#when the fandom was split into ben stans (me!) and people who thought he was a dick
myersesque · 4 years
some of yall... r SO protective of klaus. to the point where it legit frustrates me.
i’ve seen people call diego abusive for making a “$20 if we leave him here” joke abt his brother. take it from a middle child, that’s just how siblings are. i joke about leaving my big sib behind all the time - it’s a joke. a very blatant joke, that you pout about for a minute and then get over.
in season 1, i don’t blame the sibs for not knowing klaus was kidnapped, because literally none of them except luther and five lived in the academy anymore. klaus not being at the academy wasn’t really suspicious, and whilst i’d definitely be concerned if i couldn’t find my sibling after a shooting, i wouldn’t be surprised if they just assumed he ran away. of course they assumed all the “we have your brother” messages were about five, because hazel and cha-cha were CLEARLY looking for five. it’s shitty that it took them so long to find him, and shitty that klaus was kidnapped in the first place, but i think it’s unfair to blame his siblings there, even though they WERE being idiots.
and just... i remember a chunk of the fandom disliking ben in s2 for being “too mean to klaus”, as if he hasn’t been stuck around his brother for 17 years, and as if half his dialogue in season 1 wasn’t just a polite way of saying “get your shit together or i swear to god”. listen - i’m 16. i’ve spent my entire life living with my older sibling, and we fight and snark each other all the time - and that’s WITH the ability to walk away and talk to somebody else. ben’s a ghost. he can’t just go away and cool off - klaus is literally the only person he can talk to. i’d be bitchy too.
what i’m trying to say is - i get it. i like klaus too, and i get being protective of characters you like - i’m super protective of some characters - but it seems like every fandom has a character where anyone who is so much as jokingly rude to them is suddenly horrible, and it’s just. frustrating? obviously he’s been thru some bad shit but sometimes it feels like one of the other sibs looks at him funny and they’re suddenly hated by some of yall
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jazillia007 · 3 years
Thoughts on GG 4x3 Fall Guy
Things I did not enjoy:
I’m sorry but we really said goodbye to Turner for... Phoebe? I know some would root for her to turn on her shitty FBI co-worker but that wouldn’t make her interesting. It would look desperate. xD I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind her being on track when it comes to Beth. But the reasons why she suspects Beth fall flat to me.
But now things might turn and I’m also weirdly looking forward to what’s gonna happen since she found that letter Beth left. *sigh* Why didn’t Beth think of that?
Beth’s new bed
The only good thing it. got character but dang it it’s so ugly and I will never not notice. LMAO
Fitzpatrick Part 1
Being the creepy dude he is. Like... ewww... The fact he is like “oh but WHY do you not want to go with me to the Fijis?”. I mean it’s not like Beth’s husband is in prison right now and she got 4 kids to take care of but whatever. And she said “NO”. But hey... creepers gonna be creepy.
So but then, Beth tells him exactly that... and... continue in the what I liked section here...
Thing I would’ve enjoyed if done differently:
Did I need those flashbacks with Dean to understand why Beth is staying with him?
No, I don’t think I needed it to know why she is staying with Dean because Beth herself verbally said why she stays with him in many episodes. But I also think we need to remember the majority of the viewers are casual viewers who don’t watch the episodes like fandoms do and casual viewers sometimes need everything to get spelled out for them. But I also think casual viewers aren’t dumb and sometimes writers should just trust them to know and understand things and circumstances.
I also think I would’ve liked it more if the flashbacks had included Beth’s relationship with her father or the non-existence of the very same. I think the reason why women tend to stay with men who are not good for them is because: they have a dysfunctional family (problematic mother, problematic father or both combined), they’re dependent on men, those men resemble the father or the women want to fix something that was broken in their own family (e.g. not having a father but wanting a family and a father for their own children).
But we didn’t get that. And I think it’s a shame the writers focus a great deal on showing Dean was the only good guy Beth knew at that time hence why she chose him when it would’ve been more interesting to explore the reason WHY Beth thought Dean was the only seemingly decent person.
