#v1 holds them for him
84773ry4c1d · 24 days
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my dumb little gabriel period comic bc if i have 2 suffer so does he !!
he has a hard time asking i think
sum doodles under the cut vv
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
Transcript -
Gabriel : *heavy breathing and grunting* Bastard. 
Useless bucket of bolts. Yeah, you better run!
Load back to your- Ah shit, that was hard. Load back to your little checkpoint.
Yeah, go ahead. Go P rank the other levels. 
Oh… I’m sorry. Can-can-can I? Excuse me, can I help you?
Columbo : Oh, uh, hi there. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.
Uh, I’m looking for somebody. 
Uh, Gabriel is it? Is that you? Is that who I’m lookin for?
Listen, I just gotta say, you did an amazing job uh… Fighting off that uh. 
What’d ya-what’d ya call it?
Uh, you called it a… 
Gabriel : A mere object?
Columbo : That’s right. A mere object. 
Phenomenal work. 
I gotta tell ya. Robots, I don’t trust em myself. 
Ya know, I had-I had this one episode where uh, there was this robot named Rob and uh-
Gabriel : Uh, yes. 
That’s very fascinating, but could you perhaps get on with your introduction? 
Columbo : Uh, certainly. So I’m, uh, I’m lieutenant Columbo. Uh, I’m with the LAPD. Uh, I'm in the homicide department. 
Gabriel : Homicide? You can’t kill a machine. 
Columbo : No no no! Of course not. But um… Well… Ya can certainly love one.
Gabriel : D-d-d-detective I- I don’t- I don’t know what you’re implying there with that statement!
As you can tell I… Despise machines and wouldn’t think about doing so- Loving them, I mean.
Columbo : Yes, of course uh. Absolutely, it’s completely unthinkable. 
Except, well. While I was- while I was over here and I opened this door and uh fourteen- fourteen V1 body pillows fell out. Along with a buncha the plushies. 
Uh, and I just can’t imagine how ya- how ya happened upon something like that by accident.
It’s a little ridiculous! Uh, frankly.
Gabriel : Uh, no no no, listen.  
Detective. I can explain, okay? 
Those belong to- uh! That guy over there! 
*Filth-like scream*
Gabriel : Yeah! A real freak! 
Some kinda pervert. I don’t know why we keep him around.
But uh, I-I have nothing to do with it. 
Columbo : Well, ya see, I would believe- I would believe that, but uh. 
It’s just that- Well we had the boys at the lab run these pillows and we found your cum- We found your DNA all over em, uh.
You’re-You’re under arrest, I’m killing you.
Gabriel : K-hah. Kill me? *laughs*
Oh detective. 
Columbo : Oh. Aw fuck.
Gabriel : I’m afraid you’ve made a grave mistake. 
Because, in fact… What is going to happen instead…
Is actually what I’m gonna- AHHHG MOTHERFUCKER
Oh Shit. 
Oh. What have I done? 
V1 : Bro, tell me you didn’t just kill a fucking cop.
Gabriel : The law will be here any second now… 
Machine, flush the drugs.
V1 : No way, bro. Let’s smoke that.
Gabriel : All of it?!?
Hm… One last ride…
Well, alright.
*coughing his lungs out*
V1 : No Gabriel, holding it in doesn’t do anything!
*Gabriel continues to cough his lungs out*
End of transcription
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magiturge · 1 year
an analysis of gabriel - ultrakill
there's a lot of things about this guy i just want to talk about. let's start in an almost consecutive order of information we learn about him.
ACT I. - INFINITE HYPERDEATH 1-4 clair de lune - mansion owner's diary and stained glass art
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these are the first references / appearances of gabriel in game.
the mansion owner's diary refers to him as a friend, showing that despite being an angel, gabriel had the time and the forgiveness to grant sinners / husks some form of kindness. while it can be interpreted as this particular husks devotion to being faithful to angels in general with how they hold back from plunging deeper into hell, they constantly and mainly refer to gabriel.
the other interpretation could be that when the husk is referring to gabriel, they could be using the stained glass art of him as worship and there is the possibility that gabriel has not actually interacted with them in person, however later bits of information lean more on gabriel having actually met them in person. the lust renaissance and minos
as we come up on lust, the next bit of lore that we are met with is the story of the death of king minos.
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from here, we learn that gabriel has killed minos and is the reason why there is a gigantic shambling corpse looking for sinners in the lust layer. we also learn that gabriel is not just any angel but the one that embodies or represents the will of god. in the name of god's will, he is willing to kill what we later learn is a beloved ruler who granted the sinners in lust a more forgiving place to spend eternity. in p-1, we are met with the flesh prison that ensnares minos' soul, created in an effort to prevent it from forming into a prime soul. a segment of his monologue from when he is released from the flesh prison : "O Gabriel... now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall glisten before the temples of man!" it's quite clear from that that minos no longer remains a pacifist when it comes to taking revenge on the angel who pulled everything out from under him. now, to minos prime's terminal entry. it gives more context onto the overall lore of ultrakill itself but does contain information that is important later on. pictures of the terminal entries will come from the wiki page due to the in game terminal entries not fitting into one screen.
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we learn that god has disappeared and due to this has thrown heaven into a panicked frenzy. this is important given that gabriel is an angel and how the disappearance of what would be described as his leader or figurehead to follow would do to him.
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in the disappearance of god, a council has taken control of heaven and in the event of this, they have seen that minos has freed sinners from the punishment they were meant to serve. gabriel is sent to strike down minos and murdered him without listening to what minos had to say. we see just how deep rooted gabriel's faith in god is and how he answers to the council. he has killed a beloved ruler without mercy and from the text written from the perspective of a lust resident, he believes what he is doing is just.
3-2 in the flesh we now actually meet gabriel in the flesh after everything we have learned so far. as v1 leaves the first room, gabriel speaks. "Machine... turn back, now. The layers of this palace are not for your kind. Turn back, or you will be crossing the will of God." while he sounds as prideful as an angel would be, with a holier than thou tone of voice, the context of what he is saying is important combined with how he actually views v1 at this point. gabriel is warning v1 to go no further and to turn back while it still has the chance which is quite odd in the grand scheme of his actions. "a mere object." "an imperfection to be cleansed." not. even. mortal." "you are less than nothing." these are a portion of taunts that quite clearly display how he feels about v1, a machine. v1 is simply an object to him, plunging deeper into hell. in addition to this, hakita in the developer commentary stream states : "Gabriel is like, as soon as a machine gets too far downwards, he will like interrupt them and kill them. So to him, you are just one of like a hundred or thousand of whatever machines that he's encountered and tried to stop." despite this, gabriel grants the mercy of warning v1, giving them a chance to go back as they shouldn't be down here. it's a curious thing about gabriel, isn't it? up to this point, we know of gabriel striking down a beloved king but here he is merciful enough to warn what he sees as something that is not even mortal, a mere object. and seeing that v1 at this moment is nothing more than another machine to him, would it be odd to assume he had warned other like this as well? while not immediately important to this analysis, the eye in the arena focuses on gabriel. hakita in the developer commentary stream states that : "The eyes normally follow you, like they look at you when you're walking around but in this arena it's actually looking at Gabriel because he's the real point of interest."
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this is more something that will be important to the lore regarding hell itself rather than gabriel himself, given it would be reasonable for hell to be more interested in a supreme angel than you, another machine.
moving on, we have gabriel's overall presentation and impression on us. he presents himself as holy, righteous, better than you. he at this point is unlikeable, we only know the sour side of him. when he loses to v1, he is bewildered by his loss, unable to believe he had just lost to what he sees as just an object. he's clearly angry with v1 and possibly, himself. before we go over the end of ACT I's story segment, we will go over what else we have learned from gabriel provided by the first terminal entry we recieve of him.
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from here we learn his proper status up in heaven, a respected and feared archangel. he has a reputation of completing tasks quickly and that he is beloved among other angels moreso than the council.
it's also put that he has popular for his "radiant personality and active nature" which depending one what you prefer, could either be how he presents himself to you in 3-2 or different demeanor we have yet to see.
i’m inclined to believe the latter and we will get to that later, so keep that in mind.
we also learn that gabriel is a hardworker, a devoted angel to god that completes what is asked of him. this can be used as reference to how he has slain king minos prior as it seemed to be more of a task to complete rather than a personal attack fueled by his own emotions.
he’s a hard worker that did not question what was asked of himas long as he had it in his mind that his actions were to benefit someone he cared about, be it the people of heaven or god.
the strategy tips that the terminal tells us that gabriel is an angel with a great deal of pride stating that his pride is what “stops him from attacking while taunting his opponent”. on top of this, his pride not only prevented him from attacking during taunts but from also using splendor is justice and justice is splendor in this fight as well. this is, again, important for later since how his behavior in 3-2 differs vastly from his behavior in ACT II. closing in on this segment, we end with gabriel's disbelief at his loss. "What? How can this be? Bested by this.. this thing? You insignificant FUCK! This is not over!" with the use of profanity, gabriel's front as a divine angel falls apart. his composure is lost and he is utterly confused, perfectly portrayed by his voice actor gianni matragano. everything that he has believed has been shattered here, as hakita explains in the developer commentary stream that a machine besting an angel is something that should be impossible. an angel being beaten by a human is absurd but for a child of mankind to best an angel is like that of an ant beating a human in a fight. it just does not make sense to gabriel and unfortunately, his account of his loss does not serve a stable argument to the holy council. ACT I. - INTERMISSION ( the ending cutscene is linked here as it is incredibly long. ) remember that gabriel is on of the brightest angels in heaven if not the brightest angel who works quickly, efficiently and is a beloved angel among the others? that status does not protect him here. we open in on gabriel being looked at with resentment by the council, speaking amongst one another on what to do with him. gabriel is listening to their bitter words, that sting being something that would cause more pain to ones not as strong as him. it continues in describing how gabriel believes that it is also impossible for a mere object to best him, he believes that he knows this as true. and it is not. so he rises to make an argument for himself, stating that he would never stray from the will of the father but a machine has bested him in battle. in this moment, i believe it is gabriel's attempt to warn the council that these "mere objects" are something not to take lightly. but they don't listen to him. now there is a very important line here that is often overlooked and in the video i have linked referring to this line is different which is most likely why it is overlooked or misinterpreted. "your failure will not be tolerated" was changed to "your treachery will not be tolerated." as seen here :
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the council cannot grasp that an angel could have lost to a machine. so instead, they have concluded that gabriel has betrayed them and purposefully let it go further down. throughout this interaction between gabriel and the council, he is spoken over, not given a chance to properly explain himself or the situation at hand. his pleas were not heard and he is seen as a traitor, now to die within 24 hours with the time quickly dissolving. what could the severing of his holy light, the title of a traitor hanging over his head and the potential fear that the machines that were supposed to be beneath him do to his mental state at this point of the story? well, that is where this comes in.. ACT II. - IMPERFECT HATRED to recap what i've run through, we know that : • gabriel is one of heaven's brightest angels, a hard worker that is well loved and also feared by many as well as being quite skilled in combat. • he has killed the former judge of hell, a beloved king who believed that eternal torment for loving one another was too cruel a punishment, as ordered by the council. • at the moment, he's on a clock, the holy light having been severed from his body and he is seething with a supposed hatred to rid of you and to prove himself faithful to god.
