#will come back one day as a reboot probably soon..?
byunniiis · 16 days
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[OC - They/He] 🥕Beau le Jardinier🥕
An old drawing from last year but then left it unfinshed...
Beau is a gardener who is obsessed with carrots. He belongs in the Thousand Fates universe with Cyrus and everyone else. Because he's not a key character, I haven't properly fleshed out their character..
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maxwellatoms · 5 days
In one of your last answers, you said “series reboots are usually pretty gross and sad”, and I was wondering if you could expand on that? Assuming “reboot” covers any kind of continuation of a currently cancelled or finished show (and maybe that’s the wrong assumption!), from the outside looking in it feels like a pretty mixed bag. On one hand, if I love XYZ Show, it’s cool that I get more stories with these characters and another chance to support XYZ Show and its creators. On the other, it definitely feels like a lot of ideas can only get funding if they’re tied to something already, meaning creatives are having to now tie whatever cool idea they have to some reboot/relaunch/retread, which can feel pretty disheartening if you don’t want to do a reboot/relaunch/retread. Is that a similar feeling from your side of the industry?
Thank you so much for all your answers and insight!
Usually reboots and spin-offs are just cash grabs. It happens a lot in animation. In fact, I would argue that the entire industry is just one big cash grab now. In the 80s, everyone complained that cartoons were just half-hour commercials for toys. And they were right. And we're right back there, but now that you can't legally push toys all day, it's just general "IP". Mugs, posters, more spinoffs, whatever.
I was offered three show running gigs over the pandemic. All reboots that I would consider unwise to pursue because they were "of a different time" and didn't (in my opinion) have anything more to say. Two of them were properties created by notorious sex pests, so there's also that. The animation industry loves to prop up its sex pests.
I turned all of them down, partially because I didn't respect the original creators but also because none of them had anything going for them except just being "more of the same".
I don't think any of those projects survived the intervening years, so in retrospect I maybe should've taken the job. I'd probably feel a bit gross, but at least I'd have floors in my house.
The entertainment industry is in a bad spot. The whole thing. I've had I don't know how many pitch meetings in the last few years, and they all start the same way:
"Hey! Before we start, we just want to let you know that we're not actively producing anything right now. We think maybe soon, but we won't be picking anything up today..."
And then later:
"The little we are doing is IP, so if you have a new take on our IP or a new IP you're connected to that you can bring in, that'd be great."
I always wanted to make original stuff. There came a time when I'd had my fill of Billy & Mandy and wanted to do something else new and original. That never manifested, and I was constantly being offered IP to produce. I turned too many of those down, maybe, before deciding that it was probably better that I run the IPs that mean something to me rather than having some hack do it.
But now those jobs have all gone to celebrities and fallen live-action writers, who are also slowly being eaten by the system. WB was hot for Scooby stuff a few years back, so I pitched some ideas. A few of them were turned down for being "off-brand" in a variety of ways. WB has now made (I think) all of those off-brand shows (or something close) with celebrity show runners.
I was going through a whole Midlife Impostor Syndrome thing recently where I was wondering if maybe I don't just suck. Like, it's weird that for a couple of decades I'd have people calling me trying to get me to run shows, and now nobody will call me back about the possibility of a design job.
Talking to some friends and realizing that they were in a similar situation helped me feel like I wasn't alone. That was nice. Talking to some of the most talented colleagues in my industry made me made me realize that those people weren't getting jobs either. That was unnerving. Talking to complete strangers in other parts of the entertainment industry now has me thinking that the whole house of cards is coming down. That's real concerning, yo.
It's hard not to think it's purposeful, when deranged billionaires own the entirety of our media and want to shape a society where they can't be criticized. We're letting wealthy tech bros firebomb the very heart of our culture, and it's weird that no one is talking about it. Because (for now) we still have that capability.
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piescornerstore · 4 months
yknow i really like the headcanon where addisons, when they're tired or otherwise out of energy, can plug into some sort of cable and recharge at the end of a long day. but i also like the headcanon where their main source of energy is money. while they can eat anything, from regular human food to magic food to shoes, usually the most important nutrients an addison can get is from any type of currency. and i thought, why not both? humans do the same. addisons use food as the main source of energy, and connect themselves to a cable so they can clear their caches and be more ready than ever to be able to sell and work, which is all that they're supposed to be able to do.
and that made me think a little more about addispam's place in all that.
you guys know about the right to repair, right? that ever-looming fact that as consumerism becomes more and more dominant in our lives, and as corporations strive to make more and more money, the things we buy are reaching new levels of craptastic that they're basically made to break, and that older tech, while durable as hell, is basically totally accommodated for in the modern day.
and what about addispam in that context? in my fanon, he's a much older model of addison that accidentally rebooted, meant for the dump but is now roaming cyber city trying to fulfill the one purpose he was made for. but of course, the world isn't made for him anymore. maybe it never was
i'd think it'd really click for him once he tried to plug into a cable to recharge. it's practically necessary for any addison these days: if you want to sell properly, you need to clear your cache, or else your head will be swimming with endless noise that'll just fuck you up the longer it's allowed to accumulate. so, spamton bought itself a charging cable with the little money it had, after asking around to figure out what it was supposed to do (cause no one ever gave it a rulebook). but as soon as he tried to do it, the charger wouldn't fit. it went back to the store. tried another cable. didn't fit. turns out they don't sell chargers that fit its model anymore. nobody does. so addispam has to deal with a cache that keeps building and building.
and what about other things? updates are crucial to addisons. you HAVE to keep up with the styles, you HAVE to keep up with the trends, and you NEED to mimic every single little thing a lightner does but not TOO much or it might be too uncanny. so when a new update comes out, everyone's getting it.
except spamton. its model's far too old to receive such updates. it's not even on the table anymore. the last update for a model of his kind was probably a decade ago, and of course, there's no way to modify him to receive one in a way that won't kill him.
and modifications are another thing. as lines of code compressed to form sentient artificial organisms, cyber citizens can modify themselves in any way they want. tall, short, thin, fat, long hair, short hair, eye color, fingernails, even down to the way your voice sounds, you can modify yourself in any way you want. isn't that the dream? and hey, they still have modifications available for spamton's type of model? isn't that fantastic?
except they cost money. way too much money. these are the types of mods that if spamton had them, he'd probably be able to make a few sales, but he can't, because he doesn't have MONEY. and that's the thing that's fueling all of this.
everyone needs their cache cleared so they can make sales. everybody needs to update right away so they can make sales. everyone needs to modify themselves in just the right way so they can make sales. keeping everyone on their toes, their nerves ready to explode once the right mistake is made, is just the way an addison's world works. you wouldn't want to fail at your one and only purpose, would you? you wouldn't want to end up like that guy, you know him, everyone knows him, and everyone knows how much they DON'T want to be him. because they'd be failures if they were anything like him.
anyway i hate consumerism bye <3
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katz-chow · 9 months
Coming from puff puffs blog 🤧🤥 hope you don't mind 😝🙈🙉 ur also totally gaining a new follower..
WHAT ARE YOUR HEADCANONS ON SOAP? 🥰🥰🥰 unless you've already done this before then I am so sorry 😓
relationship with soap headcanons
warnings: sfw, fluff, some angst, relationship arguments, family trauma mentioned, religious trauma, homophobia, bad dad
a/n: my fav cod man is soap so this took my top priority!!! i think about this man a lot, 09 and reboot version. reboot is my fav though, realistically, he's who i would actually get with. here’s all the things i’ve thought about him, there’s probably more tbh… OK OK HERE :))
childhood hcs
johnny soap mactavish comes from a large family of 5 siblings, he's the second oldest. it's elsie, him, blair, callum, and olivia.
growing up in a family of mainly girls got him on that respect women juice. he would always have to make sure his younger siblings are ok and aren't you know, being bullied. his parents were adamant on 2 year age gaps between them all.
his cousin, jack, was an sas operator and that was what made him want to join. they had to call security forces to arrest him out at some point because he kept sneaking in to watch them do stuff lol
elsie left for uni with her bf to live in soho when johnny was 16, the same year he would talk to recruiters around his hometown, driving hours and then getting rejected the same day due to his age
9th grade (year 10) chemistry got him obsessed with stem and its *explosive* results. he aced chemistry and then took advanced chemistry and physics just because he loved it so much
after this, as soon as he turned 18, he went to sign his papers THEN graduated school (he's just like me fr). his mom was so worried for him, especially when her sister told her about the danger that jack would get himself into. in the end, he promised he'll always call her and his siblings
his dad's an ass, hes an alcoholic, a cheater, a *bitch*... he would always take the kids to church on sundays and twisted the religion into a reason for his behavior. claiming that johnny's mom being at home was just "their culture"
she makes a killer shepherd's pie though
always had had some sort of love-hate relationship with the catholic faith. on one hand, it was nice to know there's always at least someone watching out for him, but after hearing the constant belittlement from his father, claiming he wasn't "manly enough" for not willing to give his life up in the service, he started to resent the “all merciful”.
he ended up blaming god for all his faults, letting him take accountability. this especially happened when he got diagnosed with adhd when he was 17, his dad didn’t believe in mental health. his mom was only a bit better about it, they both refused meds for him.
he's bisexual, leans towards women though. found this out after a truth or dare game in junior year (year 12) and some beers in a closet
at one point, callum acccidently let it slip at dinner when johnny had first moved out that he had met a cute guy and their dad screamed and yelled at the whole family, especially their mom, about "raising a fucking whore of a son, dragging the family down to shite"
blair called and told johnny a few days later and johnny rushed his work as quickly as possible and begged his chain of command for a few days off to go back home to his family
his family gets loud…like really loud. there’s 7 people what do you expect?
it gets especially bad when it’s sunday morning and you gotta get 7 people awake and looking their church best for an hour and a half 😔
johnny is the quickest everything there is, which has its downsides too. he could run and swim the fastest in the family, but he was also the quickest eater…meaning he’s on dish washing duty. he’s quick at that too so by the time everyone’s finished, he’s washed all the other dishes that took to make dinner
broke his arm chasing a cat through someone’s yard (he was 14)
had a goat scream and kicked him because he wanted to give it a hug
he got a part time job at a local bakery in 10th grade (year 11). the pay wasn’t much but neither was the work really. olivia, who was 9 at the time, made him promise that he’ll get her a doll to have tea with. her tea set had 4 cups but only one of her, so she must get another one to join her! he kept his promise; he ended up getting three dolls for her
he can make amazing soda bread and brioche loafs now too, still keeps a starter from the owner of the bakery to this day
he had a mountain bicycle that he would take everywhere. had room behind his seat for packages and his backpack, which he would tie down. that thing had such a loud bell too, would ring constantly to “let people know hes coming and get ready”
was terrified of selkies for some reason, always had the window closed and made callum sleep by it while he slept by the door
wasn’t much of a troublemaker, but would get into trouble with his adventurous heart.
got lost in the woods once and after a while of fake courage, he sat down and cried until elsie found him. he was 20 yards (13 meters) away from the clearing 😭😭
laugh at that guys, mf was 15
personality & relationship hcs
johnny is such a fun lover. he’s handsome yeah, but what makes ppl flaunt over him is his humor. he’s what jessica rabbit said “he makes me laugh”
such a charismatic and charming person, gets it from his dad. he could talk about just about anything, also the type to strike up a conversation with a stranger at the grocery store. then end up with their number and a date or helping them dog sit
this isn’t always a good thing though, one time before he was medicated, he would talk on and on, his story becoming incoherent due to the amount of self-interruptions he made, that a group of guys got so annoyed at that pub, they punched him.
he was young, 19, and couldn’t fight, so he didn’t win and came back to the barracks with a nasty black eye
he likes to be the big spoon, has to hold something in order to sleep
feel like he’s the type to wrap his arms around a pillow and lay on his stomach to sleep
speaking of sleeping, he HATES sleeping with socks on. he tried it one day and he just shivered at the feel of it, woke up and his socks were missing (he found them under the bed)
i also feel like he sleeps like a log, unmoving once he finds his comfort, i also think it's because he had to sleep in the same bed as his siblings at one point and he didn't want to wake them by moving, so he got accustomed to being a still sleeper
one time he accidentally got into a fight at a bar when a guy kept being misogynistic and was arrested and kept in jail for the whole night until one of his civilian friends bailed him out
johnny's the type to race you in the rain to the car. again, he's quick so he's always ahead of you but then he slips from the rain and ends up all wet and muddy and in the car.
