#trained so well in the gym yesterday that my whole body now hurts... i added weight to a lot of exercises
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slowly but surely… 😔🥀🥀 another wip of my wintersberg piece
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yodawgiherd · 3 years
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As promised, this is a rather spicy chapter (you asked for it) I was hammering out for a bit over two weeks - thus the length. I just kept adding more and more random thoughts and end up like this... oh well. Hope you'll like it :)
Worry, that was the foremost thing on Mikasa’s mind lately. Partly about the tournament, but mostly about Armin, who now knew all about Annie and that he will most likely be seeing her again shortly. She almost bit her bottom lip bloody from it, and Eren was no better. To keep tabs on their friend, they commissioned Jean to stay around Armin, and let them know if anything goes wrong. For once, Jean didn’t complain, as he also wanted to get to know Armin better - it was a win-win situation really. From his reports, the blond was taking the news quite well, and, in other news, was putting finishing touches on his book. But this didn’t stop the engaged couple from agonizing about it.
They both had their way of coping. Eren once again entered turbo mode at the hospital, burying himself in work, while Mikasa upped her training load to inhuman levels. At home, Eren spent an unholy amount of time in the kitchen, experimenting with pretty much everything, while Mikasa cleaned the whole house over and over, anything to keep busy. She wasn’t as much of a clean freak as her brother, but try growing up with Levi and not being affected. Try it.
At first, Levi approved of her newfound zeal in the gym, but when she kept ignoring her limits and pushing past what her body could handle, the tight smile he had turned into a frown. From his office, he could see Mikasa working out at the bench press, the barbell going up and down at an unsteady rate. Her arms were shaky, a sight incredibly rare as Mikasa’s gym knowledge ran deep and she never did anything risky. Unless she was tired to the bone and overworking herself. Levi had to do something, otherwise she would end up hurting. Yet a classic “Go Home” would probably not work on Mikasa, as she was exactly as stubborn as Levi was. Time for action then, he thought to himself, getting up from the office chair.
Mikasa didn’t even catch the gloves he threw at her, driving the point of her being tired home. With the reflexes she had, she could pretty much snatch flies out of the air, but now they were dulled beyond recognition. Picking up the gloves, she looked at Levi who jerked his head towards the ring in a clear challenge.
They spared, and Mikasa was her usual perfect self at first, too fast and too strong for normal mortals to handle. She backed Levi into a corner, not giving him time to breathe. But then, out of nowhere, she faltered, her body finally saying fuck it and taking a micro-break. He immediately took advantage, as any fighter would, should this happen in the tournament, and flipped her over, planting Mikasa on her back. She blinked up at him, confused.
“W-What happened?”, she stammered.
“You lost.”, he replied, voice cold, “Because you keep overworking yourself. Take a break.”
“But I…”
“No buts. I’m still your trainer, so listen to me for once.”
She sighed, getting up from the ground. Even that simple motion was exhausting, and now that Levi mentioned it, Mikasa could feel the burn in all her muscles. He was, as usual, exactly right.
Even getting home was a pain, her body protesting anytime she forced it to move, even when the motion was as small as revving her motorbike up. Grateful for the speed the machine could do, Mikasa got back to her and Eren’s house at a nigh record time. A shower later, she plopped herself on the sofa, staring mindlessly at the Tv, waiting for that certain someone to come home. When he did, she was already in that half-dreaming half-awake state, but when Eren sat down it roused her.
“Hard day?”, he asked, getting a groan as an answer.
“You wanna head to bed?”
Instead of answering, Mikasa pulled herself on top of that heater Eren called his body, yawning after.
“Nah, I’m good here.”, she murmured, face half-squished in his shirt.
He chuckled at that.
“Suit yourself. I have a free weekend ahead of me, so I’m ready to be your bodypillow.”
Eren had free time. She had free time, Levi would most likely bite her head off if she showed up at the gym tomorrow. Hmmm…… They could… They could…
The train of thought derailed when Mikasa fell asleep, a soft snore escaping her lips. She was deep under, not even stirring when Eren carried her up to the bedroom, sleeping soundly the whole night. Levi would be happy.
It was the morning sun that woke her, but when Mikasa rolled away from the heater she was spooning she realized that there wasn’t a single thing she wanted to do. For once, the tireless war machine that is her body was feeling lazy. Eren stirred next to her, most likely reacting to the loss of her touch. The way her breasts squished against his back always brought the sweetest dreams. Sitting up and turning to look at her, Eren let the absolute bliss of waking up next to an angel show on his face.
“Morning beautiful. Slept well?”
“I did, but I kind of… want to sleep more?”
“You want to laze around? Damn.”
“Yea, I do.”, a small devilish smile formed on her lips, “If I remember correctly I’m taking inspiration from the guy I dated in college. Remind me, what did he say he wanted to do on our second date? A nap?”
Eren groaned, hiding his face.
“Please don’t remind me, I was so cringe back then.”
“And you think I was better? The first thing that I said when u leaned on my legs was that I could choke you out, kill you.”
“That WAS weird. Tell me, do you have a voice in your head that goes like: “Mikasa, we have to kill Eren” ?”
She frowned at him, her raven eyebrows narrowing.
“Of course I do. It gets stronger every time you piss me off.”
“I better watch my behavior then.”, he chuckled, “Anyway, I admit that we had certain issues to work through, but I’m glad we managed.”
“We sure did. So…”, she tugged at his arm, getting Eren to lie back down, “Stay with me?”
His beloved was always like this, especially earlier in their relationship. During college, Mikasa was so touch starved that she would just cling to his arm anytime they were together, going completely against her usual ice queen facade. Keeping his cool around the campus was impossible, because even when he was staring at his phone Eren was hyperaware of her body very, very close to him. And how was he supposed to be “cool” when there was an incredibly beautiful goth girl, with her black clothes, piercings and all that, holding his arm, smiling like it was the best thing in the world. There was no way, so he just blushed and hoped that no one would see it. She would blush too when he looked at her, would angle her head lower, the inverted crosses in her ears swaying lightly, but she wouldn’t let go.  Mikasa just liked holding him that much. Reminded of these pretty memories, Eren’s chuckle evolved into a grin.
“Sure, I’ll stay with you. On one condition though, you have to promise that you won’t choke me out.”
When Mikasa woke up for the second time, Eren was already awake, watching her with that small smile that made her stomach flutter. She asked him once, why he does that, and he just shrugged and said that he sometimes still can’t believe how lucky he is that someone like her is in his life.
“Rested enough?”
“Mhmm… I think so.”
“That’s good because I ordered us some pizza. Wouldn’t want that to get cold.”
“Pizza for breakfast?” Mikasa faked an outraged expression, “What would Carla think?”
“She would probably ask for a slice.”, Eren shrugged, “Mom was always very practical.”
Mikasa smiled at that, fond memories of Eren’s mom filling her head.
“Anyway,”, Eren changed the topic, “How was training? I wanted to ask yesterday but I don’t think you wanted to hear one more word about the gym.”
“Fine, fine.”, she stretched, moaning a bit when her muscles protested, “But Levi cut me off, said that I needed a break.”
“Really? A damn shame that.”
“I like watching you train. Or even better, training with you.”, he gave her a nondescript look, “It’s hot.”
“You’re saying that you pop a boner while watching me?”
“I’m saying that watching you train, or fight, is fucking beautiful.”, Eren’s eyes roamed over her body, the wonder and appreciation in his gaze would make Mikasa blush if she wasn’t completely flush already, “The way you move, the way you dodge and attack, I never get enough of it.”
“The way I move huh?”, crawling over to his side of the bed, Mikasa walked her fingers down from his chest to Eren’s abs and continued, “How about I show you some other moves I can do?”
A small sexy twitch crossed his lips, but before he could reply to the generous offer, something shattered their little love scene. The doorbell rang. Eren huffed, running a hand through his hair.
“I’ll get it, it’s most likely the food.”
With that, Eren rolled from the bed and went out of the door, only pausing to throw his pants on. Mikasa was just about to follow him when her eyes slid over the dresser, a certain object catching her eye. It was the end of one of their play ropes, black with red stripes. Instead of walking out of the door, she moved towards it, grasping and pulling it into her hands. Running it between her fingers, the sensation was enough for her head to start filling with ideas. She wasn’t that hungry yet, or rather, there was something else she would like, not food. The last weeks were exhausting, filled with things to do that weren’t Eren, and Mikasa would very much like her fill. A plan forming in mind, she quickly stripped from her sleeping clothes. Bare, she took out her collar from its resting place, bucking it tight around her neck. Even the gentle hug of the soft leather made her relax that tiny bit, her body knowing what usually followed once she was collared. Finding a nice location in front of the bed and kneeling down, Mikasa had to bite her bottom lip to keep the excitement in. Naked, save for a thick strip of leather around her throat, holding the rope, she waited.
The door opened and Eren was back.
“Hey babe, the food is here, you want…”, but then his eyes found her and the sentence dissolved in his throat, “Oh, I ordered pizza but it looks like someone has a taste for a vegan steak.”
A small giggle left Mikasa’s lips understanding the reference to the dorky code word system they had.
“I would like one, yes.” mustering her courage, she held up the ropes in her straightened hands like an offering, “Would you tie me up please?”
Eren moved closer, the food completely forgotten, but didn’t take the rope yet. Instead, he ran his hands over it, gently touching the material.
“Why?”, he asked, voice low.
“It’s just…”, Mikasa stammered, looking for the right words.
She wanted this for a multitude of reasons. The past weeks had been hectic, with everything that was going on. She had to worry about her next matches, looking through the file Levi compiled for her. She had to keep her training up while also attending various photoshoots at Kiyomi’s agency. She had to sign various contracts that gave her the Hizuru ltd. as a sponsor. And most of all, she had to worry about Annie coming back and once again completely wrecking Armin’s life. Mikasa wanted to just turn her brain off for a moment. She wanted Eren to take control of her, to wrap those pretty ropes around her and make her forget. She wanted to have her mind blown by how skillful he was.
“I’m just stressed out, want to relax.”, she compressed her thoughts into a single sentence. Doing her best attempt at puppy eyes, she pleaded: “Please?”
Eren could never deny her when she was like this, and to be honest, it's not that he wanted to in the first place. He took the rope from her hands. Flexing it between his fingers, his mind already worked over all the different riggings he could put Mikasa into.
“You gonna be a good girl for me?”, he asked, putting one hand on her cheek, gently caressing her.
She nuzzled into the touch.
“The best.”
He smiled down at her, thumb tracing the scar on her cheek.
“Very well, but I do have one request.”, with that, he turned away from her and rummaged through her clothes, returning with something in his hand.
“Put these on.”, he half-requested, half-ordered her.
Mikasa took the item, looking it over.
“Thigh highs?”, she asked, eyeing the black material with a raised eyebrow, “Really?”
Eren just smirked at the absurdity of that statement, not judging it worthy of a reply. This was far from the weirdest thing Mikasa had put on for him, maybe even the bottom of that ladder. It doesn’t take a genius to compare a pair of thigh high socks and a skintight latex bodysuit. Eren saw these when he was doing laundry one day, and one discovery later he was hellbent in seeing his fiancé in these, knowing that she would look just amazing. And, judging now, as he was watching her put them on, he was very much correct. With her excited half-smile, Mikasa did just as he wanted, pulling the material over her long legs.
“Here.”, she said, flexing her covered toes at him, “Happy?”
“Immensely. Now…”, he approached her, a predatory grin sneaking onto his features, “Let’s get started.”
It still astonished her how good Eren got with this. Remembering their first time, how long it took him to wrap her up, how many times he had to consult the book, what was happening now was a quite different experience. Eren had determination, magical hands and a very willing model to work with, and he perfected his skills to the highest degree. The rope slid over her skin, tightening in just the right places as Eren was tying her with practiced motions. It was faster, but not too fast, the tempo just enough that Mikasa could close her eyes and feel every single touch, but not too slow so she wouldn’t get bored or restless.
Shibari was amazing especially because she could enjoy it like this. With handcuffs or other bondage gear they had, it took next to no time to lock the sub into it. Tighten a clamp, close a buckle and it was done. With ropes, it was way slower, especially thanks to the intricate design Eren was doing, but incredibly worth it. Eyes closed, she focused on her body, feeling each rub of the rope against her skin. Eren didn’t even touch her yet but Mikasa was already high on this feeling, breathing getting shaky.
With every knot, she could feel her worries melting away, retreating for now. They would be back, but for now the world narrowed to her body, the rope, and Eren’s presence all around her. The more the bondage tightened around her body the more relaxed Mikasa was, the less she could move the more she felt like she could fly. The ropes felt heavenly against the raven’s skin, their touch soft but firm. The rigging Eren put her into was beautiful, focused on her upper body. Her hands were bound behind her back and her breasts were tied, the lines created amazing patterns on her body, woven by Eren’s skilled hands. Basic yet effective, it got the job done and looked gorgeous too.
Fully tied and still on her knees, all she could do was watch as he loomed over her, a dark grin on his face, fully in his power. And as she watched, Eren took a step away from her, tugging his shirt over his head. With a few more moves, he was as naked as she, once again coming to stand right in front of Mikasa’s kneeling form. Gesturing her to stand, he watched as Mikasa scrambled up, the request made harder by her tied upper body. Face to face, Mikasa was forced to tilt her head up to look Eren in the eyes. Damn height difference. In a position like this, Mikasa expected a lot of things, or well, something at least, but when Eren did nothing but stared at her she frowned.
“What?”, she asked, unsure what was going on. Was something on her face?
“Nothing…”, reaching out, Eren gently cradled her cheek, as he definitely had a thing for touching that beautiful face, a warm smile on his lips, “You’re so incredibly pretty.”
It was crazy how strange he could be sometimes. Here she was, tied up, wearing nothing but those ropes, collar and black thigh highs and all he says is that she’s pretty. Yet it wasn’t stupid, because Eren’s words carried such deep love and appreciation in them that it made Mikasa blush. He meant every syllable. Embarrassed by how quickly he switched gears, from a bondage master to a loving boyfriend, Mikasa tried looking away, but Eren held her in place, forcing her eyes to stay at him.
“Stop that.”, she murmured, robbed of the possibility to avert her gaze.
He didn’t, smirking at the blush covering Mikasa’s cheeks.
“Cute. Miss Ackerman, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life.”
“And anyone who doesn’t see that is not right in the head.”
“Nope. Why do you think I tied you up in the first place? Now I can shower you in compliments and you can’t do anything about it.”
Her eyes narrowed.
“Is that so…”
“Sure is. Worst you can do is spit on me.”
“You’d probably enjoy that perv.”
His smile was cocky.
“Maybe I would.”
Mikasa sought a way to get her balance back, and spitting wasn’t it. With most of her weapons taken from her, she decided to launch a sneak attack. Quick as an attacking snake, she lurched forward, standing up on her tippy toes to bridge the height gap between them and smacking her mouth right against his. Surprised by the kiss, Eren grabbed her by the shoulders to stabilize, very quickly realizing what’s happening and putting out his offensive.
Tongues sliding against one another, Mikasa gave up on trying to control the liplock and instead surrendered to how nicely it felt. In addition, she could feel something hard poking her abdomen, a promise of things to come if she kept this up. To her disappointment, the kiss didn’t last nearly long enough before Eren pulled back and shoved her forcefully. She fell, body hitting the soft mattress and slightly bouncing. Her tits surely bounced, much to his amusement.
“Hey!”, she protested, but Eren didn’t give her time to talk.
Crawling over her body, he kissed her with much more force, wrenching her mouth open for him. To weaken her defenses, fingers began advancing on a different battlefield, sliding over her sex with deadly intent. He spread her open, dragged a finger through and tapped her clit, knowing exactly what to do. Despite Mikasa angling her hips and everything, Eren didn’t push a finger inside though, leaving her extremely frustrated. The bastard knew it, using the distraction to completely dominate the kiss, invading her mouth, taking everything from her. She mewled underneath his weight, body jerking. Her hands, so used to tangling in Eren’s hair during kissing could only dig fingernails into her forearms. The ropes squeezed her from all sides, and Mikasa found herself growing more and more turned on by the second. Which of course played perfectly into Eren’s cards. The magical fingers danced over her body, featherlight touches that did nothing to satisfy the hunger in her. Getting tied up by her skillful lover always lit the fire in Mikasa’s belly, and this tongue action combined with the right caress stoked the flames higher and higher.
“Eren,”, she whimpered, “stop teasing.”
All he did was shake his head.
Mikasa whined needily, using her legs and trying to push his body closer to her. Yet Eren didn’t budge, bracing himself against the admittedly very powerful force coming from Mikasa’s strong legs. The soft material of her thigh high socks slid against his skin, whispering.
“I’ll fuck you on my terms.”, he stated, resisting the tempting pull, “Or I won’t fuck you at all.”
He leaned even closer, the ends of his long hair brushing over Mikasa’s flushed face.
“You did say that you are gonna be a good girl for me, so which one will it be?”
