#wandavision spoilers
natandwandaseries · 2 years
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Fandom: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers x witch!reader, Agatha Harkness
Word Count: trimmed right down to 1,300 exactly to fit the challenge (see below)
Summary: You wanted out before, but now you were compromised as the bait in your own trap and were becoming desperate for freedom. As he had said famously, the price of freedom was high. Desperation was dangerous. Desperation was fed by hope. Desperation erased the limits of reasonability. You had crossed lines, and you wouldn’t stop now.
Content Warnings: sexual situations (p in v), magic, sorcery, trickery…
Additional Notes: Written for the Friday the 13th challenge hosted by @boxofbonesfic. This one lives in the shadows rather than straight up dark… Another one or two hundred words I may have gotten it darker, but here we are.
A/N 2: Steve returned the stones and came back, because...that's what he did. Literally why would he have done anything else?
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Foreheads pressed together, he thrust into you again and again, the yearning engulfing both of you. He held himself over you, leaning on his forearms as if to cage you in, not knowing he was the one moving further into your elaborate trap.
“How can you feel so perfect beneath me?” he asked, reverent as a prayer.
Your heart burned, but you didn’t know what to say – you didn’t want to lie, but you were also unable to form coherent thoughts as you barreled towards your release – and you could not spare any focus elsewhere or risk breaking the spell. So instead, you tilted your head up and sought his lips again for a kiss.
He shifted his hips, hitting your sweet spot, and with a few more strokes, you shuddered and gasped, your orgasm rolling over you. With the clenching of your walls, he reached the peak of his own pleasure right after, and he came with a groan, spilling inside you.
He rolled off and to his side, pulling you into his chest, and you let yourself become wrapped up in him as your breaths mingled together and you came down from your highs.
He smiled then kissed you softly.
When he pulled back again to look at you, you concentrated everything on being in this moment. Nothing could be amiss as his blue eyes discerned almost everything.
“I’m so glad I found you,” he said.
It was you who found him, but he still needed to believe for this scene.
“I love you, Steve Rogers.”
“I love you, too.”
You brought your hand up to thread your fingers through his hair and then cup his cheek tenderly. “Sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He hummed and dropped off, drifting out of consciousness. You spent a few more moments whispering into his ear, planting more sentiments of devotion you needed him to absorb.
You lurched awake, pulling yourself from the dreamscape. It was taxing to project, and your lungs gulped in fresh air.
With your return, the thirteen candles around you had extinguished immediately. You sat up and pressed the heels of your hands to your eyes, furiously wiping away traitorous tears that had appeared, glad for the dimness in the chamber so your companion could not see.
This would soon come to an end. You needed it to be over. You never wanted to be this invested. He was supposed to be a mark, you drawing him in, not the other way around.
And you needed him to come to you.
To Westview.
The town had been your temporary home before the other two witches appeared and shattered it.
The chaos magic that drew Agatha to Westview was something you’d also felt immediately and wanted to flee, but the boundaries set up by Wanda – one of the first elements of the enchantment – meant you were trapped in the anomaly before you could realize you needed to escape.
Unlike the rest of the citizens, you knew.
You didn’t know everything, but your own magic kept you immune from the hypnotic spell. You knew enough to play along, bide your time, figure out what you needed to when you needed to. Agnes-then-Agatha inserted herself, and you observed, gleaned what you could, kept your head down. You let them play things out.
Once Wanda was gone, you wished to be, too.
As Agatha was trapped, you were, too.
The other citizens had been freed from the anomaly and their lives had returned to normal, but Wanda had bound magic folk to this town, inadvertently caging you in as well, unaware of the unrevealed witch in hiding.
As much as you avoided awakening Agatha from her Nosy Neighbor punishment, you came to terms quickly that you would need another witch to unravel the magical cage and escape.
It had been a feat to get her out, but together you had been able to break the restrictions of the runes and use your magic freely again. The runes had been cast hastily and while Wanda was engaged in battle with Agatha, her focus split.
However, she’d been able to create the magical cage to bind witches to the town without any distraction, and it seemed short of the Sorcerer Supreme or the Scarlett Witch herself, you may never be able to break the enchantment and get out.
You and Agatha had determined you would need someone who – despite and in many ways because of his goodness – would make the world burn for those who mattered most to them.
