#william bonney x you
spideyhexx · 2 days
saccharine - aka; cowgirl!reader who teases the shit out of him x billy who 'hates' you, or so he says.
tending to your wounds.
this could be read standalone or with the other parts <3
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There was nothing else you could have done. With Jesse and his boys talking shit about your gang, about Billy, you had to say something. You were passing near them in town and caught the little jesting, which seemed to only get louder when Olinger realized it was you who was walking past them. 
Part of you knows it was stupid and your impulsivity was becoming a problem, but you had to do something, right? Stand up for yourself, for Billy, for the other men that you’ve grown to see as a family. Mostly Billy. So you did. And you paid for it. 
Apparently, it wasn’t below Olinger to take a few swings at a woman. It isn’t surprising though, and in hindsight, Jesse was the one to pull him back once you started reciprocating in the fight before anything got worse. Your hand had already found your gun, had it pulled out and cocked, but Jesse gave you a look and nodded off, hoping you’d walk away. 
With small reluctance, you kept the gun trained on Olinger as you paced backward, your eyes never leaving the group of men until you could slip away. You decided to not head straight for camp in fear of them following. 
That was also a slight mistake. Your nose ached and your lip was busted, knuckles bloodied. You’re sure a bruise will appear on your side and your cheek, but a sense of pride washed over you as you remembered hearing the crack beneath your knuckles when you punched Olinger in the nose. 
Your head is already woozy by the time you’re back at camp, waving off Charlie who immediately shows his concern. The plan is to take care of yourself inside your little tent, not wanting to worry anyone and cause a commotion. 
But then you see Billy. He’s just shrugging off his coat when he locks eyes with you. He barrels over, almost tripping over his own feet, “What the fuck did you do, cowgirl?” 
You let out a breathless chuckle, “So caring,” you mutter, walking past him, purposely bumping your shoulder into his, but it makes you wince. Billy holds himself back from grabbing your wrist, but he does follow you. 
“‘M being serious, what happened?” He presses, his head turned to look at you, assess what’s hurt as you walk. 
“Your old pals,” you tell him and he rolls his eyes. Your hand presses to your lip as it stings, a wince running through you again and you look at the blood on your hand when you pull it away from your mouth. 
“What were you doin’ with them?” Billy is eyeing you so intently like he’s itching to grab you and make you stop walking. His tone sounds almost accusatory so you lean into it. 
“Fucking them.”
He scoffs and moves to stand in front of you, blocking your way, “Stop messin’ around, ‘m…,” he trails off, looking away for a second before his eyes meet yours once again, “‘M trying to help, what happened? Just let me help fix you up.” 
“I don’t need help, I know how to take care of this,” you gesture to your face and step to the side to walk away from him, but he just steps back in front of you. 
You sigh dramatically, thinking over your options. Of course, you didn’t want to say no to Billy helping you clean up. He had nice hands. They would touch your face. And you could talk to him more. But you also feared he’d make you say what happened and your pride would take a hit. But the other part of you remembered that night a few months ago when you fixed him up after a fight. The gentleness between you two that you’ve never felt since longed to see if it would be back. And you’re tired. 
“Fine,” you finally say to him and his shoulders lose their tension. You bump into his shoulder again as you walk past him. 
Billy shakes his head, closing his eyes tight to clear his thoughts at your indifference and attitude before he follows you. Still standing, you’re already taking a cloth out of your bag, but he snatches it from you, wetting it with his water and grabbing your hand to clean your knuckles. 
When you sigh, he can’t help but smirk at how much you’re defying this, “‘S okay to need help,” Billy says, doing his best to be gentle with your knuckles. 
“Think you should take that advice too.” You try to make it about him. Knowing he would typically refuse help, but you both knew that you were much worse with it. 
“Gonna tell me how this happened? Jesse and his boys, huh?” Billy moves on to your other hand. 
A silence falls over the two of you as you keep your mouth shut. Billy isn’t dumb though, he knows how prideful you can be. “Whatever did happen, you shouldn’t have let it get to you. They’re all dicks.”
“I know,” you huff, clenching and unclenching your fingers to see if they hurt much once Billy’s done cleaning them. 
He grabs his clean handkerchief and dabs under your nose without warning which causes a small flinch from you. Billy shakes his head at it, holding your jaw with his other hand so you stay still. “If you know, then you wouldn’t have gotten involved in whatever you got involved in. You can’t be gettin’ hurt like this, sweetheart. What were you thinking?”
An eye roll comes from you. “Well…they were mouthing off about you,” you tell him, flushing when you realize how it sounds, so you quickly add on, “About…all of us, the whole gang.”
“And?” Billy gently turns your head as he continues to clean the blood off your face, his brow furrowed and his lips slightly pouted. Why are you looking at his lips right now, he could notice. 
“And I can’t stand that sorta thing. You know that.” You can’t hide the slight annoyance in your tone. 
“I do. But that was risky of you. And now you’re hurt,” he sighs after he speaks, tilting his head as he cleans near your mouth. 
“Bonney, I do not need to be lectured, I was just defendin’-”
“You got hurt,” he says, his voice a little more stern as he tosses the bloody handkerchief to the ground with your cloth. 
“I don’t want you gettin’ fuckin’ hurt over defendin’ me, I can’t have that,” Billy snaps, not even mentioning your words about how you did it for the gang. 
A shaky sigh leaves your lips, “I can handle myself, Bonney.”
“I know. I know, but you got fuckin’ hurt. Are you hearin’ me say that?” Billy’s getting more frustrated, his gaze stern and he pinches the bridge of his nose after he speaks. 
“We all get hurt sometimes,” you mutter, and you roll your eyes again. It’s common for any one of you to run into some trouble, and end up with minor injuries that heal within due time. It wasn’t anything big, right?
“I know but, you got hurt, impulsively and…and…what if they pulled a gun out?”
A twinge of something warms your heart when he specifies you getting hurt. Like he does care. Even if he thinks you should’ve walked away. 
“I’m quick.” You give him a shrug and Billy rubs his hands over his face. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, exasperated. Billy doesn’t know what he’s doing. When he saw you all battered up, he wanted to just scoff and make fun of you and leave it at that, but he didn’t do that. And now he’s two steps away from blurting out that he cares for you. 
“Billy, c’mon, I’m tired, I’m aching. I know it was fucking stupid, but it’s what I had to do,” you breathe out, taking a deep breath in and out. 
“Yeah, it was fuckin’ stupid,” he mumbles back, his eyes back on yours, “really, really stupid.”
“Thank you,” your voice is monotoned to further display your sarcasm and you see the hint of a smile on his face. 
Then it starts to drop as his brow furrows more, “Your nose is bleedin’ again,” he says and he moves in close, reaching into your bag at your side. Billy invades your space with this move, his body heat radiating into yours as he finds the handkerchief and holds it to your nose. 
You want to protest, but you keep your mouth closed, eyes boring into his as he looks right back at you. A thrumming from your chest almost wills you to break his gaze, but you can’t let him win that. There’s something in his eyes you cannot decipher. His eyes are a little glossy, but he can’t be tearing up, can he? No, that’s just how Billy’s eyes are, you tell yourself. His hair looks like he hasn’t washed it in a few days, not that you blame him, but it made you want to wash it for him. To run your hands through his hair as his hands held onto your sides. It was foolish to think of fantasies like that, you think. Too much wishful thinking that Billy would ever want something like that. There was no reason to hurt yourself over it. Would save the disappointment. You hope to dear god he doesn’t understand what’s going through your head. That your eyes look full of emotion but just as blank as his own do right now. Because that’s all you can get from him. Emotion. But what kind? It’s anyone’s guess. 
When he gently dabs and pinches at your nose to help stop the bleeding, it snaps you out of your thoughts. You wince and move back. 
“Sorry,” he says, his voice softer and he looks at the bloody handkerchief in his hand. The motion you took to move back made you aware of the pain at your side, your hand resting there. Everything was too much. The pain. Billy. Yourself. 
With a shaky sigh, you mutter, “I hate this so much.”
Billy’s brow furrows and he takes a tentative step closer, “Hey, ‘s okay. Like you said, we all get hurt, I just-”
“I know, it was really stupid of me. I acted on impulse like I always do, but hell, I-I had to. Fuck, I just had to. I’m so tired of hearing people talk shit about you when all you’re doing is trying to help the right people.”
Billy is a little surprised at your words, but you don’t even seem focused on that. 
“I hate h-how much I feel, Billy. I feel so much and I need to act,” you blurt out to him, rubbing your hands on the sides of your face and then you realize something. 
“Fuck, my hat.” The nice little cowboy hat that Billy bought for you, paid with his own money to make it up to you after he messed something up, was not with you. 
“It must’ve fallen off in the commotion,” Billy says, his face strewn with concern over you more than anything else. 
But you take it as him being disappointed. “God, I’m sorry, I know you paid a good amount for that.”
“‘S okay, we can get you a new one,” he says softly. You scoff. 
“No, I can’t let you do that. I’m such an idiot,” you say to yourself, your hand rubbing over your face, forgetting about your nose, so you only irritate it more. “Shit!”
Billy sighs torn between staying put where he is and coming closer to you, “You’re not an idiot. Maybe it’s still there too, we can get it.”
Your mind is going a mile a minute, your hands getting shakier as your chest overwhelms your entire body. The thoughts are coming too fast. 
“No, it’s not there, someone probably took it. And I can’t let you buy me a new one. I can’t. I fucked this up. I should’ve just left as you said. I shouldn’t have fought or even said anything. And now I lost my hat and I’m feeling, feeling so much, like a lot a lot, Billy, it’s like a lot,” you take a breath.
As you speak, Billy’s trying his best to listen to every single word. He’s a bit exasperated with you still. Your stubbornness was fucking difficult to deal with, but he’d never live without it. He can’t help but smile. Just a little. A very tiny one that you don’t even register. He’s not sure why he’s smiling, but maybe it’s because you’re you. He finds himself watching your lips for a quick second when you’re speaking. Just a quick second. 
You continue, “I don’t understand why I have to feel so much you know, and why I do act so impulsively but it just feels right, you know? It always feels right and sometimes I regret it sometimes I don’t I mean I do regret it tonight but at the same time I did break Olinger’s nose I think. So that’s cool but anyways, I still hate it, I hate that it feels right to be impulsive but then I end up feeling so much, I just want-”
Billy is compelled by your words to lean forward and quickly peck your lips, effectively stunning you into silence from your rambling. He’s just as frozen as you are, staring at you wide-eyed. 
“What…what was…,” you try to get words out, but you’re only thinking about the small feeling of his chapped lips on yours. He kissed you. A peck. But he kissed you. Oh, maybe you’re dead! 
Billy’s shoulders are tense as he shakes his head and gives a light shrug and breathlessly says, “Shut the fuck up?” 
A grin worms its way onto your lips and you grab at his neckerchief to pull him in and properly kiss him. The rough feeling of his lips as he presses back into it, and the warmth of his body being close to yours only lasts a few seconds before you’re wincing and mumbling, “My lip, my lip, forgot about my lip,” and you bring your fingers to the cut that’s there. 
Billy laughs. Your hand hits his arm, almost wanting to linger so you can feel the muscle he's been gaining recently. He feigns hurt, holding his hand to where you hit him. You wish your hand was there. You call him a prick. He calls you an ass. 
Maybe you love him.
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rynwritesstuff · 6 months
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Billy The Kid x Reader
Warnings: Feisty!Reader, General outlaw stuff (guns, cursing, threats), Mentions of sex work/brothels, Smut (PIV sex, unprotected sex, rough sex), Hint of fluff, Imprisonment, Jailbreak
Word Count: 5.4k
Summary: After discovering Billy Antrim one night, you persuade him to travel with you. A wild and interesting adventure ensues.
