somnus1230 · 2 months
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millenni-em-tauk · 9 months
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Kaiba's own daughter...despiser of math...!!
He's not yelling at Farida, he's just kind-of always yelling by default
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emdrawsmanga · 26 days
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P12 of 10-10-2 Do Me
Bakura is going to be such a freaking menace in this one and I'm all here for it🤪
Oh! And Indigo Token's not only uploading the sequel to ff but also to AO3!
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dominoblues · 1 year
I'm not a shipper myself but since there are many shippers in the Yu-Gi-Oh! community, i thought you might appreciate this little prompts template I made a long time ago that has been sitting in my pc for ten years. You can use it as you wish. There are really no rules. You can choose a color or random topics from different colors. I just ask you to tag me if you use it for your shipping headcanons. I hope you enjoy it!! And HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!
The RAINBOW Ships Headcanons Prompts!!
• PINK! Sexual Headcanons A. How they approach. B. Favorite position. C. Kinks. D. Favorite body parts. E. Favorite partner's body parts. F. What they like. G. What they don't like. H. Do they like eye contact. I. Favorite places to get dirty. J. Aftercare.
• RED! Romantic Headcanons A. What made them fall in love. B. First kiss. C. Do they like physical intimacy (holding hands, cuddling, sex) D. How affectionate are they with each other. E. What are their kisses like. F. Where do they like to kiss/be kissed. G. Who said 'I love you' first. H. What is their reaction to 'I love you'. I. How often do they say 'I love you'. J. What are their thoughts on PDA. K. What makes their heart race. L. Do they like to share their feelings. M. How do they express love.
•ORANGE! Emotional Headcanons A. How protective are they towards each other. B. What makes them excited. C. What makes them happy. D. What makes them anxious. E. What makes them sad. F. What makes them angry. G. What triggers them. H. What makes them jealous. I. Do they have bad temperament. J. Do they have self-control. K. How do they comfort each other.
•YELLOW! Mental Headcanons A. Do they have insecurities. B. Are they dependent on each other. C. How empathic are they towards each other. D. What secrets would they never want each other to know. E. How do they react to the other being vulnerable. F. What makes them worry about each other. G. What do they find mentally attractive about each other. H. How do they make each other laugh. I. How do they react on each other's emotions.
•GREEN! Spiritual Headcanons A. Do they have any fears? B. Do they have any hopes? C. Do they believe in soulmates. D. What's their spiritual connection like. E. What are their common goals. F. How do they complement each other. G. What are their plans for the future. H. What values do they believe in. I. How do they help each other grow.
•CYAN! General Relationship Headcanons A. Do they fight. B. How do they handle conflict. C. How is their communication. D. What's their love language. E. Favorite qualities in their partner. F. Least favorite qualities. G. Do they have nicknames/pet names for each other. H. Favorite dating spots. I. What gifts do they like to exchange. J. What are their important gestures toward each other.
•VIOLET! Daily Life Headcanons A. Who is in charge of cooking. B. What good habits do they have. C. What bad habits do they have that annoy the other. D. Favorite vacations and getaways. E. Favorite sleeping position. F. What are their daily routines. G. How do they spend time together. H. Do they spend time on each other hobbies. I. What are their best memories together.
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part-timewonders · 8 months
a list of Kaiba fic recs, in honor of his birthday
I thought I'd have a fic ready for the 25th, but alas, it was not to be. So instead, I pulled together a fic rec list of some of my favorites I've read in the last few months, sorted by ship. I'm sure there's plenty more that I haven't been able to find the links to.
Happy reading! This got way too long so I put the list under the cut.
it takes two to duel by ImagineYourself
Gen fics
Cozy, Distance by rainstormcolors
If Your Heart Were A House I’d Be Breaking In And Taking Photos Of Your Hair While You Sleep by rowanthestrange
The Inexperienced Spy by DrMiniPie
the last taiyaki by surrenderer (self-rec)
Mokuba Kaiba and the Very Pointed Prank by duelmepharaoh (captain_indigo)
Opinions Shared with The World by Winxhelina
The Past by EriksChampion
“What Common Mistakes Are You Making Over And Over Again?” (Number 3 will SHOCK you) by rowanthestrange
Allargando by Slaycinder
Apep Swallows the Moon by bobtailsquid
by night by mimsical
The Haunted RV by Winxhelina
Hm n(y)w mri by bobtailsquid
Just Another Duel? by dragonwrangler
Inclement Weather by bobtailsquid
Our Fairly Modest Just A Few Close Friends Ancient Egyptian Wedding by rowanthestrange
Pharaoh's First Con by DrMiniPie
The Poetry of Logic by RookSacrifice
potential/kinetic by peachpal
Save Point by bobtailsquid
Stalemate by duelmepharaoh (captain_indigo), mooguriklaine
Studies and Sales by Winxhelina
sweeter when it's finally found by surrenderer (self-rec)
there's so much left unspoken between the two of us (it's so much more exciting to look when you can't touch) by JigsawLesbian
Unavoidable by DrMiniPie
In bed with the mob by Alecto
Menagerie by shadow_of_egypt (Shachaai)
Old Friends by Alecto
Doublebooked at 3:30 PM by grevola
Ticket to Ride by Desidera
Unrespectable Society by bobtailsquid
Catching Z's by DrMiniPie
I Trust This Finds You Well by Sparklefists
Mess and All by DrMiniPie
Scenes From a Journey by JustAWritingAmateur
Self Destruction by MyMisguidedFairytale
when it’s you and me, it’s never too late by scorpionGrass
Does scandalshipping count? well, consider it a bonus, I guess...
