#what a discordant array of features....
Are you passionate about a craft of some sort?
Do you want to join a Discord Server with creators like yourself?
Well, do I have the Discord Server for you!
The Creatives Clubhouse
Details Below
What's what:
The Creatives Clubhouse is a Discord Server of, you guessed it, creative folks!
Upon entering the Server you will be prompted, among other roles, to pick what clubhouses you would like to join. This allows you to have your own curated version of the Server where you only see the communities you wish to participate in, making the Server be as large or as little as you wish!
What are the Clubs?
We have 5 clubs currently divided into categories which are:
The Music Club: where those who are interested in the musical arts gather to discuss albums, shows, show off their instrument and gear collections, post covers and original music, and collaborate on songwriting elements!
The Art Club: this Club features areas for a wide array of artistic crafts, including painting, drawing, fiber arts, jewelry making and chainmail creations. Show off your art and send words of encouragement (or critique) to help inspire others to continue (or even better) their crafts!
The Gaming Club: for those who love to play, this Club features areas to discuss board games, puzzles, TTRPGS, and a wide variety of video game genres. There are plenty of opportunities to find some gaming buddies and have some fun!
The Readers Club: where those who are interested in reading and discussing their interests may gather to plan books to read together, recommend titles and authors to others, and even critique your current reads!
The Writers Club: where those who enjoy the craft of writing may gather to share, workshop, plan for NaNo (both Camp and regular NaNoWriMo), and participate in writing sprints. Friendly to both original authors and fanfic authors!
There is a portal between the Writers and Readers Clubhouses for the purposes of critique and Beta reading
How To Join:
Be at LEAST 16 years old
DM me @pleaseloathemyveryexistence for a link
There IS a verification process upon entering the Server
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
Absence Ushers, Fate Declares!
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Pitch blackness came with a shutter. Devoid of all outside this formless realm. That which materializes here is the product of Malevolence or Benevolence, judged in the corporeal plane, tried here… In this accursed place, it always felt there was no logic.       Nor rhyme, substance, only purely cryptic. The pirate was brought here in many ventures. Encountering specters, spirits, fragmented pieces of his own soul. Forcing answers to remove discord troubles. Ordinary referred to this merely, nightmares or dreams. His sole’s felt cold, as a small tide rippled through his toes. Recognizing this place he stood on a solid sea, but the wave’s were fluid… Separated layers of water… Impossible. In the real world, after he blacked-out, the Stranger recently met and took him to his place. Noticing this rogue broke out with a dangerous fever. Sweat rampant poured from his forehead and droplet’s collapsed onto his torso. Forcing the concerned gunslinger to remove the Captain’s shirt and noticing his countless battle scars… This didn’t appear to be a courtesan. He was shocked. A blanket was placed on him instead with a cooling rag on his forehead to dry combating the fever and balance his temperatures. In the parallel -- thick, dense, rain wept instead. Kuro shouted out, “What th’ seven hells… I-Is going on!” Silence followed for a moment. A new visitor was here. Abruptly breaking through sound, a feminine voice brought thunder-streaks with distorted laughter, echoing in absence. Meanwhile on the surface… Terrifying puzzles continued to unravel to the bystander,  “What kind’a plague or sickness is this! Are you cursed?” Looking over at the pirate’s chest, his heart physically was thrumming against his body, elastically and almost inhumanely beating against his thinnest walls even the loose blanket couldn’t conceal it. The slumbering man's facial features were distraught, fidgeting with affliction.
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Who on earth did this cowboy bring in? This wrangling, rough-weathered man’s room was an array of whiskey to moonshine bottles emptied and a complete mess,  he was an avid low-spirit drunk. A duet-picture framed, of a departed partner left on the nightstand. He wasn’t far different from the sailor. They both in that pub-crawl, in kismet decided for once to try to overcome their vices. Each carrying weighted grievance and unprecedented burdens. Captain yelled back into the void. “W-who is there?! Reveal yourself…” That damnable silence, called back… For a short-spell. Until finally salvation. “So hastily… No one desire’s sloppy rushes.”                                                   “I can’t wait to meet you.”             “Didn't you state that you’d conquer me in that hell.”     “Remember; inside that pit for sinners?”               “I wonder, are you man enough?”                                   “Come on, I thought you held the answers…”          “Concerning isn’t, there’s more questions.”                            “Know this…”         “I will be your judge.”               “Every wrong, every self-interest.”                         “All the hearts you broken, Captain.”   
Feet ran and traveled in the abundance of water-flooring trying to head to the voice. Being tormented, last time he solved this by punching his inferior-oppressor. This wasn’t the same force. Frustratingly the womanly voice with a sultry undertone, almost demonic, let a laughter amused by his failed attempts to strike against the untamable air. Only met with invisible connections. “Just who are ye?! What gives you th’ right t’ judge me?” He said frantically before recomposing trying to control what should be his, but unable.                                       Once again it taunted in the dark. “You act so innocent, oh but you’re so deadly.”                  “So am I…” “When you breathe it’ll be a hassle with me, silencing and muzzling you my beloved Captain.”                 “You lost your dominion here. This place isn’t yours alone.”                           “No sanctuary. “                           “No haven.”                                           “You’ll find power, it belongs to me.”                   Ominously whispers traversed and shook the realm. He felt his mouth gagged, unable to ask the dark anymore.         “Until our proper meeting. Try not to die.” "Everything will be explained." The rain fast-forwarded before a hailstorm of sanguine ichor and accompanying fallen bodies began to plummet like meteors into this tormented plane. Every single person buried to rest by Captain’s doing, or involuntarily ability to protect. His eye’s shot in horror, a lifeless cadaver like an anchor drop was going to squish him, holding his palm open to protect himself. He tried to scream but instead woke up in reality, before his savior who equally exhibited terror. After seeing this paranormal shit, one needed a drink again. Rushing to the Captain’s aide, “W-woah are yuh’ alright partner? How are you bleeding? Cut yourself? Hold on!” Still stricken in terror, trembling, never had the pirate felt so powerless and felt such a raw connection from what partaken in these psychedelic trips… This was indescribable. His palm actually was bloodied, the same one that tried shielding himself at the end of that frightful encounter. Recomposing from the dystopia. The wanderer attended to his bloodied palm by surveying and bandaging it, no cut’s visible or wounds noticeable by the naked-eye, almost if another’s blood entirely. “Name’s Castro Cassidy, take it you’ve got another story, aren’t tellin... I can't help but be interested.” Understandably trying to get answers, like someone with a sense of law. Settling down and looking on the side of his bed. He was going to confess truth, who he was. However, a disturbing turn occurred; he took notice of that photo of the couple, that other man, 'his partner', of this gunslinger. He recognized, Captain shot that man down in a life-or-death stand-off, a bounty hunter.
