#ty for mentioning <3
fima11 · 2 months
people you’d like to know better
thx for the tag @broh3m3 🤎
Last Song: anemone - slenderbodies.
Favourite Colour: burgundi/terracota red. (honorable mentions: egyptian blue)
Currently watching: Dungeon Meshi. Way funnier than I expected, it's rarely that I hop on mainstream ongoings, but it was worth it 100%. It's been a while since I switched my focus from my regular hyperfixations last time.
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Sweet!
Relationship status: single. (going insane)
Current Obsession: Twisted Wonderland (it's a nice change of pace after the chokehold Dr.Stone had on me);
Dr. Stone (I am not letting go btw)
Last thing I googled: coconut flavored toothpaste.
I'd like to tag someone but I have two mutuals and 6 people I follow in general, so yeah.
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monstermonger · 9 months
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Micro comic Summer is back!
Here's my tiny tale from last year, of some kiddos finding a hurt baby dragon, and taking care of it until the dragons return next spring.
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judeiscariot · 1 year
its grank friday for me already so top ten grank photos? <33333
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first three are this collection of t4t images of all fucking time
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the only two out lesbians in your high schools graduating class
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whatever this bullshit was
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insert gerards ‘take your best friend and grab em by the fucking throat’ monologue
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what ever
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weirdgirl autism smiles
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i know it’s been said before but this is genuinely like that picture of the girl straddling the other girl on the bed doing her makeup to me
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i dont even want to talk about this one
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snickerdoodlles · 4 months
Any headcanons about Chay and Khun? We have very little of them interacting in canon but what's there is SO interesting to me
ahh, my two beloveds!!! yes!!!
the first time Khun shlorps Chay up for craft night, Chay's beyond annoyed by Khun never asked and just assumed he had no plans (which, he didn't, but Khun didn't know that!). he sticks as many heart sequins on the furniture as he does the craft cars until Khun notices and bolts laughing while Khun yells he's an ungrateful brat behind him. Khun kidnaps him again the next day for lunch (again! with the no asking!!) and unloads a bottle of glitter on Chay's head to "make you fabulous enough for my presence, hmph," and Chay laughs and enjoys lunch despite himself.
weeks go by and Chay actually begins to relax more with Khun and appreciate his company. he asks Khun when his next craft night is and Khun lights up with glee. it's at this craft session that Chay goes to grab a brightly colored box he assumes is washi paper and gets his hand smacked away by Khun and scolded, "no touching the bombs!!"
Chay blinks. "the what."
"those aren't bombs," Arm says absently as he carefully positions two paper cranes on his motorized car, "didn't want to scare the kid, i'll add them later. those are just the fuses and some spacers."
"bombs??????" Chay insists again, louder.
because the thing is, Chay doesn't like violence. he doesn't like his self-defense lessons, he doesn't like violence on his doorstep, and for all that he can appreciate and even admire Porsche and Kim's fighting to protect (provided they don't get hurt), Chay really doesn't like fights happening around him.
but this is mafia. moreso, this is Korn's mafia, and Korn likes things messy, bloody, and chaotic, and Khun of all people understands the need to protect your loved ones even when your ability to do so is severely limited. so Chay's going to participate in Khun's coping mechanisms like making glitter bomb cars for home defense until Chay can figure out his own ways to look out for and support his brother and his boyfriend without physically fighting, because it's important to Khun no one else suffer the feeling of helplessness like he did.
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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b0y0rgy · 4 months
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um okay soo this is elisha (he/it) he definitely was Not dismissed for perversion and also potentially criminal activity (the courts cant prove anything) (he definitely did it though)
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tianhai03 · 2 years
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guys wake up new C coloring pic just dropped <333 have some teefs i drew awhile ago that i probably never posted here
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mitchmotch · 5 months
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day 6 of 30 min sketch mondays w @revalito! i love falin lots and tried to do a color study w her ^^
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abc04 · 5 months
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[Image Description: Six circle icons of Ethan Winters from Resident Evil over the dissociative regressor flag. His face is obscured or blocked in some way in all of them. /end ID]
dissociative regressor ethan winters icons 🍼🎮
inspired by a conversation we had with @bunnelbaby! ethan is The dissociative regressor ever <3
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
*fire emoji* about the Darkling owo
okayyyyy!!! the darkling can never be redeemed and he should never be redeemed. not because his actions are irredeemable (because in the end that doesn't really matter), but because to do so would, to me, be a nearly heinous act.
