#war time
retropopcult · 5 months
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A female station attendant pumping gas in the winter of 1942. Photographed in New York by Royden J. Dixon for the Office of War Information.
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anastasiamaru · 1 year
A Pole, a Chechen and a Ukrainian fighting against the russian agression
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inkcat1987 · 5 months
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burningtheroots · 10 months
Something that shows how cruel and heartless men can actually be is their treatment of women during and after war times, and society as a whole enables them.
Women and children are the primary targets in military conflicts — they‘re seen as property, and both the enemy countries AND the home counties of these women and children view them as livestock and objects they can claim & use however they please.
Whilst men fail to acknowledge that men cause wars and that rich men take advantage of poorer men during these times, they love to complain about how women are "privileged" during war. However, when we take a closer look, the whole picture changes: rape of the enemy‘s women is one of the most prevalent war crimes, and women make up the majority of death victims in post-war times (combat deaths only make up a small percentage of war deaths in total, most deaths are civilians).
Women are "claimed" and therefore abused by soldiers who see them as their enemy‘s property, and not only that — the men from these women‘s home countries commit rape as well, and force pregnancy & childbirth upon them to make up for the losses during military conflicts.
Women are also the ones who keep their home countries going, and have been the ones who re-built them in the past (see Germany after WW2). Just because men believe that women are "inferior" (hence banned them from combat, and the women in the military are often raped by their male peers!) and think that torturing them in their homes instead is a "privilege" doesn’t mean it‘s true.
And societies, whether during or post war, whether part of the conflict or not, usually uphold the belief that women‘s suffering is meaningless, collateral damage if anything, and even put blame on the women for being in the conditions men put them in.
With the Ukrainian/Russian war nowadays, we see once again how the women are victims of war crimes, yet get belittled and harassed for it. For example, you‘ll see how people shame these women for getting pregnant during such times whilst completely disregarding that they don’t have the options to prevent it in the majority of cases. I‘m not saying that every single pregnancy in these times stems from rape, but a massive number of them do. And even those who don’t still happen during a time where these women have no access to appropriate healthcare and protections.
In short …
Woman: *gets reduced to property and livestock, gets abused, raped, forced into pregnancy and childbirth, struggles for survival*
Society: How does she dare to be this irresponsible?!?!!!???? and Look at all those poor men instead, they‘d love to have these privileges!!!!!!!!
That‘s what it basically comes down to.
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marinabandelyuk · 4 days
wanted to get some rest after work but listening to the air raid and sounds of missiles. fuck
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lordbettany · 11 months
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Aneurin Barnard - War Time Moodboard
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tacktikool · 8 months
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Michiel really is perfection in a war time period drama. 💙
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retropopcult · 6 months
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"Traffic jam on the road from the Bethlehem Fairfield shipyard to Baltimore as the second shift of workers leaves the plant." Photographed 1943 by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information.
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anastasiamaru · 1 year
War In Ukraine
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the-real-illinois · 23 days
Wanna go to war with me??
- @definitely-waste-management
consensual war? Hell yeah
where do I even attack you tho
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On May 22nd 1915 was a very sad day for Scotland when 227 people were killed and 246 more injured in a rail crash at Quintinshill, near Gretna Green.
At 6.49 am that day a Liverpool-bound troop-train carrying half of the 7th (Leith) Battalion, The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) collided head on with a local passenger train, which had been ‘parked’, facing north, on the south-bound main line at Quintinshill, just North of Gretna, to allow a following express to overtake it.
Normally the local train would have been held in one of the loops at Quintinshill but both of these were already occupied by goods trains. The troop train overturned, mostly onto the neighbouring north-bound mainline track and, a minute later, the Glasgow-bound express ploughed into the wreckage causing it to burst into flame.
The ferocity of the fire, and consequent difficulty of rescuing those trapped in the overturned and mangled carriages, was compounded by the fact that most of the carriages were very old, made of wood and lit by gas contained in a tank beneath them. Between the crash and the fire a total of 216 all ranks and 12 others , mostly from the express but including the driver and fireman on the troop-train, died in, or as an immediate result of what was, and remains, Britain’s worst railway disaster.
Two days later thousands of soldiers and residents of Edinburgh and Leith lined the streets for the three-mile funeral procession for men of the 7th Royal Scots as they are being taken for burial with full military honours at the city's Rosebank Cemetery. The coffins were laid three deep.
The public were excluded from the cemetery, although 50 wounded servicemen who were convalescing at a nearby military hospital were allowed to attend. The ceremony lasted three hours, at the end of which a volley of three shots was fired and the Last Post was sounded.
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raitou-otcha · 4 months
Never ever read the letters from Lady and Lord Pitchiner during the war, everyone thinks its always romantic but its the most ranchy horny shit you'll read
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marinabandelyuk · 17 days
no electricity in the city again because of the bombing Ukraine by russia military
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jaskier-cult · 2 years
war time prompt
Directly following their fight and split, Jaskier is enlisted to go off to war. As the son of a nobleman he can pull strings and get away with not going directly to the front lines. But despite his estrangement to his family, he owes it to his people in Lettenhove to serve his duty and protect his lands and people.
So, Jaskier does not shy away from going to the front lines. He becomes a leader and high ranking general, and insists on putting himself in the thick of things.
Jaskier becomes known as the Red Bard, a nickname turned moniker from his men who revere him for his skill bringing blood on the battle field and the gracefulness in which he executes it due to his previous career.
Cue Geralt's reaction.
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