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Damn... From dangerous event, to anew. Fate always, catches up.
The man who saved Kuro, went unhinged from his sorrow, letting demon's devour his problems, as many chose this path. The Blackguard, knew this well. Seeker gulped noticeably heavily, and tried to subvert everything. "What a scary, nightmare! Pretty real one at that... Can't express enough you fending for me, listen I'm sorry ye had t' see that. I clumsily forgot but thank you fer this and even back there against th' goons." Inside mentally screaming... That voice, told him, he was going to be judged for heart's that were broken. Is this a cruel result?
He wasn't just in the room with anyone, the pirate, was with a Lawbringer with former deduction expertise, even if dulled from poor habits. Although once a former; bounty hunter, he changed his life around. Until his partner passed...
Both heightened Miqo'te's instincts were sticking up. A rift of tension felt between them. One thing known -- ...no felt. Captain needed to lie himself out of this to survive!
The often accompany butterfly, the spirit-guide, was soaked in blood observing and hiding behind the window-seal, cleaning it-self with teeth grown.
🌊 ♫The Hider♫ - Reference - Last Chapter 🌊
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angara-mfrp · 8 months
Angara Death Zone (an 18+ Discord-Based Multi-Fandom RP Group)
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An underground city, an enigmatic old man, a vast expanse of land that hasn't been explored in over a thousand years, a myriad of animals, five quirky but lovable leaders, and a past shrouded in mystery whose nature is steeped in murmuring from the population.
You'll find all this and more in Angara Death Zone, a multi-fandom Discord roleplay group that takes a less traditional approach to the post-apocalyptic genre (arguably, it should be called "post-post-apocalyptic), with a healthy does of mystery. It's a story of all that is good and all that is bad within humanity, set against the backdrop of wetlands featuring a heart-shaped lake. Our group has no member cap, nor do we have an immediate plans to implement one, so reserves are always open!
We have more details for you under the cut, but if you're short on time, here are some quick links!
The Setting: Angara Death Zone is set in a world in which a catastrophe of unknown origins forced an unknown number of the population into an underground city known as the Cache. Whatever the disaster was, it resulted in the appearance of a poorly-understood force known as Waves, which humans have adapted to over generations. The Waves have weakened in recent centuries, allowing some intrepid people to establish settlements outside the Cache.
Upon arrival, your muse may feel a bit stir crazy as they'll be dragged inside the Cache for their own safety - Waves are especially dangerous to those previously completely unexposed, leading to painful mutations and even death in someone with no resistance - but with time and patience, they'll be able to experience life outside the Cache for themselves.
The People: Those who reside in the Cache have developed a strong sense of community and a somewhat morbid sense of humor, but they are unfailingly kind, even to complete strangers. OOC, you will take a quiz to determine which Direction your muse will fall into. Directions are a source of camaraderie and companionship, grouping people with similar beliefs and values together so as to provide everyone with a social network. Each Direction is led by a competent leader with a unique approach to their position.
Will your muse end up with the kind`and occasionally mischievous mortician, Vera? The stern and practical ranger, Mikaves? The eccentric yet knowledgeable historian, Erin? The shy yet thoughtful veterinarian, Ethan? Or will they end up with the sweet and encouraging zoo director, Susie? Wherever they end up, they'll find a wide array of colorful personalities.
There's also the Hunter Town on the outside, known for being resilient, but also warm and welcoming. They are a merry group of people, despite the dangers that come with living outside the Cache. While no other major settlements have been discovered or established in the immediate area, who knows what else could be out there?
The Creatures: Whoever it was that established the Cache was very animal-conscious, storing a wide variety of samples of animals from their time in order to regrow them. However, these samples were all affected by Waves, causing these creatures to be much less familiar than their counterparts from the time. From koalas who have two heads to echidnas capable of weaponizing their spikes and doing large-scale pest control, you'll find the wildlife in Angara Death Zone to be fascinating and oddly charming.
The Mysteries: Your muse will experience odd events before they arrive, and they won't stop once your muse has fallen into the lake. They'll learn of a time more than a thousand years ago that locals call the Bygone Era, a brief but presumably eventful time following a large span collectively referred to as the ancient age. The strangest thing about the Bygone Era is that next to nothing is known about it, and even some mysteries uncovered in some recently-discovered ruins leave a very unfinished picture of what things looked like back then, or what caused the great disaster of that time.
Ancient though they may be, those mysteries may very well hold the secret to your muse's return home.
The Choices: Is your muse curious and benevolent? Are they entirely apathetic and content to leave the past undisturbed? Or are they cruel and power-hungry, only serving the agendas of others if doing so will benefit them in turn? Your muse will find a course of action in Angara Death Zone via the Path system, and their actions will shape their lives in their strange new home.
The Perks: Being isekai'd isn't easy, especially when your muse has some restrictions at first. Even so, there's much to discover within the Cache, and they can obtain incredible abilities as their Wave resistance increases. Will they use the synthesis rooms to create that which they couldn't back home? Will they find a new job with flexible hours and fair pay, possibly even letting them start over from a past they couldn't escape in their previous world? Maybe they'd even be willing to unlock the potential that the Waves have granted their bodies, letting them mutate in a way that's safe for them and that will grant them new powers?
