scares me a little. I get it now. I'm sorry for worrying so much, sweetness." Eddie gently touched your cheek, caressing it and putting a strand of hair behind you ear.
"You have a lot of making up to do, you grandpa." You glanced up at him, allowing a tiny smile to dance on your cherry lips.
To be continued...?
Love, love, love
~ love-hatred-stuff ♡
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
Actually I do think that it's super important to talk about the fact that cutting 500 calories a day for a 1lb a week weight loss is considered "slow" or "moderate" weight loss.
*IF* you can sustain that for a year that is a 52 pound loss in a year, which is pretty fucking fast, actually, but people act like you're a hopeless defeatist if you start talking about weight loss in terms of 1 pound a month because people want *results* but if you're talking about being able to sustain weight loss (which some people just straight up cannot for a variety of reasons and is not reasonable to *expect* everybody to be able to do) then it's kind of fucking bonkers that doctors and the American heart association and diabetes infographics and whatever talk about doing the kinds of diets that typically only last 3-6 months (12-26 pounds at a pound a week) and expect people to maintain those losses.
When you talk to doctors it is extremely reasonable to say "okay, and how, specifically, should I do that?" when they say to lose twenty pounds, but what is ALSO a very reasonable question that I never see brought up is "okay, by when?" and if they say "within the next year" it's also perfectly reasonable to say "why does it have to be in that time period?" Because if we're talking about the benefits of a 5% weight loss for reducing the weight-associated risks of heart disease or diabetes, then losing that weight over five years instead of over six months should be as effective, and is much more likely to be a lasting change instead of something that kicks off a bunch of weight cycling (which has its own terrible side effects that are bad for you).
There are some people for whom, for a number of reasons, it is impossible or near impossible to lose weight in the long term. It is possible for most people to lose weight in the short term, with a significant amount of effort. Maintaining long-term weight loss is exceptionally difficult and it seems like it's not feasible for large numbers of people, and I can't help but wonder if that's because what we're considering 'long term' really isn't long term at all.
If you've spent time around people trying to put on muscle you'll see something that I think is actually a more reasonable approach to long-term body changes, and that is recognition of the fact that you can only put on a (relatively) tiny amount of muscle in a year. For most people who have been training for any length of time, it's between 5-7 pounds and it gets harder to put on more the longer you've trained. Lifters and bodybuilders who recognize this and still want to put on muscle understand that they are in for an extremely long-term project that they have to intentionally maintain and put a lot of effort toward.
I want you to think about anyone you know who is a serious gym rat. I want you to think about how many hours a week they spend in the gym, and what they're giving up in exchange for that time. I want you to think about how much they spend on equipment and gym memberships and protein powder and first aid and very specific foods. If you know someone who's a very serious gym rat, you probably think they're a little unreasonable, that that's too much effort to put into looking good in a tank top.
But that's pretty analogous to the kind of effort, planning, and expense that needs to be put into maintaining a long term weight loss. And that effort needs to be put in forever - no matter if you're having kids or your partner is hospitalized or if your financial situation changes or if you are permanently injured, just like a bodybuilder can't expect to keep their gains if they're suddenly spending ten hours a week at the hospital instead of the gym.
I mean, people talk about weight loss and they get angry when you bring up the statistical failure of things like Weight Watchers or if you discuss how destructive dieting can be and they go "so, what, are you saying it's impossible to lose weight?" And the answer is, no, not for everyone.
It is possible for most people to lose weight. Just like it's possible for most people to become competitive bodybuilders. But we frame "mid-30s mother with two kids and a long commute and a full time job needs to lose 10 pounds and keep if off" as a task with a difficulty curve similar to learning how to cook a few crockpot meals, not similar to becoming a competitive bodybuilder.
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avatarrecom · 9 months
Sorry that I hit you, I actually love you
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Avatar!reader
Word count: 6.5k
A/N: This is the longest I've ever written lol. This story is sort of a little gift to @whxre-bxby, because I absolutely love their writing and it inspired me to write this story. I also totally did not want to write an enemies to lovers because I wanted to use the tag #foes to bro's to hoes.
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There's one reason you came to Pandora. Only one simple reason. To make the people responsible for your brother's death pay. All you have is his name, the name of the man who killed your brother by ordering his helicopter to be shot down. Miles Quaritch. You will break him and everyone he cares about. You don't know how, but you will. get. revenge.
Your brother, Timmy, may he rest in peace, was fourteen years older than you and raised you from the moment you took your first breath. Your parents were even more useless than water was useless to a dead plant. Day in and day out, they were more concerned with getting high than with the two children they forgot they had. When you were four, your brother managed to become your guardian. You moved into the shitty little apartment that was the only one he could afford. Your brother insisted that you get the only bedroom. “Little girls need their own room, Butterfly,” he said before turning the old sagging couch into something that would resemble a bed.
The next few years consisted of school for you, a nine to five job for your brother and evening classes on top of that. After six years, your brother had completed his mechanical engineering degree. Shortly afterwards he told you that he had been offered a military engineer and helicopter pilot position by the RDA. But, for this he would have to go to Pandora. He told you that if he did this he would go to Pandora, his salary would be sent to you and the RDA would get you a caregiver.
And so, when you were only ten years old, he pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose, and left for Pandora. He left you in the care of a wonderful old woman, Helen, who helped you follow your dream of becoming an Avatar Driver. But after less than half a year, you received news that your brother was dead. According to the RDA report, your brother betrayed his own race by helping his fellow pilot, Trudy, free prisoners and fight the RDA. You were devastated. Your only family was gone. The RDA tried to send you to an orphanage. But Helen refused to let you go. Finally, the RDA gave up and let you stay with her. You still followed your dream of becoming an Avatar driver.
Now, sixteen years after your brother's death, you have finally arrived on Pandora.
And oh man, was it a shock when you arrived and found out you were joining the squad of the man who killed your brother. You didn't expect it to be this easy. You were supposed to meet him and his squad in your Avatar body. By now you were used to being ten feet tall, having a tail and having better hearing, sight and smell.
After changing into cargo shorts and a sports bra, you make your way to the 'Recombinant' quarters. You will find your new squad in the gym, training. You immediately spot the person you are here for. Miles Quaritch. He lies on his back on a bench and pushes the heavy weights above him. A bald man stands by his head, hands ready to take over the weights if it gets too heavy. Your gaze shifts to the other blue bodies and everyone is focused on their exercises. You see a woman with corn braids and a headband curling a dumbbell while she talks to a woman with a mohawk who is doing push-ups. To your right, you see a man wearing a bandana sparring with a man covered in tattoos. In the corner of the room, three men are doing pull-ups on the bars hanging between the walls. And finally a man wearing sunglasses 'who the hell wears sunglasses indoors' is running on a treadmill.
No one notices you because of the loud music coming from the speakers, so you knock loudly on the door behind you. Several eyes shoot your way. You feel uncomfortable with all the attention on you. "And who might you be," purrs Quaritch with a nasty grin. “Y/N,” you answer, trying not to lose your temper. Nothing could have prepared you to come face to face with your brother's killer.
Quaritch's eyes widen in realization. "You're the new addition to the squad." You nod stiffly and clasp your hands behind your back. The bald man lets out a loud laugh. "Relax, beautiful, we don't bite." The woman with the dumbbell hits him on the head and says something about men and testosterone to the other woman, who laughs in response.
Quaritch walks towards you, his posture commanding respect and obedience. "Colonel Miles Quaritch," he holds out his hand, "Pleasure to have you." You force a bitter smile and shake his hand. “I wish I could say the same.” You see everyone looking at you in shock. You give them an icy look.
