#when someonr is just like. trying to be comfortable w who they are its so counterproductive and unnecessary and SO terminally online
bellamygateoldblog ยท 2 years
idk i feel like everyone would be so much happier if u just minded ur business and let ppl get on with who they are
#like i soooo don't care just let people do what they do and be who they are u dont need to#b making a callout post for ppl just living their lives n somehow that makes u feel victimised#just be open and take people at their word???? dont challenge ppl abt their own identity dont bring up politics and discourse#when someonr is just like. trying to be comfortable w who they are its so counterproductive and unnecessary and SO terminally online#'i wish yall would learn ur history' girl i communicate with the elders irl DAILY and they do not act like u r acting rn#knowing textbook info abt shit and acc communicating w people from other generations r two separate things#idk idk#sometimes other parts of tumblr (non-fandom) leak onto my dash and im reminded of how. ridiculous it all is#like turning on eachother.......picking EACHOTHER apart.....that is NOT the enemy its soo si so so so stupid#sowing distrust and seperation in a community instead of standing united against the ACTUAL oppressor...blows my mind truely#these r the same ppl that would callout an elder for saying something problematic that they used back then but we dont anymore#like it doesn't work like that#๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€#u cannot b acting like this fr#just listen to eachother#b like oh that isnt my experience but i understand and i get why you feel that way#sooooo many things determine how we are and what we do the main thing is to just be. open honest and non judgemental#telling eachother theyre wrong for being like they are is just doing the same thing the oppressors are doing#just think ppl should b more mindful abt what discourse is acc appropriate and productive#what is actually worth criticising and what rly isnt that big of a deal and should absolutely not be getting more attention than the former
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