#tw catholicism
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source: That's Ms. Bulldyke to You, Charlie! by Jane Caminos
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gutierritoshds · 4 months
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She’s like jesus to me
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fromgoy2joy · 3 months
So my entire social group at college is Jews. Natural response because of the *waves hands* the times. But that would be very very suspicious to my fundamentalist Catholic parents who do not know I’m converting to Judaism.
So.. I lie. But to be honest. Not that well. Here’s from best to worst my several performances in this game.
1. My father came into town and took me and my best friend out to dinner.
My dad: so how did you meet Meg?
The both of us: uhhh
Meg: i cut her in the waffle line
Me: yeah and then she started just talking to me all the time and I couldn’t shake her.
(This happened but at Shabbat dinner)
2. I was going to a restaurant with a friend from a different school who I met at a Torah study night.
my mom- so how did you meet Laura?
Me- *panicking* Hot dog event.
Mom - … hot dog event ?
Me- yes.
3. One of my good friends is a co-president of Hillel and is, predictably, a nerd.
Mom- so where did you find this Leor person?
Me- (on the phone with this detective as I’m walking around with Leor, see they’re wearing a Spock scarf) Star trek club!
Mom- you’re in Star Trek club!?
Me- well, you see, there wasn’t ever a second meeting.
4. I think this might be my worst ranking performance yet. I have a friend, Hao , and we were meeting up to go to a rabbi’s house.
Mom- this is a guy!? How’d you meet him!?
Me- ducks. We were feeding ducks.
Mom- I don’t think that there’s .. ducks where you are?
Me- they were on tour.
Mom- the ducks.
Me- yeah, the university actually hired a company to take them around campus for mental health therapy. I think it really worked actually.
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perroulisses · 1 month
so canonically in the saCERDOTE's universe
yeah it's not just one painting
The God used to be q sheep until a skin walker with the form of a wolf slaughter it and took it's place wearing his skin as disguise
so yeah this mf has a bit of a word building
Picture under the cut
Tw: Religious imagery, Uncanny, horror, Mild blood, staring in to your soul
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that thing makes me uncomfortable too don't worry
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blurredcolour · 1 month
so much John Brady brainrot 🤭 so that being said…..soft dom! Brady headcanons?
Oh my nonny, this ask jumped out at me like a jackrabbit and I feel like it is the perfect time to expound on the forbidden dress scenario I first touched upon around Easter.
Behold some headcannons AND a drabble
Mature/explicit themes below the cut - 18+ only
Given the fact that dear Brady rules his fort with an iron fist (see his lecture to Croz after his struggles finding, I don’t know, England?!) I definitely feel like this man prefers to be in control, but I agree that it errs on the side of a soft!Dom rather than an outright dominant
While he hasn’t engaged in penetrative sex prior to your wedding night, he’s still the one on top, in charge, executing his seduction of you like some kind of pre-flight checklist
And let me tell you it works
As your relationship grows, you definitely feel more confident initiating intimacy, usually at times and in places that leave him slightly bewildered, your desire for him something so utterly mysterious whereas it’s completely logical to him that he cannot get enough of you
But he soon takes over to ensure you get the most amount of pleasure possible, putting himself last
You never realized, however, the potential for him to be suddenly overcome by a need until you wore that seemingly innocuous dress
Securing the zipper at your side, you took a moment to check your appearance in the floor length mirror of your shared bedroom, smoothing the hem of the spring dress in your favourite colour against your knees. It had been an irresistible extravagance when you were at the department store with only socks and underwear on your list, but the neckline and style had called out to you like a siren song.
Smoothing an errant strand of hair, you grabbed your handbag and hurried down the stairs to the living room where John was waiting, scanning the paper for something of interest.
“Ready, honey. Thanks for waiting.” You smiled and he snapped the paper closed along its pre-folded lines but froze as you came into view.
“That’s…that’s new…” he intoned, expression unreadable and making you feel the need to apologize for your over-spending.
“I…yes, I indulged a little at the store, did you want me to-” the sharp shake of his head cut off your offer to take it off, to return it tomorrow.
“It’s perfect.” He exhaled, eyeing you intensely before surging to his feet. “Come on, don’t let me make us late.” He grunted and grabbed his suit jacket from the back of the couch, sliding it on before leading you out to the car.