Quaritch's stupid grin only widens as he takes you in. "I see, you're one of those." “One of those what,” you snap. "It doesn't matter, we'll break that behavior out of you." He steps aside and you roll your eyes so he doesn't see it. “So Y/N, meet the squad,” He gestures to the others. "The bald one is my second, Corporal Lyle Wainfleet." Lyle and the two women look at you with an almost disgusted look. "The two ladies are Walker and Z-dog."
Quaritch gestured to the men sparring before your entrance, “That's Prager and Lopez.” Bandana looks at you suspiciously and the tattooed one looks at you with a feral grin that makes him look like one of those hyenas from the Lion King. “Brown, Ja and Fike are at the bars and that's Mansk,” Quaritch finishes. "Come on guys, meet our new victim."
Quaritch gestured to the men sparring before your entrance, “That's Prager and Lopez.” One looks suspiciously and the other looks at you with a feral grin that makes him look like one of those hyenas from the Lion King. “Brown, Ja and Fike are at the bars and that's Mansk,” Quaritch finishes. "Come on guys, meet our new victim." With that he walks out of the gym. You stare hatefully at his retreating back. When he's out of sight and you turn your attention back to the rest of your squad, you see them staring at you with equal hatred.
“So,” Lyle begins, “what the hell is your problem.” “That ain't your damn business,” you reply. Lyle grins at his friends. “Women shouldn't curse,” says the tattooed man with a shit-eating grin. You roll your eyes, “Get fucked.” He blinks in surprise, but doesn't answer. You turn your back to the group and walk out of the gym.
The next few weeks were absolute hell for you. You were trained as a medic in addition to your Avatar training. You had absolutely no experience in hand to hand combat and weapons. It didn't help that your squad took pleasure in seeing you suffer. Quaritch forced you to do five hundred push-ups every morning, to run for at least an hour, and many other exercises that completely exhausted you. In the afternoon the squad would take you around and kick your ass in hand-to-hand combat. After a few days you were already covered in bruises. You already had a bruised ankle and you had muscle pain in muscles you didn't even know existed.
And of course the favorite passage of time outside of training was to make your life miserable. You lost count of how many times they 'accidentally' slammed you into the wall, how many times they 'accidentally' stepped on your tail and 'accidentally' stepped on your ankles, especially your bruised ankle. They threw the most uncreative insults at you. You simply ignored them and continued to perfect your revenge plan.
About three months after you met and three months of absolute hell, you walked to the cafeteria in your 'human body'. You were so deep in thought that you didn't realize you were bumping into someone. To be specific, a ten foot tall and blue, someone. “Oh shit, sorry,” you heard someone say as a blue hand held your arm so you could regain your balance. You look up and see that Brown was holding your arm. He tilts his head and looks at you confused. "Have we met yet? You look familiar, beautiful." Your other tormentors watch you with interest, you shiver as they sweep their gazes over your body, and you don't shiver in a good way, the way that makes you feel the heat in your core. "Wait, I know you, you're the girl of my dreams!"
You jerk your arm from his grip and scoff, “that's funny, because this feels like my nightmare.” Immediately the eyes of the blue creatures in front of you darken. “Wait, Y/N?!” Walker says in surprise. You roll your eyes and nod. Everyone's eyes widen in shock. Just as you're about to walk away, you hear Lyle, "Y/N, wait." Normally you would have just kept walking, but something in his voice catches your attention. You sigh and turn back to the Recoms, who are studying you in shock. “What,” you snap.
"Timmy was your brother," Z-dog says breathlessly. You detect a slight tremor in her voice, but pay it no mind as the rage takes over your body. “Don't say his name,” you snarl between clenched teeth. “Don't you dare ever say his name,” everything you're feeling right now is the most intense you've ever felt. Your anger is mixed with grief and sadness. You don't even realize that tears are streaming down your face. "He is dead!" you shout, unable to keep your pent-up emotions in check. "And it's all your fault!" "What's going on here," you hear an angry voice command.
In your anger you turn to the colonel, who stops slightly in his steps, thrown off by the angry tears on your face. You vaguely hear someone in the background saying that Timmy was your brother. "DON'T SAY HIS NAME!" you roar. “HE IS DEAD, HE WAS MY ONLY FAMILY, THE ONLY ONE WHO CARED ABOUT ME AND HE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!” You break more and more with every word.
Before anyone can say anything else, you storm off. Luckily no one comes after you. After rushing into your room, you collapse against the wall, exhausted. You shouldn't have gone to the cafeteria in your human body. You should have stayed in your Avatar body, then they would never have realized who you really were. Shit, if you take revenge now, they'll immediately suspect you after your public emotional explosion in the hallway. You drop your head into your hands and sigh. Then you fall asleep on the floor, completely exhausted from the recent events.
When you wake up, you are determined to continue with your plan. It doesn't matter if they actually knew your brother personally, he was your brother and he's dead because of them.
You manage to avoid your squad for a few days. You skip the daily training and don't answer when one of them comes knocking on your door. That surprises you, you expected them to be happy to be rid of you temporarily. But then again, they probably have Quaritch's orders to convince you to act like nothing's wrong. They would probably be in trouble if the bigwigs found out that they were the ones who kept damaging your Avatar body.
After about a week you appeared back in the gym in your Avatar body. The Recoms look at you without the usual hatred in their eyes. “Y/N, how nice that you're joining us, not so nice that you're a week late,” Quaritch speaks and he too looks at you without the usual hatred. You roll your eyes, “Come on, who wants to go first,” you challenge, eager to let your energy out, preferably on something that could hurt the Recoms.
Brown steps forward. You wrap your hands and walk to the mat, Brown on your heels. When Quaritch gives the signal that you can start, you jump into action. You deliver several quick punches to Brown’s vulnerable spots. Normally he would have already blocked them and thrown you onto your back, pressing his weight on your throat with his knee. Normally he wouldn't remove his knee, even if, according to the rules, you tapped the mat three times because you couldn't breathe. Normally he would only remove his knee from your throat when you almost faint from the lack of oxygen.
But this time it's different. He lets you hit him, does the minimum to block you. This only makes you angry. "Come on, fight back!" you shout. He doesn't show that he heard you, he just keeps avoiding you and doesn't do anything to fight back. "Come on! Do something!" you shout again.
Your emotions completely overwhelm you, you don't understand anything anymore. At first they looked at you with hatred and did their best to make your life a living hell, which isn't that strange since you were a bitch. Then they find out who your brother was and suddenly they look at you with sadness and pity and they are reserved, as if they didn't want to torment you anymore. As if the fact that Timmy was your brother suddenly changed everything.
With every punch you get angrier and angrier. Suddenly you see red and you snap. You get so angry that you grab Brown by the base of his queue, pull him down and slam your knee into his face. You feel his nose break and you faintly hear Quaritch yelling in the background for you to stop. It's like you're underwater, everything is muffled and you can't stop. You hit harder and harder. Brown leans on his knees and tries to block you as much as possible while also trying to stop his bleeding nose.
You feel someone wrap their arms around your waist and pull you away from Brown. You continue to fight and struggle to get out of the grip on your waist. Ja is seen kneeling in front of Brown and taking off his t-shirt to gently press it against his nose, hoping to slow the bleeding. The person with his arms around your waist roughly throws you to the ground, you land wrongly on your newly healed ankle and fall to the ground. You hold your ankle with your jaw clenched.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?!” Quaritch sneers. Before you can answer he continues, his voice louder with each word. "Stop your pathetic crying and get out of my sight!" You rub your cheeks and find that they are damp, you didn't even realize you were crying. You carefully stand up, careful not to put too much weight on your probably bruised ankle again. You look at the others and see that they are looking at you with anger and sadness. Just before you walk out the door you hear Quaritch coldly say, "If you know what's good for you, you won't come back until I say so." With one last look at the bleeding Brown, you walk out the door.