Author's Note: I've spent the past several weeks reading the most incredible Billy x Reader fics, and I wanted to try my hand at writing for him. I wanted to tag a few of my favorite Billy writers, because they have inspired me to give this a try. (Thank you @billysgun @atrwriting and @goosita you guys are incredible, I admire you so much, keep doing what you're doing <3)
“It ain’t the being alone. It ain’t the empty home, baby, you know I’m good on my own. You know, it’s more the being unknown. So much of the living, love, is the being unknown.” - Unknown / Nth, Hozier
When he hears it – the footsteps – Billy’s head snaps to the side. A million thoughts run through his head. Robbers, outlaws, all-around no good men . . . They could be anywhere. They could be everywhere. Slowly, carefully, he reaches for the gun at his hip. He barely has time to touch it before the sound of a gun cocking comes from behind him. He pauses. 
“Don’t. Move,” comes your voice. Billy swallows harshly as he freezes. It’s dark aside from the campfire in front of him and the moon and stars sparkling in the sky. Billy keeps his breathing even and steady as footsteps come closer. 
“I need money,” you say.
“You’ve got the wrong man, miss,” Billy says, unmoving. “I’ve got nothin’.”
“Food, then. Got any food?” 
Billy nods towards the small pot beside the fire. 
“There’s a bit left over there.”
You circle him, and when you do, he catches a glimpse of your face, slightly shielded by an old hat. Your hair is pulled back and you wear men’s clothing. Your too-big boots thud against the grass. Even like this, Billy can tell that you're beautiful, the kind of beautiful that would bring a God-fearing man to his knees. 
You keep your gun pointed at him as you look down into the pot and then back up at BIlly. 
“It’s not enough.” 
“It’s what I’ve got.” 
“You’re lying,” you say easily. “You’re in the middle of nowhere, there’s no way you came this far with so little food. You think I’m an idiot, boy?” 
“No,” Billy shakes his head. “I mean it. That’s the last of my food.” 
You chuckle dryly, then approach Billy. 
“Keep your hands up,” you warn. You tug his gun from his holster, then step back towards the fire. Billy is now completely unarmed. He couldn’t shoot you even if he wanted to. You crouch down beside the pot. It’ll have to do, you decide, and reach in with your bare hand to scoop up the beans and bring them to your mouth. You sigh. They’re salty and warm and earthy, and they soothe the ache in your stomach. 
Billy moves slightly, you see him out of the corner of your eye, and you bring your gun up again. He freezes. 
“I was just shiftin’,” he tells you. Wordlessly, you look back down at the pot and continue to eat. Billy watches you curiously. Where are you coming from? Where are you going? And, perhaps most importantly, who are you on the run from? 
“Billy the Kid,” you say finally, wiping your hand on the grass as you get to your feet. “Hm. I didn’t recognize you at first.” 
“Do I know you?” Billy asks. 
“No. But damn near everyone in the West knows you. Ya shouldn’t be surprised.” You slowly make your way over to his horse. You open his saddle bag as Billy turns to watch you. You pull out his shotgun, humming to yourself. You set it aside, and Billy’s heart begins to race. 
“The ring,” he says quickly, making you pause, “please don’t take it. It was my ma’s.”
You halt. How strange it is, to hear William Antrim speak so desperately. You stare at him as you pull the small gold band from his bag. You hold it in your palm, and Billy watches you with a pained expression. 
“Please. She’s gone, she’s dead. It’s all I got left of ‘er.”
You shake your head. 
“I’m not heartless, Billy,” you say, and Billy nearly laughs. No, woman holding me at gunpoint, he thinks. Of course you’re not.
“I’ve lost people, too,” you tell him. You toss the ring to him, and he catches it, clutching it tightly. “I’ll advise you to keep it closer to you, though. People like me aren’t always so understanding.” 
You go back to digging through his bag but don't find much; an apple, a pocket watch, a few shirts and a pair of pants. You huff, keeping only the apple, and shove everything back into the saddle bag, including the shotgun. 
“You’re shit out of luck, Billy,” you say, stepping towards him as you bite into the apple. You wipe a bit of juice from the corner of your mouth. “No food, no water–” 
“I have water.” 
“Oh, well excuse me, then. I apologize,” you say sarcastically. Billy clenches his jaw. You sit down a good five feet away from Billy, gun still in-hand as you eat the apple. 
“God, fuck,” you breathe. Billy glances at you. “Haven’t had fruit in a month.”
“Neither have I,” Billy says flatly. 
“Mm. As I was sayin’ . . . You’re kinda fucked right now. Where’re you headed?” 
“I don’t know yet.” 
“Liar,” you say. You’re confident while you have the gun in your hand, and although you know that Billy could scramble for his shotgun, you also know that you could blow his head off before he got there. If he tries something, anything, he’s a dead man. He must know it, too.
“The next town over,” Billy says finally. “I need somewhere to stay for a while.”
“It’s about fifteen miles East,” you say. You bite into the apple again. “You know where you’re going? How to get there?” 
“I prefer to travel alone,” Billy says as he watches you. For a moment, a small, brief, fleeting moment, he wonders what you look like beneath the tattered button-up shirt. He’s only slept with a handful of women, and it’s been a long while since he’s touched himself, much less had someone else touch him. He swallows harshly. 
You lap your tongue over the dripping apple to gather the juice, then speak. 
“Right. Well, I need a man to come with me East. Nobody takes women seriously in that town, I was there a while back.” 
“Surely you don’t want to risk being recognized, then,” Billy says. You chuckle. 
“Unlike you, Antrim, I’m moving from town to town by choice. I've got nothing to hide.”
Well. That seems to answer Billy’s questions. He sighs, then looks away. Perhaps this is a good thing. Maybe a woman is what he needs. A fiery, feisty woman who will try to keep him in-line. 
“What’s in it for me?” he asks. 
You shrug.
“Money, probably. Food. A roof over your head.” 
“Until I get caught.” 
“I’ll try to keep you out of trouble if you promise to try, too.” 
Billy looks over at you. 
“I don’t even know your name.” 
You smile softly, looking at him kindly for the first time all evening. You tell him your name, and when you do, he tests how it feels to say it. You nod. 
“Right,” you say. “Ya got it.” 
Billy hums. 
“This doesn’t mean I trust you,” he says. 
“No,” you say, tossing him back his gun. “I’d hope not. You wouldn’t be a very good outlaw if you trusted someone that easily.”
Billy slips his gun back into his holster, feeling better now that he has his firearm again. You take another bite of the apple. 
“Let’s leave at dawn,” you tell him. Billy still isn’t completely convinced that this is a good idea, but he doesn’t want to argue. He doesn’t want to upset you or set you off.
“Fine,” he says. You nudge him. 
“Where are those manners you had a bit ago?” you tease, tossing the apple core aside. “‘Miss’ and ‘ma’am’. Your mama raised you right.”
“Yes, ma’am, she did,” Billy says, offering you a small, teasing smile.
Dawn comes, as it always does. You wake before Billy, and take it upon yourself to tidy up his things from the night before. The pot is washed and the fire is out when Billy’s eyes open, and he glances around for a moment. He sees you, and you offer him a nod. 
“Get up,” you tell him as you guide his horse over. “I’d like to get there as soon as possible.” 
Billy groans softly as he sits up on the blanket that separates him from the grass.
“You don’t have a horse? You came all this way on foot?” 
You sigh, leaning against Billy’s horse. 
“She got stolen a few miles back,” you say. “I was surprised they didn’t get yours, too.”
“Mm. Sorry to hear that,” he says as he folds up the blanket and attaches it to his saddle bag. You shake your head. 
“Not much that can be done about it now. Ya ready to go, Billy?”
He nods as he puts on his hat and approaches his horse. He holds his hand out to you and helps you up onto the saddle. He knows that you can get up yourself, but you shouldn’t have to do such a thing. Not when there’s a man around to help you.
Knowing that you won’t both fit on the saddle, Billy decides to walk. You watch him as he guides his horse. The muscles in his strong arms flex as he goes, and you find yourself staring at him more than the scenery around you. You know what this likely means, of course, but you don’t want to think about it. 
You don’t want to complicate things. 
Hours pass. The pair of you reach a town. Dust is kicked up as Billy’s horse trots through, and people bustle busily. You glance around. People stare at the two of you, and you wonder if it’s because they recognize Billy, or perhaps you from when you were here previously. You wipe sweat from your brow. 
“There’s a brothel that way,” you say, pointing to the right. “Rooms are cheap there.” 
“I thought you didn’t have much money,” Billy says, guiding his horse in the direction you pointed in. 
“I don’t,” you say. “But I have enough for us to stay somewhere for a week or so.”
You hear Billy sigh, and you clench your jaw. 
“You got a better idea?” you ask. 
“I didn’t say anything.” 
“You didn’t have to.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Nothin’. Don’t worry about it,” you say. Men are so finicky, you think. You arrive at the brothel just after noon, and you get off the horse. Billy goes to follow you, and you hold your hand up. 
“Don’t. You’ll get swarmed by whores. Just stay here, let me do the talking.” 
Billy’s brow furrows slightly. 
“What if there’s trouble?” he asks. You tap the gun holstered at your hip. 
“I can handle myself.”
Without another word, you head into the brothel. You locate the owner and speak to her about a room for you and your friend. Just as you remembered, the rooms are cheap, cheap enough for you to rent a room for longer than you thought you’d be able to. You pay the owner, then step back outside. 
“Get our stuff,” you tell Billy. “I’ll take your horse to the stable.” 
Wordlessly, Billy obeys, gathering the bags before you lead his horse around the building. He steps inside. Just as you predicted, a few whores approach him. 
They gush at him, telling him how incredibly handsome he is, and how he must be tired, and how he looks like he needs a good blowjob. He politely turns them down, his cheeks warming slightly. One of the whores, a blonde woman, runs her hand over his chest. He tries not to stare at her bare breasts. 
“You stayin’ awhile?” she asks. Billy nods. She hums. “Come n’ see me sometime, won’t ya?” 
Billy offers her a kind smile. 
“I’m a busy man, I’m afraid. Don’t have time for that.” 
He hears footsteps behind him, and moments later, he’s being tugged towards the stairs of the brothel. 
“Told ya they’d flock to you,” you say as you and Billy go up to the room. You unlock the door. 
“They’re just doing their job,” he says as he steps into the room and sets the bags down. You sigh as you re-lock the door. You put your hands on your hips as you walk around the room, inspecting it. It’s not nice by any means, but it’s a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in, and that’s enough for now.
“I’ll take the floor,” he offers. You glance at him. “Y’know. When we sleep.” 
You shake your head with a sigh as you take off your hat. 
“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I don’t particularly care if we share a bed,” you say. Billy doesn’t say anything. You glance at him. He’s staring at you. “What?” 
Just as he had noticed last night, you’re beautiful. And if you look this nice like this, he can only imagine what you’d look like all dolled up, or even just freshly bathed. He wonders what it would be like to touch you, to feel you beneath him, to have your body canting up towards his. 
He shakes his head slightly. 
“Nothing. Just . . . Nothing.” 
“If you want the floor, you can have it–” 
“No, no, I don’t mind either,” he says. You sit down at the edge of the bed, then lie back on it with a drawn-out sigh. 
“I’m gonna sleep good tonight,” you chuckle. Billy finds himself smiling softly. 
“Is it comfortable?” he asks. You laugh again. 
“Not at all, but it’s better than the ground.”
Billy approaches the bed and sits down beside you, leaving a gap between your bodies. He bounces a bit, and the bed frame squeaks. He hums as he stops.
“Well?” you ask, looking up at him. 
“You’re right, it’s awful.”
You hum, rubbing your eyes. 
“I know.” You sigh. “Why don’t you go downstairs and eat?”
“What’re you gonna do?” he asks. 
“Take a bath,” you say. Billy nods. He knows he should bathe too, especially if he’s going to be sleeping beside you, but he’s so, so hungry . . . 
“I’ll go after you, then,” he says, getting to his feet. “You know where to find me if you need anything.”
“Hang on.” 
Billy pauses, glancing back at you as you sit up. You gesture for him to come back towards the bed. He obliges. There is a foot or so of space between your bodies, and you look up at him with a twinkle in your eye. You know what you want to tell him, but you don’t know how to say it. You know what you want to do, but you don’t know how to get there. 