There was a different tension in the vehicle, John’s eyes flashing in your direction frequently through the short drive to the cathedral, his hand resting heavily against your lower back as he guided you to your favourite pew. The heat of his palm was soaking through the thin fabric of your dress making you shiver at the temperature contrast with the cool stone of the building.
“You chilly?” He leaned in the murmur, the roughness in his voice taking you back to your lazy lovemaking yesterday morning and your jaw dropped open as you suddenly realized just what was going on.
A glance at him to offer a reassuring smile and shake of your head revealed his dilated pupils and slightly flushed cheeks, making you sink to teeth into your lower lip. What on earth had gotten into your husband?!
You could feel the weight of his heated gaze on you like numerous caresses throughout the service, more than confident he didn’t catch a word of the sermon, pressing your lips together sheepishly as somehow you felt at fault for this predicament and yet you couldn’t really bring yourself to mind?
How many times had you found yourself staring at this man, star-struck and breathless with desire in the most inopportune of places…what a heady turn of events this role-reversal was.
As you rose to join your fellow congregants for the weekly post-service chat over coffee and cake, John’s hand slid to your lower back, his skin scorching through your dress by now.
“Would you mind if we ducked out early, sweetheart? I’ve got a bit of a headache…”
Feigning wifely concern, you nodded quickly. “Of course, Johnny, let’s get you home.”
The drive home felt faster than usual, perhaps because he barely stopped at the stop signs, his hand resting on your thigh, fingertips plucking at the hem of your dress idly in the silence of the vehicle. Stepping into the house, you’d barely removed your shoes before his mouth was on yours, hungrily devouring, as his hands seized your hips and pulled you flush against his body.
The prominent bulge of his cock pressed against your hip and you dropped your handbag to slide your fingers into his hair.
“This dress is my devil in the desert.” He growled against your lips, making you laugh breathlessly.
“I wasn’t sure you were paying attention, honey.”
Turning to press you up against the front door, he ground his aching hardness into you. “I was enduring my own test…” he nipped your lips before trailing his mouth down your neck, hands rucking up the hem to slip between your thighs.
Mewling as you pulled at his suit jacket, you clung to him as he pinned you tightly to the door and quickly wrung an orgasm from you with practiced efficiency, leaving you a knock-kneed, panting, shaking mess.
Stepping back to shuck off his jacket and yank his tie free, you reached up to pull down your side zipper, eyes shooting wide at his verbal interjection.
“Ah! This?” His fingers strayed back to toy with the hem of your dress. “No, this stays on.” He said firmly, voice taking on a deep timber that flooded you with fresh desire.
Lurching forward, you instead focused your efforts on stripping him completely, following him down to the small carpet on the foyer floor, lifting your hips as he pulled your underwear off over your garter straps and stockings. Nestling between your thighs beneath your dress, his darkened eyes hungrily drank in the sight of you as he rocked his hardened length through your damp folds until you were begging for him.
“If my wife insists.” He smirked and rocked forward, sinking into your wet heat as your mingled groans filled the foyer.
The novelty of this coupling and desperation of his thrusts, combined with the insistent circles of his thumb on your clit, meant it did not take long for either of you to find release, left a sweaty, gasping mess on the floor of the entry way.
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Hi, this is very random but please do not make jokes about Fabio’s religion.
This is slightly biased because I’m also Catholic, but please do not make jokes about his faith to support your opinions about the sport. It’s one thing to not know that he’s religious, but it’s a whole other thing to make jokes about it. It’s very offensive.
Fabio has talked about being Catholic before, as well as having tattoos with the cross, a cathedral, and a nun. This clearly means a lot to him and they are not just for aesthetic purposes.
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aroeddiediaz · 10 days
IF Eddie end up returning to the church as the book of prayers Bobby passed on to him suggests, I hope it’s an arc where he explores the ways the Catholic Church failed him as a kid and won’t save him as an adult, and it ends with him leaving consciously, instead of just letting himself lapse.
I hope he figures out that all those things he was told he needed as a kid- the love of god, a wife, to be unbreakable under pressure- are not what he needs to survive. I hope he realizes that the community and the support the church claimed to offer is unnecessary compared to the community he has built for himself.
