#vikings x reader
kaivenom · 1 day
How the Vikings men would bath with you
Ivar the Boneless
It takes a lot to him to trust you enough to see him naked.
Due to his body, he is very self concious so previously to entering the bath, you need to be sure he will let you in.
It is sure to say this is one of his most vulnerable moments, always expecting you to run away or something.
You position yourself behind him and tun your fingers up and down his back.
Giving him massages and hugging him, trying to reasure him that you are not afraid.
Once he gets used to this time of intimacy, having baths together starts to be a more usual activity.
Ubbe Ragnarson
He got to you side and started rubbing your legs and chest with slow almost sensual motions.
Never breaking eye contact from you, even when is hand dissapeared underwater.
With a nod you invited him to join you and what started with his attempt to seduce you is now a relaxing tradition.
Your back against his chest, connecting fingers and talking about nothing and everything.
Feeling his heartbeat against you is beautiful and calming, he also feels safe while doing this with you.
Dark ambience, small candles iluminating the room.
Hvitserk Ragnarson
The first time he entered by accident and you give him the option to join, obviously he didn't refuse.
Then started to be more often, he judt likes to have you in front of him.
After his travels to Algeciras and the Mediterranean sea, he discovers the roman baths, aromatized soaps, etc.
He is like a child, sometimes splashing you while laughing.
But dont get It wrong, he always treats you like a princess.
Now, when you raid together, he always wanders around the town, trying to know if there is some roman baths or saunas.
Sigurd Ragnarson
I somehow think that he doesn't like to bath so the only way for him to get in water is with you.
He tries to stay as much as posible in the water while you wash his blonde hair but he just makes sarcastic comments, makes weird faces and that.
He tries to splash you like a revenge and you end up having a water bottle.
The only place he likes to be in water is on the lake, but ussually is to cold to be there so... big no.
Not even mentioning that in some particular ocasion he threw you there, obviously you pushed him after.
It's the most fun and risky one to bath with.
Bjorn Ironside
He obviously starts bathing a couple of minutes before you do, that's why you always tell him when you are going to do It.
He has this hope that bathing and spending this time with you will make you reward him.
Bathing in such a small place with such a man, you feel a little overwhelmed.
He doesn't tent to do anything but always wants you to rub and wash him, he finds it relaxing
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fragileheartbeats · 2 months
"He's not good for yo-"
YES! but have you seen his eyes???
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Ragnar Lothbrok*Pet
Pairing: Ragnar x f!captured reader
Kinktober Day twenty-four: thigh riding/dry humping with Ragnar Lothbrok – after taking a Christian girl prisoner he decides to show you the pleasure a heathen can feel
Word count: 1491
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Warnings: talks of religion, religious corruption, religious guilt, teasing, heavy flirting, mini crisis of faith ig, being ragnars pet/prisoner, making out, thigh riding, smut 18+
Masterlist Here
Kinktober List Here
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“She is a Christian,” Floki whispered in Ragnars ear as the pair studied the girl presented to them, “We should get rid of her, not drag her around with us. She will only slow us down,”
While Floki’s eyes bore into Ragnars skull the kings’ eyes lingered elsewhere. They had taken your village some days ago when one of his men found you hiding in the forest. The sight of you on your knees, even if it were to pray to a false god to survive, was enough to convince Ragnar.
“I should like to keep her,” he said, watching how your lips wrapped around the words you mumbled, “Untie her hands,” he commanded one of his men as Floki sighed.
“What is it with you and your Christian pets? At least keep her hands bound,” he tried to reason but Ragnar just shook his head. He knew you wouldn’t run.
A couple of weeks had passed of successful raiding and gold was beginning to pile up around him. Ragnar sat at the makeshift feast they had decided to throw after taking another village however his eyes were once again on the Christian girl who sat across from him. At first you used to flush under his gaze, a sight he enjoyed and often tried to tease out by whispering pretty words in your ear.
Ragnar leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, “What are you thinking about?” he asked, your eyes snapping up to meet his.
“That I may sleep soon. The night is growing long,”
“That is an excellent idea. Perhaps I should join you,” he said, smirking at the way you began to stutter and flush, “Tell me something. Where you married before?”
You paused for a moment before answering, “No, why?”
Ragnar shook his head, “well I heard,” he said, leaning in closer and grinning as you did the same as his voice dropped to a whisper, “that it is only the married ones who get fucked,”
“I-well-I- yes it would be a sin otherwise,” you stuttered out, face growing hot as Ragnar poured himself another glass of wine. “I’m not even supposed to talk about…that,”
“Why not?”
“It is a sin,”
“Why?” he asked, tilting his head like a curious child.
The awkward smile worn on your lips made a real one grow on his face, “Because god said so,”
“Have you spoken to god,”
“Well, no,”
“Then how do you know?” a frustrated sigh left your lips that made Ragnars grin widen. He was getting to you and enjoying every moment of it. he leaned in closer once more, whispering for your sake more than anything,” Why would a god create something so beautiful then not let you appreciate its wonders?”
“It is a sin,” you clung to the excuse, realising you did not know why either.
The laugh that left his mouth however caught you off guard and your lips twitched, almost forming a smile at the smile on his face. That was until he spoke again, “Perhaps we should sin together one time,” he said, standing and grabbing his cup of wine. Before he could leave, he sauntered over to whisper one last thing in your ear, “And the idea of you falling apart on my cock is enough to make me believe in my god,”
A few more weeks had passed and soon you would be heading back with the raiders to their land. Despite still being wary of many of the men some, Ragnar specifically, had grown on you. “Where will I stay when you take me back with you?” you asked one night as you began to brush through your hair.
Ragnar glanced at you as he began to unlace his boots. While he had unbound your hands, he had insisted on keeping you in his tent, thankfully on your own bed, thought you wondered if this was for his entertainment or safety, “I will find somewhere for you,” he answered simply before reaching to pull his shirt over his head.
Despite seeing this sight many times, the way his muscles flexed, and his tattoos gleamed against his skin made a tingle shoot through your spine. “So, I won’t be a slave? Or is it a thrall you call them?”
Ragnar paused for a moment, his eyes scanning over you, “You need not worry little one. I will take care of you,”
A moment passed before you allowed yourself to smile, “Thank you Ragnar,” you said and a small smile crept onto his lips as he settled himself above his sheets, his eyes scanning over you.
“Come here,” he said, nervousness washing over you, “Trust me,”
You paused at first before standing from beneath your covers. Your underdress was the only thing to cover you now as you crossed the tent. Ragnar patted the spot beside him and cautiously you sat down, picking at your thumbs. His hand closed over yours, “You’ll make yourself bleed,” he said, and you just nodded as his eyes continued to study your face.
“Has anyone ever kissed you?” he whispered.
You swallowed before answering, “Once,” you said, tempted to pick at your skin but somehow resisting, “But I wasn’t very good at it,”
“Perhaps you should try again,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning over your skin as he moved to rest his forehead against yours.
“Perhaps you could teach me,” you whispered, a spark lighting in his eyes, “if I am to go back to your land perhaps it is time I Learned your ways,”
“All our ways?” he asked, his hand reaching over to run his fingers lightly up your thighs making you shiver, “Is that what you desire little one?”
“Would it be so wrong if I did?” you asked and the way your wide eyes gazed into his made Ragnars cock begin to harden.
His hand trailed slowly up your leg, torturously so until it arrived at your hip. You gasped when he grabbed it, pulling you over to straddle his thigh. “Ragnar- “you gasped, when he bent his leg up, propping you up on his strong thigh, “What are you doing?”
“Teaching,” his hands reached for your hair, pulling your lips down onto his. This was far different from the last time someone had kissed you. this was rough and needy and made whines leave your throat as one of his hands moved to your hips.
You couldn’t even question what he was doing before he began to move your hip, making you grind down onto his thigh. The way you whimpered made Ragnar wonder if Odin himself had blessed him. Ragnar guided your hips and soon your body took over, rubbing your clit against his strong thigh as his hand squeezed the flesh of your hips.
When he pulled his lips away yours chased after his making a chuckle leave them before he began to kiss down your jaw. “You don’t need to be quite little one,” he mumbled against your skin as a soft moan left your mouth, “No one will judge,”
His lips soon found the crook of your neck, kissing it in a way that made a knot in your stomach tighten. Since your hips now moved of their own accord his hands were free to travel up your frame, taking your tits in his hand and making you gasp as he squeezed them softly.
He felt his cock twitch at the feeling of the Hardened buds beneath your shift. His fingertips trailed slowly around your nipples at first, enjoying your needy whines before he finally began to roll them between his fingers.
“Oh god,” you moaned as he pinched them gently, but your words just made him want you more and groan against your skin.
It didn’t take long for a tight feeling to spread across your body, “What is happening to me?” you asked but it came out as more of a whine.
“Enjoy it little one,” Ragnar said, his lips moving to kiss your check, “Let yourself let go,” he said before your lips slammed onto his even catching yourself by surprise. Your moans allowed him to slip his tongue in, the kiss becoming messier and more desperate as you grinded against his thigh.
He felt your body jerk and Ragnar smirked into the kiss knowing what was about to happen. Your lips broke apart only for your head to fall in the crook of his shoulder, “Oh god,” you began to moan again before you felt your peak wash over you like a tidal wave.
sensing your body tensing and hips slowly Ragnar reached for your hips, moving them for you so he could watch you ride out your peak on his thigh. Curses left your lips before you finally slumped into his chest. Ragnar let out a small chuckle, letting his leg lay flat and holding you against his chest. Ragnar had defiantly made the right decision he thought.
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undiscovered-horizon · 9 months
"Finnish polka" - Ivar the Boneless x Reader
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SUMMARY: After helping one of the northern Jarls, the Lothbrok brothers attend a celebratory feast. There, they're faced with a tradition of warriors catching flower crowns that belong to young women. How surprised Ivar is when you almost shove your crown into his hands.
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Ivar is tired.
Of course he's glad that Jarl Thorstein came out victorious. And that his brothers are fine. Still, he feels weary as the adrenaline leaves his body. His legs start to ache. Ivar downs the rest of his mead in hopes it makes him a little more deaf to his mood.
The upbeat, bright music fills his mind like an obsessive thought. His heart beats to the rhythm tapped by the feet of dancing women. They spin, jump and run around with flower crowns sitting atop their heads. How the wreaths remain immovable, he can't quite say.
