#what is Joint Life Insurance Policy
davidjohn4252 · 1 month
What Is Joint Life Insurance Policy
A joint life insurance policy is a type of insurance contract that covers two or more individuals under a single policy. This policy provides coverage for all insured parties, with benefits paid out based on the terms specified in the policy. Know what is joint life insurance policy below.
In a joint life insurance policy, the insured individuals are typically spouses, partners, or business associates who are jointly insured. The policy pays out benefits upon the death of one or more insured persons, depending on the specific terms of the policy.
There are different variations of joint life insurance policies:
Joint life first-to-die policy: Benefits are paid out upon the death of the first insured individual. After the benefit is paid, the policy usually terminates.
Joint life last-to-die policy: Benefits are paid out upon the death of the last surviving insured individual. This type of policy is often used for estate planning purposes.
Joint life with dual benefits: Benefits are paid out upon the death of each insured individual, providing financial protection for both parties.
Joint life insurance policies offer several benefits, including cost-effective premiums, comprehensive coverage for all insured parties, and simplified management compared to individual policies. These policies are commonly chosen by couples, partners, or business associates who want to ensure financial security for each other or their dependents.
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starch1ldz · 3 months
Spencer Reid is a very private person, he has his things that he doesn't tell his teammates. So, when he meets you, he doesn't tell them, it's not important and it never comes up, so they just don't know. When he starts wearing a ring that you both insist isn't a wedding band, he doesn't tell anyone. You're not married legally, so why does it matter? The team notices, but outside of some snide and humorous remarks, nothing is said about it. Your relationship is a quiet thing, it's between you, and Spencer and only the two of you. People will ask if you're married, and you'll both say no as you fidget with the ring on your left hand. You're husbands in every meaning of the word, except for the legal aspect, but thats your business, not anyone else's. You're not boyfriends though, you're thirty years old so boyfriends doesn't quite fit the bill anymore, you refer to each other as partner, because that works well enough. You live together, you have a joint Bank account, you're the beneficiary of his life insurance policy should anything happen, you share an insurance plan. It's just how it is between the two of you. Hotch knows simply because to add you to is insurance he had to go through Aaron, but he doesn't like making it his business what Spencer does.
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epigstolary · 2 years
A New Home
TW: Medical fatphobia and discussion of health issues, sadistic caregiver, immobility
I catch myself nervously fingering the sides of my belly, at the far extent of my reach, wishing I could be anywhere but here. Anywhere but having this skinny doctor, standing at the foot of my bed — one of those reinforced bariatric jobs, which I couldn’t leave without the help of a couple of strong orderlies, even if I could muster the will to try — very clearly disgusted by the sight of me, and lecturing me about what I would have to do if I wanted to salvage my health.
“You realize you’ve gotten yourself into a very dangerous situation, don’t you?” he says, palpating the flesh bulging from my thighs and underbelly, studying the darkening skin spreading from the folds. “You have allowed yourself to become extremely morbidly obese. I can see from the notes on your chart yesterday that you’re not able to lift yourself, not able to reposition yourself without assistance, you become very short of breath from any movement. And your lab numbers are very bad. Your cholesterol is very high, your blood pressure is consistently in the danger zone, and you’re ridiculously diabetic. That’s a very big hole you’re going to have to dig yourself out of.”
I had to scrutinize his expression to see if the double-meaning was intended — no sign of a smirk on that businesslike face, looking at the notes he was jotting on his tablet — but even so, I knew there was more truth in it than just what he meant. Just thinking about my situation was enough to make my blood run cold.
Today is the first day I’ve gotten to rest since I had to leave home. I say “had to,” when what I really mean is that I was made to. The power of attorney my feeder had made me sign — along with the gaining contract, the life insurance policy, and a bunch of other paperwork — had seemed so thrilling at the time, when we were just starting to fatten me up. Now, I wish I’d thought a little more carefully about it. Once I’d passed the half-ton mark, and my feeder had to start spending more time sponging my rolls than getting off to them, my days at home were numbered. I’m surprised he made it almost the full year. But he was well over it by then, and that little piece of paper was all he needed to sign me up for a one-way ambulance ride to this nursing home hellhole, and my bare room with a scenic view of the parking lot.
The ambulance was backed up to our house first thing in the morning two days ago. The first I knew about it was my feeder shaking my belly to wake me up, moments before two burly men in scrubs marched in and pulled off my bedsheets, one of them giving an involuntary whistle at the sight of my body filling the mattress before he recollected himself. I was still out of it, disoriented, and my oxygen wasn’t on yet, but I remember my feeder whispering in my ear that these men were here to help him, that I was going somewhere they could take better care of me, and that he was going to be right behind them. I didn’t even have a chance to protest before they started rolling me around, trying to maneuver some kind of tarp under me and strap a series of harnesses around my body. My bones and joints were sore and aching, and I was winded and out of breath just from the movement of all my weight, by the time they finished with me, trussed up like a Christmas turkey and totally unable to move.
Then a troupe of even more men joined them, the group having to exert all their effort just to slide me a couple of inches at a time, slowly working me closer and closer to the front door, with a heave and a plop each time. The whole thing was mortifying — I knew I was big, of course, but I had no idea I was so heavy that I could barely be moved by a half-dozen men exerting all their effort. I’ve never wanted to disappear more than when one young fireman, red-faced and muscles dewy with perspiration, let out a “Goddamn, that’s heavy” on the sixth or seventh heave through the living room. Nobody had to say it, but I knew they were all thinking about me that way, the person not much older than him who’d gorged themselves up to a quadruple-digit weight and beyond like it was their job.
Which it was; but they didn’t know that, and my feeder was doing his best impression of the dutiful but overwhelmed caretaker to leave them none the wiser. I was big when we met, he said, but not this big; he’d always tried to keep me to a healthy diet; I always found ways to fall off the wagon; eventually he had to give in and just help manage the fallout; I’d finally eaten myself too big for him to take care of me anymore, and he just didn’t know what he’d do without outside help. The lead paramedic was nodding sympathetically, saying obesity cases like mine happen more often than you’d think, eating up the entire sob story. If only he could have seen my feeder literally cramming eclairs down my throat the night before. The hypocrite.