You stumble back to the Avatar's quarters and you sink onto your Avatar's bed and close your eyes. When you open your eyes again, you are lying in the link bed. The moment the bed opens, you quickly get up and forget about your bruised ankle. For the second time today your ankle collapses. The scientists look at you, but do nothing to help you. You manage to pull yourself up and limp out of the lab. Every scientist you walk past looks at you with disgust.
The nerds refuse to help you. After yet another injury, they gave up and left you to your fate. "Good," you think bitterly, "I don't need those know-it-alls, I can take care of myself." But deep down you know that's not true, right now you need your brother more than you ever needed him after he passed away.
You manage to avoid the busy hallways, limping to your room. The moment the door closes behind you you start screaming. You blindly grab the first object you feel, your favorite mug, and throw it across the room against the wall. Then you throw the next object, the book you were reading. You almost destroy your entire room and you keep screaming until your throat is so raw that no sound comes out. You don't even realize how much time has passed.
You grab another object and want to throw it against the wall when you see what it is. A photo frame with a photo of you and your brother. God, you seemed so happy then, together in your own little world. You hug the picture frame close to your chest and sink along the wall to the floor, crying. All the grief you have built up in you over the past few years is finally coming out.
It's already dark outside when your door opens. You start telling whoever it is to fuck off, but no sound comes out of your throat. You're so tired and in so much pain that you don't have the energy to do anything about the unwanted person who comes into your room. All you can do is stare blankly into space as the tears continue to flow.
You faintly hear footsteps in your room and out of the corner of your eye you see a large blue figure crouching on the floor next to you. You feel yourself being pulled into someone's blue arms, but you don't have the energy to protest, you barely have the energy to move your eyes. The blue arms gently lay you down on your bed. Through your blurred eyes you vaguely recognize Yes. Past him you'll see Walker and Mansk trying to salvage some of your destroyed room. Then Lopez walks in, pausing in shock when he sees the state of your room. His eyes land on Ja and your exhausted form. He approaches the two of you carefully and hands Ja a white box with a red cross.
You vaguely realize that Ja is putting ice on your ankle, that he is using an alcohol wipe to clean the wounds that you didn't even realize you had. He grabs a pair of tweezers and starts removing the pieces of glass from your wounds. You feel so numb that you don't even feel the pain. The mattress moves and you see Prager sit on the edge of your bed.
He waits until Ja has cleaned and bandaged your hands before handing you a steaming mug. "It's chamomile tea with honey. It's soothing and will help with your sore throat." When you don't respond and just stare blankly at him, he puts the mug on the nightstand next to your bed.
You don't react yet until you see Ja with a syringe in his hands. You start to struggle and try to scream, but only a rasp comes from your throat. "Hey, hey, calm down." Ja holds his hands up. You curl up on your bed in the corner of your room, wide-eyed, shaking and ignoring the blood through the bandages. “Hey, read the name of the drug,” Ja says calmly and holds the bottle out to you. You relax slightly when you see that it is a sedative.
Yes, he brings the syringe with the drug to your arm and if you don't protest, he pushes the needle into your arm and allows the drug to flow into your system. Your eyes become heavy and you fall into a dreamless sleep.
When you wake up again it is still dark outside. You roll your head to the side and see part of your squad, or it's probably your old squad by now, sitting in various places on the floor in your room. A painful, rough growl erupts from your throat as you feel blades shooting through your skull with the movement of your head. Immediately seven heads shoot towards your weak form.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" you hear Ja ask softly. You try to answer, but your throat is so dry that no words come out. Prager offers you the still steaming cup of tea, you sit up a little and take it gratefully. The first sip immediately soothes your sore throat. You look at Ja and say a soft "Okay." Ja sighs in relief and runs a tired hand through his hair.
"What time is it?" you ask softly. Prager looks at his watch, "zero three hundred." ‘Did I sleep that short?’ you think to yourself 'I feel like I've been hibernating.' Prager sees your questioning look and informs you that your training session and outburst was the day before yesterday and that you slept for over twenty-four hours. In the meantime, Ja has taken care of all your injuries, both your bruised ankle, which was completely swollen and blue because you didn't treat it right away and put too much strain on it during your outburst, and all the wounds from broken glass. Apparently you sat with your thigh in a pile of glass, which is how you got a large wound on your leg.
Z-dog, Walker, Mansk, Fike and Lopez cleaned up your room as much as possible and they even had to scrub blood from the floor, walls and furniture. They threw away all the broken items and even replaced some broken items. On the small counter you see your favorite mug, the one that was the first thing you broke. Lopez says that he and Fike did their best to glue it together as best they could, but it's not how it once was.
Apparently Prager didn't help clean up and just sat by your bed. He only got up to make you a new cup of chamomile tea with honey every time the tea started to get lukewarm, so that when you woke up you could immediately drink the warm tea if you wanted. According to Walker, he made dozens of cups of tea.
There is an awkward silence. “We have something to tell you,” Prager begins. The others move closer until they sit in a semicircle around your bed. You look at them questioningly and suspiciously. “We knew your brother,” Fike mutters under his breath. Lopez jabs him hard in the side and tells him to shut up. You try to sit upright as much as possible. "What?" you rasp.
Walker reaches out to you, as if to reassure you, but her hand stops in mid-air. Finally, she places her hand next to you on the bed, palm up, as if offering for you to take her hand if you want, if you need it. "It's true, we knew him," she says softly, "we knew him one day..." she trails off a bit and looks at the others uncertainly. “We knew him on a very, very personal level,” Ja continued.
You look at everyone in confusion. The Recoms see your confused look, but don't know how to respond. "We loved him," Ja said uncertainly. Your eyes start to water again, but you wipe them away roughly, you've cried enough. “What do you mean, you guys loved him,” you demand. Yes sigh, "we met him when he arrived on Pandora, he joined our squad as an engineer and Marine." You feel a pressure in your chest and you realize that you have replaced your brother in the squad.
"It didn't take long for us all to fall in love with him," Prager explains further and the others nod in agreement, "Miles, Lyle and Brown too." "He chose to go with Jake Sully to warn the Na'vi." Your emotions rise higher and higher, not only yours, also those of the Recoms. "We didn't know he was in the helicopter with Trudy, we really didn't know, otherwise Miles would never have given the order to shoot down the helicopter." You risk a look at the blue aliens and see the grief and sadness in their eyes and realize that they really loved him.
"Can you please leave me alone for a moment?" you whisper softly. The Recoms look at each other uncertainly, but decide to leave you alone. Mansk and Walker will stand outside your door so that in case you have another emotional breakdown, they will hear and they can help you.
As soon as you are alone, you start to cry softly again. And instead of having an emotional breakdown, you curl up in a ball on the corner of your bed and cry quietly so no one can hear. You are still so exhausted by all the emotions that you soon fall asleep again.
When you wake up again, you see that it is now daytime again. You stand up, careful not to step on your bruised ankle, and you hop to the sink. In the mirror you see that your eyes are red and swollen from crying. You also have a large cut on from the bottom of your jaw to the side of your nose, right under your eye. You look like complete shit.
You struggle out of your clothes and stop when you see all the wounds on your naked body. You didn't realize it was that serious. You carefully put on clean clothes. As you carefully hop out the door, you see Mansk and Walker still standing outside the door. They ignore all the confused looks from those passing by and focus their attention on you. They look at you with concern and mild concern.
"The colonel asked if we would take you to the Recom quarters when you were awake," Mansk informs, his voice, as always, devoid of emotion. You nod doubtfully and expect him to tell you that he is sending you back to earth. Mansk and Walker walk quickly in front of you, not realizing that you can't keep up with their bruised ankle and their long legs. Walker quickly realizes that you are a long way behind them and lightly hits Mansk on the arm, signaling that you cannot walk fast. The female Recom walks back to you to offer her support if you need it, while Mansk waits patiently for you to catch up.
