#weight gain encouragement
Please, stuff me until I’m out of breath. (make it so I can’t breath properly)
Please, stuff me until I’m heaving. (make me unable to swallow anymore)
Please, stuff me until I’m burping uncontrollably. (make me burp as I’m trying to eat more)
Please, stuff me until my jaw is sore. (make my tongue cramp)
Please, stuff me until I can’t stand up without assistance. (make me too heavy to help)
Please, stuff me until I can’t walk. (make me temporarily immobile)
Please, stuff me until I am sleepy. (make me pass out)
Please, stuff me until my belly is distended. (make my gut so much fatter)
Please, stuff me until I’m addicted to eating. (make me desperate for more food)
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madison-grey-bbw · 2 days
How do my curves look ? 🥰
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I'm getting so close to 300 🐷
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woke up fairly bloated and fattened up today. i won’t be able to order food today since i won’t get paid for a bit, but ill stuff and bloat with any food or drinks i find around the house 💕
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listentoace · 1 day
It's time to admit that your addiction has won. You might not know this, but addictions never disappear again. They stay wired into your brain for the rest of your short and gluttonous life. There is no escaping it.
This is who you are now. You are a pig, destined to only grow bigger. Destined to end up immobile with me by your side, holding the funnel and shoving fast food down your fat throat. You want that so much, don't you?
Let me help you make your wildest dreams come true, your most intense feederism fantasies where I lock you up, deny your orgasms, force feed you and do anything imaginable to you until you're finally fat enough for me. You know that nothing in life would give you more pleasure than that.
So go ahead, give in, stuff yourself silly, let the fat grow on your body, admit defeat, surrender, ruin yourself, follow your cravings, and turn yourself into an absolute fat mess, incapable of functioning on its own. You'll be such a good piggy for me...
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plut0-gh0st · 9 hours
It’s been a while
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I don’t have the biggest motivation to post much but this is from yesterday when I came back from the buffet :3
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xfeederbellyx · 1 month
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Wearing the same shirt every couple years!
It doesn't fit no more lol
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jijibaby · 24 days
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Before (June 2023)
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Now (May 2024)
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I love looking at the family sized fast food menu options and realizing how easy they would be for me to eat entirely in one sitting. I’ve eaten many of them now, often times without a second thought. It doesn’t really register with me that it’s 3-5 people’s worth of food. It’s that easy.
But I’ve moved on to something else. Something a bit more challenging: party sized meals. I have only managed to consume 1 so far. It was a tailgater tray from a chicken restaurant, but it was…easier than I expected. When it was all said and done, I almost wanted…more?
I can’t wait for my next try. Who wouldn’t want to say they can eat an entire party’s worth of food?
The feeling is euphoric for me. Just thinking about how the employees have no clue at the drive thru that I’m going to be eating the entire order at once…or perhaps they suspect something? I’m huge after all. The thrill I get when an entire tray is my plate. The gurgling my belly makes as its aroma fills the car on the way home. The way my mouth waters at a near constant rate as I prepare to stuff it all inside me…it’s incredible.
Don’t get me started on the numbers and serving sizes. 1000s of calories on the nutrition facts. Double digit portions. Usually just the sheer number of individual items is staggering.
The worst part is the chewing. So much chewing. My jaw gets tired. So much is sucked down my hungry throat. That is remedied by the feelings I get as I sit on the sofa, with my “party” spread on the coffee table. My giant fat belly filling up and spilling out over my lap. The warmth as my body goes into overdrive to process it all. The constant burping as I clear space for the rest…it’s truly obscene.
Nothing compares to the satisfaction however as I lean back with a truly engorged, overfed gut: it was all for me. All that food for a gathering was actually for me to gather into my belly. As I squish and rub my bloated, blobby gut below me, I also wonder just how much fat this meal will add to my poor overladen body? 5lbs? 10lbs? I’m so hopeful.
You have no idea.
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madison-grey-bbw · 1 day
can't be contained 😮‍💨😮‍💨
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fatloverwall · 1 month
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Just look at how gluttony have taken over these lives, just look at how fat and big they’ve gotten. This happens when you are a gluttony piggy who never does anything besides eating, stuffing and relaxing.🐷🐷🥵
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tobixsb · 2 months
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People living the dream part one
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gaininggalore · 2 months
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Could his nipples be anymore perfect?
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xfeederbellyx · 25 days
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Omg I've gained so much since I've been gone! Looking very round!
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I can hardly breath. My stomach hurts. I’m so full. I ate too much. I cannot imagine getting up from the couch. My belly weighs me down. I feel so groggy. 
I have to focus on my breathing. I’m so thoroughly beached all I can do is cradle my fat, blubbery gut spread over my lap. It’s dominating my evenings recently. It demands I feed it until I can’t think straight. 
I am sitting upright, in a sluggish daze. I’m too full to lay down comfortably, but so, so exhausted. It’s taking all my energy to just digest all this food, and breathe correctly. Burps keep escaping my lips. Every time I press out more air, I get a momentary relief. I’m so swollen, so bloated, so distended. I’m completely overladen with delicious food. So totally engorged with my failed restraint. 
I keep fantasizing about eating more cookies. Today I added about 32 soft baked cookies of various kinds to my evening feeding. I ate so many I lost count, but some still remain on the table in front of me. But that table is so, so, so far away. 
Leaning forward feels impossible. I still probably couldn’t reach. I just can’t reach past my belly right now. I keep trying to talk myself into moving. Just standing up and getting my cookies. Just a little effort. But I’m too heavy. Much too heavy now.
I keep sipping my drink. I can barely reach it, and it’s running out. I’m thirsty, but I also need to be sure I fill all remaining space. That’s what my belly requires, after all. 
My belly is so warm, and so squishy. It’s like I have a personal pillow attached at all times. A giant, soft, jiggly beanbag just hanging over my waistband, or between my legs, or into sinks. It feels so good when I lift it up and it completely overfills my arms. It spills over my forearms and flops over my hands as I hold the meaty underside. I love bouncing it up and down, and letting it drop. I love how I have a deep, plunging overhang and a thick upper roll beneath my tits. I love how said roll is one of many that are piled up on my sides and connected around to my back. 
My entire torso is covered in a hefty, thick, sagging layer of fat. I’m a butterball, a tub of lard, a fleshy sack of dough. It encases me, buries me, crushes me. It’s no small part of why I’m pinned to this couch. 
I’ve outgrown tape measures, seat belts, booths, and many shirts. All thanks to this gluttonous, greedy, grotesquely overfed gut. It’s in control. I’m just carrying it to its next meal. I’m just making sure the food gets where it needs to go.
It needs to be so much bigger.
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ponderwuff · 3 months
Waking up changed, forever
Indulgent thing based on a dream. Featuring puma sona.
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