#undertale roleplay
dearlittleloon · 2 months
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. . .
Murder in da box.
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utyellowstrings · 4 months
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* remembrance.
1. the action of remembering the dead, especially in a ceremony.
2. a thing kept or given as a reminder or in commemoration of someone
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Our story takes place a few months after the true pacifist ending, meaning there WILL be spoilers for all of Undertale Yellow. Please don't interact if you don't want to be spoiled!
An additional note: these are personal interpretations of these characters, and they may not fall directly under canon. For further information, please refer to the BIOS section.
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No overuse of fonts or special characters.
Specify who you're talking to (both in and out of character).
No spamming, hatespeech, or advertising in the askbox.
The main four (as well as Flowey and occasionally other Undertale characters) are the main focus, but anyone is avaliable for asks!
Updates may not be consistent.
Other blogs are free to interact, regardless of who you are! Just be kind.
No NSFW asks, especially ones directed towards younger characters (ex: Flowey).
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#ooc ꔛ out of character posts and interactions.
#strings of fate ꔛ plot heavy / important moments for the overall story.
#ask ꔛ for responses!
#modask ꔛ for ooc responses.
#art ꔛ any and all art made for this blog.
#sillyart ꔛ non-serious / shitposty art or doodles.
#rp ꔛ for roleplay responses and the like.
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This account is ran by two mods! MK (#🔆, he/xe) and Star (#🏵️, he/she). We'll generally alternate between who posts, and we both have control over specific characters (Martlet/Dalv and Starlo/Ceroba respectively). Feel free to ask us if you have any questions! We'll try our best to answer.
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classicconundrum · 17 days
I want a partner for a 1 one 1 sfw roleplay, OC or one of a fandom that is mutually enjoyed! I included a summary of this post in these images!
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Fandoms I'm willing to roleplay(Written)
- Homestuck
- HS2/Beyond Cannon
- Homestar Runner
- Pizza Tower
- Mario/Mario & Luigi/Paper Mario/Warioware
- Dungeon Meshi
- Anton Blast
- Animal Crossing
- Pokemon
- Plok
- Sonic
- Undertale/Deltarune
- Undertale AUs
- MLP (Specifically Gen 4)
About me!
Im 17, going to college soon! I've been rping ever since I was very young online. I can write in a few different styles although I'm not the best at spelling. People have told me I am good, so hopefully I am but idrk. I normally either do long responses (2k words+) or very short response (one liners) but i can go in the middle if necessary to mirror my rp partner.
I perfer fandom roleplays but I'm also up for OC rps they are just hard for me to do with someone I don't know well.
My previous main RP partner and I have decided to take a break talking due to some frustrations on their end. This was a mutual decision due to personal preference. Tbh I'm just kinda lonely and I have a whole summer before I start College, so I want someone to talk to.
13+ (Im uncomfortable roleplay with people under 13)
No bigotry (Transphobia, Sexism, Homophobia, Abalism ect)
Please be patient with me (It might take me a while to understand things)
Let me know your age range (I don't feel comfortable doing certain things in rp with people much younger then me)
Also let me know your comforts (Triggers, general boundaries)
No Darkships (Pedophilia, Incest, Ect)
DM me or comment if you are interested!
My Discord is classicconundrum
I'm also totally ok if you just want to chat and not rp!! I like friends!!!
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rosesnghosts · 1 month
flowey, do you ever help chara cause mischief?
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🌼- I always get caught and blamed because I’m not a ghost…
🍫- No, you get caught because you’re too loud and obvious.
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k-zonesblog · 2 months
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You're welcome to join my Undertale AU server to connect with new friends, engage in roleplay, enjoy games, and more <3
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ketsukane · 4 months
undertale fans/role play people pls interact if interested in an undertale rp!!
i haven’t finished undertale yellow or deltarune chapter two yet, but i’m working on it to the best of my ability while also being a busy college student. so bear with me on that part until i finish the games.
send me a message or comment if you’d like to start an rp! i get busy sometimes, so if i don’t answer right away, just give me some time! thanks y’all 💛
pink = most interested
i’d be interested in playing…
alphys, undyne, flowey, asriel, chara, frisk (?), papyrus (?), sans (?), mettaton, napstablook (?), toriel.
susie, kris, ralsei, lancer (?).
undertale yellow:
starlo, ceroba, clover (?), martlet (?).
pls reach out/interact with this post if you want to start a story together! much love!
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404-systemnotfound · 4 months
So I did a deep dive on Shubble and unlocked a core memory.
Please tell me there was SOMEONE out there who knows what this is PLEASE AM I THE ONLY ONE IM SCREAMING CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!?!?!
