#why do i write tanjiro giving head so much you ask? that boy is a much that’s why
tanjiroslittlesib · 2 months
tw dubcon/noncon, blood, oral, overstimulation, tanjiro’s possessive
demon!tanjiro who really doesn’t like when you come back from missions not smelling like him anymore. who hates it even worse if you smell like someone else you did a mission with.
demon!tanjiro who loves your scent, even if you’re all sweaty, but can’t stand the fact that you don’t smell like you belong to him anymore.
demon!tanjiro who craves you more than he craves blood, who clings himself to you the moment you walk in the door and practically rubs himself on you like a cat.
demon!tanjiro who sees you’re too worn out to move or give him proper attention so he noses his way between your legs forcefully, knowing you’re too sore and tired to stop him.
demon!tanjiro who practically shreds your undergarments with his teeth as he settles his face against you, immediately moaning as he tastes you, digging his fingers into your thighs.
demon!tanjiro who eats you out like a man starved, making shameless noises as he does so and holding you in such a firm grip you can’t escape.
demon!tanjiro who doesn’t notice his claws drawing blood as they dig into the plush of your thighs until he smells it, and only then does he let up just a little bit, still burying his tongue almost impossibly deep into you.
demon!tanjiro who doesn’t stop until you’re practically unconscious and he’s made a significant wet spot below you combined with your juices and his spit. who then precedes to lap up the dried blood marks on your thighs that are in the shape of his claws.
demon!tanjiro who makes you think that he’s done with you only to start undoing his belt and climbing on top of you, whether you want it or not, he’s not done until you smell like his again. don’t worry he’ll make it up to you afterward <3
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zhvakinnn · 5 months
Hashira version part 1
Shinobu, muichiro, obanai,(separated) x shy hashira male reader
Request: Sorry the ask disappeared, but feel free to remove any characters I know there's a lot. But if you still take requests could you do the hashira and the trio ( Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu ) x a hashira reader who's like the reincarnation of Fluttershy. And just everyone is surprised by it because most hashiras are more outgoing. Thank you and Merry Christmas/ happy Hanukkah/ whatever you celebrate
Trio x shy hashira male reader: here👇🏻
Hashira part 2:here👇🏻
A/N: sorry i still have no time much so ill make parts
🍓as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me 🍓
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Shinobu kocho
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∆ we all know shinobu is a tease
∆ "oh come one now (name) i promise ill give you more kisses and time)
∆ you freez there blushing she wanted to go groceries with you, she never failed to make you have butterfly's in the stomach (because she's the butterfly hashira)
∆ when your there she ask if you could buy cabbage and you agree because why not
∆ but once you started buying you always stutter "can I have a .... I mean a. A, i " you kept messing up your words
∆ the woman was getting impatient and started to yell
∆ "what the hell do you want boy if your not gonna buy leave!"
∆ that caught shinobu's attention and she ran there really REALLY fast and saw you, then she ask the woman that you and her will buy a cabbage
∆ you stand there looking like and idiot she may be shorter than you but she's more bold and strong than you
∆ you walk together to the estate with a embarrassed and guilty feelings
∆ once you got there she said to put the groceries down then pull you to the bedroom
∆ then she cuddle you and kiss you many times
∆ "i promise to give you many kisses now I'm doing it, and if your gonna ask about the food we'll do it later"
∆ you only smile and hug her more closer to your chest
∆ OMG OMG i love shinobu toooooooooo
Muichiro Tokito
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∆ muichiro is not an outgoing person aswell but sometimes he likes going outside where there's just peace
∆ like gardens or you two have a walking every morning
∆ he doesn't like pda much but on that time when he just hold your hand and you stop he look back and he saw you staring at your hands and then just smile and then he smiled a bit aswell
∆ if your bigger than him your the one holding in your chest but if your both are the same height you both lay down in grass and hold each hands
∆ oh i made this muichiro is the black and your the ginger
∆ and he just forgots it and just confused
∆ " dont lay in floor its cold"
∆ I'm so sorry this is really short 😭
Obanai Iguro
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∆ first obanai is NOT again outgoing person but if its you he wants to go out but the problem is you don't want to go out much
∆ when he told you if you want to go outside and eat in a restaurant you shake your head and say you don't wanna
∆ then he ask why you tried to say that you dont like crowded place but ended up you stuttering
∆ and i think this man is a gentleman aswell he will place a hand on your back and calm you
∆ "hey hey its ok if you don't want to go out with me i..i mean its ok if you don't wanna go out to eat" yea this man has insecurities so dont leave him hanging
∆ " its not that i don't want to go out with you i...i.. just dont really..like going out in crowded place..."
∆ " don't worry we're going somewhere not crowded ok love?.... Oh and if someone ever dare to speak something bad about us, about you kaburamaru will bite them to death"
∆ its flattering but scary and you just his hand and kiss his hidden cheeks
∆ and then he removed his mask and kiss your forehead then covered it again and walk there
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There's so many things in my head that i want to write so I'll make this parts I'm really sorry
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octoooo · 9 months
I can’t get single dad giyuu out of my mind 😭
Was Sitting in virtual Spanish class and off to the side I’m jotting down notes for my little au about an accidental sleepover at the water estate.
It’s kinda long so it’s under here;
So, it’s late at night and Tanjiro has just finished a mission. He’s tired and on the way back to a Wisteria house he saw a while back. Their trip is interrupted by a gentle flap of wings, and insistent pecking at his forehead.
Giyuu’s old but beloved crow Kanzaburo finds Tanjiro instead of the Water Pillar. Tanjiro, ever the sweetheart, decided to bring him back to Giyuu. Especially since the crow has a letter attached to his leg. (Since it’s late the sun isn’t out and Nezuko is free to walk beside Tanjiro and pet Kanzaburo as they walk to Giyuu’s estate.)
When they get there Giyuu is quite surprised he has visitors this late (he’s been injured so he’s resting for the next couple days.) but let’s them inside regardless. Giyuu doesn’t even ask why they’re there, he sees Nezuko clinging to Kanzaburo (Kanzaburo loves the attention) and the unopened letter and tried to explain but Tanjiro interrupts him. He needs to write to Zenitsu and Inosuke who he promised he’d update when he returned from his mission.
Surprise! Muichiro was already at the Water Estate, he had wanted to check up on Giyuu in the afternoon and brought Senjuro with him.
Giyuu boils some tea while Tanjiro write and sends his letters and not even an hour later there’s more knocking at his door.
He barely gets the door open before Inosuke lets himself in, Zenitsu grimacing but at least asks to come inside
“You don’t need to ask, you know..”
Zenitsu makes a beeline towards the Kamados, fretting over them.
“Neither do you Kanao.”
The girl blushes and bows, stowing her coin back in her pocket. Tanjiro had been helping her open up, but Giyuu knew that even then it still took time and a lot of personal effort.
Zenitsu hurried with his mission so he could make it to the Water Estate to see Tanjiro & Nezuko. Inosuke had been on a joint mission with Kanao when Matsuemon (Tanji’s crow) delivered the news so they both went to the Estate.
The three of them met along the same road about halfway there and went the rest of the way together
Roughly an hour later Genya shows up at his doorstep. Matsuemon had gone the extra mile and informed Genya about Tanjiro too. Although Genya hadn’t demanded to be updated (like Zenitsu did) both Tanjiro and his crow knew how much Genya cares but cant admit it 👉👈
Anyway all his kids under his roof & Giyuu can’t be happier. You can see how happy he is because of his blank face
Lmao I’m kidding
He does look more relaxed & he smells happier than usual
Anyway Tanjiro remembers the reason he’s even there, to give Giyuu Kanzaburo’s letter. Poor crow must've gotten lost.
Silly goofy exchange:
“With everyone showing up I had forgotten why we originally came.” Tanjiro laughs, a little embarrassed.
Giyuu pours himself a cup of tea while reassuring the boy. “You don’t have to apologize.”
“But I completely forgot about your crow’s letter.”
He hands the rolled up paper to Giyuu. “Your crow found us and I wasn’t sure who the letter was to or from, so I thought I’d bring him back to you.” Tanjiro, ever the kind hearted child, beams at him.
Giyuu wants to cry. Wants to shrivel up in a corner by himself.
The one time Kanzaburo delivers a letter..
“Hm?” Tanjiro hums questioningly.
..to the right person..
“It’s, uh..the letter was for you.” Giyuu hides his face behind his cup, a little embarrassed at the turn of events.
..it winds up back in his hands anyway.
“Ah! I’m sorry Giyuu.”
Giyuu’s hand hover offer Tanjiro’s head. “It’s okay..” he ruffles the boys fluffy hair, getting a smile out of him. “I’m..it’s nice to see you all again.”
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 7 months
one single thread of gold tyin' me to you (Inotan)
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A/N: Here we have day 2 of Inotan Week!!! This is being posted much later in the day than I originally wanted it to be, but oh well, at least I'm finally getting it posted now!! I'm actually really happy with the way this turned out, this is my first time writing a soulmate AU and I LOVE them sm. This world is super fun, so I hope you enjoy it!!
Pairing(s): Inosuke x Tanjiro, Kanao x Aoi
Prompt: Day 2: Flowers
Summary: At 10 years old, everyone gets their soulmate mark. Throughout their life, soulmate injuries lead to flowers. At age 22, Tanjiro finally meets the one whose initials are on his chest.
Tag(s): Soulmate AU, slight angst, child injury/abuse (implied/mentioned), fluff
Word Count: 4,329
Song Inspiration: Invisible String By Taylor Swift
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Author Masterlist]
[Read on AO3]
At age 10, everyone receives their soulmate mark. The initials of one’s soulmate appears on the skin right over someone’s heart, looking as if written in their soulmate’s handwriting. For Tanjiro’s family, the appearance of one’s soulmate mark is always a big celebration. As big as someone’s actual birthday. And that’s why he found himself surrounded by his parents, younger siblings, and close friends on the day of his tenth birthday, waiting for his exact time of birth to arrive. Each of them waited with bated breath as the clock ticked closer and closer to 4:37 in the afternoon. Two minutes to go.
Tanjiro exchanges looks with his three best friends sitting on the couch with him, Zenitsu, Muichiro, and Senjuro. Muichiro looks intrigued, Senjuro seems excited, and Zenitsu seems nervous, though that doesn’t surprise Tanjiro as nervous is Zenitsu’s constant state of existence. He then looks over at his mother, who gives him a soft, warm smile that eases any doubts or anxieties he may have in that moment.
He then looks right in front of him as his sister, Nezuko, younger by only a year, walks up to him. She’s holding their father’s phone above her head, the screen lit up and facing Tanjiro’s direction to show him the time. She makes a small, happy humming noise as the time turns from 4:36 to 4:37.
“Feel anything yet, onii-chan?” Hanako asks him immediately, looking at him with wide eyes.
Their father’s hand falls to Hanako’s head, ruffling her hair slightly. “Be patient, dear Hanako, it can take a few moments to actually appear. She lets out an impatient whine as Takeo and Shigeru huff at her sides, also impatient.
Tanjiro giggles quietly at his siblings as he feels a hand touch his shoulder. He turns to his left to look at Senjuro, who gives him an encouraging smile. Tanjiro beams back at him and nods, and that’s when he starts to feel it. It’s a very strange sort of feeling. A strange tingling warmth that starts right above his heart and spreads halfway over his chest. He gasps and brings his hand up to touch where it is on instinct. As soon as he moves, everyone in the room reacts, everyone abuzz with excitement.
The redheaded little boy immediately shoots up and rushes over to the mirror hanging on the wall in the middle of the living room. He pulls his shirt off, too focused on seeing his mark to feel any sort of embarrassment at doing such a thing in front of his friends. Everyone else follows him, crowding around him as they all look in the mirror and at the newly appeared mark on Tanjiro’s chest.
Just a couple of inches underneath Tanjiro’s left collarbone are two letters in handwritten cursive. He brings his hand up to trace his finger over the initials gently. I.H.
“What kind of name starts with I?” Zenitsu asks from beside the redhead, his nose crinkling up.
Muichiro brings his hand up and flicks the side of Zenitsu’s head. “Probably a cooler name than yours.” He quips.
Zenitsu gasps and pouts, bringing his hand up to rub at the spot Muichiro had flicked. “Tanji, Mui’s being mean againnnnn.” Zenitsu whines, but Tanjiro is too focused on his mark to pay much attention to anything going on around him. As he stares at his mark, his entire body feels warm and fuzzy, like he’s tucked under a big, cozy blanket.
After a few more minutes, his mom places a hand on his shoulder while his dad holds up his shirt. “C’mon, my sweet boy, it’s time to head to dinner.” His mom tells him softly. Tanjiro slowly pulls his hand away from his chest and grabs his shirt from his dad, pulling it back over his head and turning to face everyone, unable to keep the giddy grin off his face for the rest of the day.
It isn’t until over 24 hours later, close to bedtime the next night, that Tanjiro finds out he gained more than just his soulmate’s initials. See, whenever one’s soulmate is injured, flowers appear on their body in the exact same place as their soulmate’s injury, no matter what kind of injury it is. Big or small, serious or not, there’s always flowers, and the flowers that appear with each injury represent the emotions that their soulmate feels right when they receive the injury. Eventually, once the injury heals, the flowers fade. Unless the injury scars, then the flowers stay. When the injury is bad enough to scar, there can also be phantom pains.
When someone’s soulmate already has scars by the time the soulmate mark first appears, not the most common occurrence given how young people are when the mark first appears, the flowers for the scars appear around the same time as the initials, though sometimes it takes awhile.
When Tanjiro’s mark first appeared, he never noticed any flowers marked into his skin, and truthfully, he’d forgotten that it was even a possibility. But that next night, when his mom is helping him get ready for his bath, he admits to her that both his right side and back have been quite sore all day and he’s not sure why. Her brows furrow in concern and she tugs up his shirt to inspect his side, but immediately gasps.
“Mama…?” He asks uncertainly.
There’s a deep frown on her face and she doesn’t reply, instead saying, “Arms up, sweetheart, I’d like to check your back.”
Now feeling anxious, Tanjiro does as she says, holding his arms up as she tugs off his shirt and turns him around gently in order to inspect his back. At first, there’s nothing. No movement or sound from his mom and he squirms slightly, very much wanting to know what’s going on. So, he instead turns to his sense of smell, sniffing the air around him to try and figure out what’s going on with his mom. He’s still learning to pick up the differences between each scent and what each one means, but he’s got most of them memorized, especially when it comes to those closest to him.
Filling the air is the scent of sorrow and concern and he frowns deeply. Is mama okay? He wonders. Before he can ask the question out loud, though, he feels a painful sting on his back as his mother brushes her fingers over his right shoulder blade and he immediately pulls away from her touch instinctively.
His mother sighs softly. “Honey. It seems that your soulmate has a few scars.” She says. Tanjiro’s eyes widen. She doesn’t need to say anything else, he already knows what that means.
He looks down at his side and sees a cluster of aconites and tiger lilies in a line from about an inch above his hip and down, disappearing where his clothes block his view, but from the soreness he’s felt all day, he knows that those flowers stop a few inches down the top of his thigh. Aconites and tiger lilies. He’s spent the last few years studying the meaning of each and every flower, reading through them all over and over until he had them memorized. Aconites represent fear. Tiger lilies represent anger.
He quickly turns around and moves past his mother, hopping up onto his step stool and trying his best to angle himself so that he can see the right side of his back. He manages to see just enough to know what flowers make up that scar. Calla lilies, Amaranthus, and more aconites. Sorrow, hopelessness, fear.
He faces forward again, his back to the mirror. His mother is now standing in front of him, a look of concern on her face as she watches him. He looks up at her, his bottom lip wobbling and tears pricking at his eyes. “Is my soulmate okay, mama?” He asks quietly, his voice shaky.
“Oh, sweetheart, of course they are.” She immediately reassures, pulling him into her arms and embracing him tightly, careful not to touch either of the flower clusters. He clings to her, sniffling. “These are already scars, Tanjiro. They wouldn’t be this detailed if they were fresh wounds. I’m sure your soulmate is just fine.”
He nods after a moment, pulling back and rubbing at his eyes to clear the moisture from them. “Alright, mama.”
Over the years, Tanjiro received many flowers from injuries, many of them becoming scars. A few more of those injuries were filled with the same negative emotions as his first flowers, but after about a year or so, any injuries his soulmate ended up with were filled with completely different emotions. Things like excitement, frustration, and pride. His mom and dad always say that whoever his soulmate is, they must be quite a reckless person, but Tanjiro’s just glad that there hasn’t been any more injuries or scars like those first ones. And, honestly, it’s not like Tanjiro doesn’t have his fair share of scars as well.
Tanjiro is now 22 years old and in his 4th year of university, majoring in Soulmate Botany and minoring in Biology. It’s the beginning of his first semester of his senior year and it’s also the first time he’ll be attending classes without any of his friends joining him, as none of their classes overlap this semester. But, in full Tanjiro Kamado style, he takes it only as an opportunity to make new friends. So far, he’s become friends with a sweet soulmate couple, Kanao and Aoi. The two of them have been together for the past 7 years, apparently. The two of them, along with Kanao’s brother, just moved into town not that long ago and transferred to the university.
