#villainous trio au fanart
merrystar · 25 days
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Gift for yew @milkyrrr and @crees-a
I love your au :3
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bonez-yard · 1 year
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CRWBY isn't giving us this badass trio so I shall take it upon myself and make this trio canon in my AU
Drawn by @golzybladedee!! I asked them if they could draw my villain AU 👉👈 I really loved how they turned out 😭😭😭
(Just to be clear only Clover is the villain, Robyn and Qrow work alongside him later in my story)
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST this artwork!!!
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zukaang | rajamandala | राजमण्डल | 羅闍曼荼羅 devdas, chigo, lengger lanang and layla-majnun inspired tale
the day zukō was born, agni bestowed him with a single eternal flame, everlastingly alight inside the gentur lamp which he would carry along with him everywhere he went. no one could extinguish and light it back at will except the one who’s destined to guide his fate, as prophesied at naloni mitoni.
after his genpuku as the successor of ōzai tennō, zukō accompanied azhura in attending durga puja and seren taun, hosted by baginda bhumi at the central port of canggu. the siblings then reunited with maiko and tài linh, who became patrons of entertainment in northern manjung.
their seventh generation of tawaifs featured the esteemed amrapali, whose swara and abhinaya effortlessly enamored kaldera royals. as she danced, not only did she take everyone's breath away, but also the life of every kindled flame in the room. then, when she lit them back with gentle sway of her hands, zukō knew that she's the one.
realizing that his son had set his eyes on a mere yìjì, ōzai warned the prince that he might be deceived by outlanders witchery, but zukō insisted that he trusted agni's sacred will. he continued to chase the tawaif in unquenchable desire to know about her more, unaware that the fate he would thread on was to become a madman, lost in utterly blind love which turned into the purest form of devotion.
because amrapali was, in fact, not merely a dancer and disciple of buddha. she was bodhisattva kannon in her avatar form-a man named āng, awakened in rana pota lake as the only living sky dweller. his kin were mercilessly wiped from existence milennium ago by zukō's ancestor, souzan tenshi, who begun the conquest of rajamandala.
āng's crimson henna, drawn by performers of tide drifters; adinda katara and kakanda saka, covered his distinguished irezumi, while his voice was trained to move even the most hardened heart by paduka běifāng and a hia haru, the stone wielders. together with his beloved shrivijayans, the avatar would liberate the victims of war under ōzai's tyrant rule.
however, it was out of āng's prior knowledge that he would possess karmic ties with the very son of his own enemy through vortex of conflicted, mortal feelings. willingly bestow thousands of blessings to zukō's thousands of prayers, he would, but even as the emanation of god, āng still could not simply pull the strings of fate as he selfishly pleased.
by the will of sang hyang widhi, āng was destined to succeed in ending the misdeeds of fire breather’s forefathers, but at the cost of his heart falling forever in unfulfilled love. for he knew, that even though zuko took the role of mirabai to krishna, their wish to be united would be granted only in death like that of layla and majnun.
for @zukaangweek third day prompt: sacred/possesive
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giiadas-art · 9 months
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The villain trio
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lunarmaster04 · 1 month
The Terrible Trio in 10 years
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Romeo’s Italian genes are hitting hard 😨
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demonic0angel · 2 years
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Luo Binghe cares a lot about his Shixiong and Shijie (click for clarity)
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
Fanart by mee~~
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Btw, just for confidentiality, I used these three pics as a reference~~
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elanorpam · 24 days
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it's been way too long since i last did wildly self-indulgent fanart, so of course i did it for an SVSSS AU that doesn't even have any actual fanfiction written of it yet. but what can i say! it's a compelling scenario! Just check the original post for details!
here's a workplace doodle for his mess of an outfit, too:
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Xin Mo is floating behind his back, wrapped in talismans. the collars are meant to be vaguely inspired on a flower bud.
Some notes i came up with for this version, copied straight from a month-old discord convo:
he may have protagonist halo now, but he's for sure not a stallion protagonist. he literally exchanged fates with his favorite person in the world in order to spare them a hellish trial-- that's romantic as fuck!! damn!! this is old CLAMP shoujo and no mistake!!
binghe may no longer be the protag, but he's still a half-heavenly demon. power-wise, heavenly demons can't be topped, and all the remaining heavenly demons are accounted for. so, SQQ can't be a heavenly demon, even in part.
