#tw: death
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Tragedy strikes as Kaylynn Langerak succumbs to a postpartum hemorrhage, a heartbreaking turn of events that leaves Daniel Pleasant distraught. Despite the doctors' efforts, they couldn't save her, and the Grim Reaper arrives to take Kaylynn away. The Watcher, bound by the rules of fate and chance, allows this tragedy to unfold. What will happen to the twins, Jamie and Finley? How will Daniel cope with this immense loss? Will Pleasantview ever recover from such a sorrowful chapter? The future now hangs in uncertainty.
Welp. That was unfortunate.
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glassartpeasants · 1 day
Law angst writing warm up that i have decided to share with the class
Wanrings: Angst, death, blood, reader has Amber Lead disease, Law backstory spoilers, not edited
"Why is everyone avoiding the one girl? Is she sick or something?"
"Don't go near her! She's contagious!"
Once again, here you were, treated like some sort of disease. New town, same reaction. No matter how hard you try to convince people that you weren't contagious, no one ever listens. Even if theirs books about it all, it's like all they see is a walking sickness. You supposed you did look that way. Patches of white covering your body along with burns that covered your already marked body. What happened that day that caused all your grief replayed in your mind like a broken record.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up!" The smell of smoke invades your lungs as your eyes flutter open. The scene of your frantic mother shaking you awake was the first thing you saw.
"Mom! Wh-"
"Mom? What's...what's going on?" You were ripped from your bed as your mother held you in her arms, something she hadn't done in years.
"Shush! Baby, we need to be quiet." Your mother's hushed whisper sent shivers down your spine. Never in your life have you heard your mother sound like that. And when you looked into her eyes, all you saw was fear.
Your mother hid your head in her shoulder as she rushed down the stairs. The only thing you managed to see of your childhood home was the bright light of flames. Its heat burned your lungs as you let out a cough.
Opening the door, your mother ran out of the house quickly. A dry cough slipped from her lips as you held onto her tight.
"Mom, I'm scared..." You whisper into her ear as your body begins to shake.
"It's okay, baby. Everything will be okay." Petting your hair, your mom held onto you tighter.
Looking up, all you saw was a black smoky sky. Your eyes dart from place to place as the horror of everything going on around you begins to sink in. Flames ate away at the buildings around you as what you could only come to realize were the lifeless bodies of your friends and neighbors. They lay along the cold ground with patches of white dancing along their skin.
You were speechless as your eyes grew wide seeing the flames eat away at everything you've ever known.
Tears ran down your eyes as you struggled not to sob. Why was this happening? What was happening? Why was the sky a mucky grey and the streets a ruthless red? It was sunny and beautiful earlier. People talked with happiness, but now those same people were lying lifeless on the street. Their voices forever silent.
Despite trying not to look at the unmoving bodies, you desperately tried to look for one boy in particular. But you couldn't see him anywhere among the dead.
You soon passed the hospital where his parents worked and where his sister resided. Looking up at the hospital, you were horrified to find it collapsing in on itself.
"N-No...they can't be..." You could only look out in horror. All of them were gone, yet here you were, alive as your mother ran down the dark streets of Flevance.
The cold water of the new world licked at your feet as you dangled them over the edge of the wooden deck. Patches of white decorate the skin even though you wish the water would wash it all away. The painful reminder of how alone you would forever be. Not a soul to call your friend, let alone love.
Why were you alive? Based on what research you could do and what you saw, you were supposed to die as a child? Why were you 23 and only a month away from 24? How dare you live while the rest of everyone you ever knew decay and rot away?
You look out to see and wonder, that maybe, just maybe, there was another. Someone else like you. Another soul that survived the massacre 13 years ago. Maybe they were immune just like you.
You didn't know how or why, but despite showing the physical change the amber lead disease did to your body, you've never had any symptoms. No weakness, no coughs, nothing. The one thing that showed you were a survivor of the disease was the white blotches on your skin.
"Hey! You!" Your body went rigid as you heard a voice call out to you. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you turn your head to look over your shoulder. A million things you were expecting to see, but a waving polar bear wasn't one of them. You rub your eyes to make sure you aren't seeing things
"You! You're the sick girl, right?" A frown worked its way onto your face. Even though it's all you've heard, it still didn't make it easier to hear.
"What is it to you? Come to mock me?"
The polar bear shakes his head. "No! Not at all! I just wanted to let you know that my captain can probably help you!"
"What I have can't be cured. So it'd be useless to try."
"Please? Come on, what do you have to lose?"
"Mom, please! We're almost there!" You whisper as you try to drag her faster. Yet, with every step you take, your mother gets slower. Using both your hands, you grab your mother's as tears rim your eyes. Trying your best, you start pulling even harder.