Today was like any other day, nothing different about it at all so far. Tanjiro is waiting for Kanao and Aoi in one of the many common areas of the main university building, as the three of them planned to walk to class together. He was looking down at his phone, scrolling through some notifications, when he feels a presence approach him.
The redhead looks up and comes face to face with Kanao giving him a soft smile, Aoi not too far behind her. “Good morning, Tanjiro.” Kanao says in her quiet timber.
“Good morning to you both!” He beams at them, his ponytail swishing behind him as he puts his phone into his pocket.
As the three of them begin walking towards their next class, Tanjiro feels a slight sting that quickly fades into a warm tingle across his finger. His brow furrows and he looks down to see a new cluster of flowers covering the top half of his left pointer finger. “Huh.” He says, filled with curiosity. One of the flowers that has appeared is familiar, having seen it quite a few times. However, two of them haven’t ever appeared on his body before, not that he knows of.
“Oh? What’d your soulmate do now?” Aoi asks, looking at his finger as well with a raised eyebrow.
“Which flowers do you have now?” Kanao asks, looking just as curious as Tanjiro himself.
“Gardenia, Iris, Ranunculus. Surprise, hope, attraction.” He says automatically, like reading directly from a textbook.
“Attraction, huh?” Aoi gives him a look full of mischief. “Seems like your soulmate is exploring the field a bit.” She says teasingly.
Tanjiro snorts and shrugs, shaking his head at her. “I don’t really care if they are, Aoi. It’s not like we’ve met yet.”
“It truly doesn’t bother you?” Kanao asks, her head tilted to the side slightly.
“Not at all.” He answers truthfully. “My soulmate’s love life before we meet is nothing for me to be concerned about. As long as we end up together eventually.”
“You’re pretty weird, Kamado.” Aoi quips.
“You’re one to talk, Kanzaki.” Tanjiro quips back, nudging her with his elbow. The three of them share a laugh as they continue their walk.
Two days later, Tanjiro finally gets to meet Kanao’s brother. The two of them aren’t biologically related, though aside from that, he doesn’t know much else since it isn’t brought up in conversation very often. But today, Kanao and Aoi invited him out to lunch, telling him that Kanao’s brother would also be joining them, and Tanjiro was happy to say yes.
Entering the small restaurant near the university dorms, it doesn’t take long for him to spot Kanao and Aoi’s butterfly hair clips. As he makes his way over to the booth they’re sitting at, he spots a third person with them. He can see a full head of black to blue ombre hair pulled back in a short ponytail, bangs covering most of their forehead and almost falling into their eyes. But before he can register any other details about the person, they’re stumbling past Aoi out of the booth and hurrying to stand right in front of him right as he reaches the table.
His eyes widen slightly as his vision is suddenly filled with bright green eyes and a sweetly flustered face. “Hello!” He greets kindly, giving them a warm smile.
“H-hey!” They greet him, the person brings a hand up to rub at the back of their neck as Tanjiro hears giggles coming from the two women still sitting down.
For a moment, the two of them just stare at each other. Tanjiro finds himself completely captured by their eyes. There’s something about the bright green that reminds him of sunlight shining on fresh grass. He looks away from the person’s eyes only to observe the rest of their face. Soft, pink lips with a natural upturn, a small nose with clusters of freckles dotted all over it that spread across their pink-tinted cheeks. They were so…cute. The thought surprises him and he blinks.
Someone clears their throat right as Kanao speaks up. “Introductions, Keke.”
Those green eyes widen slightly and they hurry to take a small step back and hold out their hand for Tanjiro to shake. “I-I’m Inosuke Hasibira!” They exclaim, grinning widely.
Tanjiro finds that grin infectious and returns it with one of his own as he grabs Inosuke’s hand to shake. “Nice to meet you, Inosuke! I’m Tanjiro Kamado!” He replies, giving their hand a firm e shake before letting go. “Not to make you uncomfortable or anything, but what are your pronouns…?” He asks curiously.
“Oh!” Inosuke pulls their hand back and taps their fingers against the tops of their thighs. “Uh, w-well, any, a-all!” It’s clear their words come out louder than intended, as they wince as soon as they finish speaking. “I-I don’t really, uh, care what pronouns are used f-for me, you can c-call me anything.” Inosuke stumbles over his own words and Tanjiro can smell how nervous he is, though he’s not sure why.
Hoping to put them at ease, he gives them a warm, reassuring smile and nods. “That’s good to know, thank you, Inosuke. My pronouns are just he/him.” He informs him.
“Great!” Inosuke nods.
“You weirdos gonna sit down or what?” Aoi asks from behind Inosuke.
“Oh, of course!” Tanjiro slides in next to Aoi, Kanao on her other side and Inosuke sliding in right beside Tanjiro.
“Tanjiro, Inosuke is my brother.” Kanao informs him as she slides a menu over to him, Inosuke already grabbing his.
“I see. How are the two of you related, by the way? I know it isn’t biologically, but you never really specified past that, Kanao.” He looks between her and Inosuke curiously.
“Through marriage.” Inosuke pipes up, causing Tanjiro’s attention to settle on him. “My mama’s married to Kan’s legal guardian, Shinobu.”
“Oh, wow, that’s cool. How long have they been married?” He asks curiously.
“About nine years now.”
“That’s so sweet. They’re soulmates, I would assume?”
“Yep! Found each other a bit late, though.” Inosuke says, a slight frown appearing on their face.
“Yes, but they still found each other eventually, that’s what matters.” Kanao speaks up, and Tanjiro watches as the siblings exchange a meaningful look that he doesn’t quite understand. Then Aoi speaks, and they both return to their normal expressions.
“We ordered you a sweet tea, Tan, since we figured that’s what you’d want anyways.” She says as the waitress appears to bring their drinks to them.
“Thanks, A, that’s perfect.” He tells her gratefully as he takes the glass from the outstretched hand in front of him.
As Inosuke reaches for his own drink next, something catches Tanjiro’s eye that he hadn’t noticed before. On Inosuke’s left pointer finger, there’s a bandaid wrapped around it. “Hey, Inosuke, what happened to your finger?” He asks them, only slightly concerned.
The black-haired man looks confused for a moment, brows furrowing, before realization lights up their face and they look down at their finger. “Oh, right!” Then his expression turns sheepish. “I just got a little papercut yesterday, it’s nothing really.” He admits.
“Yeah, it’s completely nothing compared to all the injuries that she’s gotten on purpose.” Aoi says, putting great emphasis on the last two words. “Swear, this one doesn’t even know what the word “safe” even means.” She grumbles.
Tanjiro raises an eyebrow at the comment as he starts looking through the menu. “Awww, do I worry you, Miss Aoi?” Inosuke asks, peeking past Tanjiro and batting their eyelashes in a way that reminds the redhead exactly why he had to question Inosuke’s gender in the first place. Right, he said any pronouns. That means “she” as well, just like Aoi used. He reminds himself.
Aoi immediately responds with a roll of her eyes. “In your dreams, Hashi.” Kanao and Tanjiro giggle at their banter and the rest of lunch goes by filled with laughter and fun conversation.
After their first meeting, Tanjiro sees a lot more of Inosuke. The two of them don’t have any classes together, as both their majors and minors are quite different, Inosuke majoring in Photography and minoring in Art. But they walk each other to classes and meet up in the common areas or for lunch sometimes. The third time they see each other is when they exchange numbers and start talking outside of school as well.
Tanjiro finds himself enjoying his time talking to Inosuke much more than he realized that he would. In fact, he enjoys it in a way that he’s never felt before with anyone else. Senjoru, currently his roommate, keeps teasing him about it, making comments about how smitten he is with his new friend. He’s even commented a time or two about Inosuke possibly being Tanjiro’s soulmate, and while he usually just brushes off such things, Tanjiro can’t help but imagine it sometimes, being with Inosuke in that way. He can admit that it feels right. The feeling he has when he’s around Inosuke is the same one he’s always felt when he touches his soulmate mark. That same warm and fuzzy blanket wrapped around him.
Not only that, but Inosuke has the exact right initials. I.H. Inosuke Hashibira. That can’t be a coincidence, right? He questions internally. The signs are adding up and Tanjiro has noticed enough of them to convince him that he should ask Inosuke about their mark. And so, on a day in which he has the apartment to himself and no classes to attend, he invites Inosuke over to hang out for the afternoon. And now, Inosuke, having accepted his invitation, is knocking on the door.
Tanjiro opens up the door with a grin. “Hey there, Ino!”
“What’s up, Tanpachiro?” Inosuke greets, stepping past him and into the apartment.
He closes the door behind him and then turns around and gestures to the entire living room. “Make yourself at home. Do you want something to drink?” He asks them, hoping the answer is yes so that he can spend just a little more time preparing himself.
“Yeah, surprise me.” Inosuke tells him, flopping down on the couch.
Tanjiro chuckles as he walks into the kitchen and to the fridge, pulling out two peach sodas. Closing the fridge, he leans his head against it for a moment, taking a deep breath. He can do this. It’s just a simple question. ‘What are your soulmate initials and do they happen to be in my handwriting?’ Yeah, so simple. Not like the answer could possibly change his entire life or anything like that. He shakes his head at himself. There’s only one way through it and that’s to just spit it out.
He walks back into the living room. “Hey, Inos-” Tanjiro freezes as he lays eyes on Inosuke again.
In the few minutes he spent in the kitchen, his friend has adjusted his position on the couch so that he’s now upside down, now bare feet hanging off the back and head hanging close to the floor at the front of the couch. There’s nothing too surprising about the position. From what he knows about Inosuke so far, something like this is perfectly normal. The thing is, the position has caused all of Inosuke’s bangs to hang down towards the ground along with the rest of his hair, revealing their forehead to Tanjiro for the very first time since they first met each other.
And with that reveal, Tanjiro finds another piece of evidence to add to his ever-growing list that leads to the conclusion of Inosuke being his soulmate. On the left side of Inosuke’s head, is a cluster of flowers. Gardenia and Amaryllis. Surprise and determination. That in itself isn’t anything out of the ordinary, except for the fact that those flowers are in the same exact spot that Tanjiro’s scar on his forehead is at. The one he got when saving his younger brother from being hit with a steaming hot kettle. Surprise at the incident and determination to not let his sibling get hurt.
Inosuke looks away from his phone and at Tanjiro, his head tilting to the side slightly once he sees the surprised look on the redhead’s face. “Tan? You alright?” He asks.
“Y-yeah, uh, I’m fine.” He replies, taking a deep breath and shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. “Those are some pretty flowers on your forehead.” He comments casually, walking over and setting both of the sodas on the table in the middle of the room.
Inosuke’s eyes widen slightly and Tanjiro sees a slight shade of pink come to his cheeks as he turns his body and sits on the couch normally in one motion. “Oh yeah, they are pretty cool, aren’t they?” Inosuke clears their throat.
“When did they show up?” He asks the black-haired man, sitting down beside him a little closer than he normally would.
Inosuke looks away from him, tapping his feet on the floor. “Ah, when I was about 13 or so. Been awhile.”
Tanjiro swallows and licks his lips. “Oh, cool. I got the scar on my forehead when I was 13.” He informs him.
“Really? How’d you get it?” Inosuke turns his head to face him again, the scents of anticipation, anxiety, and curiosity filling the air around them.
Tanjiro gives him a bright, warm smile. “My little brother, Takeo, was almost hit with a hot tea kettle that had been knocked over. I jumped in the way and took the hit instead, giving me this.” He taps his finger against the scar.
“Oh, wow. Sounds like something you would do.” Inosuke tells him, his tone slightly teasing. The redhead giggles a little before falling silent, neither speaking up for a moment. Then he decides to speak up again.
"Inosuke…what are your soulmate's initials?" Tanjiro asks quietly, his words barely above a whisper as he locks eyes with those bright greens.
Inosuke looks back at him, the look on his face the softest Tanjiro had seen from them. "T.K." He utters out. "Yours?"
Tanjiro sucks in a breath as soon as he says those letters, his heart nearly beating out of his chest now. "I.H."
The other man's eyes sparkle as soon as it leaves his lips. "Kanao and Aoi kept teasing me that first week we met 'cause I kept swearing that you were my soulmate as soon as I first saw you. They didn't believe me until the signs started adding up." He tells him.
A wave of warmth travels through Tanjiro. "What? In the restaurant?" He asks.
"No, idiot. In the common area, couple days before that." At Tanjiro's surprise, they continue. "I was in the room that day when you met up with them. I had just finished talking with my sister about something when the two of them walked right over to you and I watched them walk over, which led to me seeing you. I looked at you right as you looked up and it's like you were glowing." He explains.
Tanjiro feels heat rise to his cheeks, knowing without a doubt that a blush is now covering them. He scoots closer so that now their legs are pressed together and Inosuke accepts the physical contact immediately, reaching up and brushing a lock of red hair behind his ear. "I knew right then and there that I had to meet you. Talk to you. Because I knew you were the one, immediately. But then the paper in my hand - a map of the school that I was still trying to memorize - slipped and sliced a cut across my finger. It distracted me and by the time I looked back up, you had already left with Kanao and Aoi. So, I asked them to introduce me to you."
"You really knew this whole time?" Tanjiro asks him, voice full of awe.
"Of course I did. I am smarter than you, after all." Inosuke quips, some of his usual cocky attitude bleeding through. In response, all Tanjiro can bring himself to do is laugh and surge forward, pressing their lips together.
A/N: What did you think?? I have a lot of headcanons for this AU and many different scenarios rolling around in my head for it, so if you guys like this AU and want more, please let me know!!! I'd love to add more to this world and storyline ^-^ I hope you enjoyed my little story!!!
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thecontumacious · 2 years
Can I request the Luxiem guys find out their favorite fellow Vtuber is secretly a minor? The sibling relationship between Minor!Reader and the boys have been living in my head rent free for the past week-
Luxiem Onii-chan!
a/n: this is my first ever time writing platonic fic!! i hope yall like it hehe disclaimer: "minor" rly differs in certain situations. so for the purpose of this fic, minors are everyone under 21 bcs auditioning for nijisanji is only possible for those above 18. slight warning: unseiso jokes in mysta's
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tanjiro is luxiem, nezuko is us. change my mind.
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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with the age gap literally centuries apart, vox will immediately claim this as dominance asserted by default
he can’t help but see you as someone so smol and tiny, no matter if you were taller than him
you’re like a little seedling still in early development, too naive for the world 🌱
someone bonk this guy, why the fuck does he think this way about us :<
so you bet, he’s the type to both dote and tease the hell out of you
vox please spare us ヘ(・_|
i don’t think he’ll actually be unseiso with you
to be more clear, he will crack some unseiso jokes with you (kinda inevitable) but he won’t be flirting with you in a dirty manner
shoto and vox
this unfortunately happens during both off stream and on stream interactions💀
vox will not hesitate to make you flustered or embarrassed in front of his chat, telling them to clip something you didn’t want to be clipped
“there it is! clip that, guys. clip it,” vox grins, enjoying your visibly shy expression. “you have my permission.”
“guys please don’t, oh my god vox, stop!!” you whine
but the demon continues as though you weren’t there, either proceeding with the game you were playing or making things worse for you
“oh dear, language, y/n!”
10 minutes of y/n malding because of vox
those compilations are everywhere and although you were eternally self-conscious about it, everyone enjoyed it so there wasn’t much you could do ;-;
vox may or may not have dubbed you as part of nijibabies
Vox Akuma [NIJISANJI EN]🔧: “i hereby announce that y/n is now part of nijibabies.”
chat says otherwise
but besides the teasing and limitless embarrassment, vox is a huge huge softie for you and it’s super obvious
“hello there y/n, how was your day?” is the first thing vox says when you come on screen. “i hope you hydrated and ate today.”
he prioritizes you over himself most times, say like when you want to take a break he’s quick to call for one
when you have internet troubles, he’s down to help however he can and even so much as switch to a waiting screen on stream to properly help you out
“oh nooo internet ahhh,” you sigh, lagging and stuck in the 2 fps dimension as vox would usually say
“oh dear, what’s up? router asking for trouble?” he asks, genuinely worried
“it’s been acting up yeah… hold on can i refresh a bit before we continue?”
“of course yeah, no problem, little one.” little one(。・・。)
depending on how long you take, he might actually just straight up mute himself and do his best to help you out
off stream, he’s equally as helpful!
when you’re stuck on ideas on what to stream the next week, vox is quick to pitch in his own thoughts
he will always say yes to your collaborations as well
when you want to ask advice or feedback about work, you bet he’s always willing to give it his all to make sure you make good development
he doesn’t give any of them half heartedly and will share just about anything that’s helped him in the past too
in bigger collabs, the older brother cap is on top of his head very visibly 🧢
when someone else throws a joke towards you (especially if it was meant to insult you humorously), vox will be the one getting angry for you lmao
vox: ⸨◺_◿⸩
he’ll throw back an insulting joke, making sure it was a thousand times worse than intended
although it’s just for fun and games, vox can’t help but feel protective and make sure that you were always okay
you’re the only person he can tease and embarrass okay, not anyone else :<
it’s both endearing and annoying tbh, but always remember vox only wants the best for you and wishes you well on your long, long career
other boys utc!