4-1 slaves to power now this part comes from the terminal entry of the virtue that is first introduced in this level.
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we learn about how lesser angels form as well as more information on how heaven itself works with a social hierarchy. we also learn how they relate in terms of being another angelic being in hell, next to gabriel. their role is to put the sinners who are not acting out their punishment in their place "in order to not waste gabriel's time with minor offences and fluctuations." so gabriel's role in hell generally does not include small offences like this, he works on a grander scale which we will see a bit later. 4-2 god damn the sun another terminal entry from a mini-boss introduced in this level, the sisyphean insurrectionist.
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another act of pushing against heaven's control is met with death, a contrast to minos's pacifist approach. gabriel has killed another king in hell, king sisyphus as well as a fleet of other angels to aid him in this war. the details of gabriel and the angels actions show the brutality in their force, the response that rebellion is met with. it seems that gabriel was made responsible for these two deaths which implies that prior to being judge of hell, he had some role that was somewhat related to it since he's the one higher angel that is sent down for these tasks. i also have a creeping feeling that gabriel has had a larger presence in hell as well given there are murals of him seen in.. 4-3 a shot in the dark and 4-4 clair de soleil
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these murals are a bit of a curious thing to explain since we don't have an exact time frame of when they were created or who created them. the first instance of them is seen in 4-3 a shot in the dark where it is smeared with blood painted in the word "traitor". it implies that at some point in the past, gabriel was much more tolerant or even a friendlier figure that had turned on them, be it during the war or sometime prior.
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the next instance would be in 4-4 clair de soleil in which the two other murals are hidden within the tomb of sisyphus's corpse. perhaps they were erected as a show of power by the angels given their placement here next to his body. or it could simply be a curious room for the sawblade update, however i don't believe that that is all it is. some time in hell's history, gabriel was a friend yet he soon became a traitor. 5-2 waves of the starless sea now here is where we see what exactly gabriel values and is often where people's opinions on gabriel change a bit as we see more of his nature outside of bloodshed and arrogant behavior. the ferrymen we find the ferryman's cabin, empty save for the filth that spawns in alongside the idol present on the second floor. the ferryman's diary is found on the desk.
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here is an excerpt from the ferryman's diary, the full passage found here as it is too long to be fit into a single picture. the diary details a time in which one of the ferrymen was going to sink deep under the waves of the now ocean styx as mankinds ultimate death led to the river overflowing.
yet instead of falling victim to the waves, this particular ferryman is saved by gabriel, who comforts them as they are ushered to safety. "Be not afraid, sinner. Your devotion to God shows goodness in you; plentiful indeed. The heart is willing but the body must rest, lest you squander one of the Lord's creations."
gabriel tells the ferryman that he recognizes their faith and devotion to god, seeing that despite their forms as husks in hell they are good people. he cares about the ferrymen's efforts to gain passage into heaven and does not let them sink deep into the ocean where that goodness will be wasted. he does not want for them to work themselves to death, to allow the hopelessness of hell to consume them. he doesn't want that. gabriel became a symbol of hope and light to the ferrymen. a statue of him can be found within the level as well. he continues to be their light as evident by the ending words of the ferryman's diary. in addition to this is the ferryman's theme, he is the light in my darkness which is coupled with artwork of gabriel and the ferryman drawn by francisxie.
another bit of information that pertains to gabriel is a segment from the ferryman's terminal data, where it is stated that gabriel is the only one who cares about their efforts.
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what gabriel values is seen very clearly : he seeks those who truly care about god and those who are working to improve themselves to be granted passage into heaven. more evidence supports this with the introduction of.. the idols idols are actually demons that were carved into a form that can be mistaken as divine by those who don't know any better. their terminal entry states that having been in close proximity to the ferryman's holy cloth has allowed for the holy power within it to seep into them, allowing the chain of compassion to continue.
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an important bit of information introduced here is that the only angel of heaven's higher order that watches over hell is gabriel. if the council were to find out about the existence of idols and what the ferrymen have done to them, they would be ordered to be destroyed. it implies that gabriel can see that the idols are not actually peversions of the divine form but can see that they are actually tributes to him and the angels that the ferrymen are devoted to. there is a stark difference in the way gabriel behaves when ordered by the council and when acting on his own judgement and accord. he really cares about the intentions of those he gives the time of day to pay attention to when it is his choice. in the instances of most of gabriel's crimes, it is an order from the council that he acts on. 5-3 ship of fools there isn't quite a lot of lore pertaining to gabriel here other than showing just how important gabriel is to the ferrymen with a statue of him seen inside of the ship, a hologram of him warm words playing on loop and a portrait of him seen in one of the first rooms of this level.
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he is clearly incredibly important to them with these tributes to him found across the ferry.
5-4 leviathan here we find an instance of gabriel striking down the heart of the leviathan as the souls attempt to escape its body.
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this is an act he chooses to do or an act ordered by the council where i feel it is one where gabriel is doing what he believes his role as the judge of hell asks of him.
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we don't know what would have resulted in the souls being let free but judging based on what we know of him now, i assume that this act was done as a means to prevent the souls from being let free and so that they serve their punishment accordingly.
6-1 cry for the weeper we are met again with gabriel speaking to us.
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"Machine, I know you're here. I can smell the insolent stench of your bloodstained hands. I await you down below. . . COME TO ME"
it doesn't take me explaining for it to be apparent that gabriel is furious.
he fully expects for v1 to plunge down deeper and to cross paths with him once again. he is waiting and he is livid. 6-2 aesthetics of hate
i'm pulling out all the stops and you're about to see why. the final level in ACT II in which we finally fight gabriel once again, but before that, we are met with gabriel speaking to both himself and to you. "Limbo. Lust. All gone. . . With Gluttony soon to follow. Your kind know nothing but hunger. Purged all life on the upper layers. And yet they remain unsatiated. . . As do you. You've taken everything from me, machine. And now all that remains is PERFECT, HATRED." we learn of what has been happening to hell itself as both v1 and other machines devastate what of it remains. gabriel tells us that we have taken everything from him, that the only thing he has left is the boiling anger and hate that he holds for us. to watch everything he's worked for crumble at the loss against a machine has left him in such a tense, angry and anguished state.
the presentation for this fight is beautifully done, perfectly encompassing the atmosphere needed to capture the tidal wave of emotions that are about to break through. this is gabriel's only attempt at redeeming himself in the eyes of the council, to prove himself not a traitor and that he has always been faithful to the father's will. "Machine, I will cut you down. Break you apart. Splay the gore of your profane form across the stars. I will grind you down until the very sparks cry for mercy. My hands shall RELISH ending you. HERE. AND. NOW." and so the dam breaks. gabriel has said what he swears to do to you, the venom in his words clear as day. an immediate difference in this fight is the use of his twin swords splendor is justice and justice is splendor as well as an immediate enraged state.
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something of note is the use of those swords as it's stated here that pride stopped him from using them in the previous fight but things have become more personal. this is not the only time he has unsheathed his swords as he has used them in the war against sisyphus. an excerpt from sisyphus prime's terminal entry states : "He unsheathed his swords for the first time since time immemorial and beheaded Sisyphus, displaying his head for all to see." keep that in mind for later, it's important.
his movements are quicker and he hits much harder, the track the death of god's will playing as the fight continues.
in the first phase where he's enraged, his anger is palpable in his taunts : • you need. more. power! • is this what i lost to? • you're getting rusty machine! • i'll show you divine justice!
just to name a few. he's egging you on, to fight him. perhaps, in a way he doesn't want you to go easy on him, to purposefully let him win as it would be more than insulting. the arena is like that of the rest of heresy, dark murky and bathed in a red fog with water (or blood) filling the main part of it. that changes upon his phase change along with his behavior as well. "IS THAT THE BEST YOU'VE GOT!?"
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this is something that is sometimes passed over since people are mostly focused on either dealing damage to gabriel, focused on where he is or staying away from him as they're unsure what to do. the lights of the arena are influenced by his phase change and his emotions. no longer is it bathed in red but in the beautiful blue and gold that represent his ecstasy and joy of struggle. his own brilliant light illuminating the arena. it could be said that gabriel's rage is the reason why heresy is a crimson red however i don't believe that's the case. i believe that gabriel's own light in this moment is so bright, so radiant that it's enough to light up the fight and overpower the dense crimson fog of heresy. his wings also change to match the gold and blue, as shown here to be labeled as ecstasy. in phase 2, gabriel is having fun, he's enjoying the struggle of a fight in which victory does not come to him so easily and it can be heard in the taunts that he switches to in this fight : • show me what you were made for! • come on machine, fight me like an animal! • come get some blood! • i'll show you true splendor! again, just to name a few. alongside some of these taunts, gabriel laughs. curiously, there is an unused taunt in which gabriel states "So this is what you see in bloodshed." you'll notice i boldened "i'll show you divine justice!" and "i'll show you true splendor!" call it a stretch but i feel like the specification on justice and splendor with each one being used for the phase 1 and phase 2 respectively is like the duality of his emotions and who he is, much like his twin swords. at first he seeks justice for himself and what he has lost to v1 but further in the fight, he relishes in the struggle of meeting someone that is equal to him if not better. the behavioral differences in his fighting are like that of his fight in 3-2 in the flesh in which he will mix up his attacks with a teleport in between. i interpret gabriel becoming more difficult in phase 2 is due to him truly enjoying himself, with a more clear mind that isn't filled to the brim with anger that has boiled over. he's having fun, he's struggling and he loves it. finally, we come to the end of the fight in which gabriel exclaims to himself ..