You turn your head to your mom. "Mom, we have to-" The words die in your throat as you see your mom's once white shirt spotted with an ever-growing red. Time seems to stop as you try to comprehend what you're seeing.
Stumbling, your mother turns you around. "Run baby. Run and don't stop till the smoke is no more." Tears stream down your face as everything seems to stop.
"No! I won't leave without you!" You cry as you try to turn around, but your mom keeps her grip tight.
"Please, baby, you have to go without me. You need to live. Live for the ones that couldn't make it. Live for me, baby." Your mother presses a kiss against your head as her grip turns light. A final gasp leaves her lips as you begin to run through the flames.
"Live for Flevance."
"Alright. I'll go. Show me the way."
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Modern Warfare 2: Ghost - Vernon’s betrayal
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Naruto boys react to your death
A/n: I’m feeling sad right now, because of Boruto Two Blue Vortex chapter 10. Iykyk.
Warning(s): Talk of death, grief, general angst. Did I miss anything? Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Neji
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Naruto Uzumaki
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★ He found out after he got back from a mission in the land of waves, the atmosphere of the village was almost suffocating. When he heard what happened to you he felt like he couldn’t breathe, just like when Jiraiya died. ★
★ Naruto completely isolated himself from everyone, he could barely keep himself together. He didn’t feel like even his friends could help his grief. Everything felt so different without you around, his apartment was so quiet. ★
★ Everything remind him of you, he felt completely lost and alone, like nothing could quell the intense feelings he felt. He truly didn’t know what to do without you…★
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Sasuke Uchiha
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★ You had gone on a mission, you promised him you’d be back in a week tops but that didn’t happen, it and been a month by the time the news of your death got back to Konoha. At first, he wanted to deny it, you promised, you couldn’t be dead? Right…..? ★
★ Once the reality of the situation hit, he realized his worst fear as come true. The only person he truly loved and had left was gone and he was alone….again. Unlike Naruto his grief was hidden under the surface and he kept his stoic demeanor until one day he just cracked and broke down. He felt the same way he did when his family was murdered…★
★ There was a lot of guilt associated with your passing, he started to overthink everything about what went wrong, maybe you would’ve still been here if he had gone instead or even accompanied you. He went through every possible scenario and the guilt was eating him from the inside out. He wished he could’ve been there….. ★
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Neji Hyuga
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★ It was supposed to be him…not you. During the war when he stepped in front of the ten tails spears he braced himself to die and he accepted it, but when the feeling never came he turned and saw your back to him, you sacrificed yourself for him…. ★
★ Neji didn’t understand, why did this happen? It wasn’t supposed to happen this way! He watch as you collapsed to the ground, he was almost in disbelief with what happened. When he broke out of tunnel vision he ran over to you only to see you were already gone. ★
★ When ninja medics finally arrived, he didn’t want to let go of your body, his generally cool and stoic nature had been shattered and all he could do was whisper how much he loved you to your body. ★
Thank you for reading, I truly do appreciate it <3
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batwynn · 10 days
I know a lot is going on in the world right now but this kind of loss of art is breaking my heart in two.
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The Valentino’s Costume Group in Hollywood has lost everything after the death of their co-founder, the pandemic, strikes, etc. and is now being forced to do a very quick liquidation sale before having to send all of their years of hard work to be turned into rags. (Yes this is a real thing)
These people have crafted thousands of costumes over 20 years to rent to everyone and anyone who needed one. They’re sex worker and queer friendly. They’re also being accused of being “fast fashion” while being one of the few places in this world actively working against fast fashion with their work. They don’t want to have to turn their hard work into rags. It’s the only option for them with the enormous amount of costumes/fabrics they have to remove from the building very quickly.
So, Californians and anyone willing to travel to Hollywood: YOU can save a costume! (or two?) YOU can save someone’s art from being destroyed! YOU can own pieces of Hollywood! YOU can save so much sewing supplies and fabrics!
Phone: 818-427-5248
Special hours for Influencers: May 20-30th 9:30am-4:30pm MON-SUN
What: Vintage, designer, menswear, historical, specialty, children’s, shoes, jewelry, vintage hats, show packages, racks, fabric, etc!
Important note: Please be kind and patient with the folks managing this sale. There’s maybe 2-3 people working at the most, and they all just suffered the death of someone close to them and the loss of their dream.
Please, please signal boost this. Their hard work should not go to waste and this terrible loss is already hard enough on them.
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cockaiine · 17 days
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Gojo the womanizer, they called him.
Yeah, ‘he will break your heart’, you were told.
But they don’t see the look in Satoru’s eyes when you tug at his arm when you ask him to stay the night. No one knows how he kisses your forehead every night, restless until he makes sure you’re asleep.