It took the better part of the day getting me hauled out of the house, hoisted onto a reinforced gurney, maneuvered into the back of the ambulance, driven several cities over, rolled out at the nursing home, and hoisted onto my permanent bed. At one point, before the drive, they left me laying just outside the front door, having to watch the crowd of neighbors and other onlookers gawking at me, over 1,300 pounds of helpless flab, all bundled up for transport and barely able to wriggle my hands around. The embarrassment would have been obvious on my face if I wasn’t already beet red from just trying to keep my body from jiggling too wildly every time the team tried to move me. By the time I was settled in and able to catch my breath, it was already close to dusk.
The next day was no less hectic, but this time it was a series of doctors’ visits and tests to measure just how fat and out of shape I was. It took the nurse longer than I care to admit to find a vein he could use for blood testing, giving up on my flabby excuse for an elbow before struggling almost as badly on my fat-puffed hands. A seemingly endless rotation of doctors and nurses came to poke and prod me, doing nerve conduction tests on my feet and hands, taking more blood sugar readings, lifting every roll and checking every crevice for signs of lymphedema or other skin ailments. By the afternoon, I was ready to pass out from the combination of activity, the relentless nagging about needing to take better care of myself, and the (for me) complete lack of food their three conventionally-sized meals constituted.
After everyone left, I could hear the nurses talking about me in the hall, although they didn’t realize it.
“…chill for a couple minutes before we go turn them? Even with the winch, they’re heavy as fuck.”
“You get a feel for it after a while. How to maneuver around and everything.”
“How often do they actually get, you know, the really big ones back walking again? ‘Cause they have to lose, like, hundreds and hundreds of pounds to even get there, right?”
“I haven’t known but a couple who actually lost enough weight to discharge them. At least, not here. Most of the time, they can’t get over the food addiction. Like, you wouldn’t think someone the size of a house who can’t get out of bed could find a way to get food in here, but they always do.”
“Jeez. Really?”
“Yeah. It used to take a little bit of effort, before they could order whatever they want from their phones. But now a lot of them’ll just keep getting garbage delivered and putting it away until they have the big one.”
“Damn. Why doesn’t anyone stop them?”
“Do you have time to check everyone who walks through here, when two people don’t show for their shifts and you’ve got fifty beds to do? Bitch, please. Come on, I want a smoke before we go in.”
It was then that my feeder made his appearance. I saw him slip something to the nurse who showed him to my room. He looked at whatever it was in his palm and smiled before pocketing it, leaving the room, and locking the door behind him. Then I felt something warm land on my bare chest: a huge paper bag — heavy, stained with grease, and bearing the logo of my favorite fast food stop. From its weight, I knew it must contain almost a day’s worth of junk; and from the gleam in my feeder’s eye, I knew every bit of that junk would be going down my throat as quickly as my feeder could get it into my mouth.
“You must be starving, sweetheart, after having nothing but hospital fare for the last day or so. I hope you didn’t think I was actually going to make you start slimming down?” he said with a mocking solicitude. “No, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure you keep gaining, no matter what your doctors may do to try to rehabilitate you. You’re mine, my half-ton prize pig, and I’m making sure you stay that way until the very end.”
It took him the better part of two hours, but he made sure I ate every bite of food I’d usually eat in a full day, accepting no complaints and giving no comfort. He stared gleefully into my eyes as he gently but relentlessly pressed bite after bite into my overworked mouth. After my feeding was over and he’d cleaned the grease and crumbs off my face, I was panting and sweating, barely able to breathe even with oxygen from the pressure of all the food. It was then that he unlocked the door and summoned the two nurses who were outside earlier, telling them I looked really uncomfortable and asking if they could reposition me. He stood in the corner as they rigged up the bariatric hoist, sneaking videos and watching them work my wobbling body, overwhelmed by blubber, into the harness so it could slowly rotate me onto my belly. I could tell he was enjoying every second of seeing me manhandled, moved around more like some particularly bulky freight or livestock than a person. When the nurses finally finished after what seemed like an eternity and left the room, he followed, taking a handful of my chubby jowl and giving it a squeeze. “Same time tomorrow, slim? I guess I know where to find you, haha.”
I was left alone with my thoughts for what was really the first time since the move. I could feel my cheeks burning with shame, a pit of anxiety and embarrassment growing into a widening chasm in my overfull belly. Getting this fat had always been the goal; needing bariatric care was the apex for every extreme gainer and every encourager who tracked their progress. But now that I was here, and it was an actual fact — now that I really was too fat to move on my own, and had no choice but to submit to strangers for even the simplest tasks, no matter how private — the reality was horrifying. I had wrecked my body beyond the point of no return because my feeder and a bunch of random people on the internet that I would never meet found it hot. I had been proud of my gains, greedy for more, and I never really considered the ramifications of the end game. Now my body was choked with fat, pinned to this reinforced bed, with no hope of slimming down and every prospect of being made to balloon even more, all because some strangers wanted to get off. How could they do this to a person? To me?
“But you’re letting yourself off the hook by blaming them,” my conscience chimed in. “You wanted an easy life just as much as they wanted you to gain, if not more. You wanted to be able to graze and gorge, and to have nothing more to think about than your next meal. And you got exactly what you asked for; you got to kick back and compress a lifetime worth of calories into a few short years. It’s nobody’s fault but your own that you only get to enjoy that life for a couple more years, at the outside. Deal with it, fatass.”
And today here I am, getting harangued by an utterly unsympathetic doctor. Being run through the parade of horribles that will happen if I don’t commit to an ordinary diet, apply myself to an exercise routine designed to recover my mobility, attend to a medication regimen. In the back of my mind, I know this is all a waste of time. That I’m going to be pumped full of greasy burgers and fattening pastas and melted ice cream every day while the nurses are turning a blind eye. That my bloated legs and fat-laden arms and belly the size of a mattress aren’t going anywhere. That I’m ending my days here, probably at a weight closer to a ton than not, depending on how long I can hold out.