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"Twice? Beaten by an object.. twice! I've only known the taste of victory, but this taste... Is- Is this my blood? Haha- I've never known such... such... relief? I-I need some time to think.. . We will meet again, machine." it's an interesting bit of dialogue, subverting most people's expectations. instead of gabriel descending into further madness, a spiral of emotions consuming him, this defeat gives him pause.
he's relieved at the sight of his own blood. why is that? there's a multitude of answers to this but i believe the reason why he's relieved at the sight of his own blood is that it's like a weight off of his shoulders, his conscious. angels bleed. the righteous hand of the father bleeds. his status as a supreme angel does not prevent him from being put in harms way and his blood is just about the same as any other being. whatever he is does not make him special. he bleeds just like anyone else and no status could ever protect him from that, only himself. his words here are also curious. while his previous defeat speech is filled with anger and confusion vowing that this battle is not over, in this speech gabriel states that they will meet again. it's less of a threat, a vow for revenge and more like coming back to v1 to speak with them further despite how one-sided this conversation may be. there's also a very apparent difference in the way that gabriel says "May your woes be many and your days few." the first one is threatening much like his defeat speech but this one? it's lighter, lower, less angry. he even chuckles slightly as he says it, possibly finding that the phrase is ridiculous to say when looking at the position that he's in. afterall, he doesn't even have a day left and perhaps even less than that should v1 finish him off before the holy light vanishes. just like that, he vanishes in a pillar of light.
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his terminal data that comes with this encounter explains all of this clearly, he found something he wanted to do for himself. free will for an angel. ACT II. - INTERMISSION.
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we're almost at the end. the ending cutscene opens to gabriel having teleported away to what we can assume is the first layer of heaven, the moon, as he gazes into a fire alone with his thoughts and revelations. the text that fills the screen describing gabriel's thoughts are filled with confusion, introspection and guilt. he realizes that his actions were not something that was always just, always right, finding that he not only embodied a holy figure to follow but also the cruelty that his actions left in his wake. his two defeats has turned his world view upside down, leaving him to try and piece together everything he believed he knew only to find that it never made sense to begin with.
gabriel realizes that the council he answers to masquerades god's name, intentionally or not, having their supposed fellow angels in a vice grip of fear. the angels still do what they believe is what god wants of them but they have not accepted that he has long since gone. believing is not enough, and he knows this now. this is a choice he makes with his own new found free will and he chose to do something drastic.
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slaughtering the council, the group of angels that have brought a facade of stability to heaven. "The last councilor, now backed up to a wall, scrambles for words between panicked breaths as death approaches with measured steps." gabriel is calm, confident in his decision with contrasts with the behavior of the councilor that writhes in fear of his fate. he knows what he is doing as its a decision he made his own.
he speaks clearly, shutting down the argument that the last councilor has to offer. ". ..Our status forbids it! . .. We are the supreme authority, our law commands you!" interesting is it? that the council pleads with their status, their only "protection" of their life when gabriel's place as the will of god did not protect him at all, only his supposed prior betrayal representing who he was. and so he tells it to them, that their words hold no power over him. he has realized that the council dances around the father's name as a means to keep power and control over the other angels, their only defense in the face of danger is their fragile words. and so gabriel states that he will show his fellow angels that there is nothing to be afraid of for the council's reign will no longer hang over them. he says it flatly, that god is dead. the last thing that this councilor has to say to plead for his life is that he is the only way for gabriel to reconnect with the holy light, ultimately preventing him from dying. and all gabriel has to say, is that "i know." it's an interesting choice he's made since he ultimately could have forced the councilor to reconnect him, saving his life and then kill him. he could have taken that chance to rebuild heaven into a more peaceful place for the angels, afterall he is loved more than the council and it seems other angels would find more joy and peace in him as their leader. but he doesn't do that. he accepts his fate. he made that choice. the weight of his sins, his atrocities committed in the name of god and the guilt that comes with it. do you think he could have lived to bare those anymore, knowing that he was the cause for so much suffering? there was no going back from that, he had already done so much harm.
what could he have done to fix that? minos is dead and even if his prime soul lives on, there is nothing left as his failure to stop v1 has led to the disappearances of the upper layers of hell.
sisyphus is dead and just like minos, even if his prime soul lives on, the damage has been done. the sisyphean insurrectionists left with only the essential body parts to carry out their punishment, they will never know the peace that they had worked so hard for. what would gabriel remaining alive do to benefit anyone? to him, perhaps nothing. he failed to see through the wool pulled over his eyes and because of it, so much was lost. there is one thing left that he can do.
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and that is to show the angels of heaven that there is nothing to be afraid of. you'll probably notice that his wings are like that of his phase 2 in 6-2 aesthetics of hate. i believe this is gabriel relishing in knowing that the people of heaven will see his last message, the wordless proclamation of their freedom. and even if death approaches him, he has done something that he has wanted for himself and for the rest of heaven. SO WHAT DOES ALL OF THIS MEAN? gabriel is a character whom we see the various sides to, the various faces that he shows to people in this story. you pick up the pieces to who he is, having experienced who he is face to face twice now and seeing him unravel. this story is about him and you, v1, the catalyst. he's someone often watered down an angel too in over his head that has the sense knocked into him, which isn't too far off when there is absolutely so much more to him. he's a kind, patient angel who is capable of committing atrocities and has done so under the belief that his actions benefit something, somebody he values or follows. gabriel believes in righting his wrongs, bringing justice in which things are even, balance, proper and when he finds that he was part of the problem, he willingly gives his life as it is trickling away to fix it. of course, he is still an angel, a prideful one that isn't innocent. he's guilty of so much but he ultimately seeks to make things better for those he believes are worthy of happiness, peace. he himself has numbed to the joys of struggle as reward comes easy to him, realizing that being met with a force that matches his own is exhilirating. that the ability to choose his own fate, make his own decisions instead of blindly following the council just as any other angel has made much more of a positive change than anything he's ever done. he's going to fade soon and he knows it. in other words, i think gabriel is pretty cool guys. EXTRA okay now here comes my little crazy shpeal when it comes to gabriel's motif of beheading. in the war against sisyphus, gabriel beheaded him as a means to break the morale of his army and in the end of ACT II he beheads the council member and presents the head to the crowd of angels to dissuade fear. alongside that is imagery of gabriel himself being beheaded which are found in 5-3 ship of fools.
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both of these can be found when the ferry is flipped upside down and filled with water. it's just something interesting i noticed :] next, there's this little thought i had in which gabriel has become more "human" as the story progresses. in the testaments presented at the end of each secret level, we find that what we can assume is god refers to humans as a failure, their free will consuming them and causing things to grow closer to entropy. now what exactly does that mean for gabriel? well : his time is limited. he is mortal. he will die. he has gained his own free will, even in his dying moments, he chose to make a difference. even as the councilor scrambles for words, stating that their law commands him, it mirrors the first testament presented to us in the game in which it states : "mankind is a failure. free will is a flaw. let the evil of their lips consume them. then i shall begin again with my word as law." with each push, each struggle, gabriel grows more human than angel. now, finally. there is his motif of radiance and light and somebody else has written it more perfectly than i ever could and you can find it right here! please give it a read, it is what inspired me to go on this little analysis of gabriel.
anyway, that's all. just a little something. feel free to add your thoughts, i would love to read them and do correct me if there's something wrong.
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ihavethedreamies · 3 months
Beginner's Luck | Easy to Expert (3 v1)
Lee Yongbok (Felix) & Yang Jeongin (I.N.) - Stray Kids
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~3k
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Fingering, Cosplay (Fox Lingerie), Multiple Partners, Oral (F! And M! Receiving), Threesome, Double Penetration, Anal Play, Sex Toys - Butt Plugs, Anal Sex, Unprotected Sex (Bad Idea, Don't Do It)
Author's Note: I was supposed to just do a part two for Felix's Easy but now I have these as well…
-> Part 1 <-
-> Part 2 <-
-> Ver. Seungmin <-
-> Ver. Hyunjin <-
-> Ver. Han <-
-> Ver. Lee Know <-
-> Ver. Changbin <-
-> Ver. Bang Chan <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Is she really sure about this?" Jeongin was unsure when Felix first brought it up and still was. About a week ago, the older guy came to him with the proposition, and anyone would be stupid to say no. He just wasn't sure why you chose him. Someone like Chan or Hyunjin were more obvious choices, he was just Baby Bread…At least, that's how he thought you saw him. Jeongin kept his hands in his pockets as Felix led him up to your apartment. It had been a few months since you two had started dating, and Jeongin was shocked that you were so…adventurous.
"Are you sure?" Felix turned to him before he plugged in the key code to your door.
"Yes! I mean…" He blushed, "I want to but I'm just not too confident."
"Look, just do what we say, and it'll go well. We'll talk about it ahead of time, but you don't have to do anything you don't want." The elder reassured the maknae who nodded, psyching himself up.
"Okay, hyung." He nodded and then fist-bumped Felix before your boyfriend let them both in.
You heard the door lock chime as he unlocked it and you shuffled awkwardly. You were in your bedroom, standing at the end of the bed. Felix was right on time. You fiddled with your bra; the furry texture tickled where it fell past the underwire. Your panties were a similar story, the orange faux fur was at least soft. The wraps of the same material around your wrists were a bit itchy though. Your thigh high socks were the same color orange, and the feet were black. A slightly uncomfortable head band sat on your head, two pointed ears sticking from the top. You shifted your weight to your other hip, flinching a bit at the feeling of the plug in your ass. The fox tail hanging off of it made it tug weird at your insides. At Felix's behest you had prepared already so you didn't have to worry much about getting ready while Jeongin was also there. The whole thought of a threesome was already kind of overwhelming, and then he wanted to put you in the costume. It was arousing though, just slightly embarrassing.
"Love?" Felix's deep voice called out.
"In here!" you replied, and you heard them whispering to each other and presumed they were removing their coats, shoes, and bags.
"Oh, you look amazing, love." Felix complimented as he led the younger in and you wished the tail could wag as well.
"Shit." Jeongin swore under his breath, his face blooming red.
"You like it, Jeong?" You brought your hand to your face innocently, swaying a bit, the tail swaying too.
"Fuck." He swore again and wanted so desperately to go to you. But you weren't his girlfriend, he was the third wheel.
"Rules…" Felix started, holding his finger up.
"First, you cannot kiss her-"
"On the lips." You put your finger over your mouth. That made sense.