The two slowly guide you to their living quarters. When you finally stagger into their living room, you see the rest of the squad sitting tensely in various places around the room. Your gaze shifts to Brown, who is lying on the couch with his swollen nose in bandages. You immediately feel guilty, you shouldn't have taken out your anger and all your other pent-up emotions on him.
You hear someone clear their throat and look up at Quaritch, who is staring at you intensely. You had never been in such a tense situation in your human body around the Recoms before, they only make you feel smaller. Quaritch sighs tiredly and gestures for you to sit on the couch, after a struggle and help from Walker you finally sit on the couch.
Quaritch sits across from you, resting his elbows on his knees. "What they told you is true," he begins, "we really loved your brother and we miss him every day. If I…" he trails off. "If I had known he was in that helicopter, I would never have given the order," he looks genuinely remorseful. “Here,” Lyle says, holding out a piece of photo to you. The photo shows the Recoms, in their deceased human bodies, and in the center, with Lyle's lips on his left cheek, Brown's on his right, and Lopez with his hyena grin hanging over his head, is your brother. He has the widest and happiest smile you have ever seen on his face. You don't know why, but suddenly you're sure he loved them, you believe the Recoms. Your brother was always an excellent judge of character and if he loved them too, as you see in the photo, you believe he was happy with them.
You give the photo back to Lyle and he offers you another photo. Another photo of your brother, this time he is sitting in the pilot seat of a helicopter with a toothy, silly grin. You smile sadly at the photo and hand it back to Lyle. He shakes his head, "keep the photo, we have several copies."
“We should never have treated you this way,” Quaritch says firmly. "We didn't know Timmy was your brother and I know it's not an excuse, but I'm sure we would have been different if we had known." You laugh softly and see the confused, slightly offended look in their eyes. "I was a bitch to you and besides, I came here planning to kill you all as revenge for what you did to my brother." You take in the shocked looks, slightly enjoying it. "I don't think I'll do it again, Timmy wouldn't want to."
“You know,” Lyle begins, “Your brother told us all about you, he loved you so much and he was so proud of you.” You smile sadly. "I know." "He also said he always called you butterfly, why was that?" Walker asks. "Our parents always called me an ugly duckling, so my brother started calling me butterfly, because a caterpillar blossoms into a beautiful butterfly." It was always your most favorite nickname anyone had ever given you. “And as a kid I was always hyper and he said I was always fluttering around like a butterfly.”
You suddenly frown and turn your attention to Brown. "I'm sorry, I should never have lost my temper to the extent that I hurt you." Brown looks at you in surprise. "Seriously?" he asks angrily and you recoil. "We have tormented you for weeks, months and you apologize to me?!" he asks incredulously. "And besides, I deserved it, I think we all deserve a broken nose, probably worse."
"Absolutely not, I don't want to deal with nine broken noses plus my own, we will pay for our actions in another way." Protested Yes. Brown pouts, "but if my nose heals wrong, at least I'm not the only one with an ugly, crooked nose." You smile and feel yourself relax slightly.
The following hours and then even weeks consist of exchanging stories about Timmy. Sometimes you laugh, like your story about his baking attempt for your eighth birthday that resulted in a cake literally exploding. And sometimes you cry, like their story about how he curled up next to them at movie night, just like you always did with him.
In addition, every Recoms continues to apologize every day. Ja personally sees to it that you heal completely, while he also has to listen to Brown's whining about his nose.
You slowly warm up to the Recoms, seeing and appreciating their efforts to earn your forgiveness. But after a few weeks you also start to feel things that you don't know how to feel. Every time Ja gently holds your chin in his hand to tend to the cut on your face, you feel his touch long after he lets you go. Every time Walker deliberately walks next to you to offer you support when you need it, you can't stop blushing.
It feels wrong, falling for your dead brother's lovers. It feels wrong, but also so good. You have decided to ignore your feelings, you have convinced yourself that they will go away on their own. But you didn't know that the Recoms feel the same way. Not because you are part of your brother, but because you are simply a wonderful person.
About five months after your breakdown, you and the squad are on a mission in the Hallelujah Mountains when you are suddenly attacked by several Thanators. You scatter in different directions, hoping to get rid of the Thanators with minimal casualties. You run with Prager and Z-dog through the thick jungle, fleeing from the two Thanators who are chasing you. The three of you don't have much luck when you stumble upon atop a waterfall on the edge of a high cliff.
You look around in panic, looking for a way out as the Thanators get closer and closer. "We have to jump!" Z-dog shouts. "WHAT?!" you shout back. "JUMP!" she shouts again as she grabs your hand and pulls you off the cliff. You scream all the way down to the lake at the bottom of the waterfall. Fortunately, the Thanators do not follow.
When you finally manage to get to the beach at the edge of the lake, you see Prager lying on his back in the sand, chest heaving. “Prager, are you okay?” you ask worriedly, slipping into the role of medic. Prager gives a tired thumbs up, "Let's never do that again." You hear sputtering behind you and see Z-dog walking onto the beach, her mohawk hanging wet in her face with a pissed off expression.
The two of you plop down on the sand next to Prager and let your clothes dry in the sun. After a while you hear sounds in the jungle, sounds that are getting closer. Prager and Z-dog are immediately in a crouching position. Prager pushes you behind him as he and Z-dog point their guns in the direction the sounds are coming from. "You don't think the Thanators found us, do you?" you ask nervously.
Then the rest of the squad bursts onto the mini beach. Quaritch sighs in relief when he sees the three of you. “Thank god, I thought something had happened to you guys when you didn't come back,” he studies you carefully, “why are you guys so wet?” Z-dog explains what happened and the rest look at you in shock. Quaritch walks over to you and gently takes your chin in his hands. "Are you OK?" he asks worriedly. You nod reassuringly. Quaritch sighs in relief and rests his forehead against yours.
“Thank god, I was worried about you my love,” you look up abruptly when you hear the nickname. Quaritch himself seems shocked at what he called you. You see the rest of the Recoms with the same look, until Fike breaks the silence, "why are we surprised, we all already knew we fell for her?" Lopez sighs in annoyance, "Yes, but she didn't know that."
"You guys fell for me?" you ask in shock. Quaritch rubs his neck uncomfortably. “Yes, we know it's weird because of your brother, but we can't help it.” "And the biology of the Na'vi is different, we can't control ourselves if we find someone attractive." Ja explains.
The following hours and then even weeks consist of exchanging stories about Timmy. Sometimes you laugh, like your story about his baking attempt for your eighth birthday that resulted in a cake literally exploding. And sometimes you cry, like their story about how he curled up next to them at movie night, just like you always did with him.
In addition, every Recoms continues to apologize every day. Ja personally sees to it that you heal completely, while he also has to listen to Brown's whining about his nose.
You slowly warm up to the Recoms, seeing and appreciating their efforts to earn your forgiveness. But after a few weeks you also start to feel things that you don't know how to feel. Every time Ja gently holds your chin in his hand to tend to the cut on your face, you feel his touch long after he lets you go. Every time Walker deliberately walks next to you to offer you support when you need it, you can't stop blushing.
It feels wrong, falling for your dead brother's lovers. It feels wrong, but also so good. You have decided to ignore your feelings, you have convinced yourself that they will go away on their own. But you didn't know that the Recoms feel the same way. Not because you are part of your brother, but because you are simply a wonderful person.
About five months after your collapse, you and the squad are on a mission in the Hallelujah Mountains when you are suddenly attacked by several Thanators. You scatter in different directions, hoping to get rid of the Thanators with minimal casualties. You run with Prager and Z-dog through the thick jungle, fleeing from the two Thanators who are chasing you. The three of you don't have much luck when you stumble upon atop a waterfall on the edge of a high cliff.
You look around in panic, looking for a way out as the Thanators get closer and closer. "We have to jump!" Z-dog shouts. "WHAT?!" you shout back. "TO JUMP!" she shouts again as she grabs your hand and pulls you off the cliff. You scream all the way down to the lake at the bottom of the waterfall. Fortunately, the Thanators do not follow.
