#wolfstar fanfic
leftwiththeriverr · 7 months
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dara-art · 4 months
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art for ff Sweater Weather by lumosinlove 🧡
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artbyace · 1 year
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sirius and remus from you wouldn’t like me by @crushofdoves !!
i love this fic and this scene so much and had to draw!! hope i did it justice (if i missed any details im sorry go easy on me 😭 <33)
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xjustakay · 7 months
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It’s another not-quite-kiss, reminiscent of the suspended moment in time out on the patio at the Beachcomber. Only this time, instead of kissing him, Remus blows smoke between Sirius’ slightly parted lips, right into his waiting mouth where he inhales it himself.
absolutely insanely in love with this commission by evix.art on instagram of wolfstar from chapter 6 of baby, all i wanna do is coast (with you)!! so so thankful for her incredible work on this scene; i'm irrationally obsessed with it and with them<33
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lexithwrites · 1 month
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made for lovin’ you (onlyfans oneshot)
sirius loves his job. he loves his subscribers, the requests they send in, the lingerie he gets to wear and of course the benefit of paying his rent months in advance without having to worry about whats leftover. one of his subscribers however, xx_moony_xx, just so happens to also have an active account...and after some scrolling, sirius gets an idea that greatly benefits the both of them.
or || the onlyfans oneshot where sirius is gorgeous, remus loves looking at him, and they're both insatiable
she's hereeeeeeeeee
im sorry this took so long, it was weirdly a tough one to write, still dont know why but im really happy with it and i hope its worth the wait!
tagged list:
@autistpride @that-one-gay-from-the-gay-club @lizzybonnette @myriadparacosm @vlaflipvla @spillthebea
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jamesandthedog · 9 months
"She's cute, right?" James asks.
He's staring across the room.
Sirius moves his knight on the chess board and follows James' gaze. He laughs when he sees the red-head Lily Evans chatting with her friends on the other side of their common room.
"What?" James asks.
Sirius glances at him.
They're thirteen and it's the first time James really talks about girls. And even if girls and dates and kisses are new and not particularly something Sirius is interested in, he knows the rules. He was taught before he even understood what dating a girl meant.
"She's a Muggleborn," Sirius shrugs as he states the obvious.
There's defiance in James voice, it reminds Sirius of the times he used to refer the likes of Lily Evans with much worse vocabulary. It was James and their friends to make him change his ways.
Sirius sighs.
"It's fine by me," he says, honestly. "But I doubt your parents would approve."
James frowns. At first Sirius thinks he's acknowledged the problem and trying to come up with a way to pursuit his crush without his parents ever finding out. And really, how could they, James doesn't have cousins to tell on him.
But it's not that. James looks at him the way he does when he's trying to read deep into his mind. Like James did when they had their first discussions about blood supremacy. Or when Sirius was walking funny after last summer break. He had hurt his back falling down the stairs after an argument with his mother, but that wasn't the sort of thing to discuss with... Anyone really.
James' expression clears, he leans back and makes his move on the chess board.
"Your parents want you to marry a pureblood," James states.
Sirius shrugs.
"Of course. Yours don't?"
"Dad would probably prefer if I'd marry a Muggleborn. She could teach him how to use the Muggle box he bought for warming up food," James says.
Sirius stares at him, and it has nothing to do with the said Muggle device. He'd look more surprised, but he learned to hide his feelings years ago.
He knows James' family thinks Muggleborns can do anything a pureblood can. But it's one thing to treat people equally on the streets, another to break something as holy as the pure bloodline.
Sirius had thought marrying a pureblood was given, a duty, a fact, something every pureblood did. But here he is, looking at the heir of the Potter family - an heir who clearly doesn't follow any of the rules Sirius had been taught since the day he was born.
As Sirius looks at James, he realises it looks like freedom. Not that Sirius even really cares about girls and marriage, but for the first time he sees that James truly has everything. Money, brains, parents who send him sweets and chocolate even when he doesn't ask for it. But more than that, James has options. He can choose his future.