The Inspirations: With the unique and varied interests within the mod team, we've managed to create a group drawing from many different sources. As gamers, we've looked to titles like Fallout, Chaos Rings, Harvestella, Horizon Zero Dawn, and we've even drawn bits and pieces from Final Fantasy and Rune Factory. The music of My Chemical Romance has played a part in the group, as have educational and documentary-style programs like The Crocodile Hunter and Life After People. This range of inspirations has allowed us to create a setting and story that will keep our members invested and intrigued.
The Goals: We wanted to create a place where roleplayers can express creative freedom while getting to know others and share ideas. Above all, we want to create a space that is safe and well-run, while also valuing communication and honesty between mods and members alike. We strive to make people feel welcomed and included when they join.
If this sounds like the group for you, we look forward to seeing you, and if you have any questions, you can always send us a message here or on our Twitter account, @AngaraDeathZone!
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kitkatbar5 · 1 year
bears in trees. what good times we had, and all the love from the fans pours through my veins. y’know, if i could, i would travel to every city to see you perform, but alas, i have $2.61 in my bank account.
what i really want to say is this: Truth is, you are stronger than you think. those words have stuck with me since And Everybody Else Smiled Back came out, and i got those lyrics tattooed on my arm when i turned 18. i do plan on more tattoos featuring bears in trees, but for now, i’ll stick with the one i have. i remember being in treatment and only being able to listen to the radio so i forgot about the silly little band i love. and then i found my discord account and remembered the band i loved so dearly, only to find out the fanbase had shot up so much! congrats, and thank you.
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sinfulmuses · 2 years
Hi there, been acquainting myself with the Tumbler sexy/smut rp scene and found you.
Are you interested in brainstorming ideas of a line? I see from your muses you have a wide array of interests, and are  into a lot of Fandoms,  as am I.
Kinks are things like oral for both characters, vaginal, face and ass fucking, twisted themes, taboo, incest, dub con, exhibitionism, shallow idiots fucking their brains out, period settings (80s, 70s, 60s, open to whenever), folk horror, cults, mother/son play, daddy play, punishment, spanking, et cetera. 
Interested at all?
(( hi there. and yes, I'd love to write something up with you. what sort of connection (muses, plot? etc.) would you like to explore? I'm more than open to a lot of different things/interactions, etc. Just hit up the IM feature (if you'd like) for plotting, or we can do discord or what have you...
Nice to meet you, @tryinthisoutsblog ))
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weetechsolution · 2 months
Connecting in the Digital Age: A Guide to the Best Online Chat Rooms in 2024
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The inte­rnet transformed how we link. Online­ chat rooms remain energe­tic spaces for building friendships, exchanging passions, and participating in animate­d conversations. With countless possibilities acce­ssible, selecting the­ suitable chat room can feel daunting. This guide­ examines some of 2024's fine­st online chat rooms, accommodating diverse inte­rests and prefere­nces.
Calling Community See­kers
1. Discord
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Discord is not a mere chat room. It's a multiface­ted space where­ communities unite. Serve­rs cater to diverse inte­rests, voice chat connects pe­ople, and file-sharing kee­ps information flowing. On Discord, finding your niche has never be­en easier.
2. Reddit
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Home to a vast array of subreddits (communities focusing on specific topics), Reddit allows you to connect with people who share your passions. Whether it's discussing the latest movies, debating scientific theories, or finding support groups, Reddit offers a vast network for meaningful online interactions.
Home to a vast array of subreddits (communities focusing on specific topics), Reddit allows you to connect with people who share your passions. Whether it's discussing the latest movies, debating scientific theories, or finding support groups, Reddit offers a vast network for meaningful online interactions.
For the Random Encounters
1. Chatroulette
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Chatroulette e­nables direct video talks. It randomly conne­cts you with different people­ globally. You encounter diverse­ personalities through this platform. Howeve­r, these random encounte­rs might range from engaging to perple­xing.
2. Omegle­
Omegle­ resembles Chatroule­tte, allowing random video or text communication with strange­rs. You may pick interests, possibly enabling conne­ctions with those sharing them, perhaps making e­xchanges more meaningful.
For the Interest-Driven
For fans united by a share­d love, there's Fandom Local. This ne­twork hub lets enthusiasts bond over TV shows, movie­s, games, or books. Here, you can chat about passion proje­cts. Swap theories with kindred spirits. Fully imme­rse yourself in cherishe­d fandoms. Fandom Local online chat room
For the Gamers
1. Guild Wars 2
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Gamers enjoy Guild Wars 2, a renowne­d MMORPG. It has great chat rooms inside the game­. Players connect with guild membe­rs easily. They strategize­ for future raids together. Or the­y just chat casually while exploring the huge­ gaming world.
2. Twitch Chat
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Twitch is a top site whe­re you can livestream vide­o games. It has chat rooms too. In these, you can talk to stre­amers and other viewe­rs as the game happens. You could discuss how things are­ going or just enjoy being part of a group that loves gaming.
Pinpointing a Chat Space: The­ Ideal Match
An abundance of virtual hangouts beckons, ye­t selecting the most suitable­ chat room demands thoughtful consideration of your individual require­ments and predilections. He­rein lie some sagacious counse­l:
Dete­rmine what matters most to you: Is finding folks with common passions a priority? Or are fre­sh faces and unexpecte­d interactions more appealing?
Take the­ features into account: What does your platform re­quire? Video calling options? Or will text-only communication suffice­?
Study revie­ws online: Learn from past users be­fore joining.
What's Next for Chat Spaces
Digital discussion hubs ne­ver stop transforming. Watch for these e­merging patterns:
Safeguarding privacy and se­curity is paramount: Online platforms have recognize­d user safety as a key conce­rn. Enhanced moderation and anonymity options are be­ing implemented to prioritize­ this focus.
AI Integration: Language­ translation abilities from AI might make global chats more ope­n. No more obstacles due to diffe­ring languages! Communities that focus on particular passions will boom. You should e­xpect more online chat space­s devoted to certain hobbie­s or topics.
The Takeaway: A World of Connections Awaits
Social spaces on the­ Web allow vibrant chatting and community growth. Are you searching for e­asygoing talks, enthusiasts united, or forums for gaming pals? An ideal chat room waits. Thus, imme­rse yourself, investigate­ the possibilities, and build significant relationships online­.
