whereiseefashion · 28 days
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WISF x MET Gala ✨
It's been a while since my last MET Gala post, hope you like it as much as the other ones! All credits below.
Zendaya wearing a McQueen SS 2007 hat by Philip Treacy and vintage Galliano for Givenchy SS 1996 gown | Roses by Henri Fantin-Latour, 1884
Tyla wearing a custom Balmain gown covered in sand by Olivier Rousteing | Rock formation sculpted by the wind in the White Desert in Al Farafrah, Egypt
Mindy Kaling wearing a custom Gaurav Gupta gown | Splitgill mushroom (Schizophyllum Commune)
Lana Del Rey wearing a custom Alexander McQueen gown by Seán McGirr | The Tree of Crows (detail) by Caspar David Friedrich, 1822
Elle Fanning wearing a custom Balmain resin gown by Olivier Rousteing | The Marble Chapel (Capilla de Mármol), on General Carrera Lake in Aysén, Chile
Ariana Grande wearing a custom Maison Margiela Artisanal look by John Galliano | The Edge of the Forest by Anne Sudworth
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architecturefiles · 7 years
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W I S F | Founder & Editor: Bianca Luini
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vyragosa · 3 years
i don't use the term monster fuckers but they real said the popular monster fucking pairings are real and performing on stage UH!
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 6 years
just a reminder, a PSA of sorts
im GAY
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winteriron-trash · 6 years
How would you cast Tony and Bucky in a fairy tail setting?
Depends on how urbanized it is, and what you would consider ‘fairytale’. I’ve written them in a werewolf AU for my WISF, and I think I wrote something for Mer-May awhile back with mermaid!Tony.  And @lovinthepizzalife and I are currently working on a god AU that's gonna be really fucking cool. I might get her to have us write and post it weekly after I finish T(U)WK, because it’s super cool. I love contemporary fantasy, it’s an interesting dynamic to urbanize those sorts of elements. 
But if we’re talking basic Disney fairytale, I think doing WinterIron in a Cinderella-style would be cute. Because you know, there aren’t enough Cinderella retellings out there. But Cinderella!Bucky and Prince!Tony would be cool.
If I had more choice, I do have a sort of dirty little pleasure of fractured fairytales. If I could do WinterIron as a fractured fairytale, I’d do Little Red Riding Hood in a heartbeat. Little Red!Tony, Wolf!Bucky, that opens up a lot of interesting ideas. Hunter!Steve maybe, maybe Hunter!Rumlow, depending on how we paint the hunter as the good guy or bad guy. Oh god now I have ideas
Oh! If Wicked counts, that’d be cool too. Elphaba!Tony, Fiyero!Bucky, that opens up some really interesting possibilities. I don’t know who I’d make Glinda though.
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marsmaywander · 6 years
ok, i think i’m done with my draft for WISF. comes in at a bit over 4K words long, but is in need of some serious editing, so who knows how that’s gonna change. gonna try editing on thursday, after i take a break from looking at it.
(also every time i write “WISF” my brain comes up with weird acronyms ‘cause i can’t remember the real name. usually “winteriron soldier foundation” or “winteriron super fun”)
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baggietheadventurer · 6 years
Three Gifts, Three Notes
She had made several gifts for people who recently entered her life and done things for her. There was Lithi who gave her a name, feed her, and took her hunting. There was Daneyl who decided to teach her about reading and writing. Then there was Pretty, a very quiet Aura who has fed her, and showed affection.
The first gift was a necklace made from teeth and feathers of a hammer head bird. She paid particular attention to how she braided the strands of leather around everything and manage to include a particularly shiny stone and two bells as the centerpiece. She was very fond of bells, they kept away ghosts.
Not that she had any particular problems with ghosts anymore. The last haunting faded years ago dissolving into vagueness of a nightmare forgotten. Still, this necklace wasn’t for her, it was for Lithi, and he might have a ghost problem.
The second gift was a set of quills. They were made from the most vibrant hammer beak feathers. The ends were created by river clay. She knew that the best quills had metal heads, not clay heads. She had observed all the quills in the market in Uld’ah and the most expensive pens always had metal heads. Alas, she did not have the knowledge or the equipment to make it out of metal. So river clay had to do. She coated it with a good glaze to give the heads a nice sheen.
She contemplated painting the heads, however decided against it. They were going to be dunked in ink anyway so why bother changing the color? These were for Danyel.