As if he didn’t know the answer already. When Mikasa was like this, craving the dick and full of hormones, she could be very pliant.
“Please sir, do what you want with me.”, she whispered submissively.
Officially in charge, Eren took hold of one of her legs, pushing it high while keeping the other grounded. The forced angle between her lower limbs gave him a prime view of that place between her legs, so nicely pink and glistening, begging for his attention.  Still, he couldn’t help but tease her, it was way too much fun. Carefully, Eren pressed the tip of his cock ever so gently to her sopping wet entrance but no further.
Mikasa protested wordlessly, whined and whimpered and maneuvered her hips, trying to get him inside her. But Eren was experienced with teasing, so instead of giving her what she craved he continued toying with her, driving Mikasa’s already soaring arousal into a new level. It didn’t take much, a slide of his cock over her slit, letting it bump against her clit a few times and she was practically begging with her eyes. Neither of them said a word, it wasn’t needed at the moment, the symphony of their bodies was enough to communicate. That and the sounds Mikasa was making, almost like an animal in heat. It was testing for Eren too because having her like this was almost too much. She was so fucking hot, so desperate, so helplessly tied up. Her muscles moved beneath her skin, beneath his hands as she bucked and pulled, grinding herself against him. Just give it to me, her whole being said, please.
And that was about everything Eren was willing to take. With one hand on his member to steady it and the other on the girl beneath him, he guided himself into her, pressing his cock inside, pink lips parting to accept his offering. It was always pleasant like nothing else in the world, no matter how many times he experienced it. Eren gasped in pure bliss as the warmth enveloped him from all sides, making it hard to keep the slow tempo up. Still, he managed.
Eren kept both his hands occupied. One was holding Mikasa’s right leg up high, the other anchoring the left as he kept her spread and open for him. Slow but steady, he kept pushing until most of him was inside her, rubbing the inner walls as he went. Then after getting about three-quarters of his length in, he began withdrawing, once again unhurried. His length came out slick from her juices, appearing from between the parted outer lips of Mikasa’s cunt. She gasped when Eren pulled almost all the way out, only the head remaining sheathed, struggling for air, but then lost her breath again when he pushed back in. Body tensing, her legs shook where Eren held them, toes visibly curling.
Uncaring, he pushed forward, stuffing her and feeling as her walls gave way, body accommodating to the frequent visitor. Mikasa was feverish from this torture, the tempo Eren set was not enough to satisfy her flaming desire. Her head dropped onto the bed, mouth open in silent cries and moans, hands clenched into tight fists on the small of her back, bound together. The ropes kept digging into her skin when she flexed her muscles, they kept her grounded, unable to take control over the situation. She couldn’t flip Eren and take what she wanted. She could hold him down and ride him like there was no tomorrow. She couldn’t do anything, just take what he gave her.
Mikasa was incredibly tight, she always was, but Eren was relentless. The more he pushed the more her body opened for him until finally he touched the opening of her cervix. The rubbery feeling, familiar at this point, let him know that he had effectively hit rock bottom. Now he was completely inside her, bottoming out just when she couldn’t give him any more space. They really were made for one another.
Her cunt gripped him inside her hard, muscles sealing him in. Yet Eren didn’t wait. He pulled out again, almost entirely, and slid back in, only a fraction faster than before. The bump of her cervix was the signal, and he repeated the motion, and again, and again. Finally speeding up, finally picking up the tempo, Mikasa couldn’t keep the long pleasure moan inside her as it vibrated through her entire being. It was still too slow for her tastes, but it was far better than nothing. Her voice quivered, being forced to moan for him again, the fullness inside her demanding it. Mikasa arched from the bed, her body creating that perfect bridge and in response the ropes dug deeper into her skin, squeezing her breasts from all sides. He fucked her, still slow and languid, in movements that were not rushing anywhere. It was not enough, and if she was not tied up, Mikasa would have taken control of this long ago, she would….
Out of nowhere, the nice cock she was enjoying disappeared. It was gone from her heat and she was painfully empty, inner muscles clenching on nothing. Mikasa whined at the loss completely unsatisfied, loudly protesting. And again, Eren ignored her. His hand appeared, pulling hard at the ropes and she was, against her will, pulled into a kneeling position. Eren must have stood up, she realized, because facing her was not his head, but his fully erect length instead, glistening with both of their juices. The hand that pulled her body upright moved into Mikasa’s hair, taking a firm hold of the red and black strands.
“Suck me clean.”, he ordered her, exactly as demanding as Mikasa liked him to be.
With her hands tied and in a position like this, she didn’t have much choice in the matter to begin with. It was rather obvious - if she wanted to get it back inside her, she had to obey. So saying nothing, starved as she was, her cheeks red from the teasing half-fuck she got, Mikasa opened her mouth and took his throbbing cock head into her mouth. Her pink lips and warm mouth took more and more in, inch by inch she reached about halfway of Eren’s length before pulling back. The skin that was already wet from her cunt got even wetter by her mouth. Mikasa puckered her lips and spat on the cockhead where the clear droplets of pre-cum were oozing from the tip. And then she kept going.
Keeping her eyes open, she ran her tongue slowly along the underside, knowing it is a  very sensitive area. Mikasa licked him some more, like an eager cat, cleaning him exactly as she was ordered to. Then she wrapped those heavenly lips back on the swollen tip, and descended once again, mouth taking in his girth. She sucked on what was inside her, hard, making Eren groan above her, the fist in her hair tightening. He didn’t lead her, he didn’t have to, Mikasa was more than fulfilling any expectation he had.
With her mouth full of cock, Mikasa established eye contact, keeping it as she sunk lower and lower, taking more of Eren inside her mouth. Soon that was out of space, however, yet she kept going, the tip reaching the depths of her relaxed throat. Eren swore when he felt that, his eyes trained on her face, watching her pleasure him. If this was not erotic, then nothing else was.
Since her hands were tied, Mikasa couldn’t cup his balls as she usually did while giving a blowjob, couldn’t play with them, so she did her best to make up for it. The raven sucked harder and began bobbing her head, starting slowly but picking up speed. Before long the wet noise echoed in the room. From his vantage point above her, Eren had a prime view of her small, perky breasts, so nicely tied by the black and red rope, as they heaved with her efforts, nipples hard like small diamonds.
In short, Mikasa was pretty fucking good at cocksucking. She was, if anything, too good, and Eren was starting to lose himself to the feeling of her lips, her tongue adventurous as she explored all of his length. Even the light graze of teeth on the head had him gritting his own teeth. He could cum in her mouth, Eren knew that she would take it, but that wasn’t on the agenda. So, with great effort, Eren pulled at her hair, getting her greedy mouth away from his length which was now slick and completely covered in her spit.
Before she could question him, he flipped her over roughly with a strength that she wasn’t in a state to resist, Mikasa’s knees scrambling on the bedding. Eren kneeled behind her, guiding himself with one hand as he aimed for the dripping prize. The “What” died in favor of a long groan when he pushed right back inside her wet cunt, giving Mikasa no time to rest. With her hands tied behind her back, she couldn’t even brace herself against the punishing pace he set, fucking her with a clear purpose on mind. Her body shook, assaulted like this, face boiling red. As her muscles involuntarily clenched, Eren watched the tattooed wings on Mikasa’s back ripple, almost like flapping, trying to get away. But she was not going anywhere. Her hands clenched around nothing, black fingernails digging into her skin, and at the same time she tried biting into the covers to muffle herself. A motion that was not needed, as they were alone and Eren did not approve of unnecessary silence. One hand holding her waist, helping her trembling knees brace against the unrelenting assault, he reached out with the other, tangling it in her short midnight hair, now all shiny with sweat. With a yank, he brought her head up.
“Don’t.”, he growled, “Scream for me.”
And scream she did, when those deepest parts of her kept being rammed, over and over, her mind clouding over with pure and raw pleasure. Mikasa liked doggystyle, liked being taken from behind, liked the depth it allowed Eren to reach. It was even better now because Eren had that special angle figured out, that one she liked the most. He also knew that she liked being prepared first before the real rough pounding and did that too with the earlier teasing. All the checkmarks were there, all the optional objectives completed, and Mikasa was getting it exactly as she liked it. Her body was losing control, even her knees were faltering, and Eren was forced to let go of her hair to keep her ass up. Mikasa’s upper body, now with nothing anchoring it, flopped back on the bed, but she didn’t silence herself anymore. She moaned, groaned, and cried out loud, giving Eren exactly the satisfaction he wanted.
To reward her, he moved his fingers down, fingering her swollen clit. The touches were light, but in combination with the pounding she was getting from behind, it was more than enough. With each rub, with each time the head of his cock kissed that deep spot, Mikasa was getting tighter and tighter, her impressive musculature clenching hard around the invading length. The fire rising inside her, her eyes slid shut as she dragged her face over the bedding, the impeding orgasm closer and closer. It was wet, very wet, some of it leaking out as he hammered into her, dripping down over his balls. She was being stuffed like a freaking turkey, again and again, full and filled. This, this was what she craved. This was better than anything else, this was the best workout.
It felt like she was losing her mind from the incredibly intense pleasure. Eren kept going and going, so rough, throwing his gentleness in the wind. The caring boyfriend was gone, replaced by this sexual monster who was giving her the grade A dicking. There was no mental preparation she could do against the tidal wave. Her mind was shattered into thousand pieces, her body helpless, Mikasa was more or less just surviving the brutal assault on her body. She surrendered everything, burned it in the fire that was flaring through her whole body now. And with the last snap she was keeled over, inferno raging freely.
Mikasa came, and she came hard, her already loud moaning rising even higher as she didn’t muffle herself at all. She screamed out loud, body shaking, drool leaving her open lips and leaking onto the covers beneath her. Her eyes rolled back and she didn’t see anything, just white as Eren continued in his attack, not even slowing down. Her cunt was clenching hard around him, her feet, covered by the black socks, kicked the mattress repeatedly in her spasms, her fists tightened so much that the knuckles were bleeding white. She dug nails into her skin again, in a faint attempt to keep a grip on reality, but it did nothing apart from scratching herself bloody, a pain she did not even feel. Mikasa was completely lost in the stream of pleasure, defenseless. And Eren took full advantage, prolonging her orgasm as much as he could, touching and fucking her in a way that made the experience the best he could deliver.
But orgasming Mikasa was too much for any mortal man to handle, her body was a beautiful trap that was now fully triggered, the muscled passage massaging his whole length in a way nothing else in the world could imitate. He couldn’t stop himself, no matter how hard he clenched his teeth and how hard he squeezed her waist. Eren was too weak, so with a loud groan of his own, he came inside her, hips snapping until it was all over and they were both completely spent and done. It was a lot, way too much, dripping down on the covers underneath them, dirty and filthy and neither of them cared. There would be time to clean up later. Mikasa mewled in front of him, rubbing her face on the bedding, tired, happy and so thoroughly fucked that even her athletic body needed a break. Reaching over, Eren pushed the sweaty hair away from her face, smiling down at her afterwards.
They ate the cold pizza in comfortable silence, sprawled on the sofa. Mikasa, dressed only in a bathrobe after finally taking those damn thigh highs off and showering, had her legs in Eren’s lap giving her tired body the rest it deserved. The food might have been better when it arrived, but this was a trade she would take any day of the week. The pizza was good, and Mikasa was feeling sated on all fronts when they finished. Then a certain idea popped in her mind, something else that she hasn’t done in a while and would like, so turning to Eren she voiced her proposal.
“Hey babe, want to smoke some weed?”
“Yeah, I got it from Sasha, long time ago actually. I’ve been keeping it for a special occasion I guess, so how about we do it now?”, seeing his puzzled expression, Mikasa’s brows rode up. “Wait, you’ve never done weed before?”
Eren shook his head.
“What about college? Everybody smoked there.”
“Not me though.”
Mikasa wasn’t a pothead, but living with Sasha, who was one, did make her try it a few times. It made her relax, and that was a valuable feeling in the otherwise stressful environment. The need increased even more when she started dating Eren and kept agonizing over fucking whatever they were having over. In time she grew out of it, and smoked only very occasionally nowadays, but if today was not the occasion then what was one.
“Wanna try it then? I still have my bong stashed.”
“Your bong? And I’ve never seen it?”, putting a hand on his heart, Eren continued, “What else are you hiding from me?”
She booped him on the nose.
“Many things, but I believe you’ll get to know them eventually. What about the smoke, you in?”
He was. After some basic tutorial, when Mikasa showed him how to use the thing, they managed to get a few good hits even with his coughing. Getting an idea, Mikasa inhaled some smoke again before leaning over and capturing Eren’s lips in a kiss. He was all for it until she breathed the smoke right into his mouth. Eren got a coughing fit, Mikasa got a laughing one, and it was mutually decided that it was enough drugs for one day.
With pizza and weed in her system, Mikasa was practically melting into the couch, so relaxed that being on cloud nine was probably the best definition of her mental state right now. Minutes passed without Mikasa doing anything, not even moving her body for once, letting her abused muscles rest. She probably fell asleep too, because now she was feeling rested and once again recharged. To see if Eren was also up in the chill heaven with her, Mikasa rolled over. He did look great, rested too, but his eyes were busy, studying the dance pole in the corner for some reason. Which, in turn, gave her yet another idea.
“Would you like a dance?”
He blinked at her, surprised.
“You’d do that for me?”
“Tsk, of course.”, she gave him a slow, sexy smile, “Go, sit down.”
Standing up, Mikasa shrugged off the bathrobe as that would only flap around. Walking over to the pole, she shot a look over her shoulder to see that Eren was watching her intently, green eyes following her every step. Knowing that she had his full attention, Mikasa began the show.
The raven didn’t do a pole dance naked before, but it wasn’t that different from the underwear she sometimes practiced in. Having the thing at home had certain advantages. The pole was still the same, solid metal beneath her hands. Mikasa didn’t do the hardest and most demanding forms, knowing that this was more for show than an actual workout. She focused on the sexy part, doing twirls and legwork, snaking herself around the pole with precision. While she was getting lost in the dance, Eren had a great time sitting back and watching. He did so often, but it never ceased to amaze him. Mikasa’s body was incredible, a well-oiled machine that moved exactly as its mistress wanted it to. Her every muscle worked exactly as she ordered, pushing the body as a whole beyond what normal humans could achieve. She could do that in the ring, often surprising her opponents just how strong and fast she was, and she could do that here too. Combine that with her gymnast-like flexibility, and this was by far the best pole dance Eren had ever seen in his life. If she was doing this professionally, Mikasa would, in his humble opinion, be world-class. Then again, this was his fiancé so he was most likely strongly biased.
She didn’t overwork herself, there was no need. This dance wasn’t to strengthen herself, it was to show off, and Mikasa did that flawlessly. By the time she was done, Eren was staring with mouth a bit open, completely bewitched by how she moved. Dark magic in high school might not be very effective, but this thing was certainly working. Putting both her feet back on the solid ground, Mikasa leaned on the pole, crooking her finger at her charmed victim.
He moved immediately, shuffling forward like a zombie, his eyes only for her. A good spell. Eren hands went for her immediately, as that dance was an incredibly foreplay and it got him fired up good and proper. The location was a bit unlucky, so Mikasa voiced her concern out loud, unsure how this would work.
“Here? You want to do it here?”
“Why not?
“I’m not opposed to it, I’m just wondering.”, she eyed the pole with a certain criticism in her gaze, “How?”
It wouldn’t be Eren if he let a simple logistic problem defeat him. Hoisting Mikasa up, he pressed her back against the metal, eyebrow raised.
“Like this?”
She shifted left and right, tried how it went but this wasn’t it. The metal was digging into her spine, making it uncomfortable.
“No, wait. Let me down.”
Eren did so immediately, taking a step back to let Mikasa come up with a better alternative. She turned around, holding the pole and bending over, presenting her butt as an offering. The arch of her back that she did, the perfect curve, it never failed to make Eren’s mouth water.
“How about like this?”, she suggested.
Yes, even her back was sexy as hell. The chiseled, firm shapes, the incredibly back muscles, the beautiful tattoo covering it, artistically interwoven into the porcelain skin. Coming close, Eren ran his hands over the two flawless globes that were Mikasa’s ass, silently admiring that unbelievably sexy shape.
“Yeah, this will do.”
It would be a damn shame to see such a meal in front of you and not having a taste. Seeing her pink outer lips, ready and waiting for him, Eren decided that it was time to once again bring out his oral skills. He knew for a fact that Mikasa adored them. Dropping down to his knees, Eren met her confused eyes with his own, giving her a wink.
“The position is perfect, but I think that I’ll go for a snack first.”
And he dived in, tongue first.
The pole was, in the end, a serviceable place to have sex at. After the deed was done, they just fell on the floor, laughing.
“You didn’t have to eat me out first, you know.”, she said, but Eren just raised an eyebrow, “We could have just fucked right away.”
“Why not? I know that you love it.”
“I do, but again?”, she trailed her hand over his lips, “You are so generous to me, it’s crazy.”