Also, just because Dean was a nice guy back then doesn’t make his cheating and lying okay. And it doesn’t mean Beth needs to stay with him. If anything it worries me that the writers apparently think “look because he was nice back and he basically “saved” Beth and gave her stability, she needs to stay with him forever”. That’s not the case. As I said before if the writers adore Matthew Lillard so much, they can keep him, even as the ex-husband. Just a thought.
However, I think the flashbacks were filmed nicely as some already mentioned. And I liked the casting.
Things I enjoyed:
I know some people missed it but Kenny is away for a tournament which explains why it seems Beth and Dean only got 3 children. The show explained it right away, so thankfully Kenny won’t disappear like Buddy did. xD
Dean not buying Beth’s “I love you”
You know I don’t like Dean but I kind of enjoy he isn’t buying Beth’s “I love you” anymore. I mean he is the last person to call her out because he cheated on her and told her he loves her after she found out to manipulate her as well but I just like we see Dean not buying it. Because WHO is actually still buying it when Beth is telling Dean “I love you”.
Ruby and Annie having priorities
I love how they’re like “Hey, you got 4 kids!” like even to them Dean isn’t a father who deserves to be out of prison.
On a sidenote: Ruby aka Retta is looking extra gorgeous this season. Oh MY!
Whatever is going on with Stan
Look I always wanted for Stan and Rio to team up. So please let it happen. But also whatever happens in the club, “the little bitch” and the “big bitch” this could have potential.
But I hope he doesn’t develope a drinking problem and I don’t need the tension between him and Ruby. But also kind of enjoy he got now secrets of his own.
Found the whole mom situation in the flashbacks more interesting than Dean
I think you deleted the post @medievalraven but I think there might be something going on with Beth’s and Annie’s mom which is more related to (TRIGGER WARNING) depression and suicidal thoughts. Which is actually a whole lot more interesting to explore than what a nice guy Dean was back then.
And it would play into what I said earlier. That whatever is going on in Beth’s family made her the person she is now and would explain why she acts in certain ways and why she is unable to leave Dean (except the writers apparently don’t WANT her to leave Dean as of now).
And whatever has been going on at home explains why Annie turned out the way she was back then and still is - especially when it comes to Dean.
Annie and Ben
As you know, I barely relate with Annie but I always enjoyed the most her relationship with her son and if the writers are doing anything right it’s writing this arc properly. It’s normal for Ben to want to stay with his father but at the same time it breaks my heart for Annie.
Fitzpatrick Part 2
Beth going off was everything I needed right now. Thank you, Beth, for telling him where your limits are!
And what a douchebag is Fitzpatrick to be like “oh but I thought you wanted more from your life”. We love guilt-tripping men - NOT. Just look at Dean. I mean... c’mon! Also for him to be like “but you hired me”... Yeah, she did hire you but not sending the message “I also want sex with you.” What is this guy!?
However, I would buy Beth’s speech a little more if she would pair it up with actions. Like divorcing Dean and you know the drill. It would be so much more consistent than having her say one thing but not living up to it. I mean on the other hand now she is somewhat tied to him because Dean plead guilty but still... We’re going in circles a little bit.
You know I know the pool table scene is splitting the fandom as always. And I’m just grateful I can watch the scene and enjoy it as a shipper but also enjoy it as a viewer.
I liked the whole “negotiation” between Beth and Rio. Rio did a really low blow when he told Beth if Dean is released from prison 3 years later he might be in better shape and even wanting to “hit it again”. I think we all know why Dean and Beth aren’t working out anymore on a sexual basis and so does Rio, so while Rio might be correct it was a low blow.
But I also enjoy how Rio doesn’t care one bit about Dean. He never did - since season 1. And Dean being a shitty husband and a even shittier businessman is playing a huge part in it. And I like Rio doesn’t even pretend to care.
But he still gives into her pleading. I know some people think he is already over Beth shooting him and maybe that’s the case but in Rio’s case that doesn’t mean he can’t be petty by pulling away the stick. It’s like him saying “I gave you the gun once and I won’t do it again and this is me retaining control. You play this game and we see where it goes with the money.” He is challenging Beth and he knows she would take the challenge.
