#trollhunters season 3
m4rswalker · 1 year
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Do it for anyone but yourself
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saturnniidae · 9 months
I'm rewatching trollhunters and just got to 3x7, and it never fails to make me emotional. Like, the opening flashback of Merlin making the amulet (especially the scene of Morgan's hand sinking into the cauldron. it's amazing, actually),
And all the parallels!
Angor Rot convincing Gunmar to let Draal live because what he said reminded him of his time obeying Strickler, Draal saying "don't make it weird" when he offered Jim a hand up just like when Jim first spared Draal after their fight,
AND MY FAVORITE ONE: the parallel to Kanjagar's death, with his son dying in the same pose as his father as he falls off a ledge, presumably smashing into pieces on the ground. It's just so ajdjsjsnfi
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sizzling-eggs · 6 months
Do you ever watch a show or a movie or any piece of media meant for kids and just think about how the story or character or that one scene or whatever just spoke to your heart and soul, or just how profound it made you happy or break your heart. And just sit their thinking that this is for literal children, who probably still couldn't 100% understand the gravity of what they are consuming or probably couldn't articulate how they felt about it other than say they liked it or they dont, or it made them happy or sad, and you, a grown ass person is just thinking about how this thing meant for kids is just so simple yet complex with so many layers of emotions and plot and etc. That explores themes and subject better than media meant for your age, in a way that is simple yet incredible done.
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abrielarnold · 7 months
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was going through some old art and i FOUND IT.
my magnum opus. my greatest creation.
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picturejasper20 · 7 months
That AU of Masters becoming Danny's school director/teacher instead of him becoming Amity Park's mayor is so cool. It would have been super funny Danny and the rest playing pranks on Vlad everyday and Vlad giving bad grades on Danny for the sake of messing with him. The two of them being the most passive agressive possible while they are in school and everyone else wondering what is going on.
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lavenoon · 7 months
Out of Time (~12K Words)
How the return of the Inferna Copula could have gone, if Jim had had some access to brain cells and that tidbit of information in season 3 had been integrated into the show. Or alternatively, if Angor Rot had been treated as the narrative foil to Jim that he actually was.
So I got into Trollhunters, and sure, I am biased, but I will die on the hill that Angor Rot's potential was wasted just to have an easy end of season villain. So I've put him in the soup, and 12K of this was born.
Tumblr exclusive note: Remember when I said I'm very normal about trollhunters? Yeah, this is what I've been up to since barely posting again for the past week <3
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sonicasura · 1 year
I just had an idea with Troll Jim.
The potion Merlin used to make Jim half troll was more unstable than he thought. Magic is a fickle thing that follows its own rules. There are two things even the most skilled wizard such as Merlin shouldn't do: to change a spell into something outside its purpose and never cast one incomplete.
I believe Jim's case is a perfect example for why as the Trollhunter isn't gonna have his human side for much longer. His new troll side is slowly taking over with each day passing by. The purpose of the potion was to unite Trolls and Humans but not what Merlin intended to use it for.
'Only a troll can defeat Gunmar' so that's what he is getting despite the results being late: a powerful troll. It takes awhile before everyone notices something off with Jim. He begins to look a bit bigger, horns more pronounced, and skin tougher than before. Since some ingredients were clearly absent, the magic behind the transformation decides to take some inspiration from all the species Jim came across to fill in the gaps.
What Merlin had made was a slow acting curse and its won't stop until every bit of the half troll's human form is gone. Though no one is gonna give up even if Jim fully becomes a troll. Maybe there's a reason why the potion was made? Once the answer is found, does the Trollhunter really reaps the full award of both worlds.
The ability to switch between human, half troll and troll. All the strengths Jim should've gain becoming accessible to him unlike before. The sun no longer a threat in his trollish form as the human side protects it. Resilience and strength of living stone enforces Jim's softer yet kindhearted humanity. An embodiment of two different worlds working together as one.
In my opinion, a better way to do Troll Jim or at least fix the wrong message presented in Trollhunters Season 3 with our beasty boy. Honestly they could've take a page from the original Ben 10 about this. After all unity and understanding holds more weight than power itself.
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avirxy · 5 months
In the monster hunter au is there a reason the werewolf curse can't be cured?
Yes! I think it means a lot more narratively within the whole story if it can’t be cured.
Claire’s going to have to come to terms with it, she’s going to have address that her original recklessness set her on this path and no, it can’t be changed. Things happen, irreversible, good or bad things and you can’t change that.
But just because it happened, again good or bad, doesn’t mean you can’t continue, you can’t live, you can’t be happy, things may never be the same again and that’s sometimes a really hard pill to swallow. With time and support though things may just work out.
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 1 year
Hi Pinky. You remember that spell Strickler and Angor used to tie Strickler's life to Barabra so Jim couldn't kill him?
What if Jim had been the one tied to Strickler's life instead of his mom? How much of Canon do you think would change?
How Strickler and Angor Rot would be able to manage something like that is up to you.
