#when legit officials show up in town Danny freaks
tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 53
Jazz leaves amity for college. She did all the application and stuff via tuckers computer. For some reason nothing was going through on hers.
Due to majority of her extracurricular activists not being sent thought she didn’t get accepted to her top choices. Ended up going to Gotham u.
Things don’t add up. Leaving was a big deal. Like she ended up just going in the middle of night. The roads were closed for “construction”. They were absolutely fine when she ignored the signs and drove.
It took her less then a 6 hours to figure out amity couldn’t be contacted. She tried calling Danny upon getting to Gotham. Nothing. Research, nothing. It’s like the town didn’t exist.
She does have a communicator from tucker. One of the multi dimensional ones. She gets ahold of them just to hear the chaos. There is a hunt for her. Lockdowns. The whole town is shutdown.
She didn’t inform her parents where she was going. They only insisted she goes to the university in town and nowhere else. That could be the issue. She is 18 but they are extra special.
Obviously she’s gonna head back. What else’s is she supposed to do. She had to go get her brother and his friends. Do something. Authorities in amity never cared why would any outside force care. To bad her car suddenly doesn’t work.
Leads to her walking at night. Her goal is to find a rental car place or bus that maybe would be open late.
She doesn’t find a car or anything. But does punch a would be mugger. That punch back home would have not knocked a person back 5 feet into a wall. Were people here just that weak.
This leads to some guy in cosplay called Batman. Which come on that name is just as bad as box ghost. Telling her it’s not safe in Gotham for metas.
Jazz just lectures him on how that not his decision. She is going to be attending college here after she figures out why her home town completely shut down. All when she left for college. Besides she’s not whatever a meta is.
Long story short. Batman now has to deal with two not-metas in Gotham. Plus a whole town that didn’t exist. Multiple arrest. Then a possibility of pissing off the afterlife.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
A King For Tonight’s Fentertainment - Chap. 7: The In-between, Finally, Gets His Caffeine - End.
Summary:  Danny has a heart to hearts.
“Well that was exhausting”, Danny grumbles as he closed the house door. Turning around and being confused for a second as to why the house is bright even though the lights are off. Chuckling, “oh yeah, duh”, before blinking his crown and cape out of visible range once more, “fire makes light, duh”.
But this action seems to startle Maddie, “oh! Um, is it weird that I’ve become slightly used to that, um, stuff, on you”.
Danny can’t help beaming a little over that, “good! That’s great, I think. It is, sorta, part of me. Always here, just not visible or touchable”.
“So they’re always on you?”.
“Yup”, Danny shrugs, “kind of like having bullshit anime enchanted clothing or like how ghosts don’t ever really change their clothing. How their clothing is part of their form, their bodies, beings, selves. Being royal, being king, is an enchanted thing really. So it only makes sense, I think”.
Maddie goes and sits down on the couch, bunching up the jumpsuit fabric on her knees. Danny sighs, officially just begging for this day to end, before sitting down. “Look, I get that this is all kinds of screwy and backwards to you, to everything you know and believe. But, like, you don’t have to understand, do you? Like, can’t you just accept my thing? Me? I’m a lot of crazy and a lot of things. King? Yeah. Teenager? For now. Weird? Definitely. Powerful? Technically. But I’m also your son, Danny. That should matter most”.
“It does sweetie, it does. But it’s just all so ghostly. Though, admittedly, it does seem like it suits you. The clothing, not the ghostliness”.
Danny chuckles, “the clothing is ghostliness, but yeah ghost stuff’s kinda like that. When something’s yours, yours by right, it’s literally made for you. Heck! It’d be insulting if it didn’t fit me. If it didn’t improve the way I look. That’s half the point of things like capes and crowns. Symbols of power but also elegance, all that shit. If it looked out of place, silly or cheap then it would not be doing its job”, looking to Maddie, “just like I’m not doing my job if I don’t protect and aid them. If I don’t get their respect and sometimes fear”, muttering, “everything’s gotta be fearsome with tha ghosties”.
Maddie looks her son up and down, not really buying that he could be scary even with the threatening air he had earlier. Danny squints at her, “tsk, don’t look at me all disbelievingly. I’m perfectly fearsome, enough anyway. When I wanna be. Try to be”, shrugging, “guess it depends who you ask”. Maddie giggles and Danny’s sure she misunderstood that. But that’s fine, he doesn’t exactly want her to see him as scary; even if some ghosts always considered him scary. The price of power and being known to be a fighter.
Danny rubs his neck and looks around a bit awkwardly as he gets up, “soooo. I’m guessing I don’t have to worry about you calling me your highness or referring to me as a king, all the time? Cause as much as that’s true, I could do without being constantly called as such or having it pointed out perpetually”, groaning slightly, “I get enough of that from Mr. Big dark and frightening”.
Maddie puts on a smile, though laughs genuinely if only a little. Getting up and patting his shoulder, mentally picturing the cape that she now knows is there, “that’s one thing you don’t have to worry yourself about. Just hearing someone call you that is strange enough”.
“Well, for potential future reference...I prefer king over the long list of other things I get called”, Danny shakes his head, genuinely wondering if the Fright Knight straight up searched for newer and grander ways to refer to his kingliness. “Though I guess ‘your majesty’ is fine too. Little weird to get from humans, but Tuck has no mercy”.
“Tucker calls you that?”.
“Jokingly yeah. We all make jokes about it. About ghosties too. About my ghostliness and utter lack of it. I’m kinda like the most ghostly alive thing, but also sorta the least ghost ghostly thing. Which, ironically, scares some ghosts. Cause it’s like, fuck this fucker looks so freakin lively and then bam! freakish amount of ghostly power. Ghosties with power usually look it and me, well...”, Danny trials off chuckling and exaggeratedly motioning to himself.