“You’re the most handsome outlaw I’ve dealt with, y’know,” you say finally, voice soft. Billy is surprised but most certainly not disappointed. A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. 
“How many outlaws have you dealt with?” Billy asks. 
“Quite a few.” 
He hums. 
“I suppose that means I should be thanking you, then," he says. You reach out and tug on his belt loops, pulling him closer. You put your hands on his hips and look up at him. 
“Yes. You should.”
Billy leans down a bit. 
“Thank you, then, miss,” he says quietly. You feel his breath against you, and you let out a soft sigh as heat blooms between your thighs. Hesitantly, you bring your hand up to touch his cheek. You feel the stubble near his chin and jaw as you look into his eyes. 
“Can I–?” 
“You don’t even havta ask,” Billy tells you softly. He leans forward and presses his lips against yours. You inhale sharply as you pull him closer. He kisses you hungrily, desperately, like a man dying. You touch him wherever you can: His cheeks, his jaw, the sides of his throat, his shoulders. He gets on top of you as you scoot back on the bed. You keep one of your hands on the back of his head, which ensures that his lips stay pressed against yours while the two of you move and adjust. 
Billy tosses his hat to the side, and once he’s done that, you tug at his suspenders. You push them off of his shoulders, and you spread your legs a bit more to make room for him to comfortably fit between them. He kisses you again, hot and heavy, and you moan against his lips. 
“Please,” you sigh. He nods as he unbuttons your shirt. 
“I’ve got ya,” Billy reassures you. You kiss him as a sense of safety and security washes over you. He’s got you. He’s got you. You let him unbutton your shirt, and when your breasts are revealed, he leans down to kiss at them. You sigh at the feeling of his chapped lips on your smooth skin. You shrug the shirt all the way off so that your torso is bare, then run your fingers through his dark curls. 
“Billy,” you sigh, eyes fluttering. He hums. You want to touch him, to feel his skin against yours. You grab his collar and pull him back up so you can kiss him. You fumble with his buttons, and when you get his shirt off, you yank off his undershirt, too. You grip his bare shoulders, your hands running down to his biceps. 
“Fuck,” you breathe. He smiles softly. 
“Like what ya see?” he asks. You nod. 
“Sure do,” you tell him. When he stands back to undo his trousers, you quickly kick off your boots and stand up to push down your pants to leave you nude. You get on the bed once you’re naked, and when Billy looks back up at you, cock in-hand, he makes a soft sound in the back of his throat, a sound of pleasure. You smile as you spread your legs, feeling a bit bashful but excited nonetheless. 
Billy says your name, then. It’s a whisper, a sigh, a prayer. He gets back on top of you, and his dripping cock presses against you as he leans down to kiss you. You groan. 
“I want you inside me,” you tell him, giving his hair a gentle tug. He nods, pressing his tip against your entrance. He looks up at you, silently asking for permission, and you smile softly. 
“Billy, I love that you’re bein’ a gentleman, but I really need you to ruin me right now. We can be polite to each other later, okay?” you tell him. This makes him chuckle, a quiet, hearty sound, and he nods. 
“Okay,” he says, pushing his tip in. “Understood.”
You hum, hands moving down to his biceps. You grip him tightly as he pushes in further. 
“Oh, fuck, Billy . . .” 
“Too much?” he asks. You shake your head. 
“No, no, just go slow at first. Ease it in, y’know?”
Billy nods. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he breathes teasingly, pushing in further. Your wetness coats his cock easily, and he groans at the feeling of your wet heat engulfing him. “Jesus ffffuckin’ . . .”
Your grip on him tightens as he pushes his cock all the way inside of you. You moan softly as his tip presses against the sweet spot inside of you. 
“Oh, god,” you hum. “Mm, Billy . . . Move . . .” 
His hand fits into the space where your neck meets your shoulder, and he holds you there as he begins to roll his hips. He is slow at first, gentle, but his pace quickly picks up. The bed frame creaks and groans, and you moan loudly.
“How is it?" he asks breathily, wanting to hear your praise.
“F-Feels good,” you groan as he hits that sweet spot. Your legs and thighs tremble. Your breasts bounce. Your heart races. Billy’s body is firm and strong above you, and his hold on you tightens. You lean up to kiss him, moaning against his lips. 
“So needy,” Billy says against your mouth. You moan. “Mm. S-So wet for me . . . Needed this bad, didn’t ya?”
You nod, clinging to him as if you’re the only thing keeping him here, as if he could disappear at any moment and leave you aching for more. 
“Ohmygod, Billy . . . F-Faster, I need it faster . . .”
“Mm . . . Ask nicely . . .”
His words go straight to your core, and you clench around him just to hear him grunt. You reach up to tug at his hair, and he turns his head to suck at your jaw. You let him. 
“Please,” you sigh. “P-Please, Billy . . . Make me f-feel good . . . Fuck me f-faster . . .”
Billy hums as he pulls away from your jaw. 
“Atta girl,” he breathes. He’s pounding you, now, fucking you so hard that you begin to worry that the damn bed with break. People can probably hear you, but it’s a fucking brothel, you remind yourself, and you cry out loudly. Your face is hot as Billy’s hips slam against yours. He’s grunting and groaning, and his brows are furrowed in pleasure, and you’re positive that it’s the most wonderful thing you’ve ever seen. 
“Oh, fffffuck. Billy, B-Billy, Billy . . .”
“Mm, that’s it,” he groans lowly. “Let everyone know who it is that’s makin’ you feel good.”
Your grip on his hair tightens, and he bites and sucks at your throat as he chases his orgasm quickly. Clumsily and shakily, you reach down between your bodies to rub your clit. Your hips jerk and tears of pleasure fill your eyes as you begin to rub yourself hurriedly. You know Billy is close – his thrusts are getting sloppy – and you want to cum, too.
“Fuck, you feel good,” Billy admits. He reaches for your hand that isn’t on your clit, which surprises you. His fingers intertwine with yours, and he pins you down. He’s holding my hand. He’s about to cum, and he’s holding my hand, you think. Somehow, this small act feels more intimate than anything else the two of you have done in the past several minutes. 
“Billy . . . ‘M gonna cum,” you breathe. He nods against you. 
“Do it,” he says, encouraging you. “Please. Wanna feel it.”
You close your eyes and tilt your head back. Billy kisses and nibbles at your throat again, his thrusts get harder and faster, and you apply a bit more pressure to the circles you’re rubbing on your clit–
“Oh, fuck!” you cry out loudly. Your body tenses for a moment before you relax against the mattress, pleasure coursing through you. Heat moves over you like a blanket, warming you from head to toe. You’re shaking, trembling as Billy takes you through it. 
Before you know it, he’s moaning in your ear and pulling his cock from your pussy. He jerks himself off for one second, two, three, and then he’s cumming on your stomach with a cry of your name. You watch him fall apart above you, and you never were a religious person, but this? This sight is enough to bring you to your knees. You’d worship him if it were an option. That glow, that body, that smile . . . It makes you want to weep.
Billy grunts, stroking himself until his orgasm is over, and he shakily lies down beside you with a huff. You stare up at the ceiling, still catching your breath as his arm touches yours. The reality of what the two of you have just done hits you. You just fucked Billy Antrim. And you liked it. 
You look over at him. He’s already staring. You smile. 
“Good?” he asks. You nod. 
“So good.”
He hums and wipes a bit of sweat from your brow. 
“I didn’t think a woman like you would wanna be taken like that,” he says gently. You have to give it to him, he really is a gentleman. Even after you held him at gunpoint, and told him to escort you here, and bossed him around, he's still treating you kindly. He’s still here, he isn’t getting up to leave. In fact, he’s reaching into his pocket and pulling out his handkerchief. He hands it over to you, then gestures to your cum-covered stomach. You smile softly, wipe it up, then set the handkerchief aside. 
“I’ll wash this,” you tell him. He nods, humming. His cheeks are red. You like seeing him like this, all flustered and tired. 
He sits up slowly, and you watch the muscles in his back ripple as he does. He stands up and tucks his cock back into his trousers before reaching for his undershirt. Your smile fades, and he notices. 
“I’m just hungry,” he says. “You want somethin’ from downstairs?”
You lean up on your elbows.
“Something to drink, maybe,” you say. You smile. “And whatever food you can find. I’m in no position to be picky.”
He nods as he puts on his button-up and begins to do it up. 
“I’ll do my best,” he says. Once he’s redressed, Billy glances back at you. “You gonna be okay?” 
You nod, reaching for your shirt and draping it over your naked body as you lie back against the pillows. 
“Mhm. You know I can handle myself.” 
“I know you can, but you shouldn’t have to.” 
You smile widely. Such a charmer.
“Go, before I undress you again,” you tell him again. He chuckles. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
You hum, getting comfortable as Billy leaves. You hear the door open and close, and you sigh. Your eyes are heavy, and the mattress feels so soft and comforting compared to what you’ve been having, and it’s so quiet . . .
It’s dark when you wake. You stir, put off by the blackness. You’re still naked, and when you realize this, you haphazardly pull your button-up back on. You do it up as you move over, feeling the other side of the bed. 
“Billy,” you say into the dark. There is no response. You roll your eyes. That damn bastard. You thought he was different. You thought he was a good man, a kind man. If he wanted more sex, he could have just woken you up, but no, he left you up here in the pitch black. He’s probably downstairs, drinking wine and fucking whores. 
You clench your jaw as you fumble around. You start up the lamp on the bedside table, and grab your pants off the floor. You yank them on, along with your boots, then glance around. 
“Fucking asshole,” you mutter. “Couldn’t even bring me water.” 
You grab the room key and your gun holster off of the bedside table, then yank open the door and start downstairs. The brothel is bustling now that it’s dark outside. Men and naked women are everywhere. You pull a lady aside as you buckle your holster around your hips.
“The guy I was with,” you say to her, “where’s he at?”
She shrugs, then pulls away. Anger boils inside of you. You push your way through and get to the bar. The woman behind it seems to recognize you. 
“You got water?” you ask, frustrated by the entire situation. The woman nods, then silently pours you a glass. She hands it over. You down half of it, then set the glass on the bar and wipe your mouth. 
“You’re the lady who came here with Billy Antrim,” she says finally. You look up. You’re positive that Billy wouldn’t give out his name, let alone his full name, in a place like this. You remain neutral and calm. 
“The man,” the lady behind the bar says. “The one who went upstairs with you, that was Billy Antrim.” 
You cock your head. 
“What’re you getting at?” 
She blinks at you. 
“Don’t you know?” she asks.
Your brows furrow. 
“Did something happen?” 
She nearly laughs. 
“Where have you been? Asleep?”
“Where is he?” you ask sharply. Your heart is beginning to race. You have a pit in your stomach. Deep down, you know something bad has happened. The woman watches you carefully. 
“You care about him. It’s dangerous to care about people like that–” 
“Tell me where the fuck he is!” you snap, right hand reaching down to rest at your holstered gun. The woman behind the bar clenches her jaw. 
“Someone turned him in,” she says flatly. “He was taken away a few hours ago.” 
Fuck. You should have been awake, you should have been with him. You could have vouched for him, told them that they had the wrong guy. You told him you’d keep him out of trouble, and now . . .
You storm away from the bar, hurrying upstairs to get yours’ and Billy’s things. You leave in a tizzy, adrenaline pumping through you as you fetch Billy’s horse from the stable. You secure everything to the saddle, pull yourself on, and take off towards the jail. 
You tie Billy’s horse outside, then step inside. You glance around for a moment, and the jailkeep looks at you, seemingly irritated by your presence. You offer him a charming smile. 
“Sir,” you say, nodding politely as he looks you up and down. “I–”
“Visiting hours are over,” he says flatly. You hum, glancing around. You spot Billy, and your eyes linger on him for a moment. He grips the bars of the cell, watching you intently. You’ve got a look in your eyes, he realizes. He hopes you aren’t going to do what he thinks you’re going to do. He doesn’t think he’s worth the trouble. 
You look at the jailkeep again. You’re silent for a moment, and before he can tell you to get out, you’re reaching for your gun. You pull it on him and cock it. He stiffens. 
