duoatomica · 16 days
Viggo grimbro and his lil man
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I learned how to render in ponytown and I'm about to create the whole httyd cast in it
@cujokroggo @ziggityzigg I WANNA ADD YALL
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krattgirl124 · 1 year
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We were talking about Viggo-
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 9 months
vigster..... lil vigster boi... viggy-weegy... viggo-to-therapy grimborn.... the beloved vig... viggone to valhalla... viggo-kart... viggie... viggomite...
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euphoritooth · 1 year
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400 Follower Milestone
Back again with my monthly post, vikings. A lotta things happened over the month, so this got put on hold for a while. I'm going to learn my lesson and start planning more thoroughly ahead. 😅
I didn't know it until now, but apparently I become aimless and distraught when I go too long without so much as scribbling a Dragons character. (/s) I'm really hoping to draw more consistently next year, even if that turns out to mean a quick Vigster doodle every other week.
About the piece itself—I learned to paint clouds! I'm currently waiting for the timelapse to export just so I can count how many times I erased everything and started over. They turned out pretty sweet, all things considered! Hiccup and Heather's silhouettes are my favorite part by far, though. (Extra note: my computer didn't run as horribly this time! Had to give up on preserving my sketch layers, but it's still a win.)
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evilwriter37 · 1 year
865 for writing prompts?
Prompt: Write about someone actually listening to the villain’s monologue and realizing that they have some really good points. (Prompt by @/creativepromptsforwriting)
“You see, Vigster, I really like your idea, but wouldn’t it be better to just banish Ryker?”
Viggo blinked in shock. He hadn’t expected the twin Dragon Riders who were currently guarding him to agree with him, but Tuffnut had just interrupted him to say that.
“He needs to be gotten rid of,” Viggo told him. “For good.”
“Life-long banishment!” Ruffnut nodded. “I like it!”
Viggo sighed, rubbed at his face. He didn’t know why he was bothering talking to these two idiots. They’d insisted upon it, however, had gotten him talking, and if there was one thing Viggo loved to do, it was talk.
“You really want to kill your brother?” Tuffnut asked, sounding stunned.
“He wanted to kill me,” Viggo said. That was a simple fact.
“Ruff wants to kill me all the time,” Tuffnut said. “But do I look dead to you?”
“I don’t know why I’m talking with you two.”
“I mean, I said I like your points,” Tuffnut told him.
“I do too,” Ruffnut agreed.
“But they need to be changed a little bit.”
“You know what needs changing?” Viggo asked. “My current place of residence.”
“You mean the cell?” Ruffnut asked.
“Precisely.” Viggo waved a hand. “It smells of dragon dung.”
Tuffnut began reaching for the key. “Oh, well, then we can clean it, but we’ll have to put you back in after.”
“Tuff, don’t be an idiot!” Ruffnut grabbed at his hand and yanked it away from the key. “He’s just trying to escape!”
“I knew that!”
Ruffnut shook her head. “I’m not as dumb as I look, but he might be.”
Viggo just sighed. Apparently there was no escaping this torment.
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viggyverse · 2 years
youre learning how to tumblr vigster omg
yas i have no idea what i’m doing lawl
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In any AU that I've ever come up with so far (except, like, three) I tend to follow the way the franchise is going. Even my Httyd Zombie AU is going to follow the franchise.
So in my Teen Chief AU, when it's time for RttE to happen, it'll be interesting to tackle that show since Hiccup can't actually leave Berk for a whole year and Hiccup (technically Dagur) is the reason the DR left in the first place.
But I do plan on having Viggo show up at some point. And Vigster's going to try to gain Hiccup's trust somehow.
Because a young 18-year-old chief with all that merch (a.k.a, dragons) on one island? How has Viggo not hit the jackpot?
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duoatomica · 1 month
The hands are handing
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Yes I draw Viggo with black nail polish
Also don't mind the third one its for holding the dragon eye(supposedly)👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
Bonus: Kitty Vigster
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@cujokroggo watch out with kitty viggo he might scratch u up
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euphoritooth · 2 years
Was looking through my saved prompts for something to doodle, and in with the ideas I had leftover from Vigcup Week, there's just.. "stabby little vigster". I do not know what this means
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