Ivar is also angry.
As the local tradition entails, when the song ends, all the dancing young maidens will throw their flower crowns to the crowd. Whoever catches it, is believed to be the girl's lover chosen by the gods. However, whether the couple indulges and trusts gods' judgement is a different story. But if the wreath falls to the floor, the girl is said to remain unmarried for the next five years.
Ivar knows the chance of him somehow catching one of those is near zero. He's sitting quite far from the dancers. Even if he did catch it, he's disillusioned about the imminent dissatisfaction of the flower crown's ownert. Not only is he disabled in a way that almost entirely excludes him from fighting but he's also infamous for his ruthless nature and vengeful heart. Hardly a man who invokes desire. Still, some naive piece of him remains hopeful that maybe he's wrong. Maybe he can be terrible and loved all the same.
He shakes those weak delusions away from himself before they sour his mood further.
His piercing eyes have been following one of the dancers for the better part of the song when he catches himself. Her movements look effortless even when the musicians pick up the tempo. Clearly, she's done this dance one too many times to have any doubts about what she's doing. Joy beams from her in a way that makes her appear almost shining. The wreath on the top of her head is mostly green with white and red flowers. It makes Ivar think of the woods surrounding Kattegat; it makes him think of home.
Ivar leans toward Oddleif, one of the Jarl's men, who's sitting next to him.
"Who is she?"
Oddleif looks at Ivar out of the corner of his eye. He scoffs, takes a large sip of his drink and only then decides to answer:
"If you're thinking of catching her flower crown, don't." His blond braids dance slightly as he shakes his head. There's a hint of laughter hiding in the back of Oddleif's throat. "Half of the surviving army wants it."
"I have no care for flowers," Ivar lies through his teeth. "They have no use. They wilt and die and soon no one remembers them. I am simply curious about her."
"Her father is the blacksmith. You might have seen him in the battle, swinging that damned sledgehammer." Ivar silently nods. He remembers that man - tall as a pine tree and wider than a stable. The blacksmith invokes respect even when he's not decimating enemies like a troll equipped with a tree trunk. "He said once that he'll let any man marry his daughter but only if he can lift an anvil. Tried it once myself. Not that I had any success as you can imagine." Oddleif laughs bitterly and continues drinking. His eyes are glued to the dancers but Ivar knows that right now, the two of them are admiring the very same girl with a flower crown like a forest.
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The melody continues to quicken. Despite being out of breath, you don't want it to end. Your feet ache but they do not falter nor do they stumble. It seems that their muscles know the dance better than your mind. There are a dozen girls dancing with you but you do not see them. Not really. They appear worlds away from you and the song of bagpipes and strings.
And then appears he.
A slouched, dark figure flies before your eyes as you're doing another pirouette. The man simply sits there, in the corner, but his presence is overwhelming. Or so you think. He does nothing and yet he tears his way into your microcosm of quick footwork, turns and lively polka.
You recognize him. Of course you do. Many whispers, equally frightened and amazed, have spoken of him. You have believed in all of them until the moment you met his gaze for that split second. Right then, somewhere between blinks and breaths, you renounce every gossip you've ever heard about him. A voice in the back of your head, a trickster or an oracle, nags at you to learn the truth yourself.
When the lively, fast melody comes to a stop, you find yourself shaken awake from the thoughts about Ivar the Boneless. The end of the song seems somewhat abrupt to you as you've been letting your fantasy run wild without paying much attention to what's going on around you. Dancing the last part purely by the memory of your muscles. The moment musicians stop playing, a small crowd begins to form in front of you. Men of different class, age and ancestry reach out their hands. Each one of them is more determined than the other to catch your wreath. They start to yell something but considering that the inside of the long hall is awfully loud anyway, you can't make out any words. Reading their lips, you can only tell when they're exclaiming different variations of your name.
They're only pushing towards you, shoving each other away. You keep taking steps backwards but the distance you create with each step is quickly shortened with the men calling out to you. You knew there would be many of them in front of you but never assumed that many. Instead of somewhat flattering, the siege is terrifying and imposing.
Looking for help or advice, just something that will ease your tension, you silently look around the long hall. Your gaze falls on the same slouched, dark figure. Strange peacefulness washes over you when his eyes meet yours.
The dim candlelight seems to bend around Ivar, making his corner appear darker than anywhere else in the long hall. He's simply sitting there. Maybe he's not interested? But the way he's staring at you shows nothing if not burning curiosity. The sons of Ragnar aren't know for their patience. No, they're said to take whatever they want the moment their desire sparks. Despite that, the youngest of them, and arguably the most famous, appears to be waiting. But for what exactly?
The fresh pine needles prick your skin. You furrow your eyebrows. Your gaze falls to the wreath and then comes back to Ivar. Could it be...?
It isn't much of a throw, really. You toss the flower crown towards him without looking anywhere else but into Ivar's eyes. Without as much as blinking, he catches the wreath with ease as though he has been prepared for that. Low murmurs hit your ears but quickly the sounds of disappointment fall silent as it's made clear who caught your wreath. Despite their initial determination, the men who had been reaching out to you suddenly disperse like fog does in the early morning. They knew better than to get under the skin of a Lothbrok. Especially that one.
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"I believe this belongs to you."
Ivar is holding up the wreath. Despite his words, he makes no effort to offer it back to you. His eyes are bright and glistening, the corner of his mouth is tugged ever-so-slightly upwards. He appears amused.
At first, it was nice to finally sit down after dancing for what seemed to be hours on end. But now, when you're facing the consequences of your spur-of-the-moment decision, the tension sets in once more. This time, however, it doesn't feel threatening. In turn, the nervousness is somewhat welcome like the jittery state before a surprise is revealed.
"If I wanted to keep it, I wouldn't have thrown it," you answer in a light tone.
"And why should I keep it?"
The blue eyes study you for a moment. It's a strange feeling - you can't help but think that the longer you are in Ivar's presence, talking or not, he's reading your mind and soul. He stares at you in a way that tells you he already holds all the answers but wants you to confirm them.
"It's said to bring good luck." You shrug your shoulders. "Until the wreath wilts and dies, Freya and Freyr will look after you."
Ivar looks at the flower crown again. Only now, when he's holding it, does he realize that for a flower crown, there aren't many flowers. A few sandworts and poppies, yes, but the wreath is made mostly of evergreen plants. It might take weeks until the crown wilts.
The microcosm seems closed again. Now it's not you and the bagpipes but you and him. It's strange and it's new but it's not threatening. It's not the kind of presence a man of his infamy should have. Or perhaps you've simply fallen for his honey trap.
"Why did you throw it to me?" Ivar tries to make the question seem unimportant, just curiosity brought to light. But he can't quite convince himself that he doesn't care. There's a hint of something vulnerable and genuine when the words roll off his tongue. It's easy to miss like a dandelion clock carried away by a gust of wind.
You wish you knew the answer yourself.
"I don't know really," you say honestly. "Perhaps it was one of the gods that threw the flower crown for me." You make a pause. Ivar's face is unreadable. "Or perhaps I have no interest in urgent, desperate men."
Ivar chuckles. A deep shadow is covering part of his face, making him appear kind of sinister. For a moment, you question whether he's laughing with you or at you.
"And what exactly makes you think I'm not urgent or desperate?" he continues. You notice his smile is growing wider. That glint of amusement in his blue eyes has changed in mischief. "What if I'm worse than all of them? You surely know who I am."
"Of course I do, Ivar the Boneless," you drone the words. In a barely noticeable fashion, he clenches his jaw when you say his name. It makes him feel a strange, burning sensation in his stomach but Ivar is left unsure whether he likes it or detests. "The whispers of your ruthless character are unending."
"But you're not afraid?" he asks with both disbelief and suspicion. A girl with a flower crown doesn't necessarily strike him as fearless in any way. Or this whole strange situation is a little too good, too dream-like, for him to accept it at face-value.
Ivar's smile falters when your face takes on a confident, maybe even arrogant, expression. He's taken aback.
"I'm a woman of the North," you say while leaning towards him on the table. The distance between your faces shortnes. "The only person I fear is my own reflection."
The sudden closeness makes Ivar inhale sharply. The strong smell of pine needles fills his nostrils. For a moment, his imagination runs wild but it's not his fault - he has no grasp on it:
How those big eyes glistened in the semi-dark of the long hall as you were staring at him. Your smirk, somewhat challenging and beckoning him to push on. Then, the smell of conifer that shakes all senses awake. His fantasy leaves the northern snows and travelles to forests, to him brushing pine needles from your hair and your naked, flushes skin smelling of evergreen trees.
But quickly his shaken awake, to his utmost displeasure, by you:
"Well, if you don't want it, I suppose I should take it back, no?"
Your hand unsurely reaches out for the wreath in Ivar's hand. He's quick to pull his arm back.
"It's bad luck to take back gifts," he states plainly. In an act of nonchalance, Ivar is playing with the wreath, spinning it around his finger. "I should like to keep it."
Sometimes you come back to the night you've met the infamous Viking, when you're rendered sleepless while he's calmly breathing next to you, getting the rest he desperately needs. How funny all of it seems - that a flower crown in bloodied, merciless hands could lead to having a genuine crown on your head. Maybe you were right, after all, and it really was the hand of one of the gods that threw the wreath for you.
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blue-sadie · 4 months
Tracing Tattoos
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Being in bed with a sleeping ivar and slowly tracing his tattoos, your finger tips grazing his skin leaving a trail of goosebumps, your touch slowly makes him stir in his sleep.
"Hm that feels good my love but I'd prefer if your hands scratching my back as I fuck you making you squirm and scream my name letting the village know your mine"
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starogeorgina · 11 months
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Warning: Swearing, smut, hints of violence
Pairing: Ivar × reader
“What?” He whines like a child before placing a soft kiss on your bare hip and pouting up at you, his lips still slightly red and swollen from kissing you so roughly. “I told you I wanted us to have a child of our own,” he states, pushing himself further down the bed so he can have a full view of your own puffy lips. Ivar had a fascination with watching his cum drip out of you. He would often try to push it back in with his fingers or clean you up with his tongue. “I want to see you around with my child, a creation of our love.”
