#twdg tenn
ozonegrrrl · 2 months
troubled youth!
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this is old but grhgrhgghhh my little guys ..
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heartsquigz · 1 month
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keychain idea :p
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heartsquiggles · 7 months
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they r the cutest ever
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fernaldoishere · 1 month
How TWDG season 4 characters would react to you asking for pads 🫶
(saw raven post some in our discord server and i had to make another one of these lmao)
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Clem and AJ
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Louis and Violet
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Marlon and Brody
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Mitch and Willy
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Aasim and Ruby
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Omar and Tenn
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Minerva and James
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Lilly and Abel
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I love the fact that in the walking dead universe, everyone is infected because it means everyone has the capacity to become a walker, a monster. Y'know, a central theme to the series. It’s not just the bite. The outbreak happened and now it’s inside everyone; the rot and capacity to devour, to maim and kill, to infect others, to destroy, to only be focused on one’s sole interest; the hunger.
It festers within everyone's core with most working to keep hold of their humanity, even as they navigate a world where the living are just as dangerous as the dead. You prevent someone from turning by destroying the brain, a conscious effort to not become a monster.
With that in mind, I'm fascinated by the fact that if you don't trust AJ to make the right call, Louis and Violet will die on the bridge to save Tenn's life... but they don't become monsters because the walkers ate and ate until there was nothing left to come back.
Louis and Violet literally give everything to save Tenn, and by extent Clementine and AJ; their hearts, their minds, their bones, the air they breathed and every organ they had. They sacrificed a happy future with Clementine and AJ to save Tenn, all because Minerva was too far gone, given into the destructive and selfish nature of the walkers. She became the monster that decays and takes and takes and then takes some more.
Louis and Violet, despite their pasts as "troubled youth" and all the mistakes they made that hurt others, they were good at their cores. They were a symbol of humanity and hope for Clementine. Like everyone else, they had it in them to turn, but TFS shows us with this particular route and death that they were never going to become monstrous... they loved Clementine, AJ, and Tenn too much.
But given that we do see Tenn as a walker, I think that gives the idea that Minerva did that to him, made him a monster, rather than Tenn becoming one, y'know? He didn't choose it, it was forced upon him by a sister who wanted him to die with her and a friend who didn't want him to die at all, didn't want him to be a monster, but knew he had to make a choice... and that choice was to let Tenn go.
Everyone's infected, but you only turn unless you or someone else makes a conscious decision to not let you... Louis and Violet made their choices, but Tenn couldn't; others decided for him.
Just something to chew on.
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then1ghtw1llend · 5 months
the walking dead game the final season screenshots
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this is what BRAINROT does to a mf
spoilers beyond this point
I like this screenshot because it's just beautiful in my own opinion. the lighting is great and it captures that somber feeling.
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raccoonir · 3 months
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violet and tennesse sleeping :D (obviously not ship art, that’s weird as hell)
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juno-box · 5 months
Do you have any last name headcanons?
I think Clementine's would be Crawford (based on the scrapped internal name for her)
Kenny Hammon (+ Katjaa and Duck)
Lilly's actually would've been Caul if they stuck with her originally being Lilly Caul from the novels and the comic. I still HC her and Larry with that last name to this day.
Carley's would probably be Vigil (after her VA, because slay <;3)
Doug is based on Doug Tobacco, a former Telltale employee, but I feel like our Doug would've probably Jones
(Gonna hop on over to S4)
When I came up with these I was thinking of a Modern/No Apocalypse AU, so:
Louis would be a Sullivan to me.
Marlon gives off Anderson.
Violet gives Thompson vibes.
Tenn and his sisters give Rodgers energy.
Ruby is from the South like me so I HC her with a name like Harrison or Simmons.
Aasim is based on Telltale's Aasim Zubair, but I HC him with the name Barman.
Omar is a God, so I bless thee with the surname Hendricks (and NOT because it a reference to Kendrick Lamar)
Mitch gets the last name Williamson, because my best friend growing up had that last name lol
Willy gets Johnson because it's a double entendre lol.
(BONUS) - Luke gets Porter because we like Scott Porter here lol - Nick would probably be Randall, like his Uncle Pete because I doubt his mother was married. - And I dubbed Travis "Hoffmann" because why not, kek.