Your friends warned you, they told you he fucks girls for fun. But they never warned you of the intimacy his grip holds, or the softness in which he huffs your name, calling you as if you were the last girl alive. No one warned you you’d find yourself stuck in his arms every morning, kept close like you’re life itself.
You knew Satoru’s a busy man, everyone presumed he’s busy fooling around with someone else. But you know better. You’re the only one who sees him wounded, muttering that he’s fine, it’s just a scratch, but hissing whenever the cotton dips at his skin.
His blue eyes were dangerous, you were told—and they are, in all the ways you weren’t told. They’re sweet, caring, and lost. He’s not sure what he’s doing, he doesn’t know right from wrong, and he thinks of you as an anchor. You used to think his eyes were crystals, bland and rich and hard to reach. But Satoru’s eyes were an ocean, behind them hid a thousand lives in a man who is not thirty yet.
Satoru brings you flowers every Thursday, a different arrangement from last week, and tells you it’s a good day to celebrate having you in his life. Satoru apologizes when you sneeze because you’re allergic to one of these flowers—he spends the next week making it up to you until it’s Thursday again.
You’d been told he’ll dump you over text, but whenever he’s away on a mission he texts you to make sure you know he loves you. To make sure that you love him. He promises you he’s gonna kiss you until you pass out when he’s back, he tells you he can’t sleep without your snores, he swears he’s going to lose his mind if he can’t see you for much longer.
Satoru listens to every word you say, memorizing every note your voice rises and committing it to memory. He remembers every topic you discuss, every movie you talk about, every pet you gushed over, and even every problem you complained about. But his favorite? Oh, the way you moan his name, trying to hold back but it comes out sobbed and pitched and desperate. He loves it so much he hears it even in his dreams, waking up needy and clinging to you.
And oh, people sing of the miracle he is in bed, chanting of how good they hear he is. But he’s clueless; unsure how to please you, afraid he’d get things wrong. It’s so sweet, really, the way he studies your face, waiting for confirmation that yes, he can continue. That he’s making you feel good.
You heard people say they’d never seen him with the same girl twice, but today you celebrate your second anniversary. Your third anniversary. Your fourth anniversary, when he insists you celebrate at home, unlike every year. Where he gets down on one knee in your backyard, asking you with keen eyes to make him the happiest man alive.
‘Oh, but he’s not a family man,’ You’ve been warned, ‘he’s so busy, your family would be a mess!’ But he swears he won’t be happy until he gets a kid with your eyes. Satoru holds your hand every night, reminding you that he wants to have children and watch them grow with you, promising you you’d be a happy family until the very end of your days.
He’s the strongest, you were told. You told him to stay, you told him it’s too dangerous to go. But he promised he’d come back, what could possibly go wrong? He is the strongest, after all, that’s what all the tales of him tell.
But everything else they said was a lie, and this was no exception. You swore you loved Gojo Satoru, but you’ve never hated him more than when you received news of his death, a baby in your stomach, only three months away. Even when you weep over his coffin, begging him to come back, promising him you’d never be mad at him again, promising him you’d never keep him up late again, promising him you’d never stand in his way again, he doesn’t. 
You don’t regret Gojo Satoru, you never could. But you wonder to yourself every night, what would you tell the little one growing in you? That her father was a legend? Would she understand that?
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shiftythrifting · 4 months
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Enjoy this $10,000 statue of a body that the first time I saw it I thought it was real. It's been in this antique store for 4+ years, as if people don't want a seemly dead body in their house
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dewthorne · 26 days
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Vale of Tears Alice: Madness Returns (2011) dev. Spicy Horse
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midnightlockhearth · 4 months
Link to video: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFYSM16j/
Source:@/middleeasteye on tiktok
Description from the OG video:
Isnotreal returned the bodies of 80 unidentified palestinians taken by its forces.
Some of the bodies were taken by isnotreal forces after they were killed, while others were exhumed from several cemeteries around Gaza, including Al-Shifa cemetery and Al-Nimsawi cemetery in Khan Youins
Pictures were taken of the bodies before burial to facilitate later identification by their families.
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mournfulroses · 2 months
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Margaret Atwood, from The Selected Poems of Margaret Atwood; "Dream 2: Brian the Still-Hunter,"
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kidovna · 16 days
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soul-siren · 2 months
"You're a Failure, and your family died knowing it."
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I finally finished it!
I got majorly distracted with only 2 sections of this left, and it gathered dust for a bit. But here it is! All the angst!