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Look, hate Catholicism as much as you want - as is your right, but you've got to at least be able to find humour in the fact that Pope Francis as Pope cannot contradict previous Popes nor can future Pope's contradict HIM - meaning that it's now on the record that Catholics should evangelise alien life if we ever find it.
And I know it's old okay, but I just remembered it was a thing and by god all those humans are space orc things are very agonistic in nature - which does work for universal storytelling- and I just really really want a humans ae space orcs story where this one Catholic human feels very conflicted.
Because yes, yes you should respect the culture and religion of your crew mates; but also like this is one of the first true close quarter long-term contacts with alien life on a social level and wouldn't it be so fucking cool to be the first person to introduce that into space?
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portalling101 · 4 months
*is looking through experiment files deep in the factory*
come on something here has got to be about her!
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possuminabathtub · 1 month
Every pleasure is a guilty pleasure if you were raised Catholic enough
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scamoosh · 1 year
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something something a savior and a liar and and and
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fromgoy2joy · 22 days
I recently “came out” as a convert to Judaism to my 16-year-old brother who happens to want to become a Catholic priest. He took it well enough.
Later that day, we were talking about restaurant orders.
Brother- I’m going to have a CHEESEburger tonight! A loaded cheeseburger with bacon and CHEESE!
Me- need I remind you the differences in clergy standards for relationships between Judaism and Catholicism ?
Brother - … maybe we shouldn’t play the comparison game.
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xorax · 6 days
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pope francis @ his bishops today
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rusted-icicles · 2 years
Doing some research into Puritan fashions and dress code because I'm making a powerpoint to terrorize my friend with the fact that Belos is Cisn't and I can't believe Philip "I am so deeply religious that I can't let go of it after several centuries and I have also remodeled a whole alternate dimension's religious belief to mimic my religion" Wittebane has never had short hair ever.
Puritans loathed men with long hair. It was the trend at the time but the Puritans saw men with long hair as uncivilized, sinful, etc etc and encouraged closely cropped hair (and I invite you to imagine Belos with a shaved head). Baby Philip's hair, the shortest hair we've seen him with, was just above his shoulders. Which likely went against the rule that men's hair should not reach their collars (and the doublet collars at the time are pretty high). And Philip just kept growing it longer and longer. Even before he stepped into the Boiling Isles, and when he did come to the Boiling Isles he had a significantly long ponytail.
Also worth noting that Caleb had a small ponytail up until we see him in the Boiling Isles. Definitely long enough to brush past the collar.
If Philip had short hair before the Boiling Isles, or if long hair was exclusive to Belos Mode only, it would be understandable. Sorta. Because Belos's whole aesthetic is very Roman Catholic, which the Puritans hated so much that they seperated from the Church of England because it was too much like it. So if Philip needed an evil, heretical society to base his evil, heretical witch society, the Catholic Church was right there. And I'm pretty sure Catholic men went with the long hair trend too.
But most of the sources I find have their hair restrictions get tighter sometime around the mid-to-late 17th century, with the earliest (???) restriction I found being created in 1634 at the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Which means that the "long hair = evil" would be there and present throughout the Wittebanes childhood, and I cannot believe they both had long hair as Puritan children. They would have been shamed in front of their town during mass. They would have been seen as evil children. No wonder Philip latched on so hard to being a witch hunter if it was a way for him to prove he was "good" or "holy" or whatever.
But also, he (or his parents) could have gotten his hair cut at any point to prevent said ostracization because of fashion standards.
Anyways, the Wittebanes are not cis, I just haven't figured out what flavor of cisn't they are.
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house-of-crows · 2 months
So come and meet me again-
In a new light In a new guise In a new, and aching form
Stagnation is anathema, thus-
I have no heart to care, For the many tears you claim to weep Over an empty seat Filled to the edges with dust That was never shaped to fit what I became-
Show me a permanent state of self And I will show you what it is To die, alone, Caught between the cracks, upon the verge of Becoming
Tell me how you love me, Show me the works of your hands All that was done by name and word and deed-
And in return, thus,
"Truly I say to you, you never knew me."
-They called it love
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outofcontextdiscord · 2 years
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Well seasoned and possessed
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