#tw pedophillia
n4talia-chaparro · 3 months
"We are trying to protect the children from harmful materials and content 🥺"
You aren't.
You're putting the children and queers in danger.
You're harming them and killing them.
You cannot expect them to be "safe" when you are making their life miserable.
If you don't want kids consuming shit then why don't you suggest parents DOWNLOAD any parental controls app or monitor their devices properly. (Like you know. Not letting them consume those stupid shit) Or I don't know! Why don't you track any pedophiles and kill them?
Pedophiles don't deserve to breathe the same air that we have. They don't deserve to be alive after what they did to those poor souls, they don't deserve a damn "raise". You dumbasses are letting those disgusting pigs harm more kids and not doing your job properly. You filthy animals should be ASHAMED of yourself for not doing the job properly. ASHAME ON YOU.
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darkxwolf17 · 10 months
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Why do people still follow this guy
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paperbag34 · 8 months
man. really, I shouldn't be saying this, but like. A couple weeks ago I saw on Hoyolab someone tag their post complaining about the wriothesly/neuvillette ship with "stop pedophillia". and like. I wonder if these people forget why pedophillia is bad.
like. they do realize why it's bad is because it harms actual children? not because it's disgusting (and it is, don't get me wrong. I'm NOT advocating for pedophillia here). like. please stop misusing that word.
hell antis aren't even using it when children get shipped. they use it whenever they don't like any ship. they use it when adults are shipped together for fucks sake. to be frank I couldn't give less of a shit if people are shipping children online as long as it's fictional and they aren't harming actual real kids.
hell like. stop using it in shipping at all? like the moment I hear pedophile these days I think of someone being accused of shipping "problematic" things instead of being concerned that someone's harming actual children. that's not a good thing.
so yeah anyway bye.
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youglybitch · 2 years
Istg if any of ya’ll who sees this thinks that The Grabber is hot EVEN THOUGH HE IS A PEDOPHILE, GET THE FUCK OUT. ETHAN HAWKE IS A HANDSOME GUY BUT ALBERT ISN’T.
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misscornelius · 5 months
i think “pedophiles and rapists can’t be rehabilitated and deserve to be dragged out onto the street and shot” shouldn’t be a controversial statement yet here we are
needless to say if you think these people can be rehabilitated you are dead to me and you are insulting actual victims
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Probably going to lose followers for this...
But that's it- all types of child exploitation (including lolicon) should have been actually made illegal a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago and lolicons do not deserve a platform and I dont care who comes after me for this-
You know that it's true.
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nymphdiariesdotcom · 1 year
not the same anon but just to add to the last ask, the m*gicb*t kids/toddler mesh situation got so much backlash and of course they responded in the worst way (don't recommend looking it up) they went as far as talking shit abt sa survivors ??? just creepy in general really, so yeah i hope they don't get any ideas after this infant update
magic-bot after a long day of making dick meshes for kids and poking fun at rape victims
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larathefox · 8 months
One time on Twitter a pedophile literally told me "Tr00ns projecting their feelings on little kids meanwhile we are mentally stable and we know what our real gender is" and began ranting about how being a pedophile is way better than being transgender because "if you think you are a different gender, it's a mental disorder". I am so happy my account got suspended good lord.
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mushy-madness · 8 months
"esp when it comes to children fictional or not" Fictional children do NOT have rights, because fictional childrens are NOT real, people can draw what ever they want, because a drawing will NEVER hurt you.
The artist is real. the art they produce had real consequences. people know this and in the real world vouching for something like this will always make you a pedophile. if you support this, you also support them in never getting better, you support them continuously losing people around them and constantly getting harrassed. people like you ruin people's lives.
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
the whole talk about him getting meds and doing therapy so he can answer things better for the public pissed me off a little. because i can see the concern, but it doesn't feel like it's been tackled right. they did the same thing in January, just to turn around in the next day and say that he was probably triggered and we should be patient. like thats something you shouldve done from the beginning 😭 like how do you expect a victim of abuse of a (exposed) groomer ex gf react to people accusing them of pedophilia and grooming without context? because thats what twitter does. they keep things without context in order to freak out first, and then spam him to address it like "will you talk about or what :/" with the day you're describing?? make sme think he didn't even saw it. and it probably is the case and he lashed out. they are treating him like hes crazy or mentally ill or something
And to be clear Dream is mentally ill. What they want is him on adhd meds specifically despite knowing explicitly that they make him feel dead. Or maybe that’s purposeful they want him with no will and soulless. They want him to fall in line and behave like a neurotypical robot basically. Easy to expect reactions and behaviors with no emotions intertwined. But what they don’t realize is the kiwi farms MO is drive someone to suicide and repeatedly trigging someone by shoving their trauma at them is a way to attempt this. Smiletwt is actively contributing all of the time and then acting like it’s personally Dream’s fault they did that.