The fluorescent lights buzz incessantly above me. I can feel the waves of chilling air driven by the ceiling fan wafting across the expanse of my flab. My body wobbles slowly back and forth with each breath, machines trying to drive enough oxygen into me to keep me going. Outside, I can see one of the elderly residents shuffling by, braced against a tennis ball-bedecked metal walker. Slow. Ancient. And far more mobile than my youthful, three-quarter-ton blob body ever will be again. I fucked up big time. I’m too fat to fix it, and my feeder’s going to make sure I stay that way.
I’m never getting out of here.
Thanks to @gaining-at-all-times for suggesting the idea for this one, and providing a lot of the source material
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seeker-of-truth · 7 months
So post 2.0 some things about my gorl changed. Figured it was high time I updated her profile, enjoy!
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AGE: 27 during game
DOB: June 10, 2049
ETHNICITY: American Latina
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
SEXUALLY: Queer, uninterested in labels
NICKNAMES: V, Rena (reserved for the people closest to her), Rennie (childhood)
BIRTH PLACE: Wellsprings, Heywood, NC
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 138 lbs
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English almost exclusively, some Spanish picked up from around the home.
BODY TYPE: Think super featherweight boxer during off-season || ex: Alycia Baumgardner || Strong but with curves and softness – still a round-faced queen tho
HAIR COLOR:  natural - very dark brown || During her corpo days, she keeps it gray as a small form of self-expression, always pulled back into a tight bun. || After Konpeki she wants to feel in control of her body again and dyes it canary yellow and cuts her hair to a shoulder-length mullet to make the shaving Vik had to do to save her life look more intentional — both the cut and color stick.
EYE COLOR: Kiroshi optics designed to look identical to her natural deep brown eyes.
CYBERWARE: EMP Threading || Contraceptive Implant || Neural Link || 2 Chip Slots || Interface Plug || Auxiliary Netrunning Interface Plug || Smart Link || Raven Microcybernetics Syn-Lungs || Arasaka Cyberleg || NetWatch Netdriver MK.1 Cyberdeck || Modified Arasaka Self-Ice || Kiroshi Sentry Optics || Kendachi Monowire || MoorE Technologies Bionic Joints || Dynalar Universal Booster || Militech Revulsor Reflex Tuner || Dynalar Subdermal Armor || Kang Tao Optical Camo || Zetatech Pain Editor || MedTech Biomonitor || Zetatech Reinforced Tendons || FIA Behavioral Imprint-Synced Faceplate
CLASS: What I’ve taken to calling the “Buff Netrunner” - mostly relies on combat hacking but will physically mess you up if you get too close.
WEAPONS: her main weapons are a Tsunami Nue with a discontinued XC-10 Alecto Silencer and her monowire || she will often carry a non-silenced tech pistol on gigs, after giving Johnny his Malorian back she takes to using her old Arasaka JKE-X2 Kenshin (he totally gets her a 3516 after everything tho) || On Jobs that look to be messy, she will take a Kang Tao G-58 Dian as an insurance policy.
VEHICLES: a Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X is her daily driver || she also has a Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech for the days ya just need a car || (Johnny's Porsche is returned to him and Jackie’s ARCH is kept in the penthouse and taken out twice a year)
Extremely guarded, likes to keep her thoughts and feelings private, feels embarrassed when her feelings spill out || Patient to a fault. has the world's longest fuse to a very big explosion || all icy, calculated fire || slow to trust but once she does, she considers that person to be family || will go to the ends of the earth to protect the people she loves || sarcastic || can be very ridged || highly empathetic, and will try to get people to better situations, regardless of the cost || will lie to get the best possible outcome || loves living in Night City || good with words, has learned to talk her way out of most situations || reserved, hates being approached  || feels like her life happens to her a lot and is desperate for control 
MOTHER: Diana Soto – alive, estranged
FATHER: Mario Soto – alive, estranged
Both of her parents were regular blue-collar workers, her mother is a machinist, and her father a welder. They had met in passing as she was dropping off parts at the mechanic shop he was working at and quickly fell in love, getting married and having Verena not long after.
Her relationship with them was always strained as they were both very closed off with their emotions with her. Because of that and being an only child, she never communicated with them well, eventually closing herself off to them completely.
2056 - At the age of 7 the standardized tests given to students flagged her as having an aptitude for netrunning so she was placed in an exclusive boarding school in Charter Hill as part of a special outreach program sponsored by Night Corp. She excelled at her studies but struggled to make friends as most of her peers were the children of corpos. She spent summers back at home with her parents and seeing the difference in the quality of life had an effect on her, jading her to NC as she aged. Her parents were ecstatic at the thought of their child having a better life than them, so failure became something that was severely punished.
2060 - By the time she was in middle school she had a small but close-knit group of friends, both from corps backgrounds and backgrounds like her. She was fiercely protective of them and got in multiple fights defending them from the same bullying she had received.
2064 - When not studying she became very interested in edgerunning, specifically solos, but rockerboy culture as well. She liked the inherent rebellion they represented and wished she could do the same. But she knew that she would disappoint her parents if she strayed from the path she was on. She would listen to records and read about the legends of NC under her blankets at night.
2065 - At 16 she was chipped with her professional ports, she viewed them as the final seal in the life that she was going to live, like it or not. As an act of rebellion, she shaved her head and got multiple ear piercings. She was reprimanded by the school, an action that brought her parent's fists down on her as well. During the summer she would often sneak into clubs and bars to get away from her home environment.
2067 - She graduated with high enough grades that she was able to attend NCU on a full ride where she majored in Cybersecurity with a focus on Offensive Hacking. She looks back on her time there fondly as she met more like-minded people, many of whom pushed her to express herself more. She joined a small band as a guitarist. Eventually entering a relationship with the bassist – Sara. It was a very toxic relationship and they both treated each other like shit. V’s generally guarded nature closed her off the deeper in the relationship she got.
2070 - The unification war caused the university to push its students through faster, so she graduated a year early and immediately started looking for a job, not wanting to disappoint her parents.
July 2070 - With Arasaka now back in Night City they were doing massive hiring and V managed to get her foot in the door in the Counter Intelligence Division – Branch 3.