Maddie can’t help but look him over, searching for anything even kind of implying power, utterly failing. Which she’s not sure if she’s should be happy about or not, the clothing was pretty well all the showed who he was, “all your ghostliness is just a job and some clothing...though you’ve shown power too”, Maddie shakes her head, smiling slightly, “and I guess you do look rather unassuming without it all being visible. Considering how no one really thought you could even be any kind of king”.
Danny wiggles his fingers, thickening latent ectoplasm into globs to twirl between his fingers, laughing, “I noticed! Like do I really seem like that much of a simple plain little fuck? Sure Tuck and Sam are damn weird, and very noticeably so; making me look more normal by association. Especially when I actively hid this shit for obvious reasons. Cause, like, Ancients is shit gonna be some absurdist bullshit now. I’mma get peppered about the job, the title, my position, my duty, the purpose to my messed existence”.
Maddie pats him on the back, “you’re probably right sweetie, school’s going to be a bit weird for a while. Though I hope you don’t get harassed too much. Though I definitely do not like the behaviour I saw from that Baxter kid”.
Danny grins wide at that, “most kids don’t like him. Guys a twat jerk. Chances are, I’ll go all royal ghostliness bullshit on his ass at one point...again. He’ll just know it’s me this time, which might be awful or freaking great. So more ghostly shit at school I guess”, blinking some and looking to Maddie, “and more ghostly here? I mean I, like, go out of my way to not with that shit. But y’all freaking know now so?”. Even if he hasn’t explicitly talked to his dad about this but there’s no way the guy wasn’t going to know. Hell! The whole town was going to know about his kingly ass AND the lair thing.
Maddie frowns a bit, looking at the ectoplasmic residue on Danny’s fingers, “sweetie, that might be a bit much right now. King, ghost king at that. It’s going to take some time to let that settle in first”, Maddie smiles slightly, “though I’m certain your father will pester you over your abilities”.
Danny chuckles, “I’ll make a list. Or not, cause us teens are lazy by nature; and I rarely get to do that shit. No nap naps for me, nope. The wonders of being part of two societies. Though fuck, in a way I’m more part of and active in ghost society than human society. Here I hang and school shit, the family fun time. But there it’s, like, gots ta do shit, big shit, all the shit. I’m legit needed and have things only I can pull. Here’s still home though, so don’t, like, worry about me fucking off to the Zone or something”.
Maddie yanks Danny into a strong hug, “good! If you ran off, especially there, I’d have to chase you down and drag you back. You’re no ghost. Your subjects or not, you’re not one of of them”.
Danny returns the hug and pats her back, though a bit put off at the blatant distaste for ghosts; even if he’s rather used to it. Looking away from her anyway, “heh, in a sense I am one of them. Ectoplasmic power’s enough of a qualifier to them”, opting to take out his mild insulted annoyance on his favourite misplaced aggression, even if only verbally, “and that’s why Boxy gets so much shit, like really, how much of a ghost would anyone consider Boxy? Not much of one”.
Danny taking a bit of a piss on the Box Ghost gets Maddie to chuckle and nod, “point. I think us ghost hunters are more ghostly than that one”, shuffling a bit, “I guess being a ghost hunter really isn’t your future, huh? Jack kind of always hoped you would become one, I always wanted you to do something that made you happy...but also safe. But a ghost-like life? I can’t like that. Can’t want that for you, whether you like it or not. And it’s definitely not safe”.
Both of them sit back down on the couch, Maddie leaning against the couch. While Danny groans quietly while leaning sideways in an overacted show of exasperation, “you just gotta make this difficult”, righting himself and shaking his head, “well, it is what it is. My shits ghost shit. Ghostly or whatever. My place in life is with death. With the dead, even if my deadness is lacking. Which may just be dandy, might improve the relation between the races. Eh, prob not. If anyone knows just how straight-up different we all are, it’s my arse”, Danny snorts, “and me plus safety? Yeah that’s a pipe dream too. I’d probably be really bored with safe, actually. That’s not bad though. Cause, like, ‘not safe’ isn’t the same as ‘in danger’. Neither of us really live safe but we’re not in danger either. So yeah”. Danny bumps his shoulder into hers, “and you don’t have to support or like what I do. Just don’t try to stop me or punish me for it. Tolerance is just fine”.
Maddie leans her head against his shoulder, “I do want to stop you, stop this. I don’t want you ghostly. But I won’t stop you. Pretty sure I can’t”, tilting her head to look at Danny’s face, “and no way I’m going to even consider punishing you for this. Though I don’t like that you must have used our stuff to help ghosts at some point”.
Danny rubs his neck, of course he did but it was more so that he made it so their stuff couldn’t do harm, or too much harm. Sighing, “heh, yeah. Our jobs get in each other’s way. You hunt and thus harm ghosts. I lead and protect ghosts, well sorta. Would seem like it’d be hard to have those two things coexist. But they perfectly can, if the hunting is less destroy every single ghost ever and the whole Zone, and more protect the Human Realm from ghostly threats and dangers. Hunting and fighting ghosts is perfectly fine, good even. Wiping out the whole freaking species or damaging the Ghost Realm, not so much. As for the stopping me thing, thanks and all but yeah, you really can’t. Aim to be happy that I’m proud and doing what I want to”.
Maddie’s not sure what to make of that, “you...as this ghost king...aren’t against ghost hunting? Ghosts are okay with being hunted? And I am glad you’re proud, just not glad over why you’re proud”.
Danny chuckles, patting Maddie on the back, “yup! It’s expected actually. Hell, some come here because they get hunted. They want to fight, to get attacked, to see others get attacked. Ghosts are weird fucks that way. Getting destroyed is the only aspect they avoid. Some hunters even work, knowingly or unknowingly, for ghosties. So no reason for me to be against ghost hunting in general. Plus I want humans to have defences against ghosts, some are really dangerous pieces of shit”. Danny chuckles into his hand, “on the other hand, I’m pretty sure Boxy has some level of masochism and he’s definitely got some power delusions”. Danny knows bringing that ghost up a lot makes everything funnier and lighter.