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indigosbrainrot · 4 months
Anyone looking to rp? I’ll do-
Undertale/Aus, BSD (know the story and characters, limited knowledge on some details), Helluva Boss (haven’t done before), Hazbin Hotel (haven’t done before), Black Butler (been a while since I saw it+ haven’t done) and Sally Face (also been a while + haven’t done)
DM me if you’re interested!
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prodigal-explorer · 5 months
my roleplay information/application!
hey guyssss, so like i'm kinda desperate for rp partners so i'm just gonna try my luck here and see if any of y'all are interested in rping with me! feel free to read through this information and message me if you are interested!! as long as you meet my requirements, i would love to rp with you!!
basic information
i am 18 (19 in a few weeks) and i'm okay rping with any age, but i will not rp anything relating to nsfw with a minor. not even implied nsfw, it's just very uncomfortable. but if you're 18+, i'll rp anything on this list with you!
i only rp semi-lit/descriptive. this means at least five sentences, detailed responses that aren't just surface level. it's hard to respond to stuff that's lazy, so please please please just put in the effort if you want high quality responses in return!
the fandoms i roleplay are sanders sides, undertale, your turn to die, and omori. i dabble in oc rp, but it's not very common for me since i don't really have many ocs that i like enough to rp with.
my favorite types of roleplay are heavy angst and whump. i love really dark concepts, and it's rare that i won't do something that's dark and angsty. i struggle with concepts that are just fluff because i prefer rps with a lot of conflict and struggle.
my only triggers are constant discussion about body type/comparing body types and descriptive talk of medical needles. other than that i will do literally anything lol.
i am filipino-american, audhd, physically disabled, and i love to incorporate these aspects of my identity into the characters i play. if you don't like that, we probably won't make very good rp partners.
i hate hate HATE poking. please don't remind me of the rp after ten minutes of me not responding. please don't remind me of the rp after ten HOURS of me not responding. i know it exists, i just need time to reply. if you nag me about responding, i probably will wait even longer to reply because it's intimidating.
i love to chat oorp! feel free to leave a silly message, even if it has nothing to do with rp!
scroll all the way to the bottom of the post if you want to see writing examples!! below are just specific tidbits of information pertaining to each fandom i rp!
sanders sides specific information
the main side i love to play is roman. i will always want to play roman in every single tss rp, he's just me, he's my number one homie, my favorite character of all time.
i can also play any of the other sides, but my characterization for them is not as solid as roman.
i don't really like patton in roleplays unless he's a minor character or an antagonist/villain. i am very good at playing patton as a villain, but i don't really like playing him in any other context. i have so many aus where patton is a villain or antagonist, so if that's your jam, you've come to the right place!
i will do mindscape or human aus, i love both!
i am okay with ocs but i will not do canon side x female oc. it just makes me very uncomfortable to ship sides with female characters.
some of my favorite ships are roceit, prinxiety, logince, anaroceit, analogical, intrulogical, and loceit.
the only ships i WILL NOT do are moxiety, royality, moceit, logicality, intruality, and remrom. every other ship, i'm completely okay with.
i love rping as remy or emile picani!!
i have SO MANY IDEAS for this fandom. like literally hundreds of aus. so please message me if you want to rp anything with angst, or drama, or anything like that because i have SO MUCH.
undertale specific information
so fun fact i'm actually kind of bad at undertale rp.
it's not that i'm awful i just don't have a lot of experience, but i'm working on it!
the main characters i like to play are papyrus, undyne, alphys, toriel, asgore, and gaster.
i can also play asriel/flowey, sans, frisk, mettaton, grillby, and chara if necessary.
i am totally fine with ocs, bring them on!
i don't really like rps with the au sans stuff? nothing against it, i just don't really know much about it and in the nicest way possible i don't really care. i prefer to stick with canon and prequel/sequel aus instead of aus that change up the characters' personalities and stuff.
my favorite undertale au of all time is handplates i have so many thoughts about it and i would love to rp it!
i love angsty rps but undertale is actually one of the only fandoms where i love to rp fluff for it. undertale is just such a goofy game and i love emulating that style of humor in rp!
ships i enjoy are soriel, papyton, alphyne, sansby, and whatever the ship name for alphys x gaster is?
the only undertale ships i WILL NOT rp are anything involving the child characters (frisk, chara, asriel, monster kid), and anything that ships undyne with a guy. i'm also not a huge fan of asgore x toriel but i'll do it if you really want me to!
your turn to die specific information
i am so new to rping in this fandom but i really want to anyway!! trust, i know all the lore, i just need some solid experience!