August 2070 - After an internal incident her bosses found her to be adept at espionage (both traditional and corporate), so they sent her to do black ops work with a small crew in South America for approximately a year and a half. During this time, she honed her skill with a pistol.
October 2072 - leaves to spend 11 months in Rio De Janeiro tracking a “terrorist” cell. Her team eventually took out the group after she was captured on a solo reconnaissance mission and interrogated/tortured for over a week.
September 2073 - Rio traumatized her and she crawled into herself and didn’t want to return to work so Arasaka wanted to drop her, Jenkins saw her skills as exploitable and invited her to stay in office. During this time, she became estranged from her parents.
June 2074 - Meets Jackie at the Mexican border, he saves her ass by helping her extract an agent.
July 2076 - Moves into the Wells household.
Mid-January 2077 - Konpeki Plaza Heist
End of May 2077 - I, Pre Defined Starts
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hinny-canons · 10 months
@corneliaavenue-ao3 ‘s Several Sunlit Daylights
Evermore: no body, no crime (feat. HAIM)
Ginny came back from her dinner with her friend Este. Harry was just sitting in the living of their new house, reading a book that Ginny told him to read. Or forced him, he wasn’t sure. He heard the door open went to the entrance.
“Hey,” he greeted her with a kiss. “How was it?”
“It was fine,” she said, looking rather worried.
Harry furrowed his brows. “What’s wrong?”
Ginny took a deep breath. “Este’s been worried about some stuff.”
“Like what?”
“She think her husband is cheating on her.”
Harry blinked. “What?” Harry had met the guy before. He seemed very nice and treated Este well. He was shocked.
“She said she looked through their joint account, some Muggle bank thing, and found jewellery that wasn’t hers. And he comes back home with his hair a mess and even his shirt was once untied.”
“Oh, it smells like infidelity.”
Ginny nodded. “I think we should help her. We have to do something, she looks stressed.”
Harry agreed with her and Ginny told him some things that definitely screamed cheater. There wasn’t any doubt, he thinks they have to call him out.
I think he did it, but I just can’t prove it.
The next week, when Ginny called Este to meet up again, she didn’t pick up. Ginny got very worried and told Harry. She saw that Harry also looked confused.
“Do you think something happened?” Ginny asked anxiously.
“I hope not.”
Ginny then got the news from Este’s ‘husband’ that she was missing and Ginny’s heart shattered. She got see a glint in her husband’s eye that wasn’t tears or worry. There was just nothing.
This irked Ginny more than she cared to admit.
One day she was walking past his house and saw his car had some brand new tires. However, that wasn’t the only thing she noticed when she saw his bedroom window was open and she could see a girl that was definitely not Este.
Ginny’s heart stopped and she felt her anger rising. She hurried back home to Harry.
She burst through the door and Harry jumped.
“He did it! Este’s husband did it! I saw him with another girl!”
Harry stood up straight. “We have to do something, Ginny.”
“We just need to prove it.”
I think he did it, but I just can’t prove it.
Good thing Harry and Ginny are trained to handle bad guys. They have their wands on them and their cloaks ready with every spell in their mind.
Good thing they’ve cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene.
Good thing Este’s sister’s gonna swear she was with us. She’s in on it.
Good thing his mistress took out a big life insurance policy.
They enter his house stealthily, quietly, trying not to cause much disturbance. They stayed close to each other and went upstairs to their bedroom where Little Mister Cheater was staying.
He yelled when he saw them with wands out and anger on their faces.
“Don’t yell, no one can hear you,” Ginny said, annoyed. “So bloody loud.” Harry chuckled at her.
“What are you doing in my house!?” He asked, scared.
“To avenge our best friend,” Harry started. “Este.” All the colour drained from his face.
“By killing you,” Ginny smiled. Harry couldn’t help but grin at her. She was dangerous.
The Cheater started breathing heavily. “Ugh, please don’t freak out this is gonna take longer.” Ginny said sitting on the bed.
“We still have to torture you.” Harry shot a spell at him which made him fall to the ground in pain.
“Nice one, darling,” Ginny said, getting up. “My turn.” She pointed her wand at him and came closer and shot another one.
He lie there, squirming in pain, begging for mercy, all that boring stuff. “Someone needs to shut you up,” Harry said.
“Ooh, can I?” Ginny asked.
“Of course,” Harry said, putting his hand under her chin. Her turned to the Cheater on the floor. “My gorgeous wife over here is gonna finish you off. Have fun in hell.”
Ginny laughed and pointed the wand at him again. “Bye-bye,” she waved and then he was gone.
Once they were back in the house, Harry turned to Ginny. “You’re so dangerous. Smiling while torturing someone.”
“He deserved it,” she said.
“He did. Not to mention you looked beautiful today.” He got closer to her.
Ginny laughed. “I bet you like how dangerous I am.”
“Oh, I do.”
Kiss after kiss after kiss. Este’s avenged, her husband’s finally dead and his mistress is being blamed for it.
She thinks I did it, but she just can’t prove it.
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xozyozyo · 3 months
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Now that everyone knows, I wanted to make this and give it to you.
I didn't expect Leap Day to change my life so quickly, but we have always done that. Either too fast or slow, never a steady pace, doing things exactly as they are right for us.
You asked me to marry you many times, for fun and to be affectionate and I always answered the same way "of course" because it was never a question. We started dating because we had that goal to find the one we wanted to spend our lives with. It was never a question of who or what, but when.
But this "We should get married in Vegas" turned into "Omg, we can get married in Vegas." and turned into "We are actually doing this" to "We did this." And it was probably the most perfect wedding we could ever have. It had our colors, was completely planned in an afternoon, and was so stressfree that we could just relax, just have fun, and just enjoy the moment.
We laughed later about how all of our big monumental things happen in a museum, as we got married by a JP in the restored courthouse room in the mob museum. We drank moonshine in the secret room, and danced the first dance we have ever had. We took cake back to the hotel, bought way more than we should have, and returned to our hotel as husband and wife.