“I know you do.” You let out a soft groan when his finger lightly brushes over your clit. “But I’m so sensitive, I just need a moment to…”
“You’ve spilled too much of my seed,” he says, ignoring what you previously said. “I’ll need to put more inside you if we wish for this to work.”
“Hmm… fuck!” You moan loudly as he places a strong hand on either side of your head before thrusting himself inside you for the third time that evening.
Fucking was one of your favourite things to do, but Ivar would push you to the point of exhaustion with how many orgasms he gave you. He always made sure you came at least once before fucking you into oblivion.
You nip at Ivar’s bare chest with your teeth, and he flinches slightly, causing you to giggle. Burying your face into his neck, you mumble, “How long will you be gone for?”
“I am unsure, but I will return to you,” he says, kissing the back of your knuckles, “to our family as a proud man, not as a cripple.”
Shuffling into a more comfortable position on your back, you let out a huff. You understood why Ivar needed to go to England with his father, but you still didn’t like it. Usually you remained close by his side, but being pregnant, you decided to stay behind in Kattegat, despite Ragnar asking you to join them personally. Queen Aslaug had a dream of her husband and son drowning because of a storm, but neither of them cared much for her warning, so you tried not to worry too much; you needed to believe Ivar would always find his way back to you. Letting out a deep sigh, your hand moves to cradle your ever-growing bump.
“My sweet, sweet Drifa, I can see the doubt in your eyes, but I assure you I will not die on this journey.”
“You better not; I’ll need you by my side when I deliver our child. I don’t want to do it alone.”
“You won’t be alone. If I’m not here, my brothers and mother will remain by your side.”
“I know,” you say, toying with strands of fur from the blanket covering your chest, “but they aren’t you.”
Ivar kisses the crown of your head, stroking your hair as you start to fall asleep. There was no possible way he could assure you he wouldn’t die, but he would try to comfort you the best he could. You’d grown up alongside the sons of Ragnar, with your mother and Aslaug being so close, so you’d known Ivar all your life. You had considered him your closest friend before any romantic relationship had developed between you, but the flames of desire had been burning ever since he killed a boy who tried to force himself on you.
It would absolutely break your heart if Ivar didn’t return home.
You opened your eyes, scanning the dimly lit room to see where the sound in the distance was coming from. You saw nothing but recognised the heavy breathing as your husband's, so you closed your eyes again. Leaning your head back, you try to enjoy the warmth surrounding your body as Ivar drags himself into the room. You had the slaves fill you with a bath as soon as you woke, scrubbing continuously to wash away the blood that stained your skin. Your thighs and groin were red and raw, but you continued to clean each time you saw the blood from your miscarriage reappear.
It seemed like the right decision at the time to remain in Kattegat, but you were there when the village came under attack and witnessed Lagertha killing Aslaug while her back was turned. Moments later, you fell to the ground, screaming as a pain ripped through your lower abdomen as you lost your unborn child.
Lagertha had spared your life after you attempted to kill her by throwing an ax at her head. She thought that by letting you live, the sons of Ragnar wouldn’t seek revenge for their mother. Oh, how wrong she was.
“They say being in water so warm isn’t good for you, my love.” Your husband says he's propping himself up by his arms, leaning them on the side of the tub so he’s level with you.
You shrug.
“I can have one of the slaves help you get out and dressed if you’re in too much pain.”
Shaking your head, you press your forehead against Ivar’s. To most, he was a sadist and bloodthirsty man, nothing more than a man who craved violence to fill the void in his heart, but he had never treated you with anything but kindness and respect. Ivar found the love he always craved from you in spite of others thinking your relationship would fail. Since Margarethe spread rumors claiming Ivar couldn’t please a woman sexually, the other sons of Ragner enjoyed teasing Ivar, saying it wouldn’t be long until you left him for someone else, not that you ever would.
“No, that won’t be necessary. Besides, I want to stay in here until the water cools down.”
Ivar brushes damp hair behind your ear as tears start to roll down your cheeks. “Perhaps the gods took our child early so that my mother wouldn’t be alone.”
“Perhaps,” you sob. Ivar had been furious upon learning of his mother's death and had sworn to kill Lagertha one day, but he was trying his best to contain his rage around you. “Queen Aslaug deserved better. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop what happened to her, but her death will be avenged.”
“We will have our revenge on Lagertha, but for now we will bid our time. First you will regain your strength, then we will have revenge on those who are responsible for my father's death, and then we will have retribution for what happened to my mother.”
A mixture of dampness and thick smoke hung heavily in the air as you stepped outside for the first time in days. Hiding away wasn’t going to change what happened, and you wanted to at least appear strong on the outside. The first person to greet you is Ubbe, who pulls you into a hug. “I’m sorry, Drifa; I know how happy you and Ivar were to finally start a family of your own.”
Hvitserk hugs you next but says nothing. Behind you, Sigurd makes a crude comment about Ivar losing his mommy and then his surrogate mommy right after. You keep your composure, not wanting to give him satisfaction. Sigurd had attempted to seduce you several times since you married his brother, but each time you rejected him, making him bitter towards you.
“That’s enough,” Ubbe snaps.
Irritated, your fingers tap against one of the tables loudly, gaining all of the brothers attention. You narrow your eyes at Sigurd as your fingers slide over the selection of weapons already laid out on the table for the purpose of gutting fish.
“Just ignore him,” Hvitserk says, attempting to calm you down. “My brother is just jealous; he doesn’t even have a woman to stick his cock in.”
“Is that right, Sigurd? You are making jokes at the expense of my dead child because your dick is lonely? I’m sure we could find a nice pig for you.”
His face reddens with embarrassment when his brothers all laugh at him. “You’re nothing but a whore; we all know Ivar couldn’t possibly be the father of that thing that was growing inside you. He isn’t man enough.”
“Do not insult Ivar in front of me!”
“Why? Nobody cares. Nobody gives a shit about a cripple.”
You grab hold of the knife next to you and aim it at Sigurd. The edge of the knife scrapes across the side of his face, cutting it in the process. When Sigurd goes to take a step towards you, Ubbe steps in between you and says, “No more; you’ve upset our sister enough for one day.”
Another reason Sigurd hates you is because his family accepts you as one of their own. Aslaug treated you like a daughter, and his brothers were very protective of you. They admired your loyalty to Ivar.
“I am counting down the days until my husband finally kills you!” You hiss.
Hearing a laugh, you turn your head back to see Ivar observing the scene with a smile on his face. He had managed to crawl so quietly that nobody noticed him sitting on the opposite side of the table from where you stood. He claps his hands in amusement and says, “Isn’t she fantastic? Beautiful and violent.” Ivar licks his lips before sitting back in the chair. “Now, let us begin to plan our next move.”
Ivar motions for you to come over to him; when you do, he guides you till you’re sitting atop his thighs, his arm wrapping around your back while your legs dangle over his. He kisses your cheek and says, “Good girl, your aim is getting better.”
Admittedly, you weren’t the best at welding a weapon or firing an arrow until Ivar decided to teach you. You whisper, “I still think I’ll need a few more one-on-one lessons.”
He smirks before turning his attention to his brothers, who seem unfazed by you sitting on his lap, all aside from Sigurd, whose glare is burning into you.
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Coming Back || Björn Ironside x Oc
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gifs by: unknown & @gifshistorical
Summary: Bjorn returns back to Wessex just in time for the birth of his first child with Evangeline. After being forced into marriage, it is the first time they see each other after the wedding.
Kingdom of Wessex
“Move it!” Björn yells as he moves past servants and guards rushing around the place. Ragnar follows, amused at his son’s mood. They had just set foot back in Wessex after news came that Evangeline was expected to give birth very soon. Of course shocked, Björn wanted to be by his wife’s side when his first child is born.
The married couple had not seen each other in many months as he left right after their consummating ceremony. Although their marriage was only a political matter, Björn still cared about her.
“Ah, my son-in-law! How are you Björn?” King Ebert opens his arms wide. Björn awkwardly looks to his father before hesitating and moving closer to the King who pulls him in for a hug and a pat on the back.
“My dear Evangeline has missed your presence, but rest assured, her pregnancy has been very smooth. I pray to the God above that she delivers the child safely without much pain.” He does the sign of the cross as Björn slowly nods. “And where is she? The soon to be mother of my child?” His deep voice questions the King.
King Ecbert beckons a servant, “Take them to the birthing room,” And with that, Björn quickly follows the servant, Ragnar following suit but not before giving a look to the King.
The two walk into a hallway where they could already hear Evangeline’s cries of pain. Björn stiffened at the sound of her screams, it was his first time becoming a father so he did not know what to expect. Ragnar takes ahold of his son’s upper arm making him stop. “When you go in there, she is obviously in a lot of pain. Take her hand, comfort her. And pray to Freyja.” He says lowly to Björn who just nods before exhaling from his nose.
The servant waited in front of the door. Björn nodded and the door opened revealing his wife pacing slowly around the room. Her hands on her back as she breathed heavily. Her hair was sticking to her shiny face and her white gown slightly covered with blood. Evangeline had not yet noticed his presence in the room.
Another cry left her mouth as she threw her head back, massaging her stomach as servants press a cloth to her sweaty forehead. Ragnar stayed leaned up by the door, his eyes scanning around the room. “Evangeline…” Björn called out making the princess turn her head to his direction.
In a matter of seconds, she stormed up to him, hitting his chest a few times. “Where have you been! I have been waiting for you-“ She stopped mid sentence as she winced and leaned her head against his firm chest. “Because of you, I seem to be fighting against a demon inside my stomach!” She fumed before she turned back around and continued pacing.
Björn watched his wife in shock as she kept yelling “get out, get out, get out” over and over. He looks behind his shoulder to his father for help but Ragnar only chuckles. “Sounds like a typical Viking baby” He shrugs as Björn walks to Evangeline. He takes her shoulders, “I think you should this to the bed, yes?” He says to her with his slight accent.
“I think that is a great idea, my Prince. Let’s go lay down in the bed shall we?” An older handmaiden gently takes Evangeline’s hands and move her to the bed. Now that he was married to the Princess of Wessex, he was technically considered Prince. It sure was still new to Björn.
Evangeline laid down on the bed with her husband trailing behind, his hand on her lower back. Björn takes ahold of her hand, just like what his father told her to do, placing a kiss on her knuckles before silently praying to Freyja.