My Emmit Hawke, purple and unromanced. He's just very tired and never given a break, so might as well strand him in the Fade, right? (I love my Hawke, promise)
There was originally a part 2 that has a bit more of a hopeful tune to leaving him behind, but I dunno if I'll get to that. We'll see.
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mi-xin · 4 months
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Lamb God
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hehearse · 4 months
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Creon. Why did you try to bury your brother? Antigone. I owed it to him.
Antigone, adapted by Lewis Galantiere from the play by Jean Anouilh
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thepromptswhisperer · 5 months
"Stay." Prompts
“Move in with me.”
“Please. Please don’t leave (me).”
A grabs ahold of B’s hand/arm just as the latter starts to turn away/etc.
“No! Stay— Stay far away from me. Please.”
A invites B to stay at their place for the night.
When their relationship with A gets serious, B finds themselves wanting to run for the hills. (They’ve done so many times in the past, but something about it feels different this time.)
“I can’t stay. Not—Not when you can’t even tell me…”
A got an amazing job offer from someplace across the country. They ask their crush/friend/partner/etc. B for advice on what to do.
“Why did you stay?”
A intends to come home/visit them when they hear B isn’t doing well, but the latter (tries to) convince(s) them not to.
“Marry me?”
A’s apartment/etc. houses more and more stuff that belongs to B/they bought because they know B loves/needs it.
“I could stay like this forever.”
“Stay where you are. I got it.”
For the first time in their life/a long while, A just wants to stay where they are. Stay in this town/etc., with B,… Leaving their old life behind, however, is no easy feat.   
“Don’t move.”
“Do you even want me to stay?”
A often imagines what it would have been like if they would have stayed in their hometown/together with B.
“I know it wasn’t supposed to be/end like this, but… I need you.”
It’s been years since A and B broke up, but sometimes it feels like they are still right there with them.
“Could we just… stay here for a while?”
A asks B to stay by their side during a social gathering, hoping to avoid certain other people/questions like this – or to at least have a buffer.
A repeatedly asks B to stay with them as the latter seems to be dying/dies in their arms.
“I couldn’t stay. Not even for you./Not even if I wanted to.”
“I can’t imagine going back to a life without you.” “Then stay.”
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stuhde · 1 year
i had shared what is happening in sudan on a long facebook post last night, but it virtually received almost little to no engagement or shares from the nearly 600 “friends” i have on the site.
this morning, my great-aunt was shot by the soldiers fighting for power, and God forbid, i lose more of my family members before eid this friday.
please read below to understand what is happening and how you can help my country. i hope the tumblr community can show more kindness than the lack of support and advocacy i’ve seen elsewhere.
يا رب اجعل هذا البلد آمناً 🇸🇩
the lack of awareness and advocacy from the African, Arab, and Muslim diaspora and the human rights community has been painful.
while Western media has done little to no coverage of the ongoing conflict in the capital city of my motherland, Sudan, it appears that the rest of the world also partakes in normalizing crimes and violence against SWANA people.
violence and war hurting the SWANA region are NOT ordinary occurrences — no one, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, religion, and gender, should experience the unprecedented amount of violence that harms my two living grandmothers, aunts and uncles, and baby cousins who live in Khartoum.
your decision to ignore reading or educating and discussing with others about what is likely to be a civil war is complicity in viewing SWANA people as individuals who regularly experience conflict and are undeserving of help.
the silence is damaging, and it is up to us as privileged members of the diaspora (or individuals living in the Western world committed to human rights) to support the people of my country and their dream for a stable, democratically elected government.
what is happening in Sudan is a fight that started on April 15 between two competing forces for power — the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) — neither groups are representative of the needs of our people. The Sudan Army is loyal to the dictator, Omar Al-Bashir, and the RSF is responsible for the genocide in Darfur.
with both power struggles backed by different Arab and Gulf nations, the two parties have been fighting for power for the last few years. While they worked together to try and end the people’s revolution, they lost. however, they are now in a constant power play of who will get to rule the nation.
this all means that war is NOT a reflection of my country — violence does not represent the SWANA people. Sudan is a nation of beautiful culture, strong women, intellectual and influential Islamic scholars, poets, and youth at the front lines of the revolution. we are a people committed to a region of peace for ourselves and the rest of the Ummah.
my family and the rest of Sudan’s innocent civilians are at the most risk, with many currently without drinking water, food to eat, electricity, and complete blockage to any mosques during the final nights of Ramadan, our holiest month of the year.
i ask that you please keep Sudan and our people in your prayers — donate to the Sudan Red Crescent or a mutual aid GoFund Me, email your representatives if you live in a country that can put pressure on either competing force of power, discuss this with your family and friends, and please do not forget to think about SWANA people — our brothers and sisters in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and many others need our love and support.
الردة_مستحيلة ✊🏾
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