#twilight revival
queertwilight · 1 year
as someone who has moved to a smaller city (30K people in total) for grad school, i would like to say twilight is wrong. the smaller the population the more people know you. i went to a cafe twice and they already know my order. 1000% everyone in forks knows the cullens are vampires and are just too entertained by how bad they are at acting normal to break it to them
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lunastwilightblog · 7 months
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Previously unreleased publicity photos for Twilight, released 15 years ago today, 21st November 2008
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forkswashington · 3 months
bella swan should've had a cat. i can just picture it, renée let bella take her with her from arizona because bella mostly took care of her anyway. or maybe she was a stray she found trying to get into the garbage outside charlie's house on one of her first nights in forks. bella took her in because she reminded her of herself; cold, alone and unsure of where she belonged. charlie wasn't happy about it at first but reluctantly agreed to let bella keep her because he felt a little guilty about bella not really having any friends in forks. i'd like to imagine she always hid under bella's bed whenever edward was around because she could sense something strange about him. maybe her name was phoenix.
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Edward trying to play baseball with his family after breaking up with Bella in New Moon
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bellasredchevy · 1 year
she’s everything,,
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he’s just ken
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thebeesareback · 10 months
There was a post a few years ago about the things in Twilight which are actually pretty good - like how a human who has turned into a vampire might keep breathing, just out of habit, yet feel strange because there's no relief tied to the action, or how a group of vampires who don't sleep take it in turns holding a baby as she sleeps.
I'd like to add one to the list: in the final book, Bella says that she loves Edward and her daughter, but her new love for her daughter doesn't diminish her love for Edward, as she previously thought it might. I wonder if this is tied into the author's experiences with motherhood and concerns with jealousy and a baby getting the attention and affection that was previously reserved for a partner. Instead, Bella says she has more capacity to love, and it's quite a sweet passage. She says there's not enough time in the day to adore her daughter; not enough time at night to cherish her husband.
Anyway all of that is undermined by the fact that she named her daughter Renesme
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bellasnokia · 9 months
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xalonelydreamerx · 10 months
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BREAKING DAWN P1 + letterboxd reviews [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
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waifgirlininternet · 9 months
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vicontheinternet · 3 months
What do you think about this? I’ve seen that the cullen’s and co should’ve been fairies thrown around a lot but this is the first time I’ve seen angels.
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queertwilight · 1 year
ok y’all but I just realized something:
Bella grew up struggling to make sure they had money for bills and food. She was excited to have a used truck. She saved money in a sock under her mattress. She did not grow up rich. And here are the Cullens - these outrageously rich people and you’re telling me she lets it slide that they do things without thinking of the consequences? No one who grows up struggling can look at the rich and not feel angry at the privilege they have. You’re telling me because she meets a cute guy she is fine with the fact his family throws away groceries and buys them monthly to “keep up appearances”? That she’d say fuck it and not be pissed by them having multiple expensive cars and properties? That they don’t have to worry about getting into a college because they could bribe there way into it? Suddenly she’s one of 1% and she doesn’t care about her old life? That’s some really shitty character development.
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lunastwilightblog · 7 months
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More unreleased Twilight promotional photos to mark the 15 year anniversary
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forkswashington · 4 months
the founding mother and father of cunty little photoshoots. hollywood just doesn't do it like this anymore
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dameare · 9 months
Personal Brand of Heater | Jacob Black x Fem!Reader (Oneshot)
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Word count: 1,899
Summary: The first time I had kissed Jacob was entirely an accident. That was how I wanted to think about it, at least.
Silly notes: So... it was 4am... and it was cold, so at the time writing this made a lot of sense. Plus I was lonely and destructively pining for the one and only, Jacob Black. *hands you this fic* Enjoy!
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The first time I had kissed Jacob was entirely an accident. That was how I wanted to think about it, at least.
Winter was just by the horizon, approaching with a certain quiet inevitability, and a blanket of darkness was beginning to unfurl itself across the landscape—and Forks, being the cold and sleepy town that it was, made the first hints of a wintry burden a lot more obvious.
So it was cold. And it was just that there was something about cuddling with Jacob in the middle of the night that did it for me. It made total sense: I was freezing, and Jacob was hot. Literally. Like my personal brand of heater. And maybe I also liked him a little bit. Or a little too much. Or maybe I was in-love. It was the only explanation, even though before what had happened I'd hardly given myself enough time to even name what I'd started to feel for Jake.