“Princess, you need to start pushing!” Evangeline screams in pain but nonetheless pushes. “What are you doing?” She says in between her yells of pain. “Praying to the Goddess Freyja, so that you safely deliver our son or daughter” Björn says as he looks her in the eyes.
She doesn’t say anything but continues to push, tears streaming down her face from the pain she was experiencing. “This baby is going to be the death of me!” She screams before she gives one final push, her hand squeezing hard with Björn’s but he did not mind.
For the first time that afternoon, the villa fell silent until the noise of a baby crying broke it . Evangeline fell back on the bed, exhausted with her eyes closed. Björn stares amazed at the newborn, his child, a daughter. The handmaiden wraps the baby in cloth before taking her to the exhausted mother.
“Look, isn’t our daughter beautiful?” Björn softly whispers in Evangeline’s ear as she slowly opens her eyes, her daughter resting on her chest as tears of joy flow down her face. Björn couldn’t stop smiling at the little human being he helped create.
“She’s beautiful,” Evangeline whispers, looking down at the baby. “What should we name her?” The Princess looks at Björn with searching eyes as he takes a moment to think before looking to his father.
“I think we should name her Ingrid. It means beautiful goddess, because I know our daughter already is one,” He smiles down at the baby, her tiny hand wrapping themselves around Björn’s finger. Evangeline’s eyes move to Björn as everyone in the room exchanges looks.
No doubt were they questioning the name of the Princess’ child as it was old norse originated. “Ingrid. Princess Ingrid. I like that name,” Evangeline says softly as Björn smiles at her and kisses her cheek.
“Where is my granddaughter!” King Ecbert rushes in and stops to see the sight infront of him. His eyes immediately soften before coming to his daughter’s side, Evangeline notices his older brother Aethulwulf standing by the door awkwardly. Evangeline carefully gives her father Ingrid as the King admires his granddaughter silently.
The young Princess beckons her older brother who takes a hesitant step forward. He moves past his father and engulfs the younger in a hug. “How are you dear sister?” He rubs her back as Evangeline lets out a breath. “I’m fine. Though rest and sleep is all I can think about right now,” She chuckles as the others around do the same.
King Ecbert than passes Ingrid to her uncle. Evangeline watch as the two fuss over her daughter as she rests her head on Björn’s chest. “Thank you for being here,” She looks up to him with a gentle smile. He says nothing but moves her closer to him and places a kiss on her forehead.
The door opened and revealed Lagertha and Ragnar. The famous Shield-maiden immediately moves to the bed where the couple laid. She engulfed Björn in a tight hug before giving Evangeline one aswell. Lagertha moves to the other side and Aethulwolf passes Ingrid to her.
“Oh she’s beautiful,” Lagertha softly says, looking at Evangeline and Björn. “What is her name?” She questions as she brushes Ingrid’s cheek. “Ingrid.” Evangeline answers with a proud smile. “Ingrid.” Ragnar nods, moving behind Lagertha to look down at the baby in her arms.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful baby,” Ragnar acknowledges with a smile and winks at the young Princess.
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milkb0nny · 7 months
The Aftermath of Intimacy
Ivar The Boneless x gn!reader
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Comfortember Day 9: Aftermath
Summary: The shared moments after your intimate hours always were your favorite. His aftercare and love embraced you in Ivar's vulnerability. You loved it so much.
Note: Aftermath, but not violent. I thought of throwing in a different vibe after the rather sad 8th day. This one is sadly very short due to my very stressful week. Life was too much to handle this day, but I managed to create a very comforting prompt. Enjoy! 🤍
Warnings: aftercare, mentions of smut, slight nsfw
word count: 595
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Ivar descended, lowering himself onto your body, his head coming to rest upon your chest. His breaths were deep and ragged and he was exhausted from the intimate moments you both shared before. Your hand traced soothing patterns up and down his spine, you enjoyed his weight on your body. The two of you were a sweaty mess, relieved yet exhausted. The air hung heavy with a heady mixture of shared desire and the intoxicating scent of your entwined bodies.
Both of you lay in the aftermath, a sweaty and tangled tableau of passion. Ivar’s heart pounded so strongly you felt his heartbeat on your lower stomach. It was a moment of vulnerability and closeness - a bridge between the raw intensity of your lovemaking and the quiet tenderness that followed.
Ivar, panting and visibly tired, slowly began to lift himself from your body, his blue eyes glancing at your smile. He reassured himself that you were okay, not hurting and alright. Soon his expression softened to a tender smile, as he dragged himself off of you. The room was filled with a gentle hush as Ivar, still catching his breath, shifted to rest beside you.
His fringes gently brushed against your face, an act of adoration. In times like these his anger vanished from the earth. No one else but you knew of his loving side, where not a single madness tormented him.
“Are you alright?” He murmured, his voice a low, comforting rumble. His questions was simple, but in that moment, they carried a weight of sincerity. Your eyes avoided his blue focus, looking down on his body. You rolled over, getting closer to his body.
Your voice hummed, “Yeah, Ivar.”
In this private sanctuary, away from the chaos of the outside world, he allowed himself to be not a warrior but a companion in the aftermath of shared intimacy. Leaning in, Ivar pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
His kisses after your shared intimacy were your favorite. His care and love flowed through your whole body, telling you how much he admired you. As Ivar deepened the kiss, the warmth of his embrace enveloped you. His arms dragged you closer you, pulling you on his warm body. Breaking the kiss, Ivar rested his forehead against yours, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort or unspoken need. He didn’t want you to hurt, feel used or being scared.
“Trust me, I feel good,” you reassured him, whispering these words in his ears.
The man you shared your bed with hugged you, petting your head. His voice once again filled the room. “I worry that I am too rough with you, my love,” he admitted, looking down at you and meeting your sparkling eyes. Once again you reminded him of your angelic presence, of your strength and love.
You chuckled, kissing his collarbone as a response. Your touch comforted him and his body relaxed further, not needing to worry about your potential discomfort. Suddenly you shifted, sliding off of his body and slowly standing up. You covered yourselves in a long garment.
“I’ll get us something to drink and eat. Do you want something special, my great warrior?”
Ivar’s eyes lightened up, he nodded and smiled. Your pure, naked body in that see through garment charmed him, so much he almost wanted to drag you back into the bed.
Though, your sweetness was too kind and the young Ragnarsson wanted to feel loved and admired.
“Ale, and you as a dessert,” he replied to meet your chuckling laughter.
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mushies-stories · 6 months
Ubbe X F!Reader 18+ SMUT
Summary: you are the youngest of 2 sisters and 2 brothers and are betrothed to Ubbe, but he seems to have little doubts about what's best for you. you show him just how much those worries don't matter and how much you need him.
Warnings: smut, sex, piv, fingering, pet names, creampie, No use of Y/N
Authors note: i fucking love Ubbe, he's soft and gentle and i love him so much. like this is probably hella OC but romantic sweet Ubbe is my all-time favorite.
Word count: 3776
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Ubbe entered your chambers with snow still clinging to the fur that covered most of his body. You watched him from your warm place in bed with a small smile. “Ubbe, your trailing snow everywhere.” you note, watching globs of melting snow fall with a plot to the wooden floor. 
With a glance and sullen smile Ubbe nods and shrugs the furs from his shoulders and lets them fall to the floor by the door. “Sorry princess.” He mumbles softly and steps to stand before the fireplace, back facing you. 
He looked tired, a little irritated maybe and it made your brows furrow at his behavior. So far, he had been the sweet and happy one, the nice brother and that was why you had agreed a few weeks ago to marry him. You were both graciously given a few weeks to make it official and have the wedding, but time was almost up. You had decided he was the perfect choice practically instantly and thought he felt the same.
Slowly you pull the duvet back and shiver as you slip off the bed in your nightgown and pad over to Ubbe. He doesn’t turn from the warm fire even when he hears you, his head hangs just a little and his eyes are focused low. When you stepped in front of him your eyes easily locked with his as you tilted your own head a little to look up at him. You gave him a small smile and he returned it but with a more dejected expression.
 “What is wrong, Ubbe?” you ask with a soft voice, brows knitted together in concern. 
His eyes softened a little, your concern for him warming his heart. “I'm sorry to worry you.” he says and brings a hand up to cradle your cheek, smiling a little more when you lean into his touch. “You are perfect, sweet and beautiful.” His compliments make your heart swell, his affection had such a deep effect on you and you loved that, you never thought an arranged marriage would bring feelings like these. “But I worry, my love… My family, my world is rough and you are so kind and innocent.” he says, not wanting to speak the thoughts running through his head, the troubles behind his pale eyes. 
You rest a hand on the one holding your cheek and nuzzle into it even more, you smile sweetly up at him and take a step closer so your body is nearly pressed against his own. “Ubbe, I love you.” you state simply, pure affection in your tone. “With you I will be okay, I am not afraid to be with you or your people.” you turn into his hand and leave a tender kiss to his palm before pulling back and taking his hand from your face into your hand. Holding his hand you intertwine your fingers and admire how they fit together, how he held you own, strong and safe. “I want to be with you Ubbe, don't you want to be with me as well?” you ask, looking up at him with doe eyes.
Ubbe’s heart raced as he looked down at you, so sweet and ready to give him your love. His smile grows and his hands come down to hold gentle to your waist, pulling you a little closer so your bodies are flushed together now.. “Yes Y/N, I want to be with you.” he says with a short nod. “I love you. From the moment I met you I have loved you.” he confesses, eyes gentle and bright when he looks down at you.
You chuckle softly and smile as you bring your hands up to cup his face. “Well then, nothing to worry about. I want you Ubbe, I want to be with you. I have never felt this way about another person before so please don't push me away. We can handle any problem that comes along when it does okay?” you offer and he nods, agreeing with a love sick smile. 
You knew how to help calm him of his troubles already so easily. He knew you would be good for him. He wanted just as much to be with you, you were perfect in his eyes. The short amount of time you’ve had to talk and get to know one another created an instant bond he knew he wanted to protect.  
“Good. Now, how about we wed the day after tomorrow?.” you ask hopefully. 
“Day after tomorrow.” Ubbe agrees, his smile remaining just as bright as your own. He pulled your hips a little to get you closer and leaned down a little, just enough for your lips to meet. 