his favorite thing to do is hear you laugh. he'll do anything to hear you laugh.
whenever you're sad, he'll purposely stub his toe or trip down the stairs or make you kiss his "owie" (a papercut) to get you to cheer up. like yeah it hurts like a fucking bitch but seeing you sad hurts more than a silly tumble
number one date event is city exploring and hopping. like cafe hopping, pub hopping, museum hopping, restaurant hopping, anything that makes you get up and get going with time to sit and chill at the same time.
feels like he can eat a lot, he's the type to eat your food if you end up not liking it or being too full
when he gets home from missions and the initial excitement of seeing you dies down, he also dies down and nap for hours until it's the middle of the night and he gets up to eat something.
he loves naps. feels like he needs a nap time every day if it was possible
he's a very kind lover, he's easy going so its not hard that sometimes people take advantage of this and push his buttons until he can't take it anymore
causes a huge blowup because he can have a nasty temper whenever he bottles stuff up and pushes things aside
not a physical manifestation of anger, but definitely a verbal anger, will say things he doesn't really mean just to say it and realize right after the words leave his lips that he fucked up
but he'll stake out in front of the guest bedroom in which you've locked yourself in until you come out and he gets the chance to forgive you
the type to stand in the rain and hold a sign saying sorry right outside your window, a very cheesy romcom style (gaz made him watch them)
he loves you more than anything and loves you even more than you can keep up with him and laugh at his jokes, no matter how awful they are
he wants 4 kids by the way
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 10 months
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 86... You have been warned...! 👌
Today's chapter has marked the end of the mole arc and IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT!! 😆So let's talk about it, shall we...? 😏
The chapter begins where the last one ended, with Fiona BEATING THINE ASS of Wheeler...!! 😆 When suddenly, someone tells her to stop...:
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And it turned out to be Twilight!!
I honestly didn't expect that he was gonna get up this soon...! Especially after everything he's been through in these past few chapters...!! ✊😤
But because Twilight is up now, Fiona, of course, rushes towards him! Only to land flat on her face (because her broken leg...!! 😌)
After that, Fiona starts freaking out (in her head) about the possibility that Twilight heard what she said to Wheeler, while Twilight thinks that she's mad at him for being taken down by Wheeler...!! 🤣
But after all that silliness, Twilight brings up how he believes that he might actually be losing edge which leads to this conversation:
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Not only did Twilight bring up why he couldn't kill Yuri and frame it as though it was only to protect the mission, but Fiona was able see past his "For The Mission" shtick yet again...!! Everything about this part was *chef's kiss* 👌
After that amazing part, Agent Mustache (still disguised as that SSS agent whose name I don't remember how to spell 😅) comes to get Fiona and Twilight out of there (and also Wheeler...!!) But since Fiona's leg is broken, she has to be carried...:
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Which she understandably freaks out (in her head) about...!! 👌😌 (I know I'd probably freak out too if Twilight carried me-- 😏)
Uhh, anyway...!! Twilight finally gets home (after Agent Mustache offered to get some drinks with him but declines) and is greeted by his beautiful fake wife, Yor...!! 💗🤗💗
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...AND HE COLLAPSES TO HIS KNEES!! 😆 (Probably because of Yor's beauty...!! 😏)
But Twilight was able to get back, only for Yor to tell him that she wasn't really upset with him and he ends up like THIS...:
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Loid then tells Yor that he'll need her help around the house for a few days, which makes Yor happy and she tells him why...:
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When suddenly, Yuri shows up...!! 😵 AND THIS HAPPENS...!!: 😱
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I did not expect Yuri to show up AT ALL!! 😆 And his reasoning for backing off of suspecting Loid was just amazing as well...!! (KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, ENDO!!! 👍)
And then... I died... Because...:
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Twilight... SHIRTLESS... IN THE SHOWER!!! 😵
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Shiro-S2E2-Erukinzu.exe has stopped functioning. Must reboot... 🤖
...rebooting... 🤖
...reboot successful. 🤖
GAH! WHAT HAPPENED?! 😲 Oh right!! *Ahem* as I was saying... The chapter comes to a close with Yor catching Twilight's shirt on fire from ironing it...!! 🤣🤣🤣
And that was Mission 86, such amazing end to an amazing arc...!! 😆 I can't believe how many amazing moments were pack into this one chapter!! 😁 It really solidified this arc as my favorite in the series thus far...!! 😊 You knocked it out of the park again Endo!! 😄
Speaking of my favorite moments, I really wanted to know what Twilight was gonna say about Yor when he was taking about his weakness...! 🤔 But, I'm pretty sure that we all have a pretty good guess as to what he was gonna say...!! 😏
But, I don't have that kind of time... 😌 So I guess I'll just say my goodbyes now...!! 😁
As always; take care, be safe out there and spread kindness...!! 💗🤗💗 I'll see you all in the next Mission...!! SEE YA!! 👋😄
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im-robins-bitch · 1 year
Hey can you write robin x reader where reader is in the news paper team with nancy. And robin is always coming in and skipping classes to see reader. One day she randomly asks to join ( not just for the reader definitely not) and nancy ( readers best friend) cant stand the awkward flirting and obliviousness so she partnered them up for a project but robin as no clue what shes doing! Thanks
Love in print (r.b x fem! reader)
Or, Robin is smitten with you after you interview her for the newspaper club and finds herself writing an advice collum in order to spend more time with you. Thank you for the request, I tweaked it a little I hope that's ok. (4.7k)
(Warnings, making out, mentions of homophobia)
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Robin isn’t sure how exactly she found herself in this position. One minute she was simply a band geek who minded her own business, now she was running an advice collum for the school newspaper. 
How she, of all people, was giving the school population advice, dating and otherwise, was beyond her. When Nancy had first given her the job it had been for one reason and one reason only, you. As soon as you had interviewed her for the band, she had been completely smitten. 
It was your first time interviewing and it was clear you were wrung out with nerves. Your attempt at a smile was so sweet, your pen tapping back and forth against your notebook with ferocity. 
 Your anxiety fueled her own and she began rambling on and on every time you asked a question until you were relaxing enough to genuinely enjoy what she was talking about. 
“Tutankhamun's trumpets are the oldest working trumpets in the world though! They were buried for over 3,000 years and they still worked, isn’t that really cool, but then..” She noticed you had stopped writing a long time ago, looking at her instead of the notebook you had been furiously scribbling in earlier to keep up with her rambling. 
She knew she talked far too much, especially when she was nervous. She had long lost count of all the times she had been told to be quiet. If there was an awkward silence it was like her mouth had a mind of its own, it just wouldn’t stop running. Anything to fill the quiet so she wouldn’t have to worry about why it was silent in the first place. 
“Sorry, I, I should probably shut up, you came to talk to the rest of the band too” Robin murmured.
You shook your head, a genuine smile on your face instead of the nervous one from earlier. “I came to talk to you,” You insisted, “then what happened to the trumpets?” 
It took Robin a second to reboot. Your genuine interest in what she was talking about was such a rarity that it made her cheeks flame. Usually when she was in this deep people stopped listening, just waiting until she was finished. 
“During the rehearsal for a radio show where they were going to play the trumpets, the silver one broke!”
“What no way! I couldn’t even imagine what I would do if i broke a 3,000-year-old artefact” You giggled, eyes crinkling. “Did they have to cancel the broadcast then?”
Robin shook her head, “They still managed to do it, can you imagine listening to the trumpets over the radio that Egyptians had listened to all those years ago?” 
“That must have been really cool,” You say emphatically, tucking your pen behind your ear. “You must be really passionate about the trumpet to know all these facts,”
“Oh…Well, I-” Robin stuttered, caught off guard by this sudden shift in conversation. She could recite facts and stories till the cows came home, but talking about herself was another matter. “I think it’s just natural you pick it up,” Did you think it was weird how much she knew about the trumpet, did you think she was some trumpet freak that slept with it every night? 
You shook your head, “You’re not giving yourself enough credit” You insisted “You’re just really smart, I was talking to the flute players and I think I learnt more prepping in the library to talk to you guys than I did from talking to them, you’re the best interview I’ve done by far, it was actually so interesting talking to you I kept forgetting to take notes” You admitted, shifting from one foot to another nervously. 
For once Robin was stunned to silence, realising she wasn’t going to talk anymore you started again. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, they’re totally your friends and I just bad-mouthed them, I’m so sorry, it's just-”
“It’s not that I just- people don’t normally…I’m not used to compliments” from someone so cute.
Now you must think she has no friends and no confidence, which she supposes isn’t exactly untrue. 
“Well you should get used to them Robin Buckley, you’re gonna be going places, I can just tell” You grinned, bouncing on your feet again. Your smile must be infectious because Robin smiled right back, cheeks turning rosy. 
“You think so?” Robin asked casually. Like that isn’t someone she’d always dreamed of being told, like you haven’t just given her enough material here that she’s going to spend the rest of her life daydreaming about this moment. 
“I know so” 
It was then that you cemented yourself as the girl that appears in every one of her dreams and fantasies, She knows she’s going to talk to Steve about you until he’s sick of hearing your name. She’s going to look for you every time she’s in the halls in hopes of seeing your nervous feet bouncing against the linoleum. 
It was all a haze as you explained that you’ll be back to take some photos on Friday because since Johnathan left there's only one camera and someone else had stolen it, even though you booked it out. The adorable furrow of your brow is saved in her memory bank for her late-night daydreams. 
By the time Robin see’s you again she’s learned everything she can about you from Nancy.
You hadn’t had a boyfriend since middle school and insisted that he didn’t count, Andy asked you on a date last year and you rejected him along with seemingly anyone else who tried to ask you out. Nancy was surprisingly loose with the information she shared, offering up far more than Robin had even dared to ask about. 
Even though she had gone through a million possible talking points all day, as soon as she saw you, one foot tapping on the floor it all flew right out the window. The camera was looped around your neck and you were fiddling with the buttons, scowling at it in confusion. 
“Hey,” Robin greeted, trying to be as casual as possible as she placed her trumpet case on the table and started to put it together. 
“Hi” You mumbled, still staring daggers into the camera, “Sorry, I just,” You pressed the buttons a couple of times, “The settings have all been messed up and…I’m so hopeless at this” You murmured, “I asked Johnathon for advice on the phone last night, but it was so much easier when he was here, I have like no idea what I’m doing, god I’m sorry I shouldn’t be complaining.”
“No, it’s ok, I don’t mind, maybe-”
She flinches as you press a button accidentally and she’s blinded by the flash. “Shit, I’m so sorry, are you ok?” You say abandoning the camera and letting it hang from your neck. “Sorry, I’m not normally so… it’s just my first time being in charge of a whole section, it feels like so much pressure. I really don’t want to let Nancy down” 
Robin rubs her eyes, trying to reassure you while acting like there aren’t spots appearing in her vision. “I don’t think there's much chance of that, she’s been telling me how great you are all day,”
“Yeah, plus you’re really good at interviewing, I mean, I’ve never been interviewed before, but you made me feel really well interviewed. I mean, just that it was super thorough, but not like an interrogation, trust me I’ve been through one of those and it was awful,” Robin says inching closer and closer. Her mouth once again moved without thinking. 
“You’ve been interrogated?” You questioned, finally smiling as you push some hair from your face. “I didn’t realise you were such a trouble maker”
“Oh no, I was innocent,” Robin quickly corrects, “Falsely imprisoned” 
“Wow, I didn’t think you could beat your Egyptian trumpet story, but this sounds like it just might.”
Robin blushes, she isn’t sure if you’re making fun of her at first, but the warmth in your eyes makes her think it's the opposite. Still, she knows she can’t actually tell you that story, so she tries to move on. “I could have a look at the camera if you want, my mum has one just like it.” 