At the same time, and some of my mutuals noticed it as well, I got 2x9 bedroom vibes which is weird. Especially since there are many mutuals who didn’t feel it or read the scene differently or didn’t like it at all.
The way he looked at her after pulling away the stick. There is a lack of music which I don’t think was a conscious choice unlike it was in the bedroom scene in 2x9 but it still heightened the tension of the scene. And then there suddenly is music and it’s melancholic almost.
Then of course Rio “teaching” Beth how to play pool, handson. And this is where it gets interesting for me. I know a lot of people read this scene differently or it left a different impression.
For me: I always thought that both Beth and Rio are having very mixed feelings right now for eachother. Mostly confused anger. Anger for obvious reasons and confusion because that despite the anger they can’t stop whatever their relationship is and whatever their feelings might be.
And I think in season 3, Rio never really touched Beth. Except for when he showed up alive and did the hair thing and then when he put his hand over hers when she wanted a drink and he thought she was pregnant.
I think this... Rio leaning over Beth and then smelling her. A smell he knows too well and once probably loved. This is the first time he is this close to her again. And same for her, I think that little headshake was mostly her being a little startled but also becoming very aware of his closeness.
And it’s so interesting to see how Rio steps back and does this shoulder roll. It’s like he was suddenly aware of what he was doing and somewhat wanted to shake it off.
And just a little note: the ball had the number 8 on it which can be read as “forever” or “eternity”. Me reading too much into it. :P
Then the moment is over but I just love the moment of joy after Beth winning the challenge and for Rio as well. And then it quickly goes back to business. I think if they’re doing anything well it’s that Brio right now is very much split into two halfs. And for me of course I know the hitman plan is still going which is baffling to me. So of course this dampens any excitement I might have during Brio scenes.
Even though, we can safely say they won’t go through with the hitman plan, and especially now when Beth has hurt Fitzpatrick’s ego. He was pretty calm but I feel like he will mess up on purpose. I don’t think FItzpatrick takes rejection well. Just my thoughts on that. He was way too calm for someone who would hurt a person over raw salmon.
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
Marvel Movie Night: Spider-Man
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Kicking off Sam Raimi’s original Spider-Man trilogy! Whoo!  It’s interesting - Spider-Man was one of those things that I wasn’t initially into (totally here for the X-Men).  Then I really fell in love with this trilogy.  And then kind of fell out of love with it.  And then Tom Holland came along leaving this in the dust.  Coming back to it again I find it… endearing? But like the original X-Men films, despite being thought of as great for the time, I don’t believe it holds up that well now that we’re nearly twenty years later.  (My god, am I getting old?) 
Let’s back up and talk about this film in context for a second.  X-Men was revolutionary in its own way - bringing the comic book genre into a space that could be taken more seriously.  Spider-Man, however, was the first glimpse of what films based on Marvel properties would later become.  Unlike superhero and action films of the time, it was brightly colored.  It was cheesy, but not overly campy.  It had humor and emotion.  And, not surprisingly, audiences reacted positively! 
But now that we’ve had twenty more years of Marvel films, does it hold up? Kind of?  Is it a good Spider-Man film, yes if the context you’d like your Spider-Man films to be in is taking directly from the Silver and Bronze age era of comics.  Is it a good film overall? Meh.  
I don’t spend a whole lot of time in Spider-Man related fandoms, but there is a big chunk of fans that prefer this film and its sequels to the other two Spider-Man franchises.  And while I don’t agree (though I support everyone having their own, varied opinion), I can see why this might appeal to those fans who had been reading the comics for years. 
The first half of this film is directly lifted out of Amazing Fantasy #15, the comic issue Spider-Man made his debut in.  The filmmakers did, really, a fantastic job of bringing it to life -- the origin story, Uncle Ben, the ‘great power’ line, Peter Parker’s guilt, the spider-bite, and so on and so on.  It’s there.  This film feels like a Silver Age comic book brought to life.  On the one hand - that’s pretty remarkable.  I don’t think the comics had ever been directly referenced in the same way prior to this.  On the other, it brings along with it all the downsides of a Silver Age comic.  The dialogue is incredibly stiff.  The acting feels forced.  And everything has that -- ‘ah, golly shucks’ mentality about it.  It felt dated in 2002.  It feels even more dated now.  But the novelty of it being THE COMIC BOOK was pretty revolutionary for the time. 
