#witchy practice
kitdiefly · 8 months
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Bonus Prompt - Seasonal Magic
Okay everyone, with the changing of the seasons and an eclipse on the way, let’s take a look at the different seasons and how they influence our practices. If you feel so inclined, make a page for each individual season, or if you can fit all you’re going to put on the page on a single page, just do one.
What does each individual season mean to you on a personal level? What does each one represent?
Do the seasons influence the kind of magic you can/ do perform?
Do you have certain rituals that only happen in each season?
What associations does each season have? Animals, tools, plants, feelings, everything!
What months/ days encompass these seasons?
How do the transitional periods between the seasons influence you and your practice? When are the transitional periods? What marks the transitions between them?
What kinds of activities do you do, both magical and mundane, that pertain to each season and how do these influence your perception of each season?
Are there myths, legends or deities that you associate with each season?
Any information you can find about the seasons, anything you feel or know about the seasons, add it to your grimoire, your repository of knowledge!
Good luck and happy crafting!
-Mod Hazel
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cottageshadowwitch · 5 months
I've been busy setting up my new Witch Journal for 2024 and starting tomorrow I can finally engage with it on a daily basis again.
The 2023 one kinda got abandoned because I had too much going on in my private life and I had to take a much needed break.
I've changed it up a little bit, but I was able to re-use page ideas from 2023 as well.
I'm especially excited about the Weekly Practice and Weekly Journal Pages. They should help me to actually write about my craft - and if I manage to do to, I have something to publish about my personal practice as well.
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happyheidi · 1 year
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Practical Magic (1999) edit of this post
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scaryfaiiry · 1 year
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🕯️ Practical Magic [1998] 🕯️
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psychopomp-recital · 2 months
Unpopular Opinion Time
The doodle you make or the picrew you use, the poorly executed poetry or basic bare bones prayer will ALWAYS be better than AI generated offerings.
I am sick of having my feed flooded with practitioners, pagans and other polytheists using AI. Specifically deities like Brigid should never be offered AI in my opinion, it’s essentially a slap in the face.
AI generated spells aren’t shit, it’s what a computer assumes will work based off of what it can gather from internet trends and research. MAKE IT YOURSELF, ask a human for help anything but AI.
There is no place for Artificial Intelligence in these spaces.
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stitchtehzombie · 1 year
Some witch: * fills a glass jar with crystals, herbs, salt, and glitter, then chucks it in a bush in their local park *
The jar: * breaks *
The salt and glitter: * spills into the soil *
The soil: * becomes infertile *
Plant: * dies *
Some animal: * gets hurt on the broken glass *
Another animal: *chokes on the lid ring *
The nature spirits: "what the actual fuck"
The witch: "why isnt my spell working :(((("
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spiritchill · 2 months
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This vibe ain't right, better fix it. ✨
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melancholyvintage · 1 year
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The house from Practical Magic (1998)
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alexandraadavies1996 · 8 months
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I feel like Nicole Kidman in practical magic
Ig: alexandraadavies1996
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April Week 3 - Other Celestial Stuff
This week we continue our study of the cosmic side of witchcraft by studying more about the planets, the zodiac signs, other celestial bodies and their movements/ placements. It’s a lot, so let’s dig in!!
Monday - Asteroid, Comets, meteors oh my!
Research/ New page(s) - look up the physical aspects of asteroids, comets and meteors. How are they similar? How are they different? What kinds of things do you associate with them? How can you utilize these energies and ideas and celestial bodies in your craft? What kind of energies do they have? Learn as much about them as possible and think hard on how they influence your craft, if they do at all!
Research/ New Page - pick another herb and get at it! Learn everything you can about it! Magic, mundane, myth, history, how to grow and so on!
Tuesday - Black holes, supernovas, star types
Research/ New Pages - make a new page for each of these and research. What are the physical aspects of black holes and supernovas? Make a list of the different star types and what their aspects are. What makes them different? How can these be utilized in your craft, if at all. How can the simple idea of them, or using them as a metaphorical influence for your magic work? Are there any myths of legends related to these?
Research/ new page - pick a gemstone or tarot card or type of magic or whatever else you’d like to research and make a page for it! Learn everything you can about it!
Wednesday - Damned Retrograde?
Research/ new page - what does it mean when a planet is in retrograde? Is there an opposite to being in retrograde? Other movements or positions? Learn as much about this topic as you can and fill out a page for it!
Thursday - Astrological Aspects
Research/ New Page - Look into the aspects of the various astrological signs. Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine and Opposition. The aspects are the way your energies will play out within the signs, and the connections between two or more planets. Add the information you find out about these to each planet’s page. The more you understand about these, the more some of the world around you might make sense during the time of those signs.
Friday - Rest, catch up
Yep you heard it! It’s a rest day or a catch up day! Utilize this day however you see fit!
Good luck and happy crafting witches!!
-Mod Hazel
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cottageshadowwitch · 8 months
I feel like I have too many different journals, dedicated to too many different purposes, and it seems like that's a reason why I don't write as much as I want to. Need to.
Deciding which journal something should be kept in, wanting to write somewhat regularly in every journal, and feeling like it needs to be at least a page long for a thought or activity to be worthy of note, is a mental struggle I want to get rid of.
I think I will stick to two journals for now: my witchy BuJo for (mostly) planing and a journal to write and record everything else. Some time in the future I might incorporate everything into one journal, but I don't think I'm ready for that just yet. Also, I've already set up the 2024 WiJo so there is also that.
Maybe 2025.
Hopefully doing it this way will help me actually writing and also make archiving my notes easier as well.
I might get rid of those notebooks that didn't work out. I still have my very first Book of Shadows in which I experimented a lot and changed things around and it's honestly such a helpful tool still. And fun to look through every now and then.
And I want that approach back. So I might copy important things from the abandoned Notebooks and toss them.
They are a burden that's neither helpful nor good for me.
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noctisarcanae · 8 months
Some witches want to be whimsical and heal people and be creative with good spells.
Some witches want to be haunting and dark and obscure and be ready to strike when evil is afoot.
Some witches are both, some witches are none. Some witches want power, some others want balance.
You are valid in your craft.
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notdelusionalatall · 9 months
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screamsfinalgirl · 3 months
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gillian owens in practical magic (1998)
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