“Unlock his cell,” you say firmly. The man doesn’t move, too surprised. “Now!”
Billy watches you with wide eyes. The jailkeep rises to his feet slowly, and you keep the cocked gun pointed at him as he steps over to Billy’s cell. 
“Unlock it,” you tell him again. “Hurry up.” 
His hands tremble as he finds the right key and unlocks Billy’s cell. Billy steps out quickly, then grabs the keys from the man and shoves him into the cell. He locks him in, and you take a small step back. 
“Don’t yell,” you warn the jailkeep. “I’ll kill you, I swear to God, I’ll do it.” 
While you threaten the man, Billy hurries over to the desk to find his gun. He grabs the jailkeep’s holster off the desk, too, while he’s at it. 
“You’re fuckin’ crazy, woman,” the man says. You hum. 
“Damn right I am.” You glance at Billy. “Let’s go.”
Billy takes the keys with him, and the two of you leave the jail quickly. 
“There’s another horse over there,” you tell Billy as he runs towards his horse. He nods. 
“Go, I’ll keep watch,” he says. You fetch the horse, which you have to guess belonged to the jailkeep, and you hoist yourself up. You ride up beside Billy. 
“C’mon, haul ass,” you say, riding past him. His horse gallops after yours, and the two of you ride into the darkness. 
The severity of the situation is not lost on Billy. You’re in trouble, now. You broke the law to help him, to get him out, and you did it without hesitation. He would’ve been dead by morning if you hadn’t come to get him, and now you’re an outlaw, too. Guilt claws at him as the two of you leave town. 
“You didn’t havta do that,” he says over the sound of hooves hitting the ground. 
“I couldn’t leave you.”
Billy shakes his head. He doesn’t understand. 
“You don’t even know me,” he says, almost frustrated. What a stupid thing you just did. What a thoughtless, dangerous act. 
“I know you’re a good man,” you tell him. “And I know you don’t deserve to hang.”
Billy glances at you, his body bouncing as his horse runs up beside yours. Your eyes meet for just a moment before you look forward again. 
“I hope you’re not thinkin’ of ditching me, Antrim,” you say. He can’t help but smile softly. He wouldn’t even dream of doing such a thing. He owes you his life. 
“‘Course not,” he says. You hum. 
“Then stop lookin’ at me like that and let’s focus on getting the fuck outta here.”
God, where have you been all his life? You’re everything he’s ever needed. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
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gtgbabie0 · 2 months
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-William Bonney x reader
{Billy can’t handle you being in pain, even if you were defending him}
Enjoy my lovelies💕
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Silence is the only thing you’re met with when Billy walks into your quaint house, silence and a glare. You don’t bother asking him what’s wrong you already know why exactly he’s looking at you with his narrowed eyes and a deep frown.
“Billy-” you begin hoping to soften the blow by explaining your poor choices in picking fights with men who are three times your size and have loaded guns at their hips.
“No… don’t.” Billy stops you mid-sentence as he walks over to you, his hands immediately grasping yours as he assesses the damage to knuckles, split and redraw. A soft sigh escapes his lips whilst his thumb gently soothes the back of your hand.
“Christ, what have I told?” He asks, his frown deepening slightly as his eyes meet yours full of worry and frustration.
It’s the second time something like this happened, the last time Billy was there to stop you this time however he wasn’t, instead he found out from people talking about it around town.
Hushed whispers about how ‘Billy’s girl throws a mean punch’ and how you were ‘more trouble than you’re worth’. It was already a rough time in Lincoln without you adding to the mix, he just can’t keep up with it all.
Perhaps that’s why he is much more angered by this than he probably should be. “I know but if you would’ve heard them— what they were saying...” You try and reason with him as you recall the muttered insults about him, the threats and the way they dragged your name into their snide remarks.
“You’re getting into fights over some words.” He sneers as if it was the most stupid thing he’s heard. He tugs your hand as he guides you to sit down at the kitchen table and you can’t help but bite the inside of your cheek nervously as you watch him rummage through the cabinets looking for a first aid kit with a mean frown, the tension so thick it was almost hard to breathe.
Any words you thought might’ve defended your actions die on your tongue and you’re left speechless as he cleans your knuckles with a damp clean rag, his hand holding yours.
“I don’t think you realise how dangerous this is… it takes one of em’ to pull their gun out and then what, huh?” He snaps glaring up at you with narrowed eyes, the light of the lamp flickers across his face casting a shadow across his deep frown.
Billy catches on to how you bite the inside of your lip and the way your eyes begin to gloss over. He hates how the guilt immediately starts to eat at him. He takes a deep breath. “You can’t keep this up… do you understand?” He whispers, his blue eyes gleaming with fear.
The room is heavy with silence as you nod your head whilst he continues to clean the cuts on your knuckles, the sensation stings a little but it’s nothing compared to the sight of his disapproval.
“I’m sorry… I just can’t stand it.” You whisper, finally breaking the silence as you look down at the way he handles you with such great care almost as if you were made from glass.
Billy looks up at you and his expression softens slightly with understanding because he damn well knows that if he ever caught anyone bad-mouthing you he’d make them regret it… but that doesn’t change the fact that he hates seeing you hurt for his sake.
“I know…” he breathes before holding up your hands slightly so you can get a good look at the cuts that split across your knuckle. “I can handle that… but this… this I can’t.” He tells you, squeezing your hands ever so softly.
His rough hands cup either side of your face and his blue eyes meet yours with worry but there’s a deep love that flickers within them that you don't miss. “You gotta stop baby… I can’t lose you.” He whispers, his voice breaking with vulnerability.
A shaky breath escapes your lips as he presses his forehead against yours, “Alright... alright." You promise, pausing briefly before speaking once again, "I love you, Billy.” You whisper softly and your heart melts at the sight of the smile that teeters against his lips.
“I love you too… so damn much.” He tells you and although his voice is gentle there’s still a certain sincerity in his tone that makes your head spin.
Billy presses his lips to yours in a slow, meaningful kiss, holding your face as if you were going to vanish into thin air. He needs you to be alright or he fears he might just lose the last threads of his sanity.
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dead3ve · 24 days
William Bonney x fem!reader
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Summary: Billy returns home after a two-day trip with his gang and finds his girl sweating and shivering, sick in their bed. Billy, due to the events of his past, does everything in his power to try and get them healthy again.
Warnings: they/them pronouns. No use of y/n. Reader referred to as girl, woman, sweet girl. Reader wears feminine clothing (nightgowns). Fever is implied, mention of throwing up. Mentions of death (Billy's family, reader doesn't die). Slight nudity (reader takes a bath). 1880s bath (taps don't exist yet).
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Billy had frozen in the bedroom doorway.
He was looking down at the lump on his bed, covered by the bedsheets. They were breathing slowly and through their mouth. The head popping out from the blankets was glowing with sweat. The heat must've been too much suddenly because they began thrashing the blankets violently from their body.
"Hey, sweet girl." Billy cooed as he gently pulled the blankets from their body in a much calmer manner. He noticed they wore their cream nightgown that he loved so much. It was sticking to their skin because of the sweat layering their body. "What's happened?" He cupped their cheeks, noticing how warm they were, and frowned in concern.
"You're home." They sighed, leaning into Billy's hand closest to the pillow. They wanted to rest. It was all they could do. Their body was in between hot and cold with hot flushes and sudden shivering. They couldn't stomach anything, nor could they breathe through their nose. The only thing to do was rot lonely in bed.
"You're warm. How long have you been like this, honey?" Billy was pushing the hair stuck to their sweaty face behind their ears. Once he did that, he slowly helped them sit up. Knowing his girl, Billy knew that they wouldn't have gotten out of bed for a while.
"The night you left. I threw up before I went to bed." Retelling the story made them feel slightly queasy. They grew worse after two days passed. "How was your trip?" They asked with closed eyes, body slumped against the headboard of the bed.
"You've been in bed for two days?" Billy was frowning. Moreso at himself than at his girl. If he knew, he would have turned his horse around so quickly. He would have only been away a few hours, rather than two days.
They slowly lifted their body forward and let the top half of their body fall into Billy's chest. He held them tightly with his arms around their waist. They had their arms around his neck. Billy held them, petted their hair with one hand and squeezed their hip with the other.
He thought about what his mother did for Billy when he was sick, before she died. She would draw a bath, make sure he felt at least clean before he went back to lying in bed. This made Billy release his hold on the girl.
"How does a bath sound, beautiful?" He spoke brightly, encouragingly, hoping his partner would accept the offer. Billy softly pushed them back down into their bed, letting them relax while he prepared the water.
He must've been too young to remember the effort of running a bath. Pumping the water, carrying the water to the house, heating the water, pouring the water, then repeating the process to slowly fill the tub. Billy didn't regret the action of drawing the bath for the sick, beautiful woman in his bed, it just made him respect his deceased mother more than he already did. It made him miss her more than he already did. He eventually had the bath ready, so he went to get the girl waiting for him.
He found them asleep again. They were laying on their stomach, on top of the covers with their head buried into their pillow. Billy laid down on his stomach closely next to them and pushed his face into their neck to wake them up by pressing soft kisses there. They softly groaned and wrapped their arms around Billy's neck, pressing their body into his.
"Your bath is ready, sweet girl." Billy mumbled into their hair.
He stood, lifting them with him. Once he got them to the tub, he helped them with their nightgown, pulling it over their head. Billy then helped them into the tub with his hands around their naked waist. He made sure they didn't slip while bending their knees to sit. He watched them relax against the back of the warm tub, a sigh leaving their stuffy nose. Their eyes closed and their neck relaxed against the edge of the tub. He kissed their forehead before he walked away from them, getting another nightgown for when they had finished their bath.
When he returned, he planned on running a bath sponge over their soft skin. He stole a bar of nice smelling soap in the city for the girl when he was away. So, Billy found their bath sponge and retrieved the bar of soap from his saddle bag quickly.
When he walked back into the kitchen, where he set up the bathtub, the girl opened their eyes at the sound of his footsteps. They saw the sponge in his hand and smiled.
"Are you joining me, handsome?" They smiled cheekily as they spoke. Their voice sounded clearer. The steam from the water must've cleared their nose a bit.
"I wasn't going to. I was going to sit next to you." Billy was smiling at the small joy he had brought them. He placed the sponge into the water and began unwrapping the paper around the lavender scented soap. "I'll join you if it will make you feel better, honey. But no funny business. I'm trying to make you healthy again."
"Then get in. No funny business, I promise, cowboy." They smiled up at the standing boy, who was smiling at them because of the nickname. They placed their wet hand on their lower thigh, squeezing. Billy could tell they were happy he was home.
They watched as Billy placed the bar of soap by the tub and the nightgown on the kitchen counter. He began to take off his clothes. Every navy blue and brown layer lead closer to his pale skin. God, they had missed him. The way he was so caring and gentle. The way he smiled over his shoulder at them when he buttoned or unbuttoned his shirt.
Once he was naked, they moved forward in the tub, to make room for Billy, who sat behind them. Some of the water rose and spilled over the tub. This made them laugh, which then made Billy laugh. Once they leaned back into Billy, he picked up the bar of soap and placed it onto his girl's naked chest. He watched their eyes brighten at the lavish stuff.
"What's this, Billy?" They asked, laying their head back on Billy's shoulder to look at him. "Smells nice." They were smiling at him.
"Found it in a store in the city. Thought you might like it." Billy was mumbling into their hair as he spoke. Simultaneously, Billy was making circles onto the girl's chest with the bar of soap.
"It must've been expensive." They had closed their eyes and gone lax under Billy's slow, cleaning hands. He had picked up the sponge from the water by then and was squeezing warm water onto the skin of their bare chest.
Billy thought about how he stole the bar from the shop and smiled. They don't need to know that just yet. If they did, he might not stay in the bath with them. So instead, he said:
"Anything for you."