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Of course there are hundreds of polls out there, and I’m sure a few dozen YouTube videos about who the best Spider-Man is.  Honestly, there’s a lot of subjectivity that goes along with it.  I think each of them has their pros and cons, so let’s take a second to talk about Tobey Maguire in this film.  One thing I think Tobey Maguire does really well, especially for being nearly thirty by the time he got the part, is play the nerdy and awkward Peter Parker… or at least at least the nerdy and awkward Peter Parker that was written in the 60s by Stan Lee.  Maguire does a great job of doing the part he’s supposed to be playing - the problem is, and I feel this way about all the characters, is that he doesn’t feel like he’s playing a real person.  He feels like he’s a comic book character thought up during the 60s.  
What about the Spider-Man side of things? I’m going to give this a pass more than I probably should.  First of all, Spider-Man is supposed to be rather chatting, and this Spider-Man is near silent.  But that’s more so due to the lack of ability with the suit.  And I don’t blame the filmmakers for keeping Spider-Man off the screen for so much of the film.  Not only does it make those times Spider-Man is there feel more special, but it saves them from having to do a lot of things that, maybe, didn’t the technology wasn’t fully ready for yet.  
Look - I think while it was definitely moving in the right direction, the action sequences in this film are probably some of its weakest points.  Everything is incredibly stiff and/or ridiculous looking.  Sure, there are some great moments of Spider-Man swinging around the city.  But most of the stuff between he and the Green Goblin have not aged well at all.  
One last thing - the organic webshooters?  Nope.  Nope, nope, nope.  Ew.  
Aunt May, Uncle Ben, and Great Responsibility
So - Aunt May (and Uncle Ben) in the comics are older.  It’s… kinda unrealistic, unless Peter’s parents were much, much older when they had a kid.  Uncle Ben says in this film that he’s 68.  That’s grandparent age -- and I’d believe this whole thing much more if they were Peter’s great Aunt and Uncle.  That said, Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris were perfect choices for their roles.  Robertson especially plays the closest to an actual person as he grumbles about unemployment and new technology he’s having trouble with.  But more so, he does such a great job with his Great Responsibility line, that there’s really no reason for other Spider-Man films to do it.  It’s in the culture now.  We get it.  Meanwhile, Harris’s Aunt May, well, looks exactly like Aunt May.  Aunt May, in general, kind of annoys me, so I suppose we’ll leave it that. 
The Osborns and the Green Goblin
First, James Franco as Harry Osborn.  There really isn’t a whole lot to this character - it feels like he’s talked about more than actually on screen, and I feel like we don’t get to see that much of Peter and Harry’s relationship.  That said, Franco does brooding rather well - and is pretty consistent at keeping the brooding up throughout the film.  He’s fine, but sometimes feels like he’s there because the movie wants him to be in it.  
Willem Dafoe is Norman Osborn, and here’s my thing.  Dafoe is a pretty good actor.  He does the whole split-personality thing rather well, and makes an incredibly convincing villain, especially when everything about the Green Goblin is, well, incredibly contrived.  Really, I think the Oscorp stuff is the dumbest stuff in this film because it strictly adheres to comic book logic.  And while I also understand there were obvious limitations and complications making such a ridiculous suit, that Green Goblin costume is terrible.  Dafoe was much more menacing without it on.  
Mary Jane Watson
**sigh** Okay.  Let me start by saying that I like MJ in the comics, even though, yeah, this is a pretty good representation of her (or more so the kind of character she was forty years ago) here.  I don’t even mind Kirstin Dunst.  This version of MJ bugs me though.  Part of it is the story framing.  Everything’s from Peter’s POV, and it doesn’t make any sense.  What is it about her, besides the fact that she’s pretty, does he even like? They never actually spend time together - and when they do, Peter’s giving her soliloquy about how wonderful she is. The problem is that we’re never really given a reason, other than pretty, to understand why.  Do they have anything in common? Not really.  Do they make a connection beyond his constant saving her from bad situations - whether it be emotional or physical? Not really.  