"Everywhere else is fine." Felix continued, "Two!"
"Listen to him." You motioned to Felix with both your hands, "Three…"
"Only I get the pleasure of her cute little ass." The elder continued, pulling you to his side and kissing the crown of your head. Honestly, Jeongin was perfectly fine with that. He thought it would have been the other way around.
"Four!" You held up your fingers.
"She can suck you off, but you cannot cum down her throat." Felix crossed his arms, and that rule threw Jeongin off.
"She likes it too much, only I can." The elder finished and Jeongin decided to dwell on that later.
"Finally, only if you're okay with it…" Your boyfriend looked at you to make sure you were still okay with it.
"You don't have to wear a condom. But you have to pull out." You finished and he nearly choked. Really?
"You're clean, right?" you asked, and he nodded right away.
"B-but what-" the other man asked, but you cut him off.
"I'm on the pill."
"Oh, okay."
"Good." Felix clapped his hands, then turned to you, "You wanna help him out?" And you nodded, skipping over to Jeongin. He was a bit taller than Felix and you looked up at him with big ole' eyes and he swallowed hard. He desperately wanted to break rule number one. He flinched when your hands went to his shirt, rapidly undoing the buttons. The maknae was too focused on what you were doing he didn't notice Felix undressing in the back and getting various things out from the nightstand. After you removed his button up, you even helped him take the long sleeve shirt off he had underneath. You were pleasantly surprised by what you saw, his arms were nicely defined, you already knew this, but so was his torso. His metabolism was so fast you never thought he would be able to get even that level of definition.
"N-Noona-" He tried to stop you when you fell to your knees in front of him, helping him out of his pants. Then he remembered one of the rules Felix had set. If you like swallowing cum, you probably also liked swallowing dick. You shot him an innocent but coy look when you came face to face with his crotch, cock straining against the cloth of his boxers. Before you pulled the hem down, you turned to look over your shoulder at Felix and he nodded, fiddling with a box of something. He pulled out three bottles, one pink, one green, and one orange.
"Strawberry, Melon or Peach?" Felix called and Jeongin was almost too distracted by your removing his boxers to hear your answer.
"Peach." You finally answered, then looked back to him staring at you.
"Can I?" You asked and he cleared his throat.
"Yeah, 'course." He licked his lips nervously. You shifted on your knees, the plug shifting inside you, and you whimpered softly. You nearly yelped when it started to buzz inside of you.
"F-Felix!" You squealed and he smiled down at his phone. He didn't tell you it vibrated! Little shit…
"Go ahead." Felix prompted you and moved the attached tail to a better angle, then wrapped your hand around Jeongin's cock. He gasped, watching in awe as your tongue flicked over the tip, the ears on your headband flopping some and you readjusted it with your other hand.
"Fuck!" His breath left him when your mouth swallowed the head, and you just kept going. He had a long cock, and you still buried him completely in your throat which made him whine.
"Noona~" He flexed his fingers at his sides, but there was no rule about touching you. Carefully he rested one hand on your head, holding one of the ears. Felix and you both knew you much preferred to have him do the work, you would just sit there and let him fuck your throat. But Jeongin didn't get that privilege. It wasn't a power thing to your boyfriend, just simply that, that Felix was your boyfriend, not Jeongin. As you sucked him off your other hand pumped what was left, you knew to listen to Felix. Outside of the bedroom, he was incredibly sweet and soft, but it turned out you liked it even rougher than he first thought. Before you could barely cum no matter what you tried. Now, it was like he could snap his fingers and you would fall apart. When you felt the younger man's cock pulse in your grip, you knew he was close, so you pulled your mouth off and grabbed him with your other hand. He then noticed your black painted nails and he groaned as he came, the white fluid painting your face and flowing over your hands.
"Woah~" You were impressed with the amount that came out, and despite wanting to taste, you knew better. You scooted back, holding your hands out, one eye closed to prevent anything from getting in it.
"Shit! Sorry!" Jeongin panicked and Felix chuckled, coming to you with a wet towel. He dotingly cleaned you off and kissed your brow as he stood back up. The younger watched, the affection not surprising him the least, but your submissive attitude sure did. You were usually pretty feisty, in a positive way, and you spoke your mind. It was then the maknae noticed what you were wearing around your neck. It was a black silk choker that had a pendant dangling from it. When you turned back to look at him, still on your knees, he saw that the heart-shaped tag had Felix's name on it.
"Does it hurt?" Felix asked as he came back, your hands adjusting the headband. You shook your head, and he helped you up and you scurried to the end of the bed. Kneeling back down on the floor in front of your boyfriend, he smiled and petted your head softly. He clicked his tongue when your hands ran up his thighs toward his covered hard-on, and he poked you hard on the forehead. You yelped dramatically and he smiled.
"Not tonight, love. Get up here." He patted the bed and you got on, laying in an obviously practiced position. Jeongin went over at Felix's prompting, running his hand through his hair, it was sticking to his forehead some from sweating.
"Kneel there." Felix pointed and Jeongin did so, finding himself eye level with your cunt. The furry panties you had on covered your pussy, but there was a hole in them to allow the tail plug to sit inside you unhindered. He let his hands run slowly up your thighs till he got to the hem of your underwear. Turned out there were ties there and before he undid them, he made sure Felix was okay with it. He nodded and so he pulled on the ribbon and carefully removed your panties, making sure to be careful of the plug in your ass. You whined and wiggled under the maknae’s gaze. While Jeongin knew that the tail was where it was, it was still a little bracing. Fun little (Y/N) turned out to be Felix's little slut.
"Go ahead.” Felix prompted and Jeongin leaned in, placing his hands on your spread thighs. The scent of your arousal hit him, and his mouth watered. Was Felix really going to let him tongue-fuck you? You were soaked, the clear, thick liquid dripping from your cunt and onto the end of the tail plug.
"Use your fingers." He listened to his hyung and when he was about to use just one, Felix corrected him. Jeongin didn't have a ton of experience, but he had enough to know what to do. But Felix did know you better.
"Fast." The elder wasn't pressuring him to hurry up, just telling him to do it like you liked it. His fingers pressed to your quivering hole and immediately pumped the two digits in, and you mewled. Your gummy walls clenched his fingers and he huffed.
"Press down." He did, and he could feel the plug buzzing through the wall of your pussy. He could feel the hard silicone as well and you whined louder when he pressed again.
"You can taste." Felix told him and he swallowed, taking his fingers out and licking them clean. Jeongin groaned and Felix smirked, coming around to look at your face. The younger couldn't see from where he was, but your boyfriend cooed at you.
"You want his tongue, love?" he asked, and you nodded.
"Go ahead." Jeongin nodded, and gently put his hands on your thighs, opening your legs more. If he was given the chance, he was taking it, so, he immediately stuck his tongue inside your cunt as deep as he could. You nearly wailed, his tongue pulling out to swirl around your clit before diving back in. Felix grinned in pride when he saw that, yes, it felt good, but you weren't twitching like you did with him. Jeongin was enjoying it more than you, almost, and his cock was already rock hard again.
"Alright." The elder came back around and Jeongin immediately pulled back and nervously wiped his face.
"Sit at the head of the bed." Jeongin followed as directed and Felix helped you move and kneel at the foot.
"Go ahead, love." Felix kissed the crown of your head, and you crawled over to the other man, tail swinging where it stuck out from your ass. Jeongin nervously sat there when you straddled him and you took his hand, bringing it to the front clasp of the bra. He unclicked it with ease and helped you take it off and he turned red. You were so pretty and cute, he couldn't believe you wanted him. Your hands readjusted the headband again, clearly in annoyance. Jeongin loved the cosplay, but he didn't want you to dislike it. He reached and plucked it off, tossing it to the side. You smiled and you sat down on his lap, your warm thighs hugging his, you let his cock rest against your stomach. The fur of the tail tickled his knee and you turned to Felix. You sat patiently as he joined you two on the bed, the orange bottle in his hand. The new set he got had a warming effect and you hadn't tried it yet.
"Okay, love, sit on Jeongin's cock." Your boyfriend allowed and you eagerly sat up on your knees more to place the head against your twitching cunt. Slowly, sighing, you let him plunge inside. The younger man groaned as your tight hole surrounded him. He wasn't as thick as Felix, but just as long, if not more so. You leaned forward, hands on his shoulders, placing your head in the crook of his neck.
"You can hold her." Felix huffed, amused by the bashful maknae. He carefully hugged you and you leaned forward more and Jeongin realized what you were doing. He could feel the silicone plug through your pussy where it sat in your ass. You whimpered in anticipation. You and Felix hadn't tried anything like this yet. He filled your cunt while you had a plug in, or fingered you while in your ass, but this was new. He made the anticipation build on purpose. Were there dildos that would work for the same purpose? Sure. But where was the fun in that? Plus, Felix liked having control in an odd way, more than he expected. He also enjoyed seeing that no one else could please you like he could.
"Okay, love." Felix came up closer and Jeongin held you closer when your own grip tightened. He ran his hand up your spine soothingly, his other resting on your opposite hip, his thumbs brushing the skin. You let out a whine and he huffed, trying to keep still, and Felix slowly pulled the tail plug out. You had already prepared and lubed your back hole, but he really wanted to be sure. Spilling some of the orange lube on his cock, Felix groaned at the warming feeling.
"Ready, love?"
"Yes, 'Lix." you answered and began to breathe carefully and the younger gasped along with you as Felix pressed his cock into your ass. You let out a moan the entire time it took him to slowly fill you. Jeongin didn't think you could have gotten any tighter than you were. You shivered once they were both in you fully, and Felix helped you change position, so you were sitting up more. Right when you hit a certain angle, they both notched in as deep as they could and you keened, feeling incredibly full. It was incredible, Jeongin watched the sanity leave your eyes, and it was like your irises turned to hearts, instantly going cock drunk.
"Hm, you like that, huh (Y/N)?" Felix whispered in your ear, and you nodded, dazed.
"What do I do hyung?"
"Just wait a sec." Felix instructed and you squeaked when he pulled out some then thrust back in. Your ass was used to his cock by this point, but being filled double was a lot. You weren't in any pain, and he could tell you were close already.
"Okay, just take slow thrusts with me." Your boyfriend prompted and at almost the same time, they both pulled back just an inch, before grinding back into you. Your head fell forward between your shoulders, chin touching your collar bone. Your nails dug into Jeongin's shoulders, and he hissed at the slight sting, not minding at all though.