It sounded stupid at first, being in-love with Jake. There was no way. But the more I thought about it, the more convinced and horrified I became. That stupid fluttery feeling in my stomach whenever Jake looked at me. I'd thought about the way my chest sometimes felt like it was going to explode when he hugged me, or the way my stomach dropped and twisted at the thought of Jacob hugging a different woman that wasn’t me. God, I was in-love. Of course I was. But even that wasn’t reasonable enough to accidentally kiss him.
So when I had had the clever idea of hitting Jacob up to “hang out” at two in the morning and he didn’t reply, I'd assumed that would be the end of it, and that I would have to curl up in bed, alone and feverish from the chills the night brought.
But that wasn’t the case, and I had only realised this when Jacob was already launching himself through my second-story window and then into my room with a stealthy thud. The dumbass.
I looked at him, stunned. “Jake, what the hell?”
“Whew, I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Jacob said, a wide and pleasant grin of mockery spreading across his face—the one that made my stomach do the dumb flip thing. GAH. “I’m sure you don’t really mind.”
“I don’t,” I said automatically. I wasn't stunned at seeing him anymore, because he wasn’t wearing a shirt and I was stunned at something else instead. The pale moonlight sneaking in through my open window made his russet skin look richer. He looked ethereal. The dangerous kind of ethereal. “Do you ever get cold?” I asked dumbly, trying to shift my focus.
Jacob laughed. “Didn’t you already ask that before?”
“I did? Maybe I forgot.” And maybe I had also forgotten how to talk.
He opened his mouth, looking like he was about to crack a joke, but something made him change his expression. Instead, worry creased his forehead, and he inched closer to me.
He was huge, and he leaned over me, so huge that his shadow made my little room look darker. I was looking up at him, completely overwhelmed—my head was pounding and my chest was freaking out and the fever, which I had momentarily forgotten about ever since he came in, came hitting me again. I swayed unsteadily, legs going slightly limp. Jacob grabbed me easily by the waist. “Hey, hey. Is everything okay?” He whispered anxiously, slowly easing me towards the edge of the bed. “You’re shivering, why didn’t you tell me you were sick? Are you cold?”
I only managed to nod before my legs gave way, plopping into a weak heap on the bed.
His hand was really warm. “Jesus christ, you’re freezing. Don’t you have a heater somewhere?”
I shivered uselessly on the bed, delirious. He watched me for one long moment, hesitating. Then he snuck to my side and began settling down onto the bed, and before I could even begin to protest, his arms were already wrapped around me—one arm under my head and the other tightly snug around my waist. And then I wasn't protesting anymore.
I let my head rest against his bare chest. “You’re so warm,” I muttered, the words muffled out by his chest. The heat was so inviting, so comfortable that I didn’t want to pull away. Not that I could ever, even if I had the energy to. The warmth seeped into my skin, the icy grips of the night slowly melting away.
Jacob chuckled, pleased. “That better? Don’t move too much, alright. Save your energy for me. I’ll warm you up.”
“What about you?” I exhaled heavily. “You’re going to freeze.”
“Not really,” he promised. “Hey, say, why don’t you try sleeping? What’s kept you up this late?”
I thought for a second. "Hypothetically," I said, my mind gaining clarity. "If you weren't a werewolf anymore and you lived in the city, what's the first thing you'd do?"
I felt his chest stop at a chuckle, and then there was silence. When it dragged on for a moment too long, I tilted my head to look at his expression. He was staring into the distance, where I'd put up a bunch of city photos for my vision board. His eyes seemed to light up. "If I weren't a werewolf anymore," he mused. "I'd try out all the burgers in the city and check out what they sell in Walmart. I heard they sell weird stuff there... and then maybe I'd go shopping in one of those big malls... get a job... go to a university."
I snorted. "Wow okay, I understand the rest, but Walmart? Really?"
"Don't judge me," he met my eyes, suddenly defensive. He smiled playfully and pushed my hair out of my face. "Let's hear yours. If you decided to live in the city, away from... all of this. What would you do?"
There was hardly any need to think, because it was all I ever thought about during my first summer in Forks. And it was hardly even a summer, really, because it rained all the time and it was still cold even on the good days where the sun was slightly more visible. "I would live by myself in the city, in a small apartment. Like a normal person," I said, wincing at the last part, because all things considered, I thought the word *normal* just didn't exist in Forks anymore, and saying it felt like a major offense. He nodded, and I went on, "I would go to bookstores and those loud concerts... and then go for a late night drive after, you know? Just drive for hours without a destination. It kind of sounds nice. It's like surrendering all your worries for one night. I think that kind of freedom would make me feel lighter."
I watched his face. He laughed at first, saying, "Your answer makes mine look like child's play."
