#tw dismemberment
lilianade-comics · 3 months
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SELF-DEFENSE (DP Side Hoes Week 2024)
Me posting this like Dani is a side character and not the protagonist in my brain lol
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
Hold on so if the souls' appearances in Wonderland reflect how they died, then....
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What does SHE look like???????
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the-awful-falafel · 1 year
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The Peppino dominance hierarchy
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bowandbrush · 3 months
sketching out this idea
Tw: blood
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Womp womp
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glowl0 · 12 days
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the hybrids but theyre funny little creatures because i remembered i have free will
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Can someone check on Kunikida? Not for nothing but he's tried to sacrifice himself to save everyone... Twice.
People keep trying to break his spirit by hurting those he cares about. Leaving him only able to watch in horror.
With them even saying Kunikida's probably enjoying this, he's not and it sends him spiraling.
He had his hands cut off and believed he'd lost everything, which lead to him having a breakdown.
He had a 2 hour scheduled mental breakdown before even more shit went down.
His partner is in a French prison and he was afraid to even face the Port Mafia without him.
And he's recovering from having his heart stopped.
... Like can we hug him plz?
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faeriekit · 2 months
Out on a Limb
phic phight prompt is from @bibliophilea
warnings for: lighthearted body horror, limb loss, limb...uh...movin' around
When Danny said he could lend a hand, he didn't quite mean like this.
“UH,” said Tucker.
“UH,” said Danny.
Both of them watched his disembodied hand flop around on the shop class floor. It was kind of like watching a dead fish die, but…worse. Since. You know. It was Danny’s hand.
“I’m telling Mr. Richards,” Tucker declared, voice high and loud—and it took two tries to cover Tucker’s mouth his hand, because Danny had automatically reached out with his right but that was on the floor, and—look! It was fine! It was fine and no one needed to know!
“Tucker you can’t tell anyone,” Danny hissed, immediately, unable to draw Tucker closer to threaten him and silence him simultaneously so Danny might have been a little more under stress than usual. “Tucker, my hand’s not bleeding. Just…just put it back on!”
“What do you mean, put it back on?!” Tucker hissed, looking like he was about to cry. Danny felt so bad but also that was his hand! “Danny, what do you mean?!”
“It’ll work!” Danny lied as quietly as he could, casting wary glances around the shop. So far no one was looking at them, even though their table saw had gone quiet. Everyone else was carefully cutting wooden planks, as oblivious as they could be in their giant orange earmuffs. And, so maybe Danny wasn’t sure if this would work! But! They had to try! “Just stick it on!”
“You want me to touch your decapitated hand?!”
“Is there a problem, gentlemen?” a voice asked from behind their assigned shop station.
Tucker and Danny froze.
Mr. Richards, an old man who taught shop class and wore exclusively plaid flannel, raised a grey eyebrow.
“…No,” Danny and Tucker lied simultaneously, if perhaps a little offbeat from each other. Danny quickly hid his remarkably raw stump behind his back.
The other eyebrow rose. “In that case, shall we get back to the task at hand? Those planks won’t size themselves, you know.”
Danny and Tucker mumbled something suitably contrite. Tucker wasn’t able to tear his too-wide eyes away from the flopping, writhing, finger-curling hand on the dirty shop floor—
And Danny ‘casually’ dropped a flat shop pencil onto the floor, giving Tucker the excuse to go get the thing. Tucker ducked down without a word.
Mr. Richards crossed his arms. Clicked his tongue. “I thought you of all kids would know to be careful in a workroom, Fenton. It’ll pay to be more careful; you never know if a machine will take something off while you’re not paying attention.”
“Yessir,” Danny squeaked, and shoved down the terrified laughter clawing away at his insides. It was only hysteria.
Something cold and wet slapped itself onto Danny’s stump. Danny flinched.
“Do you have your planks ready?”
Danny swallowed. Tucker stood, looking only slightly more traumatized than he had been when the hand first decided to make its grand departure from the rest of Danny’s body. “…Uh huh.”
“Good. Load them up onto the table for me, then. Show me your guide lines.”
Danny lifted and laid the planks with a shaking hand. Mr. Richards’ expression indicated how little he thought of that.
“Both hands.”
…Danny lifted a hand onto the board.
Mr. Richards stared. Tucker chewed on his lip.
…Danny lifted a second, twitching hand onto the board—hey, his hand?? Was back on?? Thank God for Tucker Foley.
But his hand was definitely not okay; even with the machine on, Danny had to jerk his writhing hand away from the serrated blade more than once. It looked, uh, bad. His hand looked bad. Grey. Taut. Kind of like it was seizing, or, you know…dying of blood loss.
“Fenton…” His shop teacher stared. “...Go to the nurse’s office.”
Tucker grinned with all his teeth, and grabbed Danny’s good hand before Danny could say anything in one way or another. “Great! I’ll walk him. Come on, Danny—if you’re not feeling well, we should go!”
Any excuse was a good excuse. “Yeah, oops. Sorry.” Danny didn’t stop making excuses for himself just in case, even as Tucker veritably shoved him through the shop class door. “Didn’t even notice I was getting muscle spasms; I should probably go get medication for it—“
Neither of them stopped moving until the door was slammed shut behind them.
Danny stared down at his writhing, if…properly attached hand. He tried to stretch his fingers.
The only wriggled worse. It felt like trying to attack worms his hands…only. You know. His worms were the hands. Or. Uh. His hands were the worms.
…Danny needed some water and 600 mg. ibuprofen. Stat.
“I,” Tucker started. And then he stopped. “I am never trusting your intangibility ever again.”
Danny stared at his self-possessed, wriggling hand. “Yeah, probably,” he agreed faintly.
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violetbudd · 10 months
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Frankenhooker (1990)
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wyrmsfornerves · 4 months
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body horror
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volcanicsleep · 11 months
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mmyep that sure is a development that happened in the comic yeah- anyway, i got inspired, so @intotheelliwoods take your brain babies. they're running in my head and causing a mess
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bloodraven55 · 5 months
i was waiting to get a proper glimpse of just how powerful frieren actually is and jesus it did not disappoint
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143htg · 7 months
// selfharm, dismemberment
epitome of love
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done in school
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onejellyfishplease · 8 months
SnapDonnie, Containment Breach, Part 3
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....uhhhhhh :D
whoops. Yeah those tags were no joke.
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megamyceted · 3 months
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HOFFMAN resident evil 7 : biohazard : 21, 2017.
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wildtornado-o · 27 days
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"How do you bear it? The choice, and all the consequences thereof, alone---" (pg. 320 Victory of Eagles)
Had this in my wips for a while and decided to finally colour it djsksk (reference I used is from The Rite of Spring I saw it and was like. Omg. Laurence.)
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breadlockedup · 5 months
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On contrary to his brother, Nines knew how to behave around Humans.
A very belated gift to @glass-noodle for being a very nice person who pointed me towards DBH comics and art (fuel to my current obsession). Your Merman AU gave me some inspiration.
It's been ages since I've done anything digitally, from sketch to finish. Got a brand new tablet last Christmas (2022), which I didn't use. Got Clip Paint which, also, hasn't been touched. It's my first digital drawing since approximately 3-4 years. Last posted thing is... 2016. Yeah.
It's been a rough year, but I hope that 2024 will be better for everyone!
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