Maddie laughs lightly, before standing back up, “well didn’t see that coming. Ghosts that like being hunted! But I’m firm on wanting ghosts destroyed, maybe...maybe not all of them. I’ll admit it’s obvious now, that I don’t know everything about ghosts. So I guess saying they’re evil might be a stretch. Even still, we both do or want things the other can’t really accept”.
Danny nods, deciding against getting his hopes up over changing his moms' opinions. Getting up himself and walking to lean against the staircase, staring at the lab door, “yeah, and in that sense, I’ll have to stop you, get in the way. Which makes this shit way more awkward, cause I know you’ll hide what your shit does from me now. And that none of us will mention or acknowledge that I’m obviously making a point to know what your shit does, and that you’re obviously trying to avoid me knowing. Since we’ve got goals that butt heads. Two aggressive ass bulls, based in protecting respective species, dancing around each other and both playing the roles of matador”, chuckling, “then having supper together”. Looking to his mom as she frowns, obviously realising Danny’s right, “still family though, right?”.
Maddie straight up walks up to Danny and ruffles his hair, “of course, always. Even if we’re on opposing sides of a battlefield. I’ll always love you, sweetie”.
Danny rolls his eyes, shoving his hands in his pockets. Responding with a loose smirk, “you say battlefield, I say sparing rings. People throwing hands at each other, making new shit, testing new shit. Both sides actively growing and learning by the acts of fucking with each other. With referees and captains watchin shit to make sure it doesn’t get too fucked”. Maddie laughs into her hand, “that is so not how it’s viewed on the human side!”, shaking her head, still smiling, “most of us hunters want elimination, we’re not just ‘having fun’ and testing our capabilities”.
Danny can’t help but chuckle, was kind of hard to not know that when basically all the hunters he’s met practically, and sometimes literally, scream ecstatically about it. Chuckling again, “oh I know, but...ya really think the ghosties that human ghost hunters actually deal with in the Human Realm are really the worst, most vile, ghosts? Naw, fuck no. The real nasties are captured by ghosts. Are punished by ghosts. Like humans, ghosties deal with their bad eggs. The ghostly ideas of bad eggs are just more scrambled”, chuckling and leaning back, hands behind his head, “laws are a bit more fucky too. Especially if those Eyeballs get up in it. And if I get, like, officially called to deal with shit. Like Ghost King style. Then shit’s gonna get straight weird”. Danny snickers and mutters to himself, “I’m someone who makes creativity scary. My sight for it is straight whacky. Green is the colour of creativity, bitch. Fuckers see a boring wall, my ass sees making a bastard paint it all...with their own ectoplasm”, Danny taps his chin and snickers, “eh, ok that was a little dark”.
Maddie ruffles his hair again, jarring Danny from his thoughts and mutterings. Flicking his eyes up to Maddie’s slightly concerned and worried ones, as she speaks, “something tells me I don’t want to know. I don’t want to dislike the things you do, or worry about what you’ve gotten yourself into”.
Danny snorts, “yeah that’s for the best. A ton of my shit is a mess and messes are just painful to try to make order or sense out of. Let’s just leave it at the fact that we really are an inventive family and y’all aren’t the only ones flipping the bird to normal mindsets. Our enterprises are mutually strange”, patting her shoulder, “and please don’t worry about my shit. I’m good, it’s good. Just fine. Screwy but fine”,
Danny looks around, “soooo. Bed? Move on with life and just accept, tolerate, or whatever; the Spaghetti our existences, mainly mine, throws at the walls? Make art out of the pasta sauce stains?”. Maddie can’t help but laugh, “don’t assault supper!”, before hugging Danny. Danny snorts, “if anything will be doing the assaulting, it’ll be the food”.
Danny watches her walk off into the kitchen, likely grabbing coffee. Which immediately makes him want some, because this has been a triple quadruple espresso worthy day. But he would like to actually maybe sleep, not just vibrate in his bed. The coffee aroma changes his mind though. Easily sneaking around his mom, snatching the pot for himself and throwing back the whole thing. While Maddie sputters and accidentally inhales the coffee that she, being a slightly more normal and civilised person, actually poured into a cup for herself. Danny just winks as he wipes off his chin and heads upstairs. All the while hearing her nuking her coffee cup, muttering about it being ice cold. He doesn’t even need to see her face to know she’s grimacing about him downing a near full pot of cold coffee.
Danny shrugs as he opens his room's door, muttering, “it’ll be ice cold by the time it’s down my gullet anyway”.
Danny sighs knowingly, before chucking as he closes his bedroom door. Speaking as soon as he hears it click shut, “you can come out now”. Red slips in through the window that she was standing outside of, “guess you’ve gotta have self-awareness to deal with ghosts constantly. Even if you do it different”.
Danny nods, sitting on his bed and patting for her to sit down as well. De-suiting, Valerie flops down, laying instead of sitting, “so, how long?”. Danny looks up to his ceiling, “just over two years now. So no, you weren’t dating a freaking king. Buuuuut, I was a prince at that time, didn’t know that myself though. Hooray for mutual blindness to ghost craziness”. Valerie snorts, “dating a prince huh? Dated the guy who’d come to lead the things I swore to destroy”.
“Ya still gonna do that shit? Cause again, that’s kinda not cool. Rather not have your cute ass as my enemy”.
“Enemies? Ha! Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Personally, I’d still like to see them blasted out of existence. But I can’t strive for that if you’re gonna be all crazy fucking ghost king. Like, I’ll say it again, what the fuck Danny? So no, I’m not gonna off all your subjects or try to off you. I could kick your ass though, just for the record”, Valerie pokes him hard, for emphasis.
Danny laughs, “you go ahead and think that. Good as you are, somethings are beyond you; my royal ass being one of them”, turning to look at Valerie’s face, attracting her attention enough to look back at him. Danny speaks up again, “but thanks. I know you hate ghosts and have your reasons, reasons better than just personal beliefs. You’re probably gonna keep that hate with you for a long time. Hates fine though, not, like, desirable, but fine”, chuckling, “and just a whole lotta fucks, like all the fucks, an absolute ton of fucks...heh, a kingdom of fucks”.