When you finally manage to get to the beach at the edge of the lake, you see Prager lying on his back in the sand, chest heaving. “Prager, are you okay?” you ask worriedly, slipping into the role of medic. Prager gives a thumbs up, "Let's never do that again." You hear sputtering behind you and see Z-dog walking onto the beach, her mohawk hanging wet in her face with a pissed off expression.
The two of you plop down on the sand next to Prager and let your clothes dry in the sun. After a while you hear sounds in the jungle, sounds that are getting closer. Prager and Z-dog are immediately in a crouching position. Prager pushes you behind him as he and Z-dog point their guns in the direction the sounds are coming from. "You don't think the Thanators found us, do you?" you ask nervously.
Then the rest of the squad bursts onto the mini beach. Quaritch sighs in relief when he sees the three of you. “Thank god, I thought something had happened to you guys when you didn't come back,” he studies you carefully, “why are you guys so wet?” Z-dog explains what happened and the rest look at you in shock. Quaritch walks over to you and gently takes your chin in his hands. "Are you OK?" he asks worriedly. You nod reassuringly. Quaritch sighs in relief and rests his forehead against yours.
“Thank god, I was worried about you my love,” you look up abruptly when you hear the nickname. Quaritch himself seems shocked at what he called you. You see the rest of the Recoms with the same look, until Fike breaks the silence, "why are we surprised, we all already knew we fell for her?" Lopez sighs in annoyance, "Yes, but she didn't know that."
"You guys fell for me?" you ask in shock. Quaritch rubs his neck uncomfortably. “Yes, we know it's weird because of your brother, but we can't help it.” "And the biology of the Na'vi is different, we can't control ourselves if we find someone attractive." Ja explains.
Their eyes slide over your body with interest as they see how your body reacts to their confession. And this time, when you feel yourself shivering, you also feel the heat pooling in your core.
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bcolfanfic · 1 month
Sorry if you've received this like 20 times (got the circle of doom) - if you're accepting nsfw anons, how'd the youngvets boys first time go down? ;)
haha dw, tumblr is a lil shit sometimes!
doing a lil minimal research, during their time in africa (i'm still going back and forth with what base theyre at but for this lets go with air base 201) their housing would prob be these little things. it almost feels too easy to make them roommates lol, so i'm going w/ gale being with blakely and bucky being with demarco.
they're obv pretty glued at the hip at this point even when they've only kissed and haven't slept together yet. spend a lot of time in the other one's CHU when they're able to but. they don't really know blakely or demarco very well yet so they try to be discreet about What's Really Going On.
then maybe one day demarco comes back from the gym sooner than they thought he would. doesn't like- walk in on them making out or something but. they're close enough that it's obvious they aren't just close talking as buddies. it's okay though bc longer hc for another time short, demarco is obv a chill dude. even if he makes em both wanna die a little when he starts telling them every waking time he's going to be out of the CHU for a little lmfao. comes up to bucky when they're leaving dinner like hey (: i'm gonna go to the gym (: for an hour and fifteen minutes and 30 seconds (: takes me ten minutes to walk there (: probably gonna take it slower walking back. so add 15 (: smacks his shoulder when he's going all red faced.
anddd at long last since they're less jumpy about everything they do get a lil more heated than normal when they're making out, one thing leads to another etc etc. bucky has been with ppl across genders but gale hasn't so i think he very much takes the lead- and tops that first time + the first couple times after. lovesss seeing gale all flushed and squirmy under him, likes being able to manhandle him a little to get his leg around his hip etc etc.
but my larger hc for this au is that bucky is a bottom sooo we gotta get there somehow LOL. i think that while gale for sure doesn't *dislike* bucky fucking him silly (at all!)- he does kinda have a post-sex realization one night that he thinks he'd 'get more out of it' or whatever if he was on top. doesn't mind being out of control when it comes to bucky, but *in general* prefers being the one in control. just the way he's wired. for a lot of reasons.
and god he's soo nervous bringing it up to bucky. thinks he's not gonna be into it and reject him and then they're never gonna sleep together again and everything is gonna get weird. ends up getting so nervous he just blurts it out one night when they're gettin' hot and heavy with the making out. face all red and won't look at bucky when he's waiting for his response.
butttt he can rest assured knowing he was all worried for nothing bc bucky is veryyyy down. was fine "taking over" bc he was the more experienced one and thought that's just what gale wanted but. more than happy to get fucked into next week by his boy and that big pretty dick of his :p
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gabseyoo · 2 years
content: fem!reader, established relationship, tenjiku arc spoilers. word count: 1,5k.
summary: rindō teaches his girlfriend to fight.
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You’re going to kill him. 
“C’mon! That's the best you’ve got?”
You're certainly going to kill him, spit on his corpse and leave him to the mercy of the crows. 
“I’m trying!” You spat trying to free yourself from his grip, you knew he wasn't using his full strength to keep from hurting you, but you were so tired that you couldn't find the energy to even really try. “Don’t piss me off, I can bite your ass from here, you know?”
Surprisingly he burst out laughing, “Don’t do that, feels weird.”
“Somebody did it before?”
“Don’t ask.” 
“You know what? Let me go.” 
He chuckled before releasing your poor arm, you closed your eyes and remained lying on the floor trying to catch your breath. 
“You were supposed to take me down, doll.” 
It was the twelfth time you tried to 'take him down', but failed, he always managed to dodge you and it was you who ended up with an awkward lock of your limbs—which was ten times softer than he would do to a real opponent, by the way—. 
“Sometimes I really hate you, you know?” You managed to say between your gasps. 
“You love me.” 
You couldn't help but smile, “Unfortunately.” 
Rindou had been insisting for weeks on teaching you jiujitsu, you had refused because you knew how passionate he could be when it came to training. But after many pleas and bambi eyes you agreed only after making him promise to go easy on you. 
If this was going easy, what was serious training like?
Morning runs. Goodbye greasy food. Hello two hours at the gym. Set after set of exercises you never knew existed. The damn burpees. You insist, how was that going easy?
You remember complaining to him that you had agreed only to learn to fight and not to full training, but he replied that to fight you needed the physical condition. God have mercy. 
However, he seemed so excited that you didn’t have the heart to give up. You tried to look on the bright side and think that maybe it wasn't so bad, you were learning a martial art, exercising and eating healthy; but at times like this, with your body sweaty and sore plus the frustration of not being able to beat him, you just wanted to put an end to this kind of modern torture.
“Doll, you still alive?” Rindou asked and you opened your eyes to find your boyfriend standing with his legs beside your hips and his hands stretched out towards you. 
“Sadly.” You sighed and took his hands accepting his help to stand up. “I think you forget that I don't have the same stamina as you.”
“But you did amazing.” He said handing you your water bottle which you instantly opened to drink what was left in it. “Keep it up and before you know you'll be breaking my bones.”
“That sounds tempting.” 
“Right?” He took the bottle from your hands when you finished and put it back in its place, “Wanna do one last try?” 
You quickly shook your head, resting your hands on your knees to catch your breath, “I think I gave my all for today.” 
Your boyfriend clicked his tongue and squeezed your cheeks with both hands, forming a pout on your face, “Just once.” 
“Rindou, I’m tired—”
“I’ll let you drive.” 
“Okay, but just once.” You said as you straightened up. 
You ignored his triumphant smile as you took up position in front of him, mentally preparing yourself to meet the ground again. 
But— surprisingly, when you ran and wrapped your arms around him to knock him down, the ease with which you succeeded puzzled you, forgetting the next step to lock his joints, so you just ended up falling on top of his body. 
“Oh fuck, you okay?” You asked looking at his face, which had a smile on it. 