Now we joke about insurance policies and joint bank accounts, but as mundane as those things may be to every day life, to me It's another way our lives entwine with each other. From buying matching dinnerware to naming plants, and joking about how our kids will be born in a museum, i am most happy when I'm with you.
Love you, Jiji.
Can't wait to do everything twice with you.
I'm still impressed that we planned it all in a matter of hours and then we just waited, you being nervous and I wasn't until the day came, and you were just excited and I was the one nervous. But it was the most perfect wedding we could have ever had and I wouldn't change a thing, because it's now a precious memory of the happiest day of my life.
Everything always seems to fall in place for us without even planning it, they just happen when it's the right time and when they make sense. It's like the stars have always aligned for us from the moment we met and even now the universe is still surprising us with little signs to let us know we're going in the right direction together.
There's no other person I would get crab dinnerware with, just you and it will always be just you. I love you and the life we're building together, with so many plans and adventures still waiting for us. I guess now I'm giving birth to our little collabs in an art museum, but not for everyone else to see!
I'm happy to spend my forever with you.
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moneyvesta · 7 days
Financial Planning for Couples in India
For many couples in India, finances can be a tricky topic to navigate. But getting on the same page about money is crucial for a happy, stress-free relationship and future together. This guide will help you and your partner become a financial power couple!
Joint Finances
When you decide to share your lives, it's natural to merge your financial worlds as well. An open and honest conversation about your current money situation, goals, and concerns is step one. Lay it all out there with full transparency and trust. Once you understand each other's starting points, it's time to define your joint vision. What are your biggest shared dreams and aspirations? Perhaps it's buying a home, launching a business venture, or saving for an epic retirement adventure.  Having a clear purpose will motivate you to make smart money moves.
The Budget: Your Financial Roadmap
A solid budget is a roadmap leading you to your money goals. Tally up your combined incomes and expenditures across categories like housing, groceries, transportation, and credit payments. Be realistic and make room for fun, savings, and investments.
Divide and conquer by allocating responsibility for different money management tasks. If one of you is a spreadsheet whiz, put them on budget tracking duty. If the other is a pro at finding deals, make them the household's money-saving scout.
The Safety Net: Prepping for Life's Curveballs
No matter how diligently you plan, life can throw curveballs. That's why having a well-stocked emergency fund is so vital. Aim to save enough to cover at least 6 months' worth of living expenses, just in case either of you loses your job or a major, unexpected expense arises.
While you're protecting yourselves from potential storms, look into insurance policies too. Health, life, and property coverage can shield your finances from life's bigger risks down the line. Think of these safeguards as investments in your joint future.
Financial Intimacy: Staying Connected
Stellar communication is key for maintaining a strong financial partnership over the long haul. Put a recurring "money date" on the calendar to review your budget, discuss any money matters weighing on your minds, and realign on your shared goals and values.
As you hit financial milestones together, take time to celebrate! You've worked hard to achieve that savings target or become debt-free, so mark the occasion. Recognize your wins as a couple, and let it inspire you to reach even higher.
If you find yourself facing financial conflicts or differing perspectives, don't panic. Disagreements are normal and can be resolved through open and empathetic dialogue. Identify the root issues, get to the heart of each other's viewpoints, and seek compromise. Financial advisors can provide neutral advice.
The Big Picture: A Lifetime of Financial Teamwork
Ultimately, successful financial planning as a couple is an ongoing journey of communication, hard work, flexibility, and trust. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, as every couple's circumstances and goals are unique.
The key is finding what works for you as a team and approaching it with passion, optimism, and a strong shared vision for your future. When you walk the financial path together with open minds and hearts, your love can only grow richer.
So hold hands, dream boldly, and get excited about achieving your financial goals as partners. When you put in the work as a united front, no money mountain is too high to summit!
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pensionsweeks · 21 days
4-Wheel Walker with Seat and Brakes: Medicare Coverage and Insurance Options
A 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes is a valuable mobility aid for seniors, providing stability, support, and convenience. However, obtaining one can be a significant expense for many individuals. Fortunately, there are Medicare coverage and other insurance options available to help offset the cost. In this article, we'll explore the Medicare coverage and insurance options for acquiring a 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes, addressing the needs of those searching for such mobility aids.
Understanding Medicare Coverage for Mobility Aids
Medicare Part B Coverage
Medicare Part B typically covers durable medical equipment (DME), including walkers, when deemed medically necessary. A 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes falls under this category. To qualify for coverage, the walker must be prescribed by a doctor or healthcare provider and obtained from a Medicare-approved supplier. Medicare Part B covers 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for DME, while the beneficiary is responsible for the remaining 20% coinsurance.
Criteria for Coverage
To qualify for Medicare coverage of a 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes, the walker must meet specific criteria set by Medicare. These criteria include:
The walker is medically necessary to treat a medical condition or improve functioning.
The walker is prescribed by a doctor or healthcare provider.
The walker is appropriate for use in the home and considered durable medical equipment.
The walker is obtained from a Medicare-approved supplier.
Insurance Options for 4-Wheel Walker with Seat and Brakes
Medicare Advantage Plans
Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Medicare Part C, are offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare. These plans often provide coverage for additional benefits beyond what Original Medicare (Parts A and B) offers. Some Medicare Advantage Plans may cover mobility aids like 4-wheel walkers with seat and brakes as part of their supplemental benefits. Coverage and out-of-pocket costs vary depending on the specific plan.
Medicaid Coverage
Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that provides health coverage to low-income individuals and families. While Medicaid benefits and coverage criteria vary by state, some states may cover the cost of mobility aids like 4-wheel walkers with seat and brakes for eligible beneficiaries. Seniors who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual-eligible beneficiaries) may receive coverage for these items through both programs.
Private Insurance Plans
Some private health insurance plans may offer coverage for durable medical equipment, including 4-wheel walkers with seat and brakes. Coverage options and out-of-pocket costs vary depending on the specific insurance plan and policy terms. It's essential for individuals to review their insurance policy or contact their insurance provider to determine coverage eligibility and benefits.