Valerie snorts, turning her head back to the ceiling, “I could so kick your ass”.
Danny pokes Valerie, “‘yuppers’ doesn’t count, you’re out”, Valerie huffs while Danny shuffles, “though you really can’t. I’m not like Pariah, I’m not a mad king. I have full access”.
“The fucks that mean?”.
“Powerful. It means powerful. Fully empowered. Power infinite. So long as I retain my complete sanity, I can not be truly beaten. My voice alone could completely disarm you, wipe your memories, scramble your DNA, etcetera”.
“Danny...what the fuck”.
Danny shifts a bit awkwardly, his power level was stupid strong. He’s sure even he didn’t really grasp it, which was a bit of a mind fuck. Chuckling, “heh, yeah”, sighing, “power’s, like, a focal point for ghosts. One of the biggest things they care about. Powerful means getting to continue existing, powerful means being better able to carry out obsessions, powerful means respect, powerful means fear. Power is practically a need for ghosts. So power is a given and a requirement for any ghostly leader or high up ghostly position, job, responsibility, duty, guide, yada yada. And my ass is the top of the food chain, I have to be stronger. I have to be the definition or embodiment or whatever the fuck, of ghostly power. My power has to be absolute and I have to be able to handle that shit, else I’m kingy no more. Not worthy of the position so to speak. So power resolute is my thing. An OP little shit. I don’t, or more so didn’t, mention my power shit cause, like, fuck. That’s shit’s not viewed the same by humans. Shows of power are fucking terrifying and worrying to humans. But ghosties? Gotta flaunt that shit actually, be a flashy powerhouse for no real reason sometimes. Not flaunting makes them worried and pissy. Just me pretending to be a weak shit, even in the human world, at school and shit; makes some pissy”.
Valerie flops her arm over and smacks him, “you’re rambling. Rambling about power of all things. Fuck that’s ghostly”.
“Hey now. I gots ta be a little power focused. Did you not just hear my little spiel? Powerful gotta be powerful, cause powers damn near everything to ghostly asses”.
“Oh I fucking heard it. And you just said ‘power’ four freaking times, you fucking weird-ass. And so what? You have to literally be power? Like a fucking living weapon? That’s fucked. How does your anything handle that shit?”.
Danny blinks, for all accounts, he practically was a weapon. That was rather funny though, “HA!...fuck if I know. Though I tell ya, all that shit up inside me...fucking painful, yet alluring. My innards are like a damn pressure cooker, combined with an almost boiling over cauldron, and a balloon that’s constantly getting filled no matter how much air it releases thus only growing and is constantly taught to the point of exploding yet never able to. But all of that with a flash freeze of cold. Tolerating it is kinda like getting stabbed all over your body but having to not show it or flinch. But using the power is like burning yourself alive and liking it. Cause fuck does it burn so good, better than scratching any itch. And all that’s why Kings Madness is a thing, a thing with an official name. But I can tolerate a lot of bullshit, obviously. So can you”.
“Wow, fuck your life”.
“Yup. Everything seems to agree with fucking my life”.
Valerie just snorts in response.
The two sit quietly for a bit while Valerie chews on her lip. Eventually speaking up, “so, um, you know why I broke up with you?”. Danny nods, “protect me from your ghost hunter shit. Well, pretty sure it was more so protect me from ghost shit in general”, Danny barks out a laugh, “and now here’s the irony! I’ve got twenty thousand more buckets of ghost shit than you. And I run around dumping it on myself, loving about seventy percent of it and hoping I literally drown in the shit, twenty percent of the time”.
Valerie cringes, “ok first, ew. Second, what about the other ten percent?”.
“Five percent is wanting to make shit burn and the other five percent, well that’s just wanting to be wiped out of existence. Like just fucking off into the void of nothingness. Absolute emptiness. Just poof! Gone!”.
Valerie’s almost tempted to be worried about Danny’s mental state, but of course his brain’s bound to be fucked. Ghost shit does that and his ghost shit is a major what the fuck. Plus, he’s a complete goof. So there’s a joking aspect to goddamn everything with him. “So, wanting to stay as you are, wanting to become a ghost, wanting to destroy the fucking world, and wanting to straight-up destroy yourself? That’s a whole lotta ways to say you want to suffer”.
“Well I am the king of suffering, ring says so”, Danny points at her, “but I am no masochist”.
Valerie snorts, “I’d hope not, otherwise I did something wrong while macking lips with ya...but you really weren’t kidding about the Ring of Suffering thing?”.
Oh how Danny wishes he damn well was. But, he’ll take himself suffering over anyone else having the bear it, “Haha...no, fuck no. Suffering is my defining feature, I just don’t show it. That’s kinda the point of ‘must bear it and overcome it’. If people could easily tell I’d be fucking that up. Also, Tuck would say this is getting kinky”.
“Fuck Tuck”.
“Tuck Fuck”.
Danny snorts but gives a humoured grimace, “I don’t recommend checking that kid’s dreams out. And I extra don’t recommend actually going inside them”, Danny grumbles, “I will never be anyone’s damn maid to their fucking harem”.
“I don’t wanna know. But I’m not surprised”, Valerie scrunches up her face some before sitting up and staring down at Danny. Danny quirks an eyebrow, “what?”.
“It’s just, I just realised that it’s best you got this power problem. You’re too damn good to abuse it or even use it half the time. And you’re, like, actually respecting it and shit. Not too mention the pain and overflowing power tolerance crap. Pretty well everyone would just go on fucking powertrips, eliminate one species or another, show off, or the madness thing”, Danny nods as she flops back down and starts speaking again, “ignoring all the ghosts. Tucker just no. Sam would powertrip and control. I’d destroy shit. Your parents would probably destroy themselves. And imagine the nightmare of Dash? But you? You just go on with life like you’re not some kind of fucking god. Overseer of an entire freaking world and all in it. Like, what the fuck Danny”.