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clemster · 1 month
What do you think Brody got sent to Ericson for? What about Tenn and the twins? Marlon and Omar?
oohhhh this is a good question!
brody: i think she got sent because of her anxiety. her parents thought smth was wrong with her whenever she got her panic attacks
tenn, minnie & sophie: this is a toughie. i feel like they actually did nothing wrong, they were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. smth happened and their parents were all 'oh! our kids are actually not okay! off to ericson they go!'
marlon: i'd say smth related to his anger. like it got way out of hand and his parents couldn't take it anymore
omar: hmmmm i like to think that he was super quiet as a kid, like hardly talked at all, and his parents thought smth was wrong with him so they said 'off to ericson you go!'
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voltstone · 2 months
I love the fourth season. It does so many things right. But also. …it's kinda a mess.
Like a very pretty mess. But a mess. And I could write a wholeass essay on it. Don't feel like it right now.
I will say this one thing now though: it has always confused me how of all the seasons, S2 is the one that really explores being a kid in an apocalypse without really an adults to guide said kid, and not…S4?
Sure, there's adults in S2, but Clementine is stuck in this weird grey zone where she can't really rely on them, and has to be her own adult. And this does include Kenny, depending on what people choose to do, and what they interpret. Because he was easily just as bad given the specific scenes. Better, given other scenes, but the bad was…really bad.
But then there's S4. And like, yeah sure, the schoolkids are there to represent a healthy but struggling community—in that there's things to work through, but they genuinely care for each other, and they do whatever it takes to survive, regardless of what they think a "liability" is.
But like. The season never really explored the extent of what being abandoned by adults really would imply??
Like why is S2 the only one where exploring substances as a kid is a thing? Clementine can smoke and drink there, and that's with adult influence. Whereas with S4, nothing. Even though the fishing shack looks like it's a hotspot for booze.
I dunno if I'm making sense. This is why I generally write essays and not splurge on a post. Lol. But. I just. I just wish S4 really explored what the adults leaving did to those kids, man. Beyond what the season did.
S4 in this regard just felt like they knew what being a troubled kid implied, but they actually never wanted to depict kids doing more adult things, other than survival, even though Clementine 1) could've smoked and drank before because…the adults around her were…hmph, and 2) she is literally raising a child on her own. Like it beats around the bush but in a weird and obscure way that I don't have the energy to pick apart.
I just.
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ericsonclan · 2 months
do you have any personal headcannons for what some of the ericson kids home lifes were like?
Louis: He had a very privileged upbringing but also grew up in a very controlling household. Image is everything. Everything that he did was watched and critiqued by his dad and if he wan't good enough he didn't receive love and affirmation. His mom didn't agree with his dad's way of parenting but she didn't speak up for Louis. Louis' lack of self confidence and self love were caused by his upbringing.
Violet: She had a horrible upbringing. She had some people that were safe to her like her grandparents and her mom as well when she wasn't completely burnt out. But her dad was an abusive drunk who made her childhood hell. She had pockets of time where it was safe like being at her grandparents but the rest of the time she was in an intense abusive setting that she felt like she would never escape. Her defenses and the walls she puts up around people are an outcome of her life growing up.
Sophie, Minnie and Tenn: They had a really good home life. Their parents were really nice and loving but they died and for years the three of them were tossed around in the foster system. No one wanted to adopted three kids and as a result they ended up at Ericson because the system didn't know what to do with them.
Omar: He had very strict, hardworking parents so his home life had very much the same mindset. His parents loved him but didn't necessary like him. They blamed their inability to connect to be something wrong with him. Those "problems" being his quietness and lack of showing strong emotions. Thus they sent him to Ericson.
Aasim: He lived in a household that held him to very high expectations. He went above and beyond in reaching those but he could not hold back his love of fire. He ended up setting something on fire in the neighborhood and greatly pissed off the neighbors who threatened to sue unless his parents sent him somewhere.
Ruby: She had a very loving and accepting household. Her mom passed away when she was young which left her with her dad and her many brothers. Most of the time everything was great but once her anger issues started showing up then problems started happening. She punched a kid so hard they pissed themself all over the playground and so Ruby was sent to Ericson to learn how to be a proper lady.
Brody: She had the most normal, boring upbrining. She lived in a very plain household. Her parents had a kid because "that's what couples do" and so there was always a disconnect between her and her parents. Her anxiety was something very alien to them and they couldn't relate. When her anxiety kept getting worse they kept getting more frustrated and decided to send her to a school to "fix" it.
Mitch: He grew up in a low income household. His mom passed away when he was young and so his dad tried his best to raise him but it was a struggle. His dad had his hands full with just trying to get bread on the table so when Mitch started picking fights over neighborhood kids teasing him about his face and when he blew something up his dad didn't know what else to do but send him away.
