roseypeached · 24 days
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me and jords ( @ttrustfalls ) constantly matching dis.cord icons god look at them im gonna be SICK
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neverrcry · 20 days
why are you dressed all stupid? ( charlie @ dennis dsjkfndjskf )
i was trying something different with my fashion i suppose. a dusty pink polo shirt topped off with a grey cardigan and grey slacks. pink isn't a color i wear often, even if i do have the desire to. i should have known that these idiots wouldn't have enough fashion sense between them. my jaw drops at charlie's question, hand moving to rest on my chest as i gape at him in offense.
"i'm not dressed all stupid charlie." tone condescending, sharp around the edges. "i'm dressed professionally. unlike you, i think it's a good idea to show up to work in clean clothes." my nose turns upward at him, looking down at him through narrowed eyes. "i don't think you are someone that should be giving out fashion advice. c'mon, man, you've got dirt and who knows what else all over you."
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thegcng-arch · 4 months
“i made you something to eat.” ( mac @ dennis )
there  mac  was,  parading  around  as  my  caretaker  yet  again.   it  doesn't  really  bother  me  anymore,   especially  since  we  started  doing this.   i  can't  lie,   it  is  nice  having  someone  look  after  me.   not  sure  what  exactly  changed,   but  i  guess  i  realized  that  wanting  someone  to  care  for  you  wasn't  a  bad  thing.  "oh  yeah?"  i  ask  as  i  exit  my  bedroom,   robe  wrapped  around  me,   arms  raising  to  stretch  as  i  fight  off  a  yawn.   i  don't  usually  like  to  eat  in  the  mornings,   breakfast  is  one  of  the  meals  i  skip  most  often.   mac  must  have  noticed  that,  because  recently  breakfast  has  been  a  more  common  meal  in  the  apartment.   i  walk  into  the  kitchen,   leaning  against  the  counter  -  top  right  next  to  mac.  "you  didn't  burn  the  shit  out  of  it  this  time,  did  you?" i  jest,   letting  out  a  small  laugh  as  i  shake  my  head.  "what  about  coffee?  i  can  start  a  pot  if  you  haven't  already." 
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ac1numa · 4 months
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@ttrustfalls asked: send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) / stefan salvatore in kathe's phone / portfolio is something as well.
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singersalvaged · 4 months
@ttrustfalls plotted for an angsty starter
tight teeth clenched while Dean sat near her grasp. Sam's petulance over the blood had created a rift, a void that sunk hollow weights into them both. Having two best friends was wonderful, until they were at odds of course and lately the group dynamic had been... off.
So, when Dean arrived bruised up Allie nearly lost her goddamn shit. Sure injuries were par for the course of their lives but being beaten by a monster was different, physical altercations between the brothers never sat right with her. Her father would state the usual 'boys will be boys'. That didn't mean she had to like it.
A warm rag rested against his face and Alice looked up with tender eyes. Sometimes it felt like they were running, but the running was actually drowning. No water and yet a true breath hadn't entered her lungs in what felt like years. That damn ache, the sear never fully subsided and now Sam had created a new burn. She was certain it would scar.
Time did not heal all wounds.
"You okay?" Perhaps she should have offered more but... what could be given other than her undivided attention? "He'll come around, just wait, just a little while longer..." but who was she trying to convince. Him, or herself?
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sunsache · 7 months
@moonache xoxo
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not a day goes by that you don't admire her . her stubbornness drives you insane , but you think maybe that's the fun of it and just being with her is like a breath of fresh air . when she's giving you the cold shoulder ( most times rightfully so ) , you feel like you're going to shatter . there's something intoxicating about her that you can't place and no amount of medical research in the world will figure it out . still , even when she's a bit mad at you , you can't stay away from her . sliding up beside her at the front desk with a grin on your features and that look in your eye that bailey says you get , you can't help but lean in just a little closer , voice dropping to just above a whisper . ' dr. grey . you're here a bit early , aren't you ? '
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neveragcd · 21 days
@ttrustfalls said: get your fucking confidence back. i can't do it for you. ( dennis reynolds )
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well, shit. the words sting. of course they do, because they always sting like a bastard when dennis is the one spitting them out. for a sliver of a moment, eyes widen with the cadence of a puppy who's just been kicked. but only for a millisecond, because then his signature cocktail blend of delusion and defensiveness takes over, and mac finds himself puffing out his chest and raising his chin with a scoff.
