#whatever whatever whayever
kangbi · 1 year
ok i need to vent.
my partner is someone who i would describe as very self-assured. he never seems to be bothered by things, especially social situations, because he quite literally understands that its all foolishness and doesnt matter in the long term so why waste effort and energy into caring about it. thats how theyve always operated and in general is not very sensitive (esp compared to me who is very hypersensitive and overly empathetic.) so it really stands out to me when certain people/situations do seem to bother him or occupy his time/energy because hes usually very flippant abt people that are rude, troublesome, toxic, etc. so why does my partner care so much abt this one girl? shes very mean, she sidelined with my bullies when they were really rude to me, shes very toxic and judgmental and has said some really shitty things to me in the past. my partner told me themselves they dont like her also. but they seem to care a lot abt how she perceives him and im confused/bothered by how much he seems to care abt her opinion. he says he doesnt, but his actions says otherwise. i wonder if hes trying to hide how much he does care becus he knows i dont like her? but like why does he care abt what she thinks in the first place. gaaah. its so complicated and it seems so minuscule but ik my partner and i can tell when he does care abt certain things and im confused as to why he seems to care a bit much abt this one person who we both agree is a terrible person. why???
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smeltbracket · 4 months
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natsmagi · 3 months
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surely not. are you implying that during date plan natsume was struggling with coming up with an idea and not only went to tsumugi, a completely irrelevant third-party with probably ZERO dating experience for advice, but then used tsumugis OWN IDEAL FIRST DATE as a base to work off of rather than, oh, i dont know, GOING WITH YOUR IDEAL DATE????? WHY ARE U BASING UR DATE PLAN ON TSUMUGIS IDEAL DATE AND NOT UR OWN ARE U STUPID. ARE U GAY. my eyes must be deceiving me bc aint no way
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messing around w a different style =3
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autistic-katara · 6 months
the urge to text him at 2am and tell him i love him nd then kill myself bcz im scared of his reaction
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365-partygirl · 2 months
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who likes my search history i think its very me xxx
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vivstenius · 5 months
when im in the battle of the deadest fans but united and chelsea r my enemies
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girlwithfish · 7 months
plss we had to write a evidence for and evidence against list for one of our core beliefs about ourselves and then hand it to the person next to us nd i wrote rly nice things for the person i got and tbe lady next to me barely wrote anything on mine nd just wrote bpd is really hard to understand and is often misdiagnosed. and that im at the program trying which is tru but i feel like other ppl put more effort as did i nd i wanted someone to write smth nice abt me >:(
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
honestly whatever. as much as i cringed when making this acct so i could be more open abt my interests its been SO worth it bc of all the amazing artists and thoughtful people ive got to talk to bc of it so what EVER
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rpfisfine · 1 year
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romanticfistfightz · 3 months
also fun fact going to malta if the weathers good. frst time since like 2015 i could be on the beach not fully clothed. like i could go shirtless . it's so fun i hope the weathrrs good
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sungsuho · 6 months
merthur shippers are so bold because by admitting you ship merthur you admit you dont know how to analyze media at all
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mundanememorize · 4 months
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oh my god i want to frame this panel
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florshedworf · 6 months
i am curious about people who massively improve in one year. like ms paint drawings to EPIC RENDERED ART‼️‼️ did they have fun? will they still genuinely enjoy art in 5 years time? i ask this because i used to follow ALL the art advice and drained myself outta art for a bit… because art wasn’t fun at that point. it was just a chore! until i began doing stuff i love again and instead integrating stuff into my regular drawing. sure it’s a much slower improvement but im still having fun while still improving! but speedrunning that process just seems like a 1 way ticket to burnout town
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ocarinaofpride · 9 months
This is embarrassing to admit but i really dont get to go out much… parents r strict… and my neighborhood is shitty and scary so im just naturally reclusive. I wish i wasnt man id love to just walk around idk. know people.. irl… eeuww… but i dont know when id ever get that opportunity to make irl human connections. kinda sad
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cruelsister-moved2 · 11 months
sorry if this is mean but if ur response to that post is to be like um well the sexualised childlike anime girls fetishising lesbians and asian girls for men's consumption that I post are all holding their IDs revealing that they just turned 18 on the day the post was made, checkmate, does that not make you want to like sit down and wonder what the hell ur doing with ur life
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