the darkling exists for a reason. he exists because of the persecution and oppression he's faced - and he exists because of the way society deemed him a monster for what he was.
any redemption for his character within the narrative given would be a betrayal of everything he represents. in the same way flint can never take a pardon, I believe the darkling can never be redeemed - because redemption in the world bardugo has written would mean redemption in the eyes of the law, his abusers, and his oppressors - which would mean basically apologizing to them and admitting they were right to do to him and his people what they did. and they very much were not.
perhaps, with a very very good writer and a better original plot, the darkling could be redeemed successfully only to those he's directly harmed - such as alina - but to be quite honest any writer willing to do so would not be one I would trust easily, and unfortunately for us the original content is what it is in regards to loyalist propaganda, so even a good writer couldn't save it.
tl;dr - unpopular opinion: the darkling should not be redeemed
send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion (x)
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mulletmitsuya · 5 months
I hated the tr ending so badly. Not because it was rushed or anything. Wakui could have fleshed out the last timeline so thoroughly and logically and I would still hate it because the ending itself goes against what I felt the story stood for in the first place. He replaced all the characters for fakes, none of the characters we were intoduced to had happy endings because they either are totally different people or re lived their life to avoid healing. The ending basically proved izanas last words right "there's no saving me" yeah I guess not if the only way to help everyone is to make sure their lives never happened the way it did. Horrible I hate it so much. Also one ship I hate is rinzu or ranzu because they don't even interact once and it's so popular for no fucking reason other than "its hot" and tbh they would prolly hate eachother like petty bitches, they would NOT get along at any point. Also Koko and amane ship because if people actually read the manga with their eyes open it would not make sense. Anyways thanks for letting me be a hater in ur askbox, I love your blog btw
This is long, also tw for typical tokrev themes and sa
I think you're the first person who has the same opinion as me lmao😭. I also didn't believe it should have had an ending like that at all because of the themes that had been set up during the entire story. I understand people's perspectives of "It's Wakui's manga and it's his ending he can do what he wants" but media is supposed to be talked about, discussed and even criticized at times. That's like, the whole point of publishing stuff. As an enjoyer and supporter of Wakui's manga, I feel like I have the right to question some inconsistencies and contradictions (not directly attack him tho, that's never okay. like people who send death threats over ships and stuff that's messed up) that showed up in the ending. I also believe lots of people didn't really take it seriously as a manga idk. It had some very serious topics that people seem to forget about. For example: suicide, abuse, abandonment, child neglect, substance abuse, extreme violence, rape, prostitution etc, and I think people just kinda see it as a silly manga that has cool characters they like. And that's okay. It's okay to not take a piece of media seriously and enjoy it for the sake of enjoying it, not everything needs to be critically analyzed, but stop shitting on the people who take it seriously enough to question why the fuck it ended how it ended. Lots of the discourse took place between critical analysers who wanted an author to finish the manga by sticking to the themes and messages he has set up the entire time versus casual enjoyers who just wanted everyone to be happy for the sake of liking the characters. And I completely agree with the Izana thing!!!! You cannot claim to have saved someone by rewriting their entire life!!! Takemitchy was not supposed to be god!! Also, isn't the moral story of time travel that you should never ever do it? Because you win some, you lose a whole lot fucking more. I thought Draken dying was setting up that narrative. That saving Mikey, was gonna fuck up a whole lot. Isn't that why Chifuyu broke down?
Idk about you guys, but dark impulses being a curse disappointed me quite a bit. I thought it was supposed to be a symbol of Mikey being deeply mentaly ill. And that he had to deal with it head on and not run away all the time (this was Takemichi's entire storyline basically and the the main theme of TR). I just feel like it sucked because the message of the ending, whether Wakui intended it or not, was that you can't be fixed without magical time traveling. Although the story had some fictional aspects, it was realistic at least. I thought they'd deal with everything that wasn't time travel realistically.