HOWEVER, as a protagonist, there's a factor more important than power! it's the CHUUNI FACTOR. what's more CHUUNI™️ than being part demon?
one option is being part demon and part angel.
how would that even fucking work??????? IDK man, you can either pull from chinese folklore for fairies or heavenly beings or spirits, or you can blame Airplane and go "he accidentally implied the existence of christian elements by means of importing unexamined anime tropes"
Shen Jiu conveniently has a big fat blank on his parentage. We as fans can and have put whatever the hell we wanted there.
SQQ would jump into the abyss still under the impression SJ was a shallow villain. If his trip through the abyss involves recovering SJ's memories somehow, that sure would be fun times, huh?
so he awakens a mysterious ancestry and survives the abyss and takes Xin Mo, but he probably takes longer than Binghe did due to being squishier.
but Xin Mo isn't ACTUALLY his! so he papers it over with sealing talismans, and to battle the temptation to wield it he takes to wearing these longass sleeves. they're probably covered in talismans as well.
guessing Xiu Ya stayed behind to be mooned over by the clown trio in Cang Qiong. let's go full sparkle-sue here and say he's now fighting almost entirely via musical cultivation. i like swan-necked konghou harps so let's go with that, it'll look dope.
why is he barefoot? why WOULDN'T he be, is the question. fragile!! suffering!! dainty!! he's a shrinking flower, tormented by the weight of the One Sword To Rule Them All!!
also for extra pathos, his constant mental struggle against Xin Mo means he can't spare energy to front. it takes constant focus! he's still a bit in his delusional shit, but even when he's going "oh no, binghe is only latched throat-deep onto my dick because he's a good boy who's concerned about me and the danger i could pose by losing control" he'd probably… well, he'd probably say that out loud to anyone who asked. he's in a half-trance, mentally battling the crazy-making sword. lying is too much work.
Wouldn’t resisting Xin Mo’s influence be the mental and spiritual equivalent to training under 400x gravity or something? his wife-beam is going to be off the charts when he puts it down.
also also: who the hell dressed him like that? fucking shang qinghua, of course, after SQQ showed up in the northern palace to punish MBJ for hurting binghe in the conference. did the system explain shit to SQH? on the one hand, extremely funny if it updates him on the role change out of nowhere mid-alliance. on the other hand, extremely funny if he only finds out because Binghe is crying safely in Qing Jing while the scum villain apparently jumped into the abyss.
Here's another link to the original AU post! I've had it open on a tab all this time just so i could point to it when I was done, so make sure to check it out!
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crees-a · 2 months
just went through ur villain trio AU and honestly im all for it im loving the dynamics here
evil solar is something i never knew i needed,, i feel bad for eclipse though, poor guy does not wanna be here
few lore questions (if you dont mind)
1. How did the trio get together? especially how did SOLAR end up here??
2. Did he ever meet Lunar like in canon? What are the main celestial fam’s thoughts on them?
3. Is my boy bloodmoon here in this au 👉👈
sorry for the paragraph (kinda) i love the AU and hope to see more of it!! might do fanart if i havw the time and motivation :3
Oh I LOVE lore questions! :D But!! Once again, this AU is a work in progress and I can't answer some questions just because me and Milkyr don’t know the answer ourselves XD
1) Well Eclipse was made by Jigsaw, that's pretty obvious. And Solar was also brought here by him. He met Jigsaw one day after escaping his home dimension and was promised a good lab with tons of free time for his inventions and that was pretty much enough to get him on the "dark side". I think it's important to understand that Solar isn't really a villain. He just can finally do what he wants while also being appreciated for his work
2) Most likely. But that was before Solar killed his own Moon. It happened when Moon tried to finally get rid of Solar and... well it was the last straw
I think for celestials it's just a pity that Solar turned out as "evil" as their own Eclipse, even after helping with killing one. "Guess every Eclipse is the same" or something like this. But who knows, maybe they will reunite one day
3) Unfortunately not :') Jigsaw never created Bloodmoon in this AU, he chose to revive Eclipse instead
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I Have an Idea
So, I've been looking at a couple of Trolls aus, ideas, headcannons, and animatics (socola, rfsmith, and year2000electronics mostly). And I noticed there is a distinct lack of human hero aus aside from that one fanart of hero!Poppy and Newsman!Branch and I want to make one to start.
I have a decent outline and have most of the characters chosen roles.