“If you don’t mind,” 
“I don’t mind at all,” Robin grins, moving beside you as you hold out the camera. She has to look over your shoulder, chin slightly brushing against your cheek. She can feel the heat radiating from you, while she fixes the settings for you. 
This was probably going to be the last time she would talk to you, once this issue was finished you would go your way and she would go hers. Maybe she could make up some reason to visit Nancy in the club room, see you in passing in the halls. 
Only she wants to watch as your nervous smile melts away to a real one, just because of her. She wants to place her hand in yours, feel your palm pressing into her own while you listen to her stories and offer your own up as well. 
She takes her time fiddling with the buttons, it didn’t really need much doing anyway, but she isn’t going to let you know that. 
She just wishes she had more courage, or that she didn’t have to hide her affection for girls and she could just be herself. Without worrying that asking out the wrong person could ruin her life or at least make her need to move three towns over. 
Once she’s finally done she settles the camera down in your hand, ignoring the way you lean away from her touch once she’s finished. “Thank you,” You say, moving your hand to tuck your hair behind your ear, even though it’s already tucked away. 
“No problem, I’ve wanted to get more into photography anyway” It’s a complete lie. She isn’t even sure why she says it. She just hopes it will make you stop curling in on yourself, wilting right in front of her eyes from embarrassment. 
“Oh really?” You question, brightening up again. “You could always use our darkroom if you need to. We could do with an extra pair of hands if you know anything about developing photos?”
Robin had absolutely no idea how to develop photos in a darkroom. “I would love that!” 
While Robin didn’t know much at all about photography, she was going to become an expert if it meant she could spend time with you. 
“Great! They’ll love some extra help, I was helping out last week but I tripped over a chair and spilt the developer everywhere, now it’s like every time I need to develop photos no one else is available to help” You laughed. 
“Well, I’ll always help!” Robin grinned, loving the way you started to fiddle with your fingers. It was nice to make someone flustered for a change. 
She had skipped gym class with a poorly forged note about her period and the male gym teacher immedietly let her go to study hall. Instead she found herself hoping you wanted to see her.
It took her a minute of pacing outside the door to pluck up the courage to walk through the door, a little worried she might immediately be kicked out. 
Your smile when she came through the door threatened to spilt your face in half. “You really came!” You exclaimed, abandoning what you were doing and tucking your pen behind your ear. You immediately stand up from the desk you were typing at, Nancy watching with amusement. 
It was worth it, it was definitely worth it she thought. Even if she died in the dark room from the fumes she was going to die happy. Never had she been greeted with such excitement. 
Nancy smiled knowingly from her place next to you, looking up from what she was doing to raise an eyebrow at Robin, “I didn’t realise you were interested in photography,”
“It’s a recent interest” Robin defended. 
“Nance” You scorned, at the same time “Please don’t,” 
The two of you looked at each other, both thinking Nancy was referring to you. You picked at your nails as Robin ruffled at her own hair. 
“You should get a hurry on if you wanna finish before next period,” Nancy warns, squeezing your wrist in reassurance as you sway on your feet next to her. 
Robin glares at the touch, jealous even though she knows she had no right. Especially so when Nancy is very much dating Jonathan. It’s stupid when she knows you so little, she supposes you are on her mind so much it feels like you’re closer than you actually are.
“Right, I’ll lead the way” You offer. Your arm leaves Nancy’s hold and your hand presses gently against Robin's arm instead.  She wishes she had gone for a short sleeve shirt today so she could feel your hand against her skin. She settles for the warmth seeping from your palm instead. She mourns the loss when you let go. 
You lead her to the small darkroom, informing her that it will just be the two of you. Her chest warms and so do her cheeks.
You spend an hour in the dark room, giggling together over the chemicals. She taught you how to develop the photos step by step, pretending she hadn’t just absorbed all the information she was telling you hours prior. 
Even using her hands at one point to guide your own. It was a move Steve had told her to use during their last shift, she swore it was stupid and she wasn’t going to do it. Yet here she was, rings cold against your own skin as she helped you shake the photo just right to dry it off a little before hanging it up. 
Once you had finished the few photos that needed doing for the day, you both started packing up. Moving at a much slower pace than when you had been setting up the equipment. 
Your hand brushes against hers as you both grab for the same pair of tongs and it makes you bump your hip into the table and the developer splashes over the sides of the tray. “Sorry…” You mumble, stepping away from her a little. 
She wasn’t sure if you were apologising for the contact or for spilling the developer. Either way, she wished you wouldn’t.
Robin found herself skipping gym so often that the coach was concerned about her iron levels. He even pulled her aside to offer to make an appointment with the school nurse for her.  The time spent with you in the darkroom was worth the embarrassment, especially that day. 
Robin was wearing a tinted chapstick she had bought specifically because you had been wearing it the week before. She hadn’t meant to buy it, but just before she could even think her hand grabbed it and added it to her basket. 
It made your lips look extra kissable, so she just wanted her lips to look the same. No ulterior motive whatsoever. 
Every time she used it, she would blush thinking of your lips, wondering if that’s how you would taste. She didn’t think anything could fluster her more until you noticed her putting it on.
“We have the same lip balm,” You stated, pointing to your lips, covered in the same sticky tint. She panicked, thinking you thought she was weird, trying to find some way to explain.  “I wouldn’t have minded sharing,” You say, grinning coyly. 
Her brain didn’t work for the entire rest of the day. Behind a timid exterior, you were such a minx. You were always complimenting her any chance you got, barely hiding a smirk at her red cheeks.
It was that day Nancy had approached her, arms crossed and leaning against the table. You had gone to interview Gareth about his local band. You had talked all about it to Robin, you had been Gareth’s lab partner every year since freshman and had a soft spot for him. That was all she heard before her mind drifted off, eyes focused on your lips and nothing else. 
Normally you talking about some guy would be enough to make her jealous, but she was still mushy-brained from earlier so she just nodded along to everything you said, missing her chance to offer to tag along. 
“We both know you’re not interested in photography, Buckley” Nancy had begun, cutting Robin off before she could even come up with some excuse. “If you’re gonna spend all your time here anyway, might as well do something useful”
So that was how Robin ended up in charge of an advice collum she had no interest in. Nancy told her it would improve the readership to get more of the student body involved, but Robin wasn’t convinced. 
Until you had eagerly nodded along, praising Nancy for such a good idea when you came back from your interview. 
Every time Robin tried to get out of it she was re-persuaded. 
“I’m awful at giving advice” Robin reasoned. 
“You helped me” You encouraged. Smiling at her with teeth as you moved some of your papers and pens away from your cluttered desk, “I don’t think I could even cope without you anymore,” 
“But..” Robin thought of the small darkroom, the enclosed space leaving no room for anyone other than you and her. She could talk to you in private, without needing to worry about other people. 
The advice collum had no photographs, she would have no reason at all to go in there anymore. What if you didn’t even get to spend time together at all any more, she would have to actually write a whole advice section. It didn’t leave much time for staring at your face.
“And you can set up right next to me, it gets pretty lonely writing all by yourself, so we can keep each other company” 
All her arguments died on her tongue as she realised what you were doing. Tidying things away and dragging a chair over, so that she could sit right next to you.
She was done for, today was far too much for her to deal with. 
Her brain, which had been re-solidifying, abandoned her once again. All she could think of was you. Your sweet smiles, the pen you always tucked behind your ear and then would endearingly forget was there, your shaky hands and jumpy legs. 
Even now, despite your confident facade, she could see the nerves in your foot as you tapped it against the floor. You gazed up at her, hoping you hadn’t overstepped by assigning her a place right next to your own. 
“That sounds perfect” 
So here she was, tapping away on an old typewriter to try and help a mystery freshman whose fiery girlfriend just wouldn’t stop dumping him. 
You sat next to her, shoulder brushing her own. No longer so shy with touch, you were often glued to her side. You always sat next to her, writing your articles together. Giving each other advice and spell-checking for each other. 
She wished she had an advice collum she could write to. 
One day, when she was definitely not trying to impress you by speaking French, ( it totally came up naturally she swears) you look as lovesick as her. Only it’s difficult for her to actually talk to you about it, one wrong move and she could either have a girlfriend or be a bigger social pariah than Eddie Munson. 
She’s almost at breaking point today, you’re playing with her rings. She had abandoned them on the table. 
They had been irritating her, rubbing against her skin as she tried to type as fast as she could. You had taken that as an opportunity to investigate, scrutinising each one before sliding them on your fingers. You had finished writing a little while ago but were still waiting for her. 
You’ve put another one of her rings on your finger, pushing it up and down and up again, twisting it back and forth. “These are really pretty Rob” You compliment, eyes not leaving your hands, twisting them back and forth in the light. 
Rob. A little nickname you had recently started using that sent butterflies to her stomach. 
“Thanks,” She says, her rhythmic typing stuttering for a second. Did you have any idea what you did to her? How a simple compliment from you made her heart skyrocket. She quickly shakes off the thought, typing even faster so she can get on to the final bit of advice for this week. 
She was hoping to finish early so she could somehow segway into going to get some food together. Only she had so many people asking for help this week, Valentine's Day was quickly approaching, so it was taking even longer than usual. 
Finally finished with her advice for Basketball Boy, so Robin could finally move on to the last bit of advice. 
She looks down at the last bit of paper, you had picked out for her this week, insisting you didn’t have much to do for your article this time and wanting to save her the trouble. 
She sighs, seeing another person asking for dating advice. This one is written in a glittering gel pen, they were pretty popular right now, especially the kind that smells like fruits. 
She had seen you using one last week, and you had excitedly held it out to her asking her to smell it. She nodded along saying it smelt nice, but really all she could smell was your perfume and it had made her light-headed. 
Shaking herself out of her daydreams, she reads over the flowery script. 
Dear R, 
There’s a girl in my club and she’s all i can think about, I took on a role in my club just to talk to her, back when she didn’t even know I existed. Now we’re friends and I’m terrified of ruining it, please help me, how do I tell her I like her without telling her I like her? 
Robin reads over the submission again and again. It’s almost like she wrote it herself. 
You rest your head onto Robin’s shoulder, cheek pressing against the sleeve of her shirt. She can feel the warmth of your skin seeping through the fabric. You’re always so warm and Robin is obsessed with it. 
January is so cold, she wishes she could bury herself in between your legs, face pressed into your stomach. At least she wants to hold your hand, in fact, she’s pretty sure you’d let her. Friends, do that all the time right? Maybe if she held Nancy's hand first to set a precedence then it wouldn’t need to mean any-
“So…” You mumble, fiddling with her rings again, which are still on your fingers. “What do you think?”
Robin ponders, how could she give this person advice when she was going through the exact same thing and was clueless. “I’m not sure, if he likes her so much then he should just tell her, clearly he never wanted to just be friends”
“Do you think it’s creepy?”
“Do you?” She stutters, of all the weird submission’s you’ve read together, how can the one you think is strange be the one closest to her own situation? 
You slump down into your seat and Robin immediately mourns the loss of your touch. “I just…well, the girl has no idea that they’re friends because…you know.”
“I think he should tell her” Robin decides, just because she has to suffer her crushes in silence, doesn’t mean everyone should. “Even if she doesn’t like him, they can still be friends. Look at Steve and me,”
“What if they couldn’t, what if telling them would ruin everything” 
“What’s the worst that could happen to him,” Robin reasons, “A bit of embarrassment, maybe he would lose a friend, I think he has more to gain than he has to lose.” 
You’re silent for a moment, and then you turn to Robin in your chair. You’ve dumped Robin’s rings and started chipping at your nail polish. A habit that you keep saying you’re going to break, but never do. 
“You’re assuming it’s a guy”
“You’re assuming it’s a guy, but look at the writing, look at the glitter gel pen.”  
Robin looks down, her thumb rubbing against the sparkly gel pen, the looped cursive is very feminine, but Robin can’t even believe it. Could it really be, could there really be another person like her? 
She’s speechless as she takes in the possibility, and then she reads over the letter again. 
Robins's heart pounds, she knows she shouldn’t get her hopes up, but it’s already too late. You have this kind of gel pen, even if half the year does too, you have recently made a new friend and you met because of your club. Surely it isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility that it might have been you. 