"Hold on," Jeongin requested, and Felix held you up as he adjusted so he could thrust up easier. They both started slow, but were in sync, and your head swam. Your skin and insides were on fire and your mind was so foggy you couldn't form a single coherent thought. Felix huffed in amusement, and you fell forward more, hands going to dig in the sheets as they both picked up the pace.
"F-Felix~" You gasped, and he knew that meant you were close.
"Harder." he told the younger and they both picked the pace up, Jeongin panting hard, trying not to cum yet. He wasn't allowed to since he didn't put a condom on. Your raw heat around him was going to drive him crazy.
"N-Noona!" He warned and you yelped as Felix pulled you off, Jeongin cumming over both of your stomachs. Your now empty cunt clenched desperately on itself. The younger man nearly gasped when he watched Felix manhandle you into the doggy position at the foot of the bed and started to fuck you hard. You squealed in delight, your front falling to the bed, drool pooling on the sheets.
"Good girl, take my cum, love." Felix praised and that was when Jeongin realized Felix's cock was raw as well. You fell over the edge as Felix did, your ass already warm from the lube heating up. The heat traveled through your whole body and Felix felt your cunt squirt your own cum on his upper thighs.
"Fuck, good girl, (Y/N)." Your boyfriend cooed and you flopped boneless onto the bed.
"Did Jeongin do a good job too, love?" Felix asked you.
"Mmhm." You hummed in agreement which earned you a smirk. Felix then looked at the younger man, "beginner's luck."
-> Ver. Seungmin <-
-> Ver. Hyunjin <-
-> Ver. Han <-
-> Ver. Lee Know <-
-> Ver. Changbin <-
-> Ver. Bang Chan <-
-> Part 1 <-
-> Part 2 <-
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
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mr-gabriel-ultrakill · 5 months
Gabriel is so fucking COOL dude, he starts out as this basically spoiled rich kid who carries out what daddy asks without question, cutting down minos and squishing the sisyphus insurrection.
And then we arrive. The machines invade hell.
As far as we know there was no angelic response when the humans discover it, hell had it covered.
But us? We're different. We required a response, we are insatiable.
And so v1, presumably making the most headway into hell, meets him. And he makes this grandiose speech about how we will be *inanimate, once more"
And then we beat him.
Aaaand he throws a temper tantrum, he doesnt understand how God's favourite princess could lose to something god didn't make. That was a MORTAL creation.
So he goes back, defeated, and the council cant believe it either. "Heresy" and take his light away, a pain unfelt by our angel. And it changes him. Makes him *hate*
And so he waits, waits for US, not any machine that crosses the might of gods most powerful angel, playing his organ (there's a joke there somewhere)
And we beat him, again.
And he reflects on this.
And realises that nothing he's doing matters. They're trying to keep holding onto the embers of a fire that never wanted to burn.
And he goes up to heaven. Not having failed, but having *realised* that he is in charge of himself, he seeks freedom for the hours he has left
And he wants to spend them, hunting is
We are no longer just a machine. JUST a foe to cut down, we are his, and his alone
And this time, he's coming to us.
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404-art-found · 11 months
I think it would be funny if like, Gabriel holds the ferryman very carefully. Making sure they’re comfortable and will readjust if need be
picks up v1 by its head like it’s grocery bag
Anon you've gazed into my very soul because I'm soft for characters being tender and physically affectionate with each other in a way the other enjoys
Sure, logically Gabriel knows the Ferryman isn't fragile and is freakishly mobile since they have no pesky organs and muscle in the way of movement. But they just. Like being treated tenderly. And Gabriel thrives off being sappy with his partners, so this is a way to be sappy with Ferryman: holding them oh so gently in his arms like a chicken
V1, however, does not care much how it's handled because it regularly climbs onto Gabriel's head when it's inconvenient for him and risks getting thrown off at high speeds and wouldn't care if he tried to do the same, and it is the sturdiest thing in Hell. I like to think V1 typically hates having its head (and back/wings) touched, so it is a sign of great trust that it lets him just grab it; it trusts that he wouldn't damage it outside of their sparring sessions, even if it might jump on reflex. And it likes getting yoinked up and swung around, very enriching!
and so it is grocery bag
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bonus v1 getting actually grabbed by the head
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166 notes · View notes
minophus · 12 days
i wonder, if the prime souls survived v1 and lived out the rest of their days, Who would (i imagine) Choose to "leave" first...i say leave bc i dont think theyd say Im Tired As Fuuuck Bro I Wanna Die theyd say theyre tired of pushing on for nothing and want to leave.
i think minos would bc how can you Ever recover from the loss he took and the trauma he got as a result of it? Laying in sisyphus' arms droning on about it and he feels his body crack. Hed apologize to him but he doesn't really know why. Apologize about not sticking around for longer. the like. Sisyphus has a healthy enough mind to where he can handle minos being gone and especially on his own will...itd be comforting, his heart only aching that minos couldnt die happy with himself. Think minos would weep that hes leaving sisyphus and his city behind, not even fully repaired or cleanee or the dead properly honored bc of his own selfish(in his mind!) woes.
Sisyphus going first is equally as interesting to me. Hes made peace with hjimself for a while, while minos never could. Hed probably acknowledge that minos would go soon after him bc w the events of lust i dont think he could handle beingon his own. Losing his Sun all over again. I think he'd go out holding the other very very close and giving him as much affection as he can before he shatters. He would also acknowledge it fully as Dying but still use a gentler term for it. Probably tacks on some shitty joke about the sunset to cheer up minos before he goes but it only makes him weep even more.
theres also the idea of them having some unspoken agreement about going out at the same time. I think it would happen while they slowly waltzed and ended w the finale of a kiss as their bodies cracked and soon shattered. Its the most peaceful end for the two of them
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muzzleroars · 10 months
How many fallen angels do you think there are in hell? there must be a few if Mike was able to observe the process enough to try it himself. Are they all secured in Treachery or have they been hiding from machines and angels in the other layers?
Would they welcome Gabe to the club?
oooooh yes the other fallen angels!!! in the inferno, the fallen angels are met only once the poets arrive at the gates of dis - that is, from heresy downward - so i think of them being largely concentrated in those circles (despite their sins coming from any of the layers). there are rare fallen angels that exist outside of dis and make it to the upper layers, particularly now with the angelic presence in hell much lower, but v1 never encountered them because of this scarcity. likewise, while heresy is meant to have its gatekeepers, gabrel had likely scattered any fallen angels that surrounded the cathedral before v1's arrival as the last thing they would want to deal with is a pissed off archangel lol so i have any fallen angels (after lucifer's fall) living in violence and the layers past it, though there aren't too terribly many compared to the other denizens. i actually have them very secretive by nature, ashamed in the way gabriel initially was and, like the sinners of the lower layers in the inferno, not wanting themselves known to outsiders while they can be brutal to the sinners living with them. gabriel would absolutely make them curious though - he is incredibly powerful and high-ranking amongst the choirs, but most of all he was an archangel. someone like that hasn't fallen since lucifer, so i think they would spy on him from shadows since they still don't wish to be seen by v1 (considered an outsider despite being inhuman)
gabriel really doesn't know how to feel about them, as so many of them have been warped by the cruelty of hell and have lost the sense of who they once were. it's a bit haunting really, catching glimpses of them and half-recognizing a face he hasn't seen in eons. they're all still here, all the angels that were lost that gabriel helped to expel - he expected hostility actually, but very few come out to see him. i do like the idea that he eventually speaks with some that he once had fondness for (famously, there is a watcher that was close with uriel), though they are not the angels he once knew. importantly, though, gabriel doesn't hold this against them and instead finds his anger turned on god, for allowing a place like this to exist that his children, angel or human, were cast into to be forever forgotten as they twist and rot. because he sees sparks of who they were, especially when they hear his voice, but how could they not become brutish shells of their former selves in a place like this? these are angels hollowed out, burned of everything they once were and left still alive as ashes. they are envious of gabriel, he hears it in their coarse voices, yet he wonders if he might still end up like them one day.
but i think there is a fallen angel he once knew that tells him he should go to his circle, go all the way down to the wastes of cocytus. go see him. gabriel has avoided the lucifer issue intensely, keeping away of the depths of treachery because he is terrified of what he will find, to see how god ruined him and what destroyed michael from the inside out. and that beside, what could his presence serve lucifer? but the other angel is right. he should know. so my idea for lucifer is that all the other angels that fell with him are sort of...a part of him at this point. they have no higher thought or functioning, instead only able to feel pain, while lucifer has been left mentally intact but frozen. he is a mass of angels all fused with him and encased in ice, crying out in their agony but unable to produce anything else. lucifer still thinks, still lives as himself, but while their torment is individual, he feels each and every one of them on top of his own. and he is desperately alone despite the thousands that make up his massive form (sort of in the shape of a dragon's body, but it's impossible to tell from how mutilated it is as well as how it seems to disappear into the ice). he does not speak, he does not acknowledge even gabriel's presence, though gabriel can't seem to get too close without the hulking mass lashing out at him in what seems to be pure instinct. all they do is cry, thousands of voices calling out in their suffering as they have for the countless millennia they've spent like this. but gabriel doesn't want to get close, he doesn't want to see any more even if he knows he'll never stop hearing them now and weak appeals are drowned out entirely before he has to flee. this is what god does. this was his justice against those who only questioned (gabriel has read the testaments now, they were fed lies about lucifer) and i think this just. genuinely breaks something in gabriel.
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alvisthefox · 6 months
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Name: Alvis Winter
Nicknames: Al (gose by Al mostly) 113 (called by eggman when he was in his controle)
D.O.B: Unknown but was born in The War to Take Back the Planet (Sonic Forces) but guessed to be in November
Species: Fox (Genetically modified)
Age: 13 (depends on when story is, some could be him in 20s but looks mostly the same)
Gender: Male
Hight: 106cm
Alignment: True Neutral / Chaotic Neutral
Abilitys: Teleportation, electricity (He's resistant to electricity. Just cant control it. But can direct thru his gauntlets) (more but not gonna say)
Skills: Smart, Good fighting (hand to hand and weapons), Engineer/Electrician, Tech, Baking, musical instruments
Team: Team Sonic
Info: Alvis (Al) use to be known as 113 was once pronounced as a missing child presumed dead before a altercation as 113 with Sonic reviling the hold time he was in Eggmans captivity. Since Eggman let him go and was found 3 months later in the mountains living out a crashed G.U.N cargo plane. He's slowly getting a somewhat normal life with team sonic. Giving inside of working for Robotnic, why he is purple ect but keeps something still to himself. Like birthdays and why he tenses up around the mayor's wife. Almost like he is holding back anger. Alvis most open with Miles "Tails" Prower. Being when was he was 5 they did meet and found out he was a HUGE and still is a Tails fan. But Tails has mentioned how he was in Eggmans position in the first place was he was sold. But is keeping alot secrate. What els dose Alvis know. What els, he has the memories of the 4 who's DNA was used to chnage Als DNA and give powers?