The last gift was a mask. She created this out of the river clay too. She glazed it over, painted it black and purple, and embedded it with sparkling rocks and hammer head feathers. This mask covered the mouth and half the face, but kept the nose and one eye free. She didn’t think this would be much of a problem, because she never once heard Pretty speak. She was pretty sure Pretty never bothered speaking.
Each gift went into a bag she specially made to contain the gift. She had spent hours with each gift, working tirelessly to make it as perfect as possible but there was still one thing needed for each card, something she has never done before. They needed a note.
For the first time in her life she was going to write. Danyel handn’t showed her writing just yet. He just taught her the alphabet. However it was the foundation of writing. He was teaching her Phonetics, putting sound on paper. The alphabet was the codex for writing, and she was pretty confident she can figure this all out on her own.
To write, one needed paper, ink and a pen. She had created a pen fo herself when she made Danyel’s gift. She had purchased ink, simply because she couldn’t figure out how to make them. She had every interest into examining this ink and discovering its secrets however. She will learn how to make her own, simply to know how! The last ingredient, paper, she collected off the streets of Uld’ah. Sure one side was advertisement for the coliseum, but the other side was perfectly blank!
She settled down in her tent in front of her work table with paper, pen, and ink ready. In front of her was a paper with the alphabet written on for her reference. She had mesmerized the alpahabet shortly after Danyel taught her. She practice drawing each letter a thousand times by scribbling them on the dirt. However she figure a cheat sheet will help her as she figures out how to do this.
She took a deep breath, picked up her pen and began. For the first note, her goal was to write the following:
She hovered over her paper as she tried to figure out what letters would make the words she wanted. “To Lithi.” She said out loud. “To.. ttttooooooooo… toooooooo… tttttah- ttttooooo..”
She knew the first part of this word had to be a “T” its the only letter that made the click sound ‘ttt’, but the second part the whistle ‘ooo’ was that the letter “O” or the letter “U”?
“Ooooooooo…. uuuu …. oooooooooo” She continued making the noises out loud until she could make a decision.
Once she did, she wrote on her paper, “TU”. She smiled, feeling more confident. This writing was easy! Lithi will be so impressed by the note, and will compliment about how clever and creative she is!
“Lithi.” She said out loud. “Llllllleee …. Llllle … Letheee..Llllleeettheeeeee … Leeehetheeh…” She sounded out loud. This word was more tricker, because of the soft hiss in the middle. There was no letter for the “th”, which means it was probably made by a combination of letters… but which ones…
“Tthhhhhh thhhhhhhh fffff ssssssssss thhh th th th sh fh sssssss thhhhhh ssss thhhh fffffff ssssss ththththth …. thththththththth” She sounded out loud. This hiss was similar to the hiss the s made, and to the hiss the f made. Maybe thats what you had to combine. She wrote down “LESFE”
She took a deep breath and admire the first line of this note:
She was doing pretty good so far! Now for the next line.
“Thank.” She said out loud. “Thththaaaaaaaankkkkkk thaaaaaaaaaingck ...aaaaakkk thththaaaack ththththaaaaaaaaaangck” There was a weird swallow in this word just before the click. Luckily Danyel already told her of a letter that made a swallow sound sometimes! She wrote “SFAIK” on the paper.
“You.” She said out loud. “Yyyyyyooouuuuuuuu yyyyyyo yyyooouuuuuuu.” She stared down at the letter “U” She was just sounding that out, but she remembered Danyel said no letter spelled its own letter, except I. So it couldn’t just be “U” there had to be something else. She knew the letter “O” made the “oooo” sound just like the letter “U” but only when next to each other. So she wrote on the paper. “UOO”
“For.” She said the next word out loud. “Fffffooooorrrr fffffooouuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr … fffffffff…. ooooorrrrrrrrrr.” This had to be the easiest word yet! It was just a hiss, a whistle and a growl! She wrote the word “FOR”
“Hunting.” She sounded out next. “Hhhhhhuuuuuuhhhhnnnntttttinggggg Hunting Huuuuhhhhnnnnnn ting” She knew the letter “H” made the sigh of the first part of this word, the “U” had to make the whistle part. “Unnnnnnng …. uuunnnnnng-ttttiiing..” There was a growl and a swallow to this. She wrote out: “HUNTIG”
“With.” She sounded out next “Wwwwwwww wwwwwww iiiiiiithththt wwwwiiiiiiith withthththth. Wwwwwwwi wwwwwwwwiiiiiii thththththt” This word seemed to just be a sigh and hiss really. She wrote on the paper “WISF”
“Me. Mmmmeeeeeee me.” She sounded out loud. Another easy word, it was a purr. She wrote down “MEE”
She smiled down at her progress. Her second line together read:
One more line and she would be done with Lithi’s note!