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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like vox, but a thousand times much worseಠ╭╮ಠ
he’s always taking all the chances to tease and prank you, especially in collabs
he’s making vox sound decent wtf
to him, you’re literally like his younger sibling and very bully-able
he thinks he knows better only because he’s older than you
but meh, we all know how mysta is like
he’ll end up seeming like the younger sibling between you two
when you’re gone to the bathroom, he’ll organize the chat to say something weird (though it doesn’t always work lol) or come up with something to get a reaction from you
he takes pride when you take the bait way too good
his foxy laugh won’t end after a few minutes, further annoying you
“are you done now?”
don’t worry though, mysta rias’ pranks always end miserably with him being the butt of the joke
in which you take the pride in
“shut up y/n”
he might seem upset, but he honestly doesn’t mind as he gets to make you laugh
which reminds me, he’s going to be very unshamefully unseiso with you on stream
honestly compared to vox, he definitely won’t hold back with you
he’ll moan into the mic and insert innuendoes whenever he can (if anything he does them all intentionally just to make you mald( ´థ౪థ))
“oh my god fuck me in the ass already”
“jesus fucking christ mysta ewwww”
what? you’re just as sussy?
bro, you and mysta are going to be named the sussy duo forever by the internet
ask the mystakes, ask wiki
that’s what y’all are
in fact, ike is going to be very very reluctant to be in the same room as you two if no one else is there with him, like shu or luca
he’s bringing holy water with you to make sure you don’t fall in hell for it ✝️
in bigger collabs, depending on his mood, he’s either going to be on the opposing team just so he can see you lose or he’ll be on your team because you work together well like that
especially when going against gamers who are actually good at what they’re doing, he’s going to team up with you whenever he can
it might end up chaotic (i mean, it always does…) but mysta’s in it for the fun!!
with that being said tho, in propnight, he’s taking you out first 🔪 
rias is let loose at times like these(iДi)
seriously tho, as a coworker in nijisanji, mysta is your source of entertainment and when you’re swamped with work, he’s more than willing to stay by your side
he’s also full of streaming ideas he’ll share with you so you’re never stuck on making a schedule
“oh oh i saw a game recommendation and they said it was fucking funny”
ah yes, he’s asking for the collabs more than you ask him
oh and remember when he got sick after the irl stream and he basically had a mental breakdown then called mika for comfort?
if he ever has a breakdown like that, he’s calling you as well bcs you bring him comfort knowing that someone is there with him 
mysta might seem like a really annoying older brother to you, always teasing and pranking you whenever the opportunity arose but tbh, he’s so very glad he has you around to keep company, putting up with his shit and supplying comfort
he’s willing to give it his all to make sure you’re comfy as well <3
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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man has a duality
he’s either a real menace or a really thoughtful and sweet oniichan
onto the menace personality shall we? ☺️
just like mysta, he’s taking all chances to prank you, whether on stream or off stream
god fuck the deez nuts jokes man 😭
you’re his new victim exposed to his evil wrongdoings, sigh
omg what are u a sacrificial lamb???? 🐑
he’s gonna set up an elaborate prank every once in a while and unlike our previous luxiem member, these pranks actually pull through and you’re usually the butt of all of his jokes at the end of the day
burying you in minecraft, digging below you while you pause, building an obsidian building on your respawning spot
alban knox wishes you good luck o7
he’ll be laughing it off mercilessly, enjoying your reaction
but after a while, he’ll actually start feeling bad because you’re emanating 🥺 vibes at him and his kinder heart starts working like clockwork
“okay, okay i’m sorryyyyyy”
“hmph >:(“
“noooo don’t be angry with me, y/n!!! i’m sorry!”
the audacity😤
“you’re lucky i love you luca kaneshiro”
for his sweeter older brother side, it’s when he is willing to let you win and actually make it look like you were genuinely winning
but he’s messing up on purpose for you and you don't notice it most of the time
luca is a real big fan of yours and despite being older and longer in the nijisanji industry than you have, he looks up at you like an idol
he’s not acting on this either, he genuinely really likes your content and your entertainer skills
depending on the time zones, he’ll do his very best to be present in the chat to say hi at least once
Luca Kaneshiro [NIJSANJI EN] 🔧: “YOO Y/NN”
“oh hey lucaa!”
he looooovvvessss collabs with you and is probably the member in luxiem who’s always first on the list to ask for collab streams
it doesn’t even need to be a multiplayer game, he could literally just have you be there and accompany him game
oh and when these types of streams happen, and you cheer him on, he’ll feel like a real pogchamp
he’s genuinely smiling on stream and if he had a pair of dog ears and tails, they’re moving about enthusiastically ⋆୨୧˚૮ ^ﻌ^ა˚୨୧⋆
in a collab with more than just the two of you, he’s always teaming up with you when possible
when you have trouble understanding something in the game, luca will try his best to answer you first
“wait so what are the mechanics for this again?”
“it’s like this, y/n. here, here, lemme show you”
and let’s acknowledge the fact that luca is probably super patient
this especially shows in off stream interactions(/ω\)
as a coworker, luca is pretty easy to work with. he loves helping and answering your questions, in or out of work
he’s willing to take the time out of his day to hang out with you, whether that just be playing games or discussing stream plans together
you can say that when you’re bored in your free time, luca is usually your first go to option
“luca, luca, lucaa”
“hey what’s up, y/n?”
“wanna do something?”
always loyally down to whatever you’re offering
all in all, luca kaneshiro will not hesitate to be by your side when you need him. actually nahh, he’ll be there whether you asked or not lol
he’s like a little kid who wants nothing than to play with his friends, and with you as his pseudo younger sibling, it makes it all the better
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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softest big bro who unlike our previously chaotic ones, is very very chill and won’t even mention a single word that is remotely unseiso
he’ll treat you like you’re a literal toddler that should never ever be exposed to the negativity in the world vox and mysta
but fr, he’s soooo kind to you and while you’ve seen him scold other members for doing sumn, ike would hardly ever do that to you ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧˚
while he’s seen cursing at other people, it’s almost amazing how he doesn’t slip up
all of luxiem notice the difference of air when there’s you around and when not
imagine this:
when you’re around, ike is literally glowing and he has the atmosphere of a very sweet guy, looking out for his younger sibling
ike: *ଘ( ॢᵕ꒶̮ᵕ (꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ)
but when vox and or mysta says something that ike deems inappropriate, that persona is gone and is replaced by i guess u can say yandere ike☺️
also ike: (╬≖_≖)
one look from him, you can feel the air around you cold but duh he doesn’t show this side when you’re there
to you, he’s an angel and maybe slightly overdoting
to others, he’s the loving oniichan with a serious duality problem
“hey y/n! how was your day?”
“good ike good! i hope you had a good day so far too <3”
only wholesome moments here!!!
he’s a busy guy as is so collabs are usually rare with u compared to the other guys :/ but!! he’s always make himself known in the chat whenever possible
he won’t stay long but will def make sure he said hi
Ike Eveland [NIJISANJI EN] 🔧: hey y/n! just wanted to say hi, hope you have fun today 💙
“hihi thanks ike!”
i can’t stop thinking about ike teaching you japanese or swedish mid stream😭
it'd be so cute and ike would be super patient with you on teaching all the foreign words
“ike slower, u think i caught all that??”
“alright fine. hyperneuroakustiskadiafragmakontravibratione”
“how about we postpone this lesson another time hm:)”
but with ike’s patience and very obvious soft spot for you, you’ll get swedish “hiccup” learned in no time :D
oh, yall know how ike likes playing brain games a lot? he’ll do his best to play them with you
he thinks adding another brain to the equation makes the riddle solving easier and good bonding time with people
or he just wants to see you mald not being able to figure out the solution when he clearly knows the answer >:(
“wait so maybe like this…? nope, how about this? still no. ah, maybe—AH FUCK THIS I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT IKEE”
he’ll do his best to hide the fact he knows the answer but you find out anyway
“i love you too y/n-chan”
off stream, he lays off the passive teasing 
he’ll still act like a very doting older brother, calling out anyone who wronged you or supporting your arguments in company meetings
he’ll make sure that your goals are prioritized over his no matter what happens, even if you insisted on the opposite
“wait no ike what about you?”
“oh it’s okay, i can do that later. let’s get yours!”
ike might not always be online to answer your messages but he will never completely ignore you, he always puts very valuable input to your queries and offers advice whenever he can
he sees potential in you and likes to have you around, so he genuinely wants nothing else than to see you flourish in your dream career of being a vtuber
that’s just how ike is, you know?
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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very, very chill and someone you can always rely on, especially regarding technical things to streams
when you’re not rly good at technology (like myself), shu is more than willing to pause mid stream or whatever it was he was doing to help you out 
he knows what he’s doing too, his name aint tech shupport for nothing ꈍ .̮ ꈍ
to him, you’re someone he’s willing to take care of and put under his wing! he adores you and the fact that he’s far older makes him think that he by default has more power over you
he doesn’t abuse it like vox tho don’t worry 👍
okay maybe sometimes he’ll tease you BUT ITS SHU ITS FINEEEE
there’s this image in my head where he’s the adult penguin and you’re literally under his wing, much younger and tinier 🐧
he’ll make sure that you’re okay throughout everything, asking if things have been set up beforehand or if you had questions you’d like to ask (esp in early debut era)
shu just wants to see you slay that stream aight nothing wrong with shu nii chan wishing the best for us
shu nii chan 🥺
depending on time zones, i’d also like to note that because shu is notoriously known for having a rly, rly bad sleep schedule he’s going to answer all of your messages and or calls
even if it’s 3 am for him
actually no, it’s because it’s 3 am he’s answering lmao
you’re the only person alive he lets call him ‘nerd’ so casually
he’ll whine from time to time but definitely handles it better than when chat calls him that
speaking of chats…
*reading a superchat* “hi, shu! can u pls give us a kiss before you end the stream. ummmmmm no”
“hey, hey, noooo i want a kiss!! give me a platonic kiss before i go to bed shu-niichan”
“wh—you cant do that, y/n…”
you pout, “come on, please? for me?”
“sigh, f-fine”
“hehe, thank you shu~ you’re welcome chat!”
yaminions are forever grateful, clippers are quick on their feet and the internet is keeping that
so yes, you’re also the only person who has the privilege to ask anything of shu and he’ll come through with it ( ◡‿◡ *)
just give him your puppy dog eyes and he’s serving it to you on a silver platter like the good onii-chan he is
now although you have all these special treatment rights to shu, this does warrant him to do the same
╭( ๐_๐)╮
he has the full rights to also tease you and because you’re younger than him by quite a few years, there was no way you were going to disrespect him
if you don’t understand japanese, you bet shu is going to purposefully teach you something weird without your knowledge
“okay, how do you introduce yourself in japanese?”
“okay just say: kon'nichiwa watashinonamaeha y/ n desu watashi wa jitsuwa bakananode kiwotsuketekudasai”
*hello my name is y/n. i’m actually a fool so please take care of me.*
it’s only when either ike/sonny/yugo points out what it means that you start distrusting shu with your japanese lessons
especially when you’re collabing with shu to play a brain racking game and he’s understand it more than you, he’s making you think it out yourself
“no no, if i just give you the answer, you’re not learning!”
on a more serious note though, shu is super fun to be around and when working on projects together, he actually knows what he’s doing and gets the job done pretty quickly
he’s super willing to help you out with anything too!! so when things gets a bit too rough, shu can help handle it with you hehe
the memes he sends mid day will keep you hyped up lol
i’d be lying if i said there wasn’t that one time shu actually taught you some simple sorcery techniques
just minor jinxes of inconvenience to jerks who annoyed that day is all ✨✨
bonus points if you like listening to vocaloids btw, shu is going to be vibing with you over it
duet karaoke stream? 👀
anyway, shu would be a super fun and at the same time rly chill older brother kind of figure. he has your back no matter what, making sure that you’re doing okay and always happy with your job! 
he’s willing to guide you when you’re looking for help and will admit he has such a soft spot for you compared to the other niji members 💜
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knyleggo · 3 years
Hello! i hope you're doing well~ <3
I need some confort TT, so can i please ask for some headcanons Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Muichiro with a fem reader who suffers physical and psychological abuse from her family?and she cannot leave them because her family (through manipulations) made her feel a certain emotional dependence towards them.
Bonus if when they find out just the reader's grandmother is slapping her because she told them she had a partner (Muichiro, Zenitsu, etc.) and calling her a bitch
Thanks! <3
oh hello! thanks for messaging! so sorry to reply you this late becos there was end-of-year exams but now that im back, im ready to write! if this is also not up to your standard, lemme know anytime i will rewrite it :)) (also, very long headcannon coming your way :D)
when they find out you suffer abuse from your family (tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, muichiro) *headcannons*
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you used to have a big family like tanjiro
but you lost all your siblings due to demons so only you, your parents and your grandparents were left
wondering why the demons went after you? apparently you had a special type of blood, much different from others, and your blood attracted more demons to come after you
your siblings knew this, and sacrificed themselves to protect you and the other family members while you ran away to alert them and escaped
hence, your parents and grandparents decided to take out their anger and grief on you by torturing you everyday since young (not giving you food, treating you like a punching bag, etc.)
until this very day, your parents and your grandparents were still blaming and accusing you for death and murder of your beloved siblings
when you and tanjiro started dating and talking about this topic, he knew something was up but he didn't push you and gave you all the time that you need
until one day when you were about to burst and you couldn't hold it in anymore, you ran away from your estate with you grandmother chasing you from the back and you dashed into tanjiro's house and locked the door
tanjiro saw you crying and struggling to breathe as you crouched at his door unable to move and he quickly went over to you and hugged you tightly
whispers of reassuring words and comforting head pats from this boy were enough to soothe you down
when you started explaining the entire situation to him, oh man, the world was going to burn in flames
man was so angry that he almost punched his own house door down and wanted to find your parents and grandparents to make them pay for what they did to you and what they put you through
of course his kind soul didn't allow him to do that and he always put you first so for the rest of the day, he would spend the time to praise you and compliment everything that you did, including your flaws
he buys you anything you want and does anything you want for the rest of the day (or week)
pampers you a lot by cooking your favorite dish and buying your favorite beverages
plenty of cuddles uwu >.<
at the end of the day he would just hug you so tightly while two of you rested in his bed together and tells you that he would always be there for you when needed and that he loves you :)
bonus: the next day when you and tanjiro were walking around to get fresh air, the two of you walked past where your estate was and heard a shout coming from your house. the moment you turned to look back, your grandmother came limping at you at a great speed and raised up her cane, ready to hit you.
"you little b*tch! who gave you the right to run out of the house yesterday huh? even your sisters won't do that!"
you shut your eyes at that very moment, bracing yourself for the impact. but the impact never came. when you decided to slowly open your eyes to take a look at what's going on, you saw tanjiro holding the cane easily with one hand as he glared hard at your grandmother who was currently in shock and in anger. mustering up a fake smile on his face, he quickly broke the cane in half and gritted his teeth as he closed his eyes.
"please don't bother her anymore."
tanjiro grabbed your hand as you two walked away from your house, with you knowing that it was the last time that you would ever see this house. you were forever grateful to tanjiro and tanjiro just simply replied, ending with a kiss on your forehead, "that's what i'm here for. to care for you, to protect you, and to love you."