Everything about their scenes is just over-the-top a majority of the time.  Like -- this is a big sweeping romance, hear the music? See the close-ups? Add tears, more tears!  But I never buy an actual connection between the two of them.  
The one thing that does actual work, and I will give them a ton of credit for, is that upside down kiss in the rain.  That’s pretty damn iconic.  And kinda hot.  It’s the only time that the movie allows the romance to do something other than follow the tired tropes of boy-likes-girl, boy-rescues-girl, boy-gets-girl.  Ug.  
J Jonah Jameson and the Daily Bugle
JK Simmons and the Daily Bugle is hands down the best thing about this film.  It’s witty and almost satirical with everything looking straight out of the 60s comic book.  It gets the humor that the comics often has and runs with it.  I have no complaints, it’s really, truly amazing.  And I have to wonder if this entire film would work better if it had taken place during the 60s and was a tad more on the satirical side.  I feel like the world would have made just a little more sense.  
Final Rating: 3 out of 5 Spiderwebs.  I think this film is a great embodiment for what Spider-Man meant to a whole group of people who grew up with the character.  As a film, I think it’s standard issue, and besides letting comic book movies be brightly colored and fun, I don’t think it does anything special with the story it’s telling. And much like the original X-Men film, while I’ll give it credit for being special for the time it came out, I don’t think it holds up now.  
Next Up: Oy, I’m gonna have to watch that Ben Affleck Daredevil film now.  :P 
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justauthoring · 7 years
It Wasn’t Real (finale)
Summary: You’re part of the infamous Loser’s Club, and often asked, what are you afraid of? You reply, nothing, but what your friends don’t know is that your biggest fear is them.
prologue - one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten -eleven - finale
I just wanna say like thank you all so much for the wonderful support on this story, i’m seriously gonna miss writing it SO MUCH! It’s crazy to believe i’m already done, but I mean, I did upload like everyday lol. Anyway, thank you all again so much.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Send me a little comment in the ask section or leave it below on what you thought of this chapter. It doesn’t have to be long, I appreciate every single comment I receive and telling me just helps inspire me to write it more frequently.
Pairing: Richie x Reader, and Loser’s Club x Reader, also slight Stan x Reader
Warnings: force, bullying, depressing and sad tones.
Tag’s List: @chalatea - @darlingimafangirl - @chalatea - @myfriendmagislit -@frozenhealswrites - @fl0werb0nes18 - @emotionallyenterprised - @alec-lighwccd - @bellasett - @starshininginthedark - @tastefulcaring - @impulsivesuperrobin - @newtandthediamonds - @huge-waste-of-time​ - @jess-sxcks​ - @theoraekensnotsosecretlover​ - @moonageharry​ - @nieligator​ - @sufferingstilinski​ - @the-fantastic-fandom-dork - @horsiesandstuff​ - @arianamichelle04​ - @alloffmyships​ - @darlingimawriter​ - @gcnnyweasleys​ - @redvelvet-cupcake​ - @almusanzug​ - @d0nt-g0-imagines​ - @brighter-thanthe-sky​ - @murphamy-minefeild​ - @celestesfairy​ - @fly-like-a-grayson​ - @emrysaaryn - @holy-minseok - @antiherojason - @multifandom-states - @mysticsthinking - @ladyfairenvale - @crazyinlovewithbatman - @shaniacboogara - @welcometoourcomputershow - @17marvelousfreak - @funtik2011 - @anon-leaning-against-a-trashbin - @terrashrone - @im-fandom-trash - @mrgrytyrll - @ponyboys-sunsets - @captainslugcat - @eachandeveryfandom - @queenylime - @catwoman2502 - @1enchantedfantasy1 - @downtherabbithole66 bolded is who I couldn’t tag.
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“It’s coming back now.” Stan explained, nodding at his friends who surrounded him. The group was silent, standing around Stan, battered by what had just happened in the sewers but happy that it was over and their friend was standing before them alive. “Only bits and pieces, but I remember IT just suddenly being there and that’s it. Then I woke up with you guys around.”