The kiss was slow, soft and sweet to begin with, his hands keeping a gentle hold of your hips as he licked across your bottom hip. Losing yourself fast in his embrace you slide your arms around his neck, pressing your chest against his and parting your lips to grant him the access he was asking for. He slides his tongue past your soft lips and takes dominance over the kiss and explores your mouth and tongue with his own, wanting to memories your taste and kiss. His hands began to wander and reach around your body. One hand came to rest on your lower back while the other slipped lower, rubbing softly before gently cupping as much of your ass that his hand could fit. 
You gasped and moaned softly into the kiss, your body attempting to press even the tiniest bit closer to Ubbes invitingly warm embrace. You had been taking it slow and waiting until you were married, you were a princess after all. Ubbe was making you want more, making your body crave to be touched by him. He released your now pretty puffy lips with a soft breathy as he looked into your glossy eyes. Your chest is rising and falling faster now and a blush is deepening over your cheeks. “Princess, if you keep looking at me like this I don't know if I can hold myself back until our wedding night.” He chuckled again, and squeezed your ass one more time and pushed your lower back into him. 
You gasp and arch your ass into his touch. You looked up at him with big eyes and bit your bottom lip. You pull away and Ubbe reluctantly lets you slip from his arms as you take a step back. Your body was acting before your brain could think, the desire to be closer to him and have more of him was growing. You wanted to show him just how much you truly wanted to be with him, wedding customs be damned. You pull on the fabric of your dress slowly, the fire behind you casting a shadow over most of your form as you pull the white nightgown over your naked body and let it fall to the ground. Your heart was racing and you could feel how hot your face and body were becoming from being so open and bare in front of him. 
Ubbes eyes widen as he takes in the sight, he takes a sharp inhale when you look up at him with the sweetest doe eyes. “Are you sure, my love? We can wait, I do not mind.” Ubbe reassured you gently, taking a step closer and raising a hand to cradle your cheek as he looked into your eyes. 
You smile softly up at him and nuzzle your cheek into his palm. “Yes Ubbe, I want you.” you confess, voice hushed and sweet.
Ubbes hand retracted only for him to bend down and reach under your thighs with both hands to lift you up. Your legs instinctively wrap tightly around his waist while your arms fly to his shoulders. He held you a moment before the fire, admiring your features and memorizing all the little details he could see before he slowly turned and started walking you to the bed and laying you down. “You’ll tell me if you want to stop, okay?” he said before crawling into the bed with you and placing your head onto the pillows. He hovered over you, hips resting softly between your legs, bare pussy pressed against the fabric covering his now hardening cock. “If it hurts too much, tell me, I'll make it feel better.” he says, eyes staring at you with such tender care. 
You nod softly and pull him down a little to give his lips soft peck. “I will.” you confirm. “Just… Please Ubbe, I want to feel you.” you say almost desperately. You push your hips up a little, your pussy already starting to drip from feeling him pressed against you, teasing your clit with every little movement. 
One arm came to rest next to your head while the other traveled down until his calloused fingers were teasing your slick folds open and rubbing at your clit. “You will, you’ll feel all of me, my love i promise.” he says sweetly as he looks down at you, watching your face as he slides his middle finger to your tight hole and teased you, threatening to slide the long digit in only to move away and focus on your clit again. 
“Ubbe, you're just teasing me.” you pout, voice a little whiny and breathless. 
Ubbe looks at you with a little sympathy in his eyes. “You're right, we have time for that later. I just want to make sure you're ready for me, that's all love.” he slowly pushed his middle finger in and let you get used to the foreign feeling before sliding out a little then back in, starting a slow rhythm. 
you gasped and arched your back into the new feeling. Your fingers gripped tighter to the pillows when he slid another finger in. you hissed a little at the stretch and Ubbe smoothed your hair back while he pumped and curled his fingers against your squishy walls. He leaned down and nipped at your neck before placing soft kisses along your jaw. “feels good.” your voice came out weak and breathless, the tight uncomfortable feeling turning over into pleasure fast. 
Ubbe smiled against the soft skin below your ear before planting a kiss and sucking on the spot. He pressed the palm of his hand against your neglected clit. The action ripped a loud mewl from you, your legs shaking softly at his sides as your eyes flutter shut. Ubbe felt his heart clench at your sounds and the way your body reacted to him, so needy and ready. 
You felt something in your stomach tighten more and more with each deep thrust of his fingers; his lips and teeth that grazed and sucked your delicate skin sent shocks to the same spot. “Ubbe, feels weird.” you whimpered, his fingers never letting up and the added attention to your now puffy clit made your moans and whimpering increase. 
“Weird, or good my love?” Ubbe nipped your neck before traveling lower to your nipples. He sucked one in and rolled the bud between his teeth, gentle and soft but enough to have your hips bucking your pussy into the palm of his hand. He knew you were close, he wanted to hear you fall apart for him, wanted to watch you cum on his thick fingers. With one last nip to your other nipple he leaned back up enough to catch your eyes fluttering open to look at him. Eyes glossed over and half lidded, lips parted slightly as you gasp and moan freely, in a daze and hardly able to even focus as the pleasure builds. Ubbe smirks softly, adoring his beautiful bride in bliss thanks to him. “Sweet girl, does it feel good?” he asks, voice low and husky.
You nod your head softly. “Good, rea-ly really good!” managed to squeak out before your pussy clamped down around his fingers and a loud needy moan escaped your lungs. Ubbe was quick to slam his lips against your own and eat every sweet moan and whimper you made while his fingers helped you through your intense orgasim. 
You shivered when Ubbe pulled his fingers from your sopping heat. He gave you another kiss on your forehead and looked over your face. Cheeks all red and out of breath while you look up at him with a small, shy smile. “You did so good my love, cumming so well for me.” he praised, kissing the tip of your nose. “So pretty, my sweet girl with the sweetest noises.” he can't help his words, wanting nothing but to love you for all eternity. 
His praise and the way his vivid blue eyes looked at you was making you need him even more. “We're not done yet… right?” you asked, voice quit timid but eyes hopeful. 
Ubbe chuckled softly and leaned back to pull his layers off, letting his upper half be just as exposed as your own. You watched him, legs spread and hands gripping gently at the pillows by your head. “Just can't wait, huh princess?” he teased, a small smirk on his face as he untied his pants, letting them hang low enough so his cock was free and eagerly waiting before your weeping pussy, precum already leaked from the tip. The sight of you sprawled out in front of him causing his cock to twitch. “Pretty thing.” he says before crawling back over your body. His cock slid between your slick folds and teased your clit while his lips found yours in a firm and grounding kiss. 
You sigh into the kiss, feeling your head become lighter the more the tip of his cock brushed your clit. You bring your arms up to wrap around his neck, his tongue exploring your mouth making you feel like you were going to float away. 
“Ubbe, you're teasing me again.” you pout between breaths when he finally pulls away for air. 
His browns furrow and he gives you an almost dramatically apologetic smile. “M’sorry love.” he coos while lining his cock with your tight entrance. With a few gentle thrusts of his hips he pops the fat head of his cock in. He watched your lashes flutter a little and your mouth open like you wanted to moan, wanted to give him those sweet noises but you held them in. “don't be scared to tell me if it hurts too much, okay sweet girl?” he said.
You nod. “I will.” you agreed. “Just please move now, I want to feel you Ubbe.” you beg and your hips jerk a little involuntarily. 
“Okay little one, just breathe for me.” he says before starting to slowly push in and stretch your needy pussy open around his thick length. You tried to keep your breathing steady while his cock filled you up. You couldn't manage for so long. Soon whimpers and moans were falling fast from your lips. The pain was intense, it felt like you were being split in two and you felt the adrenaline slowly fading as the pain continued. 
“Hu…Hurts.” you managed to squeak out, tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
Ubbe stopped, giving a low grunt at how tight your walls were clenching around him. He kissed your cheek and brought a hand down between your bodies to your clit and circled the sensitive nub. Your back arched at the added pleasure and you relaxed enough for Ubbe to take a much needed breath. “Feel better love?” he asks. He can feel your pussy getting wetter the more his finger works your clit. 
“Better.” you mumble. It did feel better, still an aching pain in your core but now the pleasure was added and it made the stretch feel almost good. “Please move.” you ask, voice just above a whisper. 
He nodded and rested his forehead against your own. “Focus those pretty eyes on me.” he tells you and begins to slowly push himself forward again, his thumb never slowing down while he sinks deeper. You breathe as steady as you can manage and keep your focus on his alluring eyes. Your lips part and a soft high pitched gasp leaves you when Ubbes hips finally meet yours, his cock fully engulfed by your pulsing heat. Your eyes flutter and struggle to stay open. He pulled his hand back up to rub slow soothing circles to your hip. “Did so well Princess, letting me in your tight little pussy.” he praised. “Feeling okay love?” he asks, searching your eyes.
His words make your wall flutter around him. You tried to speak but just choked in your own words, the feeling of him sitting so still and stretching you out making it difficult to even think. You settled on a pathetic little whine and looked at him with pleading eyes, wanting him to move, to make it start feeling good like his fingers had.
You arched your back a little, trying to get some kind of friction or movement going. Ubbe could feel your pussy gushing around his length. “So tight your pussy is leaking around me.” he noted, basking in your tight hole and feeling you slowly relax around him. “Can I move?” he asks with a little roll of his hips.
“Please, yes.” Your arms tighten around his neck, wanting nothing more than to only focus on him, be completely devoured by his presence. 
Ubbe smiles and kisses your forehead before starting a slow pace, only pulling out halfway before gliding back in to stuff you full again. He tilted his head down to trial feathery light kisses along your jaw and slope of your neck before softly nipping the spot below your ear. While one hand held your hip the other roamed to your chest, he groped and played with each nipple. Ubbe groaned at the sounds you made for him, so needy and sweet just for him. “Pretty girl, taking me so well.” he mumbles between open mouth kisses and sharp nips. “Making such sweet little noises.” he coos. 
You whimper in response. Ubbe had such an effect on your mind and body that every word, every slow drag of his cock made your mind fog over. The pleasure was building and the pain was all but forgotten now but you wanted more, wanted him to go faster. “M…more Ubbe, please.” you begged, voice barely above a whisper. “Want more.” 