“You have no idea just how bad Tuck is with power. Like, no idea. He makes people scrub his feet and tries to murder me. Add in enslavement, world domination, gladiator fights, pissing on everyone beneath him, I could go on. And Sam? Oh man, world domination and enslavement route for that one. Dash is, arguably, not that horrible. Still with the trying to murder me though. Well, and everyone else. Dad also always goes the murder me route......come to think of it, everyone always goes the murder me route”, Danny blinks and goes slightly wide-eyed and laughs, “fuck! I went the murder me route...once...ok, twice...no, thrice. I guess I’m just really killable. Well, if I was killable anyway”, Valerie is mildly choking while Danny shrugs, “but me? As a whole? Eh whatever. I’m no god. My body can do weird shit, doesn’t stop me from falling asleep in class or forgetting my comb in my hair. I’m a fucking mess actually. My power bullshit is all that’s kept me from collapsing in on myself really. I go to eat some salad, swallow the spork. I try to go to bed, there’s a bomb under it for some reason. I actually remember to brush my teeth for once, it turns my teeth black. I actually go to class, the whole town gets fucked into another realm. I tell Dash to fuck off, get trapped inside a mirror. I pass a test, get teleported to an apocalyptic future. I am a mess. My power just exemplifies that, my power is a mess inside me and my life is a mess outside me. Oh yeah, my mind is clearly a fucked mess too, in case that wasn’t obvious”.
Danny shoots his arms and legs into the air, “I’m the trifecta of mess!”, before descending into caffeine-fuelled giggles.
Valerie’s electing to just disregard Danny claiming he’s murdered himself, multiple times, as that makes zero sense. But as for the rest, “uh, I’m still hung up on the ‘if I was killable’ thing. But, uh, yeah you really are just kinda fucked up. Aren’t you?”.
“Heh...yeah. But fucked up is able to handle fucked up. So I guess that’s why I’m not all screwy with power-hunger and Kings Madness. And yeah, can’t really, like, die. Destroyed, annihilated, decimated, obliterated. Not options for me. Welcome to my stupid kingly bullshit of an existence. That’s um, why Frightmare said ‘you, mortal humans’ when talking to the lot of you. I’m, technically, not mortal”.
“Again, what the fuck. But I guess that only makes sense. You literally have all power right? Which is still fucky, but even you called it that. So I guess that would include the power to transcend life, death and whatever ghosts have”.
Danny chuckles, “humans have life, ghosts have death. But there are also terms like: unlife, re-life, eon over cross, shade. Then of course, there are the unlived ghosts but that’s a whole basket of confusing. Really there’s a lot of terms. But, um, the word for ones like me, is deathless and unfade(s). Immortal isn’t really used cause technically all ghosts are immortal, in a way, but destroyable. Deathless for the living who can not die. Unfade for the dead who can never be destroyed”. Danny’s not even going to get into the number of terms that have been made for him, living unfade, dead deathless, fadeless, frayed. He usually went with deathless unfade, but ‘undead’ was the term he found funniest.  
Danny sits up and puts his chin in his hand, prompting Valerie to sit up next to him. Valerie can’t help but find immortality kinda fucked up, “that’s actually pretty shit. Kinda-”, Valerie gets cut off by Danny, “I make a joke of it. Comedy! The perfect sprinkles for the vomit blueberry muffin that is my existence, perpetually getting ass fucked by the latest and greatest bullshit!”, finger gunning at her, “I can not die for your sins, so please, stop sinning”.
Valerie snorts, “you’re awful”, shaking her head as she gets up and hugs Danny, “well stay awful and messed up, not insane or mad or whatever. Not gonna start calling you highness or anything but thanks for not being a screwed up power-hungry king”.
Danny shrugs, “don’t really gotta thank me for not being stupid and for handling my shit. It is my shit after all. I’m guessing you’re going though? Meaning I can sleep?”.
Valerie slams her hands onto her hips, “ass! But yes. Also fuck that’s weird that your first thought is sleep, after everything”.
“Well, I’d rather be less dead on my feet, not more”. Both of them chuckle as Valerie summons her suit and flies out the window.
Danny, spreading his limbs out all over the bed, “well I probably said something stupid. No scratch that, I definitely said something stupid. But whatever, just more bullshit onto the pile. More mess for this mess”. Danny chuckles himself to sleep, tangled in his sheets and drooling grotesquely.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
A King For Tonight’s Fentertainment - Chap. 4: With Fashion He Shows His Passion
Summary:  Danny's shown them part of who he is, he's told them part of who he is, his Knight is practically shouting it at them. So why's it so hard for them to believe that he's a king and that he cares?
Danny nods and jumps away, cape slashing through the air dramatically, from the group of humans some. Quickly being followed by the Fright Knight, who also flares his cape dramatically, before standing to the side and behind Danny; Nightmare coming up behind the Fright Knight. Danny turns to face the group of humans, with a shit-eating grin, “yeah I’m the damn Ghost King. Which, since I still think you’re missing this, means king of ghosts”.
Dash can’t help but snap, staring at the weird-ass kid legit looking like a king with his knight flanking him, “well no shit Fentuns 'o fun, still don’t buy you being any kind of king. Or having any kind of authority over any kingdom”.
Red adds in, “especially a ghost one”.
Danny tilts his head to the side and groans, muttering to himself, “fucking humans. For Phantom's sake”.
“You know sire, most kings don’t use their own name as a swear”, Danny just snorts and chuckles at the Fright Knights comment. Danny looks back to the humans and shakes his head as the Fright Knight addresses them, “you misunderstand his highness. It goes back to what the young king said previously. “the” And “a” do not carry the same gravity or prestige”.
Dash mutters, “the fuck does that mean”.
