magicshop · 1 month
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seokjin + iconic solo performances for @cordiallyfuturedwight ♡ [cr. namuspromised]
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nicasiosilang · 2 years
ok hold up reblog and put in the tags what you call (regardless of platform) the little user image thing on your account ↖ and what year (approx) you started using any sort of online social media.
(this brought on because i finally googled what “pfp” means.”
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claybronliberty · 3 days
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markrodin · 1 year
T'Khasi and it's Las'hark.
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bisexualbaker · 8 months
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Here are some super simple "costumes" for anyone who wants to dress up their userpic/avatar/icon/PFP for Halloween! With luck, they should be fairly easy to work with/edit.
Also, for anyone not in a position to edit their own pics but who still wants to dress up their stuff, just drop an ask in my inbox and I'll edit yours for you! Be sure to mention which of these four designs you want (you can pick up to two), what colors you'd like, and whether you're okay with me answering publicly. I'll keep going until I decide I'm done.
For anyone using these images, or any pics I edit, please credit me somewhere!
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ineffablefool · 7 months
It's not really an ask, more a statement: your Good Omens fanfictions have managed to completely derail my Saturday. They're so charming and adorable and cosy, I have spent the majority of the day under a blanket on the sofa reading. They also speak to my soul, also being Ace, it's so beautiful to read stories without having to skip through massive sections that gratuitously describe sex. That's all. Thank you.
Aww, thank you for this statement! I mean, theoretically you had something else planned on that Saturday (this message has been waiting in my inbox for a week and a half), but I feel like as alternatives go, "lying under a blankie on the sofa reading" is a pretty good one. I might be inclined to do it myself if my house contained a sofa.
Also, fun fact, those wishing to shove All The Asexual Content into their eyeballs may wish to peruse the works of AO3 users hope_in_the_dark and IneffableDoll. There's a bunch of people with a bunch of wonderful ace Ineffable Walnuts stories, but I'm pretty sure Hope and Doll are both with me on the "only writing that forever" bandwagon, meaning a 100% match with Ah Yes This Is The Thing I Was Looking For.
I hope you have a super good next 24 hours after you see this response!
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poorlittleyaoyao · 2 months
always baffled when people hate on characters in reblogs in ways that aren’t in dialogue with the post itself. “the nice thing you said about the meow meow is wrong and here’s why”? out of pocket, but at least it’s related! random assertions of bad-faith headcanons that have nothing to do with anything? sir this is a Wendy’s.
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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phoenix · 1 month
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New userpic. One of these. I haven't fully decided yet.
Credit to @c0mics-ic0ns (With a slight edit by me to remove the word balloon remains from the second)
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peigi1045 · 1 year
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b-day card 2022
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synthwave/vaporwave inspired rick sanchez icons i made for myself back in 2016/2017; assorted size
like/reblog if you use
credit is appreciated!
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yennefersbody · 9 days
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you guys are so fucking dumb
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closed-third-eye · 1 year
People who say daemon would have killed jacaerys, lucerys and joffery to put his line on the throne forget:
1. He's marrying his favourite daughter to jace. rhaenys has no say in the matter, show had to jump through hoops to make her reluctance make sense and book rhaenys loved those boys. Baela would have been queen consort so he was securing and reaffirming his support for jace as the hier.
2. Even in show he reaffirms both of their seats in front of court and kingsguard, if luke is dead driftmark will not go to aegon or viserys, they will go to other velaryon. He did that purely for lucerys and reaffirming rhaenyras claim
3. Daemon is going to go on a suicide mission to kill aemond to wipe out the biggest threat to rhaebyra and he kills him in a way that's finally avenging his step son.
I think they say that because they're projecting aemonds want of stealing his own brother crown because he thinks he's suitable, he's not lmao. "It looks better on me than it ever did on him" < what aemond says when aegon ii is crippled and recovering after his fight with baela.
Jacaerys flies into a battle to transport viserys ii and aegon iii to safety and dies trying. Black faction kids are built different, they're product of love.
Daemon has done nothing but made sure the velaryon boys are secure in their station in life. Maybe he did it only for rhaenyra but he did it out of love not greed, only ambitions he had were for rhaenyra not himself or "his blood".
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ink-yy · 19 days
i just had such a funny idea for ot au
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not-poignant · 1 year
Hello my anon askers who send me anons who don't have Tumblr accounts!
Tumblr has sadly just changed it so you need to make an account in order to send anon messages/asks. I generally disagree with the spirit of this and think it should be optional, but this is what they've done. You can still send anon messages, but you will need an account now to do it, and then you will need to select the 'anon' option when you send an ask.
I know at least a few of you don't have Tumblr at all, and just visit to send asks sometimes, so a heads up because you're not likely to get informed about this change otherwise.
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agapintheskin · 1 year
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Cute as helllll
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