#while i was taking those pics i wasn’t paying attention to my models’ needs and social worker took toddlers from me lol
loosiap · 2 years
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1) fhairhatsnowearmuffs bluebrown and mhairhatsnowearmuffs navywhite/bluewhite replaced with MaryJane Plum+Natalie(/Crush) mashup from Suratan-zir
Poppet V2 colours; each hair colour has different hat colour; hat flag and townie disabled like original files; everyday+formal+outerwear+maternity categories; for toddlers-elders (original ages); polycount 10.2k
F hatsnowearmuffs bluebrown: DOWNLOAD MEGA | SFS
M hatsnowearmuffs bluewhite: DOWNLOAD MEGA | SFS
both in one file (repo): DOWNLOAD MEGA | SFS
2) fhairhatsnowearmuffs greenwhite and mhairhatsnowearmuffs greenblack replaced with DigitalAngels’ Soledad+BundledBeanie mashup from Poppet-sims and Simgigglegirl
Poppet V2 colours; each hair colour has different beanie colour; hat flag and townie disabled like original files; everyday+formal+outerwear+maternity categories; for toddlers-elders (original ages); polycount 5.9k
F hatsnowearmuffs greenwhite: DOWNLOAD MEGA | SFS
M hatsnowearmuffs greenblack: DOWNLOAD MEGA | SFS
both in one file (repo): DOWNLOAD MEGA | SFS
credits: MaryJane, Nightcrawler, Zauma or Simpliciaty, Peppermint&Ginger, @suratan-zir, DigitalAngels, Newsea, EAMaxis, Trapping, Simgigglegirl, Poppet-sims
37 notes · View notes
Therefore I Am | Russell Adler x Bell! Reader IX
Series: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Therefore I Am | Russell Adler x Bell! Reader
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Word Count: 6500+
[Chapter VIII] [Chapter X]
Summary: After somehow reconciling with Adler, Bell and the team are left to continue their pursuit of bringing down the undercover spy ring, but it proves to be more of a challenge as Bell struggles to move on from their Perseus-affiliated past.
Content Warning: mature content, vulgar language, mention of drugs, straight up agony
Notes: Writing action is so hard. 
January 21, 1984
The Pines Mall, New Jersey
Two hours.
That was the slim interval between Stitch's departure from the safehouse to Zenya and Adler's arrival to the mess left behind.
He missed you by two hours.
Thus, with each minute that passed, your chances of survivability lowered.
With these kinds of thoughts wracking around in Adler's brain, the plane ride to New Jersey was becoming more tense than it should have. He couldn't even rest during the flight, and instead just crossed his arms and looked out the window into darkness. 
Not only was the lives of innocent people on his shoulders, but you were also part of the mix and taken hostage. If he were to ease up now, there was the chance of a slip up. Adler needed to concentrate, but without you there, it felt like a piece was missing— a big chunk gone from the whole. 
He had but a few hours to assemble a team. A part of him didn't want to participate in the mission to the Pines Mall, but he was the one leading the squadron, so there was no other option available. 
Thus, Adler dreaded at the thought of finding out what Stitch had in store for him. Simultaneously, though, he was itching for the encounter to release his pent up stress and project the anger. The last interaction he had with his nemesis was taking out his left eye, and the last thing he heard about him was that Kravchenko sent him to prison. But, as it turns out, you broke him out, and let the monster loose. 
Did he blame you? No, not entirely, since he himself had a part to play in the end. Everything about you stemmed from him. Like Hudson said back then, if he only killed Perseus in Vietnam, they didn't have to deal with Greenlight. And if he just killed Stitch, you wouldn't be in this situation.
But if those events didn't happen, he would have never met you. It was bothersome to consider that the world worked in such a way. 
A meeting was held right as he and Zenya got off the plane, and he had made the call ahead of time to assemble a small team consisting of himself, Zenya, Wyatt “Bulldozer” Jones, and Woods. Mason and Lazar were quick to volunteer the moment he broke the news to them earlier, but he couldn't let them on. Because Hudson wouldn't allow it.
"Bell's not a traitor." 
It was taking Adler’s entire willpower not to blow off at him. And yet at the simple suggestion that you went rogue, he went ballistic. How ironic it was to hear someone else tell him the same excuse he told Lazar, Mason, Sims, and Woods after returning alone from the cliff. Even as stupid as it sounded, a lie that fell so easily off of one’s tongue can become a truth to many.
"I know that, Adler. Trust me, I’m not too keen on it either,” Hudson proclaims. “I don’t know what’s going on through Black’s mind. He wasn’t too eager to find out that the asset was taken off radar.”
"The asset you asked Bell to meet was a Perseus agent. How did that fly under the radar? Bell did what should have been done a long time ago."
Adler was seething, trying his utmost best to not storm out of the room. 
"The orders are to execute any hostiles. And, unfortunately, that includes Bell. The mission comes first, I hope you remember that. Lives of thousands of civilians are at stake, and I don't need your personal agenda—"
"You made an exception for Mason. They shouldn't be any different."
"Mason is one of our own."
"And Bell isn't? You were at DEFCON 2, and even then you put your trust in Mason. Or are we just playing favorites now?"
Hudson pressed his lips in a thin line, unable to come up with an explanation or excuse. This scenario was too uncanny, almost like a replica of what they went through years ago. In Hudson’s place was Adler, as you were to Mason. As much as he hated to admit it, he had actually taken a liking to you. But, having to balance out the decisions made between him, Adler, and Black was crucial, and this was the best option to tackle the situation at play.
“Bell provided us the information we needed to even have this mission in the first place,” Adler continued to interpose, “We at least owe them the benefit of the doubt.” 
“Look, Adler. I had enough trouble as is just trying to convince the higher ups to let you lead the team. This isn’t my call, or your call to make. It’s Black’s,” was all Hudson could respond with. “If you mess this up, then everything is done for.”
“We’ll see about that.”
As if on cue, Lazar, Woods, and Sims pile into the room. “So, what’s the game plan?” Woods inquires, his usual attitude shifting into a more pensive state.
“Priority is the gas and Stitch and his men. It’s up to us to find Bell after that’s taken care of.” 
"That's not what I said, Adler," Hudson dictates. All eyes avert to him. "If Bell's considered hostile, then treat them as one." 
"This is my team, Hudson, I tell them what I want them to hear. Worry about briefing your own squad." Hudson gives him a hard look before parting. Adler redirects his attention to Sims. "Did you get what I asked?"
His friend nods, plopping down a folder. "Right here." Skimming through the contents, he pulls out an intricate blueprint of the Pines mall, handing it over. "The surveillance cameras were sabotaged just a couple hours before you came back from Berlin, but I managed to restore a couple of them."
Still photos from said film were thrown into the mix of papers, Adler running his fingers down the edges. They had limited lighting, but judging from the context, it was Stitch's henchmen placing canisters around the mall.
No evidence of you.
"Is that all?"
"Just one more. Aerial pics. The canisters seemed to be focused at the middle of the place."
Woods joins in, asking the question Adler had been dying to ask: "Any signs of Bell?"
"One of the security guards reported that a couple of large semi-trucks were seen unloading at the back," Lazar chimes, "There's no camera in the storage area, but I'm guessing that's—"
"Don't worry about Bell. We can find them once we deactivate the bomb."
Lazar trails off as a disgruntled look appears on his face. It was the coldness in Adler's voice that stunned him the most. Considering that you and Adler managed to re-establish a relationship over the past few months was surprising on it's own, and to hear him just brush you off and infer that you were a liability was… shocking. "But—"
"If the bomb goes off, we're done for. And if we're all dead then what's the fucking point?" Adler rubs out the butt of his cigarette. "Eliminate all threats first, then once that's over we can look for [L/N]. That's the best outcome we can achieve."
“So you’re just telling me to ignore the fact that Hudson labeled Bell as an enemy?” Woods 
"Black did, not Hudson," Adler corrects. As much as they weren’t seeing eye to eye, there was no reason to hold grudges. They were both in a tight spot, so he had to give some credit to him for sticking through it all. The guy managed to get him to lead the team, and that was all he could have asked for. "Don't heed any attention to it. Bell's going to be fine, so just focus on the mission. That's all I'm going to say on that matter, got it?"
He's met with nods and hushed agreement.
In contrast to his words, Adler felt his gut churn as he listened to himself.  It was perfectly within reason to model the mission in such a way, and doing so would ensure the safest route of getting you, and everyone else, alive. He could only place blind trust in you to hold strong on your own while they finish their business. It hurt him enough trying to put the partition in the relationship to avoid clouding his judgement, but he needed everything to work out. For the sake of you and the general public.
With the few hours remaining, he couldn't sleep comfortably leading up to the operation. Adler spent most of the time checking up on equipment, making sure everything was working properly and that nothing was missing. From the attachments down to the amount of bullets in a magazine, he checked it all. How could he rest, knowing the fact that you were out there at the mercy of the enemy?
And he blamed himself for it. He should have brought you along. You were stuck in West Berlin for the majority of the time ever since they found you, and he couldn’t even give you the small opportunity to return to the states. How you were excited to go to Washington, only for him to break the news. The sheer look of disappointment on your face physically hurt. And because of his neglect, you were gone.
“I'm trusting you on this one Adler,” Lazar had told him. “We all are. Probably not the best thing to have on your shoulders, but it's for Bell's sake. I hope you know what you’re doing.”
Despite the positive words, it was easy to detect the nervousness and worry wrapped between them. Everyone who came to know you could only suck up their emotional baggage and lock it up as the time to deploy neared.
So when the helicopter landed on the side of the mall, Adler tried his hardest to set his feelings aside. It was all part of this line of work; there was bound to be sacrifices. Losing teammates and friends was a price to pay. He's been doing this for years, and he should be used to it.
He takes a deep inhale before exhaling silently and exiting the vehicle. 
The mission is priority.
Adler, Zenya, and Woods lined up against the wall, letting Bulldozer approach the doors with a sledgehammer. They were covered on the other side with metal platings, screwed in tightly with bolts. 
“Oh, before we begin,” Woods speaks. All eyes turn towards him, and he makes sure to look at each of them. “I don't care about what Hudson or Black said. If I find any of our fucking bullets inside Bell, I’ll personally hunt you down and end you.” 
He receives a disapproving glare from Adler, who shakes his head to himself. He wanted to side with Woods on this one and switch priorities, but it would only cause conflict and additional worries. And he didn’t need that.
He gives Bulldozer the greenlight. “Do it.”
Bulldozer’s efforts left deep dents in the metal platings as they fell. The interior of the premises was dark, leaving only their flashlights and the neon light strips to illuminate the small area around them. A distance away, a periodic beeping repeated itself. There were no Soviets or anyone to greet them upon their entry, leaving them to push further inside. 
Families of cables were thrown about like vines, slithering across the floor and crawling upward on the walls. There was no purpose in trying to sort through it, as it all ran towards the same direction.
“Watch your step,” Zenya advises.
They followed the river of wires and rounded the corner of the arcade, passing by the bright and cheerful stores that were untouched by the supposed chaos the mall harbored. With the thick tension in the air, their footsteps echoed, calling out and resonating in their own ears.
“Any movement?”
“Not yet.”
At the center of the mall should have been a large fountain running on its own cycle. Instead they were met with the sight of exposed blue and white tiles, damp with whatever little remains of water. Placed right on top of it was the centerpiece— a collection of blue barrels, rigged with explosives. Compared to the photos they’ve seen earlier, there were way more than originally presented.
"What the hell?"
Focusing the flashlights on them reveal it to be the rumored Nova Six gas. Adler's nose wrinkled at the faint smell that filled his nose. It was the same one that was present back in Rebirth Island during the raid.
"The bastard's manufacturing Nova Six again."
Before he could investigate further, an enthusiastic chime comes from the elevator a few feet away. Upon arriving, the doors pull open automatically, letting the bright lights flood out into the darkness. Adler squints at the contrast as the white illuminates the silhouette of the person inside.
Within a blink, enemies emerge seemingly out of thin air, revealing themselves behind corners and on top of the balconies. A few bright red dots appear on Adler and the team's clothing as all weapons become trained onto their figures.
Adler's watches the shadow that emerges from the elevator. Stitch was almost unrecognizable from the last time he saw him, but with recent photographs and that identifying scar, there was no doubt that he was the guy that he captured from Rebirth Island. 
"Adler," his nemesis greets with a deep timbre.
Adler pulls his arms upwards, redirecting his focus directly at Stitch, gripping the gun handle with the force of a god as the stock digs into his shoulder. “Where are they?!” He ignores Zenya's plea to simmer down, heart pounding against his chest as he faces uncertainty.
Everything was supposed to go smoothly. Take out the hostiles, disengage the bomb, kill or capture Stitch, then find you. Yet there was already a grave miscalculation— There were way more enemies than they estimated. He already knew the second that elevator dinged that the plan was going to be scrapped. All that meticulous planning gone to shit.
"You'll be joining your beloved soon enough once I'm done with you," Stitch replies coldly. There was no time to react as he flags down his troops with a hand signal, closing his fist into the air as all hell breaks loose.
"Fuck, get down!" Woods instructs as he lets a smoke grenade drop to their feet.
The area became hot with gunfire, bullets ricocheting all over the place. Fumes of grey clouds flowed out from the ground, encasing the team as they dived for cover nearby. His earpiece began to fill with information from the rest of the team.
"What's the next step, Adler?" Zenya demands.
What the fuck could they do? Any subtle movement they made was met with a torrent of bullets. His eyes stung as the smoke continued to pour out, trying his best to make out the outlines of the rest of the team nearby. "Jones! Notify the Bravo team to move already!" 
"—ETA about ten minutes!"
"What's the hold up?"
"Police barriers are preventing them from getting in."
"Well, tell them we're fuckin’ outgunned!" He needed to make a decision. Adler presses his lips in a thin line, recalling the layout of the mall. "Team, get to the arcade! We'll just have to hold them off until Hudson and the bomb squad arrives!"
All of them attempt to forge a path to the neon faculty. Woods and Bulldozer hid behind planter islands, providing suppressing fire as more and more enemy troops seemed to flood the entire area. As one body dropped another would soon take its place, much to their frustration. The once polished floor, sparkling clean, was now riddled with holes and covered in soot.
Stitch was nowhere to be found, abruptly disappearing the moment smoke filled the area. 
Woods lets out a moan as a bullet grazes his shoulder. "Ugh, damn it! They're not letting up any fucking time soon! You'll guys have to go on ahead!"
Adler gives out a huff, looking in the opposite direction. "Zenya, on me!"
She returns a confirming nod.
They both jump out from their spots, heading towards the fluorescent lights.
The projectile shoots their way. All four of them scatter, jumping away from their hiding spots and diving for the closest cover. Adler forges ahead despite the danger, letting his legs carry him to the arcade.
Woods groans as he lands in an uncomfortable position, but pushes himself back up and pulls inward, a bullet narrowly missing his arm. The place he was crouched at moments before was now a gaping hole. 
"Well, fuck," he grumbles under his breath. There wasn't even a chance to recover, a grenade lands near him.
He jolts up from his spot, running into the closest store and diving behind the counter. The shrapnel belts against the surface around him. "Give me a fucking break…" He peeks around the corner, taking one enemy out as they attempt to reposition closer to him.
Woods takes a brief second to gaze around the store he was in. Majority of the interior was brown, various electronic items and trinkets placed on the shelves and glass display cases. A stray round punctures a hole into one of them, a couple of shards landing on him. His eyes land on a lone door, just right at the corner.
Bulldozer's inconvenienced voice rings in his ear: "Woods! Need some help over here!"
"Hold on!"
He kicks the door open with brute force, and is met with a lone soldier jumping out from behind a collection of boxes. He whips them in the face, knocking them away before putting a couple of shots into their chest. They collide with the ground, a sickening crack coming from underneath them. "Thought you could sneak up on me, huh?" 
Woods snaps his head towards the owner of the voice, just right inside the inventory space. There, he was met with a stomach churning sight.
You narrowed your eyes at him, only to ease up within the next instant as you flinch at the sting that came with the contortion of facial muscles. Woods' figure was hard to distinguish, just a blob of muted color, leaving the struggle of refocusing the image to your right eye.
"Holy fuck…" He rushes to your side at breakneck speed, undoing the straps that prevented you from collapsing onto the floor. Woods holds out a aiding arm and catches you as you stumble onto your feet. "What'd he do to you?"
"It's just a flesh wound." You take a few breaths, trying to recuperate your stamina. You didn't know how long you were out, but it was the sound of bullets colliding with the walls that struck you back awake, a wave of nausea hitting you. The gunfire didn't cease on your awakening, and Woods' radio continued to buzz with a multitude of chatter. "What's going on?"
"Tell you later, I just need you to pull yourself together. Can you do that?"
You nod. Woods' voice was full of worry and concern, but given the situation, there was no time to loiter around and lie down to wait for a certified medic. There was no rest for anyone, and peace was only granted where there was no onslaught of danger. Your attention is brought to the cart of red-stained instruments, Stitch's knife placed on top. With your good hand you grasp it and slip it into your belt.
Woods kicks the gun on the floor towards your direction, gesturing at it. "Go get the rifle. We're leaving."
"I… I can't."
Woods was about to inquire the reason for your objections, only to note that your left arm was limp at your side. He sends you a sympathetic look and hands you his sidearm instead, loading it up and preparing it for you. As you readied and stabilized your balance, he quickly wraps a roll of bandages tightly around the left side of your face, and you give him a feeble smile of thanks.
"Something tells me you've done this before."
"An old friend of mine— Weaver."
As he mentions the word friend, you think back to the post it note. "Wait. Mason... How's Mason?!"
Woods hurries out the room with you trailing along behind him. Every move felt sluggish, and you were just waiting for the adrenaline kick to come in. "Mason's not here, he's back home, remember?"
"Yeah, but—"
"Enough chit chat, Bell, there's no time. Save your energy and just concentrate on keeping conscious." He introduces you to the warzone just outside the Eighteen clothing outlet, the sound of turmoil and peril ringing in your ears. "Zenya! Sitrep!"  
He pauses, listening to whatever is being relayed back.
“Well get to the fucking arcade already! Adler should be there—"
Bullets cascade in your direction, and Woods pushes down on your shoulder to get you under cover and courteously takes them out in your stead. He reloads his gun, giving out a frustrated groan, and you felt a little guilty, knowing that you were going to become a hindrance. You withheld an apology, knowing that he would just condemn your words.
Once done, Woods nudges you, pointing his chin towards the Galaxy-themed walls just right across from the shop. "Both legs are still working, right?"
You bow your head as confirmation. "Adler's at that arcade?"
"We're sitting ducks until Hudson's forces join us, so we can't stay in one place for too long." Woods adjusts his posture. "On my mark."
Taking a peek over the counter, you plot out a path, already coming to a rash decision. “You got my back, right?”
He didn't even get a chance to countdown or answer as you break into a sprint with a small burst of energy that arose. Pain shot up your leg as your foot first made hard contact with the floor, but it quickly ceased to a burn as you focused on one thing, and one thing only. 
"Bell, wait!" 
Adler manages his way to the arcade as a couple of soldiers try to prevent his efforts. Inside, he fights off the both of them, sending an array of rounds into their chest. Another tries to sneak up behind him, but he whips around and delivers a jab to their throat, managing to wrangle the rifle away from their hands and ending them with one to the head.
"Bell, wait!" Woods' voice screeched through the earpiece. 
"Bell?" Adler repeats. A wave of relief washed over him momentarily, lowering his stance. He reaches up to his ear, about to confirm if he heard correctly, but wasn't given the opportunity to as Stitch sneaks up behind him and puts him into a choke hold.
His feet left the ground for a split second as Stitch tugged at him, arm tensing up and pulling tighter. Adler could feel his breath leaving him as he clawed at the arm around his neck, trying to pry it away. The rest of the squad were elsewhere, taking cover from gunfire while also taking out the enemy. 
Spots danced in Adler's vision as his strength started to fade away. His throat was on the verge of being crushed, face changing into a bluish hue.
Right when he was about to give out, he heard the sound of a bullet ripping through flesh, and for a moment Adler thought he was the one that got shot. However, Stitch seemed to grimace at something, giving out a pained and irritated growl as the hold loosened.
Stitch's eyes narrowed towards the direction of the attack. A distance away, just right underneath the open entrance of the game room, a figure stood. Lighting was scarce, but he could make out your form from neon lights as you leaned against the wall with a pistol in hand aimed at them.
Stitch wasn't given the opportunity to finish his sentence. Out of bullets, you dropped the gun and charged towards the both of them, tackling him off of Adler. The guy was a unit, but you managed to use your weight to pull it off. Adler collapsed, coughing violently and massaging his neck as you brought Stitch to the floor. He struggled to call out to you as you gave out a warcry.
"Someone just doesn't know how to listen, do they?"
Bringing out the Stitch's knife from your belt, you plunged it downward over his chest, but he holds out a hand, allowing the blade to pierce through it instead. He lets out a pained growl, but uses his other hand to grab a hold of your arm and push against you. Your expression was scrunched up in agony and animosity as your cut hands gripped the handle, opening them even further.
"I ought to put you down like the damn dog you are," Stitch beseeches. 
"If I were to die, it wouldn't be through the likes of you."
The tip pierced through his vest. Just a bit more, you told yourself, putting every effort into it. You could see the cloth peeling away as the metal pierced the area. His grip on you was insanely tight as he tried to fight against you, you couldn't feel both your arms anymore. Left arm useless, you used it as a weight to further press against the hilt. Blood rushed to your head, and your ears were ringing. You only focused on the only objective in front of you— Kill Vikhor Kuzmin. 
A surge of strength arises with him, and you could feel him regaining some stamina over you. You were already weakened and struggling to keep awake, adrenaline the only thing letting you move freely. Passing out wasn't an option, so you had to do something.
Even so, it wasn’t enough.
Stitch began to fight back, overwhelming you with strength you couldn't muster. He turns your hand towards yourself, the blade pointing at your front. Yet you glared daggers, refusing to back down. You tighten your jaw in the effort to resist, ignoring the burning sensation in the entire upper left side of your body. It was as if someone had laid a fresh bed of lava underneath.
"Bell!" Adler yells. He reaches out to a fallen rifle close by, aiming right down the iron sights and pulling the trigger.
He was met with the sound of continuous clicking as nothing came out from the end. There wasn't even time to think or breathe. Adler throws it to the side in frustration and pushes himself up, only for his vision to become tilted. His ear was ringing thanks to a busted eardrum from the RPG from earlier, and he struggled to maintain proper balance. 
"Hudson's crew just arrived! The heli is right outside!" Bulldozer announces in his ear.
Adler raises his head, only to see Stitch had sunk the knife into your stomach.
"You ought to choose your words carefully," Stitch leers, towering over your body.
His voice cracked, and something inside Adler snaps. He zooms forward, giving it his all as he plows through, knocking Stitch off of you. The wind gets knocked out of him as they both fall onto the floor. A fist collides with Stitch’s mask, Adler following up with his knee full force into the stomach. He grasps at the ends of the black hoodie, pulling it towards him as he delivers a brutal headbutt.
Basic close combat training Adler learned through the years was thrown out the window. Rules couldn’t hold him back in this encounter, the only way to win would be to fight dirty. It was a boxing match without a referee. And considering what Stitch had just done, there was no point in following basic etiquette.
You could hear Adler’s cries of distress and efforts with each blow he received. Stitch somehow gets the upper hand, delivering a good jab, throwing him into a daze. Your consciousness was slipping away, pain surging from every part of your body if you even dared to move. Tears brimmed at the corners of your eyes, knowing that you couldn’t do anything. 
Their blurred figures fought mere feet away from you, and you could only play the dying casualty as Adler began to get pummeled, Stitch’s driving bringing his knee to his stomach and causing him to double over and gag. A well-timed hook connects to the right side of his jaw, sending him downward.
You cursed yourself, balling your hands into fists. Digging your nails into the carpet, you try to roll onto your side in an effort to crawl, only to be met with excruciating pain. You gave out a whine at the sensation.
Why am I so damn weak?! 
Darkness swarmed your vision. Adler was on the ground now, rendered useless. His pathetic attempts to get an advantage, whether it be through grabbing of the clothes or wrists, was easily thwarted as Stitch straddled on top of him and beat the living daylights out of him. 
Both of you were going to die here, in some random New Jersey mall, both to the hands of a man you once worked alongside with. His vendetta against the both consisted of nothing but vengeance, and he was about to succeed.
You couldn't do shit. Drugged up, left eye slashed and your left arm broken, this was the worst state to be in. And now had an internal bleeding thanks to the metal serrated ends clawing into your insides. You blink slowly, about to let darkness take the remains of your sight. It was useless. Every effort was spent preventing Stitch from further harming Adler, but even then you couldn't prevail.
This is it. 
Giving up wasn't easy, and you thought there would never be a day where you actually threw in the towel. Yet, with everything you have just experienced, and what was happening now, you were definitely dealt the short end of the stick. Perseus was going to win, and one of the biggest thorns that continued to prod at them was about to be wiped off the grid. The Nova Six gas was going to be released to the general public.
Not yet.
You still had something to do. Just one thing left.
If someone were to make it out alive from this mess, it had to be Adler.
After all, you had a job to do.
Brows knit and vision filled with red, you grasped the handle of the knife protruding from your stomach. You grinded your molars together, taking a sharp intake of breath as you proceeded to pull it out. 
Pain erupted without hesitation, and it took everything within your mental capacity to keep awake. It was a horrid feeling, and you whimpered with every miniscule movement. You could feel the metal lifting out, and blood began to splurt, staining your shirt. It hurt. Everything did. Death seemed like a great option.
Your mind was warning you, demanding you to stop. You wanted to, but you refused to yield. 
If you were going to die, then so be it. You'll even take Death's damn hand if it means that Stitch would be coming along with you. 
You held back a cry as the knife came free. It glistened underneath the neon lights of the arcade, stained with your own fresh blood. You took short, little breaths in an attempt to lessen the pain, only to no avail.
With a trembling hand, you flip the blade around, holding it from the tip. It was warm. You couldn't even see your own skin underneath the mass of blood that caked your fingers. Just how much did you lose for the sake of this man? 
Not that it mattered. If Adler trusted his life to you, then you'll do whatever it takes to make sure he lived to see another day. 
Pulling your arm back, your fingertips pressed against the metal as you readied yourself.
Mustering all remaining strength, you swing full force, chucking the weapon towards the duo's direction. 
It cut through the air without a second thought, going into a nice arch.
You could see Stitch look up during the final moments as the knife struck him, embedding itself right in the middle of his forehead.
He didn't make a noise as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. 
Time seemed to slow down as you watched the Russian fall onto his back, not even groaning as he collapsed.
It's over.
You let out a difficult exhale after holding your breath for so long, and set your head back down, staring up at the ceiling. Your arms fall to the side, eagle spread.
The lights of the arcade machines flickered and bounced around without a care in the world. Beeping and 16-bit noises played along in an attempt to veil the sounds of warfare just outside the doorway. There was a soothing vaporwave-like rhythm, luring you into a sense of numbness and peace.
The purplish blue was a nice shade, and it made you drowsy. A wave of tranquility washed over you as you watched the light show, and with each blink you took, your eyelids felt heavier and heavier. Sleep was calling out to you.
How many near-death experiences did you have? Trabzon Airport, Cuba, Solovetsky, the cliffside… The list went on.
Adler heaved violently nearby, using the back of his hand to wipe away the crimson that ran down his nose. The effort was useless, as more of it continued to streak downward over his lips and chin. It had taken a moment for him to register that Stitch ceased all movement, lying uselessly with arms splayed out. Horror-struck, his expression held itself frozen as his own knife stuck out from his forehead.
Adler’s arms shook as he held himself up into a crawling position. He saw you lying there with a pool of red that was about to expand underneath you. He pushes himself to you with his elbows, holding out a hand to you. “[L/N]!” his voice quivers.
He was calling you. 
Turning your head, you see Adler struggle to make his way over to you. You manage a shaky smile as he enters your view.
“Is that you, Russ?” you gurgle weakly, squinting trying to focus. The metallic taste in your mouth only seemed to strengthen, lathering your taste buds.
“Don’t talk!” His eyes darted from place to place trying to figure out where he should prioritize first aid, but his thoughts were racing and he couldn't concentrate, head rolling from the thorough beating Stitch had given him. "Shit, I–"
“Ah, it is." You gave him a soft smile. Albeit your altered vision, Adler's face managed to detail itself. The hat he had on previously lied on the floor a couple paces away, his hair instead ruffled and a mess. "I couldn’t recognize you. Stitch really did a number on you… And me."
The mere sight of you made Adler's stomach drop. A mix of black and red resided where your left eye should have been, covered with soiled bandages that felt like it didn't do much to help. You had several bruises as well, cuts decorating your skin. Old scars that you had were now covered with new wounds. Your shirt had dark stains on it as it clung to your body. 
Adler's hands went towards your stomach, applying pressure and you winced underneath him. “You’re going to be okay Bell."
You try to laugh at his attempt to comfort you, only to choke up some blood. "C'mon, be truthful. How do I look?"
He couldn't respond, and with one hand he reached behind, shoving his hands forcibly underneath the covers of his satchel, trying to look for any medical supplies.
"I told Vikhor that… if he even touched you.. I'd kill him." Your eyes lingered on his. "C'mon don't make that face. Aren't you proud of me?"
He looked pitiful. Adler was biting the insides of his cheeks, just trying to keep himself together amongst this hell hole he was thrown into. But he couldn't hide it. He wasn't fucking proud— he was broken. Whether it was the mere image of your mutilated body, or the thought that you practically sacrificed yourself for him, he knew that he was the reason you did the shit you just did.
Adler didn't ask you to do it. So why, why, why, did you commit to such a selfless act? That valor he admired now became the reason for your recklessness and gave you reason to act so blindly. Why were you so fucking loyal? A month without your presence nearby and the first thing he sees upon contact was you bleeding out in front of him. It was like God, or whatever higher being up there, was testing his integrity of how much shit he can take before breaking.
The instant he felt his fingers rub against something inside his pack, he pulled the object out. 
A flare.
No. No. Nonono—
Where was his medkit?
You placed a hand on his cheek, wiping away a tear that escaped the corner of his eye. The gesture stings as he feels your finger brush against his puffed and bruised skin. He sees you shake your head slightly at the effort of his search for treatment, and his own heart just drops. 
Don't look at me like that. Why are you shaking your head?
"You need to leave me."
Don't say that! he yells internally. Adler feels his chest constrict at the thought he conjured up.
He gives out a shaky breath as he places his own hand over yours, ignoring the blood smearing against his scar. "Bell, I'm not going to leave you," he says slowly, trying to control his emotions. "We're getting out together."
"'Crying doesn't suit you',” you reiterate to him, but at that point you couldn't even interpret his own face out. Your eyes were half lidded, beginning to lose its shine as they trailed away from his face to focus on something above him. Terrified, Adler cups your cheek and makes you look back at him.
"Stay with me, [L/N]."
"I think… I need a rain check on that date of ours."
This wasn't happening.
Fuck, fuck!
“Of course. I'll take you wherever you want. Just… Just stay awake until we get to the hospital?” Adler clammers, clutching your hand tighter. "Can you do that for me?"
"Yeah. I'll try."
"You can sleep when we get th—"
Your eyes were closed, and despite everything you must have gone through, you gave off a serene expression, the corners of your mouth upturned slightly. 
Adler feels your hand become heavy, losing its strength. He wasn't ready for this.
"Bell?" his voice cracks. "No, you can't— You can't fucking die on me Bell!"
He expected you to flinch at his tone, like you used to, but didn't budge. His heart dropped, desperation clawing at him. If there was one thing he feared the most, it was this. 
What the fuck am I doing?
"Come on, c'mon…"
Adler swears profusely as he unbuckles his equipment in a rush, letting the orange scarf around his neck free. He rips it off and bundles it, pressing the mass against your stomach. You didn't even grimace. The bright orange turned dark as it absorbed whatever substance it could.
"Ossou!" Adler screams into his earpiece. "Where's the fucking medic?!"
They had to get you out. Away from the mall, into the hospital. They'll treat you there. You can get a blood transfusion. Fucking take his own blood if they had to— just ANYTHING to keep you alive.