Silence echoed Stan’s words, as he slowly let his eyes move around the people surrounding him; hesitant to ask what was on his mind. “What happened?” It was obvious what had happened. IT had come back, just like you’d tried to tell him but Stan had been too stupid, too in-denial to listen, that’s how he found himself here. But, it was almost like there was more; like the day and a bit he’d been gone more had happened then he could ever imagine.
“Y/N t-told us about how IT had taken you.” Bill finally answered, his eyes landing on you for a split second before gazing back at Stan. “She said s-she found the words “W-WHERE’S STAN?” written on h-her ceiling in blood. A-After that, w-we came here to find you.”
As Bill explained, Stan’s eyes fell on you as you looked to the ground. The last time you’d spoken, he’d left you just standing there after practically begging for help. No part of you was mad, but you could tell he felt guilty, just by his gaze. And it didn’t help that he'd bee wrong, that’d just been proven after what’d happened.
“And um- Henry’s dead.” It wasn’t needed, but you felt like you had to say it. Henry was terrible to you but you’d still killed someone. You didn’t know what would happen, though you knew none of them would ever say anything but you’d physically murdered someone; didn’t matter if he was an asshat half of the time. “So there’s that.”
Richie noticed your discomfort, and could only imagine what you must be thinking. Leaning over, he grabbed your hand; ignoring the looks he received from the others. “You did what you had to do.” 
“Richie’s right, Y/N.” Eddie interrupted you, turning to look at you with a sincere gaze. “Henry would’ve killed you if you hadn’t done what you did. He deserved it.” Richie squeezed your hand as you reluctantly nodded, giving a small smile his way.
“But, we’re glad you’re okay, Stan.” Beverly smiled, her blue eyes brighter than before. Despite the fact that you’d all just come from a fight with a murderous clown and quite literally from a trip in the sewers, everyones faces seemed a whole lot brighter. Even you yourself, you felt less empty than you’d felt for so long. The world seemed brighter and a lot more colourful, rather than the dull black and white you’d been seeing it in for the past four years. 
“Yeah.” Mike agreed, nodding with a smile on his face.
Silence fell over the group, all unsure of what to say next. There wasn’t really anything to say, this was the second time you’d all encountered IT and you wondered if it would ever really end. You didn’t have the naive feeling of bliss you’d had as a child, believing that it was really dead; because you knew it wasn’t. This whole experience only reinforced that.
Yet, somehow this crazy and absurd experience had brought you all together again. Even if it was a short amount of time, you felt like you once did with the Loser’s; close. You felt like you could depend on them again, which was something you hadn’t felt in a very long time. 
“Now what?” You asked, finally speaking up and bringing attention on yourself. Standing in the middle of Eddie and Richie, you pulled Richie’s now tattered and ripped jacket further down your arms, in hopes of covering yourself. You felt close, but there was still the uncertainty if this was it. Would everything go back to the way it was? Or did this really change the way things were like you hoped? You felt different, but did they?
“We’ll see you tomorrow?” Ben questioned, raising an eyebrow around the group. “I haven’t hung out with all of you in a long time.” Ben’s simple yet needed question brought the brightest smile to your lips. You haven’t smiled that wide in a long time and you could practically feel yourself radiating warmth. The statement was so straightforward yet so thoughtful, because he knew, everybody knew, that those words were something along the lines that you’ve been dying to hear for so long.
“For sure,” Eddie smiled; “we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
“You bet your ass, Eds.” Richie grinned, laughing obnoxiously when Eddie’s smile fell and annoyance flooded his expression; “I told you not-”
“Anyways,” Beverly interrupted, looking over to you with a gentle smile. “Sound good, Y/N?” You looked around the group of people around you, the people you could finally call your friends as they all looked at you with anticipation. You’d never thought this day would come, where they finally asked you to hang out again. You never even thought you’d talk to just one of the Loser’s again, but here you were.
Four years ago it was you begging for their attention, grasping at whatever was left between all of you. Now everything was different.
Bill smiled at you and Mike nodded, urging you on as the rest waited in highly-anticipated silence.