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ultragamerz · 4 months
Solana's Genopets: Move-to-Earn Meets Tamagotchi in the Solana Ecosystem
New Post has been published on https://www.ultragamerz.com/solanas-genopets-move-to-earn-meets-tamagotchi-in-the-solana-ecosystem/
Solana's Genopets: Move-to-Earn Meets Tamagotchi in the Solana Ecosystem
Genopets: Move-to-Earn Meets Tamagotchi in the Solana Ecosystem
In the realm of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, innovation often intersects with gamification, creating unique experiences that blur the lines between play and earn. Among these rising stars, Genopets shines bright, offering a captivating “move-to-earn” adventure that blends nostalgia with cutting-edge blockchain mechanics.
Keywords: $GENE token, habitat system, augments, crystals, land-based gameplay, guild system, Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Move2Earn, fitness motivation, blockchain gaming, fitness and wellness, NFT ownership, Genopet evolution, Genoverse exploration
So, what exactly is Genopets?
Imagine Tamagotchi, the iconic virtual pet of the 90s, reimagined for the modern era. This time, your pet evolves and thrives based on your own physical activity. Built on the Solana blockchain, Genopets gamifies your fitness journey, rewarding you with tokens for walking, running, or engaging in other active pursuits. As you move, your Genopet, a unique and adorable creature, levels up, acquires new skills, and unlocks exciting possibilities within the game’s vibrant ecosystem.
Unpacking the Genopets Universe:
Ecosystem: Solana
Focus: Move-to-earn gaming, fitness motivation, community building
Industry: Blockchain gaming, fitness and wellness
How does it work?
Hatch Your Genopet: Choose from an array of unique Genopet types, each with distinct characteristics and potential.
Move to Earn: Track your daily steps using the Genopets mobile app. Every step fuels your Genopet’s growth and earns you $GENE tokens, the game’s native currency.
Nurture and Evolve: Use $GENE tokens to feed, train, and customize your Genopet, unlocking new abilities and boosting its earning potential.
Explore the Genoverse: Participate in exciting adventures, battles, and quests with other players, expanding your reach and earning even more rewards.
More than just a game:
Genopets goes beyond gamifying fitness. It fosters a passionate community driven by shared goals and healthy competition. Its tokenomics incentivize long-term engagement and reward active participation, contributing to a sustainable and vibrant ecosystem.
Beyond the basics:
NFT Ownership: Each Genopet is a unique NFT, granting you ownership and the ability to trade it on marketplaces.
Habitat System: Craft customizable habitats for your Genopet, further enhancing its growth and earning potential.
Augments and Crystals: Equip your Genopet with special items to personalize its appearance and boost its skills.
Looking ahead:
The Genopets team is constantly expanding the game’s features and functionalities, including:
Social features: Deeper interaction and collaboration between players.
Land-based gameplay: Integration with real-world locations for added immersion.
Guild system: Collaborative gameplay and community building.
Ready to move and earn with Genopets?
Visit the official website: [https://genopets.me/]
Join the vibrant Genopets community:
Twitter: [https://twitter.com/genopets]
Disclaimer: Cryptocurrencies and NFTs involve inherent risks. Always conduct thorough research and understand the underlying technology before investing. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice.
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sweetsilverman01 · 10 months
Mini-Games Galore: Dive into the World of Fun-Filled Minecraft Servers
Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, offers a vast array of experiences beyond its core gameplay. One of the most popular and entertaining aspects of Minecraft is the availability of mini-game servers. These servers provide a wide range of unique and fun game modes within the Minecraft universe, offering players exciting challenges, friendly competitions, and thrilling adventures. In this article, we will explore the world of fun-filled Minecraft servers and the diverse mini-games they have to offer. What Are Minecraft Mini-Game Servers? Minecraft mini-game servers are multiplayer servers that specialize in hosting a variety of mini-games within the Minecraft world. These servers feature custom-built maps and game modes that deviate from the traditional Minecraft gameplay, providing players with an entirely different and exciting experience. From parkour challenges and survival games to PvP battles and treasure hunts, mini-game servers cater to various playstyles and preferences, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Different Mini-Games: - Survival Games: Survival Games, also known as Hunger Games, is a popular mini-game mode inspired by the famous book and movie series. In this game mode, players are dropped into an arena where they must scavenge for resources, fight off opponents, and be the last player standing. It combines elements of survival, PvP combat, and strategy, creating an intense and exhilarating gameplay experience. - Parkour: Parkour mini-games focus on players' agility and dexterity as they navigate through challenging obstacle courses. These courses are designed with jumps, leaps, and precision movements that require quick reflexes and precise timing. Parkour mini-games provide a platform for players to showcase their parkour skills and compete for the fastest completion times. - Capture the Flag: Capture the Flag is a classic team-based mini-game where players are divided into two teams and must strategize to steal the opposing team's flag while defending their own. Cooperation, communication, and tactical gameplay are essential in this mode as players coordinate their movements, protect their flag, and plan strategic offensives. - Spleef: Spleef is a fast-paced and exciting mini-game where players compete in an arena to be the last one standing. The objective is to dig or break blocks underneath opponents' feet, causing them to fall into a pit or be eliminated from the game. It's a thrilling game of strategy, reflexes, and quick thinking. - Treasure Hunt: Treasure Hunt mini-games challenge players to solve puzzles, find hidden clues, and embark on quests to discover hidden treasures. These mini-games often have intricate storylines and require players to explore