Veterans Administration (VA) Benefits
Veterans who qualify for VA health care benefits may be eligible to receive a 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes through the VA system. VA benefits may cover the cost of mobility aids for eligible veterans with service-connected disabilities or other qualifying conditions. Veterans should contact their local VA facility or healthcare provider for information on available benefits and eligibility requirements.
A 4-wheel walker with seat and brakes can significantly improve mobility and independence for seniors. While the cost of these mobility aids may be a concern for some individuals, there are Medicare coverage and other insurance options available to help alleviate the financial burden. By understanding the coverage criteria and exploring available insurance options, seniors can access the mobility aids they need to maintain their quality of life and remain active and engaged in their daily activities.
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mlife-insurance · 1 month
Can Unmarried Couples Get Life Insurance? What You Need to Know
Life insurance is an essential financial tool that provides protection and peace of mind to individuals and their loved ones. While many people assume that life insurance is only for married couples or families, unmarried couples can also benefit from having life insurance coverage.
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However, there are some important considerations and factors to keep in mind when exploring life insurance options for unmarried couples.
Understanding the Need for Life Insurance: Life insurance serves as a financial safety net for your loved ones in the event of your death. It can help cover expenses such as funeral costs, outstanding debts, mortgage payments, and ongoing living expenses. For unmarried couples, life insurance can be particularly crucial if one partner financially depends on the other for support.
Types of Life Insurance: There are two primary types of life insurance: term life insurance and permanent life insurance (such as whole life or universal life insurance). Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, typically 10, 20, or 30 years, while permanent life insurance offers lifelong coverage. Unmarried couples should assess their financial needs and choose the type of life insurance that best suits their situation.
Ownership and Beneficiary Designations: Unmarried couples may face unique challenges when it comes to ownership and beneficiary designations for life insurance policies. Typically, married couples name each other as beneficiaries, but unmarried couples may need to designate each other explicitly to ensure that the surviving partner receives the insurance proceeds. Additionally, ownership of the policy can affect taxation and access to the benefits, so it's essential to carefully consider who owns the policy.
Insurability and Underwriting: When applying for life insurance, individuals must undergo underwriting, which involves assessing their health, lifestyle, and other risk factors. Unmarried couples may need to provide evidence of insurable interest, demonstrating that they would suffer financially in the event of their partner's death. Each partner's insurability will be evaluated separately, and factors such as age, health status, and lifestyle habits will influence the cost of the policy.
Joint Life Insurance Policies: Some insurance companies offer joint life insurance policies, which cover both partners under a single policy. While this can simplify the process and potentially reduce costs, it's essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of the policy to ensure it meets your needs. Joint policies may not provide the same level of flexibility and customization as individual policies.
FOR MORE DETAILS PLEASE VISIT: Can Unmarried Couples Get Life Insurance?
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medicalprocare · 1 month
Bariatric surgeon in Delhi -Dr Tarun Mittal
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At our esteemed Best Weight Loss Surgery Center we are proud to introduce Dr.Tarun Mittal,  the leading Bariatric surgeon in Delhi renowned for his exceptional skills and compassionate care. With 12 years of experience and numerous successful procedures under his belt, Dr.Tarun mittal  is committed to transforming lives through weight loss surgery, offering personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs.
Understanding Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is a life-changing procedure designed to help individuals struggling with obesity achieve significant and sustained weight loss. Our comprehensive bariatric program encompasses various surgical options, each carefully selected based on the patient's medical history, weight loss goals, and lifestyle factors.
Types of Bariatric Surgery
Gastric Bypass: A procedure that involves creating a small stomach pouch and rerouting the intestines to promote weight loss and reduce food intake.
Sleeve Gastrectomy: Involves removing a portion of the stomach to create a smaller, banana-shaped stomach, resulting in reduced hunger and increased feelings of fullness.
Gastric Banding: Utilizes an adjustable band to restrict the size of the stomach, limiting food intake and promoting gradual weight loss.
Benefits of Bariatric Surgery
Lasting Weight Loss
Bariatric surgery offers a proven solution for long-term weight loss, helping patients achieve significant reductions in body mass index (BMI) and improving overall health and quality of life.
Resolution of Obesity-Related Conditions
Beyond weight loss, bariatric surgery can lead to the resolution or improvement of obesity-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and joint pain.
Enhanced Quality of Life
By achieving sustained weight loss and improved health outcomes, patients experience enhanced mobility, self-confidence, and overall well-being, enabling them to live life to the fullest.
Success Stories
Real Transformations, Real Results
Our bariatric surgery success stories speak volumes about the life-changing impact of weight loss surgery. From individuals reclaiming their health to overcoming obesity-related challenges, each journey is a testament to the expertise and dedication of our bariatric surgeon and team.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What sets our bariatric surgeon apart from others in Delhi?
Dr. Tarun Mittal distinguishes himself through his unparalleled expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to patient care, ensuring optimal outcomes and satisfaction.
How long is the recovery period after bariatric surgery?
The recovery period varies depending on the type of bariatric procedure performed, but patients typically return to normal activities within 2-4 weeks post-surgery.
Are there any risks associated with bariatric surgery?
Like any surgical procedure, bariatric surgery carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, and complications related to anesthesia. However, our experienced surgical team takes every precaution to minimize these risks and ensure patient safety.
Will I need to follow a special diet after bariatric surgery?
Yes, following bariatric surgery, patients are advised to follow a specific dietary plan tailored to their procedure to promote healing, weight loss, and long-term success.
How do I schedule a consultation with our bariatric surgeon?
Scheduling a consultation with Dr.Tarun mittal is simple. Contact our bariatric center via phone or email, and our friendly staff will assist you in booking an appointment at your convenience.
Does insurance cover bariatric surgery?
Many insurance plans offer coverage for bariatric surgery, but coverage varies depending on the provider and policy. Our team can help you navigate the insurance process and explore financing options to make treatment more accessible.
Choosing the Bariatric Surgery For Weight Loss in Delhi is a crucial step on your journey to achieving lasting weight loss and improved health. With our esteemed bariatric surgeon and comprehensive weight loss surgery solutions, you can start on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier life.
