#torchwood absent friends
aq2003 · 4 months
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obsessed with this insane evil dynamic from the few pages from torchwood absent friends that we can see
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teslapunk3327 · 17 days
Torchwood: Absent Friends, but it's actually called Torchwood: "Present Enemies", and instead of Jack, 10, and Ianto, it's Eric Roberts' Master, John Hart, and Mairwyn (Jones).
And instead of being cancelled, it actually releases.
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horselover107 · 4 months
I didn’t have most convincing Absent Friends leak yet…the script being sold on Ebay by a seemingly random collector…on my 2024 bingo card.
I honestly care less about the content of the script and more about…who is this person? How did they get this? Is this even real? If it is real see questions one and two? WHO ARE YOU?
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itsatorchwoodthing · 1 year
every month or so i remember that they cancelled Absent Friends AFTER it was already done and ready to publish — so this is my monthly reminder for big finish and especially BBC to give it to us for free
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victoryshowers · 4 months
i wanna trap the tenth doctor and jack in a very small room and see just how terrible they can get
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rystiel · 1 month
is tosh the only member of torchwood (other than jack obviously) who met the doctor in person??
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catharinatudor · 2 months
Okay, without wanting to open a wound... I wanna talk about absent friends
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Well, especially the cover.
How did I neever realize Iantos smirk towards the Doctor???
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victoriawaterfield · 2 months
i haven't posted about it as much on this blog but absent friends fucks me up SO MUCH. 'i've missed you. i know you can't always turn up. not everything's a dalek invasion but still, it would've been nice to see you.' / 'he does. he spent a century waiting for you.' 'bit stalky, when you think of it —' 'he's gone in there to sacrifice himself and you joke about it.' / 'what do we do?' 'we talk.' 'is that a plan?' 'no, it's what friends do.' / 'okay. can i say something about the doctor? he scares me.' 'he scares me too.' / 'i mean it, the time with you and rose was the best of my life, but —' 'but?' 'there's no rose anymore, is there?' 'no.' 'no martha, no donna, you did your best never to look sad when you were with them, now you don't hide it.' 'neither do you.' 'you know me, i've seen a lot, done a lot, since we were together. is that why — you won't take me back?' 'is that what you think?'
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Rip Absent Friends you would have been wonderful, brilliant, incredible, celestial even
reblog'd a post down <3
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captain-ghost · 4 months
That tiny amount of readable Absent Friends script is making me feral can I sign a petition who do I need to kidnap pleaaSSEEEAAHAHAAHJA
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live saaya reaction to the absent friends pages as i typed them out
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teslapunk3327 · 2 months
Imagine waiting CENTURIES for your soulmate crush, just to then walk in on your soulmate crush lounging on your desk.....
.....and he's flirting with your husband. And your husband has given your crush a cup of coffee. With chocolate sprinkles. And they want eachother. Immediately.
While you had to wait centuries.
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mwagneto · 2 months
can someone please please please just leak absent friends already i cant fucking do this
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itsatorchwoodthing · 4 months
im gonna close my eyes and when i open them i want the absent friends script leak in my dms, okay?
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the-torchwood-archive · 4 months
Did you manifest the Absent Friends leek into existence?
Haha, seems that way.
But joking aside, I actually have very little interest in the leak right at this moment. Until BF acknowledges it, I'm not planning on taking it seriously. I'm also not that interested in looking at bad photographs of a fraction of the pages. I am extremely thankful for Big Finish and the work they do keeping Torchwood alive. Because of that I will do them the service of waiting and not taking what is potentially somebody's fanfiction as canon.
I know that might sound funny considering that I'm one of the people who was saying just the other week that a leak would be wonderful. But I'm also someone in a creative industry and I know how crushing it can be to have internal material become public and also how awful it is to have contractors try to pass off work that hasn't been signed off on. I'm just not willing to take it at face value.
Now, maybe that has happened and I've somehow missed it. In which case, great! Imma rub my dirty little hands over it. Until then I won't be posting anything about it.
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horselover107 · 3 months
Ok there’s a lot of new people in the Torchwood tag so it’s time to tap the sign again:
Please do not pirate from Big Finish productions. They’re a very small company that has the license to Doctor Who, Torchwood, etc audio content, not the BBC themselves. They are still actively making content and if too many people pirate that has a direct impact on the writers they contract and they could become unprofitable enough to stop making them.
This PSA does not* apply to:
(Edited for typo)
1) anything directly made by BBC, so the BBC radio plays (Submission, The House of the Dead, Deadline etc) don’t count
2) absent friends related leaks also don’t count since there’s no way to legally buy that, although high key no one’s been able to actually authenticate that eBay listing so know that — it’s still possible that was a very, very elaborate troll
I know the BF stuff is expensive but they do have sales like constantly throughout the year. It’s worth checking their socials to keep up with it.
I’m not making this to be the fun police and yes pirate from big corporations, but I need people to realize these things are being made by a small team for a small audience. It’s like pirating a small press publisher
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