“Please, after that pole dance? I’d do anything for you, that thing was so fucking hot it was unreal. Plus, if you like something, ask for it, it’s good to be comfortable with what you enjoy.”
“That depends. I think I may be growing too comfortable with sex and such.”
“What do you mean?”
“You see, a week or something back I was checking if my catsuit, the black one, still fits me as it should, I wanted to use it that evening. You remember right?”
“Please, how could I forget?”
“Then you also remember that we had a delivery that day. And when the bell rang, guess who almost opened the door wearing a freaking latex bodysuit.”
“Aw, that wouldn’t be so bad though, you could always salvage that situation.”
“How exactly? How could I escape the thousand and one news articles saying: “the freaky sex life of the Azumabito’s cover girl exposed!“ Somehow I don’t think that Kiyomi would be all that happy with me.”
“You’d just have to spin the story. Make it look like you are training for a Catwoman cosplay.”
“Yeah, only if Halloween wasn’t a year away, right?”
“Maybe he would believe you, you never know. Anyway, why were you wearing it?”, he poked her in the stomach, feeling the abs shift beneath his touch, “I didn’t notice you gaining weight or anything.”
“I don’t know, I just..”, she was blushing now, looking away, “I like how it feels on my skin, even when the latex is a pain in the ass to get into. Once I finally put it on, I didn’t feel like taking it off.”
When he didn’t say anything to that confession, she looked back at his face.
“Not gonna tease me?”
“Why would I? I’m glad that you enjoy it because I surely do. You look like a goddess in it.”
“Goddes of BDSM? That’s what you called me right?”
“Sure did, and we both know that I'm just saying the truth.”
The mental picture in his head Eren another idea, so he continued.
“So how about….”
But Mikasa cut him off.
“No, I’m not putting it on now. Way too much work.”
“Oh well, can’t blame me for trying.”
“I’m not. But we can have fun even without the suit, can’t we?”
She leaned closer, almost kissing him but not really, her lips only millimeters away when she spoke.
“Any ideas?”
Eren closed the distance hungrily, capturing the elusive tease in a wild kiss before flipping them over and pushing her down, fully intent on showing her just how much fun they can indeed have.
She grumbled a bit in discomfort when Eren kept pushing until her legs were on her shoulders, completely doubling her over.
“Are we fucking or doing yoga?”, she asked.
“Can’t it be both?”
Mikasa rolled her eyes at him, and there was no way he was letting that go unanswered. Moving forward, he kept a firm hold on her ankles, forcing her body to bend even more for him, abusing the flexibility she had. Her eyes narrowed, but she didn’t protest again, letting Eren do as he pleased. Yet that stern expression fell completely apart when he pushed back into her, the position giving him premium access to her sex.
“Didn’t you learn anything in all these years of fighting?”, he whispered pulling back, but when Mikasa opened her mouth to answer he pushed back in, so all that came out of her was a moan. The bastard.
With a grin, he finished his thought.
“Never forget to stretch.”
He was taking it slow, languidly kissing every tattooed feather on her back. The action was very loving and unhurried, in stark contrast to the bruising lovemaking from before, but Mikasa welcomed it all the same.
“Your back is so sexy.”, he whispered in between the kisses. “It does things to me.”
“My back? Is there a part of me that is not sexy?”
“Nope. You are the perfect female specimen.”, the kisses trailed from one shoulder blade to the other, “So, are you ready for another round, princess?”
“Sure, but I’m not moving.”, she eyed him over her shoulder, a smug smirk on her face, “Do your best.”
She more felt than heard Eren’s low chuckle. It was his own damn fault, Mikasa was resting, lying on her side and staring into nothing in particular when he slithered over and started his slow worship of her tattooed skin. Not that Mikasa was opposed to it, but she wasn’t going to just get up because of him.
“I can work with that.”, he growled, his hand wrapping around her thigh.
And he did just that, parting her legs and slipping in from behind. Yet he didn’t push in, keeping his head just shy of penetration, just barely parting her outer lips. It was a technique he developed, the fastest way to get Mikasa to talk about something she would normally blush and hide her face for. Dangle the carrot in her reach but not give it to her, keep her on the edge. Mikasa’s reaction was fast. She whined, stirred her hips, tried to get Eren to slip into her. He held fast.
“Any reason for your sudden laziness?”
As expected, she answered immediately, wanting nothing more for than for Eren to just shut up and fuck. Literally.
“We haven’t done this position in a while, and I like it.”, she curled her body, sticking out her butt for easier access, “I can just lie here as the little spoon while you do all the work.”
“Miki, just say the word and I’ll do the whole Kamasutra with you.”
She giggled at that, delighted.
“You think that there is a lot we haven’t tried?”
It wasn’t the first time one of them was feeling adventurous, and that usually led to a tryout for a new position randomly found on the internet. Thanks to Mikasa’s body, work of art on its own, so far they have never been unable to do the thing. The results ranged from absolutely terrible and borderline painful that were immediately dropped to some that Mikasa loved. Eren wasn’t much of a connoisseur in this, if he had a preference it was being able to see Mikasa’s face, a cheesy line that never failed to make her blush.
“For sure. Don’t underestimate how creative some people are.”
“No rush, let’s take it one by one.”, rubbing herself on Eren’s length more, she once again voiced her need, “So quit stalling and put it in.”
Pressing forward, Eren filled her, the position and angle allowing his cock to reach a great depth within her. It also gave him prime access to both Mikasa’s neck and ears, places where she was highly sensitive. Taking full advantage he mouthed her ear, tonguing the piercings before whispering.
“Your wish is my command.”
Sometimes, even being the peak specimen, they needed a break. It was a haze, madness, and Mikasa doubted that it was the weed. They were drunk and high, but not on drugs, on each other. And now that she thought about it, she was ready for another dose. Looking over where Eren was, Mikasa decided that it was time to see if her supplier had something in stock for her. Also, she could ask what the status was on the little endurance contest they had going on. There was no way in hell that an Ackerman was losing – as long as she was breathing, Mikasa would never admit defeat. She rolled on top of Eren, seating herself on her fallen lover.
“How are you doing, loser?”
He scoffed up at her, hands taking hold of her hips.
“I didn’t give up yet.”
“Then what was that:”, Mikasa dropped her voice lower, doing her best to imitate Eren’s tone, “M-Miki please, I c-can’t…. Not again… Oh god…”
She interlaced her speech with a lot of groans and moaning to drive her point home. In turn, his hands on her waist tightened, halting the back-and-forth rocking Mikasa was doing to illustrate her point. Not only to stop her making fun of him, but also because it was doing things to him that he was not yet ready to follow through with.
“I feel like you’re mocking me.”, he growled.
She quirked an eyebrow.
“Whatever gave you that idea?”
“It’s not that I mind, but It is kind of hypocritical.”
“Why is that?”
“I do remember a foot on my head, pushing me away from someone’s pussy, because”, now it was Eren doing the imitating, pushing his voice higher to match Mikasa’s “Babe, I-I ne-need a minute, It’s to-too m-much…”
She frowned at him.
“Oral is cheating.”
That made him laugh, the sound shaking his body beneath her thighs. Seated as she was, it shook Mikasa too.
“So me eating you out is cheating, but you sucking my soul out is fine?”
“Well it’s fair, you get to use ropes so it’s balanced.”
“I don’t remember having the monopoly on that,”, Eren’s fingers started doing those small circles on Mikasa’s hipbones, a more or less unconscious reflex at this point, “You can tie me up too, if you want…”
“I need way more gear to do it right, you grab a rope and…”, she made a booming gesture, “Blow my mind.”
Not sure how to react to such a compliment, Eren just smiled. Because what is the right reaction when your girlfriend tells you that you are very good at rope bondage?
“Thanks. I love you too my rope bunny.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s a term I found on the internet while doing some err.. research. Apparently it’s a person who enjoys being bound so.”, he tapped her on the thigh, “You.”
Mikasa considered it for a moment but then shook her head.
“Nope, I don’t like it. Drop it.”
“Really? It’s kinda cute…”
However, she was decided. Reaching over Eren’s chest, she tapped him, hard, right in the middle. At the same time, her voice got filled with that murderous low tone that always made Eren shiver, and not in a good way. Mikasa was terrifying when she wanted to be and it didn’t matter that she was naked and seated on top of him. It was like flipping a switch – at first, she was the sexiest thing alive and then switch she made Eren want to salute and straighten his back while also cowering in fear at the same time. One of a kind.
“Drop. It.”
Well, he tried.
“Yes my queen.”
She rewarded him with a smile.
“Now that’s more like it. Know your place, fuckboy.”
“You’re experimenting, I’m experimenting. But don’t worry, I don’t like that one either, I think that I’ll stick with Eren.”
He snorted beneath her.
Pleased by how quickly he obeyed, Mikasa ran her hands over his firm body, stopping the cup his once again hard member.
“Now look,”, she purred, “ Is this for me?”
She was so immersed in the kiss that she didn’t even realize where Eren was taking her. But when Mikasa’s naked skin slid along something slightly fuzzy and soft, she had to break away to see. Oh. A pool table. Her thoughts got jumbled right after, because after Eren so unceremoniously dumped her on the table, he parted her thighs and bowed his head, going to work. Eren was an artist with his mouth, so whatever Mikasa wanted to ask was promptly forgotten, and didn’t resurface until after she came, her body writhing on top of that strange new surface.
“Why do we even have a pool table?”, she panted the question out, “It’s not like we use it.”
Eren looked like he didn’t want to answer, too absorbed in lining himself up properly, not even bothering with wiping his face. But when Mikasa tugged on his hair, he did raise his eyes.
“We are using it right now.”, he said, making Mikasa giggle.
“I don’t think that the table was designed for fucking.”
“Doesn’t matter. WE bought it, we can use it for what we want to.”
He stopped all of a sudden, the tip of his member just touching Mikasa’s sex, only the slightest part inside her velvety heat.
“Should I get off of you and set the table?”, he even had the indecency to smirk down at her, “We can play pool if you want, sink some balls.”
Instead of answering, Mikasa wrapped her legs around him and pulled hard, basically forcing Eren to slide into her in one quick motion. As he didn’t expect it, Eren made the most embarrassing moan, eyes widening.
“Maybe later.”, she said, “For now, forget the balls and focus on sinking Into me.”
Eren didn’t need to be told twice, bracing himself on the pool table, he drove into her, once again taking control of the situation. That didn’t mean that Mikasa stopped moving, her hips were still rising to meet his, her legs kept pushing and pulling in sync with the movements, she was very much an active party. With that much friction given by the cloth on the pool table, her body wasn’t sliding that much, something Eren was grateful for. He could drive into her with more force, a notion Mikasa appreciated with a deep purr in her throat. And when she closed her eyes and craned her neck, getting closer and closer to the edge, a single thought flashed through her mind.
You know what, maybe the pool table wasn’t such a bad investment.
His fingers trailed her ass, passing her sex and moving until the tips pressed against the other hole.
“What about here?”, Eren asked, “Another thing we haven’t done in a while.”
True enough, and Mikasa nodded almost enthusiastically. She did remember that it could feel really good, with adequate preparation that is, and Eren was trained enough to know that.
“Get the lube.”
While Eren retrieved the item, Mikasa scrambled herself up to the hands and knees position, presenting her ass the best she could. Eren appreciated it with a hum and gentle caress of her butt. The fingers that probed into her Mikasa expected, relaxing her muscles and pushing back to help Eren slide in. At this point, they were rather experienced with this. After one finger came two, stretching her out in preparation for the sex. Or so she thought. Wrongly, because the next thing that came after Eren withdrew his hand wasn’t his cock, unless it froze when Mikasa wasn’t looking. The object was warmed a bit, by his mouth she guessed, but still colder than what she thought was going to slip inside her. It wasn’t that hard to guess that it was a plug.
“I th-thought we are going to f-fuck.”, she panted out, words hard to form while Eren worked the toy into her butt.
“You said it yourself, there is no rush.”, he pulled back a bit, once again stretching her with the widest part, “I want you to be prepared.”
Eren had a plan, and when he had a plan Mikasa didn’t argue. It was much more fun to simply play along. Once she was properly plugged, Eren smirked on the image in front of him. The toy had a heart-shaped decoration at the end, which was now settled between her cheeks, creating a rather pleasing view. This stage done, he stood up, meeting Mikasa’s unsteady gaze and red cheeks.
“Wanna watch a movie?”
The stare she gave him was hilarious, but Eren didn’t blame her. It was a strange thing to ask. In way of answering the unspoken “What the fuck?” question, he fished out the toy’s remote control from his pocket.
“I promise it’s gonna be fun.”
Seeing that he was completely serious, Mikasa let out a frustrated laugh, shaking her head. Eren was impossible sometimes. Getting up from her compromising position, she had to bite her bottom lip to keep the moan the toy’s shift inside her produced. And she played along.
“Okay, let me get dressed.”
Eren wasn’t lying, the movie was fun, made even better by the random vibration that certain someone kept sending through her body, building that mountain of frustration inside her. Yet she held, knowing that this was the game, a small friendly wager if she could hold herself back until it was over. In her stubbornness, she couldn’t let the smug devil that was her boyfriend have this one. Yet as soon as the movie was over, Mikasa was right on top of him, growling in the animalistic desire.
“Get your fucking dick out.”
And for the second time in a few hours, Eren had the feeling that disagreeing would cost him a few broken bones. Only a feeling, as Mikasa wouldn’t hurt him, but it was there and it made him shiver once again. Angry Mikasa was scary, and horny Mikasa wasn’t that far behind. Making peace with his fate, which was some incredible anal sex with Mikasa’s firm and shapely backside, Eren surrendered, saying the same phrase that he did not that long ago.
“Yes my queen.”
It was sunny outside, which meant that it was day, yet Mikasa could not care less. She didn’t know if Eren was passed out or not, lying next to her in their love nest, or if he was simply silently recharging for the next round. She was tired, beyond tired even, but in the best of ways, worn out by the most pleasant physical activity she knew besides fighting.  They’ve been at this for what, hours? Days? Mikasa lost count on how many times they finished each other off. If there ever was marathon sex than this was it. In accordance with her previous wish, Eren found an article online and they tried several new positions as well as dusted off some places they haven’t had sex on in a while. She was satisfied in every way, and it was only the stupid competition they had that made her reach out, poking Eren in the crotch. He groaned, eyes opening to look into hers. Grey meeting green, Mikasa smirked at him, pressing her palm against the soft member. She used him so much, the raven wasn’t sure if Eren even could get hard anymore.
“Seriously Miki?” he hissed, voice as tired as she felt, “What am I to you? A sexbot?”
With a giggle, Mikasa once again rolled on top of him, taking her favorite seat.
“Of course, why else would I spend all these years training you?”, her hand dragged down over his face, making a brief stop at his lips before descending to lay flat against Eren’s beating heart, “I’m just collecting on my time investment. With interest.”
“Large fucking interest, if I say so myself.”
“That’s how it works babe. And…”, she scooted closer, gracefully, whispering into his ear, “I don’t hear you complaining.”
“Kinda hard to..”
“Besides,”, she pulled back again, “Wasn’t it you who said, and I quote: “blowjob is an art”?”
“That was years ago!”, he whined, cursing Mikasa and her perfect memory, “I was eighteen and just got some action for the first time in my life! I was trying to motivate you since you didn’t seem that much into it at the beginning…”
“Geez, I wasn’t super stoked about having a dick down my throat. Who could have ever guessed that!”
“I mean…”
She waved his protest aside.
“Its fine, fine. I learned to like it anyway, with practice. My point is, you have all this big talk about that and you don’t think that eating pussy is not? You know how many times I had to guide you, step by step, to tell you exactly what to do and how I like it?”
“I remember Miki.”, he grinned up at her, “I was there.”
“Well then you know how many hardships I had to endure to get you to the point you are at now.”, she huffed in satisfaction, once again gently caressing Eren’s cheek, “Perfectly serviceable lover, finely tuned specifically for my pleasure. You know every position I like, every sensitive part of my body, everything.”
She tapped him on the nose.
“So why the hell wouldn’t I use you as much as I can?”, shifting her weight, so more of her naked ass was pressing right against Eren’s length, she smiled when feeling the familiar hardening, “Your body agrees with me.”
“You don’t play fair.”, he accused her.
“All is fair in love and war.”, she countered straight back.
Mikasa was obviously dead set on getting off again, but Eren still felt like his thing wasn’t ready, so he switched his voice into a pleading one.
“Mercy, please. I need to recharge, not everyone has a body like you do.”
A body that was an almost never tiring machine, capable of a wide variety of activities – everything from fighting to fucking and many more. Sex is a physical effort too, and unless Eren tied her up, Mikasa was very much active during it. The thing is, Eren could push Mikasa to her limits, exhaust her just as well as she did it to him, but he needed the assistance of his wide variety of sex toys. Here, skin to skin, with Mikasa unbound and only one butt plug to assist him, he was finding himself outmatched. Not by a large margin mind you, he more than held his own and Mikasa was perfectly satisfied with his performance, but it wouldn’t be her if she didn’t push for more. Overcome your limits, not only in the ring but in the bedroom too.