Willy: He grew up with a more conservative family. So when he started touching himself they thought he was possessed by the devil. Prayers and church weren't working and they found a brochure for Ericson so they sent him there, partly to try and help him and partly to get rid of him because they were creeped out by him.
Marlon: A very all American household, white picket fence, working class but getting by, very patriotic. His dad voted for Trump. His mom didn't vote because that's not a woman's place. It was a miracle he turned out pretty okay. He had bad anxiety around things surrounding school like tests and sports. So one day he decided to steal a car to blow off some steam. He got caught with that stolen car that he took for a joyride. So to Ericson he went!
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ozonegrrrl · 1 month
silly idea i had
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heartsquigz · 3 months
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my fav siblings ever to exist actually
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heartsquiggles · 7 months
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need more content of them asap
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itsbopp · 1 year
Can I request platonic Marlon, Louis, Mitch, Aj, Willy, Tenn with a reader who is very strong and when doing pushups they jokingly sit on their back and reader just like laughs and continues doing pushups and their like surprised andare having fun
May I also ask this to but an s/o one so like clem, vi, ruby x reader who does this also like platonic for the boys and x reader for the girls
How Would: The Ericson Students + Clementine & AJ React to a Strong Y/n | The Walking Dead | Headcanon
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A/N: For sure! Hope you enjoy!
SUMMARY: How would the Ericson kids, plus Clementine and AJ, react to a strong Y/n?
WARNINGS: Swearing.
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She’s impressed, to say the least. She didn’t willingly go over to you when you were working out and sit on your back while you did your pushups. You actually asked her to do it, because you were needing there to be more of a challenge in the act itself. She said no at first, saying how that was dangerous and that she didn’t want to hurt you, but then you pulled the question of: are you calling me weak? And she immediately widened her eyes and donned a look of regret. Obviously, she wasn’t calling you that, but with the accusatory suggestion, she sputtered for some sort of response, before she paused and just gave up.
In the end, Clementine gave in. You assured her that she couldn’t hurt you, and although she didn’t seem very convinced, she still nodded her head and lowered herself down to sit on your back. Her once unsure demeanor turned into pure laughter when you so easily brought her up and down. It felt like she was on some roller coaster, and with her giggling so hard, you couldn’t help but do so too. It turned the makeshift ride into a bumpy one, and eventually, the both of you fell to the floor due to how goofy the entire position seemed. At one point, your girlfriend snorted, and then you wheezed in response, which ensued even more laughter.
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Fuck no. There’s no way she’s going to willingly walk over to you and sit on your back. Already she’s blushing because she’s watching you work out. Yeah, you’re her partner and all, but still, she’s not about to embarrass herself by openly showing her sheepishness. But – oh shit, well… now you see her while you blindly do your pushups, and now she’s turning around and running out of the room as though she had just seen a murder happen. Of course, you call her name in her escape, but she doesn’t hear you as she busts through the door and disappears from your sight. 
It wasn’t difficult to tell that she was flustered. Especially when you came back to talk to Brody, and she could barely even look you in the eye. Hits you with the timid hi Y/n, and you’re just there, staring at her with slightly raised eyebrows that tell her you’re not going to leave her alone until she speaks about what happened earlier in the day. Though, with how stubborn this woman is, good luck on trying to get her to tell you that she was in fact blushing like a madwoman when she saw you so easily doing pushups. You’re going to be there for a while, so grab a book and get ready to wait for her warm cheeks to cool down. 
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Violet seems pretty unfazed when she comes in and sees you working out. She’s seen you in the act of doing so before, so it’s not like that’s going to really bother her. She goes about her business as usual, and only ends up stopping and gawking at you like you’re crazy when you look over at her and tell her that these push ups are too easy. Of course, she ends up asking you how much you’ve done, and you give her this absolutely insane number, and then she looks at you as though you’ve just told her you bought her an engagement ring. Completely surprised and in disbelief. You chuckle in response, and that’s when she dons a blank look on her face and proposes an idea.
She says something like well if you need extra weight, then let me sit on your back. All you can do in response is stare at her like she’s crazy, before you eventually relax your expression and nod your head in agreement to that idea. You think, what could go wrong? It wasn’t like she suggested that she set a boulder on your back. It was just her, and it wasn’t like she was insanely heavy, either. You thought it was going to be a cakewalk, super easy, but then when she got on your back you completely forgot that balancing was now going to have to come into play. And so, after like five or ten reps, you lost your steadiness, and the both of you fell over. You were embarrassed at first, but then your girlfriend started cracking up, and you felt a little bit better about yourself after that.