Ubbe’s cock twitched. “More? Feeling good princess?” He teases only a little but is more than happy to oblige your request. Ubbe rolls his hips into you a few times before pulling back and starting a new faster pace, even snapping into you a little tougher. A lustful moan hits his ears, your pure sounds of ecstasy. “That's it, let me hear how good you feel.” he groans, against your neck, losing his own train of thought the more your pussy clenched and squeezed his cock.
Wrapping his hand under your thigh Ubbe hikes your leg to his waist, your other leg follows on its own and wraps securely around him. He gripped your ass while his cock hit just the right spot to have your desperate moans turning into breathy high pitched whines. 
Your eyes screwed shut and you couldn't help but try and hide into the pillow. You felt even better than before and the sounds you were making were becoming more obscene. It felt too good, too wonderful to keep in your needy whines. “Please, it feels so good, Ubbe!” you cry out, tears start to prick the corners of your eyes. You could feel your orgasim approaching. The feeling was so much more intense than last time, there was more build up now.
Ubbe cradles the side of your head with his other hand. “Look at me love. C’mon, show me those pretty eyes when you cum for me.” he tells you, fingers laced in your hair at the top of your head. Your eyes fluttered open and your heart soared when Ubbe was the only thing you could see. With his forehead pressed to your own he was all encompassing. “There you are, sweet girl.”
You felt tears slide down your burning face the moment the knot in your stomach snapped. You held onto him and your legs locked tighter around his hips, your back arched against him. Your pussy spasmed and squeezed around his cock. Your mouth hung slack while needy little whines filled the air. Eyes half lidded as you graced Ubbe with your undivided attention, even if your brain could form even a word with the pleasure you were feeling. 
Ubbe was so close, the hold your tight pussy had on his cock was more than enough to make him crazed. “Tight, squeezing my cock so much.” he ground out. He helps you ride out your high until your moaning turns into whines of overstimulation and your legs softly nudge him. “So good love, fuck… did so good for me.” he praises. Burying his cock deep he releases thick ropes of cum into your swollen cunt. He watched your face as fills you up and his ok twitched at the little whimper that you made.
For a moment you two stayed like that. With his cock resting deep inside with his head resting against yours. Your heavy breathing slowed until you could properly look back up at the man above you. With a small smile Ubbe strokes your hair and kisses your forehead before leaving back. Slowly he slipped out his now soft cock. You look up at him with droopy eyes and a small smile.
Ubbe can't help but look over your body, your perfect face with rosy cheeks. He watches as his cum slowly seeps from your glistening cunt. “Can’t have that.” he murmurs and scoops it up with two fingers before pushing back inside your sensitive core. You shudder at the action and grip the pillows. “Can’t wait to make you my wife, fuck your pretty pussy every day.” Ubbe was clearly still lost in his lust for you. The gleam in wanting still shining bright in his eyes. 
You had to admit that seeing him adore you so much was making your pussy flutter all over again. “Ubbe, can I…” you paused, taking a short breath. “More… I want more of you, please.” you asked sweetly, already addicted to the feeling of your soon-to-be husband's cock.
Smirking Ubbes cock twitches. “I'll give you as much as you want princess, all yours.” he tells you with his hand already pumping at his cock, ready to please you until your begging him to stop.
Thanks for reading!
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multific · 1 year
In Love with a Monster
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Ivar the Boneless x Reader
A/N: Dedicated to the one and only @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl
Summary: Being in an arranged marriage, you told your husband was a monster.
"He is a monster, yet you want me to marry him?!"
"It is best for our kingdom. And it is final, you will marry Ivar!" your father's words sent shivers down your spine. You have been arguing and trying to reason with him for the past hours to no avail.
Your father was a stubborn man, ever since you lost your mother, it got worse.
But having you marry a Viking? 
He said it was to ensure the relationship since Vikings were great at fights.
He explained that soon, a carriage will arrive for you and you will be taken to Kattegat to your husband.
And it was final.
You felt betrayed by your own father.
But what did you expect?
You knew he had been looking for a husband for you. You just never expected that he would find such a man, or as he said, a monster.
You had a terrible nightmare, dreaming of monsters as you woke up in cold sweat. 
Your life might as well end now.
But the next day, just as your father said, the carriage arrived and soon, you were on a boat sailing towards your demise and misery.
To be married to a Viking monster.
Ivar on the other hand was rather excited. When his mother told him about a Princess he will marry, he found himself to be rather excited and nervous.
He walked with his brothers towards the waters, seeing the boat, Ivar let out a sigh.
Hoping his bride would not be too afraid of him.
As you got off the boat a kind woman stepped forward. She was the Queen, wife of Ragnar, Aslaug. 
"Meet my sons, this is Ubbe, Sigurd, Hvitserk and your husband to be, Ivar." you kindly bowed to all of them and you could feel them staring at you. You wondered if your dress was possibly too much. You knew better than to stare but you did notice the weird contraption around Ivar's legs.
"He is a cripple, he cannot walk but do not let that fool you, he is a monster, a terrible murderer who would take down an army by himself." your father's words rang in your head.
"Currently the wedding is being planned so I think it would be best to let you rest, I'll show you to your room." said Aslaug, breaking the silence. 
You nodded one last time and the men in front of you before turning to follow their mother. She guided you to a house and inside she showed you a room. "Now, this would be only before your wedding, of course after it, you would be with Ivar. Welcome to Kattegat." she smiled before leaving you alone in the room to get ready for the wedding.
You let out a sigh.
"Are all monsters this handsome?" you said to yourself quietly before two servants arrived to get you dressed.
"You are lucky, Brother!" said Hvitserk as he patted Ivar on the back, they all walked off the docks, heading to their business. "She is a beauty!"
"And a Princess! You are clearly mother's favourite child, giving you such a bride. OR she just feels sorry for you." said Sigurd but Ivar didn't pay any mind to him.
His mind was filled with you.
How beautiful you looked, how shy you were. He was certain you have seen his legs, or at least heard about them. 
Ivar couldn't stop thinking about you. His senses were filled as he could recall a small whiff of your scent. Such a sweet and innocent woman you were, he could tell.
You will be the perfect wife and a great Viking.
His princess.
You looked at yourself in your gown as the servants left and gave you some space. 
You felt your hands shake, you knew you were about to be married to a monster.
You were terrified.
You learned a long time ago that people with beautiful faces can be the most cruel. 
And it is what you expected.
Ivar watched you walk towards him. Looking like a goddess, Ivar's breath was taken away immediately.
He could tell his brothers also had the same thought. 
Soon, you will be his wife, only his. 
He could see your hands shake as you said your vows.
You were his now.
His woman.
His wife.
His Princess.
As the wedding concluded, now it was time for celebration. Everyone danced, drank and ate.
Ivar saw you looking around, as if trying to learn the habits. Ivar liked that you were willing. 
You, on the other hand, stared at all these people while feeling the burning looks coming from your left, Ivar kept staring at you, making you nervous.
You didn't want the night to end. You were terrified of being alone with him. You did everything that you could just to avoid being alone with him. 
You were rather surprised that Ivar didn't do anything that evening. He showed you his home but that was it, he soon headed to his bed and slept. Leaving you and your thoughts alone.
You were thankful he didn't force you.
This went on for a couple of days.
Ivar either ignored or barely acknowledged your presence. 
And you, were terrified of him. Being how your father put all these ideas into your head before he sent you off. 
Slowly, you started to believe they weren't true.
A monster would surely have hurt you or forced you. Ivar never did.
A monster would hurt you or leave you out in the cold. Ivar never did. Instead, he invited you into his home, his bed even, gave you furs and always made sure the fire was crackling away in its place.
During the first days, you would be afraid to fall asleep, fearing he would try something while you weren't aware of it.
But not anymore.
Slowly but surely you were coming around. 
You often heard his brothers tease him about his legs. You wondered if you should say something, but you never did.
Until tonight. When Sigurd decided to be cruel. Ivar was crawling on the floor towards Sigurd when he laughed and pulled the chair back, making Ivar fall. 
You hit the table and stood up. Your eyes locked with Sigurd's you felt everyone staring at you as the room went completely silent.
Sigurd smirked.
"Would the princess like to say something?" his mocking tone changed something inside you.
"We already know you have a tiny cock Sigurd. No need taunt my husband to try and prove otherwise." Sigurd's eyes nearly fell out of his head as Ubbe and Hvitserk laughed. Sigurd looked at Ivar before he walked out of the room, you sat back and finished your meal.
You had no idea what came over you. But you certainly didn't regret it.
"So, you do talk." said Ubbe and it made you look at him.
"Of course I do."
"You have fire in you. You'll be a great Viking." he said as he leaned back in his chair, smirking but you only looked back at your food as you ate. 
You didn't look at Ivar intentionally.
But he was looking at you.
You actually stood up for him. While everyone just sat there laughing, you actually stepped up and defended him. 
And he was grateful.
He had a feeling it wasn't out of pity but rather you had enough of his brother's teasing. 
Ivar smiled to himself as he headed back to his bed. Having his little wife defend him felt truly great. Before, only his mother stood up for him, but now, you did too.
Ivar knew you are afraid of him. It is clear in your actions. But as he pulled his shirt off and laid back in his bed, closing his eyes, all he could think about was you and how beautiful you looked as you told his brother off.
When you entered the room, your eyes were immediately drawn to Ivar. He looked to be asleep on the bed, furs pooling around his waist and his chest on full display.
You were rather taken aback. 
You have never seen him like this before. 
You were shocked. He looked so peaceful and soft. 
The tattoos adoring his chest only made his skin more stunning. The fireplace gave his skin a gorgeous glow. 
You wanted nothing more in that moment than to run your fingers over the ink on his skin.
You wanted nothing more than to kiss every inch.
He looked so comfortable, you wanted nothing more than be held by his arms.
Those strong arms.
You took silent steps, fearing you would wake him. But as you moved to lay down, he stirred as he turned and looked at you.
"I didn't mean to wake you." you said with a low voice. His eyes searched yours, slowly he moved in bed, slightly getting closer to you.
"Are you still afraid of me?" his sudden question made you question yourself.
Sure, during the last couple days, he had been nothing but kind to you.
And it did make you wonder.
He was surely not a monster.
"I don't know." your answer was honest, but you wouldn't say you were scared it was more cautious. 