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you didn't dare to tell him about your current situation at home first because you knew he would be more scared with his coward-like personality and that he may leave you (that last thought frightens you the most)
and you still didn't plan on telling him until that one day where the two of you decided to take a walk in the park
the two of you were just going out on a normal date after meeting up at a nearby restaurant and that's when you came across your grandmother who was strolling around the neighbourhood
zenitsu began to cower behind you in fear as your grandmother slowly walked over to the two of you, not even bothering to greet zenitsu who was still busy hiding behind you
immediately once she opened her mouth, a string of curses and profanities came running out from her mouth as zenitsu stared on in shock while you were trying to contain tears from falling from your eyes
it was already shocking that you were being treated like a piece of shit but with your boyfriend right behind you watching this entire scene made it much worse
just when you thought your old lady was about to stop nagging and start leaving, you felt a sharp sting of pain across your cheek as your eyes widened that second
it was pure silence for a moment
"you deserve that so much you b*tch" blah blah blah who cares about that old lady
when you were about to hide your face in embarrassment and get ready to hear zenitsu telling you that your relationship wasn't working out, you felt a firm grasp on your wrist and in that split second you were pulled to the back
"nobody...absolutely nobody...hits my y/n-chan" (WEEHEHEHE ZENITSU MAH MAN TO THE RESCUE)
yea yea the man may be asleep while he's busy talking to your grandmother but you were glad, nah, you were absolutely over the moon to have zenitsu beside you
"first form: thunderslap and flash, god speed"
with that he yeeted your disgusting grandmother outta the planet and the two of you lived happily ever after
nah jk
he did slap the hell outta your grandmother but he said that he will always love you and you shall always be his y/n-chan while drooling in his sleep when standing and hugging you
yeah, you are very lucky indeed
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you are very very very very very insecure
it was very hard to find a man like inosuke and he meant the world to you (you didn't want him to leave you just because of your stupid grandmother)
as such the two of you never brought up the topic of family members
so one day inosuke decided to visit you at your house
you were a nervous wreck because you knew something bad will really happen whenever your grandmother was present in the house
sure enough once the two of you had settled nicely into the couch and getting ready for gigantic comfy cuddles, your grandmother enters the scene
"are you sure you want to be with a b*tch like her? she's worthless!" followed by all the possible curse words you know
inosuke was horrified
nobody would ever-
the last time sanemi tried to scold you in front of everyone else, inosuke came rushing in to the rescue and got into a big fight with sanemi, coming home with bruises and cuts everywhere
you felt incredibly sorry for inosuke for having to deal with yourself
it was then where you felt worthless
you felt like inosuke doesn't deserve someone like you
you really thought that this time inosuke would leave you for good when your own grandmother was cursing you like that
but inosuke mah boi came to da rescue
"maybe you're just calling her a b*tch because you know you can't be better than her"
"aren't you a b*tch yourself too"
"hey y/n isn't a mirror you know"
yeah inosuke straight up talked back and insulted your grandmother in many ways before knocking her out and immediately going back to your side, comforting you for everything your horrible grandmother has put you through
big hugs and sloppy kisses everywhere
places his boar mask in your hands because he knows that somehow that mask always calms you down (sometimes he lets you wear it because he knew you didn't want him to see you cry)
taking you out of your own house immediately and officially moving all your clothes to his house (purposely leaves some clothes out because he wants you to wear his more which you gladly accepted)
after that incident, he reminds you everyday that he will always be there for you no matter what and that he loves you
and also reminds you that your name would be the only name that he would pronounce right in his entire life
awe man i love this lil boar huhuhu 🥺🥺
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this man already knew something was going on when you weren't your usual cheery self
everytime the only answer that he got from you was "oh my grandmother...ah it's nothing mui" or "she erm...ah nevermind mui"
tries asking you first but wasn't satisfied with you not directly answering him and tried his best to get to the bottom of this problem
he's willing to do anything to see you smile and laugh again
but thanks to your short answers, he already knew it was definitely related to your grandmother
offers to pick you up at your house before the both of you went to school together
first sees you opening the door meekly with uncertainty in your eyes but the gentle caress of his palm on your cheek was enough to soothe your nerves down
just when you were about to let him in, a shoe was thrown at the back of your head which was then followed by a half broken beer bottle which muichiro immediately grabbed you and shielded you from the sharp edges of the bottle, crushing the beer bottle with his own hand
rough names and profanities could also be heard coming from inside the house while muichiro looked down and tried to make eye contact with you, only to find you averting your gaze elsewhere and saw tears beginning to form in your eyes
muichiro wasted no time in slamming your door wide open to see who would actually do this to you and his eyes widened for a split second when he noticed an old lady standing a few feet away from behind you, immediately connecting everything together and found out that it was your grandmother
his fists immediately clenched into tiny cannonballs as he fought back the urge to punch your frail grandmother's bony face right there right then
did manage to teach your grandmother a lesson by threatening her and knocking her out as you hid yourself somewhere else to prevent yourself from watching the scene
when muichiro came out, the first thing he did was hug you tightly and gave you a quick peck on the crown of your head to make you feel secure
helped you warmed up the bath when you reached his apartment and cooked whatever you felt like eating for you
may be emotionless on the outside but he was smiling on the inside at the thought of you depending on him this much
doesn't forget to remind you of how brave and strong you were to endure this abuse
pampers you even more everyday and agrees with almost everything you say (lowkey simp)
will always protect you forever 🥰🥰
sorry this was a lil rushed ngl but i hoped this satisfied you! thanks for posting again :)))
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itsstrawberrymochi · 3 years
Can I request some headcannons where the reader plays a break up prank with tanjiro, kyojuro, giyuu, sanemi and genya? Thank you! I really love your writings so I'm requesting this! Take care💕
(If you think the characters are too much you don't have to write all of them! Please don't stress yourself out!)
kny characters x reader Break up prank!
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Hellooo thx for the request and for the sweet compliment it means a lot to me ^^ hope you enjoy reading this
Ngl this was so hard to write I didn’t want to hurt my babies 😭
Warnings: Slight cursing at Sanemi’s part
❤️-Since when was it fun to hurt this sweet little boy? T.T
❤️- Seeing that it’s a break up prank you’ll obviously have to pretend to look sad and since Tanjiro is such a loving boyfriend, who always pays attention to you he’ll immediately notice your shift in emotions and ask you what’s wrong
❤️- When you tell him you’re breaking up with him he’ll be really confused and ask why, unlike the others he doesn’t immediately let his emotions run wild
❤️- You’ll tell him you don’t feel the spark anymore and as you talk he wouldn’t yell or intervene, instead he’ll listen and wait until you give him a chance to speak
❤️- Poor baby really tried to act sweet and calm about it
❤️- While you were talking he had this look, even though he was giving you a soft smile you could see the pain in his eyes and the tears beginning to form
❤️- When you give him a chance to speak he first apologized and tells you he’s sorry for not treating you like amazing person you are, he says he hopes you find someone better because you deserve it ( shut up Tanjiro you are better 😒 )
❤️- Every bone in his body is telling him to beg you to stay, but he tries to control the urge
❤️- He kind of wants to pull a Zenitsu real quick by hanging onto you and begging you not to break up with him all while crying
❤️- But it never works for Zenitsu, so who says it’ll work for him?
❤️- The reason why he doesn’t ask you to stay or give him another chance is because he feels like he’d be a burden to you if you stayed with him
❤️- Tanjiro definitely asked if you two can still be friends, he thinks maybe he’ll do a better job at this one 🥺
❤️- As you tell him it’s a prank he lets a long groan and puts his hands on his heart as though he was about to have a heart attack
❤️- He wasn’t even mad at you and he forgive you for it rather quickly
❤️- You can tell he’s not mad about it because sometimes he’ll bring it up and you two would have a laugh about it
🔥- When you told him you wanted to break up he just stared at you blankly he was very unresponsive for a couple minutes, he didn’t even blink nor spoke
🔥- At this exact moment a million scenarios is going through his head, trying to find the one where he did something so bad to you you’d have to do this
🔥- You’ll have to call him to bring him back the reality
🔥- He’ll then immediately gently cup your face and ask you so many questions
“ Was it because something I said?”
“Is it because I go on too many missions?”
“ Does it seem that I’m not I love with you anymore?”
🔥- And he’ll go on and on
🔥- After his yammering talking he’ll then gently hold both of your hands and stare you in your eyes he ain’t ever breaking eye contact
🔥- He’ll ask for one more chance and he says something like
🔥-“ y/n I know you don’t want to hear this but I have to say it, I don’t want this to end. You and I were made for each other and we can make it through anything! No matter how hard, please give me a second chance and I’ll be the better man you deserve but if you don’t want to I understand and I’ll respect your wishes”
🔥- He’d more than happy to stay friends so if you need a shoulder to cry on he’s still there, he thinks just because you’re not together doesn’t mean he has to stop caring about you
🔥- Like Tanjiro he’d apologize for making you unhappy
🔥- He tries to make the situation a little bit lighter by still having his shining smile although as soon as you leave he’ll probably break down crying
🔥- The reason why he doesn’t cry in front of you isn’t because he’s being prideful but because he rather pay attention and help your emotions rather than his own, he thinks that this most be really hard on you
🔥- When you’re finally done being evil and tell him you’re joking he’ll stare blankly at you again and then a couple of minutes later he’ll burst out laughing
🔥- While he’s laughing he’ll pull you in for a tight hug
🔥- In between in his laughing he tells you he’s definitely gonna get you back
🔥- And when you ask how he doesn’t answer..... he just continues laughing 😳
🌊- Poor poor Giyuu never saw it coming, is it surprising that Shinobu dared you to do it?
🌊- When you sat him down to talk you said “ we need to talk” now any normal s/o would be shaking in their boots by now but Giyuu thought you actually just wanted to chat with him
🌊- Much to his dismay it wasn’t an innocent small talk,and he for sure wasn’t expecting to hear you wanted to break up with him
🌊- It’s almost like he stopped working, he stared off into space and didn’t move a muscle he was mute too
🌊- No matter how much you poke at him or call his name he wouldn’t move
🌊- It’s like it went in one ear and went through the next
🌊- But you’ll know it finally sank in when you see drops begin to fall from his face
🌊- He’ll quietly apologize that it didn’t work out
🌊- He may look calm and collected on the outside
🌊- But he’s literally dying on the inside and because he sucks at his emotions he doesn’t know what to say
🌊- He’s also scared if he does say something it’ll make the whole situation worse
🌊- Giyuu really wants to ask how he can fix it but his lips don’t move and his body is still it’s almost like he’s paralyzed
🌊- He’ll then get up and walk to your shared bedroom, when he comes back he hands you a box with a bunch of letters, along with small gifts you give him in the past
🌊- He explained that everytime you made him happy whenever he was having a bad day he wrote a letter saying how much he loves and appreciated you
🌊- There’s probably like over 100 letters there 🥸
🌊- He asks you to get rid of them because if he were to keep them he’d become extremely attacked to them and it’ll probably be unhealthy
🌊- Even though this is a hard time for him he asked if you two can stay friends. You’re practically his best friend and you’re the only one he trusts enough to let his guard down
🌊- He says you’re his emotional support system
🌊-At this point Giyuu isn’t the only one crying.... you for sure didn’t expect this reaction, you immediately jumped on him and started to ball your eyes out in his chest saying you’re so sorry and it was a prank
🌊- As he finds out it’s a prank his face would be shocked but then it’ll turn into a genuine small smile. He’d be so happy that it a joke and he’ll actually find it funny that he feel for it, but you don’t see this smile because he refuses to let go of the hug
🌊- You better make him his favorite food and do the dishes for a week as a sorry 😤
☁️- You don’t value your life do you?
☁️- You told him as you two were laying on the couch and he was currently occupied in a book
☁️- You called his name and told him you wanted to talk and he hummed in response still reading his book
☁️- When you told him he didn’t believe you at first, you always joked around with him so when you said it he just replied with “ funny” not even bothering to look at you, but when you went silent and didn’t laugh after he quickly turned to you now ignoring his book you could see the shock all over his face
☁️- Mans immediately got upset
☁️-“ WTF? you’re not serious right now, you’re joking, tell me you’re joking!”
☁️- At this point tears would start to form and in an attempt for you not to notice he’ll quickly move from you and start walking all over the room throwing his hands in the air kinda throwing a tantrum
☁️- He’s the only one talking, he doesn’t really give you a chance to speak and with all his shouting I don’t think he even noticed you tried to speak.
☁️- Like a normal s/o he tried to figure out why you’re doing this but this reasons are well..... unreasonable
☁️- “ It’s Uzui isn’t it? That danm moron I bet he convinced you he’s better than me I’ll kill him I swear I will! he really thinks he can just take you from me”
☁️-“No it’s not because of him”
☁️- “Then what?”
☁️- You’ll probably be stuck at this point because you didn’t expect him to react like this
☁️- He then gets frustrated and give up trying to figure out why you’re breaking up with him and his prideful ass would go
☁️-“ Fine leave I don’t care” his back would be turned away from you and his arms folded, a classic grumpy Sanemi pose
☁️-You, still wanting to carry the prank would start to leave
☁️-As you’re about to walk through the door he’ll quickly grab your wrist and pull you into his chest, quietly apologizing for the way he acted and asking you to give him another chance this is when you say it’s a prank
☁️- You can literally see all that pain and anger
☁️- He really doesn’t want to get mad at you, he’s in such an emotional state right he’s so relieved it wasn’t true
☁️- You can literally see all that pain and anger flush out of him, he’ll slowly back away from you and let out a deep and long sigh with his eyes close ( he’s probably thinking what his punishment would be if he murdered you)
☁️- As soon as he’s done calming himself down he’ll look at you and have this smirk and evil look in eye
☁️- “You’ll pay for that dumbass”
☁️- I just have one word for you right now
☁️- RUN!
👾- All I’m going to say is you’re evil... EVIL!!!
👾- You both were apart for the whole day with training so you had to tell him you wanted to talk privately later. When you told him you wanted to talk he was actually really excited for the whole day because he couldn’t wait to spend some time with you alone, his first thought was you probably wanted to talk about your training but was he wrong
👾- When you two finally sat down to talk he’ll have a soft and sweet smile on his face all while giving you his full attention (as per usual)
👾- But as you say you’re breaking up with him his smile would drop and he’ll give you a really confused look
👾- He’s going to ask why and you can hear the cracking in his voice
👾- As you tell him he definitely gives you a sad smile and try to make it seem like a he’s ok
👾- He then says it’s ok and he understands but in the middle of his sentence he starts crying
👾- and it’s not the one or two tear rolling down the cheek crying NO! It’s the shoulder shaking ,small whimper coming from his lips type of crying
👾- He kindly says he doesn’t want to stay friends because he knows too well he can’t see you with someone else and everything he sees you he’ll remember your not with him and he’ll probably break down crying
👾- This is also the moment all his insecurities would hit him like a bus
👾- Being with you he felt proud to be himself but since you ‘broke up’ with him he’ll feel like it’s all his fault because he wasn’t good enough
👾- In between his tears he’s mummering how dumb he is or how weak he is, not to manipulate you of course but it’s just that that’s the only reason he could think of why you broke up with him
👾- He asked to hug you one last time because he doesn’t want to forget how it feels
👾- After you tell him it’s a prank he’ll just hug you harder and would still be crying in the crook of you neck
👾- He wouldn’t be mad at you at alllll instead he’ll be really clingy with you for a good while always asking for hugs and kisses
👾- He may or may not have gotten extra kisses from you because he used your prank as guilt trip
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Hi! As you know I really love all the ideas and thoughts you put into demon slayer even after it’s completion, I deeply admire how much flesh you add to the skeleton of some of the concepts the story didn’t really dig into. Sorry I’m rambling, what I wondered was that since the manga is complete the anime is just following the canon story but if that wouldn’t have been the case what kind of filler arcs do you think the anime could have explored or added in?
Hey there and thank you for waiting so long! I shall happily return a ramble for ramble, and we'll see where this takes me. I'm of two minds about filler, on the one hand: 1. We could have benefited from extra time just hanging out with the majority of the cast 2. I love this cast and want more of them in the first place 3. The upcoming arc may need a little padding to satisfying anime-only fans who may get impatient without their favorites around On the other hand: 1. There is already so much plot to get through and I am anxious and ready to see them animate those final battles 2. The manga doesn't waste a single fight, each one has a purpose in Tanjiro's or the Corps' wider journey (though some battles had weaker contributions than others) 3. I don't trust Ufotable to write compelling filler
I mean, like, sure, I will happily watch Rengoku-san slide his sword back in his sheath if they're going to make it so--actually, no, I haven't watched that filler at all since then, the plot didn't grab me and I'm embarrassed to watch that excessively beautifully animated sequence again, for I am much too excited by, uh, swords. But as far as exploring characters is concerned in a way that won't detract from the plot too much, I think about this in terms of both added scenes and filler arcs, with more of a preference for added scenes to keep it character-focused and not any plot they need to write stakes into.
If we need a filler arc that going to serve the anime fanbase well (the fanbase that keeps buying merch and paying for this amazing production quality), then what I want most is to see what Zenitsu and Inosuke were up to while Tanjiro was fighting Upper Moon 4. They were all the same rank by the time they entered the Infinity Fortress, so what in the world were those two up against while there were no other 12 Moon Demons around? I know I've said this elsewhere on this blog, but showing what they were up to here--be it on solo missions or on a glorious mission of chaos together--would give us the opportunity to show flashbacks in context, specifically, Zenitsu punching the Corp members who talked smack about Kaigaku, and Inosuke having a pinky-promise with Shinobu and feeling something familiar about it. I'm a big fan of set-up and pay off, can you tell? But, if a filler arc is too much to ask for (and for the sake of moving the plot, I think it is), then we can still build that into extra scenes, as well as animated more and more and more Taisho Secrets. You know why I write so much fanfic? Because there is so much freaking canon content to work with in the first place. I mean, if Ufotable is going to bother animating Tanjiro slowly enjoying a cup of Tamayo's favorite tea and stating his thoughts on it, then they can totally animate more Pillar interactions too, right? I think their delivery on original content has been hit and miss, sometimes beating the audience over the head too much with stressing the characters' attributes, but the little stuff like Tengen having to the round up the boys from the busy Yoshiwara streets is gold and I want more little interactions like this. Hell, if they started "season two" with a whole episode of nothing but Rengoku-san being his most Rengoku-self interacting with common folk, then I would accept a whole episode at the beginning of the next season with content like: --Setting the scene through dialogue. Shinazugawa and Iguro shooting the breeze, talking about how that twerp Kamado Tanjiro somehow survived fighting Upper Moon 6, but is still in a coma. Nezuko's existence is still frustrating. Maybe some gossip about the other freaks in their Final Selection batch, even including how strong of a Tsuguko Kanao is already turning out to be. As, Iguro starts to point out, there's that one other boy who passed with them--at which point, Shinazugawa gets that crazed look in his eyes again and aggressively dismisses whatever Iguro was about to say.