Yet it was very important to understand when your partner cannot perform anymore, and Mikasa was a generous goddess.
“Fine,”, she agreed, backing down, “ I don’t want to break you after all.”
“Why is that?”
A wink.
“You are my favorite toy.”
The line rang once, twice, thrice, fourth and then fifth time, making Levi frown. Mikasa was usually quite reliable when it came to answering his calls, she knew he didn’t do it unless there was something of importance to discuss. Just as he was about to end the call and try later, there was a crack and a familiar voice.
“Mikasa’s phone, Eren here.”
“Hey, can you give me the brat? I need to talk to her.”
“Sorry, but she’s at the shower right now. Should I give her a message?”
Levi sighed. Of course, she was busy when he needed her - that was just his luck.
“Fine, tell her to swing by tomorrow, we need to talk about the sponsorship shit from Hizuru.”
“I’ll let her know.”
“Good, good. You take care Eren.”
“You too Levi, see you.”
Putting the phone down, Eren ended the call. Carefully, he put it back on the dresser, turning around. What he told Levi wasn’t entirely accurate – Mikasa wasn’t in a shower, but she was very much unable to accept the call in her current situation. The smug smile spread over his face, Eren took a minute to admire her current situation, as it was his handiwork. If he wanted to be honest with Levi, he could have said that his fiancé is a bit tied up at the moment.
Mikasa was standing, or rather balancing herself, on just the toes of one of her legs. The other was pulled up and bent at the knee, secured in that position by ropes. Those sneaked all the way over her body, like a web, immobilizing her completely. Her torso and breasts were tied too, several crisscrossing lines that made a very nice pattern against her pale skin. Mikasa’s hands were tied behind her back, forearms pressed together. Two lines also ran down her abs, between the forcefully spread thighs and framed her sex, positioned so they would rub against her outer lips, teasing and not fulfilling. All these ropes connected at the top, leading up the ceiling where they were anchored, suspending her in the air. Eren calculated the height so the only part of her that could touch the ground here the tips of her left leg’s toes, her weight was held up by the ropework itself. And that was not all.
There were clamps on her nipples, small weight pulling them down. Her chest and abdomen were full of red wax stains, remnants from a little candle fun they had earlier. Even gagged, she made the cutest sounds when he dripped the hot substance on her nipples. Mikasa's eyes were hidden behind a thick blindfold and her mouth was held open by the aforementioned black ballgag, drool trickling down her chin. The silver letters on her collar glistened when she moved her head, moaning weakly into the rubber. Eren didn’t blame her. Pulling the remote control from his pocket, he increased the vibrations on the egg vibrator hidden deep inside her cunt. She reacted immediately, the moan changing into a long whine as Mikasa craned her neck, muscles tensing as she swayed in the rigging. He had been playing with her body for some time now, using several toys and instruments, making her extremely sensitive at this point.
Retrieving the flogger from where he dropped it once Mikasa’s phone started ringing, Eren walked over to where she was bound. Her head angled towards him once he drew near, searching, a non-descript sound coming from behind the gag. It was most likely her begging, Eren realized, circling her suspended body. He did a good job – the rope was as much of decoration, in the complicated shapes he created, as it was a restraint -the ropework was beautifully done, not leaving a single part of her body unbound. Even the tattooed wings on Mikasa’s back were crossed over by a rope, completing the illusion of a captured angel, fully at his mercy. And the devil was here to play.
Not hitting her yet, Eren dragged the flogger over her body, loving how she tensed against the soft touch. Her ass was nicely red, also his doing, whipped into that pretty color. It reminded him of the wax he dripped on her, stuck to Mikasa’s heated sweaty skin. There was also the end of the anal hook there, protruding from between her flawless buttcheeks, the clip smartly secured to the ropes around her body, pulled tightly. It was doubly as cruel now because hanging in the air like this, Mikasa had almost no control over it. Suspended, a part of Mikasa’s weight was carried by the hook itself, so the pressure was unrelenting. And when her body spasmed, either from pain or pleasure, it pulled at the hook and it shifted in her, merciless. It was truly a hellish contraption that he had bound his lover into. There was a lot he had done to her so far, and Eren could see the result of his efforts rather clearly. The proof of her arousal and enjoyment was running down Mikasa’s strong thighs, glistening and mixing with the sweat, soaking the ropes that tied her legs, held her helplessly open for him to have fun with.
Inspection done, Eren circled her completely, coming back to stand in front of her. Reaching down, he took hold of her face, turning her to him. Very carefully, he pushed the sweat matted short locks from her face, knowing how hyper-aware she is of his every touch. With your senses gone, the remaining ones tend to sharpen, Eren knew that for a fact as he was often put into a similarly vulnerable position on Mikasa’s dom days.
He was sure that Mikasa was looking at him, although he couldn’t see it through the blindfold, most likely begging with her eyes in addition to the muffled sounds leaking from behind the gag alongside the drool. He had the tied-up angel’s full attention.
“So…”, he drawled, thumbing her scar gently, knowing that there would be enough time to get rough in a moment. Eren was far from being done with her.
“Remind me kitten, where were we?”
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When You Can’t Find the Quiet
ya can all thank my autistic ass for projecting onto this? i needed to finish this and it’s now almost 1am so i’ll post part 2 tomorrow lmao i know it sucks but like. i don’t have friends who Get It ya know? i figure peter n co. would try super hard to help sooooo 
It was a Bad Brain day from the second you woke up.
It didn’t start off horribly, on the level that made physical touch sting and laughter split your skull in two. That didn’t stop the repetition of your mom’s alarm clock in the next room from feeling like it was chipping away at your bones at 5am, as she got up to go swim laps at the community pool. New York was never quiet, and going back to sleep wasn’t an option, even though it wasn’t your choice to be up at such an ungodly hour. All of a sudden you were hot. Too hot. Suffocating. Throw-off-the-covers-and-stick-your-head-under-the-kitchen-sink kinda hot. And as you stood with your hair dripping, pyjama shirt soaked hours before you even had to think about the hustle of teenagers fighting to get to homeroom, you realised that it was just One of Those Days.
The bathroom in your apartment had an east-facing window. Which may have been an irrelevant fact to most, but on days like today it meant you could crack it open to let the steam out and shower completely in peace. No hard lights, no grating whir of the fan. A brief reprieve of soft light and floating before the world pressed play again. The only other sound besides the stream hitting the tiles were those your mother made, in another room, grabbing files before she left for work. Most days, you wouldn’t be in the same room for more than ten minutes at a time, and that suited you just fine- for the majority of instances, you could act normal, hold eye contact and try to remember what you knew about small talk for long enough to think you were ‘fine’.  Words weren’t gonna happen today, though, and you stood pressed against the bathroom door, listening for the click of the front door signalling that you wouldn’t have to force out a stuttered attempt at speech. Finally, she left and you could finish getting ready. Not stopping to think, you swept the textbooks from last night’s homework into your bag, swung it on your back and ran out the door. You might miss your train, but you’d only be late for homeroom.
You didn’t miss the train, if only for the fact that it was three minutes late and you’d speed-walked the whole way there. The perk of being so focussed on your feet on the concrete was that nothing else existed. Unfortunately, once the adrenaline of making the doors before they closed wore off, everything came back. Hard. That specific kind of warmth that comes from people standing too close. That one flickering light that you couldn’t directly see, but after a few minutes made you want to punch that fucking thing out so it would stop. The awful hot shock of touch when the person next to you fell into your arm as the train slowed to a stop in the tunnel, shuddering down your spine and making you want to crawl out of your skin. The tinny bass of too-loud music through someone’s airpods, someone talking on the phone, everyone breathing and shifting and rustling and the train breaks whining and-
Headphones. Should have headphones. You pulled your backpack around to your front, ripping open the zipper and rifling through the loose papers and the water bottle you forgot to fill before you left. Of course, that wasn’t the only thing you forgot. Fucking great. You haphazardly shoved everything back in your bag and pulled a fidget cube from your pocket, remembering that you’d left it in your hoodie from yesterday. Hands on each side. Thumbs on the switch. Focus. Click left. Click middle. Click right. Click middle. One, two three, four. Over and over and over and over until it was your stop.
You walked through the school gates head down, hoodie up, thumb running over the spinny metal ball of the fidget cube in your pocket, determined to just make it through the day and get back home to the quiet. Unsurprisingly, you were completely unaware of Ned and Peter running up behind you, completely oblivious to how loud they were being. “Hey y/n, how was your weekend? Peter and I were just planning to go see the new Star Wars movie at the cinema next week, do ya wanna come?”
“Yeah y/n it’ll be fun! We can get popcorn and soda and Skittles.”
“If you wanna come, my mom’s booking the tickets this weekend so we can get good seats. It’s gonna be AWES-”
“Shut it, nerds.” MJ was slouched against the peeling paint of her locker, two down from Peter’s. “You’re hurting them”.
At some point, your hands had made their way up to your ears. It wasn’t really Ned and Peter’s fault, but their voices just added an extra layer to the soupy mess of sounds echoing through Midtown Tech. It also didn’t help that the shoving and pushing of kids running through the corridor was prickling your skin, the thickness of your jumper doing little to help at this point. You twitched as someone grabbed the fabric near your elbow, tugging. “I know you don’t want to be touched right now but if you go inside with Peter, it’ll be quieter,” MJ spoke as softly as she could without being completely drowned out by yelling teens. Your eyes flickered over to Peter, the only sign to MJ that you’d processed what she said. Peter, having shoved most of his stuff in his locker and grabbed whatever textbooks he needed, fumbled to try and untangle his earphones.
“Here, try these. I know it’s not your headphones, but it might help if you focus on music so you we can get to the quiet?” You quickly took them from him and jammed them in your ears, plastering your hands back over the top. In all honesty, they didn’t do much and you couldn’t really tell what song was playing, but you were desperate to get any sort of relief from the barrage of input. You were grateful when Peter didn’t try and pull you through the crowd, instead opting to try and create a path for you to follow, and made sure you were seated up the back in a corner well before the bell rang.
The bell.
The bell that was right over your head.
Well shit.
The only way you could describe how it felt, was that every atom in your body was on fire. Out. Out. Get out. You didn’t remember when you started scratching at your arms, only that you needed to stop to open the door. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you began to question where the door was, where you were, but that thought was abandoned when you realised the room was dark. Quiet. Staggered to your knees, you found the corner and crouched there, waiting for your head to stop spinning.
Meanwhile, Peter was back in homeroom, stressed out of his mind. The teacher hadn’t come in until after y/n had ran, and Peter debated whether or not to stay for attendance or try and find you, in case something bad happened.  Eventually deciding on the latter, Peter bolted down the corridor, yelling for someone to tell the teacher to mark him and y/n as here. He had a vague idea of where you could be, but after checking under the back library tables, the unused changeroom out the back of the gym and the photocopying room, he was getting desperate. There were dozens of empty classrooms and homeroom was nearly over. If the sounds of chairs scraping and kids screaming wasn’t going to make things even worse for you on your already super-shitty day, then having a presumably unsympathetic teacher find you huddled at the back of their class, without a verbal excuse, was just plain cruel. He was almost about to head to the nurse and see if there was anyone they could call to come help find you, when he heard a high-pitched sound coming from an empty chem lab storeroom
The squeaking of the door as it swung open was enough to set your teeth on edge, and you bit even harder on the finger jammed into your mouth. “Hey, hey y/n, it’s okay, s’just me”
You kept rocking. The door squeaked again, the sliver of light disappearing. Then footsteps. “I know, I know this is rough, but I think I have something that can help.” Peter’s voice still hurt your ears, but not in the mind-numbingly harsh way of before. “Can you maybe stop rocking and take your hood down for a sec? I have something to put over your head, like a mask, it’s gonna make everything go away. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry but trust me, this’ll work.”
You slowly moved your free hand up, pushing back the fabric and moving it back down to brace on the ground. Peter pulled something out the back pocket of his jeans, the room too dark to make it visually distinguishable, and quickly braced your cheek whilst tugging it over your face. Your breathing hitched; there was a sound, a woman talking, the mask-thing wasn’t down all the way and you could feel it resting on the top of your knuckle, the taste of blood in your mouth…
“Uh, shit, okay, Karen that’s okay I did that, uh, make it quiet? Make it dark? I know Mr Stark put a protocol for this why can’t I remember it, just hold on a sec y/n you’re fine you’ll be fine I got this,” Peter’s frantic rambling was interrupted by his pocket vibrating. Insistently. Knowing the light would hurt your eyes, he tried to shield the screen with his hand, answering the call.
“Want to explain why your mask is on someone else’s head.”
“Uh see you see-”
“At school. When you were just marked as absent. And May just called me, asking if I knew anything about it. Oh, and why those vitals are off-the-fucking CHARTS.”
“I can explain I promise it’s just my friend is- they’re not doin’ too great and I’m trying to help them out”
“Can that explain why you’re whispering”
“Yes, yes it can. You know how my senses are like, dialed to eleven. Like, all the time?” “Mmm”
“Well their’s is just like that. Normally. And sometimes school is too much for them but they can’t communicate properly, and I guess they just, like, run? They, uh, need to get out but they don’t know where to? And so the bell went earlier and they disappeared and I found them in the chem storeroom but it was before the teacher marked attendance so that’s why we’re marked absent-” “Don’t care about that now. Where are they?”
“We’re in the chem storeroom still. I thought maybe I could use my mask to make it quiet to try and help, since you installed those mods- thanks by the way- but Karen won’t stop flashing and talking and I forgot the protocol name and they won’t let me get the mask off and oh shit now their hand’s bleeding Mr Stark please help-” Tony cut him off again. At this point, all attempts at whispering between the two had been abandoned, and you wanted to get out.
“I remotel…”
Silence. Complete, blissful, beautiful, enveloping silence.
You didn’t feel your head hit the linoleum floor.
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matt-skc-rp · 4 years
*Makeup* “It’s Too Cold For This”|| Youniversity Advent Day 27
Matt watched Arin walk into the room and then felt a nudge from Ray by his side. “Bet you my term paper that he’s coming from the nurse’s office” he chided, watching the boy with a gross bruise on his neck and a black eye. 
“Mr. Hanson, glad you could join us,” the teacher said, turning around, “Oh my go-”
“I’m coming from the nurse,” Arin quickly blurted, taking his hair out of the ponytail and letting it flop to his face and blush. 
“You could be coming off of the street and I wouldn’t care. You’re late again and you know that means you have detention.”
“Yea...” he said, but heard a giggle coming from the front, her legs swinging freely.
“Something funny about me reprimanding your colleague, Ms. Howson?” the teacher asked.
“Fuck..what grade do you want?” Matt sucked his teeth lightly, sighing.
“Uhh..passing is fine,” Ray said with a chuckle, biting his lip, “Check out your girlfriend.”
“Ray! Shush...she’s not my girlfriend..” Matt jumped up, but trained his eye towards the girl sitting in her uniform skirt and the short sleeve thin collared shirt with a sweater vest and long coloured balayage hair. She was adorable while she read her book, but she looked uncomfortable, restless. He wondered what the problem was.
“Earth to Matt....Helloooo..”
“Matthew,” the teacher barked, which caused him to jump with pure surprise, “It’s impolite to stare. And even more impolite you’re making Ray disrupt my class because you’re gawking at a girl.”
The class erupts into laughter, causing Matt to roll his eyes.
“Sorry,” he spoke less confidently and leaned back slightly.
“Can we all act like adults and show up for class on time and keep our eyes in respectable places during school hours?..Thank you!” he turns around and continues on his lecture. 
“Thanks Ray,” Matt says.
“I was tryna warn you.”
In the boy’s locker room, they changed into their gym uniforms and bantered on. 
“Yo what’s with you staring at the new chick?” Mark asked, spraying on deodorant.
“Her thighs are thicc, I’ve stared at those hams once or twice,” Felix jumped in, closing his locker, “Her and Suzy got some of the thickest thighs in this whole school!”
“Hey man, don’t talk about Suzy like that!” Arin interjected, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. 
“Did yall see what she was reading?” Matt finally chimed in, “She was reading Hemmingway. Before that she was reading cummings. She reads a different book every day. And she hums songs that I know..”
“Wow..you noticed all of those things?” Ray asked, looking at him, “Hopefully you’re as observant when you write my paper this weekend.”
“Your history paper?” Sean asked, “Why does he have to write it?”
“Well why does Arin have a black eye and a noticeable bruise?” Ray asked.
Jeremy gave Arin a look and nudged him, showing that he was quite curious himself.
“You get into a fight?” Mark asked, closing his locker.
“Your parents gave you a shakedown?” Danny asked, handing Thomas his gym shirt.
“No..” Arin answered more annoyed but still very passive.
“Why did Shawna think your injuries were so funny?” Shane asked, “Was she there?”
“Y-Yeah..Hey Felix, I mean it, don’t talk about Suzy like that,” Arin said and repeated himself since he had the floor.