Cautious because you feared you might have fallen in love with him. And you weren't sure what to do with these feelings.
"My father told me about you before I arrived and I don't think he was right."
"What did he tell you?"
"He told me you were a monster, covered in blood with a wicked smile. Tole me you were a rough man and I would be happy to live a day within your claws. But, I believe he was wrong." you looked down at your hands before looking up into his beautiful eyes. "You have been nothing but kind towards me. I heard you in the kitchen making sure everything was to my liking. You asked your mother for advice and I heard her talk with you about me. I judged you prematurely, and for that, I apologize."
"You are very different from us." he said moving to sit against the pillows. "Your dresses, your hair, the way you speak, eat. I'm simply mesmerised. I feel like I'm falling in love with you, yet don't know anything about you."
There was a moment of silence as you tried to process what he just told you.
"You can be angry and proud, but you can also be gentle and caring. I wouldn't say I love you Ivar, but I can say that I can see myself falling in love with you. I believe we could be happy together here in Kattegat."
"You defended me today. Only my mother did that before."
"I simply had enough of your brother. He believes teasing you would prove his strength but it only shows his weakness. I do like your family however. I do not have siblings, so it is nice to see."
"How many times did Hvisterk try and bed you?" you let out a sigh.
"About... five. But even so, he never touched or forced me. He just simply asked, which I always declined."
"I know you did. He would have told me if he fucked you."
"D-Don't say it like that, please! I wouldn't... sleep with your brother anyway. I believe in the unity of marriage it is sacred." 
"I know you do." Ivar smiled. "Whatever should I do to make you love me, you name it."
"I believe you are already doing enough just by being so patient with me. If you could... I-I would like to be your wife, not just the woman who sleeps in your room. I wish to be a real wife to you as you would be a real husband."
"Tell me what is it you mean by that." Ivar moved even closer, grabbing your hand and placing it on his chest. You looked deeper into his eyes.
"I wish for us to find love in one another. A companionship. I wish to be the one who can calm you when you are the most angry. I wish for us to kiss and make love. To have a future and a happy life."
"You speak so sweetly. Your father was not fully wrong however. I did kill many before and I will continue to do so. If that bothers you-"
"I doesn't. It is who you are. I see it now. It is how Viking's are. I do not want to change you. I quite like you the way you are."
"Even my legs?"
"I do not care for your legs. I believe God had to take something from you otherwise you would have been too powerful." your hand moved to his neck as you pulled him closer until your lips met his. 
You were still why and Ivar could sense that, so he decided to take lead and kiss you with passion.
He soon pulled back, "Now that we kissed, I believe it is time to make love." the way he said it, his accent made a shiver run down you spine, he moved you close to him, his lips finding your neck as his hand held your waist. 
You felt your hands shake but this time, it was more excitement than nervousness.
The next morning you woke up to a feeling rather strange, someone was holding you and you felt more tired than you should.
Then after just a second, the memories came back. 
Suddenly, you realized who the arms belonged to and just why you were naked.
It was very early as you could tell, Kattegat was still asleep.
And judging by the soft snores behind you, so was Ivar.
Last night was the first ever you spent with him, it was the perfect night. 
And now, feeling his breath on your neck as his arms held you to his chest, you felt at ease. You felt happy.
You managed to fall in love with the monster.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
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fragileheartbeats · 3 months
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⌗ 𝘝𝘐𝘒𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 𝘏𝘊 ⁝ 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 ( ♱ )
— 𝘙𝘢𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘳, 𝘉𝘫𝘰𝘳𝘯, 𝘜𝘣𝘣𝘦, 𝘏𝘷𝘪𝘵𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘬, 𝘐𝘷𝘢𝘳 <3
˚꒰🌼꒱‧ it was a request, but I deleted it by mistake. Anyways hope you enjoy!
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ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐑 | 𝑳𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑩𝑹𝑶𝑲 ─ ♕ . ♡𝆬
The Charismatic Leader
Ragnar is the strategic and deeply passionate yandere. His obsession is rooted in a profound emotional connection and intellectual fascination. Ragnar treats you with a curious mix of reverence and possessiveness. He sees you as his equal, his partner in both love and adventure. "My Heart," a term that signifies your essential place in his life. Ragnar’s love is shown in grand gestures and the sharing of wisdom. He wants you involved in his plans, seeing you as integral to his vision of the future. Ragnar's jealousy is a slow burn; he's confident but can become cold and distant if he feels he’s losing your attention. When vulnerable, he shares tales of his fears and dreams, often gazing at the stars with you, pondering the gods' will. Witnessing Ragnar’s intense conflicts, both internal and external, could be harrowing. His determination to achieve greatness can sometimes overshadow his attention to you, leaving you feeling isolated amidst his ambitions. Ragnar envisions you by his side as he makes history, exploring new worlds and standing together as equals among the legends.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐁𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐍 | 𝑰𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑺𝑰𝑫𝑬 ─ ⸸ . ♡𝆬
The Fierce Warrior
Bjorn's obsession nature is that of the protector, almost knightly in his devotion. His love is fierce, and his protective instincts are strong. He treats you with a protective warmth, always ensuring you are safe and respected by all. He call you "My Shieldmaiden," even if you do not fight, it’s how he sees you—brave and strong. Bjorn’s demonstrations of love are in his protective actions, ensuring you never face danger alone. His gifts are often symbolic, representing his commitment and your shared strength. Bjorn’s jealousy can erupt into fierce displays of dominance, though he tries to keep it in check. His vulnerability comes out in quiet moments when he shares his doubts about living up to his father’s legacy. The worst experience would be getting caught in the crossfire of his ambitions and the dangers that accompany his life. Bjorn dreams of a future where you both stand as legends, with a legacy of strength, courage, and unity that echoes through the ages.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐔𝐁𝐁𝐄 ─ 𖤐 . ♡𝆬
The Compassionate Strategist
Ubbe’s obsession is more measured and thoughtful, rooted in a deep emotional and intellectual connection. He treats you with a gentle respect and an eagerness to share everything with you, from the mundane to the profound. He will call you "My North Star," guiding him through life’s tumultuous seas with your wisdom and compassion. Ubbe shows his love through acts of service and the sharing of knowledge. He’s always teaching you something new, ensuring you feel valued and heard. Ubbe experiences jealousy more quietly, preferring to outthink rather than confront. His vulnerability is in his fear of loss, often sharing his nightmares of a life without you. Perhaps the most challenging aspect of loving Ubbe is coping with his internal conflicts, particularly his struggle to balance his ambitions with his moral compass. Ubbe envisions a peaceful future, one where wisdom and compassion have created a world in which you both can thrive, surrounded by family and a community that respects the land and its history.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐇𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐊 ─ ✦ . ♡𝆬
The Wild Spirit
Hvitserk’s obsession is impulsive and volatile. He’s the embodiment of a storm—unpredictable and wild. He oscillates between intense affection and moments of distracted restlessness. But in his good moments, he's exhilarating and deeply attentive. He will call you "My Tempest," capturing both his perception of your captivating allure and the tumultuous nature of his affection. His demonstrations of love are spontaneous—adventures in the middle of the night, unexpected gifts stolen from far-off lands, and passionate declarations. Jealousy can drive Hvitserk to reckless actions, sometimes endangering himself to prove his worth. He’s surprisingly open about his feelings, wearing his heart on his sleeve. The inconsistency and his struggle with his own demons can leave you feeling insecure about where you stand with him. Hvitserk sees a future filled with adventure and unpredictability, always chasing the next thrill but doing so together, forever entwined in each other’s chaos.
ㅤㅤ ꣸ ﹒𝆋 𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐑 | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑶𝑵𝑬𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 ─ ✞ . ♡
The Ruthless Tactician
Ivar's love is intense and all-consuming, marked by his cunning and ruthless nature. He views you as his ultimate prize, his reason for victory. With you, Ivar is surprisingly tender, a stark contrast to his usual ruthlessness. He shares his strategies and thoughts, making you the confidante of his deepest ambitions. He will call you "My Queen," placing you above all, the only one capable of understanding his true self. Ivar’s expressions of love are possessive and grand. He eliminates any threats to your safety, often before you’re even aware of them. His jealousy knows no bounds, and he can become dangerously cold towards perceived rivals. In vulnerability, Ivar reveals his fears of inadequacy and his deep need for your affirmation. Witnessing the lengths Ivar will go to secure power and protect you can be both awe-inspiring and terrifying, as his methods are often merciless. Ivar dreams of a future where you both rule, unchallenged, with a legacy that will be remembered and feared throughout the ages.
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Ivar the Boneless*Does He Treat You Well
Pairing: Ivar x wife!reader
Kinktober Day eleven: knife play with Ivar the Boneless – people whisper and wonder how someone so sweet could marry someone so angry, but they don’t see what Ivar does when you’re underneath him
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Warnings: ivar being ivar, slight blood kink, blood, knife play, knife kink, p in v sex, nipple play, choking, hickeys, smut 18+
Masterlist Here
Kinktober List Here
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You heard their whispers in the street, of course you had. You remember the concerned expressions etched into your parents face as you dedicated your heart to Ivar. You knew what people thought of him and what they feared for you.
Even Ubbe, a long close friend of yours expressed his concern. You had married Ivar a month ago yet now Ubbe was asking you the question, “Does he treat you well?” he asked in a hush whisper from where you sat at the opposite side of the hall from your husband. Your eyes flickered to Ivar as you recalled how he had treated you last night.
“Such a pretty dress,” Ivar praised as he laid by your side, his hands trailing down the fabric of your dress as you gazed up at how his pale blue eyes scanned your body, “Shame it has to go,” he muttered but you knew he was not sorry.
Especially not when he clutched the neckline, his dagger slicing through the fabric with ease. Cold air washed over your frame causing your nipples to harden while Ivar finished slicing the dress off you. his eyes raked your body, the dagger slowly being dragged up your legs. You shivered as the cool metal glided along your thigh, so light that it didn’t even scratch your skin. “Husband,” you whined, your hand gripping his wrist making his eyes raise to meet yours, “I need you,”
A low growl left his throat as his lips crashed onto yours. you felt his blade move away from your body, but you were too intoxicated by his lips to care as your hands wound up in his hair as he moved to lay over you. he broke the kiss as suddenly as he started it, his empty hand reaching to squeeze your tit before pinching one of your nipples roughly causing you to whine.