--Tamayo composing a letter to Tanjiro here, thanking him for the Upper Moon blood and giving him a positive update on the Asakusa demon, but maybe leaving us still wondering what she'd say about Nezuko's changes. Instead of giving away that she's about to do what no demon ever has, painfully remind us of the fact that Nezuko is a demon at all, and a very unusually powerful one. --Shinobu checking in on Tanjiro, saying something about how she was out with Mitsuri at the time he finally woke up. A chance to reveal their friendship and introduce Mitsuri a little, from Shinobu's warm perspective. --Oyakata-sama meeting with Muichiro as he is about to go to the Swordsmith Village in search of the battle doll to train with. Some exposition here about Muichiro from Oyakata-sama's concerned but encouraging perspective. --Himejima seeing Genya off, leaving him with stern advice to take care in battle. After all, he can't use Breath technique. Suspense! Besides these character interactions being used to set up the arc in a way that hopefully makes we really come to care about its stars, whom the anime has given us very little reason so far to care about, this is also a chance for Ufotable to lean hard into the Nichirin lore. To really get the most out of this arc, we're going to have to feel its importance, and why this village in particular getting attacked is such a serious blow to the Corp, as opposed to any random village of non-main characters. And, frankly, Rengoku-san was a tough act to follow. Uzui Tengen was the only character capable of it, and he did a fantastic, flamboyant job. That means we are really, really, really counting on Haganezuka to have hugely marketable appeal, if you know what I mean. ............and frankly, Haganezuka doesn't care. So like... how about a little Haganezuka flashback? His childhood fascination with swords, despite all the loneliness he might had endured for being *too much* for other people, including his parents who gave him up (and then did what? It wasn't like they'd leave the village, right?). This arc is going to have more impact if we can care about Nichirin blades as much as Haganezuka does. On that note, to drum up excitement for this season, I think Ufotable needs to do collab campaigns in swordsmith villages throughout Japan, to highlight the finer points of sword appreciation. As two specific suggestions: 1. Okuizumo, Shimane Prefecture Besides this being the holy site of tatara for producing the iron ore used in making swords (baby swords! Look at this beautiful baby I got to hold!!), they also make black swords, and the village has its own local demon lore and demon related sites.
2. Seki, Gifu Prefecture Home to the Hamono Matsuri (Cutlery Festival), proud smiths parade around with open blades they produced. Also, this is LiSA's hometown.
Speaking of lore, though, we really get to dive into "originator of Sun Breath" lore in this arc, and I really hope they play up the tension, especially the "don't tell me he's Upper Moon 1!?" tension, and drive home just what a BIG DEAL it is for Muichiro to be of the same gene pool as that freaking genius. In a slightly different direction, I focused a lot of this on filler I'd like to see worked into the next season, as I think it's one of the best opportunities for it, but here's something else I'd like: expansion on the ObaMitsu .vs. Nakime fight. Specifically, I want us to worry about them as much as we worry about everyone else in their respective fights, I want us to find out that Nakime callously killed her own husband, I want this to enrage Mitsuri, and to make Iguro disgusted, and ultimately, I want Iguro's background story moved here, not smack into the fight with Muzan when no one has the leeway to lend any brain cells to it. But also, when and where is Pillar Training coming??? Will it be tacked on after Nezuko's mastery of the sun, like how the Functional Recovery arc was tacked on after the climactic Episode 19? Will it take up only a couple episodes at the beginning of the following season, before plunging us into despair? Will it be a three part special between heavy plot arcs, a television event they'll make a huge deal out of, and then pad it with online shorts, Kimetsu Gakuen style, to show all the Pillar Training shenanigans we don't get to witness? Like the light novel content of Zenitsu and Inosuke training under Tengen, or my own fanfic material of Inosuke in Mitsuri's Flexibility Hell? Or, if we extend Pillar Training to have more weight than just Giyuu's back story, conflict between the Shinazugawa brothers, and Himejima's approval, then hell, let's go for it. Don't be scared of consequences like you were with the happy Rengoku episode, Ufotable, let's go there, let's get ominous. The brighter that happy time with no demons attacking and everyone getting to spend time with each other, the worse the shadows should lurk. Shinobu up to something... and with who? Peach Boy hearing of Zenitsu's continued success, and choosing to go up against a demon that'll show everyone just how talented he is. Oyakata-sama calling a family meeting. The happier Tanjiro gets to be in this arc, the more these scenes will hurt and whet our appetites for the heart-wringer of an arc to follow. Mwehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhhhh......... Please, Ufotable, please let me write the filler for you. This grabby hands can only be appeased with angst or swords.
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serodev · 3 years
𝐙𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐱 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐲-𝐝𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Warnings: None! But there's tooth-rotting fluff ahead!
Pairing: Zenitsu x male!reader
Note(s): Thank you so much for this ask! Zenitsu is a perfect househusband, and he should be treated as such. I hope that this drabble is what you were looking for! [PART 2]
Original ask: Hiii!!! It's so lovely seeing a new gn/male reader blog! I was wondering if you could write about Reader (male, he/him pronouns) teasing Zenitsu by calling him "my wife", "my househusband" (even though they're not married ((yet)) ) and other sickeningly sweet nicknames when they're both being domestic. Maybe add reader being very physically affectionate (hugging zeni's waist, putting hands in his hair, holding his hand, etc) and Zenitsu getting really flustered. apologies if this is too specific (´∀`*) I hope you have a good day or night!!
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Zenitsu would've never known how clingy and lovey-dovey you could become when you two started dating. You had always been affectionate by giving hugs and head pats to Tanjiro and his squad, but you had always been a bit shy with your words, or at least Zenitsu thought so. However, he turned to be wrong as hell.
It took a long time and some hard pestering from Tanjiro and Inosuke for you two to confess your feelings to each other, and when it happened, it felt Zenitsu could've drowned in the amount of love you were giving to him. It didn't take long for you to make up new pet names for the blond boy you had managed to get together with, and it didn't take long for him to do the same back to you. Inosuke actually thought that you two were sick at first because you were blushing all the time due to your loving nature, but Tanjiro managed to shut him up before he could've said something hurtful to the two of you, and you ended up shooting a thankful smile for the brunet.
Life felt amazing with Zenitsu in it, and he felt the same way towards you. That's why it didn't come out as a surprise when he ended up talking about getting married. You knew about his tendencies of wanting to get married quickly, but you couldn't help but smile hopefully at the thought. Not only because you were madly in love with Zenitsu, but also because you two made a great couple.
"Love of my life-" You started talking to get Zenitsu's attention as you two were spending some time in the small house you have bought with shared funds. "Ye- Yes?" The blond stuttered, and you couldn't help but smile as you were looking at him. You actually ended up falling into your own thoughts until Zenitsu's tiny and questioning hum snapped you out of them. "I was wondering if you could help me make some dinner? I love the food you make." You asked him in a slightly pleading tone, hoping that it would make your future husband respond positively. It worked in the end, and you couldn't help but giggle happily when Zenitsu nodded and walked to you. You two shared hugs and kisses before you stepped slightly to the side so that Zenitsu could start cooking, but you didn't leave him alone. No, no- that would be so mean from the world's best boy's boyfriend; That's why you ended up hugging him from behind while you looped your arms around his waist, and you pressed a light kiss on his nape. The reaction that you got out from the boy was absolutely delightful because you could see how his ears and cheeks became so much redder, and you couldn't help but smile happily.
"Y/n... That's so mean..." Zenitsu whined when he got a chance to do so, and he turned around to look at you with a tiny pout on his lips. You smiled at him before you leaned in to kiss him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You're just the perfect househusband that a man could ever wish for." You replied, and you could see how the blond's mind stopped working for a while. "Idiot... I can't wait to marry you so that I can call you officially my husband." That was the only thing that Zenitsu said before he turned around to pay attention to the food he was making, and you couldn't help but lean into him, smiling lovingly as you nuzzled your cheek against his back.
Yeah, you couldn't wait for that either.
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Author's note: Not going to lie this made me squeal and smile more than a few times. I hope that this was something you were looking for! And once again, thank you for the ask!
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tothemeadow · 3 years
I'm the pregnancy anon. I meant like while she was pregnant. Not necessarily the before, like she would already be nice and plump. That's why I considered it a hard ask. If it too much no worries. And I hope you feel better babe. ♥
yaaaay requests r open!! i adore your writing so so much !! maaam i have been missing your tanjirou content and would love breeding kink tanjiro but with a more subby tanjirou? not to say the other one wasnt good (it was FANTASTIC and i re read it all the time .///.) i would just really like to see ur take on subby tanjirou getting overwhelmed by the idea of his wife bearing his child 🥺🥺
Since these two requests are similar, I’ve decided to pair them together!
‘lucent’ / Kamado T. x Reader
warnings: NSFW, pregnant sex
words: 1,426
(a/n): Tanjiro is 18+ in this!
Sweet, sweet, sweet, such soft, supple skin…
You’re just so big, brilliantly so, and it’s all Tanjiro’s doing. His face flushes with the mere thought and a smile grows on his face. You’re going to have twins, aren’t you? That’s why your belly is so ripe, skin swollen and glistening.
Feet propped on his lap, you hum in contentment, your eyes scanning over the printed text of your book. It’s some raggedy old thing, leather bound with yellowing pages, but to you, it’s a treasure. Urokodaki was kind enough to give it to you, and Tanjiro can still envision the expression that played on your face when the older man gifted it to you. Tanjiro absentmindedly massages your feet, his eyes lingering on your tummy.
Gods, you’re breathtaking.
If he could stay in this moment forever, he would. Tanjiro’s so helplessly in love with you, nearly obsessed with all the finer details. You’re his, and he’s yours in return. Even better, there’s a tiny human growing inside of you, a symbol of the love the two of you share. And to think, soon you’ll be cradling that little bundle of joy, singing soft tunes and looking utterly ethereal.
“Tanjiro?” you ask, voice gentle. Glancing up, Tanjiro notices your eyes are on him rather than your book. “Is everything alright?”
“Things couldn’t better,” he responds, his blush darkening. Reaching for your hand, he snatches it in his hold and brings it to his lips, placing a kiss to the backs of your knuckles. “I’m just excited for the future is going to bring,” he says, placing both of your hands on your belly.
“I am too.” You beam at him and close your book. “You’ll be a wonderful father, Tanjiro. I couldn’t ask for any else to do a better job.” 
Tanjiro’s heart flutters at the word “father.” It still feels like a dream, one that he could only hope to grasp, yet here it is, the very proof sitting underneath his hand. Subconsciously, he begins to rub his hand back and forth, warmth blooming is his chest and spreading across his entire being. This is what pure joy feels like. Tanjiro must be the luckiest man on Earth to have you as his wife, and now that you’re pregnant…
“I can’t wait to have a family with you,” he confesses. “Imagining all these little children crowding around you makes me excited.”
“I think that just means you want to take me to bed every night,” you tease.
Tanjiro bites back a smile. It’s not you’re wrong, not in the very least, but you don’t have to outright expose him like that. “I’m not arguing against that,” he murmurs.
“Ever the charmer,” you tell him. Placing a hand at his nape, you softly scratch his scalp. “That’s what you want, huh? To pump me full of kids until I can’t walk anymore?” At that, Tanjiro gulps, the pleasant warmth in his body shooting southwards. “You know what? If you play your cards right, I just might let you,” you purr, leaning forward.
Slanting your mouth over his, you kiss him slowly, deeply. Tanjiro’s hands shake lightly as you run your fingers through his hair, scraping his scalp. Your touch is too enticing, the flick of your tongue over his bottom lip nearly sending his eyes rolling towards the back of his head. Oh gods, you taste so sweet, and the flowery scent sticking to your glowing skin sets Tanjiro’s heart ablaze. But wait – no, that’s not it. He can smell the dampness collecting between your thighs. If he wasn’t already half hard before, this surely does the trick.
“Tanjiro,” you purr, tugging him closer. “Be a good boy and fuck me, won’t you?”
He can’t deny you when you’re like this. Your voice drips with honey, the saccharine sweetness making him dizzy. Oh, but the thought of him leaning over your swollen body and fucking you slowly nearly hurts.
“I… I might lose control,” Tanjiro admits, his eyelashes fluttering.
“I’m not made of glass, Tanjiro,” you say, caressing his cheek. “I’ve noticed you staring at me more so than usual. Honey, do you have a thing for pregnant women?”
“Only if it’s you involved,” he says, voice dry.
Leaning back, you pull him with you. Now flat on your back, your hands roam his body, tracing the hard lines of muscle through his yukata and gripping his ass. Tanjiro sighs as he kisses you, a large, rough hand kneading your thigh.
“Ah-ah-ah,” you breathe, pulling away from the kiss. “I don’t think I gave you permission to touch me like this.”
“Please, baby,” Tanjiro nearly whines, his tone borderline desperate. “You’re just so sweet and soft and fuck I want to make you feel good.”
“You always babble when things get to be too much…” A hint of a smile plays on your features. “You wanna fuck me, right? Stuff me with that fat cock until I’m crying out your name?”
Tanjiro’s cock twitches at your filthy words. Of course he wants to fuck you silly, to have you cream around his cock. You’d look so beautiful coming undone, swollen body covered in sweat and cum-
“Ah, shit,” Tanjiro gasps as you grasp his cock. “When did you-“
“You think too much,” you tease, slipping your hand over his exposed chest. Your hands are surely deft, having undone his yukata without him even noticing. Oh, but your touch is magical, brushing over his abs, the swell of his pectorals. His breath hitches as you pinch a hardened nipple; licking your lips, you guide his hands to your own yukata. Tanjiro wastes not another moment, tugging your yukata open and nearly drooling over the sight of your smooth flesh.
Somehow, exposed like this, you look even bigger. He’s the one who got you all pretty and large like this, and he’d be lying if his heart didn’t pick up its pace at the thought. You’re having his baby, you’re having his baby, holy shit-
“Can I fuck you?” Tanjiro nearly pants. “Please? You’re so gorgeous, all swollen like this; I really, really want to fuck you,” he babbles. “Please, baby, please.”
Dropping his hips, he grinds his cock against your sopping pussy, a breathy moan slipping from his throat. Fuck he needs this so, so bad. Don’t tease him, please, he needs to fuck you until you’re feeling as dizzy as he is-
“Show me what you got, honey,” you purr, bringing his head to rest on your shoulder.
A throaty grunt fills your ear as Tanjiro pushes in, your velvety walls clamping down around his cock and sucking him in greedily. He doesn’t know how, but you feel even tighter than before. The smell of your slick has him panting wildly, your warmth and silky skin beckoning him to fuck you. Mouthing at your neck, he sets a steady pace, cock driving in deep. You have to become as desperate as he feels, beg him for another child, for a whole fucking family. He’ll answer to your every beck and call if it means you’ll humor him, shower him with love in and outside of the bedroom.
“Baby,” he murmurs, a pleading lilt to his tone, “you’re gonna make me cum so hard. Mmph – yeah, move your hips just like that. Keep squeezing…”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you murmur, clenching even harder around his thick cock.
Tanjiro whimpers, his hair tickling your cheek and neck as he nods his head. “Please let me cum,” he says, thrusts quickening, becoming more desperate. Dropping his head, he mouths at your swollen breasts, tongue flicking over a nipple. A hand slips between your legs, fingers expertly locating your clit and rubbing furiously at it, eager to have you cum alongside him.
“Please,” Tanjiro cries, “lemme cum, lemme cum, cream around my cock, baby, ohhh-“
Choking on a gasp, his movements turn frantic as he bucks into you. Before long, his orgasm rips through his body, leaving him moaning your name as his cum fills you to the brim. Still, his fingers continue on; you are going to cum, whether you want to it or not. Your nails sink into the meat of his shoulders as you convulse around him, a breathless noise erupting from your chest as you arch into him.
“I got you, baby,” Tanjiro coos, hands trembling lightly as he clutches your face. With a small smile, he kisses you, the flush on his cheeks unbearably warm. “I’ll be here, always. I’m not going anywhere.”
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vulpes-z3rda · 3 years
how you met them
a/n: how are we all feeling?? i apologise if the writing isn’t the best, its old content from my wattpad that i’m moving across!!
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Well, you met at the Final Selection. He was running through the wisteria flowers on the trees and had finally reached the end of it all. Before he could walk further into the opening, he walked right into someone. "Hey. Watch where you're walking, will you?" You grumbled, saddened by the loss of your friends in the forest. He gulped at your facial expression and rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment. "Ah, I'm sorry... I'm Tanjiro Kamado! It's nice to meet you..." He trailed off not knowing your name. You huffed and gave him a small smile. "Y/n... Y/n L/n! It's nice to meet you too Kamado-Kun!" He smiled and walked with you over to the twins that stood before you all to explain your swords. "I hope we work together L/n-Chan." Giggling you nodded. "Me too!" With that, the pair of you stood together, a sense of pride and happiness surrounding you both. "Hey, Kamado-Kun?" You said quietly. "Hmm? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned about you. "I promise to protect you and stay by your side!" You pledged with a wide smile. He chuckled and nodded. "I promise to do the same L/n-Chan."