"Are you ok?" James asks bringing Sirius back from his thoughts.
"Yeah." He answers before focusing on the chess board again. "But if I have to marry someone like Carrow and you get to choose, the least you can do is to lose the game!"
His knight eats James' horse.
"Hey, it's not that bad." James says comfortingly and moves his queen out of the way. Then he grins and Sirius knows he's up to no good.
"You can choose too. If you don't want Carrow you can always take one of your cousins," James suggests as sincerely as a mischievous pre-teen can.
The sofa cushion hits James before he has time to dodge, and then the chess pieces fly around as Sirius reaches over the sofa table to James.
When Remus Lupin descends to the Gryffindor common room a few minutes later, his two friends are a messy, wrestling and laughing pile of loosened ties and wrinkled ropes on the floor.
He shakes his head and sits on the sofa after removing a few misplaced chess pieces. He takes a fat book out of his bag and continues his day as if two wrestling thirteen-year-olds in his feet were nothing but an ordinary day.
As he reads Sirius launches from the floor to find a safe haven next to him - James knows better than to bother his reading. When the long haired boy leans his head against Remus' shoulder and shows his tongue at James, something extraordinary happens. Nobody notices, but the corners of Remus Lupin's lips turn into a smile behind his book.
Sirius Black has many things to learn and unlearn during his Hogwarts years. And dating girls - or not dating them - is definitely one of those.
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seven-ruins-it · 2 months
"Seems like all we do is feel around for the soft parts of each other so we know where to put the knife," Remus whispers, afraid as he always is of something in the greater world to hear them, to take this from them.
"That’s what all of them do, though, isn’t it?" Sirius' voice vibrates through the leg he's resting on.
Sirius looks up, clear grey eyes, 20 storms condensed in a good man. "Lovers."
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gardenoflupins · 2 months
Bodyguard AU / @wolfstarmicrofic / 236 words
“Reckless, daft fool,” Sirius snapped.
Remus snorted despite himself. It was endearing to see his bodyguard get so worked up over his safety. Sometimes unwarranted, sometimes warranted.
This time it was warranted after Remus had caused conflict in Sirius’s brief absence. In his defence, three knights had bad-mouthed Sirius and Remus had been too angry to remember he was a poor fighter. In the end, Sirius had interfered and Remus walked out with no bruises. Sirius’s current irritated expression brought a sense of amusement to Remus.
“Do you care about me?” he teased.
Sirius glowered at him. “There is nothing more I'd like to do than shove this sword through your abdomen.”
A smile stretches across Remus’s face and he takes a step closer. His bodyguard watches him warily and Remus unsheathes his sword to point it at his own stomach.
“Go on, then,” he says. “Satisfy your urge.”
Sirius’s fingers twitch as if he was really considering it just for that. His face did eventually break into a scowl and Remus threw his head back in a laugh, feeling overjoyed at such a small thing.
“Careful, I might think you’re in love with me,” Remus continued. He loved messing with him, if only to see that sour look almost always directed at him and solely him.
Sirius smooths his expression out and brushes invisible lint off his clothes. “Then that’d make you irrational and misguided.”
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just--vi · 24 days
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find it here!
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leftwiththeriverr · 7 months
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Fem Remus Lupin
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
Draco’s phone pinged with a new message from Harry. A video, specifically, and he pressed play without thinking about it. 
It was of Harry and Sirius, Harry trying his best to direct his godfather’s limbs in the direction of whatever TikTok dance he was teaching the man. 
Sirius gently but firmly pulled his arms out of Harry’s hands. “I have danced before, you know.”
“I’m sure,” Harry said, and Draco heard a snort from behind the camera that he assumed was Remus. “Do you want me to show you again?”
Sirius sighed but nodded, humor in his eyes. He looked at the camera (or more accurately, at Remus). “I taught this kid how to dance and suddenly he thinks I can’t anymore.” 