Did you start writing for the entertainment section just to talk to her? 
“I think she should tell her,” 
“You…You do” You stumble, eyes staring into hers, searching for something. 
Robin is pretty sure if you don’t confess to her within the next 30 seconds she going to physically deflate like a balloon. Despite herself, her hopes are sky high. She nods her head eagerly, sure if she speaks her voice will betray her by coming out squeaky. 
She’s already biting back her grin before you even start to speak.
“Robs” You start, you sound so quiet and she leans forward in her chair. Both to hear you better and to hopefully give you easier access to her lips. “I…Have you ever read anything by Sappho?”
The breath Robin was holding in came out in a rough exhale. This must be it, it has got to be her. Her legs bounce from trying to hold herself back from throwing herself into your embrace and squealing at the top of her lungs. 
She nodded her head again and your eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas, hands darting out to cup her cheeks, bringing more warmth to her heated skin. 
“I like you,” She can feel your nerves as your hands shake against her cheeks. 
She can’t really believe it. Any of it. 
She lurches forward so fast that she almost sends her chair flying. Despite her lack of grace, her kiss is tender. Her hands dwarf your own as she tries to soothe you and your shuddering fingers.
You have the tinted lip balm on today and she greedily hopes it stains her own lips so she has a visual reminder of this moment. She swears she’ll never wipe her lips, eat, drink or do anything that could remove the stain from her lips, even if she dies of dehydration. 
Her plan is quickly ruined when you're brought out of your stupor, moving forward with more ferocity than she would ever expect. One hand escapes her hold and clutches the back of her neck, drawing her and her rolling chair forward. You lick greedily at her bottom lip, thighs caging in one of her legs. 
Her lips part in shock, your innocent kiss turning into something more. You clutch onto her like you’re terrified of her slipping away. She returns your kiss, one hand squeezing your own, the other moving to cup your cheek. 
She brushes her thumb against the apple of your cheek, relishing the soft gasp it gets out of you. 
When you part, your eyes flick to hers before quickly looking away. Your shyness returns and it's just as endearing as it was the first time she met you. Despite your embarrassment, you curl one arm around her waist, bringing her as close as you can until your chairs touch.
“I really like you,” You say, timidly, leaving no room for argument. 
Robin smiles so hard her cheeks hurt, her brain practically a puddle at her feet. 
Maybe Robin was better at giving advice than she thought.
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delusional-mishaps · 1 year
I am back!
And I would like to request for Error x Reader headcanons! I needs more fluff with my glitchy boi.
Like him getting a crush on reader! How would he act around them? How would he court them? Especially if Reader is a little shit and he’s like oh god I’m in love with this idiot-
manbaby in denial manbaby in denial manbaby in denial
as soon as he finds himself thinking about you he cuts all contact.
or... he tries to.
he is a very lonely man and he misses you </3
he still tries! but when all his thoughts are devoured by your lovely face and your voice and your idiotic tendencies...
he'll come trudging back all mopey and moody
"what the hell happened to you? aww did you get your ass beat?"
and when he just stares at you with a death glare and you start to get nervous...
"please im sorry for teasing you whats wrong 😰😰"
meanwhile he's staring at you like "why are you stuck in my head. i hate you. what kind of witchcraft did you use on me. why do i want to kiss you. OH MY GOD I WANT TO KISS YOU???"
thus he realizes he likes you. and he crashes. and youre left just staring at him waiting for him to reboot worried as hell because he hasnt said anything to you and why did he crash????
the next few days are :) odd :)
he'll appear randomly. and he'll leave randomly. and he'll crash randomly. and he refuses to give you ANY explanation why he's acting like this
meanwhile he's fighting himself internally the whole time. he wants to spend time with you because he likes you for some god awful reason, but if he were to distance himself this crush would go away wouldnt it?
does he want it to go away? he... isnt sure. he likes how you make him feel, even if it is sometimes nauseating
then things start to appear in your home. small things, most of which you dont notice. until it's things that realistically you shouldn't have. why are there floating rocks on your mantel? how are they floating?
he'll brush it off if you ask him about it.
"don't worry, it's fine. do you like them?"
if you really dont, he'll get rid of them
though, you asking makes him think his gifts aren't good enough for you. you wouldnt ask about them if you really liked them, would you? he has to up his game.
he also gets really particular about his appearance. if he does want to get with you, he has to make sure he's attractive. right? his old, smelly, ratty clothes wont do. he needs new things.
he makes them all from scratch :) and!! he'll perhaps fashion you a few new outfits while he's at it!
he gets very clingy once he accepts it. yeah, he has a crush on you. that means you're stuck with him.
spends more time around you. his love language may be quality time.
dude honestly has no idea what theyre doing. theyve never really felt this way?? about anyone?? EVER??? how do they romance you? do they just tell you?????
simple answer: yes!
they drop in one day, a ball of nerves and probably almost on the brink of crashing because they realize youre actually probably too good for them and why would you even like them? theyre rude to you, theyre rude to others, theyre so selfish...
but when they see you... oh, you're so stunning, even if you are only in your lounge clothes, hair messy and eyes still sunken-in with the look of sleep. certainly not the best youve ever looked, but what do they care? they... they love you.
and they tell you, awkwardly standing in the middle of your living room. they proclaim their love for you, however jumbled in the explanation of their feelings
and theyre so transparent with you in that moment... so vulnerable and open, letting their soul sing out for you, words spilling from their mouth without filter.
and finally, when they say everything
you say "i love you, too"
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type1dragonwolf · 5 months
SAMS fan theory/rant: Is Moon a good brother?
Note: This will be a long rant, but I just want to get something off my chest.
so, is Moon a good brother? More or less, a good brother to SUN? I started coming up with this theory when I read a fan theory of how Sun could possibly die. And some of the reasons were focused around Moon and his relationship with Sun. So, I’m going to deep dive today into the reasons why his is good or bad.
Information 1: Wiki. Im going to start with the Sun and moon show wiki, and see what I picked up from there. I will just be putting examples of how he acts towards Sun. ‘Though he is closed off and puts on an act of indifference towards Sun.’ ‘He can still be mean and insulting, though he seams to try and do this in a playful way. However, he has issues with misplaced anger, often taking it out on Sun.’ ‘His relationship with Sun is not a healthy one despite both parties caring for each other.’ ‘He is also very trusting of sun, despite his gut telling him something is off.’ Those are just a few examples from the wiki. However, something stood out to me. Almost every paragraph I read, it said: ‘Sun comforted his brother’ but I hardly read any ‘Moon comforted his brother.’ You can tell from that, that’s a step down.
Information 2: Personality and impressions. This paragraph will focus on their relationship that we see on the show. When they first met, Moon threatened to kill Sun and make is life torture, just from sharing a body. When they split up, Moon decided that instead of destroying his kill-code he would put it in SUN. That caused the whole Eclipse problem. Soon, they started the show. Something I notice though, is that Sun was a LOT more outspoken, and always told Moon what he was doing. Moon, however, didn’t care. Whenever Sun accidentally said something wrong, Moon would LASH OUT at him. Skip forward a bit, they’re trapped in the bunker. Moon starts blaming Sun for things that Eclipse did, and even PUNCHED his brother. That caused a bit of FEAR in Sun. He left, and hadn’t been the same since. He shied away from his brother, not quite as outspoken as before. Skip forward a bit more. Sun killed Bloodmoon with the barrel. Instead of telling Moon when he asked, he lied, afraid of moons reaction. When moon found out, instead of talking with Sun about it, he locked him in the cellar Sun was scared of. Time travel to after Moon got his memories erased. Sun was having trouble coping. Moon was a lot nicer, and the only thing bad really, was that Moon teased him about his long gone crush on Roxanne. Then, Eclipse. Sun learned star power behind his brothers back, scared to lose him. He even lied to moons face. When moon found out, Sun was In tears from moon yelling at him. Earth even had to step in to help them talk. Fast forward to Eclipse’s ‘death.’ Sun had totally beaten himself up from Eclipse. Yes, moon did care, but Sun was still injured because of Moons mistake. The next few days we’re about moon forcing sun to go to different dimensions. Sun almost died MANY times. Fast forward, eclipse is back. Sun is freaking out, however, he tries to calm his brother. However, like before, Moon just shoved Sun away, yelling at him. The next few episodes, moon teases sun about Roxanne, calls him an idiot, and is just kinda rude. Moon knows this, and though he lost killcode and should be mean anymore, his old anger and hatred is coming back.
Information 3: other siblings and the future
this one will probably be my final paragraph. I really quickly just want to compare these two to Earth and Lunar. When they first met, Earth only have heard of Lunar, she was always sweet. They never hid information from each other, only when it was going to hurt them. When moon first woke up from the reboot, he instantly yelled at Sun. And when earth talked to castor for the first time, she didn’t hide it from lunar, instantly confronting him about it. Sun, however, didn’t tell moon of eclipse, scared of moon response. As for future predictions? Suns death has been teased MANY times. However, many people think someone will kill him. Well, I think that Sun will die, but at the hands of himself. He cares for his siblings, even thought he blames himself. He has mentioned this at his therapy session, though it’s not obvious, that he knows moon talks badly behind his back. I think the only reason he alive right now, is that he wants to fix the problem HE got blamed for, when it wasn’t his fault. And when it does, when he dies, maybe then Moon will finally see what he did.
So, in conclusion, is Moon a good brother? That’s what I want you to answer. I will put a poll with this, however if you have your own thoughts, reblog this and write it or put it in the comments. Thanks for listening to my ramble. 💕
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elskamo · 11 months
New Total Drama in the UK (No Spoilers!)
People have probably already heard by now that the BBC have finally updated their website to show that the latest season of Total Drama Island is coming soon to the UK.
According to the website the show itself is being titled as "Total Drama Island: Reboot" presumably to distinguish itself from the original series whenever it finally launches here too (I tried searching for it but the only results were for the reboot, Dramarama, and Ridonculous Race, the latter two have already started airing on CBBC)
All the episodes will be available to watch on the same day, Monday 24th July. The individual episode profiles don't specify yet when they'll be airing on TV however it's safe to presume that they'll all be added to the iPlayer at the same time on the 24th with the episodes airing one at a time on TV, much like many other shows in the UK are doing at the moment.
The English versions of the episode titles are as follows:
Meet the Victims
Pirates of the Cabbagean
Drown Town Abbey
Numbskull Island
Jurassic Fart
Launch Back of Notre Game
Severe Eggs and Pains
The Wheel of Vomit
Paddle Field Earth
The Truth, The Pole Truth and Nothing But the Truth
Tortoise Rigamortis
Caved by the Bell
Magma Cum Laude
It's unclear whether the episode titles will be different in the US and Canada when they air.
At some point I will likely do a watch party and start going through the English episodes so people abroad can see them without having to resorting to pirating. It'll be on British time though, I am not staying up til 3am to stream this stuff! XD
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goldenblu · 2 months
i dont have emojis, so- hurricane, snowflake, raincloud, umbrella? or you can choose only one or two of them if you want
🌀 Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
5 times zoro didn’t know he was flirting with sanji and 1 time he knew
(i do plan on releasing this some day—i’ve got almost 3k written so far—but probably not anytime soon)
❄️ Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
from the fic above ^ :
Zoro thought the whole flower situation was over and done with, but apparently he was mistaken. The cook had presumably seen it when he returned to the ship or maybe when he retired to sleep yesterday night and hadn’t said anything to him about it, so Zoro had assumed that Sanji had accepted the gift junk and presented it to Nami or Robin or whoever. So imagine his surprise when he sees the flower again. With the cook. On the cook, actually. Tucked in his hair.
Zoro’s brain takes a moment to reboot. He blinks, wondering if he’s hallucinating, but nope, it’s still there. Why. When. How. Why, again, for good measure.
Sanji catches him staring—of course he does, they’re literally two feet apart since Zoro had immediately come face-to-face with the cook after exiting the washroom. Because apparently the universe hates him. For some ungodly reason that Zoro can’t fathom, the tips of Sanji’s ears burn a bright red. “What?” he snaps.
Oh god. The cook actually sounds embarrassed.