Quick summary: In a world where 20% of the population are born with superpowers, heroes and villains combat against one another in powered up fights. Villains fight for their own selfish reasons, solo or connected to an organization. To combat these organized criminals, most governments have begun hero programs that can be taken by those 18 and older in colleges/universities to prepare those who wish to defend their homes legally by gaining a hero license. Those who don't enter a program and decide to fight crime without a license are considered vigilantes. Vigilantes are considered the grey area and can either be allies towards heroes or future villains.
Poppy Larkspur is a recent hero graduate that is looking forward to being a hero at Toronto's Agency with her hero friends Emily 'Smidge' Hughes and Willard 'Creek' Datura, alongside the rest of the snack pack who all have hero-related jobs.
Satin and Chenille (Codenames) are super suite designers that create hero costumes that are durable, comfortable, and fashionable(of course).
Cooper, Darnell, and Biggie are all support item makers/inventors of gadgets that our main trio rely on. If they need something, the inventors got it.
DJ Suki and Guy Diamond are underground heroes that hold multiple personas when going undercover. They are mainly intel collectors and have daylight jobs that land them in the underground more easily than one would expect.
Sky Toronto is the founder of Toronto Agency, and the mentor of the hero trio, is retired from active hero duty due to him taking in a civilian into witness protection.
This is mostly what I have and I might continue saying more, getting to our favorite grump. :)
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@sbibingo day 1: superhero au
[ID: traditional drawing, sbi/dsmp fanart. It shows wilbur, philza, techno and tommy from the front, all with neutral expression. Wilbur has black suit, belt and mask that covers the left part of his face and short yellow jacket. Phil has black suit with class on his fingers, green dress, black bird-like mask, head cover with green and white stripes and black/grey cape. Techno has pig mask, red eyes, tan skin and and long pink hair. He is wearing white suit wizh red shods and belt, golden stripes around the edges and fur/fluff around the neck. Tommy has white mask and suit with green triangle on the neck and red stripes on the shoulders and wide red stripe on his right arm. Their superpowers are written next to them. Wilbur has placebo power, Philza flying and healing, Techno enhanced speed, strength and sences and Tommy speed and fire End ID]
I really like kind of reverse hero-villain thing. So the idea with this is basaicaly that you have this world where everyone has superpowers, some stronger than others (the maximum level being 20- that level is extremly rare). Those powers can 'wake up' at any point of life but most comonly between the ages 0 and 25. Now if you have power above the level 12, you are legally obliged to join the hero force. They serve as sort of police/army. They have to live outside of the rest of society which helps to make them into a legends of sorts, they live in often terrible conditions and have to follow strict rules. They go on missions and for every successful mission, they get a reward but for a failed one they are punished. The villains on the other hand are not a unified group. Villain is basically anyone who is not hero but possesses enought power (doesn't have to be magical) to be a threat. They mostly work as individuals or form smaller groups (thought there are some exceptions from that). All of sbi have high level of power. Wilbur's power is placebo power which means you have the power other people believe you have. I believe the other powers don't need explaining Phil is Will's father and Techno and Tommy are niot related to them (age wise Techno is between Philza and Wilbur and Tommy is little bit youger than will) Phil got his powers around the age of 23 but didn't won't to join the heros so he hid them. Wilbur got his power around the age of 19. He told Philza he has the same powers as him as they are often hereditary so he would believe him easily. later he also got fire and low persuassion powers (all from the placebo power). He decided to join the heros but promised Phil to not speak of his powers. From that moment on, his contact with phil (or anyone else) was cut. Phil tried to contact him multiple times but unsuccessfully and after some time he decided that he needs to know what's going on and broke into the place Will was at (turning himself into a villain) Shortly before that, Will caussed failure of some mission and also broke some of the important rules of the heros and was beaten up and tortured as a punishment. When Phil found him he was dying, but he managed to heal him. After that they both became villains. Wilbur knew techno (a villain) from his time as a hero and they joined with him. Tommy is a young hero who is sent to capture the trio. They immediately take liking in him and are curently trying to convince him to join them.