“From...ffffffrrrrrrrrrrrom ….fffrooooooommmmmmmm ….ffffff rrrrr ooooo mmmmmmmm.” She sounded out. This word was a hiss a growl then a purr. She wrote “FROM” on the paper.
“Baggie … Bbbbaaaaaa gggggiieee bbbbaaaaaggggggeeeeeeeeee.” She sounded out loud. Then she wrote on the paper: “BAGEE”
She was done with the note! Her intentions was the note to read:
And as far as she is concerned thats exactly what she did write, however what she really wrote was:
Her next note would be for her teacher Danyel. Her goal for this note will be to write:
Lucky for her she already figured out how to write the very first word! She writes “TU” on the paper, then concentrate on the next word.
“Danyel...Ddddaaaaaaannnnnnyelllllllll ...Dan Yell … Yyyyeeeellllllll.” She sounded out. This word was a growl and a purr. She wrote, “DANYEL”
She wrote down the first line of this note quicker than the last. Her progress was this:
She already figured out how to write the words “thank you for” and wrote “SFAIK UOO FOR” She will know how to write the word “me” as well, but there was one word she needed sounding out.
“Teaching ..tttteeeeeech ch ch”She sounded out. She found. How do you write that sneeze in the middle? “Ch! Ch ch ch ch ch.” It had to be another combination of letters. It was kind of like the “T” sound, and kind of like the “D” sound. She wrote, “TEETDIG”
This made the second line of her note:
The last line of her note was exactly the same as her last note. So she simply wrote “FROM BAGEE”
Her note was supposed to read:
Yet what she actually wrote was:
There was only one more note to do and then she be done! This one would be for Pretty. What she want it to say was:
Luckily thank to the two notes previous she knew how to write most of the words in this note. However there were some she still needed to sound out.
“Pretty … Ppppppreeeeeetttteeeeeeeee Preee pprrrrreeee per pere pereteeee teeeee.” She sounded out. She wrote out “PERTEE” So her first line of the note was:
The next line consisted of five words, but she knew how to write three of those words, thanks to the two other notes before this one. So she started sounding out the words she didn’t know.
“Being ..bbbbbeeeeeeee ing bbeeeeeeeeee iiiiinngggg.” She sounded out, then wrote, “BEIG”
“Nice niiiiiii ssssssse nisssseeee nnnnnniiissssssssssss niiiicccccccc.” She sounded out. This one was tricking because of the hiss. Both the “C” and the “S” made the same hiss, so which one to use for this one? She’ll have to guess, it could be it her one. Maybe there was a rule to figure things out that she hadn’t learn yet. She wrote
Her second line of this note was:
Thanks to the two notes previous she knew how to do the final line of the note, and quietly wrote it out. She smiled quite proudly when it was finished.
What the note was supposed to read was:
However what it really read was:
She tucked each note in its respected bag. The gifts were now ready to be given! She started to put away her writing supplies when she stop. She stared down at a blank sheet.
“Roseh.” She said out loud. “Rrrrrrroe saaaaaa rrrroo saaaaa. Roseh.”
She wrote on the paper. “ROSA” She stared down at the word for a long moment, before taking the paper, crumpling it in a ball and throwing it over her shoulder. Why was she doing this? It was only going to bring the ghosts back.
She pretended the crumbled ball with the named scrawled on one side never existed. Baby on the other hand did not. The coeurl kitten played with the newfound toy, ripping it, tearing it, chewing it, then ultimately shredding it as she focused on something else to keep the ghosts at bay.
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kaerndesign · 4 years
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Daily logo challenge 36/60
This logo was intended for an international network launched with the goal of transforming the financial industry into a more sustainable one. 
This symbol is actually the amalgam of the four letter : “WISF”.
Cheers ! 
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carbonfiberhoodscom · 6 years
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VSaero FRP WISF Body Kit 4pc > Lexus SC Series SC300 SC400 1992-2000 https://ift.tt/2GtGTeY
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Und dass alles was dich nervt sich zumindest nicht verschärft. Geburtstagslieder von den Wise Guys Weitere passende Themen: Enjoy more than 8 million lyrics. Ja, das wär‘ uns Recht! Wenn du deinen Besuch fortsetzt, stimmst du der Verwendung solcher Cookies zu. Wir wünschen dir im Sommer Sonnenschein, im Winter soll es ohne Ende schnei’n, und dass du, je nach dem, wie’s ist, passend angezogen bist! Der Kölner ist ja bekannt für seine Frohnatur und selbstverständliche bilden da die Wise Guys keine Ausnahme.
