#uncle owen
padmesgreene · 2 years
uncle owen: luke is in danger
aunt beru:
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archerygun · 2 months
It’s always so heartbreaking to me that every time we see Owen display how he really feels about Luke in canon (the books, and Kenobi) Luke is never there to hear it.
When Owen faces down the inquisitor and declares that Luke IS his son, Luke is already way out of earshot (even though I do sort of consider the Kenobi show non-canon). When Owen talks to Beru after the argument with Luke on the day they die, telling her he feels bad about having to squash Luke’s dreams and wanting to find some way to make it up to him, he never hears it.
Owen’s relationship with Luke WAS complex, and it was rocky sometimes. I’ve always read this as Owen having difficulty being emotionally open, at least as far as the ANH novel and Kenobi show have shown. Owen loves Luke DEEPLY, right to his core. But he doesn’t know how to put that into words. He’s an awkward man! He’s been raised on nightmare hell planet where becoming too attached to someone might end up in them being killed or sold into slavery and you being miserable! Look at what happened to both of his mothers!
When someone you love dies, you look at all their actions with a new light and deeper introspection. Can you imagine the absolute world-shattering thoughts Luke must have had after Owen and Beru died?
Realising he was more deeply loved than he could have ever realised, even if Owen had a harder time showing it.
And Owen’s parental anxiety is shown in Kenobi! Owen Lars, one of the most dedicated fathers in the galaxy, probably died wondering if his son would ever know how much he really loved him.
Owen probably died with so, so many regrets. Owen probably died wondering if he deserved to raise Luke (which he DID) and if he had done enough to prepare his son for the world (HE DID).
Owen Lars has always been a heartbreaking character for me.
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devondeal · 1 year
Let's talk about this meme
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Obviously it's highlighting both extremes of emotional reactions. Rey and Finn as the melodramatic end and Luke as the "dull" end.
But I really hate the latter. I often see discussion on how Luke doesn't have a strong reaction to the murder of Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen.
I severely disagree. I have always found this scene to be heartwrenching because Luke is in so much shock and grief, he is unable to fully process his loss because of how horrific and sudden it was.
That expression above kills me every time because that is the face of innocence stolen. This is when Luke realizes what the Empire truly is which is why instead of taking the space to grieve, he immediately wants to avenge his aunt and uncle by becoming a Jedi and joining the Rebellion.
Luke may be a softy and his anger may not be obvious like it was in Anakin but nonetheless, when he tells Obi Wan he wants to become a Jedi, he has fury inside him. No matter how softly he says it.
(I imagine that's why Yoda was concerned in ep 5, while anger can be productive when processed, it can become all consuming when left untended)
On a personal note, I've always related to Luke's way of showing the negative spectrum of emotions. They may be subdued but it doesn't mean the pain, sadness, anger, etc. are any less and it's always made me feel seen. Which is why I will never accept Luke slander saying that he's unemotional and out of touch.
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palfriendpatine66 · 1 month
Woke up to Owen Lars thoughts. Specifically re: C-3PO.
Our guy Owen has avoided owning a droid for 20+ years because they remind him of Shmi. He’s had to deal with the Jawas the whole time and knows it would go a hell of a lot better with a translator, but every time he thinks about getting a protocol droid he thinks about Shmi. About how she doted on that insufferably annoying droid because it was her last connection to her son. And he decides he can go another year relying on gestures and paying more than the parts he’s getting are worth.
But now he only has Luke’s help for one more harvest and he’s not getting any younger - his joints ache more and more with each sandstorm - and he decides it’s time to face his ghosts. He can’t avoid reminders of the past forever. He sends Luke for some droids.
And the boy comes back with C3P0
The droid doesn’t look the same - he’s been treated to some upgrades over the years and some fancy gold plating they couldn’t have afforded to give him - but he gives his designation and it’s not just a similar robotic voice dragging up memories that both haunt Owen and remind him of better times. But it’s him, without a doubt. C-3PO human cyborg relations. Shmi’s most prized possession. Returned back to her home and final resting place, back to the last piece of her son.
To Luke.
And when the stormtroopers break down the door and pour in, he has a moment of pure relief that Luke isn’t home. That this time it won’t be a Skywalker’s body found broken in the desert.
He should have known. An R2 unit had rolled up and interrupted Shmi’s humble funeral and Anakin had swept away to whatever dangers waited for him in the stars. He’d brought the two droids with him and the Lars were left to mourn and heal and carry on under the harsh suns. They looked after themselves and weathered the heat and the sand like everything else that was born, and fated to die, in the desert.
But not Luke. Luke wasn’t born on Tatooine, even though the boy has the desert in his blood. Owen sees the same relief written in Beru’s eyes as he takes her hand. Luke isn’t going to die here.
He has the stars in his blood too.
Owen just hopes the boy will meet a better end than his father. That his story won’t end so soon.
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Star wars suns are so beautiful
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marvelstars · 3 months
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So you remember that time Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru had to ground Luke to the farm because of his actitude and he decided to leave and seek his own life with all the certainty of a world weary Tatooine kid so Darth Daddy decided to unconciously intervene before his little boy died in the desert. No? It´s a nice story.
