#wet cat Neil
humlase · 14 days
Someone asks Matt who his best friend is and he just holds up Neil like this.
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misticarts · 2 years
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Sandman episode 3: Bastards in Trench Coats
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notallsandmen · 2 years
How To Make a Tumblr Sexyman / Sad Wet Cat: A Visual Guide
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yiling-on-crack · 2 years
Tom sturridge and his ability to look like an omnipotent God who's also a wet cat is really an achievement.
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darthstitch · 2 years
Professor Cryptid Wet Cat
Look, Professor Gadling being a secret immortal cryptid has already reached peak meme status. The Gdoc is a rabbit hole to get lost in on a rainy day.
But Professor Murphy? Hooo boy. The students are just getting started.
Nobody calls Professor Murphy by his given name of "Thomas." Like, you could try, but he's not going to respond to you, as if the name was just something tacked on for the sake of appearances.
One of the class overheard Professor G calling Professor Murphy "Dream." Now, everyone initially thought that it was just another adorable pet name (there's a running list of them in the Gdoc). But then another student who had been getting drinks at the New Inn had overheard this sweet little boy calling him "Uncle Dream." Go figure.
Here's the thing, though, "Murphy" is an Irish name but there isn't a trace of the Gaelic's music in his accent, proper RP that it normally is. Unless you're an Irish student and suddenly, there's the lilt and the sweetness of the Goídelc in his voice when he talks to you, echoes of the tales of the Children of Lir and Cu Chulainn, best heard as the bards sung them.
The language thing doesn't stop there. Professor Murphy seems to inexplicably know every language ever spoken, happily chatting away in a mix of Tagalog and English with the Filipino students, Welsh with the kids from Wales, French and Italian and Polish and Russian and Swahili and Igbo - circumnavigating the globe as neatly as you please without losing any stride. And then, going back in time, as it were, straight to Middle English.
6. Middle English, as everyone knew, was the language Professor Gadling tended to slip into from time to time and there was something unbearably sweet about how Professor G would refer to his husband as myne owne hertis rote, only for Professor Murphy to answer with my heart's gleam and that lovely little smile. But one hadn't lived until they heard both Professors absently talk to each other in Middle English as if they'd been born speaking that language and had temporarily forgotten that they were already in the 21st century.
7. Suspicions about Professor Murphy being a vampire abounded, until they had all seen him walking in sunlight, with Matthew the Raven on his shoulder. Then it became rumors about Murphy being a Twilight-variant of vampire because he literally glowed in the sun. And had so obviously sent poor Professor Gadling dot exe crashing at the sight.
8. This conversation also happened:
"Who is Edward Cullen and why would he sparkle? And why would all of you be Bella Swan?"
All of the students look at each other. And then:
"I will fong the first person who explains Twilight to poor Professor Murphy, I swear to Christ, I will fong you."
"Perhaps I should ask Matthew."
"Caw! Nevermore!"
9. One of Professor Gadling's classes had taken a trip to the Tower of London and Professor Murphy had just tagged along, much to his husband's delight. Every. Single. Raven. from the Tower had just converged on Murphy as if he were their long lost King or something, cuddling close, cawing in delight. Matthew was so obviously, adorably jealous at the whole thing and somebody could've sworn they heard a distinctly American voice holler: "HEY CLAWS OFF YOU ASSHOLES. GET YOUR OWN DREAM KING!"
10. Sometimes, the students could swear up and down that Matthew the Raven could really, truly, talk. Professor Murphy and his raven have often been seen sitting together, often with Murphy apparently showing the bird something on his smart phone or tablet, deep in discussion with him. Everyone tried very hard not to think about this too deeply, especially since Murphy would often return to the classroom with a better understanding of current jokes and memes once he'd had a "conversation" with Matthew.
"Darling, why do you have a plushie of .... good lord, is this Cthulhu?"
"A gift from my students, my love. We had a rather engrossing lecture on Lovecraft the other day."
"Oh. Oh no. Don't tell me you had the same sort of thing going with him as you did with bloody Shaxbert!"
A huff. "Certainly not. Such a small-minded young man, utterly arrogant - though he did have potential. I thought to teach him a lesson by showing him how insignificant he truly was in the infinite vastness of the universe. His mind almost broke from it."