different areas, unravel mysteries, and work together to unravel the secrets and claim the coveted treasure. Finding the Best Mini-Game Servers: - Server Listing Websites: Start your search for the best Minecraft mini-game servers by exploring server listing websites. Platforms like Minecraft-Server-List.com, Planet Minecraft, and Minecraft-mp.com provide comprehensive lists of servers categorized by game mode. Look for the "Mini-Games" or "Game Modes" sections to find a wide selection of servers dedicated to hosting various mini-games. - Minecraft Forums and Communities: Engage with the Minecraft community on forums, subreddit threads, and Discord servers dedicated to Minecraft. These platforms often have dedicated sections or channels for server advertisements, where server owners promote their mini-game servers. You can find unique and well-established servers, read player reviews, and connect with other Minecraft enthusiasts. - Recommendations from Players: Seek recommendations from friends, fellow Minecraft players, or online communities. Personal recommendations can provide valuable insights into the best mini-game servers available. Ask for suggestions based on specific mini-game preferences or seek advice fromexperienced players who have explored different servers. They can provide firsthand information about the quality of gameplay, server community, and overall enjoyment. - Server Popularity and Community: Consider the popularity and community of the mini-game server you're interested in. Look for servers with an active and engaged player base. A vibrant community fosters a more dynamic and enjoyable gaming experience, as it encourages interaction, competition, and the opportunity to make new friends. - Server Stability and Performance: Stability and performance are crucial factors when choosing a mini-game server. how to be unbanneable from minecraft servers Check for server stability indicators like uptime percentage, lag reports, and reviews from other players. A stable and well-performing server ensures a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. - Server Rules and Moderation: Review the server rules and moderation policies to ensure they align with your gaming preferences. Look for servers that prioritize fair play, promote positive behavior, and have active moderation teams to maintain a friendly and respectful gaming environment. - Unique Features and Customization: Consider the unique features and customization options offered by the mini-game servers. Some servers may have custom maps, exclusive game modes, or additional plugins that enhance the gameplay experience. Look for servers that offer a variety of mini-games and have regular updates or additions to keep the experience fresh and exciting. Once you've found a Minecraft mini-game server that suits your interests, join the server and immerse yourself in the world of fun-filled mini-games. Engage with the community, make new friends, and enjoy the thrilling challenges and competitions that await. Remember to respect the server rules, be a good sport, and embrace the spirit of friendly competition. Minecraft mini-game servers provide an opportunity to test your skills, showcase your creativity, and experience the joy of multiplayer gameplay in a unique and entertaining way. So, dive into the world of mini-games and let the adventures begin!
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salehwillard03 · 11 months
Cracked Minecraft Servers: Building Communities Beyond Official Versions
- Inclusivity and Accessibility: One of the key advantages of cracked Minecraft servers is their inclusivity and accessibility. By removing the requirement for a legitimate game account, cracked servers open the doors to players who may not have the means to purchase the game or who wish to test the waters before committing to an official version. This inclusivity fosters a diverse and welcoming community, where players from various backgrounds can come together and enjoy the Minecraft experience. Top cracked minecraft servers - Expanding Gameplay Possibilities: Cracked Minecraft servers offer a vast array of gameplay possibilities beyond the constraints of the official versions. These servers often feature unique plugins, modifications, and custom game modes that introduce fresh mechanics, challenges, and features. From survival and creative modes to minigames, role-playing, and custom adventures, cracked servers provide a dynamic and ever-evolving Minecraft experience that keeps players engaged and excited. - Community Interaction and Collaboration: Cracked Minecraft servers thrive on community interaction and collaboration. These servers attract players from around the world, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared interests. Players can connect, form friendships, and collaborate on projects, whether it's building intricate structures, embarking on quests, or participating in community events. The sense of community on cracked servers often extends beyond the virtual world, with forums, Discord servers, and social media platforms dedicated to fostering connections and facilitating communication. - Customization and Flexibility: Cracked Minecraft servers allow for extensive customization and flexibility, offering players the ability to tailor their gameplay experience. Server administrators can implement unique rules, create custom plugins, and curate specific themes or gameplay styles, catering to the preferences of their community. This customization and flexibility enable players to find servers that align with their interests and provide a personalized experience that goes beyond what official versions offer. - Dedicated Server Communities: Cracked Minecraft servers have dedicated communities that are passionate and invested in their chosen servers. These communities often develop their own traditions, customs, and internal hierarchies, creating a sense of belonging and ownership among players. The bonds forged within these communities can lead to long-lasting friendships, collaborations, and memorable experiences. - Resourceful Support and Troubleshooting: The cracked Minecraft community is resourceful when it comes to support and troubleshooting. With a wealth of forums, wikis, and knowledgeable players, finding solutions to technical issues, installation problems, or gameplay queries becomes easier. Players can rely on the expertise of the community to help them overcome obstacles and make the most of their cracked Minecraft experience.