“Nothing,” Zoro says, because if he says what he’s actually thinking, he’s going to be even more embarrassed than Sanji, if such a thing were possible. “Just wasn’t expecting that.”
🌧️ Share something angsty from your WIP.
ohoho there is so much to choose from
Sanji’s hand clenches in his shirt so hard that he shakes from the strain of it, and then he shoves Zoro against the wall, cabinets clattering open on impact. Zoro allows it to happen, keeping his hands loose and by his sides as Sanji’s forearm presses into his collarbone.
“I hate you so fucking much,” Sanji spits out. He lets go and starts pacing back and forth furiously, steps coming down so hard that Zoro’s surprised that the wood doesn’t splinter under the force of it. His hands fist in his hair. “I asked you for one thing. One fucking thing! I thought I could trust you to do it, but I guess I was wrong about that.”
“I can handle your hate.” If it means that Sanji is still himself, is still feeling and alive, Zoro can handle anything.
Sanji bites out a harsh laugh. “That’s goddamn perfect then.” He whips around, wild, resentful, burning a hole into Zoro’s flesh with the bitterness of his gaze alone. “Because you fucking have it.”
(yes this from hold your fire 😁)
☔ Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
the stealth black sanji au 👀 ive already talked about it at length though so i don’t have anything to add here lol
beyond that, i’ve always liked the hc that sanji attended a reverie as part of the germa delegation when he was young, so an au where vivi recognizes him when they first meet could be interesting. haven’t put too much thought into it though
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"Hey guys, it's 8r19h7 eYE2 here. Welcome to my first boss battle - a woman."
If you ask Bright Eyes - which no one is doing nowadays. Or talk to. So rude. - their ultimate weakness has always been hot women. Now you might be asking "Oh, does that mean you're Bi?" or "What's your body count?" or even "Holy fuck, Bright Eyes! When did you get in the shower with me!?" but that's not important. What you should be asking is what type of women Bright's heart explodes for like a car crash.
The answer? Preferably boss-ass bitches that can crush them with a pair of fuck-me-heels with daddy issues of the Frank Ocean level. Google it.
Oh and look! There's one here in Wonderworld! Shoes? Check. A scowl that can only mean the barista got her Starbucks order wrong again? Check. And when she steps away from the shadows, we hit the bonus round.
She's tall and her crown is pure platinum blonde. But like every white woman, she's hard to read but fortunately, Bright Eyes can so they check their text on Whatsapp (boomer apps gave them the hives) for any goddesses that are supposed to be on shift tonight.
Actually, let's go back a bit. Back to this morning when Sam accomplished the impossible and made Bright Eyes go 🕶️outside🌳.
"You know, I was counting down the days when you would finally kill me. I bet sometime this year. Vincent now owes me one of his Lambos. You think he'll be mad if I put some Barbie-friendly decals on it?"
"Bright, I don't mean now. I meant tonight at Wonderworld. Vamps in the Solaire Clan take turns patrolling the area."
Frederick pops into their head like an adorably fat mole. The Bright Eyes in their mind palace (it's actually more of a crack den but whatever) whack it with away because they know the unspoken reason why Sam approached them instead of his Progeny. And why he did so when Frederick was asleep.
But anyway, back to the present!
No hot white women were written in the text. Just a bunch of Vampires who form an anti-Bright Eyes committee™ as soon as they arrive. They ignore Bright for the most part which eventually leads the not-so-Newborn-anymore to the farthest end of Wonderworld where a babe is just chilling beside the vegetation-conquered carousel. Score one for the plants.
And the first thing that escapes from Bright's mouth is, "Good evening. May I inquire if you're a quirked up white woman that can bust it down sexual style so that I can get lost in the sauce?"
The scowl vanishes instantly. Like a father who went out to buy milk.
"Excuse me?"
Giddiness blooms like a weed (you know which ones) in Bright Eyes. She even has a Karen-patent tone! Could this night get any better -
Nevermind. Please wait for Bright's brain to reboot as an impressive set of badonkas-donkas is thrust in their face.
"Are you one of Sam's Progeny?" She didn't ask so much as demands. Like Bright and the world owes her something, everything. They wondered if they started panting because that's seriously hawt.
"I'm what you call a bastard of the magical kind meets with death via Vampiric jumpscare. And that's not a sentence I thought was possible."
Bright has to give blondie some credit; she takes their nonsensical answer in stride and with an eyebrow raised.
"I'll take that as a yes. You fit the rumours at least."
"You heard of me but I don't know who you are. You're hot but... sus. Do I need to eject you?"
"No surprise there. I bet Sammy did everything he could to hide you from me. He thinks he's protecting you, but all he did was made me curious."
"Aww shit, did the clapping of my ass cheeks give me away?"
"...Are you fucking high?"
"Probably. I had a shot of vodka with my honey milk boba tea with extra pudding and 100% sugar before I left. Fuck coffee when you can just meet god, amirite?"
The woman closes her pretty gold-ruby eyes. She exhaled and Bright could literally hear her mentally counting down.
"You're unlike any creature that I ever have the misfortune to come across."
"Uh, correction: you found me. And I still don't know if you're a quirked up white woman that can - "
"Enough. I get it. Are you usually like this when it comes to women?"
"Hey, I thought I would be holding in my rizz 'till the heat death of the universe! So who are you o' beautiful sour cream?"
"Careful, I can't tell whether that's an insult or a compliment."
"Sounds like a you problem, chief."
Apparently, magic does exist because despite the non-stop verbal trainwreck that's coming out of Bright's mouth, the woman's lips nearly twitch a smile.
"You're ballsy and stupid. I like that. The name's Alexis. A pleasure for you to meet."
Yes! Bright made it to Phase 2, bitch!
"They call me Bright Eyes, my IQ is the highest among the Redditors on the 'Am I The Asshole' subpage - "
"That isn't saying much."
" - And welcome to the ruins of Vincent's hopes and dreams."
Now that made Alexis burst out a gut. Seriously, she's clutching her stomach with tears in her eyes. It boosts Bright's confidence as a future stand-up comedian. Their 'flirting?' went well but Bright didn't sense the spark of interest within the older Vampire. Boo.
"Right. I've decided to kidnap you now. How accurately can you predict your... Grandmaker's reaction?"
"As accurate as my opinion on the Internet."
"Wonderful. I hope you like shopping and breaking the fabric of time and space on the highway."
And that, readers, is how Bright Eyes won against Alexis Getty-Solaire without getting Miyazaki'd.
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trappedtowers · 1 month
Trapped Towers Dev History ~ How We Got Here (Part 1)
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(Middle art piece done by @/evilredyoshis)
Hey everybody !!
Today I'm going to be introducing another type of post I can end up doing - development history/update posts! These will likely be rarer than other types of posts (after this 3 parter anyway), purely because development on this project is just pretty slow due to my lack of ✨ focus ✨ and all that. However, there is definitely some old development stuff I can talk about! Plus, for those of you who are new - you get to learn more about this project that has been ongoing since early 2018!
So lets get into this, shall we? It's going to be a lengthy read.
February 2018 - August 2020 ~ The Beginning/Undertale AU Era:
February 2018 was a time, by this point I'd spent almost a year making music for my friends and very small audience in the Undertale community. One day, I was simply bored and had no ideas - so my sister told me "hey make an Alton Towers megalo"... how I hadn't done it yet shocked me, I'd been going since 2014 and loved the place dearly. However, with a laugh I agreed and got to work.
A few days into creation, I began theory crafting the basics for an Undertale AU. The first ever concept for what would eventually become Trapped Towers - explains a lot about the name and premise though huh. I eventually uploaded a song or two for the AU, including the megalo I did finish - "Ministry Of Death".
One person found and covered the megalo. Then another. And another. And soon enough the whole thing spiralled - I would consider it to this day my biggest impact on the Undertale Community, even if it was still relatively small and not long lived. Either way, it got me to take the project a little more seriously... but quickly it spiralled into development hell. I was only 14 after all, if you asked me what a leadership style was I probably would have no idea what you were on about or given a dumb answer.
Reboot after reboot was attempted. New server after new server. Eventually though, one server was made and kept. However, the project had already fallen into more obscurity and my motivation was low, so I moved to new things. Every so often a new Trapped Towers post would occur, mainly new Smiler content as that's what really brought in people. Things would stay like that for a bit unfortunately though...
Old Content:
How about some art and concepts from the time though huh? For an Undertale AU it was... something. Tom wasn't called Tom and was literally just called Frisk. The world layout was just Undertale and I just made stuff fit - The Beornen were almost located in X-Sector because of Wickerman being the Grillby replacement. Th13teen wouldn't have really even been in the story as she was Gaster. Half the characters didn't even have designs! People loved Smiler and Enterprise, and any serious work focused on the Ruins portion with Terra. They were still trapped because Nemesis was too dangerous to be let free, however Nemesis was also in a permenant sleep - only prophisised to reawaken. It wasn't an active threat.
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(I don't entirely remember who made what here, so I'm sorry for no credits)
Trapped Towers V1 Soundtrack
Trapped Towers V2 Soundtrack
It's all quite funny to look back on. There's so many bits that clearly influenced the project as it is today. Many old designs haven't had drastic overhauls either, which is quite funny to think about... maybe I should get on some...
Anyway, with that brings the conclusion of part 1 of this 3 part blog series. The next two parts will come out day after day, with tomorrow being "August 2020 - June 2021" and Friday being "June 2021 - Present Day". Figured it'd be much easier for reading if I split them into a couple parts !! Also gives me a few extra days to consider what else I want to post haha.
Until then, cya ! - JustDaniel
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laufire · 5 months
I'd like to hear your opinions on jaysteph & jayeddie no pressure though :)
Have a nice day!
I've enjoyed it in fandom; I remember reading some really good fics way back when (like, either pre-reboot days or soon after the reboot was implemented. I know the film version of utrh had already come out). As things are right now I wouldn't want it to happen in canon; for one, I also have some qualms about how their friendship is written, even if I'm glad it... actually exists lol. But my interest in them is quite low-key.
Re: a plot I might write for them... hmm. I have three WIPs* where Jason-Stephanie is an important, if not always central dynamic. So far it's been platonic but really, it would be easy to turn it the other way -it's a ship that's easy to see working, IMO.
*said WIPs are a.) amnesiac!Jason (also known as "@ gotham war's writers, hold my beer -it CAN be more fucked up"); b.) Jason's Journals (kind of a post/war games AU where Stephanie finds journals Jason wrote** during his time with Bruce, and she, Tim, and Cass, aka the post-Jason kid/teen heroes, have feelings about it); c.) Jason Survives The Joker, where they develop a close friendship. As of now, I have no intentions of introducing romance in any of these, for various reasons, but it wouldn't be a stretch tbh.
**idea taken from detective comics #555, an issue narrated by (pre-crisis) Jason's failed attempt at journaling.
Probably the Jason ship that has awakened my curiousity the most. Nothing wild (that's next to no canon material does to a canon-adjacent motherfucker like myself), but I think it's telling that the only WIP (so far) where I might veer into a romantic direction for Jason's character is theirs.
(and I think that answers the other question!)
SEND ME A DCU SHIP (from any and all versions, canon or not) and I'LL GIVE YOU MY THOUGHTS ON IT. and maybe an idea for a plot between them that I'd enjoy.
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Hung the Moon (Chapter 5)
Chapter 4 | Masterlist | Chapter 6
Pairings: Jake Lockley x f!Reader, Steven Grant x f!Reader (mention)
Summary: You reconnect with Jake the day after your date with Steven. (I don't want to give stuff away so this is pretty vague!)
Rating: Explicit 18+
Content: Angst! Smut! p in v, squirting, language
Word count: 3.8K
A/N: The title for Part 5 is “under me you so quite new”. I’ve been in an e e cummings kind of mood. I was very inspired by these lines: “(and from my thighs which shrug and pant / a murdering rain leapingly reaches the / upward singular deepest flower which she / carries in a gesture of her hips)”
Also, I don't speak Spanish, but I did my best! Translations are at the end.