"i'm confident," he insists, blurts the words out with too much desperation for a man who's truly confident. "i'm so confident, bro! i was confident when i banged your mom, so . . . " it's a sore spot, one he only likes to press on when dennis is being a bastard. they're both better at dishing it out than they are at taking it.
scoff slips through his nose. "do i not look confident? dennis, i've been feeling so badass lately. like i could eat nails or some shit!" probably an exaggeration. but he needs dennis to know he's serious. he needs dennis to know he's confident, and therefore worthy of his time and attention. "check it out," bare bicep flexes, brows rising in sync with the corners of his lips. "could fuck someone up with this, dude. that's the big, gnarly bicep of a guy who's confident. right?" dammit. he really needs to stop opening his statements up for debate, but then again, he craves dennis's validation more than he craves air.
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bu11seye · 3 months
@ttrustfalls sent : 💐 to give my muse flowers ( from isaac ! )
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she stares down at the bouquet for a moment before glancing up at isaac with a raised eyebrow . " i don't know whether t'say thank you or ask what you did for you t'give me these . " there's a beat , the corners of her lips perking up ever so slightly as she's reaching out to press a palm to his upper arm . "i'll go with the second option , 'cause they're beautiful . " jessie gushes , looking down at the explosion of colors in the bouquet . she didn't even know what all the flowers were , just that there were so many and she wanted to put them in the prettiest vase she could find .
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" thank you , isaac . " her head tilts as she gives him a full smile this time , cheeks painted pink . " this almost makes up for ditchin' me the other day . "
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ac1nums-moved · 3 months
@ttrustfalls, stiles stilinski sent to lydia martin: ‘ all along there was some invisible string tying you to me. ’
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as stiles uttered those words, a plethora of emotions stirred within lydia. his declaration wasn't just a simple acknowledgment of their bond; it was a revelation, a truth she had perhaps been aware of on some level but had never dared to fully accept. how can she do that when she had spend the majority of her life ignoring it? though, she cannot really do that now. the feelings that he felt for the past years, the moments that bring happinness in, even when a storm was near them everytime, well, she felt all of it too.
for years, lydia had navigated the labyrinth of her own feelings, often burying them beneath layers of rationalization and denial. yet, in stiles' words, she found a resonance that was impossible to ignore. the notion of an invisible string binding them together resonated deeply with her, evoking memories of shared moments, unspoken glances, and a silent understanding that seemed to defy explanation.
in that moment, lydia couldn't help but reflect on the journey they had undertaken together – the highs and lows, the laughter and tears, the moments of triumph and despair. through it all, she realized, stiles had been a constant presence in her life, a faithful companion whose unwavering support had anchored her in times of uncertainty.
but acknowledging the existence of this invisible string meant confronting the tangled web of emotions that lay beneath the surface. it meant acknowledging the feelings she had long tried to suppress… feelings that had only grown stronger with time. it meant accepting that, perhaps, there was something more between them than mere friendship.
as lydia met stiles' gaze, she felt a surge of vulnerability wash over her, mingled with a profound sense of relief. for in his words, she found solace and validation. validation of the bond that had always existed between them, silently weaving its way through the fabric of their lives. and solace into the warmth of his words and confession that she was sure he wasn't one from taking back.
with a soft smile, lydia reached out, her fingers grazing his, as if to acknowledge the invisible string that bound them together. " you know, stiles, i used to think you were just being metaphorical, but lately, i'm starting to wonder if there's some truth to that statement. "
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revearies · 4 months
𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑁𝐴 𝐺𝐼𝐿𝐵𝐸𝑅𝑇 ― ( starter call. ) ↪︎ @ttrustfalls
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❝ why didn't he go for me? how come the guys that i want never want me? i'm inappropriate, always say the wrong thing. and i try so hard, and i'm never the one ... ❞
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lastlockwood · 4 months
❝ i never thought i'd see you again. why did you come back into my life now? ❞
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@ttrustfalls ( elena ) liked this post for a starter
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roseypeached · 22 days
@ttrustfalls : “   don’t scare me like that anymore .   ” ( eddie @ buck :) )
he's reckless and he doesn't seem to care. a part of him needs to feel the adrenaline to feel alive, but this also means he forgets --- he forgets that he needs to come home in one piece. he forgets that people care about him in ways that would tear them apart if something happened to him. eddie's words ring through his ears, hand reaching up to pull the helmet off of his head before looking at him.