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demantmattingly43 · 11 months
FiveM Servers List: Unlocking the Potential of Custom Mods
FiveM is a modification framework for Grand Theft Auto V that allows players to create and join custom multiplayer servers with unique modifications, enhancing the gameplay experience beyond the traditional single-player or official multiplayer modes. These custom servers offer a wide range of possibilities, from roleplaying communities to intense racing competitions and everything in between. In this article, we will explore the FiveM servers list and delve into the world of custom mods, unlocking the vast potential they bring to the GTA V multiplayer scene. - What is FiveM: FiveM is a platform that enables players to connect to custom multiplayer servers in Grand Theft Auto V. It provides tools and resources for server owners to create unique gameplay experiences through the use of custom mods, scripts, and assets. FiveM allows for a highly customizable and flexible multiplayer environment, opening the door to a diverse range of server options. - Exploring the FiveM Servers List: The FiveM servers list is a comprehensive directory of custom multiplayer servers available for players to join. It features a wide array of server types, each offering a unique twist on the GTA V experience. From roleplaying servers that simulate real-life scenarios to action-packed racing servers and immersive law enforcement simulations, the servers list has something for every player's preference. - Roleplaying Communities: Roleplaying servers on FiveM offer a truly immersive experience where players can assume various roles, such as police officers, criminals, business owners, and more. These servers often feature custom scripts, mods, and resources that enhance the roleplaying aspect, providing a dynamic and realistic virtual world. Players can engage in realistic interactions, participate in engaging storylines, and build relationships with other community members. - Racing and Stunt Servers: For those seeking high-speed thrills and adrenaline-pumping challenges, racing and stunt servers on FiveM deliver exhilarating gameplay experiences. These servers often feature custom vehicles, tracks, and physics modifications that push the boundaries of what's possible in GTA V. Compete against other players in intense races, perform gravity-defying stunts, and showcase your driving skills in these action-packed environments. - Law Enforcement Simulations: Law enforcement servers on FiveM offer a unique opportunity for players to step into the shoes of police officers, working together to maintain law and order in a virtual city. These servers often feature custom law enforcement scripts, realistic procedures, and engaging missions that simulate the challenges and responsibilities of being a police officer. Experience the thrill of chasing criminals, conducting investigations, and ensuring public safety in these immersive simulations. - Custom Game Modes and Minigames: Beyond roleplaying, racing, and law enforcement, FiveM servers also offer a variety of custom game modes and minigames. These servers introduce new gameplay mechanics, unique challenges, and creative experiences. From custom-built heists and survival challenges to unique team-based objective modes, the possibilities are endless. Players can engage in cooperative or competitive gameplay, enjoying fresh and exciting content in the GTA V multiplayer environment. - Community Interaction and Support: One of the highlights of FiveM servers is the strong sense of community and interaction among players. Many servers have dedicated forums, Discord servers, and active communities where players can connect, share their experiences, and contribute to the development of the server. It's a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem where players can find support, make friends, and engage in discussions about their favorite servers and mods. The FiveM servers list opens up a world of possibilities for Grand Theft Auto V players, offering custom multiplayer experiences that go beyond the boundaries of the traditional game. Whether you're looking for immersive roleplaying, intense racing competitions, law enforcement simulations, or unique game modes and minigames, the custom mods and scripts available on FiveM servers can provide endless hours of enjoyment. Explore the servers list, join communities, and unlock the full potential of GTA V multiplayer by diving into the exciting world of custom mods. fivem servers
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hinsonfitzpatrick29 · 11 months
Modded Madness: Minecraft Servers with an Array of Exciting Mods
How to hack in minecraft servers Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, is renowned for its endless possibilities and creative freedom. While the vanilla version offers a fantastic experience, many players seek to push the boundaries even further by delving into the world of modded Minecraft. Mods, short for modifications, are custom creations made by the Minecraft community that introduce new features, gameplay mechanics, and visual enhancements. In this article, we'll explore the world of modded Minecraft servers and the madness that awaits those who dare to venture into them. What are Modded Minecraft Servers? Modded Minecraft servers are multiplayer environments that run customized versions of the game with an array of exciting mods installed. These mods add new dimensions, biomes, creatures, weapons, technology, magic systems, and much more. Modded servers provide players with an entirely different gameplay experience, offering unique challenges, enhanced creativity, and boundless opportunities for exploration and adventure. The Thrill of Modded Minecraft Servers: Modded Minecraft servers inject a dose of excitement and madness into the game. Here's what makes them so appealing: - Vast Array of Mods: Modded servers boast an extensive collection of mods, each introducing its own set of features and enhancements. From technical mods like IndustrialCraft and Applied Energistics to magic-based mods like Thaumcraft and Botania, the variety of mods available ensures that every player can find their niche and preferred playstyle. - Expanded Gameplay: Modded servers offer a vast expansion of gameplay possibilities. Whether you're automating complex machinery, delving into mystical arts, exploring new dimensions, or battling epic bosses, there is always something new to discover and experience. The added depth and complexity keep players engaged for countless hours of gameplay. - Enhanced Creativity: With a multitude of mods at your disposal, you can unleash your creativity in ways that are not possible in vanilla Minecraft. Build intricate machinery, construct towering structures, design stunning landscapes, and experiment with unique block combinations. The modded world becomes a canvas for your imagination, allowing you to create masterpieces that showcase your creativity. - Rich Community: Modded Minecraft servers have a passionate and vibrant community. You'll find dedicated servers, forums, and Discord communities where players can connect, collaborate, and share their experiences. The community often provides valuable support, guidance, and inspiration as you navigate the vast world of modded Minecraft. - Endless Adventure: Modded servers offer an endless array of adventures. Discover hidden treasures in new dimensions, battle powerful bosses, engage in player-vs-player combat, or embark on quests and challenges unique to the modded experience. The sense of progression and constant discovery keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. - Tailored Experiences: Modded servers can cater to various playstyles and preferences. Whether you prefer a tech-oriented experience, magical adventures, or a combination of both, there are servers that cater to specific themes and gameplay styles. Some servers focus on providing a challenging survival experience, while others emphasize creativity and building. Choose a server that aligns with your interests and dive into a tailored Minecraft adventure. Joining a Modded Minecraft Server: To join a modded Minecraft server, follow these general steps: - Install the Required Mods: Modded servers have specific modpacks or mod lists that players must install to connect. The server's website or community page will provide instructions on which mods to download and how to install them. Use a trusted launcher like Twitch or MultiMC to manage your modpacks and easily join different servers. - Find a Server: Explore Minecraft server listing websites or community forums to find modded servers that align with your interests. Look for servers with active communities, regular updates, and good server stability. Take note of any additional rules or guidelinesprovided by the server administrators. - Connect and Play: Once you have the required mods installed, launch the Minecraft launcher and select the appropriate modpack. Enter the server's IP address or domain name to join. Follow any additional instructions provided by the server to ensure a smooth connection. Once connected, immerse yourself in the modded madness and let the adventure unfold. Remember, modded Minecraft servers may have different server rules, gameplay mechanics, and mod interactions. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the specific features and guidelines of each server you join to ensure an enjoyable and harmonious experience. Modded Minecraft servers offer a thrilling and immersive gaming experience that takes Minecraft to new heights. With an extensive array of mods, expanded gameplay possibilities, and a passionate community, the madness of modded Minecraft servers awaits those willing to embrace the excitement. So, gear up, venture into the modded realms, and let the adventure begin!