Tags: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ajeff855 @bnamta @unspokenmoon @milkymoon2483 @valkyrieace @theimpalasdoctorin221b @hopefulfangirl24 @bucksgoat
(If you want to be added to the tag list, just ask! Add a comment or send me an ask.)
You’re at a Sainsbury’s in your dress and heels from last night, huge bouquet in hand with slightly wilted flowers, buying a clear glass vase and a pack of condoms. It’s late morning, nearly lunchtime and you’ve gotten a few strange looks from people doing their weekly shopping. You would have gone straight to the hotel first, but the sky is darkening with storm clouds and you wanted to get your shopping done before the rain comes. 
A huge yawn overtakes you as you stand in line and it makes your eyes water. You had laid in bed, mind racing, since the moment Marc appeared last night and you were nearly dead on your feet now. You were looking forward to collapsing as soon as you got to your room.
Steven - for it was Steven when he woke up - made you breakfast while you showered and you spent the rest of the morning with him. He probably would have let you stay the whole day if you hadn’t made up an excuse to leave. But you could no longer hide how tired you were, and you didn’t want him to know you hadn’t slept. Before you left, he again tried to find a vase for your flowers, muttering about how things were impossible to find since someone had organized the place. You promised him you’d get one, hence the stop to Sainsbury’s. As for the condoms, they were a spur of the moment decision so that you and Jake would have some.
No sooner do you make it back to your room than the deluge comes with thick rain drops that smack against the windows. The first thing you do is fill the vase with water and arrange the flowers in it. You display them in the center of the desk, leaving the packaging discarded on the floor. You toss the shopping bag with the box of condoms on the nightstand before stripping out of your clothes - heaving a sigh of relief when the shape wear comes off - and slip on a thin T-shirt and comfy pants, foregoing all underwear. 
You collapse onto the bed and then groan when you remember you haven’t texted Jake since yesterday morning. You fish out your phone from your bag. It doesn’t respond when you click the home button. Shit. It’s dead. 
You plug it in, planning to stay awake long enough to send a text to Jake when your phone reboots. But the room is dim from the overcast sky, your bed is so soft and warm, and the rhythmic drone of the rain lulls you to sleep.
You’re awoken suddenly by someone pounding on the door. For a moment you’re convinced it was just the rain, for it’s still coming down hard. But then you hear it again.
You drag yourself to the door, wiping the sleep from your eyes. What time is it? The room is still dark; you can’t tell if it’s day or night. You have no idea how long you’ve been out. 
You look through the peephole to find Marc on the other side. You jerk back from the door and he starts pounding on it again. 
“Cariño, estás ahí? Abre.”
You feel dizzy with relief. Jake. Not Marc.
As soon as you start to open the door, he pushes his way in. You only get one good glimpse of him - cap-free, completely drenched and dripping, his eyes overbright - before he grabs you and kisses you, hard. He wraps his arms around you and presses his body into yours. His heart pounds against your chest. The wet of his clothes soaks into yours and you shiver from the cold.
You wrest your lips free and he moves to kissing your neck. “Did-did you run here?” you ask him.
He ignores your question and instead says, between kisses, “I called you.”
“I was sleeping.”
You feel-more-than-hear him growl against your neck. “I’m buying you one of those fucking watch thingies.”
“So you answer when I call.” He switches to the other side of your neck. “Your messages.”
“What about them?”
“They stopped yesterday morning.” With a pang in your chest, you realize that you fell asleep before your phone charged enough. “Thought something happened to you.”
You start to apologize and explain, but Jake cuts you off. “Those thugs were outside the flat.”
“They were WHAT?” You take a step back and push him off you with a hand to his chest so you can get a good look at him. He appears to be unharmed. No cuts or bruises - on his face at least. Other than being soaked to the bone - his hair is laying flat to his head, the ends still dripping water - he appears perfectly fine.
He shrugs. “I took care of them.” Then, those beautiful brown eyes of his travel down your body and back up. It makes you aware of how your now soaked clothes cling to you.
“You…what does that mean?”
“You got any extra towels?” Jake wanders into your bathroom, leaving you in the entryway. You stand there gaping after him, hoping he didn’t do what you think he did.
The room brightens suddenly when the sun, emerging from behind a cloud, shines through the sheer drapes of the hotel window. The din of the rain quiets to an occasional drip.
“Sorry about not texting,” you call into the bathroom. “I meant to when I got back this morning but my phone was dead and then I fell asleep.”
“When you got back?” his voice replies. “Back from where?”
“Uh…I was with Steven. At the flat.”
He comes back out with a towel around his shoulders, hair mussed from drying it. He’s scratching his jaw, the first shadow of stubble coming through. “All night?” he asks. He licks his bottom lip, his expression indecipherable.
He nods absently, then says, “Good. If you’re with Steven, I can protect you if something happens.”
He looks around the room - it’s an absolute mess - and he spots the vase full of flowers. He goes still and he gets an almost haunted look in his eyes. “Those from him?”
“Was it the first time? With him?” He says this quietly, almost timidly, still staring at the flowers.
“It was.”
His nostrils flare just once. If you weren’t watching him as closely as you are, you’d miss it. You see a tension in him and he’s on the verge of saying something to you, you can feel it. But then the tension drops, he looks over at you and he says, “That must be why I feel so drained. My balls are usually aching when I front.”
That’s not at all what you expected him to say, and you can’t help it when a laugh bubbles out of you. “Don’t they jerk off, at least?”
“Steven? Maybe a little. Marc? Probably never.” From the way he says the last bit you get the impression that he doesn’t think too much of Marc.
At the mention of Marc, you remember about last night and you want to bring it up to Jake, but he still hasn’t explained to you what happened this afternoon. “What does ‘I took care of them’ mean?”
He raises one eyebrow and gives you a look that says ‘Do you really want to know?’
“Jesus Christ, it’s the middle of the day!” You almost ask for more details, but you think better of it. “Are you hurt?”
His expression says, ‘Bitch, please’ and you take that as a ‘no.’
“You do realize that when they don’t check in, my boss will just send more? And they’ll be worse?”
“Why don’t you let me worry about that, yeah?”
You open your mouth to argue, but he crosses the space between you in two steps and starts tugging on your shirt. “After,” he tells you. “I think right now, we should get you out of these wet clothes.”
“You’re the reason they’re wet,” you complain.
“Did I make anything else wet?” he asks you in a low voice. He doesn’t wait for you to answer, kissing you full on the mouth while his hands slip under your shirt. His tongue slides over yours and it feels like he’s trying to consume you.
He’s on another level right now. Just thrumming with energy.
He nuzzles your neck, and a puff of breath heats your skin when he sighs softly. He whispers into your ear, his lips grazing you, “I missed you, mi corazón. Let me show you how much.”
He peels off your shirt and pants, groaning when he realizes you weren’t wearing underwear. You’re now completely naked in front of him and he’s still fully dressed, shoes and all. His hands caress your hips and he watches your face as he slides one hand between your legs. He bites his lip when he feels how wet you are and then he slides two fingers inside you and you gasp.
“Oh, yeah, you like when I give you my fingers, don’t you?” He’s got them shoved inside you and is tapping the tips against your G-spot. You suck in air through your teeth and let out a shaky breath. 
He holds you with a hand across your lower back and his face follows yours as you slowly roll your neck around, lost in the feeling. You’re holding onto his arms, his jacket beneath your hands still damp from the rain.
“Jake, please,” you beg in a whisper. You feel so unsteady with him fingering you while you’re both standing in the middle of the room.
“I got you, cariño,” he tells you.
You want nothing more than to touch him. You let go of one of his arms and reach down to unfasten his pants. He can’t swat your hand away without dropping you, but he tries to shift his hips out of your reach. You expect this and you grab the waistband of his pants and pull him toward you. He gives you a look like he’s calling you a brat but you’re able to unbutton and unzip his pants. You reach in and palm him over his underwear. He’s rock hard for you. You stroke him and then push your hand down into his pants to cup his balls. He mutters something under his breath that you don’t quite catch, but it sounds like Spanish.
You’re close, you can tell. You wrap your hand around his cock, still over his underwear, and he tries to pump himself into your hand. It’s so hot it sets you over the edge. You let your orgasm spread through you and you find yourself squirting all over the sleeve of his jacket.
He’s so surprised he stumbles but catches you both with a step forward. “Mierda, that was sexy.”
He gently removes his fingers. You’re unsteady on your feet so he sits you down on the side of the bed. He takes the towel from around his shoulders and cleans himself up.
You’re feeling relaxed and free. You ask him, a little teasingly, “Where’s your cap?”
He’s in the middle of removing his shirt, jacket already tossed aside, but he pauses to slick back his hair with one hand. “In the limo.”
“Where’s the limo?”
He’s working off his shoes now. “In the garage. Where I keep it.” 
“So you did run here.” You’re smiling at him. You feel like you just teased him about admitting he likes you likes you.
He’s just in his pants, which are still undone, and you can see his erection straining against his boxers. He pulls off both in one go and now he’s completely nude. You take an appreciative look at his body, how he’s hard and thick all over. Your pussy is throbbing again already.
“I wanted to get here quickly,” he says nonchalantly, though him running here to you is anything but.
He comes over and stands between your legs. You’re still smiling at him in this satisfied way. He rolls his eyes at you and grabs your thighs, tipping you so that you lay down on your back. 
“Wait,” you say and he stops, confused.
You reach over for the shopping bag on the nightstand next you. You pull out the box of condoms. He’s not confused anymore. “Steven.”
You glance up at him in acknowledgment as you’re trying to pull open the plastic encasing the box. You’re picking at the seam of it, but you can’t quite break into it.
Without warning Jake snatches it from you and he has the wrapper stripped from the box and crinkling in his hand the next second. He rips open the box and takes out a condom, tossing everything else on the floor. He rolls that condom over his dick while staring right at you. Almost as if to say ‘I’m doing this for you.’
Then, his eyes flick to your neck and his face tightens. He reaches out and traces a spot on your neck with his finger and you realize he’s noticing the love bite Steven left you. He’s a little too still while he does it and then he lifts his hand and touches the mark on his neck that you gave to Steven.
You would give anything to know what he’s thinking right then.
“Are you happy with him? With Steven?” he asks you.
“Jake.” You thought he was ok with you seeing Steven. When you talked about it he seemed fine with it. But now you’re not so sure.
“Just tell me.”
Reluctantly you answer. “Yes. What’s this about? Do you not want me to-”
“As long as he takes care of you.”
You’ve never seen this side to him before. This vulnerability. You want to unravel it, to see what’s underneath the front he puts up. You stare at him intently trying to get a glimpse, to understand what he’s feeling. He seems uncomfortable and you’re about to ask him to talk to you when he bends down and presses his lips to yours. At first his face is practically smashed into yours but then the kiss softens. He lingers there and you get the feeling that he needed a moment to pull himself together.
He lifts his head - his face hovering just above yours - and he whispers, “I didn’t put this condom on so we could just talk.”
He seems back to his old self and though you’re worried about him you can’t hold back a grin.
He stands up and drags you by your hips to the edge of the bed. He licks his fingers, but before he can touch you with them you say, “Oh, don’t you worry about that papi, I’m ready for you.”
He pauses. “Did you just call me ‘papi?’”
Instead of answering you give him sultry eyes.
“Do it again,” he orders, voice strained.
“Are we going to keep talking or are you going to fuck me, papi?”
He growls and throws your legs up, ankles on his shoulders. It takes just one thrust and he’s inside you. Your toes curl and you cry out with a “Fuuuuuck.”
Jake turns his head and kisses your leg, the gentle notion at odds with the rough thrusts of his hips. He looks down and watches himself piston into you for a few seconds, but looks away in agitation. But like a moth to a flame, he looks down again and, though you try, you can’t hold back a laugh at the look of disappointment on his face.
His head snaps up right as you try to cover your laughter with your hand. He smacks your ass. “Oh, you think this is funny?”
“Yeah, I do,” you tell him, not bothering to hide your laughter anymore. “I didn’t know one little condom would throw you off your game.”
He sucks his teeth and the dangerous glint in his eye tells you he’s about to teach you a lesson. And just like that you’re a puddle.