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a5rora · 5 months
❤️‍🔥Old Flames
billy the kid x rich f!reader
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word count; 5.9k words | dividers by @cafekitsune
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SYPNOSIS༇ In Billy’s lonesome world, comes along his significant former lover from his adolescence that he faces once again after being separated from one another. After not being with you for over a decade, he doesn’t know how to face you when he has begun a life of crime, a wanted man with many enemies. He doesn’t want to lose his lover once more, but could she ever love him along with all his flaws? Will their love prevail despite the reputation of Billy the kid?
content warning: FLUFF, eventual SMUT, loss of virginity, violence, slight angst, mentions of abuse, mentions of memory loss, substance abuse¿, ollinger, mentions of alcoholism, flashbacks intended, smoking, mentions of religion/catholicism, storytelling is inspired by the original show’s major elements/events. (billy’s birthname is henry mccarty)
a/n : ask and you shall receive ;) i went kinda crazy with this chapter. all feedback/results considered, i hope y’all enjoy
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Billy reaches for your hand with his as the gunshots and wails echo from the vast landscape, but you don’t look back.
You stretch your arm to hold his and your gaze stays straight ahead of you. Billy looks back at you, pressing his lips as he forces a comforting smile.
You both slow down to walk as you near the meadows by the river, the moonlight illuminated the water and gave you light. You both stayed silent, not mentioning anything about what you had both witnessed whilst in the forest. He noticed that it wouldn’t be long until you were both back in the perimeters of the town. You glance at Billy, still clutching his hand.
“Henry! Look at your arm!” he heard you exclaim from alongside him and he looks to the bleeding cuts that spread along the side of his wrists. He winced and paused to examine the condition of his cuts, some were deeper than others.
He assumes it was from the recollection of him reaching his hand out to you as you exited the forest and he remembered feeling a sense of pain as he did. However, it was strange that it had only started to hurt when he noticed it.
You grab his arm and examine it closely, some dirt on the cuts. “Must’ve been those sharp branches earlier.” you tsked and you look up at him as he stands there.
You roll your eyes and pull him by his hand towards the river. When you reached the water, you squat down and gesture him to inch closer to you. He watches as you grab his arm and begin to scoop up water with your palm to wash off the dirt in his cuts.
The cold water stings his skin within the first contact but seeing you, distracted him from the discomfort. His gaze is focused on you as you use your fingers to remove the remaining residue of dirt left on his skin.
You stand up and lift the fabric of your skirt, leaving Billy confused until you grab his arm and patted it clean as if the expensive material was a cloth. You notice his stare. “That’s the dress your mama gave you isn’t it?”
“What? Never liked it anyways.” You exhale, fixing your dress.
“These cuts will go away, don’t you say so?” Billy asked and you look at him awkwardly before answering with full honesty.
“Maybe you ought to say something to your mom.”you say. “Tell her you fell while we were playin’.” you suggested but he bit his lip hesitantly.
Frankly, he didn’t like lying to his mom, but it was probably the only excuse he could use, and it wasn’t an old one.
His mom, Kathleen, didn’t like you being around her son all that much but you were his truest friend after all. Your families were only close because of your dads’ long friendship. His parents had immigrated from Ireland with your father before he eventually met your mom while travelling in Mexico.
As you two walked together back home in the quiet night, you and Billy joked with each other throughout the empty darkness.
You’re both laughing after Billy mentions a joke about his stepfather, poking fun at his looks. “He does look like a tomato when he’s drunk.” you agreed.
Billy is looking at you with a smile as you continue laughing. You’re almost close to your house when Billy takes your hand but he interlocks his fingers with yours, something he’d never done before.
“Billy what are you doing-.” he cuts you off with a kiss on your lips, and you kiss him back.
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You gasp quietly, overwhelmed by the realization you had come to. Quiet sobs left your mouth as the moment played in your head over again.
The polite man who treated you with profound reverence and kindness was a dangerous man- at least according to the poster above you.
You were pulled away from your thoughts when you hear the faint sounds of Billy’s sharp voice. “You don’t fucking touch her ever again, Ollinger. If you do, I’ll be sure to break more than your fucking limbs,” he growled, gripping the collar of Ollinger’s sweater before slamming him back down on the ground.
Billy uses his non-injured knee to leverage himself up off the floor. He catches your gaze, quickly coming over to you and using his thumb to wipe the tears from your eyes. “Shhh, c’mon with me.” He whispered softly.
You didn’t protest when he abruptly took your wrist to follow him.
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“Go for it Billy boy!” Jesse cheers from the tables near the doors. Billy gathers himself after Olinger’s punch to his face, causing his lips to bleed.
“Yeah, Billy go for it. I’ll beat your ass any day.” Ollinger grinned in the same manner that seemed to vex Billy everytime he saw the look on the man’s face.
Billy’s head drops for a moment, his jaw clenching. When he looks up, his piercing gaze is shooting daggers at Olinger’s direction before he forces his body to the ground using his arms.
After threatening the older outlaw, Billy got up, stepping over Olinger’s fallen body. Billy sees your horrified face and all he wanted to do was confront the feelings that ached in his heart.
Billy was a wanted man in many towns across the state and he found it surprising that you had no recollection of him or his reputation from anywhere and anyone.
It was a weird thought that always seemed to wander in his mind but deep down, there was also an underlying fear that you wouldn’t associate with him if you knew what he was capable of, what he’s done.
He wasn’t thinking properly although the liquor had worn off, when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you outside of the bar.
He held both of your hands in his larger ones, “I’m sorry that I left. Jesse got into a fight with one of them Chinese men and got my horse stolen.” He explained but it wasn’t the ideal explanation you wanted.
“Are you alright?” he asks, examining your face and you nod to him.
You sighed, seeing the bloody marks that Ollinger had left on him. You felt an immense obligation in your heart to take care of the small injuries he endured for you. You did owe it to him after all. Your mind couldn’t fathom the alternate circumstance you would have ended up in had he not been there to protect you.
For that reason, you were incredibly grateful for him.
“Look at you.” You looked up at him, your hand reaching for his face. He avoided your gaze as you turned his face to you. He looked worse up close, his busted lip was bleeding. Small cuts all over his face.
“Promise you I’m all good darlin.” He chuckled, watching you examine his sustained injuries. You feel as the blood rushes to you cheeks at the name he called you.
“Your leg’s hurt Billy.” you responded and he shook his head at you, you cross your arms in annoyance.
“No bunny, ‘M fine.” He assures you before making you face him. The nickname has you taken aback because the sound of it is reminiscent to your ears.
“Did he hurt you?” he inquired in a serious tone.
“I’m fine now.” You answer with a small smile. “Your horse got stolen you said.” you quickly brought up and he pressed his lips, giving you a nod. “Well then come with me.” You insisted, holding his wrist as you lead him to your horse. Loosening the rope from the fence your horse was tied to, you turned to Billy. “We’ll go to my uncle’s shop,” you suggested. “He’s got some things there. That alright?” he gave you a small smile of approval.
With that, you made your way to your Uncle Murphy’s shop.
Billy’s heart raced when you lead him to your Uncle’s shop. His heart stopped at once when you both reached the building. “This ain’t a good idea Y/n.” He warned you.
Oblivious to Billy’s own concerns, you reassure him and gesture him to come up to the porch. “I’m tellin’ you it’s alright.” You gripped tighter on his hand to pull him but he doesn’t budge.
“Seriously Billy?” you deadpan and he stands still. you step down from the porch. “Okay princess, where do you suppose we go then?” you question him as you raise your eyebrows in irritation.
“We can’t be going to Jesse’s place alright. Don’t wanna see that fucker.” You spat out, referring to Olinger and Billy shakes his head.
“Wasn’t thinkin’ of that.”
You thought harder before Billy interrupted you. “Got a friend somewhat near here. His name’s Charlie.” he suggested and you nod.
He took the lead of your horse in his hands and you followed him while he directed you to his friend’s house.
You knew there wasn’t any going back now. You took a deep breath and embraced the decision that you made.
Billy looks back at you, watching as the sense of uneasiness appears on your face. “Y’ trust me?” his question had you wondering for a moment, how much could you trust him? After all, Billy was an outlaw for goodness sake.
Being aware of his crimes, you still swept away your doubts. Instilling your trust in the man as you nod to answer him.
Afterwards, Billy grabs the lead of your horse from you and you let him.
As you walked alongside Billy into the empty grassland, the light of the town descended into evanescence, the dark sky and sounds of the wilderness was the only thing that surrounded the two of you as you hiked through the tall grass.
Billy was caught up in his own thoughts. Why did you trust him so easily if you had no memory of him?
You didn’t have to follow him through the darkness but you did. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Maybe you remembered him, he hoped and held onto it.
Until a glimpse of light appeared from the dark, grassy field, Billy spoke up, “That’s his house there.” He says, gesturing to the light that lit up a small house nearby.
He shook his thoughts away once you reached a few feet from the fences. Once you neared the fence, Billy came up to the window to look inside the home.
He knocked on the door and it opened, revealing a man who you assume to be Charlie. He was about the same height as Billy, and had short brunette hair that swept to the side. “Hello… Billy,” He greeted awkwardly, taking notice of his friend’s rough state and your presence.
You awkwardly smile when Charlie’s gaze finds you. “Come inside.” He offered and Billy quickly tied your horse to a wooden post, following you inside.
“What happened to you?” Charlie asked Billy as he sat down on the chair near the window. “Got into it with Bob Olinger,” he answered before continuing, “you know him?”
Charlie gives him a quick nod, looking towards you before asking, “Who might you be?”
“Forgive me, I’m Y/n. Just a friend of Billy’s.” You shortly introduced before a lady’s voice speaks from behind you.
“What’s going on?” Charlie’s wife comes up to him, yawning tiredly. Your eyes find Billy but his eyes are already on you. Billy shared the same guilt you did, for interrupting the couple for your own problem.
“Hey Manuela.” Billy greets in awkward tone and she returns the greeting with the same manner.
“Could you please fetch me any medical supplies you might have? I’d like to fix up Billy here.” You asked politely and she nods, looking at Billy before leaving.
She quickly brings a basket of supplies, placing it on the table in front of you. “Gracias.” you tell her and she nods with a small smile
Charlie places a chair facing Billy for you to sit on. “Thank you both for your kindness.” you thanked them dearly as you sit down and Charlie nods at you with a smile. Billy’s gratitude comes after yours, thanking his friend for letting you inside during this time of night. His wife says goodbye before returning back to their room.
You start cleaning the cuts on his face before bandaging them up. Charlie speaks up, “What happened exactly?”
“He-.” Billy starts but you cut him off.
“Just bein’ an asshole.” you answered with a shrug.
“You still workin’ with them then?” Charlie asks Billy and he nods.
“Y’know the circumstances Bowdre. Surely you can understand.” Charlie takes a deep breath before nodding.
It wasn’t your conversation to hear but you were deeply invested.
“It’s a longer way back for y’all to return all the way back to town so it’s best you stay here for the night.” He suggests.
You quickly worried about what your brother and father would do if they didn’t find you in the morning but Billy’s voice interrupts you. “Thanks Charlie.”
“There’s the guest room at the end of the hallway. Bed should big enough for you both.” His last sentence caught you off guard and a sudden heat rose in your cheeks.
“G’night to you two.” Charlie gave a small smile and you both say goodnight to him.
You turn towards Billy, cleaning up the cut on his lips. Billy’s azure eyes watch you as you focused on him. Once you placed a bandage gauze on Billy’s bottom lip, your eyes lock with his lingering ones. The air in the room stills as the atmosphere between you intensifies.
His gaze fell upon your lips. It took Billy all of his might to prevent himself from placing his longing lips on yours. He imagined what they’d taste like after being apart from you for what felt like forever.
You quickly looked away, standing up and gathering yourself. “Shall we?” you gestured to the guest room.
“You gonna sleep in that dress?” Billy asked you, pulling his leather boots off. You quickly realized and let out a chuckle. “Sorry, I’ll be quick I promise.” your lips form a soft smile.
You headed into the guest room and Billy whispered under his breath, “You don’t gotta be sorry.”
You enter the dimly lit room, taking off your boots and placing them on the ground below the width of the bed. You undressed yourself from your dress. It was lucky for you that you didn’t pick a big dress for tonight, imagining the struggle if you had to walk across the field with one.