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roquog · 8 months
It's a mess but I'm sharing my tagging system
#my art
#my post
#quick doodle
#rottmnt art
#rottmnt art reference
#rottmnt reference
#rottmnt screenshot
#rottmnt clip
#rottmnt comic
#rottmnt animatic
#rottmnt gif
#tmnt gif
rottmnt fan art uses character tags. duo tag for 2 characters from the main cast. group used for 3 or more characters (with 2 or more being of the main cast) RULE HAS CHANGED view duo tag tag post for the trio rule
#duo tag
^^^to find duo tags - started being used somewhere in October
#fan animation
#fan comic
^^the two above for further breaking down rottmnt fanart. sometimes for other iterations
other official iteration's fan art tag is just the same with the word 'art' added
au and series untagged at September 10th
#tmnt art
why does the size keep changing
#tmnt iteration
#tmnt au
^^ pretty much not in use but saved for any discussion posts on fan aus or iterations. mostly the following two tags are used for for au / fan iteration artwork
#tmnt iteration art
#tmnt au art
aus of an official iteration like rottmnt's 'swanatello' are just the au name. sometimes they have 'au' added to the end (I'm forgetful). some aus with comics attached to them will have a tag dedicated to just the main series. then it is the au name with the word 'comic' ie 'rottmnt residuum comic' or '2 arms left comic' 'villain pb&j duo comic'. 3 examples because names can be confusing lol
posts related to written fanfiction is tagged in unabbreviated form except lfls which is tagged as #lfls
^^^ for cass apocalyptic series fanart (an outlier)
#tmnt idw
#high favorites
#tmnt 2k3
#tmnt 2k12
#mutant mayhem
#tmnt 90
#tmnt 87
#tmnt mirage
#tmnt batman
#tmnt bayverse
#tmnt art reference
#art reference
#read later
#work in progress
#the last ronin
#tmnt reference
#october art challenge
cw _____
^^ content warning format. no abbreviation may be used if a content warning overlaps with an interest of mine sach as:
#animal, #aquatic life, #ocean life, #bug, #bird
non tmnt fandoms are just the fandom name or abbreviation. distinction between fan work and discussion is not made
yeah I'll post this at it's current state
#tagging system
^other tag related posts
#winter clothing
#cursed merch collection
#tiz sep au
#light house au
#zombie au
#dragon au
#rottmnt spitfire au
#2 arms left
#teenage mutant neglected turtles
#seperated leo au
#empyrean weeping au
#gemini twins au
#turtle tots
#turtle tank
#heart of stone
#no rest for the weary
#bad end ninja turtles
#same as it nver will be
pretty sure I always tag is as that -> but that's what it stands for #sainwb
#little brother au
#a pirates life for me
#guardian au
#rottmnt the last ronin
#kid leo au
#the itch
#fusion mayhem au
#rottmnt headcanons
#episode screenshot
#stain comic
#triple divorce au
#3 months au
#softshell au
#rise album
for screenshots i like in particular ^^
#here there be tmnt
#finding home au
#winter clothing
#halloween season
#turtle tots
#kendratello au
#leo in a room
#rottmnt fic
#mikey hair comic
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Ask Au ideas or something.
Rules are simple just be a somewhat normal person and we’ll be okay
Straw Page
Au masterlist
Crossover aus
One Piece X Tower of God au
Overpowered Siblings au ( Saiki K x OPM x MP100 )
3 Brothers au ( OPM x MP100 )
PK Yellow au.
PK Twin Rose Au.
Father Kukui Au.
Ash moves to Galar Au.
Team Rocket trio keep Ash au.
Reality Au.
MP100 (Mob Psycho 100)-
Lost brothers au
Same person au
Age Swap au
Role swap au
BFF Tsubomi au
Salt Academy / swap schools au
Saiki K-
Role swap au (Saiki K)
DnD Au
Fusion Au
Apocalypse au
OPM (One Punch Man)-
Villain au (OPM)
One piece-
Curses au questions
Curses au
Hanahaki Au
Traitor Koby Au
Twin Princes Au
S-Flame Au
Reverse Au
Alive Parents Au
Bio Bro Sabo Au
Separate Meeting Au
Gecko Luffy Au
Witch / Warlock Luffy Au
Rare Bloodline Au
News Au
Angel Luffy Au
ASL Spell caster au
Hero / Villain au
Other stuff master list
Can people do fanart of my au and do I have a schedule?
Raitsu (Ninjago Oc)
Rai incorrect quotes & chapter, Part 2, Part 3,
Favorite Au?