There was still time...
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Today Is A Wonderful Day
Characters: Arisu Ryohei, Karube Daikichi, Chota Segawa
Genre: General. Arisu is entering his own strange Wonderland.
5.2k words
Well, here it is, my self indulgent fic! I honestly had a great time just getting this out. Will I continue this storyline? Who knows, we'll have to see, won't we? Five hours of typing, my poor pinky~✨
Apologies if anyone seems off in characterization, this is again more self indulgence and a bare string of consistency.
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The sun was bright, today. Perfect for a picnic, or to swing, or gardening.
It was such a shame he didn’t like going out much when he could spend all his days at his chair, headphones slipped over his ears, his grip around worn but well-loved plastic. Thumbs flick this way and that in accordance to what he needed to do with the avatar moving across the screen.
It was easier to not have to think about the outside right now. His father was always looking at him with disappointment that he wasn’t the son he wanted, but then again, was he ever the son he wanted? There was his brother anyways, the model of a smart, well adjusted man. Ever since they were young his father’s eyes weren’t on him, the first child.
But he shouldn’t complain, he did this to himself, being practically useless and not up to the standards he should have been able to achieve. He wasn’t worth his father’s attention, even if he wanted even a little bit, just for a fraction of his acceptance and pride to be for him.
But it wasn’t like he was alone in life. He had friends, two of them, and they were supportive of him, and he was supportive in return. He couldn’t ask for better friends, really. The tallest of the three, Karube, was a bartender, and willing to let his friends in to sit at the counter and chat their hours away, even if he was mindful of any alcohol they consumed. The shortest, Chota, worked in IT, although he tended to skip in order to come join them in their little adventures and hangouts, or to indulge in his own whims.
At the moment they were both busy, so he couldn’t meet up with them out on this beautiful day. It would be fun, maybe, spending their hours at the park, or maybe heading down to the arcade. A smile works its way up to chapped lips, and he instinctively licks at them when the skin tugs the wrong way, to alleviate the feeling. Yeah, that sounds great. Hanging together with them is great, being around them is such a wonderful feeling for him.
The screen flickers with a 1st place banner, and he quietly cheers, shaking his controller in his hand as a burst of achievement hits him, washed through his chest and makes him straighten his posture after who knew how long. It sinks back to a more relaxed posture as he starts a new game, and he starts all over again.
Hours pass, and the sun is lower in the sky, and Arisu remembers he hasn’t eaten since yesterday.He gets up, groaning a little as his muscles remember how to stand again, and he shuffles over to the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge. He glances at it, eyes flickering over the neat scrawl.
‘ Will be home late. Buy groceries. - Dad ’
Figured. Arisu opens the fridge, just to see if there was anything remotely edible before he would have to inevitably head out to refill the fridge again so that they could eat all week. There was only condiments, a half bottle of orange juice, and some other bits here and there that Arisu wouldn’t have the slightest clue what to do with. Shoulders slump, and he shuts the door and shuffles towards his bedroom door to get changed to head out for the day. It wasn’t an outfit worth taking time to pick, as it was only a grocery run. He grabs some simple jeans, comfortable and stretchy, as well as a t-shirt, light blue with the picture of a dog printed just behind the pocket on the left side of his chest, an illusion of it sitting there.
There was money on the table when he heads back out on the table he didn’t notice before, with another note on it, simply labeling it as grocery money. Arisu pockets the money into his jeans as well as his phone, and with a goodbye to an empty house, he leaves and heads into the open, warm world.
The walk to the grocery wasn’t long, but it still took some time, so Arisu was left to his own devices, in his own thoughts. They were simple thoughts, like how sunny it was, how people were walking by with their own lives in motion, how he wished he could hang out with Karube and Chota. He could always text them, they’d respond to him, but he didn’t want to bother them because he was being too selfish. So his phone remains heavy in his pocket as he strolls along the street, glancing around every so often to make sure he was going the right way.
There was a ping on his phone, and he pulls it out, staring at the new message. It was an unknown number, Arisu frowning a little at the text.
‘ Would you like to see something Wonderful? ’
It was a strange text, and way too ominous. Arisu ignores it, and he slips it in his pocket and looks back up, his stride never faltering as he continues onwards.
The text never left his mind though. As he stands in the aisle of the store, trying to find a decent box of cereal to put into the trolley cart, the thought filters back to him as he picks up a box, turning it in his head. Just what was that? It must’ve been a prank, or perhaps a text bot. Maybe even a sex bot, there were way too many of those, and he wasn’t interested in getting duped. But this one, for reasons Arisu couldn’t explain, this one felt…. different, somehow.
A ping startles him out of his thought. He looks down, and his hand trails back to his phone, stopping just before he pulls it out, fingers on glass and fabric. What if the number texted again? Arisu bites the inside of his lip. He was curious, that much was sure.
What did it want with him?
Arisu takes a slow, deep breath. He couldn’t do anything if he didn’t know. The phone slides out of his pocket and held in front of him, just high enough for the screen to register him and turn on.
Just as he thought, it was the same mysterious number again.
‘ Have you ever wanted to experience something out of this reality? ’
It was….. strange. Confused eyes flicker through the text — once, then twice. There wasn’t a sign of an attachment, where usually there could be a picture attached, trying to get an interested soul piqued. That, and there was no hint of a clickbait to be seen. His other hand, which had been on the handle of the cart, tightens around the cool plastic bar.
To be fair, he always wondered, just a little, if life was different. If he would ever see something, experience something, that wasn’t only contained in digital formation. He would joke about it with Chota and Karube, sometimes, thinking about fictional situations and what they would be achieving. But that was it, it was fictional, and nothing more.
The rest of the shopping leaves that text floating around in his brain, a puzzle that Arisu was itching to figure out what it held, all the way to him paying and making his way back. The trip was ordinary, only letting it gently warm underneath the sun, baking slowly and rising until it overtook any other kind of thought. “ I’m home.” He said, to an empty house. He slips out of his shoes and makes his way inside, dropping the bags of groceries down by the kitchen, planning to get to them later. At the moment though, he needed to get this thought out or else it would bother him for a while. He pulls a chair out and takes a seat, taking his phone out of his pocket in the same motion, and opens his messaging. The little notification for that mysterious number lingers, but he ignores it in favour for the group chat that he shared with his two friends.
Arisu: i have a question
He didn’t have to wait long for a response, as he watches the grey bubbles appear.
Karube: what’s up
Arisu: i got this really weird text
Arisu: and i dunno what to do
Karube: what does it say?
Arisu’s fingers lull above the keypad. Was it worth telling them? They’d probably share the thoughts of it being some sort of bot or perhaps some odd pranks. It was natural, something explainable.
But this was eating at him, and Arisu needed other thoughts.
Arisu: they were talking about seeing something wonderful and out of reality
Karube: definitely sounds weird
Karube: did it link anything?
Arisu: no
Arisu: its just the messages nothing attached
Chota: Maybe its a dick pic
That earns a small snort, Arisu rolling his eyes. He would hope not. Karube: wouldn’t they have attached it anyways then???
Chota: Ah yeah true
Chota: Maybe they’re asking permission?
Arisu: why though
Karube: dunno dude
Karube: just ignore it
Arisu: its been on my mind for a while
Karube: srsly?
Karube: hmm…….
Arisu stares as his screen as the bubbles flicker in and out. He didn’t know what he’d do. His phone pings again, and the notification slides in from above. It was the number again.
‘ Come experience the greatest encounters of your life! ‘
Arisu frowns, and he quickly exits the chat and stares at the tab for this strange number. Now that he looks at it, the number itself looked odd. At first glance it was numbers in a format of a normal phone, but now that he looked closely, it looked a digit too long for a Japanese phone number, much less did he recognize the area code.
He wasn’t all that much of a phone number whiz though, so he could be mistaken.
There was a new text from Karube, and he opens the chat again.
Karube: if it’s really bothering you, no harm in playing along right? just see what it is and then back out
Karube: no hamr done
No harm done, huh?
Arisu sits there, finger hovering above the option to text back, as he thought through his options. He could always just delete it, or send a text telling whoever this was that he wasn’t interested. He could follow Karube’s idea of playing along, finding what this was before leaving it behind, free of his insatiable curiosity.
The notification pings with another text again, and it was three simple words:
‘ Do you accept? ‘
Arisu bites his lips, and he sets his phone down, screen down as he approaches the grocery bags. He needs to think about this.
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The familiar feeling of his phone in his hand was comforting yet so stifling at the same time, Arisu staring at the now opened chat log. The strange texts were there, without a single response from him. There was no links, no images, no anything to reveal their intents. Hell, the log didn’t even start with those cheesy greetings of a hello, diving straight into its offer of something ‘Wonderful’. What even was the meaning of that? The capitalization of that one world made it even stranger. The other texts that followed only built onto this strange, supposedly otherworldly thing, whatever it was. It was persistent and curious, and Arisu didn’t know why he was so interested in figuring it out.
His fingers hover over the bar, worrying the inside of his lip with his teeth. Is it really worth contacting it back? All for his curious mind to stop thinking? What if it was nothing to even worry about, and he just got himself fooled into some weird scheme for his credit card or his location?
Who even was this strange, unknown identity?
Arisu blinks, and he nearly drops his phone when he sees the bubble on the right side, his side, already pasted into the log.
Arisu: who are you
He…. didn’t remember writing that. His fingers move to delete it, but a response comes before he could press the trash icon.
Unknown: Who I am doesn’t matter! Are you interested in seeing something out of this reality?
Arisu stills, and he accepts his fate. No harm in finding out what this was. Worse case scenario, he has fun playing along and he can push this to the back of his mind, so it can’t be that terrible.
Arisu: that depends
Unknown: So you ARE interested! That’s wonderful!
Unknown: Are you willing to see something Wonderful?
Arisu: what even is it?
Arisu silently watches the bubbles, which appear, the disappear, as if there was really a person behind this odd number, this strange offer of something far too vague. But it was that kind of thing that still pulled him in, curious like a child watching something fantastical in front of their young eyes.
Unknown: Something only you have only thought couldn’t exist before! Something that will catch you and bring you along on a journey you would never experience any time elsewhere in your short life!
Unknown: Don’t you want something more than what you have at hand now?
Arisu freezes. Did it know….? He shakes his head. No, it couldn’t have, this was just some elaborate thing. There was no way it could have the slightest idea of how listless his life was going. It was a blanket sentence, something to catch a large group without pinpointing a singular person without it becoming a case of stalking.
That doesn’t stop Arisu from quickly glancing around his room before he slowly slides underneath his blanket, hiding from the world for just a little.
Arisu: why do you ask?
Unknown: It’s an opportunity of a lifetime! All you have to do is say yes, and you’ll see something Wonderful.
Arisu: and if I say no?
Unknown: That would be sad, but you can do whatever you want. You can continue on with your life, and see where that takes you.
Unknown: But you’re getting the offer that most people never are given the chance to take.
Unknown: Just say yes, and you’ll see something Wonderful, experience something Wonderful.
Unknown: What do you say?
Arisu knows, in the back of his mind, that this was a horrible idea. These were kidnapper words, words that parents and teachers and everyone tells others not to listen to because it only means bad things. These were way too odd to take seriously, and any rational mind would back out now, delete the log and continue on with their lives and talk about the strange encounter in the future, as if were nothing more than a funny story.
Rationally, Arisu should have said no. He should have said no, went back to doing nothing all day but play games on the computer, on his phone, on the television. He should have said no and went back to being practically shunned by his family, to only really hanging out with his two friends, to merely existing and drifting through life.
He should have just walked away and said no. He should have walked away like any other person would.
But his fingers slowly type out his answer, and he seals the deal in only a few words.
Arisu: alright.
Arisu stares at the screen, his breath held in his throat as the bubbles pop out, squeezing his poor phone as his thoughts flood in, regret and confusion and a tingling in his head and in his arms and in his everything.
Unknown: Wonderful♥️ Welcome to Wonderland, Alice.
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Arisu takes a deep, shuddering breath, darkness in his vision. It’s hot, it’s stuffy, it’s-
He frantically sits up, and his racing thoughts get ahead of him as he looks around, chest heaving. It’s dark, where was he? What happened? He tries to take deep breaths, and he squeezes his eyes shut as the ringing in his ears dissolves until it was only quiet whirs of what might be the air conditioner running. He counts as he inhales, holds, counts as he exhales, holds, repeats.
His body returns to him after a while, and he opens his eyes to his room. It was just his room, with nothing out of place, with the AC slowly whirring in the background. Everything was okay, nothing happened to him. Arisu presses a hand to his chest, faintly registering the blanket. It was over his head, his brain supplies to him once he was calmer, that’s why it was so stuffy. He didn’t remember falling asleep, or what…..
The text.
Arisu searches around for his phone, hands swiping over the bed until it hits a solid object, and he fumbles as he picks it up, turning it on. There was no new texts, just the screen he was used to seeing. He clutches it anyways, swiping. It was only to prove it wasn’t just some dream. Arisu opens the messaging app, and his breath catches once more when he sees the text, that text with the heart attached, the number that was clearly not from a strange dream. He doesn’t open the log, the sight of it enough for him as it stares back at him.
He really said yes. To what exactly, he couldn’t say. It was far too vague and fantastical to explain, but something in him made him agree. Fingers brush against the edge of his phone, and Arisu wonders if he made a mistake.
The thought was making him feel strange, and he needed a distraction. Karube and Chota were probably asleep at this time, so that was out. He goes to one of his puzzle games instead, the shiny colours staring back at him. He starts, and his attention becomes absorbed in swiping that box left and up and right, zoning out his thoughts.
Sunlight peeking through his curtains was the only thing that pulls him out, and Arisu faintly realizes he was playing his game for hours. He rubs his eye as he sets his phone down to stare at the partially sealed window, and he sighs, flopping and covering his eyes with an arm. No use sleeping now.
Arisu gets out of bed, and he stretches a little as he trods to the bathroom. He doesn’t know what time it is right now, but it was probably early. Maybe too early, as when he gets out he gets a whiff of coffee, and the sound of someone else awake. It was far from the bathroom though, so Arisu continues on his way to brush his teeth and use the toilet. As mint hits his tongue Arisu remembers he forgot to eat, and he grumbles lightly under his breath. He completely forgot. Arisu leans over the sink and spits the foam out his mouth. No matter, he can eat breakfast and he’ll be fine. Being home didn’t expend that much energy anyways, and he could survive with a skipped meal or two.
Arisu walks out to the kitchen, and he gets a glimpse of his father and brother making their way to the front door, donned in suits. He waves as they leave, but he gets nothing in return, his hand dropping to his side. Figures, they wouldn’t bother looking to say goodbye to him when Arisu wasn’t consistent with waking up as they left like this. Still he could say that he made an effort. Arisu turns his attention to the fridge, and he opens it, grabbing some random item and popping it into the microwave for breakfast. He stands there as he waits, watching the thing spin. Once it was finished, he pops open the door and actually checks what he even put in there. It appeared to be some instant breakfast sandwich still nestled safely in its partially opened package, Arisu sliding it out of its rectangular prison and onto the counter to cool a little before he even attempts.
When it was, he slips it from its nest and held it in his hands, the only covering now being a paper towel as he eats, grabbing a bottle of water on his way as he wanders a little around his house. Just like always, there was nothing of importance for him to attend to, his only plan being gaming all day and perhaps texting his friends.
His body moves towards the window, and he takes in the outside as he sips his water, the sun shining in the sky, undeterred as always. It was such a beautiful day outside, and yet it was such a shame he didn’t have any reason to-
Arisu’s attention catches on something, and he pauses, lowering the bottle as he squints to something in the distance. It was faint, but it was there, disappearing out of sight as soon as he focused on it. Something white, but also pink in colour, disappearing into the trees.
Arisu blinks, and then he remembers he doesn’t really live anywhere close to a park.
So why were there trees?
His grip tightens around his sandwich and his bottle of water, and something tickles at the back of his mind that he should go down there. Eyes narrow, and then the memory of yesterday comes back to him, and they widen once more. Suddenly he’s rushing back to his room, scarfing down the sandwich. The burst of energy was new, as was this sense of urgency, and Arisu didn’t know what to make of it just yet.
What he did know is that this was it. He chugs the rest of his water, and he’s slipping on some comfortable pants and shirt and rushing out of the house, only barely remembering to lock up behind him. The only thing he had on him was his phone and the spare house key, but that didn’t matter right now.That urge to follow that white and pink something, to see if that strange bunch of trees that he didn’t remember before was that out of reality experience.
Why he was convinced to go along, even he didn’t know. There was nothing stopping him from this, from finding out if it was really real, and so shoes pound against ground as he runs towards where he swears he saw the trees.
When he gets there, it only answers him with green foliage and deep brown bark. The trees were real, and Arisu was standing in front of them, the smell of wood and something natural amongst the scent of artificial manmade livelihood. He looks around him, people continuing on their daily lives, packs and individual alike, and nobody paid the trees in front any mind.
Arisu looks back at the trees, and his chest pangs with what he faintly recognizes as excitement, as a rush of something else that he can’t put the words to at the moment. Trepidation, perhaps. But he wasn’t afraid, not in the least.
He takes his phone back out, and he texts something to the group chat.
Arisu: lets see where it takes me then
With one definitive, solidifying breath, he tucks his phone into his pocket and walks into the forest. The smell hits him stronger once he crossed the supposed threshold. The ground was still the same pavement as he was used to seeing, but the area around him was definitely new to him. Trees lined the road, and it seemed to only go in one direction. Clearly sketchy, but curiosity overtook him, and Arisu lets his feet carry him onwards, deeper.
It didn’t seem to end, he realizes as he watches the trees pass by him. It was fairly quiet, with faint sounds that at least told him he wasn’t alone, not completely. With how long he’s been going forward, he wouldn’t be surprised if he’s walked through a building if this was any more real. The path was far too strange, far too simple and peaceful. The only reason he hasn’t given up now was the fact that it was so strange, and something kept beckoning him to continue forward on this peculiar path.
Come to think of it, he didn’t even feel tired, despite all this walking. His feet didn’t ache, his legs didn’t give up, his breathing was completely normal. Arisu was aware he wasn’t much of a healthy person and likely would’ve at the very least needed a break and a bit of water at this point, but Arisu only rationalized it being a side effect of this odd experience.
He doesn’t know how much time passed, but he finally stops when the path finally turns into dirt, dark and healthy. It didn’t look that well stepped on, and there were grey stones embedded in it, a natural rendition of the slate grey concrete stones Arisu had been walking across. Arisu stands there, and finally looks back, staring far into trees and the singular pathway. He squints, trying to see if he could see the way back into the city, but it was nothing more than a pinprick into nothing, and he turns back around to spot a glimpse of white and pink. He gasps, and from where he was, now upon more even, closer grounds, he could make out a human running away. “ W-Wait! Hold on, where’re you going?!” Arisu yells, and he pushes onwards, his feet racing across dirt and stones in an attempt to reach this mysterious figure. The white and pink remains in his visions, although far, and it was calling to him without uttering a single word. Words weren’t important here, just the urge that tugged at his chest that called him forwards, allowing him to run after this faraway figure. Arisu barely registers the lack of fatigue that should have taken to his body, strain from not getting nearly enough exercise to even make it this far. His attention was on that figure, which continued to run away from him, and he wanted to know who else was here with him, on this tree and dirt lined path.
Why was he so intent? Arisu didn’t know, but he continues until the pink and white gets closer. Only when he can make out the person clearly does he realize how odd the silhouette of this person was. Their hair was cut in a bob, and they wore a pink windbreaker with a white rabbit printed on the back, along with simple pants that looked rather easy to move in. From the back view, Arisu realized that it was a young woman, or at the very least had a slim and fit figure. Normal things, really.
It was the ears that caught him off guard, long and white and on the top of her head, bouncing as the same rate she she was running. Rabbit ears, just like the ones on her jacket, except she was definitely human. Maybe it was a headband, but her hair flowed and swayed freely, and Arisu didn’t think he could see any hint of any headband on her head. It was strange, and Arisu tries to pick up his pace.
“ Wait! Hold on, can I talk to you?” Arisu shouts at her as he chases the rabbit, and finally he catches her attention. Her runs slow to a jog, and Arisu slows in a less smooth manner, until they were both at a halt, the girl still meters away. “ Can we talk? Can I ask where I am?” Arisu asks, and he’s mildly surprised when his chest doesn’t heave like he expects, although he was breathing a little deeper as he expected.
The girl slowly turns around, and her eyes were a little confused yet calm as they lock with Arisu’s. She blinks, and she looks around, then back at Arisu.
“ You actually followed me.” She said, and Arisu nods in response. He didn’t know why she was so confused that he followed, there was only this one path after all. Was it because he ran after her? He looks at the ground in embarrassment. Hopefully she didn’t think he was weird for chasing her-
“ Hey, it’s alright. I was surprised you did.” Her voice was closer, and he jerks his head back up, and she’s closer. He sucks in a quiet breath when one of the ears twitches, his eyes locked on the white lagomorph ear. His staring was clearly evident though, as she gestures with a hand for his attention to get off, Arisu looking back at the girl’s face and bowing his head.
“ Ah- Sorry-“ He sputters, and her lip twitches upward.
“ No, it’s alright, I understand. It’s real, trust me. This is your first time, right?” She says, and Arisu nods. The girl copies him, as if to take that in, and her small smile drops into a thoughtful look, dark eyes scanning him briefly. “ What’s your name?” “ Ah- My name is Arisu Ryohei, it’s nice to meet you-“ Arisu bows again, this time in greeting, and she lightly chuckles.
“ It’s very nice to meet you then, Arisu.” She greets, and she bows a little in return. “ My name is Usagi.” Arisu looks at her again, eyes wide. Her name was Rabbit? A little on the nose, but Arisu wasn’t about to judge. After all, his own name was the same pronunciation as Alice. “ So….. where am I?” Arisu asks again, and Usagi looks to him.
“ This place has no real name, but if you want, people before you have called this Wonderland. Although… we’re not in the one you immediately think of.” She says, and she jerks her head to signal to him to walk with her, Usagi taking simple strides. Arisu matches her pace, and he nods.
“ Alright. Fair enough.”
The walk was just as peaceful as it was before Arisu even met Usagi, but it was just as comfortable as it was beforehand, if not a little awkward knowing he now had company. His gaze couldn’t help but occasionally look towards the lapin ears, curious. His hand comes up before he realizes what his brain unconsciously did, and they brush against soft fur. Usagi steps away in surprise, looking up at him as her ear twitches. Arisu backs away in return, and he feels his face heating up.
“ A-Ah- Sorry-“
Usagi frowns a little, but it wasn’t one that was really sad, just annoyed. Arisu can only bow his head and apologize again, and she lets out a soft sigh. “ Next time just ask, okay?” Arisu nods, and they continue onwards, Arisu holding his hands into his pockets to prevent another strange incident. At the very least he now knew that they were 100% real, and that she could feel them.
“ Where are we heading towards?” He asks after a particularly long stretch of silence and walking along the dirt and stone path. Usagi glances up at him, Arisu looking down at her and tilting his head slightly.
She looks straight once more, and she points to something Arisu doesn’t see. “ Somewhere you have never seen before, something that you won’t forget for the rest of your life, Arisu. Are you ready?” Arisu nods. He’s already made it this far after all, and she nods once, and she starts into a jog. Arisu blinks, and he picks up his pace, and he can’t help but smile a little, hoping what she said, what that strange text, really meant it.
He wanted to see this Wonderland for himself.
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demigodlunar · 3 years
Scars - Chapter 4
-- Trigger Warning: Mentions of self-harm and bad parenting. Read at your own risk.
Chapter 4 - End It Cleanly Mclean
Piper flopped onto her immaculately made bed after her morning run with her mother, rumpling up the covers a little bit and enjoying the brief moments of silence before-
“Models do not flop onto their beds, daughter, they sit on the edge daintily.” A saccharine sweet voice lilted from outside Piper’s bedroom.
Piper stifled her groan and got up quietly, remaking her bed and smoothing her hands over the glossy silk sheets. She made sure not to miss a spot, because her mother, the amazing model Aphrodite Mclean, was no doubt watching her every move from the doorway.
“I’m sorry, mother, “ Piper said quietly, looking down at her feet that her mother commented were “too big” to be from a woman, “I won’t do it again.”
She looked up and locked eyes with her mother, the most beautiful, and cruelest, person Piper had ever met. That one thought of rebelliousness died away, and Piper forcefully looked back down respectfully at her feet.
Aphrodite had silky black hair that made its way down her back in ringlets, with only the most expensive products used on her luscious locks. With chocolate brown eyes like those of a feline. She was thin as a toothpick, with a curvy, full body which attracted a lot of men, and sometimes even women. Aphrodite’s skin was fair and spotless, her nails and clothes always complimenting each other and the rest of her. Piper really wished she hadn’t inherited her mother's insane beauty.
Her mother did another once over of Piper’s bedroom, trying to find something to critique. Not finding any flaws, she pursed her lips, flipped her hair over her shoulder and promptly left the room, shutting the door behind her.
Piper let out a breath she didn’t know she was even holding, and it made her plop back down onto her bed and bury her head in her hands.
Why couldn’t I have just gone with Dad?
Tristan Mclean met Aphrodite Ouranos at a theatre gathering. He was immediately struck by her beauty and charm, and she seemed to like him just as much. They started going out after a week, and dated for a couple months before getting married.
After they had Piper, Tristan and Aphrodite made it big, Tristan with a high-paying acting career which required him to move around a lot, and Aphrodite with a modeling job. Both of the jobs needed a lot of traveling, but someone needed to stay and take care of Piper, the beautiful baby who inherited her mother’s beauty and her father’s smile and hair.
So while Tristan went on world tours and visited iconic cities and landmarks, Aphrodite would stay at home and take care of Piper. Needless to say, she hated the job, and wanted to dump her daughter in an orphanage to be taken care of by someone else, but then an idea struck her.
If she could raise Piper to be exactly like her, independent and flawless, it would help Aphrodite’s modeling and parenting. She was wrong of course, but she obviously didn’t think that. The result of her carelessness was a five year old running around a large empty estate, eating whatever she wanted and doing whatever she pleased.
There were many, many times when Piper had been left alone for long periods of time, and she did learn to be independent, but vowed to never become like her mother. Once Piper hit her middle school years, Aphrodite realized just how beautiful her daughter was, even more so, than Aphrodite herself. That was a problem.
So she shipped Piper off to a ladies academy for middle schoolers, and when Piper came back the summer before her first year at high school, she was… exactly the same. No manners had been changed, no clothing choice had been improved, nothing.
That’s when Aphrodite took the manner into her own manicured fingers. She critiqued Piper on anything and everything she did, even if it was the slightest misstep or a small snort that escaped her mouth. At the start, Piper rebelled against her, but Aphrodite oppressed her so much that Piper gave in and listened to her mother's every whim, and stayed quiet through every admonishment.
That was what made Piper start cutting.
It was small at first, just a little glance at a knife or razor and wondering how it would feel against her skin. Then, light traces with the sharp blades on her wrist, seeing how light she could go to draw blood. What pushed past her tipping point was when Piper was idly drawing the knife across her arm, not enough to see blood, but enough to feel a small sting, and her mother walked into the bathroom to see what was taking her so long.
She took one cold look at the blade, and the marks on Piper’s arm and left the bathroom. Piper stared after her, but when she came back, it wasn’t with a hug, or words of help to drag Piper out of the world of a depression.
It was a razor. A pink razor with a bejeweled hilt.
Aphrodite held it out to Piper and said only two words: “Use that.”
Since that day, Piper seemed to enjoy when her mother would leave her alone to do her modeling, because Piper had the day to cut herself happy.
Now don’t get her wrong. Piper wasn’t suicidal for two reasons. The first was her father and her friends. She tried to resent her father for leaving her alone with her monster of a mother, but he was too kind for her to hate him, and the couple days a year he came and stayed with them were the best. And her friends, well, they were the only people who kept her sane while she was here. Annabeth, Reyna, Thalia, Leo. They were the best friends anybody could ask for, and they supported her whenever she felt sad. They didn’t know about the cutting.
The second was that she was too cowardly to try to take her life. Afraid of hurting her friends. Afraid that it would all be for nothing.
So she didn’t do anything farther than cutting.
Piper realized that thinking about the past and sitting doing nothing but dawdling was really unproductive. She took out her phone and went to check if there were any new messages, and she saw a text from Thalia. So she replied.
(AN: Thalia, Piper)
Today - 11:34 AM
hey Pipes
hey Thals
Oh nothing, just trying to get away from my tyrannical mother. Normal day.
nothing much, you?
i’m here with my brother at one of my dad’s interview things
Piper couldn’t remember Thalia mentioning anything about siblings before. And she did the normal thing and asked Thalia about it.
you have a brother?
It was a long time before Thalia responded, but when she did, Piper snatched up the phone to see her response.
Piper felt betrayed, she thought they told each other everything. But then again, she had no room to talk.
excuse me, but how come you’ve never told me about him?
never came up
fine, you win, for now. show me a pic?
Thalia sent a picture of a blond-haired boy with the bluest eyes Piper had ever seen. The thing was, she knew this blond-haired boy.
It was Jason Grace, the only person that even came close to Annabeth’s record setting grades. Once he had beaten her by a percent on a English test, and Annabeth was fuming for days, while Piper and the rest of their friends snickered at her back. But Piper never connected the dots, like how he and Thalia had the same last name.
He was also in her math class during Freshman year, and he sat two seats to her right. Piper could remember clearly some moments of that class.
Like when the teacher would ask the class a question, and Jason’s hand would be the only one up so she called on him. He would bite his lower lip and read out the answer in a confident but quiet voice, like he didn’t want anyone to notice him. Then, once Jason got the question right, his posture would straighten, in a proud way. His eyes would light up like a cloudless day sky and his lips would stretch into a smile, making the scar on his upper lip appear more prominently. Jason would push the glasses up the bridge of his nose, and sit back in his chair, satisfied.
One second. Two.
What. Was. That. Piper shook her head and felt her cheeks become hot. She barely knew Jason, yet she had been paying so much more attention to him than she thought she was. Idly, she wondered if his glasses and the tattoo of glasses she had on her shoulder were related in any way.
Suddenly dizzy, she remembered that Thalia was waiting for an answer. With her thoughts off somewhere else, she mindlessly typed a response to Thalia’s question. The good news, it was the truth. The bad news, Thalia would never let her live this down.
After she felt her head clear, she brought her attention back to the conversation and her eyes widened.
oh, that cute boy you sit with at lunch sometimes? He’s really good looking.
“Crap!” Piper yelled, for once not even afraid that her mother will come in and lecture her about the dangers of swearing.
She could just imagine Thalia cackling her witchy laugh wherever she was. Piper started to type in a message to tell Thalia to please, please not tell her brother about that message when a new message popped up at the top.
Piper, honey, I am leaving for my photoshoot now. Please keep the house clean... and no guests. -Mother >:(
Perfect, her mother is gone, now she can go through with that brunch that she planned with her friends. Then she remembered Thalia. Stupid ADHD, hopping from one topic to the other.
It was too late though, because Thalia has already replied.
yes, he is, and he’s also here looking at our conversation.
Piper felt herself blush scarlet red, and she bet anyone could see it, even on her darker complexion. Now she was in for it, she would never be able to face Thalia or Jason ever again. And once Thalia told the rest of their friends…
Piper stood up and started getting ready for the brunch with her friends she planned. Both mentally and physically. Gods, Leo was going to have such a field day when he found out about this.
Well, the routine was only just starting. ____________________________________________________________
This chapter was fun to write haha
-Blossom ;)
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Chapter 2: Bring on the Mania pt 2
Everyone stared at Amane once they got to the classroom. They already parted with Jack, Epel, and Sebek, and the three boys wished the ADeuce combo luck with Amane. The latter basked in the attention, even sending a teasing wink to the lingering stares, who blushed and turned back to the teacher. Crewel made it VERY clear to Amane that if he disrupts the class in any way, he will receive punishment, like how he did before. All he got from was...
"Yes, daddy."
"Oh, does Professor Crewel remind you of your father?"
Amane wanted to laugh at her naivety if he wasn't being tied up and suspended in midair.