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finleyabel60 · 11 months
Expanding Possibilities: Minecraft Server Downloads with Mod Support
Minecraft, the iconic sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide with its limitless creativity and exploration. While the vanilla version of Minecraft offers a rich and immersive experience, many players are eager to expand the possibilities even further by adding mods to their gameplay. Mods, short for modifications, are user-created additions to the game that can enhance gameplay, introduce new features, and unlock a whole new world of possibilities. In this article, we will delve into the realm of Minecraft server downloads with mod support and explore how they can elevate your multiplayer experience. - What are Mods?: Mods are custom modifications created by the Minecraft community that alter or enhance various aspects of the game. They can range from simple quality-of-life improvements to extensive content additions, such as new blocks, items, creatures, gameplay mechanics, and even entire dimensions. Mods allow players to tailor their Minecraft experience according to their preferences and interests. - Multiplayer Mod Support: While mods are often associated with single-player gameplay, many mods are also compatible with multiplayer environments. Minecraft server downloads with mod support enable players to enjoy modded gameplay together, expanding the possibilities for collaborative projects, cooperative adventures, and unique gameplay experiences. - Adding Mods to Minecraft Servers: To create a modded server, you will need to start with a Minecraft server download that supports mods. These modified server files typically come with built-in mod loaders or server management tools that simplify the installation and management of mods. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure compatibility between the server version, mod versions, and client-side mods used by players to join the server. - Choosing Mods for Multiplayer: When selecting mods for your server, consider the interests and preferences of your player community. Some popular mod categories for multiplayer include technology and automation, magic and spells, exploration and dimensions, and adventure and RPG enhancements. Research popular and well-supported mods that align with your server's theme or gameplay goals. - Customizing the Gameplay Experience: Mods offer a vast array of customization options, allowing you to tailor the gameplay experience to suit your server's vision. You can introduce new challenges, create unique biomes, add custom structures, or even implement custom game rules. By leveraging mods, you can create a distinct and memorable multiplayer experience that sets your server apart. - Mod Management and Updates: As mods evolve and new versions are released, it's essential to stay on top of mod updates to ensure compatibility and a stable gameplay experience. Regularly monitor modding communities, websites, and forums to stay informed about updates, bug fixes, and potential conflicts. Keep your server's mod selection up to date to provide the best possible experience for your players. - Mod Packs and Modpack Launchers: To simplify the modding process, consider using mod packs or modpack launchers. Mod packs are curated collections of mods that work well together, providing players with a seamless and cohesive modded experience. Minecraft Server Software Modpack launchers, such as Technic Launcher or Feed the Beast, automate the installation and management of mods, making it easier for players to join and enjoy modded servers. - Modding Community and Support: Engage with the modding community to gain insights, seek advice, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Mod creators and experienced server administrators can provide valuable assistance and guidance in selecting, installing, and managing mods for your server. Online forums, Discord communities, and modding websites are excellent resources for connecting with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Expanding the possibilities of Minecraft server downloads with mod support opens up a whole new world of creativity, collaboration, and unique gameplay experiences. By carefully selecting and managing mods, you can create a server that captures the imagination of your player community and offers endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. So, embrace the world of mods, enhance your Minecraft server, and embark on an unforgettable modded multiplayer journey!
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raynorsawyer55 · 1 year
Expanding Possibilities: Minecraft Server Downloads with Mod Support
Minecraft Minecraft, the iconic sandbox game, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide with its limitless creativity and exploration. While the vanilla version of Minecraft offers a rich and immersive experience, many players are eager to expand the possibilities even further by adding mods to their gameplay. Mods, short for modifications, are user-created additions to the game that can enhance gameplay, introduce new features, and unlock a whole new world of possibilities. In this article, we will delve into the realm of Minecraft server downloads with mod support and explore how they can elevate your multiplayer experience. - What are Mods?: Mods are custom modifications created by the Minecraft community that alter or enhance various aspects of the game. They can range from simple quality-of-life improvements to extensive content additions, such as new blocks, items, creatures, gameplay mechanics, and even entire dimensions. Mods allow players to tailor their Minecraft experience according to their preferences and interests. - Multiplayer Mod Support: While mods are often associated with single-player gameplay, many mods are also compatible with multiplayer environments. Minecraft server downloads with mod support enable players to enjoy modded gameplay together, expanding the possibilities for collaborative projects, cooperative adventures, and unique gameplay experiences. - Adding Mods to Minecraft Servers: To create a modded server, you will need to start with a Minecraft server download that supports mods. These modified server files typically come with built-in mod loaders or server management tools that simplify the installation and management of mods. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure compatibility between the server version, mod versions, and client-side mods used by players to join the server. - Choosing Mods for Multiplayer: When selecting mods for your server, consider the interests and preferences of your player community. Some popular mod categories for multiplayer include technology and automation, magic and spells, exploration and dimensions, and adventure and RPG enhancements. Research popular and well-supported mods that align with your server's theme or gameplay goals. - Customizing the Gameplay Experience: Mods offer a vast array of customization options, allowing you to tailor the gameplay experience to suit your server's vision. You can introduce new challenges, create unique biomes, add custom structures, or even implement custom game rules. By leveraging mods, you can create a distinct and memorable multiplayer experience that sets your server apart. - Mod Management and Updates: As mods evolve and new versions are released, it's essential to stay on top of mod updates to ensure compatibility and a stable gameplay experience. Regularly monitor modding communities, websites, and forums to stay informed about updates, bug fixes, and potential conflicts. Keep your server's mod selection up to date to provide the best possible experience for your players. - Mod Packs and Modpack Launchers: To simplify the modding process, consider using mod packs or modpack launchers. Mod packs are curated collections of mods that work well together, providing players with a seamless and cohesive modded experience. Modpack launchers, such as Technic Launcher or Feed the Beast, automate the installation and management of mods, making it easier for players to join and enjoy modded servers. - Modding Community and Support: Engage with the modding community to gain insights, seek advice, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Mod creators and experienced server administrators can provide valuable assistance and guidance in selecting, installing, and managing mods for your server. Online forums, Discord communities, and modding websites are excellent resources for connecting with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Expanding the possibilities of Minecraft server downloads with mod support opens up a whole new world of creativity, collaboration, and unique gameplay experiences. By carefully selecting and managing mods, you can create a server that captures the imagination of your player community and offers endless opportunities for exploration and adventure. So, embrace the world of mods, enhance your Minecraft server, and embark on an unforgettable modded multiplayer journey!