my favorite characters to play are jou, reko, nao, gin, kai, shin, hiyori, and sara.
i will play q-taro, mishima, or alice if necessary!
i am very bad at keiji, i don't think i can play him well.
i love canon and au roleplays equally! i would love to do either way!
i like pretty much all the ships, it would be easier to list ships i don't like.
i don't like any ships that involve the little kids (kanna, gin, hinako), any ships with a huge age gap (especially sara x keiji), and shin x hiyori. it's just...no.
omori specific information
i am very new to the fandom, so please have mercy on me if i get something wrong lol!
my favorite characters to play are kel, hero, aubrey, and mari!
i can play sunny if necessary.
i will not play basil. i actually don't like basil being present in roleplays, he's just a character i personally dislike. i'm fine with him showing up occasionally as a minor character, but i just don't like him being a big part of roleplays.
i will roleplay canon and aus! i love both! but bear in mind i am a bit more hesitant to rp ships in canon, but in aus i have zero reservations!
my favorite ships are anything involving sunny, kel, and aubrey being together, but my number one otp is hero x mari!
the only ships i WILL NOT do are ships that have basil in them, especially basil x sunny or basil x kel. they just don't sit right with me personally.
i don't really know much about the minor characters of the game...i might need a bit of guidance if you want to use a character that isn't a part of the main six! but i am completely fine with it as long as you're okay with me being a bit clueless.
writing samples!!!
The streets were soft, the dusty sidewalks concealed by powdery snow that made Brooklyn look like a wedding. Roman stepped lightly, wondering how high he would have to hold himself to keep his foot from sinking in the snow, ruining the shiny white blanket that protected his bare feet from the cruel asphalt.
His book remained tucked under his jacket, as if it needed protection from the biting wind. Roman didn’t think it was possible for something that carried such beautiful notions and ideas to be unfeeling, so he acted as though there was a beating heart somewhere between the pages. Nobody had ever told him there wasn’t one, so what was the harm in believing if it made the sky feel brighter, and the air feel warmer, and the world feel more connected?
When he came back to the small, tucked-away alley that he and his brothers were currently living in, he was happy to see a little fire that he could warm himself beside while he opened his new book, aching to see what was inside.
Roman was unfamiliar. He was always used to protecting other people. He was tall, graceful and beautiful. Couldn't really throw a punch, but he had a way with his words that could get him absolutely anything he wanted. Including peace. He was used to standing between bullies and victims, seducing with his sweet smile and long eyelashes. Making anybody feel like they've been blessed just looking at him. With his parents always gone, and nobody to hold him during nightmares, Roman had gotten used to holding himself. But now, he just wanted to be protected so badly. He wanted to be truly loved by somebody besides himself.
"Okay..." he whispered, "Okay."
"Oh! Do you guys want to go to that restaurant across the street?" Patton asked, "We performed so well tonight, I think we all deserve a treat! Virgil, you hit that syncopation perfectly, and Janus, that riff was amazing! The crowd went wild for us! Drinks will be on me, as long as you all promise not to drink too much. I'll be the designated driver too. What do you say??"
Of course, this invitation was not extended to Logan. Patton didn't even notice Logan in the area, assuming that he was off sweeping the stage or packing up the van. Patton was the one who decided what everybody did, and he usually gave Logan the grease-work like that. He didn't really care very much about Logan, just because Logan wasn't as close to the group. There wasn't that bond of performing show after show, having fans that requested autographs, being followed and gushed over by paparazzi.
Since Logan was never onstage, nobody knew the face or identity of the man who wrote the songs that all these fans were so crazy about. And Patton sort of preferred it that way. He didn't really like the idea of Logan being a face of their band. Unlike Janus and Virgil, Patton wasn't sure how the public eye would recieve Logan. The man wasn't remotely ugly, but he was rather plain-looking. He tended to blend into the background of the rooms he occupied. He wasn't the type of look one would expect to be in a hugely successful band.
All the others had their "niche". Patton was the sweetheart, the nice one, the innocent one. Virgil was the quiet, brooding, mysterious one. And Janus was the charmer, able to seduce anyone with a wink and a smile. What was Logan? He didn't talk very much, he wasn't particularly nice, brooding, or seductive. Patton didn't like that Logan didn't exactly have an archetype. He didn't quite fit in.
Roman tilted his head with a polite smile and an appropriate amount of interest as Logan disclosed his name. It was nothing familiar to him, but he did think it was a beautiful-sounding name. He always loved when people's first and last names started with the same letter. It felt like a name out of a fairy-tale when it had that feature.