He remained like that for the rest of the period. Occasionally he would let out a joke or flirt with one of the students. Though nothing too vulgar, lest he would incur the wrath of the bi-colored man again.
He was finally free when the bell rang. Valerie had to pull him aside and gave a small warning for the next class.
"Please behave. Professor Trein is awfully strict, and I don't think he'll appreciate your humor." Amane wanted to protest, but the look she gave was enough to make him reconsider his words.
"Fine, I'll tone down my charms here too." 
Looks like he’s seeing DILF again
Turns out, it was a good thing he did. The entire lesson was boring, and some students were nodding off. Ace got bored and decided to entertain himself with Lisha, while was Deuce truly focused on the lesson.
Valerie kept herself awake by having a small staring competition with Lucius. The cat's eyes were the perfect thing to keep her awake. A light snore disrupted her concentration from Lucius and glanced beside her.
Amane is already fast asleep and using a sleeping Grim as a pillow. The sight made her smile. But it didn't last long, as a large book slammed onto the table, waking everyone up.
"Gh-Huh!... Wha?" Amane rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, found himself being stared down by the elderly professor and his cat.
"Mr. Mania, I see you haven’t changed. Just because you are a guest doesn’t mean I will tolerate sleeping, so I expect proper respect from a guest." "Meow."
With that, he turned away and carried on with the lesson. Amane sunk low on his seat with a troubled look on his face. He is never pissing off that guy again.
Amane stretched himself on the patch of grass he and Lisha laid on. He was getting a kick out of seeing Valerie beating half of the boys in P.E. He cheered her on each exercise and laughed out loud at how some boys can't keep up with her. Namely Grim.
"Oi! Quit laughing!" The monster huffed as he tried and failed to do another push-up.
"Maybe if you'd stop using Valerie as carriage and start using those fat legs of yours, you wouldn't have much of a problem doing this." Ace snickered, having a much easier time than Grim. A whistle blew in the air.
"Alright! That's enough for today! You're all dismissed!"
Grim collapsed and panted heavily. Lisha hopped over to him and poked his fat tummy. The former tried to swat her way but was too tired to do so. Valerie shook her head and picked up her baby.
"Yes! Finally lunch! Onward Henchwoman, you have to keep your promise to me!" Grim commanded, tugging the ends of her pink bow, steering her to the selection. Lisha was perched on her shoulder, preening her wings.
"Yes, yes." She casually said, maneuvering through bodies of students while keeping pace with her friends.
"Damn, I kind of miss this." Amane had to give the school credit for having such widespread choices.
"Oh, Valerie, take this stuffed crab! And this cordon bleu! And the lamb curry! And...and..." Grim kept on pointing at dishes and ordering Valerie to grab as much as possible. But she didn't mind, the food is food.  She also took the liberty to take a chicken alfredo, salisbury steak, fruit milk, and tons of cinnamon rolls.
"Damn, that's a lot. You sure you can pay Sugar tits?" Amane probe, examining her tray filled to the brim with food Grim picked. On Amane's plate are a garden salad, croutons, and water.
"Sure, I can! I think." She muttered the last part, but he heard it. Amane pursed his lips, watching her fumble with her wallet. Before going stiff upon noticing what she had left. He sighed and went in front of her.
"I'd like to pay for mine and this girl's lunch." This action stunned her.
"B-But...T-This i-is unce-" She tried to protest, but he placed his finger on her lips.
"Hush Sugar tits. Think of this as a payment on what you spent on me during my recovery period."
Oh yeah, he ran her wallet dry with his expensive tastes. After paying, they saw Epel waving his hand and their way over. The boys did their best to stay calm, but the way Amane watched them with mischief in his eyes was hard.
"Haha! Thanks for the food!" Grim said as he happily devoured the food.
"So, how your day so far, Amane?" Valerie questioned as she gave small pieces of chicken to Lisha.
"Pretty good. Despite the fact, I was bound, hung upside down, and got slightly traumatized."
"That's all the students in Night Raven experienced." A new voice interjected. Next to their table stood Cater along with Trey and Riddle.
"Dorm leader Rosehearts! And Cater and Trey. Good afternoon." Deuce greeted his seniors.
"What's up?" Ace asked.
"I heard from the students that a man has been joining Valerie in her classes and has been an inconvenience to the teachers," Riddle replied, giving Amane a hard stare.
"Also, we just came to meet our guest of the day~" Cater airily added.
"Well, he's right here hot stuff~" Amane flirted. He thanked the Great 7 for making these schoolboys hot. Cater smiled in his direction.
"So you're the guy everyone's been talking about. Let's take a quick selfie you're joining too, Valerie." Cater threw his arm around him and pulled in Valerie too. He took his phone and snapped the pic.
"Hey! I didn't even prepare!" Amane complained. But Cater laughed.
"Relax, you look great. Especially you Vally~" Cater bopped her in the nose. She giggled at the action.
"What's your name? I need to tag you." He asked as he typed on his phone.
"The name's Amane Mania. What about you cuties~" He ended with a wink.
"I'm Riddle Rosehearts, dorm leader Heartslabyul." The young man proudly answered. Amane scrutinized him. His whole appearance is the perfect combination of handsome and adorable.
"I'm Trey Clover, the vice-dorm leader." Amane let out a low whistle as he ogled Trey.
"Hello, daddy~" Amane puckered lips and winked.
Trey let out a nervous laugh. "Nice to meet you too."
"Hey~ Don't forget about me. I'm Cater Diamond. Hey, look how many likes you got on MagiCam."
He showed them the pic. Cater had his signature smile and peace sign. Amane didn't smile, but he looked like one of those male models in magazines. Valerie looked like a deer in headlights with her lips forming a small o shape. They were getting approximately a hundred likes a second.
Amane hummed as he admired the picture. "Not bad, not bad. You should have pulled off something cuter, Val."
"She's always cute." Deuce blurted.
... ... ...
Deuce's face burned bright red once the words sank in and covered his face. Ace burst out in laughter, patting Deuce on the back. Epel tried to comfort Deuce but to no avail. Jack and Sebek merely shook their heads for their friend's mistake.
"Aww, thank you, Deuce. You're so sweet, and you're cute too." She sent him a closed-eyed smile.
Unaware of Ace's abrupt stop of his laughter or the irritated looks the rest of the boys are sending to Deuce. Amane, however, found it amusing.
Riddle cleared his throat to regain their attention. "Back to the main topic." He cast his eyes towards Amane.
"Even though you are a guest, you must conduct yourself and NOT create unsolicited trouble for anyone." He emphasized the last part, eyeing at ADeuce and Grim, who looked away from his gaze. Amane waved his hand dismissively.
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, cherry boy."
Ace choked on his drink and covered his mouth to suppress his laughter. Jack's eyes widen in disbelief, while Deuce, Epel, and Sebek just looked confused.
"Cherry... boy?" Epel repeated. Valerie and Grim were just as confused. But, Lisha just shook her head.
"Is it because his hair is the same color as a cherry?" Grim mused, Valerie shrugged.
"Could be."
Meanwhile, the boy in question frowned. Confused about the nickname and oblivious to the true meaning behind. However, the two seniors froze and stared at Amane slack-jawed. After a few moments of awkward silence, Trey let out another nervous laugh.
"Anyway, we should probably go and let you guys finish your lunch," Trey remarked.
"What's a cherry boy?" Riddle asked.
"Let's go, Riddle!" Trey exclaimed. Harshly tugging on his dorm leader's hand, Riddle stumbled from Trey's rushed steps with Cater not far behind. Failing to hold back his laughter. Valerie watched in confusion as her seniors retreated back to their table.
What was that about?
A loud banging interrupted her train of thought and turned her attention back to her friends.
Ace was booming with laughter, repeatedly banged his fist on the table, earning stares from the other students. Jack was furiously rubbing his temples, trying to fight back the blooming headache he was getting. While the other three just sat there, still confused.
"HHAHAHAHA! Oh, Great 7 that was too good!" Ace let out guffaws of laughter, leaning against the table.
"I can't believe you said that," Jack grumbled. Amane just stuck his tongue at him.
"I still don't get it," Deuce commented.
"Well, I'll gladly explain-ACK!" Amane offered but was cut-off by Lisha's brutal pecks and swipes of her tiny talons.
Deuce winced at the sight. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut.
"Oww! Hey! Quit that!" She didn't. Lisha has been with Amane long enough to endure his vulgar jokes to the point that they don't affect her. But she refuses to have the innocent corrupted too early. Especially Valerie.
Ace was calming down from his laughing fit and snickered at the sight of Amane being tortured by a tiny bird. Ah, revenge comes in unexpected ways.
Sebek voiced his exact thoughts. "Hmph. Serves him right for being so debouched." Folding his arms and casting a disapproving look at the hetero male.
"Should we do something?" Epel asked. As much as he enjoys Amane's pain, he had to pity him. His grandfather was attacked by a flock of owls when he was younger, and he still has faint scars from the incident.
"I'm pretty sure Valerie's got this under control," Jack replied, and he was right.
The opal-eyed girl managed to catch the small owl when she too busy tugging on Amane's hair. Lisha hooted a protest, but it died down once Valerie rubbed her head.
"Good girl, stay calm." Once Lisha was calm, she went back to her discarded chicken pieces.
Once they finished lunch, they were headed to class when they were stopped by Professor Crewel. After giving Amane a warning glare, he asked Valerie to pick up a few magnolia petals from the botanical garden due to a student accidentally using too much.
"Of course. Honestly, I prefer favors from you than from the crow." She admitted. The man gave a deep chuckle.
"Careful pup, last time when Crowley walked into a conversation like this, he sulked for a week." He warned, but there was a smirk on his face.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 4
(Original idea here)
(Master post)
The rest of the school day was a blur for Marinette. She felt like she was practically floating through her classes. Sure her notes might have suffered, but thankfully Alya was more then willing to share hers.
Marinette practically skipped home as she greeted her parents at the entrance.
“Hello my little macaroon, How was school?” Her papa asked as he pulled out a  tray of freshly baked bread.
“It was wonderful.” Marinette singsonged.
Her father put the tray down. Hugging his daughter and handing her a macaroon. Marinette smiled at her baker dad and thanked him before running up to her room.
Marinette went up to her room and jumped for joy. Her red Kwami companion flew out of her jacket.
“Can you believe it Tikki? Adrien said he was happy that we were compatible! He does see me as more then a friend.” Marinette swooned.
“It appears that one little app has a way of changing one’s perspective on things. I am happy for you Marinette.” The red kwami spoke as she flew to hug Marinette’s cheek.
“Life is full of surprises and small things can make big changes, you are a prime example of that Tikki. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to be ladybug.”
Tikki smiled at the comparison.
“You flatter me.” Tikki giggled.
Marinette pulled out her phone and opened the app. Smiling as she looked at her compatibility list. Adrien’s picture right beside the number 1 and the ‘100%’ compatibility. It was such a beautiful sight.
Marinette knew it was a bit early to be super excited but she couldn't help but feel a little excited as she felt her mind filled up with possible future scenarios of what it would be like dating Adrien. 
Walking through the park and getting ice cream, playing video games, having Adrien model some of my in progress designs, us having dinner with mama and papa, kissing in a movie theater. Oh and i would need to tell chat noir that I was in a relationship and he would need to cut out the flirting.
Marinette found that thought snap her back to the real world. Tikki noticed her change in expression.
The designer moved to her bed and sat down. Her mind replaying that thought.
She would have to tell chat noir.
She doesn't want to string him along, and she has been saying that she had feelings for another guy. This shouldn't be bothering her as much as it was. She wasn't a fan of his constant flirting especially during an akuma battle ... but there were also those moments, when he dropped the flirty attitude, when he was genuine and sweet, the moments when he would do anything for her, the moments where he showed why she and him made such a good team. It was in those moments that seemed to pop up more and more that made her... question her feelings about him.
 But she knew that she was still in love with Adrien however, she still didn't want to break his heart. The cat was a good guy and a good partner. She would need to tell him the truth if things did happen between her and Adrien, it was only right.
“What I am gonna tell Chat noir?” Marinette asked more to herself then to her Kwami.
Tikki paused. Of course that was a factor. Marinette wasn't aware of the truth. But it wasn't like she could tell Marinette that Adrien was Chat noir, even though she really wanted to.
“I am sure that when the time comes, everything that needs to happen will happen. Who knows, maybe chat noir is using the app and ends up finding someone he is compatible with. There is still plenty of time before anything needs to be said.”
Marinette smiled a bit, Tikki did have a point. Maybe the cat would find someone. She would want that person to treat him well, so when they do reveal their identities, she will make sure that girl will be a good person. Maybe she and Adrien can go on double dates with chat noir. Of course Marinette realized she was getting ahead of herself again.
“You’re right Tikki. I am getting a head of myself. It might also be too early to assume that Adrien and I do remain 100% compatible or even at the top of the other’s list. I guess I was just happy there was a chance.” The ladybug Kwami nuzzled her chosen’s cheek.
“Regardless of outcome, app or not, wherever your heart goes will be somewhere wonderful.” Tikki promised.
“You know looking at that screen for too long is bad for your eyes.” a black cat Kwami commented. 
Adrien was laying on his couch as the news played in the background. he wasn't really paying much attention to the world around him.
Adrien hardly even remembered getting home, the day was pretty much a blur after his talk with Marinette. His conversation with her replaying in his mind. His eyes looking at the open app at his compatibility list. Marinette’s picture right beside the number 1 and the ‘100%’ compatibility. The more he looked at it, the more he kept finding himself thinking it fit.
“Adrien? Earth to Adrien?” Plagg flailed his arms as he tried to get Adrien’s attention.
The model smiled as he started to think about all of the things that could happen if she and him started dating.
Double dates with Nino and alya, Going out for ice cream in the park, going to those charity events that father funds but never attends, Marinette cheering me on in my fencing matches. maybe she could even join in on learning Chinese with me. Marinette did say she wanted to learn more and having someone learn with me would be pretty great. Going to the movies together and kissing... But what about ladybug.
Adrien felt his thoughts snap back to the real world where he noticed Plagg trying to get his attention.
“Hello? Earth to Mr. oblivious! Can you hear me.”
“Plagg, what am I gonna tell Ladybug?” Adrien questioned as his smile began fading.
Plagg stopped his attention seeking.
“Oh, so when you want to talk now you want to listen.” Plagg rolled his eyes.
“Sorry Plagg, what were you going to say.” Adrien apologized. Adrien sat up to listen to his Kwami companion.
“Can you get more of that cheese with the orange rind? That one is Delicious.” Plagg inquired.
Adrien sighed.
“Sure, I will put an order in this weekend.”
Plagg smiled.
“Okay, now what were you saying about Ladybug? Weren't you convinced she Marinette was Ladybug because of that whole soulmate bit?” Plagg commented, but then realized he might be implying Marinette is ladybug and quickly spoke up again. “Which is not to say that I am saying it is or is not her.”
“I know Plagg. It would be amazing if Ladybug and Marinette were the same person, but with my luck, it is likely not the case. It is already beyond my normal luck that someone I know is 100% compatible with me, and its someone as wonderful as Marinette.” Adrien answered.
“I have been chasing Ladybug for so long. I want to hold out hope that maybe she would come to fall in love with me. But I think I can't ignore the possibility that Ladybug is stuck on that other guy. I am gonna need to tell her I am giving up my pursuit.”
“Wow, don't you think thats unnecessary? Why not just not mention it while you date Marinette in case things don't work out with Marinette?” Plagg points out.
“Plagg, its Marinette were talking about, she is an amazing person and I doubt I would ever want to not date her. The only way it wouldn't work out is if I messed up badly, like not giving up on Ladybug. It wouldn't be fair to Marinette that I am leaving a part of my heart for Ladybug. Thats why what happened with Kagami in the Ice rink went so shaky, I didn't let go like I thought I did. So I need to let Ladybug know the truth.” Adrien explained.
Plagg nodded. He understood how Adrien had this mindset of being 100% into something or was not interested at all. He rarely half-assed things if ever. Fencing? 100% invested. Piano? 0% only plays because his mother did and his father wants him to continue. Adrien was someone that when he can be emotional, he was all for it. It was part of what made him a great chat noir.
“Alright, but you do still have time before then. So you don't need to worry so much yet. Just relax and let things happen how they happen.”
“I think you are right Plagg, I will let things happen as they happen. No need to push yet.” Adrien said relieved.
“Yup, the best option is usually the one that requires no effort.” Plagg advised.
“I don't think thats always true.” Adrien disagreed.
“Things would be less complicated if you just relaxed more.”
Adrien was about to respond, but his phone buzzed. He looked to see a text from Nino.
‘Dude, did you get the Soulmate searcher App? Alya mentioned you would try it out’
Adrien responded
‘Nice dude! so who did you get on da list? Can you snap a pic?’
Adrien Paused. It was a private list, He really shouldn't be sending it out. But it was Nino and Nino can keep it a secret.
‘Promise not to share it with anyone?’
‘Alya too?’
‘Alya can know but no one else? Promise’
‘Bros honor’
Adrien hesitated for a moment. But he trusted Nino. He took a screenshot and sent Nino the pics.
Plagg looked at Adrien.
“You might want to wrap up that conversation.” Plagg answered as he pointed to the tv.
Adrien looked to see the news was reporting an Akuma attack.
“Plagg Claws out!”
“Thanks for watching Chris for me on such short notice. I really wanted to check out that sale on new headphones and Chris isn't exactly feeling so great. I don't want to drag him out of bed when he is feeling like this. You are really clutch right now Lila.” The Dj praised 
“Its no problem at all. Thanks for letting me borrow your phone to message my mom. Mine really needs to charge right now.” Lila replied
“You are really doing me a solid. Just let me know when your mom responds.” Nino assured. “I am gonna let Chris know you will be watching him for a bit.”
“Of course. Take your time.” Lila assures.
She was was watching the phone closely. Waiting for Adrien’s response.
A minute passes and the picture shows up.
The brunette smiles as she forwards the 2 photos to her phone from Nino’s phone and then deleting the exchange between her and Nino. She covers her tracks. Deleting the messages between Adrien and him after sending a.
‘Nice, we can talk about it tomorrow.’
She smiles as she closes the phone.
“I am all done.” Lila calls out. 
Nino walks back in and happily takes his phone, unaware of the events that just transpired.
“Hope you get a good deal.” Lila exclaimed as she waved Nino off. The door closes and Lila smiles.
She goes to her phone that had been charging.
“Now lets see where Marinette is on this list.”
Lila clicked the photo and started at the bottom of the list. The first photo was the bottom half of the list.
“She isn't below the top 5, this might be a bit of a pain.” Lila groaned.
Lila still felt confident, 
So what if Marinette ranked in the top five. I just need to find the number one person and copy their answers and beating that annoying pigtailed pest will be easy.
Lila clicked on the other photo to look to see who was on it.
“Kagami is number two? Ugh! Another pain to deal with later. But wait, Marinette isn't anywhere below the second spot... No...”
Lila looked at the first place spot and her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. Marinette was at the TOP. She was ranked number one? And just when Lila thought it couldn't get any worse, she saw the compatibility percentage.
“No way...” Lila dropped her phone.
“You have to be Fucking kidding me!!” Lila screamed loud enough to be heard from outside. But Nino had put his headphones in as he was heading out and just missed hearing the girls anguish.
Part 4 is finished (And the streak of Over 1000 notes for each part is still alive. I am amazed thank you all.)
If you want part 5, please let me know. I love hearing feedback and it feeds my impulsive need to write. And I am just gonna say it. (But I will say that getting to this one might take a bit more time since its a weekday tomorrow.)
3K notes · View notes
the-headbop-wraith · 3 years
3 _ 41 _ The Land Time Forgot
Part 3
  Late the following morning (no one set an alarm aside from Mystery, and he kicked it off the nightstand) the Mystery Skulls arrived back on the scene of the Fanatical Hypes ™ theme park. The group splint into two, with Vivi and Mystery hitting up an information desk, and scheduling a meet with Mr. Klayton. While she went in to establish the meeting, Arthur and Lewis jammed off to scope around. The main priority of the latter group was get a feel for the general mood of the park, and as usual, keep track of the staff performing mundane services. For this specific case, pay special attention to character actors doing meet-and-greets.
 Arthur and Lewis returned to the district where they first encountered the Allosaur, but likely by morning and the park opening, the reconstruction staff had the demolished perimeter repaired totally. Covered up, and not much evidence left in the open for documentation.
 The fences were replaced, the hedges and shrubs trimmed back to conceal the shredded branches. Nothing was left for the curious, aside from some footprints in the soil, likely to entice the fascination of a child exploring around.
 “Well shit.”
 Arthur grumbled to himself as he gnawed on his powdery funnel cake. “It wasn’t like there was much else to check out, anyway.” He followed Lewis, who was leading the way while he leaned hard on aimlessness; distracted by his second breakfast. “Y’think we should check out the attraction in the daylight? Ride it, see if Allo is on the prowl?”
 This wasn’t his first choice, it was last on the list. But the list was short, and he was a bit lethargic from the sugar dump and not invested in running cross country over the Ages Gone district. He did rationalize the Allosaur wasn’t present in the ride, if it was damaged the night before – he didn’t see how much – the Allosaur might be decommissioned for repairs. He didn’t want to be a drag on the case, either, even if he wasn’t invested in getting chased top of the morning out of the attraction first thing. Better than putting it off until nightfall, when the creep factor spiked one-hundred percent.
 The closed sign was still up, and no lines gathered at the entrance of the Land Time Forgot ride.
 “I can turn it on,” he mentioned.
 Lewis paused to examine the entrance. “Naw. We should head over to HQ, and meet with Vivi and Mystery. How’s the cake?”
 “Hmm.” Arthur shrugged. “Not as good as the ones your Mamma makes.” Lewis smirked. “At least, the ones not sabotaged by heaty spicy.” This got a laugh out of Lewis.
 “Every time, I warn you not to leave your food unattended.”
 Arthur choked on powdered sugar. “S’not my fault, she’s so crafty!” He tore off a bit of the cake and passed it over.
 “No contest?” he prompted, as Lewis nibbled.
 “Mmm. Es un poco decepcionante. Then again, it doesn’t have the same fragrance.”
 “Ever the connoisseur of pastries and spicies.” Arthur fell in step with Lewis. “if we’re lucky, maybe the thing blew a fuse and fell into one of the lakes.”
 An estimated time was set for meeting up with Vivi and Mystery at the main security office, and the central headquarters for the Fanatical Hypes ™. She had to make her way to HQ, after checking in with information and securing a bit of time with Mr. Klayton. The hoops and hurtles took time, and at best was a ‘hurry up and wait’ scenario.
 “Everything looks normal,” Lewis mentioned.
 “Attendance bein’ low n’all,” Arthur rebounded. He dumped the cardboard box and napkins in a trash reciprocal, and stopped at a bench beside a towering tree. From his own backpack, he produced the bottle of ninety-nine and scrubbed the sweet-sticky off his hands. “I’ll keepin’ an eye out for the Allo chasing team.”
 “You wanna chase the Dino Exterminators?”
 “Heck no! I wanna know which way to be runnin’, and race out of dodge.” He jammed a thumb up over his shoulder.
 Lewis pulled his backpack around front and fished around for the work camera. “Classic Arthur, the brave.” He waved the camera. “Can I get a pic? For the memorias.” It wasn’t important where Arthur relocated to, as long as Lewis moved into position. “Strike a pose.”
 Arthur stood, flexing his… noodle arms. “Check out these guns.”
 Lewis adjusted the zoom and snapped a picture. “Cojo.”
 “Did you say something rude?”
 Lewis stuffed the camera back in the backpack and resumed walking. “No.”
 “I’m gonna look up that word right now.” He pulled out his phone and began tapping. “Say that word again. C’mon, say it.”
 Lewis sighed. “We’re supposed to be working.”
 “I’m doing essential research.”
  The layout of the security office was not overly complex, and one of the security officers escorted Vivi through the corridors. It was still off-putting with how most the corridors were identical, they might’ve been going around in circles and would be none the wiser. They came through the day before, and Mystery pursued the security guy with every ounce of confidence in his doggy stride. But Mystery was at times overconfident in his own abilities, she usually had to keep an eye on him.
 They reached the inner waiting room for Mr. Klayton’s office, a quaint little space where a receptionist worked behind a desk and work station. The previous day, the team didn’t spend much time here. Vivi bid the security escort a thank you and went to the receptionists. In a brief exchange, she gave over her details and offered the temporary ID. The receptionists made a brief call to Mr. Klatyon, and then to Vivi:
 “He’ll see you in a moment. Would you like some refreshments?” The receptionist stood a bit and indicated the far side of the room. Both Vivi and Mystery followed the line of sight.
 One side of the room reserved space to a short concession table, among some comfortable looking chairs. A mini fridge huddled in the corner, with a glassed in front, revealing chilled snacks and sodas. The offered goodies didn’t appear to be off-brand names, and appeared to be on the pricey side.
 Vivi strolled over to the fridge and squinted one eye. “Want a snack?”
 Two minutes later, the receptionist was peering over the desk uneasily as the dog and girl cleared out the refreshments. All the cups and trays were in a neat stack on the table, among with two cans of soda with straws sticking out. Mystery was drinking his soda, very politely. Vivi polished off another one of those adult lunchable meal-sets, with the meats and cheeses portioned out, and some crackers. Mystery took up a napkin and dabbed at his snout.
 Quite suddenly, the door to Mr. Klayton’s office swung open wide, and three people emerged, mid argument. Not arguing among each other, but speaking loudly in a heated fashion, and being expressive with the tangle of the back and forth. Vivi stood up from the recliner she had claimed, but the door to Mr. Klayton’s office shut. Um, what was she supposed to do? She looked at the receptionists, but they were on the phone.
 “—is keep sitting on this debt, we lost money we’re unable to compensate for because he has the models,” one was saying.
 Vivi perked.
 “We can refurbish the skins,” another was saying. “Get them off our hands. The skins are pliable, the finalized version universal.”
 “Excuse me.” Vivi smiled when they stopped and looked her way. The three looked rather distinct with their general style, piercings, and a few tattoos. Nothing over the top or overdone, but they stood out with the clash of the formal blazers and slacks. “I take your meeting went well?”
 The smaller guy, he looked the most stressed, took a deep breath. “I hope you did not get commissioned for work with this guy.”
 Vivi gave a little wave. “Oh no, don’t worry. No money transactions going on here.” She got her backpack off the recliner and rummaged around. She pulled out a dog toy for Mystery. “You’re talkin’ about skins. That’s heckin’ scary. Mystery, you scared?”
 Bark! He loved wail chicken. OH! But he was scared. He took the chicken and slinked under the table. A little whimper would sell his performance.
 “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that,” an older girl replied. “Don’t pay attention to that. The owner of this company kind of skimped on our checks for some orders. We want it settled, but contract technicalities.” She sighed and smoothed out her extravagant hair. “We’ll have to explore our options with the court, but right now we don’t want to go there.”
 “Oh boy,” Vivi feigned surprise. “Court fees are kind of high. Would it be worth it?”
 The group looked around to each other, uncertain, annoyed. The buff guy once more, responded, “It wouldn’t be very profitable, for our company. But we might be able to recover some of our lost appraisal value.”
 “That’s why we need to forget it, and just refurbish the skins,” the girl was saying.
 “What skins?” Vivi asked innocently. “Like, taxidermy? Is there a taxidermy attraction in the park?” They kind of laughed.
 The third member, a stout figure, spoke. “We built some 3-D attractions for the park, we can’t talk much about it due to… corporate copyright protections.”
 “Gotcha.” She winked.
 “There were two purchases,” he went on. “The endo-structure support, and then the skin cover. We got paid for the mechanical skeleton, but there was… a miscommunication for the covering, and Geoffrey ordered the skins off another supplier.”
 “They don’t even look that good,” the buff guy snapped. “We incorporated specialized silicon into the joints, to compensate for wear and tear.”
 “None of them are anatomically correct.” The girl was saying.
 “That’s enough,” the stout guy said. He checked his phone. “We gotta get going. Another meeting.” He waved his phone Vivi’s way. “Good luck with anything.”
 When the trio exited the main door, the buff guy turned back. “Pfft, hope you get your money’s worth.”
 Vivi was already digging through her backpack. “We’re not… getting paid.”
 The security escort was at the door, holding it while the trio exited. Arthur and Lewis slipped in, Lewis appeared perplexed.
 “Paid?” he asked, when the door shut. “Are we getting paid?”
 Arthur sighed. “No.”
 “Should we?”
 “Technically, yes.”
 Vivi was busy writing in her notebook. “We’re not getting paid, not this job. We’ll be compensated in something far more valuable.”
 Arthur tugged on his goatee. “Pray tell, what is more valuable that cold, hard, cash?”
 Lewis prompted, “Liquid assets?”
 Mystery barked. He slipped out from under the table, chicken in his teeth.
 Arthur was laughing. “God, I love you Lewis.”
 Vivi swung her pen at them. “We’re getting paid in unlimited food.”
 Bark! Mystery balanced the chicken on his head.
 “Exactly. Lifetime passes.” She continued writing in the notebook. “What did you two find out?”
 “Well—” Lewis began. The door to Geoffrey Klayton’s office opened, and the business owner’s head poked out.
 “Mystery Skulls,” Mr. Klayton called. “Do you have anything to report?”
 There wasn’t much to impart onto Geoff or Geoffrey Klaton, manager of Fanatical Hypes ™, and distressed new owner of the park. The most that the Mystery Skulls afforded was a courtesy call, to see if there was anything he could recall. Likewise, if anything was reported by Geoffrey’s staff in the short time the crew was absent, let alone if the Allosaur was making rounds. The team did speculate to the park owner, the animatronic that was malfunctioning might not be a malfunction at all. For the time, this was all the intelligence they would be willing to impart until deeper into the investigation.
 “A saboteur?” Mr. Klayton uttered, on the side of disbelief. “I don’t know what you mean. That is to say, I understand your suspect. But who could possibly want to sabotage my theme park?”
 Vivi exchanged a glance with Lewis. Both were sitting, with Arthur between them on his phone doing more ‘research’. He hadn’t spoken much since the meeting initiated, his spare arm was draped down an idly scratching at Mystery’s ear.
 “You… really can’t think of anyone that would have it out for your park?” Vivi proposed. “A disgruntled worker? A group opposed to the expansion of the park?”
  “Or how ‘bout a bright but neglected kid, with a knack for engineering and computer programming,” Lewis tossed in.
 Arthur stopped what he was doing and gave Lewis a thousand-yard stare. “Dude, really?”
 Lewis huffed and adjusted his ascot. “Don’t underestimate the power of kids. You of all people should know their capabilities.” Arthur gave a shudder, and the topic ended there.
 “A rival competitor!” Vivi speculated, with fervor. “Or other theme attraction, such as museum or zoo? Your theme park is a massive draw from other, perhaps lesser-known tourist stops.”
 Mr. Klayton thoughtfully stroked his chin. “I suppose all of those are possibilities, but I wouldn’t know where to start.”
 Vivi opened her mouth, but stalled out and took a short breath. “Yes,” she sighed. “Well, we know how they plan on defaming your company.”
 Lewis took over, “Once we deal with the Allo-dino menance, it’ll dry up their tools. Might even draw them out to confront us, if only to salvage the machine.” He glanced to Arthur, still engrossed with his phone.
 Mr. Klayton cleared his throat and leaned back. “I should be the one utilizing the Allosaur nuisance to scare off all the ruffians that come to this park, and vandalize attractions. It costs millions yearly to repair graffiti! Never mind the damage a broken, malfunctioning animatronic causes.”
 The group chuckled a little uneasily. After the events the night before, they were more than eager to investigate the human influence behind the machines ‘glitch’, or lack of. The problem wasn’t the mechanical nightmare deviating from its programming, but that it was following someone’s programming to the absolute command.
 “It is pretty serious,” Vivi admitted. “We’re rooting for a starting point, and that’ll give us the momentum we need to reach a conclusion with minimal hiccups. You can’t think of… who might have it out for you?” Geoff Klayton wasn’t taking the bait.
 He flipped his palms up, shrugging. “I don’t know what to tell you. As a theme park owner, and owner to several trademarks and copyright properties – I have rivals, and I have competitors – any one of them might have the capacity to… rob my attraction of an animatronic.”