With your undergarments left, you struggled to take off the corset. You sighed, trying one last time to pull it off you before giving up completely. You cursed to yourself before you quickly opened the bedroom door and quietly called out for Billy. He looks over to you and grabbed his belongings, walking up to the door which you stayed behind.
He looked at you with a confused look on his face, wondering why you poked your head from the side of door.
“Could you help me take off this off?” you asked with an awkward smile and gestured to your corset.
“Sure.” He answered politely and you opened the door to let him in. Billy removes his hat, along with his belt that held his revolver before he placed them on the nightstand.
He gestures you to turn around and you spun around to place your hands on the bed post to support yourself. Billy begins to untie the laces that trapped you inside the material before you break the silence. “Your leg alright?” you remember that he’d walked a good distance to this house with a bad knee.
“It’s better now. I’ve got you to thank you for takin’ care of me.” He said softly, his breath on your neck causing goosebumps on your skin.
You turn to look at him with an endearing expression, “Thank you for bein’ there to protect me. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been-.” he cuts your babbling off with a hush from his lips.
“Shh, you don’t gotta worry ‘bout him now, or ever.” Billy assured you.
“What about you? Thought he was a friend of yours.” you mention and he stays silent for a moment.
“He’s no friend of mine, just work with him that’s all.”he shortly replies and your mind lingers to the rumors you’ve heard recently about a dangerous gang out here in Lincoln, being funded by some business crook.
There’d been many tragic stories about farmers dying recently because of some crook that cheated them and drove them away from their land.
“That better?” He asks, interrupting your train of thought as his cold hand brushing against your arm and sends shivers down your spine.
You pull your corset off and felt Billy’s wandering eyes on you. “Thank you.” you smile and he gives you a small one.
You sit down on the edge of the bed, trying to get comfortable in your outfit despite the cold air stinging your skin. Your eyes fall upon Billy as he unbuttons his vest and then his dress shirt.
His eyes take notice of your staring and he chuckles, “Some would say it’s rude to stare.”
You open your mouth in shock before pressing your lips in embarrassment until you tilt your head at him. You leaned back to place your elbows on the mattress. “Look who’s talkin’.” you tease and he shakes his head at you while he grins. “Have you always been a hypocrite?” You bantered with a cheeky smirk.
Billy couldn’t conceal the love that twinkled in his eyes as it centers on you. He walks closer to you and you catch the light that glimmered within his cerulean eyes. “You’re beautiful.” his words caught you by surprise and you light up with a smile that drives him weak in the knees.
“Well then what are you waitin’ for cowboy?” A cheeky grin forms from your mouth, gesturing for him to lay beside you.
“’M not a cowboy darlin’.” he corrected you with a smile and crawled onto the bed beside you.
You giggled at him and smile. “Just handsome and kind.”, you yawn before sighing, the exhaustion was evident in your sigh. Billy felt his heart race as he laid down beside you, pulling the covers over your bodies.
As you get comfortable, you can’t help the shuddering movements your body made. Since the beginning of winter, the nights were colder and you’d even be wearing twice the layer of clothing. Especially thicker fabric than the material you wore right now.
Billy couldn’t ignore the shivering that came from your body beside him. He turns to face your back before gently putting his arms around you, engulfing your body in his warmth. “I’ve got you.” he whispers against your ear. “G’night bunny.” his words making your heart flutter.
“G’night Billy.” you murmur, and you felt a inextricable reminiscence from saying his name.
The sensation reminded you a word that you recently learned, it felt like déjà vu.
Billy heard as you let out a quiet sigh. You brushed away your thoughts and shut your eyes, moments before your mind immediately drifted into slumber.
Billy could stay like this forever, with you in his arms. He’d never let you go. The nostalgic scent of your pheromones drove him crazy. He wished that he could kiss the skin on your neck and every exposed part of your body, like he used to many years ago…
Your body curls up on the end of your soft mattress as you attempt to dodge his arms but failing miserably. “Billy that tickles!” you shriek in laughter, calling him by the nickname you gave him. He merely liked it because you liked it, it’s origins came from a German name, but it simply translated to ‘protector’ and Billy was yours.
Unfortunately as of right now, he attacked you. “It’s not funny!” you protest but he ignores you, leaning closer to your body. You attempt to push him away but you fail miserably as he tickles your sides once more, earning another shriek from you and Billy laughs at you as he pulls away.
As you regain composure, he stayed hovering above you, slowly leaning down closer to you to leave a little kiss on your collarbone. With his eyes fixed on yours, you looked up at him with doe eyes and he doesn’t resist the urge of pressing his soft lips against yours.
You kiss him back for a moment before pushing him away with your hands on his broad shoulders. This was the first time you’ve both shared a kiss since you were 14 years old. Your mouth hangs open in shock and he looks at you with a similar expression. He immediately regrets his actions but they don’t last for long when you pull his collar towards you to bring his lips into a kiss.
His tender lips move against yours and his cold hand gently grips your waist. The sudden touch of his hand against your skin made you whimper quietly into his lips. His hand snakes to your back as you lean to sit up. His knees rested on the sides of your legs.
The kiss became intense as your emotions did too. His left hand holds your waist as the other softly gripped your cheeks, his thumb brushing against your skin. He pulls back from you before murmuring, “Do you want this? D’you trust me darlin’?” You nod as you batted your lashes at him.
“Yes Billy, forever. You know I’ll always do.” you answered, the sincerity in your tone dragged in every syllable. You knew that your family would definitely not approve of your actions right now, they’d called it the sin of fornication. But it mattered that only your heart and soul discerned that Billy is the one for you.
You smiled at him wholeheartedly and Billy felt his heartbeat race as he smiled back. The love he felt towards you from his soul resonated and sparkled in his eager, blue eyes. You put your hand on his neck as you pulled him into another kiss and he brings his hands down to his shirt, fumbling the buttons on his long-sleeve shirt as he undo them.
He takes it off and pressed his lips deeper into yours, as he wrapped an arm around your back and flipped you on top of him. His head rested against the headboard and you sit comfortably on his hips. The sudden friction aroused you both, causing the bulge in his pants growing as the heat rose between your legs.
As his hand wandered your curves, the other helped you as you removed the dress that weighed you down, the cold air swam against your bare skin. You remove his white shirt, exposing his bare torso underneath and you lean down to lay your chest against his.
The warmth of your skin colliding with his and the same for your lips as you slyly grinded on his crotch, eager for any sensation. Feeling his dick twitch from bliss, his finger pulls at the fabric of your underwear before pulling it off completely as he sits both of you up. He unzips his pants before pulling it down with your assistance and you settle back on him. You clash your lips into his, grabbing his hair as your lips moved in harmony, tasting the desire for one each other.
His hands find your waist, and he subtly moves your hips against his. “Billy, I want you.” you moan into the kiss, feeling his hardened cock beneath your cunt, and the sound drives him weak.
“I want you too.” He soothes and you take his hand in yours, bringing his fingers to the slip of your bra. He pulls it down, revealing your bare chest. He admires you for a moment before leaning towards you to place a trail of kisses down on your neck. He kisses all the way down to your cleavage, trailing wet kisses on your breasts.
Your fingers pull down the fabric of his underwear, revealing his erect cock. Upon seeing it for the first time, you were unsure if you could even handle it but you pushed your doubts away. Billy taking notice of it, slightly grins and pecks your lips softly. “Don’t worry, ‘M gonna take good care of you.” he murmurs lovingly. He uses his arms to flip you around so your back lays against the mattress before he breathes into your neck and kisses all the way down to your chest before stopping right on your abdomen.
Your wetness allows his finger to ease into you and a moan of pleasure and slight discomfort leaves your mouth, urging Billy to continue. He brought you into a kiss to silence you as he moves his finger against your walls before adding another, making you mewl. Your head lolls back from the sensation, “it- feels so good Billy-.”
Billy watches in amazement as your body squirms in pleasure, never separating his gaze from your figure. When a sudden mewl escapes your lips, you use your palm to cover your mouth in an effort to muffle the uncontrollable sounds that his fingers forced out of you.
“Let me hear you baby.” he says, grabbing your hand from your mouth and intertwining his with yours. He continues pumping his fingers through your walls and his thumb reaches for your clit and plays with the bundle of nerves, making you grip his arm for dear life. His fingertips brush against your velvet walls as he curls his fingers inside you, “You’re so wet f’me.” you don’t say anything as you gaze up at him.
Your doe look drives Billy’s thoughts feral and he places a soft, wet kiss on your lips using his fingers to bring your face closer. “I want you inside of me.” you whine as you look up at him and the intensity of his gaze makes your heart jump.
“God, you’re soakin’ all over my fingers doll.” he murmurs, amused by how he made you feel and the way your body reacted to his fingers. You ignore his comment and you beg once more.
“Please, Billy.”
He pulls his fingers out of you, placing his hands on your knees to spread your legs just right for him to slide his body between them. He kneels between your legs, spreading the pre-cum from his painfully pink tip all over his girthy cock as he pumps his length, he bites his lips as he watches your mouth hang low with your breasts heaving.
“You’re gorgeous.” he breathes, feeling the continual rush of excitement to his cock from the sight of you below him.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” he heard you giggle teasingly and he smiles at you with desire in his eyes. He places his elbow on each side of your arms, his body inching towards yours and you feel his tip poke your stomach as he leans to kiss you with passion. “Fuck me Billy.” you moan as you kissed him and he pulls away from your lips.
“As you wish darlin’.” he whispers with a cheeky smirk, placing a soft kiss on your lips and one on your cheek. He leans back, resting on his knees and you feel his tip brush along your leaking entrance and a jolt of excitement runs through you.
He watches beneath you, his hand grips your thigh while the other guides his cock as it slides over your sloppy folds, his tip kissing your clit deliciously with every movement of his hips. His mouth hanging low from the sensation. You gasp softly as he pokes his tip inside. He quickly leans towards you, resting his elbows on the bed.
“Tell me if it hurts alright baby.” he says, thrusting himself deeper into you, your pussy hugged his length so achingly tight that it made his cock twitch.
You wince in pain from the size of him, slightly overwhelmed by the new sensation. He stops to kiss you, and his hips thrust deeper until your cunt engulfs his entire length but his lips silence your moans of discomfort. Billy groans, his cock was sensative from your warmth, how snug his cock felt inside you.
“Let me know when, okay my love?” he whispers to you and you nod. You wrap your arms around his back and lean to kiss him, moving your hips for friction. Your hand comes up to grip his hair as he thrusts his hips ever so gently, being careful not to hurt you.
“Please Billy, fuck me.” you plead as you pull away from the kiss and he obliges, dragging his cock out before thrusting the length back in, splitting you apart in bliss.
“God, you feel so good.” you cried out. He kisses your neck as he thrusts himself in and out of you. He throws his head back in pleasure, feeling your warmth clench around him.
“You take me so fucking well darlin’.” he praises and presses his lips to yours. “Your pussy is fuckin soakin’ for my cock- Y’feel so goddamn good around me.” he moans, slightly biting your neck as he reaches down to suck on it, leaving red marks on your skin, a subtle way to mark you as his.
Your legs wrap around his torso, holding him close to you. His hips pulling away to dive back into you again. You run your fingers through his hair and hold onto his brown curls as you moaned uncontrollably with ecstacy.
Billy can’t take his eyes from your fucked-out state, whining from the immense pleasure his cock gave you. He felt a swell of pride in his chest knowing he was the one who made you feel like this and he’ll make sure he’d be the only one forever. Brushing his thumb over your cheek, he trails wet kisses all over your neck.
“You’re so damn beautiful,” he cooed against your skin. His eyes travel all over your glistening body, covered with sweat.
“You’re mine forever, all mine.” his lips clash into yours with a passionate tenderness that melts your chest as you tasted each other.