A Royal Excursion by TelepathJeneral
The Beast Of My Daydreams by Not Kujaku (WaterTreeProductions)
The High Priest by hakaibunshi
Hushed Scandal by Sparklefists
see me as a secret mission by surrenderer (self-rec)
Serpens Caput, Serpens Cauda by RookSacrifice
The Sound of Drums by shadow_of_egypt (Shachaai)
Throne Room Rendezvous by Slaycinder
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bum-scum · 2 months
Here's a little snippet of the Trustshipping one-shot im doing.
Read under here:
Leading up the events of walking towards the private helicopter, Ishizu was waiting at the bay, taking a seat until the awaited call of her flight was announced. The expedition to the new museum was a success! Ishizu felt proud of the tasks that were given to her and with all the attendees that arrived was more than she expected to count. She was given praise for her efforts and acknowledgments, and of course her expertise in ancient Egyptian history. It made her feel giddy, and she smiled. 
“Whatever you’re smiling about is certainly not pleasant, given the circumstance that you’re in.” The voice popped Ishizu back into reality. Looking up she saw none other than the CEO of Kaiba Corporation himself: Seto Kaiba. Standing right Infront of her. 
She frowned at him, but she noticed that he nodded at the flight board, and she saw her flight had been delayed.  
Great. But she could wait, after all it was just delayed- “You’re coming with me.” 
“I'm not wasting another moment in this stupid fucking airport more than I must. Let's go, Ishizu.”  
She scrambled to get up from her seat. Rushing her way towards the tall man that hastily walked like he was avoiding being contaminated by unwanted germs.  
“Well at least let me cancel-” Shocked by Kaiba’s sudden halt, he snatched the plan ticket from her hand and tossed it out into the crowded sea of people.  
“Oops, the wind must of took it. Now hurry up!”  
The nerve of that man had cause Ishizu to become upset, not like he’ll ever care about her feelings of something so trivial. It was the way he just told her to come along, and she went along with him without a second thought. She didn’t even have a choice in a matter either. Kaiba was going to force her to come along, whether she liked it or not.  
It annoyed her. 
“You’re insufferable you know that?”  
“Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Now hurry up, before I'm going to be late. Where are you heading to?”  
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rosalind-hawkins · 4 months
My YGO Hetero Ships: Part 1
Wanted to make a little post about my Yugioh hetero ships because I feel like I don't talk about them much. And then the post wasn't little, oh well. Mostly Trustshipping and Polarshipping rants.
Peachshipping is a bit of a foregone conclusion for me. It's intuitive and I think they work so well together and are good for each other. I use it as a world-filling background ship a lot because it's just so... obvious to me? And wholesome, don't forget wholesome. It's sweet, it's positive, it's healthy. I don't have a strong grasp on either character which is why I haven't written it, and I don't feel passionately about it, but I do support it.
Blueshipping was the very first ship I ever wrote in my very first fanfic ever, and while I do support the ship, I haven't written it since then. There is implied past Mizushipping in Rock Bottom, but Kisara still dies like canon, so tragic ending and Seth is rekt. Like Peachshipping, this one is a no-brainer for me, it just only exists when Kisara gets to live/come back, because otherwise it's pure angst and tragedy.
Trustshipping is in the future for a current unfinished fic but I haven't actually written it otherwise. Currently working on a one-shot wip with my husband for it though. This is one that I do feel quite passionately about because I think Ishizu is one of the few people that even has a chance at getting close to Kaiba, in terms of purely canonical characterizations. And in terms of non-pure canonical characterizations (aka the fun stuff), there's even more potential for passion and romance. I think they've both had to grow up too fast, take care of their little brothers, deal with abusive fathers, make difficult decisions, and be forced into a role that they didn't ask for/weren't ready for. There will be understanding, patience, and compassion there, mostly just from Ishizu but you get the idea. The dragon doesn't want to be tamed but gradually realizes the benefits of the arrangement. She's strong-spirited in a quiet way and she won't let Kaiba treat her poorly. People might think she's Kaiba's trophy wife at first, being exotic and beautiful, but I think she can absolutely hold her own with poise, class, and wit. Whenever she has to go to a snobby social event with him, people will gradually realize that he didn't tame her, she tamed him. Ishizu the dragon-tamer. He is her dragon, she is his queen. She's not a trophy wife, she's not a gold-digger. Neither of them are a prize to be won. This is a partnership, and if you ever disrespect one of them in front of the other, you will be flayed with their words. She will also absolutely have her own career in Egyptology/Archaeology which helps to discourage the conception that she married him for any reason besides her love for him.