“Uhm..I’m sorry, didn’t she dump you?..Coulda swore you fucked that up!” Felix responded energetically, “And if you must know I mentioned it as a compliment, I wasn’t disrespecting her or objectifying her body.”
“Oh yeah? What makes you think she wants to hear that?” he bit back, rage growing in his chest, slamming his locker.
“What makes you think you need to know?” Felix asked, walking up to him, looking down at the boy, “I’ll give you another black eye for breaking her fucking heart.”
“Alright, a fight,” Dan beamed quietly straightening his posture.
Phil, Thomas and Charlie all stood up, approaching the two and pulling them apart, letting them know that it wasn’t worth it. Since Arin was done, they walked him out of the locker room.
“What’s going on here?” PJ asked, walking in the opposite direction, looking to Phil and Thomas, “Who did he fight?”
“He almost got into it with Felix,” Phil said quickly, “Now go, you’re late.”
“Nah, nah, hang on a sec...Where did all of that come from then?” he asked, approaching the heated boy and holdng his face up by his chin. Arin was still fuming and barely cared that the boy he had a huge crush on was touching him.
“Shawna... can I go now?” Arin said quickly.
“Yeah, we can talk about this later, we got like 5 minutes to whistle and I don’t feel like running laps..” Thomas said.
“Shawna? As in my Shawna, Shawna? What did you do?” he asked, taken aback, “What happened?”
“She’s not your Shawna. And she’s fine. I asked for this..”
“I’m not sure you get to make that call,” PJ staring Arin in his eyes and pausing to look him up and down, then walking away, wagging a finger at him while walking back toward the locker room. 
“Alright you guys, the gym is getting repainted so we had to open the windows and turn the big fans on. It’s a little chilly, but it’ll be great for the workout today!”
“It’s too cold for this..” Gabbie whined amongst Kristen and Shawna.
“It’s not that cold to me..You should start doing hikes with me on the weekends,” Shawna said, hands on her hips.
“Yeah, sure, Ms. Canada no thanks I hate the cold!” Gabbie said back, “I’ll join you in like late spring or early summer.”
“Arin and I usually join her, but I couldn’t make it yesterday..Did something happen? Why does he look like he got his ass beat?” Kristen asked excitedly.
“Uhh..” Shawna began before hearing the whistle and watching the boys all sprint onto the floor.
“Alright, since everyone needs to get moving and warm a little. How about everyone a nice light 5-minute jog?” he blew the whistle.
Everyone got into the group and started to jog together.
“Hey Shawna!” Tessa exclaimed, catching up to her friend, “Did you see what happened to Arin?”
“Yeah, I did it,” Shawna said quieter, simply looking forward.
“Oh my god! You did that?!” Kristen asked, whipping her head towards her, “What did he do to deserve it?”
“I-I..Can we just jog please?” Shawna said a little exasperated, “He told me I can’t say.”
“We wouldn’t tell anyone! We promise!” Tessa reassured her.
“You’re talking too loud,” Megan jumped in from the back.
“Even if she did, the boys can hear you from here..We can hear from here!” Liz added.
“Shut the fuck up,” Tessa snapped back before a whistle rang out and everybody stopped immediately, the group of girls giving exasperated sighs and a wave of sucking teeth.
“Why are we so chatty today?” the teacher asked, the room fell silent, “I heard someone curse, and you know that means I gotta make yall do health packets.” The class groaned and sucked their teeth, “Ah, Ah! Go change back and get in here while I grab the packets. Get seated on the bleachers and if I catch you doing other work, not only are you gonna sit, you’re getting detention.”
The girls were changing in the locker room and decided to pick up where they left off:
“Why would you-” Tessa began before Shawna cut her off.
“I never said why. He’s a little shit and someone needs to put him in check, so I did,” she replied.
“I say kudos, and I’m sure he deserved it,” Kristen said, watching her classmates redress, “PJ makes Arin out to be such a big softie.”
“He is a softie, for the most part, Matt said that too,” Gabbie chimed in while she pulled her ponytail out.
“I think the rugged hurt puppy look gives him an edge,” Shawna slid into the bustle of the girls talking.
“And you’re like..dating Arin, right?” Megan asked.
“Noo! He’s clearly dating PJ!” Kristen jumped up, yelling over them as they got up to leave.
“Says the girl who wishes she could date PJ,” Gabbie chided to Kristen, who accidentally let red glare at her friend even though blue laughed it off. It wasn’t like she cared what they thought and she wasn’t even mad that they had found out that she liked the lanky Brit, it was the reminder that plagued her that everybody knew she felt like a fool about it. She looked over at Shawna, who had been trying to walk as though she was deaf to the girls. It dawned on her that the girl might feel the same way about Arin, except she just wasn’t sure what transpires when they’re alone; and the girl felt a pang of longing.
The boys’ locker room was heavy. They didn’t think they would get the chance to see what happened.
“Arin,” PJ said, turning around and closing his locker, rolling up his jacket sleeves.
The boy turned around as he fixed his tie to face him, not realising how close he had gotten. He could feel the heat of his torso and his heart began to pound. His body was confused with the stress he felt as his vision blurred a little and mind felt eclipsed in darkness. “What do you want?” he bit at the boy.
“I wanna know why you said that,” he responded brushing off the intensity.
“I didn’t say anything, Peej,” he said, sounding like he was moments away from losing his patience.
“You said that she isn’t mine, and I’m..just curious,” he backed off in tone, “You sounded like it came from somewhere that you’re familiar with. I know you two have been getting close, and from what I’ve heard, you look like that because of her.”
“Did she say anything to you about it?” Arin asked raising an eyebrow.
“Spit it out, you cocky fuck!” Felix spat out.
“No one is talking to you Felix, I got this babe,” PJ tried to soothe the enraged Swede.
“No, we’ve got beef from earlier, and if he’s the guy I think he is, I’d keep Shawna away from him,” Felix interjected, “Suzy told me how he gets a fucking kick outta fucking up girls.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” Arin scoffed, “You’re just mad I’ve got Daddy’s attention right now so stop whining like a selfish slut!”
Arin hadn’t even realised he said that, and there was no way he could have known. It was a bad day for Felix and everything was going wrong so that’s just what he needed to hear to tip him off. He jumped up and slammed Arin into the lockers. Instinctively, Arin’s hands shot up to grab his arms to keep him from choking, resulting in repeated slams. The locks and handles stabbing him in the back and the repeated clang was where Arin had found his mind. The blurs got worse and the sound muffling while PJ, Matt, and Phil get a hold of Felix, which he had stronger hands than he had let on. 
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lemonclemontadmin · 5 years
Lemon Siblings Oneshot: Tickle Fight 2
Another one ^^ In which Bonnie wins this time and beats her bro. Requested by  @prismtowerprincess. (I still take requests~)
Another fight lost to her brother added yet another tally mark to Bonnie’s ‘Extra Serious Chart’ on the door. 
The seven-year-old’s cheeks were puffed as she begrudgingly marked yet another set of five to the dozens she already had. All of these tallies represent the times Clemont beat her in past fights and they were written in blue ink. Bonnie’s on the other hand was still zero, and it made the girl sigh in frustration.
Just how does he do it? Bonnie often tried laying her own fingers on him so many times now but somehow, Clemont always got her in the end. Why are big brothers so mysterious? She’ll never know.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures Dedenne! I think it’s time we go for plan B!” Bonnie said one day to the orange mouse Pokemon. Dedenne tilted his head in curiosity. “De ne?” His caretaker nodded vigorously. “Yes you heard that right! Plan B! And it’s best to do it right now while Clemont’s at the gym!” She then formed a cheeky smile. “And I know exactly how we’re gonna do it…”
Bonnie had to wait until her father’s lunch break before she can unleash her plan.
Meyer wiped some sweat off his forehead while he listened to his daughter. The man looked quite amused and his brow raised. “That’s an unusual question you’ve got there sweetie. Why do you ask?”
Bonnie averted her gaze and her cheeks puffed up before she began to speak. “It’s because Clemmy’s always beating me in our matches Daddy! I tried so hard to win but it’s impossible! I wanna know if there’s something I can do to beat him just for once!” She looked pleadingly at her father. “Do you know any good ways Daddy?”
The man put a hand to his chin in thought as he hummed. “Well it’s been a fairly long time since I last did something like that to your brother so I’m not so sure if my technique would work on him now…” He cast Bonnie a curious look. “Say, you’ve been watching him during those times now haven’t you? Tell me - How does he start all that?” The little girl tilted her head in thinking.
“Well the last time he beat me, he first tricked me into thinking he wouldn’t join our match and then when I tried to do something he…” Her eyes slowly widened in realization. “Of course! I know what he’s doing now! He uses pretend to get me distracted so he can attack without me noticing! Why did I not think of it sooner?”
Her face then fell at another realization. It was the fighting itself that remained and Bonnie is very well aware she’d have a disadvantage with Clemont. “Now there’s only one problem. How do I get him to surrender to me?”
Meyer looked at his daughter with a shrug. “It really depends Bonnie. For me, I’d say you go for his weaker spots that are guaranteed to send him bawling.” He paused for a sudden thought came to mind. “When it’s the two of you, where does he usually reach?” He received the answer from Bonnie, and then he chuckled. “In that case, I suggest you try that on him too. As far as I know those are delicate areas - If it were me I’d be laughing like there’s no tomorrow!”
Bonnie grinned. “You’re right daddy! Thanks for the advice I’m gonna try it on Clemont tonight!” She wrapped her arms around Meyer’s waist and the man patted his daughter’s head with an amused smile. Whatever his little girl had in store for her brother, Meyer could tell she’ll achieve it easily; It’s a little sister thing after all, and they always get their way somehow.
She chose the perfect time to initiate her attack; Right after dinner when Clemont’s just getting to bed after a washing-up.
The teenager was naturally exhausted after a whole day of his usual duties and he was ready to hit the sack. However, something, or someone, lying on his bed before him caused the teen to stop. Clemont blinked few times before frowning slightly. “Bonnie what are you doing here? You should be in your room..” He paused to yawn with a stretch - He really is tired. 
But Bonnie didn’t budge.
“I’m not in bed because you owe me a rematch Big Brother!” Bonnie said jubilantly, and Clemont’s tiredness vanished to surprise. “I wasn’t gonna let our last round stop me! So I trained myself for the whole day just for this!” When Clemont opened his mouth to protest, Bonnie pressed close to him pleadingly. “Pleeease? It won’t last long! It shouldn’t be since you’re the champ. I’m sure you can make this fast,” She winked mischievously as she nudged her brother with her elbow.
Clemont’s lower eye twitched for a second, and he sighed in relent. A little match with his sister wouldn’t hurt; Beating Bonnie would be so easy for him he can make her surrender in seconds if he has to. He chuckled confidently and his glasses flashed with white - He didn’t see Bonnie reaching behind her for something as he spoke while cracking his knuckles. “Okay you got me Bonnie. But for your information, I beat you last time and it’s just yesterday. There’s no way you can beat the champ-!”
Clemont’s glasses flew off his face landing safetly on the bedside desk and his head jerked to the side from the impact of a Teddiursa bear hitting his face. It caught him by surprise and he landed on his arm. A loud battle cry pierced the air and he felt the smaller body of Bonnie jump on him; Her fingers went straight for Clemont’s sides causing all earlier confidence to evaporate into horror. Why there? Anywhere but there! Somehow Bonnie had found his sensitive spot and it was something he was very unprepared for.
The teen gasped and broke into intense fits of laughter! “B-Bonnie get your hands out of there!! S-Stop! I c-can’t breathe!” He tried to fight his own thrashing in trying to get Bonnie off of him. His efforts only made the girl giggle and continue digging her fingers into her brother’s sides.
“No way Clemont! Not until I win and you surrender! I can do this all night if I have to!” She grinned deviously and went on, relishing in the intense laughter coming from her brother, finally in her favour. She didn’t see Meyer watching her and Clemont from the door.
The father tried his best not to chortle. But his son’s laughter was contagious and the sight of him being downed by his baby sister alone is already hilarious as it is. Finally the fight went on a bit too long now and Meyer decided to step in before Bonnie could take all the breath out of Clemont’s lungs; Even then it was difficult to keep a straight face for the kids. “Bonnie I think it’s time to give your brother a break. Otherwise he’ll really break before he could get one,” He chuckled at his own joke.
Bonnie looked up at him briefly. “No daddy! Not until he surrenders! That’s the number one rule!” She continued to tickle her brother like there’s no tomorrow. Poor Clemont was already gasping and turning hoarse from all the laughing he began to cough at last. He feebly tried to dislodge Bonnie from himself as he choked out. “F-Fine! I surrender! I surrender! You can stop now!”
There was that miraculous stop of tickling and Bonnie leaned close to his face, eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Sorry, I can’t hear you. What was that?” She asked innocently. Clemont gasped and his head landed against the bed in sheer exhaust. “I surrender! You win! Just.. For Arceus’ sake, stop I’m begging you!” He whimpered out.
This caused Bonnie to instantly release him and her eyes sparkled with glee. For the first time in all her years of tickle fights, she finally won! Fair and square! “I won! I finally won! Woohoo!” She got off the bed in doing a little victory dance of her own, with a really tired Clemont and an amused Meyer watching her with smiles. An ‘ahem’ from the father made Bonnie freeze to look at him, and Meyer pointed a glance to the worn out Clemont; Bonnie felt sympathy wash over her and she climbed onto the bed.
The child climbed onto Clemont gently this time and hugged him by the neck, nuzzling him happily. “Thank you for letting me win Clemmy. It sure is fun doing this with you again,” She pulled away and Clemont, having finally caught his breath, lifted his head to gaze at his sister in total surprise and amazement. “Huh, I gotta admit it sure is. But I don’t get it - How did you know how to do that?”
Bonnie hummed innocently and shrugged. “Well you kinda taught me how to do that pillow thing. But as for the rest, daddy taught me that!”
Clemont’s jaw dropped and he slowly turned to look at his father at the door; Meyer had his thumbs twiddling as he whistled innocently, and Clemont whined. “Aw dad I should’ve known!” Meyer chuckled in amusement. “Sorry son, but your sister was desperate. Plus she really deserves a chance to win once in a while now doesn’t she?”
The teenager ran his hand across his head in a weak chuckle. “Of course she does. And I must say, I’m really impressed Bonnie. You did pretty good!” He closed his eyes and with a last exhale, he let himself fall back down against the bed in an exhausted heap. “Now if you don’t mind, I need a break. I still have a whole day tomorrow and it’s getting past your bedtime.”
To his relief, Bonnie is happy to oblige. She hugged Clemont one more time. “Goodnight Big Brother. Thanks again for tonight! I had so much fun!” With that, she left to join Meyer by the door and the father smiled at his son. “Sleep well son. Hope Bonnie made it easier for you to sleep now,” He joked and then he left to take Bonnie to her room.
Clemont only smiled after his father and sister before stretching with a yawn. His sides still ached like crazy, but that should go away. The teen soon fell asleep with no trouble at all.
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pitubea1910 · 7 years
Protective Tony. Part 2
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Featuring: the Avengers.
Words: 4865
Warnings: fighting, violence, angst but also some fluff.
Tags: @strawberrydingdong
Request: requested by anonymous:
“Hola, could you write a imagine like this (tony x reader): she is kidnapped and tony will be crazy and saves her (from HIDRA) and says something like "i can't loose you"”
Notes: so I’ve had this request on my inbox for ages now. I already apologise for it since you have already forgotten about it. But I couldn’t come up with anything until @strawberrydingdong asked if I could make a second part of “Protective Tony”. After a while of thinking I thought this request was perfect for it so I hope you enjoy it and forgive me for taking all this time.
Also it has been a long time since I wrote about Tony so I’m really excited about this!
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Part 1
You and Tony had been together for a few months now. Months that hadn’t been easy at all. If you thought being Tony’s assistant was hard, you had no idea how it was like being his girlfriend. You didn’t want it to be taken the wrong way. He was the best boyfriend someone could dream of: he was loving, caring, always looking after you and making sure you were okay, he would make you laugh, he would make you cry from laughing, he would do the most amazing things to make you happy.
But not everything was so bright. He had issues and you were the only one who could help him through him, through his anxiety, through his trauma, through everything. Many nights you would find him down in his lab, working on his suit, always looking for improvement for himself and everyone else on the team. He would spend hours preparing your training sessions so you would never get hurt again on the field, something he was obsessed with. It didn’t matter how much you tried to reassure him by saying you were going to be alright. He just needed to be 100% sure of it. He just couldn’t risk it, not after how afraid he had been that time.
And sometimes he could be a pain in the ass. An adorable one, but a pain in the ass. Especially when his playboy façade came on and he started acting like the millionaire he was. It was really annoying. Those times, you would just leave him alone and leave the compound for a few hours. Usually, when you came back, he had managed to waste a couple of thousand dollars in some stupid whim.