Draco didn’t get to see Remus’ reaction, but he did get to see Harry. The dance was one of the ones that seemed to be more arm waving than dancing, but Draco enjoyed it nonetheless, particularly the part where Harry raised his arms above his head and his shirt rode up. 
He almost didn’t notice Sirius completely ignoring his godson, instead staring at the cameraman with a look so disgustingly sappy Draco had to fight not to gag. 
“So it’s kinda like the ‘Thriller’ dance?” Sirius said innocently. 
Harry gaped. “It’s nothing like the-were you paying attention at all?” 
Sirius turned to the camera again and snickered, a hand in his hair to block his face from Harry, and Draco heard another snicker from Remus. “Alright, alright, turn the music on, let’s go.”
Harry turned fearful eyes to the camera, leaving Draco to wonder if he was looking at him or Remus. Both, probably. 
A quiet melody that Draco couldn’t quite hear started. Immediately, the two diverged in their dances, Harry doing the TikTok one, and Sirius, something entirely different. About halfway through, Harry glanced at his godfather and stopped moving. “What is that?”
“It’s ‘Thriller!’” Sirius answered cheerfully. “Do you remember the weekend we learned this, Moons?”
There was a chuckle. “How could I forget? I ended that weekend with a broken nose.” 
“What?” Harry exclaimed. “How do you get a broken nose dancing?”
Both Remus and Sirius broke down in laughter. “Your father,” Sirius said through his giggling, “was a horrible dancer! If you think a broken nose is bad, how do you think he gave himself two black eyes?”
“Wait, so he broke your nose, and he gave himself two black eyes?”
Sirius nodded. “Your mother, though, was almost as good as me. Had the whole thing down before James could even try.” 
“Please,” Remus scoffed. “She was far better than all of us.”
Draco smiled. He was glad that Harry’s godfathers were able to talk about James and Lily with joy instead of sadness. 
“What about you, Moony?”
Draco could hear the smile in his voice. “I never learned it. Once your father broke my nose, that was it for me.”
Sirius shook his head. “Okay, let’s get this over with.” 
That was when the screen turned black, and Draco had to slap a hand over his mouth to stop himself from making a noise that would wake his parents. 
He tapped on another notification from Harry. 
If that’s not us in 20 years, I quit.
word count: 542
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brandileigh2003 · 1 month
Okay. Just finished reading crimson rivers by bizarrestars for the second time. I've had a few people along for the ride and I totally appreciate them reading and responding to my mini thesis statements.
But. Along the way I also made a document of themes. I have quotes and thoughts and quotes. It turned out to be humongous.
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I also made a video with quotes on the wolfstar something, never nothing, everything quotes:
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artbyace · 1 year
true gay panic at its finest
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(from The Cadence of Part-time Poets by motswolo)
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themoon-andits-stars · 8 months
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oh sorry, didn’t mean to flex on you so hard with my wolfstar croc charms 😮‍💨
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arianatwycross · 3 months
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Hi my tumblr name is arianatwycross (this is not my real name but you may call me A or Ari) I'm a pommy that lives in Australia, I have a golden retriever that owns my heart and I'm addicted to cheesy romance novels.
I write mostly Jily but have been known to delve into Romione and am dipping my toe in some wolfstar!
last updated 18.03.24
The Process of Wanting- University Muggle AU / Jily-microoops March prompts
Headlines - Muggle AU / Popstar James
once upon a dream - WIP Hogwarts AU / Lily has a crush
To send or not to send? - (Two Parts) 2023 April Jily Challenge / Theme: Letters, Notes and Texting
A (not so) bad day - (Two Parts) - Hogwarts idiots in love
We'll be a fine line -WIP a chapter a day for jilytober 2022 / a muggle au
Only for the Summer -WIP Rated E / Muggle Job AU / Friends to Lovers
Beach Reading -  Rated T. July 2022 Jily Challenge / Theme: Summer Prompt: “i really, really need this summer job, so please stop distracting me with your wiles/good looks. you’re going to get me fired”
The Art of Fake Dating - WIP written with @vertraymer / For the Mixed Up Writer Fest 2022 / Prompt: Fake dating AU!