“Billy- don’t stop.” you moan and he pulls away from the kiss, using his thumb to play with your clit. His girthy length drags through your soaking walls and it coats his cock with your creamy arousal. Yours moans hitch unison as his tip kisses the sweet spot of your cervix, a squeal escapes your lips. Billy groans, feeling himself get closer and closer to his release and your lewd sounds driving his mind crazy.
He kisses you as his hand moves from your clit to your ass, he grabs the flesh and slowly squeezes it. Billy leans backwards to grab your legs and place them over each of his shoulders. Once he thrusts his hips forward, his cock sinks deeper into your cunt, igniting a twist of warmth rising in your stomach with each thrust.
You sob, “god- Billy you’re so deep-.” your voice hitches and he holds your face as his lips devour yours. The wet sounds of his cock sliding into your pussy and your moans of pleasure echoes in your bedroom. You clench around his aching cock, making him moan louder.
“Are you close bunny?” he asks and you can only nod back to him, unable to focus on anything but the heavenly sensation as he drove his cock into you.
“Let loose for me baby- I’ve got you doll.” he says lovingly, pressing soft kisses all over your cheek as you cry from the pleasure. Your hands travel to his back, one hand gripping his shoulder as your nails scratched the skin of his back while you moan out his name. His balls slapped against your skin with every movement of his hips.
His blue eyes watched in awe as your face contorts in bliss, a wave of pleasure enveloping your body as you came undone on his thick cock. You repeatedly moan his name when your orgasm hits you and it’s music to Billy’s ears. Your warmth clenches around him so tight, he’s already pulling out before your enticing pussy could milk his cock raw inside of you.
He’s immediately fisting his cock at the sight of you, focusing on the details of your figure. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head while your lovely chest heaved as you panted, your orgasm washing over you. He lets out a loud groan as ribbons of warm, white cum shot onto your stomach from the head of his cock.
You licked your lip, watching as he throws his head back while the last of his load spurts onto your abdomen. You’re still out of breath when Billy grabs a cloth from his pockets and uses it to wipe his mess off of you. You slightly lean forward to sit yourself up and he puts the cloth away, sliding his body back into your arms after doing so. His arm snakes around your waist while he pulls you into a tender kiss.
“I love you, so fuckin’ much .” he murmurs, his tired voice was deeper than his regular voice and you can’t deny the way it made your heartbeat quicken in pace.
“I love you too Billy, so damn much.” you giggled shyly from his gaze, causing him to smile at you with a look of admiration.
“You’re my girl forever Y/n.” Billy pulled his lips away and laid down beside you, you lay your head on his chest. You look up to him and he’s looking at you with the purest sense of love that glimmered in his eyes. He reaches his hand out to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb.
“You’re so damn pretty darlin’.” he praises, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“You’re gonna make me rot from how sweet you are Billy.” you tease and he smirks.
“What? I’m just bein’ honest.” he replies, wrapping his arm around your back and brushing his fingers against the skin, tracing circles down your spine.
“Whatever you say,” you cooed, “g’night Billy.” you yawn, closing your eyes before he replies.
“G’night my pretty girl,” he murmurs against your head, planting a kiss on your forehead before closing his eyes, “sweet dreams.”
you drift to sleep immediately and billy focuses on your heartbeat.
His mind finally finds relief however, before he could rest, he’s stuck on the conversation he overheard between your father and his stepfather on his 15th birthday.
It’d been about your family travelling to New Mexico for your family business.
The sound of your soft snores pulls him away from his thoughts and Billy holds you tighter. He’s wrapping his free arm around you to bring your naked body closer to his, scared of letting you go.
im dozing off now &editing this tmr hope yall enjoyed
pls reblog it will be greatly appreciated
send me requests here <3 & dont be shy :)
edit ; part three coming soon !! (if u care)
220 notes · View notes
sleepy-gee · 3 months
Billy fic based off the saying "save a horse ride a cowboy"?
this is the right of passage for writing fics about any of tom blyth's characters tbh (the way I'd save that horse so quick)
also i misread the request at first so i did it for the whole 'wear the hat/ride the cowboy' thing 😭😭
maybe the two of you are messing around, laughing and having a few drinks– it's a good time! you're sitting across from him in a field and you get the amazing idea of taking his hat. you know how protective he is of it.
you snatch it and sit it on your own head and billy grins like he's about to tell the funniest joke ever. "ohh.. you know the rule, don'tcha?"
"what rule?" you ask with a tilt of your head. the hat, being a bit too big for you, slumps forward and shields your eyes. billy leans forward and readjusts the hat before grasping your chin gently.
"wear the hat, ride the cowboy."
he may have been joking at first, but you certainly weren't about to back down...
... which is how you ended up back in his bed riding the shit out of him 🥰🥰 his mouth was stuck half open in a silent moan, nails digging into your hips like his life depended on it,, and he'd be begging you in that sweet little voice of his to keep going.
he'd press desperate kisses all over your face, neck, and shoulders, craving the touch and taste of your skin. he definitely melted a little, showing you a previously unseen vulnerable aspect of his personality. (sub!billy forever sorry)
and afterwards? he'd rub your sore thighs and kiss your forehead, telling you how good of a job you did and how much he loves you <3
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sadisticsongbird · 5 months
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You made your way down the front stairs to your horse when the doors to the bar slammed open. Startled, you turned around to see Billy standing there, staring at you with an odd expression. You tried to pay no mind to him, focusing solely on untying your horse. You heard his boots trample down the stairs and move on the gravel behind you. He moved to place a hand on your shoulder, but surprisingly, you were quicker. 
Pulling your gun out of its holster, you pointed the trigger right at his head. 
“Hey, hey, HEY!” he yelled, jumping back. Billy had his one free hand up in surrender, while the other held his hat. “I meant no harm, just…” Your shaking hands lowered the gun, placing it back in its spot on your hip. “I just wanted to say good game, sir. You’re one of the best I’ve played with.” He held his hand out in front of him, meaning to shake it, but all you did was ignore it. 
“You, too,” you said, teeth almost seething, as you mounted your horse. You looked back down at him and pulled the cloth down from over your mouth. “And it’s ma’am to you.” Without another word, you rode off down the street toward your cabin, leaving a dumbfounded Billy behind in the dust. 
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maysileeewrites · 6 months
wear the hat, ride the Cowboy || teaser
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I'm sorry to the Coryo fics sitting in my drafts, but this Cowboy has completely taken over my thoughts and I need to get these smutty thoughts out of my system
See you soon! 🤭
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outlawdaydream · 11 days
the kitten
a/n - back from the dead with a silly little blurb just in time for season 2 part 2
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“What is that, Billy?” 
The brunette stood in front of you, his shoulders hunched over to keep the kitten steady on his shoulder. The kitten was a tiny, scrappy thing. Its fur coated in a thick layer of dirt making it impossible to know what color it was. 
Billy flashed a sheepish smile, wincing when claws pierced his shoulder. “Well, darlin’. ‘s a kitten. A baby cat.” 
With an eyebrow raised, you crossed your arms over your chest. “We’re not keeping it.” 
The pout on his face quickly disappeared when the kitten went to climb down his arm. In a blink of an eye, the kitten was cradled in his arms. It looked smaller than it did on his shoulders. “Please? It was all alone and I couldn’t just leave it there to fend for itself.” 
The kitten looked over at you, its head resting Billy’s forearm, and let out a soft mrrp. Small, blue eyes stared at you. All you could think about was how a different pair of blue eyes didn’t have anyone wanting to take care of him when he was alone. 
You sighed. “All right. We can keep it.” You knew that you were never going to tell him no. Not when he finally asked for something for himself instead of just giving to you. “But you’re giving it a bath.”
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jacesvelaryons · 5 months
spicy links. (pt 1)
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here’s some spicy twt links of billy the kid and young coriolanus snow to boost your imagination
again none of these are mine and belong to their respective owners. explicit,18+ content be warned.
if you’d like more, please like and reblog or message me or send me any suggestions you have on my inbox! 📥
masterlist shall be updated and revamped.
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in the shower
sticky n sloppy
put it back in
don’t look away
hands behind your back
eyes closed
billy the kid
save a horse, ride a cowboy
good boy
after a long day
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spideyhexx · 5 months
mdni; had to write this real quick haha
billy working for your father and you sneak out of your room at night to meet him in a clearing near your ranch. He walks up to you with a smile, "There's my beautiful girl."
"You say that too much," you tell him, he scoffs, a smile still playing on his lips. "Cause 's always true. 'nd I always want my beautiful girl."
You shove at his chest, Billy purposely stumbling back a few steps.
"Can push me away all you want, baby, I'll want you just as much," he chuckles as he says it.
"Does it turn you on, too?" Your eyes flit down below his belt where his hard-on is showing then back to his eyes. Billy smiles more. "Oh, you caught me."
You smirk at him and move up closer until you can feel his body heat, his hands moving to your hips in an instant. But your hand rests right against his bulge, pressing your palm on it ever so slightly. "You're gettin' me riled up, we don't have much time," he mutters, clearing his throat, trying to feign some composure.
"Oh, I know, Billy. I know," and you press your palm firmer against him, rubbing him slowly over his pants, Billy's body involuntarily moving forward, his forehead pressing to yours.
"'M gonna go insane," he mumbles, his eyes fluttering shut as you continue palming him, only feeling him get harder. Billy tries to keep his breathing steady, but he lets out a shaky breath and you chuckle.
"Laughin'? You're laughin' at me?" His tone sounds annoyed, but he's smiling, his nose bumping yours the moment your fingers begin to fiddle with the buttons of his pants, undoing them. You peck his lips as you slip your hand into his pants. He bites his lip, stifling a groan when your hand wraps around his hard and pretty cock, stroking your hand up and then back down along the length of it.
You look down to watch yourself touch him, catching the sight of his tip and the way his hips press closer to your touch. You think to tease him more about how aroused he is this quick but you bite your tongue, focusing on how warm he feels, how thick he feels in your hand. Billy's jaw clenches as he grits his teeth. "You can make noise, there's no one here," you tell him, and he nods. "I know, sweetheart, but I can't risk it."
And it makes your heart drop for a moment, but then part of you savors the way his face screws up in pleasure. His teeth bite down on his lip as you quicken your pace, your hand jerking him just the way he likes it, your thumb swirling over his leaking tip and spreading the precum on his dick, which at the very least earns you a little moan from him. With each stroke, he wants to melt more into your touch. You take a second to focus on the head again, pressing your thumb to it, swirling your finger once more, and smiling as he tries to hold back his moans.
He closes his eyes a little tight, he grunts when you reach further down to caress the pads of your fingertips against his balls before returning to his cock.
"You're trouble," he mumbles and you feel the urge to shove him again but you hold back. "Yeah? Is it worth it?" You squeeze him in a gentle touch, stilling your hand. Billy opens his mouth to say something but then you start up your movements again, your grasp on him firm and purposeful as you jerk him, his hips trying to buck again but he stops himself, his words dying in the back of his throat.
So he just nods, sloppily kissing the corner of your lips, "I missed," he whispers. You giggle and kiss him correctly, swallowing a moan as you pump your hand faster. "'M warnin' you, 'm close," he says against your lips.
Billy gives your bottom lip a small kiss, his breath hitching when your thumb rubs his tip again. "Want you to come for me," you whisper to him, grinning at the way he shifts on his feet at your words.
"I will...I want to...fuck," he breathes out, leaning forward like he's gonna kiss you, but he lets out a moan instead, tipping his head back.
"I know, baby," you coo at him, leaning your head to his shoulder and looking down at your hand and his cock, the slight wet sound of your actions, your heavy breathing, and his muffled moans are the only things that can be heard right now. His cock twitches in your hand, "c'mon, come for me. Please?"
And you tilt your head up to look at him just as he looks down at you. Your eyes are big and your bottom lip jutting out just a little does it for him. Billy lets out a low grunt as he spills into your hand, no doubt making a mess of his pants as his come spurts out of him.
"Fuckin'...trouble," he mutters and shakes his head as he looks down at the mess, then at you as you remove your hand, licking his release off of your fingers with your eyes glued to his.
"Think your father would mind if I keep you out just a little longer?" He's joking, your father not even knowing you're there right now, but you shrug, quirking your lips into a smile as you start to walk away.