He may have passed on his shield to someone else, but Steve Rogers would never be able to ignore his heart, and the aim was that he would become an unstoppable force on his quest to set you free. The chances of convincing the powers you needed on the outside to come to your aid were nonexistent otherwise.
With care you had crafted the thirteen candles to commune with the soul of another.
Used individually or only in small groups, they were relatively safe. Burning all at once, thirteen communion candles were incredibly powerful and increasingly dangerous the longer they burned, and you were burning them together and nearly to the end of their wicks to achieve an illusion strong enough to enchant the super soldier. Thirteen candles could simulate reality. But they also could attract demons, ghouls, and spirits, requiring you and Agatha to continue working together – her standing watch while you went under.
You knew she was studying you now.
“Remember, he’s a means to an end.”
You turned your head to meet her gaze, unflinching. “It takes a lot to invest in making the illusion real with someone like him.”
She arched her brows. “I’m not judging you if you’re falling for him.”
You sighed. “He’s intoxicating.”
“Don’t get distracted and mess up. I know you don’t care about trapping me here, but if I’m stuck, so are you, which means no reality with Prince Charming.”
“I know.”
“The candles only burn for thirteen hours, and-“
“I know, Agatha!”
You closed your eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.
“I know.”
Agatha sighed, then stepped closer and briefly touched your shoulder. “I know you do.”
This trust between you was only temporary, but it was something for now, and the small gesture helped to rebuild your focus.
You laid back down. “I’m ready.”
“You’re sure?”
“We’re limited on time with him, too.”
One night. You’d projected yourself into his dreams twelve times in one night, creating scenes, memories, a relationship that needed to be undeniable because now you weren’t going to visit him in a dream. For your thirteenth and final visit, you were going to project to him in his waking state, and either succeed or fail.
“Light the candles.”
You closed your eyes and began your own incantation while she repeated hers to ignite the flames and fortify the protection spells.
You stood at the counter, watching the soft morning light begin to illuminate the branches outside the window, waiting for him.
Soon enough, you heard his footsteps coming down the hallway, and then he entered the kitchen behind you. You turned toward him and smiled – it wasn’t forced or fake because that’s just what he elicited from you now. He returned it, but maybe not for much longer.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” he greeted, reaching for you, but his face faltered as his fingers failed to find purchase.
“It’s not real,” you started. He would believe you either way – you knew that from everything you had studied about him beforehand, and all your manipulations tonight only confirmed that – but what you didn’t know was if that belief would feel betrayed or be driven to devotion.
“This isn’t real,” you reiterated, “but it can be.”
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cissa-calls · 6 months
Countdown to Agatha: Darkhold Diaries: Day 644
Agatha: “In this world, there is only one person who can tell you who you are”
Wanda hopeful: “Me?”
Agatha: “No, me, Agatha Harkness”
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xmcu-fietro · 6 months
Some Thoughts on Ralph + His Deleted Scene
Warning ahead for Wandavision and Mare of Easttown spoilers, as well as rumors about the Agatha spin-off!
Here's my initial thoughts on the scene! I kept pushing off posting this since I was worried I'd forget stuff that I'd want to mention, but I think at this point I just need to post it, and I can always repost/add stuff later xD
First Thoughts
Not to sound hyperbolic, but the costume/hair and makeup departments choosing to put Ralph (a very non-serious stoner surfer bro) in a button-up and for him to have the "police detective Colin Zabel" haircut is fascinating to me. This is the last thing I would expect him to look like outside of the hex--I'd been assuming that Ralph's haircut looked like Evan's in the behind the scenes Wandavision interview, or at least a little longer like his headshot. I guess they chose to just not give him a wig when they filmed, and that was right after shooting Mare of Easttown (but why? what was the reasoning behind that choice? because presumably they put some thought into it if they put so much thought into the hair/costuming for the rest of the show). Instead they gave him a much more formal, rule-follower type of haircut, not something more messy and laidback like he'd had in the show as Pietro/Ralph.
I also think it's really interesting that they made him wear a tucked in button-up shirt, because that feels weird for Ralph too. The hoodie/button-up combo is interesting because--at least as far as I know--that's an unusual combination (casual and formal, laid-back and serious, hex-Ralph and post-Hex-Ralph, who is rumored to be pretty affected by the Hex).