Edit: That last thing. Yes. Said he had identity problem and even others saying for example "Sonic" Alvis would react like you said his name, and was mentioned he hallucinates seeing one of the 4 or all 4 at the same time. Can feel how it Felt being super in space, How the space ark food tasted, How lonly it is on angel island and how it feels to bullied to then find someone who accepts you and treats u like a brother
(This is a AU.)
Yet a nother awesome peace from @catragemiau they did a amazing job with my Sonic OC and got a charicter sheet.
I cant stress anuff that @catragemiau is worth every penny! If you want art at grate quality! @catragemiau is the one!
(Pls leave a slot for me to get art tho 🥺)
I can just go on for days about this! This is my 2nd art from them. And just like last time. So happy.
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((Should mention. These are all versions. I'm kinda just re using the look of past versions of Al in my AU))
V1 (first ever alvis back in 06)
V2 (pre experimented Alvis)
V3 (half way thru fur changing colour)
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8o8o8o8o8 · 9 months
Unearthing a 5 months old idea because I just remembered not a lot of ppl have seen it
The thing about angel biology is that everything they feel manifests as physical things, wings that changes when they Fall, anger turning them red, ect
And things they try to hide are literally stored within them
So one time V1 just. Cut Gabe open and pull each horrible, diseased thoughts, each festering regrets out and make him talk to it about them. Shedding all that burden in the most violent of ways
V1 holds up a porcelain cup that's lodged itself against the side of his pelvis. "That was Minos'. I was there to kill him and he... he had drinks set up, expecting a talk. It stuck with me, I suppose."
It plucks a string of glass beads from between his abdominal muscles, blue with a pink core. "I was never happy with the decision to supplement the virtue ranks with human souls. Didn't they deserve to rest?"
It chipped dry paint and marble chunks off of the gaps of his ribcage. "I shouldn't have... liked the way they obsessed over me. But I did. I still do."
V1 found a perfect replica of its coin just under his heart. "Leave that there."
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distorted-graffiti · 8 months
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*slam storages onto your dashboard* could i interest you in an ultrakill vampire au on this fine october day? (ultravampire as my friend calls it) the premise is pretty straightforward, it’s just everyone in ultrakill turned into a human or vampire, set vaguely in the middle ages (with historical inaccuracies galore!) i’ve only drawn out 4 designs, but i plan to draw more later on
au rambles continue under the cut
v1: a vampire menace who has been hopping kingdoms while stealing and draining blood from unsuspecting victims. the silliest billy. they do whatever the hell they want. they constantly taunt gabriel for fun as well
gabriel: a knight who follows the orders of the kingdom’s council (sound familiar?) he was tasked with tracking and hunting down v1 to put an end to their mischief. (and so far hasn’t succeeded)
v2: a human who is also trying to hunt v1, not because he’s mad v1 killed people, but because he wants his old prosthetic arm back from his sibling. (who previously took the arm and modified it to add a crossbow attachment. not cool!)
ferryman: a human ferryman (he’s kinda the same as he is in game). the ferryman was a peasant who was saved by gabriel from a vampire attack, he ended up holding gabriel in high regard afterwards and has a bunch of stuff about him on his ship. the ferryman also ends up meeting v2 when they ask him for a ride during their hunt for v1.
- the council doesn’t have extreme godly powers, they just rule a regular old kingdom (though they are still religious) (if that makes sense?)
- sisyphus and minos also have kingdoms! they aren’t on good terms with the council though (i think i might make them both vampires as well, for the fun of it)
- the terminals are haunted paintings that v1 just has in their manor
- streetcleaner is a plague doctor because funny mask (it’s unknown whether they’re a vampire or not)
- mindflayer is a vampire slay queen boss
- mirage is a fictional princess from a story for children’s told by the villagers
- also its super obvious but v1 and gabe are homogay for each other in this au. just so you know.
(more to come later + things might be changed around in the future)
also i thank @shininginhell for giving me ideas for the au <3 ily pookie bear /p
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howdy! this might seem like a weird request, but could you write headcanons of all four (if not, gabe and minos) with an s/o who sleeps with a stuffed animal? it could be a comfort item or just a preference. if not thats alright. thanks for your time!
Small Comforts
reader who sleeps with a stuffed animal headcanons (included; V1, V2, Gabriel, Minos)
x reader content (read platonic or romantic)
V1 - they would be intrigued more than anything. they would want to hold the stuffed animal, but wouldn't take without your permission - they don't question why you have it, humans are already a little strange to them so this wouldn't weird them out. if anything they understand the appreciation of the natural world, to them the plushie has a similar appeal as art - they would be a bit rough handling it at first, not particularly used to holding something so easily torn. if you ask them to be more gentle with it they would simply cradle it, not trusting the seems and joints of their hands to not rip or catch on the material - they quickly grow to like the stuffed animal, seeking out it's company if you are busy or away. they haven't really figured out to put it away correctly so expect to have to go hunting around your house to retrieve it - they don't really like staying still for long periods of time so they don't have any particular feelings on you sleeping with the plushie, if anything they appreciate that you have something to cuddle (they are aware it's a much more pleasant time to cuddle the toy than themself)
V2 - you wouldn't have to tell them, they would have dropped by your home unannounced and spied it immediately. they would all but launch across the room to pick it up and begin pestering you with questions about it - if we are being honest here they are definitely going to make fun of you for it, at least for a little while. this would quickly become a topic of great humour for them, expect for them to bring it up for weeks to come - that being said, the interrogation would stop if you reacted too negatively. their teasing is for their own amusement and a strange concept of bonding, they oftentimes don't grasp how hurtful their taunting can be. that being said they aren't intending to genuinely hurt you, and they will shut up if they get the sense you aren't enjoying the conversation anymore - the plushie will most likely go missing on occasion, the culprit adamantly denying they had anything to do with it. half of the enjoyment of kidnapping the toy is your pointed questioning about it's location, the other half is seeing where they can hide the toy to give you a plausible chance of finding it without making it easy (they're a genuine menace sometimes) - if you end up sleeping in the same bed they would refuse to have the stuffed animal inbetween the both of you, you can have it on your side but they are adamant that nothing physically separates the both of you (they are an absolute bed hog and despite not needing to sleep they still hang out in bed while you do)
Gabriel - he would notice it's presence fairly quickly and would look at it in his own time. it's likely you would catch him picking it up to inspect, which would finally prompt him to ask you about it - he wouldn't be particularly interested at first, treating it as just another decoration in your room, but over time he would grow to appreciate it. you may find him sitting with it if he's had a particularly bad day - he doesn't like handling the toy himself, fearing he might damage it in some way accidentally. he is very aware of his own strength and is especially cautious around you and your possessions. with enough encouraging he will become more comfortable holding it. the sight of Heaven's mightiest angel sloftly petting a plushie as if it's alive isn't something you will forget any time soon - he doesn't mind if you cuddle with the toy in bed instead of him, he is big enough to hold the both of you at the same time if you wished. he finds that he appreciates having the toy nearby, seeking it out if you are late to bed or are unable to stay the night with him - he may look into getting one for himself. most likely it would be a stuffed cat or a lion and would be fairly big. he would find a simple pleasure in seeing both of your animals sitting next to eachother. if he saw you holding his stuffed animal he would freeze in place, the feeling of his heart warming almost overwhelming
Minos - he would find it absolutely adorable and would tell you so. he doesn't mean this in a patronising way, he just genuinely appreciates that you've found something to comfort yourself with - it's almost comical how small it looks in his hands, and the sight of him holding it so gently warms your heart. he wouldn't handle it without your permission but you may catch him sitting with it by himself. he can't deny it's appeal and definitely compliments you on your choice of animal - he may prompt you with questions of why you have the stuffed animal, but never with the intent of judging you for it, he has definitely seen weirder - he would invite you to bring it with you on dates or when you cuddle. it isn't embarrassing to him, if anything he greatly enjoys the sight of you carrying it around or including it in activities - if you have to leave for any particularly long period of time he would keep he plushie nearby, the sight of it a comforting reminder and imitation of your presence
feel free to send multiple requests in my inbox, i go by order of what i feel inspired to write/what i have ideas for so i don't mind multiple asks. thanks for reading
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ihavethedreamies · 4 months
Sweet (3 v1) | Jongho
Choi Jongho - ATEEZ
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~2.5k
Pairing: Jongho x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff, Some Plot, Sequel/Part 3
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Pet Names (Petal, Sweet, etc.), Swearing, Kissing, Fingering, Cockbulge (Oops), Big Dick! Jongho, Daddy Kink (It just happens), Unprotected Sex (Use a condom!)
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction
Author's Note: This is one version of Part 3, 1st = "Love or Hate", and then Part 2, "Sweet or Spicy" leads to this one. You really don't need to read Part 1 for this to make sense, but Part 2 is kind of helpful but not needed.
Want Spicy instead?
Uhm, this was supposed to be very fluffy and sweet, cute…But it didn't stay like that so sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: I did change the banner images so this isn't new or changed otherwise...
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Make love to me." You whispered and he placed a softer kiss on your neck before pulling back to look you in the eye. The fiery lust that was there before had softened. He patted your butt so you would get off and then he got up as well, grabbing your hand to lead you toward your bedroom. When you reached the foot of your bed, he turned to you, holding both of your hands to his chest.
"I should have told you sooner." He admitted and you look away sheepishly.
"Me too." You conceded as well, and you moved your hands as he let them go, cupping his jaw. Jongho wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and you smiled.
"You're so handsome." You grinned and he huffed out a laugh.