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You asked her, and she immediately said no without any sort of hesitation. She thought it was way too dangerous, and she didn’t want you hurting yourself over something so stupid. She was overly expressive when she told you that, and you stood in front of her like a kicked puppy dog. You should have expected it, though. She was too maternal and not one to do risky things, especially if they had to do with you. Still, even after her lecture, you tried to convince, and all you got in response was, ask me again and you’re sleeping in the music room. And the music room provided no comfort, so you shut your mouth and stopped trying to sway your partner.  Ruby did say she would happily watch you work out, though. Spent the entire time flirting with you, so you definitely became warmer than you would have liked. You almost had to kick her out with how complimentative she was being. At one point, you had to stop what you were doing and stare at her with pleading eyes that said, please stop making me blush. And all she did in response was continue. You guessed it was payback in a way. You know, considering you tried getting her to sit on your back, which was way too dangerous in her eyes. How dare you do that!
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He asked so many questions. Why are you working out? Don’t you technically work out when fighting the monsters? Why are you on the ground and bending your arms like that? Honestly, it was endearing at first, and then it started getting a little annoying, because you were trying to concentrate, and the boy’s curiosity was becoming too incessant. He’s cute, but he was also someone who couldn’t take a hint sometimes, so as a way to get him to silence himself for a moment, you tried getting him to workout himself. You said it would make him strong enough to protect Clementine, and he immediately jumped to doing your suggestion without a second thought.  But then eventually, that got old to him. He said how he was now tired, and he didn’t like feeling tired, because then that would cause him to fall asleep, and would prevent him from protecting Clementine. So, naturally, he walked over to you and without hesitation, asked if he could just sit on your back. The sudden curiosity in him sprouted again, so when you questioned him why, he responded with a shrug and said I don’t know, I just wanna see how strong you are. It seemed like a fair reason, so with a sigh, you let him sit on your back. He was light, so moving him up and down was easy, but the highlight of the time you spent with him was the little giggles that came from his lips as you raised him and lowered him. It was something you hadn’t heard come from him in a while, and it was refreshing to listen to.
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Very similar to AJ. Curiosity struck him. He asked a few questions, before he ended up eventually trying to do exactly what you were doing. He called it follow the leader, and his job was to match your actions. He struggled a lot though. Little man had noodle arms, so he could barely do a single pushup. It made him annoyed really quickly, and honestly, you didn’t blame him. So, instead of continuing with your workout, you got up and helped him out a bit. You showed him other ways one could do a pushup, and he went from a pouty expression to a wide grin in the matter of a minute when he attempted to do a wall pushup and succeeded with ease. 
Though his attention span was terrible. He went from being hyper focused on trying to do a pushup, to laying on your back. Homie plopped on you as though you were a mattress, and you let out the loudest groan as your arms buckled beneath you. Your chest thumped against the floor, and you laid there, while the blond hung over your body like a blanket. You told him to get the fuck off of you, but he only whined in response and said something like but I’m tired, and you’re so warm. You didn’t have enough patience to deal with him, so you managed to push him off of you, and he let out a yelp in return, before scampering to his feet and sprinting off, running away from you, because you were chasing after him with steam coming out of your ears. 
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He’s definitely the most behaved out of AJ and Willy. He doesn’t want to sit on your back, even if you asked him to. He just likes being near you whenever you’re working out. It gives him someone to talk to when he has no one else to go to, and you don’t mind the company every once in a while. It’s a very quiet atmosphere mostly, and if he does ever take part in a proposal of yours, it’ll most likely be when you end up asking him if he wants to try doing a pull up. Surprisingly, he actually can do one. You end up feeling a little guilty though, because here you thought that he’d be the one who couldn’t.  Definitely enjoys when he can surprise you, though, so he’s not very offended or anything. He just smiles happily at you when you praise him, and then when you ask him if he can do something else, it quickly turns into a session of him just absolutely knocking your expectations out of the park. You just assumed he was a shy bookworm with no athletic ability, but you’ve been proved wrong. And here you are, watching him do some pull ups with your hands on your hips, as though you’re some proud parent. They grow up so fast.
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He ends up challenging you to a pushup contest. You had never seen him workout before, so you accepted the proposal without much thought. However, when he got down and started doing what you were doing, you were surprised with how long he lasted. He was able to do a lot, before he eventually lost all of his upper body strength and fell against the mat. As you continued your own pushups, you couldn’t help but laugh at him, and he awkwardly chuckled in reply, a little embarrassed that he wasn’t at least able to do more than fifteen. Still, you assured him that it was okay, and he didn’t have to be good at doing that type of exercise in order to be considered strong.