You’re not sure how he does it. One second your legs are up in the air, the next he’s slipped them off his shoulders and has spun you both around so that he’s laying on his back, feet planted on the floor and you’re on top. His dick remains buried in you the whole time. 
He’s got you by the hair at the nape of your neck, keeping your face just inches from his. His hips buck up into you at a furious pace and your pussy is involuntarily clenching around him.
“You were saying?”
“Nada, mi rey.”
He groans. “Say that again.”
“Mi rey. Tu eres mi rey.”
It’s shameful how quickly your orgasm comes. “That’s right. Cum all over my condom wrapped dick, mi reina.”
When your head clears, he’s holding your face and gently pressing kisses to your forehead, eyelids, and cheeks. “Think you have another one in you?”
You’re nodding when you say, “For you?”
“Mi cielo,” he breathes and kisses your forehead again. Then he picks you up and turns you both around so he can crawl more onto the bed with you under him. He holds you with just one arm, his other hand slides on the bed as he climbs in. 
“What’s this?” he asks as he pulls something from under the bunched up sheet. He holds it up and you can see it’s your vibrator. You had gotten yourself off before your date with Steven last night and tossed it back into the bed after cleaning it. He raises his eyebrows at you.
You can feel your cheeks heat up. “Two weeks is a long time,” you explain.
“Mmm. How do you-” he presses the button and it turns on. He clicks through the different settings. “Which one?”
“Number five,” you mumble. He clicks to it and looks to you for confirmation. You nod.
He brings it down to your clit.
“No, Jake, I-” Your protest is cutoff when the vibe hits your spot and you moan. Jake looks down at you smugly. “I’m not going to last long,” you breathe out.
“Good,” he says. “Me neither.”
You’re lying in bed after, Jake wiping up the mess on your chest with the towel. He had made you cum first - fucking you slowly while your vibrator massaged your clit. And then he’d begged you, “Please don’t make me cum in this thing” - meaning the condom. As soon as you told him he could cum wherever he wanted, he pulled out of you, tossed the condom onto the plastic bag on the floor, and jerked onto your tits, getting some on your chin and neck.
He gives your naked body, stretched out on the bed, a once-over with his eyes. Then he sits up and reaches for his clothes. He struggles to pull up his pants, still damp from earlier. After he zips them up, instead of reaching for his shirt, he picks up the dress and undergarments you left strewn on the chair. He examines them for a moment. “How come you’ve never worn this for me?”
“Because you’ve never taken me on a date.”
His bare chest rises and falls in a succession of short shallow breaths. He gives you a perfunctory nod and looks away, setting your clothes back where they were.
“Jake, it was a joke.”
He doesn’t respond, just puts his shirt on and then stuffs his feet into his shoes.
“Jake, come on, talk to me, please.”
He picks up your clothes from the floor and hands them to you. You grab his wrist when he moves away and tug until he looks at you. In your sternest voice you say, “Talk.”
He sighs, but at least he’s looking at you now and he doesn’t look away. Finally he says, “I wish I could give you more than this. More than these stolen moments.”
He traces your lips with his thumb. He’s still looking at you but it’s like he’s not really seeing you. Or he is, but it’s not the you sitting in front of him. It’s another you, in another time - or another world. 
He kisses the top of your head, then scoops up his jacket - and the trash - from the floor. Just like that the spell is broken.
You start to put on your shirt and when you pop your head through the neck hole, you see he’s almost at the door, tossing the trash in the bin before reaching for the handle. He’s trying to leave in a hurry. “Wait,” you call out.
He pauses but doesn’t turn around. 
“I haven’t told you about last night, yet.” You shove your legs into your pants and pull them up.
His shoulders droop. “I’m not really interested in hearing-”
“Oh! No! Not about… Marc showed up.”
He whips around, alarmed. “During…?”
“Oh, God, no.” It hadn’t even occurred to you yet that it was a possibility. “After. Later. I heard him talking to Steven.”
He waits for you to go on.
“He’s definitely on to me. At least, he knows something’s up. I don’t think Steven really believes him, but I… I haven’t gotten anywhere with Steven - investigation-wise - and if the henchmen posted outside the flat were any indication, I’d say I’m out of time. Kind of in a shitpickle here. If my boss doesn’t send someone to kill me, Marc probably will when he finds out what I’m after, or that I work for-” 
You stop rambling just in time. Rule number one of working for your boss: Don’t tell people who you work for.
Jake’s looking at you like he doesn’t know if he should be concerned or laugh. “You really think Marc would kill you?”
You think it’s pretty obvious. “Wouldn’t he?”
He grins and says, “No,” like it’s ridiculous you would even think that. “He does have a reputation, but Marc isn’t the ruthless killer you think he is.”
“Oh?” You feel like you’re missing a piece of this puzzle. It doesn’t quite add up. “Could I just talk to Marc, then? Maybe I could-”
“No.” He says this with finality. There’s no room to argue or negotiate with a ‘no’ like that.
“Care to tell me why?” His jaw shifts, but he stays silent. “You don’t seem to think that much of him. Why is that?”
“Don’t worry about Marc. Don’t worry about anyone coming after you. I’ll take care of it. Just keep trying with Steven, yeah?”
You’re not convinced and he can tell.
“Promise me you won’t go to Marc,” he says. He’s deadly serious.
You open your mouth but don’t say anything. 
“Promise me.”
“Fine. I promise I won’t go to Marc.” And you meant it. You fully intended to keep your promise. You didn’t know that just hours later, you would have to break it.
Cariño, estás ahí? Abre. = Sweetheart, are you there? Open up.
Mi corazón = My heart
Nada, mi rey. = Nothing, my king.
Mi rey. Tu eres mi rey. = My king. You are my king.
Mi reina = My queen
Mi cielo = My sky
Mierda = Shit/Fuck
Chapter 4 | Masterlist | Chapter 6
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lordkingsmith · 6 months
Adam Park OC Children
Adam’s a great guy and a total fucking sweetheart and the comics have and do him a disservice. I can’t fix that, but I can soothe my inner annoyance and give him a load of kiddos and loving relationships in all the alternate realities I can think of. And talk about the child he does canonically have in Coinless. Nameless Coinless boy also gets an au version. he deserves it, and his dad too.
Canon Children:
Unknown Mother;
Apparently a boy of unknown name, personality, or age. Child aged, maybe? So…probably anywhere from newborn to early preteens because the kid would probablyotherwise have been a sentry? I don’t know, I just… think they could have done a lot more with this mystery kiddo? child being assumed dead and then avenging Adam dying would have been a very cool plot twist! but no! he's so light on character he's not a character! He's a mention in a backstory to make Adam tragic! Who's his mom, who is he, how old was he, what illness did he die of, did he die of an illness, I-c'mon. there's light on character and then there's this. May the child come back in a reboot or just in general. And be a badass. I wish this for all of them, by the way.
My OC and Alternate Reality Kids for Adam:
Eugene Skullovitch;
Eugene doesn't believe in himself, but Adam does, did, and always has. They started dating after Adam encouraged him to play the piano in the talent show. Adam loves his music, and they're both encouraging of each other. Aisha is a surrogate for their son, Lukas. Given how close she was to Adam, it was only natural in her mind to offer. She loves him, loves he's found happiness, and when they decided they wanted kids she wanted to help that happiness grow. Lukas Park's 17, plays piano, and volunteers at the animal shelter. Adam's a doctor and while Lukas respects and likes this, he'd rather be a veterinarian. Or, like Skull, a professional classical pianist. They support Lukas with whatever he wants to do or be, and he loves the fact he's not being pressured. Skull once sat him down with a list of every job he's ever done (the list was actually more like an entire manila folder bursting out the sides, it was frankly impressive), a ranking system and how much each profession made. Everything from a cop to a detective to an undercover agent for the government to a waiter at a bar to a judge at a pet show to rockstar to pianist-it was comprehensive and a little overwhelming, but at the end of each profession Skull said if it was what he wanted, he'd be proud. At the end it left Lukas fairly calm and certain no matter what choice he made, it'd be the right choice for him, and his dads would support him in this. not associated with a color
Tommy Oliver;
They’d been friends since a bit before the transfer, and Tommy was Adam’s leader for years on three or four different ranger teams. There’s a level of trust there you don’t usually get, and they were both black and green rangers in their lives. After Tommy became Dino Thunder Black, and shortly after a divorce between him and Kat, Adam and Tommy started spending more time together. The getting together thing was an accident. Both of them at a Christmas party and then things going from one thing to the next, and Tommy says he’s never felt so at home waking up in someone’s arms.
They have one son together, Isaiah Park. Tommy cashed in on a favor owed by Grace, and soon enough JJ Oliver was trying to figure out where his baby half brother had come from. His opinion was Adam, because he was shorter. It wasn’t until several years later they were able to explain it in a way JJ would understand and accept. But they never let him live the cute story down, to his embarrassment. Given Tommy’s immunity to time fluctuations and manipulations by the Machine Empire, they found out they were living in the same town as Time Force. Tommy was able to complete a doctorate in, to Adam’s perception, a day. Tommy is a lead paleontologist due to this, and Adam works at the museum. However given Tommy being Tommy, there is currently a divorce. Tommy wears his trauma on his sleeve and Adam has given up trying to fix him.
Isaiah Park is sixteen. He’s quiet, thoughtful, and tends to think with his emotions rather than his mind. Lucky, charming, and a natural heartthrob to his school, though he doesn’t seem to notice. Loves music, especially classical, and reading. He hasn’t really thought about being a power ranger, though he wouldn’t say no if he was asked. He was babysat by the Dino Thunder team as a kid, and kidnapped by Mesogog once. All hell broke loose when this happened, and Isaiah’s unsure if he wants to be a ranger when this sort of danger could happen to any of his loved ones. Tommy and Adam are currently in the process of divorce, and Isaiah’s getting used to that idea as well, but it’s nice having JJ to talk to about it.
He has enough to deal with with his dads. They love telling the story of when he was three, they’d go “see you later alligator” and “after awhile Crocodile” and he’d respond, loudly and enthusiastically; “bye bye, froggie!” To this day he’s been unable to get them to stop telling this story to his friends, love interests, and any adult who’d listen. JJ feels the pain. Isaiah is not associated with any color. This is probably a good thing. However if he was, it’d be black.
Aisha Campbell;
It was just natural for them to get together. They’ve been friends together since forever, they’ve always been friends and it progressing to a little bit more made sense. They got married a little after joining SPD together. They have four kids together. Wendell, aged 26, Rocky, aged 26, Koniqua, aged 19, and Jacqueline “Jaq” Park, aged 17.
No way they weren’t going to name one of their kids after their closest friend aside from each other. Rocky was best man at their wedding even. When they found out they were having twins they simply used the middle name they were intending for a boy for Wendell. Rocky’s the older by eight hours, Wendell was a more difficult pregnancy and took his time, which actually was a foreshadowing to the twins’ personalities.
Rocky Park is rambunctious and a goofball. He loves making people laugh. Like his mom he’s empathetic and strong willed. Like his dad he’s prone to flashes of intense introspection, but never for long. Surprises people with his love of classical music. He’s enthusiastic to the point of being intense. Can be hard for him to dial it back. He’s a yellow ranger for his team.
Wendell is everything Rocky is not, and is a little bit of a little shit. He's often not noticed by other people, and tends to use that to his advantage. He knows his brother is a yellow ranger, and while he's not a ranger, he takes the opportunity to tackle or ram cars or steal from the monsters of the week. he's not noticed and it gives other rangers openings usually. He's given Rocky everything he's stolen, and is pleased when they're incorporated into the team's arsenal.
Koniqua is a lover of poetry, fables, and the history of the power rangers. She's determined to be one of the scientists who creates a new team, or unlocks the mysteries of the grid for general use. Pragmatic, quick thinking, happy to help her dumb brothers. They don't think she knows. She knew who'd saved her as soon as Rocky said "you're safe now civilian" and tried to act dumb. She barely resisted the urge to call him out. Doesn't bother fighting the monsters, her brothers got that covered, but she does help get other civilians to safety when needed. not associated with a color. She's going into historical costuming, with the intention of working for tv productions.