While Danny nods, speaking again, “I am The Ghost King, not just a ghost king”. Danny stretches his arms over his head and clasps his hands behind his head, making the cape bunch up around his neck, the flames curling together and blazing erratically. Danny smirks, “A king means someone who rules a kingdom. A community, selection, bunch, collection of people or species. The king means someone who rules the entirety of a species”.
Nightmare stomps a hoof on the ground and snorts. While the Fright Knight nods, speaking, “in layman’s terms, ghost ruling titles are based on where they rule. A ghost queen of the Terabina kingdom would be called the Terabina Queen. His majesty’s title is The Ghost King, because his kingdom encompasses the whole of the Ghost Realm. Simply stated, he rules all ghosts and every single existing ghost bends to his command”. Danny nods and gives a goofy smile, aiming to soften the blow and not have his humans blow up at him.
Unsurprisingly, one of the agents is the first to speak up. Agent G snaps, swinging an arm around wildly, “but he’s a human! A child human at that! A, clearly, horribly ghostly indoctrinated one but all the same!”.
“That matters not, it was his by right. He simply had to claim it”, the Fright Knight turns to Danny, “even if it took many moons for his highness to claim his throne”. The Fright Knight flicks his gaze back to the agent and bellows, “AND TAINTED HIS MIND IS NOT. HE IS SIMPLY FREE FROM FAULTY UNDERSTANDINGS OF EITHER OF THE TWO GREAT REALMS. SOMETHING THAT THE LIKES OF YOU HAVE CLEARLY NOT BEEN GRACED WITH SO”.
Danny shrugs, cape bunching up around his neck again, “what he said, and ask anyone, teens don’t exactly jump at the chance for responsibilities ...or life complications, for that matter”, smirking, “but all the same, it’s my place and a grand one it is. I’d take no other in my place”.
Fright Knight nods strongly, “nor would I. You are plenty fair and are one of few humans lacking biases. Regardless of your blood, you regard your subjects with affections and true thought”.
Danny can’t help but blush at the praise, “it’s what’s right, nothing more. Who I am has never been one to hate unjustly or universally”.
“You are far too humble, your highness. You care, and that’s more than the kings of old”. Danny kind of hates how true the Fright Knights statement is, most ghost kings were less than kind or good.
Maddie jumps in, “our boy is just protecting his town and the people here! He is not doing anything for you filthy creatures!”.
Both Danny and the Fright Knight shake their heads, but Danny does so with a sigh; grumbling all the while, “this is just fucking dandy, perfectly peachy. Ancients end me”, before turning his head to look directly at Maddie, “you’re wrong, mom”.
Maddie stares at him before shaking her head, choosing to ignore her son in favour of insulting and chewing out the, adult, ghost, “and how dare you lay claim to my son! By placing some ghost title on him and binding him to your emotionless dimension!”. Danny tilts his head back, “it’s more of a Zone and it’s called a Realm...officially anyway”. Danny’s not even sure she heard him as Maddie just continues ranting.
Danny gets an unpleasant reminder of the GIW presence when agent L snaps, “you freaks must be using the boy for access to our world!”.
The Fright Knight scoffs, “hardly, we need no human for access to your living Human Realm”, turning to Maddie as Nightmare, much to Danny’s amusement, kicks agent L, “he was neither binded nor demanded his royal grandeur. As I have already made apparent, his lordship claimed his title. There was no force of hand and none would dare partake in such actions when dealing with anyone of whom hand and head be worthy of the Ghost Realms infinite depths of power”.
Red shakes her head and pointedly avoids the Fright Knight as she moves to stand next to Danny. Danny watches as she rubs a bit of the cape in her fingers, clearly avoiding the flames though. Red looks up from the cape to Danny’s watchful face, while he smiles softly at her, “batshit crazy huh?”. Red squints at him, “that’s an understatement Danny. What the fuck? How can a human? How do you have this? This claim or whatever?”.
Dash storms up a bit, “better question Fen-tertainment Tonight, if you’re this damn big shot Ghost King then why the hell don’t you just order all these ghosts to fuck off?”. Dash’s question causes both agents and Maddie to stop their verbal tirades, looking to Danny.
Maddie scrunching up her eyebrows some before nodding at Danny, “yes, yes you should be able to do that. It still makes no sense and no filthy dimension of post-human consciousness should be infesting my boy with its ectofilth. But you, you could use this couldn’t you?”.
Danny rubs his neck awkwardly, “seriously, just say Zone or Realm”, before putting his hands up, motioning for them to quiet down. Sighing, “can and will aren’t the same. Could and should. Not gonna do that. By ‘that’ I mean the whole telling the ghosties to fuck off. It’s not my fault if Dashie can’t handle his days being made a bit spooktacular. That’s whatcha get for living in a partly unliving town. A town full of a fantasma of ectoplasma”, Danny internally groans at the slight glare from Maddie. Tilting his head back and groaning exaggeratedly, “mom, sure the ghosties make living here, interesting, but it’s hardly some immediate issue. Plus, it’s part of Amity’s charm”, Danny jabs a finger at the two agents, “if anything, the colour white makes for a hell of a lot more black and blue. Because they’re twats. Ghost hating, uninformed, backwards, unworldly, benighted, white suit scum. I may be in league with the dead, but those fucksticks are dead from the neck up”.
Danny talks to Red right over the GIW agents grumblings, “and the fuck is right. Quite the thing to be walking along, doin my own freak shit”, glancing at Dash, “I’ll take freaks over teddy bears any day”. Looking back to Red, “then what do I hear? What caresses and tickles my ears? Ghostly asses muttering about my kingliness”, tapping his chin, “well princeliness at the time”, shrugging, “that shit threw me through a loop more blazingly hard to fathom than my crown that alights my head with its flames”.
“Wait, you mean you weren’t even told? You just...overheard shit? And then decided, fuck it, and just went all Ghost King?”, Red’s jaw drops as Danny nods. While agent L snaps, “no human should be a ghost prince or king! You must be infected by some ghostly thing! You-”.