  “Oh, they didn’t hijack the animatronic.” At last, Arthur spoke up. He continued tapping and swiped on his phone. “It’s not an original of the set you purchased, so technically you don’t own it. I would ask for records on the transaction, those animatronics ordered and supplied. Have that on hand.”
 Something in Mr. Klayton’s demeanor changed. “Yes. That would… make sense.”
 Arthur pointed to his phone. “I’m going through files for the ride from Influencer Adrenalin Junky Park Enthusiasts, trying to estimate where and how Allo began making first appearances.” He chewed on his knuckle as he returned to the phone. “It’ll narrow down the parties or persons invested in sabotaging your park.”
 Mr. Klayton nodded. “All right. You seem to have things under control. Er, please notify me if you learn anything new.”
 The meeting didn’t reveal much for the Mystery Skulls, but cashing in and checking Mr. Klayton’s response to the investigation was telling. It was more productive discussing their progress amongst their crew, while meandering through the park and keeping an eye on the boring routine, scouting for the lingering glance that linger too long on the colorful assemble. Someone other than Geoff would be in on their involvement, and it would narrow down who that person or people were, if they were forced to emerge from the shadows rather than hide behind a computer monitor. Given how bare the park was today, it wasn’t difficult to sift through familiar faces.
 Directly following the departure from the main headquarters, the group stopped for some late lunch. They planned to make a direct path to the Land Time Forgot attraction, with the aid of a golfcart rented to them for convenience.
 “You guys are really taking advantage of the free food gig,” Lewis stated. He had a small crate of fries, bummed off from Arthur’s meal. He should have been the one driving, but he barely managed to catch the golfcart when Vivi sped off.
 “I’m a growing boy,” Arthur mumbled, seated in the back-bed reserved for supplies. And him. He loaded the hotdogs with his usual condiments, expertly applying sauces regardless the rock and bumps of the vehicle. “I’m callin’ it now, gonna beat twenty KM tonight. I need calories.”
 “Yeah-yeah, hold on.” Arthur used the spare plastic cutlery to divide off a piece from one of his hotdogs, and tossed it to Mystery.
 “Then there’s this guy following us.” Lewis bit onto the end of his fry tray and pulled his backpack up off the floorboard. He dug out the work camera and began fiddling with the menu on the back. “’Unna ‘end ohh ‘eh ‘ick’ures.”
 “Aw, thanks sweety,” Vivi gushed. “Love photos.”
 Arthur stuffed a hotdog into his mouth. “MumhmumhmmmuumhmhmhmumhUUGH.”
 “Artie, don’t talk with your mouth full.”
 He chewed and swallowed. “I’m tryin’ tu say, he could be a fan.” He had to brace his feet to the tailgate and wrap an arm around Mystery, when Vivi took a sharp turn. Mystery gobbled up one of his hotdogs while he was distracted.
 Vivi took some fries from Lewis’ tray. Together the two chimed, “Naah.” She took the side of the phone and gave the photos a short review; the fry stuck out of her lips like a lollypop.
 Lewis added, “Guys a creeper. Don’t like that.” With practiced routine, he held the steering wheel while Vivi was distracted. The golfcart bounced over a railroad intersection and revved down the pathway, the sights and shadows of scenery whipped by as did the visitors enjoying a very offseason.
 Through the next two hours, the team browsed through the Land Time Forgot attraction, with some of the ride features on, minus the roaming animatronics. With the lights on, they returned to the scene of where Arthur became trapped by Allo, and scouted through the roughed up terrain to determine if anything else could be scrounged out of the untouched region. Thankfully, the attraction remained shut up and abandoned over the course of their investigation, otherwise, the roots and undergrowth might’ve been restored to their former glory. And all evidence within whisked away – an aspect that greatly annoyed Vivi. Which was why no one divulged that information to her, prior to the meeting. They needed Geoff’s cooperation, especially if he could be manipulated into divulging intel he wasn’t aware was relevant to the investigation.
 With clear minds and energy, they took some additional pictures of the damaged tree. The attraction was less creepy with the light and the pre-recorded jungle ambiance, it seemed normal despite the artificial birdcalls replicating anticipated clamor of long extinct avian and reptiles. With the animatronics inactive, the crew made certain to keep alert for the thundering steps and grumbling that should have no right being present.
 After scarfing two hotdogs, Mystery was on the hunt for evidence as well.
 “The people I spoke with,” Vivi was saying, “seemed open about their dispute with Geoff McKlayton. They have plans on going to court with their dispute, but they could also be pressuring him into paying up the money he owes on the machines. Though, I don’t think either party want it to go that far.” She set her hand on her chin, contemplating the flaws in the assessment.
 “But they went off and told you.” Lewis picked up a cracked chunk of the root, and examined the inner gray material that was cement. “Maybe they were frustrated and venting, or they’re not fixed on covering their tracks. Even if I wasn’t aware of an investigation, I wouldn’t go broadcasting. That’s just me, though.” He grinned.
 Vivi shrugged. “It doesn’t need to be the whole group. One person, a programmer, can scheme this plan up.”
 Arthur lowered his phone and turned the way Mystery was. “Watcha got there?” Mystery pawed at the fake soil, a ways off from the group. Some of the terrain was disturbed, and footprints visible in the undersoil. He crouched and moved aside a few strands of the interwoven fiber. “Hmm? This is something.” He reached over and gave Mystery’s head a playful rub. “Nice work, bud.”
 Bork! Mystery smiled and wagged hit bob tail.
 It was a short bar with wires attached at a servo and computer board. The piece was no longer than his forearm, though it was apparent this was not the entire part. The metal was warped and bent, the circuit board was snapped in two. A few insignificant pieces lay in the dirt, but being so small they were not worth the time.
 Arthur took his phone up and snapped off some pictures. “I need your paw for reference.”
 Mystery sat back and bent his ears down.
 “C’mon, just your—” Arthur rolled his eyes. “Never mind. I got this.” He stuck out his foot, and snapped off some pictures. “They’re for our private collection.” He flipped the piece over and inched in close, until he was a foot off the floor.
 Lewis and Vivi came over. “What’s that? From the Allo?”
 “Obviously.” Arthur pulled down his backpack and slipped out a napkin. “Likely the arm, but it might’ve come off its snout.” He bounced the metallic piece in his hands. “Light. Snapped easy too. The endoskeleton support must be zinc or aluminum. I would have to examine it more carefully.”
 Vivi adjusted her head band. “They made it cheap.”
 “It’s not cheap,” Arthur corrected. “This metal is light, which benefits the dinos swift movement and alleviates stress on more important components, such as the legs and infrastructure.” He pulled out a bag and stuffed the metal component into it, then sacked it. “Anything else to declare, Mystery dog?”
 Mystery did a tight circle and barked. I’ll give it another patrol, no promises.
 They spent a little more than thirty minutes, rechecking the only other location where Lewis and Arthur had an extended encounter with the Allosaur. That was the plaster cliff, where Lewis spectacularly failed to climb. Not that it was his fault, the cheap material and the sheer panic. Though Arthur did note the vine rope was missing. Why would it be missing? No secret someone came through and moved it, with intent. It didn’t supply much to the sleuthing, aside from what they could already figure. The missing vine could mean someone came through and removed some incriminating evidence, but it left the question of why the vine?
 “It’s still early,” Lewis yawned. “Should we hit up the room, go through our research until the park closes?”
 “Grab a nap,” Arthur teased. From the ledge he jumped and landed between Mystery and Vivi, the soft fake ground cushioned his touchdown. Even so, he shook his legs out as he began walking. “Snag a snack on the way.”
 Woof. Mystery trotted alongside Arthur.
 “I’m game,” Vivi proclaimed, as she stretched. “We’ll get an early start this evening, see if we can scope anyone suspicious. Hmm… cool. Hey! Wait a second!” She halted dead in her tracks – Lewis was right behind her, and stumbled into her backside. “Hey! WAIT!” She pointed to one of the animatronics, a long-necked sauropod nuzzling the high branches of a frond. It paid her no mind.
 “Um!” Lewis exclaimed. “Arthur?”
 “Hah?” He stopped and swung back. Following the gaze of Vivi and Lewis, he spied the issue at hand. “Hey! Noway! You’re not pinning that on me!” Mystery popped behind his legs, ears folded back and shoulders dipped.
 “You’re totally missing the point,” Vivi rebuked. “We’re not alone here.”
 “In more ways than one.” Lewis grabbed her hand and tugged her along. “Vamoose! Con rapidez!”
 “Damnit-damnit-damnit!” Arthur hissed. He ducked and dove between the forest saplings, with Mystery in his shadow. “We should be okay if we don’t divert our course. The dino displays aren’t dangerous, if we get too close they’ll move out of the way. Right? Right! They have that failsafe programmed.”
 In their swift footed retreat, they happened across paths with a biped herbivore and another one of the tyrannosaur models amid a dramatic confrontation. Though, the conflict was complete PG, the two animatronics shuffled around and growled, no real physical assault was planted on the other. The tyranno charged, and the bipedal herbivore gave a wail and trudged aside – tail swishing in the low branches. The group sprinted out of the way, altering their trek when the herbivore animatronic waddled much too close to their position, though neither animatronic dropped focus or heeded them in the slightest.
 “You can let go of my hand now.”
 Lewis snatched his hand from Vivi’s. “Oh, sorry. Forgot.”
 “It’s okay.” She picked up speed, threading among some baboo foliage and leapt out onto the road. One of the buggy’s rolled through, forcing her back beside the barrier and the grove of fake trees. “Yikes!” She was joined by the others, springing free of the fake shrubbery.
 “Someone ain’t playing around,” Arthur panted.
 Lewis was already stepping over the trackway, where the buggy’s followed the pathway fitted into the vehicle guidance rail. “Let’s hurry. If Allo spies us, we’ll have a heck of a time shakin’ it.”
 Arthur and Mystery leapt to the side, beside Lewis. “Don’t have to tell me about it.” He adjusted his backpack, that janky part dug into his shoulder blade.
 The noises of the passive animatronics was off-putting, the lumbering machines prowled through the thicket on pathways of their pre-scripted focus. Sometimes one or two grunted in the thicket, the machines gave pre-scripted calls to their counterparts, and it was somewhat reassuring when someone returned the cry – it made them more conscience and lifelike rather husks or puppets. Nonetheless, the clamor was off-putting.
 Though none took an interest in the group as they navigated through the patches of undergrowth, there was an otherworldly strangeness to the situation. It would’ve been different, if they were aboard the ride and could marvel at the animatronics as a fantastic spectacle. Being trapped within the attraction itself, was akin to getting locked in the lions den. Anywhere, the Allosaur could be lurking, watching, its movement masked by the other roaming giants mindlessly patrolling.
 “We should’ve checked the charging station,” Arthur muttered. “It was worth a shot.”
 Vivi barely stalled, as she skipped down a mild slope. “The chances were astronomically low. Anyway, it’s unlikely whoever built it, would chance it to have the same restrictions the other animatronics have. Maybe it has a car battery, or something similar - something to change out manually, and quickly.” Arthur was about to counter, but Lewis broke in:
 “Argue back at the room,” he huffed, while clambering over fake logs. “Mr. Klayton doesn’t need another incident.”
 “Another incident,” Arthur spat. “If I’m turned into a toothpick, he’ll have another incident!”
 “Artie!” Lewis and Vivi snarled simultaneously. Mystery barked.
 Ten minutes later, they were stumbling out of the grove of thick elephant ears that bordered the initial entrance to the attraction. A buggy was situated at the ramp that slopped down, and intersected with the track where the vehicle locked into. It remained stationary, while the group marched the remnant meters over to the vehicle dock. Arthur took up the lead, climbing up onto the boarder where riders would exit off.
 “For the record, someone has to manually unlock these so they can start off.” He moved along the walkway beside the vehicle port, toward the control office. The group followed. “For safety reasons.”
 “Then someone was just here,” Lewis amended, slamming a fist into his palm. “We might’ve missed them by a second.”
 Vivi grabbed the elbow of his shirt sleeve. She whispered, “They might still be around.” The control office had a glassed door, and through it no visible shape of a person or anyone was visible. The corridor leading behind the paneling was deserted. “Let’s keep our eyes open.”
 The door was left ajar, but there was no indication of who might’ve been there to tamper with the controls. Arthur checked the ceiling, for tiles that might’ve afforded a hasty escape. Not that they would pursue someone up there.
 With him entered Vivi, giving the monitors in the room a lingering scrutiny – the cameras revealed every angle of the attraction. Primarily, the tracks and the buggies, and the exits. None of the office revealed much, aside from what could be observed from this singular location. Arthur hadn’t even activated the cameras, though they were clearly marked.
“Y’know what I’m seein’ a lot of?” he ventured, upon taking a closer examination of the screens.
“Huh?” Lewis followed Arthur’s gaze, tracking each static shot. Some of the dinosaurs in the attraction continued to lumber about, performing for no audience their monotonous charade.
“We didn’t need these screens going,” Arthur continued. “Though it might’ve helped. But these cameras are watching everywhere we were runnin’ around the other night.”
Lewis hiked up his brows. “The place wasn’t as deserted as we wanted. They could be – ” He’s cut off by Arthur’s hand capping his mouth.
 “Mystery?” Vivi prompted. She stepped out of the office and addressed the hound. “Can ya get us a lead?”
 Yip! Mystery plowed his way into the control office and gave the floor, the dial panel, and the chair a brief skim with his snout. He padded out of the office sniffling at the cement floor, decorated with imprints of fossilized insects and varied species of crustaceans. Weaving this and that way, then in a circle, Mystery directed his path to the ride exit.
 “Lead the way then,” Vivi cheered. Lewis, then Arthur followed one after the other.
 “Could it have been anyone not affiliated with the park?” Lewis questioned, as they pursued Mystery through the narrow corridor. Displays of replicated bones and dioramas of dinosaur statues amid patches of forest, gave guests ample photo opportunities upon exit. There was also a pose with dinosaur station, set aside in an alcove along the way.
 “It’s possible.” Arthur scratched at his sideburns, thoughtful. However, he knew what Lewis was getting at. “The controls are easy enough to figure out, with minimal issues if you fuck it up. Basically, everything is on or off. I lay my cards, that we didn’t miss them by a second. They fooled around, got the ride going, and then took off.”
 “You said the ride buggies have to be manually set off.” Vivi indicated.
 “True,” Arthur piped. “Still, it takes the buggies a few minutes to roll around the trail. The ones we saw might’ve been the first activated on an error, before the Flintstones got warmed up.” Vivi groaned at that.
 “Is the trail hot, Misty?” Lewis called.
 Mystery gave an affirming bark, and picked up the pace. He banked into the curve, leading past displays of replica dinosaur fossils ‘excavated’ from the wall. But suddenly, the dog skidded on his rear paws and pulled himself up short. Vivi nearly tripped over him, and Lewis nearly collided into her once more.
 “Dang breaks.” Lewis caught Vivi before she could topple over onto the hound. “What gives?”
 Mystery tilted his head, then set his nose back to the floor. He made a dog grumble, baffled, going in a circle, then went counterclockwise. His head sprang up and he looked back at the group, ears sprouting high, and a yip for good measure.
 “Arthur?” Vivi echoed. She glanced around, jolting. “Arthur! Where—”
 “Oh Dios mío!” Lewis capped his hands over his face. “Otra vez?”
 Vivi pushed past him, charging throgh the narrow corridor. “He didn’t go that way, that’s for sure!”
 Mystery scampered after them, barking up a storm. I have to get in the lead! Let me by!
 They returned to the main chamber of the attraction entrace, spreading out and skimming across the nearby thicket for a chance of movement or flash of yellow. Mystery barreled by, headed for the ride entrance and yapping.
 “It happened so fast!” Lewis was saying. “He was right behind me! Cómo! Como dejamos que esto suceda?”
 “They couldn’t have gone far. Mystery!” Vivi gave chase, before the bob tail winked out of view beyond the curvature in the entrance corridor. “Lew! Hurry!” With a growl, Lewis raced after. “Arthur! Ya there!”
 “They’ll hear us Vi!”
 “So will Art,” she countered. “He can buy us some time, if he can fight them.”
 After a grueling chase – no indication or view of where Arthur and the vandal might be, let alone indication of how far ahead they’d gone – the lengthy tunnel ended abruptly. The trio was blasted by vicious, unobstructed sunlight of the noon day. Vivi squinted and raised a hand, struggling to dampen the light and view through the over-exposedness of her vision. She blinked several times, at a total loss. Mystery was barking in hysterics.
 “MMHP!” She knew that stuffed mouth mumble anywhere!
 Lewis had an easier time adjusting to the light, given the shade of his pompadour. He took a stand and pointed, aimed toward the parked golfcart already loaded with yellow and orange. “Hey! Stop right there!”
 One of the corny costume masked dinosaur curios popped up, its static eyes gawked north and south simultaneously. In the back of the golfcart bed, Arthur jerked his legs, but with his body bundled tight he was not going anywhere. He couldn’t get up over the edge, despite his desperate thrashing.
 The masked vandal ducked into the driver side of the golfcart and hit the gas, and like that the electric vehicle shot off – its corner bumper skid across one of the fence posts in the tight turn.
 “I said STOP!” Lewis hooted. “C’mon Mystery!” He and the dog jumped the “Out of Commission” fence, and sprinted down the inclined stepping sections, immediately hurrying after the speeding cart.
 “You guys!” Vivi called. “Wait, we need a better plan!” Regardless, she bounded down the steps as well, nearly falling down completely in a misstep. Before she could devote herself entirely to running down her colleagues, she broke off and took a different route.
 When he wanted to be, Lewis could move fast. He could absolutely rival Arthur in a sprint if the occasion called, but for a short stint of time. In that same amount of time, he recognized he was not going to get ahold of the cart that was zooming off with his friend. Faster than his legs could move, tireless, and with the authority of a beep-beep – guests moved aside.
 Though Mystery could keep going, and could be just as relentless.
 “Don’t lose him!” Lewis called.
 Bark! His tongue lolled out of his mouth, he wasn’t going to fail. If he lost the vehicle, picking up the scent would not be simple. He should know, he devoted lifetimes to obstructing trails.
 In short time, the soft putter of an engine revved beside Lewis. He gave it a look over, and glanced at the driver. “Should I ask?”
 “Official Mystery Skulls business!” Vivi barked. In the back of the cart, numerous packages and boxes were packed in. That explained a lot. “We’re losin’ them.”
 Lewis hopped aboard. He took the bar that framed the canopy of the vehicle and leaned out. The vehicle swayed and skidded, when Vivi swerved to avoid oblivious guests and a few character actors out on the path. Vivi smacked the horn.
 “Outta the way! Look out!”
 The other cart remained a ways ahead, the little vehicles were not highway fast Ferraris but they could move. Ahead, a sharp left took the other cart on another path. Lewis clambered to the other side of the cart and leaned out.
 “Don’t slow down!” He reached an arm out. “Get as close as you can, and hold tight!”
 “Gotcha!” Vivi altered course, going for the corner of the path and the lamppost there. “This is some GTA next level, huh?”
 “More like P-G-TA!” He grabbed the lamppost and held the cart steady with his other arm, hauling it into the trajectory they needed to catch. The wheels screeched over the pavement, but they maintained stability without a full-on rollout and maintained speed. “I’d wager this was a lead.”
 “Cheerio!” Vivi cheered.
 Arf! Arf-arf! The cart rolled up beside Mystery. He gave a leap and plopped right into the back of the cart, among the packed merchandise. He set his front paws on a sealed box and stood tall, tongue hanging and the breeze sweeping through his mane.
 “We’re not gaining much,” Lewis noted. He shoved off his backpack and began digging inside.
 Ruff! Mystery popped his head in the front seat, and leaned his snout up toward Lewis. Woof.
 “Oh, thanks.” Lewis took the rolled up twine, likely for prizes at the game district. He took the end and skillfully tied a small knot, then slipped a loop of twine through. “Keep us steady.”
 “You can’t lug Arthur out of the cart, at thirty miles an hour!” She ground her teeth together while swerving, skillfully avoiding a pack of teens. Her palms slapped the helm as she regained stability, and pulled up straight.
 “I want to lasso that guy, or stall him.” Lewis fitted the loose end of twine in his hand and began swinging. Someone flashed off a picture as they sped by. A short knob sat visible on the back of the cart, beside the cargo space. If he could get it snagged there, they could stall the cart. That was the plan. “In broad daylight,” he hissed.
 The first two lasso throws missed by a mile, but the third was close. Too close to Arthur’s foot, sticking out of the cargo back. The yellow hair sprang up, and briefly Arthur poked his head up – the sash around his face was coming undone. Arthur tumbled over, disappearing from view momentarily. When next he did appear, it was to kick out the backpack he had been wearing.
 Lewis put a pause on the cowboy antics and climbed to the other side of the cart, he leaned out and snatched up the pack.
 “I think I’m gaining,” Vivi grunted, focus fully on the cart holding steady ahead of them. “The battery might be going bad.”
 Mystery raised his head and bent one ear high. “Aroo?”
 Lewis was busy fitting the tie into his fingers, and winding to throw the lasso once more. But Mystery’s question gave him pause, and he glanced around. Upon spying the cause for scrutiny, he swung to Vivi. “Train!”
 “What?” she snapped, disbelief. Looking the way Lewis was focused, she too spied the cause for alarm. “Agh! Arthur!”
 And up ahead, the level crossing signals descended onto the pathway, directly between a steadily growing swarm of people abiding by the clear warning. The chime of bells rang unrestrained, and the miniature hoot of the train tooted as it closed in on the leveled platform. The train’s speed decreased, but not on account of the approaching golfcart.
 “He’s not stopping!” Vivi snapped. “The people!”
 “The train!”
 Lewis clambered into the driver side and slammed his foot onto the brake. The cart wheezed and swerved, but by adjusting his weight over the frame he managed to keep it from crashing sideways. Vivi’s line of sight never broke from the other cart – as it veered around the mob of people gathered to observe the train – and barreled through the level signals. The train blared its horn but didn’t slow, and in an instant it was all over.
 Vivi leaned out of the opposite side. “What happened!” She disembarked the immobile golfcart and ran toward where the train was. Lewis followed.
 “No debris!” he noted. “The train didn’t stop. They made it through.”
 “You sure?” Vivi gripped her shirt as she skimmed over, through the crowd and to the train tracks on the level. The train chugged by, what was worse was the waiting. “We lost them.”
 The train hooted, its speed dropped considerably in the pedestrian zone. Some of the people muttered amongst themselves, perplexed entirely by the scene witnessed – Was it some sort of publicity stunt? When the last cart rattled by undiscouraged following the event, the level crossers ceased their insistent chime and hoisted skyward. Bystanders broke apart and crossed the leveled tracks, and through the mesh of faces there was absolutely no sign or indication of where the golfcart or the googly-eyed reptile scurried off to. But thankfully, there was no sign of ruble or plastic, let alone metal. The cart made a clean getaway, and for once they were grateful.
 For the time, that is.
 Mystery whined.
 “It’s all right.” She knelt and hugged the pup around his shoulders. “My fault. I should’ve been watching.”
 Lewis took a breath and exhaled. “Hang in there, Art. We’ll come get you.” He leaned over and tapped Vivi on the shoulder. “Let’s get the car, see if Mystery can pick up the trail before it gets too cold.”
 The Dinosaur mask could pass for a mythical lizard, or a dragon. Yeah, a mighty dragon, driving through the park on his way to do maintenance. He sped beneath the archway designating the new district, the Mythical Plateau full of attractions themed after regions of the world and local creatures that prowled the forests, mountains, or swam through the lakes. The castle was an eye-catching landmark, but it had a back access barred off from visitors. An easy optical illusion barred access, unless someone knew what to look for or how to find it. The illusive entry was not the only barrier eluding park guests.
 He drove the cart down the curving slope and into a space built out beneath the road, where a metal gate stood impenetrable. Closer inspection would reveal the lock wasn’t fastened, and needed minor manipulation to open the padlock latch. But there was nothing down in this area, the location was off limits to civilians, and impossible to navigate without a light. No one but project-coaches knew about this space, let alone the stories it could tell.
 He heaved the gate open, the wheels beneath the barrier creaked as they eased the thick metal along its tract. Returning to the cart, he drove it the next few feet through the small opening allowed. After shutting the door enough, he returned to the cart and snapped the headlamps on.
 It was a short ride on the circular ramp, which transported loose supplies and attraction décor to an upper floor, this level elevated alongside the surrounding park. The road led up into the interior of the elaborate castle, an faux edifice that was completely hollow, its entire frontal display a façade. The interior construction ventured back several meters, where more of the outdated machines could be stored; train carts from rollercoasters, single vehicles from the rides, and unused vehicles. Likewise, mannequins or other creature statues got stashed away, among the disassembled portions of large statue pieces, along with props or entire furniture sets.
 After a few minutes, the golfcart was eased to a halt. The dust from the storage chamber swirled in the lamp lights. Deep within the plaster chambers of the castle fortress, noises from the surrounding world pilfered through, muffled.
 The masked man reached to the ceiling of the cart and clicked on a miniscule light, the contribution didn’t assist much in visibility. It did offer some definition to the edges of the cart, its seats, and the passengers. The masked man climbed out and went to the back, where Arthur lay in the cargo bin. He hauled the prone figure out and dumped him on the ground. Arthur grunted through the bind across his jaw, snorting at the dust and blinking.
 “Fuhh!” He tried to roll over and get up, but his ankles constricted any beneficial movement. At the cart, the figure fumbled around, noisily.
 “Where is it? The part!” The masked person scrambled over to where Arthur wriggled and grabbed him by the shoulder. The reptile mask had wacky eyes, a stiff snout, and the jaw bounced out of sync with all verbal demands. The rest of his full-bodied disguise was pleather with printed scales, in blue and green patterns. “What’d you do with it? Your backpack! Where is it?”
 Arthur sneezed, and rolled his eyes. This guy was a dumbass.
 “Oh,” said the guy. “You must’ve dumped it off the side, did you? Crafty.” He dropped Arthur once again, and left him in the dust. The pleathered suited jerk hurried across the floor to a drape, covering a tall heap on the floor. “You’ll regret that.” He pulled the tarp back, revealing… something.
 With the shitty light, Arthur couldn’t make out much. He glared, uncertain what the guy was up to. He had a suspicion, but the specifics were lost on him. He shifted his legs closer to the wheel rim of the golf cart – he wasn’t bound by rope. It was cloth, easy to cut and fix, within hasty time constraints. It could be sheared, with time constraints.
 “Antrodemus.” At the spoken word, a sound vibrated against the hollowed walls of the interior building. Of where they were, no dimensions could be defined by Arthur – noises came through. And now, this sound. A whirring, and creaking… was that a growl?
 What really did he expect?
 The animatronic dinosaur rasped as its hydraulics kicked to life. With a hiss, it rose from its lying stance and hefted upward to its full height. The masked figure back-peddled a few feet, as the tarp covering it slithered away. Glint and flashes of light glanced off the outline of the figure, it loomed in the drab mud of space, a vague heap. Below it, a self-sustained light shimmered – the shape and interaction with masked figure, indicated a phone of palm pilot.
 A connection sparked in Arthur’s mind. He paid careful attention, already working through the details the person skimmed through on the display face. He sneezed.
 After a short sequence or exchange, the Allosaur creaked to face Arthur – the eyes in its head glinted. He gaped at it, mind fluttering with the prospects for his survival. The Allosaur marched over, and Arthur made the valiant effort to kick away; somehow he had to escape. Where was Lewis and Vivi? Why hadn’t Mystery located him yet? He gargled, trying for a scream—
 Talons the size of butcher knives looped around his shoulders and lifted him upwards. Panicked proper, Arthur twisted and kicked like a deranged merman. The animatronic ceased movement at least. But he remained clamped tight within its not PG serrated claws.
 Below, some shuffling and movement closed in, though the dino-animatronic remained static. Hands shoved into Arthur’s pockets, padding him down, grabbing at his vest. Arthur struggled more, and managed to smack the guy in his crummy dinosaur masked face. The dude crumpled sideways, dazed. A good shot! But he hadn’t intended to actually hit the guy, not while he was trapped in this position with a giant meat grinding puppet looming. The Allosaur watched with all the interest of a blank television screen.
 “Argh!” The masked man wobbled as he tried to stand, a hand capped to the side of his snout. “Don’t test me! Antrodemus can bench press a car, and he has no restrictors. I’ll have him turn you into a gooey, soggy pretzel before the suns sets.”
 Arthur swallowed around the sash in his mouth. The portion of the blindfold over his face pressed uncomfortably into his eye, causing it to weep.
 The man finished searching his pockets, and located one cell phone, a package of pepperoni snacks, his lockpick set, a lighter, a graphing calculator, two magazines, and a flashlight. The vandal rolled everything up to the best of his ability between the magazines, and gave Arthur a look that couldn’t be conveyed through the dopey reptile mask.
 “How the hell did you have all this crap on you?”
 Arthur grimaced. “Mah-Ick.”
 “Well,” the guy said, as he went over to the golf cart. “Antrodemus. Execute command: Freeze. Confirm.”
 The Allosaur wheezed. The servos and hydraulics through its torso shifted, settling the entire animatronic in place.
 “Antrodemus. If no reset supplied, then Execute command: Movement. Pursuit.” He set the magazine burrito onto the golf cart bin, and took out his own phone. After some tweaking over the screen, he spoke, “This will be your only warning. If you try to get away, I won’t be responsible for what happens. What will happen, if you try to run? That, you will have to figure out for yourself. I’ll put it this way,” he began walking, “I don’t recommend testing Antrodemus.”
 Arthur’s glare persisted, until the masked jerk’s silhouette fully dissolved into the murk of the interior chamber. The questions swarmed his mind: What was he planning? and What about his friends? They were in danger, but at least the Allosaur was off the playing board for the time. That was his only comfort. There was still a great deal that could be done, in his absence. If this guy could control the Allosaur, likely built the damn thing, then he was more versatile in terms of the theme parks functions.
 It was too soon to try and work towards escaping. The guy wasn’t stupid, but he might be careless now. He needed to hold on for a while longer, think about a plan for if once he got free. There was time to think and plot, secure a safe escape. Reset and Movement. Those keywords. What did they mean? They were triggers, designated to erupt the marionette into action.
 To the Allosaur. What did it mean?
 He turned his eyes up. In the dim, piss poor light the Allosaur remained unmoving, frozen and gazing off in the same state the other animatronics undertook when they were deactivated. Likely a sleep mode. He shifted his focus to the abandoned golf cart, and the lights. The atmosphere abound was bleak, no penetrating shapes or suggestions of form aside from what gleamed against the dull illuminations of the abandoned cart. The present golf cart didn’t offer enough, and to test any theories would test recapture. That depended on how much battery life the vehicle had.
 A more terrible thought occurred to Arthur, and his breathing hiked up. What would happen if the Allosaur locked onto movement, while it was still latched onto him? It was not a ‘thinking’ machine, it was a ‘respond to’ machine.
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As Easy As Breathing
Modern AU!Brian May x OC
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: None
Moodboard and Summary
A/N: Hey guys! I have been working on starting this new story for a while and I am so excited to finally be posting it. Please let me know what you guys think and I hope you all like it!
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What do you think of this one Darlings?” Freddie spun in the store mirror, admiring his reflection as he modeled an old off-white leather jacket. 
“Fred, it’s falling apart at the seams,” Roger stared at his roommate in disbelief. “There’s no way we can sell that as it is and there’s no way you can wear that onstage without it literally falling off. Where did you even find that thing?” 
Freddie Bulsara huffed and turned around to face the two other owners of the Rag Trade, Roger Taylor and Josie Crowley, still modeling the falling apart jacket that he dubbed as ‘vintage’. “I have my ways Rog.” 
Josie perched herself up on the counter, letting her legs hang over the side. ‘Let me guess, Kash?”
Freddie shrugged off the jacket and handed it to the redhead. “It doesn’t matter how it was discovered, it just needs a little bit of Josie Crowley magic. I’ve seen you bring garments in worse shape than this one back to life, maybe we have another miracle on our hands.” 