"Ah. And where does Cthulhu come into this?"
"Lovecraft had a horror of marine creatures, specifically those of the class Cephalopoda. I often took the form of this creature in my nightmare aspect. The wings were an inspired touch, I believe. He was near out of his mind with terror - some of my finest work."
"Of course you were bloody Cthulhu, why am I not surprised? My adorable little eldritch abomination..."
"Hob Gadling, there is nothing adorable about me -- a;dkjf;adlkfja;dlkf!"
12. Rose Walker's first novel Into the Night was a best seller and readers everywhere rejoiced when they heard it would become a series. Readers also fell in love with the enigmatic King of Dreams, the antagonist in Ms. Walker's book. Thus, the second novel in the series, The Prince of Stories, was eagerly awaited by many. Once again, the same mysterious voice actor did the audiobook, which quickly climbed to the top of the charts in all the platforms of its release. But what drove Professor Murphy's students into a tizzy was Ms. Walker's dedication: "For Uncle Dream, our Prince of Stories" and the following exchange:
"Professor Murphy, we didn't know you were a fan of Rose Walker."
A proud smile. "My niece has quite the story to tell. I've been looking forward to reading her next book."
"You're Rose Walker's Uncle Dream?!"
Am I writing more of what I started in this POST - yes, yes, I am.
Do you guys want to see a more complete version of the first story? It's in AO3.
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grimmbunniee · 2 years
Me @ Morpheus
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I love Morpheus don’t get me wrong, I just also love to make fun of him too 😭
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arcades-n-academia · 3 months
Look I get why you think you’re right and I respect you but you’re wrong.
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crowzirawho · 5 months
thinking about crowley interacting with aziraphale for the first time since s2, and it went super bad for plenty of reasons. and crowley is just on his own, super frustrated and angry, and starts shouting at himself, and he finds aziraphale's thermos in a drawer, empty. and while he is angry, he just throws it somewhere with a lot of force out of anger, but then he just breaks down. and he hugs the thermos and just starts apologizing to it multiple times because to him, it's a part of aziraphale.
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malicemizerfan666 · 3 months
cant believe neil gaiman made a warrior cats au canon
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dinokeks · 2 years
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angelamcss · 2 years
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STARGIRL (2020 — )
↳ Neil Jackson as "Jordan Mahkent | Icicle"
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outoftimewriting · 2 years
i like how dream took the time to put on eyeliner and hairspray to go see his ex-wife. truly an emo wet cat, that one.
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accursedvoid · 2 years
Halfway through watching The Sandman on Netflix and I have to physically restrain myself from yelling at anyone being mean to Dream, like he is just a sad little man, please stop bullying him, he just wants his things back! 😭
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burnt-scone · 1 year
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darthstitch · 2 years
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a. Look, the Dream responsible for Twilight was one of the more loyal subjects to Lord Morpheus, given the whole deal with Edward Cullen. It had been meant as an affectionate tribute.
b. Dream was still in the gods-be-damnned fishbowl when Twilight came out and was more than a bit discombobulated when he and Lucienne later found out that there was a wing of the Library dedicated to it and its fan fiction. Matthew helpfully steered Dream away from anything resembling "fifty shades."
"Look, Boss, you've gone through enough suffering this century. Don't look, don't ask, trust me on this."
c. Dream absolutely reserves the right to torment anyone for the whole Twilight thing and for the love of Glory, he is definitely NOT Edward Cullen. And obviously he was very much happily married to his uh... Bella, a.k.a. Hob Gadling, even if he's still trying to figure out how to get back at him for the "little adorable eldritch abomination" crack. Ah, married life.
d. For the record, they don't plan to have a "Renesmee" in their future, even if Hob had the strangest dream of cuddling the cutest little baby (who had a very decided resemblance to His Darkness, with the fluffy black hair and the brilliant blue eyes) and teaching the little tot that "Shaxbert is yucky!" Dream still hasn't figured out which of his Dreams was responsible for that and he's fairly sure that wasn't prophetic. Fairly. Sure.
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darjeelinh · 2 years
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was just looking at sandman related pins on pinterest and… yeah pinterest gets it
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