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You both met at the butterfly estate. You had already become a demon hunter and was working under Rengoku. This is what attracted him to you originally. I mean Rengoku was strong so in his mind, you would be a worthy opponent to fight right? He was right about that, however, he could never get to ask. So he charged at you with his pig assault as he usually does. "Huh? What happened?" You asked in a daze as he'd made you hit your head rather harshly on the floor. "Fight me!!" He yelled as steam came out of his boar mask's nose. "Get off me, you idiot!!" You yelled as you pushed him off you and stood up dusting yourself off. That was until you froze and looked up at him in pure rage. "You... YOU RIPPED MY HAORI INOSUKE!!!! YOU DUMBASS!!" You screeched as you chased after him. "AHAHA!!! ARE YOU GONNA FIGHT ME NOW Y/N!?" He yelled back in near-psychotic joy. "Fight you? I'm gonna beat your ass, you damned idiot!!" You quietly threatened as you ran at him. "Rengoku? Shouldn't we stop this?" Tanjiro asked as he and Zenitsu stood beside him. "Hmmm, no. Let them teach young Inosuke a lesson."
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You were the baker's daughter at a village at the foot of a mountain a few miles east of the Demon Slayer Corps. For two weeks teens and children had been going missing, adults had started to go too. So naturally, people began to suspect a demon was behind the disappearances. Your village elder sent for some demon slayers to come and help but it was too late. "HELP! PLEASE, SOMEONE!!" You screamed as a demon had begun to chase you after killing your father. "No one is coming to help you, brat!" He screeched as he pinned you by the neck to the wall of a house. A flash of yellow flew past you and stopped to your left. "HEY! Get your hands off them!" A blonde boy yelled as he drew a sword out on the demon. "Ah, a slayer? This should be fun..." He smirked as he dropped you to the ground. Before he could even react, the blonde had sliced his head off. "Are you okay?" He asked with obvious tears in his eyes. "No.. my dad... he killed him!!" You wailed in pain. "Hey... come with me so we can protect you. My name is Zenitsu." He exclaimed trying to comfort you. You stood up and grabbed his hand. "I'm y/n... please don't leave me Zenitsu.." You whimpered, scared of anything and everything at that moment. "I wouldn't dream of it Y/n-Chan."
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You were a simple first aider at the Demon Corps who worked under Shinobu at the butterfly estate. At first, he gave you no attention. I'll be honest, he didn't even know who you were. That all changed when he was injured after a mission in a village that had more demons than anticipated. Aoi and Shinobu had forced him to go to you as you were one of the best aiders there. "Y/n? We have one more for you to help." Aoi sai giving you a slight smile. "Hmm? Ah, okay. Just place him on that bed there and I'll get right to it and help him." You stated blandly looking at them with dull e/c eyes. Despite this, upon seeing him, they lit up slightly. "You were injured on a mission right Tamioka-San?" You asked as you cleaned his cuts. He looked at you curiously and nodded. "How do you know my name?" He asked blandly. "It's my business to know everyone who Shinobu works alongside so I can welcome them if I need to. I'm Y/n L/n by the way." A small, unnoticeable chuckle left his lips as you bandaged his wounds. "Thank you L/n." You smiled at him and carried on. "I'm simply doing my job, there's no need to thank me."
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He was strolling through a random village in which he knew demons had been attacking continuously for a few days or so. The pained cries of devastated families were like music to his sinful ears. What can I say? He has lived for a thousand years and has come to enjoy killing humans and seeing them as less than worth sparing. Well... that was until he saw you. A particularly aggressive demon had trapped you in an alleyway. "Oh god... I'm going to die..." You whispered as the demon lifted his hand to hit you. Now he was just as confused as you must have been when he grabbed the demon and immediately snapped its head clean off. "Sir? How did you..." You looked up into his eyes and for some reason calmed down. Heaving out a sigh he helped you up and helped you. "Thank you for saving me... I'm Y/n L/n." He chuckled at the bluntness of your reply. "You're welcome. I'm... I'm Muzan." Smiling you kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Muzan.." A blush overcame his pale face and he smiled slightly. More to the point, he was surprised you hadn't recognised his name.
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You met him before everything when you were both kids and grew up together. However, when your father was killed by a demon, your mum took you away from everything and forced you to move in with her friend Ubuyashiki Kagaya. It wasn't until he became a demon slayer did you meet again. "Y-y/n? Is that you?" He asked looking at you, unsure of whether he had called the right person or not. "Huh? Genya?" You asked in confusion. "Why're you here? You know where you are right?" You asked with a small smile. "I'm a demon slayer... where did you go way back then?" He mumbled as he walked up to you and hugged you. Giggling you shook your head and hugged back. "My mum brought me here and I was trained to be a demon slayer. I'm a pillar alongside your brother!" The shock on his face was priceless as he stared at you in disbelief. "YOU'RE A PILLAR!?"
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"I need to get away from here..." You whispered as you ran, well tried to, away from the demon who was once your brother. "Y/n!? Come back, I only want a piece of you and then I'll let you go~" He tormented gaining on you. "NO!" You yelled before tripping on a tree root. "Oh no... no no no." The crazed and human meat starved demon stared at you hungrily. "There you are." He growled as you scooted away from him. "B/n... please... please don't do this!" You cried. "Well, why would I spare y-" You looked up to see his head cut off and rolling over the floor and a tall blonde man stood there with a katana. "Are you okay?" He asked holding a hand out to help you up. "He... My brother... I." Stuttering for a reply you looked up at him crying. "Please... please don't leave me..." You begged quickly standing up and gripping onto his haori. He gave a small chuckle and patted your head to try and comfort you. "I won't... I'm Kyojuro Rengoku." After introducing himself, you pulled away and looked up at him. "I'm y/n. y/n l/n."
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You were a demon much like Nezuko. You'd never eaten or harmed a human and wished to help them against Muzan and to make your situation better, it was Genya who brought you back to the Demon Slayer Corps. "Another one? Why are so many docile demons appearing??" Gyomei questioned as he stared at you. You smiled back at him and looked over to Genya. "What's gonna happen to me Genya?" The pillars looked on in shock, apart from Sanemi, and fussed over how you were able to talk. "Will you guys shut up? They're nothing amazing. Just another demon like that other one." He grumbled as he glared at you. Giggling you sauntered over to him. "Y/n? Don't annoy Sanemi..." Genya mumbled, being flustered about the demon he brought home annoying his brother. "I'm simply checking out something that's captured my interest!" A blush spread across the Wind Pillars face like an out of control wildfire. "Will you shut up? You're fucking annoying." You laughed and smiled tilting your head. "But I want to get to know you Sanemi-kun~" You teased and you smirked at him. "GENYA!! GET Y/N AWAY FROM ME BEFORE I HIT THEM!!" He shouted. "Sanemi!! Don't you dare!!" The pillars yelled as they held him back. "I'm going to like you a lot I think..." You said with a light blush.
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You met Mitsuri when she was on a mission with Obanai. You weren't the demon they were after but you know if they found you, they'd kill you. However, after seeing them fight and both become injured by the demon which has been terrorising the village you lived in, you decided you'd help them and heal their wounds. "You. You're a demon." Obanai glared at you after you had swiftly chopped the head of the demon off and turned to face them. "Yes. A demon that just helped you. I could've left you to suffer." You said as you kneeled beside Mitsuri and looked over her injuries. "Which ones hurt more?" You asked as you got ready to heal them. "These one do.." She whispered as she pointed to the deep scratches on her arm. "HEY! Get away from Mitsuri!!" Mitsuri told Obanai to calm down as a pink light surrounded her and her wounds healed rather quickly. "See Obanai? They helped me!" She exclaimed as she smiled at you. "You're another docile one... like the one that kid has." Obanai still glared as you turned to face him. "It's your turn. Let me help you." Reluctantly he allowed you to heal his wounds. "What's your name?" Mitsuri asked as you stood up and stretched. She smiled and walked closer to you, much to Obanai's dismay. "Y/n... y/n l/n." You answered as you went to turn and walk away. "Hey wait! You can come with us back to the Butterfly Estate! There's another demon there so you won't be alone and you can continue to help us!!" She exclaimed as she giggled at your confused expression. "Hmmm, I'd like that I think Mitsuri..." You said with a small smile. "Yayyyy!!! Come on!! Everyone is going to love you!!"
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fairydollsteps · 3 years
Can I request Zenitsu with a female demon reader who lost her husband because of demons and was turned into a demon too and Zenitsu reminds her of her husband when they first meet so she just starts to cry and hug, cling to him? c:
Hello! I find your request interesting and I would love to write it down! :D I do hope you don’t mind if I describe the reader's relationship with Zenitsu is platonic instead just see Zenitsu like a family member as the reader would be a lot older than him, like an adult and also there will be some changes here and there but is related to your request. I do hope what I wrote is what you wanted! There will be a short scenarios about the reader past and some headcanon along with it too. Enjoy reading! 💖
Zenitsu with a Sisterlike Demon Friend
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The happiness that you thought would last forever with your dear husband was shattered into countless pieces
It all happens during the night where you and your husband were eating dinner together. The food served was delectable that you enjoy it so much. Just like how the demon enjoying itself devouring your husband after it has crashed into your home.
Just right before you were attacked by the vicious demon, your husband covers you and fights back. Even so, the demon has left you a severe wound that has its blood in it which you will suffer later on.
You were watching your husband fighting the demon back, watches his neck get bitten in the process while you try to stop your bleeding. He screamed at you to run and never come back, you can hear the anguish and pain in his voice.
You did what you were told by your husband out of fear and distress as you can’t handle another second to see the sight of your beloved getting killed. You head out of your house and run away, never looking back. You run as fast as you can, not noticing your blood dripping down from your wound, leaving a trail of blood behind you as you run.
You are turning into a demon as you kept running. It hurts physically but you ignored it and keep running but it worse as you can feel a sharp piercing pain from you wound. You collapsed down and started vomiting blood on the ground violently. Blood is also shedding from your eyes and you can feel your whole entire body tormented from this excruciating pain.
You are turning into a demon.
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Now that all conclude the reader’s past, let dive into the headcanons part(cause I am lazy to put in so much effort in continuing this.)
You thought you are going to die at this point, what you didn’t know that the blood trail behind that you bled before has kill some demons with its lethal scent that was about to prey on you.
Little did you know, a young lady with butterfly hairpin both side, wearing a black uniform was watching the whole thing unfold. Watching you vomiting blood on the ground violently then collapsed unconscious.
The next thing you saw after you regain your conscious is where you in a cell. You also saw a bunch of people in different height and build. You also saw the young lady earlier right before you collapsed.
You expect yourself to be petrified because the people are glaring deep in to your soul but you felt nothing. Numb will be the right word for how you are feeling now when suddenly the lady you saw before walk up to you.
“Hello, I am Kanae Kocho. Please stay calm, we are not going to do anything with you. We just wanted to have a talk with you,” she said as she smile sweetly.
That’s when a man with a black shoulder length comes in. Kagaya Ubuyashiki.It’s his name you heard as he was introduced by his children.
He talks to you gently while you are in a cage with a soft smile. He asks you what had happened to you and you explains everything, the tragic events that you have to go through to him.
Of course, the people you saw earlier who were introduced as the Hashira, were suspicious about what you said but also shocked that you have saved many slayers from their corps.
Apparently, what they meant is that your Blood Demon Art has saved countless of lives from the corps where they were investigating the area you were in to hunt down demons.
None has died, only some suffer minor injuries. 
Of course, there is some arguments here and there whether they should keep you as their most powerful weapon to hunt demons down or to just slay your head off for good.
It was then decided that the Demon Slayer Corps should keep you after Kanae express her opinion and concern that many casualties would happen if it wasn’t for your power and that you have no intention of killing humans.
Once all has been concluded, you were left to be alive instead getting your head cut off but you would many restrictions. You were later send to Tamayo and Yushiro to stay with them.
You started your lives with them. Tamayo welcomed you in warmly while Yushiro is just glaring at you which he soon get scolded by Tamayo.
Your Life as a demon
Let’s just say that, your husband’s death has put a huge impact on you deeply. You become cold and emotionless. The only person who you can trust for now is Tamayo as she also go through the same thing and also has similar demon technique.
You help her with creating medicine and stuff and soon become a doctor just like her.
Yushiro would later on have respect with you for how you work hard for Tamayo. 
You don’t show it, you are disgusted of yourself for become a same species with the monster that has murdered your dear husband. You would left yourself a scar or cut on your face every time you see yourself in the mirror, just watching the blood drip down and hating yourself.
 You don’t care about the injuries you had put on yourself cause it will regenerate itself anyway because you are a demon. You bottle and repress your feelings because you are demon and nobody care if you cry cause you are hated for what you have become. Even you never choose to become what you have become.
You are afraid of the thought of how your husband would think about because you have become a demon.
Because you are a demon.
You keep thinking about this often, degrading yourself while keeping a stern and empty face. Showing absolutely no emotions and weakness.
The only reason why you are still alive is because Tamayo was there to comfort you when you are feeling down although you never show it.
One day, you were the strolling around the street during the night. You just want to relax a bit from your mind. The street was dark and quiet. After all, you were out late in the night.
Until the silence was interrupted by a scream from a far distance. You follow it as it sounds like someone is in trouble and hopeless.
You saw a demon on your way, hobbling towards to you. You don’t care about it an annihilate it immediately using your blood demon technique.
That’s when the scream stops, you turn around and saw a blonde boy on top a tree, clinging tightly on one of its branches.
“IS IT DEAD ALREADY!?!?!??! IS IT!??! IS IT!!!! THAT THING WAS HELLA SCARY THAT I JUST RUN!!!!!! the boy screamed.
You walk to towards to the tree and reach out your hand to him.
“No worries, is gone now. Please come down. You might fall,” you said in a reserved turn.
“A-a-are you sure!!??!?!? Y-y-you s-should you k-k-killed it??? he said obviously not believing a word you say until he realized something. You are a demon.
That’s when you saw a clear image of the boy. He looks just like him. Your husband . You froze for a while and the way the boy knowing you are a demon reminds you all the past. The past that you wished to cover forever comes back.
Your knee drop and then you starts sobbing. All your hate and disgust on yourself is coming back at the same time and its too much for you to handle them anymore. You continue think how your late husband thinks of you. A monster? A strange creature? Not the person that he used to love?
You started to cry when the boy talks to you. “U-um...hey, I am s-sorry for w-what I mentioned earlier,” There is some fear in his voice but there is also some gratitude and sincerity in it. “E-even if you are a d-demon, you did s-save my life after all,”.
He still though keep his distance with you. You noticed a wound on his hand and some on the side of his forehead. You offer the boy to treat your wounds as it do looks pretty severe.
He was reluctant for a while until give in. You still keep your distance with him while tending him, as you do not wanted to scared him like before. Mainly because it makes you think that’s how your husband feel to you because the boy looks so much like your husband except the boy is blonde.
“What’s your name?” you ask. “U-um is Zenitsu A-agatsuma. You can call me Z-Zenitsu,” he answered. “I’m (Y/n) (L/N),”.
Once you finished tending him, you explain yourself a bit that you are working for Demon Slayer Corps along with Tamayo and Yushiro. Zenitsu soon trusted you a little after knowing that you are a no threat.
Just as he was about, you quickly propose to walk back with him as you are worry for his safety to go back.
You both begin to talk and knowing about each other as you both walk. You and Zenitsu enjoy together chatting and Zenitsu is smiling because he can finally talk to a women without making himself a complete fool and making himself look weird. You begin to smile and feel happy for the first time and forever after what you have gone through.
Your Relationship with Him
Once Zenitsu is comfortable with you, your relationship with him is quite similar with Tanjiro, Nezuko and Tamayo. Like Zenitsu helps you finally feel happy and makes you smile just like how Tanjiro and Nezuko makes Tamayo feel the loving feelings of a family.
You are pretty older than Zenitsu so Zenitsu calls you (L/N)-san as a sign of respect for you and you really appreciate it.
You begin visiting the Butterfly Estate during after for a long time just to see how Zenitsu is doing. Shinobu, of course was aware and distrustful with you but warm up a little after knowing that you just wanted to know how Zenitsu is doing after coming back from a mission. Shinobu started to welcome you when you come to visit and started to respect you after you are willingly to share some of your knowledge with poison and medicine with her. she stills don’t trust you but still has some respect and kindness for you.
Zenitsu would introduce you to his friends,Tanjiro and Inosuke. You heard a lot about them from Zenitsu during your conversation with him. Tanjiro would a little bit flustered because of how gorgeous you are and a little scared because you look so stern and cold but soon warm up to you after you treat him with kindness and respect. Inosuke would also like you after you give him some rice balls and shrimp that he becomes so touched that he was stucked for a while because of how generous you are and thinks you are some goddes or something.
Zenitsu would of course be pissed if these two were to hog your attention too much that he feels left out. You would of course meet Nezuko as both you and Nezuko suffered from the same tragedies.
Zenitsu won’t feel any romantic feelings for you because you are a lot older than him so instead, he sees you as like and elder sister and a role model.
You would act like a role model to Zenitsu. Always teaching him how to behave and collect himself when he lost his composure. Also giving him advice  and so on. Zenitsu respect you deeply ever since then.
You would also act like a protective elder sister to Zenitsu. and zenitsu loves it. You would always check on him when he come back from a mission, making sure he is eating well, always making medicine for him when he is hurt and so on. You would sometimes offer to tag along a mission with Zenitsu so you can protect him and make sure he is alive. You did all of this for him because you do not want Zenitsu to suffer the same fate as your husband.