Polarshipping is another one that I think I've only written once, and it was in the context of Ettushipping, but I stan it quite hard. I won't shut up about it anytime Mai and Joey are in a scene together when I watch Yugioh with my husband. ("Omg look at the way he smiles at her! And look at the way she looks at him! And OMG he would die for her, this boy is too pure!!") I think I've used it as a background ship before a couple times maybe? But I love their canon storyline together and their dynamic (and I can even appreciate what happens for them in Season Four, even though that season kinda ruins Mai and does her all kinds of dirty, Joey's determination to help her despite her turning on them, despite Tristan saying "you're better off letting her go because I don't want to see you get hurt again", is one of the sweetest things and Joey is such a puppy and once they finally get together, I hope Mai understands what a Good Boy she has and absolutely spoils him). I do feel strongly about them and I want to write them at least one-shot at some point.
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porgatino · 2 years
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POV they think your deck is trash and they’re laughing about it
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verybadatcardgames · 1 year
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There was a trustship doujinshi where Seto took in Isis and a kitten during a rainstorm. Some PG stuff happens and after Seto wakes up, he discovers Isis went back to Egypt the moment the weather got better and left the cat behind so Seto had to take care of it by himself.
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anotherworldash · 1 year
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kaibacorpintern · 1 year
[An die Freude]
Summary: An incident from Isis' childhood comes back to her in an unexpected way. Word count: 12,000 | Rating: T
“Do you know what I wanted at fourteen?” Isis returned the smile, with an unsettled sigh, oddly relieved. Here was the balance of pain: he’d rather talk about this than that. “Tell me.” “I spent a lot of time thinking about beating my stepfather to death with his nine iron.” “A nine iron?” “A golf club. The heaviest one, with the greatest slope. For hitting the ball with maximum loft.” Isis considered that cynical, canny little smile. “You wanted him to die.” “He’s the subject. I wanted to be the agent. I wanted to do it. However: that old bastard beat me to it. Or, to put it in your terms, destiny got to him before I did.” A thousand possible replies flared through her mind. Do you really want to live with your father’s blood on your hands? Don’t we want to be better than them? Malik did what you wanted and it almost destroyed us. It was not your destiny to kill him. It was your destiny to survive him. “That’s what you wanted,” she said. “But it’s not what you needed.”
A/N: (AGED UP) trustshipping, but it's really about isis and her childhood and post-canon struggles and kaiba is just there to be annoying <3 rishid and malik are also here. read for romance and fluff and ancient egyptian mythology and my love for berlin, one of my favorite cities i've ever visited. enjoy, kind comments and kudos are always welcome!
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somnus1230 · 1 month
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necrostar · 1 year
🌙: A headcanon about one of my rarepairs
Headcanon Meme
for trustshipping
I like to think that because Isis is an utter nightmare to shop for, Seto's taken an inventory of everything he's seen her wear and the things she keeps in her house to deduce what she likes. And, well, ask her siblings. Even though most of her presents are usually something along the vicinity of 'gold' and 'something old because she works at a museum.'
Seto is equally horrendous to shop for, because he keeps most of his interests hidden aside from what he wants people to see. She did the exact same thing as Seto and took an inventory of what he wears and what he decorates his office and home with to better guess what he actually wants. And, you know, just ask Mokuba. And still, somehow, most of his gifts are something something blue-eyes.
They are oblivious to the fact that they used the exact same tactics to get nice gifts for each other and still end up falling into the same pitfalls as everyone else. But they're self aware that they're awful people to shop for and take it in their own version of stride.
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emdrawsmanga · 1 month
P11 of 10-10-2 Do Me and please make sure to head on over to Indigo Token's ff account to read the first 3 chapters of the SEQUELLLLL!!! I'm already loving it so far and it's definitely on my to draw list😜❤️‍🔥
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kaiba-fangirl · 2 years
Ya know what I love that nobody ever seems to acknowledge? After Zork decimates the character lineup, Seth is Pharaoh, and the only other prominent women left are Isis and Mana. Seth has the Millennium Rod. Isis has the Millennium Necklace. In modern Egypt, the Tombkeeper family has the Rod and the Necklace, that have been passed down to them from the first ones charged with protecting the Pharaoh’s tomb. Logically... Seth & Isis hooked up (at least for progeny) & their descendants are Ishizu and Marik. --and now Seto & Ishizu couldn’t give two shits about each other. 😆 She irks him enough to anger plenty, but it’s not lasting. More like gnats that keep hitting your windshield. When she gets something in front of his face that he can’t ignore, he realizes it and groans and deals with it. But that burning passion that makes his “heart beat faster?” 😅 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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part-timewonders · 9 months
Make Me Write Tag Game
tagged, kinda, by @emseebeans!
(no promises of finishing any of these in a reasonable amount of time, but I WILL post a small sneak peek of whatever wins...)
if you want to play, feel free to tag me and i will vote in your poll too!!
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