Still, you were utterly in love with him and he was head over heels for you. Though today happened to be one of those days when you could just smash his head against a wall.
“That’s not it! Use your whole body!” Tony exclaimed after you ended up on the floor again.
He had been training you for what felt like days, even when you had been just some hours. But you were exhausted. He wanted you to get better at martial arts and was getting frustrated when he could still beat you.
“Tony, I’m exhausted!” You replied sitting up on the floor. “How long we’ve been down here?” You sighed.
“I don’t know but not enough” he frowned.
“Well, for me it’s enough” you stated getting up and walking over the bench to grab your towel and the bottle with water in it. “I’m still your assistant, besides an Avenger, and I have things to do. So I’m going to take a shower and go to work. You should do the same” you told him before walking towards the door.
“The next mission is tomorrow! We have to train” he said walking after you.
“I’ve trained enough, okay?” You told him with the door already opened. “I get you’re worried but it won’t be helpful if I’m too worn out from training to do anything” he looked at you frowned so with a sigh you peck his lips. “I love you and I love how much you worry, but I will be fine. You’ll be there”
Tony watched you leaving the gym and going upstairs. When you were out of his sight, he ran his hands through his hair with worry and frustration. You were a good fighter, a good soldier, a good Avenger, but what if it wasn’t enough?
 Next day you all had to get up way too early to get ready for the mission. As usual, you got up before Tony did so you placed a small kiss on his cheek and went to the bathroom, feeling a bit sore from yesterday’s training. Damn Tony Stark and his protection. When you finished your daily bathroom routine, you walked back into the room to find the windows opened, the sun coming through and Tony already up, looking out of the window with his phone in his hand.
With a smile, you walked over him and wrap your arms around his torso, kissing his back softly. His free hand moved to take yours and squeeze them before turning around to face you. It was then when you saw his serious expression.
“What is it?” You asked with your hand on his chest.
He gulped and throw his phone on the bed before looking down at you again. He knew what he had to say just as much as he knew it would be useless to say it, but he had to try it.
“I don’t want you to come” he said.
You frowned looking at him, even surprised by his words. You had really thought he was over the stage of asking you to stay behind. Huffing, you escaped from his embrace and walked to the closet, opening to put on your suit. It wasn’t fancy. Actually, it was just like the one Nat used: discrete and comfortable.
“I mean it” he said behind you.
“I know you do, Tony” you said putting on your underwear. “And I thought you were over this” you added.
“(Y/N) this is not some ordinary villain” he tried to explain. “It’s HYDRA. They’re dangerous”
“They’re just a little more dangerous than what we’ve been facing lately, Tony” you replied and turned around to face him. “Look, I get you’re worried. I really do. But you know I won’t stay behind. Period”
You took your suit and walked to the bathroom since you didn’t want to keep on talking about it. Tony looked at you before sighing and walking out of the room. He knew it wouldn’t make any difference but he had to try. All he could do now was making sure you didn’t get hurt even if that meant he would get hurt. That didn’t matter as long as you were okay.
 An hour later you were all in the quinjet going to South America, where you were supposed to get back the serum HYDRA was manufacturing in order to make more super soldiers like Steve or Bucky. At the beginning everyone was chatting cheerfully but the closer you were getting to your destination, more silence it was in the quinjet. Clint started walking up and down the ship, trying to warm up, until Natasha told him to sit down before she smashed his head against a wall.
“Five minutes for landing. Get ready” Steve said from the pilot seat.
Immediately, you got up and walked to where you had your bag with your weapons. You took your hip guns, along with an arrow and a bow since you had almost commanded Clint to teach you how to use them and you had to admit you were pretty good at it. While you were getting ready, you heard some heavy footsteps right behind you so you turned around to see Tony, now Iron Man, walking over you, with his mask off.
“Are you ready?” He asked looking down with worry.
“As much as I can be” you nodded, a bit nervous. He sighed and closed his eyes. “I will be okay, I won’t leave your sigh, I promise” you assured him.
“Okay” he sighed deeper this time. “I’m going down now, before anyone else, to see how things are down there” you nodded at this information. “I love you. Please, be careful” he said leaning down to kiss you which was harder than usual due to the suit.
“I love you too” you smiled at him.
“Open the gates, Cap!” He exclaimed.
Just then, the quinjet gates started to open and Tony walked to them with decision. He turned to look at you one last time and finally jumped off the ship before Steve closed the gates again and silence fell over all of you again. Those last minutes before landing, waiting for Tony report, were the longest of the day. Finally, your boyfriend’s voice said through everyone’s coms that it was clear so Steve started the landing.
As soon as the quinjet was on the floor and the gates opened, everyone started coming out slowly, on alert, looking all around for any sign of any threat. Steve kept on saying to be careful through the coms which could be a bit annoying but helpful at the same time.
“The facility is just behind that hill” Tony said on the coms so you all stopped and gathered together.
“Let’s slip up” Steve said. “Widow you go with Falcon to the North; Hawkeye you take the south with Bucky; I’ll go with (Y/S/N) to the east and Tony, you take the west with Hulk” he quickly said. Immediately, Tony’s eyes were on you so Steve sighed and looked at him. “I’ll take care of her. I promise” he said. “We don’t know where the serum is so whoever gets to it first, takes it, alright?”
It still took him a few moments but he finally nodded so everyone was on their way. You followed Steve carefully to the top of the hill before going down even faster. Your heart was pounding against your ear, the adrenaline running through your veins as you focused on the job you had to do which wasn’t easy at all. For you, it was the first time coming against HYDRA so you were actually scared even though you were too proud to admit it.
“There’s the entrance” the Captain said as you two bended down behind some bushes, looking through them. “I see two guards”
“And I see another four” you counted quickly. Steve nodded and looked at you.
“And I see another six” a voice behind you said.
Quickly, you two turned around to see exactly six HYDRA agents looking at you with their weapons pointing at you. Steve immediately through his shield to one of them, tackling him down, but another one shot at him before the shield had time to go back to its owner. As quickly as you could, you ran towards another one of them and throw yourself on the ground, aiming your leg to his to throw him on the ground before getting up and kicking face.
Before you could keep on fighting, you felt some arms around your torso and a gun against your back, taking your breath away.
“Don’t move, beautiful” the agent said in your ear.
“Captain!” You screamed.
Steve turned around at the sound of your voice and got ready to attack but the man pushed the gun harder against your back.
“I wouldn’t do it if I were you, Captain” he said. You could hear a smirk on his voice. “If our intel is correct, this is Stark’s loved girlfriend and you wouldn’t want anything bad happening to her, right?”
Steve looked at you, considering his options. He knew he could be fast, but not faster than a bullet. The moment he moved, the agent would shoot his gun and, if the Cap was right, the bullet would go straight through your lungs, making it impossible to heal you.
“I thought so” the man said moving backwards. “Give Stark our regards. Hail Hydra” he said before disappearing into the woods and knocking you out with the back of his gun.
 Steve wanted to finish the mission but he just couldn’t focus any more. He had failed you and not only you, he had failed Tony. Again. He had been powerless to save you after promising Tony he would take care of you. And he couldn’t do it. He knew he should go into the facility and help the team get the serum but he couldn’t. He had failed.
He went back to the still empty quinjet and sat down inside of it, looking down at his hands. It was the first time he let something like this happen, but what could he do? Let him shoot you and pray to get back to New York in time to safe you? It was impossible. You would bleed out on the way to the quinjet.
Since he kept on listening to everyone on the coms, he turned them off and took the device off his ear, looking at his shield while he waited for everyone to come back, which happened almost an hour later. When he heard voices coming, he stood up to see Natasha with the serum on her hand and a tired expression on her face, which changed to confusion as she saw Steve already there.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
“Cap?” Clint said, also surprised, when he walked in.
Eventually, everyone walked back into the ship and every single one of them looked confused, not understanding what Steve was doing there.
“Mission accomplished, team!” Tony exclaimed, being the last one coming in. He looked around, obviously looking for his girl and frowning when he couldn’t see her. Instantly, Tony looked at Steve, who couldn’t look back at him and looked down. “Where is she?” Tony asked.
“Something went wrong” he said as loud as he could.
“Bullshit, where is she!?” Tony repeated, louder now as he made his way through everyone to be in front of the Captain.
“She…” Steve closed his eyes. “I’m sorry, Tony, she…she’s been taken” Steve said.
“By Hydra?” Bucky asked shocked.
“Yes. There was an ambush. Six guys. One of them put a gun against her back, there was no way I could’ve been fast enough to save without the guy putting a bullet through her lungs” he tried to explain.
“You’re kidding me” Tony whispered, feeling how his heart fell down to his feet, feeling how his whole world was tearing apart by what Steve was saying.
“I’m sorry” Steve said, looking at Tony.
Tony he was sorry but that didn’t calm down the anger in his stomach. Without even thinking about, he threw a punch towards Steve’s face before anyone could stop him. He didn’t even listen to his name being called while he made his way out of the quinjet again, he didn’t listen to their voices on the coms when he took off again. All he could think about was finding you and saving you, taking you back home before something happened to you.
 When you opened your eyes, you were still too dizzy to know what was going on. But that feeling didn’t last long. The moment you realised you were tied up to a table you gasped and looked around, your eyes wide open with realisation. Hydra. They had taken you. You were their prisoner. Steve hadn’t been able to save you. You were on your own. They had even taken your coms from you so there was no way you could contact anyone.
It wasn’t long until you heard people coming down the hallway. You could hear their voices but they were talking in other language, probably Spanish, so there was no way to know what they were talking about. Finally, they opened the door that was just in front of you and four men came in. You only recognised one of them from the ambush.
“It looks like our sleeping beauty is finally awake” one of them said in English. He was tall, with broad shoulders and mocking dark eyes. His hair was a dirty kind of blond and it was cut in a military way. A soldier. “It looks like your friends have forgotten about you, huh? Where’s your beloved Stark?”
You gulped but said nothing. You knew it was better if you stayed quiet. Anything you said could be used against you, they could use anything to hurt you and you knew they wouldn’t hesitate to do it. Two of the men, the ones wearing lab coats, walked towards some machines you hadn’t seen until that moment. You didn’t know what they were doing when you saw them taking a tube with the well-known blue serum in it.
“What do you want?” You said looking at them.
“What everybody wants and is too afraid to have: power” he replied seriously.
You took a deep breath and looked at the other men. When you saw them taking some syringes and filling them up with the serum you started to be really afraid. There was no way you could escape from these boundaries; you weren’t strong enough so you couldn’t fight them.
“What are you going to do?” You finally asked, trying to keep your voice as neutral as possible.
“Make you better” the other man said. They were similar if you looked at them closer, they both had the same features but one of them had a blond hair and this one was dark haired.
“I’m good thanks” you mumbled, trying not to look at the other two guys.
You saw a smirk appearing in the agents faces before the blond one came closer to you.
“You’ll be better. You’ll be our best weapon. Stark won’t see you coming. The Avengers won’t see you coming”, it was then when you saw the men in the lab coats walking over you, with both syringes in their hands. “You’ll be the strongest Winter Soldier. You’ll defeat them and then you’ll do the same with the whole SHIELD and, once again, Hydra will win”
“You’re crazy if you think I’ll do any of that” you snapped.
“You’re talking like you had a choice here” the dark haired one said. Maybe you didn’t.
When the men with the syringes were close enough there was no way you could ignore them any longer. You looked at them, at their silent faces with no expression on them, at the blue liquid they were holding into those tubs, at the needles that would go into your veins. You were terrified, knowing that it was true: you could do nothing. Then you looked at the blond agent just when he looked at the scientists one. The moment he nodded at them, you knew everything was lost.
“NO!” You yelled squirming against your boundaries. Immediately, the blond and dark haired one, grabbed your arms and pulled them down, securing you even more. “Don’t do this! DON’T!”
You saw the syringe coming closer to your arm, to your vein. Everything was coming to an end. No, you wouldn’t die, but you as a person would do it. You wouldn’t be the same. You would be like Bucky when you found them, you would be a Winter Soldier. You wouldn’t be you. You wouldn’t be an Avenger.
“See you on the other side, sweetheart” one of the guys said in your ear as tears streamed down your face.
And suddenly a huge BOM made the whole room shake. You opened your eyes and looked at the door just to see it blowing away. Iron Man coming in, lifting his hand and throwing an energy ball to each one of the guys in the room. There was no need to look underneath his mask to know he was beyond furious. Still, relieved flowed through your body knowing you were safe.
In an instant, Tony had broken the straps that attached you to the table and had took you in his arms, carrying you out of the room. You closed your eyes and rested your head against his armour. Maybe it wasn’t the softest thing to lay your head on, but it was home. When you two were out of the facility, he took off without any warning, making you hold tighter on him. It was then when you realised he hadn’t said a word. Not to the Hydra agents, not to you, nothing. It made you feel quite uneasy.
“Thank you” you said when he finally landed next to the quinjet. His mask went off and his eyes locked with yours. You thought he would kiss, he would hug you, tell you how happy he was you were okay. But all you got was an utter and total silent that shook your head and heart. “What is it?” You asked, fearing someone had got hurt.
“What is it?” He repeated and you felt it in his voice. For some reason he was mad at you. “You promised. You promised you would be careful, you promised nothing would happen and I come back to the quinjet, eager to see you and go home and what do I find?” You looked down with a frown. It hadn’t been your fault. “The Captain saying you’ve been taken by the enemy.”
“It wasn’t his fault. There was nothing he could’ve done” you replied.
“Yes, there was something to be done” he snapped. With a frown, you looked up. “If you had stayed in New York like I asked you to, none of this would’ve happened” he said.
“You know I can’t do that” you said.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t be in the team” he said, his voice cold as ice.
“Are you kicking me out of the team?” You asked in shock.
Tony stared at you, emotionless. But you knew better. You knew he was hurting inside, just not showing him. You knew it was his fear talking, his anger but despite how worried or mad he was, he had never implied such thing and the idea made your heart hurt. He knew how much you loved being an Avenger, how proud you were of it, but it was the only one he could think of to keep you safe.
Instead of replying, he looked away and walked towards the quinjet. You turned around to see him walking to the ship, anger boiling in your stomach now.
“You know what?” You said, making him stop. “They didn’t get me because I’m an Avenger. They got me because I’m your girlfriend, because you love me and everyone knows that. I don’t know why, but they wanted to hurt you and they came for me so yeah. You can kick me out of the team if you want but the truth is I won’t be safer. They will still come for me to get to you” you said and walked to him, standing by his side but not looking at him. “Unless you stop loving me” you added before walking into the quinjet where everyone was waiting.
You didn’t really feel like talking to anyone so you just hugged them and let them know you were okay before sitting down and buckling up. All you wanted at the moment was going home and forget what had happened that day. Tony walked in a few moments after you, looked at you for a moment before taking off his armour and informing Steve he would be the pilot on the way back.
Once you had taken off, Steve got up and approached you, sitting down next to you. You knew what he was going to say so before he could say anything, you took his hands in yours.
“It wasn’t your fault” you said.
“It was” he sighed. “I was supposed to protect you and I couldn’t even save you”
“If you had made any move that guy would have shot me and there would no one to save now” you replied. He frowned and looked at Tony. “Forget it, Steve. I’m okay. I’m safe and I’m going home with you. That’s the important thing here” he gave you a weak smile before pulling you in for a tight hug.
“How are things with Tony?” he asked. You shrugged and this time it was your turn to look away. “C’mon…the tension between you two can be but with a knife” you chuckled a little and looked back towards Tony, who looked too focused on the sky in front of him.
“He basically said that the only way to keep me safe is kicking me out of the team” you told Steve.
“What? He can’t do that” Steve frowned.
“I won’t let him but I don’t know what that will mean for us” you sighed looking down.
Steve bite his lip before hugging you again with a sigh. You knew Tony and you still had things to talk about but it was better if you two calmed down first. Otherwise, you were sure that nothing good would come out from that conversation. You spent the whole way back next to step, falling asleep eventually and only waking up when you were landing.
You unbuckled yourself and got up, feeling your muscles even sorer than that morning. You took your bag and walked out of the quinjet first. As always, Tony’s personal doctors were waiting to check on every single one of you to make sure there were no serious injuries. You tried to go pass them but it was impossible, you knew it was protocol and you just couldn’t skip it so you waited patiently, repeating over and over again that you were okay as they checked on you.
Finally, you were free to go so you took your bag once again and made your way to the elevator and went straight to your room, praying that Tony wasn’t there yet. Fortunately, he wasn’t which meant you could take your time to think about what you two would say when you finally talked about what was going on. But it looked like luck wasn’t exactly on your side that day. Before you could even undress yourself, Tony walked in the room, as silent as a tomb.
You clenched your teeth, trying to get ready to whatever was going to happen next, and turned around to look at him. Surprisingly, he was already looking at you.
“I think we have to talk” you said. Tony nodded but didn’t move from his spot. “Were you serious? About me not being on the team?”