"I'd try out every burger with you, and go to every Walmart conceivable." I offered.
"You'd do that?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
He grinned. "Well, I'd carry your books for you, and I'd drive you across the city for as long as you want. Sounds fair?"
"So it's a promise." I smirked.
"Hah well, not that my being a werewolf can stop me from making you happy," he said. Then he tightened his grip just a bit and lifted me effortlessly, setting me on top of him. "Is this better?"
I hummed a yes, suddenly finding it very, very difficult to breathe. "You're... really warm," I sighed.
He smiled softly. It looked so much better up close, so much so that my stomach did that weird flippy thing again. "You said that earlier. Although," a sheen of mischief lit his eyes up, "if you want to feel warmer you could always just take your clothes off."
"Jacob," I warned, a smile threatening to break out of my face. "Shut up, will you?"
"Survival one-oh-one," he teased.
"Saying that isn't really a friends thing."
He raised one eyebrow, curious. "Oh so taking your clothes off is where you draw the line?"
"Like every sane person, ever, duh."
"Well, cuddling like this isn't really a friends thing either," he retorted.
My face flushed red. "What do you mean?"
"The way I hold you," he said quietly, with a sudden hint of seriousness to his voice. "Is this how friends are supposed to roll?" He asked, his face speculative.
I stayed quiet. I wasn't breathing again. It was the question, and maybe the way the gentle glow of the moon was casted upon his face. His eyes twinkled in the light, like pools of rich and velvety chocolate. He was sort of beautiful that I didn't want to breathe ever again. He stared right through me, watchful and interested. His eyelashes fluttered as he blinked, and our breaths mixed with how close our faces were. It was so warm and so right.
My gaze flickered from his eyes to his mouth, then back again. His mouth tugged up at one corner, as if he had the faintest idea of what I was thinking—and maybe, just maybe, he thought the same.
It was slow, but also quick in a weird way—not quick as in like something in the heat of the moment, but quick enough that I couldn't register what was happening, and slow enough for me to remember every single detail—slow enough for me to conclude that it really wasn't an accident.
His hand gently made its way to the small of my back. He rubbed gently, and I leaned in, our faces inching even closer; I could hear my heartbeat loud against my chest, so loud maybe he'd heard it too. But his eyes were fixed, mesmerised as I moved in. Our noses touched and he inched to the side, nudging forward with the tip of his chin; he glanced at my mouth, then flickered quickly back to my eyes.
There was a momentary pause where our faces both hovered, so close and mellow and sure, and I ached in anticipation. I stole one more glance at his mouth, and then I was sighing into the kiss, the aches and worries leaving my body. His lips were hot, and it scorched against mine, but god he was so gentle—like a gentle rush of air through leaves. The kiss stayed warm and slow, almost exploratory, but there was also a sliver of hunger shoved in between—like Jacob had been dying to do this for a while, and when he finally did he couldn't stop anymore. My lower lip caught delicately in his teeth, and he sucked on it; I allowed him, because I loved exploring his mouth just as much—in an almost obsessive manner. My tongue wandered, the pleasant taste of something woodsy settling into my mouth.
When we pulled apart, it was with soft gasps and fitful smiles and chuckles. He patted my head. "Was that also a friends thing?"
"Nothing about us is friendly," I finally admitted.
"So that means...?"
"I want to be your girlfriend, Jake."
His face stretched out into a huge grin. It was contagious. "Took you long enough, my little moon."
"Is that a yes?" I pinched him lightly.
He chuckled. "Do you want to go at it again for an answer?"
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twightsaga · 11 months
twilight au where carlisle is a competent medical practitioner so forks puts up with him but he has these insane old timey ideas, like he keeps trying to diagnose bella with hysteria
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all4seth · 2 months
can u write something with seth being more touchy than usual nd ppl noticing nd teasing him about it, nd like u can write the rest😔❤️IDK IF U TAKE REQUESTS ND ITS FINE IF U DON'T DO U, LOVE UR WRITING💞
seth clearwater x reader
summary: you and seth attend edward and bella’s wedding that takes place in the evening (unlike in the movies where it's noon or something)
i barely ever write anymore, i’m so sorry you had to wait this long for this 😔
i clumsily entered the living room and as i did, two pairs of eyes measured me up and down before my parents jumped up and hugged me.