Listening to what Logan was saying, Roman couldn't help but go red, very embarrassed. He was bad at English, but he certainly wasn't stupid. He could tell that Logan was euphemizing heavily in order to preserve Roman's feelings, which made Roman both embarrassed that Logan felt the need to do this, and honored that Logan cared so much about how he felt. It was a really sweet gesture, honestly.
"You write music too?" he asked, very curious. "I would love to sing a song by you wrote. You will...pay me? Money?"
Roman wondered if Logan was offering him a job, or just wanting to have a jam session as friends and colleagues. He would be happy with either option, but he wanted to manage his expectations there and then, so there would be less awkwardness from false assumptions.
Roman looked at it and smiled as he read through the lyrics, his eyes carefully scanning from left to right as he ingested each lyric. His smile only grew.
"It is okay," he said, "I like messy handwriting. It means...it means your brain moves fast, and your hand must hurry to follow. I like this song. I think...I want to sing it. Do you want me to sing here? In front of everyone?"
Roman would definitely be willing to give Logan's song some publicity. And he adored the thrill of singing a song for the first time in front of a whole crowd of people. Roman wasn't the type to get stage fright. The more risky a performance was, the more excited he was to try and execute it. Roman had a bit of a shame deficiency, such was obvious with him singing those lyrics he wrote out loud multiple times.
His eyes were shining with enthusiasm, but also, with gratitude. He was thankful to Logan for the opportunity he had to bring this song to life, this brand new song that no one had ever heard before. The idea that its first breath of auditory life would be coming from Roman's own voice was so romantic that it almost made Roman want to sing it right there and then so he wouldn't have to wait anymore.
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what’s starlo’s favorite food?
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bird-nobody · 7 days
Hi birb nobody
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"Holy shit a ship kid in my dump of a domain?? My world is just transparent.. literally.."
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dearlittleloon · 2 months
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written by @helihelihelio **SLOW REPLY**
i was turning numb. what happened to me didn't seem to matter. sometimes i felt angry, but most of the time i felt nothing; i'd never felt so much nothing before.
If you're interested to interacting please feel free to like or reblog this post or send me Ask/DM(for plotting) this blog mostly focus on self-happiness, and Dust-Simp
this muse prefer name, Murder.
this muse got inspiration from Ask-Dusttale with a little different run of Genocide. an idea of what if, you can think he is canon Dust, it doesn't matter.
ALL ART HERE, MINE. if not I alway give credit everytime to use them as showing respect and such.
main active on twitter > dearlittleloon
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tryna keep clean \ (N)SFW; NSFW private(DM)
MUTI-SHIP, depend on chem a lots
unsettling theme&&GORE&&DEAD DOVE
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prpfs · 1 year
Hey y'all!
20+ F, she/her, LGBT+ friendly, limitless!
Looking for a long term partner who has little to no limits so we can let our dead dove imaginations run free! I use OCs and would like to double up with you. I accept anything, but I do not condone racism of any sorts. I'm the perfect person to rp with if you have some interesing rp ideas or plots!
My main is My Hero Academia, but I know other anims too, so just ask me about them and I'll let you know if I know it. I am also into games like Undertale, Mystic Messenger, and cartoons like Rick and Morty and Gravity Falls and Avatar The Last Airbender! I am also open to doing an original plot by making our own characters.
Please like this and I'll message you. I would like if we became friends and engrossed in the rp and make up headcanons and scenarios!
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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roleplayfinder · 9 months
Hi, I'm 18 M and I'm looking for people to RP with, It has to include smut, I'm just that type of person, I have a lot of fandoms HuniePop, helluvaboss, undertale, FNAF, mha, HxH, demon Slayer, cuphead, furries, haikyuu, KOMI can't communicate, alot of different things, so like just ask and we can come up with something together
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rosesnghosts · 1 month
What kind of music do you guys like to listen to?
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🍫- Only because you have a low attention span and way too much energy.
🌼- >=P
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*an uneasy tension fills the room…
🌼- … They’re.. back..?..
❤️- aww, what’s wrong? are you scared?
🍫- ….
*… Frisk is now also available for asks..?
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juneversus · 10 months
Has negativity plagued your life? Have you suffered by what seems to be the very hands of fate itself? Wouldn’t you like all that to end? All of that negativity to just… Disappear? 
Join Angel.
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Archverse is a multiversal undertale roleplay server heavily inspired by dreamswap. The lore is expansive and the server operates on a literate writing level. Extremely plot driven, the server has been operating for over a year with over 100 members. Members must be 15+ to join. 
For any questions, please dm @juneversus
Join Here: https://discord.gg/S55KybgAHY
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