Billy doesn't let you get far, running over and wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you up, spinning you around. "No fuckin' way you're leavin' like that, get your damn pants off."
let's chat about billy, here :)
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billysgun · 6 months
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billy the kid x fem!reader |requested!|billy is still love-sick for you with your new domestic life and baby boy|
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the baby stirs in your grip softly, a grin spreads on your face as your infant sleeps soundly in your arms
you turn as the door opens, billy takes his hat off and a wide smile finds his lips at the sight of you two
"how was your ride?" you whispered. billy often rides into the meadows -sometimes turning for the town if you need anything- after he left his outlaw life behind and married you. he's a cowboy at heart, though, so he rides almost every morning
"it was great," he said, voice low, he moved toward you pushing a loose strand of your hair to the side to get a good look at your face
"you look gorgeous" he whispered, a smitten look deep in his eyes as he moved down to kiss you
still as lovesick as ever, you melt into the kiss, and the baby in your arms whines at your attention moving and billy makes sure to greet him too
"hey little cowboy" he whispers and kisses the top of your baby's head, the infant's eyes barely open to see his dad
billy impossibly grins wider once your baby boy smiles at him, their matching eyes filled with love as billy scoops him up
"did you sleep good last night?" billy babbles to the baby,
"I'll make breakfast while you too talk" you giggle as you make your way to the kitchen, billy follows as the mumbles to the child
"mama's gonna make us some food. you'll help her one day so pay attention"
he narrates your movements to your baby, as you fry a few eggs your eyes drift to your husband and you couldn't help your heart as it swelled at the sight
this tall, threatening-looking man with a gun on his hip rocked your baby ever so softly with a love-filled grin plastered on his face
"I love you" you told him, he looked up at you before stepping closer to kiss you slowly
"I love you more than you could ever know"
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an: thank you for the request! <3 I love love love the simple life with billy ����🫶
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gtgbabie0 · 18 days
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William Bonney is the most caring man you’ve ever been with, despite his rugged appearance and the title that weighs upon his shoulders, he’s the softest man you’ve ever met.
At least to you that is, you get to see the gentler sides of him that didn’t exist within ‘Billy the Kid’ the character that everyone seems to have a different version of. You get to see the man who longs for a simpler life.
You give him that, a glimpse of a simpler life and it’s something he knows that he might not have forever, but those are thoughts for a different day.
Right now he’s trying to focus on teaching you how to hold a gun properly, his chest pressing up against your back with his hands holding the tops of your arms. Immediately you tense up, stretching your arms out in front of you as you grasp his pistol tightly.
“Baby, you gotta stop locking your elbows.” He chuckles, his hands reaching for your forearms as he adjusts your posture. It’s the fifth time he’s reminded you and you repeat the mistake each time, without fail.
He drops a kiss against your shoulder, taking in the hint of lavender that lingers within your hair from this morning’s outings. “I’m trying Billy.” You whisper with a small whine, a pout gracing your lips.
“S’alright… you’ll get there.” He encourages you, pressing another kiss against your jaw before moving your hands to hold the gun more comfortably.
“Stop tensing up, you’re in control here.” He reminds you with a gentle tone, helping your aim a little before stepping back ever so slightly.
You take a deep breath, Billy’s gun-calloused hands reaching to cover your ears from the sound as you squeeze the trigger, a soft gasp escaping your lips. With a loud bang, the bullet hits the tree beside the bottle you are aiming for.
You huff in slight frustration, watching as he takes the gun gently from your hands, he twirls it flawlessly around his fingers before slipping it into the holster.
“Now you’re just showing off.” Your comment makes him smirk, stepping closer to you with a look in his eyes that makes your chest feel all warm.
His arm wraps around your waist as he tugs you closer to him with a chuckle, “You’re too impatient.” He whispers against your lips, kissing you sweetly. You groan softly, looking up at him as his arms stay wrapped around you. It’s true, you’re far too impatient with yourself and it’s something Billy caught onto quickly.
“Yeah… I know.” You huff, pressing your face against his shoulder as his big hands cradle the back of your head. His fingers brushing through your hair as he presses a kiss against your temple.
“My sweet girl.” He whispers, his free hand coming to caress your jaw as he tries to coax you to look back up at him.
Your eyes meet his with a small smile, his thumbs brushing over your warm cheeks. The afternoon sun paints you both with a warm, orange light that casts over the grassy plains.
“You gotta give yourself time, stop being so hard on yourself.” He says, lips pressed against the side of your head. There’s something about his tone that makes your chest tighten, and you know he isn’t just talking about the gun.
You nod your head as his hands still cup either side of your face, his eyes fixed onto your own as he watches the words fail to leave your lips so you open and close your mouth.
He’s so gentle with the way he loves you, it leaves you completely breathless and yearning for more. Perhaps that gives reason for the tears that begin to build up in your eyes, he quickly wipes them away with his thumbs.
“Thank you.” Your words come out in a whisper, a loving smile gracing your lips as he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Don’t gotta thank me.” He says, his words carrying a promise to forever love you in the way you deserve.
He hugs you against him, his arms wrapping around your body with his chin resting on top of your head. You both share whispered ‘I love you’s’ between sweet kisses.
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Everyone deserves a reassuring Billy <3
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dead3ve · 26 days
William Bonney x fem!reader
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Summary: Billy's friend gets wounded during an attempt to steal some cattle. He's heard of a doctor who lives nearby who treats outlaws. He flirts with the woman who saves his friend and ends up pining over them.
Warnings: blood and gore slightly. They/them pronouns. reader referred to as doctor, woman, lady. Reader wears 1880s clothing (skirts). Whiskey is used to treat wounds (wild west.) First billy fic. Sorry if it's bad :) they'll get better <3
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Billy saw the house as he and his horse galloped down the dusty hill. His friend was laying horizontally over the white horse. The wind was harsh against his face and his hands were slippery with red blood on the reigns. Billy swore every few meters as he approached the house.
Suddenly, the front door of the house whipped open. A woman ran through the open door and towards the gate. They pushed the wide gate open, allowing Billy to ride into the house yard. Billy pulled his friend off of the horse, once he stopped in the yard, and the lady closed the gate. The woman approached the other side of the wounded man to assist in walking him into the house with Billy. Once they were inside, Billy was led to a kitchen with a wooden dinner table. He laid his friend down gently on the table after being told to do so.
He leant over his friend, grabbing his shoulders. "You're going to be fine." His reassurance turned into firm yelling. "I promise, you'll be fine." He felt like the gun shot was his fault.
"Mr, you need to get out." The lady had grabbed Billy by the shoulders and began to pull slightly, attempting to encourage him away from the table. He wasn't going to move. "Your friend won't be alright if you don't let me save him." Their voice had raised. It was firmer than his voice. Their grasp on Billy's shoulders squeezed.
Billy stepped away at that. He left the kitchen and walked out of the house. He paced the house yard impatiently as his friend was treated. He went from pacing to petting his horse. The process was repeated several times.
The woman worked. Whiskey had been poured, both for cleaning the patient and to help sooth him. Blood had been lost. Most of it on clothes and the table. Once the sun had fallen behind the hills, the wound had been stitched up and the man had fallen asleep. The woman stepped outside, hoping to see his friend in their house yard.
Billy looked up as he heard the front door open. He had been pacing the length of the lawn. He saw the woman wiping her hands down with a bloodied kitchen cloth in the doorway. Their skirt and shirt had been soiled with blood. It looked bad. Billy stepped onto the verandah, needing to hear about his friend's health. The way he grasped his hat mournfully gave that away to the woman.
"Your friend's asleep. He's going to be just fine, Mr." They spoke softly, gently, not wanting to stress Billy further. His shoulders relaxed. "What's your name?"
"Billy." He spoke plainly and breathily. His chest rose and fell with relief. He smiled when you gave your name and thanked you for saving his friend's life. He held your bicep when he said thank you. Billy needed you to feel his sincerity.
"Come in Billy. I have dinner on the stove and a spare room that you can stay in until your friend is well again." The woman stepped to the side of the doorway. Billy walked in. He took of his shoes, not wanting to dirty the woman's floors. Once he stood from his shoes, the woman pointed down the hallway, directing Billy towards the sitting room.
Billy walked in to find a small living room. He sat down on the plush couch. He sank into it, feeling relaxed for the first time in hours. He could smell the food the woman had prepared. It smelled like stew. Something harty. Billy heard the lady walk into the living room so he sat up straight, eager to eat. They gave him a full bowl of stew and Billy took it with a grateful smile. His hands brushed theirs as he took the spoon from their gentle hand. He gave a soft "thank you" as they sat down next to him.
"Could you tell me what got your friend shot today, Billy." The woman asked softly. Billy looked down at his bowl of food. He was shot because they were stealing cattle. That's something that shouldn't be shared with this woman. The woman placed a hand on Billy's biceps, softly squeezing in reassurance. "I only treat outlaws, Billy. I've kept a few secrets."
This made Billy trust the woman. He was in a nice house, his friend won't die, he's being fed and kindly looked after by a pretty woman. Billy looked at them with stern brown eyes.
"Farmer caught us stealing cattle." Billy spoke quietly. He didn't want to scare the doctor's touch away from him. "The man shot at us as we rode away."
The woman frowned at Billy after that. "I'm assuming you're fine? No scratches or scrapes."
Billy smiled at the concern. He shook his head but the woman's eyes were perceptive. They noticed the grazes on his hands. Billy fell trying to get his friend onto his horse. The woman placed their dinner on to a small table next to the couch, and raced back to the kitchen to get the whiskey and some cloth. When they came back in to the sitting room, they opened the bottle and pressed the cloth to its lips. Then they tipped it upside down, evenly wetting the fabric with alcohol.
"You don't have to do this, Miss" Billy spoke quietly, looking at them work. He was finding himself enjoying the look of the woman. Especially when they were focused, due to the stern brow and tight jaw. "I already have to pay you for my friend. "
"Give me your hands, Billy." They spoke firmly as a response to Billy's soft politeness.
Billy held his hands out in front of himself, hovering in the air between the two. The doctor pulled them down to their lap so his hands could be still and so that they could work precisely. Billy watched as they worked. Looked at them. He talked to the woman while they worked. Told stories of his travels and of his friends. Some of which, the woman had treated before. It was safe to say Billy had charmed the woman, and the woman's hospitality was charming him.
The woman gently wrapped Billy's hands in clean, white bandages, once they finished with the whiskey, saying the wound needs to stay clean. Their healing hands lingered on Billy's. Billy squeezed their hands as a response.
The couple must've sat like that for a while. Both looking at each other. The woman was originally looking for more injuries, but it turned into committing Billy's features to memory. Billy was doing the same thing. Hoping that when he closed his eyes that night, their face would be the one he would see.
Footsteps down the hallway startled them. The two jumped away from each other as Billy's friend appeared in the living room. Billy's friend gave him a smirk.
"I think it's past your bedtime, Kid." His friend spoke cheerfully, despite the pain in his stomach. "Let's leave the lady to rest, Billy"
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a5rora · 5 months
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i’ll be creating a taglist for the following chapters in case anybody would want to be added. if you do, you can reply to me or send me a message :)
pt 1
pt 2 18+
thank you<33
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sleepy-gee · 2 months
Billy would take such good care of you on your period
he would tho,, gn!reader btw
i imagine he gets a little extra protective cuz he knows his baby is hurting and he hates it. anytime he sees you start to shift in discomfort, he places a warm hand on your abdomen and rubs your tummy a bit. he also insists on being the big spoon, just wanting to keep you comfortable.
and if you're a little moody or snap? he doesn't really mind. he's around guys all day, always fighting someone, so it doesn't bother him. he'll tease you, obviously, but it's all in good fun and he will stop if it offends you.
he offers period sex to help with cramps, but totally respects you if you say no or even respond with disgust. he probably wouldn't feel sexy either if he was bleeding and cramping for a week straight.
in general, he's willing to help with pretty much anything and everything. not sure how periods were handled back then, but he'd always make sure you had what you needed.
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