They want him in therapy not to help him over come his trauma but to teach him how to react to his emotions better. These little freaks who enter mass hysteria every fucking time something goes wrong think they get to speak on how he should or should not react to a situation. They don’t care about helping him (which is a massive overstep anyways not their place) they want to control him. For their own peace of mind. His pr is not about him it’s about the fact that they hate dealing with Drantis
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jacine-the-queen · 2 years
Terfs having an absolute normal one
-this person is accused of pedophilia and SA'ing a minor
Okay source?
-they asked to not provide any screenshots (BTW you can blur out their names)
Can you provide context? Where, when? Do you even know where I'm from if they're going to press charges?
- DMs you calling you a pedophile then blocks you
But yes very believable
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@terfrecords @turnerssyndrometomboy
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
Ok, let me get in on this shameful crush thing, I started baiting pedophiles online a few years back by saying that I was 13 (when I started I was, I am now 17) and then telling them I was into older guys and just saying that I wanted them and I wanted them to fly to me and take my virginity and I would do this until they would send me a dick pic or try to actually fly to me (I’d pick a big city nearby and not tell them my small town) and then I would call the police anonymously and tell them about the dude flying in or report them for sending a child a dick pic, but there’s this one dude I’ve been try to get me to send a dick pic for about a year now but it’s almost like he knows that I’m gonna get him banned and the police called if he does, but he was really nice to me, and he gave me actually good advice when my friend was gonna actually commit suicide and he’s supported me well my parents get like more neglectful and awful, and I’ve started getting a crush even though he’s fifty, and he knows in 17 and talks about how much he wants to breed my teen body and make me a teen mom and I really should stop talking to him, but I still really really want him to get banned, but over time i think he’s giving me a breeding kink because I keep starting to find it hot, and I should really block him beofre this gets further and nobody else knows about this
I know you know this isn't good for you. I'm sure you have other people in your life who know you and this situation better telling you that this isn't good for you. I'm not going to be condescending about this or just echo what you already know/hear regularly.
But I hope you understand that just because this man has done positive things, it doesn't make him your friend. It doesn't mean that he cares about you. Maybe he does genuinely believe that he cares about you. Maybe he doesn't. But nothing that he does or feels will override the negativities of this relationship. You seem to be a very strong and capable invidual, sure of yourself and your beliefs, but it can be hard to pull away from someone who has helped you, even if they hurt you, too. I hope you know there's nothing wrong with you or your wants, even if you want this man, even if you want the things he's talking about, even if you only want them because of him--none of that is inherently wrong or dirty or gross of you, and none of it means you're at fault.
I do think you should end all communication with him as soon as possible, and stop the vigilante side gig, mostly because this kind of thing is extremely dangerous and you could be doxxed by one of these men, stalked or worse--but even if you don't, I hope you never feel like you can't be honest and open about this part of your life with the people who care about you. And I hope you stay safe and loved in a way that is not harmful.
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nymphdiariesdotcom · 1 year
re: m*gicbot. they’ve prev made genitalia meshes for child n toddlers. n before someone come out of the woodwork and tries to argue that it’s realistic 🔪. even if u personally wouldn’t use it for something awful the fact the they’d even release that shit to the public is wild and weird. people have been playing simulation games just fine making realistic kids without needing shit like that
oh my god... ew. AND THEY LIKE MY POSTS TOO?? thank you so much for telling me bestie i need to block this fucker immediately. i have no words
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nemeyuko · 1 year
Someone is calling Edward Hyde a pedo and I literally wrote a shitty paper on this book. While my paper sucked, I made a C+ on it, I at least knew he wasn’t one when writing it. I wrote that Jekyll is person unspecified urges, probably homosexuality, and it slowly became more violent. Hyde literally trampled a child, hit a woman, and brutally murdered a man.
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So a thing happened. As many of you know, I have a baby. The proof of pregnancy is my pinned message. My child isn't even a year old yet. But
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This happened. He's also a discord user
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This is the discord
And it's been confirmed by many sources that that discord and Tumblr have the same owner. Please spread this around so others know to be wary 🥺
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DO you have to phrase everything like you sit in on Jordan Peterson lectures. Is he the therapist telling you that csa victims should download loli porn?
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