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(also, sidenote: Ralph's outfit gets me because I had a strong Dear Evan Hansen phase in highschool and it looks like someone combined Connor and Evan's fashion choices in this photo xD)
The Agatha Spin-Off
Anyways, back to Mare of Easttown. I think there's some possibility that they kept this hairstyle as an intentional nod to Colin because we already know that the Agatha spin-off is partially inspired by Mare of Easttown. (and who is Mare's kind-of-but-it's-complicated sidekick and love interest? Colin. And who is Agatha's kind-of-but-it's-complicated sidekick and (fake) love interest? Ralph. Checkmate, he has to be in the spin-off to make the reference complete! /half-joking). but he'd better not die this time or else
Is “Ralph” important?
From a character standpoint, regardless of whether "Ralph" ends up being Peter or being in the spin-off at all, I find it interesting that Ralph is a meta character referencing nine other characters: Ralph Kramden (The Honeymooners), Darrin Stephens (Bewitched), Nick Moore (Family Ties), Richard Stabone (Growing Pains), Uncle Jesse (Full House), Joey* (Friends), Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Peter Maximoff (X-Men movies), and now, with the Agatha rumors and the haircut, seemingly Colin Zabel (Mare of Easttown)—the latter two also being played by Evan Peters, which is extra meta.
All of this to say—there's a weird amount of meta referencing going on here, and you don't give a weird amount of meta references to a character who you’re not supposed to pay much attention to. If he was purely meant as a throwaway gag/joke character, trying to layer so many references would be putting a hat on a hat—trying to do too many things with one joke, overwhelming it and, in this case, causing Ralph to seem confusing and unnecessary rather than funny.
While I can't prove that him being important means he'll end up being Peter or that he'll end up in the Agatha spin-off, I definitely think that him referencing so many characters, being the missing person in the case that led to SWORD going to Westview, and all of the other weird things about him (the 60's flashback from Halloween, the P8M license plate, his hair in episode 5) has to mean something--even if the more Peter-ish clues do end up being more of a red herring than hints of truth (although I still think he's Peter, so I'm not giving up on that yet).
And for what it's worth, I think if Marvel was trying to introduce a new, relevant to the story but totally-not-Quicksilver character, they wouldn't have practically had a big "THIS IS QUICKSILVER" sign above him until the finale. Because ultimately that would hurt a completely separate character, since that new character would just live in Peter's/Pietro's shadows instead of getting to be their own character--I mean, we know Ralph is important, but we don't even know his real name, since Ralph was his hex name. So if he is important--and he certainly seems to be--I think he'd have to be Peter.
*note: Ralph may also be referencing Chandler, which makes for 10 references instead of 9.
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emcu7o · 2 years
breaking the fourth wall…
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clowngames · 2 years
DHMIS web show: What could this mean? Why does Yellow’s father appear in the finale? Is he trying to stop Red or show him the next step? What does the date mean? Is the ending happy or tragic? What’s going on?
DHMIS TV show: Leslie 100% has a dead son and she’s doing a wandavision to cope
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jupitismstoo · 2 years
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Has anyone done this yet?
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ithilien-wolf · 2 years
I don't need you to tell me who I am
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Wanda's metamorphosis
Wandavision (2021)
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crowley-anthony · 7 months
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#becoming who they're meant to be
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theavengers · 2 months
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WandaVision (2021) 1.08: Previously On X-Men '97 (2024 - ) 1.05: Remember It
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orangepinapplejuice · 2 years
WandaVision Art
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buckysbarnes · 2 months
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X-MEN ‘97: “Remember It” • 1.05 WANDAVISION: “Previously On” • 1.08
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linusbenjamin · 7 months
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Loki 'Science Fiction' // WandaVision
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cissa-calls · 1 year
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I can’t find an exact picture of the shot, but during the scene in the last episode where Wanda pulls up her hoodie and leaves the now empty spot of her home with Vision, the beautiful waves of her hair sticking out always make me burst out laughing. BECAUSE I KNOW that the stylist for Wanda’s hair was like “no thank you so much don’t you dare crush this beautiful wig in a hoodie”
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kaafii · 7 months
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Loki 2.06 Glorious Purpose
WandaVision 1.09 The Series Finale
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padawanton · 2 months
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WandaVision Ep. 8 "Previously On" // X-Men '97 Ep. 5 "Remember It"
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