"Come here, pretty girl." He returned the compliment, his arms around you pressing to him before there was no room between your chests. You pulled him down to kiss you and this time it was deep and slow; he was taking his time. Jongho's arms enveloped you, one hand pressing on your shoulder blade and the other resting on the opposite hip. His bulge was prominent against your stomach and when he finally let you pull back from the kiss, he pressed his forehead to yours. Reluctantly you let him pull back completely and he once again picked you up -with such ease, too- and laid you gently on your bed. Crawling on as well, he kneeled at your feet, rubbing your ankle gently. Your knees were bent, pressed together shyly to hide your covered pussy. Having him looming over you like that was incredibly attractive, his fond gaze calming the effect some. If he had been looking down at you with the same lust burning in his eyes earlier, you would have probably came right then. The hand wrapped around your ankle was mirrored by the other and then he slowly slid his hands up your calves and to your thighs. He kneeled over you, kissing your cheek, his fingers dancing around the hem of your shorts. Your own hands went back to his jaw and brought his lips back to yours as his hands slid under your shorts to cup your butt. He nibbled on your bottom lip, his short nails slightly digging into your flesh, and you moaned. His tongue entered your mouth and you moaned louder, tilting your head to let him kiss you even deeper. He had brought his hands so far up your shorts that they were under your panties too, the tips of his fingers peeked out from under the waist band. The fabric had bunched up, digging into your sensitive cunt. With his grip on you, he pulled your hips to grind you against his thigh, finally pulling back from the kiss. The warm smile that spread over his face brought one to your own and he nuzzled his forehead against yours again.
"I love you." Jongho traced his nose over the ridge of your ear, then sucked on your ear lobe, pulling on your stud earring with his tongue.
"I love you, too." You whispered, burying your fingers into his hair at the base of his neck. Reluctantly, you let him pull away and he lightly grasped your wrists to pull your hands from him.
"Why-" You pouted, and he shook his head.
"I need to take your top off." He informed and you let out a soft 'oh' and let him do so. He carefully pulled it off of you and you shivered a bit at the colder air hitting your now bare skin. You laid back down and he placed a kiss on your jaw, then neck, throat, collarbone, the swell of each breast, then your sternum. Arching your back when he began to suck on the flesh of your right breast, he took the chance to unhook your bra and tossed that somewhere to the side. Your nipples piqued from the cold, and he pressed down into you, your bare stomach rubbing against his t-shirt.
"Take it off, please." You whined, grabbing at the black fabric on his shoulders. He huffed in amusement and once again pulled back and you watched enraptured as he untucked it from his jeans and removed it. He noticed your eyes widen and ogle him, and he chuckled.
"Jongho~" You whined dramatically, and he straight out laughed as your head rolled back and forth on the pillow.
"You're so gorgeous." You told him and he shook his head. His fingers rested on your tummy above the waist band of your shorts and just rubbed there softly. He was ogling you as much as you were him, but you got impatient. So much so you began to take your shorts off so you could move on to his pants.
"Petal~ Slow down, let me unwrap you." He pressed you back down, his palm resting on your chest, and you pouted. Sensing your desperation, he moved quickly to your shorts himself and pulled them and your panties off. Jongho wanted to admire you, to sear your form into his mind, but he was worried the more worked up he got, the less control he would have. Bringing your foot up, you toed at his belt, and he laughed again, crawling off the bed so he could take his own pants off. You groaned seeing the bare skin of his strong thighs and his underwear pressed tight over him, his hard cock straining against the fabric. You weren't able to look long though because he crawled back over you, his hands back on your ass. He led you to wrap your legs around his waist and pressed his covered cock into your bare pussy.
"You own a scarf or turtleneck?" He asked and you told him yes, confused. He descended back to you again, leaving an opened mouth kiss on your shoulder, then moved to your neck. You gasped as he sucked hard on the skin, nibbling it slightly. Jongho licked the spot when he was done the moved to leave another one on the other side near your collar bone. He left one on your left breast, on your right ribs, above your belly button and on your inner thigh.
"J-Jongho." Your skin was on fire already and you looked down at him from where he kneeled. He propped your thighs up on his knees, and then his fingers brushed at the wetness of your core. Your breath hitched.
"Can I?"
"Of course." Your heart warmed at the fact he asked, but honestly you would have said yes to nearly any request. Slowly, his strong finger buried into your pussy, and you whimpered at the feeling. His fingers were much longer and thicker than your own, and so much stronger.
"That okay?"
"Hm." You moaned softly and after a few pumps he added a second one. You exhaled harshly, wondering how much his cock was going to fill you up if his fingers were already doing so much. His palm pressed on your clit, the end of his fingers scissoring deep inside you. Easily, he found the little patch on your top wall and pressed, forcing a yelp from you. He smiled then added a third finger and your fingers buried in the sheets. While you were never able to finish with your own hands, he was getting you close.
"Good girl." He praised, removing the digits.
"Hey~" You pouted, and the man huffed in amusement.
"Don't worry pretty, I'll fill you back up." Bringing his fingers to his mouth you watched in slight embarrassment at the shining slick covering his hand. His tongue flicked out to taste, and he groaned. Propping yourself up to watch, he got off the bed once again and you watched as he pulled the hem of his underwear up and over where his cock was tenting the fabric then the fell. He was going to split you in half, and you couldn’t be more excited. When he smirked, you braced yourself, and he grabbed your ankle, pulling you down the bed some. He took the pillow that you had been resting on and he smacked your butt lightly, making you lift your hips so he could shove the pillow underneath. With the wetness still drenching his hand, he pumped his hand over his cock, spreading his own precum over the flesh as well. When he adjusted to set the head right at your pulsing core, Jongho pulled your leg to his hip.
"Ready, petal?"
"Yes, please, Jongho~" You wiggled your hips to rub him against your cunt and he chuckled. Right as he started to press into you, he leaned over you once again, his nose bumping yours. As his lips fell back to yours, he eased into you, the stretch burning through your core and up into your stomach. He was so hot inside you, and you were so hot around him. He groaned into the kiss, harmonizing with your moan and he finally released your lips when he went as deep as he could go. In this position, his cock couldn't get inside you completely, but considering he was already bumping your cervix, you were worried about him going deeper still.
"You feel so good," You stroked his cheekbones with your thumbs, and he had to furrow his brows to concentrate, wanting to have some control.
"Can I start if I'm slow?" He rested his forehead on your shoulder. You placed your hands on his shoulders and squeezed a bit, taking a deep breath.
"Y-yeah." You nod and his arm came under your back, the other hand on your thigh still, pulling you close so your chest presses to his, your stomach to his. He slowly pulled back a few inches and then thrust back in slowly as well. The sensation took your breath away, every ridge and line of his cock rubbing your walls. He could feel the slight outline of his cock pressing through to bulge you stomach, rubbing against him. While his stature wasn't as big as Mingi's or Yunho's, you were still small enough that he could encompass you fully. You never felt safer or more loved than you did right then. The feeling nearly made you want to cry. Jongho's breath mixed with yours as he tried to control the slow shallow thrusts, but he was having a tough time.
"You can go harder." You told him, your lips brushing his and he shifted his weight onto his knees more; you wrapped your other leg around his waist. His shift changed the angle of his hips so he could get his cock deeper into your cunt. He brought his hands to yours and removed them from his shoulders, linking his fingers with yours and pinning them up over your head.
"Tell me if I'm too rough." He warned and you nodded, and he snapped his hips, pulling out about halfway before filling you back up quickly. It knocked the wind out of you, the force washing over you, making everything tingle with pleasure.
"Oh my god-" You gasped so quietly he couldn't even hear it; he felt your lips form the words.
"Too much?"
"Lord, no." You assured and he smiled, kissing you again and continuing the pace. You gripped his hands hard with your own, using him as an anchor as he pounded his fat cock into you over and over. The way he rolled his hips let his pelvis brush over your clit with each thrust, the head of his dick hitting just right inside of you.
"More…" You threw your head back, his nose and tongue brushing against the side of your throat.
"Yes, please~"
"Please?" He smirked, wondering what you might start babbling. You were already starting to look fucked out and he wondered how fast you would unravel if he railed you the way he wanted to.
"Jongho, pleasepleaseplease, fuck, please daddy-" You mewled, and he nearly growled. He ended up gripping your wrists with one hand, the other free to grab your ass, digging his fingers into the flesh. He really wanted this to be slow and romantic, but he had been waiting too long for this. So had you. With his core strength alone, and your legs around his waist, he was able to push you into a near mating press.
"Get ready, baby girl. Daddy'll fuck you good." He grunted into your ear, then pulled back nearly all the way, then pounded in so hard and fast, you instantly came. There was no build up, no warning, but he felt your walls clench even tighter and your eyes practically rolled back into your head.
"Ah, ah, da-daddy~!" You were babbling like an idiot as he plowed through your high and just kept going. He was fucking you so hard the bed frame was shaking, your breasts bounced, and you were sure you would have bright red marks on your ass from where his hips met them.
"Oh, pretty girl, you're taking my cock so good." Jongho grunted in your ear, finally able to dick you down the way he wanted, into the mattress.
"Your cunt is hugging me so good, sweet. Fuck, you're all I'll ever need, (Y/N)." He kissed under your ear, listening to the little whines and yelps you let out. Your mind was gone, your eyes nearly forming into hearts when they met his.
"I-I, you, huh…" You could barely form a thought to reply.
"You love me?"
"You love my cock?"
"You love when I fuck my fat cock into you?"
"God, yes!"
"Wanna be my girl?"
"Wanna take my cum?"
"Please! J-jongho…da-ddy~" He huffed a laugh, slightly out of breath as he felt his orgasm beginning.
"Good girl, take it then." He buried his cock as deep as he could, taking his one hand from your wrists so he could use it to hold your hips to him harder. As you felt him fill your cunt with his cum, it knocked you over the edge again and his cum mixed with your own spurted out from around his cock as it overflowed. When you both had ridden it out, he tried hard not to flop onto you as he got his bearings. You let out a high, long whine as he pulled out, globs of cum plopping out of you.
"Fuck…" He scoffed, a little taken aback by how full he pumped you. As you slipped in and out of consciousness, he went to get something to clean you off and when that was done, he rearranged the bed to get you under the bedding and he shut the lights off so he could crawl in with you. It was a good three or four hours before you normally went to sleep, but he had worn you out good and you were almost asleep already. Jongho pulled you close, your head on his shoulder, nose against his throat. He kissed the crown of your head, and you nuzzled closer.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
"Love you too-" You yawned, and he laughed and how cute you were.
"I'll let you sleep a few hours, then I'm rolling you back over and railing you into tomorrow."
Want Spicy instead?