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davidjohn4252 · 2 months
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 months
Lawyers Hurstville - How to Find a Good One
Getting expert advice about your legal matters is important. However, finding the right solicitor can be difficult. You can start by checking the firm’s client reviews. You should also ask them questions about their mission, vision, and values.
Principal Antony Mastrogiannis is a specialist in compensation claims. He has represented clients in various courts and tribunals across NSW. He is fluent in conversational Greek and regularly attends community based legal centres to provide advice.
Divorce is the end of a marriage and dissolves the bonds of Lawyers Hurstville between a husband and wife. The process can be difficult, especially for children. It can also be financially and emotionally draining. However, there are some things you can do to help make the process easier.
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You should file divorce papers in the court that has jurisdiction over your location. In most cases, this means the family or divorce court. You may also be required to pay a filing fee, which can vary by location. If you can’t afford to pay this fee, you may be able to request a waiver.
The legal aspects of divorce include child custody, alimony, and property division. A lawyer can help you understand these issues and find strategies that could improve your chances of winning a favorable outcome. Most attorneys offer free consultations and will discuss your case with you in confidence. This will help you decide if hiring an attorney is right for you.
Child custody
Getting legal assistance is important when you have a family issue. These kinds of cases can be stressful and difficult to handle without the help of an experienced lawyer. A good legal assistance Hurstville will be able to help you with all of your issues and get them resolved as quickly as possible.
Child custody is one of the most important issues in a divorce or separation. Whether the parents reach an agreement on their own or the judge decides custody, the best interests of the child are always the main concern. There are two types of custody: physical and legal. Legal custody gives a parent decision-making power for things like education, health, and religion. Physical custody, or primary residence, determines where the child will live on a regular basis.
If either parent wants to change a custody or visitation order, they must file a petition with the court and prove there has been a substantial change in circumstances. This can be a long and expensive process.
Property settlement
When a married couple splits up, their property and assets must be divided. This is done in a property settlement agreement, which includes everything from furniture to trust funds, retirement accounts, and even the proceeds of life insurance policies. It also explains financial support payments and other matters, such as joint debts.
A PSA can be drafted at any point during the divorce process, but it is best to do so before the proceedings are finalized. It will then become a legal document that is enforceable as a court order.
The court will determine what is considered marital property and separate property based on state law. However, the court will also take into consideration the contributions of both parties, including direct and indirect financial contributions and child-rearing efforts. A well-crafted property settlement agreement will ensure that both parties are fairly treated and can move on with their lives. A free consultation will help you make the right decision.
Prenuptial agreements
Prenuptial Will Lawyer Hurstville  can be a way for parties to set forth their financial expectations and protect their assets from the risks of divorce or death. They can also address how to handle finances during marriage, including bank accounts, credit card usage and financial obligations. They can also specify whether they will maintain separate property and can include lifestyle-specific clauses (such as a prohibition against certain types of gambling or infidelity) that may be difficult to enforce in court.
These agreements can also supersede state law dictating how property is to be divided in the event of a separation or death. They can help avoid costly litigation over how to divide a business and other assets. They can also prevent a spouse from being "bought out" of a family business by another party. Spousal support (also called alimony) is another consideration that can be outlined in a prenuptial agreement. However, it is advisable to discuss these matters with an attorney before signing.
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familykanoon · 2 months
Financial Considerations During Mutual Divorce Process
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Divorce is a major life changing event including triggering a series of financial issues. Therefore, Family Kanoon, one of the most successful family lawyer in Gurgaon is here to guide about the essential financial considerations during mutual divorce process.
Understanding Your Assets and Debts
Make a list of your assets as well as liabilities for instance bank loans, credit card due, investments, real estate, and advances. Once you realize what you exactly have in your bank account, you will be in a position to make the right decision while the divorce is in progress.
Budgeting for Single Life
Learning how to live on one income after a divorce is not easy. Your budget has to be planned with precision. First, take a good look at your bills and expenditures to set a realistic budget for yourself post-income reduction.
Spousal Support and Alimony
If applicable, you can enjoy spousal support or alimony, provided that you meet the eligibility requirements. Be sure you know your responsibilities and options and work together with your lawyer to negotiate a financially equitable agreement.
Child Support Obligations
One of the most important things to consider if you have kids is child support payments financial impact. Familarize yourself with the state's child support regulations and guarantee that during the divorce process, your children's requirements are met by the court.
Health Insurance Coverage
Decide about what health insurance policy will be applied after the Mutual Divorce Process. Investigate different methods of acquiring healthcare insurance at a reasonable cost in case you or your dependents require one.
Retirement Accounts and Investments
Equitable division of retirement savings and investment money should take into account tax implications and long run financial planning. Work together with a financial advisor towards making a plan which divides the assets equally and provides you with the financial security. Try these examples out and improve your English writing skills.
Tax Considerations
The tax consequences of the divorce agreement are huge. The property division, alimony, and child support payments make tax implications. Seek advice from a tax expert to know how divorce settlement will affect you and create a plan.
Estate Planning Updates
Review and revise your estate plan, such as will, trust, and beneficiary classifications, to ensure that everything aligns with your post Mutual Consent Divorce goals. Make sure your assets are handled according to your personal preferences and your family members are always protected.
Debt Division
In the process of divorce it is imperative to settle how the debt is to be shared. Decide the way joint debts are shared and make moves to preserve your credit score on an ongoing basis.
If your home is owned together with your spouse, you must settle on whether to put the property on the market, to buy your spouse's portion of the stock, or to come up with a joint ownership deal. Think over the financial aspects of each option and make the right choice regarding your situation.
Business Interests
In case you or your spouse owns a business, you need to have its value estimated and decide whether property division or inventory will be done by the value of the business. Ask for legal advice from your Mutual Divorce Attorney to make sure that the result will be just and the same for all.
Custodial Accounts for Children
You may consider the option of opening up custodial accounts for your kids to access the resources for their personal needs and educational expenses. Seek consultancy from the best Family Lawyer In Gurgaon - Family Kanoon and go through different investment choices with an expert to optimize the possibilities of growth for these accounts.