Speaking of your husband death, you have once mentioned your tragic past to Zenitsu and explained that he looks so much like your husband which explained why you are so protective and caring towards him. You also mention your hate and disgust on yourself for what you have become.
Then Zenitsu immediately freaks out after recalling your first meeting with hima and he apologies to you profusely. After feeling absolutely guilt for making you cry because of his overexaggerating reaction.
You reassure him that’s alright and is just that he didn’t know. He do still feels guilt though but you would give your sincere reassurance to him.
After you have talk about your past, he wanted to become stronger and more braver so you do not have to worry about him.
Zenitsu would come in a speed of lightning when he knows that you are upset on yourself and would try to comfort you. You really appreciate his effort in cheering you up.
You would also try to help Zenitsu in his training like explaining parts that he can improve and motivate him to continue fighting and training.
Because you are a demon and can’t walk under the sun, you and Zenitsu would hang out at the street markets or go shopping during the night. These memories you created with him are memorable and precious.
You were glad that you save Zenitsu from before as he has helps you heal the scar that was caused from your husband’s death.
All you wished for Zenitsu is for him alive and living happily.
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Words: 2,340.....AAHAVIYQWVCKQW!!!! I am sorry that I got carried away for writing so much! I just have so many idea for this and would hate it so much to throw it away!!! This tooks me so long so likes and reblog would be deeply appreciated .Anyway, thank you for reading and have a good day!
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cherishedkids · 4 years
how the others react when they find out muichiro and giyuu has a secret s/o!
A/N: i’d like to thank @akaasemitodoroki (i cant tag you as well :((.) for requesting this! i took a lot of liberties since it was a bit vague but i very much had fun writing this! i also did my best in writing a gender neutral s/o since they never said what the pronouns were, so i hope that’s okay. thank you again!
tokito muichiro
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tokito muichiro is a person who only thinks of himself.
there is no place for emotion in his heart.
anything that involved the word ‘feelings’ would be set aside, as there were more important things to do.
if you could describe him in one word, logic would be the first thing you’d think.
the boy has lived his whole life ruled by it.
at least, that was what the others thought of him.
imagine their surprise when they find out he has been involved in his own romantic endeavours.
nakahara sumi almost drops her bowl of water when she sees muichiro sitting on a chair, running a damp cloth over your forehead.
maybe she goes over her thoughts, thinking logically.
were the two of you best friends?
was he just extra worried about you?
but the distance between the two of you seemed awfully… nonexistent.
terauchi kiyo sees sumi ogling at something through the crack from the sliding door. 
she’s curious.
as she goes to see what exactly she’s so shocked about, her eyes go wide. 
then comes takada naho and kanzaki aoi.
aoi does not hold herself back.
“tokito-dono, what are you doing!?”
the three other girls curse and thank her for her tactlessness.
you lay there, gingerly raising your hand up to wave at them.
he only stares blankly at them.
the warmth that he gave you was gone as he stared at the four other girls.
“i was just tending to ___… is it wrong?” he had an irritated tone present in his voice.
“did you need something?” you ask, shushing muichiro’s objections.
aoi starts to sweat. “n-no… carry on!” 
“yes, please leave us alone.” muichiro says coldly, as he dips the cloth back into water to put on your forehead again.
the four of them scatter away.
soon, a rumour starts to float around.
the hashiras and demon slayers hear of this, and start to watch his every move.
some, going as far as spying on him whenever the two of you were alone.
it seems like it has become a mystery if the cold muichiro has found someone to warm his heart.
they start to make bets, whether or not the two of you were together.
even shinobu kocho had her ears peeled whenever muichiro or you visited the butterfly estate.
she’d listen to the gossip of the workers who helped either of you.
she was one of the first people who knew, just from the frequent visits the both of you gave to each other.
kanroji mitsuri starts to give him love advice, for no reason at all.
“you see, muichiro, the key to a person’s heart is their stomach! give them as much food as you want and they’ll love you forever!”
he’d just nod at this, seemingly not listening.
a few days passed, and they saw muichiro and you visiting a ramen shop.
according to the witnesses, it seemed like muichiro was berating you for not eating much.
the next time muichiro saw mitsuri, he gave her the cold shoulder.
“muichiro, are you mad at me?”
he nods.
“why?” mitsuri’s face contorts to one of sadness.
he stays quiet for a moment. 
then, he speaks lowly. 
“your love advice didn’t work… they only got angry at me for telling them to eat…”
this confirms it for mitsuri.
the very next day, tengen uzui pats him on the back.
muichiro looks at him in confusion.
“congratulations, muichiro. soon, you’ll have as many wives as me!” 
“what do you mean?”
he only winks at him. 
obanai iguro’s interest was only ever lit because of mitsuri’s constant gushing over them.
iguro sees muichiro in the same position as him.
“make sure you take care of them.”
muichiro is offended at that.
“___ can take care of themself.”
when iguro shares this exchange with mitsuri, she explodes. 
you get barraged with questions the moment the news breaks.
you were resting in the butterfly estate when aoi rushes in.
“are you and muichiro really together together?”
you are taken aback, but honestly, it’s been a struggle watching the girl contain herself from asking the question.
“what do you mean by that?”
the moment you reply, the three other girls enter the room and explain the situation.
even tsuyuri kanao visits your room to see what the commotion was.
kamado tanjiro, who happened to be passing by, was elated at gossip.
“muichiro and you?! that boy has really grown!”
shinobu enters, as the noise was too much for her to work in.
as she starts to scold the people who were inside the room, muichiro slides the door open.
all eyes are on him as he holds a box.
but he doesn’t look fazed.
“why is everyone here?”
they all sheepishly smile, and shinobu glares at them to get going.
they all rush to get out, but secretly hang by the door to watch the interaction.
“i don’t know why they’re all so obsessed,” he wonders, as he opens the box for you.
“aw, let them be! it’s been fun watching them speculate,”
“they won’t speculate for long after i give this to you,”
they see him present something to you and you audibly gasp. 
a necklace comes out of the box.
when you hug and kiss him on the cheek, they all squeal outside.
they break the sliding door and you and muichiro untangle yourselves from each other.
“congratulations, muichiro!” tanjiro exclaims, and nezuko gives the both of you a thumbs up.
“god, the butterfly estate is so loud today.”
it really was.
but it was really a wonder as to how the stoic tokito muichiro found love.
the answer was simple.
he made space for you.
he just didn’t understand why they all started screaming and blushing when he kissed you in front of them.
maybe he wasn’t that logic driven after all?
tomioka giyuu 
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it was no secret to the hashiras just how much of a prick tomioka giyuu was. 
he was certainly withdrawn from the rest of them.
he kept his serious face when insulted them.
the worst thing about that was when he didn’t know he was even insulting them.
all the other hashiras had in common with him was the respect they held for ubuyashiki kagaya. 
he was quiet during hashira meetings, and they were thankful for that.
they didn’t know if they could endure the wisecrack if he started talking more.
but when ubuyashiki kagaya says the words “giyuu, i trust that you and your fiancé can handle this district,”
their ears perk up at this.
suddenly, they wanted him to speak up more.
“yes, i have trust that they alone can handle the demon alone.”
ubuyashiki smiles. “... of course, i respect your trust in them.”
kocho shinobu is the first one to ask him about this. 
after they are dismissed by ubuyashiki, she immediately confronts him about the news. 
“tomioka, can i ask you a question?”
he looks at her, face indifferent.
“you have a fiancé, and you didn’t tell us?”
her face still has the ghost of a smile.
“i didn’t think it was necessary for any of you people to know,”
she closes her eyes in disagreement, but forces out a smile.
“plus my fiancé would be turned off by your personalities,”
“this is exactly the shitty reason why none of us like you.” shinazugawa sanemi butts in.
kanroji mitsuri smiles at him.
“i think it’s his private business! i just wish he didn’t keep it a secret,”
obanai iguro agrees with kanroji. 
still, no one really believes this.
there must have been a mix up!
but ubuyashiki never made a mistake when it came to his hashiras.
he gave great care in knowing his subordinates.
still, they would not believe it until they actually saw you.
naturally, the news of tomioka giyuu having a fianće spread among the demon slayer corps. 
one of the most serious and respected hashira—actually has someone he loved for real!
kamado tanjiro hears this, and the next time he sees giyuu, he beams at him.
“congratulations, tomioka! i heard the news,”
giyuu is concerned at how the hashiras decided to spread the fact that he had a partner.
but he wasn’t phased by it.
numerous times, they had just blabbered off, expecting someone to keep a secret.
but he guessed secrets were hard to keep among his colleagues.
“ah, yes, thank you, tanjiro,” 
he replies stiffly, unable to hide his unease.
“giyuu, who’s this?” 
your soft voice asks from behind him, and he can already hear the gossip that will be coming out of this.
tanjiro might be hard-headed, but he connected the dots.
“___, this is tanjiro, the kid i’ve been telling you about,”
“yes, i’m kamado tanjiro, chief! nice meeting you!” 
he then looks at giyuu, a determined look on his face.
tanjiro then makes a shushing gesture and it seemed like he was promising not to tell anyone.
but giyuu knows it won’t be long until the spread of your name reaches the hashiras.
the next day, giyuu receives a letter from a crow. 
it kept cursing him as it handed him the paper.
it was a note from urokodaki sakonji.
it was far too long and full of explicit words.
the basic gist of it was urokodaki’s disappointment that his own student did not share this news to him and he had to find out through tanjiro.
that brat.
he started to receive gifts through crows from his fellow hashiras.
some were thoughtful, like mitsuri and iguro’s letter of congratulations with fruits sent along with it.
he was kind of worried for the crow who had to carry the heavy load.
some were useful, like himejima gyomei’s sharpening stone wrapped in red cloth, apparently for good luck.
one was outright insulting, like shinobu’s gift to you, specifically.
he almost threw the book she sent.
it read, ‘how to deal with an annoying husband’.
the others didn’t care, and he was more thankful to the people who didn’t make a huge deal about it.
however, it made missions a bother since some lower-ranked demon slayers decided it was their duty to protect him so he would be able to marry you.
he wasn’t a child who needed protection.
but he couldn’t do anything about those who took it upon themselves to save him.
he just wished the attention was directed to you instead.
in the end, even though tomioka giyuu had a lot of secrets, his soon-to-be fianće wasn’t. 
he was alright with it, as he considered you someone he should be proud of knowing.
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unknownwriting · 3 years
Hi! I saw that you also write for demon slayer so I wanted to request a one shot for yoriichi tsugikuni or tanjiro x female reader I tried to flirt with him but I didn't succeed because he is very dense.
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Summary- ^^ requested
Character(s)- Tanjiro
Word count- 858
Warnings- none :)
A/n- ahhh omg I’m so sorry this is so late. I got so behind on my school work but I promise I didn’t forget about you. I hope you enjoy 💕
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"That sounds like a great idea. We can invite the others too." Tanjiro smiled brightly agreeing with (Y/n) idea.
Defeated. (Y/n) stood there utterly defeated. There was nothing else she could possibly do. She's tried everything and Tanjiro can still not get the hint. It's been at least 10 minutes, and (Y/n)'s ready to give up   All she wants to do is ask Tanjiro on a simple date, with just the 2 of them and no distractions. Lifting her head back up from hanging low, she looked into Tanjiro's red eyes and sighed deeply. One more time. (Y/n) going to try one more time, and if this doesn't work, she doesn't know what would.
"No, Tanjiro listen." With a nod from Tanjiro, (Y/n) continued, and she made sure to space out her words so Tanjiro could process them. It was a jackass move but it needed to be done, "You and me....watching the stars tonight....alone....with nobody else....just me and you."
"...just you and me?" Tanjiro question, as he finally seems to get what she was trying to say. Maybe. At least the look on his face looked like he was starting to understand.
"Yeah. Just me and you." (Y/n) nodded along with him. For a good moment, the 2 of them just ended up nodding at each other, saying nothing but just nodding. They hadn’t moved from that position either until a certain loudmouth blonde came crashing in.
“You're asking Tanjiro on a date!?” Zenitsu shouted at the top of his lungs, out of pure shock. Both (Y/n) and Tanjiro jumped from the loud entrance. They turned their attention to him, and (Y/n) has immediately rolled her eyes. He’s always so overdramatic. But it would be a lie to say that (Y/n) wasn’t happy that he shouted that. (Y/n) been trying for months and days to ask him but he keeps thinking that it’s just a friendly gesture between the 2. But it’s not! (Y/n) just wants to go on a date!!
“H-huh? A date?” Tanjiro asked as a blush began to spread through his face. Zenitsu ran up him and grabbed his shoulders, then began to shake them vigorously.
“What else do you think she was asking?!” Zenitsu has exclaimed. With some help from (Y/n), Tanjiro was able to break free of his grasp. When he did, it finally set in. That’s what (Y/n) has been suggesting.
“Shh. Zenitsu don't be so loud!” (Y/n) shushed him as he began to fall to the ground still very upset. She wasn’t even sure why he was upset, Zenitsu likes Nezuko not her.
“Why does Tanjiro get to date but not Nezuko?” Zenitsu whined as he only sunk closer to the ground. (Y/n) rolled her eyes again as she turned on her heel to look back at Tanjiro. He was speechless, he didn’t even know what to say to that. If (Y/n) was really trying to ask him on a date, he felt really bad about it. She’s must’ve been trying this whole time.
“A date?... How long have you been...trying to ask?” Tanjiro muttered as he looked at (Y/n).
“A while now? Maybe a few months.” (Y/n) shrugged like it was nothing. This made Tanjiro feel really bad but (Y/n) didn’t even care how long it took, she was extremely happy that he seemed to understand now. Took him a while but he finally got it.
“A few months!?” Now it’s was Tanjiro’s turn to be loud. (Y/n) nodded along with his exclaim. With his eyes wide, he had suddenly grabbed (Y/n)‘s hands sending chills down her back from the sudden contact. They were rough but gentle at the same time, it was nice. Tanjiro looked deep into (Y/n) eyes again, and exclaimed, “I promise I’ll make it up. Let’s go on that date right now!”
“H-huh?” This definitely caught (Y/n) off guard, she was not expecting such a bold claim from him. With a huge blush covering her face, she stared at him. That’s all she could do, she couldn’t even say anything.
“Yes! Right now let’s go on that date.” Tanjiro said as he jumped up from his bed. So much was going through (Y/n)‘s mind. She finally gets to go on this date, it’s almost surreal. After all this time, (Y/n) she finally can go on this date. And right now too. But it’s all too soon, (Y/n) still has to get ready and make sure she-
“Ow...ow.” Tanjiro had hissed as he placed his hand over his wound. This immediately tore (Y/b) attention away from her thoughts, as she looked at Tanjiro who still seemed to be in pain. The 3 boys had just go back from a mission so of course, they still need time to heal. Gentle forcing Tanjiro back in the bed, (Y/n) scoffed and shook her head.
“We’ll go on that date once you heal. No way am I dating someone who's injured.”
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my-dating-academia · 5 years
Dating HC's for Tanjirou, Inosuke, and Zenitsu
Tanjirou Kamado:
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-First off! You’re dating an absolute pure boy! He legit has no bad or tainted intentions. He just wants to make you happy and hold you close... He lost too much to take anything for granted and wants to hold you close. Not to be lewd or anything, but he dreams of cuddling with you next to a fireplace.
-He really is a caring lover. He always puts your needs before him. You’re hungry? Please, take his food! He’s already full! Cold? You can take his haori. He’ll be okay! You’ve been really, really wanting this certain item for a while? He can work a little harder to buy it for you!
-But truth is, he’s scared he’s gonna lose you. He tries to keep you happy, so you won’t because you keep him happy just by being with him. Whenever he’s with you, he feels relaxed. He just wants to crawl up next to you and lay his head down in your lap. Please play with his hair? Stroke his head? If you even gently trace his scar or give it light kisses he’ll blush so hard.
-Favorite thing to do is cuddle! Cuddling when you sleep! He feels so at home when he wraps around you...It makes him secure and easier to sleep.
-You’re most likely his first s/o. He has had crushes before but too busy to ever pursue them. He is a little unsure in his actions on what to do. He just wants to make you feel loved, that’s what he knows for sure. That means you’re also his first kiss! It was probably after a dangerous mission and when he saw you again, he realized how scared he is to never see you again. He gently grabbed the sides of your face to gaze at you before you closed the distance and sweetly kissed him. It was a little awkward trying to figure it out, but it was so gentle and genuine you teared up.
-He wants you to be his first and last. He already imagines a peaceful life with you with you.
-If you’re a demon slayer, he wants to go on missions with you, but he understands if he can’t. He just gets so worried even though he knows you can handle yourself! Expect a hug when you get back from one!
-He also trusts you 100% therefore he does not get jealous. He knows you won’t cheat on him. However, if someone is flirting with you and you are uncomfortable and they won’t stop, he will step in. 