“I’m okay.” Your boyfriend cupped your cheeks again as he did before, “Well, this deserves a prize, you made me fall, doll.”
“Not as planned.” 
“But you succeeded anyway.” 
You frowned straight into his eyes for a moment before sighing with realization, “You let me win.” 
Rindou snorted, “Of course not.”
“You’re a terrible liar.” You stated earnestly and your boyfriend rolled his eyes playfully, “But thanks, I guess.”
Maybe he didn’t want you to feel bad, or maybe he felt some guilt about how hard you had trained today and he hadn’t given you a chance to win, who knows, but you couldn’t deny that his action filled you with tenderness. You had a soft spot for your boyfriend, you had to admit. 
But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re going to punish him for putting you through such a hell in this gym today. How? You don’t know, maybe not giving him head for a week or two will be enough. 
His hands moved down from your cheeks to your hips as you sat on his lap.
“You look good in these shorts, you know?” 
You rolled your eyes and grabbed him by the wrists to push away his hands that were beginning to caress you inappropriately. “We’re in public, perv.”
You weren’t surprised when he laughed. His laughter was somewhat contagious, so you had to stifle your smile to stand your ground.
“I know, sorry, sorry.” He said taking your hips hard to push himself forward and sit up, stealing a kiss on your lips in the process. “Let’s go.” 
After you changed in the locker room, Rindou put his arm around your shoulders as he said goodbye to the gym owner before leaving. You had to walk a bit since his motorcycle was parked two blocks away because there was no parking nearby when you arrived. 
“I still don’t know why this is necessary.” You suddenly said in the middle of the comfortable silence. You crossed your arms and looked at him with a half smile waiting for his response. 
“What?” He asked while spinning the keys with his finger. 
“Teaching me how to fight.” 
He withdrew his arm over your shoulders to intertwine his hand with yours, “It never hurts to know how to defend yourself, doll.”
“Well, you have a point.” You admitted caressing his knuckles. “What I mean is— you were very insistent about teaching me. Why?”
“I don’t need a reason.”
“But you look like you have one more specific than seeing me in athletic shorts or spending time together.” He let out a chuckle, squeezing your hand tighter as you crossed the street. “Be honest.” 
He flicked your forehead, “You can really see through me, huh?”
“It’s my job as your girlfriend.” You saw him lick his lips and focus his gaze on the ground, you knew he was hesitating, so you encouraged him, “C’mon tell me.”
“It’s really corny.” 
“Well— a few months ago I was thinking, what if someone wants to hurt you and I’m not around to protect you? The streets aren’t that safe, someone could mug you or try to take advantage of you.”
Your heart was melting, could you love him any more? The answer is yes. 
“But then I thought of something worse.” You watched as he clenched his jaw, “What if someone tries to hurt you because of me?”
“Why would anyone try that?” 
“You know why. You’re dating the Rindou Haitani.” He said cockily, pointing his finger at himself. 
“Rindou, you are a gang member, not a yakuza.” You joked, stopping your steps when you were in front of the motorcycle. 
“We don’t know what the future has in store for us.” Well, he’s not wrong. “And gang members can be cruel too.” 
“You right.” You remembered what happened to Izana and Muto, and with that in mind, Rindou’s words made a lot of sense. 
“If anyone dares to lay a finger on you, I’ll break every single bone in their body.” In fact, he did it before, not to that extreme, but he did break the arm of a guy who tried to take a picture under your skirt— so you knew he wasn’t kidding. “But I know I can’t always be with you, the least I can do is teach you how to fight.”
“Well, he would have to be someone very stupid if he wants to hurt the girlfriend of the Rindou Haitani.” You mimicked his gesture by pointing to yourself before kissing his cheek. “Thanks for telling me, I’ll train hard to break the bones of anyone who crosses my path.”
Although you were already imagining that the level of torture would increase, you were willing to make the effort for the sake of your boyfriend's intentions. However, he won’t be getting any head for two weeks. That's a fact.
Rindou squeezed your cheek before saying, “That’s my girl.” 
You smiled and stretched out your hand, “Now give me the keys, I’ll drive.”
He seemed to have forgotten your previous agreement since he widened his eyes, you knew he wasn’t a big fan of the idea of letting you drive, but too late— you had already snatched the keys from him and got on the bike.
Your boyfriend sighed in defeat before sitting behind you, “Just don’t run a red light again, please.”
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jq37 · 23 days
Just spitballing here: considering that Porter has everything for the ritual but Fig has laid claim to Ankarna's domain, do you think the final battle might transition to the Bottomless Pit for an epic fight in Rock and Roll Hell?
Other idle thoughts: the "skin and fuck" joke was honestly tasteless and creepy but it is hilarious that Ivy continued being irrelevant. KP is two seconds from an aneurysm because she watched her nemesis jump into lava. And where the hell is Sandra Lynn?
Hmm. On the one hand, the Gym battle specifically is a clear choice to go full circle from the OG finale. On the other hand, that would be really cool! We shall see and ten extra credit points to you for Divination Class if you're right!
Fabian has a history of saying wild out of pocket stuff in character as Fabian (there's a scene in I think Sophomore Year where he has to properly claim the Hangman for some reason and instead of some kind of Boy And His Dog Power-Of-Friendship thing he's like that dog is my SLAVE and I was like *LOU WHAT???*--he obviously didn't mean it in any type of way other than in character badly trying to posture but it was WILD) which I guess makes sense considering he was raised by someone who casually flays peoples backs off to write contracts on them. Not surprised he went hard though since she had just shot his dog/bike on top of the Mazey comment that was clearly festering all year. But I appreciate that Mazey was like...yeah not sure how to react to that tbh. Love when people have moments of reacting like real people in the middle of the ridiculous cartoon situation that's happening. And yeah, Ivy talked a really big game for someone who couldn't even last a round.
Kipperlilly giving up her insane hiding spot because she saw Riz purposefully swan dive into lava is so funny. No matter his financial struggles, Riz never has to worry about having a roof over his head because he is living in Kipperlilly's mind rent free.
And I'm also a little concerned about Sandra-Lynn given Baxter showed up without a rider two eps ago and that was never resolved. I can offer one possible non-dire speculation. I think Baxter appeared after Fig rolled really well to not fall out of the sky (it might have been a Nat 20 but I'm not sure). It's possible Brennan, as a reward for that, just had Sandra Lynn sense trouble and do that so they'd have an extra mount in case something like that happened again. But that's just a guess. We'll see if it's addressed in the finale!
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wazabii · 2 months
Jealousy? Or Insecurity
Imaushi Wakasa
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Tw: jealousy, Sub!Wakasa, use of Babydoll, Haitani Ran x OC, praise and little degradation, Crying Wakasa, female reader, touchy with someone other than their partner, setting switching, smug reader, Dom!reader kind of yapping at the end (tell me if i missed anything) wellcome for the POC readers ;))
Pairing(s): Imaushi Wakasa ; reader
Genre(s) : romance/smut
WC :> 3,379
Wakasa was a simple man. Money, power and pussy. He had it all, and it's safe to say he was satisfied.
Getting women to swoon over him wasn't a hard thing for him to do, unlike one of his best friends (Shinichiro 💀). It came naturally to him throughout his lifetime.
When he was younger, 17 or so , he was already surrounded by women because of his powerful status. Being the former leader of Kodo Rengo and one of the original members of the black dragon's, he was bound to get surrounded by admirer's. Good or bad. And that's how he met his girlfriend of five years.
Of course, before dating him, wakasa made sure you understood his lustful lifestyle. Filled with wine and women and his 'wonderful' vices.
Compared to before, wakasa was definitely more tame in his sex life, only turning to you once in a while when he truly can't keep himself together. But even he, can't help but steal a glance or two, or three....... Or more of wonderful backsides that some women carry. It's one if the many uncountable reasons that he was attracted to you.