Smiling, you nodded; “of course.” Biting your lip; you took a step forward. “I’ll see you all tomorrow.” Murmurs of agreement past by as you stepped towards Beverly, hugging her tightly before she walked off herself, Bill and Ben following behind her. You waved at them, turning to Mike who stepped away from Richie and hugged him as well.
“Thank you.” You mumbled to him and he grinned that award-winning smile, before climbing onto his bike that he’d left here. When you turned around, you caught Eddie and Richie hugging before Eddie begun walking off. You, of course waved at him as well, moving to walk up to Richie but a voice stopped you; “Y/N?”
You turned around to the voice, finding no other then Stan who nervously walked up to you. Somehow, despite everything the boy had gone through, he managed to end up unscathed in the end. Though you wouldn’t say you weren’t relieved, you were injured enough for everyone. “Hey...” You called, unsure of how to respond. The last time you and him had spoken, it hadn’t exactly ended very well.
“I just wanted to say sorry.” Stan mumbled, brushing the curls out of his eye. “I should’ve listened to you and look where it got me-”
You smiled; “it’s fine. I mean, you tried to warn me about Henry and look where that got me.” You laughed lightly as silence fell over you two. No one said anything as the two friends who’d drifted apart but somehow still remained close, connected again. Deciding to just take in the moment, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him into an embrace. The boy tensed at first before eventually loosening and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Friends?” You mumbled into his shoulder.
“Friends.” Stan confirmed, pulling back. Smiling at him one last time, you stepped back as he begun walking home; “Bye Richie.”
“Bye Stanley.”
You made your way over to Richie, a bright grin on your face. Stepping up to him, you remembered the fact that you still had his jacket on; “oh!” You exclaimed suddenly, moving to pull it off before a hand stopped you. “Don’t worry about it,” Richie smiled, shaking his head at you. “It’s ripped anyways.”
You flushed, looking at the hole Pennywise had created.
Stepping forward, Richie gripped the material, tugging it gently down; “besides it looks-”
“Hotter on me?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow.
Richie rolled his eyes; “I was going to say, pretty. You look very... pretty.” You felt your cheeks grow warmer, your eyes falling below you to the ground. You were once again reminded of the gentleness that Richie demonstrated and how much of an opposite he was to Henry. Whenever you’d seen the tall, skinny, curly head boy in the halls you’d always assumed that he wasn’t the same Richie you remembered. This Richie practically wore all black and oozed attitude, but in reality he was still the same Richie Tozier you’d loved as a child.
“We should probably get that checked out.” Richie suddenly said, and you stared up at him to find Richie looking at your neck. “Also your arm. Man, you really got fucked up.” You laughed at Richie, shaking your head at his bluntness. Raising your hand, you let it fall over the bite marks on your neck, pulling it back to see a small bit of blood.
You ignored the way the boy before you stared at you intently, wiping the blood off on your pants. You’d just bandage it when you get home; your mom probably wouldn’t be there and if she was; she’d bandage it for you. The woman did like you looking pretty.
Shrugging, you shook your head; “i’ll be fine. I’ll just get it bandage-” Whatever you’d been about to say was cut off by Richie pressing his rough lips against yours. You felt yourself freeze in shock, definitely not expecting the boy before you to do such actions. The kiss was messy and awkward, since you hadn’t been expecting it, but it was better than any kiss you’d ever shared with Henry. And it felt right. 
Richie pulled away, his cheeks burning red; “sorry. I- ah, fuck, sorry I just thought-”
You laughed, bringing Richie to a pause as his face fell with embarrassment. Shaking your head, you let out a loud giggle; “you’re much softer than you seem, Tozier.”
Richie’s embarrassed expression slowly faded away as he feigned hurt; “I am not.”
Chuckling, you leaned forward on your tippy-toes; “sure.” You drawled with a smirk, before pressing a kiss against his cheeks. Maybe there was hope; more hope than you’d ever thought you had. When you leaned back, Richie coughed awkward, reaching down to grab your arm. You bit your lip to hide the huge grin that was desperate to spread over your lips, staring at the side of Richie as he looked away, faking obliviousness.
“I’ll walk you home?”
“I’d love that.”
short but sweet.
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