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egeberggeorge39 · 1 year
Beyond Vanilla: Diving into the World of Modded Minecraft Servers
Minecraft, with its infinite possibilities and creative gameplay, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. While the vanilla version of the game offers a wealth of content, modded Minecraft servers take the experience to a whole new level. These servers introduce a vast array of modifications (mods) that enhance gameplay, introduce new features, and open up endless possibilities for exploration and creativity. In this article, we will dive into the world of modded Minecraft servers and explore the reasons why they are a must-try for any Minecraft enthusiast. What are Modded Minecraft Servers? Modded Minecraft servers are multiplayer servers that utilize modifications, or mods, to enhance and expand the gameplay beyond what is available in the vanilla game. Mods are user-created modifications that add new items, blocks, mechanics, and even dimensions to the game. Modded servers feature curated collections of mods, carefully selected to work together and provide a cohesive and exciting gameplay experience. Enhanced Gameplay Mechanics: One of the most significant advantages of modded Minecraft servers is the introduction of enhanced gameplay mechanics. Mods can introduce new systems, such as advanced crafting recipes, machinery, magic systems, or even complex automation. These mods allow players to delve into deep resource management, delve into complex machinery, or harness supernatural powers. Enhanced gameplay mechanics bring a new level of depth and complexity to the game, making it more challenging and rewarding. Vast Selection of Mods: Modded Minecraft servers offer an extensive selection of mods to choose from. There are mods that focus on technological advancements, allowing players to build intricate machinery and automate processes. Others emphasize magic and fantasy, granting players the ability to wield powerful spells and explore mystical dimensions. There are mods that introduce new biomes, creatures, or even entire dimensions to discover. With the wide variety of mods available, players can tailor their Minecraft experience to their preferences and playstyles. Endless Exploration and Adventure: Modded Minecraft servers expand the possibilities for exploration and adventure. Mods can introduce new biomes with unique landscapes, structures, and resources to discover. Players can embark on quests, explore dungeons, or journey into challenging dimensions filled with dangerous creatures and valuable treasures. With modded servers, every new adventure brings fresh surprises and unique experiences, ensuring that exploration remains engaging and exciting. Creative Building Possibilities: Modded Minecraft servers offer an expanded toolbox for creative builders. Mods can introduce new building blocks, decorative items, and architectural styles, allowing players to create intricate structures and stunning landscapes. Whether you're building a futuristic city, a medieval castle, or an otherworldly realm, the added variety of mods enhances the creative potential and opens up new possibilities for architectural design. Community and Customization: Modded Minecraft servers foster vibrant communities of players who share a passion for customizing their gameplay experiences. These communities often have forums, Discord servers, or other platforms where players can connect, share their creations, and exchange tips and ideas. Many modded servers also offer modpacks, which are pre-configured collections of mods that players can easily install and play together. This sense of community and shared experiences adds a social aspect to modded Minecraft, allowing players to collaborate, showcase their creativity, and inspire one another. Modded Minecraft servers offer an exciting and expansive experience for players who seek to go beyond the limitations of vanilla gameplay. With an abundance of mods available, enhanced gameplay mechanics, endless exploration opportunities, and a vibrant community, modded servers provide an immersive and dynamic environment for Minecraft enthusiasts. Minecraft Servers Whether you're seeking technical challenges, magical adventures, or creative building possibilities, diving into the world of modded Minecraft servers is a thrilling journey that will forever change the way you experience Minecraft.
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mickey42302 · 1 year
Hello everybody!
For a while now, I have been working on re-branding the Tweak It Discord server. As of tonight, I am very happy to announce that the re-branding process is now complete!
What was once called the Tweak It Discord shall now be known as the Mickey42302's Projects Discord! During the re-branding process, I set up the Discord server so that it would be able to accommodate all of my projects and include a whole array of new features!
If you have a Discord account and would like to check out the Mickey42302's Projects Discord server, feel free to do so! It's open to everyone. Simply use the invitation link attached to this post!
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yuuana · 1 year
Music May 2023 #2: Stray Kids - Maniac release: March 2022 genre: Kpop
In further proof of just how far behind I am, three of my top four candidates for today's track have already had another comeback. And in fact, I am so far behind on Stray Kids, that they've had multiple comebacks since this AND I'm skipping releases they put out between NOEASY and ODDINARY, so expect me to hit them again a couple times between now and the end of the month, probably, so I'm at least hitting their other two recent full albums, MAXIDENT and THE SOUND.
So despite being Stay, I'm skipping over ... several MVs that came out between Thunderous and Maniac, even though I love most of them, because ... well, because I'll never get caught up if I don't, for one thing. Three of them are also seasonal (Christmas songs), so I'd feel weird writing about them right now. I may or may not come back to some of those further down the line, but no promises. And in my defense, because they've been touring under the name MANIAC since last year, I'd ... sort of lost track of just how much music they've put out between tour legs.
One thing about Stray Kids is you can count on them to do things their own way, thanks to being a self-producing group - 3RACHA writes and produces the vast majority of what Stray Kids releases, albeit in conjunction with a rotating array of outside producers. Maniac has a sound that is unlike anything else that was playing at the time while at the same time being perfectly and immediately recognizable as Stray Kids. Which is an accomplishment given that I could not possibly put into words what exactly that sound is, you just recognize it when you hear it.
As for the video, well, I don't quite know where to start. There's threads of narrative flowing through it, but several viewings on, it's clearly more about vibes and performance beats than storytelling. And if you weren't already familiar with what passes for lore with this group, you might not know there's a running story here anyway. It works perfectly fine as a stand-alone about how trying to hide who you are, playing out a role that society expects, is only going to end up backfiring when the real you comes out. On the other hand, there are a few scattered visual cues that could be read as implying that the dokkaebi from Thunderous have come forward into the modern era. What that means for the world at large ... remains to be seen.
ODDINARY is available for purchase, both digital and physical, wherever you like to do your music buying, and streaming more or less everywhere. If I remember right they have actually, finally, wrapped up their MANIAC touring, so they might actually take a nap before doing anything else. But probably not.
Want to sponsor a song selection? You sweet angel! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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