Danny cuts the guy off by snapping, “y’all are just pissy I’m all enlightened and shit. That I know and have access to what you don’t. That, when it comes to ghosts, I have real sway and say. That I can make real plays and forays. That I have the ability to easily slay and flay ghostly ass”.
Mr. Lancer mutters, “why does he not show this kind of rhyming and wordplay in class?”. Danny, having easily heard him, “cause it’s not funny using it in class. Right now, it’s fucking hilarious”. Danny points at the fuming agents, “anything that pisses them off is side-splitting”. While Red pokes at him, shaking her head, “how does a human even claim a ghost throne?!? How does one even be able to be able to claim it?”.
“Uh, ask nicely?”, Danny shrugs, “but really, sit on the throne you have claim over. Bare the weight of your crown and open yourself up to the power it all grants you”. Danny lifts up his hand and flicks the Ring of Suffering, “in The Ghost King case, wield the pain and embodiment, or whatever, of your life’s defining unpleasant shit. A defining feature of your life that you do or gotta overcome, but will always be a thing in whatever bullshit existence you happen to have”.
Maddie stutters, “p-pain? Unpleasant? Danny, what do you mean? This hurts you?”, Maddie shakes her head, “that doesn’t even explain how you have a claim, ghost prince? How? Why? The living shouldn’t have such a title”.
Nightmare snorts, leaning their head almost protectively overtop of Danny’s. While the Fright Knight claps Danny on the shoulder, “might is a burden, and his grace’s might is grandiose. Any title of the royals is one carrying might, and power granted always has its draws”.
Danny nods and points at his ring, “represents a large aspect of my existence that I must be better than. Deal with like a colossal champ. Overwhelmingly overcome. Be a spectral survivor of whatever bullshit. Sooo. Unpleasant, displeasing, irksome, troublesome, annoying; kinda all part of the duty. This is the Ring of Suffering after all. Kinda means I suffer a lot in my existence and will continue to”. Multiple people instantly turn to glare at Dash, and Danny’s not about to correct the aim of their blame.
“You bare it grandly, as is expected from one of such excellency. Pariah’s ill-handling of his rage only exemplifies your true right to rule”, the Fright Knight turns to Red, “his great lordship was the one in line to take the crown. Such was he at the fall of the ensnared mad king. One of whom even thousand years of cursed sleep could not make capable of quelling his unpleasantry that was his rage and wrath. The battered deranged one held his place as The Ghost King no more. So as such, the right to rule was granted true to a young merciful one. His state of living being inconsequential. His splendours grant him worthy of his dignitaries, for he is a luminary one”. Danny mutters, “you are way too much of a knight. Are you trying to bury me in wordy praises?”.
Red smirks, a bit uncomfortably, at Danny, “this is starting to sound like a religion”. Danny chuckles, “he likes embellishing his words. Pretty sure it makes him feel all high and mighty or some shit”.
“One of my standing should sound as such”, the Fright Knight nods curtly to emphasise his statement. Earning a smirk from Danny, “oh? And what of the one above you, my frightful knight?”. Red can’t help but snort as the Fright Knight stiffens some, “you, my liege, by you’re reverence alone make any words spoken suiting”.
Danny laughs, patting the Fright Knight on the back almost aggressively, “nice save, Frightmare”. Danny grumbles to himself, “now to save all these idiots...and two extra idiots who need to be drowned in pomegranate juice, red wine, blood, and tomato sauce”.
While Red grimaces, “that would smell awful”.
Danny glances around, catching Dash pretty well tearing his hair out over Danny being royalty. GIW throwing insults at ghosts but mostly at Danny, with Maddie snapping back at them with almost concerning levels of aggression. Mr. Lancer and a few other teachers look like they’re gonna cry from the lack of order. Danny turns his head skyward, grumbling, “I really should get everyone out of here before something stupid happens. Which I’m sure it will anyway”.
“Well that’s pessimistic”, Red shoves him before muttering near his ear, cringing a little as his capes collars cold flames dance over her shoulder slightly, “the only reason I’m not de-suiting is your mom, you know. Well, that and everyone’s attention on you is saving me from twenty-one questions”.
Danny makes a pouty face, grumbling, “glad my suffering could be helpful...but you know what you could do in return?”. Red instantly frowns, slightly nervous about what the strange highly unpredictable, and apparently royal, boy might request. Danny smirks as he continues, “you cool your shit. Chill out with the ghost hating. Put the biases on ice. At least give the ones who ain’t causing a problem the cold shoulder instead of going all blazing fire and fury on ‘em. I don’t expect you to not be frosty to the ghosties through”. Danny runs a hand through the flames, patting at them before looking back to Red, a bit bashfully. Flicking his eyes upward, “they are my subjects after all. Kinda hard for me to not find the whole, mass ghost hating and destroy everything ectoplasmic, mind set...you know, bad. As much as my aliveness might still be a thing, and my unlivedness”, chuckling, “I mean, inexperience, as a king might be a thing. You being all Miss destructo murdersuit, isn’t really over lookable if something funky happened. Monkeys or no monkeys”.
“That...that was a really weird way to ask me to play nice, well nicer. And monkeys?”, Red shakes her head, “I mean I guess”, Red chuckles and punches Danny’s shoulder playfully, “you have to treat them all kind and shit, so if Mr. Ran away from all ghosts, can tolerate the non-aggressors I can too”.
Danny smirks as he swirls his fingers in the air, making a portal and pulling through an apple. Taking a bite of it before speaking, “funky alone is just weird, but funky monkey is just plain crazy”, swallowing harshly, “and I’d like to think so. Not every hunter here has drowned their clothing in enough bleach to fry all their brain cells, after all. But I don’t have to be kind and I don’t simply tolerate”, shrugging, “okay, some I do just tolerate”, pointing the apple at Red, “I care for, have fondness for, enjoy the company of, find plenty of merriment with, ghosts. My kingdom, dominion or whatever, the Ghost Zone, Ghost Realm. I do care. I do protect it, them; this big clusterfuck that makes for a dead species and world”.