Working as a bartender at a world class bar as a side job to wakasa was easy enough. But having tens if not hundreds of beautiful women crowding 'round the place all day, makes it harder for him to work, with them asking for his addy too.
Today wakasa was stressed. His client, at the gym, got into a car crash, and he only knew when his client landed in the hospital. And on top of that, Takeomi got into a fight, though winning, he got badly hurt. So wakasa took a day to distress at the same bar he worked in.
Walking into the bar, he was swarmed by the classy women, young and old, curvy and petite, tall and short. It would be heaven, if he didn't have a girlfriend. He didn't entertain them and just gave the same boring replys, not disrespectful but not enough to continue any conversation.
"Hello","hey","what's up?"
Were his go-to replies.
He walked to the heart of the club, where all the dancers and the bar was closest to. He sat down and ordered a drink.
"1 Night Tripper thank you" he cupped his face with his hand and leaned onto it, lazy eyes glancing around the club.
It was always this face and that face, not a single person he couldn't remember seeing. While he was deep in his mindless thoughts, a pair of brothers sat next to him.
"Hey wakasa! Whatcha doin here?" The infamous Roppongi duo was seated next to him.
"Hey. Had to get my mind off things." His monotonous voice could barely mask the stress.
They conversed for a while before a women in a wine red dress, hardly covering anything, came over and sat on wakasa's lap, her large bittocks pressung against him. Wakasa froze, relishing it the feeling of a nice ass on him. But, regaining his self control, he softly pushed the woman and grabbed the empty chair next to him, sitting her down and continued talking with the brothers.
"Hey [Name]! Isn't that your boyfriend and the Hentai brothers over there?"
You took a peak, and indeed, there were the men that your friend mentioned.
"Amina it's Haitani, not Hentai, that makes a completely new word hun, I'll work on the pronunciation with you later wh-"
"Hey who's that bitch with your boyfie!" Amina jabbed a slender finger in their direction.
You met Amina through a marketing course half a year ago, and despite not knowing her for long, you two were like two peas in a pod, her firey attitude and confident aura intriguing you, her steady, powerful voice when she talks, the unwavering steps she takes as she walks, her down to earth self, made you want to be around her (which was surprising considering your lack of want for people swarming around you), yet not once has befriending her make you regret it.
This time, it wasn't a peak that you made at the men. Your head snapped to them so hard if you weren't so furious it would give you whiplash. 'What in the rubber duckies was wakasa doing, letting that girl practically lay on him!'
"Girl I'll go deal with the lil ass, you go get yourself a fine man k? Infact i feel like you and Ran would hit it off!" Clapping your hands excitedly, but once remembering that you were angry right now, You were about to storm over a confront him, but you decided to have a little fun.
Giving Amina a slight shove towards the older brother cunningly, "Go talk to Ran, he's the one with the cocktail, don't distract Rindou tho, he's talking to wakasa"
Amina stumbled a bit, but was thankful that you encouraged her to talk to the man she's been eyeing all night.
"Thanks babes~ mwah 💋 " she wiggled her fingers in a wave and went over to Ran.
Waving in acknowledgement , you turned back to the scene in annoyance.
Seeing Rindou talk to him, gave you an idea, not the brightest one, but an idea nonetheless.
You've known the Haitani's for as long as you could remember. They saw you at a park when you were young and challenged you to a pull up contest on the monkey bars. They were strong, no doubt, but you being the competitive person you are, didn't stop even when your arms were dying. Eventually, you won, the challenge and their respect. And you know damn well they both love a little drama.
Strutting over on front of the purple haired male, you gave him a sultry greeting. Ignoring the look Wakasa was giving you.
"Hey Rin Rin~" stroking his cheek with your red tipped index finger, you placed a knee right beside his thigh, leaning into him, black-based and gold rimmed cocktail dress enhancing your figure. Sensing your intentions with his drama dececter, he played along.
"Hey bunny, haven't seen you in a while, what's got you in this place" Rindou took his hand and brushed it along your thick thighs, squeezing once he got to the juciest part.
"Just a little bored, wanted to hangout with my girl-" the soft and breathy tone contrasted the hard smirk that was plastered onto your smug face when you heard a screech come from the chair behind you, the chair Wakasa was sitting in.
Wakasa couldn't handle it anymore, how could you! Right in front of him too? He stormed to the dim exit of the club, fiotsteps so heavy, that if you stood near him you could feel the vibration in the floor.
Grinning at Rindou, you knew your plan had worked, you pat his shoulder before pinching his cheeks between your pointer and thumb.
"Thanks Rin, we'll catch up next time kay~?" Rindou nodded in reply, a Cheshire grin taking over his usual stoic expression.
"Tell me how it goes" he winked before gesturing you to leave.
"Go get 'im!" I gave a firm nod, and waved good bye to Rindou, Amina was keeping Ran busy so o didn't try to interrupt their time together.
I walked after the jealous man, a slight skip in my step, knowing i had him right where i wanted.
I saw wakasa walking towards the bus stop. Amusement was evidently plastered on ny face. Softly i walked after him, and hooked my arms around his waist. Hearing a soft gasp from him i chuckled to myself. I lifted him up bridal style and walked back to the Kawasaki Ninja H2R. Keys in mouth, and a crabbed Wakasa in my arms.
"What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way" I airily sighed. Wakasa only crossed his arms, hands clenching the sleeves of his shirt, jutting his rosy lower lip out, forming a cute pout, if not for the situation at hand.
I put the man down, and cliimbed onto my beloved bike, Wakasa gingerly following after. He loosely gripped onto the clothing resting on the side of my hips.
I started the bike, letting him do whatever he wants, 'hmph! Lil boy gon' regret this' i smirked cynically, thankful that i was the driver, rendering my boyfriend blind to my actions. I was crusing for around 5 or so minutes and put my plan into action. I leaned slightly forward, not enough for him to notice a difference, and 'SCREECH' a sudden speed up and swerve of the bike made wakasa clutch onto his lover for dear life.
"[NAME] WHAT THE FUCK!" his gruff hands gripping onto your stomach, squeezing so hard, it made you wince a bit. Legs clammed to the sides of the bike, and best of all, lean arms crushing my curvy waist. I let out a boisterous laugh, into the wind it flows and then its gone. From my side mirror i see wakasa give me a soft smile but quickly replace it with a grumpy frown.
As we arrived, wakasa hopped off the bike, while i was turning off the engine. Swaying his wide hips, and strode his way to the front door.
He opened the door and started to go straight to bed. Huffing and puffing as if explaining his displeasure to me. I tsked, swooping him up from Infront of him, making him cling onto me instinctively. I grinned wildly to myself, and locked the door with on hand. Taking him up to our bedroom, i roughly sat him on the bed.
"Care to tell me why the waist of a bitch was in your grasp?" I asked, angry of course, but i wanted him to explain.
"WHY'D YOU CARE" Wakasa raised his voice at me challengingly. I quirked an eyebrow up.
"Why would i care? Well maybe because you're my BOYFRIEND?" I was livid, what in the world was he thinking!
"You want attention? Strip." Wakasa looked confused at my words.
"Did i fucking stutter baby?" I cooed sarcastically. "Strip."
Wakasa shakily took off his fishnet shirt, revealing his body that was once scattered in love marks, now completely bare. Then he unbuckled his belt, and took it into his hands. Not going to lie, it was crazy sexy, belt in hand, red in the face, leather pants hugging all the right places, especially his thick ass. God how i wanted to grab it. He peeled off the tight pants too, leaving him in short, tight lace boxers.
"Did i tell you to leave anything on your body?" I gave his ass a quick smack, quickly placing my finger in his waistband, I pulled it back and let it go, hearing a lovely gasp from him. He huridily ripped off his black boxers, hands practically quivering, from excitement or fear, I don't care. In spite of me being vexed, i still adored him. So i took it as my job to calm him down.