Josie sighed and took a closer look at the jacket, running her fingers over the cream colored fake leather to assess the damage. There were some holes on the front and the arms and the zipper was falling off at the bottom, but those could be taken care of with some patchwork and embroidery. The seams were also close to falling apart in some places, but there wasn’t anything that could deem the jacket completely unsalvageable. In fact, it was the right amount of beat up that she could use it for another design she had already been planning out for Freddie.
“I don’t think we need a miracle here,” She shrugged, hopping off the counter and digging out her sketchbook from her bag. “Gimme a few days and I can give you a brand new jacket. I already have some ideas in mind.” 
Before Freddie or Roger could give either of their input on the jacket, Roger’s phone went off over the stall’s speaker and cut off the music that was playing from Roger’s YouTube app. The blonde leapt up from his place on the couch and disappeared into Josie’s workshop in the back of the stall. The other two shop owners shrugged it off and went back to comparing the design Josie had been sketching, to the jacket’s current worn out state. They started going over details that Freddie wanted when Roger popped out from the back. 
“Fred, can you come back here? It’s about the band.” He called back. Freddie got up from his place on the couch next to Josie and disappeared into the tiny backroom where Roger was. 
Josie manned the register while her roommates hid in the back to take what she guessed to be a very important phone call. It was a slow day all around in Kensington Market, so the Rag Trade didn’t get as much foot traffic as it usually did.  Josie managed to keep herself busy by getting to work with when she heard a wooden clacking noise coming from the stall’s entrance. She pulled her attention away from her work to find that she had a new customer, but instead of browsing around the racks of new and old clothes he looked like he was looking for something specific.
Josie Crowley wasn’t a girl to get easily flustered by a boy, but this guy was about to make an exception. He was tall, really tall for starters. His bright blue NASA jacket was too short for his arms, leaving his wrists exposed to the cold. Loose deep brown framed his long face and brought out the different shades of hazel in his eyes. She studied the details of his face, from how his lips were slightly parted to how the tip of his nose was a rush of pink from the cool fall air, to how his hair fell in front of his eyes. 
“Hey,” She regained her composure to greet her potential client. “How can I help you?” 
“Yea.” The stranger pulled out a light denim jacket, running his thumb on the worn out seams. “I think you may be just the girl I’m looking for.” 
Josie studied the jacket in his hands. It wasn’t in as bad shape as Freddie’s but it looked like it could use some love and care. “Ye-yeah sure, I think?” She reached out for the jacket, which the stranger handed to her. She analyzed the denim and found that it was in better condition than she first thought. “Nice jacket, a little worn but overall in good condition. What do you need done with it?” 
“Well I found it in my parent’s attic and my dad said I could take it.” As he explained how he found the jacket, Josie noticed that his cheeks were turning from a light pink to a flushed red. “It fits for the most part but the sleeves are too short. One of my friends suggested that I come to you to get them lengthened.”
Josie examined the sleeves, “Yea I can totally do that. I would have to get some measurements really quick to make sure they don’t end up too long or too short. Do you mind?” Josie gestured towards the stranger before fishing around in her bag to find her measuring tape. 
The stranger nodded and put down his bag. Josie placed the measuring tape at the top of his shoulders and took his measurements for both arms, making notes on a blank sheet in her notebook for later. 
They tried to make some small talk as she finished up the measurements. “So is there anything else you want done to the jacket besides getting the sleeves lengthened? Maybe even put some of your own customization into it instead of just being a repair?”
“Yea that would be nice.” He laughed. “What do you do for that?” 
“Mostly embroidery and patches for denim jackets, but I can do whatever you would like.” She replied, her mind already spinning with ideas. 
“Embroidery and patches sound really interesting.” The stranger smiled at her. 
“Yea! I can put on anything you want on it.” She continued making notes. 
“If you’d like, I can give you my number so if there’s anything else you want done you can just let me know?” She suggested before quickly backtracking. “Unless you think that’s too forward.”
Space boy laughed and pulled his phone out of his pocket. “No of course we should swap numbers. I’d love to stay in touch.” He handed his phone over for her to add her number to his contacts. 
“I’ll text you later when I get home.” He offered. “It was really nice to meet you today….”
“Josie.” She reached out her hand. “Josie Crowley.” 
The stranger reached out and took her hand. “Brian May. It was very nice to meet you Josie.” 
“It was nice to meet you too, Brian” Josie felt heat was over her face as she watched Brian walk out of the stall, She kept running her thumbs up and down the worn seams of Brian’s 
Unknown Number: Hey, thanks for your help today! I hope this will be an easier way to keep in touch. -Bri
Josie grinned at her screen but was suddenly interrupted by both Roger and Freddie bursting out of the back room, their faces lit up with excitement. 
“Jo! You’ll never guess what just happened!” Roger called out, making the redhead jolt up and juggle her phone in her hands.
“Fucking hell Roger,” She gasped, clutching her phone to her chest. “What? You scared the daylights out of me.” 
“Oh don’t be so dramatic darling.” Freddie rolled his eyes. “We have incredible news.” 
Josie put her phone down on the counter, “What’s up?”
“We got a gig!” Roger exclaimed before Freddie could even open his mouth. 
There was a long pause between the three of them. Freddie and Roger’s band, Queen, had been doing gigs around the London pub scene for the past couple months so it wasn’t huge news anymore whenever they got a gig somewhere. So Josie stood staring at her roommates with a confused look on her face. 
“What kind of gig?” She broke the silence. “You usually don’t get this excited over one Rog.”
Freddie laughed. “Jo this isn’t any old pub show. This is a legitimate performance! We just heard that we are going to be part of a rising musicians showcase at Royal Albert Hall next month. I sent them our demo last week and they want us to perform!” Josie could tell that Freddie was really excited about this, so she had no choice but to join in on the excitement. 
“That’s awesome!” She knew how hard they have been working to take their band to a more serious level, even if she hadn’t been able to make it to one of their shows yet or have even met the other members of the band. “Have you told the other’s yet? Or did they get a call too?” 
Roger shook his head. “Not yet, we want to ask you something before we tell them.”
Josie cocked her head to the side out of confusion, she wasn’t part of the band so what would they have to ask her before talking to their bandmates? 
“We want you as our band stylist.” Freddie asked. Josie felt her eyes widen and her heart started to pound. She knew that they wouldn’t be able to pay her much or at all since they were barely making it by at Rag Trade as it is, but she knew this would be a huge next step for both them and herself if the band took off. 
“I know you hang out with us enough so if you don’t want to we get it.” Roger chirped in, pulling Josie out of her thought process, “But you’re really talented with clothes and we need to look our best for this show so-”
“I’ll do it.” Josie cut him off. “I’m in. I don’t care about money or anything like that. If you want me and the others are cool with it, I’m in.”
Both Freddie and Roger immediately lit up in excitement.
“But I do have one question though,” She added on. “How do you guys exactly expect me to style two guys I haven’t met yet? I can’t style someone that I don’t know, let alone have ever even seen.”
Freddie waived her off. “Don’t worry about that darling. I already alerted them of you joining our team as it was a given that you would say yes. They’ll be meeting with you in a few days since both of them have such busy lives.”
“You can use clothes from Rag Trade!” Roger piped up. “We got some clothes in the back we haven’t put out on the floor yet. We can set aside whatever you pick out to keep for the band.”
Josie blushed from Roger’s offer. “That is very thoughtful of you Rog. I swear that you guys get total input into whatever you wear. The last thing I want is for you to go onstage in something you aren’t comfortable wearing.” 
“You don’t have to worry about that Jo,” Roger reassured her. “We know whatever you do is going to be amazing.” 
Josie smiled at Roger’s comment. “Thanks guys, I promise I won’t let you down.” 
After the Rag Trade closed down for the night, Josie and the guys made their way back to the small flat the three of them shared a few blocks over. They were immediately greeted by Freddie’s two cats, Miko and Delilah and Josie’s cat, Chip. Freddie and Roger hung out in the flat’s common area while Josie retreated to her room for the night. She changed out of her street clothes into a comfortable oversized t-shirt and shorts before scrubbing off her makeup for the day and climbing into her bed. 
Josie pulled out her laptop and started scrolling through Pinterest for ideas not only for Freddie and Brian’s tasks for her, but to also get some tips and inspiration for Queen’s new stagewear, primarily focusing on what she would pick for Freddie and Roger. She was meeting the other members of the band tomorrow to get their measurements and start planning their stagewear for some upcoming shows.
 She was soon distracted by Freddie’s newest kitten, Miko, jumping on top of her sketch and demanding attention. He paced around her legs and meowing insistently at the designer until she gave in and replaced the jacket in her lap with the tortoise-shell colored kitten, scratching right behind his ears. 
“You’re just like your Daddy, aren’t you?” She laughed. “You know just how to get my attention.” 
The kitten purred in content, kneading on her blanket covered legs. Watching Miko knead her lap, Josie reached for her phone and sent a photo to her roommates in the next room. 
TO: Oh My God They Were Roommates👀👀
Josie: I have been graced with Miko’s presence, If you need me I will be in my room the rest of the night with him 
Freddie: Give back my son
Josie: Never. He’s mine now
Freddie: Traitors, both of you. If you’re taking Miko then I’m taking Chip in return
Josie: Leave Chip out of this, he’s innocent!
Roggie: You two are weird
Freddie: Says the one who’s obsessed with his car
Before Josie could respond to her roommates, she saw a notification from her newest client- Brian. 
“Hey it’s Brian. Thank you so much for helping me out today on such a short notice!”
She grinned and immediately switched over to his messages, ignoring the budding argument between her roommates that was going on over text. 
Josie: Hey! You’re totally welcome. I should have your jacket all fixed up in the next week or so, feel free to swing by next week and it should be done!
Brian: Thanks! Please let me know whenever you finish it, but there’s no rush! My band just got called about a huge gig so I’ve been a bit preoccupied. 
Josie: Oooooooh you’re in a band? What do you play?
Brian: Yea, I play guitar. What about you, do you play any instruments?
Josie: That’s so cool! Unfortunately my talents are more in the design world than the musical world. I do want to learn how to play the guitar someday though
Brian: Well maybe I can teach you sometime
Josie: I would like that. Are you busy this week?
Brian: Not too busy, my band does have a gig next week so I have been held up with rehearsals whenever I’m not busy with my work. It’s nothing big, just a pub by Imperial College. What about you?
Josie: I just got a new long term project to work on so I’m still in the early stages of working on that. And I’m looking at your jacket too for what to do for embroidery or customization besides lengthening the sleeves. Do you have any interests or hobbies that could help?
Brian: Well outside of playing the guitar, I’ve actually been interested in space and astrophysics. I have been actually working part time on getting my PhD in Astrophysics. 
Josie mentally exited out of the conversation for a moment and turned back to her . She immediately went to her profile and made a new board that she named “Ideas for Brian”, noting that he really likes space and to look for space themed embroidery prints. She had a few ideas in mind now that she knew for sure that he had a strong interest in space. Josie also made a mental note to see if there was any way that she could combine both space and music into one design to make it special just for him. 
“Note: see if Bri has photos of guitar he would like used.” She muttered under her breath as she typed out the note before jumping back into the conversation with Brian. 
Josie: Oh wow that’s so cool! I had a feeling that you were into space from your jacket you wore today. And that has to be rough working and finishing a PhD AND being in a band
Brian: Yea I guess it was kinda obvious. Luckily we are on a short holiday right now so I can catch my breath and focus on my music. 
Josie: I know how that feels, my last year at uni I thought I was going to break down from burnout by the end. 
Brian: What did you study?
Josie: I double majored in apparel design and finance. 
Brian: That’s cool, how did you get into two completely different subjects like that?
Josie: It’s a long story, remind me and I’ll tell you about it sometime. I have an early shift at Rag Trade tomorrow and need to get to bed soon. 
Brian: Yea, I’m about to head to bed too. Goodnight Josie
Josie: Goodnight Brian, talk tomorrow?
Brian: I look forward to it :)
Josie shifted on her bed in a way that disturbed Miko from his nap in her lap. The kitten meowed at Josie before leaping off her bed and made his way out of her room. She noticed that the light in the common room was now out, so she guessed that Freddie and Roger were both asleep, or at least in their own rooms. She placed her phone on the nightstand right next and plugged it in to charge for the night. As she drifted off to sleep, her mind kept drifting towards the curly haired guitarist she had only met a few hours before. 
Josie spent the next couple days working on Brian’s jacket and focusing on what she was going to do with Freddie and Roger’s band as their new stylist. Unfortunately, she had been so busy with her roommates and her own work that she hadn’t been able to meet the rest of the band. Today, she was finally able to meet the remaining members of Queen. 
John, their bassist, was the first of the two to arrive. They were holed up in Josie’s back corner of the store that she used as her spot to meet up with clients. In the first few minutes of their meeting, Josie dubbed John as her favorite member. He was a lot more calm and subdued than Freddie and Roger, which was a relieving change. She learned he was still a student, which is why they haven’t met yet since John was busy with his classes whenever he wasn’t rehearsing or performing with Queen. Josie could barely juggle working here with being in school before she graduated, so she gave him props for going after both the band and an honors electrical engineering degree. 
She had her tape measure slung over her shoulder as she leafed through a rack of clothes she picked out for the bassist.  “What do you think of this?” She asked, holding up a black silky button down shirt. The chest was covered in small white pearl-like stars to add detail. “Freddie picked this one out, though it would look good for one of your upcoming shows.” 
John shrugged, holding the material in his hands. “I don’t know. Are you sure it isn’t too flashy for the band?”
The designer laughed. “You’re in a band with Freddie. He would go onstage in red and white booty shorts and suspenders and nothing else if he could so I wouldn’t worry about you looking too flashy.”
Her comment warranted a small laugh from John. “Yea, I don’t really put that past him. But I really do like that shirt.”
Josie smiled and put it on the rack closest to her that she had labeled “Queen Wardrobe.” She was happy that John was warming up to her and her abilities as a stylist. She had heard from Freddie that the kid would go up on stage in plain jeans and a t-shirt if the frontman would let him. Unfortunately a band that had both Freddie Bulsara and Roger Taylor would never allow such a thing so they always had the bassist borrow clothes from one of the two.  She made it her goal to find anything that would help John come out of his shell and stop having to borrow appropriate stagewear from his bandmates, but she still wanted him to be comfortable and have a say in what he wore. 
Josie and John ended up deciding on three shirts, a pair of black flare jeans, and a pair of white skinny jeans that were also suggested by Freddie. Josie’s favorite thing that they found was a pair of tan platform boots that John was immediately drawn towards when she first pulled them out. She wrapped the clothes hangers together with a rubber band and tagged them “Deaky” to keep with the nickname Freddie had given him and so she would know they were picked for John. She already did the same for Freddie and Roger and was planning to do the same for their guitarist. 
As Josie was setting up for her next client, she heard a familiar clacking enter the shop. She turned to see who it was as Freddie greeted them and she immediately froze in place. 
It was Brian.
“Brian! I am so glad you were able to make it darling.” The singer exclaimed, abandoning his post at the counter. Brian still hadn’t noticed Josie yet, even though the Rag Trade wasn’t that big of a shop she was still in the back semi-hidden behind the varying racks of clothes. 
“You told me to meet you here for the band.” He answered. “Something about us bri new stage clothes?” 
Josie watched as Freddie led him back to her station, she saw the gears turning in Brian’s head as they made their way to the back of the shop. When Brian’s eyes finally laid eyes on the new stylist, he froze in place and his eyes went wide in surprise. 
“Brian, I would like to introduce you to Queen’s official stylist, the one and only Josephine Crowley.” 
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ultravioletsoul · 5 years
An interesting detail in MW
I’m probably late to the party and it’s nothing new to the fans, but this is something I’ve noticed for the first time after so many years and thought I would share.
Those of you who have played the game may remember the level where you, as president Al-Fulani, are dragged into a car with Viktor Zakhaev. We’re introduced to Imran’s son though at the time we don’t know who he is. Heck, we don’t even understand what the hell is going on, just that we’re screwed up, our government was overthrown, and some dude is hollering on national radio/television, as we are driven through chaotic streets riddled with bodies and people trying to fight back the militia or running for their lives. 
So what am I getting at?
First, I need you to take a look at this picture of the Four Horsemen:
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Let's focus on this guy:
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As we already know, he’s supposed to be the First Horseman. The reason why he was crossed out of the pic is because he was assumed to be dead after the events of Shock and Awe. However, in Modern Warfare 3, thanks to Yuri’s account, it is revealed that this man was none other than Vladimir Makarov and he survived the nuclear explosion because of plot reasons :v
Upon a closer inspection, we can see he’s holding something tightly in his hand. 
It's hard to distinguish and we don’t really know what it could be. However, it has to be something small and soft enough to fit in his hand. Something like a cap or some other type of headgear.
Something like a balaclava, perhaps.
Why do I say it’s a balaclava?
Because of this:
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This guy you see in the picture is Makarov. He was right under my nose during the whole level and I didn’t even know it.
But isn’t he supposed to be an average OpFor soldier?
You see, that’s what I thought before, that this was some inconsequential NPC we weren’t meant to pay too much attention to. However, if he was some common NPC like the dozens of men running around us, then his model would be generated at random every time we play this mission, don’t you think? Every time you're in this car, there would be some different guy behind the wheel but it’s always the same character model. 
I know that alone doesn’t mean anything by itself. I mean, the man that drags you into the car and hits you with his rifle always seems to be the same model, too, BUT I have an argument in my favor and it’s the picture of the Four Horsemen I showed you.
When you look at the driver’s clothes, and then go back to the second picture of the First Horseman, the similarities are striking— from the color and design of the shirt, the rolled up sleeves, and even the vest seems to be an exact replica. Of course, this may all be a nice coincidence but think about it for a moment. Could Vladimir be the man driving the car? It is quite possible that he could have transported president Al-Fulani on Imran’s orders.
He doesn’t look pale enough to be Vladimir? 
Well, I’m sure he must have been in this unnamed country of the Middle East for some time now, overseeing preparations for the coup and planning support for Al-Asad, so maybe the sun tanned his arms a little. Also, if you pay attention during the driving sequence, you can see that his hands and forearms are glistening with sweat (because man it’s gotta be hot in there!) and dirt has stuck on his skin. Now before you accuse Vladimir of not showering, remember that he’s in the middle of a war-zone and there’s dust all over the damn place.
They're not speaking Russian
I know in some instances Viktor speaks to him in Arabic, but it's not far-fetched they would avoid speaking in their native language the same way Vladimir did in MW2 to minimize or camouflage the involvement of Russian Ultranationalists in the coup (plus Vladimir would most likely have studied Arabic if he was to conduct any operations in that region of the Middle East). 
Also, at this point, we have no idea who these men (Imran, Viktor) are and it isn’t until the first half of the game that we’re properly introduced to Zakhaev (the main villain) and later to his son. For the entirety of MW, we don’t even know Vladimir exists and nobody cares since he’s supposedly dead. 
Why would he be playing chauffeur? 
Keep in mind that in a way he was still subordinate to Viktor, the son of his boss and the man who most likely would be the next leader of the Ultranationalists if anything happened to Imran. And as previously mentioned, it is likely that the elder Zakhaev ordered him to bring Al-Fulani for his execution.
Also, Al-Asad, Imran and Viktor were all reunited in the same location where the execution of president Al-Fulani took place. It would make sense for Vladimir to be there too, especially since we know he was in the region at the time (as seen in Modern Warfare 3).
Why is he wearing a balaclava? 
Good question. There are a few reasons why you would wear a balaclava. One is, obviously, to conceal your identity. Other reasons are to protect your face from the glare of the sun and also to keep your lungs from filling with dust (seriously, look. at all. that. dust), as well as to provide moderate protection from flash bang and grenade blasts.
In this case, I think the devs meant to keep the identity of the First Horseman a mystery and that’s because they probably hadn’t decided what to do with this guy until they started developing MW2 and came up with the concept of Vladimir Makarov.
So is he or is he not Vladimir?
As I mentioned, Vladimir wasn’t even a concept when MW was released and, if you use the noclip cheat, the guy looks nothing like him. The First Horseman was meant to die, most likely, but then MW2/MW3 happened and Vladimir was retconned into the story-line. An example of this is MW remastered: you find Vladimir and Yuri in one of the cars in Pripyat, while in the original game they weren’t even there. 
So, taking all this into consideration, I still believe Vladimir is the man driving us all throughout the map to our ultimate deaths. It’s always been him, a guy who began as someone of seemingly little consequence (a character who went unnoticed by many of us even) and became the biggest pain in the neck one of the most dangerous men in the world. 
Either way, I only made this post because I wanted to say that maybe Vladimir doesn’t suck at driving as I thought :v
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kaisooficrec · 5 years
College AU Request
This is part two of this post. 
Last college au request was over a year ago and since this is a very popular au the list is insanely long! There are some fics older than the last req but that weren’t recommended yet so I included those too ^^ enjoy and don’t forget to leave kudos & comments to the authors ♡♡♡
La Taille Parfaite - (ongoing) soulmates au, kyungsoo dreams of his soulmate’s dick and can’t wait to meet him
Criminally Romantic - kyungsoo is an author and jongin is a huge fan
Yes, the Brisket is Braised - (ongoing) Kyungsoo works part-time in a restaurant in which he meets the campus’ most popular jock jongin and is an asshole to him
Our Season - (ongoing) wolf & abo, they’re in the same frat house and are attracted to each other, but there are other guys who want a piece of kyungsoo’s ass (read: junmyeon is a little piece of shit)
The Deflowering of Do Kyungsoo - (ongoing) kyungsoo is very insecure about himself but jongin loves him and wants to show him just how much 
Sucker + Supermassive Black Hole - last two parts of a series where the boys are in college, established relationship, they deal with the struggles of life and how to keep their love going
Flawless - (ongoing) kyungsoo likes to crossdress which make people judgmental about him. he thought jongin was like all those people who make fun of him but jongin genuinely likes him
this gap can’t keep us apart - (ongoing) kyungsoo is in college and takes the bus every morning where he meets businessman!jongin and they start talking and getting close. turns out jongin is sehun’s older brother who is kyungsoo’s friend and they meet at their house when jongin discovered his girlfriend cheated on him again
Prank Gone Wrong - kai is a known prankster, so his bf ksoo decides to prank him instead one day. it backfires in a way he didn’t expect
Coffee - jongin found out taemin cheated on him which led him to the cafe where kyungsoo works~
Wild Flowers Worth Knowing - (ongoing) ot12 vampire au, kyungsoo’s life has changed for good after discovering vamp!jongin’s secret
i just need the time and place to come through - after ksoo’s been dumped jongin wants to teach how to fuck around, until he realizes he doesn’t want anyone else to have kyungsoo but him
run batted in - sports au, they’re from different colleges and during a competition they meet and voilà it’s instant love
Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls - (ongoing) kyungsoo is in a studio art class and jongin is his nude model
lately all i want is you on top of me - *cries hearts* they both think they’re straight until jongin accidentally sends a pic of his ass to kyungsoo and it marks the beginning of their gayness
Campaigning For Your Heart - elections au, enemies to lovers, they both support different people and get into heated arguments, which is all just bottled up sexual tension really
there are no wrong mistakes - /heart attack/ kyungsoo is a homebody who’s quiet and thinks he is boring. his roommate’s best friend thinks otherwise. 
Pay Me Some Mind - (how was this not recced before? lol) fwb to lovers, kyungsoo doesnt know jongin’s had a crush on him for a while but that doesn’t stop him from catching feelings
Hurricanes - *my absolute fav* bad boy!jongin meets not-so-innocent!soo and they fuck, but kyungsoo thinks its a mistake and jongin is intrigued (liiiight angst)
You times infinite - they become study buddies and then kyungsoo is turned into a vampire and doesn’t know how to stay close to jongin without hurting him
A Certain Romance - sports au, they’re from different schools but during a competition, a certain captain catches ksoo’s attention and maybe he’s interested in football after all
Signal Lost (& Found) - /looooove this/ soulmates & coffee shop au, jongin gets tattoos of what his soulmate draws since he was a child and then one day it disappears, and he’s confused about what happened to his soulmate
Just Say You Want Me (That’s All It Takes) - god yes. established relationship and library fucking with top!soo and slut shaming. need i say more?
A Different Morning - (YEEEES) childhood bffs!kaisoo and vlogger!jongin, MUTUAL PINING but they’re both oblivious!!! 
Break a Leg - drama club au i liiiive for this! they had a one night stand and ksoo is kind of a bitter asshole who doesn’t want anything to do with super popular jongin after it
vertigo; crash - abo, omega!soo is accidentally put in the alpha dorms and jongin thinks he hates him
Clandestine Romance - arranged marriage but they love each other, ksoo is in his last year of college and his husband turns up to become his new dance teacher
Pumped Up Kinks - (ongoing) kyungsoo goes to a gay strip club for his 21st birthday and gets more than he bargained for
We Can Go Home - broken kaisoo, jongin has to ask his ex for help in maths, and then... KISS & MAKE UP
Mirrors - (ongoing) ksoo is a famous youtuber whose fans start a online fanwar with kim jongin’s fans. he decides to be mature about it and text jongin himself to apologize
So You Have a Crush (Here's How You Grapple with It) - sports au, jongin is a taekwondo player and has a crush on the judo captain ksoo, and tries to get him to teach him chokehold techniques. (smutttt)
Hair - (ongoing) kyungsoo found out he has stage 2 spinal cancer, so he decides that he wants to take some risks before he has to die, like have sex with a guy. and this is how he meets jongin
If Only I Knew - soulmates au, jongin wants to wait to find his soulmate to be in a relationship but when he meets kyungsoo he changes his mind (warning: character death)
Some Kind of Start - ksoo likes jongin and the latter knows but chooses to ignore it since he doesn’t like him back. sehun asks ksoo to fake date so he can make junmyeon jealous, but jongin is also a victim of jealousy
hold onto me tight and never let go - het!kaisoo with fem!soo, she has trouble letting go of her barriers and jongin really wants to get to know her more
P.S. You're Cute - (ongoing) jongin liked his senior’s profile on tinder and they matched
Cloud9 - transition from hs to college, jongin expressed his crush for ksoo although nothing happened, they meet again five years later in college
Perfection - vocal major!ksoo meets dance major!nini and decides he likes him and will take care of him
A Slice of Summer Love - jongin has a crush on the pizza delivery guy and orders too much pizza (very cute uwu)
I’m sorry I broke your hand, date me so I can make it up to you (kinda) - jongin tripped during a party and groped ksoo’s ass by accident, and ksoo’s reaction was to break his arm, but he took care of him as a form of apology
Aspartame (Just As Sweet) - jongin’s friend creates him an account on a sugar daddy website as a joke but he was curious and kept it and met kyungsoo
Kim Jongin's Must Kiss List - after an accident during a bake sale in high school, ksoo doesn’t stand jongin. in college nini puts up a “would kiss” list with ksoo’s name on it among others, and an angry ksoo retaliates by putting up a “would never kiss” list with only nini’s name on it, which is the start of everything
Love In Control - bdsm!au in which kyungsoo wanted a partner that would understand his needs and how to dominate him, and that person is kim jongin (warning: obviously bdsm and everything that comes with it. please read the tags carefully!)
No buts, just beauty - wolf au, kyungsoo is bullied and being told he’s ugly, jongin is making sure he feels beautiful
[Ain't] My Fault - top!soo greatness :-) they meet while jongin’s still with sehun but they break up soon after bc sehun cheated on him, and ksoo’s here to pick up the broken pieces
Treasure Trove - dragon au, ksoo is sick n jongin went to his room to give him candy and then they netflix and chill (literally)
Waiting for You to Make a Move - i’m fucking in love with this fic omg ;___; JONGIN IS A DRUM PLAYER and they were crushing on each other during the bus ride in the morning and then ksoo goes to chanyeol’s band’s gig and THERE HE IS JONGIN THAT SEXY MOTHERFUCKER. yes read it please (smut)
This is a start of something new.. - police officer!soo goes to check a college party that wasn’t reported and is stuck with a flirty jongin
Cafe Eau Laid - /sweats profusely/ wolf au and coffee shop au, jongin has a crush on a cute costumer that comes otfen but thinks the friend that comes along is his boyfriend when he’s really just an idiot. (public sex n size kink, you know its good)
My Universe - set in college au but it’s also mama au, jongin is having weird dreams that seem like memories of another life, and dreams of a certain guy that he seems close with.
Sweep You Off Your Feet (Or Mop Around) - kyungsoo works as a janitor at nini’s college to help support his family. they get to know each other and kyungsoo doesn’t tell him he’s not a student but after an incident, he’s fired from the job and has to forget about jongin as well
This is the college au tag for older requests ♡
- Admin Macaroon
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Eighty-Two: A New Car ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: The World’s a Stage ] [ AO3 Link ]
What’s the fun of money if you never spend it? Now, granted...Sasuke’s made some rather questionable purchases over the course of his career. But this is one he can’t seem to bring himself to regret.
He’s always been a sucker for cars...especially fast ones. He’s been to a track a few times to drive the latest and greatest models in horsepower, hugging curves and speeding down straight stretches. There’s a rush to going that fast and feeling the earth fly by beneath him that gets his heart pounding like nothing else.
So, after some debating, he went and got himself a speedster of his own.
A rockstar has money to burn, after all...isn’t it typical to blow it on stuff like this? At least he’s avoided the really terrible ideas like drugs or sex. A car might come with its own set of risks, but...he can handle them.
His manager (who works double time as his brother) is a little exasperated at the purchase, but in the end it’s Sasuke’s decision. “Just...promise me you’ll be careful with it.”
“I’m not that stupid,” the younger sibling assures him with a grin. “Not about to turn myself into a smear on the pavement. The only place this baby’s gonna fly is on the track, Itachi. Calm down.”
That, and...well, they live a rather large city on the coast, with miles of open desert roads not too far from the city limits. A notorious straight stretch has been calling Sasuke’s name for months. And as willing as he typically is to keep his promises to his brother...this one thing he just can’t deny himself.
It’s a hot, dry day like most others. AC keeping the interior pleasantly cool, Sasuke casually makes his way out of town to the east. There’s light traffic, but after a few offshoots...he finds himself alone. Nothing but him, the car, and the open road.
A grin slowly grows across his face, hands on the gear shift and foot resting lightly against the pedal. Then, the pressure slowly grows, shifting each time the engine reaches a new peak. Speed gathers seemingly exponentially until he’s practically flying down the roadway. A lightness overtakes his chest, and he feels a kind of freedom that - as of late - has seemed all but lost.
...that is...until he sees something on the horizon.
Fearing it may be a cop, Sasuke’s snapped from his euphoria, and quickly (but safely) begins to slow down. The closer he gets, the more it looks like a car pulled to the side of the road. Why a cop would be randomly stinging this far down the road seems...odd. Unless it’s to catch fools like himself looking to fly without wings.
But...no. That’s not a cop car. A little SUV tilts slightly down into the surrounding desert, clearly pulled over for a reason, flashers going and looking altogether in distress.
...this isn’t good. They’re miles and miles from town by now. Weighing his options - it could be some kind of trap - Sasuke slows and pulls up alongside the vehicle.
The driver’s side door is open, and from it, sitting sideways in her seat, a young woman is clearly just...waiting. Her head lifts in surprise as he stops, eyes flickering just as suspiciously.
Sasuke rolls down the passenger window. “You, uh...okay?”
For a moment she doesn’t answer, obviously not eager to talk to a stranger. “...it just, um...gave out on me,” is her eventual reply.
“Somebody coming to tow it?”
“Yeah, but...they said they won’t be here for another hour…”
“What?! That’s nuts! You’re gonna bake alive out here, it’s like 105!”
Her lips settle into a grim line. “Yeah, it’s...not fun.”
“Is no one able to come pick you up?”
“Everyone I know is either at work or...out of town.”
“Well, shit. You need a ride?”
“...um…” The wary look returns.
“I know you don’t know me, but uh…” He gestures vaguely, not wanting to pull this card, but… “I’m Sasuke Uchiha. Ever heard of me?”
“I’m a singer. One of those Hollywood assholes. But I swear I’m not the kidnapping people sort of asshole. I just don’t want you stuck out here with no air. That’s torture. Look...you got cell signal?”
