#unknown mystic messenger
cephydeluxe · 1 month
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old joke lol post it anyway
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sonendan · 29 days
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(Eng: take a bath)
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my boy
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koutone · 8 months
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Saeran I doodled last night hehe... I love you bomb hacker man
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marsvlog · 11 months
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oh my god they made them emos
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goblinsleepz · 2 months
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mullet saeran… yeah…
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kiyuurii · 4 months
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“The flower language of the blue rose is… Impossible. Unattainable.”
Drew this somewhere in August 2023,, but I wanted to share it nonetheless ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
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mournmutt · 7 months
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meowwwwww~ ₍^ >ヮ<^₎
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anas-tasiaa · 7 months
Ever wondered how Saeyoung describes saeran?
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There's no one in this world he loves more than Saeran as his love for him is the strongest force in his life. The very reason why he is willing to live, to stand still, is to search for a new life his beloved little brother dreamed and wishfully wants.
Gosh, thank you Cheritz for them. Thank you for their existence.
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@creator-kami​ and I made a big discovery last night that cannot be unseen and I can’t believe what I once joked about in my head might actually be true. This isn't the first time that's happened, but if I had to point this out and realize it, you all need to see it, too. So, y'all see the zippers on his sleeves? Yea, it's easy to think that zipper is for the jacket itself, but it's not. Kami cleaned up one of the old promotional art pieces.
Unknown has zippers on his jacket sleeves. His jacket has been a two-in-one this entire time. His jacket can become sleeveless. He's got the ability to not only make that jacket breathable when it's hot, but he chooses not to in the name of the off-the-shoulder style. What am I supposed to do with this information other than share it with all of you so you can be trapped in this moment with me?
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samy-parker · 11 months
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Linhardt propaganda:
"Would Lindhart check his phone during sex? Yes. Would he ignore his romantic prospects and important anniversary dates to focus on his research instead? Yes. Would he name his potential children things like "project 84"? Probably. Would I date him anyway? Oh lord. I could listen to him talk for hours, he's just that charming. The dry but insightful notes he takes, the way he can flip from utterly bored to passionate and animated, the odd kindness he displays for those he cares about, the way he rebels against the status quo because he cares more about unpacking the world than conforming to society... he's also really funny and really smart? Idk. I love the queer-ass cucumber boy."
Saeran propaganda:
"He's a very gentle young man born into miserable circumstances who learns what freedom and autonomy mean to him after far too long of being everyone else's punching bag. He goes from desperation, subservience, and self-loathing to blind rage to become the biggest threat in the room, all in the name of self-preservation in an environment that wants to destroy him. But with a support system that challenges his programmed thought processes, he learns to see past the lies and coercion and begins his recovery journey with his beloved partner and dear twin brother. He loves flowers and knows most of their meanings (he WILL gift bouquets of them to share those captivating messages), he's an excellent chef, and he is an entirely devoted partner who sees his beloved MC as the light that helped guide him onto his path to recovery. He genuinely loves his MC in a way that the other characters of Mystic Messenger suggest transcends the notion of romance. He's ethereal; he's on a different plane of love. He is the very essence of love. He will risk his all... risk everything in the name of love."
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keggsdov · 20 days
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mad cause his roots are coming in :0
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sonendan · 2 months
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Extra. Para mi gente que puede entender esto
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glandot · 2 years
Unknown redesign !!
This is a bit of a hot take, since i changed him a lot more than i changed 707. I just thought something more mysterious would better suit his personality :⁠-⁠P i also made his hair significantly messier than 7, to kinda show his life has been rough since they separated. I dunno!
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pastelsapphy · 1 year
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Unlocked the 2020 birthday events for the twins. Castor and Pollux. Gemini. Saeran accepting the star. "that I got for my love."