-You have to have a good relationship with Nezuko. He saw you teaching her how to make a flower crown and could of swore he died right at that moment of pure joy. Another time Nezuko fell asleep on your lap and you fell asleep leaning against the wall and Tanjiro’s heart just went <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
-He will be your emotional pillar and hold you whenever you get sad. Whether you just need to have a shoulder to cry on or advice, he’s got you covered. 
-Please return his actions. He deserves it. Baby has been through so much he really needs some love and someone to fall against. Polish or sharpen his sword, write him a few encouraging notes, or even buy matching necklaces! He won’t take it off and keep it hidden under his collar to make sure it doesn’t get damaged. Whenever he’ll being feeling down, he’ll look at the necklace and be reminded by you. Same goes if he’s fighting a really powerful demon. It’ll give him a much needed moral boost.
Inosuke Hashibira:
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-Pretty feral boy legit is clueless. He is so confused with everything, but he knows that whenever he’s near you, his face heats up and his chest feels weird and tingly. It’s like you’re doing some weird mind trick on him, like you’re baiting him into a challenge! But, whenever he tries to yell out to tell you to fight him, it turns into a weird pig-like squeal and his words die out. It’s kinda funny and makes you giggle because he gets into a fighting stance then just falters out and squeals. It took a while before you two could get together because of misunderstandings and Inosuke being confused of “love”.
-Inosuke does love you he just has his way to show it. Instead of challenging you every few minutes, he protects you. If you’re not a demon slayer, he always tries to go check up on you and has you in the back of the head. He may even give you some lessons for self defense. However, if you are a demon slayer, he does like to go on missions with you and keep an eye on you. Whenever he sees you fight fiercely in battle he just gets so proud and inside he’s all like “Yeah, that’s my s/o!!!”
-He also loves holding you for some reason. I don’t know why, but I feel like he would just love to carry you? He’ll hold you bridal style or sling you over his shoulder. This also means he’ll do that in front of others, so he just doesn’t care about PDA. He justifies it by “But they’re mine?? The others should know we’re together?? What’s so embarrassing about that???”
-He also gets jealous probably because of the whole “raised around wild animals”. He will glare and challenge Zenitsu if he asks you to marry him....Let’s just say Zenitsu learned his lesson about asking you that.
-If you sleep with him he will wrap you up in his limbs and not let you leave unfil he wakes up. You’ll have to pry him off. He may not the be softest to sleep against but he is warm, so you don’t have to worry about being cold during winter. He’s also the big spoon no matter what.
-He’ll never mention it but Inosuke will be happy if you teach him to read and write. He’s embarrassed by the fact he can’t. 
-If you can cook and he make him food he will be beyond happy!! Or giving him praise!! He loves it and c r a v e s it. He doesn’t hear it very often.
-Make sure he takes care of himself. Simply like brushing his hair or making him take baths. He really prefers it if you take a bath with him, so you can reach his back. He doesn’t care if you’re naked just please get that one spot hE CAN’T SCRUB. Over a while, bathing together just becomes the norm for you two.
-As previously mentioned, he doesn’t handle well with emotions. He will let you cry into his shoulder and if the reason you’re crying is because of someone insulting you, he will go try to tear their ass up. He’s not the great with words, but he’ll take you out into the woods to release your frustration on trees or maybe even some demons.
-He kisses are rougher because he will smoosh his face onto yours and your teeth may clink, but his kisses make you feel so safe and warm. He’ll even press the snout of his mask onto your lips when he has it on. 
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
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-He is honestly so shocked you returned his feelings? He never would imagine you actually would. He honestly could look at you smiling at him and he would tear up slightly because you actually love him? You’re smiling because of him?? 
-He wants to be attached to you every second, but he stops himself because he’s afraid he’ll scare you off? Tell him you don’t mind and although he will be with you constantly, his face will be so blushy and blissful and that makes it worth it.
-He loves PDA and loves to give you hugs and quick kisses. Those kisses become an routine. Kiss in the morning, in the afternoon, before he goes off to a mission, before bedtime, he just loves them! He will get whiny if you don’t. He needs them like he needs air.
-His kisses are so gentle and sweet! He kisses are as soft as if he’s kissing a doll. His kisses are always filled with love. He’s a hopeless romantic okay.
-He just wants to have one night with no demons bothering you and look at the stars. He’ll point out what he sees and may even sneak in an “Those stars look like us kissing! The stars say we should kiss. Let’s kiss now!...Please?”
-Maybe he has a journal that depicts you and him getting married but shush. He may even slip out a few times by referring you to others as “My wife/husband”. He had to stop himself from getting promise rings a week after dating but he will after some months. If he sees you wearing your promise ring, he will be so happy!
-He does get insecure and unsure of himself especially after missions when he thinks his teammates outshone him. He will get teary eyed and fall into your arms. Kiss his head and list all the things that make him special and amazing. Sometimes just listen to him talk about it. Don’t worry, he’ll return the favors if you ever feel down too.
-He is the little spoon most the time because he loves affection, but some nights he just wants to hold onto you since he’s afraid that its all too good to be true.
-He does get jealous and will say something like “That’s my s/o you’re flirting to!” And will get pouty after that because what if you really did want that person? Was he no good enough? He’d cling to your haori and beg you not to leave him.
-Switch with eachother’s haoris! He loves to see you in his and your haori reminds him of you and it feels like you’re wrapped around him. Its great.
-He does try extra harder to protect you but it's still a challenge. It's like, whenever he's about to get attacked, oh well time to run up and tree and cry. But with you? Oh hell no. "Get away from my s/o filthy demon!!" while crying
-But if you saved him?? He'll be a little embarrassed but in his eyes you're his hero.
-Zenitsu really, really loves you. He probably does cheesey stuff like putting your two initials in a heart carved on a tree.
-Please don't break his heart. Poor boy fell super hard for you.
(I really do love Inosuke but he's kinda hard to write for)
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Dream Analysis of Mugen Ressha
Spoilers for the movie, while it does not depart from the plot of the manga, they made adaptational choices which I may refer to within.
While Enmu has control over what kind of dream his victims see, ultimately, he would have no way of knowing all of the details of his victims' lives, so we can assume that he is prompting his victims to fill in a lot of the details themselves. These are the worlds they surround themselves with consciously, but their untouchable unconscious spaces say just as much.
I've said some of this before, but these dream sequences give us so much to say about Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kyojuro, and Tanjiro.
Into the dream: Did that "Rengoku-aniki" thing really happen???? It's animated like a fever dream (or drawn like a typical Gotouge-being-Gotouge panel), but both the movie and the manga leave this inconclusive. It can be interpreted two ways: 1. The two other demons were there all along as decoys, set to appear only when Enmu's blood technique slowly started to take effect so that they'd let their guard down. In this way, we'd know that the boys had a true way of witnessing Kyojuro's prowess and a true bonding moment, thereby making his death hit all the harder later. This would also mean that one of the cars was totally unusable for passengers, and many of the passengers were already thoroughly spooked before falling into sleep. It would also imply that they were all super excited, thoroughly relieved, returned to their seats, and then just passed out.
2. The moment the tickets were clipped, Enmu's very, very, very realistic dreams took immediate effect, but he still needed time before it took effect enough that their guards would go down. If this is the case, then it implies the following: 1. Enmu's illusions can be shared 2. Everyone syncs extremely well together to have all been sucked in by the same illusion (it's possible it was only Tanjiro's, but since we get in everyone's heads a little in this part, I believe they all experienced the same thing). Reacting in ways so true to how they would in waking like, they learned as much about each other as truthfully as they would have if they were fighting while awake. 3. The "Rengoku-aniki" thing is the moment they're falling into a deeper stage of sleep, when any bizarre thing will make sense. They've lost any sense of holding back and are embracing the emotions as they hit them. Even if that was all a dream, the bond formed was very real. But then, as they fall deep, they fall into their own headspaces. Inosuke: I love how bombastic this dream is. It moves at a very fast pace, and everything revolves around Inosuke. He is physically much larger than Ponjiro, Chuuitsu, and Pyonko, who clearly follow him as their leader, the most powerful person in this cave exploring world full of wonder and excitement. True to life, these underlings can at times be frustrating or stupid, but there is no one else Inosuke would rather have at his side to take on a hugely impressive foe. It's a relatively simplistic world, what Inosuke really cares about is his place in it, and who is there.
Taking it a step deeper, he should not be able to manifest in his self-conscious space, but Gotouge attributes his and Zenitsu's ability to do this and protect their cores from intruders to their strong senses of self. What's telling is that his subconscious space is practically identical to his conscious dream space; like there is no breakage between one stage of reality and the next. In its Zen-like simplicity Inosuke's mind is never at odds with itself, its interpretation of reality is fluid and seamless. However, being at this deeper state brings us to a deeper state of self actualization, with Inosuke manifesting closer to the ideal beast he views himself as.
Now, with Inosuke being so fully invested in what he sees as reality, he's still got a carry-over effect from dream after waking up, which one could interpret as not having fully shaken the effects of Enmu's blood technique. After all, Zenitsu simply never broke out of it, Tanjiro had to kill himself in his dreams each time to fully snap out of it, and Kyojuro was the only one powerful enough to have broken through its effects through his own willpower. When Tanjiro says the train is a demon, he buzzes with "I was right!" (a conviction that only got stronger in his dream), and Inosuke's declarations of being the boss and Tanjiro being his underling are indignantly plentiful and he fully believes what he is saying every time he brings it up, even if he's aware that he's no longer in the cave exploring dream. But, given that Inosuke is so at peace with his own version of reality, it's also just as likely that his conviction of being The Boss was also only compounded by the dream, and all that dream did was give him a more fun setting in which to play around in. But, what was so fun about the dream, what made him sleep-giggle with pleasure, was that everyone else was finally getting with the program and recognizing him as the boss, as they should. Finally. It's so frustrating in real life that he has to keep reminding them to get it right. Get it, Santaro?? GOOD. Zenitsu: What I love here is the contrast between subconscious and conscious space. Both of them have the same theme melody, but played in very, very different ways. They also both play with the same core desire in very different ways as well. Is it so much to ask that he can just spend some time alone with the girl he loves?? If we jump straight to the pitch black unconscious space, he specifies to the intruder that only Nezuko is allowed there. Not just girls in general, not a close friend like Tanjiro, only the one girl he loves, and even then, you'd have to love someone a lot to invite them into the deepest, darkest corners of your soul. And it is a very, very, very, very dark corner. Zenitsu's spent most of his life building that dark, pessimistic personality, compounded by the treatment he's always received throughout his life and what he believes about himself at his core. He's ugly and depraved there, and very defensive. Because he holds himself in such darkness, that makes him desire the bright, happy, completely idealistic world of his conscious dream world. It's rich with detail and warm and he knows it well, that places is the first place he ever felt someone have hope for him; it's Jiichan's home, that sunny place with delicious peaches and full of clovers and lush greenery and a charming stream. Of course he'd want to show it all to Nezuko, she deserves to see such a happy, pretty place! And, while the world is idealized and happy, Nezuko is e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y cute and actually wants to hang out with him too. She's willing no hold his hand, none of the girls who dated (read: used) Zenitsu in the past were ever willing to hold his hand. He even gets to show her that he can be cool, and she likes it!! She looks him in the eyes and is totally honest about enjoying his company!!
He just wants someone to want him back. He wants to belong in the sunshine too. So, even if he had it in him to wake up from Enmu's blood technique, who can blame him for staying there? (You know, besides Tanjiro, who has been desperately screaming for them all to wake up and help him protect the passengers. Zzzzz, five more minutes, Tanjiro, zzzzzzz----) Kyojuro: This... isn't really a happy dream. Kyojuro has accepted a lot of sad parts of his reality so wholeheartedly that he doesn't seek the comfort of a dream in which his mother is still alive, or a dream in which his father is proud of him. Instead, what Kyojuro was looking for was the chance to go back and say more to Senjuro. This implies that on the real day he knelt in that room, while his father faced away and read the book* while Kyojuro told him all about how he defeated Lower Moon Two and became a Pillar, and was met with his father's heartbreakingly unenthusiastic reply, he later went outside and...
...didn't say any words of comfort to Senjuro.
This regret, that he didn't do more for his brother whom he knew was hurting in his own silent ways this whole time, was what sat most bothersomely in Kyojuro's otherwise peacefully self-assured psyche (or fired-up psyche, if you go by his subconscious space) . It makes sense that in his dying wishes, the first thing he requests is that Tanjiro do this in his stead. *Speaking of that book, Kyojuro had forgotten about it until his memories pulled together to create the details of the dream, which was why he thought to mention it to Tanjiro later. This shows that Enmu is not an architect of people's dreams, he only sets them in motion. How believable they are depends on each victim. (Totally unrelated, I love the design of the Rengoku estate's garden??? It's primarily evergreen and unflowering trees, meaning it stays relatively steadfast throughout the year, a garden designed in samurai villa taste. Plus the details of the house also fit really well, I think??? Would need to review research of buke-yashiki architecture to say more.) Tanjiro: ...*deep breath* This boy really, really wants to go home. Like, the climax of the movie is amazing and all, but it's the scenes with Tanjiro's family that make me cry. Ugh, where do I start. Enmu probably just grabs on to whatever thread of a desire a person has, and then he just tugs on it and says "this way, let's go really far in this direction, show me where it goes, hmm, okay, nice, lovely. Have fun here, I've now seen enough to write my own angsty version for later." So... so I'm just going to work backwards a moment. Enmu screwed up here, thinking he could really read the depth of Tanjiro's family and his feelings for them. He thought he could make a convincing version of these "characters" cry and shove Tanjiro around and speak meanly to him and make him feel shame. And the cut to that dream, OH MY GOSH, truly horrific sound and color change. But Tanjiro's sees through it so fast that he wakes up immediately and uses that anger at how Enmu wrote them to cut off his "head." You screwed up, Enmu, you blew it, maybe other people would very so blown down by the shock that they wouldn't question how unreal that dream sequence is, but Tanjiro has honed his fighting spirit so much that it's been nagging him even throughout his happy dream. And he really, really, really wants to stay in that happy dream. Like, even though he's on guard at the beginning, so much so that he only focuses on the familiar feeling of a demon being around and does not notice the familiar landscape AT ALL. But the moment Hanako and Shigeru step in, convincingly made from Tanjiro's memories and unedited by Enmu, Tanjiro throws that all away in an instant. As he says when he's trying, after trying and trying and trying to rip himself away from the dream, he was never even supposed to had left this world. He was never supposed to had touched anything like a sword, they were all supposed to stay there together, living their simple life. If things hadn't gone wrong that one night. Tanjiro cares deeply about his mission, he's adopted his training deeply, he has serious desire to improve, which is why his subconsciously keeps trying to call himself back to reality, but it's so hard, because this is where he wants to be, and it's even harder because it feels so real. It's a little peeve of mine when families with lots of little siblings are written to be too angelic and idealistic, and there is some of that with the "let's make sembei, yaaaay" scene, but... but that's actually pretty true. I'm giving myself away with how close this hits to home, but it's a dynamic in a lot of large families, especially large families pretty happy to stay to themselves and people who live the same sort of conservative, traditional lifestyle, to foster in the older siblings some pride in taking care of the little ones and helping create that happy world for them, even if taking care of little kids can be rough. It's not to say that things are always happy and fluffy, they're not, and that's not to say even
happy kids don't resent being in a large family sometimes. But there's plenty of moments in daily life, especially in the presence of small children, that you get swept up into a sillier, happy, caretaker side of yourself, and since you all grow up with these silly moments together, you're going to naturally fall into into some silly, scripted-feeling moments of "then I'll be in charge of eating the sembei!" "no faaaaair!". So, I'll give the sembei scene a pass because that IS a moment that happens in years of moments with the same posse of kiddos around you all the time. But it's also so striking to me how each of Tanjiro's siblings, however idealized, has their own personality. The traits are so subtle but consistent and Tanjiro knows all of them. They pick up on things about each other, they grow realistically annoyed and surprised and concerned and scared like they would if they were real instead of only Tanjiro's memories of them. Those kids feel so real to me, even if they are annoyingly overidealized in some parts as Tanjiro is letting himself get swept away. And just when he's managing to part from it to go face reality, Enmu makes more attack: he brings in Nezuko, trying to make it feel like there's no point in Tanjiro running at all. She's fine. There's nothing left for him to fight for. Everything's fine. And all over again, Tanjiro just stops. He KNOWS it's not real, but he's hurting so much to hear her voice again that he just sto-o-o-o-ps. And his desire to stay with the others catches up to him all over again, and he's tempted all over again to stay, EVEN KNOWING IT'S NOT REAL and there are very, very, very pressing matters to attend to. Even if it was all a little happy and idealized, more than anything, it felt like life always did. It's telling that when Tanjiro finally, FINALLY pulls away from that that time, he doesn't look back, and the family stops chasing him. This is Tanjiro accepting reality, however much it hurts. He's already had a couple years to accept this, but it was all overwhelming to get such a vivid taste of it again.
Tanjiro wants to do well to his organization and honor Urokodaki's training and avenge the fallen and prevent anyone else from being hurt and see an end to Kibutsuji Muzan and make Nezuko human again, but more than anything, he wants that simple life. And it's so, so heartwarming that at the end of the manga, he gets it.
It's not the same. It'll never be the same.
He never wanted a life with a sword, but he's been working so hard at it anyway.
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