“you look stunning sweetheart” my mom said, tucking strands of my hair behind my ear. “i knew this shade of purple would look incredible on you”
“thanks, mom”
“i thought you weren’t supposed to show up looking prettier than the bride” my dad joked.
i rolled my eyes and hugged him, just as the doorbell rang. i followed behind my parents, nervously fidgeting with my dress. as soon as they opened the door, they stepped aside, revealing my boyfriend.
my handsome boy.
he was holding two bouqutes of flowers, one of which he handed to my mom, who accepted it happily.
as his gaze met mine, his eyes widened and the world stood still, like it did the first time we ever saw each other.
“you are so beautiful”
my parents made us pose for a picture and they watched us in awe as we headed towards the car.
seth wrapped his arm around my waist and i gently let my head fall onto his shoulder.
“whose car is this?”
“billy lend me jacob’s since he’s… you know”
he started the engine and drove slowly, since it was still quite early.
“i still can’t believe edward and bella are getting married! i mean, everyone knows how in love they are, but still, this is huge! and they’re both just 18” i blurted out.
“it is kind of mind blowing"
seth placed his right hand on my thigh and my heart skipped a beat.
“is this alright?”
“yes” i answered and gave him a huge smile, which he must’ve seen, even though his eyes were glued to the road, because a shy smile quickly grew on his face.
"do you think they’re too young though?" seth asked, after taking a few moments to compose himself. "bella and edward, i mean”
“they are, they’re just about to graduate. on the other hand, they love each other and love drives us all crazy” i giggled.
“do i make you crazy?” seth asked jokingly.
“soo insane, but i bet it’s nothing compared to the other way around”
“i’m crazy about you” seth looked at me for a slight moment and my heart jumped again.
“i’m crazy about you too, seth, you have no idea”
after a little while, he pulled into the cullens’ driveway and reached for my hand as he opened the door for me.
i placed my palm in his and kissed him briefly. his face lit up and he kept me close, his arm around my waist.
we were warmly welcomed by esme, who led us to the garden.
fairy lights hung from the trees, resembling fireflies. a few rows of wooden seats were placed before the altar that stood covered in white, dainty flowers, much like the rest of the place. some of their petals had fallen on the ground, giving the scene a fairytale-like air.
seth placed his warm hand on my lower back and kissed my cheek.
“are you alright, sweetheart?”
“it’s beautiful” i stated, still in awe of the remarcable scenery.
“so beautiful” he whispered.
i turned to him, but he was already looking at me.
we sat down and people started showing up.
finally, bella walked down the aisle, holding tightly onto her father’s arm. edward stood patiently, looking at her as if it was only the two of them, nothing else mattered. tears streamed down my face, overwhelmed by the beauty of it all.
they vowed and kissed and it hit me - there’s no such thing as ‘too early’ when it comes to love. it’s all about taking risks and putting your pride aside, because once you find the one person you know was made for you, you must hold tightly onto them.
“i love you so much” i whispered to seth.
“i love you too, beautiful” he gently placed his right hand on my hair and kissed my forehead.
his left hand stayed on my thigh, while the other fell onto my shoulder.
once the party started, seth and i were separted by the crowd, when bella pulled me aside.
“congratulations, sweet girl, you did it!”
i embraced her into a hug, and when i tried pulling away, she held me a bit tighter and whispered "not yet, i just need a moment"
"wow, you're a mess!" i laughed, referring to her makeup, which was mostly gone, due to her crying multiple times. "but you're a pretty mess and i don't blame you; God knows how many times i cried during the ceremony and it's not even my wedding!"
"it's so not safe for me to cry here, alice yells at me and emmett makes fun of me"
“where’s he taking you for the honeymoon?” i asked, excitedly.
“i really don’t know, he won’t tell me” bella laughed.
suddenly, i felt a hand on my waist and felt seth’s lips on my shoulder.
“well, hello to you too” i laughed and pecked his lips.
bella giggled awkwardly and looked around for her groom, who was at her side in an instant.
“you better slow it down, seth, these people seem too tired to handle another wedding tonight” edward joked and we all burst out laughing, but seth’s hands remained glued to my hips.
after a few moments, they both laughed as if one of them had cracked some joke bella and i couldn't hear, so she and i simply exchanged a suspicious look.
the newly wed couple was quickly stolen away from us by the other guests, and seth and i found ourselves wandering towards the quiet forest.
we got to a dimly lit opening; “a thousand years” could still be heard from the speakers.
“how can i love when i’m afraid to fall?”
seth tenderly let his hands fall onto my hips and looked me in my eyes and the same feeling came right back into my chest.
“all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow”
i let my head rest somewhere between his chest and his shoulder, while we slow danced.
"i have died everyday waiting for you/ darling don't be afraid, i have loved you for a thousand years"
seth and i hummed along and mumbled the lyric "i'll love you for a thousand more"
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