"Calm down babydoll, I'm only going to teach you a lesson alright? You feeling good?" I combed through his silky smooth hair, tugging on it slightly. "Y-yeah, m' sorry" the zebra 🦓 haired man stuttered in his quivering voice.
"We'll talk about why you're sorry later okay baby?" I softly slapped his face. "You let another women get all over you cuh' you were deprived righ'? I 'pologize f'that babydoll, works been callin, but i managed ta'get the next few day off f'ya" i caressed the spot i slapped lovingly, "righ' now imma show ya'don ha'ta go to other women kay~ cuh' babydoll can com'ta me kay?" Wakasa nodded softly, to every beat i said, a thick coat of pink painted his face.
I took the stunning dress off myself, leaving me in red, silk underwear, I placed him on the bed, and stood between his legs. Taking his milky calves, I placed them on my shoulder. "I won't stop till the break of dawn makin love to you baby"
Wakasa's dick was stood, slightly curving to the left, crying white. His thighs were flexing, while his arms wrapped around his chest. Vibrant violet eyes crystallizing with his tears. I looked at him expectantly, and he unwrapped his arms on instinct. I pulled him closer to me, leaning down to kiss his tears away, and scratch the back of his soft neck. I moved vertically, moving my wet mouth to his nipples. I sucked on it softly, earning a well deserved moan. Just to get revenge, i bit on it, not enough to bleed, just enough to make it hurt. Wakasa jerked upwards, eyes blown wide, pupils doubling in size, a raspy howl escaping from his voice.
"Hush up babyboy" I mumbled against his chest, kissing the spot i bit. I tipped back, to capture him whole with my eyes. I let out a soft heave, "you, you look beautiful, the sole reason my eyes exist, are to admire you" while talking, i caress his glutes. "Thank you, i wonder why you even chose me."
At his words, my eyes widen. He looked so.... Down. I thought of everything, starting from the club, his words, his actions, to now. It all added up.
"I mean, you're ethereal, amazing hair, lovely eyes, proportional nose, plump lips, symmetry is proven with your face! The best body any woman could have! You could have anyone you want, hell, you could even have Johnny Depp in his prime! How did I end up with you?" Wakasa was sobbing, the more he thought about it, the more worthless and low he felt.
"Babydoll, I chose you, you're beautiful, in and out. Fashion sense is immaculate, unlike most men, lean not over the top muscle, and can fight, heavenly voice, if i lost my life yet you're talking to me on my deathbed, baby I'd say, heaven can wait. Don't even get me started on your personality!" I tugged him closer to me, caging him in my arms, reassuring him that im not letting him go anywhere.
"I'm not the jealous type, but what's mine, is mine, and stays mine. And I'm sure as hell ian' letting you go. End of story." I placed soft kisses on his temple, whispering sweet nothings to him, holding him tight. Slowly yet surely, he was calming down.
"You rock my world babydoll, and you're gonna keep rocking it till you can't no more" i fell into the cloudy mattress with him under me, clinging on as if he lets go, I'd decay into fine salt.
I softly pushed him down so i can get up. "Take it off~" Wakasa whined as he tugged at my bra. I smirked endearingly, "take what off babydoll?" Wakasa was getting frustrated, the water that had dripped onto the ground, almost returned back to his indigo eyes. I slightly panicked, "Don't cry baby! I'll take it off im sorry" although nervous, i still giggled. I unclasp the back of the chest binder, freeing my breasts. Wakasa earnestly gazed at them, and pounced.
Throwing my head back, i moaned. The sound making Wakasa jerk up, dick slapping my bare cunt, suckling on my tits as if i was gonna produce milk.
"Doll, t-th~ha that's eno~oHhh" i pushed his head back, despite his soft protests. Wakasa gripped onto the back of my thighs, hips bucking up frantically. Holding down his hips, i told him, "dolly, i needa' open m'self up f'ya, you're big~" i flicked the pink mushroom tip of his long cock, his veins pulsing, it was obvious he was desperate, but I wasn't going to break my ribs just cause he was craving, and i didn't prep myself.
Sitting vertically opposite to him, i took two fingers and spread myself open, showing him my glistening pussy. Scooping up some of the honey that's dripping, and took it near my face. Opening my fingers, i watch as the string of necter attach from on finger to the other, i brought it into my mouth, maintaining eye contact with Wakasa, i sucked on the juices sensually. Bringing my saliva-coated fingers down to my hole. Massaging the gummy walls, going faster and faster. "Oh~hHh Waka~aHhh" "[N-Name]~ p-please~ i wannah' cum~"
The once tears of saddness quickly trned to tears of despration. Watching you, neck cranned back, hands working away on your pussy, juices dripping like a creak, hips jerking, made him want to bury himself whole in yout warm cushiony and inviting pussy. Wakasa stroked his lengthy cock, bucking his hips into his large hands, wishing it was your warm cunt instead. He was so close yet so far.
Promptly, you ceased your movements, causing the sweaty, glossed man follow in dubiety.
"c'mere baby" You pat the pillowed spot between your legs, loving the way that the love of your life follows order so well, in bed at least. Hair drooping, saliva dripping and the sounds of Wakasa's whining filled your senses. Encouraging him to relax, you croon "that's it baby, slowy does it".
Once Wakasa kneeled between your bare legs, you laid a pillow down for him to rest his head on.
"you good there doll?" reciving a nod of affirmation, you continued your ministrations.
Spreeding your prepped cunt for him to see turned the pussy craving man get hungrier, his normally droopy eyes blown wide, lips swollen from him biting it. He tried to sneakily buck his strong hips up, but you stopped him right before his tip touched your folds.
"a-ah-ah~ patience doll" Not giving him a mere second for him to process your words, you slammed yourself down on his grith.
Shamelessly rolling your hips up and down on his grithy length, pussy smashing his pelvic bone. A course of "y-YEAHHH~"'s and "NgnG"s forced themselves out of your mouth, the pure lust and passion oozing in the air can even make Asmodeus say hell nah.
Riding dick wasn't easy, but for the ethereal beauty under her, [Name] would do anything. For his pleasure she could slave away anytime. Cause at the end of the day, to [Name], a happy lover, a happy life. Getting to hear his sounds of love and appreciation, was enough of a reward for her, in fact, she couldn't ask for more.
"Pretty bitch, perfect doll, jeal-haah-jealousy is one h-nhg-ell of ah~ one hell of a disease h-huh." Panting as it felt as if his cock was prodding at my lungs.I noticed a little bulge in my tummy, as I pressed on it, it gained his attention. Moaning,he started to buck his hips up even harder. This time i couldn't stop him, as i was getting tired and restless. I ket him do what he want.
I flipped us over, making me place myself under his strong arms. I grabbed a handful of his ass and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him in even closer, burying his stem inside my soft, gummy walls.
He pounded his dick into me, not wasting a fraction of a second, gritting his teeth and gripping the sheets. The steel bedframe clashed and clanked with the brick wall, probably irritating the single 26 old neighbour with a dead girlfriend. the neighbour with blue eyes and black hair.
"Please! Please-Please, Please" The whines and wails of Wakasa almost drove you off the edge if the earth, barley stopping before reaching the ledge.
"Cum!" I gripped his tousled hair and pulled, making his head snap back and his back arch, leading his chest to crash into mine, and causing him to bully his dick even further into my cunt.
"YESS/FUCKK" both individuals moaned simultaneously, the sound coming out as bell chimes and harp strings up in heaven. Pure ecstasy flowed to every inch of their bodies, the passion staying throughout the night yet the lust slowly vanishing.
The night ended with one lovers feelings solved, and both cradled in the others warm, homey, inviting embrace. The glow of the sun of dawn shinning through the silk curtains, and the soft, dank night disappearing into the horizon lulled both the lovers to sleep.
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