I'm not crying you're crying ;_; (i am also crying)
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password-door-lock · 2 months
Content warning: manipulation
Unknown has never been very big on giving comfort— or so he tells himself as you sob into his jacket. You’re grabbing fistfuls of leather, trying your hardest to pull him close, though of course, it doesn’t really do much— you’re not very strong. It wouldn’t take very much effort at all for Unknown to simply push you away. But he allows you to cling to him. With one hand, he returns your embrace, and with the other, he pets your hair.
Does that really make anything better? Unknown can’t imagine that it would. If he were in your position, he’d want to be alone. In fact, he’d be shoving people out of his way, yelling, screaming, and slamming doors just to get some peace and fucking quiet. He’d destroy the contents of whatever room he’d manage to lock himself in, and only then, only after all of that, only with no other options, would he allow himself to break down crying. He certainly wouldn’t do it in front of anybody else. 
“Shhh,” he hushes you. Unknown assures himself that he’s only doing this because he wants you to shut up, not because he cares about your feelings enough to actively soothe you. Why would he give a shit about your feelings? He only brought you here in the first place because he thought that it would hurt those liars, and your time in the apartment did not instill him with very much confidence in your ability to handle important tasks. 
You respond by nuzzling his chest and, in doing so, staining his jacket with salt. Unlike all those times when you attempted to initiate a text conversation with him, you don't seem to have very much to say. “Quiet. You did fine.” The comfort that he offers is stiff and unnatural, but that doesn’t seem to bother you as you gaze at him. 
If only he had something he could use to wipe your face. You’re such a mess, with snot and tears everywhere— seriously, he’s probably going to have to get a new jacket.  You blink the tears out of your eyes. “You don’t hate me?” 
This isn’t such a bad question. Theoretically speaking, Unknown has every reason to hate you— you did ruin his original plan, after all. You could at least have spoken to the RFA and emailed a couple of potential party guests— that would be enough to bring those people to paradise. Instead, you sat around doing nothing, waiting around  for somebody to tell you what to do. In that sense, Unknown supposes, it’s his own fault for not giving you clear instructions, and besides— it’s touching to think that you’re so torn up about causing a minor setback for him. You barely know him— you’ve been here less than a day— and already you’re loyal enough to shed tears over the idea of inconveniencing Unknown. 
But, then again, he’s been monitoring the RFA messenger, and actually, your disappearance has done a lot to disrupt the typical functioning of the organization. Thanks to you, he’ll be able to sway the RFA to his savior’s side, anyway, though it’ll take a bit longer than he initially planned. “Prince(ss),” he coos, patronizing you. It’s to keep you where he wants you, he assures himself, ignoring all the other reasons he could have to behave this way. He has no reason to care about your feelings, no reason to want to make you more comfortable, especially not if you’ve already bought into the doctrine of the Mint Eye. One little speech was all it took to get you to abandon everything you thought you knew about the RFA— but, then again, that speech was quite a lot longer than any conversation you’ve ever had with any of those liars. “If I hated you, I think you’d know it by now, hm?” 
“You’re not mad?” You try again, eyes shining as you gaze up at him. 
Unknown ruffles your hair. It actually feels good to know that he can make you feel better so easily. “No,” he informs you flatly. He supposes he can’t really blame you for not wanting to talk to the boring and selfish members of the RFA— though he doesn’t say that aloud. He doesn’t owe you his reasoning. Unknown does not owe a thing to anybody, with the notable exception of his savior. 
“Okay.” You continue to cling to him like a lifeline, as though your well being truly does depend on it. He supposes that if you really thought that way, you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong— after all, Unknown is the one who can decide what to do with you. “Thank you for saving me,” you breathe. This is music to his fucking ears.
Unknown continues petting your hair. Within the next few hours, he and his Savior will have a new and better plan. Within the next few days, if everything goes as he expects it to, Unknown will have his revenge. No thanks to you, he supposes, but still— even if you couldn’t handle working as his eyes, you’ll make fantastic bait. “You’re very welcome, prince(ss).” 
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