Name: wise guys geburtstagsständchen Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 27.14 MBytes
Ständchen Songtext von Wise Guys. Schott Chormusik „Aber sonst gesund“ als lustige Alternative zum Geburtstagslied Der Kölner ist gebuurtstagsständchen bekannt für seine Frohnatur und selbstverständliche bilden da die Wise Guys keine Ausnahme. Seitdem bist du auf der Welt. Online reinhören, kaufen und sofort wisf Download herunterladen. Wer sich in den letzten Jahren im Bereich der deutschen a capella umgesehen hat, dem wird die Kölner a capella Band „Wise Guys“ ein Begriff sein. Ein perfektes Geburtstagslied für jeden, der über sich selbst lachen und schmunzeln kann. Und dass alles was dich nervt sich zumindest nicht verschärft.
In gyus Song „Aber sonst gesund“ nehmen sie selbstironisch gebburtstagsständchen pillenschluckende Gesellschaft aufs Korn, die trotz oder eben ob der vielen Pillen auch im hohen Alter noch gesund ist. Wir hoffen, du sagst: Schön, dass es dir hier gefällt. Ständchen Songtext Wise Guys von Radio. Wenn du deinen Besuch fortsetzt, stimmst du der Verwendung solcher Cookies zu.
Ständchen von Wise Guys | im Stretta Noten Shop kaufen
Online reinhören, kaufen und sofort den Download herunterladen. Und dass viele Leute dich besuchen und dir leck’ren Kuchen bringen.
Schott Chormusik „Aber sonst gesund“ als lustige Alternative zum Geburtstagslied Der Kölner ist ja bekannt für seine Frohnatur und selbstverständliche bilden da die Wise Guys keine Ausnahme. Wir wünschen dir, dass du an jedem Morgen fröhlich, ohne Sorgen, deinen neuen Tag beginnst, und dass du zwar höchstwahrscheinlich nie die Fernsehlotterie, doch manchen neuen Freund gewinnst.
Alben Radio von Wise Guys.
Wer sie noch nicht geburtztagsständchen, sollte sie möglichst bald für sich entdecken, denn hier wisw sich musikalisches Können mit textlichem Witz und gesanglicher Höchstleistung.
Wir wünschen dir geburtdtagsständchen Sommer Sonnenschein, im Winter soll es ohne Ende schnei’n, und dass du, je nach dem, wie’s ist, passend angezogen bist! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Wir wünschen geubrtstagsständchen, dass lauter nette Leute ganz besonders heute Ganz in deiner Nähe sind. Diese Website verwendet eigene Cookies und Cookies von Dritten um die Nutzung unseres Angebotes zu analysieren, dein Surferlebnis zu personalisieren und dir interessante Informationen zu präsentieren Erstellung von Nutzungsprofilen.
Ein perfektes Geburtstagslied für jeden, der über sich selbst lachen und schmunzeln kann. Wir haben erfahren dass man heut vor gebuttstagsständchen paar Jahren Den Zeitpunkt günstig fand und dich kurzerhand enband Seit dem bist du auf der Welt schön, dass es dir hier gefällt.
Ähnliche Songtexte
Wir wünschen dir im neuen Lebensjahr, dass das, was gut ist, bleibt, so wie es war, geburtstagsständfhen dass alles, was dich nervt, sich zumindest nicht verschärft. Ständchen Songtext Wir ham erfahr’n, dass man heut‘ vor ein paar Jahr’n den Zeitpunkt günstig fand und dich kurzerhand entband. Enjoy more than 8 million lyrics. Geburtstaagsständchen wünschen Dir, dass lauter nette Leute ganz besonders heute ganz in deiner Nähe sind, und dass sie dir vielleicht sogar was schenken, und dass sie an dich denken, denn du bist das Geburtstagskind.
Wise Guys – Ständchen
Ständchen Songtext von Wise Guys. Quiz Was ist kein Instrument? Seitdem bist du auf der Welt. Wise Guys zum Geburtstag: Und dass sie dir vielleicht sogar was schenken und dass sie an dich denken Denn du bist das Geburtstagskind Wir wünschen dir im neuen Lebenjahr dass das geburtstagsstämdchen gut ist bleibt so wie es war. E-Gitarre Keyboard Notenständer Schlagzeug. Und dass alles was dich nervt sich zumindest nicht verschärft. Ja, das wär‘ uns Recht!
Immer nur das gleiche „Happy Birthday“ zum Geburtstag zu singen kann mitunter langweilig werden.