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Annie helped Luke find shelter for the storm until they were attacked by a Kryat Dragon who took Annie away
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Star Wars Tales #15
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nkp1981 · 5 months
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threebea · 11 months
I suddenly had thoughts about Luke.
Owen and Beru were in contact with Obi-Wan, but didn't let him near Luke, at least not for the first ten years of Luke's life.
But also they're raising a baby Force Sensitive. Luke has an extra sense that they don't have a grasp of and they're looking for it.
So Beru comes to Obi-Wan one day. She says Luke is antsy and distractable. He has a hard time focusing.
And Obi-Wan wonders if that's Force senstivity or if it's just an active mind, but he teaches Beru moving meditation. Both Force Sensitives and non-Force sensitives can do it.
She goes back and has Luke bake bread with her to help him focus.
And Owen comes one day and says that Luke is overly sensitive. Sometimes he gets picked on and he has a hard time holding in his anger.
And Obi-Wan tries not to think of Anakin, but of course he does. And it may be a normal child having struggles regulating emotions, or it might be Luke picking up on the heightened emotions of the other children and an echo chamber moving through him.
So he teaches Owen to have Luke sit with him. Tells Owen to focus on his love for Luke and calmly talk Luke through what he's feeling. Naming emotions working through them, learning to identify what he's feeling and what he's reacting to. Because that can help force sensitives and non-force sensitives.
And Beru comes later and says that Luke gets bouts of anxiety. And Obi-Wan says that their bread making might help, or trying to get him to focus on the here and now. The present moment. And if that doesn't work have him do exersizes and he thinks about how Master Qui-Gon had him run laps to clear his head and he always felt better after running. It could be Luke having spikes of foresight, or it could just be the boy has natural anxiety.
And when Owen comes to him in the middle of the night about bad dreams, dreams that could be visions, Obi-Wan tells Owen that the future is always in motion, sometimes dreams are dreams, but to write them down just in case, and to hold Luke and reassure him.
And Owen sees how Obi-Wan was probably raised and feels pity for him. Owen didn't understand that the Jedi were family, but he sees it now. This was how Anakin was raised, and maybe his childhood wasn't as cold and loveless as he imagined. He doesn't tell Obi-Wan that.
And when Luke finally meets Old Ben Kenobi and Obi-Wan walks him through how to use the Force, it comes naturally. Not because he's super powerful (although he his), but because his parents prepared him, and helped him learn how to process the extra sense that he had grown up with even if he didn't know that.
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calkestis · 2 years
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The Star Wars comic strip by Russ Manning
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archerygun · 2 months
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On an Owen Lars high so I drew this. Excuse the shit quality. I’ve not taken Graphics courses yet.
I know Owen can’t come back as a ghost but the idea of him and Obi-Wan reaching solidarity in death over not being able to do anything for Luke anymore just GOT ME.
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purpleisnotacolor · 4 months
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palfriendpatine66 · 5 months
Actually. Also. 19.
Choose violence ask game
19. Best canon example of good parenting in Star Wars
Ah yes. You know me well. Buckle up everyone
In no particular order because I don’t think there’s a winner here:
Shmi “He Deserves More Than A Slaves Life” Skywalker. Anakin was literally the only thing she had in the universe. She taught him to care for others and stand up for what’s right. And she loved him enough to let him go. If Anakin had been able to follow her example regarding love the Galaxy would have been a different place.
Owen “He Is My Own” Lars and Beru “We’re Enough” Whitesun Lars. I could write an essay on them. They knew the risk, they knew the danger, and they took him in. More than that: they loved him. They taught him to work hard and do what’s right. They, too, loved him enough to let him go. Prolonging the inevitable as long as they could, sure, but weren’t going to hold him back from the life he wanted and squash his spirit by keeping him safe on the farm forever either (one more season!) They protected him and gave their lives for him.
Bail and Breha “You Are An Organa In Every Way” Organa.
In this house we stan Bail and Breha Organa. Far more than Owen and Beru could even begin to fathom they understood what was at stake. Bail witnessed the attack on The Temple with his own eyes and knew exactly what would happen if Leia was found. But he and Breha had already been fighting for what is right - been fighting the Empire before it was even formed. They were committed. And they raised Leia to continue that fight even after she had lost everything herself. They are the true embodiment of family being far more than blood and ironically, raised a daughter who would carry on the legacy of Padme and (Clone Wars General/pre fall)Anakin: Leia spent her life dedicated to the service of others and democracy and fiercely defended what is right.
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cottagecore-droids · 2 years
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domonicriley · 30 days
Those power converters must be important.
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hoopoo09 · 4 months
I like to think Bail took Leia on regular trips to Naboo and gave funding to a certain farm on Tatooine.
Because he wanted Leia to know that part of her and even if he couldn't be there for Luke in person he would make sure Owen and Beru have enough credits to keep Luke well fed and cared for.
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