Any ship with Sanzu and the Haitani's is hilarious to me and although I don't ship any of them seriously, the fanarts fun to look at some time (and you're right I think they look good together cause they're hot😭). You are completely correct about them not liking each other tho. It's actually canon. Idk if you remember during the three deities fight when Ran hit Haruchiyo with his baton? Nothing but pure malice between their eyes😭. The Koko and Akane ship actually triggers me because one thing about me? I'm not comfortable with large age gaps. Akane was 5 years older than Koko💀. And I didn't know people took what she said to him seriously. I thought she was just trying to not hurt his feelings? Koko and Inupi were around 7/8 when the fire happened. Meaning Akane was like 12/13. Uhhh Idk bout y'all but I don't think a 13 yo would be attracted to someone that young. And waiting for them to be of age is...😶. Be fr.
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solar-lombax · 5 months
Ppl of the atla fandom I need to find this specific fic I lost
It's abt southern water tribe zuko au - ozai sends an assassin to kill zuko when he was a wee baby but the assassin took pity on tiny zuko so somehow zuko ended up in the southern water tribe. Bato begged to have zuko bc he and his wife wants a baby after so many attempts and then well bato gets zuko. Zuko then is getting sick bc he was away from agni for so long and he was like blessed by either tui or la. Years passed and katara and sokka are cousins of [insert name that bato gave zuko].
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avernusreject · 7 months
A character idea for Tav that I personally think is a lot of fun is an oath of vengeance paladin, who lost someone to one of durge’s killing sprees in Baldur’s Gate. If Tav lived in the lower city, given that we know durge at least killed hundreds of people, it's not unlikely that they knew someone who had disappeared, if not confirmed to be killed. 
Now add on the possibility of a campaign setting where Tav and durge are both in the party at the same time when the bhaalspawn revelation comes out. And it all just goes to shit. Like think Shadowheart vs. Laezel on steroids.
Tav’s oath demands durge’s blood no matter their friendship, not to mention their need for justice for the loss of a loved one. Then the added kick in guts for Tav to learn that durge doesn't even remember killing their loved on. They were only another corpse to add to their father's piles. Meanwhile durge is still trying to come to grips with actions that they don’t remember. They want so desperately to survive long enough to find out who they truly are that they will kill their friend if they have to.
There’s just so much room for angst. Even the possibility of it escalating to splitting the party. Companions having to decide who they trust more, durge or Tav. Forcing them to choose between backing their close friend or their lover.
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robo-drake09 · 7 months
What do you think of the fact that fang and shelly might be dating? ( do u agree)
I think it's valid! I don't really like putting down ships or anything, we're a multishipper on this account 👍👍
I see a lot of little hints to Fang having a crush on Shelly, and honestly, good on Shang (F...Felly?? What's the ship name-) for having that much content! I see the appeal, and their dynamic seems so sweet!
If they are dating, cool! I'll still ship Sholt with my AUs and personal art 😎✨️
ALSO lemme add on rq but all three is 🔥🔥🔥 Sholtang sweeps y'all it solves all the arguments if they just all hold hands
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wyrm-with-a-why · 5 months
Not to talk about MY au on YOUR blog but whatever humanformers shit Megatron got divorced to OP years ago and gained main custody of the Stunticons. She’s an FBI agent so she’s been dragging her kids around the workplace instead of paying for a daycare because Megatron is their best detective and also everyone feels bad for her because she has to raise 5 kids on her own.
Anyway when the Stunticons 14 they get kidnapped by this murder-cult thing that Megatron was investigating and it triggers their mutant ability. they can read each others minds and emotions. Now Megatron has to deal with five teenage boys who share feelings and thoughts. It’s not going well.
Maybe she meets Kiloton at the hospital after the kidnapping. Maybe she has to deal with “Ew! I don’t to think about my mom having sex!” and then the rest of them looking grossed out as the thought passes through their combined minds.
I hope this makes sense.
Interest peaked
They start calling Kiloton a wolf in sheep’s clothing or something
Or it reminds me of this comic but basically the situation would be like oh Megatron’s limping a bit why do her hips hurt and the stunticons start screaming and crying and Kiloton is like 🤷🧚‍♀️
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idk how you pair up suggestions but it would be so fun to me to have bpd lark vs bp lark. the ultimate showdown of what's up with our guy
(side note I appreciate that we can be lighthearted about our disorders here but I get it if it gets uncomfortable)
usually I just put all the submissions in a list randomizer and pair them up that way, then making a few swaps and rearranging a bit to make things more dramatic lmao- but no youre so right that would be fun , i might try and set them up closer to each other cjejkdkdn
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