' come on, ed. it wasn't that bad. i made that jump easy. ' except he almost didn't. the gap between buildings was almost too large and it would've been easier to grab the ladder and climb down --- but that would've taken too much time. he didn't feel like he had that much left. a run and jump, chimney grabbing his gear to drag him up as the flames burst through the apartment ceiling. ' i'm just glad everyone else is okay. we got everyone out. '
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neverrcry · 16 days
i've been on this earth just as many days as you. ( dee @ dennis )
there's a scowl on my face as dee speaks, it's an expression i've become used to making while speaking with my sibling. we fight more often than we don't. it didn't always used to be like this. there was one point, when we were kids, where we actually got along. i'm not sure what had happened between us, but there's always this part of me that blames myself.
"i know that deandra." i throw her full name out, no, i spit it out. whatever i can say to stop this argument, right? well, whatever i can say to stop this argument and win. "you keep me painfully aware of the fact that we were born on the same day." my arms fold across my chest, keeping my chin tilted up as i try my best to look down on her. "just because we share the same age doesn't mean that you're not a mess." any less of a mess as myself. there's part of me that wants to ask why it has all become like this, but i hold back. feel good conversations were never really a reynolds specialty. "why are you being such a bitch today? ugh."
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thegcng-arch · 4 months
“you hog the blankets,  you know.” ( dennis @ charlie )
"oh  dude  come  on,   that's  totally  not  true."   i  push  myself  up  in  bed,   glancing  down  at  my  body.   well  shit,   it  looks  like  i  did  hog  most  of  the  blankets  last  night.   i  giggle,   legs  moving  to  kick  some  blanket's  over  in  dennis'  direction.   "see,   see!  you've  got  plenty  of  blankets." i  shuffle  back  down,   head  meeting  the  pillow  once  more,   looking  over  at  him  with  a  wide  smile.  "okay  so  maybe  i  did  hog  some  of  the  blankets  or  whatever.   but  you  knew  that!  you  totally  knew  that  getting  into  this  man.   we've  shared  a  bed  before,   you  know  i  get  cold  when  i  sleep!"  i  prop  myself  up  on  my  elbow  so  i  can  get  a  better  look  at  dennis,   grin  stretching  across  my  face.  "what,   that  a  deal  breaker  or  something  dude?  you  don't  fuck  people  who  take  the  blankets  or  something?" 
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ac1numa · 4 months
@ttrustfalls, stefan salvatore required a starter from katherine pierce.
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kp. the mystic grill was buzzing with activity as katherine elegantly entered, her heels clicking against the floor. she wore a confident smirk on her crimson lips, her piercing eyes scanning the room with a hint of mischief. dressed in a stylish black dress that accentuated every curve, she seemed to command attention effortlessly. making her way to the bar, katherine gracefully took a seat on one of the high stools. she signaled the bartender from her presence with a flick of her perfectly manicured finger, ordering a glass of bourbon. as she waited, her gaze lingered on the customers, a mix of humans and supernatural beings. there was always something intriguing about the chaos of mystic falls. just as she took a sip of her drink, she noticed a familiar face across the room. stefan salvatore. a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she raised her glass in a subtle acknowledgment. " stefan, " she purred, a playful smile forming on her lips. " fancy seeing you here. have you missed me, or is it just a coincidence ? " her tone held a blend of seduction and mockery, challenging him to engage in the dance of words they were so accustomed to.
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singersalvaged · 3 months
[ 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐭 ] : sender has gotten injured protecting the receiver. ( dean for allie <3 )
@ttrustfalls this is gonna hurt
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a warm washcloth gently moved over dried blood, careful as to not cause any added pain - at least not more than necessary. ❝This is gonna need stitches.❞ so often they found themselves in the circumstance of care, protection. He had a habit of taking the BRUNT, no matter the fight. Her nursing background assisted with the late-night cleanups.
Pursed lips remained focused on his wounds, intently so. Not much could rip a SCORNED woman from her devotion. A dream from the night before replayed behind her eyes. Just them, living with a baby in her arms so delicately wrapped that it would never cry, never fear. It would have all that it needed - all the love that the universe could provide! Doted on.
But those visions were pipe longings. Their moves had already been played. The rules were set. Allie was never much good at chess but... Knights so rarely won the game - and she was no queen, just the soldier to be knocked down. They'd been here before, and they would be again. Not his fault - she'd chosen the life just the same.
❝I... don't like doing this, you know. I mean I want to, but ... I don't like that we have to.❞ Really, the only positive was being able to touch him affectionately without fear of having no excuse.
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