Part 1: Love or Hate
Part 2: Sweet or Spicy
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Master-Master List
ATEEZ Master List
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bestworstcase · 8 months
thing abt the theory that (raven / summer / the last spring maiden) asked the lamp’s first question is it’s like—i don’t understand how you can propose with any seriousness that someone other than ozpin used that question without interrogating how that person learned jinn’s name. it’s a mandatory presupposition, and yet…?
in V6 ozpin PANICS when the girls start to question him. he tries to forcibly suppress oscar to protect this secret; oscar has to fight past him to force the words out. the man lunges at ruby in desperation to stop jinn from answering her. in V7 ironwood remarks that ozpin told them all that there were no questions left. half of V8 is salem trying to drag the “password” out of ozpin or oscar because the lamp is useless without knowledge of how to use it. you think ozpin would just… let slip jinn’s name to summer or raven or the maiden capable of opening the lamp’s vault? that’s absurd.
this is not a narratively inconsequential detail. jinn’s name and the knowledge of how to summon her is a huge deal in V6 and literally the cornerstone of salem’s part in V8. and it’s made crystal clear that ozpin does not share it with anyone.
which doesn’t make it impossible for raven or summer or the spring maiden to have found it out somehow—but, like, “somehow” matters actually. i think the most plausible somehow is if the lamp itself has a way to provide instructions if approached in the right way. notably no character has ever tried asking the lamp how it works or how to use it, and well. 6.2 “why does it matter who carries it?”/“he’s trying to stop you.” right? there’s room here to interpret ozpin’s intense anxiety as rooted in a real possibility that ruby might either release jinn or unlock the lamp’s user manual if she keeps asking questions while holding it.
but then in V8 we also have salem talking to the lamp (“i have questions for you”), and she understands how the staff works (“you say they used the staff; i assume you rid the world of their creation. what did you create in its stead?”)—so like, there’s a nonzero chance salem knows there are beings inside the relics and even if she doesn’t she, um, talks to the lamp conversationally hello. we’ve also seen that salem Thinks Aloud when she’s trying to figure out something she doesn’t understand (V4, “what are you planning?”).
out of all the characters in this story, salem most seems the type to, like, pick up the magical lamp and go “how do you work?”—but does it make sense for jinn’s name to be so important narratively if it’s on the magical equivalent of a post-it note somewhere?
and then too like—
this is a matter of taste maybe. but there’s, i think, this tendency to look at the lost fable and its emotional aftermath and try to retrofit that to whatever happened with summer and raven; there’s an unspoken presupposition that the world has not changed very much in the last twelve or fourteen years. but they didn’t. even before V9 that was clear—in V1-3 ozpin et al are very much not doing business-as-usual, they’re rattled by what happened to amber—and that glimpse we got in V9 is like, summer gets called away on an urgent secret mission in the dead of night and tai is like “pfft can’t wait for it to turn out another false alarm” about it. ozpin’s irrational paranoia was an inside joke to them.
there’s a crucial piece missing here—why did summer rose do the things she did?—and the lamp feels… like a cop-out. she reflects tai’s casual attitude. the face she shows raven is curtly confident. neither is real; before she puts on the smile and turns around she looks distraught. the last thing she says to her girls is “i love you just the way you are.” she is the reflection in ruby’s mirror. she was “the best of us.” and “you were born to hypnotize them all.” mirrored eyes, you know?
ruby believed in ozpin. she believed in the fairytales she tried so hard to live up to.
did summer?
the thing about the lost fable is it’s a clean break, right. yang twitches the curtain with the revelation that ozpin gave the branwens magic and qrow smooths it over and ozpin promises to be honest with them. a few weeks later, they catch him in another lie of omission and argue and jinn lays out his entire fucking life story in technicolor for them. it’s a sudden, shattering shock.
raven says she needed answers, and that the longer she looked for them and the more she learned, the more horrifying the world became. she tells yang to question everything. she says she “tried to leave”—tried. does that sound like raven asked one question (out of three) and decided to fuck off forever?
tai says raven’s flaws are what tore the team apart. twelve years later qrow is still trying to get her to come back. summer planned her rogue mission with raven behind their backs. every new kernel we get about these people suggests an interminable, convoluted mess.
ruby sounds just like her mother. summer doesn’t sound very much like ruby. “we,” ruby says, and “i,” says summer. summer rose never lies, but she plans a rogue mission with raven behind tai’s and qrow’s back and nobody suspects a thing, and when ruby asks qrow tells her summer’s last mission was a summer secret in the same tone ruby said ozpin secret. cut to the heart of this thing and it’s obvious that nobody really knew summer, only the things summer let them see. and i think—ultimately—summer left, and never came back, not because of something she learned but because she had to break the mirror.
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freddy-and-friends-au · 3 months
The band’s all here! (WIP)
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I still haven’t finished their new endoskeletons yet, but I think I have their suits mostly down!
Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the inbox!
At first glance, these are obviously inspired by the traditional Chuck E. Cheese x Rockafire Explosion suits, designing them more like sports mascot costumes and having very little of the endoskeleton showing at all times (say for Foxy, of course). This was not only for more realistic world-building, but also to optimize animation, as we now have less moving parts that are actually showing, and therefore, less to render.
You might be wondering “if you wanted a more realistic approach to the suits, why not take a more realistic approach to the masks, like a more ShowBiz Pizza style?” And to that I say: everyone does that.
Okay, that isn’t entirely the reason. I like the idea of basing the designs more off of the canon models than something that already exists, because I like the idea of FazEnt having their own style of making animatronics. The ShowBiz style isn’t the only way to do animatronic masks, and these masks are how FazEnt would go about making them. Even when FazEnt does use the trademark ShowBiz rubber-face masks on the Junior models, they don’t do it the same way that ShowBiz does it.
Something interesting I want to do with Freddy & Friends is to set narrative moments apart from the moments meant to be passed off as real footage. The designs shown above are for the latter, meanwhile the narrative will use more artistically stylized suits textured to more so resemble a comic book, sort of like Into The Spider-Verse (except instead of going for a generalized comic book feel, the Freddy & Friends style is gonna be more reminiscent of the Batman: Year One comic). The designs will be more reminiscent of how I draw them on paper, as opposed to being faithful to the canon.
Here’s some extra info as to how I came up with the designs, as well as some extra renders and concept art!:
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Original concept art from September 30, 2020.
Freddy was a little obvious to design, probably because everyone seems to design him like this when making more cartoonish versions of him. A more defined tuxedo complete with a collar and cuffs with a red stripe around his hat. It just seemed like the right direction to go in.
Bonnie was initially intended to wear a vest, though I was holding out for something else so that he could be differentiated from the evil rabbit (the evil rabbit wears a vest). I asked my friends what I could change it to, and one of them said “Try a cardigan”. Honestly, that fits Bonnie’s personality so much better, both in terms of spirit and cartoon.
You might also notice that Bonnie was supposed to have buck teeth, as well as more squared off teeth. That was originally part of his V1 model, but when I tried applying that to the new models, literally any way I tried to arrange it made Bonnie look like so much like an insufferable asshole that I wanted to punch him in the face. Ultimately, I ended up ditching the buck teeth and just gave him his classic teeth.
Chica was a little hard to do something unique with at first. I initially wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do with her, but when I modeled her V1, her little chef’s hat was a last minute addition to her design. I’m also thinking about changing her bib into an apron, per the toon designs that Henry posted a while back.
Foxy was probably the most fun to design. Obviously, his final model has a lot of details inspired by the FNAF movie, but when I was designing him 4 years ago, I really just wanted to go crazy with his design. I wanted him to have a beard, I wanted him to have a peg leg (I really liked the idea of animating him with a limp). Unfortunately, I don’t know if I’ll keep the peg leg, because it might be a little too hard for Henry to animate with the tech that he has.
As a cheeky little reference to the roots of the FNAF fandom, I wanted Foxy’s hook to resemble the hook seen on the Splinks Foxy model. ;)
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Endo01 - Version 4 WIP
I’ve done a few different versions of the endoskeleton. What I’m trying to do for this new one is to assemble him modularly, allowing me to make each component a recognizable component (they’re also actually modeled after real components).
I’m not gonna go into detail about the functionality of this guy, because I eventually plan to make a Freddy & Friends Instructional VHS series centered around being a mechanic for FazEnt. However, what I will say is that these designs are intended to have plausible functionality, especially using the technology of the 1980’s (which is not restricted to pneumatic technology, because making an animatronic walk with pneumatic actuators while maintaining the traditional complexity of animatronic endoskeletons is simply impossible).
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The original Version 1 designs
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My failed attempt at giving Bonnie buck teeth (I wanna punch him so bad…)
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Fixed Foxy
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muzzleroars · 5 months
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They kinda look similar ngl. Whatever happened to the council?
uriel is definitely meant to look more councilor-like, given his role in heaven was far from fighting as one of god's warriors. the council met the same fate in the au, which is largely the trigger for gabriel falling all the way to treachery - he is relegated to judecca, the lowest layer of the lowest circle, which punishes those who betrayed their lords and benefactors (the inferno is. a very political text lol) none of them escaped from gabriel, and quite frankly....none of the archangels, including michael, mourn their loss as a governing entity. raphael at this point has blamed them for gabriel's fall - he is grieved for them personally, but does harbor resentment for their treatment of his brother. uriel never knew them as the rulers of heaven, falling into his coma before they took hold only to wake shortly after their slaughter when gabriel became a fallen angel. however, he believes any angel willing to fill a power vacuum so quickly has ulterior motives (as they are meant to serve), and he's heard enough from raphael to know he needn't spare them much thought now. michael sees them as heretics and actually approves of gabriel's actions (he believes gabriel's love of v1 is his true treachery, causing him to turn his back on god), viewing them as usurpers of god's throne on the same level as satan. in my mind, the council were a set of opportunistic angels that greatly encouraged michael to leave in search of god while using gabriel, a far more popular angel, to drive their cause until they had no more need of him. the archangels, after all, would have been their greatest competition with god now gone as they would be the natural choice to fill that void - but with uriel asleep, michael sent away, raphael not leader material on his own, and gabriel under their control, they solidified their grip on heaven. gabriel was always going to be gotten rid of once he out-lived his usefulness given that he was still too much of a threat even on his own...i do like to think uriel finds out much of this information from their documentation and what he simply Knows about each of the council's individual members. and finding out that they had a heavy hand in sending michael off as well as how they had planned gabriel's destruction...well, raphael is genuinely PISSED for the first time in his whole existence!!!!
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