Danny pulls a second apple through the portal before closing it. Whipping the apple at agent G without breaking eye contact with Red, “and the GIW have long made themselves an enemy, trying to blow the whole place up isn’t really something friendly”. Danny smiles while Red gapes at him, “rather not have you as an enemy as well”. Danny mutters under his breath, “or my parents for that matter, but I somehow doubt they’ll really listen to me. I’m just a teen and their kid after all”. Danny knows full well they’ll probably order him to cut it the fuck out. But he won’t, obviously. Danny smirks again, holding up the first, and now half-eaten, apple, “this is a red delicious by the way”. Earning a slug in the shoulder from Red.
The two laugh a bit before both realise they’re being stared at, by pretty well all the humans. Danny sighs, “oh now what? I guess it was high time someone took a piss on my semi pleasant day”.
The Fright Knight leans over, “they’ve been watchful ever since you ever so casually created a small portal, for something so mundane as sustenance”. The Fright Knight isn’t about to add on that his highness clearly did so purely for some jokes, his majesty was a jester of a king after all.
Danny chuckles, “heh”, shrugging, “we really should, you know, go”. With a huff, Danny flops down to sit cross-legged. Hiding his smirk with a hand as multiple people look up and nod, many gulping nervously. But Danny glares at the GIW agents as they look to each other and nod, obviously forming some kind of plan. And their plans were always stupid or just unpleasant. Danny squints at them, annoyed, as they address him, “you’ll be coming with us. Far too ghostly to be allowed uncontained”.
Danny snorts, “no I will not. Go ahead and try though. You couldn’t catch this eldritch ass even if I didn’t fight back or summon my army to brutalise your asses”. Danny points lazily at the men, “I have a good four million super-powered dead fucks at my becking call, or whatever. And that’s just my army, many of my allies have armies of their own. You’d have better chances of catching the swine flu, the Black Plague, and rabies all at once than capturing or arresting me”.
The Fright Knight nods and steps forward, bellowing, “YOU WILL MAKE NO SUCH ACTIONS AGAINST HIS ROYAL PROVIDENCE. SHOULD YOU DISOBEY, IN THE PLACE OF WHICH HIS MAJESTY IS SOVEREIGN, I SHALL TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN STRIKING FEAR INTO YOUR BEINGS. THE HIGH GHOST KING AS HE MAY BE, IS BEYOND YOUR MORTAL LAWS. YOU AND YOUR KINDS RULE HAVE NO CLAIMS TO HIS HIGHNESS”. The Fright Knight flies quickly to bring his blade directly to the necks of the men, making both shriek, “I suggest that once my liege, in all his merciful splendour, returns you to your realm. That you take your leave and BE GONE”.
Danny gets back up, watching in case things go to grade A shit. While the Fright Knight steps back, sensing the warning in his kings' posture. Only for Maddie to storm over, “I can defend my son perfectly well and better than you, ghost”. Maddie turns on the, still startled, agents, “you dare, DARE, lay a hand on my boy and I will dump so much red wine all over every inch of you that everything white that ever touches you again will instantly be stained pink! Then I will chase you publicly with the Fenton creep stick until you run off to suck your mommies thumbs!”.
The Fright Knight looks back to Danny, pointing at Maddie, “I find myself of like mind with her”. Danny chuckles, relaxing, “so you’re kindred spirits in the name of my defence”. Maddie glares distrustfully at the Fright Knight before returning to giving death glares at the agents.
Agent G snaps, somewhat nervously, “human, underaged and your son regardless; he’s an ectothreat! This can not be allow-”. He gets cut off by loud banging and explosions out in the distance of the vast of the Ghost Zone. While Danny mutters, “no shit I’mma ectothreat, I literally just said that. Like really, kinda obvious at this point. Shit don’t fucking matter though”.
The Fright Knight only looks towards the sounds for a second before walking next to Danny, “that’s right sire, I originally sought you out to inform you of the return to warring between the Xercti nation and Herencotton clans. However, I do find it is highly improbable that this skirmish could become any form of all-encompassing or eradicating in nature. All the same, word of the Far Frozen becoming skittish of their lands being encroached upon isn’t in short supply”.
Danny nods strongly, tapping his chin, “put in a request for ColdStep to move the Frost Blazes land warning marker, to be placed a half moons flight away from the Wrought Crystal Silk Road’s entrance and to the left of the Levina Whistler. As well as placing a watchers talisman on the marker yourself”, Danny snaps his fingers, “oh, and I’ll go light the Defted Lands on fire in a couple days. That ought to avoid them straying their cannon fire too far towards Silfee territory”.
The Fright Knight kneels, bowing deeply, “as you request, my king”, standing back up before bowing again, “you endeavourings fit the flavours of belittlement, brazen comedy and wild absurdity; like always”. Danny chuckles, “yup, and ain’t the Defted lands gonna be ripened to vapour wines shortly. Funny thing that’ll be, anyone still fighting will suddenly find themselves far too drunk to aim”.
The Fright Knight barks a laugh, “most assuredly”. The Fright Knight turns back to face the two agents, “and you, living mortals, regardless of where my presence be, or the presence of my eminence. You shall be cut down for your desired disgracing actions, should you act on them. And, for your given contempt towards the great highness, you will be allotted no mercy should such events come to fruition”.
The Fright Knight only chooses to dignify them with the sight of his glaring for a little longer before returning his attention to his majesty. Swiftly hopping onto Nightmare’s back, “at your graces call I shall always be, my servitude is granted yours keep. Frosted death keep thee and, for thy alone, life’s bite keep thee marked. Till many moons and under you high king sway, High Ghost King”.
Danny tilts his head down slightly, “blazing death keep thee and life’s bite never mark thee. Till lesser moons and under thine oath, High Dread Knight Fright Knight, High Steed Nightmare”.
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