Why Family Kanoon Offers the Best Legal Guidance in Gurgaon
We have a team of experienced and empathetic family law attorneys. People who are facing matrimonial issues in Delhi NCR, can visit Family Kanoon. Our team of experienced matrimonial lawyers in Gurgaon, will ensure to guide you with all pros and cos of the mutual divorce process. Please feel free to reach us for accurate and timely matrimonial legal advice.                   
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musicinstrumentsins · 3 months
The Unexpected Can Happen: Protecting Your Investment with Bassoon Coverage
The bassoon is a woodwind instrument with its rich, expressive voice, which adds depth and color to orchestral pieces and solo works that take our breath away. To a bassoonist, the dearest instrument is not just wood and metal; it is a companion that walks together with him/her on the musical road. Although dedication and practice will be the primary factors that will help you to improve your skills, you should also remember to take care of your skills by using proper protection and care.
Here's why considering bassoon protection is essential for safeguarding your instrument and ensuring peace of mind:
Safeguarding Against Accidents
Sadly, incidents occur, and even the most careful musicians can make mistakes. A slip-on stage, an incident in transit, or falling off from the music stand – all these situations can cause severe harm to your delicate bassoon. Fixing the broken keys, the cracked joints, or the damaged reeds is expensive. Therefore, it may be difficult for you to pay for all these expenses, and you might not even be able to continue your music journey. The Bassoon insurance is a financial safety net that protects you from the costs of accidental damage and helps restore your treasure to you as soon as possible.
Theft: A Threat You Can't Ignore
Bringing your bassoon to a band practice, a performance, or a car trunk is not a good idea since it runs the risk of being stolen. These precious instruments are always in the view of opportunistic thieves. Although the case-locking option is a handy security measure, it can be easily broken. Insurance policies provide you with financial compensation to help you buy a new bassoon, thus allowing you to get back to playing.
Environmental Threats
Extreme heat, cold, or humidity variations can be a real problem for your bassoon. Scorching temperatures can cause cracks and warping, while arid conditions can result in loose joints and leakages. The pad and corks of an instrument are prone to mold growth when exposed to moisture. This can be an accelerating factor for its damage. The primary investment should be purchasing a good case with the correct humidity control features, but even then, unexpected situations can occur.
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Loss: A Stressful Ordeal
Being unable to find your bassoon at the moment of truth is a nerve-racking experience, and losing it on the way is even more stressful. Conventional homeowner’s or renter’s coverage might not be appropriate for expensive instruments. Bassoon coverage is a cover that protects you against loss and reimburses you financially to some extent, restoring the cherished instrument.
Investing in an instrument is not only about the instrument itself but also about protecting the investment that you have made. The bassoon is one of many expensive items that complete your musical setup. Mouthpieces, reeds, cases, and stands are all the primary instruments needed for instrument care and performance. Insurance policies usually cover these accessories as well, which in turn provides complete insurance protection for your total musical investment.
The Priceless Commodity is the Peace of Mind
Having the instrument, you love and trust gives you peace of mind and lets you focus on what is important – making music. You will be able to perform with confidence, rehearse without worries, and travel to places without always expecting damage, theft, or loss. Bassoon coverage is your guardian angel, giving you a confidence boost to enjoy your beloved instrument at total capacity.
Protecting Your Passion
Owning a high-quality bassoon is an investment in your love of music. Properly caring for the instrument adds years to its life and ensures it works at the best level. But, in this case, unforeseen events are still possible. The Bassoon insurance is an additional security layer that protects your investment from financial risks and allows you to continue your musical journey without disruptions.
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sbilife · 3 months
term plan with joint life option    
Joint Life Policy – Know What is Joint Life Policy its different types, various benefits and term plan with joint life option. Refer this guide on Joint Life Insurance and clear all your queries. Keep reading!
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financeloan09 · 3 months
Joint term insurance plan    
A term insurance with the MWP addendum ensures that the wife and children are protected in the event of family property disputes resulting from property division or any other joint family dispute if the policyholder lives in a joint family or is a member of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF).
What is a Joint Life Term Insurance policy? Two people are covered under the Joint Life Term Insurance Policy. For the defined time, both insured parties pay the premium, and the payout is based on the first death. The other policyholder receives the sum assured in the event that one of the policyholders passes away. However, the coverage ends upon the passing of one covered partner. The surviving policyholder must buy a new insurance plan if they want to continue using the life term policy’s coverage. In a joint life policy, both policyholders are the owners and beneficiaries.
What are the types of joint life term insurance?
There are two types of joint term insurance plans: joint endowment plans and joint term plans. Joint term insurance: A joint term insurance has similar qualities to a standard life term insurance policy, but it protects two persons rather than only one as with the latter. For the fixed duration of the insurance, only one premium is due from both policyholders. The surviving policyholder is entitled to the death benefit if one of the policyholders passes away within this time. The joint life policy coverage for the surviving policyholder expires at the death of one insured partner, and additional coverage must be purchased under a new plan.
Joint endowment plan: The plan for joint endowment offers both investing and insurance benefits. It is valid for a specified amount of time, usually until retirement. The insurance company will give you a specific sum known as the “endowment” after the policy expires. A shared endowment plan operates similarly, with the exception that it pays the insured couple once the insurance expires. The surviving policyholder receives the sum even if one of the policyholders passes away. The maturity benefit is also available to endowment plans. However, after the passing of either policyholder, premium payments cease.
Why should you think about buying joint life insurance? The following characteristics of combined term insurance make it a profitable choice: Low premiums — Joint life insurance plans have inexpensive, low premiums, protecting two people without putting a load on the wallet.
Supplementary income- Some insurance give the surviving policyholder the extra advantage of regular income. In addition to the death benefit, the surviving partner will get a regular income (typically for 60 months) in the event that one of them passes away. This provides the family with additional money, ensuring their financial security.
Reinforces financial security- It is advantageous to buy this plan in order to increase the family’s financial security, particularly for young couples and nuclear families. Whether one couple works or both, they should both have insurance, regardless of which spouse works. The plan will take care of the liabilities and duties in the event of any bad circumstance.
Before you choose a joint term insurance plan, check and evaluate the features.
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