Jaq would love to know why earth is so valuable to bad guys that they keep trying to take it over. Genre savvy type, and doesn't take shit. Has psyched out two villains and one of the comedy duo by just asking over and over "okay but why". Not popular, has two best friends and they're all kind of outsiders. Prefers it this way. You will not find Jaq anywhere near the monsters when they appear, she's gone and dragging her friends off with her. not associated with a color, but has made the big bad main villain question themself and then cry. her brother was torn between disappointed, impressed, and terrified of his little sister. Jaq's considering maybe being a therapist specializing in rangers and their villains would be a lucrative career move.
Rocky DeSantos;
They make too much sense for anything else, they were best friends since the beginning. They adopted a kid who lost their home in a fire brought on by a monster. Peter's eleven and scared of the world. Adam and Rocky fully understand, but hope he can open up. They care for him and are worried about him. Peter DeSantos doesn't know how to feel about power rangers as parents after what happened, but he's glad Adam and Rocky are stable and they do try. It's just hard to open up. They have time, though, and that's what matters. Adam's been helping with his anxiety by showing him how to sew. Whenever he gets scared and his dads aren't there, he sews little projects. It helps and he's proud of what he makes.
tangential au; Rocky and Aisha and Adam are together with all above mentioned kids, and Aisha and Rocky's two kids. They live on a large ranch and the kids are thriving.
Scorpina; fascinatingly there is an episode where the Stone Canyon Trio deal with her in a human form as an exchange student named Sabrina. Adam was way into her. Coinless version Adam's finding Scorpina hot in general and she's flirting. A weird pairing but hey, there's a good history of evidence for mutual attraction! Of the trio Scorpina was always more flirtatious to Adam than Rocky or Aisha (this also makes him similar to comic!Skull in that a love interest is a long lived alien pretending to be a teenager for ulterior motives. imagine bonding over that extremely specific thing happening to you, yikes).
Scorpina is not banished to the dark dimension, and like Rita and Zedd, becomes good via Z-Wave. She simply takes the form of her human persona, the now young adult exchange student Sabrina. As Sabrina, she decides to see if she can patch anything up with Adam. Adam for his part needs to think about it. It's not that he doesn't trust she's redeemed, it's just so much has happened can he forgive her and accept the version of her genuinely trying to make things right? It takes a year and a half, and in the meantime they do see other people. But, eventually, they get together. They have a kid who's half alien, as Sabrina's species wasn't changed, she is more interested in looking human to help distance herself from her misdeeds, and blend in. For a time, at least, she eventually goes back to her true form when their daughter Luna Park is thirteen and develops her stinger. This is mostly to teach their daughter how to correctly use said stinger and other abilities without hurting herself or loved ones.
Luna Park is nineteen, very fashionable, calculating, and very good at getting her way. She generally doesn't do this maliciously, and works at a youth center, as the fundraiser manager among other things. She's extremely good at getting people to invest their money in good causes and very good at public events. She's a shapeshifter, but not as accomplished as her mom. While she looks like she'd be snotty or full of herself, she takes a lot after Adam and is very considerate and very polite and encouraging. However this doesn't mean she's a pushover, and she's sent more than one person who thought they could rough her or get handsy to the hospital. Rarely uses her stinger, Luna is an accomplished fencer and hand to hand combatant, though prefers kickboxing to martial arts. Think Daphne Blake with a stinger. Luna is not associated with a color
in a tangential au, she's a power ranger mentor and the green ranger for the team, when necessary.
tangential coinless au; Scorpina keeps protecting Adam, affectionately nicknaming him 'my little froggie' (to his concern), and doesn't let him die. However this annoys him because it sometimes mean she doesn't even let him fight. Eventually they produce Luna, and she's raised in the palace, often passed around by the sentries and Kim. Adam's not allowed by Scorpina to partake in anything potentially life threatening while Luna's young, and he gets placed as stay at home dad/personal body guard to own child duty. Eventually, Luna becomes a commander of black sentries, and works fairly well with the coinless. for the most part. Not much is different personality wise except she's more willing to commit murder and injury. Skull adores her too, and helps with the training when she's a kid.
Carlos Vallerte;
Several years after Adam transfers Carlos his Color, and after they team up, and a year after Adam joins SPA, he and Carlos reconnect. They got along well each time they teamed up, and after everything they get the chance to actually be able to get to know each other again properly outside of power ranger stuff. While both are busy with respective lives and careers, they do have joint custody over two kids, Miguel and Gwena. Aisha surrogated for Miguel, Gwena is an adopted alien girl from Inquiris. It's been a challenge to balance their careers with their kids, but they make it work. Generally, they don't live on earth, they currently live on K0-35 when not on duty with their kids.
Miguel is 13, and quite interested in nature, and earth. He's never actually been, because life kept getting in the way, but he wants to eventually. He's been promised he will, and that's nice. He likes ninjas and puzzle books and horror movies. Especially likes vampires, Carlos is just. Accepting this is going to haunt him for the rest of his life. Told Miguel if he wants to become a vampire that's fine but he needs to wait, and find someone who's not on the galaxy's most wanted list. Or working with a warlord or conqueror. the list of suitables is extremely small. Miguel's also thirteen, and he's realizing maybe he just likes the species in general more than the idea of becoming one. Loves vampire and zombie movies best. Not associated with a color.
Gwena is seven and from Inquiris. Any question given to her is answered with a question. Given how much human children do this in general...you can imagine the annoyance. Carlos and Adam quickly learned to phrase the questions as open ended statements for Gwena to respond to with statements of her own. She's very smart for a seven year old, and wants to know all the answers to all the questions, but is happy to question everything for the sake of asking the question. One day wants to go to earth, but also wants to go back to Inquiris again. She's also heard a lot about two infamous women from Inqiuris; Dimitria and Divatox, twins and very proficient in their own rights. At the moment, she flips between pretending to be Dimitria the good mentor, and Divatox, the pirate. She's seven so neither Adam nor Carlos are worried, but they do hope she'll decide Dimitria, who's a friend of theirs, will be a worthy role model, and not Divatox before the Z-Wave. not associated with a color, that anyone knows of. However Inquirians tend to gravitate to white or red color schemes in their clothing so it's hard for her dads to actually tell. Likes fables and magic and playing pirates. Vicseron, a friend of Dimitria from Inquiris, is Gwena's biological father, but was killed. Her mother also died, and Gwena had nobody. Dimitria had reservations about how well she and Divatox could look after a child. She brought the child to the most dependable ranger couples she could think of.
Prince Trey of Triforia;
While Trey crashed in Aquitar and needed help, when they sent him to earth to the other zeo rangers he helped them first, several times. Adam was, like the rest of them, very curious who the mysterious gold was. When they met properly, he had a little bit of a crush. When Jason took gold so Trey could slow down whatever was happening to him (his logos, pathos and ethos had split into three people, thoufh all of them were of the same mind. Triforian thing, apparently. It took a bit to get used to, to say the least.) Adam spent as much time as he could in the command center with Billy and Trey. They talked quite a bit, and Trey got a bit smitten with the curious green ranger.
When Trey was restored and he got zeo gold back, he decided to stick around for a little while to assist the other zeo rangers, and he and Adam began seeing each other. Adam thought it was kind of odd a prince wanted to date him, but he wasn’t against it at all.
They have one daughter. Crown Princess Tara, aged 20. Adam’s a diplomat between earth and Triforia, and Tara lives mainly on Triforia with Trey. She inherited Zeo Gold, and is noble, calm, and carry’s herself regally as she can. She does have her moments though, and feels like she can’t live up to her parents legacy, sometimes. She does try, though. She never stops trying. She’s going to be the best queen. It’s hard for her to believe it, but she’s going to be. Trey’s a great king, and he’s her dad. And Adam’s awesome, and he’s her dad too. And her teammates are awesome too.
Tangential au; Triforian life span might be longer than humans (I’ve got no idea, heellpp) and she’s the gold to the canon grandson of Tommy’s team. She’d be in the equivalent of early 20’s, in the hypothetical longer lifespan idea.
(we needed a green/gold lol. and this works, they did talk a little in canon. not much but I'm taking the opportunity)
She thought he was charming and sweet, and every bit a prince if he just had the self confidence to see it, himself. She made a child using magic, some years after the events of the movie. It killed her, but the child is hers and Adam's. He was confused and deeply saddened when he got the kid and the explanation. He loves Garrett, but it's a bit difficult. Garrett is an owl shifter, like his mother. He greatly resembles Adam. Garrett is 16, and doing his best. He's friends with the punks at his school, and has the constant air of wiser beyond his years. Often lives with Rocky or Tommy and Kat or any other dozen of Adam's friends while Adam's working off earth. He's got an odd, very inhuman air around him, even to other half human alien hybrids. There's something about his owl self that bleeds into his human form. He's never felt at home anywhere he's ever been, and he feels like he should go back to the planet his mother's from, guard what's there. He's a bronze ranger, and Adam wonders if this is from Dulcinea.
Unnamed Mother;
Adam made a mistake in highschool and while the girl wanted to keep the baby, her parents didn't think it'd be a good idea. Adam offered to take the baby off her hands, and while his parents disinherited him over it, Nemo grew up with a village for parents. Skull, Bulk, Aisha, Rocky, and Tommy and a few others off and on, all helped him during high school, with Aisha and Rocky stepping in during college, and Skull after, helping with whatever expense Adam needed. Nemo's fourteen, healthy, happy, and thriving despite everything. Adam's doing okay as a single parent, it's been hard but he's doing good. Adam's a tailor and Nemo mentioned wanting to go into this as well, and Adam about teared up he was so proud.
Coinless verse child has been given a happy alternative woo~
if I missed any, let me know! I think I covered most of Adam's possibilities ^-^
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shelf-care · 3 months
Well Hello
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I would like to start off by saying things have been busy for the last two years.
Let me give y’all a list of things that have happened in my life, kinda like a news letter.
Everything is a list below of good and bad things that have happened in the last three years and the reason you haven’t seen me as a result.
I married the man I love
I got a corgi as well as inheriting my husbands dog. (I’m a dog step mom!)
I moved in with my husband (obviously)
I quit my 9-5 Job and became a stay at home wife to pursue writing and focus on my business.
Business failed within three moths of me trying to open it.
tried to open a service business (Cleaning/maid service)
Failed eight months in.
Tried to get a professional job (there are no jobs available in my area)
I have been taking certifications to become a signing agent on homes and houses
Business has been slow.
I wrote a book
My sister met a mutual online friend that I introduced her to over ten years ago
They’re talking about getting married
My best friend moved two states away to marry her now husband
My husbands truck broke down
the same week our 20 year old hand me down washing machine broke down and we had an outside water leak from a busted pipe.
My parents almost got a divorce and it shattered my image of them.
My husbands and my one year anniversary is in one week to the day and we’re still going strong.
Now then, I say all this not for you to feel pity for me because I know everyone is struggling and we’re all experiencing hardship in one form or another. I’m saying this because I feel like my life is finally getting back on track after almost three years of life altering events happening.
I guess I also wanna ask if anyone is still interested in my writing? and if you are I still wanna spend my spare time reading and writing like I used to because I genuinely miss it and I miss having a community to talk to that loves X-Men, Starwars, Current books, and a myriad of other things I love to talk about. Including a new obsession thanks to my Hubby which is DND!!
I’ll probably reboot my profile but I still want my Tumblr to be nerd focused and I’ll set up links to my past writing and new writing and let Y’all know when I eventually publish my book which is a huge accomplishment for me since I also found out I have ADHD! And now everything makes sense alongside the Dyslexia.
I’m learning so many new things every year, picking up new habits and reading so many good books. I just hope I still have a place here.
So, these are my goals
I would love to introduce you to a few of my OC characters and make a tumblr exclusive series involving these characters.
I want to dip my toes into making a kindle vella series (Even though they’ve made a lot of changes to that platform)
I’ll of course make one shots for characters I love and have a new obsession with and just genuinely start learning to write again.
Well thats all for now, I’m terrible with ending news letters so I’ll keep it short and Sweet.
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I’ll see you all very soon in the future! Good things are coming that is a promise!
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