“Text someone you know, tell them what’s up. Hell, take a pic with me to prove it. That way if anything happens, someone’ll know, and they can come arrest my ass. But seriously...I just wanna help. You look miserable, and I’ve got a fast, cool ride back into town. Take you wherever you need to go. Scout’s honor.”
She still looks skeptical, but...after thinking over his suggestion, she replies, “...okay.” A bit sheepishly, she gets out of her car, Sasuke parking his in front. Opening a text, she does as suggested, taking a picture with him and sending a brief message.
“Lemme call my brother, too - he can probably help sort things out with your car.”
“Oh, wait - that’s not -?”
“This kinda thing sucks. And I’ve got the means to make it a little easier,” Sasuke insists, cutting off her refusal and dialing the proper number. “Not to be an asshole, but it won’t be a big dent for me. I dunno your situation, but a little help never hurts, right?”
“Why are you...doing this?”
“Why not? You’re in a pinch, I can step in...why wouldn’t I? If I was a jerk, I’d have just waved on my way by. But I’m not. My mama taught me better. Hey, Itachi? Need you to do me a solid. I’ve got a lady here, her car’s broke down, needs a tow…” He moves his phone aside. “Who’s towing it?”
“Um...I think the company is called...Geiger?”
“Geiger. Yeah. We’re probably...I dunno, thirty miles east? Wasn’t paying attention. Yeah, they said it’d be an hour. I say bullshit. I’ll cover it, yeah.” He lifts a hand to cut off her insistence otherwise. “...mhm. Okay, cool. Whatever the shops asks, too. I’ll bring her in so she can get all the paperwork out of the way. Just let them know we’re on our way, I’ll handle the rest. Yup. You’re the best, big bro.” Grinning cheekily against the screen, Sasuke then hangs up. “All right, he’s gonna get everything arranged, so all we gotta do is get you to the shop they’re hauling it to.”
“...you really don’t have to do all this…”
“Consider it karma. I just got a new car. Yours is throwing a fit. It’s only fair. And like I said, I wanna help. My mom’d tan my hide if she heard I did anything less. Which...reminds me, what’s your name?”
“Already said it, but I’m Sasuke. Nice to meet you, circumstances aside. Now, let’s get you back into town. It’ll probably still be a while before they get here and haul your rig back to town, so...anything you want or need to do before we get to the shop?”
“Um...no...the ride is p-plenty, thank you.”
“All right.” Slipping back into his car, he waits for Hinata to do the same.
“Wow, this is...really fancy.”
“My latest self indulgence. I was clearing out her engine when I stumbled upon you.”
“I take it it’s fast…?”
“Hoo, yeah. But uh...we’ll be sticking to the speed limit now that I’ve got a passenger,” Sasuke assures her with a smirk. Turning the car around, he heads back toward town at a much saner pace than he left it. “So...any particular smalltalk you want to try? Or should I just turn on the radio? Or better yet, I could put on my own music and be a real narcissist.”
That earns a soft snort. “Um...I’m good with smalltalk.”
“Cool. What do you do for a living?”
“I’m a florist.”
“Really? My mom really loves flowers. I’ll have to give her your number. She throws a lot of charity events and I bet she’d hire you on to decorate. Do you do that kinda stuff?”
“I...yeah! Though I’ve never done something that...big. Mostly like...small time weddings, or custom bouquets.”
“So...you’re really a famous rockstar?”
“I’m a decent enough name, yeah. I’m a little wounded you’ve never heard of me.”
“Sorry...rock’s not really my genre. Maybe my friend Kiba knows you?”
“If he does, be sure to rub it in his face you met me”
“That’s so mean!” Hinata laughs.
“Tell you what, I’ll sign something for you. If he does know me, it’ll be a consolation prize.”
They chat idly for the next half an hour, getting into town and Sasuke pulling up his GPS to find the right shop. But before they get there, he pulls into a Starbucks drive-thru.
“Want anything?”
“Don’t want you being dehydrated, right?”
Appearing a bit sheepish, she mumbles, “Um...maybe an iced cinnamon dolce latte…?”
“You got it.” Ordering hers and a plain iced coffee for himself, Sasuke hands her the drink once they’re through. “Get you a little energy and some liquid, huh? Okay, now we can head to the shop. Unless you’re hungry?”
“...are you trying to bribe me?”
“Maybe a teeny bit.”
Hinata has to fight a smile. “No, thank you...this is fine.”
“Suit yourself.” Following the route, he pulls into the lot, and...pauses. That’s...Itachi’s car. “...uh oh.”
“Seems big bro decided to do this in person. That’s a little...odd.” Parking, Sasuke gets out just in time to see Itachi emerge. “What an honor.”
“I figured it would be best to make a more...personal impression,” Itachi assures him. “So, this must be miss Hyūga?”
“Yes, sir...your brother really saved my bacon.”
“Funny, I didn’t know he had any reason to head out that far,” Itachi replies, tone suggesting he knows exactly why Sasuke was out there. “...but I’m glad he was there to help. I’ve already arranged any and all payments, so you should be all set to go. They’ll just need you to fill out all the rest of the paperwork, including your insurance information.”
“...I...really don’t know what to say, I…” Hinata wilts a bit in disbelief. “...this is really, really kind. You don’t have to…?”
“Once I set my mind to something, I don’t change it,” Sasuke assures her.
“It’s true. Makes him a nightmare to manage, but someone has to do it,” Itachi adds with a coy smile. “And should you need anything else, don’t hesitate.” He hands her a business card, which she sheepishly takes.
“...thank you. Really, I don’t have any words. This is...huge.”
“Glad to lend a hand. And uh…” Gesturing, Sasuke takes the card back, scribbling his cell number on the rear. “Just for posterity’s sake. Or if you get bored.”
Hinata goes pink in embarrassment, but doesn’t refute it.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me...I’m afraid I have to be going,” Itachi then announces. “And Sasuke, you’ve got that recording session this afternoon - best to leave soon or you’ll be late.”
“Yes, Mom,” Sasuke replies, earning a small giggle from Hinata. “...well, hope things turn out okay with your rig.”
“Yeah, me too...thank you again. I s-sound like a broken record, but...really. You have no idea how much this means.”
“No thanks necessary. But maybe we’ll get coffee again sometime and call it square, huh?”
Hinata blinks...and then slowly goes pink again. Did he just…?
Grinning, he gives her a mock salute before getting into his car, waiting to make sure she makes it inside all right before pulling out and starting to head toward the studio. Sipping his coffee, he subtly nods to himself. A pretty good day, all things considered.
But something tells him he’ll have to endure an Itachi lecture later about his driving...
     Disclaimer: I know...literally nothing about cars xD They don't interest me in the slightest (and tbh they kinda scare me lol), so uh...if anything about this is wrong or too vague...blame that, haha!      Anywho, a bit of a rockstar AU! Which I think I've had other snippets in, but...nothing actually tied together. This one, at least, is 100% standalone. Sasuke's one of those good guy rockers! His only vice is fast cars...and being a bit of a narcissist x3 But that's okay, we can forgive him for that. Look at all the good he just did! Also that smooth setup for a possible coffee date later ;3      Aaanyway, it's v late, and I'm pooped, and I've got a birthday thing to go to tomorrow, so I'd best sign off! Thanks for reading~
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It's psychologically
It's psychologically damaging to stay 12 hours in an office getting paid a minimum wage," she says.She started in the German porn game at 17, and moved on to cam modelling years later in Bangkok. Two years ago she was the number one rated model on MyFreeCams — meaning her link was at the very top of the site's barren layout — bringing in around $US37,000 per month. These days, girls in those top slots can earn up to an insane $US75,000 per month. The competition is cutthroat. The MFC ratings battle is ruthless, as tips beget more tips: if you're being paid well, you move up the totem pole, ensuring a snowball effect of even more attention and money."I usually go for dresses, lingerie, or leather," she says.While I was there, I went through one of the trainings they offer—a cam girl boot camp, so to speak. To be a cam girl, I learned, you have to be able to field sexual requests and be an expert on all kinds of fetishes so that you always know what clients are talking about. On top of that, you also have to be a pseudo therapist. The coach trained me on how to respond to different fetish requests, what to wear, how to do my makeup, how to pose, how to use the equipment, and just how to interact with clients in general. It turns out that, according to my coach, what people like is generally not the super over-the-top sexy woman. They want someone who looks hot but is pretty normal and chill, who they can just talk to.
I made $20AUD in ‘tokens’ (how payments were recorded via the site) my first night. 20 bucks for six hours of sitting around in my underwear, net­flirting with dudes. It wasn’t much, but it was more than I’d make scrolling through Tinder looking for someone I actually wanted to bone IRL. I knew the way to make real money was either by going private (opening a private show chatroom that costs the user a certain amount per minute) or by spending many months on the site building up a following,­ just like any other chaser of internet work/fame!Camming has become a huge part of the sex industry over the past decade, and it’s continuing to grow. There’s a lot of cam girls who now monetize and advertise through social media, so they're kind of the new "it girls" in a way—they’re rock stars, they’re influencers. Some of them have millions of followers on Instagram.Female cam models get a lot more money than male cam models (duh). Unless of course you want to do shows for gay men, which she says a lot of straight male cam models find "strange," probably because those guys assumed they'd be models for women. Uh, nope. Women already have plenty of dick pics, thanks. I had the opportunity to watch her cam, and I realized that she has a persona when she’s camming—in the same way that a lot of media people do. It’s not like she’s drastically different, but there’s a version of herself that she shares with people while shes at work in the same way that an actress would go on a talk show and be the sweeter, funnier, more engaged version of herself. She puts on a show, and gives her best, sexiest performance, reading what the client wants, asking questions, and taking directions. All the while, she’s sort of straddling the line between sexual partner, therapist, and moral supporter. It’s a ton of emotional labor—like any type of sex work. I think we often forget that being a sex worker is essentially working in the service industry.
The basic premise of the cam girl game is a simple one: You pay a girl for her time, and in exchange, she'll take off her clothes, talk to you, play with herself (and others), or any combination thereof. When your money is up, so's your time — the two of you part ways until you've got the cash and willingness to go at it again. And when that time comes, you'll have thousands upon thousands of girls ready to swivel and smile for you in real time. It's a massive catalogue of preening women of every variety: big, skeletal, black, white, Asian, American, Greek, Czech, etc. To find them, look no further than the Big Three of cam girl delight: Streamate, LiveJasmine and MyFreeCams. These three mega-networks advertise across the mainstream porn tube sites of masturbating ubiquity — PornHub, ClipHunter, etc — but are shells and shadows themselves. So how do you get in?"With the Feds closing down and tightening the control on casino and poker sites, some of those [criminal] elements have found a new way of doing business: the Cam Industry. Let me make clear that this is in no way an MFC problem where I work. This is an industry-wide problem which will need to be addressed if this industry wants to survive.It is true that when I am up on stage I feel powerful. In my 7-inch heels and latex leotards and frilly skirts, my body feels beautiful in a way that I dont see it in everyday life, and I feel confident and empowered. When the music comes on, I go with it, when I dance it is natural and its fun. The money is ultimately what I am here for, but this isnt just something I do just to pay the rent. This is my art, and whilst I am making myself sexually desirable, nobody can objectify me, as I hold that power. I am in control, because I objectify myself, if you like.I met Anna because she flatly offered to talk to me — clothed or unclothed — in exchange for money. She's Romanian, a model from a region with a reputation for sordid conditions and rapacious studio owners. If there were a dark side to the industry, she'd at least be nestled closest to it. But when her camera first flipped on for me, I didn't see the stained walls of a prostitute's den. Instead: a bright, modern apartment inhabited by a bright, modern girl. In her pink underwear. Anna embodies almost every delightful stereotype an American brain can hold over a young girl from Romania. At 24, she's clever — even cunning — sarcastically flirtatious in a way that makes you want to check your back pocket, and possesses stunning slavic beauty. CONTINUED BELOW...
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fuckress · 5 years
I dare you to answer every single question in the "weird asks that say a lot" (tho you can decline the dare, or just answer one you really wanna answer)
me? declining a dare?? HELL NO! So buckle up, this is a long one!
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?–> coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?–> hmmmmm… chocolate bars.
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?–> neither really… there aren’t many stores where I can buy cotton candy just like that. So I guess bubblegum.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?–> quiet, reserved, smart. I think that’s about it.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?–> actually cans. But I’ll settle for bottles if I can’t get cans
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?–> hm… a mix between tomboy, sportswear and formal.
7. earbuds or headphones?–> both. earbuds while on my phone and headphones while on my computer.
8. movies or tv shows?–> tv shows. Keeps me occupied for longer and I don’t have to pay attention too much.
9. favorite smell in the summer?–> that fresh breeze when at sea or ocean. Or, the smell before a thunder storm.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?–> dodgeball, along with basketball and volleyball. which doesn’t mean I’m any good at either, those were just the ones I didn’t suck as much lol
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?–> usually, I skip breakfast and have lunch. But if I want something, it’s usually a sandwich with either avocado, fish or something else.
12. name of your favorite playlist?–> uhh.. don’t really have one.
13. lanyard or key ring?–> both ^^ key ring to keep all keys i need together and a lanyard to lock them to my pants or something.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?–> popcorn. I’m not entirely sure tbh, I’m simply eating popcorn now so that’s why it came to my mind lol
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?–> ooh, good question. hm… catcher in the rye is up there… life of pie too… killing mr griffin…. hm. most books from my english classes it seems. the german ones sucked.
16. most comfortable position to sit in?–> sitting on one leg with the other angled. it’s kinda hard to explain, I guess.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?–> gray sneakers
18. ideal weather?–> sunshine, not too warm (maybe around 25°C), with a little breeze.
19. sleeping position?–> any position and every position
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?–> either computer or mobile phone
21. obsession from childhood?–> hm. I guess drawing might be one. Other than that, I don’t think I have an obsession from back then. Maybe anime and cartoons in general, but nothing specific.
22. role model?–> don’t have one
23. strange habits?–> can’t think of anything right now..
24. favorite crystal?–> opal
25. first song you remember hearing?–> I don’t know the song titles of those, sadly. I do remember the ketchup song
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?–> either taking a walk or sleeping in the sunshine. Not really much interested in activities.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?–> sleeping..
28. five songs to describe you?–> Alone in the room by asking alexandria, haze by tessa violet, choke by i don’t know how but they found me (the vibe of the song, not much of the lyrics), bones by emily finchum, dreamin by the score
29. best way to bond with you?–> oh, there are many ways tbh. either ask me about my obsessions and if they are similar to yours, let’s talk about those for hours. or just show up and talk bullshit, I’m always up for bullshit. or let’s rant about stuff that we both hate. just. yeah. I’m really not that hard to please, if you don’t treat me like shit, we’re good.
30. places that you find sacred?–> nothing comes to mind tbh. that doesn’t mean i don’t think places shouldn’t be treated without respect.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?–> jeans, sneakers, black tanktop and a blazer. or hoodie. things I’d usually wear as well. best to kick ass and take names while wearing what you like most, right?
32. top five favorite vines?–> “two bros, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cause they’re not gay.”“Say Colorado!” “I’M A GIRAFFE”“THIS BITCH EMPTY! YEET!”“Shit, duck!” “Oh, cause of the duck is it?” *gets hit by a flying duck*“Cabbage, cabbage, cabbage. LETTUCE, LETTUCE, LETTUCE!”
33. most used phrase in your phone?–> yaaaaaaf, yaaaaaaaas, rip, mood, aaaaaaaaaaargh, wtf, eyyyyyyyyyyyyy, oooh, fuck, ehehehehehehe (usually after a dirty joke), yay~, yehi wasn’t able to just pick one
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?–> none. thank goodness
35. average time you fall asleep?–> maybe.. 30min?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?–> oooh boy, I don’t remember.
37. suitcase or duffel bag?–> suitcase. They’re easier to handle
38. lemonade or tea?–> tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?–> neither.. I don’t really like cakes or pies
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?–> there was a warning of a school shooting due to some internet posts. Nothing happened at our school, but people were scared. Other than that, constant firealarms due to bullshit reasons like cooking or dust. And being late for school due to flooding and casually walking in to class with zero fucks left to give.
41. last person you texted?–> a friend who sent me a cute pic.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?–> BOTH AND BIG ENOUGH TO FIT MY PHONE IN PLEASE
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?–> Hoodie and leather jacket.
44. favorite scent for soap?–> something fresh like lemon grass or so. Or some herbs. Nothing too sweet and no nuts
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?–> I like a lot of superhero stuff, but fantasy is up there too.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?–> I’ll sleep in literally anything, depending on how tired and lazy I am to change.
47. favorite type of cheese?–> none
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?–> a pomegranate i think
49. what saying or quote do you live by?–> none really. More like a motto. Be the best you can be and enjoy yourself as much as possible.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?–> pfft. tons of things. i can’t possibly pinpoint one
51. current stresses?–> New job starting soon where I’m not really sure how well I’ll be able to handle it, sleep scedule is fucked, being on my own entirely with no friends nearby.. ah well.
52. favorite font?–> don’t have one
53. what is the current state of your hands?–> slight lingering pain, a bit cold, no injuries
54. what did you learn from your first job?–> my first ever job was as a waitress/barkeeper at age 14 or something. What I learned there… some people expect too much of you without helping you. And it’s ok to go away from a bad envirenment. Your own well being is most important.
55. favorite fairy tale?–> It’s either the tale of Icarus or the tale of Kunegunda. Those are actually the first ones I ever heard.
56. favorite tradition?–> hm.. don’t have one
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?–> School, College, emotional breakdowns
58. four talents you’re proud of having?–> drawing, being able to view at problems rationally and finding solutions, reading people I know, my bullshit kind of humor
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?–> Let’s get this fucking party started!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?–> slice of life. They’re the most wholesome with weird and funny friendship moments
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?–> The risk I took was calculated, but damn, am I bad at math.
62. seven characters you relate to?–> I’m too lazy to think of seven, so have one: Killua from Hunter x Hunter
63. five songs that would play in your club?–> see number 28.
64. favorite website from your childhood?–> YouTube. Well, not really childhood, but early teenage years.
65. any permanent scars?–> I have one on my forhead from an accident when I was a kid. Don’t know if other scars are permanent.
66. favorite flower(s)?–> forget-me-nots
67. good luck charms?–> a d20 dice
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?–> hm… I think I surpressed any bad memory like that. Can’t remember
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?–> brown eyes can be changed permanently blue due to some genes and pigments being linked together
70. left or right handed?–> I’m right handed
71. least favorite pattern?–> anything with huge contrasts and tons of messy lines. hurts my eyes and brain
72. worst subject?–> history. Never was good at remembering dates and years and that shit.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?–> I… don’t have any..
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?–> a 6, usually. Except if i need to do stuff or I’m trying to sleep. then a 4.
75. when did you lose your first tooth?–> I think, around the age of 9..
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?–> chips
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?–> a succulent always grew really well with me. Or cacti.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?–> Never had coffee at a gas station. I did have sushi from the grocery story, but they were never any good.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?–> driver’s licence photo
80. earth tones or jewel tones?–> jewel tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?–> wait… wat
82. pc or console?–> PC. Never had a console
83. writing or drawing?–> drawing
84. podcasts or talk radio?–> podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket?–> I had both growing up. As a kid, barbie. later on, polly pocket.
85. fairy tales or mythology?–> why not both.
86. cookies or cupcakes?–> cookies
87. your greatest fear?–> complete darkness
88. your greatest wish?–> to manage well enough not to have to worry about anything
89. who would you put before everyone else?–> parents i guess
90. luckiest mistake?–> I bet there were so fucking many but I can’t remember right now
91. boxes or bags?–> depends. boxes for organizing stuff at home, bags for shopping and gathering things like bottles or clothes
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?–> lamps and overhead lights
93. nicknames?–> Chan
94. favorite season?–> fall
95. favorite app on your phone?–> telegram, messaging my friends and all
96. desktop background?–> a picture I made a while ago I called galaxy marbles
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?–> around 4 or so
98. favorite historical era?–> don’t have one, the all sucked
there. I did it. holy shit that was a lot.
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sky-girls · 6 years
Look at me
So leaving aside the fact that it’s sad that i can barely keep up with the ficweek me myself decided to do here is day 5 finally!! and i hope you guys enjoy it!!
“im sure i can get some kind of sexual gratification just from staring at /them/  if i try hard enough”
It all starts with a kitty pic and of course  at that moment she doesn’t think much of it. She just sees the picture of one fat, grey kitty on her instagram search page and decides to go to the page of the person to see if maybe they have more pictures of kitties.
And flor.ph , photography student does have some pictures of kitties, some pretty cute and adorable ones, but mostly she has picture of people, lots and lots of attractive people. A particular guy calls her attention. Probably a model, he has to be a model, because he is the hottest guy she has ever seen in her whole life.
He is wearing a white dressing shirt, first few buttons undone and he is looking straight into the camera, his eyes are a deep dark brown and even through the screen of her phone they make heat pool into her lower stomach, his hair is curly and slightly messy and before she can even control it she has images of herself caressing it and pulling it. She sees the description and finds a hashtag #MByFlor. She taps on it instantly.
What she finds takes her breath away almost literally. There’s so, so many pictures of this guy and Luna crosses one leg over the other as she looks around, of course there’s no one, she is alone in her room sitting on her desk but somehow she still feels slightly exposed, like she could be catched doing something wrong any minute, not that there’s anything wrong with just looking at pictures of a guy. But the more she scrolls through the hashtag the more certain thoughts she wouldn’t want anyone else to know, slip into her mind.
She can’t say it’s her fault though, it’s obvious these pictures are made for this kind of reaction, the clothes the poses, the abs, the hands, she has no idea what it is with those hands, but they will be feeding her fantasies quite a while she is sure.
She sighs softly to her face as she  keeps going through the pictures, some of them are staged obviously, there’s no way the way this guy is lounging on a pool chair with his shorts and an opened button up shirt, his abs all noticeable and making Luna’s fingers tingle to touch them as he holds his sunglasses a little bit away from his eyes is not staged. But there are also some that are obviously candids, some that have him messy haired and looking sleepy and it’s such a 180 from the other pics but that still makes her feels things, things like wanting those lips he is biting as he is playing the guitar while wearing glasses and a sweater on hers and every inch of skin they might want to be in.
There’s nothing shameful on following the hashtag and the account, even if she feels kind of ashamed doing it, even if it might be about all that came before that. She just wants to see him again. He is nice to look at.
Why wouldn’t she?
She learns a few things about the guy the next few weeks as his pictures constantly pop up on her instagram. One, his full name is Matteo, he is cousin of the photographer, who is also super fucking hot by the way, he plays guitar, he seems to like space, he has a grey kitty called Lyra and none of these things help with the massive crush she has been developing on him lately.
It’s not actually a crush of course, she doesn’t know him but she has a pretty decent picture of him on her head and she can fill up the rest in whatever possible ways she likes, she can make him everything she wants him to be and mostly she wants to imagine him on her bed, she also very likes looking at him.
Matteo is very pretty, besides being hot as hell, he is pretty and just looking at him makes all kinds of feelings stir up inside of her body.
She ends up using one of his pictures as her phone’s home screen just because she like looking at him too much and not even Pedro’s incessant teasing will make her change it.
Overall she thinks she could be doing worse, she is not obsessed with him or anything, he is just some hot guy she can use to fill up her thoughts.
The only bad thing is that his account is private. And he hasn’t accepted her yet.
After vacations things take an unexpected turn, a very very unexpected turn that has her choking on her tea silently as Pedro pats her in the back softly and sends her a weird look.
“What happened?” He asks her when she is better but she doesn’t look at him, she can’t stop staring in front of her. Where fucking Matteo is, in a white button up shirt and black pants looking as hot as ever and maybe even more.
There’s something different about seeing him on real life, something different about the energy he gives off, about the way he makes the room feel. He calls everyone’s attention for one reason or other and he hasn’t even talked yet but she is sure everyone is staring at him and she has no idea how she will manage to breath in this class from now on. There’s no doubt here, Matteo is her T.A.
“Good morning.” He says and his deep voice sends shivers down Luna’s spine in ways she wasn’t ready for. She bites her lower lip and takes a deep shaky breath cause of all the stuff her brain could be doing right now it’s only going all those dreams, all those fantasies, all those moments where she imagined him, his hands, his lips and filling them with words said by him in this exact same voice. It’s even better and hotter than she imagined and she wasn’t ready for this.  “My name is Matteo Balsano and I will be your physics ta this semester.”
She stops paying attention to his voice lulling her softly as she keeps staring at the way his lips move as he talks Pedro kicks her under the table softly and she sends him a glare. He sends her a questioning look and she blushes more that she ever has, she slowly takes out her phone of her pockets praying Matteo doesn’t notice and unlocks it quickly and the laugh that comes out of Pedro calls everyone's attention. He turns into a cough soon enough that people get worried but she can see that Matteo doesn’t believe him.
“Are you okay?”He asks the guy and Pedro is seriously having  problems breathing so the wheezing sound that he makes when he tries to say he is okay doesn’t sound any convincing him. His eyes fix on Luna and there’s something weird about it but maybe it’s just because she is very not subtly holding her phone
Luna struggles to hide her phone, the last thing she needs right now is for him to want to look at it and find himself shirtless staring back at him.
The class goes fast, it goes the fastest any physics class Luna’s has ever had and the only thing she learnt of it is that she needs to get home as fast as possible and be alone.  But she still has classes after this one and more importantly she has Pedro at lunch trying to interrogate her.
“Why is he on your phone? Luna, please.” He asks for the third time and Luna sighs, he will tease her so much but who wouldn’t in his situation, this is honestly ridiculous.
“There’s this guy.” She mumbles. “This instagram guy.”
“An instagram guy you have a crush on?” He asks teasing before gasping. “Is he the instagram guy?”
“Of course he is.” She huffs and Pedro chokes on his sandwich laughing. Good. “And now he is teaching us physics.”
“This is great news.” Pedro exclaims still laughing and Luna looks at him like he is crazy. “Don’t you see it?”
“What I see here is that I am fucked.” She says annoyed and he nods.
“Not yet, but this is where I am getting, yes.” He tells her and she rolls her eyes. “This is your chance to get laid.”
“This is not my chance for anything, don’t be ridiculous.” She tells him and Pedro huffs.
“Why not?” He asks. “You are hot and you have the hots for him that’s perfect combo right there.”
“Oh, wow.” Luna starts trying to distract him. “You said I am hot this is the nicest thing you have ever said to me.”
“I can admit it sometimes.” He says simply. “But really, you have a once in a lifetime chance, you should use it.”
“What I should do is change my phone background.” She says with a sigh and he nods.
“Yeah, that too.”
After she gets home that night his phone buzzes with an instagram notification, someone is following her and the profile picture makes her trip over her feet and almost step on poor baby cassie. Matteo is smiling lazily at the camera from it. when she taps on the profile she sees that she can see all pictures.
She doesn’t mention this to Pedro this probably means nothing.
And it actually doesn’t, now she can see all of his pictures , all of his stories and she gets to have much more pics of him saved on her phone but also he barely ever pays attention to her except to ask her things when she is spacing out. Usually because she is staring at his arms.
It’s all normal and it’s obvious that for him she is not someone worthy of notice. Which is okay, she never expected anything else and she of course won’t do anything to change that no matter how much Pedro insists she should. He is just a crush, an impossible crush she kinda blogs about but that’s all of it.
She expects nothing of him, she is perfectly content with him just appearing on her dreams.
And apparently her gmail inbox too cause a few weeks into the semester she has a mail from him, a mail sent only to her. Which is weird on itself. The mail is short. Very short, only informing her that if she would like it she will be the person in charge to deal with class in physics subject but also kinda implying that she can’t really say no here. She sends a screenshot to Pedro of course and his answer is about what she expected.
Peter rabbit:
do it!!!1
do it do it do it do it
Are u crazy?? The last thing I need is to be alone with him
Peter rabbit:
That’s exactly what you need tho lol
come on we both know what goes through that mind of yours now you can actually have a chance to use that desk in the ways you would like
Peter rabbit:
I am very useful excuse you, just bc you don’t wanna follow my advice doesn’t mean its good advice
just say yes nothing has to happen (even if it totes will)
Luna bites her lower, lip, he is right nothing has to happen and this is good chance to stare more at him, to spend more time with him and even if she will end up all tense and stressed because she wants something she can’t have at least she will be close to him. Maybe this will be worth it.
She sends him an answer saying that she will do it and then opens her instagram profile, because she has issues, many, many issues. This will be awful but she will manage somehow.
It all goes better than expected he is nice and funny and interesting and she can hear him talk for hours but she manages to keep it in her pants and act like a decent human being around him no matter what. She is very proud of herself.
At least until one tuesday comes after a long weekend and she has to stay after class to discuss if they can change the date of the next quiz they have and all she has been able to see when her eyes close is that instastory from friday night where he is dancing with a girl pressed against him, his lips on her neck, his hand on her hips and the other under resting on her thigh under her dress. And that image usually leads her to imagine what would have happened if that girls was her, what would have happened if his hand went higher.
She is honestly the biggest mess and is in no state to be in a classroom alone with him but no one else will do it so it has to be her.
“Hi.” She says walking to his desk after everyone else has left and she ends up resting her hips against one of the table on the front because she can’t keep her legs from trembling just a little. He grins at her, authentic a little tired and a little lazy and she wants to pull him from his tie and kiss him. She needs to keep a safe distance because she has no idea what she will do if she doesn’t.
“Hi, what’s the problem now?” He says with a fake tired sigh and she shakes her head at him.
“Why do you always assume there is a problem?” She asks and his deep, soft chuckle, makes her take a deep breath.
“Because that’s all you come talk to me about.” He says raising an eyebrow as he rolls his sleeves up exposing the tattoos on one of his arm and Luna shifts uncomfortably at the sudden heat that takes over her body.
“Well, you are right.” She tries to say casual. “And I am sorry to ruin the amazing weekend you just had with these problems but the class was wondering if we could change friday’s quiz for next week.”
“Yeah, no problem, I do have one question though.” Matteo says and Luna nods looking at him but not really at his eyes, she wouldn’t handle that right now. “How do you know I had an amazing weekend.”
The teasing sparkle in his eyes fills her with anger and desire all in one blow and she needs to take a deep breath to calm down and hope her face doesn’t wanna match her red skirt right now.
“I just assumed.” She stutters and Matteo nods unbelieving. “I mean you look relaxed so I am guessing you had fun this weekend, let out some tensions.”
“Oh I did, not the ones I would have wanted but I did.” He says and Luna chokes on air when he says that, he probably doesn’t mean the same kind of tensions she is thinking of right now also maybe he does.
“That’s sad.” She manages to say. “At least you had fun.”
“I did.” Matteo says simply and Luna nods. “What did you do this weekend?”
“Not much.” She clears her throat.
“Didn’t you have fun?” He asks and she swallows hard, why does she feel like there is some other intention to these questions? “I thought maybe Pedro and you did something interesting these long weekend.”
“No, he went out with these girls he is seeing.” She clarifies for some reason. “And I stayed at home doing some reports I had to fix.”
He just nods and Luna has no idea if she can leave or no.
“I think I saw some of your stories on instagram.” He comments and Luna dies a little inside. “You are very responsible.”
“Yeah,that’s me.” She says nervously. “A responsible girl who has other class right now so she needs to go.”
She runs to the bathroom and skips her last class. She can’t believe what just happened and has no idea what it means, but she is dying.
After that she is kinda done with him, she can’t keep being like this around him, she can’t keep feeling like this. She needs to forget about him and what better way than to find some hot stranger in some bar get laid, leave their place in the morning and forget all about them too.
She needs a quick thing that will leave her satisfied for a while and won’t bring her any problems, so she puts on this tight black dress she has, the one pair of heels she owns, that one leather jacket and paints her lips red before she tells Pedro to meet her at the club and getting a taxi.
Pedro being Pedro gets excited about anything that involves alcohol and the chance to hook up with some hot girl so he throws himself into it right away. He lives closer than her so he gets there faster and when she arrives he already has two shots waiting for her.
Or maybe one was for him but she drinks both of those and that’s what matters.
She lets him post some pics of her on her instagram, she looks hot, she feels hot and she posts it just thinking once about what would Matteo thinks when he sees it before dragging Pedro to the dance floor and deciding to forget all about Balsano.