Unlearnable - WIP, Rated M. Muggle AU. Angst.
Strawberry Lipstick State of Mind - Rated E. Canon. Seventh Year.
Just a touch - Rated E
Teenage Kicks - Rated E / Celeb AU with minor wolfstar
you are the sun - Rated M (Three-parts) Muggle AU/Secret Relationship
One Shots:
Skinny Dipping Part 1 - a jilymicrofic
Just the two of us - Hogwarts / Forced proximity, Hurt/Comfort
A Sweet Meet Cute - Muggle AU, small town romance
A romance of their own - Jily Valentine Gift Exchange 2023 / Celeb AU
Wet, Cold & Bothered - Rated M / 2022 Jily Challenge December Christmas challenge; prompt: Snowball fights
Muggle Christmas Traditions - Rated G/ 2022 December Christmas Jily Challenge. Prompt: The night before Christmas
The One Where Remus Has no Filter - Rated G. Jily Challenge December Christmas challenge
a year and 22 days - Rated T. Summer of Jily 2022 / lyric: all that I know is you caught me at the right time —"golden hour" (kacey musgraves) Scenario: late evening with friends in the garden
The One Where Petunia Can't Drive - April JilyChallenge / Meet uglies + prompt "i hit you with my car/broom and was the only one to visit you in the hospital"
two fools - Rated T / Feb 2022 Jily Challenge romance theme + prompt " “It’s not like I've thought about kissing you, or anything…”
Shut up & Kiss me - Rated M / December Jily Challenge, Winter theme. Muggle AU
Crush Phase - Rated T. Muggle AU
A Year Later - Rated M / Jily Challenge August 2021 . Muggle AU
consciously unaware - Rated GA / Jilytober 2021 bingo (5 prompts in one). Canon, friends to lovers.
Say my name - Rated M. Canon.
Backseat Rider - Rated T / Muggle AU
One Shots:
Willow - Rated GA. Written for M.Windsor for the 2021 HP Romione Discord Secret Santa!
It’s better In the front seat… - Rated M (Backseat Rider One shot)
Confessions - Rated E / Canon
Books & Freckles - Rated T
Nobody Compares - Rated T / Muggle AU, professional football player Ron
Skinny Dipping Part 2 - a wolfstarmicrofic
Teenage Kicks Spinoff coming soon!
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lynxindisguise · 2 months
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Universe 668x: Vampires
The one-room shack is cramped and cluttered, filled with books, plants, a dusty piano, and of course, a coffin. One coffin.
“There’s no people for miles, and you’ll not be bringing any back here, so it’s goats and rabbits or nothing.” Remus raises his glass pointedly and takes a sip.  
“You’ve no curtains,” he observes.
“My plants like light.” Leave it to Remus to prioritise the happiness of some plants over his own.
Sirius cocks his chin towards the singular coffin, waiting for him to catch on. His dismayed expression does not disappoint.
“It looks roomy enough,” he offers innocently.  
“I’d prefer the sun,” Remus grumbles, looking rather petulant. They both know full well that they’ll be sharing that coffin come dawn.
“It’s adorable when you pretend to be repulsed by me.”
“I’m not pretending. And don’t call me that.”  
“What, adorable?” he smirks, creeping forward. “But you are adorable.”
“Yes because I’m trapped in the body of a child,” he snaps.
Oh. Chastised, Sirius wavers in place. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...”  
Remus drains the remaining contents of his mug, blood staining the inner portion of his colourless lips. A single drop pools in the corner, and he can’t shake the urge to lick it away. It’s something he’s done before, he’d guess, something done regularly.
What happened between them? For once, they’re the same sort of monster; shouldn’t that have made things easier?
But then, sometimes it’s easier to love a different monster than a mirror reflection. Neither of them have ever particularly liked their reflections.
start from the beginning
multiverse jump!
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