“Yes and no” he admitted, which made you frown in confusion. “Yes, I was serious but I really thought that was the only way to keep you safe. Until you said what you said about them going after you to get to me” he said. It really looked like those had marked him somehow. “I hadn’t thought about it, not even for a second, until you said it but…you’re right” he said walking over you. “Being an Avenger is not the problem. I am the problem”
“What do you mean?” You frowned, not liking where this was headed. “You’re not a problem. Not at all”
“I put you in danger just by being Tony Stark, let alone being Iron Man” he said.
“And being an Avenger is the safest job ever, right?” you said.
“You have to leave” he said. Simply and cold.
“What?” You asked actually feeling how your world was crashing down.
“It’s the safest thing to do” he said shaking his head. “I love you too much and that’s why I have to let you go”
“No” you shook your head. “You don’t get to do this Tony. Not to me” you told him. “Maybe I’m in danger being an Avenger, maybe I’m in danger being your girlfriend but I’m also safe with you. Yours are the safest hands for me. I have no chance out there alone and you know it, so don’t try to push me away just because you feel bad. Because I’m not going anywhere, do you hear me?”
“But…” he mumbled.
“No” you repeated. “You’ve just said you love me Tony, and I love you so until that changes I’m going to stay here. Because is the only way to be safe, even when it’s also the most dangerous. If we are together, we can fight together; if we’re apart…we’re done”
Tony stared at you, being completely sure that it was impossible to love you even more than what he already did. He couldn’t believe you were willing to stay with him after everything, after being in such danger because of him, after all his mood swings, after being such a pain in the ass. There you were, loving him every single day, making him feel loved and cared for, making him feel alive and the luckiest guy on earth.
“Say something” you commanded, making him laugh a little. “I’m not joking here, Tony”
“Neither am I” he smiled, taking your hands in his. “I just… I love you and I care too much for you, don’t you see it? If something happened to you I don’t know what I would do. I can’t lose you, I just can’t” he sighed closing his eyes as he placed his forehead against your shoulder.
You smiled a little and wrapped your arms around his back, soothing him slowly and you kissed his neck. He was just a little boy, a little boy too scared to lose those he loved, a little boy who wanted to protect anyone even if the cost was his own happiness. The world was lucky to have Tony Stark living on it, but you were even luckier to have him in your life.
“You won’t” you whispered hugging him as tight as you could, trying to calm him down slowly and let go of the stress the day has caused.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Okay, well today wasn't bad. Still kind of overall stressed, but dealing with it. I have time at least, to get all this shit done, get it spaced out over and all that, so that helps. Alarm went off at 7 and I got out of bed and made it to work and made it through the rest of the file for the permanency hearing, which was more of the parents being like "we're not alcoholics we don't need treatment fuck you" all the way to getting their damn kid removed, so I write up some normal permanency hearing questions and took that and the file over to the lawyer who gave it to me to talk to him about it. I ask if they ever made a paternity finding, because there was a whole big thing about it because apparently her "dad" her whole life isn't technically her legally-presumed dad because her mother was married to someone else when she was born, but I never found a finding, and then the lawyers like "oh yeah, well dad passed away in November, something related to his alcoholism." Oh. Well. And he goes on to add the mom is basically on her death bed in the same situation. Don't need treatment my ass. This poor child. She seems like a good kid though, so hopefully we can get her get into some post-high school training if not actual college. I'll get to meet her and interview her Monday. At that point I went back to my office and created a template for permanency hearing questions that I could just tweak for individual cases since the status based questions are largely the same. Somewhere in all of this my eyes were drooping way too much again so I took another 15 minute head on desk session, I might've actually passed out for a few minutes, but when the alarm went off I freaked out for a minute because I was expecting the wrong time for some reason and thought I accidentally passed out for like two hours lol. So I was fairly glad that didn't happen. Somewhere in here I also tried to call my psychiatrist about the whole Xanax thing I was discussing last night, only to be told he's on vacation till the end of the month.....I mean, the guy definitely deserves it, he's partially retired already and probably in his 70's, and I don't want to disturb him or anything, but like, I know him and I know he would want to hear two sentences from me on this issue but I didn't want to say it was an emergency because it wasn't, and if I did they probably would've put me on with one of the other psychiatrists that are filling in for him, and I'm sorry but there's no way I'm trusting anyone else with this shit. I think I'm gonna increase it to 3 mg a day for now at least, which is still within the normal range he said I could try so it's not a big deal. Hopefully that will make finals a bit more manageable. So that was less than ideal, but oh well. All of my events are really out of order for today so idk if any of this happened in this order, but around lunchtime I went to go see my across the hall friend who's now my across the building friend, to see if she was feeling better and if she wanted to get lunch because I, like a kindergartener, left my lunch box in the fridge yesterday (I had actually packed dinner in a brown paper bag for later but I didn't want to pack two of those). So we went to the "bakery" that has super awesome pizza an I got some of their pizza with the seriously biggest slices and ate like, half a slice lol. So good though. It was nice to talk to her though, we traded crazy stories from our courthouse and the DV one, and I was just like man, I'm so glad I have people I can share these things with without them being immediately horrified and me being like "yes I know those are terribly tragic circumstances but if you hang in there for a moment the court moment was really funny!!" Lol, it's gallows humor for sure but I mean gotten let it out somehow. I vent to my brother about crazy cases too, that's helpful since talking about the law is one of the few things we can talk about and actually have a lengthy productive discussion on without it somehow devolving into him being an asshole (mostly, anyway). So there's that at least. He appreciates my stories. So back from lunch and I spent a while organizing orders into alphabetized folders for two different lawyers haha who both apologized for the shitty work but I'm like hey whatever it's all good I know I'm the intern and I'll deal with your shitty jobs if it gets me a good in here. And then I had to show my supervisor how to send in the mid-semester evaluation my field placement supervisor wanted from him (oh, and he apparently knew my FP supervisor like 15 years ago and he was her boss in this office??? I swear he was everyone's boss at some point) because he was getting so lost in computer forms and retrieving files and saving them and electronically signing forms, so I'm just sitting there showing him how to do it and he's like "ohmygosh Rachel, you're so smart!!!" and I'm like trying not to laugh because he's just so adorably funny. And then of course I got to read more of the nice things he said about me which made my heart melt once again because he's literally so nice I can't handle it and his words are always really genuine too so it's nice. And yeah. So I didn't have anywhere to rush to right after leaving the juvenile courthouse today for the first time I can remember since, the summer, since I decided no kickboxing this week because I simply don't have the emotional or physical energy for it, so I was just gonna find a Starbucks to chill in and work on my appellate brief until small group time. So I got to like, take my time leaving and my supervisor is like "Rachel what are you still doing here, you're gonna be late to class!!" and it's like 5:01 haha so funny. So then waiting for the bus I saw the PD that was on the panel we did yesterday so we of course talked about delinquency stuff, like the spring break project from last year and of course eventually got into the whole transferring to adult court thing and I mentioned the slenderman case because that's just the most horrific case of misjudgment by the system and she'd heard of it of course but didn't know the details and she was beyond horrified to hear that they're trying two severely mentally ill 12 year old children as adults and having them face 35 years in prison. Like, we literally have an entire juvenile justice system FOR PRECISELY THESE REASONS. Bypassing it ignores all the science and research and not to mention the recidivism rate which skyrockets when you try children as adults. I'll cap it there though, not gonna go into a full rant at the moment (I know I've already done it on here). I got off the one bus to catch another and had to watch it stop and drive off while I was stuck on the other side of the crosswalk which SUCKS and it was just chilly enough to be annoying out today, but then thankfully another bus came like 2 minutes later which isn't typical but I was very grateful for. So I took that to the Starbucks area, then popped into Walgreens to buy more of their caramel chocolates that Lyft driver got me hooked on (lol) except they didn't have those exact ones, so I got what's basically the same but with toffee pieces and I tried a little and they're pretty amazing. So then I went to Starbucks and got an iced white tea lemonade and tried to surreptitiously eat my sandwiches (I mean I was facing the window so I didn't have to be all that secretive about it) and start the behemoth that is gonna be finishing my appellate brief, and I pretty much immediately felt lost, but always over like the stupid stuff I could find like whether saying "don't use the party names" meant the given names or the terms plaintiff/defendant....(it's the prior, I think anyway) but I figured as some sort of game plan I would work on fixing the argument section based on the feedback I got from our prof, since that still is the substance of the brief, and then work on adding all the extra parts. Half of the edits she gave me though we're like about ordering the arguments and shit and it just pissed me off because I like the way I order my arguments, dammit, because IT MAKES SENSE, and I'm sorry if it doesn't fit your blue book standard but my boss at my actual job where I submit actual motions to actual court seems to be quite impressed with it so you can take your argument order and shove it.....(note please that that wasn't actually directed at my prof, cuz I kind of like her, and I know it's the curriculum and not her setting the standards). But that just annoyed me cuz like, real life isn't legal writing fact patterns. You're not always gonna have an analogous case and a distinguishable case, and you're gonna have to make it work. I just....I get too worked up about all of it. But I at least made some progress on preliminary efforts, so maybe, 5% done? It's a start, at least. I walked from the Starbucks to church which is like a ten minute walk and even though it was still a little chilly I haven't done any walking for the past two days and I haven't had any chance to work out this week (I likely won't go to the gym tomorrow because I have no reason to be downtown) so it's something at least, to go with my push ups (which I think may be hurting a muscle in my side, because trying any new physical activity is basically let's see how I can piss my body off this time for me). But yeah, small group was good. This was something I meant to mention quickly on my last week's recap of it, but I think I might have a teeny tiny crush on one of the guys? Like it was in my head last week but it was barely anything, then I get in there today and we start talking about the marvel tv shows and you know I can talk above superheroes all damn day haha so that was enjoyable, and then he was being like "yeah it was cool being at my cousins wedding this weekend but it's also so weird being single at a wedding" and I'm like alright, that might have been a subtle hint, lol, and of course as soon as the idea even entered my head I spent the rest of the night pretty much planning our wedding when I haven't really decided if I even like the guy yet, lol. Physically he's not like drop dead gorgeous, but he's definitely not ugly and has a certain charming quality to his appearance, so I can work with that. The rest of small group (I almost just wrote Smallville) was good too, we talked about a passage in 1 Corinthians I was familiar with about love and of course I got to opine about my deep theories on the issue about how basically the passage is indicative of the entire problem of "religion" and what the church is facing today- that is, they have all the rules, all the right answers, but without love following through all of it it's basically useless, and I feel like that's so on point for what the church is dealing with right now. Like, no. Love meets you were you are. Love is right in there with your mess. Love doesn't require you to clean up your act before you're welcomed into our church. Jesus certainly didn't require it to be let into his presence, so how dare we even try to do it? And yeah, other random deep shit like that, lol, you get the picture. Took the train to the bus as my normal and AGAIN had to run to make the bus (this was a different stop, but same bus route) and again had to bang on the door to get let in while the driver was looking so put out by it and I'm just like....calm your tits lady we're giving your company money but being here, lol. But I got home, didn't almost get run over by a car but had the weird experience of a car stopping fully at a red light, and I started crossing, and then they suddenly started driving again and blew the light by like, a mile. They didn't even come close to wear I was crossing so I was never in danger or anything, but I was like seriously, wtf man? Who does that?!? Idiots. For home and watched Powerless, which was cute of course, then Riverdale which just left me with the comment that this is the one teen drama where all the high schoolers have it together for the most part and all their parents are going batshit crazy, lol. But I enjoyed both, and that pretty much wrapped up my night. And it's late, and I get to sleep in which I'm very glad about, but still I'm tired and want to go to sleep now, so that's what I will do. Goodnight mis amigos. Happy Friday.
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mikeyd1986 · 6 years
MIKEY’S PERSONAL BLOG 121, September 2018
On Monday night, I attended the Men of Doveton program held at Doveton College. It’s hard to fathom that we’re over the halfway mark now. Part of me thought I would have dropped out weeks ago for two reasons: a) I’m not the sporty type in the slightest and b) Making social connections especially within a group of men is very challenging for me. I did have a couple of weeks where I questioned whether this group was for me. But the fact that I’m still here means that I have a lot of strength, determination and resilience to keep going.
Tonight marked the second week of learning how to play soccer down in the gym. It was very similar in structure from the previous week and I was still having the same problems. The ball was constantly losing control and rolling away from me when dribbling it. Head butting is still something I haven’t mastered yet. And playing the actual game, my fears from childhood bubbled to the surface again mostly around fear of getting hurt.
It’s very much a sensitivity issue and it doesn’t help when there’s a mixture of experienced and novice players. But I still gave it a go and was getting a good workout in. It doesn’t take long before you’re running up and down the court after the ball. And that’s pretty much the point of it, to become more active. I’m slowly starting to feel more included within the group too. Obviously this takes time. It’s something you have to progressively chip away at and slowly bring more of myself to the table.
In the second half of the session, we had Ted Whitten Jnr. and Laurie Serafini presenting on the topic of Prostate cancer and Men’s health issues. Ted is the founder of the E.J. Whitten Foundation and Laurie is a former AFL footballer and testicular/anal cancer survivor. Considering I’m not a huge footy fan, I wasn’t really that star struck by the presence of these celebrities but I knew a few of the guys in the group who were. https://www.ejwhittenfoundation.com.au/
This however didn’t diminish the importance of their talks at all. I think that it’s vital for all men to go see their GP regularly and have an annual health check. I used to be in the same boat myself when it came to going to the doctors. I would not only dread having a blood test done (I hate needles!) but also respond indifferently to the results (I’m overweight and have high cholesterol. Oh well, who cares?). https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/essential-screening-tests-for-men
But now being 32 years old, I’m taking my health much more seriously since starting my journey two years ago to improve my body weight, fitness, wellbeing, physical health and mental health. And whilst I don’t necessarily need to get tested for prostate cancer until I’m over 50 years old, this is still important information to have as I can educate other male family members and friends plus know I’ll be prepared myself as I get older. http://www.prostate.org.au/awareness/general-information/what-you-need-to-know-about-prostate-cancer/
On Tuesday, I attended the first day of my Hospitality Job Ready Program held at The Cardinia Club in Pakenham. Honestly getting to Pakenham before 9.30am is a huge pain in the rectum especially when you’ve got built-up school traffic and roadworks everywhere you turn. Thankfully the run on the freeway was pretty smooth and therefore it didn’t make me late. The program was held inside the venue’s boardroom and facilitated by Julie Barrett from Somers Elite Training.
The first course today was the Safe Food Handling course. I actually did this course back in 2016 but felt like doing a refresher. Julie’s approach is very detailed, thorough and no bullshit. She throws in heaps of examples from her experience in the hospitality industry with lots of photos showing what not to do when it comes to running a business. She went through all the major topics including hygiene laws and regulations, cleaning and sanitation, hazardous chemicals, personal and environmental hygiene, food poisoning, contamination, hand washing, pest control.
The thing I really enjoy about Julie’s style of teaching is that she doesn’t take things too seriously. She has a black, sarcastic sense of humour when it comes to managers and staff who do the wrong thing and ties to back to lack of education and training. It’s all about getting the basics right and understanding why food hygiene is so important in a commercial environment.
The practical assessment involving the glitterbug cream to show how much bacteria can spread even after washing your hands is pretty alarming. I feel like every time I do an RSF course, I always learn something new. I’m a rote and visual learner so it can take some time for all the information to sink in and actually remember it all but Julie’s notes really help. She literally tells you which parts to highlight in the workbook so at least the important principals will stick. https://www.somerselitetraining.com.au/course/sitxfsa001-use-hygienic-practices-for-food-safety/
The second course was on Coffee Training. It was only a small group of us now which made it a bit easier to process all the material. Again this was another refresher for me after doing an Introduction to Coffee Making course a few months back at Chisholm TAFE. I was actually amazed that I was able to stay awake this far into the day. My biggest problem with learning is having enough mental stamina and concentration to handle a 7-8 hour training course but I was determined to stick it out today.
Julie walked us all through the basics of coffee grinding, how to make an espresso, timing your coffee shot, how to steam the milk, how to clean the coffee machine and the most popular coffee types. She then gave us a practical demonstration using one of the coffee machines out in the venue’s gaming area. This is where my anxiety levels slowly began to rise.
I still have confidence issues that I need to overcome when it comes to actually getting hands-on and making coffees. I find putting the group handles into the heads to be tricky as hell and  I was hesitating a lot when it came to steaming the milk. The good news is that at least I gave it a go and didn’t let those internal fears (burning myself, having the milk explode in my face) stop me from trying.