She manages mostly at least until she is back on the bar ordering more drinks and her phone vibrates so she takes it out and sees that she has a notification on instagram from mbalsaon.
She opens it fast and sees that he liked her pic and he actually send her a message. She takes deep breath, it’s probably going to be something nice or something teasing about her having fun now, it will be nothing important.
Her fingers still shake when she opens it.
do you have any idea just how hot you look?
She almost drops her phone when she reads it.
you look so good with that dress and the way you are dancing
the way i’m dancing? what??
turn to your right, cucciola
She does as he says, ignoring the weird nickname and finds him sitting not far away from him on the bar, he is wearing a black shirt and dark jeans sipping on a glass of something she can’t recognize from him but he lifts it softly on her direction.
if you don’t want this i apologize the last thing i want is you make you feel uncomfortable
but i kinda feel like you do
so if I am right i am going out right now, i need some air, maybe you do too
She sees him down the contents of his glass and walk towards the doors much closer to him that to her, when he disappears from her sighs she takes a deep breath, texts Pedro and follows Matteo.
She definitely could use some fresh air right now too.
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gel0p2 · 3 years
Japan S2, Day 11!
(Editor’s note: Please note that this was originally written back in November 2019, right after the actual trip. Some details have been updated, but the overall content remains the same.)
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I was back in Tokyo first thing in the morning for Day 11! No more pictures of Fuji-san this time, I just straight up rested ^_^; (also the snow was gone remember…)
Time for a bus ride! Where was I going, I wonder? Hint: I came from Mitaka Station :^)
No, I’m not going to Iguchihachiman Iriguchi, although a part of me believes me whoever named that place was laughing at the unintentional tongue-twister they made.
Also while not paying attention at Mitaka Station I totally slammed against an automatic door, it hurt huhuhuhu T_T
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Did you know that “Fujijuko Mae” translated to “in front of Fuji Heavy Industries”? :^)
You have about a minute to google what Fuji Heavy Industries is :^)
On the bus terminal at Mitaka Station, I asked the bus driver if they were stopping at a certain school that was supposed to be close to where I was going. He actually said yes, but upon realizing that I was specifically asking about the entrance, he told me that he actually wasn’t; he then asked if I was visiting anybody there. I then told him my actual objective-
“Iie, ano, Fuji- Ah! SUBARU!”
“Aa OK!” he said.
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Remember when I went here last May and turned out they were closed on Tuesdays (and Wednesdays)?? Well, it was a Sunday this time!! :D
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*heavy breathing*
It took me 2 minutes to confirm with the staff that I didn’t need to pay; in hindsight, I probably should have just asked directly if I could take pictures or not. XD
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HUHUHU I’m surrounded by Subarus T_T
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Hawk Eye STI!
At this point, another member of the staff approached me and asked (in Japanese!) if I wanted to try getting into the car. OF COURSE I DID! XD
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I’m actually a frog. :P
Holy crap getting into the car was difficult. It was very tight @_@
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He took a couple more pictures for me, then asked if I was familiar with Solberg. Having watched him (and his son) in the recent episodes of Launch Control, I told him I kinda was. ^_^
…turns out he was here just a few days ago. That’s his signature right at the top @_@
(Editor’s note: WHY DIDN’T I SIGN THIS WALL??)
We talked more in Japanese :D I told him about my attempt last May, LOL. I asked if there were many people visiting, and he said yep, from all around the world. There were actually a couple more people visiting that day. :)
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Another angle of the Hawk Eye. ^_^
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The Subaru Impreza 22B STI!
I asked the staff what the Japanese name of this car was. Was it Nijuuni (Twenty Two) B? Nope, he told me it was called “Ni-ni B” (Two-Two B) in Japan. I’ve always had my suspicion because they call the Eighty-Six a Hachi-Roku (8-6), but that day I’ve confirmed it.
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The staff asked again if I wanted to try getting inside, and again, of course I did!!
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Yesssssss. Feels better than my Civic, that’s for sure. XD
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Unlike the rally-equipped eagle eye, the 22B was easy to get in and out of.
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Those aren’t peace signs - that’s Two Two! XD
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Couldn’t leave without a picture of the badge, could I?
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I took a few more photos before leaving. Here are some of the trophies they’ve won. ^_^
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The car that started all the blue’s and the gold’s. … Was it this one? I wasn’t sure XD but this was the oldest model they had. :)
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Tres amigos. (The 22B was on the other side of the room, soooo impossible to put in a group shot like this)
(Editor’s note: I believe they’ve since rearranged the cars.)
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The ‘ring.
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More trophies.
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More amigos.
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And that was it! I finally did it! Thank you Mitaka STI Gallery! T_T
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Thank you Subaru! T_T
At this point, my trip’s practically done. I went to Nakano Broadway, went around all the shops, found no particular item of interest (except for the Himari shirt at 2.5SPINNS! I managed to get it!)
I was hoping to have a chat with the male staff who gave me all the Bandori goodies last May, but apparently there was an event, and I had a chat with the female staff instead. I told her I’ve been her last May as well, where I bought the Rinko shirt I was wearing that day.
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Oh, I did find an O-Tae plushie. I was looking for Yukina plushies so my Ran can have someone to have playful fights with… but alas, they were nowhere to be found. I didn’t buy this one though. :)
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I ate ramen before heading for Akihabara. ^_^
The machine wasn’t accepting my 1000-yen and a staff had to assist me hahaha…
I didn’t take any photographs in Akiba anymore, I was just there to buy shirts. :)
Having bought the Himari shirt, I only had enough to buy the full color Karen/Hikari shirt, plus the Bana-nice! shirt. I wasn’t done shopping yet, so I’ll provide pictures later once I am. :)
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One last picture. This is the very last Shinkansen I rode during my trip, car #3 of the Hikari 481, from Tokyo to Shin-Osaka. As you can see, it would still make its way to Hiroshima. ^_^
Arigatou-gozaimashita, Shinkansen-san. I hope I get to meet you again soon! T_T
I promise not to take someone else’s seat next time! :’D
Day 11 in Japan S2, complete! ^_^
<< Day 10 . . . Day 12 >>
0 notes
winetae · 7 years
⇾ dick n’ go (m)
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⇁ female reader x seokjin
⇁ smut, crack || shopping for dicc!au
⇁ male objectification, superficiality, fuckgirl!reader, dirty talk, and cocky!jin if that isn’t your thing
. . .
After trooping through a series of horrendous first dates and mediocre hookups, you were convinced you would never find a man capable of satisfying your needs. Your friend recommends you try a slightly unconventional method to remedy your bad luck.  
↳ alternatively: seokjin has a five star dick and you decide to give it a go
a/n; happiest birthday to my porn watching partner in crime, the one who sends me pics of Seokjin Bulges and occasionally of hairy toes !! i love you (ps; ty to everyone who encouraged me to finally finish this semi autobiographical piece;;)
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“ — remarkable churn rate,” he boasted, the corner of his lips twitching into a satisfied smirk. “Of course, I’m aware this might not be of any significance to you, but it’s quite outstanding considering the circumstances.”
The soft glow of the candles cast shadows on his face, accentuating the tall bridge of his nose and the length of his eyelashes. He was classically handsome, with a strong brow and full lips, broad shoulders and a posture that belied his confidence.
At first, it had been easy to fake interest. His good looks had been enough of a distraction, but by the main course, your glass of red wine had become much more riveting than his one-sided conversations that all seemed to revolve around him. It wasn’t that you were turned off by cocky men. In fact, you liked someone who was confident in himself and his abilities. Confidence was generally an attractive trait in a partner, but tonight you couldn’t help but be put off by his behavior. It was becoming increasingly difficult to feign enthusiasm over his endless list of accomplishments, especially when he threw in a condescending remark your way every now and then.
This time you couldn’t even blame the dating agency for a faulty match-up. There had been no fluke of any kind; suited in crisp Tom Ford and polished Italian leather, he was exactly as described on paper—which had been all the more infuriating. Admittedly, when you had first met him tonight, you had swooned a little, not daring to believe your luck. With his slicked back hair and tailored suit, he was a sight for sore eyes. 
In hindsight, you should have known better than to get your hopes up, especially if you considered your track record with men.
“Ah… Congrats.” You managed a strained smile while surreptitiously reaching for the bottle of Pinot Noir.
Regret started to pool in your gut. Signing up on a dating website hadn’t been the wisest move, you now realized. Had the wooing process always been this tiring? Maybe you were rusty, having been out of the game for too long. It hadn’t even been that long since your very public break-up with your ex-boyfriend. 
A bitter taste lingered on your tongue when you let your mind wander back to the events leading up to the separation. All the missed calls and flimsy excuses should have alerted you, but instead of trying to talk things out, you had ignored the growing rift in your relationship. Now, you could only look back on those times with distaste. Truthfully speaking, there had been good times—great times, even—and maybe if things had ended cleanly then you wouldn’t be so worked up over the split. The break up would have been easier to digest if he hadn’t been such a prick... The worst part was he hadn’t even had the decency to deliver the news in person, as if none it had ever mattered to him like it had to you; no matter how you looked at it, it felt like two years of commitment had gone down the drain...
You gulped down the remnants of your drink, hoping to wash down the resurfacing memory, but not even the fancy wine bottled in 1982 could help you dial back the resentment that boiled beneath your skin. What kind of dickshit ended a relationship by changing their Facebook status to single?! It was a slap to the face that still stung no matter how many Netflix series you binged or pints of ice cream you devoured. Clearly, he had no respect for you... And that realization hurt more than the break-up itself. 
After a week of wallowing in self-pity, watching reruns of That 70’s Show and eating pack after pack of spicy Doritos, your friend had managed to pull you out of the obligatory post-breakup moping stage. Realistically, you weren’t ready or interested in jumping head first in any kind of new relationship, but your friend had insisted you needed to get over the asshole you had been committed to for the better part of two years. You didn’t like the term ‘rebound’, but that was essentially what you were looking for by signing up on dating websites. 
Meeting new people would be fun, she had promised. Yet here you sat squeezed into a dress one size too small, concealing yet another sigh by stuffing your face with one of the offered breadsticks. 
You were well aware you wouldn’t find the love of your life tonight. Your expectations hadn’t been high to begin with but your date was so dreadfully boring, for lack of better words, that you couldn’t help but be disappointed. There was no chemistry between the pair of you; whenever you sought to deviate the conversation to a new topic, he steered it back to his subject of interest. You had quickly realized there was no common ground: you were an art history major with no knowledge in marketing or communication; he planned to have a kid before the age of 35 while you were just looking for some mindless fun... You could blame it on the age gap or the fact he had a stable working job and you were still finishing off your studies, but you were evidently in different places in your lives with different goals and desires.
Restlessness was beginning to creep up your legs and it took a huge amount of self-restraint not to check the time on your phone. 
Putting aside your differences, it would have still  been nice if your date paid attention to you instead of talking over you at every turn. Still, you tried to stay optimistic despite the lack of chemistry. Maybe he wanted to impress you or perhaps it was all just nervous rambling. You could overlook his desire to monopolize the conversation for now. 
Well, if anything, at least you were getting expensive wine and a free meal out of this. You glanced down at your plate and then at his, noticing he hadn’t even gotten halfway through his medium rare steak. Why was he taking so long to eat the steak?! you silently despaired. Maybe if you glared at it for long enough, he would get the hint and cease his meaningless chatter.
“Oh, are you still hungry?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “Should I call the waiter back?”
“NO, no!” You raised out your hands, waving them around in panic. But in your hurried attempt to dissuade him, you hadn’t noticed you had attracted the unwanted attention of the people nearby.
“That won’t be necessary,” you repeated quietly, slightly embarrassed by your outburst. You tucked your hair behind your ear self-consciously, trying to calm yourself down. The last thing you wanted was to create a scene.
“You must have quite the appetite to have finished so quickly.” He stared pointedly at the lone arugula leaf you hadn’t been able to pick up with your fork. You felt your cheeks flush at the insinuation, teeth tugging your bottom lip in vexation. Maybe he was just clumsy with his words and didn’t mean anything by it, but something about it didn’t sit well with you. Wanting to give him the benefit the doubt, you plastered on a smile. 
“I’m fine,” you forced out, the corner of your lips twitching from the strain. “I’m full now, anyway.”
“Are you sure? You were staring at my dinner quite, er, intently.” He prodded at his meal with the silverware, voice laden with skepticism. Hand slowly curling into a fist, you tried not to look too affronted.
“It’s okay!” he pressed on, misinterpreting your silence. “Don’t be ashamed! I like a girl with an appetite. Models these days are all bones—nothing to grab onto. I find women like you more attractive.”
He made grabby hands to illustrate his point, gaze swooping down to ogle the peak of cleavage on display shamelessly. Your outfit wasn’t even that revealing—a modest black dress with a sweetheart neckline— but the way he leered at you as if you were a slab of meat on a platter made your insides twist with disgust. Rather than making you feel sexy and desirable, the intensity of his appraisal made you feel like you were being coated over in a layer of slime. You bit down your retort, nails digging into the palm of your hand to distract yourself. 
“Oh?” you intoned dryly, shoulders hunching up defensively. 
“Most definitely,” he nodded, taking no note of your evident discomfort. “I like it when a woman is a bit bottom heavy.”
“Excuse me?” This time you couldn’t hide the sheer incredulity that colored your tone, brows arching.
Your eyes fluttered to a close as you took a steadying breath, not trusting yourself to keep your expression in check. Was he being serious? This had to be some kind of joke... You refused to believe someone could be that dense. Even if he had meant his comment as praise, the way he went about to compliment you didn’t flatter you in the least. Sure, people were allowed to have their preferences but something in the way he spoke and delivered his speech made your skin crawl with mortification.
Either way, you knew you couldn’t sit through this dinner for any longer than you had to. You saw no point in letting the date drag on indefinitely since it was clear that it wasn’t going to be working out.
The five course meal wasn’t exactly cheap but you would pay your share. You’d even take on his portion of the bill if it meant you could go home right away. Sure, it would leave a small dent in your wallet, but you refused to stay and listen to him drone on for another two hours.
“I think I’m feeling sick, actually,” you excused yourself, clutching your stomach in a dramatic fashion, but even to your own ears, it sounded like a feeble pretext. “I’m really sorry for cutting this short, but I need to lie down... I’ll pay for dinner, don’t worry about it.”
“Nonsense,” he cut in right away, looking affronted you would dare to suggest such a thing. “You’re right, the food here isn’t that good anyways.”
“That wasn’t what I—”
“It was a pleasure dining with you tonight.” He wiped his lips with the white chiffon, his voice dropping to a seductive octave so suddenly you could only gape up at him. “Would you be interested in joining me for tea back in my loge?”
You froze, eyes subconsciously darting around, refusing to meet his unexpected suggestive gaze. To be frank, you might have been tempted by his offer for ‘tea’ before his failed attempt to wine and dine you. But after having suffered through two hours of his presence, your only wish was to never meet him again.
“Ah, um,” you floundered, looking for a way out. “I really don’t think I’m feeling too well… But thank you for the offer, Minwoo.”
“Minhyuk.” A muscle in his jaw jumped. “It’s Minhyuk.”
“Mmh? That’s what I said,” you fibbed, averting your eyes and silently cursing yourself for your inattentiveness.
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole as it became apparent that no amount of apologies could salvage the situation. Guilt churned in the pit of your stomach, discomfiture rendering you rigid. Sure, Minhyuk or whatever had been a proper asshole but you still felt bad for forgetting his actual name. It had happened to you once before, back when you had first started dating, and you could still remember the bone-crushing humiliation and awkwardness as he had confused you with some other random girl. Back then, you had sworn never to subject anyone to the same situation, so for it to happen now... You were disappointed in yourself but there was really nothing you could do about it. 
Needless to say, your mistake had made things painfully awkward between the two of you. His ego had taken an undeniable hit that no amount of apologies could probably fix. Minhyuk did not even bother to conceal his sigh of relief when you called for a taxi cab to drive you home. In any other situation, you might have been offended at how quickly he tried to get rid of you, but you were equally desperate to escape your date. 
You didn’t miss Minhyuk in the slightest but for some reason your mind kept wandering back to your failed date at the most inconvenient times. Like a broken record, the memory of that night kept replaying in your mind on loop. He was like pesky fly you couldn’t shake off—a low buzzing in your ears distracting you from everyday activities. 
Why were the men you dealt with such dickheads? You silently cursed your horrible luck with the male species as you spread butter over your toast, crunching into the slice of bread with more force than necessary, teeth clanking together. 
You hadn’t expected dating to be so exhausting. Being with your ex for so long, you had fallen into a complacent routine of sorts; it had stopped being exciting, but at least it was comfortable and familiar. You knew each other’s likes and dislikes and would adjust accordingly to each other’s personalities. Restarting the entire getting-to-know you process just seemed way too bothersome to deal with. Maybe Minhyuk or whatever hadn’t been the right guy for you, but in all honesty you didn’t want to enter the dating pool at the moment. 
What you needed was someone who was on the same wavelength as you—someone around your age that was only interested in having a good time. After the emotional rollercoaster you had previously been on, the last thing you wanted was to jump into another relationship. You told yourself there was no use rushing it. But just because you were giving up the idea of dating for the time being, didn’t mean having some occasional fun was prohibited.
Being single was a good thing.
Over the next couple of weeks, you kept repeating this phrase, hoping the mantra would convince you of its truth. Weren’t you supposed to be living your glory days right now? What was the point of settling down when you could be having stress-free fun whenever you wanted? Relationships just seemed like way too much work, especially when finding the right guy was a task in itself. Dating websites and blind dates set up by your friends just seemed like such a hassle you didn’t have the time to deal with... But honestly speaking, masturbating wasn’t as fulfilling as getting laid on the regular. That was one particular aspect of your old relationship that you missed. You didn’t need to be in a relationship to be happy and satisfied. But even though you technically didn’t need a functioning cock to get off, who were you to turn down a good fuck? 
So the logical thing to do was to take a page out of the fuckboy manual and stock up on a giant box of condoms. It felt nice to flirt around when you knew you didn’t have to commit to anything. Guys were surprisingly easy to rile up and they all seemed desperate to prove their own worth. And although you had your doubts over the validity of their claims, you let yourself be convinced once or twice by their smooth and practiced lines. But every single time, the ending had been either anticlimactic or disastrously bad. 
Youjin, a classmate you were friendly with, seemed to take pity on you when you recounted your latest attempt at hooking up. She had invited you over to her place for a round of consolation drinks and you had never been more eager to down a shot of alcohol in your life.
“He had a nervous jizz? Did you even get to see his dick before he creamed his jeans?” She patted your shoulder in sympathy before handing you another shot of tequila.
“Nope. Nothing. Couldn’t even tell you if he had hairy balls or not.” You shrugged, a nonchalant expression settling over your features. “I groped a feel before he, uh... creamed his jeans. Dunno. Kind of felt underwhelmed.”
“Size doesn’t matter.” Youjin reminded you with a nudge. “It’s how he works his machine that counts.”
“Machine?” You stifled a snort behind your hand. “Well, Jungkook’s engine failed him. I touched his dick over the jeans for maybe ten seconds? He didn’t even last long enough for me to take his belt off. I don’t know who was more embarrassed but he kicked me out of his room before I could really say anything.”
“Look on the bright side... Maybe this means you’re that good. You must have magic fucking fingers.” She wiggles her hands in your face, her sparkly manicured nails on display. “What made you think hooking up with someone in the same class as you was a good idea anyway? Isn’t this the basic rule of fucking... No shitting where you eat.” 
“I don’t know... Convenience? He was there and it seemed like an easy fuck, you know? I just want a nice lay. And I thought I would have a good time! We’ve been texting for a while and he kept saying he would make it worth my time... You’re right, I shouldn’t have trusted him. He looks like he just grew out of puberty... I shouldn’t have trusted him.”
“Oh yeah, there’s no doubt you need to get dicked down. My doctor said good sex is one of the primary contributors to good health and inner happiness. But things will just get super messy if you keep hooking up with guys you see every day. What if Jungkook ended up your partner for next month’s presentation? Do you know how fucking awkward things get when you’re trying make a powerpoint presentation on rococo furniture with a guy who has had his mouth on your nips? I’ve been there, okay, and not only does it make you question all your life decisions, but it fucks up your grades. So it’s a lose-lose situation you’re better off without.”
Youjin’s solution to your problems was bringing you to the nearest night club. Her reasoning was that any guy you picked up there was also probably looking for a quick one night stand. In her books, club hookups were the easiest way to have a good time without resorting to fucking your classmate.
“Wear a slut skirt!” Out of reflex, you caught the article of clothing that flew your way. It was a short, leather piece that promised to mold to your every curve. “And pin your hair up—it looks really nice like that!”
“Calm down,” you huffed. “We’re just going to the club.”
“So? Who knows, you might find the love of your life tonight!”
“Let’s be realistic, the chance of that is slimmer than winning the lottery... “ You shimmied into the tight skirt, smoothing over any creases, silently admiring the way it made your ass look bigger than it usually did. 
“Never say never. Did you know Nicole Richie met her husband in a club?” 
“Nevermind, just put on the fucking skirt, okay? Hmm, do you want me to lend you my old push-up bra?”
“I’ll pass, thanks,” you deadpanned, your raised eyebrow twitching. She didn’t have to bring up the fact she had miraculously gotten a cup size bigger than you last summer. You looked down at your breasts with a frown, silently cursing. Why couldn’t the weight you gained go to your boobs? 
In the end, you did borrow her padded push-up bra. You would have been a fool to turn down an instant breast lift offer. No one would know the difference anyway, not unless you let them paw at your boobs. And with your luck, an accidental grope on the dancefloor might be the most action you would get tonight. 
The club Youjin brought you to was swarmed with college kids that were all looking to dance away the stress of the upcoming exam season. Leaving you to your own devices, she gave you a good luck pat on your shoulder before going off to order a martini at the bar.
It didn’t take long for someone to approach you but you shrugged them off, not interested in hooking up with freshman kids that probably just learned how to roll on a condom. If you were going to hookup with a fuckboy tonight, you wanted him to be the most experienced guy in the club. 
You didn’t have to wait too long for someone to match your criteria to bump into you. He exuded a certain a charisma the other guys hadn’t, the dark of the room making his smooth skin look like molten gold. 
“Your friend is gorgeous,” he yelled into your ear, one of his hands sliding down to rest on the small of your back. You had to lean forward until you could make out the words he was mouthing over the heavy bass; his breath smelled like whiskey and coke but not unpleasantly so.
From up close, you could see the way he eyed over Youjin dancing up a storm on the other side of the room, pearly white teeth biting his plump lower lip as his eyes lingered on her ass. You could hardly blame him—even you were entranced by the way she flipped her long, glossy hair and the smooth movements of her hips she synchronized in time with the beat of the music. 
Youjin was the best dancer you knew. For the longest time she had tried to teach you how to slut drop but after many failed practice sessions in front of your bathroom mirror, she had signed you off as a lost cause. In your defense, you weren’t a terrible dancer... But next to her? You looked like a waddling penguin that was learning how to walk for the first time. Hence why you never had any luck pulling guys if you stuck by her side. 
“Can you talk to her for me?”
Tilting your head, you contemplated his request. Neon green spots of light danced over his features, making his jaw look sharper than it probably was. He looked harmless enough, but it was hard to tell for sure...You would never judge someone by their face. Even if he looked like he was incapable of harming a fly, you weren’t duped into believing he had any innocent intentions behind his actions. After all, this was a night club filled to the brim with testosterone—a place for people to find an easy lay—so there was no room to misunderstand his question. 
“Why can’t you ask her?” He was a grown ass man after all... You couldn’t understand why he didn’t just ask her himself. Playing the part of the messenger was just so tiresome—this wasn’t prom and you were too old for this kind of silly game.
He turned to look at you properly for the first time, the corners of his mouth already quirked up into a charming smile. Your gaze was instantly drawn to his plush lips, shiny and inviting. You tried to shake yourself out of your trance, eyes snapping back to meet his knowing stare, but he made nonchalance difficult. You had always had a weakness for soft, pouty lips. Certain he was the type of guy that would use that piece of information against you to get what he wanted, you fixed your gaze on a safer place—the shiny spot of skin between his eyebrows.
“Huh, you’re pretty too!” His mouth stretched into a smile, eyes slanting into crescents.
“Thanks,” you replied, dryly. Unfortunately, your sarcasm wasn’t conveyed properly and he seemed to take your words at face value. Thinking you had warmed up to him, he slid closer to you, the hand resting on your lower back pulling you flush against his hard chest. 
He leaned in closer still, face crowding near yours, so you felt the warmth of his breath against the sensitive skin of your neck. For one drawn out moment, you thought he was going to lean in and kiss you, but instead he yelled into your ear, “say, if you ask your pretty friend for me, I’ll hook you up with my friend. You’re just his type!”
He pointed over to a guy with a plain white shirt and a black cap on, grinding into a girl’s ass a few steps away from you. You bit off a scoff, not believing what you were hearing. Did he really think you were willing for some kind of trade off? His friend wasn’t ugly in the least, but you still felt a bit offended for thinking you could be passed around. 
“I’ll speak to my friend for you. You’re totally his type.” 
There was no hiding your disbelief at his audacity. You risked a glace back in his direction to check if he was being completely serious, and you almost laughed out loud when you saw no trace of deception on his face. He must have been really interested in Youjin for him to beg you like this.
He was handsome enough that you were sure he wouldn’t have any trouble attracting other people, but he seemed fixated on your friend. If you hadn’t been slightly intoxicated, you would have told him straight away to deal with it on his own, but the alcohol burning in your veins made it harder to think properly. 
“I don’t think he needs any help in that department!” You pointedly eyed his friend, who was still attached by the pelvis to his dancing partner. 
“He’ll drop her for you, trust me.” His unwavering confidence made you falter, and he took advantage of your few seconds of shocked silence to call over his friend. You couldn’t believe he would actually leave the girl he was with just to join the both of you. 
There was a slight pause as you both sized each other up. The first thing you noticed was that his simple white t-shirt was almost see through, made transparent by his sweat. Despite your better judgement, you found yourself eyeing his defined muscles that were perfectly displayed under the thin layer of fabric. When your eyes met his, he shot you a knowing wink, his abs flexing under the disco reflected light. 
He was acting like your typical campus fuckboy. Guys like him were easy to figure out. You had frequented them enough to know they had a one-track mind and were programmed to function according to the eat-sleep-fuck cycle. He was your ideal candidate to take home because you knew he wasn’t looking for anything serious tonight. 
“So, do you dance?” 
“Not really...” He leaned in closer to hear your answer over the booming bass. He was close enough that you could smell his aftershave, the clean scent a welcomed reprieve from the sweat-infested room. 
“It’s okay, I can teach you.” A hand fell to your waist to bring you closer still. Distantly, it registered just how fucking built he was. He looked like the type that had a gold gym membership just so he could walk around campus with sleeveless tops and show off his body to the student population. 
Pressing his strong body against yours, he gripped your hips and guided your movements. The first guy long forgotten, you slowly relaxed under his hold, swiveling your hips in time to the beat. It was easy to let your mind drift off, your thoughts consumed by images of your dance partner fucking into you with the same fluidity he was showcasing now. He was a bit shorter than the men you usually went for, but his thick thighs and sensual grinding were winning you over. Besides, he moved his body like Magic Mike and that was something you weren’t about to pass up. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Youjin shoot you a thumbs-up, mouthing words that suspiciously looked like ‘get that dick’ but it was hard to tell for certain. Maybe she was right... One night stands like this were simpler to deal with than attempting to get into bed with your classmate. For one, you wouldn’t have to feel awkward every time you walked into class and made accidental eye-contact. 
All you wanted was to get laid properly. Finding a fuck buddy was too much trouble and there was no guarantee that would be a success, either. In most cases you had heard of, one person always ended up catching feelings and that was an additional mess you didn’t have the time to take care of. 
“Want to walk me home?” You asked coyly, eyelashes fluttering, your palms sliding up his chest seductively. His eyes darkened, mouth crashing into yours in response.
You didn’t even make it to the exit door, clearly too impatient and horny to wait until you reached a mattress. The entire thing was messy and rushed—teeth clanking against each other, swollen lips bitten red. You felt like a hormonal teenager all over again but you were too caught up in the moment to be embarrassed by your actions.
His large hands gripped your waist, and you had no choice but to follow his movements, shuffling backwards until your back met the dank wall of the bathroom stall. 
“I want to see these pretty lips around my cock,” he groaned, hands slipping under the hem of your skirt to grab a handful of your ass. “I love it when girls get their lipstick all over me. S’fucking hot.” 
“I’m not going to blow you.” You shook your head, trying to hold your ground despite his insistent kisses up the side of you neck. “No offense, but you look like I might catch something if I let you put your dick in any of my holes.”
If you hadn’t been inebriated you might have phrased it better. Whatever. You didn’t really care about his feelings when it was obvious all he wanted from you was to get his dick wet for a couple of seconds before busting a nut. Making out with him was already a big health hazard, you didn’t want to risk anything more by getting fucked in a smelly bathroom stall. 
“Fine.” He shrugged like it was a common occurrence to have girls push him away because they were worried of him carrying diseases. “How ‘bout a handjob?”
You shrugged, not really objecting to the idea. Given the choice, you would have still preferred to give him the handjob with gloves on or something, but you figured you could forego the extra precaution just this once. 
It didn’t go as smoothly as you expected to (although no bathroom hookups had ever been plain sailing in your personal experience). Your manicured nails made it hard to maneuver around in the cramped space; this became apparent when you awkwardly fumbled with the zipper of his jeans for a second too long. Huffing with impatience, he swatted your hand away, “here, let me.” 
His dick, like the rest of his form, didn’t hurt to look at. Knowing your luck, you had half expected him to whip out a fungus covered penis, but to your relief it looked acceptably normal. 
You spat into your hand, coating his length with firm strokes until he hardened completely under your touch. 
“Fuck,” he grunted, his small hand coming up to cover your own to speed up your movements. “Yeah, just like that. Spit on it again, fuck.”
You obliged even though the entire thing was messy; his precum mixed with your spit helped your hand glide over his shaft in quick strokes. Slick sounds interlaced with heavy breathing filled the small bathroom stall. The obscene noises spiked up your level of arousal and you let out a dissatisfied whine to remind him to take care of you, too.
You jumped as you felt his hand creep up your flank, his slim fingers reaching for your bra. Belatedly, you realized he was about five seconds away from discovering the most padded bra made by man so you hurried to dissuade him.
“Not the boobs.” Your right hand paused mid-stroke so you could make sure he got the message. “They’re, uh, they’re sensitive right now.”
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes, instead shoving the same hand down the waistband of your skirt without any warning. His plump lips swallowed down your surprised squeal, a groan making its way into your mouth.
His fingers trailed the trims of lace on your underwear, hooking under the hem to trace over your heat. He didn’t waste any time, sinking his fingers into your wet center to curl inside, vainly trying to find your g-spot. His thumb traced over your bundle of nerves a little too roughly and you squeezed his length in response. The muscles in his arms flexed as he plunged his digits into your slick heat. You closed your eyes, trying to grow accustomed to his relentless ministrations. 
“What the fuck?!” 
“What?” The sheer disgust in his tone jolted you back to reality, your head banging into the wall with a dull sound. “What is it, what’s wrong?”
He brought up his hand so you could see the way his small fingers glistened with your juices and b—
“Couldn’t you have told me you were on your period before making me finger you?” 
“Ummmmm.” Admittedly, you weren’t being very eloquent but it was difficult to gather your thoughts when there was fucking blood on his hand and under his nails. You were way too freaked out to think about this calmly. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. What the...  
“It’s not my time of the month...” You frowned as he went to wipe off his hand with toilet paper. “I’m not due until another week and half. What the fuck...”
Now that there wasn’t a haze covering your vision, it was easier to analyze the situation logically. And without his fingers hammering away against your walls, it was easier to notice a sting near your sensitive skin. It was starting to dawn on you that the asswipe had actually fingered you too hard, making you bleed. You were about to screech in horror but he continued on, interrupting your inner screaming.