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Ständchen Immer nur das gleiche „Happy Birthday“ zum Geburtstag zu singen kann mitunter langweilig werden. Log dich ein um diese Funktion zu nutzen.
Wer sich in den letzten Jahren im Bereich der deutschen a capella umgesehen hat, dem wird die Kölner a capella Band „Wise Guys“ ein Begriff sein.
source http://mezitli.info/wise-guys-geburtstagsstaendchen-22/
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whereiseefashion · 2 years
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Best of: tree themed matches! Credits & more at tagged/tree
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shoptopday · 6 years
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WISF TURNS FIVE!!!Can’t believe it’s already been 5 years! Here... http://shoptopday.com/
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catapti · 7 years
Der Vorstand empfehlt: Tanz-Signale 2017, Dr. Eduard Strauss (MJ 73)
Der Vorstand empfehlt: Tanz-Signale 2017, Dr. Eduard Strauss (MJ 73) http://ift.tt/2nfhU67
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herrn, Strauss-Freunde, Kultur-Multiplikatoren und Interessenten!   Wie im Internet unter http://ift.tt/2miAzZy seit Dezember 2016 und im erweiterten Freundeskreis auch mit dem Weihnachtsgruß der Familie zeitgerecht angekündigt, finden die   „Tanz-Signale“ 2017 von Donnerstag, dem 16. bis Sonntag, dem 19. März 2017 schon zum vierzehnten Mal in Folge statt!     Veranstaltet werden sie wie immer vom Wiener Institut für Strauss-Forschung (WISF), wieder mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Wissenschafts- und Forschungsförderung der Stadt Wien, MA 7 in Kooperation mit (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge) dem Concilium musicum Wien, der Donau-Universität Krems, der Haydn-Gesellschaft Wien, dem Institut für Musikwissenschaft der Universität Wien, dem Kulturverein Wiener Blut, Müllers Heuriger, dem Museum der Johann Strauss Dynastie, der Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien, den Neuen Wiener Concert Schrammeln, der Wienbibliothek im Rathaus, dem Wiener Gemüths-Ensemble und den Wiener Vorlesungen.   Das Thema der „Tanz-Signale 2017“ lautet: Walzer aus Wien – mehr als ein Tanz? 150 Jahre „An der schönen, blauen Donau“   Das Programm finden Sie wie immer auf der Website des WISF http://ift.tt/2miAzZy unter dem Link:   http://ift.tt/2miCHjY   Wer sich den Folder als jpg-Datei herunterladen will findet ihn ebenfalls auf der Website (Achtung: auch diesmal aufgeteilt auf zwei Dateien)   Heuer spannen wir einen großen Bogen:   Begonnen haben mein Sohn Thomas und ich am Vorabend des Jubiläums mit unserer historisch-familiären und musikalischen Annäherung, die wir wegen des großen Interesses zum Abschluss des Symposiums der Tanz-Signale 2017 am 18.3. gern wiederholen werden.   Am 15.2.2017 fand dann unser großer, sehr originalnaher musikalischer Festakt im Raiffeisenforum statt.   Im Rahmen der Tanz-Signale folgt jetzt die wissenschaftliche Vertiefung und Verbreiterung des Themas!
  Besonders hinweisen möchte ich auf die musikalischen Beiträge: die Musikalische Enquete, die das wissenschaftliche Symposium vertiefen wird, die schon traditionelle Schrammel-Matinee an neuem Ort und das abschließende Konzert des Concilium musicum Wien, das ein besonderer Leckerbissen zu werden verspricht!!!
Ich bitte diese Information wie immer im „Schneeballsystem“ an interessierte Kreise weiterzuleiten!
  Seien Sie bitte nicht ungehalten wenn Sie diese Nachricht mehrfach erhalten. Sie sind uns dann so wichtig, dass Sie in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen in die Mail-Liste kamen!   Ich danke für die Unterstützung und freue mich über alle die kommen und/oder berichten
  Ihr Eduard Strauss im Namen der Familie und des WISF
  Kloster via Schotten Wien » Feed March 13, 2017 at 05:40AM
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marsmaywander · 6 years
WISF fic has been posted! (the event isn’t over yet, though, so the works are still hidden - i’ll definitely update when they go live)
i had a last-minute epiphany over the title and summary (i had drafts for both that i agonized over for like a week, before thinking up new ones in like 10 minutes)
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vivalifestyle · 8 years
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Photo by WISF
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whereiseefashion · 1 year
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Best of: waves themed matches! Credits & more at tagged/waves
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