His lips moved to your collarbones, sucking harsh marks into the sensitive skin as he rolled your nipples between his fingers making it hard not to moan loudly. “Such a pretty little thing,” Ivar praised, his voice almost mocking as his eyes raked your chest.
You shivered when you felt the tip of his dagger run up your side slowly, moving over to run up your chest. As he ran the blade up between your breasts, he pressed down lightly, just enough to break the skin. A hot feeling flushed along your chest as Ivar dropped the blade, running his thumb over the cut he had made, collecting the blood on his finger.
You watched as he sucked his thumb, his eyes rolling back into his skull, “Such a sweet taste,” he praised, moving his hands from his lips to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing over your cheek bone. Your hand moved to hold his wrist softly and Ivar smiled at your tenderness in even this moment. “A gift from the gods,” he murmured, his lips falling to press soft kisses down your chest to your breasts.
“Husband,” you moaned lightly as he took your nipple into his mouth.
“What is it my sweet?” he asked, trailing his mouth to the other, sucking harshly making you gasp in pleasure.
You could feel your stomach burning and your chest aching, needing his touch despite how close he already was. Your legs moved to hook around his lower back, pulling his body down gently into yours as your hands moved to cup your face, “I need you,” you whispered, pulling him in for a soft kiss.
Ivar however growled, his kiss growing more intense as his hand moved to grab your jaw. You gasped lightly when you felt his hips grind into yours, his hard cock evident through his trousers. While you had heard the whispers of his failures in the bedroom one night with Ivar proved it had just been a mishap.
His lips moved to your jaw, kissing it harshly as he trailed down your frame. His lips soon captured your nipple, his teeth grazing it making shivers run down your spin. You felt his rough hand squeeze your thigh before it slipped between them, running a finger up your slit, “So wet for me already,” he praised, “How desperate you really are,”
“So desperate,” you whined quietly, “for you Ivar. I need you please. do not make me wait,” you begged, your hips instinctively bucking as he rubbed harsh circles onto your clit, “Please husband,”
Your words seemed to spark something in the man as his hand wrapped around your neck, the other diving beneath his trousers to fish out his cock. “You want me?” he asked, and you nodded wordlessly as you felt him line himself up with your entrance, “Then you shall have me,” he grunted, pushing his tip in slowly making you gasp at his size you had still not grown used to. His eyes screwed tight in bliss as he slowly sunk his cock all the way in, his hand trailing down your throat to your breast, squeezing it lightly.
Your hips bucked, desperate for friction, and Ivar had sensed your impatience. His hips began to move, slowly at first before falling into a brutal and relentless pace. Your legs wrapped around his hips, allowing him to hit a deeper angle making curses fall from his lips.
Your eyes screwed shut, trying to stifle the moans as your fingernails sunk into his bicep. You gasped when you felt the cold blade press against your throat, but it only added to the way your body tightened beneath him. When you opened your eyes, you were met by his icy blue ones.
For a moment you wondered if it this was the sight your husbands’ enemies were forced to see before they were sent to Odin and for a moment you thought this alone would make death worth it. but they didn’t get to feel the way you did as you felt your peak soon approaching. Ivar grabbed your hand roughly, shoving it between your bodies so you could rub fast circles into your clit.
His blade moved up, pushing against your jaw making your head tilt back as Ivar’s lips dove down to your neck, kissing down the soft skin. When you felt his arm slip under your back, pulling it up and causing it to arch, you gasped as his cock hit a new spot that somehow felt even better.
Ivar groaned at the way your cunt squeezed around him, but he was determined to last until you had, and it did not take long as with a few more specific, aimed thrusts you found your orgasm rushing over you. your body tightened, your legs wrapping around him and pulling him in deeper making Ivar groan and drop the knife. He moved his arm out from under your back, grabbing at the sheets as his thrusts grew messy and desperate, his forehead resting against yours.
You felt his body stiffen as you came down from your own peak, still panting from the high as you felt him spill inside you before collapsing on top of you in a sweaty mess. After a couple of moments to allow you both to catch your breath Ivar looked up at you, his eyes tender and sweet, “Are you okay my love?” he asked.
“Are you okay?” Ubbe’s words snapped you back from reality and your eyes darted back to him, not noticing your husband’s smirk from across the room.
You smiled warmly at your brother-in-law, “Yes and you don’t need to worry Ubbe. He treats me very well, I promise,”
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woahhhgwendolyn · 10 months
Being Married To Ivar Would Include...
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-Ivar being really protective over you in every single way possible. He would fight anyone who tries to mess with you or try and take you away from him.
-Him wanting to make sure that you are safe no matter what and always has someone go with you in the village does not matter if it is him or some other warrior going with you.
-During feasts he always has you sit with him. He does not want you to feel alone or have to sit with another man. So, he just wants you to sit with him.
-When you both are in bed, he loves to cuddle with you and be with you all throughout the night. Sometimes, he lets you cuddle him from behind but his most favorite is when he is laying down on his back and then you just lay your head on his chest.
-You both always having fun no matter what is going on. Everyone always notices that you both are always smiling around each other and making each other laugh at any time possible.
-Him always being super gentle with you. He is always gentle touching you. He always makes sure that when he hugs you or even when you both cuddle that he is being gentle and soft with you.
-His brothers have had a small crush on you at some point but have let it go because they had realized that you were staying with Ivar for a long time.
-His brothers liking you and thinking that you are a good fit for him and could handle all of his crazy tendencies.
-Ragnar and Aslaug liking you as well and treating you as if you are their own family and talking to you as such as well.
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lady06reaper · 2 months
Viking x Sweetheart reader. Who on the outside is a big sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly. Said Viking got her from a village.
Only when alone with her husband does she cuss like a sailor and scream when she wants to. Just a overall temper (Viking finds it hot tho-)
She also acts like this around her kids (if she has any) and her kids are absolutely flabbergasted to see how their mom acts outside of home. Often getting secretly slapped upside the head when they say something smart only to realize no one saw it.
- Marshmellow (bit of a crackfic lol)
ya know, this the OPPOSITE of me, I'll cuss anytime, it's only when I'm alone I'm a total "sweetheart"
NSFW lines are slashed, the rest is SFW besides the cussing
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Bjorn wouldn't know it was coming, you were the sweet and doting wife, helping neighbors and playing with the local children
Your were a delicate flower in his eyes, but he knew you could hold your own when need be
Until you came home and slammed your dagger into the table where he was eating
"That mother fucking no tits asshole of a cunt! Who the hell does she think she is?! Talking about my damn husband in that fucking manner!"
his hand stopped mid path to his opened mouth, his eyebrows rose away from his widened eyes
did he hear that correctly? or was the mead taking effect already?
he stayed like that for a few moments until you snapped at him to say something
"Your mouth, where'd you learn to talk like that?"
little to Bjorns knowledge, you had always had that vocabulary, it just only came out when you were pissed
not to mention you prefer to keep the innocent facade up in public, but that doesn't you can't flip the switch if you get pushed more than what you did that day
More occurrences like this happened, though he was prepared to just let you go and cool off
that doesn't mean he didn't help you let out your frustrations with sex either
Now he knew that this delicate flower of his was poisonous
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Ubbe had a feeling that that mouth of yours was dirty, he just never witnessed it
unless you were going down on him
the feeling stayed dormant for the longest time, until he came home to the long house turned upside down
furniture was strewn across from its original places, some were broken too
You were sitting on the throne throwing daggers at a table you had propped up on its side, cussing every time the enlarged knives left your hands
"That *thud* little dicked *thud* no balls *thud* bastard child *thud* of a fucking merchant! *thud*"
he now knew his feeling was right, as they normally were
he was grateful you ran out of daggers when he reached you, or otherwise he feared one would end up in him
he didn't need no explanation, he knew that the merchant you were lewdly referring to must've tried something on you to woo you away from him, it wasn't the first time, but you were so sweet in public that you didn't want to ruin your public look by cussing the man out in public
no words were spoken as he picked you up bridal style and carried you over to the bathtub where you and Ubbe would share a relaxing soak
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Ivar knew from the start that you had a mouth, there was no way you were as innocent as you portrayed
there was always two sides to sword, he just hasn't seen your sharper, more deadlier side
until he about took your blade to his throat when he approached you in the woods while you were hacking a tree with your sword
"What's the matter my dove?" Ivar cocked his head to the side.
"That god damn fish fucking tree humping shit eating whore of woman your brother keeps closely by his side! Bitch tried to say my form was wrong during training!"
and there was your sharper edge
Ivar never understood why you kept this side hidden, especially from him
he figured it was a threat to everyone to have your meaner side out in public, and keep your softer side for him only
but Ivar wasn't you, you preferred to keep this side a secret incase you truly needed it
he thought it was hot watching those profanities drip from your mouth
like his cum did last night when you two were fucking
but, I also know that if he encouraged the sailor talk he would also receive it too, which would most likely turn into a battle of who can come up with the worst names
he liked the fiery side of you and wished you would show it more often
the villagers did not as they heard every cuss word that came out of your mouth, including the whore
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classywitchunknown · 20 days
Imagine the house of the dragon x reader x vikings
Reader is the beloved targaryen princess. The youngest daughter of alicent and visary. Everyone's favorite family member is due to her kind heart and open mind. Maybe when she was able to get away from her overprotective and possessive family, she took a peaceful walk in the woods, collecting beautiful flowers. Then she finds the injured ragnarssons and takes them back to her home. Maybe she gives them some of the flowers or some gold and jewelry to welcome them to her home. The family only accepted it because how could say no to their precious little princess (they kept an eye on them, though). Ivar takes notice that she treats him like anyone else (even after knowing he's a cripple), and the fact that she'd wack sigurd upside the head whenever he picks on him (like she did for aemond when their brother and nephews would pick on him). The ragnarssons fall in love with her, especially when she asks to learn more about their gods with a sparkle in her eyes since the first time they spoke about them. We all know the reader's family wouldn't let them marry her (especially alicent), so now there's another war. Who will when in the end? Will the reader marry one of the ragnarssons or one of her brothers or nephews? How would aslaug react to the reader? Will she see her as the daughter she always wanted? Would Ragnar and/or largetha do the same?
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