“Yeah, right. There was fucking blood! I know I’ve had a few drinks but look!” He waved around the soiled toilet paper to prove his point, ignoring the way you coiled away in revulsion. “You’re disgusting.”
You couldn’t believe the actual nerve of this shithead. Incensed, you had a hard time keeping your voice down, wanting nothing more than to shove his head into the disgusting toilet bowl to shut him up.
“I don’t have my period! You’re the one who tried to claw out my vagina!” Inwardly, you seethed. “Get the fuck out of here while I’m still being nice.”
You sent a text to Youjin informing her you would take a taxi cab home. The night was coming to a premature end but you were too angry to go find someone else to take home. You weren’t in the right mind to trust anyone else with your vagina at the moment, not when it was apparently in danger of being clawed out.
youjin [01:13 am] homerun? ;)
She was so far from the truth that it was actually kind of sad... You were starting to think you were cursed. Why was it this troublesome to find someone who would give you a satisfying experience? Why were the guys you met so inadequate? 
All of your experiences were getting progressively worse and you weren’t sure what to blame your bad luck on. You weren’t a bad person... You paid your all of your bills and picked up your dog’s poo when you took him out for a walk. Why was karma being a petty bitch and fucking you over?
At your return, your roommate raised an inquisitive eyebrow, eyeing your disheveled form in concern. Upon noticing your despondent expression, she nodded in understanding. “Was it really that bad?” 
“I mean… It could have been... worse. Oh, who am I kidding, it was fucking awful." You cringed, catching your refection in the mirror overhanging the foyer. The corner of your eyes were smudged with kohl and your hair looked like a greasy mess. “Shit, I look like a wreck. Let me shower, yeah? I smell like piss and beer."
You needed to wipe down the gross layer of sweat that covered your body and check your vagina for any irrevocable damage. Thankfully, after a quick inspection, everything seemed to be okay and functioning properly but you still couldn’t trust Thomas or whatever his name was. You spent ten minutes cleaning your hands with soap, scrubbing every possible surface to make sure you weren’t going to catch anything else.
What you needed was a full body cleanse. You flinched as your toes made contact with the cold tiles, hands blindly reaching for the shower knob. Ice cold water rained down your back but you clenched your jaw and endured it, hoping it would distract you from the worries plaguing your mind. 
Soon enough, steam enveloped you, heat soaking into your skin, muscles slowly unwinding. However, it became apparent that the comforting spray of water wasn’t enough to dispel any of your concerns.
Honestly, what was the use of having a nice dick if you couldn't use it properly? Why would men boast about their skills when it was obvious they didn't give two flying fucks about their partner's sexual pleasure? Why were men so selfish? You weren't even asking for much... Was one orgasm really too much to ask for? 
"Men are gross," you whispered to yourself bitterly, reaching for the peach scented body wash. Perhaps it was time to finally invest in a nice vibrator, because if your recent experiences were anything to go by, you wouldn’t be getting off any time soon.
You didn’t even have it in you to be angry. The frustration over your lack of success had slowly ebbed away and left only room for doubt—doubt in yourself and your ability to not attract assholes. There are so many men out there; you refused to believe they were all one and the same. Still, your experiences so far had proved you otherwise and your optimism was beginning to dwindle.
After making sure you were completely clean, you wandered off to the living room, wrapped in your fluffy bathrobe. You flopped down on the couch, your dripping hair making a mess on the furniture.
“I’m cursed,” you bemoaned, words muffled because you had face planted into the cushions. “Dicks hate me.”
“Why are you always so dramatic?” your roommate scoffed, not even bothering to sound sympathetic, attention focused on a rerun of Project Runway.
“I’m serious.” You sat back up, attaching your hair so it would stop soaking the back of your nightshirt. “I think men are allergic to me.”
You recounted all of your failed encounters, not leaving out that one time a guy had ‘accidentally’ rimmed you while trying to eat you out. What a nightmare. You still got full body shivers whenever you remembered that horrific experience. At the end of your heated monologue, you couldn’t help but get a little emotional, lamenting your string of failures.
“Listen to me... Let’s get one thing straight—you are not the problem. All those guys were self-centered assholes who thought they were hot shit. Not everyone is like that, you know. Are you seriously going to give up on dick because of a few bad experiences?” 
“I’m not interested in dating,” you insisted, ignoring her. “But I never said I wasn’t interested in dick. I just... want one that knows what it's doing. Does that make sense? I don’t want to have to deal with period scares or guys that try to sneak in a bit of butt action when you’re distracted."
“Oh?” She visibly perked up at your words, trying to assess how serious you were being. "You know... There's an app for that."
"I've tried dating websites... But it's exhausting, and I'm not ready for any emotional inv—"
"Not that," she cut in impatiently, reaching for her purse and rummaging inside. 
“A sex toy seems like the better option.” You pointed out, reluctantly giving into the idea. “I don’t really like the feel of silicone but—”
After a few taps on her phone and a triumphant “hmmfph” sound, she thrust her device in your face. It took a few short seconds for the screen to come into focus; the proximity nearly made you go cross-eyed.
“Dick n’ Go?" Doubt seeped through your words. "Why does this sound like a bad porn movie? How does this even work...” You trailed off, not convinced by her idea in the slightest. It was hard to trust someone who liked to put cucumber slices in the water pitcher just because ‘it looked aesthetic’.
“It’s like the upgraded, safer version of Tinder. You’re guaranteed to land someone who knows what he’s doing. Trust me... If Stevie and I hadn’t gotten back together, I’d probably still be using Dick n’ Go all the time. This is the best invention of the 21st century. Everyone should be using this!”
You looked down at the her phone suspiciously. How did she expect you do jump onto the Dick n’ Go bandwagon when it had such a terrible name... 
“Just give it a try!” she persisted, nudging you with her elbow. “No offense, but it can't get any worse."
“Okay,” you relented. “But only this once! And if this fails, then I’ll just accept my fate.”
You waited for the app to download on your own phone, inwardly cringing at the phallic illustration used as the logo. 
Glancing over the questionnaire, you filled out the form with the requested details. The beginning seemed fairly normal—requiring your basic information such as your name and age. You didn’t think much of it, but as you slowly made your way through the rest of the questions, worry and heavy doubt started to sink in.
Calling your friend over, you motioned at the screen in front of you. “Why are they asking me the penis size I prefer? Is this some kind of joke...”
Your friend’s manic cackling did nothing to soothe your growing apprehension. “I’m telling you, this app is fucking genius. Revolutionary. Just take it seriously for now… You’ll see. You really won’t regret it.”
You considered her advice and figured it wouldn’t hurt to try, even if the application method was a bit…weird and unconventional. Signing up didn’t implicate commitment of any kind, so you could always back down if things didn’t work out.
Once you finished completing all the necessary information and choosing a nice picture of yourself (cleavage included), your nerves started getting the best of you. A strange feeling seized you right then—a premonition of sorts.  
As the first picture loaded onto your screen, you almost dropped your phone in shock. After the initial surprise had worn off, your attention focused back onto the first person’s profile. Instead of being greeted with a flattering picture of his face, a large, limp dick hanging between a pair of sturdy thighs showed up. 
The format reminded you a bit of tinder but as you flicked through the different profiles, it became apparent that every possible match had pictures of their dicks instead of the usual bathroom selfie or cute snaps of them out with their dog.
“Some of this is a bit…” You faltered, shooting your friend another dubious glance. “Are you sure this is okay? Why do they have listed ‘vigorous humping’ as an option?”
“Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Personally, I like the ones who are good at ‘powerful thwacking’ but to each their own.” 
You pretended like you hadn’t heard her last comment, thumb still flicking through the dick pics. It was your first time seeing so many penises at once and to say you were overwhelmed wasn’t an exaggeration. 
“Why would anyone agree to this? Isn’t it a bit... How can they be okay with strangers judging them off their dicks alone?”
“That’s because there’s nothing that strokes a guy’s ego more than a dick compliment. You see the stars next to their names? You have to evaluate their performance after you take a ride. You think guys who are shit in bed would sign up on this app? Their puny egos wouldn’t be able to handle getting zero stars.” 
You figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.. Especially if mutual satisfaction was 100% guaranteed. Trying to find the best rated dick took a bit longer than expected, but you finally landed on a profile that seemed more than acceptable. Not only did he have a good reputation but the dick was actually nice to look at.
you [03:01 am] is that a fake dick
Granted, it probably was not the best conversation starter, but you weren’t exactly a dick dating expert. In your defense, how were you supposed to start a normal conversation when the only information you had about your partner was how well endowed he was? No matter how you looked at the situation, it felt like you were having a conversation with an actual dick. 
Feeling embarrassed, you turn off your phone. The app seemed a little too ridiculous for your tastes and the next day you had already forgotten all about it. Too busy nursing a hangover and tending to your aching vagina, you didn’t give Dick n’ Go any second thoughts until a message pinged in during the night as you were getting ready for bed.
jin [11:12 pm] 100% real lol
jin [11:12 pm] why? afraid you can’t handle it
At his speedy answer, you could only scoff, fingers suspended over your keyboard as you debated whether or not to humor him. He sounded like just another campus fuckboy, way too overconfident in his own skills, when the reality was probably very far from his claims. The recent events had made you even more wary of guys who bragged too much because their actions never lived up to the expectations they had built. 
But the five gold stars next to his name seemed to be winking at you, teasing you further. You hadn’t come across any profile with over three stars, so the full marks did pique your curiosity. Despite your better judgement, you wanted to know if he was really as good as his description suggested... Didn’t five stars imply he was the closest thing to a Sex God? You tried to imagine being with someone who never received complaints in the bedroom but everything just seemed too unbelievable to take seriously. Instead of feeling intimidated by his reputation, doubt clouded your thoughts. Surely someone couldn’t be that good. Right? 
Yet, for some inexplicable reason, you chose to continue the conversation. There was no harm in humoring him for a bit longer, you convinced yourself. But just as you started typing out a response, you backtracked, realizing how foolish you were acting. 
you [11:14 pm] i can handle anything just fine
you [11:14 pm] ur way too full of yourself...
There. Hopefully that would be the end of that, and he would leave you alone now. 
You didn’t even know why you had agreed to do this; clearly, this arrangement was full of obnoxious men with over-inflated egos. Still, somewhere deep down, curiosity gnawed at your insides. The big “What If” lingered in the back of your mind as you stared at the darkened screen of your phone full of expectation. 
jin [11:17 pm] you’re the one who talks big.. you think you can handle what i give you? hha
jin [11:18 pm] it’s ok.. 
jin [11:18 pm] it’s cute that you think you can
you [11:20 pm] seems like u’ve got me all figured out
you [11:21 pm] we’ll see who is right
At first, you chose to indulge him just because it was entertaining. But the more messages were exchanged, a strange thrill buzzed through your body as you anticipated his replies. 
Once, you had made the grave mistake of opening an incoming picture in the middle of a lecture, only to be greeted with the image of his erect length, pink and shiny with precum. Thankfully, no one had seemed to notice Jin’s dick, but you had been ready to crawl out of the lecture hall in embarrassment. And not because someone might have seen Jin’s impressive erection. You didn’t really care about that. What you would have a hard time admitting was that a single picture had gotten you so worked up, concentrating in class had become impossible.
Jin—that arrogant prick—had somehow known how affected he had made you. Since then, he hadn’t hesitated  to tease you further over the next few days with various pictures of his dick. Now, you never knew what kind of image you would be met with. It could be anything from a tame picture of his jean clad covered bulge to a short five second video of his hand stroking his shaft, his thumb swiping the tip to collect a bead of precum. Once, he had even had the audacity to moan your name right before he came, white dripping out of his spent member. 
No one could blame you for being wary whenever you opened his messages. But in the safety of your own room, you allowed yourself to open his latest message. In all honesty, you had waited all day to finally be able to view the sent picture in privacy. You clicked on the image, enlarging it so that it lit up your screen. Without conscious thought, your lips parted in surprise. 
The first thought to cross your mind was 'what the heck... he could at least try to make his catfishing believable'. His face defied the norm... With perfectly symmetrical features, your eyes didn’t know where to focus its gaze. You took a moment to stare at his plush lips before snapping out of it, typing out a furious response, fingers moving so quickly you had to backtrack to correct your typos.
you [11:54 pm] r u kidding me??
you [11:54 pm] send me your real face ;(
jin [11:54 pm] what makes you think i'm not? lol
you [11:55 pm] no normal person looks good in the bj angle!!
jin [11:57 pm] the bj angle? lmao
You paused as the three gray dots appeared on your screen once more. He left you no time to answer back; the short buzzes against your palm signaled the onslaught of incoming messages that arrived one right after the other, illuminating the dark of your room.
jin [11:58 pm] you'll have to get used to it
jin [11:58 pm] i like eye contact when i get head
jin [11:58 pm] you're imagining it right now arent u? ha
jin [11:58 pm] are you wet
There was something amusing about his overflowing confidence. You weren’t sold quite yet, but there was no harm in continuing the conversation. 
you [11:59 pm] u really think you can get me wet over text??
you [11:59 pm] you'll have to work harder for that
jin [11:59 pm] mmh i like a challenge
jin [12:00 am] but it's okay to admit it too
jin [12:00 am] i won't judge
Now that you knew what he claimed to look like, the entire thing became a little less ridiculous and a bit more real. You weren’t just talking to a faceless, talking dick... There was an actual person attached to it. Said person just happened to be abnormally handsome... 
It would be incredibly stupid of you to believe him. But his account was verified. That had to count for something, right? You were about to type out a response when he continued on.  
jin [12:01 am] in fact
jin [12:02 am] i like it better that way, when i get you to admit you're hungry for dick
you [12:04 am] i'm not... so good luck with that
Instantly, you regretted not responding with something more witty. Your words sounded hollow and unconvincing. He probably knew as well as you did that you were interested. Why else would you keep messaging him after this long? He was the only one you talked to on the app, the only who truly caught your attention and curiosity.
Gnawing your bottom lip between your teeth, you wondered what he would answer. For a fleeting second, you wondered where all of this would take you... It was easier to imagine yourself actually going through with all of this now that you had a face to match to his name. 
jin [12:06 am] i think you are
jin [12:06 am] why else would you join dng? you need a nice dick to satisfy you
jin [12:07 am] you love cock
Your mouth dropped open as you read over the latest messages. The words bothered you because deep down you knew he was right. You were a thirsty slut who wanted a good dicking down. But he didn’t have to be so crude about it... Although maybe etiquette didn’t matter when you were part of an app called Dick n’ Go.
you [12:09 am] ur right..
you [12:10 am] i love cock
you [12:10 am] but only one that knows what it’s doing
jin [12:11 am] sounds like a challenge
jin [12:12 am] i don’t have 5 fucking stars for nothing ;-)
Maybe agreeing to setting up an arrangement was a bad idea. In all honesty, you had been very unsure about everything. During the nights leading up to this day, you had doubted your choice many times but Jin had never failed to reassure you. He reminded you that you were free to cancel anytime or step away from the entire thing. 
The thing was... You weren’t worried that it would somehow go terribly wrong. Your real worry was that you would never be able to go back to your normal hookups after this. How were you ever supposed to be the same again? Jin was reputed to be a sex god. Going from horrible fucks to the best fuck of your entire life was too steep a jump and you weren’t sure you were ready for it.
Your worries weren’t unfounded. 
The first thought to cross your mind was “how the fuck is someone like him real?”. Now, you had seen your fair share of handsome men in your life, but he really took the cake. Equipped with symmetrical features, doe eyes and the softest looking pair of plump lips, you had a hard time believing a face like his truly existed. You blinked quickly, trying to pull your attention away from his draw-dropping face, only for your attention to fall on his shoulders. 
How the heck could someone’s shoulders be so broad?! He looked like he could carry two people on each side and still have room for more. You were glad he wasn’t gifted with the ability to read minds. He might have been put off by the amount of internal screaming that was currently taking place, and the last thing you wanted was for him to run away. 
“Not what you were expecting?” he chuckled. 
“I, um,” you stuttered, not sure what to do with yourself all of a sudden. For some ridiculous reason, you felt your pulse race as his gaze perused your form. 
Snapping yourself out of your mindless reverie, you tried your best to appear unaffected when he took off his hoodie. The thin cotton shirt underneath hugged his body tightly, showcasing his broad shoulders and rippling back muscles. You wanted to swim on his back. Or let him backstroke on your body... Really, you weren’t a difficult person; you welcomed either option.
“I look good, don’t I.” The way he delivered the phrase showed he didn’t expect an answer, the corners of his lips already curled into a haughty smirk. 
His confidence made you narrow your eyes in response. The sight reminded you of all the fuckboys you had encountered in the past few weeks. They always bragged and boasted, their words fueled by the same excessive confidence. It always started out the same way—with empty promises and self-praise—but this time you weren’t going to let yourself be fooled. You didn’t care if Jin was the most handsome human being your eyes had every laid eyes upon. The point of this entire arrangement was for you to get an earth shattering orgasm and you weren’t going to settle for anything less than spectacular. He was rated five stars on his profile for a reason—now was the time to prove it.
“Listen, Jin,” you said with faux sweetness coating your words. “It doesn’t matter what you look like... Looks don’t matter if you’re going to end up leaving me unsatisfied. So don’t think, even for a second, that you can roll over, let me do all the work and then leave me high and dry.”
“Unsatisfied?” He parroted, brow furrowing like he had no idea what the word meant. “Sounds like you’ve never been with a real man before.” 
Well, he wasn’t wrong on that front but you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of letting him know he was right. The last thing he needed was an ego boosting.
“You talk too much...” Scoffing, you crossed your arms to showcase your annoyance. “Guys like you usually don’t even know where to find my clit. It’s sad. You really shouldn’t build up expectations like that, only to disappoint when it’s time to get your dick wet.”
An offended squawk escaped his plump lips. “Hey now. First of all, unless your pussy is a jungle down there, you can rest assured finding your clit won’t be an Easter egg hunt. Who do you think I am?”
He ignored the mild look of indignation that crossed over your features. Instead, he took a seat on the queen-sized bed, his legs falling open invitingly. With difficulty, you kept your eyes trained on his face even though they itched to wander down.
“Come sit on Daddy’s lap.”
“Fuck, no,” you grumbled at once, ignoring the way his gruff tone shot arousal through your stomach. “I’m not calling you Daddy or Papi or whatever else you’re probably into.”
He shrugged, otherwise not budging an inch. He looked at you expectantly, confident that you would give in. “If you want to cum tonight like a good girl, then I suggest you take a seat.” He patted his thighs for emphasis, your eyes immediately drawn to the enticing bulge that was nicely showcased in his tight jeans.
That arrogant fucker did look good, you admitted inwardly, scowling slightly as you did so.
You sat down gingerly, trying to keep your composure in check. The ever-permanent smirk on his face revealed he hadn’t missed your audible gulp when you made contact with his strong thighs. 
“So far, I’m pretty unimpressed...” You lied, shifting around on his lap just you could feel how comfortable your makeshift seat was.
His fingers twitched at your side, his nails scratching your exposed skin and sending tingles down your spine. “Maybe you’re so accustomed to messy and drunken college fucks that your expectations are a bit skewed. You know... Just because you’ve had sex a handful of times doesn’t mean you’re experienced.” 
He chuckled, the low sound rumbling in his chest. You tried to ignore the way the vibrations made goosebumps prickle the surface of your skin, doing your best to keep the most indifferent expression on your face. 
“Did you think that just because we decided to meet up today, you’d get your orgasm handed to you on a silver platter? I don’t think so, babygirl.” He shook his head in amusement. 
Momentarily distracted by the unexpected petname, it took a bit longer than usual for words to form on your tongue.
“Then what—” 
“You’re not getting my cock until I know you want it.”
“I don’t think I would be here if I didn’t,” you shot back, your patience slowly running out. You weren’t known for being the most forbearing person. But then you were suddenly struck down by something your roommate had said—something about how getting a dick compliment was the same thing as Christmas day coming early. Did he really expect you to beg for his dick? That wasn’t so different from the fuckboys you were used to. Really, all guys were so similar. They all wanted to be told they were the best before getting to cum.
Jin must have taken notice of your mildly revolted expression because he gave your ass a squeeze.
“You’re so spoiled...” He chastised, clucking his tongue like he was scolding a child. “You’re too used to fucks that last five minutes on a good day... No wonder you’re so irritable. Hmmm... Do you know what I usually do with little girls like you?”
Little? He couldn’t have been that much older than you... You rolled your eyes only for them to blow open, not expecting the stinging smack on your left asscheek. The force of the swat made you jolt forward, the denim of your shorts rubbing against your clit, sending small zaps of pleasure down your spine.
“Let me guess... You punish them,” you glowered. 
“Punishment?” Jin hums in contemplation, his large hand rubbing the place where he had hit you, soothing away the ache. “That’s not what I would call it.”
He leaned in close so that his breath ghosted over the sensitive skin of your ear, “listen closely. I’m not going to feed you my cock until I see you drooling for it.”
You bit your lower lip, trying to gauge how serious he was being. There was no denying you wanted him to fuck you, but you weren’t sure you could handle whatever he had in store for you. 
Jin’s features softened, seemingly sensing your hesitancy. “It’s okay... Just follow my lead. I’ll make you feel good, okay? You just have to prove that you want this as much as I suspect you do.”
“And how do— I mean, what do...” You stammered, genuinely at a loss for words. The guys you were usually with would have already stripped out of their jeans, but Jin looked like he wasn’t going to move an inch. 
“You’re really tense, babygirl.” Jin massaged your neck, his thumbs rubbing out the tense muscles in soft circles. You felt yourself turn limp and pliant in his lap, head drooping down as he worked out the kinks in your neck. “That’s it, just relax for me. Are you ready to be a good girl now?”
You nodded mutely, letting his soothing voice guide you. Something about his voice made you trust him; you felt confident he wouldn’t let you down. One of his hands tilted your head down so he could slant his plush lips against yours. Immediately, you melted against his mouth, the softness of his lips silently inviting you to press into them. But despite your most fervent efforts, his kisses stayed languid, refusing to match your pace. Frustrated, you moved in closer, molding your body against his, your fingers carding through the hairs at his nape. To your dismay, he pulled back, a satisfied look covering his features.
“See? This is a good start. Keep moving your hips like that.”
With a start, you realized you had been grinding desperate little circles into his lap, your hips searching for much needed friction. 
“J-Jin.” Your words came out as a soft plea, your gaze hooded with desire.
“Do you need a little help?” He smiled at you sweetly, taking pleasure in seeing you slowly fall apart at the seams. 
His hands slid up under the hem of your shorts, squeezing the flesh and urging you to continue the smooth rocking movements. With every undulation, you felt your arousal grow until your entire body was consumed with pure, unbridled need. The slow burn was different from what you were usually used to but not in a bad way. You were slowly losing your mind, your hips moving more and more frantically as you tried to rub the burning ache away.
Jin pinched your ass, effectively stopping your movements before you could get too carried away. The sharp bite went straight to your core, the ball of arousal in the pit of your stomach coiling tightly. You were distinctly aware how your damp panties were stuck to your folds and how wetness dripped down your thigh—proof of your rampant desire Jin had coaxed to life. 
“If we took your shorts off right now and continued, you would make a mess of my jeans, wouldn’t you?” 
Jin slapped your ass again as he waited for you to answer him.  
“Y-yes! I’d make a mess all over you.” Trying to ignore the heat that bloomed on your cheeks, you stuttered out your reply.
“And why is that? Hm?” He remained still, his hands unmoving at your side, patiently awaiting your response. The answer he expected was clear to you but for some reason the words wouldn’t come out—stuck in your throat. 
You gasped, your hands finding purchase on his broad shoulders. He was bouncing his leg up, making you lurch forward with every jerk of his knee. Every time you slammed back down, the pressure on your clit increased tenfold and your eyes became glassy as pleasure inflamed your insides.
“Oh g-god, fuck, I—”
“Why are you such a mess for my cock, huh? Why do you think you got so worked up easily? I didn’t even have to do much and you’ve become putty in my hands.” He maneuvered your body around so that you brushed up against his covered erection. Soft whines and mewls escaped your lips when he pushed your hips down further against him. It was hard to fathom why he wouldn’t just fuck you already and extinguish the throb between your thighs.
“I don’t know. I’m not— I just...” You inhaled deeply, trying to lift the haze of lust that muddled your thoughts. “Please, can I have your cock now? I’ve been good.”
“Hmm... But that’s not what I want to hear, is it? Do you remember what I told you over text?” You blinked slowly, your mind drawing a blank at his question. How did he expect you to answer such a vague question? “No? Well, let me refresh your memory. I recall you saying that you weren’t cock hungry, but I think we both know that’s not true, is it?”
There was a pause of silence as you tried to weigh the pros and the cons. At the end of the day, he wasn’t wrong. But it was embarrassing to admit it out loud. 
“Fine, I’m cock hungry. I love cock. Can we fuck now?” you huffed out, refusing to meet his smug stare. 
“Hm. Somehow I had imagined it sounding a lot sexier when you said it...” The space between his brows creased as slight disappointment marred his features.
“Life isn’t a porn movie, Jin.”
“We met through an app called Dick n’ Go,” he quipped back, rolling his eyes. “It was worth a shot.” 
With surprising strength, he lifted you up by the waist before setting you down on the bed. Instantly, you missed being pressed up against the hard planes of his body and having his large hands holding you closer to him. The pale blue cotton sheets creased under your weight as you shimmied backwards.
“Clothes off.” 
His tone made you shudder with anticipation. You could tell he was done with foreplay for now; the obvious bulge in his jeans reminding you he was probably equally affected as you. His eyes were dark, hunger etched onto every part of his expression. You scooted back on the bed until your back met the headboard, your hands busy with ridding yourself of your garments. 
Jin, on the other hand, took his sweet time taking off his belt; the metal clink echoed in the silence of the room, shooting shivers down your back. Your want for him was almost palpable—you could feel the desire sit heavy on your tongue. His gaze never left your exposed body, trailing over the slim column of your neck, the curves of your waist and your rosy nipples. You smirked, letting your legs fall open so he could sneak a peak at your glistening core. He swallowed thickly, peeling off his shirt and kicking away his jeans, too aroused to care about composure anymore. Every man had their own limits and you were glad Jin was reaching his if that meant he would finally stop playing around.
As he crawled onto the bed, you expected him to start fucking you right away but instead he dove headfirst between your legs. 
“Jin, what are—” But he kept your legs wide open with a steady grip on your thighs, ignoring your weak cries of protest. He went straight to work, his tongue taking an experimental lick before pressing more insistently against your folds, deftly avoiding your clit. Any disapproval promptly died in your throat, your body succumbing to the overwhelming pleasure he gave you. 
You had been worried he would slobber everywhere and maybe try to lick down lower like your previous experiences, but his tongue movements stayed consistent and languid. He seemed to know exactly how to move, how much you could take. Any coherent thought was wiped out with every skillful swirl and swipe of his tongue against your slick center. Your mewls of pleasure became progressively louder as your body succumbed to his insistent licks. 
Threading your fingers through his soft locks, you attempted to bring his face closer to your core. Need pulsed through your veins as you wriggled around, canting your hips in time with the swipes of his tongue. Eventually, everything within you snapped. The intensity of your orgasm took you by surprise, not expecting the strength of the pleasure as it crashed over you over and over again. Your toes curled and your back arched, every one of your muscles tensing as the orgasm took hold of you. 
Slowly, you came back to reality. Blinking away white spots from your vision, you tensed up again when your eyes landed on Jin’s satisfied expression. He looked absolutely sinful—his hair messy from your tugging, his face wet from your arousal. 
“Good?” Jin asked, licking his lips dry, his chin still shiny from your wetness. 
“Mmh.” You nodded, too fucked out to give a more intelligible reply. Your limbs felt heavy, your tongue too big for your mouth. But there was no denying the glorious satisfaction that settled deep in your core. “Fuck me now?”
“You’re insatiable,” he scolded lightly. It was hard to take him seriously when his eyes gleamed with something close to endearment. Still, despite his words, he wasted no time lining up his erection with your waiting center. 
You took a moment to appreciate how utterly gorgeous he was. When you looked at Jin, you knew you were looking at a man. His forehead shined with a sheen of sweat, his chin still wet from your juices. And his fucking shoulders. You had never really paid attention to other people’s shoulders before, but you somehow knew that no one else’s shoulders could ever compare to Jin’s. 
“Ah, fuck,” he grunted above you, frowning slightly as he eased himself in slowly. “You’re so wet, I’m sliding right in.”
You bit your lip, trying to remember how to breathe. It was hard to accommodate his impressive girth, but the stretch felt so good you couldn’t help but let out a long moan. Jin slowly thrust the rest of his length in, one of his hands gliding over your smooth thigh only to hike it up over his hip. He kept his grip steady before pushing back into you, drawing out another pleased sound from your lips as he reached impossibly deeper within you.
“Look,” he grinned between heavy pants. Wiping the side of your mouth with his thumb, he wiped your spit over your cheek. “I told you. You’re drooling all over yourself because of my cock. Cute.”
If you had been more self-possessed you would have rolled your eyes and shot back a witty remark. But at the moment, you were having a hard enough time remembering your own name... Every fluid roll of his hips into yours rubbed the insides of your walls deliciously, your walls clenching around him as you neared your release. You couldn’t believe you were already so close to crumbling apart again, not when it usually took so much effort to get you off. 
“Are you gonna cum already? Mmh fuck, good girl. Make a mess of the sheets and then I’ll feed you my cock like I promised.” He picked up the pace of his thrusts, intent on making you fall apart one more time. Jin reached down to circle down on your clit with precision, timing the swipes of his fingers with the rhythm of his hips. The rapid flicks against your sensitive spots felt too good; you couldn’t help but grind into his touch for more friction.
You shook and moaned, pleasure striking down upon you without any warning. A cry of ecstasy fell from your lips, your nails scratching down his back as you tried to ground yourself to reality. Jin groaned loudly as your walls clamped down around him, squeezing out his own orgasm. Feeling him cum in spurts inside you made a shudder ripple through you, prolonging your high. You felt like you were floating; your limp and spent body still vibrating from the aftershocks. Every limb was thrumming with pleasure. 
Jin rolled over next to you, his chest rising and falling from the exertion. His hair was matted with sweat, his body cloaked in a thin layer of perspiration. But as you eyed the pink flush on his cheeks, you inwardly admitted that he was probably the most handsome person you had met in your life. 
But not only was he devastatingly handsome, but he had given you the fuck of your life. Instead of the usual fast-paced hammering you had been previously subjected to, Jin had taken his time and built your orgasm brick by brick. It was difficult to accept guys like him actually existed in this world...
“If you want seconds, you just have to ask.” He caught your gaze mid-appraisal, a cocky smirk settling on his lips. 
“You just came.”
“My refractory period is quite short, actually. And I can usually last a lot longer my second time.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, his hand already sliding down to play with your dripping center. You shied away from his touch, still too sensitive.
Well, of course he would have the stamina of a pornstar... This guy was just too good to be true. You half-expected to be woken up from a very lucid dream and be brought back to the cold, harsh reality. Guys like Jin were a rarity. And after tonight, you probably would never meet him again. You would only be left with a distant memory and new standards that would be impossible to meet. 
Regret churned in your gut. What was done was done. You tried to focus on the positive side of things... You did just have a mind-blowing orgasm. That was something you ought to be celebrating and not moping about.
“It’s okay, I can go get you cleaned up right now. We can go for a round two next time.” Your eyelids felt heavy but you smiled at him in thanks when he got up to get a wet towel for you. 
You didn’t mean to fall asleep but when you woke up, the morning sunlight filtered through the sheer drapes. Basking under the warm rays of light, you stretched out your sore muscles. 
Last night had been a dream, hadn’t it? The space next to you on the bed was  disappointingly empty and void. Maybe you had just dreamed everything up, after all... Releasing a sigh, you slowly got up, hand reaching over the bedside table to check the time on your phone. Frowning, you rubbed the sleepiness from your eyes, fingers wrapping around a slip of paper after fumbling around blindly. 
It took a moment for your vision to sharpen into focus but when it did, a lazy smile pulled at the corners of your lips. Next to a scrawled phone number was signed off ‘call me for round two xx your favorite five star dick guy’. And, well, who were you to turn down a good fuck?
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