Well, first of all that would sort of make killing Jim impossible, not like Strickler ever truly wanted Jim dead, or at least not completely, but still, what would the point of Angor Rot be other than to delay Strickler having to make a decision on what to actually do.
But it still works in keeping Jim from harming or killing him. (I don't think Jim would have killed Strickler for all his threats, but that's beside my point). Only now Jim has a reason to abuse the binding spell in ways to minorly inconvenience Strickler. Probably Strickler ends up equally petty.
Angor Rot probably wants to kill them both anyway, things still backfire, but with the difference of Strickler and Jim bonding faster and I think Strickler would make sure the spell was not incomplete. Obviously Barbara would be mad still, and not lose her memories, but it might mean Strickler stays in Arcadia. And then there would be a slow burn enemies to friends to lovers Stricklake that can actually have enough time for Strickler to apologise and actually make amends. Always thought Strickler leaving at the end of season 1 and coming back season 3 and Barbara losing her memories still season 3 was a bit too convenient. The writers should have forced Barbara, Strickler and Jim to work through differences and become a close knit family on screen and in a less rushed time frame.
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melongraph56 · 3 months
OUGH I’m so neurotypical about an au I made combining my special interest and a big hyperfixation I had
I’ve been dropping so many details and art between 2 discord servers these past few days. just lots of yapping
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losertriangles · 2 years
I can't be the only one who thinks Queen Usurna's character doesn't make any sense. Like, when she starts out, she's super concerned for Aaarrrgghh's health, to the point she was ready to force him back down to the Krubera Caverns without his concent to make sure he lives. And yet, when Gunmar takes control of Trollmarket, she claims Aaarrrgghh was given in a trade, with no regard for his health. And she was so scared of Gunmars return that she ordered the destruction of Killahead bridge as Jim was coming back, because she was so scared Gunmar would be following him. And, she was so scared Gunmar would find a way out, she ordered Killahead be thrown to the bottom of the OCEAN! Where no one (save for ocean trolls maybe) could get it! But suddenly, she's always been loyal to Gunmar?? And was a spy for him??? It just doesn't make sense to me.
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doomednarrative · 1 year
@babygirldameron tagged me to list off 8 shows to get to know me, thanks Courtney ~
This ones harder to think of tbh cause I’m more of a gamer these days but! If I had to chose:
Supernatural (ONLY seasons 1-5 tho)
Avataro Sentai Donbrothers
Mob Psycho 100
Marble Hornets (it counts it has seasons)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Kamen Rider Ryuki
I’m gonna tag @silenthillmutual @adrianicsea @tibby and @onehandkilling for this one :3
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xerosdaze · 2 years
I am sorry,but the blue spiked hair spoke up not me
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slumbergoblin · 1 year
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I do not think I have uploaded this at all on my old account/old sideblog (which is just @trollishgoblin) so here this is!
It's a background I made for my Trollhunters tumblr back in 2018!
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spectr3ghast · 10 months
Im gonna be so honest if there's ever a continuation for Tales of Arcadia I want Krel's character and the Arcane Order to be expanded upon otherwise I literally couldn't care less about it, no I don't want Jim being the main focus anymore
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byblix · 1 year
Who wants a random scene from one of the fics I'm working on? Too bad, you're getting one anyway.
Set in S01E22, "It's About Time." Question: How does Doctor Barbara Lake forget about Mr. Blinky and his clear medical distress? Answer: Insert one punk wizard distraction. Minor injury warning for a cut arm, and mention of getting stitches, but I don't think anything's too graphic, especially not in this tiny snippet of the thing.
“You know you don't have to be all macho about this,” she said calmly. “If it hurts, tell me. I can't help if I don't know something's wrong.”
“That's not what it is,” Douxie told her. “Trust me. It really isn't that bad.”
She made a noncommittal noise, carefully pulling back the cloth. “Well, looks like the bleeding's stopped, at any rate. Let's get this cleaned and wrapped.”
Douxie stood so he could hold his arm under the running water, and quirked an eyebrow at her. “Still need those stitches?”
Dr. Lake wet another of the cloths and started wiping at his arm, movements steady and gentle as she gave it a more thorough inspection. “Looks like, yeah.” She returned the raised eyebrow. “And I notice you've got a suture kit in this box. You were going to do them yourself, weren't you?”
Douxie bobbed his shoulder in a helpless half-shrug. “Like I said: wouldn't be the first time.” Then he waved his left hand. “And it's not my dominant hand, so messy stitches aren't a worry.”
She pursed her lips at him, but then returned her focus to cleaning his arm. “Don't see any debris. Sit down and hold this while I get ready to stitch you up.” Douxie opened his mouth to protest, but Dr. Lake just looked at him, something in her eyes piercing straight through the centuries to make him feel like an actual teenager again. “Doctor's orders, young man,” she told him, face resolute.
He froze, totally at a loss for a second, then let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head with amusement. “Alright, alright,” he said, lifting his free hand in a gesture of surrender before dropping back to his seat and holding the cloth in place. He gave her a crooked grin. “Suppose I'll owe you lunch when you come back to take them out?”
“Now you're getting it,” she said wryly, a playful sparkle in her eyes.
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