Other blogs
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karin-miyoshi · 5 months
I recalled in one of the WaSuYu movie, there was a Sonoko's Dream part (after Sumi tried to brainwash the 1st grade kiddos) where Aki-sensei wear what seem to be a villainous version of the suits that Sumi and Sonoko perform their Dance in. She was punishing the trio by forbidding udon for a whole week and Sonoko gets so scared that she woke up.
Aki-sensei in that suit look like she could be in a normal (traditional?) Mahou Shojo show villains group! She look freaking awsome and intimidating!
And that give me the idea of a yuyuyu au with a more... Pretty Cure liked vibe (I guess)? There'll still be gods and stuff but instead of being apocalyptic, things are more like a secret war of the Heroes and vertexes in an Earth that's still okay. Also Gin survived, just cursed badly by the Heavenly Gods (and kidnapped by their followers)
In this Au, Aki-sensei would still be the trio teacher, but secretly is one of the villains. After seeing her students got hurt so badly though, her redemption arc start by protecting Gin from her former allies. There're still so much to work with before I can finish this au and write a fanfic. But I'm curious to see what others would do with this ideas.
How would you build an au with this concept?
(sorry im late with this, was busy drawing!)
hmm, its an interesting concept for sure, but with that many changes its gonna be a whole new series altogether. i can see where youre going with the precure comparisons, seeing how much more easygoing the stakes are. some more ideas under the cut :9
first off, aki-sen in that outfit rocks i agree, there definitely needs to be more fanart of that. the world isnt post apocalyptic, so would that mean the nowayus "won" their fight? or at least brought it to a stalemate? did they retire partway through, or did they simply pass the baton on and went about their lives? not to critique too much but yeah unless youre specifically zoning in on one arc only, theres a whole can of worms youll end up having to open and patch up.
looking past that though, im sure theres a lot of fun to be had (though admittedly i dont write that much, so im not sure i can offer much here). id personally see a divide between the heroes and aki-sen with their identities. the latter knowing what she had done in the past, guilt with atonement, with plans to take that secret to the grave. on the other hand, the heroes going as far as to "reveal" their secret identities to her when the relationship between them reaches a boiling point.
how riddled with anxciety does aki-sen feel seeing gin get cursed? is this simply something that makes her feel really sick, or would it put her into grave danger? even if its not too serious, what if its something that lasts her entire life? how would sumi and sonoko react when they find out their teacher was the one for gin getting cursed? these might guide you a little further in your fanfic i hope, but with all those circumstances things might go a little darker than you first imagined
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avese23 · 1 year
Ever have fandom niches you feel for wholeheartedly but have no desire to insert into canon?
What made me think of this is the black hunter rabbit hole I was blessed by. The headcanon stemming from the characterization of hunter in the show and the fact that his VA Zeno Robinson is black. And I remember the points made were so good and I love this for fanart and AUs but black hunter would be so messed up in canon. Ignoring for a second the full Caleb backstory— the imagery of this transracially created grimwalker is terrifying (worse than that miraculous special where that white woman politician hero creates a robot child in the imagery of a black girl. Which. 👀🫣). And then finding out that hunter is a recreation of Belo’s brother is a whole other thing. So in the context of the show and their end storyline of white colonialism being the real villain the show as is makes most sense. Hunters race is relevant to his character. But outside of that? In fandom where Belos doesn’t have to matter? Cuz honestly his face reveal was canonically boring why are we keeping this man relevant. In fanon??? Hunter is a brother 😌 send me your designs and I will cosplay it, anything so I don’t have to make his wig highkey
On a similar note stuff like the silver trio, or even the golden trio. Or actually just most Harry Potter character dynamics, they only work in fanon and that’s why fanon flourishes. Fanon silver trio x golden trio where they’re all gay for each other? Heck yeah. I’ve even seen some ronmione fanon depictions that I can tolerate where they give him the ability to care about others and not be a misogynist, and instead have him with normal flaws that can promote an arc. Bless fanon. Marauder era fanon rarely breaks canon but is also basically its own universe seperate from canon at this point.
Fanon works that write Marinette/Ladybug as an actual teenage girl and not a plot device masquerading as a person??? And she’s likable because she’s not written by a white dude who has not sorted through any of his problems?? Yes pls. Cuz she’s a character we want to like but hurts to be on screen and is does messed up things in a messy writing way that doesn’t address the problems at hand
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
Finished🥳. Drawn by me (i used a template tho)
I love this trio.
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Edited this with a photo editor:
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