The thought of sitting on your back as you did your pushups did come to his mind, but he decided against asking and instead just sat and watched you do your thing. You and him made conversation throughout your workout, and he spotted you in anything that you didn’t have full confidence in doing. He was pretty much quiet, other than that, and you understood why. The blond was just a guy who didn’t like talking all that much. He was more observant than anything else, and there were even some moments where he went off and did his own workout, as he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable because of his standing around. 
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He’s going to try and get you to sit on his back. He’s got way too much pride, so the idea of him sitting on your back while you do pushups is something that you’d have to pay him to do. He does propose the opposite, though. He mentions how he could easily do twenty pushups with you on his back, and you immediately disagree, and so he replies with bet you dinner that I can do it. Of course, you didn’t believe him, so you quickly agreed and let him get into position before you sat on his back. And… to no one’s surprise, when you did settle down, he immediately crumpled to the ground with a groan escaping him.
You called him a little bitch, as a joke, and he pushed you off him with a lighthearted fuck you. You cackled at the reply as you moved away from him, and he shook his head in amusement while he stood up to his feet and just settled on watching you do your thing, instead of trying to conjure up contests he knew he was going to lose. Unlike you and Marlon, you and Mitch would banter with each other the entire time. If you did twenty reps, he’d call you a pussy and say that you could totally do thirty. And you could… and the moment you would, he would immediately shut up and cross his arms over his chest like an angry kid. 
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Definitely brings it up the moment he sees you doing pushups. Hey, how weird would it be if I just sat on your back while you did your pushups? You could only gaze at him in confusion when he asked that. Well, it wasn’t necessarily confusion, you were just at a loss of words. Why would he even suggest that? But then again, it is Louis, and so you can’t really wonder what goes on through his head much. He’s just a goofy guy, and you’ve learned to quickly remember that when he does ask very interesting questions. 
Eventually you agree to it. What could go wrong? Doesn’t hurt to try and see if you actually had the ability to do a pushup while someone sat on your back. What better way to try it out with your best friend? When he sits on your back and you actually do end up accomplishing his challenge, both of you are equally surprised, and he’s insanely impressed with your strength. Says something along the lines of if there’s ever a moment where I need someone to protect me, it’ll be you. In response to that, you can only roll your eyes, as he holds his hand against his chest and pretends to be absolutely amazed by you. 
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Wowza, this one took a minute to put out. Sorry for the long wait!
I'm finally back, by the way. I needed to take a much-needed break, and it worked out perfectly, because I also had absolutely no motivation to write for The Walking Dead. Besides that, I thank you all for showing my works love, even while I was gone, and I appreciate all the follows I've received, too. I see you guys, all 51 of you, and I thank you for being here!
Until next time!
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Y'know, I have so much useless knowledge about the Clementine comics stored in my brain after rereading them over and over again and studying them as if they're literature with layered subtext.
I mean... there is subtext that bleeds through different veins but my point is I'm so sorry that the comics are Like That™ because Amos you would've adored Ericson.
Amos would've been in awe of the school. He would've walked inside, looked at the mess, and unprompted, would've started cleaning. He would've repaired anything he got his hands on, and he would've done it happily.
Amos would've gone on fishing and hunting trips with Clementine and AJ to marvel at the beauty of the woods.
He would've called Vi "Miss Violet" just for the funny, annoyed face she'd make. Violet would get so frustrated with his cheery attitude about everything until she saw how engaging he was with Tenn and his art and okay fine maybe he's not the worst.
Amos would've had the biggest crush on Ruby. He'd think her hair was the prettiest color he's ever seen and tell her how her eyes shine when she laughs. He would've tried wooing her with his stories of Helen, his horse, and he'd jump at every chance to help her in the greenhouse. Aasim would watch them from his desk like, ".........I know stuff about horses, too."
He would've listened to Louis play piano with undivided attention and clap after every song and ask for another. He'd insist Mitch teach him how to flip and toss a knife like he does. He'd play fetch with Rosie every day. He'd teach AJ, Tenn, and Willy about how cool planes are and how he one day he'll get to ride in one. He'd be so damn nosy about every Omar cooks.
But no, instead he got pushed off a mountain by the most underdeveloped villain I've ever read about... good thing he's definitely coming back as a twist villain in Book Three, amirite? I can't wait.
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