It is all about learning, following the techniques and training tips and having lots of practice. Thank goodness that Julie is a patient woman and made sure that we were all trying to perform the coffee making process correctly. Perhaps one day I could be making coffees for customers in an RSL somewhere or a similar gaming venue to The Cardinia Club. Just have to build my confidence and experience up and I’ll be alright. https://www.somerselitetraining.com.au/course/coffee-training/
On Wednesday, I completed the second day of my Hospitality Job Ready Program held at Cardinia Club in Pakenham. Today was a similar deal to yesterday in that we had two different courses spread across the whole day. Firstly, I did my Responsible Service of Alcohol with a group of 15 people. Unfortunately the boardroom table didn’t allow much room between each of us so note-taking was pretty awkward but it was still manageable.  https://www.somerselitetraining.com.au/courses/alcohol/
We covered all the important areas including: the liquor industry, benefits of responsible service, alcoholic content of drinks, Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), intoxication, signs of intoxication, how to prevent intoxication, refusal of service, dealing with underage minors, checking ID, packaged liquor and functions. I found most of the content easy to follow as I’ve done the RSA a few times over the years. The hardest part for myself and probably most people is the refusal of service section.
Not only is it extremely uncomfortable to perform, even in a casual role playing scenario, it’s a lot to remember. Thankfully Julie provided us with many helpful tips to learn it easier. The best way to handle intoxicated patrons and refuse service is: 1. Have A Conversation With The Customer (How’s your night been? What’s the weather like outside? Are you here with friends or by yourself?). 2. Response (I think that you need to have a breather. That will be your last drink for a while). 3. Clarify The Refusal (I’m sorry but I’d be breaking the law if I served you another drink). 4. Offer An Alternative (Would you like a coffee, tea, juice or coke instead?).
For me personally, developing social skills is still a work-in-progress for me. I still have confidence issues when it comes to speaking up and being assertive. But I refuse to give up. The test made up of 20 multiple choice questions was very straight forward. Most of it is common sense and rote learning of statistics like how much the fines are and how much alcohol is in a standard drink. We also learned that a specific law will be changing. That is minors under 18 years old cannot consume liquor in a licensed premises even with a responsible adult present. https://www.vcglr.vic.gov.au/resources/education-and-training/responsible-service-alcohol
The last course in the program was the Bar Operations Training. This particular course was entirely new to me and I found much of the content really interesting to learn. We covered lots of areas including: beverage service outlets, main equipment used, duties of a Bar Attendant, Bar daily set-up procedures, wastage and stock control, alcohol characteristics, wine styles, basic spirits, glassware, measuring drinks, adding ice, garnishing, personal hygiene, cleaning and maintenance, interacting with customers and selling skills. As you can see, there is a lot involved but Julie just focused on the basics today. https://joboutlook.gov.au/occupation.aspx?code=4311
The practical part of the course was a little nerve-racking for me as we were out in public view behind the back Sports Bar. We each learned how to pour a glass of wine, measure and pour of 30ml shot of spirits into a glass and pouring a bar using the taps. Of course new experiences is one of my anxiety triggers so thoughts were rampant through my head (What if I make a mistake? What if I spill beer and wine everywhere? What if I do something stupid?).
But I still managed to give it a go and I did okay for my first ever attempts at making drinks behind a bar. I think it really helps that Julie is incredibly supportive, dedicated and encouraging. She didn’t judge us or put any of us off from doing it and I think that’s an important value for a trainer to have. Of course skills like these take time, practice and patience to develop as well as the correct coaching involved aka teaching staff the right way of doing things. https://www.somerselitetraining.com.au/course/bar-training/
To finish off, Julie gave each of us a job application and a few tips about making a good impression when applying for a job, what to put in your resume and also information about doing the Responsible Service of Gaming online training course which can be a good additional piece of training to have when going for Hospitality type jobs. Whilst Julie is very strict and precise with her style of teaching, I feel like she has good intentions. And with 40 years of Hospitality industry experience, I think she knows her shit just a little bit! http://rsgonline.vic.gov.au/
On Friday afternoon, I had my Metro Trains job interview and online assessment held at Cliftons Melbourne in Southbank. It’s been over two weeks since I attended the information session for the position of part time Leading Station Assistant (LSA) and to be honest, I really didn’t think I would make it this far into the recruitment process. My interview was to be held on Level 18 inside the building at 2 Southbank Boulevard. Considering I only have a vague recollection of the Southbank area, I needed to pull out Google Maps to prevent myself getting lost.
This building was even more intimidating than the previous one with lines of booths, luxury sofas, designer armchairs and furnishings, a restaurant and several banks of elevators. Once I found where I needed to go, the reception staff at Cliftons guided me over to the waiting area. After briefly chatting to one of the other candidates sitting opposite me, I was trying really hard to calm my nerves and use mindfulness techniques to ground myself. It did help a little bit. I was focusing on the abstract floral patterns of the nearby chair and just observing shapes and colours.
Twenty minutes of uncomfortable waiting later, I was called up by a lady named Tara and escorted into one of the meeting rooms. The email I received last week was a bit misleading in saying that today’s session would involve a group discussion. This was not the case. In fact, my first task was to come up with a public announcement speech for a role playing exercise with one of two Metro Trains staff members. I only had 10 minutes to read the brief, jot down some notes and perform it. I also had to deal with a disgruntled customer scenario.
The nerves were really kicking in hard now as I’m not good at performing on the spot and thinking on my feet. The Metro Trains staff member, who was playing the role of the disgruntled customer, made it deliberately difficult for me, requiring me to think outside of the box. I was pulling all kinds of answers out of my ass from saying “Sorry for the inconvenience. We’re doing everything we can to rectify the issue.” to offering free transport and even a lift in my own car.
The next part was even harder...the interview itself. It’s not like I have job interviews everyday or even every week so I knew that this would be a challenge. The six or so questions that I was asked were pretty generic...Why do you want to work for Metro Trains? What does exceptional customer service mean to you? Tell me about a time when you faced a change of procedure or system, you dealt with a difficult customer, you demonstrated exceptional customer service, you acted in a safe manner in the workplace. (The STAR Method. S = Specific Situation. T = Task. A = Action. R = Result). https://www.vawizard.org/wiz-pdf/STAR_Method_Interviews.pdf
To be fair, I really should have been more prepared for these types of questions as thinking of specific workplace scenarios takes time for me. I also misunderstood some of the questions they were asking and for me it was embarrassing and made me feel kind of dumb. My hands were getting sweaty. My face was getting red and flustered. I was tripping over my words. Any confidence I did have pretty much left the meeting room after that. The pressure was building up inside my head and inside I wanted to have a mental breakdown. This is the exact reason why I hate doing job interviews so much.
However, I was determined to finish this no matter how hard it got. I even threw in a few details I’d heard about the Metro Tunnel and High Capacity trains that are being constructed. I also mentioned that I had some degree of knowledge around timetables, service disruptions and the role of the LSA. I was giving this interview my all, even though I could easily tell from the interviewers looks and body language that I’ve got a fat chance of being a successful candidate.
I breathed a sigh of relief as the interview came to a close with “Any questions?”. I was mentally drained and couldn’t think of any at the time. I just wanted to get out of that meeting room. The last part of today’s session was thankfully the easiest. I had to complete an online computer test which involved literacy, numeracy and oral communication skills. There were a couple of tricky questions but overall I found the task relatively simple and I got it finished very quickly.
I walked away from today’s interview feeling like I hadn’t done enough to be successful. I feel like there was a lot of pressure and expectation placed on me from the two guys who were interviewing me. The high corporate environment in which the interview took place was also really off-putting for me. And there were also a few curve-ball questions that I didn’t know how to answer. I physically and mentally felt stressed out from it, partly because I can get caught up in my emotions a lot like worrying what the interviewers were thinking about me.
But I have no regrets about going today. It was a big learning experience for me and I’m glad that I was strong enough not only to attend the interview but to stick it out. It was very uncomfortable for me but I still did it. If I don’t get the job, it’ll probably be a blessing in disguise. No job is worth killing yourself over and I feel like the demand of this role might be too great for me to handle. But we shall wait and see. http://www.metrotrains.com.au/careers/
“Hold fast, I’ll guide you through the night. And fear not for I am by your side. Listen through the rain. And you can hear the angels say. Help is on the way. The moment you begin to pray. When the thunders roar. You don’t need to be afraid. I’ll lead you through the storm. So please remember when I say. I’m with you always.” Owl City - Always (2018)
“Look up when the world gets you down And you're gonna get by. Hang in when the world counts you out. And you're gonna be fine. Sometimes that's life. Some days nothing never goes right. But when your hand is mine. You got me floating on cloud nine.”                        Owl City - Cloud Nine (2018)
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corneliussteinbeck · 7 years
6 Tips For Trainers Working With Older Clients
When I hear a trainer ask a question about training older clients, I ask how old is older. As a 46-year-old, I chuckle a bit when the answer is over 40. I still smiled a bit when Girls Gone Strong replied that they meant over 50.
When I hear older, I think over 65, but I suspect ten years from now I’ll be bumping that cut off to 70. Regardless of the cutoff, these tips largely apply for clients over 40.
1. Throw Away the Three-Pound Dumbbells
I actually have a pair of three-pound dumbbells at my gym. They’re collecting dust in a corner. In fact, I noticed them yesterday and started thinking about whether I had any use for them. I thought it might be fun to use them as drumsticks, but either I’m not a talented drummer, or they’re a bit heavy for that. Or both. Definitely both.
I actually take issue with using three-pound weights with older clients. This is primarily because it sets the bar very low, which can feed an already low self-perception of physical ability. It also implies that you’re going to have your clients do isolation upper body exercises like bicep curls and shoulder raises. I’m not suggesting those aren’t good exercises, but odds are they’re not good starting exercises.
With few exceptions, movement-based and multi-joint exercises are going to be better choices for this demographic — I would argue that for any demographic, actually. Depending on goals, isolation exercises that use small dumbbells may be in order, but in all likelihood, by the time that becomes true, your client will be strong enough to lift more than three pounds.
2. Start with an Assessment
I meet with all of our prospective clients for a 30-minute assessment, or consultation. Officially, we spend this time talking about goals, health and injury history, and physical activity history, as well as going through the Functional Movement Screen (FMS).
Unofficially, it’s my chance to make them feel welcome and comfortable in the gym so that even if they have zero training experience, they can come to their first workout either feeling confident, or in some cases not feeling overly apprehensive.
It’s also a chance for me to see how well they move and how fit they are — or aren’t.
I use this approach for all of my clients, but it’s especially important for the older ones, because the variation in physical ability between individuals of the same age gets greater and greater as we become older. Some 50-year-olds are still playing competitive ultimate (shout out to the amazing Justine Price, an incredible ultimate player who, at 50, will be playing on the Women’s Masters team at the Canadian Ultimate Championships this year). Others may be tennis players, runners, cyclists, skiers, hikers, swimmers, or even soccer and hockey players. These athletes do not move like their sedentary counterparts! By starting with an assessment, I can get a good idea of what will be an appropriate workout for this new client.
Another reason to start with an assessment is that it allows you to see whether there are any physical limitations that may impact your client’s ability to do some exercises. This information is important, as it allows you to program exercises which will support their body, and avoid the ones which may further aggravate an issue.
Knowing this ahead of time allows you to create a workout that is truly appropriate for the individual, which sets you and your client up for success before they’ve even had their first workout.
3. Be Ready for Less Than Perfect Movement
When you do your assessment — even for those amazingly fit clients over the age of 50 — you will almost definitely notice movement limitations. In some cases, they will be minor, while in others they will be more significant. Some clients will experience pain with multiple movements; others will be pain-free but may still be quite limited in their movements.
As noted in tip number two, you’ll see this in the assessment, but it will also come out in terms of how well they perform the exercises. A client who has a very rounded upper back is going to struggle with keeping their shoulders back while doing things like rows. This doesn’t mean the row is a poor choice for them, or that you should stop cueing better form; it just means you may have to alter your expectations of what proper form looks like.
When I see less than perfect form, I ask myself “Is this imperfect form safe?” If the answer is no, then I either work to fix the form, or I adjust or replace the exercise. Remember that your most important job is to not hurt your clients. If I think the imperfect form is safe, then I’ll consider how many times I’ve already corrected their form that workout: if it’s more than a couple, I might let it go that day but take a note and work on it next time.
If I do decide to address the form, I will keep in mind that even though it might look like they’re not in the position I want, there’s a chance that they are trying their best and that this is in fact their best version of the position. If that’s the case, I may try to add an exercise to help improve the movement in that area, and I may try a different cue in the future.
4. Be Their Fitness Guide
If you are training an older client who has never worked out or played sports before, you are training a person whose vision of their own physical potential represents only a tiny fraction of their actual physical potential. Maybe less. As their trainer, you have the privilege, over time, of proving to them just how much more they can accomplish.
I’ve found that the key to getting there is to help them see their own ability. When I watch a client perform an exercise and it appears they are capable of more, I say something like “That looked great, do you want to try a bit more?” or “Was that easy, hard, or somewhere in between?” Some clients are eager to do more, while some are apprehensive. I find a higher portion of older clients are apprehensive, which means I have to be a bit more creative.
My favorite approach is to have them do as many repetitions as they can on their next set. It’s not uncommon for someone who was doing sets of eight repetitions to then do fourteen repetitions with perfect form. And I usually get agreement when I follow that up with, “Since you were able to do fourteen at twenty pounds, do you think you can do eight at twenty-five pounds?”
On the rare occasion where someone does balk at adding weight, I revert to plan B: fractional plates. A set of fractional plates includes 0.25-pound weights that can be added to a bar or a weight stack. I ask the person to put out their hand where I then place the 0.25-pound plate, and I then ask “What if we increase it that much?” I have a 100 percent success rate with that move. For metal dumbbells and kettlebells, 1.25-pound magnetic plates are almost as effective.
Over days, weeks, months, and years, these small increments add up, and eventually you find your older clients doing things they never would have thought possible and being much stronger than they ever imagined. By guiding them instead of pushing them, you earn their trust and build their confidence, which can open them to exploring even more.
5. Bunions Can Be Single-Leg Exercise Killers
This tip is a little less exciting than the others, but it’s an important one. A lot of women over the age of forty suffer from bunions, an inflammation of the first joint of the big toe, which causes the toe to be displaced. If you are a fan of single leg training, then it’s important for you to recognize that a person’s bunion can alter their ability to balance on one leg.
When a person gets a large bunion, one of the foot muscles — the adductor hallucis — can change in terms of the direction in which it operates. In a normal foot, this muscle acts transversely, adducting the big toe and providing support for the transverse metatarsal arch. With a large bunion, this muscle can be displaced and become a sagittal plane muscle, meaning it loses the ability to support your foot from a side to side balance perspective. Not surprisingly, this can affect a person’s ability to do single-leg exercises properly.
One of my favorite single-leg exercises is the single–leg Romanian deadlift, but it’s also one where I see many people struggle from a balance perspective. Interestingly, this is an exercise where balance difficulties can often be fixed by doing them without shoes. When you have your client try them without shoes, take a look at their feet. If there is a big bunion, then it may be that they won’t ever be able to do this exercise well. If your client has a bunion and continues to struggle with the single-leg RDL, it’s probably not a great exercise choice for them. This can also affect lunges and split squats and any balance exercises.
I still like to do some balance work with clients who have bunions, but I usually reduce the amount of single limb training, or I move to options where the balance is more supported because I want to put them in a position to succeed. In the case of the single-leg RDL, placing one hand on a foam roller may provide just enough stability to make this a successful exercise.
6. Power and Agility Exercises Are Amazing for Older Clients
When we think of agility ladders, most people think of training for elite athletes. My first thought, however, is senior clients.
In climates like Canada, where icy sidewalks result in a whole lot of falls each winter, training quickness and agility with older clients — most of whom, athletes aside, haven’t moved fast since they were teenagers — is almost a no-brainer.
Watching an older client progress from confusion to twinkletoes in the agility ladder is a treat for the trainer, and can be a bone-saver for the client. As they get used to moving their feet quickly in the gym, they are more likely to repeat this skill if they find themselves slipping on the ice. Obviously this won’t PREVENT falls, but I am a firm believer that it can limit them.
Admittedly I don’t have hard evidence to back this up, but I do have feedback from clients about near falls where they were able stay upright. The fringe benefit of the agility ladder drill is that most people find them fun and it gets their heart rate up nicely. I’ve heard “It’s like recess!” from a giggling older client on a number of occasions.
Another recess-like exercise that can be a surprisingly good fit for older clients is medicine ball throws. Beyond their physical benefits, they’re also a good way to increase your client’s confidence in their own physical abilities while having fun.
There are, of course, some caveats. With both those exercises, hold off introducing them to your older clients until they’ve been with you long enough to add a little strength and coordination.
Always check with your client to make sure they are comfortable performing the exercises. Agility ladder drills, for example, may create uncomfortable bouncing for larger-breasted women. If you see your client holding their arms in a way that squeezes their chest, consider asking them about it and choosing a different option for them.
Furthermore, some clients may experience some urinary incontinence with power and agility drills. If you find that your client is reluctant to perform them, this could be the cause. If this is the case, encourage your client to speak to their doctor about it if they haven’t done so already — while urinary incontinence is common, it isn’t normal.
The post 6 Tips For Trainers Working With Older Clients appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.
from Blogger http://corneliussteinbeck.blogspot.com/2017/10/6-tips-for-trainers-working-with-older.html
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